100% Eat - Spittin Silly - Whataburger Chili Cheese & more

Episode Date: November 14, 2023

Our heroes are trying the new Whataburger Chili Cheese Burger & Fries while grilling Eric for getting onto Graysie. Little does he know what the future holds for him. Sponsored by DoorDash (Download ...the DoorDash app and use code FJHOLIDAY). Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Alright, welcome to Spit and Silly, the Fortnite podcast where anything can happen, and it already has. I'm your host, Jordan Sweers, alongside my co-host, Michael Jones. Michael, how are you? Yo, we're gonna eat. Yeah, I'm ready to eat. Wow, just diving right in, huh? Well, I've only eaten once today.
Starting point is 00:00:23 Oh yeah? What did you eat today? I found an amazing turkey peppercorn sandwich at HEB with some cheese. I don't know. Is it from one of their little cafeteria places? No, it's from that ready-to-eat thing. It's near the food court. It's like those two little rows over there.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Yeah, it's near the salads. Gotcha. 40 grams of protein. Holy shit! 40 grams of protein in like 46 carbs? it's near the salads. Gotcha. 40 grams of protein. Holy shit. 40 grams of protein in like 46 carbs, just a sandwich. Wow. Yeah. Goddamn.
Starting point is 00:00:50 And I was like, because I wanted to keep it light. Yeah. Because I knew we were getting this. But we're not eating that on this show. No. We're eating something big. Gracie probably hasn't eaten today. Okay, prepare for this.
Starting point is 00:01:01 I ate breakfast. Okay. Oh. Okay. Does that count? But if I had more of a heads up, I would. There's the chili, by the way. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:07 This is a... She doesn't have chili. It hurts. This is the... Mine is a burger with Fritos. Yeah. A Whataburger chili cheeseburger. How do you put the Fritos but not the chili?
Starting point is 00:01:16 Is it down there? No, there's none. You literally just... It's not like a small helping. I think you just did not get it. I'm going to have to take some from the fries and put it on mine. Okay. So we got the...
Starting point is 00:01:24 Nick, give her yours. Whataburger chili... He can't hear you just did not get it. I'm going to have to take some from the fries and put it on mine. Nick, give her yours. Whataburger. He can't hear you all the way over there. He suddenly lost every word he learned over the years. The Whataburger Chili Cheeseburger is a limited time food, but we didn't want to do Whataburger on the show again, so we're just going to eat it for spit and silly. So I've opened it.
Starting point is 00:01:39 First impressions. Yeah. Looks like Whataburger. And right. What they specialize in is their own version of a smash burger, which it just comes totally smashed. Yeah. It's a very flat burger. It's been wrapped tightly and then flattened down. Very small top of bun.
Starting point is 00:02:01 I'm not the Joker tonight. Cool. Your hair's still a little purple, though. You got a little Joker left in you. That wasn't even Joker, to be fair. That was Trunks. Oh, that's right. Joker's hair is green.
Starting point is 00:02:14 Yep. The suit is purple. That's just good color coordination. It just worked. Yeah, that just worked out. All right, I guess we'll dive into this. This is a double patty, double cheese. Why'd you get doubles?
Starting point is 00:02:28 That's how it comes. Frito and cheese. I didn't specify anything. You could definitely get it single. I did not specify anything. I just ordered it as a game. That makes sense that she ordered it, because you would never get doubles for everybody. No!
Starting point is 00:02:37 You would maybe get doubles for me or ask. Yep. Or like a, you want a double or a single? I'm like, I want a double, of course. Doubles for everyone? What a Gracie move. Don't shoot the messenger. What like a, you want a double or a single? I want a double, of course. Doubles for everyone? What a Gracie move. Don't shoot the messenger.
Starting point is 00:02:50 It is a chili cheeseburger. It's got Fritos. We also got chili cheese fries, which Nick is coming over. No Fritos in those? There's no chili cheese fries Fritos, but it is,
Starting point is 00:03:00 it's fries with chili and cheese. You can't pick up a Frito with a fork. Although maybe these you could because they're pretty soft. There is like no crunch at all. Zero. Nothing.
Starting point is 00:03:12 It is soft. I don't even know that I'm tasting them. Like they're in there for sure. But I forgot they're supposed to be crunchy. All I have is crunch. You don't have any chili. Yeah, why? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:03:23 Damn, and you ordered doubles. Wow, they really. She's taking a single. They really shortchanged chili. Yeah, why? I don't know. Damn, and you ordered doubles. Wow, they really. She was taking a single. They really shortchanged you. Straight up, they just did not know. She put that on. I put that on from the front. No, she straight up just did not get it.
Starting point is 00:03:32 There was zero when I opened it. She straight up did not get it. She's not running. Yours looks a little smaller than everyone else's. Yeah, why do you have a tiny one? Did you order the wrong one? There's a single? I ordered five of the same thing.
Starting point is 00:03:42 Also, let me say. Maybe they ran it. They started running out and they're just like, I don't know. This is Whataburger style? That's different because you have a white piece of paper in it too. Yours are all double yellow. Is this their way of telling me that they're cheese? No, it's telling you that like that's the diet or something.
Starting point is 00:03:55 The diet. It's like the junior Whataburger. Yours is different. What is that? White means no cheese when there's just white and not yellow. Hers is yellow and white. So I don't know what that means. Damn!
Starting point is 00:04:07 Crazy is pissed right now. I've never seen her make this face. That was like actual, like, I'm fucking mad. Like, you locked your keys in your car. I am mad because that's really good. When I scoop it on, I like it, but I don't have it. Oh, good idea. Is it? Was it?
Starting point is 00:04:24 I'm done. Was it a Was it? I'm done. Was it a good idea? Yeah, it's a great idea. There's more chili cheese fries there, so you can dig into it. Hang on. Uh-huh. Michael's graciously cutting his burger in half. Gracie's face jammed out.
Starting point is 00:04:34 Oh, my God. Thanks. Literally no one cares more than you except Nick, and I don't care about Nick. Right. Plus he got his. I'm good. I can't not. If Nick got what Grac his. I'm good. I can't not. If Nick got what Gracie got,
Starting point is 00:04:47 we would all be laughing at him. And no one would. So Michael just cut his burger in half and gave it to Gracie. That's delicious. Which, by the way, I was two seconds from getting into the half of that burger. Like, look how much is left.
Starting point is 00:05:00 This was the sliver. And I had about 56% of my burger. I'll give you half of my plain one. No, that's fine. Which now has fries on it. I see that. I laughed and spit chili on my mouth. Here's the thing, too, to remember.
Starting point is 00:05:12 I may have given Gracie half of my burger, but that half would have been a hole that Eric would have gotten me anyway when he bought a single. So I still got what I would have gotten. Gracie just didn't get what she ordered. Right, right. That's face jam math. Uh-huh. I make friends. Mm she ordered. Right. Right. That's face jam math.
Starting point is 00:05:25 Uh-huh. I'm at six. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. This is... We mistimed this bite. We all took a bite at the same time. At the exact same time. And now the podcast is silent.
Starting point is 00:05:33 We all refuse to talk. And we're all just nodding. Is that my work? Gracie, take it. Yes. Take it away. Uh-huh. It's your podcast now.
Starting point is 00:05:44 Oh, really? There's still mustard on here, which is a little odd. Do you not like mustard? No, I like it. It's just like, I don't know. I feel like once chili gets involved. Yeah, what's the point? It seems weird to also be, I get it's just their cheeseburger and then they put chili on.
Starting point is 00:05:59 I don't know. Maybe that's normal and I'm weird, but I just went, oh, they kept that on there. Thought they would have taken it off. It doesn't need it. How long do you think these have been sitting here? Because I don't want to... Who thinks it does, by the way? I don't want to blame... Lester goes on Frito Pie. I mean, I guess he would know. He yelled, it does!
Starting point is 00:06:14 Like, you questioned it. You know what? I won't question it. No. He's probably the most Texas out of all of us. I mean, I mean, he is. I don't want to... Isn't he the only one from here? No, Gracie's like from like Dallas. That makes sense.
Starting point is 00:06:28 He's been here longer. Alive. He's been here longer. It's true. Like alive. It's true. He's been on Earth longer. You got here first.
Starting point is 00:06:37 He's been on Earth longer. This isn't going to be a shocker I really like that But I like Whataburger Do you want it back? No I'm saying I'm giving my opinion I'm not asking for it back I'm saying I enjoyed that burger
Starting point is 00:06:57 I tend to be pretty lukewarm on their burgers At Whataburger But I have to agree that it's pretty good And I don't know what's making it taste better Than all the other ones I've had before because it's certainly not the Fritos, which are soft. Yeah, I don't know that I tasted them.
Starting point is 00:07:12 I don't need it. It's fine. Thank you. I appreciate it. Well, now I have like three. Now her cup runneth over. I'm good. Okay. Yeah. Eric gave me his, but he didn't cut it for me. Nothing to cut. But it was weird because he bit around the entire thing like a saucer.
Starting point is 00:07:31 Yeah, well, I bit around the circle. He made sure there were no parts unbitten. I want you to eat this if you dare. Yeah, because I want you to eat it from the top. Whoa. Like a normal guy. Like a regular normal sandwich eating guy. That's how regular people eat normal sandwiches, the
Starting point is 00:07:45 regular way. So, the chili cheese is so it's, this is like the most basic thing. A lot of places just sell this. Yeah, I don't know
Starting point is 00:08:03 why this would be a Why is this limited? I don't know why this would be a... Like a Sonic or a Wiener Hut. Why is this limited thing? I don't know. I don't understand. Wait, what's a Wiener Hut? It's a Wiener Schnitzel. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:15 He's just having fun. You just call it a Wiener Hut because it saves time. But it doesn't save time when somebody asks what's a Wiener Hut. I didn't know that either, though. But it's specific to Wienerschnitzel? I just call it wiener hut sometimes. Okay. I'm just trying to get to the bottom
Starting point is 00:08:28 of this is a Jordan thing or this is like a cultural thing. I think it's a Jordan thing. Okay. I don't think this is saving time anymore. It's specifically like Cerritos,
Starting point is 00:08:36 my friend group kind of thing. See, that makes sense. Well, when you drop it outside that friend group, though, you're going to get questions. But guess what? You're too comfortable. Guess what? It's expanded now. Now friend group, though, you're going to get questions. But guess what? Guess what?
Starting point is 00:08:46 It's expanded now. Now we all know. Now you're. Well, that's it. Now you have the virus. You went from saving time to now you lost time. So now you better make it worth it. Now we've added value.
Starting point is 00:08:56 Right. That's how you do it. This is how the woke mind virus works. Yeah. Is you start with Wiener Hut and then who knows where you go from there. Oh, no. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:04 Now you have ideas about people being equal? It's fucking crazy. Yeah, I think what you described is just idea spreading. That's right. Not those ones. No, my ideas. Where does Glenn Youngkin come into this? Ohio voted
Starting point is 00:09:24 to keep abortion legal come into this. Ohio voted to keep abortion legal and the Republicans of Ohio were like, don't worry, we'll find another way. And it was like, that's the craziest thing you could have said, I think, right there. That's incredible. We'll get you. That's exactly
Starting point is 00:09:39 it really was. We'll get you voters. Two old white men wringing their hands going, we'll get you. Don't worry. We'll find a way to undermine these people who voted. It's good stuff. Might as well be their slogan at this point. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:54 Is this a burger that you would get? Yeah. Ohio burger? Jesus Christ. Nick yelling, yep, from his cave over there. Also, can see him less than I ever could before. Oh, really? I feel like I can see him just as much.
Starting point is 00:10:11 Nick is moving monitors and shit's falling apart. He used to be more directly to my left, but now he's a little back. I feel like I've never had a better view of him. Yeah, I think you're lined up perfectly. He went from being about nine o'clock to about, like, I'm going to look away. He's doing a thing where he's pointing at his eyes and then pointing at you, and he's just doing that a lot. He's telling you he can see you.
Starting point is 00:10:32 Yeah. He said hi, waved, burped into the microphone. He's like Robert De Niro, and I'm his former assistant. And he keeps saying, I'm watching you, Greg. I don't care if your grandmother's dead. I want soup or something. What do old men want?
Starting point is 00:10:47 Soup? Yeah. Yeah, yeah. He wants soup. My feet are cold. I bet Robert De Niro wants soup. Yeah. Soup for my young child that I just had.
Starting point is 00:10:55 Me and my child eating soup. It's kind of like you hear shit like that and you think, right, just because that's the general inclination. It's like, I like this person. Like when you like an actor. Yeah. And it's like, you could look at it and go. You like his roles. Oh, man. He's kind of an. Oh, it's. general inclination. It's like, I like this person. Like when you like an actor. Yeah. And it's like, you could look at it and go, you like his roles.
Starting point is 00:11:07 Oh man, he's kind of an, oh, it's, oh man, it's a shame he's an asshole. And I go, well, I mean, even if he wasn't, he's like 150, everyone's an asshole. Like no shit. He's old as fuck. He's a piece of shit. He's old and rich.
Starting point is 00:11:21 And he's going to scream and yell at people. Yeah. Nothing about his life is relatable to you. It really humbled him over the years. You can tell. You can tell. They're making Alec Baldwin stand trial for manslaughter? Yeah, again?
Starting point is 00:11:43 I don't understand how that works. Do you know? I don't get it. Yeah, I don't. I don't want us to get into another what year did Heath Ledger win the Academy Award thing? It seems like a thing we should be able to
Starting point is 00:12:02 look up easily. But somehow we screw it up. No, no, no. It was right. Okay. Yeah. Javier Bardem gave it to Heath Ledger. Yeah, gave it to Heath Ledger, and then Heath Ledger died.
Starting point is 00:12:12 It was crazy. Can you believe that? I can't, actually. He can't, and he doesn't. And I won't. You can believe it a little bit. It sounds like something somebody would say on a podcast, and you'd go, huh, that doesn't sound right, but okay. You can believe it a little bit. It sounds like something somebody would say on a podcast and you'd go, huh, that doesn't sound right, but okay.
Starting point is 00:12:31 But I mean, he's talking into a microphone. Who am I to question him? Which is exactly the territory we're about to get into with Alec Baldwin. Certainly in a position of authority. He's talking directly into the microphone. It's coming. The sound is coming out of my phone and into my headphones. He must know. So he killed somebody technically.
Starting point is 00:12:53 Yeah. I mean, did kill somebody. Yes. Not murdered somebody, but he did a thing that got someone killed. But it wasn't by his negligence, even though it was by his hand. Correct. I guess like the negligence is like, even though it was by his hand. Correct. I guess like the negligence was like, you just don't do that. Just in case.
Starting point is 00:13:09 That part, I don't understand. It's like, what do you mean just in case though? That's somebody handed me, if you handed me something and it blew up and then Jordan's leg got blown off. Yeah. I'd be so mad at you. Why would I get in trouble? Why would I get in trouble?
Starting point is 00:13:28 And, you know, this is a great thought exercise. And as I'm putting myself into it, I would also be mad at Eric. Yeah, that's true. I wouldn't be like, I can't believe you manslaughtered my leg, Michael. I wasn't there. I don't know the deets. But I don't think it was him going, I'm going to get you. I can't imagine that. This is a very tragic accident.
Starting point is 00:13:43 It was a lot of like, he should have known because he's been doing it, you know, like his whole life. Right. But still, I'm like, to what level? Yeah. Not a lot of guns being handled on sets, typically. And furthermore, this is also, I don't give a shit about Alec Baldwin, too. No, I like him.
Starting point is 00:13:59 I'm not trying to protect Alec Baldwin. He called his daughter like a little pig. Yeah. Left that voicemail. Oh, yeah. Oh, do you not know about that? Yeah. Okay. Gracie went, what? Oh, that. No, no, no. He called his daughter like a little pig. Yeah, yeah. Left that voicemail. Oh, yeah. Oh, do you not know about that? Yeah. Okay, Gracie went,
Starting point is 00:14:06 what? Oh, that, yeah. Oh, that Bob went, brother. I thought he did it again. No, I was too into my chili cheeseburger. I thought we were talking about Steven.
Starting point is 00:14:16 Just so you know, as we're talking about all this, Gracie continues to build chili cheeseburgers with the fries and the chili. She's got too much. She's got too much to work with now.
Starting point is 00:14:24 It's really good. Also, this. Lots of the crunch and the chili. She's got too much to work with now. Also, this... Also, again, this... We weren't going to do this until this morning. Yeah. So how long was she waiting for this? Oh, I... This doesn't seem like something where Gracie goes like, oh, I guess we could do that. She's going, yes,
Starting point is 00:14:42 I'll build my little burgers. She wasn't even the one that mentioned this. I was. Yeah. Jesus Christ. You're his hero. Congratulations. It is worth pointing out that you were somewhat incepted by Nick because you only knew about it because of the picture he posted.
Starting point is 00:15:00 He just kept going deeper in his dreams. Maybe this whole thing is an exception No I posted this one This was the thing I got in the mail Once again He posted something Oh like it's back and I said I didn't know it was gone
Starting point is 00:15:12 You posted something else He did a Frito pie thing The Frito taco quesadilla That's why he's confused though Because they're both Fritos Yeah I don't know how you don't understand How that's confusing
Starting point is 00:15:23 Right you know what you did Like Nick was just like How is he confused? I'm like, well, because there's two different Frito things. And he's like, yeah, of course. Yeah, yours was Taco Bell, right? Taco Cabana. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:15:32 I guessed Taco Bell only because of the color on the sign, which still is Taco Bell colors. Oh, yeah. Because Nick didn't say where the fuck it was, did he? He just went, look, and it was a picture of the food. And part of. Yeah, no shit. And part of the menu sign.
Starting point is 00:15:49 He just went, food. And I'm looking at it going. He literally went, and took a picture. And then he sent it to us. I was like, I think that's Taco Bell. Uh-huh. Anyway. Taco Cabana.
Starting point is 00:15:59 This is not the first, nor I think the second time I went, huh, when I got something in the mail. And then we did it on FaceTube. Yeah. I think Nick incepted you in your dream somehow. Yeah. Well, Nick's my mailman. Yeah. Oh.
Starting point is 00:16:13 Oh, so his inception was simply that he worked his other job and provided you with mail. He put it right in the slot. Yeah. Can I? I want to point something out and kind of get your guys' read on it. We all got burgers. Grace is all fucked up. I don't care. We don't need to talk about it.
Starting point is 00:16:34 She made the best of it. Good job, Gracie. Thanks, Gracie. We managed. And that's face-to-face. Yeah. Without really, she fell on the sword, producer style. Way to go. She got fries. They looked like shit. Yeah, why is it always someone else's fault?
Starting point is 00:16:48 Yeah. Why is it always the car's fault when it gets the sauce on it? There's something wrong with that. There's somebody who posted on the subreddit, and they're like, what episode was that? I want to listen to where he got the sauce on the car again. It's like, this sucks. She got the fries, got the chili cheese fries. They look like shit.
Starting point is 00:17:03 They're fine. I finished a whole lot. What was there? What was there? Jesus Christ. The problem I have with these is, and it's the problem with every chili cheese fries, they don't season the fries. No.
Starting point is 00:17:14 They think the chili and the cheese is enough. They think it's enough. It's not. It is never enough. I mean, you got to cover it 100% if you're going to do that. And lo and behold, they're not doing that at Whataburger. So Gracie was like, I'll pick up the food on the way. Putting it together so that way we can have this today.
Starting point is 00:17:31 Got the burgers, got the fries. Gracie got her own drink. Yeah. I was going to point that out too. I'm quite thirsty. If I picked up the food, got a drink only for myself, this entire episode, I would have been getting hammered. Honestly, I would be trying to find a way to charge you with this. Here's the reason.
Starting point is 00:18:02 That's very funny. Here's how right right you are too. It's not even like, oh, I didn't notice that Grazy had that. Because I didn't. But I didn't notice because I didn't have to notice. Uh-huh. Like when you should know better, I do know better. Right.
Starting point is 00:18:20 Which means don't do it. Which means it's working. Yeah, but. Good job, me and Michael. Right. even, yeah. Which means, that's why I don't do it. Which means it's working. Yeah, but. Good job, me and Michael. Right, yeah, exactly. You don't hear that a lot. Good job, me is not a thing that you hear a lot. It's like, you mentioned it.
Starting point is 00:18:37 Except when it's working. And I went, oh yeah, you're right. And I thought nothing of it. You would not have had to mention it if you sat down with a drink. No, if I. Because I would be uncalled for yeah, if I sat down and I put down One what a burger drink and it was mine. Do you I think you would have said we should start recording buddy Can I show you what would happen exactly if you put it down you would have put it down Okay You would have put it down Play drink in there. Okay, just put it down
Starting point is 00:19:16 That's my pee it's me going Looking at whatever Yes, you looked at it, looked at Eric, and then looked at me. All while leaning so forward. Maybe then Jordan would be like a, either a what the fuck or what do you have to say for yourself? Can you explain yourself? You stand accused.
Starting point is 00:19:38 Yeah! Accused and convicted, quite honestly. The evidence is before the court. For her all to see. It would have been a manslaughter. You're right. It would have been bad. Yeah, Gracie can get a drink.
Starting point is 00:19:50 What the fuck? That makes sense. How does that make sense? Because she's like a likable Nick. Hang on. Here's why I did it. I'm concerned that earlier she said there was no receipt. Who's paying for this?
Starting point is 00:20:01 Wait, what did you say, Gracie? Here's why I did it. Okay. Every time we sit at this table, Jordan drinks a green tea from the fridge. They don't sell that at Whataburger. Michael drinks a Steez. It is all a drink, to be fair.
Starting point is 00:20:14 You are drinking a Steez. Not at the Whataburger. This is insane. I don't need a soda. I think Gracie's logic, Eric doesn't offer his drinks. I'll be honest, Nick is correct about that. He always need a soda. I think Gracie's logic, Eric doesn't offer us drinks. He doesn't. I'll be honest.
Starting point is 00:20:26 Nick is correct about that. I'll be honest, I don't think he fucked up by not, but he always wants a drink. Yeah, yeah. She brought two. Not that he deserves it, but he was a little, he immediately went, why the fuck did she Next time I'll bring everybody drinks. Gracie's logic is sound in that she isn't. Look what you made her do.
Starting point is 00:20:40 I don't want you to bring us drinks. I saw you. I'm. Oh, but you're complaining that I didn't bring you drinks. I saw Eric scrape the chili off her burger. That's why yours was different. I'm using this as an example of what would have happened. The double standard that has come to face him.
Starting point is 00:20:59 Yeah, Eric, we treat you differently. Yeah, you're the producer. I don't think you're supposed to just say how brave of you. I don't think you're supposed to just say how brave of you. You didn't fuck up the van. I don't think you're supposed to just say it like that. No, we treat you differently because you deserve to be treated worse. It's through your actions you deserve worse. Awesome. It has nothing to do with your age.
Starting point is 00:21:16 It's a little bit age, though, actually. It's definitely more age than anything in that you're an almost 40-year-old man, and Gracie graduates tomorrow. So, yeah, she wants a drink. She probably slept for two hours or something. We're going right back to that Cece's Pizza logic. You're going, you're crazy
Starting point is 00:21:37 if you go. When? Connect. When's Cece's? I'm sorry I said the best word. You shouldn't have said that. It's like saying walk in front of your dog.
Starting point is 00:21:52 Curse words. Nick's tails wagging. He's thinking about Cece's pizza. Unlimited? Oh man. But to your point, Gracie, your logic is sound in that you have never seen me drink anything else. No, never.
Starting point is 00:22:12 We've never been in a situation where I have drank anything but the green tea. I don't think I've ever seen any of you drink a soda. Well, you certainly have. Maybe not recently. I don't know what he means by that. I mean, I was definitely sucking him down like crazy the last time she was here. Back when you were in slob mode. Oh, yeah. Pre-Bob.
Starting point is 00:22:28 Back before you knew who I was because I was just the intern. I mean, I knew you were the intern. Right. Until I came back and you're like, oh. Oh, you're a real person. That's how it works. You went somewhere else. You didn't work here.
Starting point is 00:22:41 I did. I worked here. I didn't work here the whole time. How many times did we interact in between then and now? Exactly. Never. Exactly. Which is why, who can say if she even worked here?
Starting point is 00:22:54 Well, Eric could. But he's on the outs right now. I wouldn't even do anything. I don't wait until the next episode. It's because, Eric, you can't win. I don't understand. Your error was bringing it up at all.
Starting point is 00:23:08 Because now, now you're the guy who brings it up. I'm being, no. I feel like... Not a lot of soda. I'm gonna go get one. I feel like I'm being treated like I should have gotten you sodas when I didn't get any of this. I'm not acting like you should get us a soda if you're
Starting point is 00:23:24 gonna get a soda, for sure. But Gracie doesn't have to get us a soda if you're going to get a soda, for sure. But Gracie doesn't have to get a soda. Correct. It makes perfect sense. Don't you also get a soda? It's like she's standing behind two giants and they're going, that's right.
Starting point is 00:23:39 Yeah, that's right. If Jordan came to me and said, hey, Michael and Eric, I have this big, heavy thing. I need a big, strong guy to lift. Who should I ask? Why would it be the same answer? It's context. Of course you would
Starting point is 00:23:55 do it because I don't feel like it. You were carrying Big Ray earlier. Cool. I like to carry him. I was like You weren't even here I carried him differently yesterday Oh did you?
Starting point is 00:24:07 Oh my god I threw him over my shoulder Like a baby Like a fireman Holy shit I just assume you do it daily Whatever I see him I do I saw him in the kitchen
Starting point is 00:24:15 We had a conversation I was leaving I went Alright get up Let's do it And he's like okay And he just stood up I threw him over my shoulder
Starting point is 00:24:21 I was walking down the hallway And I saw Shane And I started yelling Shane I got your boy I got your boy! I got your boy! Right there, Tyler was behind us taking pictures. Oh, that reminds me.
Starting point is 00:24:32 Did the video that we shot at the escape room ever come out? Oh, fuck, I don't think it did. That was months ago. July? July? I only remembered it because Shane got all his shit stuck in the tube
Starting point is 00:24:45 Shane trying to go down a slide with the camera with the bag I just kept going hand it to me and he was no dude he was so funny it was great I totally forgot about that we'll have to release that let's get Shane out of this I imagine it needs heavy editing
Starting point is 00:25:01 no no let it breathe that's the way we've been putting stuff up on first I imagine it needs heavy editing. I doubt it. No, no. Just let it breathe. Let it breathe. That's the way we've been putting stuff up on First. You go to facecampod.com. If you're a First member, you can watch this stuff, like, right along. Great episode of Right Along last week. This latest one is fucking crazy.
Starting point is 00:25:18 That is so fucking funny. And it's not even because Michael's the Joker. No. It has nothing to do with... He's going for more fries. Yep. Hee, hee, hee, hoo, ha, ha. Hoo, ha, ha, ha, ha. Not even because Michael's the Joker. No. It has nothing to do with he's going for more fries. And I thought my jokes were bad. The thumbnail is so fucking funny.
Starting point is 00:25:33 You look insane. And then Nick photoshopped the monkey face on himself. It looks like a car ride from hell. I also, when I picked the camera up and I went, don't worry, I can hold it. I was like, I'm not fucking holding this. And then I picked the camera up and I went don't worry I can hold it I was like I'm not fucking holding this
Starting point is 00:25:46 and then I did the whole time like a shithead it's a 20 minute episode like a shithead dude it's so fucking funny oh my god
Starting point is 00:25:54 the Joker doesn't like to be on camera that much so I had to hold it it was um or what else were you saying Joiker Joiker
Starting point is 00:26:01 yeah get it just get it the Joker I like saying Jorker which is such an obscure reference What else were you saying? Joiker. Joiker. Yeah, get it. Just get it. You just kept saying Joiker. The Jolker. I like saying Jorker, which is such an obscure reference. I think it was Garrett from Mega64 said it. Yep.
Starting point is 00:26:13 He calls him the Jorker. The Jorker. For whatever reason, I love calling him Jorker. Jordan, I was streaming yesterday, and I was talking about something, and I went, Clean your ears out, shitty! And someone's like, what a phrase. I went, it's a Garrett Hunter. Yeah. He said it once's a Garrett Hunter. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:26 He said it once to me like 12 years ago. I remember for whatever reason, man, those things stick. It's a good one. Being at Mega64 Studio shitty. Being at Mega64 Studio and somebody was eating fast food and they weren't
Starting point is 00:26:42 really digging it. And he was like, oh, you don't like it? No. And he went, ba-da, you don't like it? No. And he went, ba-da-ba-ba-ba. Should've got McDonald's. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha His hair is heavy. Yes, it's a lot of hair. And so it pulls probably on the skin. Sometimes the brain gets jostled. He'll tie it back and then you can lift it up and he goes, huh. Oh, shit. He's like suddenly lighter. Oh, interesting.
Starting point is 00:27:14 His neck has to be all super strong sinew. Big boots, too. Oh, yeah. Shorts, black cargo shorts. I bought him a Danzig t-shirt one time. It just seemed like something he would wear. Yeah. I know Danzig solely from Aqua Teen Hunger. There you seemed like something he would wear. Yeah. It's, uh... I know Danzig solely from Aqua Teen Hunger Wars.
Starting point is 00:27:26 There you go. It's... That's the guy. Got it. He wants to pull the bleeds. Yep. That's his fucking shit. Big time.
Starting point is 00:27:35 So what do you think about the chili cheese offerings from Water Burger? I didn't eat any of that shit, but I like the burger. I like any of the fries. I like it. I don't think you missed anything. No, I don't either. Their fries aren't that great anyway. Yeah, but I like the burger. I like I need the fries You like it. I don't think you missed anything Aren't that great anyway? Yeah, nothing right on the back there whack Okay, Gracie didn't agree about the fries. No I a a full one and then half of the grace. He's got so many fry pinions Okay, I would
Starting point is 00:27:58 ultimate fryer Different which what like all the brands are so what are you? Yeah, fuck if I could put you are really on her off rise Right, but which one? They're so different. Which, what? Like, all the brands are so different. What are your favorite fries? Yeah. Fuck, if I could put chili on moo-yah fries. Woo! I love cold, soggy fries with chili on them. No, out of a sack. Get them fresh.
Starting point is 00:28:13 Get them fresh. I mean, I thought that's what we did. You didn't. Remember when we walked in and Eric said, give me the old ones. The Joikers here. The whole time, I was eating them like, oh, theyikers here. The whole time,
Starting point is 00:28:25 Gracie was eating them, like, oh, they're so good. I'm like, they're so fucking soggy. And then at the end, she goes, yeah, they're soggy, but they're the best ever. Why do you think I'm pushing for the fry test so hard? What's his name?
Starting point is 00:28:33 Oh, so we have, so Gracie's been seeing Chupi, the Chupacabra, the cat that lives in Austin. And she's like, we gotta get him in for face jam. We gotta get him in and we'll get all the French fries
Starting point is 00:28:44 and then we'll do a french fry test with Chupi so that way he picks the ultimate french fry. It's more for me. Gracie will be mad when Chupi picks the wrong fry. Oh, absolutely. Chupi can do whatever he wants. So the double standards go all the way. I simply want an excuse
Starting point is 00:29:00 to eat a plethora of french fries. Dude, she's just a braver Nick. Yeah, it's very true. Like, he just hides in the shadows and waits for crumbs to drop. And Grace is like, what if I just get what I want? Somehow that's a show. Can we just give me what I want now? I've been here over a week now.
Starting point is 00:29:21 Can I just have whatever I want? It sounds like a good idea. Can I have it? I want? It sounds like a good idea. Can I have it? I graduate tomorrow. Yeah, yeah. Come on. I like fries. I think it's a great example
Starting point is 00:29:31 of why we didn't let Nick talk. Yeah. Because, like, unfettered, unchained, unleashed would be chaos.
Starting point is 00:29:39 I think we're getting a taste of that with Gracie. But for whatever reason, it's endearing. It's endearing when it comes from Gracie. And she's allowed to get her own drink. It's just like,
Starting point is 00:29:49 it's not... It's Michael and I saying, we love all our children equally. Gracie's our favorite. Yeah, again, it's really like a personality thing. Stop looking at me directly while you say it.
Starting point is 00:30:02 It's not as pick and choose as you think. Like, ah, this is just random. No, it isn't. It's just like, that's endearing. And you're like, ugh. Get it again.
Starting point is 00:30:11 Whoa, there's Shane right there. Okay. Hey, Shane. Okay, cool. That's it. We're done, I guess. This episode's ending.
Starting point is 00:30:18 The singing started. Yeah. This is, uh... So, thumbs up, thumbs down, Whataburger. Thumbs up. Thumbs up for this one in particular. If you get it fresh and the Fritos are crispy,
Starting point is 00:30:28 I bet it's really good. If you get chili on it... The fact that... I understand more if they just made hers regular. But they gave her Fritos. I'll give you a baby burger with Fritos. No chili. Different wrapper. They knew what they were doing.
Starting point is 00:30:44 Well, that's it. Thanks for listening to Spit and Silly. Don't forget to listen to a new episode of Face Jam next week. Next week? Next week, Jordan. Tell a friend about the show where we do whatever we want. And before goodbye, what do you think we're going to do in the next Spit and Silly? Frito pie?
Starting point is 00:30:58 Probably not. I mean, we're doing it like right now, aren't we? Yeah. Why would we do that? Did you bring one with you? No. Did you think that I did? I didn't.
Starting point is 00:31:09 Facejamppod.com slash first. Support us directly. We'll think of something. Who knows what's going to happen next? It's hard to say.

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