100% Eat - Spittin Silly - Diablo 2

Episode Date: November 1, 2022

Michael made everyone record remotely because he's a Diablo 2 Ladder Mode addict. Listen as he tries to talk Jordan, Eric, and Nick into getting buying a year old re-release of a game from the turn of... the millennium. Will Our Heroes become virtual heroes and join Michael on his ladder journey? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is a Rooster Teeth production. Welcome to Spittin' Silly, the Fortnite podcast where anything can happen, and it probably does. I'm your host, Jordan Sweers, alongside my co-host, Michael Jones. Michael, what are you up to? I'm banana. You're banana? Yeah. Okay, well, what does that mean you're a banana um yes i am michael but i am also banana a powerful sorcerer can i ask why we're recording
Starting point is 00:00:39 this virtually michael said he was busy i yeah i But then he said, but I do have time to do this. But I didn't know what that meant. And now we're doing it virtually. To me, it seemed like whatever he was home for seemed like he was able to multitask. Look, all right? I only have three months before the ladder resets. What? I only have three months before the ladder resets, and I'm trying to get these Sunder charms.
Starting point is 00:01:05 See, he's really busy. Nick, I am talking about Diablo. Your guess was right. The silly I'm spitting today is how we all need to start a campaign in Diablo 2 Resurrected. Okay. Okay, so the reason we didn't get together is because you wanted to keep playing diablo 2 ladder mode okay okay yes but that's it's not just so i can keep playing guys i can show you oh my god okay i was i was hoping i was hoping this is eric can you stop
Starting point is 00:01:40 talking because it's making you show up and And I want to watch Michael play Diablo. Oh, you want Eric to go away because I can take me out of it. What the fuck? Oh, no. I like seeing you. You like seeing me? Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:52 So what I'm doing right now is this is the ultimate spitting silly. I'm just playing Diablo 2 at my house. And I convinced you guys to record this from home. That's why we recorded this from home and didn't come in today is so you can play Diablo. Let me just click on focus this person. Oh, yeah. Banana's a little green. He's a little ripe.
Starting point is 00:02:13 So I can... So I can play Diablo and convince you guys why it would be such a cool thing for people to watch Face Jam play Diablo 2. Everyone's parents or grandparents favorite franchise well this might actually the early 2000s when most people weren't born
Starting point is 00:02:36 yeah our listeners might actually remember this game our listeners used to buy this game for their kids yeah right yeah yeah i remember when when my 10 year old uh grandson asked this for christmas okay and uh and i and i almost bought diablo 1 on accident and they would have been very mad oh my god diablo 1 don't even get me started on. Okay, look. I know Eric's played it. Nick's probably very upset he can't talk during this. Yeah. Guaranteed. But, Jordan, do you have any experience with this game? No. None whatsoever.
Starting point is 00:03:17 I wasn't even convinced that it was this, like, top-down, drag-em-around kind of thing. Well, it's not a side angle. I thought it was a third-person kind of Demon's Souls type deal. Right, just different kind of camera, I guess. Yeah, I mean, you thought Diablo was a Demon's Souls type of game? At least from, like, not necessarily a combat aspect, but it just looked more like it. Oh, okay. It's not that stupid. I've played Diablo 2.
Starting point is 00:03:43 I actually, after our road trip, played Diablo 2. I actually after our road trip played Diablo 2 with Michael a little bit. I thought you were going off about Diablo 3 on the road trip. No, here's the thing. I don't know why Diablo 3 is out and they're coming out with Diablo 4
Starting point is 00:04:00 but Michael and Nick won't stop playing Diablo 2? Resurrected. It's new. It just came out last year. It came out like right when the road trip happened. This is a remastering? Yes. As you can tell by the very good graphics.
Starting point is 00:04:14 Here's what it used to look like. Oh, I love it when you can switch to shitty mode. Oh my God. Yeah, let's play. So I'm a kid again. Life sucks again. Can I say something about this remastering business? Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:04:33 Because I played Final Fantasy VIII in like 2001. And in my child brain, I filled in, my imagination filled in all the gaps. Right, it looked perfect the remastered version came out and i watched the trailer for it and i was like when are they gonna show the remastered version and because it didn't look that great and then i went and looked up the original graphics it went oh yeah it looked bad yeah uh the what's up why did what is ladder mode okay ladder it can you explain diablo in general yeah yeah that's probably a good like i just don't know what ladder mode is but here's jordan doesn't know anything about this i'm on the ground floor jordan diablo is the devil okay you gotta kill you got to kill him. Oh, that makes sense.
Starting point is 00:05:26 Yeah, he's a bad guy. Diablo's a bad guy. And in Diablo 1, you kill him, sort of, but then he just kind of gets inside your body. And then in Diablo 2, he comes out of your body and new people got to take out the old guy. You know what I mean? From the first game. It's a dungeon crawler you kill you
Starting point is 00:05:46 collect loot but that's not what it's really about what it's about is the friends made along the way and how when loot drops you take it from them and then don't give it to them or charge them so already it feels like it feels like i'm gonna get bullied hard in this no what's here's here's the thing that we all pick a different class and we help each other okay we get cool do they have any type characters i mean there's a druid who can like turn into a bear that's kind of like a grackle right is that no like a crack okay I guess it's close enough. How about turning into a werewolf? Is that like a grackle?
Starting point is 00:06:29 Is that like a grackle? So no flying, no birds. Got it. Let's see, Jordan. Here's what you have to work with. Now, I realize the audience can't see this, so I'll walk them through it, but you can. You've got your Amazon, which is sealed with the spear and the bow she's a very versatile fighter i do like
Starting point is 00:06:49 your assassin of your assassin schooled in martial arts or her mind and body are deadly weapons i don't even know what should kill you with her thoughts those are mind bullets you got the necromancer which is nick's personal favorite. Okay. I already know enough. Summoning undead minions and cursing his enemies are his specialties. Ooh. Barbarian. In general, I like that. You have been known to curse
Starting point is 00:07:16 restaurants. It is true. And we as a podcast have undead minions. This is really coming together. They're just kind of dead, but we can control them. The barbarian is unequaled in close quarters combat and mastery of weapons. Now, the barbarian is definitely the kind of guy that looks like he's going to strike someone or the person that's thinking about getting mad. So it's up in the air who wants to be barbarian.
Starting point is 00:07:43 Paladin, now that's a hero. Yeah. I mean, he is a hero. He's a natural party leader. Holy man and blessed warrior. So that's basically the embodiment of Face Jam. Yeah. The holiest of podcasts.
Starting point is 00:07:56 Sorry, spitting silly. Different show. Same feed. The sorceress, she's mastered the elemental magics, spelled with a K for some reason. Fire, lightning, and ice. Okay, and then there's the druid, commanding the forces of nature, not like a grackle. He summons wild beasts and raging storms to his side.
Starting point is 00:08:16 Oh, that's right. You can summon animals to you and not just turn into them, I think. Oh. I'm saying he's the closest grackle guy. He's the closest grackle guy, I would closest grackle guy i would think druid and sorceress are the most appealing to me right off the bat okay uh i would say and here's the thing after we think after we pick what we think we would want to play as like which one most sort of equates to us i want you to assign them to us michael because you're the obviously the master
Starting point is 00:08:42 right i mean i assume we i assume we want a balanced team as well so i see of these four yeah i see myself truly as the paladin the hero leader the holiest of holy the paladin is really the producer of the group. Yeah, he really is. I think paladin's the producer of the whole thing, making sure everyone's showing up. Sending a text that says, hey, man, where are you at? Yeah, yeah. Oh, I was pooping, by the way. Oh, good.
Starting point is 00:09:15 Great. When I said I'd be there in a minute, I knew it wasn't going to be a minute. I think we all knew it wasn't going to be a minute. Yeah, but I didn't know how long it was going to be because it was liquid. Right. Oh, God. Oh, come I didn't know how long it was going to be because it was liquid. Right. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:09:26 Oh, come on. Sorry. Feeling good. I ate a pretzel pub last night, by the way. So, okay. I see myself as the paladin. Jordan, who do you see yourself mostly as, do you think? Well, I think if I were to make a one-to-one comparison for for our roles within
Starting point is 00:09:48 this production i would definitely lean druid as a commanding the forces of nature uh summoning wild beasts you know talking to the grackles turning into the grackles um being one one with what is considered natural and what is unnatural food. Oh, okay. I also, you know, normally in this type of game, the role I would lean towards is some sort of ranged combat, which Sorceress is appealing in that regard. But I think I would lean druid here.
Starting point is 00:10:26 Okay, that's good. I'm going to guess Nick is going to do necromancer again. Must he? Did he say yeah, or did he say nah? Nah? No, not a yes. Then I don't know.
Starting point is 00:10:42 I can't really ask him. He can say one word, right? And that can be what class he thinks he is. Or one syllable. Yeah, or like something that character does. Yeah. Like execute.
Starting point is 00:10:58 Like a wild man. Like some sort of Conan the Barbarian. Okay, all right. He said it so weird. Damn. Michael, so if he's the Barbarian, what do you think, like which one do you identify with?
Starting point is 00:11:15 Oh, I'm all of them because I'm every hero. You said that you, when we started this, you said that you were Banana. What did that mean? Oh, that's my level 70 sorcerer's name. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:11:30 By the way, that's the character I started with Nick, by the way. And you're already level 70. This was like two weeks ago. Yeah, and I did haven't played it for two weeks. When you can do Spittin' Silly from home, you get a couple extra levels in oh yeah so here's the thing okay i think this is a pretty good set now my my only my only thing is i i think we should include a barbarian and a sorcerer um for for two reasons because the sorcerer can can potentially be the strongest when you have garbage gear right and we're all gonna because because her power lies on spells
Starting point is 00:12:12 and not weapons whereas like melee fighters they need good stuff basically um so i think so i think me as as the most experienced player of diablo 2, I will take on that role. Correct. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But you can turn into a bird or something maybe. So I think that's fine. What I also think is because this is like a medieval adventure fantasy game, I think we should all name our characters our own regular names. So it's Michael Jordan, Eric, and I don't know what the hell we named nick sauce monkey
Starting point is 00:12:49 i don't even think that'll fit can we all put like ye olde in front of our names so that it really leans into the medieval part well here's the thing here's the thing i think that we should be mich, Jordan, and Eric, and then Nick should be ye olde sauce monkey. There you go. I think that's the only thing that makes sense, truly. Leaning too far into one direction. Ye olde sauce monkey.
Starting point is 00:13:17 It doesn't fit. There you go. The Y doesn't fit, but you just capitalized that E, and you got monkey. Did it. You can fit ye olde sauce Monk E. You can fit that as a name. The capital E at the end just looks like when people would just do like uppercase X, lowercase X.
Starting point is 00:13:46 Oh, yeah. Hell yeah hell yeah decoration around their name uh so hell yeah this ladder mode nice right yeah okay xx nick yeah so so so ladder just means ranked in in that like it's separate than than regular which i don't really understand who gives a rat's asshole about ranked in Diablo. Are you still just playing the campaign? Uh-huh. That's all there is. That's all there is, Jordan. There's only one mode. But they've somehow made that ranked?
Starting point is 00:14:14 Yes, because it's like your character. Okay. You could be like, I have the strongest character. The point is, who cares? But... Oh, okay, yeah. They added some new content to ladder that's not in non-ladder and so that's why i started so ladder lasts for six months and then after six
Starting point is 00:14:31 months they dump all your ladder characters back into like non-ladder so right now ladder and non ladder are separate but then when the season ends all the ladder become regular so all the characters because or what happens to Banana? Banana becomes non-ladder. Does Banana go in the trash? No, no, no. Banana goes in the trash regular world, not the ladder world.
Starting point is 00:14:52 So any cool items, ladder specific items, Banana has are gone. No, no, no. She takes with her. Oh, okay. You see what I'm saying? Right, but then why would you ever,
Starting point is 00:15:02 like, what are you going to do in like the regular game mode? You know what I mean? The regular game mode is fine where I'm saying right but then why would you ever like what are you gonna do in like the regular game mode you know what I mean the regular game mode is fine where I'm playing I'm just doing ladder so I can get the extra items oh there's extra items yes there's new items that that like can ignore enemy weakness like you can just negate immunity so like enemies in the later difficulties are immune straight up like to fire ice lightning physical damage they added new charms that negates their immunity so you can just break it so like
Starting point is 00:15:31 if you get the cold immunity charm you can kill every single enemy in the game with cold spells no matter if they're immune or not i don't want to worry you guys but talking about this stuff is is making me very confused this game seems i mean you, you had me up until then as far as charms. When you could turn into a bird. Yeah, I was with you there, but it seems like this game has some deep... Trust me, and we'll never come anywhere near that. Oh, okay, good.
Starting point is 00:16:01 You'll find a stick on the ground. You'll find a stick and go, wow, this is way better than what I'm using. Okay, so you work your way up to all the... Correct, correct. Yeah. In-depth stuff. Correct.
Starting point is 00:16:15 You have to beat the entire game twice to get to like the third difficulty. Jesus Christ. Where the good stuff is. Do you, Michael, honest question, do you see us doing that? Beating the game? Yeah, we could easily beat the game. So the game,
Starting point is 00:16:28 the thing about this game is because it's a dungeon caller, beating the game isn't really the game. Playing the game is. You gotta beat the game in order just to get good stuff. So it's like most of the game takes place after you complete it. That's not. So you beat the game
Starting point is 00:16:44 to play the game. Correct. That's a... So you beat the game to play the game. Correct. That's a sign of a really good game. Correct. It is because it's a game that tricks you into still playing after you've beat them. It's actually a brilliant design. But they fucked up because it's Diablo of old, guys. Get this.
Starting point is 00:17:00 A game you can never stop playing. There's no microtransactions. Oh. This game's 20 years old yeah don't worry they didn't know any better you can play the mobile version if you want yeah you might spend some money play diablo immortal it feels like when this original game came out when you used a credit card they had to put it in that thing that like they set it down and had to put like a piece of like paper over and oh the big old thing yeah yeah it just goes yeah yeah there was like no internet
Starting point is 00:17:33 that like the credit card connected to nobody even thought about a chip or a tap no one thought it to be possible so microtransactions don't even exist so the point of the game is to get good stuff and look cool okay fashion Diablo yeah yeah okay okay this all makes sense to me so we all play
Starting point is 00:17:58 together we don't play without each other and then we'll all be the same level and we'll have the same stuff and it'll be great and we'll bond and how long do you reckon it takes for four people of varying skill levels and familiarity with the game takes? To beat this game on normal, I bet we could do it in a couple sittings.
Starting point is 00:18:19 Okay. I mean, there's five acts. If we put the time in, we could easily do one act a sitting. Okay. I would say one's five acts. If we put the time in, we could easily do one act as sitting. Okay. I would say one act is a couple hours. And I do feel like, like Jordan said with our varying skill, Jordan, don't worry.
Starting point is 00:18:36 We'll just get carried most of the way with, even though we all have shit, we all have shit stuff, we'll get carried. You'll carry. We'll be fine. Well, Eric's going to carry. Eric's played the the game so i don't know why you're acting i have i have played the game but not to the level where i have to get sunder charms right i think i think eric is is yeah i don't have them i don't have them either eric we're on the same page i don't have any he's only beaten the game
Starting point is 00:19:01 once not twice if i don't get a sunder Charm in three months, it was all for nothing You idiot Oh no, we only have three months? Oh jeez I don't like the ticking clock aspect Well, a couple weeks already passed Oh jeez I'm already playing in the ladder I got a lot of free time these days
Starting point is 00:19:20 I can make it work I can make free time yeah you can just tell people don't worry we can record an episode we just have to do it remotely today right and then play the game while we record but look here's the thing we can play this in private we can stream this we can do do whatever we want. And then I think maybe someone will get a little taste. I think for the sake of streaming it, even though it would be Face Jam, I think because it's ye olde sauce monkey,
Starting point is 00:19:58 I think we're going to have to let the monkey talk. Yeah. Especially since he has so much knowledge of the game. I've played with him before. And man, let me tell you, when you put him in Diablo, he really opens up. I think it's where he feels most at home. And so I think it really unlocks a lot more of his brain function that he doesn't usually have access to. And he can form full sentences and everything.
Starting point is 00:20:28 So you're saying we could stream this where we do. I mean, we don't have to do all of it, but I'm just saying, I'm saying we commit to doing it. We commit to making our little party. And then maybe not even the first one we stream, but maybe after we get our shit together. And like we're a cohesive unit. You're telling me that you don't think us getting our shit together would be entertaining? Probably not because it's going to be so easy. You guys are going to be so good at it.
Starting point is 00:20:57 We're going to be so good at it. It's probably going to be boring, honestly, to watch. Do you remember the last time the four of us got together to play games for something was a project that never got released? Oh, that's right. Do you remember how that went? I have no idea what you're talking about. What did we do? We played games. We played games.
Starting point is 00:21:18 Eric's running around. Don't worry. What are you doing? Don't worry. I remember. There you go. Officially restricting Spice Podcast. what are you doing don't worry i remember there you go officially wait podcast wait do we do we do we do that we did do it it never came out but we did do it didn't we play doom 2016 and it was awful so you know what really bad you know what i was thinking of something else oh yeah oh yeah yeah i remember being really good at the racing part uh yeah i remember some people being good at racing and some people
Starting point is 00:21:50 going backwards oh yeah i remember some people um the the bit was that he cut the wire to his house or something cut the brake cord we guys i blacked out i forgot about that i i was trying to remember the last time we played any sort of game together and that was that was it um so my question is is there any like racing simulation aspect to this game that maybe i would be really good at well well someone could say ready set go okay okay um now people are known to race on foot. That's possible. You can run. The sorceress is going to have a little bit of an
Starting point is 00:22:31 unfair advantage at level 18 because they can teleport. Is there like an energy management kind of aspect to it? Yes, there is. There's stamina. There's a lot of energy management in this game. You are constantly looking at your mana and you're looking at your health. Early on, you're always
Starting point is 00:22:48 tired. It is mana. Thanks, Jordan. This is why you're gonna fit in just fine. This guy clips his plate the game. This sucks. Fuck you. Alright, that's...
Starting point is 00:23:03 Not very paladin of you. All right. No, I'm right, and that's the most paladin thing. And you're a shield. Okay. All right. This sucks. I do think having the squad figured out is very good,
Starting point is 00:23:19 and then streaming it and playing it together. Okay, that's not my name. I'm little Eric is not my name. That's a good name. Look, he's even kneeling. I'm little Eric is not my name. I wouldn't- That's a good name. Like he's even kneeling because he's trying to be Eric's height. He's getting smaller.
Starting point is 00:23:30 I'm gonna take a picture. He got smaller. I had a druid named Town Rat Marshall. Oh, my God. How many? Hang on. Okay. Hang on.
Starting point is 00:23:55 How many characters do you have? Well, you're limited to 20. Okay. All right. Uh-huh. How close are you to that limit? Oh, I was at the limit. So. Okay. Okay. All right. How close are you to that limit? Oh, I was at the limit. So, okay.
Starting point is 00:24:10 When I wanted to start Ladder, I couldn't make any more characters. So I had to... Because a lot of my other guys, they're holding stuff for friends that don't play the game. Oh, okay. I keep finding things and I say someone might want this if I ever get them to play the game one day. I remember this conversation happening a lot during the road trip last year.
Starting point is 00:24:27 I have a lot of things for people that don't play the game. Michael would find something and be like, when Eric levels up, he can have this. Dude, if Eric hits 80, he could use this. Yeah, Jordan, when I hit level 80. How close are you to level 80? I'm probably about level 12. Oh, cool, cool. Yeah, but if you
Starting point is 00:24:50 hit 80, though... Yeah, but don't worry, because once we do ladder, we're all at zero, is my understanding, and then we level up together. Well, I mean, Eric, you don't ever start at zero. You start at one. Oh, okay. I'm sorry. I apologize. Nick is rolling his eyes. I can tell. I apologize. Nick is rolling his eyes.
Starting point is 00:25:05 I can tell. I know. I heard him go, oh. That really hurt him. Look, I'm just saying, this just gives us a whole new realm to be heroes in. Oh, dude. That's, I mean, really, we've been going on about this for about half an hour, and that's really all you had to say.
Starting point is 00:25:25 It's true. We could just look at heroes in a new realm. Right. Well, I didn't specifically mention the Paladin being a hero. I mean, I know that. Right, but that's, again, just how I see myself, the hero of the whole thing, so I just sort of focused on that. The Paladin, a.k.a. the producer of the party. Yes, exactly.
Starting point is 00:25:42 The Taurid producer. She kneels a difference to the party yeah yeah we should uh reassign the the roles like it's not paladin it's producer it's right oh that's see that it man. It's not barbarian. It's sauce monkey. It's. Oh, man. All right. Dude, I've seen Nick do a whirlwind when he's getting near some sauces. Yeah, that is true.
Starting point is 00:26:17 I feel like we've all seen that. I want to know. Yeah. You know, this is your idea. This is, you're trying to convince us and get us to go along with it and it's working but i want to know right what do we get out of it like what can we make michael do oh i mean you get an enjoyment of this but if you want something else i'm fine with that okay so we've talked about it briefly me and Jordan as an aside and I think potatoes I think that um you should have
Starting point is 00:26:50 to get into a sport and I do think it we talked about this for a while I think f1 is probably for you you think so well no but that's the excitement that I have about it. Oh, yeah. I think it's kind of like similar to Diablo 2 in that you have no knowledge of it. And Eric and Nick have cursory knowledge of it. Yes. And I am an expert. Yeah. And I will say that when Jordan said similar to Diablo 2, I got really excited to hear about how Diablo 2 is just like F1 racing. Oh, no. There's nothing like it.
Starting point is 00:27:27 But our situation is very similar to the Diablo 2 situation. I'm most excited about it being reversed in every way. Let me ask this. Do the cars have stamina bars? Sometimes there's little Amazon Web Services things that pop up, and they make, they make up stamina stats for the cars. Okay.
Starting point is 00:27:48 Cause I'm just, they're like powered by AWS. Okay. Cause I need to know when the cars are getting tired, I guess is what I'm asking. Yes. So basically as the race goes on, the cars get more tired. So it's, and then their health goes down or right there. Well, it's a, it's an interesting kind of leveling out. How much experience?
Starting point is 00:28:07 The tires get less grip as it gets more worn, but you're also burning more fuel, so the car gets lighter and is able to be a little faster. So the tires' durability goes down, and you got to get them repaired with the blacksmith. I see. Yep. Yep. That's exactly right. Absolutely right.
Starting point is 00:28:24 You got a team of blacksmiths that come in and reforge your tires halfway through the race. Sometimes you have to do it multiple times. You got to make sure that you don't have ethereal tires, though, because ethereal tires cannot be repaired. Or ethereal is probably what it's actually called. We call those hard compound tires. Yeah. Okay. Now I'm really getting into this F1 thing.
Starting point is 00:28:48 Finally, somebody put it in terms I can understand. From similarities I'm hearing, it sounds like I could go out there and probably start casting spells from what Jordan is saying. Yeah, I think that's about right. Is there a lot of spells on the... Well, I mean, you can't go out there. You're like a Nicholas Latifi,
Starting point is 00:29:10 and you need to level up to like a Max Verstappen to be able to start casting spells. Okay. So I'm like in act one, and I need to get to at least four or five. Right, yeah. You need a little more experience. Yeah. Okay. This is tracking. yeah okay i think tracking the the important thing is i feel like sam collins is kind of
Starting point is 00:29:27 like the deckard kane where he's saying stay a while and listen you have to hear what he has to say you don't have a choice okay so if i've got any questions or unidentified items right he'll take care of them that he'll he's got you don't worry about it uh so i think we got this pretty i think okay i'll do that pretty solid here uh and so then we all start racing in f1 is that what you're saying well and then we could at least consume consume the entertainment together yes for a season but work our way up though but also yes we should all start racing in f1 yeah you go go-karting would you guys like to go go-karting uh-huh it's fun maybe that's what we can make michael do i'll go go go go go yeah can you do our little f1 go-karting at coda
Starting point is 00:30:13 can we have can we use banana peels oh absolutely use banana peels they won't they'll kick us out but we can still do it. Yeah, right. Well, that's fine. I'll slide out. Yeah. I'll hop the fence and drive away. Michael wasn't concerned about coming back. No, not at all. No. Right. Okay, well, we're at about
Starting point is 00:30:41 a half an hour, so we really should wrap up. But I do think, Michael, I will say, you sold me at least. I'm into playing ladder mode and figuring that out. Yeah, I'm into getting carried. So, yeah. I just need to download and or purchase this game. Oh, you definitely have to purchase it.
Starting point is 00:31:02 You definitely have to do both, actually. You definitely start by buying it and then you download it. They don't let you download it first? A little try before you buy? Just give me a little taste. Oh man.
Starting point is 00:31:20 Okay. Well then we should get offline and we'll figure out when we can actually do this. So go subscribe to our streams because that's what we're going to do. We'll have our paladin get everything sorted out for us. Yeah. He'll schedule it out for us.
Starting point is 00:31:34 Yeah, we got it. Paladin's got it. Don't worry about it. The producer of Diablo 2. Oh, great. The paladin's calling again. Great, this fucking guy. All right, look, the paladin's saying wrap it up.
Starting point is 00:31:45 Michael, read the outro. Oh, yeah. Hold on, he's got Diablo 2 on his screen. Where's that at? I just dropped it. It's in the text chat in general. It's right there. Oh.
Starting point is 00:31:56 Hey. Yeah. Thanks for listening to Spittin' Silly. Don't forget to listen to a new episode of face jam next week that's right next week all caps tell a friend about the show where we do whatever we want i think that was very evident today not play but talk about nick you just killed a zool uh-huh that's okay points right there i don't even know what that means. That's a two skill point quest. You know what that means?
Starting point is 00:32:26 Isn't Zool the bad guy from Ghostbusters? Yeah. Yeah. Tyrael sends you on a quest to kill him because he betrayed you. He was an angel, an archangel. Betrayer! Betrayer! Ah! I'm

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