2 Bears, 1 Cave with Tom Segura & Bert Kreischer - Flooring It w/ Ryan Blaney | 2 Bears, 1 Cave Ep. 187

Episode Date: May 29, 2023

This week on 2 Bears, 1 Cave Tom Segura is here to talk to his guest bear, American professional stock car racer who competes full time in the NASCAR Cup Series driving the #12 Ford Mustang for Team P...enske, Ryan Blaney! Tom learns about how Ryan got into pro racing, Ryan learns about Tom’s love of cars, and Ryan shares some hilarious Michael Jordan stories. Ryan shares the differences between the different skill levels of racing, racer Josh Williams who walked across the track in protest, touring routines, Talladega Nights, and how they hung out in Daytona at the Indy 500. They discuss the typical fitness level of a NASCAR driver, they talk about some of their favorite street legal cars,https://tomsegura.com/tourhttps://www.bertbertbert.com/tourhttps://store.ymhstudios.com/

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Cal accurate is Talideganites to what you do. I say every bit. Carps up. Always. Sitting there watching NBA playoff game with Michael. You could tell who we didn't like as someone would shoot, even like that's a trash motherfucker right there.
Starting point is 00:00:11 Oh my god, he doesn't like him. Your family's who'd been like, well, I guess that's it for racing. And your family's like, fuck school. 100%. We're lucky to have somebody that drives as fast as Bert talks. It's Ryan Blaney, everybody. I got an audience and everything. You got a whole crowd, man.
Starting point is 00:00:34 You got fans. Yeah, we met at Daytona. I, first of all, I can't believe so much about Daytona. Number one, I'd never been to an Ascar event race, anything. So we did the pre show. I think we were gonna get you on that stage, but it was just so crazy. Crazy day.
Starting point is 00:00:51 Yeah. That's an understatement. And then when you see like the, I don't know, I was actually impressed with just like the logistics of how that thing operates. You know what I mean? Just like coordinating, just coordinating us to do our pre show thing with all the people everywhere.
Starting point is 00:01:07 And then they get us back into where you guys have your, I'm not your buses, but like you're, you know, like you're, it seems like there's like trailers. You guys, all the race trailers, never think. Yeah, that you guys are like in with your teams and you walk out with somebody and then we go into another press briefing room where all the drivers are going to be and then there's VIPs in there and there's a quick interview and then we go back out onto the, like basically on the track and you guys are still doing
Starting point is 00:01:38 the pre-race stuff and then they're like, oh, you can meet them right now. I'm like, right before he races, I'm like, my thing was like, I can't believe these guys would talk to anybody before a race. That's the crazy thing about, you know, our sport, I think that makes it a little bit different than everyone else. Or if your other sport is, you know, the access
Starting point is 00:01:56 to people and fans and stuff like that, it's second to none. I feel like, you know, and yeah, I talked to you guys 10 minutes before I got in the race car. Yeah, dude, and I was like is this okay? And you're like, yeah, man. Hope it hopes a good day out there. It's all the time. You talking about it. Yeah, I mean, it's it's just that's just normal for us and you get really good at like Changing your mind up. Yeah, quick like getting getting ready to go race or you know going from kind of Meet and greet people stuff like that till I get it.
Starting point is 00:02:26 That's locking in really fast. That's, I mean, that's a skill, you have to develop that I'm guessing, right? Yeah, it's just something that I used to, you know, with time. Are there some known guys who are just like, not talkers? This has to be.
Starting point is 00:02:40 Yeah, there are some guys. Cause I always feel like it's actually, this is my first time experiencing it with NASCAR. I always feel like it's actually this is my first time experiencing it with NASCAR I always feel like it's so unjust that it's it's happened in the last probably last 15 plus years where in football and basketball Half-time like a team is down and they go coach. Yeah, what's going on like? Like the coach has to be like you you know, he wants, he's just wants to lose his mind. And he has to be like, yeah, we're just, we're just, we're not
Starting point is 00:03:08 playing a defense. Like, right? And Papa Mitch was the best. Yeah, I love watching his, because he was straight forward and didn't dress it up at all. He was like, we got to play better. Yeah, like, walk away. Yeah. But you, you get the sense that like, all right, this dude doesn't want to do this. Why are you making him do this? I will say there are sometimes I don't want to. I can imagine, hey, I just wanna-
Starting point is 00:03:27 Like when you met us. No, no, I enjoyed meeting you guys for sure, obviously. And there's sometimes I was like, man, I just wanna do my job. Of course. And that stuff, meeting people like y'all, that stuff's really fun, because if you're fans of each other,
Starting point is 00:03:44 big fans of you guys, that stuff's really fun because you know, if you're fans of each other, you know, big fans of you guys. So that was really cool to, you know, get to shake hands for a little bit beforehand, but you know, sometimes, I think the worst sometimes is like if we're practicing or something, like just walking to your trailer, like where we all meet and the cars are to the garage area to get in our car,
Starting point is 00:04:00 like just tons and tons of autographs and I just can't see if people, you can't like get to what you're wanting to do. Yeah, which it's like, you know, you're really fortunate to be there. So you can't really bitch about it too much. But at the same time, like, I just want to go do my job, you know? So I can imagine.
Starting point is 00:04:16 Yeah. Now you come from like a line, like your lineage is as racers? Yeah, my dad raced NASCAR, like the late 90s to like 2013. Pretty recent. Yeah, yeah, he just got out of it, you know, 10 years ago and my grandpa raced too. That's crazy. So, I guess the thing is most families that aren't like yours,
Starting point is 00:04:39 the big thing is there's always usually a mom who's like, this is way too dangerous for you to do. Yeah, fortunately with my mother, she just was around at the whole time. Yeah, so she had to be, yeah. Yeah, I mean, when her, she was actually working at a racetrack when her and my dad met back in the 80s, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:57 So they were already, she knew everything, but I think when you have kids though, it's different for her. Right, yeah. But it did help that I think when you have kids though, you know, it's different for a great, yeah. But it did help that she was around it so much with my dad. And you were kind of like, I'm imagining, like there's a period where every kid, at least every boy I think kind of wants to do
Starting point is 00:05:15 what their dad does, no matter what it is. Yeah. But did you, I mean, you probably felt that, right? And then it's funny to say that, I always tell that to people. You know, I always just want to do what my dad did, you probably felt that, right? And then it's funny to say that. I always tell that to people. I always just wanted to do what my dad did, watching him, because that's what we did every weekend. We would go, I have two sisters,
Starting point is 00:05:31 so the five of us would load up and go to the racetrack, and that's what we did every weekend. Watch him race, just watch Dad race, and then I started when I was nine. When you were nine, were you doing cards? Yeah. So I've been meeting more and more pro drivers and that's the origin for everyone. It's card driving, right?
Starting point is 00:05:49 Like everyone starts like that. Yeah, that's the easiest access for a young kid, right? But here's the thing that I'm trying to figure out because I have not gotten a great answer on this yet. And that is that, so in other sports, like if you go, let's say you go watch kids play soccer, or kids play soccer. Yeah. Or kids play basketball. Sometimes you see an outlier, or you're like, holy shit.
Starting point is 00:06:11 Like this kid is not like the other kid. Like there's a separation in their skill set. Does that exist also in cart driving, or you're like, okay man, like you're just standing out from the pack. Yeah, you see that, I've seen, you know, kids, you know, that are super young, and they're just head and shoulders above everybody else. And you're like, that kid's gonna be really good.
Starting point is 00:06:34 Was that you then? I mean, you know, you could be honest about it. You must have. I don't know, I, my dad will probably tell you, yes. He would, but, you know, I think it's certain things that the outside person sees that you're like, okay, that's pretty good. I mean, obviously I thought I was okay. I'm not the most confident person in the world,
Starting point is 00:06:53 especially as a kid. I wasn't as well as like, oh, I'm not hot shit or nothing like that. Yeah. Obviously my dad thought I was and was able to let me kind of go through the next steps, but yeah, it's funny now, I grown up in almost 30 and I go to the cart track and watch kids, I's funny now I, you know, grown up in almost 30 and I, you know,
Starting point is 00:07:05 go to the cart track and watch kids, you know, I'm like, that kid's gonna be really fucking good. You can just tell. Yeah. And he already is good, but he's way ahead of everybody else. Just the way that he's seeing the track,
Starting point is 00:07:15 taking corners. Yeah, it's not only like, okay, can they drive fast and they got speed. Like, how do they race around other people? Do they actually race awareness? Really good? And as a kid, that's hard to find. And speed is one thing to get out of them
Starting point is 00:07:29 by his or herself, but then like raceability. Yeah, that's another step. And if a kid has that at a young age, you're like, that guy's good. He's got to figure it out. I've been fascinated for myself by doing track days because I love cars. I've always been a, you know, like from a kid,
Starting point is 00:07:45 like I was a little kid that like, first it was, you know, toy cars, then it was like, we always had car magazines. And then as I was able to get into cars and try driving cars, I was like, man, I wanna like, you know, try to improve the skill set. And it's the most fascinating thing because I think it's something that every dude
Starting point is 00:08:02 thinks that they're good at, right? Like most guys, if you're like, I can't fucking drive. They're like, I'm a badass. You should see me drive. And then they're just like on a highway and you're like, well, yeah, you're driving. But like, yeah, and then you get,
Starting point is 00:08:16 it's a good old track. And then you get on a track. And the fascinating thing is how humbling it is when like the very first time I did it, you know, I had a pro, a guy who had competed quite a bit in the passenger seat, and he's telling you what you're doing wrong, which is almost everything. And then when you're done with your lab, he's like, yeah, you suck. You're like, what?
Starting point is 00:08:37 It's so, it brings you so down. Then you start going over it and over and trying to improve and like everything from like, I didn't realize that I guess most amateurs, what they do is they break early. Everyone breaks early. When you're not used to it. And then when you figure out where to break, you're like, here and they're like, you're going to be all right if you do it. And the way that you break, the apex where it actually takes place is usually not where your mind thinks so when you haven't done it many times. And doing that over and over, I don't know, I find it to be such an exciting, fun thing to improve as a skill set. Yeah, something you're always getting better at,
Starting point is 00:09:16 right? Like every lap you're like, oh, I made this corner better. Yeah, it was like timing these laps and you realize, because at your level, you know, an improvement would be shaving like 0.02 seconds off at home. They did like a tenth. Yeah, that's a big improvement. That's a big improvement, but when you're really starting, they're like, yo, you dropped 20 seconds off your time. You're like, oh, wow, that is a big improvement.
Starting point is 00:09:36 What did you do it at? Where did you do your track? Well, I've done, I've done a few out in California. Yeah. You know, I've been out to Willow Springs, and I started, I did M school one time out there. I got to drive at Willow Springs, then I did Coda a few times. Yeah, I could drive Sunday if you want to. If you want to, I might need a reliever. Oh, yeah, yeah, dude. Did you have my number? Okay. So, I've done that.
Starting point is 00:09:58 Then there's Harris Hill out here, which is a small track, but like, yeah, and I've done a couple of the other schools. It's just like, it's, for me, it's just like the biggest thrill is that at first, you know, you get behind these crazy performance cars, and they are thrilled to drive down the street. They honestly are. But when you get them on a track and you realize, oh, that's what these were, they can actually do. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:20 Yeah, then it blows your mind. Yeah, it's, that's really cool. You're getting into it and you described it really well, you know, if you're getting better and having the instructor with you and kind of point out that. It's a game changer. Yeah, it's nuts. Because you don't know what you don't know, right? You don't.
Starting point is 00:10:34 It's good to have that person there to kind of help you along. But yeah, it's something that's hard to explain to people who just have never done it before, right? And I took, Bird actually got me a race car for a birthday present. I got him something else. But he got, he got me a spec E46 BMW, right? Which is like just all stripped down three series that had been in some, yeah, that's it right there actually.
Starting point is 00:11:01 Oh nice. And so I took it out to Harris Hill and yeah that's awesome dude. Yeah. And dude I spun out so crazy in this thing. Yeah. But the that the enjoyment, the thrill that I'm talking about was that on you know, I don't know lap 5, 6,, when my back ends started to go, I was able to recover and I fought the instinct of, your instinct, I think, as when you're learning, is to take your foot off the throttle and he's like, no, give it throttle so that you keep the tires going
Starting point is 00:11:36 and I was able to recover and he was like, that's what I'm talking about. So that thrill is, it's just like, I think any other skill set, it's like if you're learning the box and you figure out when to slip a punch and throw a cross, those things are, I don't know. You learn those things, I guess, probably in carting is probably
Starting point is 00:11:52 when you start figuring that out. Yeah, pretty much. And then every car is different, right? Like as you get older, I get bigger cars. That's something that I wanna ask you about. Because I've heard so many people like change teams, right? And then you get into a new car. I think to like most like change, you know, you change teams, right? And then you get into a new car. I think to like most spectators, you go,
Starting point is 00:12:09 it's just the same fucking car man. It looks like there's different paint on it. But do they really do perform differently? I like the cup level, you know, if like someone changes teams at the NASCAR level, you know, there are little things that are different, but at the end of the day, the car is at the fall of the same rules. But like, things that are different, but at the end of the day, the cars have to follow
Starting point is 00:12:25 the same rules, but like, they might be a different manufacturer, right? It might be a Chevy instead of a Ford or Toyota. So they're not entirely different, but they are different. Every team is changing. But you might change something from a Ford to a, like you might be like, ah, this suspension is different.
Starting point is 00:12:39 Yeah, every team sets a car up different, right? So each team kind of has a certain way. They like to approach the weekends. And, you know, mine sets are different with different people, right? Engineers and stuff like that. But, yeah, the biggest, you know, starting at nine when I did and going from carts to like just a bigger car and then another
Starting point is 00:12:57 bigger car, that was a big change, you know, because you're a kid, you're still learning, and now you're getting thrown in these bigger cars. You know, I was at a full-size car when I was like 12. Yeah. And, you know, that was a big learning curve. I was racing this guy's like, who are 40? Full-size car at 12.
Starting point is 00:13:12 Yeah, they're called late models. And, uh, dude, it was... Wait, pull it up. What's it called? They're called a super late model. Super late model. Okay. And you're driving this at 12 years old.
Starting point is 00:13:24 Yeah, that middle one, that seven right there. Yeah, that's not me, but that's super late model. Yeah. And is that a 12? Is that legal, or are you like a Dominican baseball player? No, I am. I say a million. I say a million years old.
Starting point is 00:13:37 No, I was, you could drive those, I think that was a minimum age limit back then. Seriously? Yeah. And there's guys, seriously, 40 years old racing. Oh, yeah, yeah. I mean, I grew seriously, 40 years old racing. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I mean, I grew up with a lot of great guys who, you know, like, were you from, were you from, were you from,
Starting point is 00:13:50 were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from,
Starting point is 00:13:58 were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were you from, were? Yeah, okay. Yeah, what's the most prestigious university in the country? I went to Lenora, Lenora at college. Nice. Yeah, I got a great program over there. Yeah, look where you're at.
Starting point is 00:14:11 I know man. That's crazy. By the way, Lenora, you should just be sending me shit. I'm definitely your most successful now. And they got free advertisement on this show. Yeah Yeah man, come on. How about that? So did you go to like high point? High or? I actually went to high school in Kernersville, because of Bishop McGinnis, this little private school. And I was actually at home school my senior year.
Starting point is 00:14:36 Because you got to be like, you know, hey, we got a, I guess senior year you can't miss certain days, we're like, well, we're gonna miss these days because we're racing. And they wouldn't work with us. So We're like, well, we're gonna miss these days because we're racing. And they wouldn't work with us, so we're like, okay. They wouldn't work with you. Yeah, I'm like, I'm gonna, we're gonna do online school then.
Starting point is 00:14:51 I love that you actually have a family, like see, there's families who'd been like, well, I guess that's it for racing. And your family is like, fuck school. I know. The online stuff was okay. You know, you could literally look up every answer. And my roommate was from Randleman. Yeah, I know. The online stuff was okay. You know, you could literally look up every answer. And my roommate was from Randleman?
Starting point is 00:15:08 Yeah, I remember. And that's where Petty's from. Yeah. So he's like, you know, it's so funny because I think when you go, Kase Chatt, the KC, you go to Randleman, there's like a statue of just Petty somewhere in town. Oh yeah, that's like a Richard Petty shrine.
Starting point is 00:15:23 Yeah, yeah. And then like at the Daytona, we're like, Hey, that's Richard Petty right there. Yeah. All 78 pounds of them just walking around. It's crazy. It looks great though. I mean, he looks fucking amazing.
Starting point is 00:15:32 Yeah, there he is, right. Well, that's not it. But yeah, yeah, he just sitting there. Yeah, he actually looks exactly what I remember seeing him on TV looking like 30 years ago. It looks the same. Yeah, that's crazy. I mean, he's still out there every single weekend too,
Starting point is 00:15:49 which is not pretty much. I mean, he'll probably come to 85% of the races. Seriously? Just like as an ambassador of the sport. We're still on race team. Oh, he's still on the race. The owns two cars. Got two car team.
Starting point is 00:16:01 Yeah. We drove by the airport and we saw MJ's plane and we all got oh Yeah, super excited. We're like oh man. I wanted to spot him. He had to be at the race, right? And they told me yeah, yeah, he was there. Yeah, damn it. He yeah He'll come I've been him a couple times super nice guy. Yeah, and he's awesome guy and It was funny the first time I met him Yeah, we were watching a playoff game together. So they have a bubble wall, a really good friend of mine.
Starting point is 00:16:28 He and I grew up together. You know, he drives for Jordan. And he was like, come over to the buzz a couple years ago and they're watching an NBA playoff game. I forget which one it was. And sitting there watching an NBA playoff game with Michael is the coolest thing because I would imagine like, that's like watching a race with Richard Petty.
Starting point is 00:16:43 Yeah, sure, sure. Like the most inside, like what, what's, what does Michael think about this guy or this guy? And I it was the coolest thing like you could tell who he didn't like as someone would shoot even like that's a trash motherfucker right there. Oh my god. Oh my god. He doesn't like him. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:16:59 Awesome. It was so cool that I'm sitting there like a little kid like Michael Jordan. He's saying that shit during the game. Oh yeah, during the game. It was awesome. It was so cool. Then I'm sitting there like a little kid, like Michael Jordan, right? He's saying that shit during the game? Oh yeah, during the game. It was hilarious. It was awesome. Best night in my life. If there was an auction and that was the prize,
Starting point is 00:17:14 I would bid serious money to sit there and let, like just to hear him go, look, this trash ass motherfucker. Shoot. Trash, trash. Motherfucker. It was a cool thing. It was a cool thing. It was a cool thing.
Starting point is 00:17:26 That's the all time, and he's also the all time best trash talker, everybody says. I know, he's still not done talking trash, I guess. It's amazing. I haven't played golf with him yet, and I don't know if I want to. You do. You do. You do. I'd be, there'd be so much trash.
Starting point is 00:17:38 You're a pretty good golfer. I'm okay. I'm like an 11 handy cap. Oh, you gotta do it. Yeah, you gotta do it. Do you play golf? No, I did. It's one of those things where I got to do it. Yeah, you got to do it. Do you play golf? No, I did. It's one of those things where I got into it right at it.
Starting point is 00:17:48 Like when I was in college, I was playing pretty, pretty often. But I also feel like for me, it's one of those things where I got to the point where I was playing to the, like I could go, if you were like, you want to go play golf, or I wouldn't humiliate myself. Yeah. And I was like, okay, with that.
Starting point is 00:18:03 And then once like a few years when probably I didn't play golf, I tried to pick up a club again, and it was the disaster. It was slicing and everything. Right. But man, you gotta play with him just for the story. I like to.
Starting point is 00:18:14 Just to hear him tell you what a piece of shit you are. I know. And at the end of the day, you owe me 140,000. And you're like, oh my God. You just break me down and then take all my money, which makes me fantastic. Oh my God, dude just break me down and then take all my money, which I think he can't do. Yeah, I've heard some good,
Starting point is 00:18:28 I know a couple of people who have played with him and all I'll say is that it is worth playing. You should play. I know. I'm gonna have to win a couple races, I guess, if I want. Oh man, yeah, we saw the, we saw the, oh yeah, I'll try, I'll come and talk trash for you. That's a good idea
Starting point is 00:18:47 Yes, you'll be my ace in the hole So you're you're a you know you guys you know being comedians. You're really quick with it We're quick with it, but I also feel like here's the thing you have a certain confidence for for talking trash and I think the moment I were in the presence of Michael Jordan I'd be like just try better for the next. You do better. I would completely melt the alcohol. Yeah, I would. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:19:11 You're the best. You're supposed to talk to track for me, man. He would, you try and just start track talking to me. Yeah, I'd be like, fuck Ryan, Mike. Mike, I love you, Mike. You saw my jersey. Ryan's a piece of shit. Oh my jersey. Ryan's a piece of shit. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:19:32 Okay, when you graduate, let's say, from cart racing, yeah, and you go up and into level, is each level of racing like, do you have doubt at least that when you enter it? Like, am I gonna be good enough for this? Yeah, I think there always is. Like, you know, I hope I can compete at the next level. Is it like a notable fear or you're pretty confident going into it?
Starting point is 00:19:53 I wouldn't say it was a fear. And it was kind of both, right? You're confident going in because you had success at what you were doing. Yeah. But then also, you don't know what the next, that's gonna be like. You don't know, like, you have no idea the jump
Starting point is 00:20:05 in skill level and difficulty of driving this car, but then also you don't know what the next step is. You don't know, right? Yeah, like you have no idea, the jump, in skill level and difficulty of driving this car, especially when you're younger. But sometimes I feel like it was easier when you're younger because you just didn't know anything, right? You were just having fun and stuff like that. And your ignorance is actually a blessing for that. Yeah, but I think as you get older and as I got into the NASCAR scene
Starting point is 00:20:25 when I was, you know, 18 and started driving trucks, you know, like lower series, you know, every jump, it's like, I really hope I can compete at this level. That's what I'm saying. So is that how notable is this like, so to make it like relative to another sport, right? It's like everybody who was like a great college basketball player or a football player, they all go man. When you get to the NFL or the NBA, this, the speed, they're always talking about the speed of the game and they're like, there's no comparison.
Starting point is 00:20:59 Like is that like when you get to Cup Series, are you like, oh, this is huge jump. Huge jump. Exfinity, which is level down to the Cups series, that jump in between is just like college to a professional sport. That much. Yeah, I mean, the competitive level of it, the amount of good athletes that are in it, drivers.
Starting point is 00:21:19 And yeah, the cars are way different. And they've changed a little bit. I'd say like five or six years ago, the speed difference was so big, going from an Xfinity car to a Cup car, like you were fucking terrified. Seriously? They were so fast. I mean, they were 30 miles an hour faster.
Starting point is 00:21:34 The Cup car. Yeah, like we go to Michigan, a big two mile racetrack, and you'd be running 215 getting in the corner in a Cup car. God. Hold on that. And the Xfinity cars would go 185, something like that. And that's really good. So it was a big difference.
Starting point is 00:21:50 And sometimes you're drawing both on the same weekend. And so jumping from car to car, it was just a huge difference. But the level, I think the biggest difference now is just the difficulty in, there's so many good race car drivers at the cup level. Yeah. Like I'd say, Xfinity, there's so many good race car drivers at the cup level. Yeah. Like, I'd say, at the end of the day, there's like,
Starting point is 00:22:07 seven or eight guys that can win every week, and the cup level, there's 25. They can win every. At least. Yeah. So that's the toughest part about that. It's the skill level is just so high. And the mistakes are low.
Starting point is 00:22:18 Like, not many people make mistakes on the cup level, so it's harder to go from the back to the front or something. Who just, by the way, didn't, somebody just walk across the track? Yeah, I just saw that. It was on sports center. Yeah, yeah, well, I think I was scrolling on my phone and I was like, the hell is this?
Starting point is 00:22:37 So the guy's name is Josh Williams. He is an Xfinity car at Atlanta. Yeah. They got in a wreck and they tried to repair the car and they didn't repair it enough for the time they had. And so it got to do some body panels on the racetrack and they have throw caution for it. And I guess Nascar told him to park it.
Starting point is 00:22:55 Like, you know, you're done. You're done. Like take this into the pit. Yeah, he's like, I'll leave it at the fuck is it? He's like, I'll leave it on the racetrack. That's the start for the slide. I just walked back to the pits. This was so wonderful.
Starting point is 00:23:07 It was a crazy thing I've ever seen. And it's like, it felt like a movie moment in a way, you know? Like it was kind of moment where you're like, oh, this feels like this is almost scripted, you know? Like he just like, and I think he weighs. Like a people were saying like, this is his A, B, his Antonio Browned, you know. He just like, and I think he weighs. People were saying like, this is his A, B, is Antonio Brown moment, you know, when A, B took all his stuff. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:31 And was like, bye everybody. I think Antonio Brown like actually tweeted something about this. Did he really? Yeah. Yeah, that's my dog. I didn't see that. You know this picture? I've Antonio Brown, you know, going off the field.
Starting point is 00:23:46 And someone put like Josh Williams as Antonio Brown. That's like his head on Antonio Brown's body. So this dude just got real in his feelings that Josh did about what was happening. I guess he didn't think that, I guess he was pissed at NASCAR's Parkingham. It was Parkingham. They didn't think it was justified that they were Parkingham.
Starting point is 00:24:03 And is his punishment just, they suspended him for one race? For one race. Yeah. I mean, that's Babis. At least they're not like just like ruining his career. No, no, he'll be fine.
Starting point is 00:24:12 But yeah, they just, spending him for one race. But I've never seen anything like that. No, there was a house into my bus at the racetrack watching it. I just couldn't stop laughing. And I knew it was gonna be on every little news outlet thing.
Starting point is 00:24:25 The thing about that is like, it's, that's funny. Like when A, B did it, you were like, oh, it's funny and then you go, oh, something is not right. Yeah, yeah. Like his got way worse, I think. I think Josh's was, yeah. He was just making a little statement.
Starting point is 00:24:43 Yeah, he was fine. He wasn't injured or anything. But yeah, it was just making a little statement. Yeah, he was like, he wasn't injured or anything. Yeah, but yeah, it was pretty, it's pretty hilarious. And it looks like Kenny Powers. Yeah, yeah, that's what makes it way better. Yeah, yeah. He's like, one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet too. He was just over it, I guess.
Starting point is 00:25:00 Yes, but there he is. Peace time, right? It's start finish line. Amazing. That's pretty great. Amazing. So when do you on the road again? Me? Yeah. You told me I did all the North America, like all the states, Canada, I did South America. It's been a long tour, man. And it's this, and it was all, there was the same tour. It's all the same tour. Yeah. I mean the show like when you do when you tour for that long What happens is your show
Starting point is 00:25:28 takes like twists and turns as As a because you're doing it for so long. Yeah, it's like you'll you get to a point where you're kind of tired of doing like Let's say a chunk of material right so you naturally drop it and then you naturally replace it So like if you were looking look at the show at the, you know, in August, September, 21, to now, you would see like a probably half an hour of different material because it, so like the big hits kind of stay in there,
Starting point is 00:25:55 but the other stuff just kind of move. So I was actually editing the special, like, sitting at the cuts and I was like, oh yeah, because I already forgot some, I was like, I forgot, I used to do this bit. It was only a few muscles that I filmed it, but you naturally let things go. Right, yeah. I could fit, yeah, especially torn that long, right? You want to switch it up.
Starting point is 00:26:14 Yeah, you get bored of it. You get bored of it. And it's the truth is, like, the only way, because the thrill of being, of doing stand-up is always new stuff. Like, new is the New is like the dope. But the only way you get new stuff is to let go of stuff. You can't just add it because then your time is right. You can do that and then sometimes you're up there like 80 minutes, 90 minutes and you're
Starting point is 00:26:41 like, you can just sense that it's too long. So you reduce it, you go, I'm just sense that it's too long. So you reduce it, like you go, I'm just gonna stop doing this bit and then you fill something else in and it just kind of goes like that. And that's the exciting part is just doing new shit. Yeah, yeah. Well, that's awesome.
Starting point is 00:26:56 That's always been curious about, you know, the comedian kind of grind, because from what I know, it is a fucking grind. Especially, yeah, obviously getting going. I mean, everything's tough getting going, right? Totally, yeah. You got this travel bunch. I think that that's the one thing that like athletes and entertainers have in common
Starting point is 00:27:14 is we all know the grind of travel. Yeah. That like, you know, you got to go to the next city. And it's like, for us, like, if you don't get on that, that plane and go to the next city, there's no show. Right. And like, if you don't go to that next and go to the next day, there's no show. And if you don't go to that next race, you're not part of the race, man. So there is no, you just have to accept it.
Starting point is 00:27:32 That's the thing is you embrace it and you go, yeah, I travel for a living. Yeah, it gets to go to a lot of places. And you get to a lot of places, but I don't know if this is the same thing for you. Like every time I go somewhere, they're like, oh, you're going to Chicago. You gotta go see that museum exhibit.
Starting point is 00:27:49 And you're like, yeah, I don't fucking think so. I get the same. And they're like, why not? I'm like, because I'll be tired. Yeah. Cause I just got in, I just did 15 other cities. Right. And it's not that I mean, look, I like museums.
Starting point is 00:28:03 And it's just that I'm like, I don't think you understand sometimes that all we're trying to do is have the energy to do the thing we're going to that city for. You're just trying to, like, I just got to be ready to race. And we're just trying to conserve enough energy to get on stage and do those shows. Yeah, it's funny, when I was younger, it kind of just started out on the cup side in like 2016, I think was my first full year and I was 23, 22, 23. And I used to love going, like, we go to wherever, whatever race, whatever, you know, town,
Starting point is 00:28:39 Kansas City. I like to go out and kind of see stuff, right? Have all the energy to stuff and then you were good to go the next morning, right? To go practice or race or something like that. I would never go out before the night of a race, but as I've got an older, I just really love sitting in my motor home.
Starting point is 00:28:54 I'm like, me and my girlfriend go eat, but it's not very often where I go out to eat. I have to race track just because I just want to be in my little cocoon and don't do anything. And that's a really good sign. That's a healthy disposition. I'm the race track just because I just want to be in my little cocoon. I don't want to do anything. And that's a really good sign. Yeah. That's a healthy disposition.
Starting point is 00:29:08 Yeah. And I think it'll only increase as you get older. Yeah. Yeah. As you get older, you're just like, let's just stay in this room. Yeah. Yeah. I don't like going anywhere.
Starting point is 00:29:18 Yeah. It's a best. Yeah. Yeah. And then you're going to get more known and you'll retreat into a small, like, yeah. Yeah. You'll build a bigger wall around your compound. Yeah, I mean, you come. I mean, it's just the nature of how things go.
Starting point is 00:29:31 Also, it's like, look, either you want peace and some type of tranquility in your life, or you don't. For people that don't, then they go out and they pursue that. You know, they're just like my enjoyment is in being in all of that excitement. And then some people go like, I'm fine without it. Like Mike Ho host pursues those moments.
Starting point is 00:29:54 Yeah, of course. Dude, you know what Bert fucking does? This is how, so I'm the guy that goes, good night, thank you for coming out, and then I go to my room. He's like, what do you do? Do you just like shut your eyes? I'm like, yeah., thank you for coming out, and then I go to my room. He's like, what do you do? You just like shut your eyes, like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:07 Yeah, you just shut your eyes. He's like, you just like order something to eat and like watch TV and like, yeah. Yeah. He from the stage is like, we're gonna be at Mickey's bar over on the corner of fourth and main. Like tells an audience where he's going and then goes to party with them. over on the corner of fourth and main, like tells an audience where he's going,
Starting point is 00:30:25 and then goes to party with them. Yeah, some real Ricky Bobby shit. Yeah, like, yeah. Wow. By the way, are you guys fans of Taladeganites? Is that like, I personally like that movie? It's fun, right? It is a very funny movie.
Starting point is 00:30:38 I love it. So, you guys get offended by it. I like that. Do they really? I don't give shit. They're mocking us. Yeah, they're like, they're mocking. I'm like, it's supposed to do that. Do they really? I don't give shit. They're mocking us. Yeah, they're like, they're mocking. I'm like, it's supposed to do that.
Starting point is 00:30:47 It's a movie. It's a funny movie. Yeah. I don't get it, but I love that movie. I mean, they had to have done it in, because it's all this licensing, they must have partnered with NASCAR to do it. Yeah, so they did, that was kind of a little bit before
Starting point is 00:30:59 my, I was kind of in it when they were filming that. That was in 2006. Yeah, so that was before me, but yeah, I do know, like yeah, they were at the racetracks and filming stuff and yeah, doing all that stuff, but yeah, I love that movie. There are some people that are wow that are offended by that.
Starting point is 00:31:18 Yeah, some guys like that stupid movie. Make a phone of us. I'm like, yeah, it's funny. It's funny. They're not trying to hurt us. I don't think that's what people, some people don't get that about comedy and stuff. Yeah, I mean, you're just trying to have fun.
Starting point is 00:31:32 I also feel like there is something about, somebody doing an impression of you is actually, it is an honor, you know what I mean? Like that, they have to like you to do it well. That's the truth. I know. You have to respect you to do it well. That's the truth. So I know. You have to respect you to do it well. If it's done poorly, then usually it doesn't work.
Starting point is 00:31:50 And that means that, you know, that you can sense when it's done maliciously. Yeah, right. Yeah, of course. And people ask me all the time, like, you know, fans, you've never been to a race. So I'm like, how accurate is Taldeganites to what you do?
Starting point is 00:32:04 I say every bit, cumbersome. Always, I'm like, Talideganites just like what we do. Yeah. Like really? I'm like, yeah, totally. By the way, speaking of Bert, when we were at the Daytona 500, dude, he was as popular as you guys.
Starting point is 00:32:22 Yeah, fuck yes. Like I felt like I was his handler. And like we, well first of all he was shirtless. Everyone was like, who's the fuck? Did you take a shirt off? Was he shirtless when I met you all? No, I told him. I told him, okay, I was the man for the drivers.
Starting point is 00:32:35 But the race started, he took a shirt off. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And yeah, he was, he was, he was, he was in full bird mode. But like, they're driving us around on a cart. His shirt's tucked into his pants. He's got his beard and people were just like, right, right. Like, he was fucking crazy.
Starting point is 00:32:55 Do you think they would have had that reaction if his shirt was on? Because they recognized him more with his shirt off. Definitely more of the shirt off. And I told it on a podcast that almost 1,000 people because once we were like down on the track walking around he had a shirt on Almost a thousand people walked up to us and they all said the same thing I don't recognize you with your shirt on man like they are really yeah No, I don't recognize you with your shirt on man everybody's saying you like
Starting point is 00:33:21 And then you just like pull it up Everybody said he was like, and then he just like pull it up. Yeah, yeah. Well, when I walked up to you all on the grid, you're just standing in the grass like by yourself. I know I was around you. I was like, damn, they kind of went unrecognized. No, they planted us there for you.
Starting point is 00:33:36 Oh, okay. Yeah, we were moving all around and we were checking out cars and talking to people. Yeah. And then there were like, Ryan's gonna be back in a minute, wait right here. Oh, okay, okay. So we didn't know that. It was all staged. Yeah, yeah. No, no, no, no, Ryan's gonna be back in a minute, wait right here. Oh, okay, okay, so we didn't know that.
Starting point is 00:33:45 It was all staged. Yeah, yeah. No, no, no, we just waited, we just waited. But we met Jeff Gordon, which was crazy. That's also another crazy thing. It's like, kinda like me and Jordan, you're like, no shit, we're gonna meet Jeff Gordon right now. Yeah, and I had on, somebody had,
Starting point is 00:34:01 before I went out to our event, like, we had that live pre-show event. I got this bald ass hat. I was like, you give me a hat. Like, is somebody give me a hat? So somebody at NASCAR just gave me, I think it was a bubble wall of hat. There you go.
Starting point is 00:34:14 And so I put it on and Jeff was like, cool hat. And I was like, how dare you, man? I was like, oh, sorry, he's like, no, it's good. He's like, I can get you another hat if you will. And I was like, it's all good. I don't know, I'm sure. Yeah, give me dare you, man? I was like, oh, sorry, he's like, no, it's good. He's like, I can get you another hat if you want. I was like, it's all good. I don't know, I'm sure. Yeah, give me a hat, man. But I like that he was still talking shit, you know?
Starting point is 00:34:32 No, he's in that way. He's a good guy and he's been fun to get to know. Pretty good. He's still like, I mean, way in it. I mean, he's way in it. Oh, way into the, yeah. I mean, obviously he's a big part of Hendrick. But yeah, he was telling
Starting point is 00:34:45 he's like, you're been in this before. I was like, no, he's like this, he goes, you might not want to go to another race. That's the, yeah, you chose the most popular race to be your first one. That was pretty, I'm telling you, dude, that I had no idea the scale and scope. I think when you see these things on, everything's different on television than, you know, I've been all types of sporting events. I just went to the Australian Open, you know I've been all types of sporting events I just went to the Australian Open you know I saw the finals and you're like holy like you watch that in person You're like oh my god. Yeah, it's just everything is different in person But the thing about
Starting point is 00:35:17 You cannot duplicate on television is a looking up into those stands at Daytona you're like It's like a city of people. Yeah, as much people there. Yeah. You definitely cannot mimic the sounds. Yeah. The sounds are just like, sounds and spells are crazy at the abstract.
Starting point is 00:35:35 Yeah. And then seeing how close you guys drive to each other at those rates of speed is like, it's beyond, do that free show, the like the F-16 fighter jets flying overhead. That was crazy, wasn't it? Yeah, I almost ruptured my ear drum multiple times, yeah. They were low. They flew over, I was like, that was pretty low.
Starting point is 00:35:53 They've never been that low before. That's pretty low. And also you're like, oh, they're gone now. And then they're like, oh my god, yeah. It scared me. I'll be just kept thinking about was just like, you know, poor Afghani children, just looking at like, what is that in the distance? And you're like, oh, fuck.
Starting point is 00:36:11 Oh, no, this isn't a show, is it? Like, no. Oh my god. Goodness. Those are something else. Yeah, no idea what happened. Just, and then they're like, hi. Is it like no? Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:36:25 Goodness. Those are some of those. Yeah, no idea what happened. Just, and then they're like, hi. So, this one is out of the eye. Anyways, so back. All you guys are lean. You guys are all lean machines, man.
Starting point is 00:36:46 Look how lean you are. Are you working out all the time? Yeah, yeah. It's being fit, it's super important. You know, I think it's like a different kind of fit, right? Like we're all of us, we're none of us are really like big. Right, you know, we're all fairly short Fairly yeah skinny lean Like you don't see a bunch of us like buff because you don't really need to be you don't need to be it's a different
Starting point is 00:37:12 You know different kind of requirement for what we do like we do a lot of like When we're in the car it's a lot of like shoulders and core and like heart rate stuff And that's are you working on keeping your heart rate down? Is that something? Or just your cardio in general? Kind of the cardio in general. And then one thing that I do a lot is like, your heart rate isn't up like the whole race. There's moments you get excited
Starting point is 00:37:35 and there's moments that are, has a lot on the line. And the cars are hot too, right? There's like 130 degrees in there. So they get warm. Because you have those hot too, right? They're like 130 degrees in there. So they give you one. Because you have those foot covers, right? Yeah, those are great. Those booties we call them.
Starting point is 00:37:50 To keep your feet from burning. Yeah, fuck. Yeah, that helps that a little bit. Yeah. But we do a lot of training like, okay, heart rates up, I'm really tired, I'm really hot. Like, can you focus on what you're doing?
Starting point is 00:38:03 So I like, I do a lot of training like that. Like, can you focus on what you're doing? So I gotta do a lot of training like that. Like, kick my ass on a workout. Give me really tired and now it's like, all right, I have to, we're doing a drill to like focus on another task while you're like struggling. And that's, we, because how long is an average race? Race.
Starting point is 00:38:18 Uh, three to four hours. That's a long time, dude. Yeah. That's a really long time. Yeah, they're, I mean, they're pretty long. We have one, we have one 600 mile race in Charlotte. That's the longest one. But then, yes, most of them are four or 500 miles. Yeah, because the whole thing about that
Starting point is 00:38:36 is not just your skill set and, you know, obviously, hoping the car's operating well, but like staying focused, because minds can drift. I mean, that's what happens to, yeah, that's the biggest, we not, but like staying focused because minds can drift. I mean, that's what happens to... Yeah, that's the biggest, we not only do like physical training, like mental training too, right? I think you get just as mentally tired as physically tired in those things.
Starting point is 00:38:54 Oh my gosh. Just trying to concentrate, especially at Daytona. Yeah. There's so much going on because you're, you know, so close to each other and you're like, have a thousand thoughts a second, right? You're always trying to make decisions and a lot of times you can't think,
Starting point is 00:39:09 you're just kind of acting, you're reacting. Because a lot of times, if you like, something's happening, let me think about it. I missed the move, right? You missed your opportunity to do something and go forward. So yeah, it's mentally exhausting. It can be, then some tracks are worse than others as far as, like, after they tone, you're mentally exhausted just because there's so much shit going
Starting point is 00:39:29 on. You know, other racetracks aren't maybe as mentally exhausted, exhausting, but yeah, they're all unique. Is that like, is your typical post race, you know, time just chilling? Like, I just like, I'm done. Yeah, I mean mean we fly home right after the races so you do like Like this weekend we'll get done racing code a Sunday and we fly right back to North Carolina you do and So yeah, it's like that night is like a really good like Decompress and you sleep well after a race. Yeah, yeah sleep pretty good. I have no problem fall asleep That's great. So that parts nice and then what is like your what's a general training, you know, like a look like going up to a race? Like are you on a track every day? You know, I know that you go to the city of the race and you
Starting point is 00:40:15 guys have your qualif on all that. I'm saying like when before you get to that city, are you on a track all the time? No. No. So we, not at all. Like during the whole week, we don't, we're not allowed to test anywhere. So we don't like practice in a car, other than, you know, like today we have practice at Coda, but I wasn't in a car all week. So we used to do that stuff every now and then.
Starting point is 00:40:42 It's tough to get, you know, if you're gonna go practice, you wanna go practice at the Traction Racing Act. Sure. But then I think a handful of years ago, NASCAR kinda canceled that, like trying to cut costs down for all the teams, not allowed to go test anywhere.
Starting point is 00:40:56 So that kinda put a big, that kinda really sucked on not being able to test. But now, gosh, technology is so good. We have like simulator system. Those are gonna say, are you big on the simulators? Yeah, I do them before like road courses. So like before code of this weekend, I did it yesterday. You did.
Starting point is 00:41:11 Are they pretty great? I mean, I've sat on them before, but for you guys, are they great? Yeah, so each manufacturer has their own like simulator facility and Ford has like, they'll have three now. And it's still, no it's just a big like, just a big silo room with all these cameras that are like 360 degrees and you're in a full motion,
Starting point is 00:41:31 like half-race car. And they're actually really good. They're good tool to use, I think, especially now. I know that some, I like a lot of the F1 guys are doing on those. It's the same thing. And I was thinking because when I was talking about like your size, everything, I had Daniel Riccardo on.
Starting point is 00:41:49 And he was telling me for them, for F1, he said like anything over 160 pounds, he's like, they consider that you're starting to give up time. Yeah, so almost all those guys are around that weight or less. Yeah, I would say we're fairly similar. We have some guys that are over that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:12 160, yeah, we have a good amount of guys over that, I think. Yeah. Like I walk around it, like in the winter time, I'll walk around it like 150, but then like during the season, I'm sub one, I'm like 142, 143. But that's, but you're walk around if you weren't trying would be in like that 150 range anyway. Yeah, like when I don't really train a lot in the off season, like the three months we get off two
Starting point is 00:42:37 and a half months we get off, I just like eat a lot and don't do a lot. So I gain a little bit, but I can, I get it off really fast. Because the way they weigh us, the cars have to weigh a certain amount with the driver, like 3350. And so when they go through scales each week, the drivers aren't sitting in the car. So they weigh the drivers every year to see like, I'm 140. So the car has to weigh X without me.
Starting point is 00:43:05 You know, so there used to be a lot of games going on like, I weighed in a few years, like 175. You did? Because I could go weigh in, you'd have your suit on, like you'd strap a bunch of weight to you. You would? Oh, yeah. Oh, wow. So your car would weigh less. Your car weigh like 20 pounds less. But then they every little trip, they then got, they, some people caught on to that and now we weigh in and are underwear. So you can't cheat it. So, yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:33 So, unless you have anal beads or something, you can't do that. You can do that. Yeah. You can put really, I don't want to win that bad. I don't think I can do that. I don't have the anal beads in there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:44 So if I lose like another 50 pounds, I could race with you. I was about to say, I need to go out there when you're in your race car. Dude, that would be nice. You go out there with you. I would love that. Give you some pointers,
Starting point is 00:44:00 and then we'll swap and you can kind of see me do it. Yes. I think that would be great. Oh yeah, of course. Dude, I would love it. That'd be a lot of fun can kind of see me do it. Yes. And I think that would be great. Oh yeah, of course. Dude, I would love it. That'd be a lot of fun. I would love to do that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:08 I got some other cars that we could take out. I would love to see you rip and open some. Let me ask you that. This is one thing I want to know. If we all got into, forget like a NASCAR shit, like Cupcars, but if we got into the same, I don't know, let's say it's like a general performance car, like a Corvette or something, right?
Starting point is 00:44:31 And we all took laps in it. How much faster would a pro driver run a lap? Let's say at Coda, then it'll better like you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like if you and I got in the same car. We got in the same car. We went to Coda. It's the same, it's the like you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like if you and I got in the same car. We got in the same car. We went to Coda.
Starting point is 00:44:45 It's the same, it's the same car. Yeah. Is it, I mean, I obviously know that your professional and that you're better, is that does that look like, 10 seconds? Does it look like 30 seconds? Does it look like, I would say around Coda, it's pretty big.
Starting point is 00:45:02 So like there's a lot of time to be lost at bigger tracks, right? Right, right? Right, right. I'd say out of the gate, like first runs of the day, I'd say you'd be 20 seconds all. 20 seconds. Yeah, and I think you could, by the end of the day, I think you could probably get to maybe 10.
Starting point is 00:45:18 Yeah, yeah. Okay. Maybe even less than that. Okay, yeah. That's a big, that's a huge, that's a huge, it's a big race track. Well, that's the, but that's a huge, it's a big race track. Well, that's the thing, but it's also, it's a big race track, but it's also for, like 10 seconds is a lot, it's a lot of time.
Starting point is 00:45:32 Yeah, but that racetrack's like three and a half miles long. Yeah, so at least somewhere around there. So that's, well, 10 seconds is not much around there. Right. You know, that thing's 21 corners. That's, you know, a second, oh right.
Starting point is 00:45:46 A half a second, a corner, right? That adds up really quick. But like if we went to Daytona, yeah, you could drive my cup cart Daytona. Really? Buy yourself. You're just, you're wide open. You just push it all the way to the floor
Starting point is 00:46:00 and the racetrack's so big, there's so much banking. You can go around there by yourself and in one of our cars. And the big thing about that someone not used to doing that would do is that they go too slow, right? They would be nervous and they would lift. And when you lift, you go slower.
Starting point is 00:46:17 But not just that, but like the car, you want speed to carry you through these. Yeah, I carry it through the banking and stuff like that. Yeah, but yeah, you could do Daytona, you just pulled it wide open. But the hard part is when you get 40 other guys out there, run an inches apart, that's the tough part. Yeah, that seems like the deal.
Starting point is 00:46:33 It's hard. Yeah, yeah, yeah. What would you be doing if you weren't racing, you think? Do you ever think about that? I get that question a lot. And I mean, I know you wouldn't have this girlfriend, but like, what would you be like? I definitely would not.
Starting point is 00:46:46 You'd be at fucking Jeffy Lou with her kid at like, so. I really don't know, man. I, like I said, I gotta ask that question a lot. And I only raced. I did other stuff. Yeah, that's the thing is, you don't, your experience in life is so unique.
Starting point is 00:47:05 Yeah, I just born into it. Yeah. I'm born up, grow up around it, and that's all I knew. And you also don't have that thing, you don't totally relate to people who are like, oh, you know how in high school, we all have our summer job at the ice cream shop. You're like, no, I was racing.
Starting point is 00:47:22 I had a better job. And then when they're like, oh, I had this one job. It's just racing for you. Yeah, it was so, it's just part of my life. Like, when I started going to school and making friends and going over to friends houses, I didn't know that not being a race car driver was a profession. Like I go with me through parents, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:47:45 yeah, I was young, right? I go like eight or nine years old, right? And like, oh, your dad's a backer race. Your mom's a lawyer. Like I did not know other jobs were out there. I had no barriers. Just because that's all I was saying. Well, yeah, because even your mom met your dad.
Starting point is 00:47:57 Yeah, yeah. Yeah, so that's, that's all I ever did. I played basketball and baseball and stuff like that, growing up, but. Well, the truth is you'd probably be somewhere in the auto, you'd be in cars somewhere. Yeah, like if you didn't have what it took to compete, yeah, you'd probably be.
Starting point is 00:48:14 Yeah, yeah, honestly, I'd be doing something automotive-wise, some kind of. I would have tried to go, like if the NASCAR thing didn't work out, I would have tried to go another series of racing. You know, go back to those super late model short tracks or like dirt racing or something like that. Well, a lot of the guys that I meet that coach amateur people on these race tracks,
Starting point is 00:48:36 they compete at lower level race stuff all the time. Yeah, yeah, like, you know, if you're got your track day, that he's probably a racer to a road racer. No, he is. Yeah, yeah. And everyone that I've met at those, like they are obsessed, like they're in love with it the way you are. They don't compete at your level, but they still compete. Yeah. Because they, they, they, their whole thing is like, I got to be racing. Yeah, that's the thing. I feel like sometimes it's overlooked.
Starting point is 00:49:03 Like there's so many forms of racing out there besides NASCAR, or even the big ones, like NASCAR, F1, IndyCar, there's so many different forms out there, short track, you know, stuff, road racing stuff. Like it's everywhere. And there's a lot of people that do it. A lot of, you know, men and women that compete every single weekend, that, you know, just short track stuff.
Starting point is 00:49:23 Yeah, yeah. So, no, I just meant, I mean, I was talking to a producer who, you know, Hollywood guy, you wouldn't make any assumption about how we'll kind of car driving he's into and then like through our conversation, he's like, oh yeah, I race in the, in those GT3 cup races. Really? What? Oh, wait. Yeah, that's awesome.
Starting point is 00:49:44 And he's like, yeah, you should get one. I was like, oh, okay. So, yeah, but I mean, like, yeah, there's, it's, it's very, it's kind of under the radar in a way where you, if you don't have that conversation with someone, you're not probably going to find out, but a lot of people are doing it. Oh, yeah. What is, okay, how about off track, meaning off your professional track? What about private cars? Like, what are you, what's fun for you to drive? That's... Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:07 So I don't really own many fast cars. No, I don't drive very fast on the road. Like everyone always thinks like, oh, you race car drivers must be a speed demon on the roads. I'm like, no, like actually the opposite. I get my thrills on the... Yeah, like I get paid. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:22 You know, a lot of money to go really fast. Yeah. And it's encouraged. And like if I do the same on a road, to go really fast. Yeah. And it's encouraged. And like if I do the same on a road, like I'm going to jail. So it's like the benefits you're not actually follow the. Yeah. Oh yeah, I'm a very slow driver. My girlfriend gets so pissed because I'm so slow.
Starting point is 00:50:36 That is hilarious for me. Yeah, she is the speed demon on the road. Seriously? Oh yeah, oh dude, it's crazy. I quick story about that. I was falling asleep somewhere. We were down in Florida. She's driving.
Starting point is 00:50:47 And I'm kind of dozing off. You know, you're in like that in between stage of like a wake where your sleep in your eyes are closed. And I'm like, I get this sensation. I'm like, I feel like we're going really fast. Like something, we're, we're, have a lot of speed. I looked over and we're going like 97 down the highway. Like, what the fuck are you doing?
Starting point is 00:51:07 What are you, where are we gotta be? We have nowhere to be. And she's like, oh, sorry, I was just passing somebody. I'm like, you've been going 97 for like boss. What were you in? What were you driving? Are you saying Kea? Kea?
Starting point is 00:51:19 Kea? Yeah. Yeah. Hey, you fucking psycho. What are you doing? I know. The thing's just, things just things gonna follow Mark's out just maxed out, but no, I have
Starting point is 00:51:30 My favorite car I have a 85 Bronco. I love Broncos. Yeah, I have a new one new Bronco as well Got 88 F150. I love like mid to late 80s. You know style your proper care on a kid man. Yeah, yeah, and Gosh, what else do I got? What's the wildest street you've driven that is not a, you know, I'm saying like a race car? Right, right. Like that's a street car.
Starting point is 00:51:56 Have you ever driven something when you're like, oh my god. Cause I'll tell you mine in a second. I drove, uh, gosh, what did I drive? I can't really, I can't think of one right now. Tell me yours. I drove, okay, so I've driven... I've been very fortunate to be able to drive experience a lot of cars, like, you know, got behind a ton of Porsches, a good number of Ferrari's,
Starting point is 00:52:20 good number of McLaren's, and they were press cars. Some of them were press cars, so they were letting them to me for a couple of, yeah, dude. And I thought I was like, you know, what happens is they all start to feel like, oh yeah, this one's fast too. Like they kind of all feel similar. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:37 And then McLaren let me have the 765LT for a couple days. Yeah. That was, that's another level, huh? That was the fucking stupidest thing I've ever driven. And to the point where I was like, I'm gonna die in this for sure. Like I thought I was gonna definitely die in it. 754th, sorry.
Starting point is 00:52:56 Yeah. But it's also light and it's nimble. And it's too quick. And it makes super nice cars, especially obviously that one, but it was, and the, you know, the 720s is more, you see it more, and it drives amazing, and it's lightning fast. This felt like it was, like, just levels beyond it, where I was, you know, you're going 70, and you just give it a little bit of throttle, and you're like, 185, and I was like, oh, my God, it was just terrifying
Starting point is 00:53:27 where I wanted to give it back, but also I wanted to keep it. You know what I mean? I was like, this is so dangerous, but it's still thrilling. It's like a fresh bag of cocaine. You're like, I got, I want this. I know it's bad for me.
Starting point is 00:53:41 Yeah, yeah. That's all, I mean, I haven't driven anything that nice, you know, as a streetcar. Or that quick, I'd say, I drove the craziest thing I ever drove. Well, it's not a race car, it's a prototype. Ford is coming out with all their electric battery powered stuff. Yes.
Starting point is 00:54:00 And they had a project where they made a thousand horsepower, like Ford, Mocky Mustang, four-wheel drive, thousand horsepower. And we drove it around, you know, some road course one day. This is the craziest thing I've ever driven. Yeah. Not only thousand horsepower, but like four-wheel drive.
Starting point is 00:54:19 Electric power. You're going anywhere you want. It's so stupid. It was crazy. It was pretty wild. I got into the Porsche makes a Tycon, which is their electric car. So they have a Tycon Turbo S, which of course, that's a marketing term. There's no turbos in an electric car. But when I was on the track,
Starting point is 00:54:38 the guy goes, Hey, put your, put your head back in the head. And I was like, Huh? He goes, You're going to want to put your head back on there. of us and I was like, huh? He goes, you're gonna want to put your head back on there if you're gonna, if you're gonna floor it. And I was like, oh, okay. And it was like one of those things he walked away. And I was like, whatever. I just didn't listen. And I just floored. I went, hell, like, I mean, it was like someone took a rope to the back of my head and yank it. I was like, holy shit. I also don't understand, you know, this evolution of speed has happened so quickly. Yeah, and you go, okay, 20 years from now, what?
Starting point is 00:55:11 What are we in? What's the speed going to be then? Because I don't know these electric ones are getting close to zero to 60 in just over a second. Yeah, the electric stuff is wild to me. You know, and how fast it's progressed, just in the last handful of years even. You look at engine cars and you know, yeah, okay, they've gotten a little more efficient, yada yada, but you had a car like a go of 200 miles an hour, you know, 50 years ago, right? And they'll go a little faster now, right? Like Bugatti, it'll go like 230 or whatever.
Starting point is 00:55:48 But the electric stuff is just crazy how quick it is. And that stuff's just gonna keep getting better and better. Right? Like the leaps of quickness. Like I remember, you know, if you remember like in the 90s, you know, they had like a 9-11 turbo and they're like, this thing goes to you know, 60 and 5.8 seconds or so.
Starting point is 00:56:07 And you're like, wow, it's so fast. And then now we're at sub two seconds on cars. Yeah, it's like, it's wild. And it almost feels like you should, there's gotta be a point where they go, okay, you have to pass a few tests before you're allowed to take this. There are some cars out there where I'm like,
Starting point is 00:56:22 not everyone should be able to buy that. Yeah, well, not everybody, the people should be able to buy that. Yeah. Well, not everybody. The people who can afford it, they're at these two, three million dollar cars that are so stupid fast. Yeah. You shouldn't be, you should have to actually
Starting point is 00:56:34 pass a test. Sometimes a driving test, right? Yeah. Otherwise, it's like, it's like someone giving someone like, hey, here's like a rocket launcher. Go ahead, just press the button. See if you like it. Someone who has like, who's like,
Starting point is 00:56:48 bent to the gun range. But like you give them an RPG, you know, like, here you go. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know I've shot a 38 before I'm good. I don't know, man. I don't know if you really are good. I think everyone else is not good with you. Yeah, you're going to be fine.
Starting point is 00:57:01 You're going to be just fine, dude. Wait, so what's up? I heard, are you a big star wars fan? Yeah, huge. Huge star wars fan. That's always very exciting to me. What, what do you have, are you tapping something there?
Starting point is 00:57:12 Is that, I thought you were like, this is my star wars. Oh, no. No, I'm just, okay. Sorry. No, no, no, no, I just, I thought you were gonna do like, I have some on my leg tattoos.
Starting point is 00:57:21 Star Wars tattoos on my leg, yeah. Yeah. Did you start in, like, do you start with a new hope? Did you start in the... No, so, you know, I was born in 93, so like, maybe my mom take me to the theater to see Phantom Menace in 99. So that's your first one. So my first one I saw, just kind of the era I grew up in, right?
Starting point is 00:57:38 So I saw one, two, three, and then I saw four, five, six. Okay. Just the way it was. How, what did you think of, what's the experience like singing that order? Because I don't think I've actually spoken to somebody that sees them in that order. Yeah, so it was, it was obviously different,
Starting point is 00:57:53 like, but, no, I didn't mind it one bit, like I- Did you enjoy the old ones? You were like, yeah, I loved them. Like, Empire is my favorite. Yeah. But like, it's a, like, Phantom Man is a close second,
Starting point is 00:58:04 because it's first of all ever solved. Sure, it's always gonna be- And it was a, like Phantom Manage is a close second because it's first of my ever saw. Sure, it's always gonna be. And it was like, that's what got me into it. So it was like, oh, Phantom Manage, you like George or Banks, like, well, I don't really care about shit, but like I just liked it because it was the first one I saw. Yeah, that makes sense.
Starting point is 00:58:17 But yeah, I, it was, it was definitely weird. I begged my mom to see number one, and she had no idea what the hell it was. Really? Yeah, my parents were big. They had no idea what the hell it was. Really? Yeah, my parents weren't big. They had no clue what it was about. But yeah, it was pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:58:29 Then my uncle showed me, he was like, oh, you like Star Wars movies, huh? Like, my mom's brother was, she told him, like, I took him to go see all the Star Wars. Like, all right, well, I'm going to go show them the older movies now, you know, the originals. So it was pretty great. Those are great messages.
Starting point is 00:58:43 I mean, it's great storytelling and it's great messages. Have you been watching the Mandalorian? Yeah. It's fucking phenomenal. Yeah, it know, the originals. So it was a pretty great master. I mean, it's great storytelling and it's great messages. Have you been watching the Mandalorian? Yeah. It's fucking phenomenal. Yeah, it's great. I could not, it was one of those things. I was watching it, I think I started watching it when I was getting out of the hospital a couple of years ago.
Starting point is 00:58:55 And I was just in bed and I pulled up and I was like, I'll just give it a shot. And I was so roped into that. I couldn't believe how good it was. Yeah, and I haven't seen a couple episodes of season three yet, but yeah, I think it's, it's been, because the new season just dropped. Yeah, I haven't, I haven't,
Starting point is 00:59:13 I've jumped into the new season yet. It's kind of hit and miss, like, you know. Yeah, made it Lurian's good, like, Obi-Wan wasn't very good, I didn't think. Yeah, I was, I was, I don't always watch all these spin-off things, but this one I, I just happened to click on it, I was really impressed don't always watch all these spin-off things. But this one I just happened to click on, I was really impressed with it. Yeah, really impressed.
Starting point is 00:59:29 Well, I saw you, yeah, you went to the hospital for... I broke my arm. Yeah, basketball. Yeah, and you? And like, yeah, just trying to jump, yeah. Just trying to jump. I tore my, yeah, I tore my patellar tendon and then I landed on my arm and broke it.
Starting point is 00:59:44 Holy shit. And it ruined my life So I got into race car driving after that because it seems more safe Yeah, I mean, I don't think you'll tear those yeah tear attendant. I mean, I have a Hans device. I'm good right? Yeah Yeah, yeah, this is all the matters and this is everything the neck up is like all that and I can still get on stage like How's everybody doing tonight? and I can still get on stage like, how's everybody doing tonight? I'm still doing stand up from my chair.
Starting point is 01:00:12 All right, look, I know you gotta get going, you gotta go practice, you're gonna run. Yeah, we gotta practice here in a few hours. How many laps do you run in a practice? So it's only 50 minutes. So we'll get the tracks. It takes like two minutes and 15 seconds to run a lap, so you don't get many laps. But you'll do continuous laps.
Starting point is 01:00:32 No, we'll probably go out and do a handful, come in and make a change. You know, try to make a car drive better, something like that. We'll kind of adjust what it's made. To the car? Depends. To the car. You know, shock springs, ride heights, kind of lower in the raising the car depends on to the car, you know shock springs, you know ride heights kind of lower in a race in the car And it's a way to just yeah, wow, yeah, so we'll do that. I mean we can change the spring in
Starting point is 01:00:54 Couple minutes and usually this like we'll have a big plan We'll have a list of what we want to try, you know, there are two or three changes So we'll kind of have it like queued up like hey, hey, we want to try a stiffer rear springs. We already have those built and then you just bolt them on the car when they come in. So it's faster. Yeah. Dude, is such a thrill to have you here.
Starting point is 01:01:12 Yeah, thanks for having me. I would love, I'm serious. I don't care when, I would love to go out there one day with you though. We should definitely do that. And I will be there someday. Yeah, okay. Yeah, good.
Starting point is 01:01:22 Yeah, that'd be great. But yeah, we'll have to, I'd like to, we'll go driving together. That'd be a lot of fun. Dude, yeah. You're gonna be like the best stand-up to be the driver ever. Please make me your project. I will, okay.
Starting point is 01:01:36 Thanks for having me, man. Thanks for having me. All right, thanks buddy. Bird and Tom, Tom and Bert. One goes top and swat the other, wears a shirt, Tom tells stories and birds the machine There's not a chance in hell that they'll keep the clean Here's what we call, two bears one cave
Starting point is 01:01:55 No scripts to beat a booze amateur for topology Dirty jokes, ranchie humor, no apologies Here's what we call called to bears one cave.

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