100% Eat - KFC Nashville Hot Chicken & Waffles

Episode Date: December 10, 2019

In this episode, Michael Jones and Jordan Cwierz eat and review KFC Nashville Hot Chicken & Waffles so you know if it's worth eating. They also talk about mule-tenders, all the chicken episodes, and m...ore.   Sponsored by DoorDash. Download the DoorDash app and use code FACEJAM for $5 off your first order.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵
Starting point is 00:00:12 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵
Starting point is 00:00:22 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 It's so long. You don't let it play out. You talk over it. No, I'm letting it play out. That's not how it works. I'm letting it play out. Have you listened to the show? No. Also, I'll be honest. That's way too loud to talk over.
Starting point is 00:00:37 Do you let the music do its thing? I don't want to step on any toes. No, that's not what it is. I was dribbling the ball. No one could see. I was dribbling the ball. It was for me. I was getting into the mindset. I was dribbling the ball. No one can see! I was dribbling the ball. It was for me! I was getting into the mindset. I was dribbling the ball, and then I went to shoot it, and then the last second I ate it.
Starting point is 00:00:51 Because it was a sandwich. This isn't a sports show. And then you guys just watch you freak out and screaming talk. Your mouthing talk. Dribbling the sandwich. Bum bum! Bum bum! Hey! I'm Michael Jones. Joining me is my co-host, Jordan Sweers.
Starting point is 00:01:12 This is Face Jam. What do you want now? Read it. What do you want now? Welcome to Face Jam. This is the show. Do a third one. Do it again.
Starting point is 00:01:21 Run it again. This is all staying in. Hey, sports fans. Welcome to Space Jam! No! Shut up! What was wrong with that? Hello and welcome to Face Jam, the show where we try every new fast food creation to let you know if you need it, and you probably do. Thank you to DoorDash for making this show possible.
Starting point is 00:01:54 I'm your host, Michael Jones, alongside my co-host, Jordan Sweers. Jordan, how are you? Are you doing a Pat McAfee impression? I'm doing a sports guy. You might know him. I don't. The answer is sure, that one. How was that? It's great. We got it? We nailed it.
Starting point is 00:02:13 We're only three minutes in. We can move on to the show now. No, that's meat, dude. That was 100% eat. Right there. 100% here. I'm feeling good. I'm still hungry. Really?
Starting point is 00:02:27 Yeah. Oh, interesting. So on this episode, we thought we'd mix it up and eat some chicken. So I realized. Well, not just chicken, some hot chicken. The KFC. Third week in a row, some hot chicken. It's actually third episode in a row because this is the Fortnite podcast.
Starting point is 00:02:44 Third Fortnite in a row. KFC Nashville Hot Chicken and Waffles format. I don't know why that says format up there. Because this is the format of the show. I'm just saying. You wrote it, so I read it. You were freaking out about the other thing I didn't read, and now you're freaking out about the thing that I did read?
Starting point is 00:03:01 That's in quotes. Yeah, but then the KFC Nashville thing isn't in quotes, so maybe I shouldn't have read any of it. You know what I mean? You know what I'm saying? You're giving me mixed signals here. Nick, you know what I'm saying. He nodded.
Starting point is 00:03:11 He gave me a thumbs up. Are we in the light banter phase here? I'm confused. What I realized last night, certainly after Eric put his heart and soul into this fact sheet, is that this is our third chicken episode in a row, and none of us realized that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:28 The wings really threw me off, because it was a whole other beast. It's a lot of different types of chicken, and even this one is not the same, because it's a waffle sandwich. Thankfully, the waffle really saved it. Otherwise, it would have been exactly the same as Popeye's. I'm going to say now, let's not eat chicken.
Starting point is 00:03:43 I mean, I'm a fan of chicken. It's fine. I think it's a symptom of the larger issue that chicken is just, you know, it's oversaturated the fast food market. Would you call it troubling? No. Okay. I say I'm only troubled by things that are truly problematic. Sure.
Starting point is 00:04:01 Like alcoholic beverages. Why do they get better? People were sending us pictures after the last episode. Yeah, and they were like, yeah, awesome! No, they were going, no one said it. I'm troubled. Like Jordan. Yeah, they were saying, yeah, awesome. It changes colors when I order another one.
Starting point is 00:04:18 Because it gets better. Anyway, that was a whole different episode. You know? We're back, we're on the Nashville Hot Chicken and Waffles format here. Yeah, we went to KFC. KFC is a staple of American fast food, I think. It's also really big in Korea and Japan, I think.
Starting point is 00:04:36 Interesting. People love it there. I hope that's not a fact later, because you just jumped on his toes. Sorry, Eric. I didn't look at it yet. No, I left that out, because I think that's a well-known fact. Based on Eric at the restaurant, I think 100% of the facts are Colonel-based. I'll be honest, the restaurant did a really good job of blasting you with facts, whether you wanted them or not.
Starting point is 00:04:54 Yeah. I don't know if the one we went to was some sort of re-branded... Shrine? Shrine. Colonel-branded. He might have been buried there. It has been a while since I've been to a KFC, which will surprise no one.
Starting point is 00:05:09 When I was a kid growing up, we used to eat KFC a lot. It was one of our family dinner staples. I like KFC. I think their chicken isn't half bad. Popcorn chicken, really good. You were actually excited to go here. We were given a couple of options and you screamed KFC, KFC in text format, to which I agreed.
Starting point is 00:05:30 Well, it looks like I was screaming because KFC is in all caps. Yeah, but you typed it twice, which I assume there was a chant going on. You had your face in the air. When do we want it? In about four days is how long it took. Well, I was also excited about the prospect of nashville hot chicken yes because there's a really good restaurant in austin called t22 that is old nashville hot chicken and i've been going there a lot and it's awesome so i was really curious to see how the mainstream fast food restaurant does it.
Starting point is 00:06:05 So you've got a lot more inside knowledge about this chicken. Yeah, I've eaten it once or twice. Yeah, I've eaten it zero times. More than me. This is a two-man panel, Jordan. This is your first Nashville hot chicken experience? That I can recall. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:17 Yeah. Interesting. Extremely. We'll see what you think about it. All right, that's the show. All right, are we doing the review now? I thought we were going to read some facts. What's your KFC life?
Starting point is 00:06:31 I mean, I haven't been there in a while, but I've eaten it plenty. Who hasn't? Who hasn't? Did you ever get a double down? I don't think so. Yeah, me neither. Oh, no, wait. I did try it once.
Starting point is 00:06:41 I just remembered. I did. I just remembered. It was awful. Wow. It was really crammed in there it's it's gotten a lot of like jokes over the years because it is i mean it's a punching bag yeah but like dude that kfc bowl it's delicious i just into a bowl yeah the chicken the mashed potatoes the corn i got one of those that thing was awesome i loved eating that yeah i i think i also went to the kfc to try that and yeah it was pretty good it was better than than the double down and i'll say you can eat the whole thing with a fork it's not messy it's like it's like your whole family dinner in one bowl yeah exactly which i feel like has
Starting point is 00:07:22 pros and cons but if you're just looking to eat food and not make a mess, boom. You got it all in there. You got every food group is in there. That's what gets me. You get the whole triangle. It makes me wonder about KFC because their chicken is their main thing. Sure. It's in the name.
Starting point is 00:07:36 They're like 10-piece bucket or whatever. They're fried chicken. And it's really good. And they should just stick with making that the thing but they always do though but they always do these weird things like bowls and well that's because chicken sandwiches where the chicken is the bun then you're correct but i feel like the chicken gives them the opportunity to do that right they're like people are always going to be coming in for 11 secret always got like they always got like the two people that are always doing that if if everything fails they still got the bread and butter chicken and
Starting point is 00:08:10 biscuits so why not go nuts right why not try to innovate that's my thought innovates a word for it yeah dude the bowl that was a breakthrough nobody else was doing bowls of food you never eat food out of out of a bowl in your life before KFC. They have a patent on a bowl, I think. They were like, what if we put the food in a bowl? Yeah, I can't think of another food I've eaten out of a bowl. Oh, wait, yes, I can. That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:08:34 Well, sure. Okay, Jordan. Okay. What do we got here? Here's some facts. The 11 herbs and spices of KFC are still under a patent, and we don't know what they are after all these years. Do you think one of them is salt?
Starting point is 00:08:49 Yes. That's also, here's what blows my mind. That's just a straight fact. Yeah, there's no joke here. There's no, Eric, there's no, like. Why would there need to be, what do you mean a joke? Well, at the end, you'd put, like, yeah. It's meant to be mind-blowing.
Starting point is 00:09:00 Yeah. What do you mean? It is mind-blowing that he didn't add anything to it. There's 11 herbs and spices. We don't know what they are. What's a Sprite? Yeah, we heard it. Really? It's a sprucey Sprite. I'm really excited to jump in on this
Starting point is 00:09:14 one. You didn't like my intros? I'm gonna nail you for a Sprite. Yeah, it's so early. It's not even noon yet. You're doing these at 1030 in the morning. It's starting to slow down. I can feel it churning inside me.
Starting point is 00:09:36 So how long does the patent last on the 11 Urban Spices? I don't know. And how can you patent just a combination of things that are existing in nature? I think it's because it's an intellectual property. Also, though, here's my question. If someone else tries to patent 11 herbs and spices, and it's like exactly right, does the patent people go, you can't have that? Because this combination already exists. Even though now you've discovered the secret.
Starting point is 00:10:01 That's how we do it. That's how we crack the code on the kernel. Just submit 11 of everything. How many 11 combinations can there be of spices? But I don't think it's just the 11. I think that it's like an amount of each. Oh, so you could get the 11 but mess it up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:16 This one 95-year-old woman at the patent office knows everything. Do you think that's how the patent office works? Yeah. Uh-huh. It's like the bank in Harry Potter. There's just one ancient woman there, and she's like, I'm the keeper of the patents. Is it 11 herbs and 11 spices?
Starting point is 00:10:35 No, it's combined. Is it like a 7-4 combination? You don't know? No one knows. It's all under lock and key. Now can you understand why I put this fact first? It could be 10 spices and one herb. It could.
Starting point is 00:10:47 It could be 11. Well, no. It could be 11 herbs and no spices. That's just a lie. That's just a lie. But, dude, that'd be a red herring. Yeah. They'll never find out.
Starting point is 00:10:57 Yeah, they'll never. They've been trying herbs and spices. It's just herbs. Fools. Have you ever. KFC. It is good. I like the chicken in general. Have you ever... KFC, it is good. I like the chicken in general.
Starting point is 00:11:06 Have you ever eaten KFC and then another place, say Popeye's or whatever. Right after. Or just close enough where you go, man, they do not have the 11 herbs and spices. It's such a weird thing they really push. It's good chicken and then this also is good
Starting point is 00:11:22 chicken, but they don't talk about the spices or the numbers or any of that. They just make the food and I eat it. I'll just say this. I don't eat KFC for the taste of the 11 herbs and spices. What is it? It's not the Krabby Patty. The secret formula.
Starting point is 00:11:36 When I taste it, I don't go, really getting those 11 herbs and spices. Dude, two through seven are good today. I don't know what they are, but they're popping. Here's another one. Colonel Sanders did serve in the Army, but was never a colonel. Well, he can't do that then. He was a mule tender. He was given the honorary title of colonel by the Kentucky governor in 1935.
Starting point is 00:12:00 This is stolen valor. I think he should go by Mule Tender Sanders now that's what we were missing from the first fact I feel like he saved it from the first one to really hit him on the second one they didn't include that knowledge in the restaurant to the mural of
Starting point is 00:12:17 that's not as honorable Mule Tender Sanders isn't a thing they put in KFC this is stolen valor I agree. It's like when you get an honorary doctorate, you can't be called doctor now. I mean, you can. That's exactly what it means.
Starting point is 00:12:34 Is there a doctor on board? An honorary doctor? Yes. I don't know. Try shaking him. Does that work? Dude, I was on a flight not too long ago, and we had one of those of some guy passed out.
Starting point is 00:12:47 He passed out and fell over. He passed out, he fell over, and then there might have been some cardiac issue, heart problem, whatever. Is there a doctor on board? 50 people were like, I'm a doctor, I'm a nurse, I'm an OBGYN, I'm a surgeon. I was like, why are none of you in first class?
Starting point is 00:13:03 Why are you all in economy? What the hell that happened to me should i be on this flight there was there was no room people were like crowding they're like go back we have two surgeons we go back to your seat it's crazy happened to me too i it was a flight like last year i was uh on a plane and they were like yeah is there any medical professionals like 12 people stood up and like people from behind us people from in front of us and they all like congregated and we were like two rows in front of the the incident so we were like and i was on the aisles i was like getting smushed back yeah it was one row in front of me
Starting point is 00:13:35 and like to the side did anyone die no no not on my not on my well she got she got taken off the plane when we landed and never heard a follow-up story. Well, I mean, would you, though? On the news, they were talking about... What happened? They were talking about... What happened with that lady? Well, it was on the news.
Starting point is 00:13:55 Oh, okay. Yeah. I was flying to Kentucky, and it was on the Kentucky news. For the chicken? Nope. Didn't get any chicken. I could have said yes. My dude was, like, better by the time? Nope. Didn't get any chicken. I could have said yes. My dude was better by the time we landed.
Starting point is 00:14:08 He was feeling better. The weird thing with mine is that she had a seizure or some sort of episode when we took off. And she kind of evened out during the flight. And somebody was taking care of her the whole time. Then when we started landing and dropping altitude, it happened again. And she was holding on. So I don't know what the hell time. Then when we started landing and dropping altitude, it happened again. She was holding on. I don't know what the hell happened.
Starting point is 00:14:30 It was weird. She got taken off on a stretcher. I hope she's okay. Me too. We all do. If that lady's listening, what's the follow-up? Jordan wants to know. What's crazy for mine is one of the main people there was the OBGYN and she was like this man
Starting point is 00:14:46 is pregnant I was like whoa I can't work with this I have no stirrups here the kid came out and everything was fine moving on from that dead lady that was on the plane with Jordan maybe dead we don't know
Starting point is 00:15:00 we don't know KFC was the first western restaurant chain to open in China back in 1987. Good year. Great year. They mistranslated the slogan from Finger Lickin' Good to Eat Your Fingers Off. Hell yeah. I wonder how things are going now. So how many people ate their fingers off as a result?
Starting point is 00:15:21 I don't know. How's things in China? I don't know. You think KFC had something to do with the state of China now? Oh. Everything about that? Big brain energy. Maybe if they...
Starting point is 00:15:36 Whatever it would be, if they didn't mess that slogan up, everyone would have fingers. Well, most people, I think, do still have fingers. I don't know about China. That's what I'm saying. I don't know about China. I haven't been there. That's what I'm saying. How are things going?
Starting point is 00:15:47 I don't know what their finger ratio is. This is funny. Ready for this one, Jordan? Yeah. Remember the double down? No. Yes, I do. Yes, I do.
Starting point is 00:15:56 You guys already talked about it, undercutting my fact. Yeah. Sorry. That's okay. That's funny because I said that about a different one. Mm-hmm. But it was that one. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:16:03 Wow. They should bring it back. What's the usual effort, time put in for one of these? Does it vary? To have the whole thing, just this piece of paper that I'm holding. It's one piece of paper. But it's a full piece of paper. It's a full piece of paper.
Starting point is 00:16:19 Say about an hour. But then there's stuff on it that I'm not supposed to read. I'd say about an hour. Okay. For an extra hour, we could have done something besides chicken. Thanks, man. I honestly gave him a lot more credit than that. I was like, it probably took him like a day to come up with that.
Starting point is 00:16:37 I'm going to make him redo it. Very meticulous research goes into this. Oh, very meticulous. If he spent an hour and a half, there would have been a comment on that first fact. There would have been some sort of zingy, Eric, really, like, I'm going to blast this. That was just 11 herbs and spices.
Starting point is 00:16:49 We don't know what they are. We don't know. Could be. We spent a lot of time. We spent the most time on that fact. That's all I'm saying. It's because I was trying to make up for the thing that you didn't put there.
Starting point is 00:17:00 And now you're making me work. That's outrageous. After selling KFC, what? Colonel Sanders has tried or he tried, dead now, to open a competing fried chicken restaurant called the Colonel's Lady. He got sued. What an idiot.
Starting point is 00:17:16 What the hell? Yeah, that's pretty wild. That is why that quote on the table was pertinent. Oh, hang on. There was a quote on the table, which I was like, this doesn't make any sense, and I took a picture of it. And I told you that this would come into play
Starting point is 00:17:29 in the episode, because when we read it on the table, it was like, what the fuck does this mean? It says, no matter who's keeping the books, I'm still Mr. Kentucky Fried Chicken. So his argument is...
Starting point is 00:17:41 He didn't own it, but it's still me. That's what he's saying. But then also. He's the one that makes KFC. I'm going to try to open another business and screw me over. He was still. So he sold the restaurant in 64.
Starting point is 00:17:53 He was still getting paid a salary. He was still a consultant. And he was like a figurehead of the restaurant. Sounds like he signed a non-compete clause. Yes. And then he went and tried the gravy. That's why I wrote it. That's why he. went and tried the gravy. That's why I wrote it. That's why he,
Starting point is 00:18:06 then he tried the gravy and he's like, this tastes like wallpaper glue. I'm starting my own. That's what he said. He started a competing restaurant and KFC went, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:18:15 And sued him. And that was it. It's also wild though because again, like you're still getting paid from the other restaurants. Yeah. It's not even like
Starting point is 00:18:21 I sold the rights and moved on and now I'm going to double dip. I learned that Colonel Sanders is a crazy person. I thought you were gonna say a crook. I mean also
Starting point is 00:18:31 he's a crazy person. He was a mule tender. He's a cook. Yeah. He's a mule tender. Colonel. Mule tender Sanders. Colonel mule tender.
Starting point is 00:18:45 Okay. Here we go. Last fact. And this tender standards. Colonel Mule Tender. Okay, here we go. Last fact. And this is it. In 2015, this is very recent, KFC sold a bucket of chicken that had a photo printer inside it that you connect to with an app so you could print out pictures of you eating chicken. What? They called it Memories Bucket. I call it a waste of chicken. What? They called it memories bucket. I call it a waste of time.
Starting point is 00:19:07 What? When did this, when and where did this happen? Was this a China thing? No, this is a thing here. I've never heard of that. Where the hell was, I was alive in 2015. Yeah, I'm pretty sure.
Starting point is 00:19:17 It was a plastic bucket and on the bottom, it had a photo printer and you could like connect to it and be like, here are the pictures I want printed of me and my friends eating chicken. How much did that cost? That sounds like you're buying hardware.
Starting point is 00:19:28 A $150 bucket of chicken? How much was that? I don't know. In 2015 that's probably an expensive photo printer. It was one of those like weird limited. Hey millennials isn't this a fun crazy thing? I mean it's definitely crazy. Yes. Correct. Memories bucket.
Starting point is 00:19:44 Michael's googling it right now. I'm looking it up. thing i mean it's definitely crazy yes uh correct memories bucket michael michael's google he's looking it up what was the quality of was it like the game boy camera no no it was like it was like matrix it was like a photo printer on like like photo paper it gave you like five by seven are you watching the video i'm just reading the headline and shaking my ass did the grease of the chicken go into that oh boy Oh, boy. Oh, boy. Here's your picture. It's yellow. KFC releases new memories bucket that doubles as a photo printer.
Starting point is 00:20:12 July 2015. Look at that. Look at the bucket. It looks like it's on the face of the bucket. It looks like a floppy drive. It does. A photo would come out. It prints out like 5x7
Starting point is 00:20:25 or 3x5, I don't remember. What the hell? I totally would have done that. To celebrate its 60th anniversary in Canada, is what it says. A Bluetooth-enabled bucket. There you go. A fried chicken that can also print photos from your smartphone. As the bucket states, all you have to do
Starting point is 00:20:40 is snap, select, send, share. Now, did it have some sort of software installed that it would only print pictures of you eating the chicken? Yeah, probably. Or were people using this to print out their nudes and stuff? Babe, send me nudes. I'm in Afghanistan for the next week. Use the KFC memory bucket to print out photos.
Starting point is 00:21:11 I'm just using this as my printer now. How? I don't understand how. Nowhere in this article does it say this is how much it costs. That's what I'm curious about. How? It seems like Unless they were not passing the cost on to you,
Starting point is 00:21:28 it would have to cost more. Seems impossible. Bizarre. See, this is what I'm talking about. We're probably going to have to cut this part out of the episode. Just do the chicken. Cut this part out. I mean, probably, but here's the memories. It's not rocket science.
Starting point is 00:21:41 It's chicken science. Have you ever seen someone create a photo before? Look at this guy. What gets me is that it doesn't look like... Okay, here we go. It's a regular bucket. So what's happening is they created the bucket, right? Now they've taken the bucket out to a park
Starting point is 00:21:57 where they've got a bunch of unsuspecting people eating chicken. And then they're taking pictures of themselves eating the chicken. And then they're picking the picture on their phone and the picture's coming out of the bucket. Where does the photo come from? The photo comes from their camera. No, but like to print the thing out like where? It's in the bucket. It just looks
Starting point is 00:22:15 like a regular bucket. No, there's gotta be like a hidden compartment that's got all the guts in it. Want one? Not really. I do. Do you think we can find one of those on ebay for ten thousand dollars look right now please look that up i just i want one damn bucket cost when that was in the store damn dude that's you know why with the 11 herbs and spices that's why they can do shit like that
Starting point is 00:22:40 they're like fuck it put a put the printer in a bucket no memories bucket on ebay that's i'm gonna make that competing bucket the no memories bucket it's just a bucket it's just a bucket that's got chicken in it you don't remember anything it says take a picture it'll last once you eat the chicken once you finish the food your your memory is wiped and you forget the experience like the men in black yeah you're You're like, why am I full? Why am I holding this greasy ass bucket? Why is there a grease hole? Why are my fingers covered in grease?
Starting point is 00:23:13 Okay. So Eric's investigating if we can buy one of those buckets. I'm still looking. I have, I have a fact that I thought was interesting. It wasn't on the fact sheet. Uh, I don't know when it happened,
Starting point is 00:23:21 but recently within like the last 10 years, KFC changed its name officially from Kentucky fried chicken to just KFC. fact sheet uh i don't know when it happened but recently within like the last 10 years kfc changed its name officially from kentucky fried chicken to just kfc which they did like a like a friday's thing friday's did that too were they just they're fridays now not yeah it used to be tgif and i i think they did that in response to like their international markets because like everyone overseas doesn't know what a kentucky is plus like it's easy for them like everyone in the universe they just call it kfc anyway no one was like what's that oh kentucky fried chicken got it but yeah yeah they you know they did it so now now you can't you can't call it kentucky fried chicken anymore you totally can kfc can
Starting point is 00:24:01 but they'll slap you with silence. This episode of Face Jam is brought to you by DoorDash. If you had a long day at work, tough day at school, still stuck at the office, treat yourself to the meal you deserve and have your favorite restaurants come to you with DoorDash. That's right. You're sitting there. You're playing games. You're about to get that frag. You don't want to stop playing.
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Starting point is 00:25:15 DoorDash. Treat yourself to some food right where you are currently sitting or standing right now. Thanks, DoorDash. So we ate the Nashville hot chicken and waffle sandwich. Which is available in, like, not sandwich form. Yeah, it's in a couple different, you can get it in a basket, you can get it separately. But we went with the most efficient way of eating it.
Starting point is 00:25:42 Right, compact. You know, eat it all at once. Here's what KFC has to say about it. But we went with the most efficient way of eating. Right, compact. Eat it all at once. Here's what KFC has to say about it. Our Nashville hot chicken and waffles add some heat to a KFC favorite. For a limited time, you can try this spicy and sweet treat with our extra crispy, trademark, chicken, extra crispy, trademark, tenders, or as a sandwich. No trademark.
Starting point is 00:26:02 Well, they can't trademark a sandwich. Prefer it without the heat? Our classic Kentucky Fried Chicken and Waffles are for you. So many combinations of deliciousness. Not that many combinations. No, really. It's not hot or not sandwich or not sandwich is really it. You can also get it separate and then just make your own sandwich.
Starting point is 00:26:21 I don't know if that's cheaper. Well, that's how you would eat it. I don't know. You'd eat bone-in chicken with the waffle. Would you just take a bite and take a bite? Is it bone-in if it's separate? They have the extra crispy chicken and then extra crispy tenders. So extra crispy chicken
Starting point is 00:26:35 leads me to believe that it's bone-in. Yeah, it's extra. So like when you go to Roscoe's or something and it's like you get just like a breast and some wings and then a waffle. But with KFC, how how weird our national hot chicken and chicken and waffles hot fried chicken sorry our national hot fried chicken and chicken and waffles are arguably two of the biggest fried chicken innovations of all time which they didn't come up with. Said Andrea Zahumensky. Zahumensky.
Starting point is 00:27:08 Fellow Pollock, hello. Chief Marketing Officer of KFC United States. Now we're combining them into one amazing union. They're getting married. That's sure to be the next big thing in America. It doesn't get hotter than that. Do they think they invented chicken and waffles? Did they think they invented Nashville hot chicken?
Starting point is 00:27:27 Kentucky fried chicken? I just like, I feel like they're more, I think they're really like leaning in on the waffle thing. Like nobody's ever thought about this before. Are you? I literally just mentioned Roscoe's. Crazy. Also, what's, what's with the language you're saying it's an amazing union that does it doesn't get hotter than that it's like some sexual overtones that i'm not comfortable with
Starting point is 00:27:53 yeah the chicken fuck the waffles and then hot sandwich doesn't get hotter than that baby i'm disappointed by uh andrea zahumensky's title of just chief marketing officer she's not it's too she's not vice president of chicken innovation or national hot chicken inventor apparently i looked for someone who is a senior vp or junior vp or something yeah something like that that was the best quote that i could get from someone with a title they probably have like a kfc they probably have like lead r&D chicken farmer or something. Do they have a mule tender?
Starting point is 00:28:27 We're trying, we're getting all, like every chicken we can find trying to fuck another chicken to get some new, crazy, innovative chicken and we'll just keep making them
Starting point is 00:28:36 bang and bang and bang until we get something new. Until we get a new chicken. Maybe it's gonna have four wings or something. That'll be wild. Until then, they're just gonna steal
Starting point is 00:28:44 other people's ideas and call it their own. I just thought of, you just said chicken tender. Mule tender. Do they make mule tenders? I don't know. Eric's face lit up like a Christmas tree. I can't believe it. I never
Starting point is 00:28:59 thought about it. Eating a mule tender. It's just like boneless chicken, boneless mule, and then you fry it. Eating a mule tender. It's just like boneless chicken, boneless mule, and then you fry it. Are you talking about a mule? He's talking about eating a horse. Are you talking about eating a mule? The colonel was a mule.
Starting point is 00:29:15 Not eating a mule tender. That's where the mule came from. It came from the man. I don't know if you're talking about eating an animal or a man. That would be a mule tender tender. He's talking about a meal tender. Yeah, that's correct. So we met up at 10.30 a.m. and went to KFC first thing in the morning. Yeah, dude, and everyone was on time.
Starting point is 00:29:34 It was great. It was great. Eric let Nick come this time? He was there waiting, and I saw him, but I didn't want to say anything and make it awkward, and then I saw him motioning towards the door with us and I was like, oh, he's coming. And he's like, yeah, I can come.
Starting point is 00:29:49 I'm allowed this time. Eric cleared it. He cleared me. I told one of our other guys, hey, I let Nick come to KFC and get the Nashville hot chicken and waffles. And he went, oh, you let him? Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 00:30:01 It's an exclusive club. He's privileged. We got to lock it in at four, though. Okay. Because then it becomes work. Yeah, dude. It's an exclusive club. He's privileged. We got to lock it in at four, though. Okay. Because then it becomes work. Yeah, right. Schedule more people coming. Next thing you know, we're having a meeting.
Starting point is 00:30:12 We're going to have to take two cars. This is the number of people it takes to make this show. It is. True. Everyone was involved. Eric's like the half co-host. I don't come in until you start getting into the facts. No, it's fine. But you have a microphone ready for use.
Starting point is 00:30:27 Nick just laughs when I point at him because I feel like it's too quiet. And then people go, that part was funny because I heard someone laughing. And that's the best part. I'm like, yeah, that's right. When I listen and I can't see anything, it's just really, I can't figure it out.
Starting point is 00:30:41 You get inside your own head and you start screaming. So people have concerns that this is audio only and they just can't keep up. Yeah, but you can make fun of them all you want because they're not going to hear this. They're not listening. They don't even know who's talking right now. They don't know where I am. Am I sitting? Am I standing? We don't know. Look behind you.
Starting point is 00:30:59 You can find out by playing this podcast in a different room and if they're in the other room, they start looking around. Like when a dog shines a flashlight. No, the dog doesn't. Then I start looking around. That would make me scream. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:31:14 Now I'm screaming. Did you see that dog? I start trying to grab it. You're right, Michael. It is like that. It's just like that. It's actually more accurate. Okay, so we went to
Starting point is 00:31:25 KFC yep well we pulled up and there was a Brinks security truck there was and I thought maybe he was dropping off
Starting point is 00:31:33 the chicken is that how they deliver the chicken the 11 herbs and spices protection keeps it under lock and key
Starting point is 00:31:38 yeah we were looking at the menu figuring out what we were going to get hey maybe he's listening shout out to you he was a fan yeah you told him specifically to listen We were looking at the menu, figuring out what we were going to get. Hey, maybe he's listening.
Starting point is 00:31:45 Shout out to you. He was a fan. Yeah. You told him specifically to listen. He kind of nodded and kept walking. Bring security guy. I shot my shot. Yeah, you got to. Bring security guy.
Starting point is 00:31:55 He obviously knew who I was. He was like, hey, not the fan out. Nice to meet you. I'm like, cool, thanks. I thought he was going to go right up to Nick. And then, well, that's because Eric wouldn't let him come in the past, so he didn't know he was there. I thought,
Starting point is 00:32:10 he's at KFC, we're going to do an episode today about KFC. Of course he's going to want to listen to it. So then he started walking out and I said, hey, listen to Face Jam. And then he just kind of went, okay, sure, whatever. He didn't look back
Starting point is 00:32:25 What the hell are you talking about He's like Sure So if he's listening You know Hey how was your sandwich And tell your friends Please God
Starting point is 00:32:34 Tell them Be like This is that podcast That they talked about Me getting that KFC That I was on I didn't see him leave With any KFC
Starting point is 00:32:41 He did Yeah he left with He got a bag Oh really Yeah he had a bag. Oh, really? Yeah, he had a bag of chicken because we were going. He left all the money in the parking lot to come get KFC. He was locked up. Right, now he's going to get fired.
Starting point is 00:32:53 That guy. They're going to be like, son of a bitch. I know exactly who that is. This one guy loves KFC. He's always talking about it. Always keep telling him, stop leaving the truck running to get your damn Nashville sandwich. That is like a headline that you would read. It'd be like, bring security truck
Starting point is 00:33:10 robbed while driver was in KFC getting doubled down. The reporter is like, was it worth it? And he goes, it was pretty good. What would you rate it on the scale of 1 to 100? No decimals. You can use decimals. Do whatever you want.
Starting point is 00:33:27 The restaurant was kind of nice. It was a nice restaurant. It was swanky. Yeah. It was museum-y. It was definitely recently refurbished and rebranded for contemporary tastes, I would say. But yes, also a lot of pictures of the Colonel on the walls. And they were all different.
Starting point is 00:33:44 A lot of advertisements are like, we we made one put up five of them they're like the him getting sued and starting his own restaurant water under the bridge because they clearly revere put it right on the table they're basically like yeah they're like if you're like me who sat down you'll say what the hell is this what does this mean and if you know what it means you're like ah they're not gonna flat out tell you what happened but it's more of if you know what it means, you're like ah. They're not going to flat out tell you what happened, but it's more of if you really know. There were fun pictures of the colonel riding a camel. The most concerning
Starting point is 00:34:11 one to me, borderline troubling, was just a picture of the colonel in front of the Kremlin? Yeah, we all stood there and saluted it. I don't... Why are you saying everybody loves it. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:34:26 You know? Everyone loves this chicken. Everyone's looking at me funny now. I took a picture... You love the Kremlin. We've always been at war with East Asia. I took a picture of another one of the signs, and it said,
Starting point is 00:34:40 Southern-inspired real food. And then it was a picture of chicken like a chicken a chicken leg a chicken leg and it said fried chicken and then under it was the shape of the state of kentucky kentucky and it said coincidence i think not which which up until it says coincidence you don't really know they're you don't really think about the similarities because there are none it's literally just a lump of chicken and then yeah is probably the weirdest shape state we have. Yeah, you see how Kentucky's kind of craggy at the top? You know, like our chicken.
Starting point is 00:35:14 I feel like, too, unlike the state of Kentucky, which is kind of the shape that it is, you could really poke around until you get a good-shaped piece of chicken. Yeah. Right? You know what I mean? Uh-huh. They're like, nah, this one isn what I mean? One that fits their narrative. There's some propaganda going on with this chicken leg here.
Starting point is 00:35:32 Some of those posters and things they had on the wall were a little propaganda. Again, it was a shrine. It was absolutely a shrine to Colonel Sanders. The girl working there was like, I just work here. We all got this colonel tattoo on the back of our neck we all have to like pray to him we we cover ourselves we do like we do a pledge of allegiance we do like a communion water but
Starting point is 00:35:57 it's chicken grease we had plenty of that grease dude so you took some pictures of the trip and when we left, you took a picture of Jordan and I standing outside the restaurant. You pulled the paper bag out of the plastic bag and immediately I went,
Starting point is 00:36:16 oh, this is a mess. And it was soppy. And I mean like, it looked like you dropped it in a puddle. It really was like dripping with grease. That was crazy.
Starting point is 00:36:27 You handed Michael his sandwich when we got back, and I saw it drip as the transfer happened. In the wrapper. Yeah, in the wrapper still. And, yeah, you took a picture of when we got back. You took the bag out, and, like, so we also got, because Jordan needed them. I insisted on these Cnabon dessert biscuits
Starting point is 00:36:46 yeah so they were in a box and then the chicken bag was on top of it and the top of the box was just covered yeah in orange orange it was something and and when we were leaving eric was like you're about to put that inside you oh wait i'm eating it too. We're all idiots. It was a revelation. My favorite feature of the restaurant was the big round table with the I guess you would call it a lighting fixture above it. It was very elaborate. It was a
Starting point is 00:37:17 bucket shaped chandelier with like Saturn rings around it. It was really tied the room together. Somebody went nuts in there. They hired some design and they were like, I got ideas. Like you guys still have the 11 herbs and spices, right?
Starting point is 00:37:32 And they're like, yeah. And they're like, okay, good. Because we can fall back on that if nobody likes this shit. I thought I was going to say, because it's out of this world and that's where I'm taking this. Okay, here we go. Saturn.
Starting point is 00:37:42 Saturn rings around the bucket. You're going to sit down. You're going to see the crazy quotes on the the bucket. You're going to sit down. It's like a planet. You're going to see the crazy quotes on the round table. You're going to look up and see the colonel just blasting off. That's what they did with his body, by the way. They shot him in space. Shot him off the chicken planet.
Starting point is 00:37:53 That's how they preserved him. Chicken planet. Rest his soul on chicken planet right now. Who says they say the moon has cheese who's to say it doesn't have chicken that's true that's one of the secret herbs and spices moon rocks
Starting point is 00:38:12 a guy blasting off a spaceship wearing like a bucket on his astronaut suit his space suit we have go for chicken retrieval. Moondust coming in. The lady at the counter was funny and quirky. Eric placed her order of four chicken and waffle sandwiches
Starting point is 00:38:36 and the four box of dessert biscuits. And she goes, that'll be $100 even. And everyone goes, ha ha, funny. So that was a fun little... I mean, beat for beat, that's exactly what happened. It's pretty funny. 100%.
Starting point is 00:38:53 They were having fun at 10.40 a.m. They like to mix it up. Yeah. They get into it. She was really harassing the other worker there. She was, to the point where I was like, I was like, is this a joke? Or are you reprimanding her?
Starting point is 00:39:06 she kept mentioning the person in the kitchen that made the food and they were like oh man she's awful nah just kidding she's great she sucks though but we're friends she hates this person she gave when you got the receipt she mentioned as many fast food restaurants
Starting point is 00:39:26 have like go online take a survey uh and then you get like a free coupon you know for buy one get a free sandwich next time we come back or whatever yeah next time and uh and she's like yeah you know give a good review even though so-and-so was awful and they were really slow no just kidding but leave that review for them it It was like, slow down. She was negging hardcore. But also, I couldn't leave a review if I wanted to because the grease from the sandwiches
Starting point is 00:39:54 infested the receipt. It was rubbing the numbers off. It started erasing the print on the receipt. Did Nick pull it out? Somebody pulled it out of the bag and was like, uh-oh. The top third quarter and the bottom quarter were erasing the print on the receipt. Did Nick pull it out? Somebody pulled it out of the bag and was like, uh-oh. And literally, the top third or quarter and the bottom quarter were orange
Starting point is 00:40:10 and the print was gone. This message will self-destruct. Eric's like, oh, no, I paid for this. I need to expense it. I need to expense it. So he had to take a picture of it before all the numbers got erased. I just had to take pictures on my phone as fast as I could.
Starting point is 00:40:28 Oh, my God. As expected, when we saw the bag, we pulled the sandwiches out. It was a mess. It is such a mess. It was a mess. And on top of that, I guess, leaning into the waffle aspect of this, you get syrup with it, too. Yes, they did give us syrup. Which, at the same time, I guess they're like, you know, with it too yes they did give us which at the same time i guess they're like you know fuck it this thing's a mess it's already you know
Starting point is 00:40:49 there's just one of this clean just wreck your hand and it's interesting they should give us gloves she gave us about nine packets of syrup too with four four chicken sandwiches um one packet is too much syrup for for one sandwich yes. We took a picture of the food before we ate it, which I'm sure will be posted on social media or something if you want to see it. I think it goes on Achievement Hunter. It's the Twitter and Instagram. But I wanted to get the drizzle in the picture, and I ended up using the entire packet.
Starting point is 00:41:23 I was just holding it because you were taking pictures and I looked down and it was like a bucket of syrup. Got into all those little grooves. That's the sweet by the way. When it's the sweet and sour. There's no sweet at all in the sandwich. It's just the packet of maple syrup.
Starting point is 00:41:39 I took a couple bites before I put the syrup on it and to me the waffle actually reminded me of like a McGriddle. Yeah, that's sweet. I mean, a McGriddle is, I'll tell you, filled with syrup. Yeah. So I think they had some syrup already in it. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:41:54 Yeah. Interesting. That's kind of the vibe I got. All right. I think that mostly covers it. Yeah, we can get into it. Do you want to go first or do you want me to go first? Of course you go first.
Starting point is 00:42:05 That's what I thought. We had a discussion you brought up at the end of the last episode that you're sometimes unhappy with my review because you think your review affects my review. I feel like sometimes my score, you wait until you hear my score to come up with your score. I would never do that. So then when we started today,
Starting point is 00:42:23 for some reason, everyone in the room laughed at that, even you. We're having a good time, you know? It's fun. So when we started today, Jordan was like, should we give him the review now? And I go, I don't think we should do that at all. But I've got a plan for the next episode. We can work in Jordan's idea. Okay, I like that. We can work in Jordan's idea. Okay, I like that.
Starting point is 00:42:45 We can work in Jordan's idea that might satisfy him. We can try it out. I just wanted to try it out. No, I'm much like KFC. I'm open to trying new things. It might be funnier, probably not. If anything else happens, we'll always make sure we just do this show based on chicken.
Starting point is 00:43:00 That's our fallback. The trident through chicken. So yeah, watch out. The next episode's going to be crazy. Everything's going to be different. Okay, so our rating system, 1 to 100. Each of us having different criteria. Mine is 100% just the food.
Starting point is 00:43:17 Yours can be anything from the weather to what day of the week is it? Astronomy, for sure. Oh, yeah. Astrological signs. Yeah. Again, chicken from the weather to what day of the week is it? Astronomy, for sure. Oh, yeah. Astrological signs. Again, chicken from the moon. Venus recently had a transit of the sun, so that sometimes has an effect. I like the fact
Starting point is 00:43:34 that KFC opened in 1987 in China because I was born that year. Oh, that might help. They might have got some points for that. We don't know yet. 87 to be exact. Good year. Good year. I mean, there's not a lot to this sandwich.
Starting point is 00:43:51 It's waffle, hot chicken, waffle. You put the syrup on it. Maybe you don't. It kind of tastes the same with it or without it. So as I said earlier, I was excited about trying some nashville hot chicken from a fast food place because i wanted to see how it stacked up against like the restaurants i've been to and uh it just looked like regular chicken it was it was hot but to me part of the nashville hot experience is seeing like the red chicken and it being like, well, I'm going to eat this. You did say it's not red as soon as you opened it.
Starting point is 00:44:26 Maybe it's because all of the redness sopped out. Honestly, all the grease was red. Yeah. So it went from a little bit got into the waffle. Some of the waffle was red. The chicken was not red. So my wrapper was red. Everything but the chicken was red.
Starting point is 00:44:43 But it was still spicy. So I was like, we were discussing like, where does the spiciness come from? Because it doesn't look like it's coming from the chicken. But I think it just got soaked up into the waffle. I think it was coated on the top of the chicken in some manner. And the waffle dried it out. So for calling it Nashville hot chicken or Nashville hot fried chicken, whatever it wants to call it. Did not look the part, but it tasted hot. So can't really fault it for that.
Starting point is 00:45:09 Like I said, the waffles kind of tasted like McGriddles. They were kind of sweet. They were soft, but they weren't soggy. And it contrasted with like the texture of the chicken, which I liked a lot. The spiciness contrasted with the sweetness. And I ate the whole damn thing you did in part because i was really hungry but also it was small and tasty i liked it a lot um biggest attractions is the way the way it looked and the fucking mess i had
Starting point is 00:45:38 to wash my hands twice it was a mess we had like four layers of paper towels that all got covered up. The table was stained permanently. We had an absurd amount of paper towels before we touched the sandwiches because we had to clean up the grease that was everywhere that had nothing to do with us eating. If you have a beard, I recommend wearing like a beard. A beard mask. Like a hairnet for your beard so it doesn't get all in your hair um that's the biggest problem i have with it i thought it tasted great so i'm giving it an 84 wow holy hell i liked it a lot
Starting point is 00:46:15 that's the highest rating you've ever given it's probably the best thing we've had on the show so far wow yeah better than the quattro. That was innovative, dude. Very cool. That was very innovative. They invented chicken and waffles. We were clear that they didn't. I enjoyed it. It was, like Jordan said, it was pretty, you know, waffle, chicken.
Starting point is 00:46:39 Not much to it. I feel like for a fried chicken sandwich, it wasn't very, or like a crispy, it wasn't very crispy. I don't know if that's really a negative. We didn't order an extra crispy trademark. I mean, we didn't get extra, but it wasn't regular. There was no crisp or crunch to it. Again, it could be because of all the soppy grease. It could be. Sogging it up.
Starting point is 00:47:00 That's not really a negative. I don't really care. It was juicy, but compared to you know we just recently had the um the popeye sandwich was like very crispy and crunchy it was definitely crisp but if you lacked it was a little dry to me it kind of we know you hated it we they listened to that episode i'm just saying for a crispy chicken sandwich it wasn't as crispy um the the flavor of the of the hot i guess it was it was good it wasn't it was there i'd say it was even you know like it wasn't it wasn't super hot it wasn't like not noticeable but at least like from the first bite you could taste yeah it was it didn't didn't
Starting point is 00:47:40 have the like same thing with the popeyes i was like halfway through it until i tasted it but that was just in the sauce totally i still don't think they it definitely wasn't have the same thing with the Popeyes. I was halfway through it until I tasted it, but that was just in the sauce. Totally. I still don't think they—it definitely wasn't in the chicken. I don't know if they cooked it in the hot or they coated it afterwards, but it was— I think it was that. It was pretty even throughout the entire sandwich. The waffle was good.
Starting point is 00:48:00 It's a waffle, you know? There's not really any pros or cons there. It was harder for me to tell how sweet the waffle was since I poured an entire packet of syrup on it before I ate it. Probably not the best idea, but we did it for the picture. Did it for the picture.
Starting point is 00:48:14 You know, it's all for the show. Did it for the gram. Fortnite podcast. Fortnite chicken podcast. You know, I liked it. I will say with the waffle being softer and kind of like, I don't know, not as dry as like a bun or a biscuit. And plus the syrup definitely made up for the like not having cheese on a sandwich. I think that would be a travesty.
Starting point is 00:48:40 I'm all for cheese on chicken, but adding syrup, it just that's kind of all over the place. It was good. It wasn't over the place it was good it wasn't huge but it was like thick it was very tall it was tall sandwich definitely to add to the mess as if the sandwich wasn't a mess enough it like smashed into your mouth you gotta have a big ass mouth if you're gonna fit the whole sandwich
Starting point is 00:49:00 in without making a mess but I enjoyed it and I'm gonna have to say honestly this is uh this is gonna be a rare episode where i'm pretty much in agreeance with jordan here i'm gonna have to give it like an 80 yeah i think higher than you think it was better and that that shocks me but i i enjoyed it It was a good sandwich. That's an 82. I think it's the highest rating. That's a great score. That anything has ever had.
Starting point is 00:49:30 A tolerable sandwich. I definitely enjoyed it. You gave it an 84, and then you called it tolerable. That does not make sense. Now you're insulting your own score. Bring it back. I definitely enjoyed it more than the Popeye's sandwich. I did too, yes. But I hated how messy it was.
Starting point is 00:49:47 It's such a mess. Do not eat this if you're not near a sink or water. I will say that. A napkin is not enough. Make sure you lay down everything. You put down newspaper and sit on top of it before you eat it. Could you imagine being on a road trip and going, oh, we can't eat that thing.
Starting point is 00:50:02 No, you cannot. It would be an absolute nightmare. Do not do that. I mean, it would be like a clothes and car ruiner. Yes. Besides the fact of it, even like the grease and everything ruining your clothes, it actually is a little bit of a travesty that they don't offer wet wipes with the sandwich. Yes.
Starting point is 00:50:17 They definitely should. Because they really should. It's an effing mess. I mean, like I ate it. I looked at Eric and I was like, get this off of me now. I was using the palms of my hand to drink water. You look like a man with two
Starting point is 00:50:32 broken hands and gas and you're just palming it. I need to wash my hands so bad. Bonus though, not to do with the chicken, but we did have the cinnamon rolls. The dessert biscuits. Which I don't think is a special item. Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:50:46 I don't think so either. It doesn't count here. Jordan just wanted it. He just wanted it, so we ate it. I saw it in the window, and I was like, oh, cool. You can get it free with a 10-piece bucket. Good to know. So basically, they were just regular KFC biscuits
Starting point is 00:51:01 they had lying around, and they got some Cinnabon frosting and cinnamon stuff that they put on top of it. So it tastes like a cinnamon roll, basically. Make sure, they really drench it. So if you just get one that's like really good, you can't even tell that it's
Starting point is 00:51:15 a biscuit. It just kind of tastes like a cinnamon roll. If I was giving it a score, I'd give it like, probably like a 77 because of the biscuit. Wow, that's like really good. And he made like a wincing face when he said it. Like I thought he was going to say like a 40 because of the biscuit. Wow, that's really good. And he made a wincing face when he said it. I thought he was going to say a 40 or something. I think Jordan really likes KFC. He does.
Starting point is 00:51:31 KFC, KFC. I knew once he typed that. I haven't eaten in years, but yeah, maybe I do. Maybe I need to go back there more often. Wow, that's his impeccable high standard tastes. He's kind of lost that title with this. We've all got our vices. For some of us, it's all we eat.
Starting point is 00:51:52 What's wrong with a vice, dude? Just have everything be a vice. Imagine if you lived in a world, Jordan, where you rated everything an 84. That's my world. Everything's an 84. Yeah, but how many times do you eat something oh man almost never that's what started this whole podcast because you ate everything at taco bell
Starting point is 00:52:13 and felt like shit the next day oh the next day isn't when i'm eating it though right yeah this is immediately after this is the this is the the taste and the flavor and all the speeches that you always go on about the food and how it makes you feel and all those crazy things that you rate it for, the next day, that's irrelevant. Because everything I eat would be like a one. That's future Michael's problem. Future Michael hates fast food.
Starting point is 00:52:39 Or he will hate fast food. Who knows? Yeah, they were fine. I'm not a huge sweets person. I don't love sugar. Maybe. That's definitely one of my big things. So it was fine.
Starting point is 00:52:50 I ate it because we were making this show. I would never eat like a cinnamon roll. It was good, you know, because it was sugar. It was icing. And what else was on it? Like syrup or something? It was icing and some other crap. There was cinnamon swirl thing. It was like a drizzle or something.
Starting point is 00:53:07 I think they just liquefied their cinnamon. I think that they sucked and they were a waste of money. Oh. Nice. What would you rate it? He can rate this as a bonus. Like, I wouldn't. One. One! It really was.
Starting point is 00:53:23 I haven't rated anything a one. It really was like a waste it was just it was just throwing up in the parking lot i didn't fit i took i took a bite i took a bite i did not enjoy it i like sweet stuff i would have finished it it was a biscuit it's like something you could make at home if you were so high and had frosting and biscuits yeah well we were i really want at 1030 in the morning. That's probably who they're marketing it to. I want a cinnamon roll, but all I have is frosting and biscuits. It was weird that it was a biscuit. It was very weird.
Starting point is 00:53:51 Well, that's the KFC spin to it. No, that's not really a spin. That's just like, we want to sell cinnamon rolls, but we don't want to buy other shit. Exactly. Can it be improved? Yes, make it a cinnamon roll. What would your score be, Michael? I don't know, 40?
Starting point is 00:54:06 Yeah, I don't recommend it at all. The chicken sandwich, great, whatever. But those biscuit, those suck. That's a 39 average. Hang on. What did you think, Nick? You ate one? It was good, 50.
Starting point is 00:54:18 50? Wow. 50. Apparently, I'm the only one who liked this thing. Also, it's so crazy. It was good, 50. Yeah, it's kind of an okay. 42.
Starting point is 00:54:27 That's more accurate. Jordan's like, I don't know, 75. 77, thank you. These numbers don't match the comments. Drive me up the wall. I liked it. That's, you know. Hey, so KFC, Nashville, hot chicken and waffles format.
Starting point is 00:54:40 If you like it, you know, if you're enjoying it um i'd eat it it was good yeah i recommend it not in a road trip i think the best road trip the best way to improve it is don't bring it to a don't bring it to a baseball game they just gotta make it not so fucking messy i mean i don't know how do they do that i don't know how do they retain the grease it's it's unfortunate to say but you want that in your body. It's where all the flavor comes from. And that's where the red is. The red ran right off the sandwich.
Starting point is 00:55:11 Thank you for listening. Please rate and subscribe and tell a friend about the show where we eat the food and then rate the food. Keep it going. Apparently we want to do a new segment. This is a segment? I want to try to get a segment. So remember how we did like the live bite thing?
Starting point is 00:55:27 What was it? Snack attack? Yeah, the short one that was longer. So at the end of the show, I want to do like a one bite review of like snack foods that we've never had before. One bite? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:39 Wow. Of just like, here's one chip. First impressions. Yes, just that. Give it a rating. That's it. And then when we're done with the show, we can eat the fucking rest of it but like i like the way if you want
Starting point is 00:55:47 to send us stuff please send us care of face jam 1901 east 51st street austin texas 78723 i i want to try just at the end of the episode just a little nightcap piece do the one thing give it a score that's it kind of like dessert biscuits we just did, but shorter. Yeah. So there you go. You took one bite out of it. Yeah. There you go. Cool, sounds good. Alright. That was a successful episode, and then I'll say for the next one, holidays coming up, we're gonna do a holiday-themed
Starting point is 00:56:16 December food crap. I mean, that's really, when you get down to it, that's what it is. That's what every episode is. We should have just called the show Food Crime we're gonna put some red and green and white shit in us
Starting point is 00:56:28 probably some artificial food colorings yum yum alright so thanks for watching Face Jam the Fortnite podcast
Starting point is 00:56:35 you love Fortnite you love Face Jam we love chicken we love chicken I love the way it comes out at 3am oh dude and I love how
Starting point is 00:56:42 there's nothing to look at I love how I don't know where the voices are coming from. Who said that? If you like this episode of Face Jam, be sure to check out Good Morning from Hell. It's another podcast from Rooster Teeth. Chris has died and his eternal punishment is to host a podcast along with Clayton, Satan's younger brother. Their task is to interview every tenant of hell, be it historical figures, mythological figures, or action figures. You can check out an episode with Michael Jones himself
Starting point is 00:57:12 as he opens up a fast food restaurant in hell. It's as weird as it sounds. So check out Good Morning From Hell wherever you get podcasts or at roosterteeth.com.

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