100% Eat - Outback Steakhouse Sweet Heat Season Menu

Episode Date: August 1, 2023

In this episode, Michael Jones and Jordan Cwierz eat and review Outback Steakhouse Sweet Heat Season Menu so you know if it's worth eating. They also talk about Bloomologists, how many times they've b...een here, the vice president of people, and Graysie's love of Outback. Sponsored by us. You're welcome. Follow us @FaceJamPod on IG and Twitter. Subscribe to the youtube also. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Greatest duos trading cards have arrived at Tim's with two hockey icons on every card. Like Matthew and Brady Kachuk, rivals, teammates, family, and more. Connected like never before. Head to Tim's and get yours today at participating restaurants in Canada. Welcome to Face Jam, the show where we try every new fast food creation to let you know if you need it. Hey, you probably do. I'm your host, Michael Jones, alongside my co-host, Jordan Sweers. Jordan, how are you?
Starting point is 00:00:26 I was doing great until Eric played a horrible rendition of the DK rap. Donkey Kong! I mean... It opens with the guy in his car going, hey guys, you remember this song? It also says Donkey Kong song on the screen. Yeah, but that could be any song.
Starting point is 00:00:45 There's more than one Donkey Kong song. He starts doing the DK rap as if he were in Creed? No, it's what it would sound like if it was Viking music. Did that not come through clearly? Is Creed Viking music? I think so. Oh, I hadn't considered that. It must be.
Starting point is 00:01:03 If that's what Viking music is, because that's what I figured, right? Yeah. Why'd you bring that in here? He made me yell. That's why I yelled. I was talking perfectly fine, and he's like, scream for me. Part of a mic check. I need it.
Starting point is 00:01:16 He didn't need it. And speaking of screaming, let's get this out right at the top, because it was the most exciting thing that happened to us today. You're going to get this out before you can say what food? Before we can say what we're doing on the episode. So we were driving back from Outback Steakhouse Sweet Heat Season Menu.
Starting point is 00:01:32 Perfect. Perfectly integrated. We're professionals. Great work. Honestly, in under 90 seconds. That's faster than you think. It's true. Usually we meander a little bit here at the top, but I really want to talk about what happened at the roundabout. Which is not a meander somehow.
Starting point is 00:01:48 I want to stop fucking around and get to fucking around. Let's get to what the show's about. I want to fuck around about something very specifically. So at the restaurant, we were talking about how everyone here in this city can't drive. And we talked about the very specific roundabout near the office at like 51st we called it by name yes yes that specific one and how would it first open nobody knew how to do it nobody still knows how to how to use it and you gotta constantly go in the right lane which is you know if you're like making a right or going straight but you were gonna go left but you gotta
Starting point is 00:02:22 go in the right lane because there's 14 cars in the left lane and they're just not doing it. And you go, look, I'm driving around you. They're too afraid to go into the roundabout. Once they get in there, they're too afraid to know what they're doing. There's too many lines. There's too many crisscrosses. The plight of every American driver basically is a roundabout. It's their kryptonite. The roundabout into
Starting point is 00:02:39 parallel parking. And so before we even got to the roundabout, this specific one that kind of splits where it's like you either go this way to go to the roundabout and the intersection or you stay on the left and you go past the um the overpass that the the road is is is on and the person in front of us didn't know what they wanted to do yeah and uh And I could tell, so I was just like slowing down, giving them room. So naturally, they slow down. This is less than 50 yards
Starting point is 00:03:10 from getting into the roundabout. And people are already screwing it up. Yeah. Stopping on the frontage road. There's pylons. So there's a wall, de facto wall that they're going to hit if they don't make a decision.
Starting point is 00:03:24 You gotta stay left, go left, or every other lane of the way. You have to choose one. And they were in the left with their blinker on? No. No blinker on. But they were thinking about blinkers. You could just tell. You could tell by the way they were.
Starting point is 00:03:36 Yes. They were in the left lane, started getting slow. You started getting slow. And they're like, oh, this guy's getting slow. I better get slower. Right. That way I'm ensuring I can't get in. Right.
Starting point is 00:03:48 And so it just turned into this slow off. And then they finally committed. And as they committed, they turned their blinker on, which I thought was nice. I think as they committed is when our screaming started. Yes. Right. Still not out the roundabout. Still not to the entrance of the roundabout.
Starting point is 00:04:04 But as Michael said, cars pile up in the left lane and they line up there and it just backs it up unnecessarily. Because you can do any action you want from either lane in the roundabout. Good design. So I go into the right lane immediately and then we're waiting for like one car that could have gone but didn't, of course. And then... In both the lanes, by the could have gone but didn't, of course. And then— In both the lanes, by the way. Right. And Michael started screaming at them.
Starting point is 00:04:29 Yeah, because it was something we were talking about. It's like nobody knows how the roundabout works. It's one of those, like, you see a car pass, you go, and you expect either A, the cars to move and pull out, or another car, and it's just fucking tumbleweeds. And after four seconds of no cars coming but no cars moving, you just start going, tumbleweeds. And after four seconds of no cars coming but no cars
Starting point is 00:04:44 moving, you just start going, Ah! So then the cars finally go. And there's a gap for us to go as well. So to keep the traffic moving as the roundabout is designed and intended to do. Right. I go in
Starting point is 00:04:59 and then there's a car to our left who wants to exit the roundabout in the right lane. Now, I know I said earlier that you can do everything from both lanes. This is the one exception. You have to be in the right lane to get out of here. They also were pretty much past that exit point. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:18 So what would you do? Would you A, keep going around the roundabout, try again when it's clear, when you just do another lap? Yeah. B, scream, slam on your brakes, turn your blinker on and wait for an opening. Right. Those are only the two options, I guess. They went with B. Yeah, they did.
Starting point is 00:05:37 And then we started just, we didn't really say anything as much as we just screamed. It was just four men screaming as loud as they can with the windows up. It's not like we're doing it like at them. It's just movie style too.
Starting point is 00:05:53 I'll say it was like movie style scream. Not like I'm being killed but just It was bad for as long as it lasted. It was just long
Starting point is 00:06:04 a long time. It was a lot of times to look around at everyone. To no avail, I was signaling just go around again. Jordan was just waving. I looked at the driver and they were doing looking over their shoulders
Starting point is 00:06:22 with the blinker on. They were screaming. How did they get into this mess? It was incredible. I just thought it was so perfectly set up because we talked about it at the restaurant and it's just so perfect. We all knew what to do.
Starting point is 00:06:37 I was excited. Michael was stoked that it was happening. The scream really fired me up. It's more screaming than I typically do. I was definitely like a background scream. Yeah. The scream really fired me up. There's a lot of, it's more screaming than I typically do. Yeah, I was definitely like a background scream. Yeah. It really is.
Starting point is 00:06:51 The industry term being Walla. It was just Walla. Yeah, we needed more. Typically when we're screaming, it's words loudly at each other. This was just a lot of human noise. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just sort of outward. Michael described it as a shot from human noise. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Just sort of outward. Michael described it as a shot from that 70 show.
Starting point is 00:07:10 It's a shot of the camera on the dashboard looking back at everyone in the car. And then it felt so much like that. I said, that feels like a shot from that 70 show. And I don't watch that. I've seen it. But you can picture that. Oh, yeah, exactly. It probably exists Kel
Starting point is 00:07:25 shows up with something yeah oh Ashton Kutcher that's him that guy didn't that guy doing stuff didn't that one guy like go to like jail like super jail like a lot he went to jail pretty hard yeah he went to like jail jail yeah he didn't go to like little he went to jail that's jail. That's good though. I'm nodding in agreement. Thanks, man. Yeah, appreciate it. So that was our drive. The drive otherwise was uneventful. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:54 I mean, yeah. How many more events do you need? Right? Yeah, really, that's one was enough. But really, there's always something on these. I don't know why every other time driving around town without the three of you in my car, it's fine. I thought. But for whatever reason, they come and find us when we're doing face checks. Isn't that astrology?
Starting point is 00:08:14 Yeah. That's astrology. Cards are chasing us? Yeah. Yeah, it's tarot. If a card falls out, then it's yours. Are we the stars aligned? Now, do they ever come alive?
Starting point is 00:08:23 Like card captor Sakura, do they come to alive? Like, Cardcaptor Sakura? Do they come to life? Do you get to catch them with, like, a big wand? You have to capture the tarot cards. Do you need a roller skate? There's sort of a little stuffed animal guy. I'm the little lion guy. Yeah, you're the stuffed animal guy.
Starting point is 00:08:35 I'm flying around. He gets big, though. You'll never get big like that. Yeah, no, he turns into an actual, like, cool guy. Oh, that's cool. That is me. At some point. But you'll never get to that level.
Starting point is 00:08:43 You're just a little stuffed animal going i'm gonna catch you somebody at rtx uh was like uh hey um everyone's like oh he's like oh eric's little eric's little you're like a normal size guy and i went yeah but like oh i'm little and i went can you explain right that's the thing you're just smaller than anyone's feet. Yeah. It's just like, that's kind of just like the bit. Right. And they went, hmm.
Starting point is 00:09:11 All right. Was this like a regular size person as well? No, they were smaller than me. Oh, that's why. Oh, they were. They thought I was going to be. They thought I was going to come dunk on you. They thought I was going to be like four, four.
Starting point is 00:09:20 Ant size. Yeah. Here comes little Eric. Yeah. Okay, cool. I thought the thing we were going to talk about today, like if there was nothing that Four, four? Ant size. Yeah. Here comes little Eric. Oh, okay, cool. I thought the thing we were going to talk about today, like if there was nothing that was happening in the car ride,
Starting point is 00:09:33 was how we got into the car and me and you knew where we were going, Jordan, and Michael and Nick didn't? Oh, did he not know either? Nuh-uh. Oh, that's pretty rare. That's weird. That's incredibly rare. Right. That would actually say, I don't know that it's ever happened before.
Starting point is 00:09:44 No, but do you know what happened instead was Gracie, who's here, helping us with some of the producing. Not both there then. Is here now. Is here now. Lurking. Well, hold on. You didn't do a mic check. Oh, that's right. He didn't make you do a mic check.
Starting point is 00:09:59 Do you need Gracie to scream one time? Ah! She would have been great in the car. That was louder than all the times I've heard Gracie talk. When I told Gracie we were going to Outback Steakhouse for lunch on a call the other day,
Starting point is 00:10:15 her genuine reaction was, yes! So excited. So excited. I don't get that excited for anywhere we go. Especially not Outback Steakhouse. You bottle it up though. Yeah, I can tell. Yeah, and then I layer it out. I mean, we sit down
Starting point is 00:10:32 and who goes Bloomin' Onion? Bloomin' Onion? This guy. It's true. Yeah, I'm trying to get ahead of the curve here. Yeah, that's how he plays it. That's how he plays it. Uh-oh, message incoming. I know Nick's gonna want it, so I'll just order a Bloomin' Onion for Nick. Nick is doing his Wile E. Coyote bit where he's holding up a sign that says Good Call. Oh, I know Nick's going to want it, so I'll just order a Bloomin' Onion for Nick. Nick is doing his Wile E. Coyote bit where he's pulling up a sign that says,
Starting point is 00:10:48 Good call. Yeah. Cool. So we did go to Outback Steakhouse and have the sweet heat season menu, which offered a number of things. And we essentially just went with the steak and chicken, but it's more of like the hot honey. Yes.
Starting point is 00:11:04 Hot honey is the star. It's basic. It's like a sauce and some stuff. It's basic Outback wares. But they shit on it. We already have this. Would you like it with honey? Yeah. What do you want? We're calling this a new menu. Yeah. What do you want? Sweet, heat, seasoned,
Starting point is 00:11:20 layered all over. Yeah. And we went with the steak and the chicken. Yeah. Apparently, we got it day one. They were pumped. They were pumped about it. Pumped and a little nervous about it. I didn't think that they would bring up it all. But they brought it up over and over
Starting point is 00:11:36 and came and talked to us about it over and over about how, like, we've never made this before. We were like the focus group. It really was them going, we don't know what the fuck we're doing. We don't know what this is. Maybe this was me. You guys can chime group. It really was them going, we don't know what the fuck we're doing. We don't know what this is. Maybe this was me. You guys can chime in. I will say, though, for you know, we've
Starting point is 00:11:51 done many of these special menu things in the restaurant with a varying level of reception from the people that work there. You know, some it's like over the top. The Cheetos. We got the chef coming out, talking to us. He's like, I'm dying to try these top. The Cheetos. We got the chef coming out talking to us. Where he's like, I'm dying to try
Starting point is 00:12:08 these things. And we're going, what the fuck? This place actually felt like they just are trying to do their job right. They're trying to make it good for you. They didn't seem like they gave a shit because they really, really wanted to try it. It seemed like they were like, the waitress actually said
Starting point is 00:12:24 she's like, yeah, what did she say? Like we had a week off or I was off. Yeah. They were off for a week. She came back and it was like, here's the new menu. They came in today and was like new menu.
Starting point is 00:12:33 Yeah. And it just sounded like, Oh, you know, we're kind of scrambling to make sure we can make this if people order it. And that was new to me. Yeah. In our outings,
Starting point is 00:12:40 it felt like someone just trying to make sure they did their job right. Right. Effectively, but also wasn't weird about it. Which was totally different to the last time we went to that Outback Steakhouse. Where the server asked us cat or gun.
Starting point is 00:12:54 Well, we broke it down. We broke it down to cat. My new toy or my new pet. We didn't want to see the new toy. We all yelled pet, pet, pet. And then we saw a cat and then she said, and here's my new gun. And then she didn't want to see the new toy. We all yelled, pet, pet, pet. Please, please. And then we saw a cat, and then she said, and here's my new gun. And then she didn't work there today. We don't know if they're related, but probably they were.
Starting point is 00:13:12 Definitely. You know who was related? The bartender who came over and talked to us and our waitress. Yeah, we found that out at the end. It was a casual drop. Yeah, Shyamalan-esque twist. It was nice. Yeah, you went, at the end we went, it was a casual drop yeah Shyamalan-esque twist it was nice yeah yeah you went
Starting point is 00:13:25 this at the end we went it was a sequel they're married oh it's all connected we met them both first and then oh my god
Starting point is 00:13:34 those were two different lives for me and now they're one cat or gun or spouse and we got spouse this time definitely got spouse
Starting point is 00:13:42 they said the waitress was saying that when we ordered this, she's like, we don't, like, this is the first time we're doing this new menu, and she went back and put in, like, the order and everything, and then came back and was like, just so you guys know, it's going to be a little bit,
Starting point is 00:13:55 because no one who closed last night did anything that we needed them to do with this new menu to prepare it so that we could fix it for you today. So, it's going to be a little bit. And it was like, oh, I mean, it's steak and chicken. So I figured it was going to be a little bit anyway. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:13 Okay. But the first thing was the drink that was throwing them because, yeah. This is the hot honey Rita, which is their margarita with the hot honey, I guess, in it. And they took a while to make. And they also came out slow. Well, they came out staggered. Two at a time.
Starting point is 00:14:30 Two at a time. Two, two, and then one. Yeah. So Gracie and Nick got one first. Well, here's the thing. I think Gracie and Michael got one first. And Michael went, just give it to fucking him. He wants it.
Starting point is 00:14:40 He said he wants it the most. And he went, and he went. And then started sucking it down. He went, oh, I would never. Oh, no. Don he wants it the most. And he went, and he went, and then started sucking it down. He went, oh, I would never. Oh, no. Don't give it to me. He drank the whole thing. He made some feigned attempt.
Starting point is 00:14:51 Yeah. He slurped it down. Drank the whole thing. Licking the bottom of the glass. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Like a fucking anteater. But then they, uh, they started coming out and they were, it like wasn't a bad drink,
Starting point is 00:15:00 but. I know. It was pretty good. Not too spicy. Very, very sweet. And then the bartender came over and he went hey i've never made this before was that good right right but again it wasn't like he just came out and went was it was it awful was it good you know and it's like how did it turn
Starting point is 00:15:17 out i don't want to make it like that again if it was not yeah i made it five times and i was fucking around um Thoughts? I'll be honest they didn't send us any ingredients I've just been putting shit in Did it taste like it should? It seemed like it was right though Look we got plenty of time to get into the food But we can talk about the drink because
Starting point is 00:15:36 I don't know that it tasted like a margarita But boy I didn't really want a margarita At 11.30am It didn't seem margarita-y, but I was glad about that. I didn't really want a margarita. At 11.30 a.m.? It didn't seem margarita-y at all in any way. Except there was shit on the rim. Which was cinnamon sugar. Which I'm fine with.
Starting point is 00:15:53 Yeah. Because I usually get sugar in my margaritas anyway. Oh, nice. But then, tummy. Yeah. Too much sugar. Tough. This was a very sweet drink.
Starting point is 00:16:01 A very sweet margarita. But not sweet in a way where it's like, this tastes like triple sec. Yeah. Or this tastes like sweet, like sour mix. It doesn't get not sweet in a way where it's like this tastes like triple sec. Yeah. Or this tastes like sweet, like sour mix. It doesn't get in like the ends of your tongue or in the corners of your jaw. It was sweet like honey. And linger. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:12 It was. It was nice. And it just had a little bit of spice. Like the first drink I took was like, whoa, that's pretty strong. I think I could. And then it got more mild after that. I think I could drink 100 of them without stopping. I don't think you should.
Starting point is 00:16:24 I don't think I should either, but that is how it tasted. It was easy, easy, easy to drink. I'm not a... I'm very limited in my spice, right? I like spicy chicken sandwiches. My favorite thing. I feel like it's
Starting point is 00:16:38 the perfect blend of the meat. If it's good chicken, the meat is sort of absorbing some of the spice or at least you're you got the breading and all the meat and you're not like burning if it's just seasoned right but so many times spice is like and put a jalapeno
Starting point is 00:16:54 on it and it's just a concentrated bite of a spicy thing not overall spicy and I feel like a lot of drinks are like that where it's like you got a perfectly blended drink and then we put hot shit in it and it's kind of like, oh. And everything's spicy now. This had the fear of that.
Starting point is 00:17:09 Like Jordan said, you take one sip and you're like, oh, that's hot. And then it's immediately gone. Yeah. Like gone. Not even lingering. And you're like, oh. So it actually works as a flavor. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:17:17 Right? I feel like it's there and it's gone. You're not going, fuck, now my mouth's hot. Yeah, it's not a punishment. It's a flavor. Yeah. It was nice it uh i would not drink 100 of them though i like the way that he didn't say he would he said he
Starting point is 00:17:30 could i said i will and i will uh the way that people like you know you get like refills on soda when you're at a restaurant i don't really drink soda but if they had refills on that thing fucking well i mean they do have refills we, yeah, we'll just gotta pay for them. We'll get annihilated. He wooed and thumbs up. We should go back. We're not going, we just left. My 99 more,
Starting point is 00:17:51 99 more. Do we have to, hey, let me ask you this. What are we gonna do for Spittin' Silly? Can we call it Outback again?
Starting point is 00:18:00 Back out. We're back. Hey, we're back to tell you, you made those drinks terribly. More please. Oh, man. We all have the power to shape the world. We're connected to the world we share. To each other.
Starting point is 00:18:20 I am future. I wait in the world of Echo. Discover the extraordinary with Echo, the spectacular new show by Cirque du Soleil. Now playing under the big top at Toronto Lakeshore Boulevard West. The world is yours to create. Tickets at CirqueDuSoleil.com. Echo thanks its presenting partners Sun Life and its official partners Air Canada and MasterCard. There was a lot to this menu. We'll get into the menu and all that stuff
Starting point is 00:18:46 but I think Jordan's prepared a haiku for this episode. Searing summer heat while Australia winters. Got the wrong menu. Which was great because even the
Starting point is 00:19:02 waitress said it's so much hot stuff, which tastes good, but why in the middle of summer? And then I replied, it's winter in Australia. Yep, and I think that she, you've helped her with this whole menu run. She loves that. Because that is what is going to happen.
Starting point is 00:19:19 She'd be like, it's sweet heat season down in Australia where it's winter, so we're bringing it to you. I feel like, again, going back to the caliber of these employees, they'll never pitch that, but that'll be their answer when asked. Yes. You know what I mean? Oh, because it's winter and she's like, thank God.
Starting point is 00:19:37 It's just an out of that conversation. And people go, wow! Wow, she's right! Very weird Why is it winter there Very The idea of doing like a sweet Like a hot honey
Starting point is 00:19:52 Like in summer of 2023 It seems a little late to the party You are very late to this party It's only fucking 99 today No I didn't mean that it's like It's hot outside Wasn't hot honey a thing like two's hot outside. I mean, like, wasn't hot honey a thing like two years ago?
Starting point is 00:20:08 Yeah, but this is hotter honey. If we're getting hotter, the honey's getting hotter. That's just logic. Oh! Like a climate thing. They're trying to bank on the 105 degree weather with intense hot honey. They're gonna call
Starting point is 00:20:24 it volcano hot. Wow. And Taco Bell's going to sue them. No! Do you see Taco Bell got the Taco Tuesday thing? Oh, yeah. Yeah, they won. Yeah, what a fucking surprise. The conglomerate. Wow, hey, guys, what a win for the little guy. Good for them, dude. They invented tacos. They have the right.
Starting point is 00:20:42 Guys, it should be for everyone, specifically us. Yeah. I can't wait for for everyone, specifically us. I can't wait for Taco Bell to trademark it. I can't wait for the trademark and then us to do that episode. We absolutely are going to. Taco Bell, Taco Tuesday, trademark menu. We have to, whether we like it or not.
Starting point is 00:20:58 They'll probably offer a variety of tacos in some form. On Tuesday. It'd be great. I want to say, that's the new thing, the volcano thing, the thing they brought back that we've been going on Tuesday. Chicken, maybe. It'd be great. Maybe. I want to say, that's the new thing, the volcano thing, the thing they brought back that these guys have been going on about.
Starting point is 00:21:09 It's terrible. What? It's just shit. It sucks. Oh, the thing where Paris Hilton's pushing it everywhere? Paris Hilton's doing
Starting point is 00:21:15 volcano stuff? I just keep seeing her talk about it. It's their normal nacho cheese and they just put shit in it. I mean, we live in,
Starting point is 00:21:23 especially Nick, we live in Texas where real queso is made. And this is movie theater machine nacho cheese. And they just put a hot sauce in it. And he's like, God, thank God. God, my life was so miserable
Starting point is 00:21:37 without it. So unenriched with my wife and child. It's like getting fresh meats and cheeses at a delicatessen, but being like, but this Kraft single has a Kraft single with a hot thing in it. They put drop of hot sauce on it. I mean, don't get me wrong. The Kraft single is what I know.
Starting point is 00:21:54 Don't get me wrong. I absorbed it. I wasn't going to not. Right, of course. But I'm just saying. But you're not excited about it. There's many things I'll have to immediately draw something to it. Hang on. You can order
Starting point is 00:22:05 sauce on the side for a dollar. Okay. Doesn't change anything about what I'm saying. Absolutely not. That doesn't change the quality of it. Nothing. But in Nick's mind, that made it really good. You're not listening. It's one dollar.
Starting point is 00:22:22 Right. You'd be stupid not to, Michael. You'd be stupid not to Michael You'd be stupid not to Mexican pizza's back It's like oh that's a whole thing I didn't have it it's a whole thing This is like the non-joe cheese sauce Scrunch wrap Let's learn about Outback Steakhouse
Starting point is 00:22:39 Our previous Outback Steakhouse Episode was released December 7th, 2021 Where we ate the Espresso Butter Steak It received an average score of 59 There was some chortles back there I remember that one I remember that one was like a very low score for me
Starting point is 00:22:57 Yeah So 59 is pretty high Yeah Was it? Do you remember the It was a little too high I don't remember it at all Come on Do you remember the Es It was a little too high. I don't remember it at all. Come on.
Starting point is 00:23:05 Do you remember the espresso butter steak? Like... No. It was just a steak with butter on top. I remember eating it outside because it was the COVID times, and I remember it having no flavor. We ate it inside. We ate it at the restaurant.
Starting point is 00:23:18 You're talking about... Yeah, outside, inside. You're talking about the previous one, which was the short rib. Oh, you're right. The last time we went to Outback, we ate there and it was cat or gun. It's December 7th. Hey, man, it all blurs together. I just keep saying let's go back to his car.
Starting point is 00:23:36 Yeah, the top of it. I don't want, no. So yeah, 59 was not the one that I did love. So maybe you mildly enjoyed this one. Maybe that one was like a 30. All right. In 2016, Outback Steak was forced to pay employees $3 million. Steak what?
Starting point is 00:23:56 To settle a class action lawsuit where employees were asked to, quote, donate unpaid hours to the company in a practice referred to as Outback time. What? If the sauce monkey approaches you for a similar practice that he refers to as monkey time, contact the authorities and God himself. Herself, please. I wrote herself and I went, no,
Starting point is 00:24:18 I have to give Jordan an opportunity to say it. Did you also write Outback State? I wrote Outback State. Yeah. God can't save you, he says. I will say. Oh, my God. Hang on.
Starting point is 00:24:31 Oh, no. Gotta take a picture of that one. Yeah, that's a real out of context one. Awesome. The fact that they're in context is what makes them funnier. He could just write anything all willy-nilly, but I don't think we should let that pass. What are the employees supposed to get out of Outback Time in this scenario? What's the follow-up there?
Starting point is 00:24:50 They're donating to who? The company. But they're not even going to veil it as something? Obviously, that's the end result. The end result is you don't get paid, and the company likes that. Two thumbs up. Yes. What do they get out of it?
Starting point is 00:25:02 How are they being enticed to do this? I think if you're— calling it outback time i think if you're if you don't donate to outback time we're gonna take you out and it will be your time i think you're like 17 with a hole in the ground i think if you're 17 there is a fear of getting taken out back to outback time and then it turning into monkey time. And like, it's not, and then you got to call God him or herself. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:28 Yeah. I just think that, I think that it's probably people getting tricked by managers. Like it's not like out back steakhouse is saying, Hey, do this. I think it's managers who are so dumb going like, right,
Starting point is 00:25:41 just do it for free. And right. Well, they're probably also being handed down a mandate as well. So it's good. It's just, it's like I said, right, just do it for free. Right. Well, they're probably also being handed down a mandate as well. So it's just, it's like I said, man, it always goes straight to the top. I don't know. I don't know where the top is. It's Eric here.
Starting point is 00:25:55 Everything's his fault. Jordan keeps talking about how he's sure there's a top and it's going to the top. I just don't know where the top is yet. He's not. Nope. Don't point at me. Yeah. If this is the top, it's going to the top i just don't know where the top is yet he's not nope don't point at me yeah if this is the top it's oh it's not good if it's the top we're short yeah yeah for real normal regular size not normal uh in 2009 which i guess existed at some point outback steakhouse was forced to pay $19 million due to gender bias that
Starting point is 00:26:27 did not allow women the same opportunities as men to elevate their position. The suit also forced the company to employ a human resources executive, which they named the vice president of people, a term used loosely based on the caliber of people working at the steakhouse. Also
Starting point is 00:26:43 a term used loosely. Well, they could have gone vice president of mutants. I think that's... We're the people team. You look around, you go, people, huh? Do you think Pence would fit in there? Do you think he would just kind of be there? Not in the front row,
Starting point is 00:27:06 maybe not even in the second row, but there. He's a person. Uh-huh. This is also another, I don't remember if this is a conversation in the car or not. It was.
Starting point is 00:27:13 Oh, it was definitely on the way there. Yep. What's he doing? Talking about Pence and just going, what are you? We were talking about
Starting point is 00:27:19 the huge field of Republican candidates and then we remembered Mike Pence exists. But also, but also it came up as talking about Pence. Long pause and Eric going, they were gonna
Starting point is 00:27:29 hang him. That was the plan. And now he's back asking for their vote. And he's like, hey, vote for me. What? They were going, they had rope. They had it. There were people who were there and also the guy who
Starting point is 00:27:46 was president was like, if it happens. Mike Pence, that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make. And we also said that in that scenario, if they had done it, Mike Pence would then be dead
Starting point is 00:28:02 and Donald Trump would still not be president. So it would still not be president. So it would be all for nothing. I was talking about his head and his hair. And it's far from the worst. It's not like it's bad. It's just so plain. It's nothing.
Starting point is 00:28:19 His head looks like Cisco's head from the song when it's silver. And then Jordan was like, it looks like a Lego piece. Yeah, it does. Exactly. He could be a Lego guy. He's just some Lego guy.
Starting point is 00:28:32 He's a Lego man, yeah. He's just a Lego guy. He's a guy in a suit, but not the first or second guy in a suit. Just a guy in a suit. And then you said he'd be president in a movie. And I went, he wouldn't. And then I named everyone else be president in like a movie And I went he wouldn't And then I named everyone else That's been a president
Starting point is 00:28:48 And it's like they're a million times more of a person He would be vice president Because when have you ever seen a vice president In a movie So you don't see him at all That is so funny I love that He wouldn't even be president in a movie
Starting point is 00:29:03 Oh man yeah he's to get the votes. Yeah, dude. Way to go. He's not going to make it to the debate. He can't afford to. Anyway, now that I'm woke. In 2022, a lawsuit was brought against Outback Steakhouse. Declaring. How many of these are lawsuit-based?
Starting point is 00:29:19 This is the last one. Let's see how he gets out of the next one. Not being a lawsuit, but being real close. In 2022, a lawsuit was brought against Outback Steakhouse declaring that male managers are paid more than female managers for the same work. This vice president of people didn't do
Starting point is 00:29:35 fucking shit. Oh, no! Mike Pence! That's 13 years later! Mike Pence, everybody. Dude, I mean, again, I'm not you not even talk sides you want to know who was like an embodiment of a vice president Cheney he was out there shooting people in the face starting wars getting into it grappling I think that's more than he he's surpassed vice president duties in that regard, though. Like a vice president is someone you want, you know, just kind of doing stuff. I'm just saying.
Starting point is 00:30:11 He was going above and beyond in his role, I think. I think everyone knew that was going to happen. Right. And I think even he told George Bush that was going to happen. I mean, look at what it did. Who do you think gave him the pretzels? Wow. I told you, man. It goes all the way to the top. What? Who do you like? Look at what it did. Who do you think gave him the pretzels? Wow. Wow. I told you, man.
Starting point is 00:30:25 It goes all the way to the top. Who do you, like, look at what it did for Joe Biden. He put on sunglasses and now he's president. It's true. Because no one gave a fuck about that guy. And then he was vice president. He put on sunglasses and he said. Dark Brandon.
Starting point is 00:30:41 Dark Brandon strikes again. Dude, the dark Brandon shit is so fucking... It's like so insane. Honestly, I don't use this term lightly. It's cringe. I see it and I go, come on, guys. It's Joe Biden. Dark Brandon.
Starting point is 00:31:03 What are we doing? Fucking got him again. Take that, corn pot. Okay, this is the last one. Last fact. That's not a lawsuit. Not a lawsuit. In 2018, an electrical contractor's van crashed through an Outback kitchen.
Starting point is 00:31:18 Kapow! Injuring five workers. When questioned, the driver of the van changed his story several times, stating first that there was a mechanical issue, then recanting and saying he lost consciousness. We at Face Jam can't confirm what really happened, but our inside sources, Nick, said that the driver was, quote, fiending and going nutso for a blooming onion, end quote.
Starting point is 00:31:39 Crikey. Again, this guy talking about the onion. He doesn't give a shit about Outback and Outback Man. He loves it. That's all he talks about. He knows one thing. I'm a train. So we're going to get the onion, right? I'm just going to put that out of the way. We're going to about the onion. He doesn't give a shit about Outback and Outback Man. He loves it. That's all he talks about. He knows one thing. I'm a trained- So we're gonna get the onion right? I'm just gonna put that out of the way. We're gonna get the onion. Let's just go ahead and get the onion out of the way. I know they're gonna want it. They won't stop talking about it! How long is it gonna take do you think? And then it comes out and he goes, alright we all have it and he like brings it closer to him and just starts eating it.
Starting point is 00:32:00 I could be wrong, but I think I watched the point at which Gracie was going to take another one, realized how much she had eaten, and was just like, what am I doing? And stopped. I was there and kept going. And I went, oh, she tapped out. That was another thing, too. They were so goddamn good.
Starting point is 00:32:17 Our server was like, do you want me to hold the bread? Because then it's like, you know, that's a lot of food. And I go, if you give us bread, we will eat it. Yeah, definitely don't bring us bread. Do us a favor and don't do it. I would have eaten so much of it. I didn't know it was
Starting point is 00:32:33 an option. Yeah. I didn't know we could withhold it. Their bread is so good, too. It's so good. It's always warm, too. And they give you like a giant fucking slab of like creamy butter. Oh, it's so good. I will say I was a little upset when y'all turned it down. That's the whole reason. I just nodded along and I was like, we're good.
Starting point is 00:32:52 It's okay. So was Nick, but he wasn't going to say anything. Don't worry about it. Sounds like Nick's going back later if you want to go back and get the bread. Is he going to tell his wife, you know what would be good for dinner tonight? We'll get another hot honey burrito. Oh, yeah, absolutely. Gracie Bingham did such a good job.
Starting point is 00:33:06 We should take her out to dinner. They're going to go, oh, what have we got? Gracie's here. Oh, wow. Oh, come on. Oh, yeah, let's sit together. Yeah, yeah. The Bloomin' Onion came out, and Michael, I think, grabbed a piece,
Starting point is 00:33:20 and he went, this has to be so good for you. It's got plenty of nutrition. I mean, dude, it be so good for you. It's got plenty of nutrition in it. I mean, dude, it was so fried and just greasy. And covered in horseradish, and it was delicious. It was so good. It was so good. Dude, I fucking love onions, man.
Starting point is 00:33:35 Oh, yeah. I love onions. It was, like, that's the thing you have to get. The trained bloomologist in the back is working hard. There was a lot of bloom talk. I started eating, and I said, I feel like I'm wilting. Eric has such high regard and respect for the Bloomologist. He really does.
Starting point is 00:33:55 Well, I mean, they had to go to school. They got to get a PhD to get that ologist on the end. Here, you ready for a social clip? Hey, what's the thin line flag for the Bloomologist that I can wake up and salute every day? It has to be that brown color, right? It's just like a black and white flag and then one thin line. Eric, it's whatever you want. Whatever you design.
Starting point is 00:34:22 What are you talking about? Wake up. Salute. Salute the workers. whatever you want whatever you design what are you talking about right now is what salute salute the workers not even tangible enough to meet you halfway michael solas no i know what he's saying i don't know how we're gonna add to this the thin line i think is the the if you took a high resolution photo bottom one if you take a high resolution photo of uh like blooming onion and really zoom in and it just fills the line with like the crispy greasiness that's the flag that i would wake up and salute okay yeah though that's they're braver they're braver than every cop i've ever met the bloomologist do you think a cop could do
Starting point is 00:35:04 do you think a cop could make a blooming onion? I don't. But I think a Bloomologist could patrol the streets. Well, yeah, the Bloomologists actually go to school. Yeah, but then who's going to be out there blooming? Keep them in the kitchen where they're trained making magic You're right. Oh, yeah, just got that you gonna you working on that flag
Starting point is 00:35:34 Shop that up. Yeah, maybe you could get the guy that printed Nick his sticker is to me Do we ever talk about that even? I don't think so. We talked about it on the RTX episode. Because he was handing them out like, you know. Well, the RTX episode was spitting silly. It's true. Right. So if you haven't listened to that.
Starting point is 00:35:55 Those streams don't cross. Yeah. So we can talk about it here. I'm just saying, there were stickers at RTX for brands and that like I didn't know about and then I was like whoa My name's on a sticker. Yeah, Nick Michael Nick had his own that a friend of his made for him that he would bring in a sandwich baggie and then hand to People and say the first one's free And it was just a sticker of his monkey head
Starting point is 00:36:19 He would say he came with yeah, and then he kept and he came with if he came with a grackle sticker at some point Do that grackle sticker was awesome. He might be able to make you that flag is all I'm saying. Oh, cool. If you can dream it, his friend can make it. We're going to get so many Photoshop's of the American flag. I'm fine. Brown stripes.
Starting point is 00:36:41 Yeah, and I'll salute every single one of them. I think it's great. I'm a big fan of Bloomin' Onions. I'm going to read about the menu now. We know. We fucking know. All right, let's read about all the other foods we didn't get, but you could get if you go here.
Starting point is 00:36:55 One of the things we didn't get was the hot honey fried shrimp, hand-breaded shrimp in Bloomin' Onion spices. Surprise, we didn't get it. Cooked. Sorry. Cooked to golden perfection. He's making noises like, we didn't get it. Cooked to golden perfection. He's making noises like you said get whatever you want and then we all
Starting point is 00:37:09 just went for the steak. The same thing. He could have gotten this. We all put our paper down at the same time frustrated at Nick. He wanted it and he said but it didn't come with steak. He's just literally going but I wanted everything.
Starting point is 00:37:30 Handbreaded shrimp and bloomin' onion spices cooked to a golden perfection and served with a drizzle of hot honey and spicy bloom sauce. Finished with a topping of Fresno chilies and comes with hot honey on the side. That's it.
Starting point is 00:37:43 Oh, here come the rest. It's a big menu. That's it. Oh, here come the rest. Oh, boy. There's so many. It's a big menu. What's a Fresno chili? It's the thing we ate. The little chilies that were on it. No, those look like Thai chilies to me.
Starting point is 00:37:52 Whoa. I don't think they were Thai chilies. I mean, hey, I don't know what a Thai chili is. I don't know what a Fresno chili is, so I guess they could look alike. Grilled chicken and hot honey fried shrimp. We didn't get this either. Seasoned chicken breast grilled and coated in barbecue sauce and served with hot honey fried shrimp along with two choices of freshly made sides.
Starting point is 00:38:11 Why do the chicken and barbecue sauce? Yeah, that doesn't sound... You're already getting sweet with the fried shrimp. Why not do... That's just such a different tangy flavor. Why not do like an acidic chicken? You know, like a lime honey chicken or something? You know what I mean? But just like, yeah, we put barbecue sauce on it.
Starting point is 00:38:28 That fucking sucks. Do you work in a kitchen? That was awesome. Yeah, I'm a plumologist. This is all out of here. I mean, you're not. No, I'm just saying like, where's your ologies? Because it'd be great to be what was in there and what isn't. But you're not at the top making these hard decisions, okay?
Starting point is 00:38:44 Do we put barbecue sauce in there or not? You'd crack under pressure. You don't have what it takes. Eric starts sweating and goes, Outback time? Unpaid hours? Everyone clock out. Everyone clock out now.
Starting point is 00:39:00 Clock out and keep working! A sirloin and a hot honey fried chicken, center cut juicy sirloin in a hot honey fried chicken center cut juicy sirloin and a golden fried boneless chicken breast served with a quick uh quick drizzle of spicy bloom sauce and hot honey along with toppings of fresno chilies it is served with a choice of side and a steakhouse potato is everyone specifying like with sides. I'm pretty sure you'd get two sides with everything. Yeah, because it's not. We all got a potato though.
Starting point is 00:39:31 That's the one that we got. And we should talk about this for just a second. Not like all the food, whatever. What the fuck was up with that potato? Dude, all of them. All of the potatoes. Yeah, so we got that. And then we just got baked potato
Starting point is 00:39:45 And broccoli And all of us got that Because we all got it medium rare And we were all going to get the steak anyway And I got it out of convenience And it's what I was going to get Maybe I would have got a different side I didn't give a shit though
Starting point is 00:39:57 I didn't go oh shrimp And then order the same thing everyone else would But the fucking potato Was like half the size of my head. And it was every potato on the plate. Every potato was big. The way she shrugged it off and just kind of went, oh, they're kind of big today.
Starting point is 00:40:13 Oh, the potatoes are big today. The potatoes came in big. And I'm going, hang on, what the fuck are you talking about? And I just kept saying, this, like, this can't be good, right? This has got to be radiation. And the three of us, and I do mean the three of us who are sitting there, going, and Nick goes, he's like, it's fine.
Starting point is 00:40:29 He just literally just like, no. It's good. It's like three times the size a potato should be. What size, like, what would you equate it to? It was like... A fucking, like, almost a small gourd. Yeah, like a squash.
Starting point is 00:40:45 It was almost squash size. It was huge. It really was like half the size of a football. It was like. Yeah, you described it. It needed a tail and it could be a Nerf ball. It really was like, it was obscene. And I ate as much of it as I could.
Starting point is 00:41:03 And it still wasn't a lot of the potato. I also didn't like it. Well, yeah, there's nothing to it and it stayed hot the whole time. The cheese is fucking huge. The cheese never melted. No, the cheese and butter or whatever did not melt in the potato,
Starting point is 00:41:19 but the potato was so hot the whole time. I don't get it. It's also like, I prefer more of this shit. If I'm gonna get it, I like mashed potatoes. If I'm gonna get a baked potato, you gotta give me the butter and the sour cream. I don't get it. It's also like, I prefer more of this shit. If I'm gonna get it, I like mashed potatoes. If I'm gonna get a baked potato, you gotta give me the butter and the sour cream. Yes. Whopping on there. I like more, and the cheese,
Starting point is 00:41:31 I like more than usual anyway, because I'm a fiend. That had a fine amount for a normal fucking potato. Yes, I agree with that. So it was like this giant mountain, and within like three or four forks, I'm like, well, everything else is gone. It's just a potato now. I'm not eating this.
Starting point is 00:41:48 It's like a kickball. It was so... It was so fucking big. It really, like the amount of real estate it took up on the plate was like too much. I had like a nice amount Compared to an 8 ounce
Starting point is 00:42:06 steak. Yes. And I don't know how big the chicken was. The chicken was smaller than the steak. But I'm like, look at this! These are the protein like meat items and it's fucking towering over them. It should not have been. It made the steak and the chicken look so fucking small.
Starting point is 00:42:21 It did. It really did. It's not like they were big to begin with, but it was like a fine amount of food. Like, nothing was wrong with it. The potato just dwarfed it in a way where you're like, I feel like I might be getting ripped off right here. It looked like someone's batch at like a big food growing contest. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:38 These are my menstruators. Would they bring like a giant pumpkin? Yeah, the world's biggest pumpkin. It looked like maybe it wouldn't win but it'd be like an honorable mention it's like and then old Pete
Starting point is 00:42:48 made this that was a big old potato from Pete good job Pete he usually fucking sucks they were just it was it was unreal
Starting point is 00:42:55 it's absolutely worth mentioning if you go and get this if you're one of those weird jammers are your potatoes also big? yeah if you're one of those weird jammers
Starting point is 00:43:03 who like goes and gets this can you let us know the size of your potato? Take a quick potato pic and send it to us at FaceJamPod. My comparison was like, it looks like what made the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. It did, yes. They put the ooze on the potatoes. Which is great because it was the size of a small turtle.
Starting point is 00:43:18 It was. It was so big. I would say it was probably almost a small tortoise. It really was a small tortoise. Yeah. Because turtles can be tiny. They can. But this was small tortoise.
Starting point is 00:43:28 I don't want to. She's finding Nemo. No matter what we've done here today, I don't want to undersell the size of these potatoes. Not just one. Every one of them. All of them. All of them. Something's wrong.
Starting point is 00:43:37 Something's wrong. Enough that it made the waitress remark about the size of the potato. And she called me out. Someone told her, like, you gotta bring it up before they do, but then just play it off cool. Yeah, yeah, yeah, say it's fine. It's fine, it's fine, it's fine. Like, would you take these out? Just play it off.
Starting point is 00:43:54 I kept chewing them, they're so big, and I was like, am I sharing microchips? Yeah. Because it turns out they're not that small, so they just needed a giant fucking potato to put them in. She kept saying, no, those are bacon bits. Jordan, let's keep learning about the food.
Starting point is 00:44:08 There's still so much. Yep. I forgot. Filet and snow crab. Half pound snow crab legs served with a six ounce beef filet and your choice of
Starting point is 00:44:16 steakhouse potato and a side. Also available with a full pound of snow crab legs in two sides. So ditch the steak and go full on crab. Nick, is that something you wanted to get?
Starting point is 00:44:25 Yeah. Jesus. Did you also want this? The wedge salad? A wedge of iceberg lettuce with toppings of red onions, bacon, homemade blue cheese dressing. And tomatoes served with a quick drizzle of balsamic glaze. I will say that the wedge salad is part
Starting point is 00:44:42 of this new menu, but they had like separate like flair for it on their website and stuff where it's like, check it out. It's the hot honey season menu, whatever. And then the next thing would go and it'd be like, and our wedge salad is back. And it's like, who the fuck? Whoa.
Starting point is 00:44:57 Who, who? Kind of just getting lumped in with this. Yeah. Like mom can eat a steak too. She doesn't have to get a wedge salad. Like, come on. What the fuck? Tim Tam Sundae.
Starting point is 00:45:07 Yeah. Vanilla ice cream coated in crumbles of Tim Tam cookies and served with a drizzle of caramel and chocolate sauce. Comes with toppings of whipped cream, honey caramel popcorn, and Tim Tam cookies. I will say, this is almost what we got. Yeah, no mention of strawberries in this. Strawberries anywhere in that. There were so many. And our thing had a lot of strawberries. Strawberries? Anywhere in that. There were so many.
Starting point is 00:45:27 And our thing had a lot of strawberries. It did, yeah. We were also aware we weren't going to get this. I had to clarify over and over. Not the other one. Day one, you wound up with some extra strawberries. Okay? They're working out the kinks.
Starting point is 00:45:40 But I just don't know where the guy was looking where it said strawberries. You don't have his material. Maybe there was nothing. He's just free't know where the guy was looking where it said strawberries. You don't have his material. Maybe there was nothing. He's just freewheeling it. Maybe, dude. He said throw a fucking Tim Tam on top of the ice cream. The Tim Tam sundae is what I was most excited about because I love those cookies and I
Starting point is 00:45:55 was only ready to be disappointed. Yeah. But I thought it was pretty good. Yeah. The idea that they put caramel popcorn on the sundae is the craziest fucking thing. And it just is the worst part of it. It is. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:46:08 I was like, I avoided it with the first bite, and then I went in for it, and it's just, it's soggy. It's just all the popcorn. I tried to just do one bite, so I got a massive spoon. I dug around for like nine seconds before I pulled the spoon out, and I think I got it all. And the caramel popcorn definitely stands out amongst the textures.
Starting point is 00:46:27 For what reason, I don't know. Yeah. Just to stand out. There's nothing Australian about it, you know? It was very weird. Nick went for a bite
Starting point is 00:46:34 and he got nothing but whipped cream. Oh, his first bite. I think I missed the ice cream. Yeah, he just kept going, whipped cream. And finally, the last one. The hot honey Rita.
Starting point is 00:46:47 Three citrus juices with hot honey Cointreau Cointreau And Sousa Sousa gold tequila Served along with a Cinnamon sugar rim You got the help
Starting point is 00:47:02 Michael helped too Served along really through me It's like what? It's right next to the cinnamon rim It served along with They needed one more word I want to know what the citrus juices were Well guess what they don't want you to know
Starting point is 00:47:17 That's why there was three of them get out That's all you need to know These are citrus That's what took so long he had to figure out the right balance of all three So we talked about this already But man It hit me quick And I got tired
Starting point is 00:47:29 Oh yeah From the Just like The Rita Cause we We waited a bit Like you said The Rita's came out
Starting point is 00:47:35 And the food came out And I just like Got it out of the way Yeah Slurped it down And I was like A little bit sleepy I was a little bit
Starting point is 00:47:44 A little bit Falling asleep Yep It's a A little bit of. I was a little bit falling asleep. Yep. It's a little bit of a punch to them. I'm telling you a hundred might be too many. No. You'll be sleeping
Starting point is 00:47:51 after three. You'll be sleeping forever after four or five. Little guy, tiny guy like that. Normal size man. When you make a margarita
Starting point is 00:48:02 and use Cointreau instead of like triple sec. Now we're talking. It's just it's a stronger proof Cointreauita and use Cointreau instead of like triple sec now we're talking it's just it's a it's a stronger proof
Starting point is 00:48:07 Cointreau alcohol Cointreau yeah Cointreau it's a stronger I've never seen that word before really yeah
Starting point is 00:48:13 and it's not like one of those words like hyperbole where it's like oh I've read it but I've just not heard it pronounced first time I'm hearing this I can't imagine
Starting point is 00:48:22 that you're reading a lot of stuff that says Cointreau in it that would be cool though where's the Q though what's you're reading a lot of stuff that says Cointreau in it. That would be cool, though. Where's the Q, though? What's up with that? Yeah. Why does it look like Cointreau?
Starting point is 00:48:29 Yeah. That's a great question. I don't know. It looks like coin and then Justin Trudeau's name. Like they didn't finish Justin Trudeau's name. That's what happened. Anywho, here's the press material. It's way shorter than everything.
Starting point is 00:48:41 Yeah, it is. You can just blow right through this. I couldn't do two. We're excited to offer guests a diverse menu that complements the summer season says becky boyd director of menu innovation and strategy at bloomin brands yep oh boy given outback's signature bold flavors the swicy trend is a natural fit for us and appeals to all our guests because of its balanced flavor profile. Now, is this actually about the food we ate?
Starting point is 00:49:10 Yes. They don't mention it by name. No, but Swayze is what you're getting. So they kind of blew up the whole it's winter in Australia strategy. Yeah, yeah. But also, I don't think they're using. It compliments it. No, it doesn't.
Starting point is 00:49:22 Yeah, I don't think they're using that term correctly because it only adds to it. It does not compliment it. You know when you got chocolate and you get more chocolate? Right. What a beautiful compliment. Oh, this chocolate really compliments the chocolate.
Starting point is 00:49:33 Hey, you hot as fuck? Here's some fire. What does that do for you? I don't think they really know what they're doing. And that's Outback. It felt like a bit of an excursion today. Today was a... And that's That's Outback It was It felt like a bit of an excursion today Today was
Starting point is 00:49:48 It's also the start of a long day It was a high energy one Yeah It grew out Yeah Except for the short time I got sleepy Right But then I bounced back
Starting point is 00:49:57 Well the roundabout really brought you back Your level's back up I mean Screaming in a car Fortunately we took our time So it was I got through that That's true
Starting point is 00:50:04 And then you know We had some 40,000 grams of sugar at the end One spoonful No, I mean, fortunately, we took our time. So it was, I got through that. And then, you know, we had some 40,000 grams of sugar at the end. One spoonful. Oh, ice cream and whipped cream. You only have one bite, though, so you're fine. Yeah, I'm good. Oh, caramel popcorn in there, too. I see.
Starting point is 00:50:19 One bite. Uh-huh. Normal, normal. What did you guys think of the food? So this is our third trip here. Yes. And I got to say, it's probably the best one. Wow.
Starting point is 00:50:34 I think it's the... Nick is applauding. I'm just letting you know. Which means nothing. Yeah. Right, yeah. He's always doing that. Yeah, yeah. That's true.
Starting point is 00:50:42 We've had some duds on Outback outback so i was uh i was uh pleased and pleasantly surprised and um thought the thought the chicken was good and the uh the steak usually my problem with steaks at restaurants is they just it's meat and they don't season it or anything mine was like seared weirdly like it had like a black a black crust on it but you know what it didn't really affect it that much i think it still tasted good and um baked potato aside and stuff i don't think it needed to be hot honey but uh it was fine you know uh no real complaints i like the the rita as well so i'm gonna give it a 76. Wow. It's very high.
Starting point is 00:51:26 Wow, that is an outback steakhouse. Yeah, I was thinking, I thought we were getting a patented Jordan 62 right there, which is, I mean, like a B plus when Jordan gives a score. Who knows what the shrimp tastes like? Yeah, Nick doesn't. Could have plummeted it. Yeah, could have been terrible. Nick will let us know after he has it.
Starting point is 00:51:45 We'll get an 11.30 p.m. text message. Shrimp was good. And him clapping. Yeah. What do you think, Michael? I have to pretty much agree. You know, of the monster that I am and the garbage I enjoy, I do also enjoy some high-quality steaks.
Starting point is 00:52:02 I'm a steak person. It's true. You treat yourself. I treat myself. Now, the steak, it's's true. You treat yourself. I treat myself. Now this steak, it's not that and will never be that. If you're going to Outback Steakhouse. Two dollars to get two more ounces. Two dollars to get two more. You'd be a full not to. Suspicious honestly.
Starting point is 00:52:15 But if you set your standards, if you know you're going to Outback, I mean this was right in there with it was cooked well. That's more of a case by case basis. But it was prepared well. Like mean, that's more of a case-by-case basis, but it was prepared well. Like you said, everything was seasoned. I thought the shit they added complimented it, at least as far as the hot honey and stuff.
Starting point is 00:52:33 It made sense. It wasn't one of those, why is this here? It makes sense on the chicken for sure. Now, they do give you the little side of honey. True, they give you the side. Gracie and I did try one bite with the steak just to see if we could incorporate it into the theme. It did not work.
Starting point is 00:52:45 I ate it with everything. I just sucked it down. You did some broccoli honey? Honestly, that chicken, I mean, it was all pretty good. The chicken was really good. Yeah, I was impressed by it. I think the chicken was probably better than the steak if, like, you're going to order one or the other. The Fresno chilies are also really spicy.
Starting point is 00:53:01 I avoided one, and then I saved the other one for the last bite, and spiciest bite by far. I'm going to have to say, and I already said the drink, I'm not going to order spicy drinks, but that was probably the best spicy drink I've ever had, where I went, oh, this actually tastes good, and it's not just real hot. I'm going to have to give it 84.
Starting point is 00:53:22 Wow. That's pretty good. That's an average score of 80. That is 80. Dang. That's pretty high. 4 out of 5? I mean, again, we're talking about Outback Steakhouse here. If there were some sort of scaling, it could be 100.
Starting point is 00:53:37 Depending on what you're comparing it to. There's definitely some sort of internal bias that is keeping it down. If you're listening to this and you factually know Outback is the nicest restaurant you will ever go to, this might as well be 100. Yeah. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:53:52 Grading on a curve in that way? Right. Grading on no better restaurant than Outback, unless Outback does better, I think it's the best you're going to get. If you live in a town where Outback is the best restaurant, this is 100. Go now. Go now.
Starting point is 00:54:04 Run. Don't walk. Try and all get the shrimp. It was about 20, I think it was like 26 bucks if you got the eight ounce with the chicken. And then the margarita is what? Another like 10.
Starting point is 00:54:16 And then the... It's expensive. Yeah. And then the blue onion, which you need to get. Thanks, man. Only 10, which is not that expensive. Only 10, $9.99.
Starting point is 00:54:24 And then the Tim Tam, I would say you could stay away from the Tim Tam dessert. Stay away? I don't think you need to get only 10 which is not that expensive only 10, $9.99 and then the Tim Tam I would say you could stay away from the Tim Tam dessert stay away? I don't think you need it I don't think you need it for five people here's the thing
Starting point is 00:54:31 for five people we didn't finish it and it's not like it's that big right it was just here's the other thing too I also refused to take more than one bite because it was five people
Starting point is 00:54:41 and I made that pretty clear I'd say you said I'm taking one bite definitely worth splitting then I started talking about COVID tests. Oh no, definitely split that.
Starting point is 00:54:48 I think the steak was really well seasoned. Yeah. It like was not bad. Surprisingly for me. It was medium rare? It was medium rare. It was.
Starting point is 00:54:56 It was. It was very small and very much a this is not It's the closest they can get to without saying it's dry. It wasn't dry.
Starting point is 00:55:03 No. And it had seasoning but I went... But it was almost dry and it almost didn't taste like anything. Walking that line. Again. It's an 80, but it's an Outback 80. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:55:14 Yeah, yeah. But I would never not just go to Rudy's. Yep. Yeah. It's right there. Frisky, please. Yes. Snack attack.
Starting point is 00:55:25 At Rudy's? I didn't know what to expect. Yes. Snack attack. Oh. At Rudy's? I didn't know what to expect from these. Oh, fuck. But they're one of my favorite chips now. Hope you guys enjoy it. From H. If they were from Australia, it'd be H.
Starting point is 00:55:38 Whoa. These are... Good ASMR. Honey butter chip. Whoa, what a pairing. Wow. So, we wanted to do a little honey, honey, honey kind of thing. Oh, butter, chip. Whoa, what a pairing. Wow. So, we wanted to do a little honey, honey, honey kind of thing. Uh, honey, honey. Don't say, we're going to get copyright.
Starting point is 00:55:51 See, like, that's like a pairing, not a compliment. Because we just ate honey. Right. We're pairing honey with more honey. We're not complimenting our honey with more honey. Right. I said it, and then I went, wait, is that what we just talked about? And then I feel pretty confident pairing was a proper word.
Starting point is 00:56:04 That's synergy, what he's done here. Yeah. Cheaps? Put them on my paper. You said cheaps, and I know you're talking about chips, but my brain thought peeps, and I looked at him and went, that's not peeps. Butter. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:18 Fucking butter. No kidding. Michael, I made... We made the same face. We both went... Tastes like a buttered pretzel Butter That's crazy Put this flavor on anything other than a chip, please Oh, it's just
Starting point is 00:56:34 I don't like it in the chip form It's like I'm just eating butter It's like you cut Butter into a chip Like a chip form factor And then you are simply eating it. It's not even honey. It's just butter.
Starting point is 00:56:48 There's no honey. No honey. It's all butter. That's the butteriest thing I've ever eaten. My tongue is coated in butter. What's making me almost a little bit repulsed isn't the chip. It's thinking that I'm eating a whole thing of butter. Yes, like just taking a bite of butter.
Starting point is 00:57:03 Yeah. Crunchy butter crutter. Okay, that was a Nick. Thank you, Nick. You guys want to eat some crutter chips? I'm going to get a picture. Yeah, I got a chip. It's so weird.
Starting point is 00:57:18 I don't want more. It's so strong. I'm going to try another one. It's like it's not bad, but like why is it a butter chip? Dude, the bag is, you got the classic chips. It's just like your classic, you know, yellow chip. Looks harmless. And then it's got, you know, your little honey stick.
Starting point is 00:57:34 There we love to have. And there's a bee going, hey, you need me. Don't kill me. Be healthy. And then there's giant fucking cuts, cubes of butter. Yeah. And I feel like that's just like We're not kidding around
Starting point is 00:57:46 If this is real there might also be a bee in the bag Oh buzz buzz This is literally how much butter we used Per chip It's strong One bee per chip and one stick of butter per chip It made 100% Made of 100% potato
Starting point is 00:58:03 Wow I think it's less potato now with the butter butter per chip. It made 100% made of 100% potato. Wow. I think it's less potato now with the butter. I really do think that they figured out a way to just cut butter off a block and feed it to you. It's crack-like. I'm eating it now because I'm being forced to. I have to stop. Right, forced to. He grabbed the bag.
Starting point is 00:58:19 Forced by my own biology. Weird. But it's just butter. I can see getting real sick of this about 10 chips in. Oh, yeah. Like, it's one of those things where... You gotta be a butter fiend. As I'm chewing it, I'm just like... It reminds me of the first time I tried alligator.
Starting point is 00:58:36 Oh, yeah. Where it's like, whoa, this is not that bad. And then you think about what it is you're actually eating. And you're like, I'm still chewing it. Oh, God, this is weird. So much thicker than it is. Yes. Very thick.
Starting point is 00:58:48 It's extremely thin and it feels, it's brain thick. Uh, I'm fine. I'm giving it like a 34. Don't like the experience. What you've done here. You've pulled it off.
Starting point is 00:59:00 If you're like, I need butter. I don't agree. You need honey. I mean, this is just butter chip. Okay. I mean, I will say, I'm with Jordan.
Starting point is 00:59:06 I'm just ignoring the honey part. You fucked that part up. You fucked that part up. Just say it's a butter chip, and then you made that exactly. Now, I don't want that, but there might be people that do. I'm going to give it 50, just right down the line. Sure. Far more has repulsed me.
Starting point is 00:59:20 42 is the average score. So strange. I can't imagine I would say if you got like 10 people, I would think more than half wouldn't like this. I would agree with that. I think you'd get 3 or 4 that would go, I like it. I also
Starting point is 00:59:35 like butter. Larry's gonna fucking go nuts for this. You gonna like butter chip? I think he's gonna love butter chip. I think Larry surprises us sometimes. He does sometimes. I think Larry looks like a gremlin I think he's going to love Butter Chip. I think Larry surprises us sometimes. He does sometimes. I think Larry looks like a gremlin, but he's got some standards. I've been surprised by
Starting point is 00:59:52 a take from him once or twice. I think he's just sometimes an odd gremlin out. Tyler Hazard is going to be incredulous about these. He won't like them. Now you're going through the whole list of them. No, that's all. You've begun. Who's next? He doesn't know
Starting point is 01:00:07 anyone else. No, no, that's fine. I'm just saying that last time they were the only two here. So, who can say? Who's here now? I think Sarah will like them. Sarah is almost never in that room. Yep. Hey, do you want to send us snacks? You can.
Starting point is 01:00:23 Send out snacks to face jam care of eric bedour 1901 east 54 austin texas 78723 thank you so much uh for sending these chips h these are weird chips uh he's in there sometimes hey uh cat trilogy update the coin is being minted we are we are the coin so we So we have a couple notes that are... I know what we said. Did we decide and someone not tell me or did we not decide? No, no.
Starting point is 01:00:51 We have a final decision to make, which we'll do right after this. I want to be clear. I know in like nine hours later, I said what Jordan said. But that was just to be succinct. And I totally understand. I totally understand.
Starting point is 01:01:01 So I hope you like it. FaceGem RTX leftovers are going on sale august 2nd i think all possible i think the only leftovers are some sunglasses that's it that's call them some glasses some glasses that's all that's going out we might have some more of the sound things but i don't think there's a lot left. Oh, man. I can't do it through the package. I have to open it. The sunglasses... Hey, guys, listen to this. Whoa, that sounded great! We'll put that sound on the next sound machine. You trying to
Starting point is 01:01:35 push the sound machine through the plastic. The sound machine! The sound machine! You can follow us at FaceJamPod to stay up to date on everything, on Twitter, on Instagram, also our YouTube channel, where we put clips and the episodes, I guess, if you're looking to listen on YouTube like a freak.
Starting point is 01:01:54 Spitting Silly will be back next week. You can email FaceChampod at RoosterTeeth.com with your food conundrums for food court. But that's it. That's all the news fit to print. I got some news worth printing. Okay. So we did the cat trilogy, right? Yeah. I'm just gonna maybe I'll manifest this
Starting point is 01:02:10 like that roundabout. Uh-huh. The Gracie Gazette. Wow! What's that segment? I don't know what that is. What show is it even in? Guess we gotta figure it out. Stay tuned. Someone else do it. Yeah. Alright, take us out.
Starting point is 01:02:27 Rate and subscribe and tell a friend about the show where we eat food and rate the food. Thanks for listening as always. Goodbye. Didn't even fuck around. Get out.

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