
Found 64 episodes containing keywords rat did you know that


Episode Date: February 27, 2024

Alf and Reilly are back and tooting their way through these kazoo reviews on revue kazoo! >>>>><<<<<Follow at:I...

Matched results: 5

rat it gets a bed rat i saw a rat yesterday did you know that did you know that did you know that i saw a rat yesterday did you know that i saw you got so used to seeing rats in boston that now i see a rat

in chicago i'm like it's an event did you know that i saw a rat did you know that i see a rat in Chicago, I'm like, it's an event

I'm like, it's an event. Did you know that? I saw a rat. Did you know that? I saw a rat yesterday. Did you even know that? I think you don't even care about my life

instrument i saw right yesterday if you did you know what did you know that i didn't understand that that was a call back to 30 seconds ago because

Did did you know that i'm excited to hear your review did you know that i saw a rat yesterday did you saw a rat yesterday did you know that did you know why was i saying that why was it right yesterday. Did you know that? I saw it right yesterday. Did you know that



Episode Date: June 4, 2024

It seems today that all you hear is Alfred singing intros while Reilly asks for themes. But where are those good old fan submissions on which...

Matched results: 5

around Chicago called rat calling. And that's when... You go, I saw a rat. Did you know that? You beat me to it. You'll just look around

ll just look around anyone who's nearby. I saw a rat. Did you know that? Let go of me. Hey, let go of me, mister. But I saw a

Let go of me. Hey, let go of me, mister. But I saw a rat. Did you know that? Let go of me. Hey, let go of me, mister. But I saw a

of me. Hey, let go of me, mister. But I saw a rat. Did you know that? Let go of me. You're so big and strong, mister. Let go. Oh my god

did some stuff that was maybe tacky. We did some stuff that was maybe problematic. We did like some stuff that maybe hasn't aged well. You know



Episode Date: July 23, 2024

Reilly and Alf are reading Reviews on Baskin Robbins while trying to depose of the young king and put clothes on dogs. >>>>>&l...

Matched results: 5

Alfred and Riley host a podcast called Review Review. Did you know that? Alfred and Riley host a podcast called Review Review

Alfred and Riley host a podcast called Review Review. Did you know that? Alfred and Riley host a podcast called Review Review

Alfred and Riley host a podcast called Review Review. Did you know that? Alfred and Riley host a podcast called Review Review

Alfred and Riley host a podcast called Review Review. Did you know that? Alfred and Riley host a podcast called Review Review. Did

That was fantastic. Did you know that? That was an awesome theme song. Did you know that? I saw a rat today. Did you know that that was an awesome theme song did you know that i saw a rat today did you know that i saw a rat today did you know



Episode Date: March 5, 2024

Reilly and Alf create strange professor fan-fiction and read reviews on Jellycat!>>>>><<<<<Follow at:IG: @...

Matched results: 5

time and he can see that is what it felt like and he goes did you know that you have a deviated septum? And I said, well, I sure fucking do

I couldn't fall asleep last night because I was- Did you know that 80% of people have a deviated septum and don't know? You

like jelly i saw a rat yesterday did you know that did you know that i saw it right like jelly did you know that did you know that um i forgot about the rat thing jesus christ um

liked it. They're squishy like jelly. Did you know that? They're squishy like jelly. Did you know that? And I really do want one now. Reading

When I was a beautiful baby. Did you know that? And let me tell you, I was a beautiful baby. Did you know that? I was a gorgeous baby. I was


Escape Rooms

Episode Date: May 12, 2020

Reilly and Geoff discuss escape room bullies, choosing between multiple boyfriends, and feeling like a rat.Follow Reilly and Geoff:IG: @...

Matched results: 5

able to find the clues you know not clues not clues just feel that we're hung up next to you but they showed us the

front of people's houses is your best bet. Our group did the lab rat escape room. It's supposed to be one of the best in

a lab. Nam's main concern is that she didn't feel enough like a rat. What do you want? You want to be hit with a broom

your teeth out like a little rat. I take out a carrot. What do you do for fun? I mean, I haven't seen

you're not one of the chemists you're being injected i I mean, you want to know my title? Yeah. Lab rat. Okay, yeah, I get, okay. That's insane. That's insane. How is that insane? Everybody, you know, it's a living, right? No, that


Psychics (w/ Kylie Brakeman!)

Episode Date: October 17, 2023

Alf and Reilly are joined by comedian Kylie Brakeman on their holiest episode yet. >>>>><<<<<Follow at:IG:&nbsp...

Matched results: 5

still says hosted by Jeff and Riley. So, you know, that's got to sting, but you know what I say, screw all the legions of

can see to my future but she did remember who I was and so that was pretty magical you know if we're judging psychics on

go with that. And your mom remarried last week and that's been hard on you or something? Yes, how did you know? It doesn't

the gift No, not anymore father Rats Why? What did you need? I was going to ask you if God was real. I think she might

fucking kill you oh my god he did I've never seen anyone do that before that's really funny you know what he got me


Lobster Shacks

Episode Date: January 26, 2021

Reilly and Geoff read reviews about lobster shacks and discuss vengeful seafood shack owners, biased English teachers, and skeptical immigrat...

Matched results: 5

s at me i don't know what did you do what i did i think you know what it is this is the place that we went to after

nine nine nine you know the number good i've just played that voicemail out loud did you sign i don't know no i didn't give

saying that, who knows if I could have just read Wikipedia, you could say that about any student. And I know that there are

kids in my class who did just read Wikipedia. I'm sorry to rat them out, but I know that Ryan did only read the Wikipedia

are that you are a little bit of a snitch, right? So ratting other students out, not only just then. And don't say that


Cookie Cutters

Episode Date: November 12, 2024

Reilly and Alf are IN STUDIO and AT WAR! Reviews of Cookie Cutters prompts some combative scenes about Shark Tank, a Halloween Superstore, an...

Matched results: 5

rather mad Well I just had to laugh Who has a crush on a rat Her name is Riley and Spa She kept afloat when the co-host

so much. Podcat for evs. And then did send ultimately a drawing of Roddy the Rat from Flushed Away. From Flushed

Us or. It was like, you know, future family or something that's beautiful but that was beautiful thank you so much you know there's no time because

you know the metal ones i sure do you know what like a cookie cutter i hate that i hate what i found what did you do cutter shark what did you find i found a very scary animal that

you can milk normally i'm just worried that my neighbors might hear that but now i have to worry that you can hear it in person uh did you know that


Haunted Houses 5 (w/ Ryan Gaul!)

Episode Date: November 26, 2024

Ryan Gaul makes his triumphant return for the final Haunted Houses episode of this iteration of the show! Their last dance features scenes ab...

Matched results: 5

tyler's ever done i gotta give it to him tyler i know that was you. I recognized it instantly. Tyler, the subject line

houses? What is better than that? Nothing. Hey, listeners, did you think that we'd forgotten? I know it's December at the time of

help the price of couches Come right down Do you know how cheap you'll get that couch for I'm really kicking myself They'll pay

Mr. Gall, we are on the rescue that we got her from. Has this amazing. Did you kill the dog? Nope. She's thinking

of the haunt. Oh, rats. Hoping you can look into this. Oh, nuts. Thank you for your cooperation. Did she say at CAA in there


AMC Theaters

Episode Date: July 4, 2023

We listen to this podcast for magic. We listen to Review Revue to laugh, to cry, to care. Because we need that. All of us. That indescribabl...

Matched results: 5

you want to add that in but that was that was a really special theme song that was a really special one do you want to know why why was that

that because I remember that Zarty and we Tyler drunkenly did promise that he would make that and he did. And so Tyler, we love you.

freaking hell is up i had a caesar salad for breakfast i know you know that's right three days in a row three days in a row i've had a

just say to me, son? I was kicking ass before you even fucking conceived, you little rat shit. Lights turn on. Oh. Hey, everybody, I am

re ready for the ransom. Where's here? Where's here, you little rat fuck? At the AMC. Whoa. Whoa. What kind of language


DIY Boba Kits

Episode Date: January 30, 2024

Alf and Reilly are back and reading reviews on DIY Boba kits while getting fingered in the closet. >>>>><<<<<Fo...

Matched results: 5

s gray. Everyone knows what I'm going to fucking say. You know, at this point, what's new with you? That's what everyone

Roscoe Village, which is where the rat hole is. And I was like, you know what? Let's's stop let's take a peek and

the rat hole or do you want to be the old people that are like angry that young people exist right you know it was just

those of you who don't know what the rat hole i was gonna say can you please tell them what the rat hole i just

that maybe it's actually a squirrel hole. But, you know, I'm a rat hole truther. I want to believe it's a rat. It


Best of 2020 (Part 1)

Episode Date: December 25, 2020

Happy Holidays from Review Revue! Join Reilly & Geoff as they countdown numbers 8 through 5 of the best improv bits on the show from 2020...

Matched results: 5

there were, you know, there were a lot of episodes that I love that didn't make the cut because you did not, I didn't

was about um an escape room you actually did i don't know if it's the one that i ended up picking oh the

the yeah yeah yeah the rat the rat one which is not the one that we're doing but that one this one also like

then you're like, what's your title? I'm like lab rat. And you're like, got it. And I'm like, got it. So you're not

gay bar that night so they had like they had like a night did you know that before going in well it was it was it was male it was males


Video Rental Stores (w/ Cecily Breaux and Alden Derck!)

Episode Date: September 8, 2020

Cecily Breaux and Alden Derck (hosts of the So Yesterday podcast) join Reilly and Geoff to read reviews about video rental stores and discuss...

Matched results: 5

did they sell the $40 million house? What did they? Did they sell Hillside? What about that pool? What about Christine? It's like, you know

watch it. I'm too scared. I always had that with the, um, I know what you did last summer cover. I'm too scared. I

summer cover. I'm too scared. I always had that with the I Know What You Did Last Summer cover. I can see her face so

you don't want i mean for their health you know i did it in a good that. That's smart. I mean, they talked to me. They

during this time, and I did book part of stripper rats. Riley, I have to say, that was a very good pitch for it


Halloween Animatronics (w/ Tina Friml!)

Episode Date: October 31, 2023

Alfred and Reilly are joined by Comedy Legend Tina Friml as they explore reviews on a true halloween horror: Animatronics.>>>>&gt...

Matched results: 5

suddenly alfred i'm a messy guy pick up your scraps you are a rat pick up your scraps um alf and tina ultimately we're

um alf and tina ultimately we're not here to talk about rats well we might be we're here tina you have picked honestly

have one. And it's an animatronic. It's $300. Well, you know, the story that I grew up with as a kid was like the ghost story that

that all the kids told each other on the playground was you know that story like there once was a girl a young girl and every day

you just, you're not scared, and you're just hanging around this thing that you bought, that you purchased. And then one time you're like, you know? It's like you hung it up. You know exactly where it is like why are you being surprised by it i love you it just like did she finally say something that you


Best of Review Revue 2023 Part 2

Episode Date: December 25, 2023

Alf and Reilly share YOUR picks for the best of the best episodes in this Review Revue Best of 2023!This episode is sponsored by/brought to y...

Matched results: 5

that you've taken a fault in Mr. Becky. Did you know that she was raised in a barn? Can you believe it? In a barn, you

was a lot to Frank that I didn't know. Perhaps you did not know your brother as well as you thought. That was really out of line

know you know guys do you ever have that do you ever feel like just like you'll never have the you you know, the same joy, the same wonder that you did when you were a kid. You know, the simplest things, you know, brought you

and now it's kind of like, wow, you know, I'm, the rat race caught up in it, you know. I do, I do like the idea of only

don't need to kill Miguel. Miguel, come here for a sec. Did you know that Gullible's written on the ceiling? He looks up to the