
Found 34 episodes containing keywords Dirty dossier

InfoWars Roulette #1

Episode Date: February 10, 2017

Today, Dan and Jordan go in blind for a special mini episode of the podcast, where they are going to listen to a randomly selected video from InfoWars...

Matched results: 5

Listen, he that is so boring David Knight came up with dirty dossier. Give him a little bit of leeway All right. All right. Give

dude is amazingly boring. He's Spectacularly this is a dirty dossier. I know but this is unconscionable I am listening to him

s and will he say anything interesting? If he doesn't say dirty dossier, I'm gonna be pissed off Liberty apprentice as well before

most boring human being in the history of the world. Go Dirty dossier dirty does yeah What he has reported to have said what the AP

way it's being delivered. Yeah, I agree. Yeah, so anyway dirty dossier That was the allegation now the Mexican government. So that


#5: January 19, 2017

Episode Date: January 20, 2017

On today's episode, Dan tells Jordan about what has happened in the world of Alex Jones in the last week, particularly on January 19, 2017. Topics cov...

Matched results: 5

and the thing that came from Russia, he calls it the dirty dossier. And I like that a lot. That is so good. Yeah. He's like

dirty bastard wrote a fucking manifesto, it would be the dirty dossier. And that would be the greatest thing you've ever read in

about his business interest, but then they had to drop the dirty dossier. Take care of that stop them. I love, I love that such

ruined it with your dirty dossier. You ruined it with that dirty little dossier. So Alex, who's a dirty dossier? Alex has more thoughts

walk like this? Oh, wow. Dirty Pleiadians. Dirty with their dirty dossiers. So Pleiadians coming in here with their dossiers dirty in them all up. This clip is


#10: February 6, 2017

Episode Date: February 8, 2017

Today, Dan explains to Jordan all about what happened on the Alex Jones Show on February 6, 2017. Topics covered include: What news makes Alex Jones...

Matched results: 5

Yeah. The other thing is that all of these aspects of the dirty dossier are starting to come out as kind of like, uh-oh, that looks

Well, I've heard a couple of different theories in the dirty dossier. I've heard a couple of different theories about

is a separate piece. Uh, Qatar, let's not dig into the dirty dossier. Let's get to this other clip from the Dugan interview

s being blackmailed by Russia with the dirty dossier, which we less and less dirty by the day. We can't stop saying it. So

do with environmental protection. They got to learn about dirty dossier and alliteration and the like. Man, it was- Digital Dropbox


#17: February 7, 2017

Episode Date: March 1, 2017

Today, Dan tells "Replacement Jordan," comedian Justin Golak, all about what happened on the Alex Jones Show on Feb 7, 2017. Topics include: Do Globa...

Matched results: 4

about the fact that I have to go to work tomorrow in dirty clothes is the fact that I know that you guys are gonna be

He's perfect at that sort of thing. He talks about the dirty dossier thing that they put out on Trump. Is that the P one? Yeah

they put out on Trump. Is that the P one? Yeah, yeah, the dirty dossier. He comes, they come up with these names that are so

connections that were in the dirty dossier. Yeah. Possibly. So does he think the dirty dossier is true? No, he thinks it's a


#11: February 10, 2017

Episode Date: February 13, 2017

On today's episode, Dan explains what went down on the Feb 10th episode of the Alex Jones Show. Topics covered include: What percent of blackface is...

Matched results: 5

yeah, we know the Russians, we know, did one thing. So the dirty, if it's if it's one thing that they did, which the

if it's if it's one thing that they did, which the dirty dossier is now being corroborated all over the place, all over the

be hung on the streets. Yeah, but absolutely with the dirty dossier. Yeah, it's all P stuff, but that's the thing. That's the

Agenda 21. It's the Propaganda version. We wind up with Dirty dossier. It's a propaganda version of porn names. Yeah, like that

dirt. You could find some way to find a dossier dirty one. You can find a dirty dossier. And so like Alex doesn't engage with


#63: July 12, 2017

Episode Date: July 13, 2017

Today, Dan tells Jordan all about the July 12th episode of The Alex Jones Show. Topics include: Does Alex have 3 or 4 flawed rationalizations for Don...

Matched results: 5

he's going to use that as a way to deflect from the steel dossier. Uh-huh. He's going to use that as like, all that is is

later Alex makes the false equivalents between the steel dossier being Clinton's foreign opposition. Does he say the steel

opposition. Does he say the steel dossier or does he say dirty dossier? He doesn't say dirty dossier. That's a David Knight. Oh, that's

that's a David Knight phrase. But he does call it the P dossier or something like that. Okay. But he tries to use that as a

an election. That's what Hillary was trying to do with her dossier, her PP gate that was made up. But it's okay when Hillary


#8: January 26-27, 2017

Episode Date: February 1, 2017

Jordan has returned from his work-cation in London just in time to have Dan explain what's been going on in the world of Alex Jones for the last week...

Matched results: 5

then he might be. Yeah. Okay. He uses chai com as like a dirty word. Like you might say, Rusky or something like that, you

somebody came from, he would probably use that for all dirty coolies. Oh, yeah. So he has this thing that he doesn't

It seems like it would be a false flag. It's at least a dirty dossier at least, but this, this clip isn't done. Madonna and

but it's literally right here. Really doctored. This is my dirty dossier. Clearly doctored. It's let me see your long form W two

put in this brainwashed position of feeling like we're dirty for saying you have to have an ID to vote or we can have a


#20: March 6 & Celebrity Cameos

Episode Date: March 13, 2017

Today, Dan tells Jordan all about what happened on the March 6th episode of The Alex Jones Show, plus they discuss celebrity drop-ins from "lovable we...

Matched results: 5

Flynn talking to the Russian ambassador. Oh, it's so dirty. It's so bad when he admittedly was setting up the phone

Trump, the trader, right? Ooh, I just did our first dirty dossier. I think Trump trader, Trump trader, trader, trader, Trump

Wow. So Roger Stone is a notorious liar and a Republican dirty trickster for like the last 40, 50 years. Like, so the idea

Could have. That's possible. They are all connected to the dirty dossier. And it's a lot of them. Yeah. Very soon and close together

t have, we haven't got the documents yet. It may be in the dirty dusty again. I'm going to punt on this investigation. I don


#734: October 9, 2022

Episode Date: October 12, 2022

Today, Dan and Jordan check in on how Alex is doing while he waits for the jury to return with a verdict.  In this installment, Alex reveals that his...

Matched results: 3

even though it's important to break this stuff, it feels dirty to let people know what's about to happen with their

they banned alex jones to come out and say listen you dirty filthy americans we're watching your ass and if you do one

else going on here what they're actually doing is creating dirty dossiers literally everybody so they have leverage or something to


#565: June 10, 2021

Episode Date: June 14, 2021

Today, Dan and Jordan check in and see how Alex Jones was doing at the end of last week. In this installment, Alex implores his audience to prepare fo...

Matched results: 2

I'd like to give a little wave to first. Stevie P's most dirty dossier. Thank you so much. You are now policy walk and brew. Haha

not to correct you, but to clarify. I believe Stevie P's dirty dossier is also a technocrat. Correct. Yes. You accidentally said


#39: Jack Posobiec...Ya Busted

Episode Date: May 10, 2017

Today, Dan tells Jordan about a recent guest on The Alex Jones Show, Jack Posobiec. Jack was a central figure in the French election scandal, #Macronl...

Matched results: 2

delve in to something that I am going to call one of our dirty dossiers because As we do this show It's going to become more and

some uh time travel episodes until time traveling and dirty dossier Uh, so, yeah, alex probably likes being peed on probably


#287: April 15-18, 2019

Episode Date: April 22, 2019

Today, Jordan returns from his vacation, so Dan fills him in on all the goings-on from the past "Huge News Week" on The Alex Jones Show.

Matched results: 5

proof that the FBI leftist groups were funding the fake PP dossier Buzzfeed all of it. Here it is. So I'm confused. Do they

Steele? What? Barr? Yeah. No. Does he mention the dossier? The dirty dossier? I don't know. He might have. I mean it comes up in

report there is an indication not reliant on the steel dossier that there are or were compromising tapes in the possession

just got a whole lot weaker because that's not the steel dossier that's that's text messages that they recovered from

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He can put a gun to my head or up your dirty asshole. And I told that son of a bitch. Don't you ever


#80: October 16-26, 2015

Episode Date: September 5, 2017

Today, Dan tells Jordan all about the 17th installment of his investigation into why Alex Jones signed up with Donald Trump back in 2015. The mystery...

Matched results: 4

documents, he should have a dossier Uh worse than that steel thing a dirty does a dirty dossier about peter southerland that

s most notorious rat fucker in terms of roger stone The dirty trick master and a psych warfare guy are the people alex

aware of trump's past That means he's aware of all of his dirty dealings. He's aware of his involvement with russia

as well as airplanes and advanced technology to do the dirty work that we couldn't do While we were playing around not


#933: June 7-11, 2024

Episode Date: June 14, 2024

In this installment, Dan and Jordan check in to see how Alex is handling the bankruptcy developments, how his relationship with Chase is evolving, and...

Matched results: 2

is there for morale He's there for the dialogue. Yeah, the dirty dossier doesn't So Tucker yeah going to be on the show on Friday

federal grant money. And now they finally got the full dossier, the full manifesto. Trans mass shooter planned killing for


#18: March 1, 2017/Super Bowl Bonus

Episode Date: March 3, 2017

Today, Dan tells Jordan all about what happened on a very bizarre March 1st episode of the Alex Jones Show. Topics include: Can Dan and Jordan find s...

Matched results: 2

It's the whole fucking thing. All of the stuff in the dirty dossier is very true. Oh, man. I bet, I bet Trump had sessions pee

a synonym for getting rat fucked. Yeah. It's like dirty political tricks. Hey man, I'm going to Swift Boat this guy