100% Eat - Shake Shack Korean-Style Fried Chicken Sandwich & Gochujang Fries

Episode Date: February 2, 2021

In this episode, Michael Jones and Jordan Cwierz eat and review Shake Shack Korean-Style Fried Chicken Sandwich & Gochujang Fries so you know if it's worth eating. They also talk about the Fazoli's Ex...perience, being the heroes of Wendy's, continual meat sticks, and more. Sponsored by DoorDash (DoorDash app, enter code FACEJAM) and Hawthorne (http://hawthorne.co and use code face jam) Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is a Rooster Teeth production. Welcome to Face Jam, the show where we try every new fast food creation to let you know if you need it, you probably do. Thanks to DoorDash and Hawthorne for making this show possible. I'm your host, Michael Jones, alongside my ever-present, always reliable, trusty co-host, Jordan Sweers. Jordan, how
Starting point is 00:00:36 are you? Why's everybody, what's with the giggles already? Why are you giggling over there? I'm good. I'm fine i guess i had like i was gonna like come in and be like yeah shaking and shacking and then like you were all weird and like when am i not weird when is it not weird i like that you said all of that like it was sarcastic like it was like oh by ever present, always ready. Yeah. Surely on time, co-host. I mean, you said it that way. I didn't say on time.
Starting point is 00:01:07 But also, it's true. I am always here. That's why I said it. Yeah. 100%. I don't joke. I don't make jokes. But it's how you said it, Michael.
Starting point is 00:01:19 Oh. And we're entering the phase where we've been doing this show long enough that I can pick up the stuff in your tone. These little digs you're getting at me. You know what it might have been? Your little condescending tone. Maybe. They're not little.
Starting point is 00:01:33 I do them big in a big way. I don't do anything half-assed, okay? Just look at my stomach. This is maybe what you're sensing. Let me throw this by you because I had a thought I had a bit of a crisis in the middle of this because somebody pointed this out
Starting point is 00:01:53 I think after the last episode came out and I absolutely agree but they pointed out the intro where I say to let you know if you need it you probably do and then they were like and then they hate everything that they have.
Starting point is 00:02:09 So as I read it, I thought about that, and I thought about changing it up, but I thought, no, we have to leave it. So there was a big struggle that happened in the span of a second. And I think that probably I just went, I can't touch this, but I can throw in the names before Jordan because I do that already. And so I think that's i just went i can't touch this but i can throw in the names before jordan because i do that already and so i think that's what that was like most marital strife it's coming from a deep rooted issue with you right not so much me okay absolutely that makes me feel better i mean i would actually say more the issue is, like, I had it, but it comes from you because you hate things more than I do.
Starting point is 00:02:47 Well, I'm not the one telling you what the probabilities are. Well, I mean, I really. You don't have to say that. I really. I'm not the one saying it either. I mean, he wrote it. I just happened to read it. It's really coming from the show, not really me.
Starting point is 00:03:01 It's coming from us. Oh, man. Yeah, we're all putting our names on this, aren't me. It's coming from us. Oh, man. We're all putting our names on this, aren't we? It's almost like we're a team, and this has been a team thing that we've been doing for over a year as a team. Yeah, but he used to edit as part of the team. That's true.
Starting point is 00:03:15 Now I don't know what Nick's thing is. Now, once again, he's on paternity leave, so he's not working, but I'm looking at him. Here he is. But I bought him a sandwich, and he's not working, but I'm looking at him. Here he is. But I bought him a sandwich and he ate the whole thing. He licked the sauce out of the cup and then he went, I'm not editing this. Nick made a big mistake last week too,
Starting point is 00:03:37 or last Fortnite, because our editor, Kelly, has to listen to the episode in order to edit it, and now she wants Nick to pay up. Yeah, she's wondering where her food is. It's fucked up. Now, does that mean we get a fifth meal, or Nick has to split it? I can't afford a fifth meal.
Starting point is 00:04:00 Yeah, I think he's got to split it. Because then we'll be over budget, and the show won't be good. Well, they have two people now. That's true. That's true. We've got two people doing the job of one person, mostly because Nick isn't doing it, just Kelly is. But we don't have the budget for that.
Starting point is 00:04:16 I mean, we do have the budget, but then we wouldn't be under budget. And that's the issue. Under budget equals success. Because that's the only reason this works is because he's on paternity, so this isn't directly affecting my budget. However, it is affecting the budget in terms of the show food. So, I mean, we are still under budget technically, but, you know, we're skirting a line.
Starting point is 00:04:37 All right. Well, we should skirt into what we ate today because we're reviewing the Shake Shack Korean-style fried chicken sandwich and gaochujang fries, which is really, they're just fries, but that's a sauce. Yes. They're regular fries and then a sauce on the side, yeah. But they're crinkle cut? Is that what they would be called? Yep.
Starting point is 00:05:00 Yep. Okay. Very crinkly. Very crinkly. Got it If you don't understand If that scares you And confuses you The fry is like
Starting point is 00:05:09 An open accordion That's what it looks like Yeah Don't you dare try to close it No I mean you can try But It won't work
Starting point is 00:05:17 It'll just kind of smash It'll get all smushed up And potatoes will come out Just like when you close an accordion Yep That's how Weird Al got his start man up and potatoes will come out just like when you close an accordion. That's how Weird Al got his start, man. Boom.
Starting point is 00:05:33 Shake Shack. So what do we know? I don't know if I've ever been there. Really? Ever? Well, that's why I asked when I got here. I was like, who are we? Where are we? What are we eating?
Starting point is 00:05:46 What are we doing? Why am I here? Yeah. And you both said, don't worry about it. Just eat it. And I went, okay. And then if you didn't actually answer me, I wouldn't have asked again. But then you did.
Starting point is 00:05:57 And you said it was Shake Shack. And I went, what's the other one people are always freaking out about in Austin? And you said, Hop Dottie? Not Daddy. Yeah. Dottie. I daddy yeah dotty daddy like so many other things that's why the line's so long it's nothing but orphans they're all just like will you be my new hop daddy it's a real hop on pop situation and then they go no but here's a burger for $30. Yeah, that you waited three hours in line for. So I've never been there.
Starting point is 00:06:30 And that's what I was thinking this was. I may have had Shake Shack, but if I have, it's in passing, someone bought it, said here's some food. I think it's easy to say I've never eaten it. Head to head, Hop Dottie versus Shake Shack? I think Shake Shack wins. Shake Shack's a much better burger hop dotty hop dotty's okay i think shake shack's okay
Starting point is 00:06:50 too but hop dotty the weight and like the price and there's like a weird arrogance about hop dotty where it's like this is gonna be worth it and then you eat it and you go no it wasn't i don't know i see i don't know if that's hop dotty or that's just the people who go there. Because that's what I've experienced is just people talking about it. Like, you've never been. Like, it's some big thing. And it was like, look, I live here. I'm not going to wait 30 minutes, let alone an hour or 90 minutes to eat a fucking cheeseburger.
Starting point is 00:07:23 That's insanity. let alone an hour or 90 minutes to eat a fucking cheeseburger. That's insanity. I'll wait a few hours to have Franklin's barbecue one time in my life, and I've already done that. I've already had it, and it's amazing. But again, I wouldn't go, you know what I'm going to do on Saturday? I'm going to spend four hours waiting in line for some biscuit.
Starting point is 00:07:43 There's this really weird thing in Austin where people, they draw a correlation between how long you have to wait for it to how good it is like yeah yeah franklin barbecue is very good barbecue and the legend of that grows because oh you have to get up super early and get in line and it takes like four hours down the street from franklin is a i would say better barbecue place which place never has a line. Micklewaite. Oh, yeah. I thought Micklewaite is the best barbecue in Austin, but that place never has a line.
Starting point is 00:08:12 There is a and I think that Nick was clapping for that. You were on a soapbox and Nick was going hurrah, hurrah! I laughed at him because he said it never has a like and then he corrected it. Line.
Starting point is 00:08:26 It was a line. Line? What's my line? Nick was already clapping. Yeah, but not exaggerating, though. It really is a three, four-hour wait at Franklin Barbecue. That's a real thing.
Starting point is 00:08:37 Yeah, I think that Austin just didn't have food for a long time. I think there just weren't, like, a ton of restaurants. How people... Just people out here just eating each other. Yeah, it was people just sort of, like, food for a long time. I think there just weren't a ton of restaurants. Just people out here just eating each other. Yeah, it was people just sort of like growing corn and then eating the corn right away. Man, I hope this corn grows a lot faster. I'm getting hungry.
Starting point is 00:08:56 I remember when I got offered the job to move out here. I thought it was weird at the end. They said, by the way, do you like corn? He just thought they meant the band yeah he spelled it wrong something takes a part of me I want to say I can't believe you never had Shake Shack
Starting point is 00:09:16 but thinking about it there's only two one is in the domain one is down south just like outside of downtown and it's really not that shocking that you didn't go to either one of those places to get a fucking cheeseburger. Michael's not the kind of guy to go do that. No, that seems like a thing that would be like
Starting point is 00:09:32 somebody else is going, do you want a cheeseburger from this place? I'll pick one up for you, yeah. Sure. Yeah. I get looks if I go to the domain. Like you don't belong here? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:47 You know. Yeah. Because I'm at the domain all the time being like, be on the lookout for this guy. Or people like him. Yeah, that makes sense. We have a very East Austin, Michael, and Domain Jordan vibe in this podcast. You know, it started as a... People, you know, we baited them in
Starting point is 00:10:09 with the whole food gimmick, but really it's about class. It's about class. This is a class warfare. Continuing from the last podcast, this is a class warfare podcast. I'm fighting up and he's fighting down. And by the end of it,
Starting point is 00:10:23 we're going to meet in the middle and just everyone else will be dead. And then. And it will be a socialist country once and for all. But also, we got all those. That's why we cater to the ghost audience. Win, win, win. Yep.
Starting point is 00:10:38 That's smart. That's fucking smart. See, you're three steps ahead. I respect that. I mean, and to lean into that concept a little bit more, not only have I been to Shake Shack, I went to Shake Shack the day it opened in Austin. Are you serious? Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:10:53 Yeah. Yep. Me and my friend Gus. How long was the line? It actually wasn't that long. It was actually raining that day, so not a lot of people ended up going. We waited maybe 30 minutes. That's not bad.
Starting point is 00:11:07 That's about how long you wait getting that shit in. I ordered online, and I waited 20. Think about that. Like, I mean, I went, and it's like, pick up. When you go to sleep at night. You take that to your fucking grave. You take that to your fucking, disrespect your surroundings. I put in an order for 12 o'clock pickup and I got there and I had to wait 20 fucking minutes for them to give you my like it wasn't done.
Starting point is 00:11:32 And it's like, oh, OK. Yeah, they usually take a while. You order and then they give you the buzzer and you go sit down for like 15 minutes. Yep. And then people around you, you see them get up and it's like I gotta be next and then sometimes somebody who ordered after you gets theirs first and it's like what is going on
Starting point is 00:11:51 I'm just gonna take that guy's food yeah it's a good idea you can be like the grackle of the restaurant I ordered before you your food is mine now this is a citizens uh seizing of your food yeah we got there
Starting point is 00:12:09 at the same time yeah i was looking for the word but that's it yeah see we're getting we're getting close to the middle i can tell you though this is what this is why we're still off from the middle though because we were talking i i very subtly because it's very subtle this podcast i mentioned the ghosts. And Jordan said, I'm going to lean into this. And then he started talking about Shake Shack or the domain. And I thought he was going to start talking about ghosts. Me too.
Starting point is 00:12:34 But he didn't. I was thinking about how Larry King is probably listening. That's what I was going to say. We're in the middle. I mean, again, that's literally what I was bringing up. Larry, rest in peace. Hey, you sit back. You listen to us now, okay?
Starting point is 00:12:50 I know you're up there. I know you're listening. Maybe this isn't the show that you want to listen to, but it's happening. I don't know any other show that caters to your demographic anymore. That's all I'm saying. I went to a Dodgers game once and saw Larry King, unsurprisingly. He's a lot taller in person than you expect him to be.
Starting point is 00:13:13 Yeah, he's like a big, tall, upper-body guy. But he's also much more hunchy. Yes. He's very hunchy. I like that the last thing anybody saw of Larry King before it was reported that he died was the guy from Community saying, Larry on duck tales yeah i was like i was thinking you know this probably isn't the luxury you wanted nope in the afterlife larry but then you got and now he's dead
Starting point is 00:13:38 sorry larry sorry larry i'm on face jam um going back to Going back to the story of eating at Shake Shack, the first time I had it, like I said, I was with my friend Gus, and he took a bite, and I'll never forget what he said, because it just lives rent-free in my head. Momentous. No, he took a bite and said, It just lives rent-free in my head. It's momentous. No, he took a bite and said, I'm sad now because I'll never have this for the first time again.
Starting point is 00:14:11 What the fuck? Now, is this just like in general or because he was that excited about Shake Shack? He loved it so much. He was like, this is the peak. That's what I'm saying. That's the people making It's all downhill from here. 90 minute wait. Yep.
Starting point is 00:14:26 They go there and they just decide, do you think he took a bite and thought, it's not really that good, but it's too late now. I'm just going to lean into it and just tell everyone it's the most amazing thing ever done. Because if it's not, I'm going to look like an idiot. I'll just act like they're fucking stupid and I'll just keep saying it's good. It might be a bit of an overreaction. I'll just keep saying it's good. It might be a bit of an overreaction. I'll give
Starting point is 00:14:48 you that. But I think it's a very good hamburger for the fast food type of establishment it is. I think it's top tier fast food burger. Yeah, definitely. And I like it a lot. And their fries are good too. Now, but here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:15:04 Have you ever had their chicken i have not because the only thing i get there is the hamburger because it's so good exactly never ventured outside of that so this was this was an interesting uh a little adventure yeah of trying something new from them it's exciting to finally get to eat some chicken on this podcast finally gonna be yeah that's what was saying. I've been waiting for a long time to finally get a piece of chicken on this fucking thing. I'm just glad that they had it. Oh.
Starting point is 00:15:31 It was really waiting for Eric to go up to the domain and be like, dang it, they don't have it at this one. I guess I'll go all the way down to South Lamar. Dude, I fucking ordered online and I'm like, if they don't have this fucking thing, I'm going to flip my fucking lid. There's not a McRib we can eat. I'll say, I don't know if you also saw the overwhelming response that there is, in fact, a DQ Texas app.
Starting point is 00:15:57 Yeah, I saw that afterwards. Specific just to Texas. I was joking, but I believe it. Yeah, somebody posted a picture like, can you believe he didn't download this thing you look at it next to the Dairy Queen app and it looks like it's going to hack your fucking phone it looks so fucking if you posted that
Starting point is 00:16:15 this is to that one specific person if you're the person who posted that and your attitude was can you believe he didn't download this you're out of your fucking mind. Like, I was going to download another Dairy Queen app that looked like a fake-ass scam app that was going to hack my phone. No
Starting point is 00:16:31 fucking way. Also, it wouldn't have mattered because we wouldn't have been able to order it from the fucking app since they didn't have the goddamn food! Maybe they had it on the Texas app. It's like a secret menu thing Maybe it was just on the app You know sometimes they have sales
Starting point is 00:16:49 You have to order through the app Uh huh That's probably one of those Sales on food that they actually have Versus selling food they do not have Yeah I agree Could have been Secret menu
Starting point is 00:16:58 Because even if you go there I don't know if you know this If you go there And you get to the drive-thru And say I'll have the Whatever the fuck they were Rotisserie chicken bites know if you know this if you go there and you get to the drive-thru and say i'll have the whatever the fuck they were rotisserie chicken bites uh and that guy goes what the heck it's a whole
Starting point is 00:17:12 different department that works on the app delivery so those guys probably know about the like they don't talk to each other it's a very michael jordan it's a very michael jordan relationship no no no no no no no no no no no no there's a very Michael Jordan relationship. There's three people. No, no, no, no. No, no, no. No, no, no. There's a whole other department. Just for the Texas app. That's why they made it. That's why they made it. It's like how you can go inside the Sonic. There's another way to get the rotisserie. The Texas
Starting point is 00:17:36 DQ app goes a layer deeper. Uh-huh. To give you food that you can't buy from a DQ in Texas? From the outer layer, yes. It's inner layer food. You're... We needed an inner layer level. You need to go to the Dairy Queen dungeons. The three people that were working
Starting point is 00:17:51 at the Dairy Queen I went to did not know what the rotisserie chicken bites were, but did give me the blizzard, but did not turn them upside down. Crazy. Oh, well, they turned them upside down at my Dairy Queen. Mine too. These had lids on them. That was the best.
Starting point is 00:18:08 I don't care about yours. Hey, Jordan, it's hotter here. Oh, you think it's hot? You should try living somewhere hotter. Yeah, you know what's hotter? The sun. Every fucking Twitter conversation. thought it was now now everybody understands the reason that i block and unblock all these fucking people
Starting point is 00:18:30 jesus christ this is just what that sounds like oh you're hot i'm hotter food podcast talking about food did we learn about shake shack did we not Let's learn about Shake Shack. Did we not? Let's learn about Shake Shack. Shack. I forgot what the name of the restaurant was in the song. Shake Shack Fayox. Um... Here we go. Although it got its start as part
Starting point is 00:19:00 of an art installation in New York, Shake Shack is big in the Middle East with 20 restaurants in places like Lebanon and UAE. The UAE. The UAE. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:14 Yeah. I just wanted to make sure you got that right because you said it funny the second time. Yeah, the UAE. Did I? I forgot the the and then I went back for it. The UAE? The UAE?
Starting point is 00:19:26 The UAE? It sounded like you had another letter. Let's not get hung up on this. Did I have another letter? What letter did you add? What letter would you add? I didn't add any letter. Listen, I said Shaiac.
Starting point is 00:19:40 Okay. But I'm pretty sure I got those three letters right. Could we go deeper into this art installation thing? Yeah. What does that mean? So in New York, there's a park where this got started. There was an art installation that they were doing over the summer called I Heart Taxi. I don't know what it was, but they originally served-
Starting point is 00:20:00 You got to live there to get it. Yeah. It's a I Heart Taxi. I Heart New York. Whatever. It originally sold hot dogs and was a big hit for its first summer so they brought it back the next summer when they did more art stuff and then
Starting point is 00:20:13 by the third summer they were like oh maybe we should do something with this and this guy who's a restaurateur in New York was like well I'll just, we'll make this spot a place where we sell these hot dogs and hamburgers. We'll call it Shake Shack. And that's how it got its start. It's a very on-brand, like, if, yeah, I mean, I believe this.
Starting point is 00:20:32 This is like, this makes perfect sense for what Shake Shack is. Also, they still sell hot dogs there, but I have never even bothered. Had one or had the information to get one? Yeah. I'm like, no, thank you. No, no thanks. What's a restaurateur? Restaurateur is a guy
Starting point is 00:20:47 who owns a lot of restaurants. I could call him a restaurant man, but the term is restaurateur. Does he go around with the food? No, he owns a lot of restaurants. I thought that was pretty clear when I said he owns a lot of restaurants. T-E-U-R.
Starting point is 00:21:02 Like entrepreneur, restaurateur. It's not a restaurateur. You're not getting shown around. Like the restaurateur begins at the front and then it takes you around. I thought it was a bigger thing. I thought I was like, oh, that'd be cool. That's cool. You just sit and post up.
Starting point is 00:21:22 Like if you post up and then a bunch of restaurants just come through. Uh-huh. Be cool. I mean, we post up in this lot every two weeks. If there was a restaurant tour that just swung through. It's true. We wouldn't have to do anything. Shake Shack spent more than $1 million experimenting on a new french fry recipe,
Starting point is 00:21:41 which everyone hated, and then they went back to frozen fries. Do you think they're making up for that money loss by charging $4.50 for a grilled cheese? What kind of cheese is it? Is it artisan? Regular artisan cheese? I mean, I think they probably just go, what do we put on these burgers? Put that in buns.
Starting point is 00:22:00 It's done. Idiot. And it's so fucking expensive to eat at this restaurant. Do you think they're that rude? yeah I think so they're from New York so they're probably pretty rude am I right? I'm grilling cheese over here I think that you took me back
Starting point is 00:22:16 to being adjacent like not there specifically but next to somewhere where someone would say that it was $60 to feed four people but next to somewhere where someone would say that. It was $60 to feed four people. What we got, what we ate in 10 minutes was $60. Yeah, but it's good food.
Starting point is 00:22:40 Yeah, and the drinks were pretty expensive too. I'll say this. Did we make memories? Was it worth it? I guess you'll have to stay tuned to this episode and find out. I feel like we're making memories right now. Like the memories that Shake Shack made in 2012 when they catered its first wedding in Miami. This fact is more of a reminder about the guy who got married at the Taco Bell in Vegas and how he probably has strong opinions about the potatoes being back on the menu.
Starting point is 00:23:04 They are back, though, by the way. way people got so mad they brought the potatoes back that was a wedding wedding present for him they explained did you see they made like two videos one where it's like hey it's back and then the other one where like the guy who's like like the in charge of the company was like a potato and explaining that they were back the what there yeah they made a video where the guy who's the CEO was a potato in the ground. And he's like, hey, guess what? Potatoes are back.
Starting point is 00:23:31 And here's the thing. They explained it very well in that video. He went, hey, when everything went to drive-thru, we wanted to make sure everyone got their food fast, so we had to eliminate potatoes because they take too long to cook while you're in the drive-thru. And that's why the potatoes were gone.
Starting point is 00:23:44 But now they're back. Why don't they just make a bunch of potatoes that are ready? That's a great question. And also, why didn't they say that when they started and said it took the potatoes away instead of just taking the potatoes away and not giving a reason? Not explaining, yeah. No, just going, no more potatoes! Fuck you!
Starting point is 00:24:00 So did they reinvent the potato science or they're back now? Time to wait, bitch. No, I think time to... I think that there's going to be... I think they're going to start opening restaurants. If I were Taco Bell, I would have led with like,
Starting point is 00:24:13 the great Taco Bell potato famine is over. Yeah, you should make light of all the people who died in the potato famine. As a multi-billion dollar international company. It's a Yum Brands food conglomerate. You should go, ha ha, remember the potato famine? Fucking idiots.
Starting point is 00:24:34 Anyway, potatoes are back for your $1 taco with potatoes in it. You're welcome. I feel like enough time has passed that we can make light of that. I think we can. I think Taco Bell maybe can. Well,
Starting point is 00:24:50 okay. Just don't air the commercial in Ireland. Just don't air it. Just don't air it. Just don't air the commercial. Shake Shack has claimed that the one thing it will never do with its restaurant expansions is ever have a drive-thru. We are eagerly awaiting for Fazoli's is ever have a drive-thru.
Starting point is 00:25:05 We are eagerly awaiting for Fazoli's to respond by going drive-thru only forcing you to eat your pasta inside your car in the parking lot while looking in the windows at the workers laughing at you and also screaming monkey, monkey, monkey. When you're a monkey, look at me, look at me. Look at me, monkey. Monkey. When you're a monkey, look at me. Look at me. Look at me, monkey. Everyone look, there's a monkey over there.
Starting point is 00:25:30 There's a monkey over there. I won't stop until you look at me. That woman was berserk. She was going out of her mind. It was awesome. She was just kept going. You'd think it was a small child, but it was a grown woman. A grown woman who was going to eat at Fazoli's.
Starting point is 00:25:51 It makes perfect sense. It just immediately made me think of Fazoli's where the hamburger place said, we're never doing a drive-thru. Doesn't take that long to make a fucking hamburger. But the Italian food restaurant went, come on
Starting point is 00:26:06 through! Drive your fucking car through this place, idiot! We'll just slop it on for you. Go nuts. The fuck? It's crazy. And the final fact. Like In-N-Out, Shake Shack has its own secret menu that includes a quad burger and
Starting point is 00:26:21 a peanut butter bacon burger. Also like In-N-Out, people really need to relax about this place because it's just a hamburger. It's not like they're making the pretzel pub chicken sandwich, which is now a permanent menu item at Wendy's. All thanks to our heroes. I think we can honestly say we did that. The people around here are probably going to get real pissed that we did that. Fuck them. We did that we did those people the people around here are probably gonna get real pissed that we did that fuck them we did that a celebration what that's right guys or something who cares it's yeah also we have to delete that episode because limited time food only no well at
Starting point is 00:26:58 the time it was and now and now that's this is how i wanted to break the news to you guys i got the inside scoop uh one of our loyal jammers messaged me. Her name is Charmy, and she said, Hey, I just went to Wendy's. It says new. Pretzel Pub, Chicken Sandwich, Hamburger, whatever. She looked into it. It's not limited.
Starting point is 00:27:18 It's not going away. It's a permanent menu item now, and that's why it's new. It's back. It's here. And it's staying on the menu. This is really big news for particularly Eric. I can't fucking wait. I'm going to eat the fuck out of that thing. Dude, I've eaten it, oh my God, 30 times maybe?
Starting point is 00:27:35 I mean, it's probably the thing that I've eaten the most at Wendy's in my life, and I've been to Wendy's a lot. Like, it's- Dude, there's something about that thing. When you get it spicy it's just so good. It is. It's legitimately so good. I was talking to a friend of mine
Starting point is 00:27:54 the other day and we were talking about Wendy's and we're like, we're gonna get Wendy's later. We're gonna get Wendy's and of course contractually, I was talking about that fucking pretzel pub sandwich and so I messaged him later and I was like about that fucking pretzel pub sandwich and so I messaged him later and I was like boom, got it, got the pub
Starting point is 00:28:10 sandwich, and this this knucklehead this joker replies to me and goes I was gonna get it, but when I got there, I really wanted the spicy chicken sandwich, so I got that and I went, no!
Starting point is 00:28:26 You can get it spicy! I just went, dude, you can get that on the pub sandwich. And then he apologized and he said, I have so much to learn. So he was apologetic, but I was just like, you don't have to choose. You can get both of those things at once. Welcome to Wendy's. You can have it all. I suspected it was not limited time anymore
Starting point is 00:28:50 when it's been there for six months. It has been there a very long time. But even if you go to their website, because I went to their website too, and it even has the banner and everything that says new, and it's no more limited time like it did before. So we did it. Loyal jammers did it.
Starting point is 00:29:08 Not only loyal jammers. I think specifically you and I, I think that, I think the heroes really made this one happen. I think they were like, what's going on in Austin with these pub sandwiches? It's crazy. How many were selling?
Starting point is 00:29:21 We're selling out of the pub sandwich. What the fuck is happening? In these like two locations only. Dude, I don't know. It's so fucking good and I'm so glad it's a permanent thing. Like, I almost went and got one yesterday just because that's when I heard about it. It was like, oh, this
Starting point is 00:29:37 fucking rules. Go have one to celebrate. Yeah. Oh, man. I just said, I must investigate. This food. Damn. That's like- That's even taste different. That's like when you go on SNL from a featured player to main cast.
Starting point is 00:29:51 Yep. And pretzel bump chicken sandwich. Musical guest Foo Fighters. It's perfect. It's perfect. I'm so happy it's back. And now, and guys, and listen. Those are all the facts. And we learned happy it's back. And now, and, guys, and, listen. Those are all the facts.
Starting point is 00:30:08 And we learned about Shake Shack. Yeah. Yeah. I'm looking down at the spit and silly here. I think we've done a fair amount of fucking around already. But the second line, is Shake Shack Texas different from the rest like DQ or is it normal? Well, it's normal. Oh.
Starting point is 00:30:34 Yep. Okay. Question asked and answered. Yeah, I found out. You didn't need us to answer it. No. I put it there because what if the same thing happened last time? Well, then you would have got some tweets about it.
Starting point is 00:30:52 Yeah. Not really our problem. Oh, yeah. Let's talk about this drink. We're reviewing the chicken sandwich and the fries with the sauce, and the fries. The sauce, really.
Starting point is 00:31:06 Yes. Hang on. Let me find it here. Gaochujang. Gaochujang. Gaochujang. You know, when you place these orders, which you generally do if we meet here in the parking lot, you'll say, what do you want to drink? And almost every time we all get water or usually but you'll still say this is
Starting point is 00:31:28 what they have and you just threw out a bunch of nonsense with this place it wasn't nonsense i i read the thing that was on the what is it do you have it in front of you it looked like word soup yeah no i mean i'm not i'm not knocking you here's what i wrote okay Here's what I wrote. Okay. Here's what I wrote. Four drinks. You want the winter citrus aid 50-50, half tea, half key lime, blood orange lemonade? What? What? Yeah. And I replied, what?
Starting point is 00:32:00 And then Jordan was like, yeah, I'll have water. And then I thought about it. And I was like, on second thought, I don't know exactly what I wrote I wrote but I was like give me that thing so I can complain about it oh you said get me a half tea half key lime lemonade so I can be outraged over it yes Michael yeah I got you the drink I got one as well because I couldn't leave you by yourself I appreciate it what did you think of that this is not our official review but what did you think of that drink so this is the kicker because I forgot about that that was yesterday which might
Starting point is 00:32:32 have been a million years ago so I pulled up today and there's the drink and um I had thought after I said that like this is gonna what a stupid drink what a bunch of stupid flavors you can't just have fucking iced tea or even an Arnold Palmer. You got to turn it up to an 11.
Starting point is 00:32:49 And then I thought, but what if it's really good? Like, I'm all mad about it, and I'm going to drink it and go, wow, that's, you know what? That's pretty tasty. We got here. I took a sip of it, and I went, this is fucking disgusting. And I looked at you, and you were like, oh, yeah. And you were like halfway through it. And it's just like, everything about it is bad. It's so bad. disgusting and i looked at you and you were like oh yeah and you're like halfway through it and
Starting point is 00:33:05 it's just like everything about it is bad it's so bad they just took the worst fruits and made the worst flavor it's so sour i'm in blood orange i don't know all the combinations the iced tea doesn't do any of the heavy lifting. It is like just this blood, or it tastes like you squeezed an orange into some tea and then zested a lime into it and mixed it up. So much zest.
Starting point is 00:33:35 It is so, Michael said, this tastes so zesty, and I hate zesty. Zest. To me, I don't understand zest, right? You get fruit, you know, you get like a good orange, and you're like, I ripped this shit off the outside. The good stuff's on the middle. And someone goes, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:33:57 Let's shave that shit off on the outside and eat that. Let's eat that shit that's on the outside. Why zest when you can juice? Yeah. Get that shit out of here. But like, and then you watched me take a sip at one point and i think you saw it happen on my face yep where when you drink it there's a like a nanosecond where you taste tea and you think it's gonna be okay and then immediately you're hit by all the terrible flavor of of all the other fruit which in itself isn't a good flavor, but then it's also really sour.
Starting point is 00:34:26 And then you're done drinking it, and the aftertaste is just like, blech, who drinks this? Why? And so I just hate drinking it. I still have half of it left. You better finish it by the time this episode's over. I'll get it down. That will be your mission.
Starting point is 00:34:42 I'll say that I didn't want to say it while we were eating or while we were drinking most of it or whatever. Uh-huh. The aftertaste that it leaves you with is the same aftertaste that I get after I throw up. And it leaves like that sour bile. I know I'm right. It's right. It's 100% what it is.
Starting point is 00:35:00 Not only that, which you're right. We're pointing at each other now. Yes. Not only that, which you're right, we're pointing at each other now. Yes. Not only that, but it's so sour when if you let it sit in your mouth at all and don't just drink it, when it hits like the side of your cheeks, it makes your like cheeks salivate. Like when you're going to throw up.
Starting point is 00:35:17 You know when your mouth like waters before you throw up to clear the path? So not only does it taste like that, but I feel like my mouth's getting ready for me to vomit. Yeah. Let's put all that together and put it in a drink and sell it. $3, please. That's good. That's great. Mix it with tea.
Starting point is 00:35:35 $3.50. Yeah, that'll cut it. We'll cut it with some tea. Now, here's the thing. We got the thing. We were talking about this. Sometimes you get a drink that's so sweet, you want to, like, water it down to, like, kind of cut that sweetness.
Starting point is 00:35:50 Michael, we got the watered-down version of this drink. There's a winter citrusade that doesn't have any tea. That's just the blood orange and the lime. I feel like that's like a syrup. Michael's just thinking about it. He's, like, puckering up. It's so sour. It's so sour. It's so sour.
Starting point is 00:36:07 You know that feeling you get in like your jaw? Like the back jaw? Yeah. Yeah. Like just thinking about it. That's got to be a paste. Makes that happen. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:16 Why did they make this? I don't know. I am glad we got it though. Yo, me too. Me too just for this because it's... Sometimes you have to do the thing that's outside of the review from the restaurant
Starting point is 00:36:29 that's just doing something fucking wacky. And I appreciate them for doing something wacky, but also go to hell for making this drink. I appreciate you. Go to hell.
Starting point is 00:36:41 Hi, excuse me. Please die. Thank you. All right. Let's read some materials here, yeah? Let's learn about the you. All right. Let's read. Let's read some materials here. Yeah. Let's learn about the food that we did eat in our reviewing.
Starting point is 00:36:50 Yes. All right. Here's what Shake Shack has to say about the Korean style fried chicken sandwich. It is a crispy chicken breast glazed with spicy sweet gaochujang fermented chili paste sauce on top of a white kimchi slaw made with Choi's kimchi and topped with toasted sesame seeds. That makes it sound good. Yeah. Did you get any? Were there sesame seeds? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:16 I was just going to say that. It's like sesame seeds. Wait a minute. I didn't notice any sesame seeds. That was not there. I don't know. I close my eyes when I eat, so I don't know. I'm purely on the taste.
Starting point is 00:37:28 No visual. Yeah. It helps enhance it. That's smart. I see with my mind. You're like the daredevil. Yeah. That's smart.
Starting point is 00:37:35 Yeah, I'm a lawyer. Objection. Overruled. I'm the judge too oh none of it makes sense alright how about the fries uh
Starting point is 00:38:01 the gachujang fries are crispy crinkle cut fries served with spicy sweet gachujang fries are crispy crinkle cut fries Served with spicy sweet gachujang mayo sauce End of sentence That's it My headphone fell off What's going on?
Starting point is 00:38:13 Your headphone fell off Quit rocking your head over there He's listening to Korn And like headbanging It's Nick, Nick keeps making me laugh Oh no That's why he's here I keep laughing in his general existence He's listening to Korn and headbanging. No, it's Nick. Nick keeps making me laugh. Oh, no. That's why he's here.
Starting point is 00:38:28 I keep laughing in his general existence. And I just keep thinking about earlier, he made me laugh. He's affecting the show now. He's affecting the show. He shouldn't even be here. He's a distraction at this point. You said, I'm going to get, right before we do this press material, I'm going to get in a time machine.
Starting point is 00:38:50 About 30 minutes ago, you were talking about Larry King. And you said, he's really tall. And I said, well, he was. And then Nick just kept laughing. And it just kept making me laugh. And so then I was just thinking about it again. That's why I can never look at Nick like I can hear him laugh and that's fine but if I see him like cracking up over there
Starting point is 00:39:12 it's gonna make me mad and it's just him sitting next to a monkey head the monkey head that's what I was gonna say it's looking right at me it's right at me Nick was here before I was here today usually I'm the first one here and then he rolls up. He was here before me and I pulled up and I knew it was his car immediately.
Starting point is 00:39:29 Not because I saw him, but because I saw the monkey mask on his passenger seat. Yeah, you just got to look for the monkey. Does it keep you up at night? Do you think one day you're going to see the monkey driving in Nick's head on the passenger seat? Happy Halloween! Oh, man. Holy shit. Alright, actual press material. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:39:56 you're gonna eat this. Quote. Oh, I can't wait. While developing our Korean-inspired menu for the United States, our team worked closely with our culinary partners in Seoul. They have culinary partners in Seoul? Yes, they're a big international company.
Starting point is 00:40:13 To make sure it stayed true to its South Korean roots. To do this, we thoughtfully sought out authentic ingredients and suppliers who made it possible to expand the menu nationwide to all of our U.S. shacks. Parentheses. Few. I did not. I was not on the edge of my seat waiting for this to work out. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:40:36 Shake Shack. Why did it? There was no tension. Why? Hey, yeah, so we're looking to do a South Korean thing. So we got some stores in South Korea we worked with them uh thank god we put the space on some chicken
Starting point is 00:40:49 oh glad that worked out well it humanizes them now I feel you know what do you feel I feel like oh that was written by someone the words sometimes I read words and I think how'd they get there
Starting point is 00:41:06 you know how was that does a robot put those there did they get beamed down from space right do satellites do that yet do they beam down words if you didn't hand me this piece of paper I would wonder all day where it came from but you handed it to me so now I think of some you know
Starting point is 00:41:21 Shake Shack equivalent Eric going whoo and then just like you know, Shake Shack equivalent Eric going, whoo! And then just like, you know, doing a rail. Whoa. TGIF, bro. They're not allowed to say that, though. Oh, no. They say, Shake Shack, it's Friday.
Starting point is 00:41:40 Yeah, there you go. But not like Shake Shack, but like Shaquille O'Neal. They think it's a fun play on words. And then they do a huge, they snort it. Yeah. You think Shake Shack's really upset that Papa John's got Shaq before they could? Yeah, honestly, probably. I bet there was definitely a meeting where they went,
Starting point is 00:42:00 we should get Shaq and have it be like Shake Shack. And then Papa John's got it and they went, what? What are you supposed to do? Fucking Charles Barkley? What is this? Yeah. And then Shake Shaq heard about it and they went, that doesn't make any fucking sense.
Starting point is 00:42:12 And they flipped the table. Although I feel like Shaq is probably too mainstream. They would probably go for like Liverpool's backup midfielder, Jordan Shaqiri, whose nickname is Shaq. And since that's more of a hipster reference, I think maybe people would like that a little bit better. That's a deep cut, bud.
Starting point is 00:42:34 That was for... Both people who enjoyed that reference, I hope you enjoyed the show so far as well. To everyone else, you passed the test you can keep you can keep listening if you didn't know what the fuck he was talking about you're down here with me just gotta keep that class in balance alive the wall the wall is still up we're chipping away at it We're back
Starting point is 00:43:05 We thought we found the middle but here we are You were chipping at the wall And you were like what's this more wall When you were making that reference I was thinking oh man you know what You get to when you get Shaq You don't just get Shaquille O'Neal You get that gif of him shaking with the cat yeah yeah Eric's doing it
Starting point is 00:43:27 it's all shoulders yeah Shake Shack could do a whole like marketing thing where like there's a series of commercials with Shaq and he's like or I'm gonna open up my own uh store here and I'm gonna call it Shake Shack but it's good it's good spelled with a Q. And they're like, no, Shaq, that's not how it works. And he's like, I don't care. And he does his little shaky dance because he's shaking. Oh, because he's doing Shake Shack. It all makes sense. Anyway, he does Papa John's. Yeah. Anyway, hire us for your marketing needs.
Starting point is 00:44:04 I mean, if you just make us record episodes because it's the time that we do the best marketing. It's just during the middle of an episode. We don't have any other time to do it. It's true. There's no other time. We're busy bees. Well, that's how we stay under budget is that we get all of our meetings done in the episode. And that's how we make it good.
Starting point is 00:44:22 And that's how we make it good. All right. What was it like getting the food? Yeah. And that's how we make it good. And that's how we make it good. All right. What was it like getting the food? Yeah. Picking up food here is normal, but it's the domain, so that sucks. Yeah. That is a pain to get in and out of.
Starting point is 00:44:38 And the other one was down on, like, Lamar, so I don't want to go south either. And it's just like, both these locations fucking suck. Why are they like this? Yeah. Find a better spot The domain is like a Outdoor It's like a bunch of strip malls But it's almost like a little
Starting point is 00:44:54 It's just like It's like a walk through park of Fancyness It's like a fancy strip mall. It's all about branding. It's like the Grey Goose of strip malls. It's a fancy strip mall, but it's hard to even describe as a strip mall because there's like blocks, right?
Starting point is 00:45:13 It's like a grid system. It's like there's like streets and streets of this fancy strip mall. It's almost like you think you're in like a little city, but it's just stores. Yes, it's a neighborhood. I think it's supposed to be set up so it feels like a little city, but it's just stores. Yes. It's a neighborhood. I think it's supposed to be set up so it feels like a neighborhood where it's like you can walk from here to there.
Starting point is 00:45:32 But I don't live there. There are people who do live there. Driving in and out of that place fucking sucks. Parking in a structure is a headache. There's only one freeway that takes you there. When you get off the freeway the entrance is right off the off ramp so you need to get all the way over like across four lanes the thing that gets me is that it's this little strip molly neighborhood-y kind of area what it's trying to be so all the roads are really small and narrow but everyone there drives f-150s. Everyone says, like, giant fucking trucks. And they're white.
Starting point is 00:46:05 And it's like, yeah. No fucking kidding. And then it's like, what is going on? Like, why? Why are you hearing this? And then parking is a fucking headache. So anyway, getting a hamburger fucking sucked from this place. The Shake Shack is in such a weird spot, too.
Starting point is 00:46:21 It feels like it shouldn't be in a place where restaurants go because it's in the parking lot between like the main stores of the domain and then a dick sporting goods yeah it's next to a dick sporting goods and like a nordstrom's or something and it's like why is this here also it's a huge cell phone dead zone what is like what the fuck anyway that's what it was like getting the food fucking stupid damn thanks for getting the food for us did you swing by the apple store you got anything good shoot it's like one of the two times i've been to the domain was to go to the apple store and i was just like i was like what a weird place it feels like a movie set that place it's very
Starting point is 00:47:01 weird yeah it's very weird um yeah everyone, yeah. It's very weird. Yeah, everyone has giant white trucks. I don't understand it. And there's never anything in them. What? I'm from everyone that had huge trucks, like worked in some sort of construction
Starting point is 00:47:19 or, you know, skill. They more like, they want to, you know, skill. So they more like, they want to, you know, exude a certain persona of working class, but they don't actually know what blue collar work is, and they're like, I've got my truck.
Starting point is 00:47:36 If you want to exude the persona, just, first of all, they should be filthy. And then just throw a bunch of tarps and ladders and wood. If you don't have a ladder that's sticking out like three feet over the back of the truck. If you're driving
Starting point is 00:47:52 behind it and there's not wood sticking out of it and you're not thinking, I hope that doesn't fucking fly out and hit my car, then they're not exuding the right image. I don't get it. It's so big. You know what I want? I want less space
Starting point is 00:48:07 inside the car and more space outside that I'm not going to use. I want this to be really hard to park. Yup. Take that, people that own those trucks. You've been put on notice.
Starting point is 00:48:23 Anywho. We didn't even mention the testicles. Whoa. Oh. Why are you looking at me? Don't look at me. Look at him. Look at him. Anyway.
Starting point is 00:48:34 What if I just look at Nick? He can't. He can't look at me. He doesn't. Because he's got little truck nuts hanging off his Hyundai Elantra. Off the back of my Hyundai Accent. I should get truck nuts for the back of my Hyundai accent. I should get truck nuts for the back of my Hyundai accent.
Starting point is 00:48:49 They're just dragging on the ground and they just kick constantly. Look at me. I'm a tough guy. And then you honk your horn and it goes, meep, meep. I think that would,
Starting point is 00:49:03 you would need to accompany that with a stop the steal bumper sticker. Absolutely. Absolutely. Absolutely. Fuck. All right, let's rate this food. Let's rate it, dude. What do you guys think?
Starting point is 00:49:15 Jordan? Okay, I'll go first. I'll keep mine short. I like Shake Shack. I like their burgers. This is the first time I've had their chicken. It's fried really well very juicy yeah um kind of like it's it's really plump it's like a big old chunk of uh white
Starting point is 00:49:33 chicken breast and it's it's good to bite into um it's crispy on the outside juicy on the inside very good uh a good cook um i liked the the kimchi um the kimchi slaw i mean kimchi is always good so you can't screw that up i like that they try to make it artisan by making it a white kimchi slaw like yeah cool um the sauce the gaochujang sauce very good um but like i don't know this probably isn't fair but I can't help but be like, I would never get this again. Because it's good, but the burger's better. So I just kept thinking about how good those burgers are. But oh, and the fries.
Starting point is 00:50:16 I didn't like the sauce by itself and dipping the fries. I gave up on that pretty quick and just ate the fries by themselves. I did the same. I had a couple dips. And that's why when we were talking about the fries and Eric was like, I'm out of sauce. Eric was like, there's so many fries and Nick was just like,
Starting point is 00:50:32 oh, I stopped eating them. I'm out of sauce. I was just like, how? I have so much sauce left. There's so much sauce and I didn't need it. The combination of those things, I'll give it a 72. Okay.
Starting point is 00:50:48 It's good, but if you're going to Shake Shack, get the burger. I can't off the top of my head compare it to the burger, again, not knowing if I've ever eaten it. It was pretty good. The sauce was fine. I didn't love it, but I didn't dislike it. It was no, uh, it wasn't very powerful. It was, it was just a hint of Asian flavor.
Starting point is 00:51:11 Yeah. Um, I thought, I thought it was a little strong. Um, but I guess cause there wasn't like, there wasn't a lot of different flavors going on besides the sauce, you know, like everything was texture based, based like the chicken, the the sauce. Everything was texture based. The chicken, the slaw. It was good. It's just like the pal was from the sauce. And having never had the
Starting point is 00:51:34 chicken without it, I was just like I didn't know what the actual chicken flavor was. I bet they probably put a sauce on it regularly but it probably is just the same thing. It was a great cook, though. You're right.
Starting point is 00:51:47 It was a very juicy piece of white meat. I enjoyed the textures. It was a frigging mess. I'll tell you this. It was so goddamn messy. Why did you take it out of the wrapper? Look, eventually it has to come out of the wrapper, okay? The wrapper's good for like one or two bites.
Starting point is 00:52:04 The wrapper looks great on camera. I'm eating out of the wrapper, okay? The wrapper's good for like one or two bites. The wrapper's, it looks great on camera. I'm eating it in the wrapper. But eventually you got to get down to the bone, okay? You got to get down to the nubs at the bottom of the sandwich. The bone of the sandwich, okay? And you're just going to look like a fucking bird, like shoving your face into a wrapper, okay? You got to lose the wrapper at some point.
Starting point is 00:52:25 You don't want to look like a bird. Some people like looking like birds. I fucking ditched the wrapper right at the beginning. But it was good. I liked it. I would give it a, I think it's a solid 70.
Starting point is 00:52:41 It was much better than this disgusting drink that we had. This grapefruit sour shit. If you gave it a hypothetical score, the drink, what would it be? Just tell me, is it under 20? I think it would be about a 20.
Starting point is 00:52:58 Yeah, I mean 15. It wasn't repulsive. It wasn't like... It was just not good. It was just sort of like... But it didn't make me throw up. It was not good. It was just sort of like... But it made you feel like you had to throw up.
Starting point is 00:53:09 No, it just made me taste like throw up. Yeah. It made me... I'd argue that's worse. It really made me want to drink something that wasn't it. Man, I'd love to be having literally anything else right now. I got this water and it was great. Yeah, I mean, I got a lot of it, too.
Starting point is 00:53:30 However, it did not prevent me from drinking nearly the whole thing. Oh, check in. How are you doing, Unders? Oh, there you go. He's done. Good job. I was done a while ago. Thanks, Dad. Just kidding.
Starting point is 00:53:37 He's dead. Are you? Hey, he's listening. He can't. No, there's no way he'd be a fan of this podcast. He would not. In life, I tried to avoid most things I did. No way he's coming back around.
Starting point is 00:54:00 It's even funnier while we're waiting. I'm watching Eric just dig through a giant gift basket It's like somebody sends you when you're sick It's for this conversation I never got my dad one, it was sudden It's one of those situations where it's like
Starting point is 00:54:23 I want to keep going on this but but I also don't want to. Could have given me a heads up. Some people are just selfish. This was his gift to me. Kelly, good luck. His gift, leave it in. Kelly, his gift was like, look, it's going to be tough, but two or three years from now, you can make some funny jokes, and no one else can get mad at you. Except maybe your mother.
Starting point is 00:54:47 Don't do it around your mother. More dog treats? Are you giving us dog treats today? He's giving us dog treats again. Episode three. And I saw a giant gift bag. It was filled with a million goodies, and you give us dog food.
Starting point is 00:55:04 And we will go over that. When? I don't want to eat it now. Are those Albanese gummy bears? Can you figure out how to open it? What are you doing? Yeah, I like that you got out of your car and you're just standing here. I have to pick
Starting point is 00:55:20 one like a deck of cards. No, if they're anything like the last ones we had, no, I'm good. Goddamn, dude. We're the fucking chicken wiener dog food podcast. That's all we do now. We eat chicken and then we have dog food
Starting point is 00:55:36 at the end. These ones really more than the other one look like dog food. What now? There's more? Why are you giving me gummy bears with my dog food? They go together. Too many. He gave me like nine gummy bears.
Starting point is 00:55:53 I want nine. Thank you. Dude, what's crazy is he gave me like nine gummy bears, and almost every single one's a different color. What are the odds? I'm glad I got the blue one. I saw that one, and I went, the blue one pops. I want to get a blue one. I want to get a blue one. I didn't get a blue one, Dan.
Starting point is 00:56:07 Here, look. Let me show you how much it pops. Look at this guy. Oh, man. Good thing I'm wearing sunglasses. Yeah. Don't look directly at it unless you're the president of the United States. Stare into it unflinchingly.
Starting point is 00:56:22 You mean the office of the former president of the United States Sir Well at the time I mean It was legit That's true Alright Let's get into this dog food Oh shit you're boxed in Nick
Starting point is 00:56:33 Nevermind you're unboxed So these are Werner original meat sticks from Nikolai De Vries Dog food Meat sticks For your dog He also sent Albanese gummy bears. I haven't had
Starting point is 00:56:47 Albanese gummy bears in almost a year. Mm-hmm. That's why he sent them. They said it couldn't be done. Dude, you can taste the flavor they're wringing out
Starting point is 00:56:55 of these guys. Yeah, I don't, I mean, it was like two weeks ago, give or take, the last time. It tastes like the last dog food thing
Starting point is 00:57:03 we ate on the last episode. It's almost exactly the same yeah i'm not gonna do the work of remembering or looking up what score i gave it but i'm giving it that score again oh just that again so i think he's asking you to do i'm not gonna fucking do it well then the the audience can um and be like okay that yeah i mean it's pretty dog food you know it's like a little stick. I'll give what I imagine was the same criticism I gave
Starting point is 00:57:30 in the last one like it's too soft and it just there's a line where you know I don't know is this smoked? I don't know if this is like smoked meat or dried meat. Whatever this is it crosses the line where like,
Starting point is 00:57:48 it's just a step away from dog food treats. And I know it's not that, but it's close enough where like I can smell the treats I gave my dog when I bite this, you know? And maybe that just means I gave him some high quality treats. Or maybe it means this is dog food. And I'm leaning towards the ladder. He says, here's what Nikolai has to say about it.
Starting point is 00:58:10 There's a bag of meat sticks. They are Werner Original Sausage Meat Sticks. Werner is a local meats company based in Tillamook, Oregon. And they do super good meat sticks. I know Michael always appreciates a fine meat stick. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Ha, ha, ha, ha. Got him. Did they? I good meat sticks. I know Michael always appreciates a fine meat stick. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha. Got them.
Starting point is 00:58:27 Did they? I love meat sticks. Well, here's the thing. I'm not a huge fan of meat sticks. I like jerky. I love jerky. Mm-hmm. But it's got to be dry.
Starting point is 00:58:37 I want it dry. Not hard. But dry on the outside and then very ground sausage on the inside. It's just, it's soft. Right. Yes. And dog food. Like if you were to eat the outer casing, like the crunchy part,
Starting point is 00:58:53 then you would just have like the softest little meat piece and it would just. I'm just the softest little meat piece. So just so you guys know. I'm hard. Like salami. Nicholas sent us this whole basket. So just so you guys know, I'm hard. All right. Like salami. Nicholas sent us a, this whole basket.
Starting point is 00:59:09 He sent us the Albanese gummy bears because he knows that they're the best ones. They're fucking amazing. And then he also, he also, Still good. You'll also find a few of our own desserts. They are really good.
Starting point is 00:59:19 Probably two of our most popular. He also sent a cinnamon coffee cake loaf and spiced oatmeal cookies in a Garbo bag. Oh, cool. These baskets are part of a company that he and I think his family run in Beaverton. That's nice. A small catering company. A small catering company.
Starting point is 00:59:38 Buzz marketing. Well, Eric, smart. You enjoy the food with your wife that you didn't give to us. No, again, they're not for, it's not for the rating Eric smart you enjoy the food with your wife that you didn't give to us no thanks for holding on to it again they're not for it's not for the rating because we have to cut it up and separate it and everything these are just individual snacky pieces we're going to separate
Starting point is 00:59:54 it after because we'll have time and be able to do it what are the odds we never see it again yeah you're gonna see it in five minutes as soon as we're done he's gonna drive off five minutes bold of you to think it'll be over by then. Why don't you put your seatbelt back on because you're not going anywhere. Buckle up, idiot.
Starting point is 01:00:15 Yeah, the sticks are okay. And that's just my critique with these kind of sticks, period. This isn't even like a this brand thing. They're just too soft for me. And I'm a hard boy as I said. I hear that. Always have been. I'm the softest. Always will be. These gummy bears are
Starting point is 01:00:34 fucking phenomenal. Absolutely phenomenal. Best gummy bears ever. I didn't know gummy bears could be that good. They're so goddamn good, dude. They're juicy, they're flavorful, they're soft. They're just so goddamn good.'re juicy, they're flavorful They're soft They're just so goddamn good
Starting point is 01:00:47 Who doesn't like gummy bears? Kudos to Albanese Kudos to them for like Nailing it? Dunking on the naysayers who said it couldn't be done Not only that Not only are these the best gummy bears ever How many fucking times have we used
Starting point is 01:01:03 That quote Since that episode? It's an amazing quote. They said it couldn't be done. There's so many people that probably listen to this podcast have heard that quote and don't know we took it from the Albanese gummy bear fact or whatever from the very first snack attack.
Starting point is 01:01:18 But that's where it's from. They said it couldn't be done. They fucking did it. And we did it. We did it. They said we couldn't put the fucking pub pretzel pub sandwich on the permanent menu, but we did it. Okay? Don't tell us it can't be done. Don't tell us. I don't know anyone that doesn't like gummy bears, but, you know, some people are like nuts over candy and shit.
Starting point is 01:01:40 Not me. These are fucking delicious. I will eat these anytime somebody puts these in front of me. You handed me that many? I went, why'd you give me so many? Once I realized they were the good puts these in front of me you handed me that many I went why did you give me so many once I realized they were the good ones I've eaten them all
Starting point is 01:01:49 they're all gone you yelled at me that I gave you too many and I thought immediately he's gonna want more I didn't know they were the good goods I didn't know
Starting point is 01:01:57 can I have a blue one you want a blue one yeah I'll give when we split up the rest of this food I'll give you guys more of these gummy bears he keeps saying it
Starting point is 01:02:04 cause he's trying to spin the narrative to the audience. And next episode, we're going to go, he didn't give us anything. And he's going to keep saying, no, no, remember, I kept saying that at the end. I gave it to them afterwards because they don't know. He's going to gaslight us.
Starting point is 01:02:14 They don't know. Next episode. Well, thank you, Nikolai, for sending this stuff in that we're all sharing right as soon as this episode is over. Nikolai. You're the worst, dude. Not Nikolai, Eric. Hey, if you want to send us snacks
Starting point is 01:02:25 guess what you can hey can we fucking rate it can we rate the snack I thought I thought you gave it the same as fucking him I didn't say anything you just skipped right over me
Starting point is 01:02:34 I assumed in the 18 minutes that we've spent on this segment that somewhere you had set a number egregious 18 minutes
Starting point is 01:02:42 okay 12 at best. I don't think Eric even did the math on our average score. No, I was waiting for you to come up with the number. No. You got to get his number. The chicken sandwich. Oh, yeah, I don't think he did either.
Starting point is 01:02:58 I don't think he did, though. Yeah. Did he? He never said it. Yeah, because you made the joke how it's the average. 71. Yeah, but you never said it. Oh, my God. Damn, dude. Kelly, if he said it, delete it. Cut that. Cut the part where never said it. Yeah, because you made the joke, how it's the average. Yeah, but you never said it. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:03:06 Damn, dude. Kelly, if he said it, deleted. Cut that. Cut the part where you said it. Make him look like a fool. We'll get you in on a third of a sandwich next time if you cut that. Thanks. You know, the dog food was okay.
Starting point is 01:03:21 The gummy bears were amazing. I'm going to give it an 80 because of the gummy bears. What about without the gummy bears? Without the gummy bears? I'm going to give it, um, well, I mean, I'm not, am I rating them separately? Yeah. Oh, 80. We've already rated the gummy bears.
Starting point is 01:03:35 80. Yeah. Wait, what did you give it? I gave it an 80 because of the gummy bears. Right. And without the gummy bears, just the dog food. 80. Hang on.
Starting point is 01:03:44 Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. What are we doing? I'm giving my score, and this guy's trying to pressure me to change my mind. He's telling me, find the votes. And I'm saying, there's nothing to be found. It's an 80 with or without the gummy bears. I just like the gummy bears to be present for the votes. And I'm saying there's nothing to be found. It's an 80 with or without the gummy bears. I just like the
Starting point is 01:04:06 gummy bears to be, you know, present for the score. That's it. So your score for the dog food is 80. Yeah. And Jordan, what was yours? Whatever he said last time. The dog food, whatever it was last time. On the subreddit, can somebody
Starting point is 01:04:24 just average that for me Here's the thing I kept saying it tastes like dog food But what I didn't say was It tasted like Okanuba The good stuff The good stuff
Starting point is 01:04:36 Okay When I was good I got that For a snack Right Oh good boy None of those steakums Nuh uh
Starting point is 01:04:44 Fuck no Oh my god That's when they So you wanna send us snacks Right, right. Oh, good boy. Yeah. None of those steak-ums. Nuh-uh, fuck no. Oh, my God. Well, do you want to send us snacks? Oh, my God. He's still talking. Send us snacks. He's talking over me all the time. Face jam, care of Eric Bedour.
Starting point is 01:04:58 The fuck? 1901 East 51st Street, Austin, Texas, 78723. Send us some snacks. Please don't send dog food. An hour and 10 minutes? Yeah. Oh, man. We gotta...
Starting point is 01:05:12 Everyone thinks it's a good idea. We get like a lot of jerky and stuff that people send. And I'm not saying not to send those, but I just hope that the last two episodes sort of inform people
Starting point is 01:05:19 about where we stand on that stuff. That's all. This episode's gonna be pushing an hour 30 heads. We don't set a good precedent when you say, well, we had two jerky two episodes in a row. And we've had chicken 19 times in a row. Listen, we can control what snacks we have on this episode. Can we?
Starting point is 01:05:36 I feel like we've lost control a long time ago. The snacks are easier. I have so many fucking snacks at my goddamn house. Mr. Chicken has fucking blackmail on you somewhere. It is not like. Every goddamn episode, you're like, how about this? Yeah, and that's restaurants. Restaurants go, what's cheap?
Starting point is 01:05:54 Chicken? Throw a fucking sauce on it. They'll eat it. Whatever. That's what the show is. We're taking a restaurant tour of chicken. Have you seen? This guy knows what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 01:06:03 Yeah, he liked that a lot. He almost got out of his car. Did you see that Boston Market has a fucking chicken sandwich now too? What? Like, it's just what everyone does. What the fuck was that? What the fuck was that?
Starting point is 01:06:18 Nick went, what? He's going there right now. When we leave put a tracker on this man's car honey I know I'm on paternity and I'm out
Starting point is 01:06:30 quote unquote working but I'm gonna be even later than I thought Boston I just got a line Boston market's got a chicken sandwich now alright
Starting point is 01:06:38 oh man follow us on twitter at facejamppod to stay up to date on everything also for our merch store.roosterteeth.com it has a face jam page you can go check it out all your face jam stuff uh we got on sale there and there's new merch coming soon we can't talk about it yet
Starting point is 01:06:55 but there's some new stuff coming soon i'm really excited about it the design that we saw yesterday i thought was fucking cool in the revision with the one piece I thought was very cool and like I I really like Yeah, you don't like it. I thought it was warm Jesus Christ That's a little hint for you Oh my god Alright Rate and subscribe And tell a friend about this show
Starting point is 01:07:31 Where we eat food and rate the chicken Yeah And talk about ghosts Send this podcast to a friend who likes corn What a deep question. The vegetable or the bag. Get our bases covered. Thanks, man.
Starting point is 01:07:51 Goodbye. Doing my part. I'll see you next time.

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