Orchestrate all the Things

Connecting the dots with George Anadiotis: Analyst, Consultant, Engineer, Founder, Host, Researcher, and Writer. Stories about Tech, Data, AI and Media, and how they flow into each other shaping our lives. I’ve engaged from the likes of Gary Marcus and Andrew Ng to emerging thinkers and innovators across multiple domains. My stories have been featured on ZDNet and VentureBeat, and are syndicated across DZone, Hackernoon, Medium and Substack. Some might call this futurism; let’s just say it’s connecting the dots Many conversations have a technical focus. Most also examine business perspectives and use cases, while others are socio-technical. Some are analyses on emerging themes – picking them up early, featuring expert comment, or offering alternative takes. Others cover breaking news, typically also featuring the people behind them plus some analysis. There are some book reviews as well. I focus on the connection between data, analytics, data science, graphs, machine learning and AI and their impact on society and business. I have been covering topics related to: AI and Machine LearningData, Analytics and Data ScienceKnowledge Graphs, Graph Databases, Graph AI & Data ScienceInnovation, and a wide array of technologies such as Blockchain, Cloud, Observability, IoT, Open Data and Open Source, Social Media and Software Engineering. For inquiries, please use https://linkeddataorchestration.com/contact/

122 episodes transcribed