100% Eat - Spittin Silly - Food Court 2

Episode Date: November 29, 2022

Order in the court, the Food Court. Face Jam is back and Spittin Silly settling new food disputes from the loyal Jammers. There are some doozies in this one but the big one has to do with dipping food... in ice cream. Weigh in. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 At Mila, our partner is the planet. Until June 30th, every Mila dishwasher purchased supports the planting and preservation of Canadian forests through the Mila Forest Initiative. Join us in making an impact today for a better tomorrow. Visit mila.ca to learn more. This is a Rooster Teeth production. Welcome to Spittin' Silly, the Fortnite podcast where anything can happen, and it probably does.
Starting point is 00:00:28 I'm your host, Jordan Sweers, along my co-host next to me, Michael Jones. Help! Michael, what's up? Swish! Sorry, I shot a very far basket. That was a moonshot. Yeah, I shot it, and then you asked, but I was busy holding my breath. That was pretty cool. Because it was exiting the gravitational
Starting point is 00:00:48 pull of the planet right through Saturn's rings. It's a swish. Oh, the rings are the hoop? Did you win the game? Game over. That doesn't answer my question. As in it's been over for a while. Hey, I invented the game.
Starting point is 00:01:04 Okay, alright. This is Fortnite. been over for a while hey i invented the game okay all right this fortnight we are back in yeah we are the food court yeah we're we're not in the middle of a production we can take our time to do yeah sorry bro i got a i got some nice new digs i'm gonna tell you oh yeah your new office yeah that's pretty cool it is the coolest part is just walking over here yeah it was very easy and then texting me and going where'd you go
Starting point is 00:01:28 yeah and then disappearing and then yeah people were keeping you from me I was being lied to are they in the room and someone said they're not in the room
Starting point is 00:01:36 you shouldn't trust somebody not in the room to know who's in the room that's true no well they looked in the room and peeked that's what
Starting point is 00:01:41 they were being a gatekeeper yeah dude they were gatekeeping I got my gate kept. Yeah. Walked around the entire building and then came back.
Starting point is 00:01:48 And they put up the gamer gate and they kept Michael out. At least you got some cardio in. Bro, I'm cardioing all over the place. That's good. I got my Gatorade, you know.
Starting point is 00:01:57 You do have your Gatorade. You need to replenish all those electrolytes after walking around the building. You know what though? Not as much as usual. Temperature, quite cool right now.
Starting point is 00:02:05 It is comfortable outside. Look at us all wearing jackets. We're in little layers. Look at us. Well, that means we're all dressed up for food court also. That's good. This is nice. Excellent. I'm ready to harshly judge. You know how lawyers dress in England with their little wigs and stuff?
Starting point is 00:02:22 This is how judges dress in the face jam food court. With jackets. Face jam? Very casually. England with their little wigs and stuff. This is how judges dress in the face jam. Yep. Oh, with jackets, face jam, very casually. What's up? You're not wearing a face jam shirt.
Starting point is 00:02:32 No, sorry. A judge face jam. He's not a judge food court. Incredibly well received by the jammers. Got so many emails need to show you how to turn those off. So they don't go to your, I don't get them anymore.
Starting point is 00:02:45 Oh, good. I removed it. You hit unsubscribe. Great. I stopped a while ago. All right. Well, I still get the emails, and there were a lot, a lot. So this is just a— And I unsubscribed you, too.
Starting point is 00:02:56 You're not getting them anymore. Thanks. There's a smattering of, I mean, dozens, like dozens of emails that we got that were food court- related questions. You are all straight up freaks. Whatever is being judged here, the stuff that you guys are sending in, keep sending it. Facejamppod at roosterteeth.com is the email address. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:03:15 Let me ask you this. Uh-huh. Now, the last food court has aired. Yes. Have people followed our instructions? Are they a bit more clear on what the hell they want from us this time? Yes, yes, yes, yes. Not just sort of saying something and then they say the end bye?
Starting point is 00:03:29 Yeah. Okay. It helps. They're not presenting an existential issue that they don't really know. Yeah. It also had some people, I saw people posting like, I don't think that the frozen milk guy is crazy. Check this out.
Starting point is 00:03:43 And it is way more frozen milk. It looks like ice cream and you just go milk guy is crazy. Check this out, and it is way more frozen milk. It looks like ice cream, and you just go, this is gross. At least they're not asking us for help. Yeah, but here is At least they know. Here are some people who are asking you for help. Jammers, court is in session. There's a gavel
Starting point is 00:03:59 monkey. He's the bailiff. Why does a bailiff have the gavel? That makes no sense it's kind of a kangaroo it's a monkey it's a jungle monkey all right uh this is two issues but they are related uh from max issue one when i have grilled cheese i enjoy dipping it into applesauce okay it adds flavor to the grilled cheese but my friends all call me insane for doing so. I'm of the belief that this is normal and everyone who says it isn't is the insane one. How do you rule here?
Starting point is 00:04:34 Okay. Well, definitely not normal. Yeah. I think that's again, again, a lot of these, a lot of these, I'd like an actual legitimate question. Not right. Hey, I don't live in reality. Can you tell me that i live in reality
Starting point is 00:04:45 and i won't because i simply won't because you don't right it's that easy doing it is fine uh it's doing it and not accepting that you're a fucking freak yeah just saying you're weird if you don't do it the way it breaks down is clear as day where it's like here's something i do that everyone doesn't do yeah am i doing something everyone doesn't do the answer is always yes yeah like true no it's not normal right are you weird we'll get to that is it no one's like i don't know do you guys shower too oh you do oh yeah oh boy i thought that was a weird thing i invented. Would you eat, if you had a grilled cheese, would you dip it in an apple sauce? I mean, I suppose I'd try it if offered. I would try it, but I can't imagine it being as good as dipping it in a tomato bisque of some sort.
Starting point is 00:05:36 Here's the other thing, too. That would be my thought of how you pitch this, right? Again, it's pitched as in, I'm not crazy, and instantly you're wrong. What it should be is, hey, I know this is weird, but I'm telling you it's really good. You should try this. And then either my friends won't try it or they try it and then they disagree. What do you think? But you're just trying to be too normal.
Starting point is 00:05:57 I'm sorry. It ain't normal. It's not. It ain't normal. Now, I don't know how applesauce goes with cheese. Yeah, cheese is the weird thing. So, have you ever gone to, like, an Oktoberfest and you get the, like, German pancakes with the applesauce? Yeah, the Dutch baby or whatever.
Starting point is 00:06:16 That's a combination you wouldn't expect to work. Mm-hmm. But it does. It works really well. So, I could imagine maybe judging it too harshly at first, the grilled cheese. Like maybe there's some sort of more sophisticated version of this. There is. That exists.
Starting point is 00:06:34 It's a piece of apple pie with a slice of cheddar cheese on the top, which is good. That also sounds insane. I've heard of that. I haven't heard of that. It's very good. The cheese just gives it like a nice little body. It's pretty good. I haven't heard of that.
Starting point is 00:06:41 It's very good. The cheese just gives it like a nice little body. It's pretty good. However, dipping a grilled cheese into applesauce is like, that's like baby food shit. I mean, applesauce is baby food, period. If it's in applesauce form, it's baby food no matter what. Some people put apple slices in their grilled cheese.
Starting point is 00:07:01 That's true. I've done that, but it's usually like a tart apple. I don't do like a sweet cinnamon apple thing. Right. And applesauce is never served warm. Here's what I don't understand. So I don't want a combination. It's too many mixies. No, but you're right. Then you're going back into apple pie. It's warm. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:19 Here's my thing. Who's doing anything with grilled cheese? It's simple for a reason. Okay. Like, you know, there's, there's like recipes for like the ultimate grilled cheese sandwich.
Starting point is 00:07:30 It's like bacon and this and that. That's too much. What I like about grilled cheese is you have it. Yeah. It's like, I got bread. I got cheese. I got a pan. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:37 And then you make it. It's like, all right, here's 57 ingredients. I don't want applesauce in my grilled cheese. There are ways to plus it up, like dipping it in a tomato soup or something, or apparently dipping it in applesauce in my grilled cheese. There are ways to plus it up, like dipping it in a tomato soup or something. Or apparently dipping it in applesauce.
Starting point is 00:07:49 Okay, so what's the ruling here? I feel like I don't know. I haven't eaten it. It could be good, but it's fucking weird. I can't knock it until I try it. But something I've never heard of before. Yeah, absolutely. I'm here to knock it.
Starting point is 00:08:00 But you aren't wearing a shirt, so you're not an official judge. That's true. I was never an official judge to begin with. I know. So you're not an official judge. That's true. I was never an official judge to begin with. I know. Right. Yeah. Nobody's asking this. I'm a stenographer.
Starting point is 00:08:08 That's right. Yeah. But I'm over here going, I knock it. Yeah. I'm typing it up. Yeah. We're just going, sir. Sir.
Starting point is 00:08:15 Okay. So here's this other issue. Grilled cheese related. When my friend prepares grilled cheese, they toast the bread in the toaster before assembling and putting the whole sandwich onto the griddle. Why? I believe my friend is crazy for doing this. Is he? My instant
Starting point is 00:08:30 thought is why. Maybe it's some sort of masterful way to cook it, but it just seems like you're burning it. You're toasting your bread to toast your bread. I'll be honest, a lot of times I make grilled cheese and you gotta pull it off before it burns. And that's not not that's just regular white bread going into the pan so you got to put enough butter
Starting point is 00:08:50 to make sure that it doesn't burn the true balance is hold on we got we got text coming in bigger nick says was their bread kept in the fridge but even still you would still cook it on the griddle yeah it's the refrigerator not the Yeah. Where's your cheese kept? It's also cooked. Right. I'll be honest. You don't keep bread in the refrigerator. You'd still have it on the counter or the freezer.
Starting point is 00:09:12 The balance is always- You can freeze bread. What? I said you can freeze bread. I keep my bread in the fridge. You put bread in the refrigerator? Yeah. I keep it in my bread box.
Starting point is 00:09:19 That's weird. Why do you keep your bread cold? That's odd. You just said you keep it in the freezer. No, no, no. If you're saving bread long term- Yeah,. You just said you keep it in the freezer. No, no, no. If you're saving bread, like, long term. Yeah, grandma style. Grandma style.
Starting point is 00:09:28 You can freeze it. Other than that, I wouldn't chill it. It's interesting. I don't know. I guess I work on my bread slowly. Hmm. Yeah. That's fine.
Starting point is 00:09:34 I mean, I prefer a cold sandwich, quote unquote, over, like, a hot sub. Yes. But the bread is room temperature, standardly. Oh, I usually toast my bread before I go, so I guess I should just keep it out. I learned something. I really learned something here today. I really learned
Starting point is 00:09:49 something here today. Guys, does this take forever to warm up your cold bread to room temperature? Whatever I want to make a sandwich for. I buy it at the store.
Starting point is 00:09:58 It's warm. I got to bring it home, cool it off, and I got to warm it up again when I eat it. It takes so long to make a sandwich because I got to let
Starting point is 00:10:03 my bread thaw for 30 minutes. Okay, well, don't toast. I guess the verdict is don't toast your bread and then toast your bread? Well, again- We could have a huge discussion about this. Without being told why.
Starting point is 00:10:14 Yeah. I don't see to what end. Yeah, there's just no reason to do it. Yeah. I just, yeah. Toast happens so very easily. Yes. Right?
Starting point is 00:10:23 Who's ever going, it's been in there 20 minutes. Still not toasted. You know what I mean? Like you never heard. Although it's not a toasted grilled cheese. It's a grilled cheese. It's true.
Starting point is 00:10:34 You got to grill the bread. Yeah, you got to grill the cheese. Why toast it first? It just seems redundant. It's redundant. It's like redundant is a good, I think it's a good ruling. Well, it's like when you get the,
Starting point is 00:10:43 you get the frozen meals, right? Like a pizza, whatever, French bread pizza. And there's like redundant is a good, I think it's a good ruling. Well, it's like when you get the frozen meals, right? Like a pizza, whatever, French fry pizza. And there's like the lazy ass half microwave, half stove. Yes. Because it's faster. It's like, man, I still got to use the stove. Just put it in the fucking stove. Or like the toaster oven.
Starting point is 00:10:56 Right, right. There's no straight up microwave. It's like, you could fuck it up. You could like fucking melt the shit out of it. And it'll be really, it already sucks. But it'll be really, it's already, it already sucks, but it'll be really shitty, but faster. Eight minutes sooner.
Starting point is 00:11:09 Right. I guess I'm good. Yeah. I guess just toast it for 22 minutes and then I'll eat it at 2 30 AM. Okay. Uh, the judges have spoken. I like that.
Starting point is 00:11:18 Oh yeah. We need, we need some sort of like, that's our ruling, like sign off thing where it's like the case is over where it's just like, uh, now get out. No, that's for the end of the episode i'm just saying like this case is like why that's me telling that one person i think you could have the monkey bang the gavel but that's
Starting point is 00:11:34 all i can do for you i'm sorry um okay again the bailiff shouldn't know you're right it should be like it should be like you know and we have spoken oh there you go that's good say that something like that and we have spoken well that's good we have spoken that's good we should say it at the same time yeah okay good ready ready three two one and we have spoken we have spoken all right all right we'll fix that fix it um it'll sound great uh next one slide it this is slide it but remember to slide the track back otherwise the whole episode's gonna be off slide it it's going to be off. Slide it back. It's like you start answering a question before turning it. Put it back.
Starting point is 00:12:06 Oh, man. Okay, this next one's from Declan. Okay, cool name. My roommate, wait until you hear his thing. Cool person. My roommate says, I'm a weirdo
Starting point is 00:12:16 because whenever I have mashed potatoes, I put tomato sauce on them. I say this is the ideal way to eat them. Who is right? Again with these people. Okay. Never. Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:30 Declan. Declan and other future jammers of food court. Yeah. Do yourselves a fucking favor. At least plead your case. Yes. I know. Here's a fucking psycho here.
Starting point is 00:12:42 I do something fucking crazy. I'm not crazy, right? That's it. That's the letter., fucking psycho here. I do something fucking crazy. I'm not crazy, right? That's it. That's the letter. We need more information. No, that's it. I think it's good. I think that's good info.
Starting point is 00:12:52 We need it if you want us to side with you. Look, I want to side with the crazies. You know what I'm doing out here. We go, hey, I'm fucking crazy. Am I right? Yeah. That's the question. It's not just about that.
Starting point is 00:13:02 It's also about, like, I want to know why you think this is good. Because maybe if you can convince me, I'll start doing it. Did you trip and spill your fucking tomato sauce onto your mashed potatoes? I need to know as well. Where did this begin? Were you concussed? Did you think it was gravy? It was gravy.
Starting point is 00:13:20 Soupy. Like mashed potatoes with a tomato sauce sounds crazy as fuck tomato sauce out of a can it sounds crazy that sounds yuck it sounds so bad
Starting point is 00:13:31 on it's own it sounds so gross I think I draw the line at mashed potatoes with using it as rescue goop for vegetables yeah yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:13:39 right you know what I mean it's like I could eat the peas or I could get the mashed potato glue yeah and then you go and you go oh I like eat the peas or I could get the mashed potato glue. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:47 And then you go and you go, oh, I like all these peas. Let's stock this mashed potato. I don't even taste them. Yeah, I do that. I like peas. Now imagine that you just poured tomato sauce all over it. Right. Like a full on freak. I'm trying.
Starting point is 00:13:58 I'm trying to not think about pizza salad again. Right? I'm picturing how red it is. Pizza. Hey, you want some pizza starch? Imagine, you know the thing you pour gravy out of on Thanksgiving? That's just full of tomato sauce.
Starting point is 00:14:12 And you make a little tomato sauce boat. You make a little well for your potatoes. Oh, you put your thumb in it? Yeah. Right, yeah. Put the back of the spoon in. Finally, a place where tomatoes and potatoes can come together.
Starting point is 00:14:23 Whoa. Hey. For too many years. You say potato. I say potato. For too many years, the toes have been kept apart. Spread the toes. Put them together.
Starting point is 00:14:32 It all works. Spread the toes. Add some cheese. Jesus Christ. I definitely say no. Would you dip a grilled cheese in a tomato sauce and gravy combination? Or a mashed potato combination? I mean, can I stop before it hits the mashed potatoes?
Starting point is 00:14:51 Like a normal person? Right. Dipping. Oh, wait a minute. Can we take case one and case two? Right. Hi, your honors. Can I dip?
Starting point is 00:14:59 I dip grilled cheese in tomato soup. Is that normal? Yes. That's fucking normal. I put cheese, melted cheese on my mashed potatoes. Is that normal? Yes. Butter?
Starting point is 00:15:15 This is a real Declan, I don't know about this one. I mean, I haven't tried it. I can't imagine I would enjoy it. I encourage Declan to write back to us follow up and yeah um present some supporting evidence but also why why and how this has happened what he enjoys about it um we don't know anyone else we want to get to know we look this i i think
Starting point is 00:15:40 all of us agree we don't want this to be surface level yeah okay we're really out here trying to help people and solve your problem. I think you got to open up a little bit. The true purpose of the food court is to have human interest come to light. I think it's food empathy. I think we need to rule on this one because I think you're really going to like the next one if you want some human interest. Oh, I mean, my ruling is. I suspend a ruling.
Starting point is 00:16:04 Right. Until Declan gets back to us. I say no. I mean, if he doesn't get back to us, yeah. It's a real conditional situation. I'll throw a no. He can throw a conditional no.
Starting point is 00:16:17 Okay. And we have spoken. There you go. See? He did the... And we have spoken. Don't forget to drag the track back. No, drag his forward this time. Oh, that's right. Okay.
Starting point is 00:16:28 Michael's getting ahead of us. This has some length, but this is, I think, what we're looking for. Excellent. Greatest duos trading cards have arrived at Tim's with two hockey icons on every card. Like Matthew and Brady Kachuk, rivals, teammates, family, and more. Connected like never before. Head to Tim's and get yours today at participating restaurants in Canada. This is from James S. I bring before you a case that has been in litigation for over two years
Starting point is 00:16:55 and needs to be settled once and for all. Myself, James, my roommate, Hardy, often go to Dairy Queen for food because there is one across the street from where we live. Our go-to meal is the chicken strip basket, and sometimes we also get blizzards as a dessert. often go to Dairy Queen for food because there is one across the street from where we live. Our go-to meal is the chicken strip basket, and sometimes we also get blizzards as a dessert. Classic. He wrote desert. Doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:17:13 It's all going good so far. Despite the dessert. One day, while eating, I noticed my roommate dip a dry chicken tender into his chocolate cookie dough blizzard before taking a bite out of it. I immediately called him out on this, but he compared it to how you dip a fry into my vanilla M&M blizzard before taking a bite out of it. I immediately called him out on this, but he compared it to how you dip a fry into my vanilla M&M blizzard, which is one would do like dipping a fry into a frosty at Wendy's.
Starting point is 00:17:34 I think this comparison is absurd, but we have a few mutual friends who back him up. Just to be clear, we both agree that dipping fries in ice cream, whether it be vanilla or chocolate is perfectly normal thing we also both agree that catching m&ms on a fry or cookie dough on a tender would be gross weird interesting where i that's a weird that's a weird place to draw the line i mean right you can swim around would you agree agree? I like, so you put the french fry in, you go to scoop out the ice cream, and someone screams,
Starting point is 00:18:07 Watch out, that's a dam! Where we disagree is whether or not dipping a dry, non-sauced chicken strip in ice cream is a good combination. For your consideration, is dipping chicken tenders in ice cream normal? And if it is, does the flavor of ice cream,
Starting point is 00:18:25 chocolate or vanilla matter? This is from a lawyer, loyal jammer till death and beyond James S. I guess that's some human interest. That is, I guess, I guess my question is because it was specified. Do you know,
Starting point is 00:18:38 are they both in agreeance that it's unacceptable with a sauced piece of chicken? That's how it seems because they are saying non-sauced repeatedly. Because I will say it is. Yeah. It's unacceptable. I don't know why you would do that. Let me get a little ketchup.
Starting point is 00:18:54 I feel like you should have said that. But he, in my opinion, alluded to it. Oh, I feel like. So I just want to say. I feel like he hammered home dry. I think that's agreed. But Hardy thinks both are unacceptable. Yes.
Starting point is 00:19:10 Oh, no, sorry. Sorry. He thinks both are unacceptable. Yeah. So he thinks both are unacceptable. Hardy is saying I'm dipping my chickens. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:19:18 Jordan, first thoughts. My first thought was definitely, this sounds like a french fry situation. Where you dip a french fry into the ice cream. And they immediately brought it up. So they are familiar with this practice. And I can see how someone would want to branch out from french fries. But I feel like chicken is a bit of a stretch.
Starting point is 00:19:40 Especially the Dairy Queen chicken tender. Which is very bready. Especially the Dairy Queen chicken tender, which is very bready. I don't, I just don't picture that tasting great. And it's definitely not normal, which is, again, the crux of the argument. But it's weird because he is saying that they have friends who are, I think this is what's throwing James into a spiral. James is suddenly questioning the nature of his reality. Yeah, because they have friends who are going,
Starting point is 00:20:09 yeah, man, dip that chicken. Like, go for it. Right. How are they saying it, though? What look is on their face when they're saying it? I think there's a sly smile going, yeah, dip your chicken. I dip my chicken all the time. Has James seen these people dip their chicken all the time?
Starting point is 00:20:22 Michael, what do you think? I think I'm going to have to disagree. Uh-oh. You're for it? I am for it. Now, remember, in this honorable court, I'm just trying to judge the proper ruling. Yeah. And I'm thinking of precedence.
Starting point is 00:20:39 It's very important. And I think the fry argument carries too much weight. I personally don't dip fries in milkshakes, okay? But I do accept it, okay? It is an accepted practice. I would say it's on the outskirts, but it's an accepted practice. Lots of people do it.
Starting point is 00:20:57 It's urban legend-ish status. You don't go, what? And freak out if you hear about it. It's more like, oh, you're one of them. Usually. I would say it's a little weird that they, um, find it disgusting to get an M and M or that's,
Starting point is 00:21:10 that's weird. That is weird. Yeah. I'm just saying, you're dipping in an ice cream. I'm just going to get it. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:15 I've never met a normal person who, when you say that their heads explode, they're just like, Oh, interesting. You do that. I think that was my reaction. I went,
Starting point is 00:21:24 Oh, well, I'll never do that. But I guess that's the thing people do. Yeah. With the M and M's, you think you're that. I think that was my reaction. And I went, oh, well, I'll never do that. But I guess that's a thing people do. Yeah, with the M&Ms, you think you're taking, I even say risk. I mean, it's an M&M and a French fry.
Starting point is 00:21:32 You just touch it. It doesn't, like, it's not like a bomb that explodes onto the fry and adds like a chocolate paste or something. I don't quite understand that at all. It's much more unappetizing to think about dipping the chicken tender in just regular ice cream,
Starting point is 00:21:48 regardless of mix-ins, than a fry with an M&M on it. I agree. Yeah. Like, I find that to be a weird line to draw. I guess, for me, it makes more sense since I am not a fry dipper. It is more similar to me since I wouldn't do either. But maybe, like, are you known to dip a fry in your milkshake? I've been known to dip a fry, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:13 See, so maybe that's the thing. Maybe that's like if you're a fry dipper, you're like, no, no, no, no, this shit's super weird. But you're already doing a practice that I think is a little weird to begin with. So it's not that much further to me. I'll say this. I do recognize it's a weird weird to begin with. So it's not that much further to me. I'll say this. I do recognize it's a weird thing to do to dip a fry. It's this weird thing that everyone does,
Starting point is 00:22:29 but it's normal because everyone actually does it. I don't know James and Hardy. They do it. It's true. It's true. It's not anecdotal. People do it. And I guess the chicken is... My thing is, I think it's weird
Starting point is 00:22:46 but I also think if you're sitting there and you have the fries and the chicken and you're dipping the fries in, it's not that weird to also dip the chicken in, is all I'm saying. If they're both right there, I really don't see much of a difference. I think we're entering a
Starting point is 00:23:01 Sopranos if you put one thing in your mouth, you put anything. I think if we have a split decision, we might need to try it out. Oh! You and I might need to try it for real and see if either of us change our opinion. Now, here's the thing. That's a suspended rule. To me, that's an ultimate suspended rule. That's a suspended rule. To me, that's an ultimate suspended rule.
Starting point is 00:23:27 That's a suspended rule. Because it's a draw. Because Michael and I do need to be aligned on our ruling. That's also what I think we should do for another Spit and Silly episode. I feel like we should do a whole Spit and Silly dedicated to this because this is fucking crazy. Yeah. Like, to dip chicken. This is like nuts to me.
Starting point is 00:23:47 To dip chicken in the ice cream. Where do draw the line that's exactly my question like do you dip a hamburger you start to see people dip hamburgers into ice cream yep i've seen it this is again i'll mind you i don't eric where are we from i don't do any of these things i've seen i've seen the ketchup swirl in the eye in the in the mc the McDonald's ice cream. They're putting a cheeseburger in it. Oh, my God. No. I think this guy has to have done it.
Starting point is 00:24:11 Yeah, he did it. Of course he has. I've never done it. But he's hard. I know, but I'm just saying people do it. But I've seen it before I even met this freak. I've never seen it before. I've never seen anyone.
Starting point is 00:24:22 But also, I've never seen chicken dipped in ice cream. I've seen burgers. I haven't seen chicken. Wow. Fries, long, dippable shape. Chicken tenders, kind of similarly shaped. It's kind of similar, huh? Burger?
Starting point is 00:24:34 Yeah, squeeze it in there. Hamburger, round thing in like two bits. You take a bite and you got a corner. It's like you've seen it. That's how you do it. Why would you do it? I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:24:44 I don't. I'm just telling you I've seen it. It's madness. I can't seen it. That's how you do it. Why would you do it? I don't know. I don't know. I don't. I'm just telling you I've seen it. It's madness. I can't explain it. Okay, so. All right, I'm going to Vince Young's Steakhouse.
Starting point is 00:24:51 I'm bringing my M&M's Blizzard. I'm bringing my M&M's Blizzard with me and I'm dipping my Vince Young's steak, my filet mignon into the ice cream.
Starting point is 00:25:02 Should our next. I'm going to be like, am I weird? Should our next spit and silly be. You can do that if you want. Should our next. I'm going to be like, am I weird? Should our next spit and silly be. You can do that if you want. Should our next spit and silly be this? Should we do. You think we should do a back to back though?
Starting point is 00:25:13 But this is a good ruling that we can do. It's a great ruling, but here's my question. This, is this going to be long enough for a whole episode? Or do we get a couple of rulings? What else can we rule? I don't know. I'm just saying, do we save it for maybe two or three come up? Maybe we'll have to do that.
Starting point is 00:25:26 And then we can do like a ruling episode. A ruling episode. If it doesn't happen, then we do this. Okay. No, this is good. I don't know that I can have a 30 minute argument about whether or not what I just dipped into my ice cream was good.
Starting point is 00:25:35 I think if there's a couple of like spin off rulings. What if we do, okay, so here's the thing. What if we do that? What if we do, what if we do the grilled cheese and applesauce? Oh God, I don't want to. I don't either. But here's the thing. What if we do that? What if we do... What if we do the grilled cheese and applesauce? Oh, God. I don't want to.
Starting point is 00:25:47 I don't either. But here's the thing. Those are bad. Those are bad. Right. This actually kind of makes sense. We agree that the other ones are bad. If we get another ice cream chicken, let's talk.
Starting point is 00:25:58 Okay. Okay. Okay. This could be lemons. Yeah. Oh. Ice cream chicken could be lemons. Definitely not going to be lemons. Listen. Ice cream chicken could be lemons. Ice cream chicken could be lemons. Yeah. Oh. Ice cream chicken could be lemons. Definitely not going to be lemons.
Starting point is 00:26:05 Listen, ice cream chicken could be lemons. Ice cream chicken could be lemons. You get some lemon chicken. You have this playing on your phone in your kitchen while you're making dinner, and somebody walks in, and it's just the sentence, ice cream chicken could be lemons, and they go, what? They activate? Da, comrade.
Starting point is 00:26:22 Okay, so I think, hey, James, that's a great one. I think we're going to hang on to it, and I think hey James that's a great one I think we're gonna hang on to it I think we gotta do a spit and silly we have a split court yeah that's the first
Starting point is 00:26:32 I would say that's the first legitimate split I think that's what we have to call the spit and silly where we have rulings on these we have split court
Starting point is 00:26:38 split and silly split and silly banana split okay we have time for one more. Okay. But that's a good one. I'm excited. Me too.
Starting point is 00:26:50 I'm excited. Look, as much as I want to do now, it's good enough to do it right. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Always better to do it right. Okay. So here is the last one.
Starting point is 00:27:01 It's from Kenzie. When I eat Chinese food, talking sweet and sour pork, beef and broccoli, chow mein type, I love to have it with milk. Thick food plus thick drink makes it refreshing
Starting point is 00:27:16 and washes everything down nice. Oh my God. All of my friends think it is repulsive to have milk with Chinese food. Please let meulsive to have milk with Chinese food. Please let me know if the milk and Chinese food combo is acceptable or if it is a crime worthy of everyone's claims. Big fan, Kenzie. Okay.
Starting point is 00:27:34 Milk is tough. Milk is tough. I will say, Kenzie, thank you for explaining the logic behind it because I can tell you with like full confidence that you are in fact crazy. Yeah. Because thick food plus thick milk does not. Thick drink. Thick drink does not equal refreshing and washing it down. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:56 You'd think maybe you want. That's just not how that works. Maybe too thick. Too much thick. Right. It's like, it's like, let me eat something very like carby and drink the darkest beer i see my see my this is funny because my boss did something similar oh really back in the real world specifically with chinese food almost almost to a t where i was thinking are we talking like
Starting point is 00:28:16 this kensi code like oh i bet i bet it's thick i bet it's got any milk i bet that's like but in more of the sense of what you're talking about now now I don't know that this is, this is still probably gonna be anecdotal, but tracks a little more. Anytime we would get Chinese food, like during lunch, he didn't really drink soda much, but whenever we got Chinese food, he would drink Mountain Dew and he was just like, he's just like
Starting point is 00:28:37 for some reason, the way the Mountain Dew like cuts the oil, like of the Chinese food. He's like, it's just like all this like thick oil. And he's like, and I, and I, the Mountain Dew like slides it down more.
Starting point is 00:28:49 And I'm just like, Mountain Dew is a thinner drink though. No, I understand. I understand that. That's what I'm saying. But I'm just saying the idea is out there among people. Apparently they'll have going,
Starting point is 00:29:01 okay, Chinese food. What am I going to drink? I need a special drink and not I'm thirsty that's that's what i'm saying like specifically he would be like oh i'm getting chinese food i'm gonna i gotta have that too yeah right okay i always thought that was crazy uh still better than milk though a hundred percent yeah um i just don't buy the argument that thick drink and thick food equals refreshing. I just, I don't know. It does not sound refreshing at all.
Starting point is 00:29:26 It doesn't sound refreshing. It sounds heavy. It sounds like a stomachache waiting to happen. It's very heavy. And not even just for my lactose intolerance, because I'm not really much anymore. I've mostly won. It's not that aspect of it. But just, there's not many meals I think of as an adult that you want to drink milk with.
Starting point is 00:29:45 Let alone like a large glass of milk, like cookies or it's a specialty drink. Yeah. Right. Milk. It's it's it's something that you use. You got to drink it with something. There's a reason. There's got to be.
Starting point is 00:29:56 Like I just like I just got milk. I just got into maple steamers, which is a New England specialty, which is just steamed milk with some maple syrup and a little bit of whipped cream and cinnamon. Okay. That's elaborate. I would not drink warm milk and be like, ooh, a sweet treat for me.
Starting point is 00:30:13 Sure. But what if you were eating Chinese food? I would definitely not. Dude, I can't remember the last time I had a glass of milk. Right. Unrelated to a dessert. Having a couple Oreos in that. Food milk. Right. Unrelated to a dessert. Yep. Just having a couple Oreos in that.
Starting point is 00:30:28 Food cereal. Right. You freeze your milk and put it in with your milk? Crazy. Sorry, Kenzie. Kenzie, that's...
Starting point is 00:30:36 I just can't abide it. That's out there. No. Yeah, that's a no for me, dog. Yep. I mean, we'll allow you to keep doing it. Right.
Starting point is 00:30:42 Oh, absolutely. But you deserve admonishment. Absolutely. It's not normal. Next time your friends bring it up to you and they go, you're crazy for doing this, say, yeah, I wrote into a podcast. Then they also admonish me for the better part of five minutes. But maybe try Mountain Dew.
Starting point is 00:30:56 Yeah, give that a shot and see what happens. Try Mountain Dew. Let us know if it has a similar effect. Email us back and let us know how it compares. And then if you do, I'll let my boss know. And then he can try milk. I still talk to him. You can let him know, hey man, next time you eat Chinese food, put the Mountain Dew in his side.
Starting point is 00:31:10 I absolutely will. He'll say no. Well, yeah, he's a regular man. Right, but I can tell him how his Mountain Dew went. Yeah, that's good. Alright, and we've spoken. And we have spoken. Fantastic. If you want to send in your food court cases,
Starting point is 00:31:27 you can... Disputes. That's right. You can email us. Please include some information. Yeah. Face jam pod. Face jam pod at roosterteeth.com is the email address.
Starting point is 00:31:36 The way that those were written, where it was like one side, the other, and the question. That's what we're looking for. Don't feel like you have to write an essay. We're not looking for a thesis here. Yeah, and it doesn't have to be good. Trust me, even if you try, it won't be.
Starting point is 00:31:48 Right, and I'll still have to pare it down. So just hit us with- But tell us what the hell you're talking about. Hit us with the goods. I'm excited. I'm excited for more of these. Also, check out Face Jam's Trucked Up. That comes out November 17th,
Starting point is 00:32:01 so I don't know when that- When does this come out? Get trucked. Thanks, Nick. Great. So it's probably right arounded. Thanks, Nick. Great. So it's probably right around then. It's out imminently. Out now-ish. If you didn't listen to this right away, it's out now.
Starting point is 00:32:12 Face Jam's Trucked Up is coming out this week. It's a cooking show where we don't cook, we just eat. It's an eating show. It really is an eating show. And it is trucked up. Trucked out. Can we eat now? Is trucked down good? Yeah, we'll trucked up. Trucked down. Can we eat now? I'm hungry.
Starting point is 00:32:25 Is truck down good? Yeah, we'll figure it out. Truck down is bad. All right. Do the outro. Why are you holding it in front of me? I didn't know if you had it. I sent it to you.
Starting point is 00:32:35 I know I sent it to you, but I'm still making sure that you have it. Oh, okay. Yeah. I lost it. Okay. Hey, thanks for listening to Spit and Silly. Don't forget to listen to a new episode of Face Jam next week. That's right.
Starting point is 00:32:44 Next week. It's right, next week. It's not this show, it's Face Jam, but it's the same feed. If you've heard this, you'll hear that. Tell a friend about the show where we do whatever we want. Like this. And like the things we talked about doing next time. And we have spoken. And we have spoken.
Starting point is 00:32:58 Perfectly, right on time. And we have spoken. Three, two, one. And we have spoken. Okay, come on. Just slide again.

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