
Found 8 episodes containing keywords Patrick kavanagh

Kerrymans Tennis Racket

Episode Date: January 23, 2019

How the political thinkers of the Harlem Renaissance drew inspiration from Irish Revolutionaries Hosted on Acast. See for more info...

Matched results: 5

That was an excerpt from a poem written by Paddy Kavanagh, or Patrick Kavanagh, the Irish poet. And it's an excerpt from a poem

in front of a fire and wanking into the ashes but yeah Patrick Kavanagh was investigated by the guards the Irish police for that

s one of my favorite statues in dublin there's a statue of patrick kavanagh and it's it's a bench and sitting on the bench is a bronze

s a bench and sitting on the bench is a bronze statue of patrick kavanagh contemplatively looking towards the canal because that's

something with aesthetic beauty anyway enough about Patrick Kavanagh because it is time for the Ocarina Pause where a digital


Fellas Never dad

Episode Date: December 25, 2019

I read some of my favourite poems beside a digital ocean. Happy Christmas Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Matched results: 5

I want to read you two poems by the fantastic bogger poet patrick kavanagh from monaghan a poet who wrote in vernacular he wrote he

seems to say to me I was once your father so that's Paddy Kavanagh lads Seems to say to me. I was once your father. So that's

dylan and dylan what dylan does is almost like a mix of kavanagh and dylan thomas because with Kavana the shit about his ma

things but it lacks the straight to the heart honesty of kavanagh well what bob dylan does for some of his work his best work

worlds he will have the straight to your heart honesty of kavanagh but with the prose and playfulness and floweriness and


Michael Harding

Episode Date: February 22, 2023

I speak with the writer Michael Harding about leaving the priesthood and becoming a Buddhist for 17 years Hosted on Acast. See for...

Matched results: 5

been 14 or 15. I was, no, that was... Were you reading Patrick Kavanagh? Oh, I was, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Under the Desk. Yeah

I was, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Under the Desk. Yeah. Paddy Kavanagh? Oh, I was, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Under the desk. Yeah

I was, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Under the desk. Yeah. Paddy Kavanagh's book, published by O'Keefe, the collected poems came out

like this. You'd be reading the Contraband poems by Paddy Kavanagh. And it was astonishing for us at that time in Ireland

s actually getting a book published. And so when we read Kavanagh, and we saw that these were poems... And he's Manahan


An in depth thesis about Birdshit

Episode Date: July 11, 2023

Why birdshit is responsible for the world having a population of 8 billion Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Matched results: 2

Dun Laoghaire. I think that's nearly sold out. Then, the Patrick Kavanagh weekend in Enniskane in Monaghan. Villian in Dun Laoghaire

Dun Laoghaire. I think that's nearly sold out. Then. The Patrick Kavanagh weekend. In Inneskeen in Monaghan. On the 30th of September


I almost interviewed Cillian Murphy on this weeks Podcast

Episode Date: July 18, 2023

A ramble about art and the process of podcasting and writing Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Matched results: 2

done Leary I can't wait to visit your weather spoons then Patrick Cavanagh weekend in Inishkeen County Monaghan I can't I can

a lot of fun, right? If you're up in Monaghan, come to the Patrick Kavanagh weekend on September 30th, please. Then, Belfast on the


Speaking to an expert about Biodiversity

Episode Date: July 25, 2023

Collie Ennis is a research associate at the Department of Zoology at Trinity college. We speak about biodiversity, insects, building ponds and becomin...

Matched results: 3

instance, we were an oral culture for years, right? Before Patrick came here and gave us Latin, we were mostly, our stories

guest then what else have we got Dunleary is sold out Patrick Cavanagh weekend up in Monaghan on the 30th of September I

set out but I've got an amazing guest. For the Patrick Kavanagh weekend. Up in. The Patrick Kavanagh Centre. In Ishkeen. County Monaghan. English