100% Eat - Wienerschnitzel World of Wieners

Episode Date: May 12, 2020

In this episode, Michael Jones and Jordan Cwierz eat and review Wienerschnitzel World of Wieners so you know if it's worth eating. They also talk about drive thru coffee, a Jamie Foxx Bluray Case, and... more. Sponsored by SCOOB. Watch SCOOB on May 15th at https://bit.ly/SCOOB-fj. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 uh uh yeah what you like that how about some of that ish welcome to face jam the show where we try every new fast food creation to let you know if you need it you probably do thanks to us for making this show possible and and give a special shout out to h Max. Not a sponsor. Not a real ad. But we will have more about them later. We're going to talk about it. We're going to talk about it anyway. A lot of people are talking about it. A lot of people are talking about it.
Starting point is 00:00:33 We don't have an ad, and we thought, that's not right. If we don't have an ad, we're not official. So let's just make one up. I'm your host, Michael Jones, alongside my co-host, Jordan Sweers. Jordan, how are you today? Hanging in there. It's day 58 of quarantine, baby. Keeping track.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Did you, do you have a calendar? Did you, do you have a spreadsheet? That's some rough math based on when this episode is airing and also when I started working from home. Is it rough? You nailed it. I mean, you said 58 exactly. It seems pretty specific.
Starting point is 00:01:05 Do you want me to do some actual math real quick and make sure I'm right? I don't want you to do anything. Alright, cool. Day 69, baby. When you drop a number like 58, it's weird that you said, eh, more or less. That's all. Hey, today we're reviewing Wienerschnitzel's World of Wieners event.
Starting point is 00:01:22 Love them wieners. And, I'll'll say hot dogs the origin for a phrase i like to use a lot suck it down yeah came from wieners eric did you did you see what happened there yeah no i got it he said what happened he said it oh i didn't say format yes that was back now you can't no i can't sorry i can't goofed it. No, I goofed it. You know what? It's good. Stay 58.
Starting point is 00:01:47 I'm all messed up. That's right. I think you're just loopy from all the wieners you sucked down. Dude, too many wieners. I'm sucking down, slurping down. You were lining them up and sucking them down. I was lining them up. I got to a fourth wiener and said, hey, wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:02:03 Where'd this come from? I didn't order this one. Hey, there's legs attached to it. Where are my pants? It's the easiest, most lowbrow joke. That's our show. We finally got it. We got the hot dog episode.
Starting point is 00:02:23 It's going to be nothing but these jokes. It's's gonna be great dude we're talking about the last episode we kept talking about our pork belly and our shaking our steak yeah but it's like not the same it's like it's it's pretty bad it's bad but like this one's easier yeah yeah at least with like the pork belly there was like a step it's not you know exactly it's a little smarter yeah like there's stairs and comedy. And we were at like the second stair. This one is like the ground floor. If there's like a basement, we're like down in that.
Starting point is 00:02:52 Yeah, yeah, yeah. If there was a step for the last episode, it was like the step my two-year-old has to reach the sink. Like one of those little training steps. And I go, look at this big step i have it's huge there michael yeah i guess so i guess it still cost twenty dollars and i still had to put together five pieces of wood can i point out real quick that like eric and i are on some weird like same wavelength today or something because like we were making the same basement joke just then
Starting point is 00:03:23 and we sent each other the same text message at the exact same time at the drive-thru it was fucked up did you guys swap wieners because i i pulled up and i i saw eric he was like one car or there was one car between us and i was like i was like oh hey there's eric and i ordered my food and i was waiting and i was like i'm gonna text eric that I'm like two cars behind him or whatever. And at the same exact time I sent it and my phone like vibrated as I sent it. And I was like, that was weird. And then right under the text I sent
Starting point is 00:03:54 was a text from Eric saying the same thing I said, which was, hey, I'm two cars behind you. And then his saying, I think you're two cars behind me. It was so fast that when i sent it my phone buzzed and i thought that something was wrong with my text message yeah i thought so too and it made me wonder is like oh did it did we send it at the same time that like he's not gonna see the text i sent and then we got out of our cars and we kissed oh you you started sucking wieners yeah but ground floor it wasn't it wasn't the ones we ordered we know we know was there any weird people uh mustard on it no i'm a cat which one i'm a cat
Starting point is 00:04:38 guy i just spray catsup all over it um i got there super early yeah what was that well that was i had to he thought it was far and i had to no i have gps i know exactly how far it is uh the map tells me all that thing you refuse to use um i had to get back to me i had to get back yeah your car was also going to slam you into a barrier and kill you one day um i had to get back and set up something else for my wife who i sometimes work with so i was just like in and out i got there at like quarter to 10 once again sucking down fast food 10 o'clock in the morning like the animals that we are oh this one hot fucking hot dogs man yep getting some hot dogs 10 o'clock in the morning i got there about 9 45 9 50 and people
Starting point is 00:05:26 were parked they were they were camping out what the fuck now it's a big event it's the world of wieners dog it's a bit it does say event that's what i even i did notice and almost kind of retroactively i think what threw me off with the format is it's like wiener schnitzel's world of wieners event and the event replaced the word format for me in my mind and i was like i didn't know it was a whole event i thought it was just food i was gonna start putting event after it might everything at the time you know it might work i'd say go for it um the only thing i'll note is we got a number of people messaging us uh or messaging the face jam podcast at face jam pod after the last episode is that they said oh i work nights i get off in the morning so i get steak and shake or whatever
Starting point is 00:06:17 and that's why i'm there at 10 o'clock in the morning because i was like unless you know we said unless you're monsters like us making a food show why eat it at 10 a.m and that makes sense right okay you got off of work you're gonna grab us making a food show, why eat it at 10 a.m.? And that makes sense, right? Okay, you got off of work. You're going to grab food, eat, go home to bed. Does Steak and Shake have breakfast, though? Or I guess it is their dinner. I mean, yeah, it is their dinner. And also, you know, hey, sometimes you want a BBQ BB at 10 o'clock in the morning.
Starting point is 00:06:36 But... I never times want that. I don't think I do either. Sometimes you, the general you, not specifically you. And by you, I mean me. A lot of projection going on here. What I don't understand by that logic is if that were me, I would just go somewhere else that's open. I still wouldn't park.
Starting point is 00:06:53 Like, imagine you got off like an overnight shift. You want to eat and go home. Why would you park in a parking lot and wait for a place to open? I'd fall asleep. You're just there kind of like rubbing your little mitts together. It's like, oh, I can't wait for the BBQ BB. If it's the equivalent of like you get off work, like we work regular hours. So say we get off six o'clock and we're going to go get something on the way home, but it's not open yet.
Starting point is 00:07:17 I would not wait for it to open. I want to go home. I agree. There's still a level of insanity there of of saying like i need this hot dog i want this wiener i'm gonna suck it down it's a world of wieners event um but yeah i got there there were a couple people camped out and i was getting looks and while i was waiting i was screaming in my car and sending eric messages I had time to kill. Screaming in my car.
Starting point is 00:07:48 I mean, was I not? Are you screaming? I mean, if you did that five times, if you did that five times. I got up there though. I didn't start there. It's long too. It's a battle rap with nobody. Well, what happened was
Starting point is 00:08:00 right as I pulled into Wienerschnitzel to wait, I had the radio on fucking lose yourself comes on I was like oh my god so I started screaming lose yourself but about eating hot dogs and striking Jordan
Starting point is 00:08:16 are you gonna post that can we give that to the face jam social team to post I don't know I guess I mean even if it's just even if it's just like a clip of it because what you sent me is long and it just if it's just even if it's just like a clip of it, because what you sent me is long and it just goes. I've done better, but I've done worse. I rate that
Starting point is 00:08:32 freestyle 50 out of 100. That's the middle middle. Cool, sounds great. That's the middle middle. That's what I'm talking about. That's the middle of the middle. Right. According to you, 34 is the middle, because it's the beginning of the second third, which is crazy. That would be the beginning of the it's the beginning of the second third, which is crazy. It would be the beginning of the middle.
Starting point is 00:08:47 The beginning of the second third, yeah. I can see that argument, yeah. So you think 34 is more middle of 100 than 50? No, 50 is the middle. 50 is the middle of the middle. That was what I was saying, the middle. No, but that's the middle middle. That's the exact, that's the bullseye.
Starting point is 00:09:03 The beginning of the middle would be 34. Right, so when someone says the middle of the month, you think of the middle. I'm giving them from the 10th to the 20th. That's crazy. Because that's the middle of the month. That's a range, yeah. Right, and what's the middle of the 10th and the 20th?
Starting point is 00:09:15 The 15th. I'm not saying the 15th isn't the middle. I'm saying that there's a range of the middle. No, but what I'm saying is no one said here's a range. When somebody says the middle, they mean in a range. They're not being specific. Because if they were specific, they would say the 15th. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:09:34 I would disagree with that. Eric is right. This is a conversation, by the way, before this podcast. The fact that Jordan thinks Eric is right, I'm confident that I'm right, so it's fine. I'm moving on. I'm absolutely right about this. Nick, I'm confident that I'm right. So it's fine. I'm moving on. I'm absolutely right about this. Nick, you're allowed one word on this.
Starting point is 00:09:50 One word? Michael. That's half a person. It's two against one and a half. So I'll take that as a victory. If my vote is worth two and his is half, that's actually more. It's not worth two. Why don't you give it two?
Starting point is 00:10:06 People can't see this. We're on like a Zoom call. But the way he pointed. He also pointed. It threw me for a loop because he was pointing to me. Well, the thing is, no one's the same on a Zoom call. Everybody's in a different spot. So he just pointed, and we all just waited with bated breath.
Starting point is 00:10:24 Who is he pointing at? He's pointing at me. So he just pointed, and we all just waited with bated breath, going, who's he pointing at? He's pointing at me. He's pointing at me and Eric. Guys, we have fun. Oh, god damn. We have fun. Every two weeks, though. I don't need any more than that.
Starting point is 00:10:38 Yeah, no, no, no. We have to let it build. Yeah. I get it. So we had Wieners schnitzel yeah um i uh let's talk about wiener schnitzel past experience i'll go first i like wiener schnitzel oh i like their fries their fries are super good um kind of similar to taco bell the thing i get there is not the taco or like, you know, the main thing. I don't give a shit about their hot dogs or anything.
Starting point is 00:11:10 Their corn dogs, pretty good. Um, just nice little quick snack. Uh, but I like their French fries. And when they merged with Tasty Freeze and started getting like their soft serve and stuff, they got this root beer float. And in the summer of 2004, every day I was going there and getting a root beer float. Damn. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:29 Well, it was within biking distance. Like I could just, you know, cycle on over. It's the closest fast food restaurant to the house I lived in growing up. It was right next to the indoor swap meet. You know, go get some bootleg Yu-Gi-Oh cards. Were you not driving in 2004? At age 13? Probably not. Oh, you were 13 probably you were 13 yeah never mind well it was california you can steal a car it's fine no rules yeah just riding my blue huffy bike over to wienerschnitzel going through the drive-thru on my bicycle no i wish
Starting point is 00:11:58 not that you know i'm not a rule breaker what a little baby guy am i right that's me a little baby because what you're talking about man i had a baby i had a very similar experience in 2004 where you're like 10 years older than me so you were but i would go all the time driving a car and go through the drive-thru and get two chili dogs and chili cheese fry i'll tell you this. When I did have a driver's license and I had moved away, but I would come back and visit, I would then drive to the Wienerschnitzel still. I'd still be going to Wienerschnitzel, but different person now driving there. Did people see you and go, whoa, you're driving now? I remember you used to ride your bike through here.
Starting point is 00:12:40 You're all grown up now. Did they say that? I don't think anyone there spoke English. Yeah, that makes sense hmm did they say that like what i just said but in another language i'm not sure which i'm not sure which language but maybe okay i mean i don't maybe they were speaking polish i don't know my mom my mom calls it der wienerer Schnitzel still because that's what it was called in like the 70s or whatever. Yeah, creepy times. They dropped the Durr. I tried to, unbeknownst to, well, I mean, it makes sense, but I was Googling Wiener Schnitzel or I put it in Wikipedia.
Starting point is 00:13:21 I was like, I'm going to look up a little bit about the restaurant and see when like they merged with tasty freeze and stuff. And I typed in Weiner schnitzel and the food came up. It was like, what the fuck is this? Weiner schnitzel is a type of food. I forgot it was a real food. Yeah. It's good food too.
Starting point is 00:13:35 Yeah. Yeah. Weiner schnitzel is actually good. Why don't they have Weiner schnitzel at Weiner schnitzel? It makes a good, it's a good question. You make a great point. I had Weiner schnitzel in Germany. It's yummy. I sucked on it. Well, they. You make a great point. I had Wiener Schnitzel in Germany.
Starting point is 00:13:45 It's yummy. I sucked on it. Why'd you make a face? I sucked on it. Is it something you can suck on? I think it's just something to suck down. It's just like a big old... Eric, let me blow your mind here.
Starting point is 00:13:57 You can suck on anything. That's true. Don't laugh away from the microphone. Laugh into it. You're wasting laughs, okay? Nick knows, okay? you're wasting laughs Nick knows you're wasting them I'm losing energy right now watching the laughs go to the corner of your room
Starting point is 00:14:10 I almost said yeah I'll give you something to suck on but then it's one of those situations where it's like what does that mean my dick no I don't need this you'd probably like that less than I would you know what this mouth does? We're all thinking. That was, man, that was a pregnant pause.
Starting point is 00:14:32 That's all on you guys. I know exactly what I said. There was no miscommunication. You want to stick something in my mouth? The second trimester, which is the beginning of the middle of that pregnant pause before we realized what was happening I would like it less than you you would be the guy go ahead
Starting point is 00:14:52 break it down I would have my dick sucked it wouldn't be sucked it'd be in my mouth and it'd be getting torpedoed there's a lot of chewing with sucking you know it would be getting torpedoed there's a lot of chewing with sucking you know it would be getting torp i'm just saying i'm just saying when i think have you ever thought about sticking your dick in
Starting point is 00:15:13 a blender that's what's gonna happen but when you say getting torpedoed i think about i think about like a lot of like there's like thrusting and you're talking about chomping. It's a mixture of both is what I'm saying. It's all bets are off. It's a free for all. So besides eating the food of Wiener Schnitzel in Germany, have you been to the restaurant before, Michael Jones? I don't like that you're pulling away from this. I thought we found a good groove there.
Starting point is 00:15:38 I'm pulling out. I'm pulling out. And you're smart. You don't want to get chewed to bits. I've never been there no really i don't know that i ever even heard of it before you guys started talking about it what um did you but i i grew up on the east coast where there's just hot dogs everywhere so i went to hot dog man and i'd say hey guy the guy on the street yeah and he'd be like i have a hot dog in this filthy fucking
Starting point is 00:16:05 tub you want one and i go hell yeah i do and he just whips it out slaps it on a bun blows off the dirt puts on some mustard and kraut and i give him a dollar and i go about my day you know um how do those compare well they're delicious i'm not gonna get into what these taste like that's the end of the episode i guess i guess with that being specific did it taste like a fast food type of hot dog that what i grew up with didn't taste like this no gotcha right but but specifically the biggest difference is these are fat honker dogs at wienerschnitzel they're like the plump ones most uh east coast dogs i mean they've got both but most like this is like a fucking new york hot dog they're the skinnies like sabrets or uh hebrew national or whatever right somebody
Starting point is 00:16:51 from the east coast is gonna go fuck you we are the fat hot dogs you can't ever make any kind of claim because someone else will be there to scream that you're wrong uh i mean their life it doesn't even matter if you are wrong like people they just just like to argue. As evidenced by Eric in the middle of May. The hot dogs that came on the World of Wiener event dogs are not the regular low, the cheapest hot dogs that they have there that I'm used to. Oh, really? Yeah, these were like the Polish sausage, bigger fat.
Starting point is 00:17:21 They have a range. They have a variety of dogs. If you get their chili cheese dog, it's just like a range they have like a variety of dogs if you get like their chili cheese dog it's just like a little like pencil dog and that's what i'm used to it's super it's like it's small it's just like a little hot dog it slams in that bun and then you just cover it in the chili and you're done for yeah and then those same people who are gonna argue with you are gonna argue with us now about it so oh no but but here but i i guess it doesn't matter because none of us give a shit so it's okay no i care a lot some like i'm not gonna go they're fucking arguing
Starting point is 00:17:53 about hot dogs with me but don't let that stop you from arguing if you're set on it i mean you can definitely not you can just if you go in the bathroom look in the mirror and then you just go that's not the kind of hot dog i had that saves you the trouble of typing it and you get the gratification it's not it's not the same because you haven't you haven't sent it out to the world no it's the same the world i mean yeah the world needs to know your window and scream at your neighbor's house that's the side of their wall very small radius most people don't hear that and here's the issue about that people can't find it later jordan you ever walk by and you're like i think someone screamed
Starting point is 00:18:35 something yesterday but on the internet it's forever until you delete it honestly i would say if there's something that you wanted to tweet uh at us about these hot dogs where like you're getting upset just tweet it at trevor and that's fine yeah he'll let us know yeah yeah trevor trevor is gonna aggregate he told me that it's okay just tweet at trevor yeah what up and then he'll make sure you tag at capri sun one word oh man i can't believe you haven't been a wiener schnitzel before that's crazy to me who knew it's crazy but it makes sense i guess i just didn't realize it was like a regional chain i guess i don't think i i don't think there are any on the east coast i never i never saw any huh interesting i'm shrugging yeah but you have to do that into the microphone i did
Starting point is 00:19:26 no okay nick laughed he laughed from the audio not the visual what's going on jordan i'm just waiting for you to uh read the facts no you're looking no you're looking i'm looking i'm looking at the piece of paper oh okay it's like look at these facts i wish somebody would read them them. You guys printed out the format sheet? Mm-hmm. How many pages is it? It's one page. That's interesting. Very interesting.
Starting point is 00:19:49 It's formatted very well. Thank you. You did a good job. Well, thank you so much. Let's get into Wienerschnitzel facts. It's not so much interesting as expected. You've finally done your job. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:20:01 So I guess kudos for catching up. thank you so i guess kudos for catching up hey the original wienerschnitzel location in wilmington california gross state is a registered historic site can you believe that i can especially after the last episode yeah steak and shake although this one at least makes sense like it's not some random one in the middle of like iowa yeah oh somebody tweeted at me about that steak and shake one and they sense. Like it's not some random one in the middle of like Iowa. Yeah. Oh, somebody tweeted at me about that steak and shake one.
Starting point is 00:20:29 And they're like, well, it's on route 66. That's why it's a historic site. I don't, who gives a shit where I, who cares? It's not the original one who gives a shit.
Starting point is 00:20:39 Oh yeah. It's on route 66. That makes it special. Yeah. Yeah. Route 66, a bunch of fucking rocks and lizards or whatever okay i was like lizards it was there gonna be like a turtle yeah inducted into something the fuck he was on route 66 it's actually on route 66 give a shit fucking care throw up and
Starting point is 00:20:57 that's why it's probably not even the reason that's why it's worth tweeting because you wouldn't have got that out of eric if someone hadn't tweeted that. If you just shouted out your window, they would have missed that little segment right there. Trevor will let us know. You can download the e-book, Drive Thru Life, the story of Wienerschnitzel founder John Gallardi from the Wienerschnitzel website. And I hope someone will do a book report on it now. Do you think it is? I need you to know it is 400 pages so if you need to do if you're doing like some high school reading like required reading and you your teacher's like hey you can read whatever book you want there is a wiener
Starting point is 00:21:41 schnitzel book on wienerschnitzel.com that you can read that is 400 pages long do you think it's um kind of biased do you dub the e-book about the by the man who made wienerschnitzel on the wienerschnitzel website do you think he probably kind of paints a better picture or how do you think yeah i bet he probably says some disparaging stuff about burger king but like without really naming them but it's on his own website and also if i didn't let you know this book existed you never would have fucking known so you can get away with anything on wienerschnitzel.com i mean my question is like he couldn't get this published but dude can make this a real book i dude i have no idea he died you know he died in like 2007. Oh, don't tell us he's dead.
Starting point is 00:22:26 Usually we find that out later. Oh, he's dead. No one asked me how tall he was. So he is dead. But like, yeah, he couldn't publish like a book or maybe he just like, maybe he was ahead of the curve and he's like eBooks are the future. Get it for your nook. He wanted to own his own story.
Starting point is 00:22:41 You don't want to give away the rights to anybody. Can you look up how big his wienerschnitzel was? Yep. How big was John Gallardi's wienerschnitzel? Dude, if that's in the book, awesome book. The first wienerschnitzel was founded by former Taco Bell employees. No, that's not it. Died at 75. Dead. No, that's not it. Died at 75.
Starting point is 00:23:07 No, doesn't say it. 2013 is when he died. Doesn't say anything about how big his dick is. Well, that's a shame. So try, try, try a dick instead of Wiener schnitzel. There can be a sequel. Maybe that's what's confusing it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:19 Or if dick doesn't work, try caca. What? Or if dick doesn't work, try caca. What? Yeah, the sequel's called Drive-Thru Death. Okay. There's a former Wiener Schnitzel in Denver, Colorado that got converted to Hot Chicka Latte, a drive-thru coffee shop where you can look at girls' butts
Starting point is 00:23:43 while they make you coffee, and it's not illegal no matter what my dad says man denver is wild that's the wild west over there people getting their dicks melted off and looking at coffee girl weed you can smoke weed look at girl butts get your dick melted off drive through a wiener schnitzel that's not a wiener schnitzel they got it all what can't you do honestly i mean i'm assuming by look at girl butts they're in like bikinis or something yeah yeah it's one of those like they're not it's not like just bikinis it's like pasties and like whoa like even less yeah you have the address on this place no but you can google it you can google it right now and look it up and see the girl butts. But then, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:24:27 You mentioned a wife earlier, so I don't know if she'd be into that or not. She's not here. That doesn't matter. Oh, then hurry up. This is separate. This is worse. Did you say this is separate? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:38 This has nothing to do with that institution. That's an institution of marriage not institution of food podcast and i need work research at hot chick a latte coffee on instagram there they are whoa so so when you say you you drive through and you can look at their butts does that mean like the window is like lower or like well do you know the height of a wienerschnitzel drive-through window jordan yeah it's pretty high there well here we are i didn't see anyone's butts when i was at wienerschnitzel you drive a lifted truck bro put some lifts on your tesla he's not really answering your question no i'm telling you that it's a converted wienerschnitzel yeah but converted
Starting point is 00:25:22 means they changed something. Like, converted means they could have, you know, put a butt window in. That'd be crazy. They could have. That's true. You are right. They could have put a butt window in.
Starting point is 00:25:32 Why don't you do the research? Now you're back to being bad at yourself. I'm on... Listen, I'm on the Instagram. He's working right now. I'm on the Instagram right now looking and doing my research. This looks like a normal height
Starting point is 00:25:47 of a drive-thru window to me. Are there mirrors in play? Can you write them real quick? There, look, I'm sending it to you. Have a look. Take a look. This girl is wearing a top that says Daddy's Nightmare.
Starting point is 00:26:05 Jesus Christ. Oh, my God. Hang on. Let me just do my research here. Uh-huh. Very important research. Oh, I put it in the chat here. Where did you send this?
Starting point is 00:26:22 I need it. Where is it? It's in the chat. Oh, okay. It's in the chat on here. We're on so many things right now. It's true. We are. Well, here, I put it in the Slack. You could just say Zoom.
Starting point is 00:26:36 I've seen it now. You just kept saying on here. Yeah, it's on here where we are. Okay, that's... Wow. It's so quiet. See? Wow. That is so quiet. Wow. That has to stay in.
Starting point is 00:26:49 That's... Now he's got two words. I'll be honest. There's a lot going on with this photo. Yep. And none of it is a butt. Oh, you have to go
Starting point is 00:26:58 to the other photos to see the butts. She's got... And this is current because she's wearing a face mask. Oh, yeah. Oh, it's still a hotel. She's an essential and this is current because she's wearing a face mask. Oh, yeah. Oh, it's still a hotel. She's an essential employee.
Starting point is 00:27:08 Hmm. People got to get their coffee. Mm-hmm. Those frontline workers need their coffee, and they need to look at butts. And then hot Chick-a-Latte is the place for you, a former Wienerschnitzel. All right. Well, let's get to the next one. That was a long one.
Starting point is 00:27:22 Well, let's get to the next one. That was a long one. Wiener Schnitzel has a secret menu item called the Wet Dog, but a regular menu item called Hash Brown Potaters. So I don't know, man. This place is all fucked up. Don't laugh away from the microphone. Is the Wet Dog... I was reeling no difference did they just run it under the sink or the faucet real quick and well we're back to the
Starting point is 00:27:53 butts is what it sounds like sounds like a wet dog is what i turn my hot dog into when i'm done with it uh a wet dog is it has like has like tomatoes and chili. Dude, there's nothing worse than a soggy bun. Don't do that. But here we are. It's, we live in the world where- This is like Coach Z's Sog Dog. Yep.
Starting point is 00:28:17 Sog Dog? It's like, it's doubly bad because like a wet dog in the context of a hot dog sounds awful it's not something you want wet and then also wet dogs are gross and smell disgusting they smell awful yeah so it's just bad any way you look at it why would you order that like imagine a couple of wet dogs two wet dogs please and one hash brown potaters ordering off the secret menu and one item on our regular menu as you can see this place is all fucked up that is probably one of the very few eric opinions that also is a fact yep see they're all facts it's definitely all fucked up the final fact it's like do do do do do do like who wants to be a millionaire like up. The final fact. It's like, do-do-do-do-do-do.
Starting point is 00:29:06 Like, who wants to be a millionaire? Like, this is your final fact. Remember that show? I think it's still on. Yeah, but nobody, remember when people cared about it? I'm pretty sure Jimmy Kimmel hosts it now. Yeah. Weird. Dude, once Reige was out, nobody cared.
Starting point is 00:29:21 No, you're right. Gotta have the Reige. Briefly, in the 60s, Wer schnitzel was also a record label releasing two racist looking albums that had songs like el garbanzo and zorba the greek but they also put out spanish flea which is racist sounding but a banger can we uh can we play like 10 seconds of that real quick or yeah you guys you know spanish flea i don't know i know flea from the chili peppers no i know i know was flea was flea in wild thorn berries no no it's it's that one that's Spanish flea okay that's it
Starting point is 00:30:15 so yeah it's great that's a banger that's I'm telling you that is what he said you guys are reading the same page put out some albums bro I also want to say flea was in the wild thornberries and you knowed me. Don't know me. He was in the Wild Thornberries.
Starting point is 00:30:32 Yeah, he played Donnie, the kid that went. That was Flea? Yeah. It looked just like him. I thought you meant like Flea showed up like they're on this Serengeti and he's like, hey, what's up, I'm bassist Flea. No, I mean, in a way, yeah, every episode. He would go. Yeah, that was just him I'm bassist Flea. No, I mean, in a way, yeah, every episode. He would go... Yeah, that was just him practicing bass acapella.
Starting point is 00:30:50 Is that what it was? Sure. Yeah. I never knew. And he was on Route 66, so it's a historical site. Got it. And those are just the straight facts. Those are straight up facts, dude.
Starting point is 00:31:04 Straight up facts about Wiener Schnitz. There's a lot of different things you could call it. You could call it the Schnitz. Yeah. I called it Wiener Schnitz. I used to call it Wiener Hut. You didn't even know it existed until we said, hey, let's go to eat at this restaurant.
Starting point is 00:31:22 Yeah. And then I learned what the name of it was don't don't gatekeep him i said i called it as in today i texted you and said i'm at wienerschnitz that's a thing that happened it's don't tell me i can't do it it's already happened i didn't say i called it this back in the day i just felt like I feel like if you just learned about it it's very soon for nicknames. I feel like I kind of proved the point of how easy it is
Starting point is 00:31:50 to come up with nicknames because I've just learned about it and I already have one. I'm with Michael. You proved the point? Now Michael's making sense here. All right. This episode's all fucked up.
Starting point is 00:32:01 There's a lot of swip-swapping going on here. Nick, you get one word to settle this. Michael. This episode's all fucked up. There's a lot of swip-swapping going on here. Nick, you get one word to settle this. Michael. I like this guy. This is what I like about this guy.
Starting point is 00:32:11 And here's the thing, you won't catch it. He looks scared. Like Eric's gonna strike him later. I'm starting to think Nick doesn't know any other words.
Starting point is 00:32:18 I was kidding. Don't ask me to say anything else. Nick, are you hungry? Michael. Michael. Oh, man. What are you hungry for? Michael. Michael. Oh michael oh no oh man it's an alex jones situation dude aj gotta love aj oh my god austin's aj austin's own is he from austin or he just kind of planted his i think his seedy little roots here yeah i think
Starting point is 00:32:42 i think he just planted roots here i don't think he's like from here, from here, but this is like... He's just trying to ruin everything. This is like where he got his start. Like he was on public access here first. Dude, I'll say it. I'll eat Alex Jones' neighbors too. I don't care. As long as we're keeping his daughters safe or whatever he's talking about.
Starting point is 00:33:00 I'll eat the neighbors. I'll eat the neighbor's ass. Whatever. I'm all about it. I'm not even going to get into the politics oflex jones whether i agree or disagree with him um if you agree with him you're fucking crazy yeah but but we're not gonna i will say i'm well i won't i won't say what my opinion is on this fucking whack job either way okay that's for you to decide if you're an idiot but i will say um i do like his workout regimen because I want to get red. I want to get red. I want to get red.
Starting point is 00:33:31 I want to get big like a barrel with no definition whatsoever. And boy, I want to get red. Yeah, I want to get that body shape. And then 30 days later, I want to get red. Tell you what, if you want to look like a real hog, that's the way to do it. That's it. That guy really is, like, in those pictures where it is, like, the shirt's off and he's all red, that's the closest I've seen to, like, a human pig.
Starting point is 00:33:58 I mean, you know, he looks like— He kind of looks like one of the hot dogs we ate. He looks like the guys from—he looks like fucking the pig from TMNT. That's right. I don't know which one's which. It's Bebop and Rocksteady. I think it's Bebop. I think Bebop is the giant hog.
Starting point is 00:34:13 Yeah, he's 70% to Bebop. They should remake that, and it's Bebop and Rocksteady, but it's Alex Jones and a giant rhinoceros man. It's Paul Giamatti from the end of Spider-Man 2. Oh, damn. Jesus Christ. What a role he had. He's like, I'm in this movie. Why? I'm in the
Starting point is 00:34:33 franchise. And it's done. Stop making Spider-Man 2s. Like, move on. Dude. That one was awful. Yeah. It was not great. Didn't make any fucking sense blue jamie fox well that's good though have you seen the dvd case he's so blue we're getting really out of control this episode have you seen it no i mean i don't know if i have is it a blue ray
Starting point is 00:34:58 uh dude okay they just call it jamie ray yep oh You're like, I'm so excited because you're not ready for it at all, and that's very exciting to me. I'm checking my phone. I'm checking different apps. I'll put it in Zoom. Here, I'll put it in Zoom. Thank you. Boom.
Starting point is 00:35:16 I was ready. I've clicked it. I'm done. I'm out. What is this? This is not loading. I have to copy-paste it. What is this background picture even?
Starting point is 00:35:26 It's just a head? Is this a severed head? That's Jamie Foxx in Spider-Man 2 as Electro. No. That is the case that the movie. Oh my God. That statue? The special edition Spider-Man, Amazing Spider-Man 2 is what the movies hang out in and you can open the face.
Starting point is 00:35:47 He looks like a worse version of Megamind. Right? Like Megamind is a funny cartoon starring Will Ferrell. And this is not that. And bad. And veiny like a penis. Oh, boy. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:36:09 like a penis oh man so if you're ever looking for god if you're ever looking for the amazing spider-man 2 on blu-ray i recommend buying it the jamie foxx severed head edition all right that was our new segment what's blue rays with eric what's popping with pop culture. Yeah. Ooh. All right, Jordan, you need to talk about the foods individually. Okay, so yes. Just so you guys know, these descriptions were not on their website. I had to contact Wien schnitzel on facebook for them to it for them to send me no i could not find an email to send i had to contact them on facebook and ask them for a press release any information on this did they get excited were they like oh are you writing something about the shit it took them four hours to reply to me that's not bad though it was yeah it sucked i
Starting point is 00:37:06 was pissed okay so so let me i'll read them yep and we'll see we'll see like how much work they put in on this okay uh so there are three of them uh the first one is the cuban hearty cuban dog with swiss cheese pickle spear and cuban mustard two. That is it. The Aussie. Savory Aussie dog with horseradish aioli, crispy bacon, and grilled jalapenos. What the fuck's an Aussie dog? The German. Zesty German dog. I'm seeing a pattern here.
Starting point is 00:37:37 Topped with tangy sauerkraut and beer mustard. End of sentences. That's it. I looked for so long for like the flourish and all this stuff of like, okay, describe your food. That's in the press release. That's how they describe them. So this is what they sent you. Yeah. They sent me that.
Starting point is 00:37:57 And then they sent me the quote. I have like a full press release. And that's as descriptive as they are with the food. Just based on this, what I've read so far, I think the Wiener Schnitzel you contacted on Facebook is run by some 15-year-old kid who Oklahoma Soonered it and just
Starting point is 00:38:15 staked his claim on the Wiener Schnitzel Facebook page and is like, oh, fuck. Start typing it up. It's crazy how hard it was to find a press release for this. Crazy. That's uninspired. Also, Cuban dog, Aussie dog, German dog.
Starting point is 00:38:35 Yep. What are they? It's all the same hot dog. What is an Aussie dog? Don't know. Even if it wasn't just the same thing we ate three times. That's it. Kangaroo? Nope. Same hot dog over and over. That's it. Kangaroo? Nope.
Starting point is 00:38:45 Same hot dog over and over. That ain't no roo. I've eaten roo. That ain't it. I know roo when I eat it. Yeah. It's a ruse. Good one.
Starting point is 00:38:56 Hit me with that quote. No, pausing for laughter. Uh-huh. Okay. It's a long pause. Pregnant pause. There's the laughter. We're in the third trimester now.
Starting point is 00:39:07 All right, here's the quote. The delicious international flavors of our World of Wieners event will transport you around the world with just one bite, says Doug Keeganbone. Keegabone? Keegabowin. Boy, that is a name that has a lot of vowels chief marketing officer for wiener schnitzel if you're craving a taste of adventure but your travel plans have been grounded take a trip to your nearest wiener schnitzel and try these three new dogs michael's flying away transported i'm taking a lot of bites. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:39:47 Man, I really like how he worked in the whole like lockdown thing. COVID-19. He said it without saying it. Yeah. It's like, hey, you wanted to travel
Starting point is 00:39:56 but can't now? Nobody says it. I don't know why. Weiner's just got you covered. Nobody wants to say it. Every commercial Nobody wants to acknowledge. It's like, we know.
Starting point is 00:40:03 It's like these times are hard. Yeah. With the situation of the world right now yeah i just want to scream at my tv say it yeah i just want will arnett or whoever is doing the voiceover for chevy or whatever just be like yo covid19 fucking sucks but here buy a car from us you know it's like i don't know they're like people need to know people know there's a situation but they don't want to really know we'll just kind of don't we'll sugarcoat it yeah it's like i know hey guys is something weird out there i don't know anyway 90 day no financing on our cars okay bye you may have noticed some weird shits going on i don't
Starting point is 00:40:41 get it either. Anyway. Did you see the other day some guys were shooting a podcast in their car? Crazy. Anyway, come on down to Wienerschnitzel. We're still open and we're hiring. They had a big ol' now hiring sign. So, you know, this whole podcast thing doesn't pan out. We keep doing free ad reads. Maybe we'll,
Starting point is 00:41:02 you know, swing by Wienerschnitzel. Eric, how would you say Doug Kegelbohn's name? That's the closest I could get. When I saw that that was the name in'll, you know, swing by Wienerschnitzel. Eric, how would you say Doug Kikabone's name? I like that's the closest I could get. When I saw that that was the name in there, I went, I'm not even going to try. I mean, I feel like that's a pretty good guess. It is spelled K-O-E-G-E-B-O-E-H-N. Someone is going to tweet at you and be like, that's my last name. And here's how you pronounce it.
Starting point is 00:41:21 He's going to say Kikabone. He's going to say Smith. We'll all be blown away. Look, I know I shouldn't be one to throw stones in a glass house based on how fucking my name works. What do you mean? Get fewer vowels. Sweers science. Yeah, it's weird.
Starting point is 00:41:40 No one would see that shirt and go, sweers. Yeah. Oh, absolutely not. They go, swears. Yeah. They go, choirs? Yeah. Choirs? My favorite thing is when people, they put a T in. So sometimes it's quirts. Quirts?
Starting point is 00:41:58 Yeah. Wow. It's crazy. That's just my life. I'm fully convinced people would listen to the show. They'd say Swear Science. They'd say Swear Science is awesome. We'd put out the shirt that says Swear Science.
Starting point is 00:42:13 Why'd you come up with this? What's Swear Science? What does that mean? Swers? Yep. You should change your name so we can make that shirt. Yeah, change your name to weird. And then people cannot get that shirt.
Starting point is 00:42:24 Yeah. I'll just change the spelling. I'll just make it like s w e e r z there you go dumb it down for people yeah dude my life is always saying my name to like when i go pick up a prescription they're like uh what's the last name i'll go swears and then i see them reaching for that s to type it in. It's like CW. And then they're like, what? And then they just start hitting backspace,
Starting point is 00:42:48 backspace. And then they have to start over. I'm the same. It's always last name, but do our BAU. It's, it is just, that's how it starts.
Starting point is 00:42:57 And they go, oh, okay. And then the right, and then it shows up because no one else spells anything. What's it like to have a regular name? Take a seat. Try Jones.
Starting point is 00:43:10 Hey Jones. That's it like to have a regular name? Take a seat. Try Jones. Hey, Jones, that's... Yeah, I know, stupid. I know how to spell it. Does anyone ever go, is that the traditional spelling? I've never heard it ever. And funny enough, my real life forms or picking up prescriptions, anything, not that your first name usually comes up, never an issue. Not until I went into the world of the internet did I realize most people can't spell Michael. No. It's always Shell, Kale. If your name isn't Michael, you don't know how to, yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:36 You don't know which one comes first. It blew my mind. But, like, I guess still the world of customer service is dealing with Michaels, so those people know how to spell it. But it blew my mind. Most like people tweet at me and my name is in my Twitter handle and they'll type that right.
Starting point is 00:43:51 But then you have that problem too. Hey, Mike, Mikey Al. Yeah, Mikey. I have the exact every time. And even with work, I've been in credits for so many things where my last name is spelled wrong. And it's like we work together.
Starting point is 00:44:04 You can just go on Slack and go on like literally yeah crazy i i once had my name not to get into credit stuff again but uh my name popped up twice in like a season of red versus blue first time name spelled right second time spelled wrong like not even close what the fuck you were in some kind of color war uh yeah it's a show you may not have seen it or heard about it or watched it but it's it's just something like go look at rooster teeth it's weird are they on hbo max it's a chicken mouth all i know is hbo max yeah well we're gonna do it later right well i mean it already happened at this, it's already happened. Oh, okay. Probably somewhere between the Spider-Man DVD talk. Oh, really hit him with it?
Starting point is 00:44:49 We start the ad and go, while we're already here. Yeah. While the show is already not happening, let's hit you with a fake ad. Yeah. Let's take another step back. We really decided to waste your time. Usually, you know, this kind of funds the show. So, you know, thanks to the sponsor. This time it's not funding anything. No. We're just wasting your time and you know this kind of funds the show so you know thanks to the sponsor this time
Starting point is 00:45:05 it's not funding anything no we're just wasting your time and our time so suck on that suck it down hot dog style oh no we're going back into the blender all right we're what 45 minutes in we haven't even talked about the food oh man yeah we'll talk about the food talk about the food i don't get what makes these what they are like what is what is australian about jalapenos and i don't even remember what the fuck uh else was on yeah it was it was willy nilly bacon yeah you you not gotta know australian people what also at its core unless you're changing the hot dog itself right like the meat which yeah it's established it's all the same it's just the toppings that a hot dog is nothing but toppings right like like that's a fucking hot dog you throw on whatever you want on it i don't ever put shit
Starting point is 00:45:57 on a hot dog and go this is an italian hot dog oh because i put this shit on it like it's a hot dog and you just put shit on it like you're absolutely right he's dog it's a fucking hot dog with chili and cheese i don't know that it's like a cultural thing what kind of dog uh do they use in a chicago dog because like that i feel like is mostly toppings that sets it apart like the bun's different it has a very specific amount of toppings i don't know that the dog is different than any other like dog but like that i feel like is the only time you can like change the toppings and be like Chicago. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:28 But that's like a, that's like a super specific thing. It's not a made up for us to go drive through and get it thing. They also, Chicago's got claim to like call and shit Chicago. Yep. You know, they have the pizza. They got the hot dog. They got the pizza. I'll give them a little credit.
Starting point is 00:46:43 You can't just grab random locations, slap it on food item, put bacon and onions on it and say it's Australia. And yet Wienerschnitzel has the audacity to attempt it. Not only attempt it, they've done it. I mean, they... We bought it. The actions occurred. It has been done.
Starting point is 00:46:59 I don't know if they did it, as in achieved what they were going for. We don't know if they pulled it off. Yeah. Hey, nothing pulled me here. Oh, that's a shame. I thought you saw Eric in the parking lot. Now I'm confused. It was just like a grinding thing. It was like torpedoes. Oh, it was above the pants. What?
Starting point is 00:47:18 It was a grinding thing? It was above the pants. It was nothing that came out. Oh, man. It was an inside party, not an outside party. It was an inside party not an outside party it was an inside job hang on are we talking about McDonald's again what we were doing in the Wienerschnitzel parking lot was a McMillian situation
Starting point is 00:47:34 oh no well in a couple of years about 15 years you guys are busted Bush did McMillions son of a bitch Oh man Oh fuck So what did you guys actually think of These hot dogs
Starting point is 00:47:53 Jordan he's doing it So I tried all three of them Like I ate I got a root beer float and french fries And ate that first and wasn't very hungry afterwards So I just took a couple bites of the other, the other shit. But I tried to make sure that I got, you know, a couple bites so that I got all the toppings and like everything it was offering, you know, so I could feel, oh, I'm transported and I'm
Starting point is 00:48:20 grounded. I'm going to Australia. ported and i'm grounded going to australia uh the australian one was bad because the onions are just they fucking loaded that shit with onions there were a lot of onions on that thing and i don't know that onions and jalapeno go together when there's not a whole lot else on the thing um that one was my least favorite uh the german one was fine it was like any other one it had some good spicy mustard uh sauerkraut you know nothing nothing you've never had before right i really i really like the cuban one which i thought was the australian one for the longest time until i checked but yeah the cuban one was good the um uh what do they call it uh german the cuban mustard oh
Starting point is 00:49:07 the cuban mustard was good um it was kind of sweet uh with a little bit of spice um swiss cheese swiss cheese was fine and then the pickle spear uh you know that was fine i guess i didn't really need it. Eric does not agree. The first couple of bites that didn't have... First off, it's impossible to take a bite of everything because that pickle spear is just going to keep sliding back. I pulled the pickle off immediately. That was separate.
Starting point is 00:49:37 Yeah. Me too. It was separate from mine where I took it off and threw it in the trash. I took it off and I ate it, but I was like, I can't eat this on a hot dog you can't just pits falling out but like part of it is getting everything that's on it together so you know what the whole situation is oh yeah oh it tasted like pickle okay not a pickle fan anyway that one was the best together i mean i'm not sure again they did it but did they do it i just i don't think so um 43 wow i i don't know i don't i don't know if that surprises me or not i feel like you were
Starting point is 00:50:17 gone i feel like you were gonna go lower well the cuban one really saved it that was your that was your favorite of the three look when i say favorite say favorite, it's not like, oh my god, I gotta get this every day. It's not like when Michael likes something, you know? It's like, oh boy, this is not the worst one here. You have no joy. You have no joy. That's, what a life. That's not news to anyone that everything we're doing here does not make me happy, yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:45 This is my purgatory. This is my... I did something wrong in a past life, and now I have to do a food podcast. Well, it's funny because it was your idea. So... Oh, interesting. I think there's a little masochism in there.
Starting point is 00:51:00 Yeah, I think so too. Jordan likes to hurt. Hurt me, me. Twist the nips. My wife was listening to the steak and shake episode and she was listening to michael describe his journey to the walmart and uh i was downstairs and she goes why are you friends with this guy and i went i'm not friends with him i just have to do this show with him. That's true. That's true. Oh, my God. I feel like that's what makes it work.
Starting point is 00:51:31 Uh-huh. Oh, yeah. We're just kind of thrust together. Torpedoed together. Biweekly. Two people thrown into a blender. The blender is teeth. The blender is my teeth.
Starting point is 00:51:47 Am I your neighbor and you're Alex Jones? What's happening? Hey, same last name. Oh. I think the Aussie dog was gross. Gross. It wasn't good. It was like, meh. There was a lot of crap on there.
Starting point is 00:52:09 Oh, it didn't make you happy? Oh, weird. But it was pretty good. What the fuck? See, now I'm happy. That's all I needed. What the fuck? The Cuban, I have mixed feelings.
Starting point is 00:52:24 I had to pull the pickle off it's silly it's just like it's just a whole damn pickle just wedged next to the hot dog it's kind of like a last second idea yeah yeah like i need something else i don't know fucking shove that on there and so i'm pointing at a pickle um they're trying to do like a cuban sandwich right but like it works on a sandwich yeah it's great yeah this finally puts to do like a cuban sandwich right but like it works on a sandwich yeah it's great yeah this finally puts to rest is a hot dog a sandwich no no not at all you can't eat it like this otherwise it would have worked it wasn't cut in a way that like a chicago dog has it like it wasn't like a long cut pickle that like fits perfectly right on top of the dog like
Starting point is 00:53:02 it was just like this weird half circle thing where like whenever you would bite it it would just go away from you it would slide away sorry go ahead michael no that's fine you had a thought and i said i'm gonna let this guy finish it because he's my co-host you know we may not be friends but we're co-hosts i'd argue that's better than friends went to each other's weddings as not friends? We were both invited, yep. Oh, did you not go? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:53:29 Were you at my wedding? I was there. I have pictures of the four of us. You just made it sound like you were invited, and I just was like, oh, you weren't there. I remember we were both invited. I didn't notice. I was just repeating what you said.
Starting point is 00:53:39 Okay. I wrote in Jordan's wedding book a Mike Illich reference, and I held up the line for like six people that wanted to write real messages. I wrote in Jordan's wedding book a Mike Illich reference. Yeah. And I held up the line for like six people that wanted to write real messages. Because the pen didn't work. But like the pen wouldn't work on the page rights. I'm like scratching it in like a serial killer trying to write some kind of Red Sox reference or Red Wings. But anyway, back to the hot dog.
Starting point is 00:54:01 But anyway, back to the hot dog. What is crazy about Wienerschnitz, as I like to call it, is when they put cheese on, they just slap a slice of cheese on it. Like right in the middle. The middle middle. Was the cheese on the dog for you or was it to the side? It was underneath. Okay. Like it was on the bun and then they put the dog on top which like common
Starting point is 00:54:25 hot dog logic is you melt it and spread it you need like a queso cheese you need a liquid cheese on a hot dog because then you put it on the whole length of the dog i ate that one i ate most of that one because i had to get so many bites to get to the cheese yeah the cheese is like you know it's only in it's only in like part of it. You got to work your way from the ends. They can't even just put it to one side for you to enjoy. They're like, nope, it doesn't matter which side you start on. You got to work to earn that cheese. They're really scrimping on the cheese for us though.
Starting point is 00:54:56 Right, or they could have just put two slices on. So that's a shitty hot dog to me right there when you just put a square slice of cheese on. That's fair. The mustard was interesting it was it was it was to me it was spicier than the spicy brown i was not expecting the spice on the cuban but it was fine cuban was was fine the pickle was weird but it's fine my favorite was the the german dog which again as you said is a hot dog that's my go-to hot dog is sauerkraut and mustard i either eat that or a chili dog or if i'm lazy just a hot dog that's my go-to hot dog is sauerkraut and mustard i either eat that or a chili dog or if i'm lazy just a hot dog with mustard because sauerkraut's a whole thing you
Starting point is 00:55:29 gotta make it and i'm just like i'm lazy quick tangent does anyone like relish on hot dogs no does anyone like relish in general no nick does nick's nodding but he's out of words so i mean it's like a sauce so it's pretty close to a sauce. It's a cousin, I would say. I just think it sucks. Anyway. I agree. I agree. It does suck.
Starting point is 00:55:50 Nowhere on any of these dogs. Largely unimpressed by them. I would say the German was my favorite by far, and it was fine. I'm going to go. He's calculating. Here it goes. 45. Whoa. Quick, what's that average?
Starting point is 00:56:10 Boy, let me hang on. Let me do some quick math. Don't rush yourself. Don't rush yourself. Hang on, hang on, hang on. Check what the middle is. Just the middle of the two numbers. Not the first part of the middle.
Starting point is 00:56:21 Don't do no swears math. 43 divided by 2. 55. 44. Oh, okay. I was a little 44 you were close michael 44 is the average i think broken i think that 44 is a very fair score for what we ate it wasn't great like all their other stuff like it's just you know just not impressive. It's not disappointing, but it's expected. I don't know. It's just their dogs. That's what they do. That's it.
Starting point is 00:56:51 There's not another place. What's another place where you go get a hot dog? Sonic? Sonic. That's it. And that's it, right? And they're not great either. No.
Starting point is 00:56:59 Yeah. It's like this weird thing where they're not really pushing each other. I don't think of them as direct competitors. like no not at all mcdonald's not like wiener schnitzel's worse though because they're a hot dog place they should be they should be much better than sonnet yeah they should be crushing it yeah but but i think that because you start your base is hot dogs if your base is hot dogs like you're only you got a pretty low ceiling for like how good it's really gonna be do you think they really have a why bother they're like oh we can make these amazing but yeah would we yeah because the the only time i've ever eaten a hot dog and i'm like that's the best
Starting point is 00:57:34 fucking hot dog i've ever had is when i'm just obliterated when i'm so drunk and i'm eating a hot dog on a on a street yeah and just And just going, fucking great, man. Best thing I've ever eaten. Street puppers. Yep. Blend them up. Suck them down. Blending them up with my teeth, the blender. We weren't able to get together today for a snack attack, so we did a Serp Sides.
Starting point is 00:58:03 What did you guys get for your Serp Sides? We're trying to get the Fruit Loop Shake because that was a thing that they had and similar to what happened with you at Steak and Shake where she freaked out and said it's going to take a while she just told me no.
Starting point is 00:58:20 She just said um yeah we're not doing those yet. Why don't they turn on these machines? It was, why isn't it the first thing they do? I had a moment where I thought, should I ask how long it's going to take?
Starting point is 00:58:35 But she presented it in a very matter of fact way that I was not going to hear something that I wanted to hear. So I just went, okay. And I just got, um, jalapeno poppers. Oh, um, I also um jalapeno poppers oh um i also got jalapeno poppers hey nick did you also get jalapeno poppers yeah should have said michael uh should you great you ruined it now we'll edit that it's fine it'll be funny um uh i i didn't i was looking at the sides because i forgot about
Starting point is 00:59:09 surf sides so i was like after it was the last thing i ordered and i was like oh shit i should pick something out and i just picked mini corn dogs which i've had before uh so i haven't eaten them but can i make my surf sides the root beer float that i ate sure have you had that before also of course he has he's talking about what you loved it and that's the only reason he went there can I make my surpsides the root beer float that I ate? Sure. Have you had that before also? Of course he has. He talked about how much he loved it, and that's the only reason he went there. What do you think the premise of surpsides is? If I've eaten everything at the restaurant, like...
Starting point is 00:59:32 But you haven't. You just said you forgot about it. You didn't eat everything at the restaurant. You said you forgot we were doing it. It's a 97. What? Jordan's doing his own segment now. This is what I love.
Starting point is 00:59:49 This is just, it's stuff he likes and knows he likes. And contrary to an earlier segment, I think the electro head is great. I give it a 99. Oh, man. Are you mad at a dog right now? Dude, I got all kinds of dog bits. The poppers were pretty good. They're pretty good poppers.
Starting point is 01:00:11 They're weird, right? What was weird about them? The jalapeno is chopped up and then put in with the cheese and then fried. And most of the jalapeno poppers that I have is like, it's a halved jalapeno. That's true. That they like shuck out or whatever, put some cheese in that part, and then batter and fry it.
Starting point is 01:00:31 That's true. Very weird. Some weird things going on in the kitchen there. Why are you laughing? I'm going to give it a 75. Oh, okay. I thought it was fine. i think that's fair i want to note just because i didn't bring it up because i thought hitting him with it twice in a row isn't fair but also i'll do it anyway just at the end um right before we started i was like thank god i'm at home now because i gotta destroy the toilet right like before we started
Starting point is 01:01:06 and you were talking about you know jordan's like oh i might get to me as i'm sitting there i'm going oh my god i had two spicy chicken sandwiches last night i haven't eaten them since the last episode no it wasn't as bad because it was only two weeks the last time it was like a month or two since i had it but i I was like, whoa, what are the odds? Like, was it planned or anything? Is that just how you like prime the pump for like your next day? It's just like, it's my menstrual cycle. Like I know if I'm eating a spicy chicken sandwich at night,
Starting point is 01:01:36 I must be doing face jam the next day. That's just how it works. It had nothing to do with anything. I was telling Eric, I'm getting into big monster mode. I want to be a big monster. I'm drinking, dude, first get big, then get red.
Starting point is 01:01:54 I'm on the get big part. I'm doing three protein shakes a day. I'm supposed to eat 270 grams of protein. It's insane. It was 8 o'clock last night. I'd eaten all day. I was full and I went, I need more protein. Let me shoot over to Wendy's. Eat some of those BBQ BBs.
Starting point is 01:02:10 Well the thing is there's also I have a fat limit and one of those is not good. The spicy chicken sandwich only 20 grams of fat, 30 grams of protein and they got carbs. I need carbs too. So I ordered two of those at 9 o'clock and
Starting point is 01:02:26 ate them didn't want to eat them just ate them for protein you just got it yeah then i had a third shake after that and then had some little you know little hot poops before well just little ones just little ones well at least you cleared out space for those dogs i did gross how much protein do you think was in those the dogs probably not much yeah i would say zero how much how much how much protein is in like raccoon hands ground up pig snouts like oh well um we did it did we do it yeah but is that it uh well yeah except a little little update um listen to face jam shirts are probably going to be back is that what we were talking about weird whoa what a weird that was a tease and you didn't even know it was the whole audience they
Starting point is 01:03:17 were like i guess we'll i guess we'll never know and now you didn't even know you got toesed you got toes and you didn't even know him watch out for your You got toesed and you didn't even know it. Watch out for your toes though. Eric will suck on them. I'm the Waluigi of this podcast. I'll suck every toe. I'm like Kirby. I'm just sucking everything. We're science.
Starting point is 01:03:35 Hey guys, what's up? It's Eric. There was a whole bit here where we were saying that the Listen to Face Jam shirt is not on the site because the print on demand stuff wasn't on the site. But hey, guess what? That changed between us recording the stuff wasn't on the site. But hey, guess what? That changed between us recording the episode and us editing the episode. So they asked me, hey, can you record a thing that says go to store.roosterteeth.com and get the Listen to Face Jam shirt? So that way people know that the print on demand thing is working. So this is that.
Starting point is 01:04:02 Back to the show. We're science. Here's the next thing. The 100% Eat shirt went up today before we recorded this episode. When we told you last episode on May 5th, we got the day.
Starting point is 01:04:18 I did write at the time of this recording, they are not sold out. That was incorrect. They are sold out yes very sorry however there will be more there were more than the first batch we had double our our original batch we doubled the inventory and it sold out in an hour and about people are 100 hungry for this shirt yeah so we do have another order. Our merch people, our Face Jam merch team saw this coming. So a week ago, they already started on the next batch of shirts
Starting point is 01:04:50 that they should have hopefully shortly, but we'll have a date in a little while. Follow at Face Jam Pod on Twitter, and you can get all that information. And go to the website and click the notify button at the bottom of the page because you get an email when they're back in stock and there was a lot of people that got a shirt today
Starting point is 01:05:10 because they got an email notification and that way you don't have to tweet at us that you're mad that you missed it you can still do that when you miss it because you ignore your email but that's fine that's on you though but definitely get the email also the hats and the popsockets are still coming soon.
Starting point is 01:05:26 We're just, it's a lot of merch for a show that sells out really fast that we're trying to keep in stock and figure out really fast. With the current events these days, whatever they are. Who knows? Whatever it is out there that's happening. The world's getting silly right now. In some way. They're getting silly with something.
Starting point is 01:05:44 Shit's taking longer. So, yeah, thank you for your patience. Whatever those events are, Chevy won't tell us what the events are, but when we find out, we will let you know what the events are. AT&T just keeps telling me that they're here for my community, and I guess I appreciate that. I don't know what's going on, though. Little Caesar's Pizza is like, guys, we got you.
Starting point is 01:06:02 And I'm like, I don't know what you had me for, but all right. Thanks, Little Caesar's. Oddly enough, Papa John, guys, we got you. And I'm like, I don't know what you had before, but all right. Thanks, Little Caesar's. Oddly enough, Papa John just went, I told you. I told you so. This is what he was talking about. He has like four pizzas stacked together and he takes a bite and he like turns and looks at the camera and he goes, told you. And then he goes back to eating. And that's it.
Starting point is 01:06:22 Nostra Papa. But that's it no strapapa no uh but that's it uh that is you guys can follow that face jam pod if you want to keep up to date with all that right and subscribe please tell a friend about the show where we eat the food and then we rate that food yep face jam challenge still going strong so uh whether people want to or not they are being challenged to listen to face jam mostly not if if someone did the face jam challenge on you and it worked and now you're listening will you tweet at us and let us know i would love to know because no part of the challenge is hey yeah actually listening to the show right the challenge is just telling people i want to know if it worked eric what
Starting point is 01:07:00 you're asking for is the victims to come forward yes yes exactly yep if you are a victim of the face jam challenge and now you know you're converted right if you've been victimized but it worked the conversion worked and you are now part of the cult yep explain that it's like you know how it felt at first and then like right when you came came around to like uh enjoying the show like yeah just you know let us know tweet at us what your levels are yeah yeah because if they're not up to a certain level then you're out you know it's something we gotta figure out but but you can pay us and we can like get that straightened out right by going to to store.roosterteeth.com and hitting the little notify button on the 100 automatically i it's proven to like
Starting point is 01:07:46 thetan levels go up a thousand wow just by clicking that wait do you want them up or do you want them down i don't know i think the up is bad it's whatever whatever happens it's good okay don't hey hey listen you're the opposite of the. We're the opposite of Scientology. Shut up and don't ask questions. We want the people with the high thetans. We want the rejects. Alex Jones loves thetans. That's what he calls his fans, thetanites. Well, that's it for this episode. Bye.
Starting point is 01:08:18 The last line says goodbye.

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