2 Bears, 1 Cave with Tom Segura & Bert Kreischer - Plus-Size Accommodations w/ Tim Dillon | 2 Bears, 1 Cave Ep. 189

Episode Date: June 12, 2023

It’s another episode of 2 Bears 1 Cave with Tom Segura and guest bear Tim Dillon! Tim explores what his political platform would be for 2024, North Korean way of life, and what murder feels like, al...legedly, and the Austin serial killer. They discuss wildly inappropriate politicians, Tim’s new book, and how horrible cruises are. They discuss accommodations for fat people, trans racial folks, and Tim Dillon’s incredible ability for creating great content.https://tomsegura.com/tourhttps://www.bertbertbert.com/tourhttps://store.ymhstudios.com/

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If I'm sucking a dick and I look and I see a prison, I'm happy. It's like a Jordan Peel film in reverse. It's gotta feel good to kill someone. It does. I mean, I assume that it does. Yeah. Yeah. 100%. Well, I want to congratulate my friend, uh, Bert Kreischer, he just had his left foot removed finally.
Starting point is 00:00:29 Uh, it's, uh, some of the, the, the blood work came back and he, he's got the stump, but he's got an amazing prosthetic. And because he's healing right now, um, I have somebody in his place that we're really happy to be here on set with us at two bears. It's the great Tim Dylan, everybody. Thank you. Thank you, everybody. Thank you. Thank you for coming. Thank you for stopping by.
Starting point is 00:00:47 I had my foot done a month ago. So I'm here and excited. And I mean, it's a blessing. If you don't mind text them later, let them know we to expect. Yes, what we have been. I've been telling them. Oh, good. Yeah, you just got to act like it's a foot.
Starting point is 00:01:00 Yeah, you do. That's the reality. You have to don't let them shame you into thinking it's not a foot. It is good a foot is any. Yeah, you know, it's just and then and now he's like, can I get back to the show girl? I was like, yeah, I mean, they've already cut the photo. So it would be crazy to not get back to the show girl. His his movie, the machinist is out. Yes. So make sure if you are haven't seen that yet, you get a ticket or you pirate it illegally from the internet.
Starting point is 00:01:30 Yeah. Yeah. I requested a free link, which I was given by his management. Oh, good. Someone gave it to me. Sure. Someone emailed it to me. I didn't know who it was either.
Starting point is 00:01:40 I don't know either. But you're here and we're so excited to have you. Look, things are going well in the nation. Everything is the world is in a good place. Absolutely. And things are finally starting to dial up. People are throwing their hat in the ring for the election, so I'm looking forward to what's going to happen in 2024.
Starting point is 00:02:00 It's exciting because rarely do you look at such a landscape and say, I'm filled with hope for the future. I just think that whatever happens, it'll be good. Everyone will be chill about it. Yeah, everyone's gonna be pretty chill. And I think we're all starting to realize now that we, you know, are united by so much. Yeah. And I think the thing that really blows me,
Starting point is 00:02:22 well, I can't say it blows me away. It's just so clear to me now, is it's kind of perplexing when you live in this country. And we really do have so much talent on so many levels, like smart people, incredibly gifted people. And then when you get to leadership, you go, this is the fucking pool. Think of what type of loser you have to be to want to be in Congress. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:49 Like what type of person? And then that's what you get. That's what you can't. Like literally I said as a joke, I should run for the governor of California and people with money were literally messaging me on Twitter going, you should. Yeah. And I'm like, I shouldn't. I'm a comedian. They're like, no, you should because you're gay, but you mean to the right, that might work. I'm like, I don't think so. They're like, listen, it's worth having a few meetings. I'm like, let me be clear. It's worth having zero meetings.
Starting point is 00:03:17 Do you think you've won over, like, it's no longer being gay, today, meaning of how it affects people? If you go back to like, you know, I don't know, 93 somebody goes, I'm gay, everyone was like, you are? Isn't that crazy? Right. And now it doesn't, but I'm sure there's still like, whatever, there's homophobic people.
Starting point is 00:03:34 There's still people out there. But the fact that it's almost like what we were talking about before, where you need somebody to come tell, you know, to be introduced to them in a way that they can digest and then they go, oh, meaning that you're gay, but since you don't have like all the traditional gay views that they're like, oh, this is like, I can kind of get on board with this guy.
Starting point is 00:03:57 Yeah, I think people can get on board with it. Because they go like, you're not. Well, I have four private prisons. You have four private prisons. You have four private prisons. I'm one of those guys who says, I believe in private, private prisons, but I'm gay. And that makes people feel good. Sure.
Starting point is 00:04:14 Because many of the people who, it's a great American tradition is to have a prison be run privately and discreetly and quietly. And I get it. Because of the time I spent in the closet, I understand not being loud with everything. Sometimes you do benefit. So, two prisons would be good.
Starting point is 00:04:34 Do you know, when I drive and I don't see a prison, I feel weird. I love seeing prisons. I love people in prison. If I'm sucking a dick and I look and I see in prisons, I love people in prison. Yeah. If I'm sucking a dick and I look and I see a prison, I'm happy. Yeah, I mean, prisons are, first of all,
Starting point is 00:04:53 and the other thing is like, people always knock the United States for all, our many flaws, every one of those flaws, but don't fucking tell me that we don't do prisons better than anybody. We do prisons great, we incarcerate a lot of people. And people go, that seems extreme. Well, or it's that they're bad.
Starting point is 00:05:08 Yeah, they're bad people. And yeah, it's disenfranchised. And people that don't have opportunity, I'll just bullshit. Yes. But we still lock them up. But by the time they get to prison, a lot of that doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:05:19 Yeah. By the time they're in prison. Yeah. You know, so I'm a, I'm, if I were to run for governor of California, it would be on the platform. All my campaign signs, all the posters, all the shirts would say, prisons, prisons, prisons. The best thing about this would be like because people are fucking morons and they don't care to nobody actually inquires about someone's views or politics.
Starting point is 00:05:46 They're just like, they would go like, who's this guy running and someone would go, he's gay, they're like, great, I'll take him. And then if you were like, prisons, prisons, they were like, whoa, I thought you were gay. You're like, yeah, we're, you know, we're not all the same fucking person. No, it's, people literally were like, dude,
Starting point is 00:06:01 you, that might be interesting if you do that. It'd be fascinating. And I'm like, I don't wanna do it. And I love doing comedy, thank you. I'm not qualified to become a movie. that might be interesting if you do that. It'd be fascinating. And I'm like, I don't want to do it. I love doing comedy, thank you. Yeah. I'm not qualified to be grateful for that. It'd be great if you weren't. But neither is anyone else.
Starting point is 00:06:10 No one's qualified, but it'd be great if you actually took seat in some type of office that you wanted an election. And then you were just always gone doing the road. People just fucker you doing, you're like, you know what I mean? Yeah, I'm like, my passion is being a comedian. Yeah. But I do believe that California doesn't need to be saved. Someone needs to save it.
Starting point is 00:06:30 Have you thought about North Korea? Here's the thing. There's a lot of cool shit happening in North Korea that isn't being talked about here, isn't being reported. And thankfully, there are people on the front lines in north korea who are making tiktok's and are sharing them and i just wanted to show you if you didn't know how cool things are going because you pull up one of these in my previous videos i saw a few questions like how to marry a north korea woman
Starting point is 00:06:58 well that's difficult that's still possible in north korea there are more women than men north korea women are quite kind. They like traditional family-centered women. If you like it, you could join a country's immigrant investor program to become the season first. Then you are qualified to marry a local woman because the country doesn't allow population loss. Although you've invested a lot of money,
Starting point is 00:07:20 you could enjoy social welfare. In North Korea, it's the only country in the world operating citizens free housing, free medical treatment, and free education. Well, what's interesting about this is it underscores an interesting point. Cats, and this is true, have become a status symbol for Asians. Really?
Starting point is 00:07:38 In Asian countries, having a fat fluffy cat is you're doing well. You're doing well because it's considered American and Western to have a big fluffy fur ball. I did're doing well. You're doing well. Because he's considered American and Western to have a big fluffy fur ball. I did not know this. No, this is a fact. Well, the North Koreans look like they're doing very well. At least the one in this video.
Starting point is 00:07:53 By the way, I'm a minority in the opinion that I've never thought it was that bad there. Yeah. I truly have never thought it was that bad. I think the guy who runs the country, I get a kick out at him. Big kick. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:08 And people do criticize some of what goes on there, which I understand. By the way, look, I mean, the guys got some rules. Nothing's perfect. Yeah. So what? Do you need the lights every day?
Starting point is 00:08:20 I don't think so. No. No, you don't. And also, people eat them. Why do you eat, you're eating fucking five times, it's like just like, they have a simple life. Yeah, simple life.
Starting point is 00:08:29 And look to have, to have, you know, some, some days where you don't get what you want. It's probably good for you. It's called delayed gratification. I like it because we can't go. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:42 There's something about that. It's exclusive. We don't want you going. Yeah, you think so how else is that going to do? This is no, I like their whole attitude where they go, we're good on you. Yeah. We've had enough of you.
Starting point is 00:08:54 We don't want boatloads of fat American tourists. I love the idea that they're like, hand over, like, first you have to invest in them. And then you're like, what do I, I think I gave you like 250 grand. They're like, yeah, just relax. It would be hilarious if boatload, carnival cruise loads of fat Americans went into that country of malnourished skeletons.
Starting point is 00:09:11 And they're just looking at these fat orbs of flesh just walking around North Korea taking photos. And then you have to, if you, if you come across a statue of Kim Jong-un or Kim Il Sung, and you don't show the right amount of reverence, you can be detained for that. Interesting. In other words, if you just go like, nice, police. The fuck was that?
Starting point is 00:09:39 And you're like, oh, sorry, you're supposed to go like, oh my god. You have to really show. I think you have to go. I was having an off day. I'm so sorry. My mother's dying. I actually had a stroke at that moment. I apologize.
Starting point is 00:09:52 I know, I know it's the fucking man. I know that shit. He's, is there another one? Is there another cool one? Yeah. I kind of like. It's rare to get a divorce in North Korea. If a North Korean couple want to do so, they will be punished by the government.
Starting point is 00:10:08 For example, you will lose your apartment offered by the government. Both the men and the women will lose their jobs and despise by the whole society. They are only allowed to work as cleaners or some other low-status jobs after the worst. What do you think? There's that fucking cat. First of all, the way the cat is just asleep is Kathy Chen, like a North Korean influencer. I think that her gig, it's her gig, like they brought her in and they're like,
Starting point is 00:10:37 you need to start making the same fun. Get a good time here. You need to start giving people the idea that it's not all bad. The country is like, yeah, we don't, a good time here. You need to start giving people the idea that it's not all bad. The country is like, yeah, you don't live here anymore. Right. And you don't have your job anymore.
Starting point is 00:10:52 Right. And think about how much you really have to hate who you're married to to accept that demotion. Well, it's interesting. It's a, this country, it's a little bit of a rebrand because I like it. The end where she's like, what do you think? What do you think? What do you think? What do you think?
Starting point is 00:11:06 What do you think? You are punished by government and you can only be house cleaner. What do you think? I mean, I like it. I like it. There's a little fucking too many divorces in this country.
Starting point is 00:11:18 There's way too many. There should be a few deterrents. My friend and his wife are getting divorced and it's like they should clean toilets. Yeah. Why not? Why not? Why not? I'd like to see them punished by the government.
Starting point is 00:11:28 I mean, at least, you know what, the threat, but if the threat of like being societally shunned and losing your home, I mean, in some cases obviously you do lose your home because you have to, but I think if they said, oh, you're getting divorced, you don't have your job anymore. People be like, whoa, whoa, what? Yeah. Well, you have a job, but it's clean the toilets. Yeah. I like the idea of like going to an executive at a company
Starting point is 00:11:49 and going like, if your wife goes through with this, because you know what people start doing, they start killing their wives. Oh, yeah. These guys are not gonna clean toilets. You're like, well, make it disappear. Sign me up. I mean, I could snap her neck before I do that.
Starting point is 00:12:02 I'm not going back to cleaning toilets. No, why? You're not taking my home. Yeah, no. I'm not going back to cleaning toilets. No way. You're not taking my home. Yeah, no. I'll kill my wife, that too. There'd be a lot of cool creative murders too. Oh, for sure. Yeah, a lot of...
Starting point is 00:12:15 I just one of my favorite things. To me, it is funny. Seeing someone get hit by a train? Well, yes. But to live with someone for 20 years and then kill them. And kill them, yeah. That is a very, because you're using everything you kill them and kill them. Yeah, that is a very
Starting point is 00:12:26 Because you're using everything you know about them against them. Yeah, it's a very interesting thing to be like How should I do it? What should I do and you're I think after 20 years It really is something that the seed was planted and it's just fully it's blossomed You really it's not an impulse. I don't think. I think you're just kind of like, I gotta fucking kill this mother for you. It is a slow, methodical, because here's the thing, and people, people, will say I'm a sociopath,
Starting point is 00:12:54 we're saying this, it's gotta feel good to kill someone. It does. Oh, I mean, I assume that it does. Yeah. Yeah. And I know you've thought about this too. So many times.
Starting point is 00:13:06 It's gotta go good. And the bond you have with another person when you guys kill a person together, it has to be. It has to be amazing. It does. Like if you and your buddy kill someone, it's gotta be like you just always have that understanding
Starting point is 00:13:21 with someone. And the cool thing about, look, if you kill someone with a friend, you know, you're both, it's the ultimate bond with high stakes. Because this is the highest crime. We're both fucked. So now two minds are involved in covering it up
Starting point is 00:13:41 and keeping it a secret. You have to completely have each other's back in that. That's an incredible. It's a great moment together. And it's something that I think does grow in significance instead of diminish. Yeah. As you get older, as you think about it, that's why OJ is so happy. He's thrilled.
Starting point is 00:14:01 He's the most... He's like, well adjusted. Oh, Twitter world. I gotta tell you something. I'm just sitting around today thinking most day he's like well adjusted. I know Twitter world. I got to tell you something. I am sitting around today thinking and he's like commenting on fucking the news. You know, he got he got it out of his system. He did.
Starting point is 00:14:13 And it really I think well there's a part of everybody like in everyone is the ability to do this nonsense that like it's only for monsters. Everyone has that monster inside of them. Yes. It's really whether or not it comes out, you know? Yeah. And to kill someone, I think, is pro, like, dude,
Starting point is 00:14:31 how many people do you think in America have killed? Got no way. Got no way with it. Think about it all the time. Oh my God. You think about it when, and here's the thing, that you're sitting in their cars knowing. Yeah, they're on vacation with their families.
Starting point is 00:14:43 And they're like, I mean, I came up Something like they flash back man, you know 1998. That's right. I was here. I was here in Florida And this is where I fucking killed that chick, you know Wow, and then they're they're like dad you just missed the exit. Oh shit. Yeah, you know, yeah Like he's just daydreaming about you just at a hotel. She's like ID and credit card. You're like yes Sorry. Yeah. Sorry. I just, I remember I put her in a soup cake. Sometimes you see these guys, we'll put a chicken, a soup case.
Starting point is 00:15:11 Do you think anyone does it one time and then they, I bet a lot of them do it one time and they go, I'm good. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Cause there's a lot of people that don't get caught. I think most people are, most people that are committed murder are one-offs. It's something that, you know, look, this rage,
Starting point is 00:15:27 let's not act like everyone has the capacity for rage. Of course. And so I think somebody wrongs you in the wrong moment in that rage, you can do it. Yeah, if you feel entitled to something, and you feel like somebody else is in the way of what you're entitled to. I think that's when that happens. And I do think we definitely have countless people that have
Starting point is 00:15:50 murdered, there's a tons of unsolved murders. There's so many people that have done it. What would be your tactic you think? What would you go for? Well, it's so interesting. I'd want to get someone in a interesting. I'd want to get someone in a situation where they could at least like, like, it would be kind of a surprise to them. So maybe a hike. Yeah. We would push someone off. Yeah, but you got to do it like outside. You can't do it in the outside. Or a shark to eat a person I'm swimming with. Well, the best, like if I was swimming with someone in a boat, poor blood out there and not let them back in the boat, and then have a shark come eat them.
Starting point is 00:16:33 And also, if you can, because then it's, I didn't do it. If you took the boat, if you took a boat out, right? I mean, I think the open water is the greatest place. I'm a water guy, I'm an aquatic guy, grew up by the beach. I love it. If you take somebody to the open sea, right?
Starting point is 00:16:50 Yeah. Oh, this is so great, Tim. I mean, I didn't know you knew how to say it. Oh, yeah. But, you know, then you just keep going. Now you're just like, I mean, there's, like, there's nothing out there. Nothing.
Starting point is 00:17:00 There's nothing out there. And then, even if you said, if they stand up on the, oh, wow. And just fucking hit him in the back of the head. no one's gonna find them. It's dying. My mother's friend Dennis died. He's an older man. He was drinking and smoking and just being him and he had all kinds of issues. He died on a boat. He died on a boat. I don't think he went right in the water and that's what you want. Yeah. That's what you want. Who is accused of, there's a famous, oh man, I don't know of me telling you,
Starting point is 00:17:29 will prompt this, there's a famous, I think it was an actor who the story was that they went out and came back and like, she died at sea. Oh, and they're like, oh, you murdered this person. Oh, I know. Yeah, this is like from years ago though, this is like, died at sea. Oh, and they're like I think you murdered this person. Oh, I know Yeah, this is like from from years ago though. This is like who is this? I'm trying. I'm Natalie Wood. Is it Natalie Wood? I believe so Natalie Wood killed someone or is that how she died? She's who disappeared. Oh Natalie Wood right the action
Starting point is 00:17:58 So I thought you meant Natalie the other one So what's the Yeah, what's the 40 years later? I mean, let's, let's go to the, Oh, Catalina. It's kind of a sexy Hollywood way to get murdered, right? Totally. I mean, that's a fantastic story.
Starting point is 00:18:17 I think like a sexy Hollywood. Drown off the coast, the authorities classified her death as an accident, concluding the 43 year old star West Side Story who couldn't swim had been drinking the night before. She was found floating face down in the ocean waters. Her death has been a Hollywood mystery, the topic of tabloid speculation, the theory gained dramatic interest in 2011, 30 years after her death. The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Office reopened the investigation from accidental drowning to drowning
Starting point is 00:18:45 and other undetermined factors. So it was switched to that. They decided fresh bruises on the arms and, oh yeah, those fresh 40 years later. That's funny. Yeah. The new report also noted conflicting statements about when she disappeared
Starting point is 00:18:58 and whether she had argued with her husband, Robert Wagner, who along Christopher Wacken, her co-star in the film were aboard the 60 foot yacht with Ciso, the yachts out at C, and then it's like, oh, she can't swim, oh, she drown. It's like really? So much of that stuff is very, it's like this weird haze of facts and speculation. You're never ever going to know, and only the people that know are the people on that boat. And that's fucking awesome. It's pretty cool. It's really cool that they all have that moment.
Starting point is 00:19:32 That's pretty fucking on. Like, take morality out of it for a minute. Just the idea that you and a few other people know exactly what happened. A night where the whole world is speculating. And you just have that forever that bond. And like Robert Wagon and Christopher Wacken on that. And I bet you, you could be like, hey, Robert Wagoner, what's Christopher Wacken like?
Starting point is 00:19:55 And he could be 20 years that he has not spoken to him and he would just go solid. Solid guy. Solid guy. He's a great guy. He's a great guy. He's a great guy, He's a great guy. He's a great guy. Great actor. Yeah. Great family. I've talked to him in years, but there's
Starting point is 00:20:09 nothing better about that. Yeah. And nobody like these deathbed confessions are not as common as you think. People really do take it to the great. Yeah. That's an interesting thing. You think you're old. You're you're about to go. You go ahead. Did some bad. Yeah. I want to let you know, but a lot of people just go, nah, I'm not gonna do that. You wonder if they think about it like in the nursing home, they go, maybe I should just get this off my chest.
Starting point is 00:20:31 Maybe there'd be some peace for someone, but a lot of them apparently go, I think I'll take it with me. I mean, the only time I think that they really want to open up about murder is if they committed a bunch of them. And they're like, it'd be nice to get a little recognition. A little recognition. Yeah, I've done a lot.
Starting point is 00:20:50 If you did 20, you're like, uh, hello. But if you've done one, you just say to yourself, have you ever spoken to like a murderer? Because I'd love to talk to someone who's killed someone. I, um, I've talked to, well, I know somebody that's killed someone, but not like, you know, accidentally. Oh, but that doesn't count. That doesn't count.
Starting point is 00:21:12 Like in a car, no. How did they do it accidentally? It's a gun. Really? Yeah, but it was an accident. It killed someone accidentally. How does it happen? Well, that's the thing is that there's only this person's of because the only people that know are him and the guy that's dead
Starting point is 00:21:28 And what happened they were playing with the god never fell yeah, and the gun went off, you know, and he got out of it He didn't have to Well, that's sad to hear it was really lost his friend Yeah, yeah, I know this guy. I know this guy. I'll tell you afterwards more and you'll be like, oh my God. Yeah, it's crazy. And I know and I actually had many conversations with him. But I didn't, I'd never met somebody
Starting point is 00:21:53 or at least knowingly had a conversation about somebody, you know, like you're talking about what you're like. What's it like? Yeah, I'm wondering what it's like to be someone who's taken a life. That's a great release. I think like friends, some of my friends in the military have killed people.
Starting point is 00:22:07 Oh, that I've talked to. But those, it's like, are they people? Yeah. I'm like talking about like an American who like has a social security number and you like kill that. That's interesting. When I talk to my people. Anyone can kill someone in a foreign country.
Starting point is 00:22:21 Literally anyone. Anyone. When I talk to my dad about Vietnam, for years and years and years, he did what you should do, which is like not tell that to a kid. Yeah. All I did was bring up war from movies and shit.
Starting point is 00:22:38 And I was like, what's that like? And he was like, yeah, it didn't really, it wasn't like that. Kind of would dismiss it. Older, I get old, 20 really, it wasn't like that. It kind of would dismiss it. Yeah. Older, I get old right, you know, 20s, still doesn't say much. Finally I get into my late 30s, and then I bring up, you know, war.
Starting point is 00:22:54 He starts telling more in-depth stories, and then I kind of, one day I'm just like, I softballed up, I'm like, but what about actually taking someone's life? He's like, it's fucking the best. And I was like, what? What? he's like, it's fucking the best. And I was like, what? What? He's like, oh, it was such a rush.
Starting point is 00:23:10 Will you feel like a god? Yeah, and then he goes, we would, he's sometimes we would sit around with our platoon and I would ask the guys, you know, would you rather get, when you, when you kill in battle, they call getting some. Right. So he's like, I would tell the guy,
Starting point is 00:23:24 would you rather get, would you rather get some or get some pussy and they got getting some right so he's like I would tell the guy would you rather get Would you rather get some or get some pussy and they better get some lieutenant He's like that's right and then we would cheer about you know fucking Smoking the enemy, you know, and then I could just see his like him get lost in it. He's like yeah That's awesome for him So awesome for him that he had those moments, he had the time. He had the time with those guys. He was the thing Vietnam was good for some people.
Starting point is 00:23:48 Yeah, it was very good for a lot of people. And we constantly bemoan it, but. Yeah. There's all those guys that had the thrill. Yeah, the thrill of killing the enemy. I always fantasize about me and someone killing a person, and then just like having that bond forever. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:05 And it was like by the beach. The beach is a cool one, dude. It's a beach kill. Yeah. Like a beach like we killed someone and then it's just like we watched the sunset. And it's like beautiful. I'll tell you, I shouldn't give myself up, but if you ever hear about me running a boat, it's a problem.
Starting point is 00:24:20 It is. I am not sightseeing. Yeah. If you read the boat, there's an issue. I am not sightseeing. Yeah, if you read the boat, there's an issue. Yeah, Austin had this killer. Yeah, but this guy's not caught, right? No one has caught this person. This person, Lady Bird Lake.
Starting point is 00:24:36 Yes. Is it two people now or three? No, multiple. Oh, it's multiple. It's like a lot. Oh, is it really? I believe it's more than three. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:45 Let's see what we got. Well, who's fucking saying this? Well, this is the police chief going like, no, there's not a problem. How many bodies in Lady Bird though? I mean, I'm telling you right now, I think we're about five. How many, yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:59 A lot of people drink and end up in these lakes. A lot of people say it's the work of this smiley face killer, which is like this kind of conspiracy theory where young college is for in the last two months. Four and two, and the police say there's no foul play involved. Huh? Yeah. Really? So four people have ended up in the lake dead.
Starting point is 00:25:20 Someone's having fun. Someone's out there doing it. No foul play. Why would they even say that? They're just trying to keep people at... They're trying to keep people at... You don't want to hurt the tourism of people coming to us.
Starting point is 00:25:32 They're like, we got F1 coming up, guys. Yeah, they're like, we don't want to discourage people from going out on that vomit colored lake. We don't want people thinking bad things come of that. We don't want that. Listen, some people just tripped and they fell and they drowned. I fell in the lake and now he's with Jesus. Now anyway, get on the raft. He's with Jesus now. Get a taco and get on the raft.
Starting point is 00:25:58 We've got to build more apartments. This body can't just keep growing. They just be like, listen, people die every day. What do you guys want? It's only 37 people who cares. With the hottest city in America, you think a couple of dead people in a lake matters? And I think in fairness to them, I think these people that died were bartenders or people that were very replaceable. Have you? They probably were. They probably said a little bit of a dime it doesn't
Starting point is 00:26:24 here. That would be it. That would be it. That would be it. That would be it. That would be it. That would be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd be it. That'd I don't know if you can, but it's a guy who, I think, is in office who's like, oh, I've transitioned. I'm a woman of color. That's what he says. I'm a woman of color. Do you know what I'm talking about? Is he trolling or is he legitimate? He is, he's saying he's legitimate.
Starting point is 00:26:57 I mean, he's definitely trolling. He's definitely trolling. And it is so fucking funny where he's just like, and then they, it's a man, it's a man. Right. Man who goes like, I am a woman of color, and then these people come and they yell at him. Oh yeah, there it is, Indiana Councilman. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:27:21 Now, moving on to you made as a Delaware County Councilman is coming out as a transgender best transgender and a woman of color Delaware County Councilman Ryan Webb He's definitely a five-year-old. He's a African-American woman. Since that announcement, he's received some support, but a lot of backlash. They call him in childish, despicable, even calling for things like execution. In a statement, Webb gave to 19A. He says, quote, it is unfortunate that I cannot simply be given the same space
Starting point is 00:27:50 and respect to explore my identity that so many of those targeting me demand for themselves. It's possible I may change my mind down the road. The process of identity exploration is complex. And oftentimes at the end of our personal journey, we end right back where we started. Web goes on to tell IT group, this is just. You gotta find people yelling at him though.
Starting point is 00:28:15 Look at Ryan Webb, look it up. We'll pull it up here in a moment. It's great because he had to tell someone that before he released a press release. He had to go tomorrow. I'm coming out as a woman of color. And trans. And trans. Let's see what they do with that.
Starting point is 00:28:29 Yeah. Let's say, have a, let's see, have a role with that. Because there's this council meeting where they come up and they, they just, everybody knows. And he, he keeps it and he's like, nah. Yeah. He's like, well, if you want to see why the countries where it's at, like the city councils are all crazy.
Starting point is 00:28:47 They're crazy. Like, literally the LA city council, just it was a huge, they had a huge racist thing because they were just like saying the worst things in the world about each other. Mexicans are blacks like saying bad things about each other. And like, it's just these city councils, these like little groups of people are all nuts.
Starting point is 00:29:04 It's nuts, yeah. Because you're all drunk on this kind of power. Well, imagine what kind of loser you are to go. I wanna be on city council. The worst. You be. What's going on? The worst person in the world.
Starting point is 00:29:16 I mean, there's a real type of loser being in Congress. Right. But city council? Yeah, it's just like you're like, I just wanna dip my toe in controlling people. Yeah, you don't even, like at least if you go, I wanna be a senator or something. You're like, because I want this juice, I want this power.
Starting point is 00:29:33 I want people to care. Yeah, and you'll get, maybe you get drunk with that type of. Like we had a mayor in the town that I grew up in, you know? She was like this fat Greek woman. I don't wanna say it. Her name was Jackie Papazes. Yeah. And she's dead. Now, long dead and all of her relatives are probably long dead. But if she's nothing wrong with her, yeah, she was just Jackie Papazes, the mayor. Yeah. What do we even mean? What are we doing? There's no way. Like, what is that even mean?
Starting point is 00:30:00 She's the mayor of what? Of what? What has be decided. Yeah, okay, great. This is good I want to show you this but now guess what somehow I could tell what this woman's about to say is going to be crazier The what that guy just did yeah, I don't know that yeah, just feel it okay Levant on that page you find a post where he is trashing transgenders saying that they Have mental health issues that need a dress, etc. It's a pretty lengthy post. I'm not going to read the whole thing. You can go to his page. If something happens that he deletes it, feel free to message mail send it to you. I'm fighting about Facebook. I think everybody here is like your full of shit.
Starting point is 00:30:40 Yeah, they're using a Facebook post. I'm very embarrassing to the city of Muncie at this point. If you're transgender, that's fine. He is creating a conflict against some transgender is based on his post. And the fact that, you know, he's flaunting the the minority, you know, lesbian as such as the first council person. So it's English sentence. And I just, I don't understand why he would trash transgenders in one post in the very next day
Starting point is 00:31:17 decide that he is transgender. It creates a divide. We have transgenders all over Muncie. And they have the right to be respected. Yes, girl. Men, post on April 11th. And I feel he should resign. And if he doesn't, I would look at County Council to talk to legal and see what they can do about removing him because he has created some hate and just cord and divide with the transgender population here in Muncie.
Starting point is 00:31:47 I love the woman sitting behind her. It's like, I'm just applying for a variance. I just want my fence to cover more of the yard. It's like, have you seen this other guy who's like a city councilman trying to explain that his word choice is not offensive and he tries to like make sense of it, but it's, play that one, the U-Down. The fact that I won't say, hey, I'm going to have to U-Down is not an ethnic slur. There has nothing to do. I'm not referring to the Jewish community. I use that term as an adjective, as a descriptive word of bargaining them to you. The person I said it to knew it, I think you or anyone
Starting point is 00:32:38 that's watching that knows that. So yes, that is not an ethics. Okay. I caught him with him to degree because I feel like it's possible to constantly use that and not and and still think Jewish people are cool, but like, I'm just not. Look, he's like, listen, I've said it for a while. I'm used to saying that's the thing. It's the with the busy what he's saying is whole argument comes out to you. I've used this for a long time Here's the thing man. What I was saying was I Am not I'm I'm not paying full price right and When I say I'm gonna do you down you fucking you get it. You know what I'm doing Don't all I don't act like I'm fucking I'm being In-sensitive and racist. I don't want to pay full price. It's that anti-Semitic to haggle with you by saying,
Starting point is 00:33:26 I'm trying to junior you down. What's anti-Semitic about that? Yeah. And it's a good thing. Joing you down is a good thing. And by the way, I drew people down for the city. All right. Like I'm the commissioner here.
Starting point is 00:33:39 I'm the county commissioner. And I'm chewing down people left and right so that we benefit. Yeah, I mean, what a great, what a great the confidence to the confidence is everything. The beard, the confidence. You know what I meant. You fucking know what I meant. You know what I meant.
Starting point is 00:33:56 You know that I mean that I don't, I don't want to pay full price at my house or for the city. Right. And I'm going to do everybody down who tries to charge me full price. Yeah. And for the city. Right. And I'm gonna do everybody down who tries to charge me full price. Yeah, and you made it about religion somehow. How do you, I don't know how you draw that line. I don't know how you connected those dots, but you did.
Starting point is 00:34:16 I also don't wanna forget we should take this opportunity to let people know that they can pre-order your book right now. Yes, if you wanna to preorder my book, it's called Death by Boomers, how the worst generation ruin the planet, but first a child. And it's going to be on my website, timbilloncomedy.com,
Starting point is 00:34:35 on my Instagram, Tim J. Dylan. There it is, there's the cover. There's the cover. And I wanted my parents to look as good as possible. They look great. They look great. And that was the direct, no, this is actually they don't look like good as possible. They look great. They look great. And that was direct. No, this is actually they don't look like that,
Starting point is 00:34:47 but that's their essence. Yeah. And yet a funny book of funny stories about, you know, growing up in the 90s with Boomer parents. It's such a shared experience by so many of us. Those Boomer's, man, they didn't, I don't know, they did the best they could. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:35:06 You know, they didn't. And. But you know what it was? They loved themselves. Yes. And there was something to be said for that. They loved themselves. They loved cruises.
Starting point is 00:35:15 Yeah. They loved wine. What is up with cruises? I mean, just boomers love a crew. They like. You know, dad like cruising? He, not as much, but it was like that was like my mother to a lot of them.
Starting point is 00:35:27 They just love cruises, they love eating, they love going out to eat, they love drinking, they love golfing, and they didn't care really about their children. But that's okay. And it was fun, and we grew up fun, and we had a great childhood growing up doing things on our own. And our parents kind of just were kind of, it was like, hey, whatever.
Starting point is 00:35:48 Like the boomers were, it was the first generation of like moms and dads that we could trunk with their kids. Totally. And get fucked up with their kids. And like rely on their kids for things. It's like, yeah. I fucking hate cruises so much. It's the worst group of people ever gathered together in one place.
Starting point is 00:36:04 It is a disgusting, my parents love. They love Chris. I was on the impractical Joker's cruise and all everyone did, it was like, I was like me and a few other guys were like, this is heinous, this is heinous. And then we were standing there and then Burke walked out onto the top deck and went, this is actually the greatest thing ever, I'm gonna do one of these one day.
Starting point is 00:36:21 Yeah, and he loves it. And he did. And he's doing it. And he's doing it. And he was like, and I love him so much, like told him I was gonna do one of these one day. Yeah, and he loves it. And he did. And he did. And he's doing it. And he was like, and I love him so much, like told him I was gonna do it. I'm not doing it. But he came up to me and he goes,
Starting point is 00:36:32 yeah, there's fully loaded, that's his thing. Yes. It's the fully loaded cruise. Because it first hit the fully loaded festival which he's doing again, I think it's going on right now actually. And then he's like, I'm doing the fully loaded cruise and I go, what's he's going to,
Starting point is 00:36:42 he's doing my festival at sea. And I was like, oh, I was literally, I go, oh. And then he goes, I know what you're probably gonna say. And I go, absolutely not. And he goes, just let me, would you do, I go, listen, if you gave me the gross ticket sales for this entire event. No, no.
Starting point is 00:36:59 I wanted to know if I could come on and then be airlifted off the boat. Is there a way that I could come? That actually can be a race. My agent was trying to work it out because there is like a four seasons on one of the island seas near. My agent was like, you go on, you do it.
Starting point is 00:37:13 You just get on a little boat and then get out of there. That's not bad. I thought it'd be hilarious to go on, do a few shows and get in the boat and get the fight out. But you have to make everybody on board watch you depart. Oh, 100%. Goodbye, everyone.
Starting point is 00:37:24 The cruises are heinous. Horrible. And the people that enjoy them are animals. I don't like the manufactured feel of fun that they all do. Of course. We're all having the welcome aboard dance. And then here's the,
Starting point is 00:37:41 I mean, my parents made us go on them. And you were like, I would just like pull my dad as I like, when you rather just like fly to a place somewhere and enjoy that, like, now I like this, you know, he liked that you just walk out, eat, and then I go right back to the room and that you feel like you're visiting places.
Starting point is 00:38:01 You're not visiting places. People like a curated experience. It's a curated experience.. It's a curated experience. And it's a curated experience. There are really people that enjoy that. There's something about, and what do they cost, $20, $30? No.
Starting point is 00:38:15 It's not expensive. It's like $160 to go on a cruise. Yeah. It's not even a month of the New York City subway. You could go on a full cruise, stem to stern, three meals a day. Oh, you can eat. All you can eat.
Starting point is 00:38:30 And every meal is included. Every meal is included. There's, you know what's interesting about the cruise? Is everyone's always eating, there's the pool is the size of a little postage stand. It's not a big pool because nobody really goes with the pool. People just eat and then they go to these theme nights.
Starting point is 00:38:47 It's things are huge. It's night. Then you get on a ship and you're like, well, I guess it's cool that all the food is included. And then you walk by, you're like, oh, what is this? And they go, this is the Italian restaurant. You go, oh, so we'll come in here.
Starting point is 00:39:01 And they're like, well, this isn't included in the thing. You're like, what? So that what they do is then they add these experiences that you don't really know. The only thing that's included is the military rations that they have, like, it's like... At the buffet. It's buffet bulk food that comes in, that they defrost,
Starting point is 00:39:18 they hit with a nice pick, shrimp fall out. It's grotesque. They have an ice cream machine. I mean, it's bad. Like, I still was this really big woman. And I was on the buffet line behind her. And she, you know, when they find something new on the buffet, they call their other family members, like, they've just discovered like an antique. And she's like, hi, hi, Claire. Like one of those dumb names. She's names like per lean come here
Starting point is 00:39:46 Come here. She's like I didn't know what she saw right? I had a fried apple. She goes Come here Like she spotted some and then it's now what the other friend was sitting in the table like what What I'm already so finally she gets up and she waddles over and she goes, they do have waffles. Well, shit. You know, so that was the whole now. Are you glad you got it? See? Aren't you glad we spent $71 on this vacation for 16 of us. I mean, caloric surplus every day has to be at 5,000. On a quote. It's big.
Starting point is 00:40:29 Yeah, people, and you just see, there's so many scoot scoots, you know, like the broken mobile. Mm, wait, wait, wait. The scooter is, there's nothing better than being on a scooter on a boat. Yeah. Well, actually, you know, now that Bert lost his foot,
Starting point is 00:40:40 he might be like that on the fully loaded cruise. It'd be great that he goes right up to the stage, he goes up on a ramp. It's weird that it caught on as big, because in other countries, they're looked at as disgusting, other than like they have some river cruises, but that's not what we're talking about.
Starting point is 00:40:54 We're not talking about a few people going to the Danube in a riverboat. This is different. We're talking about a floating, like a floating like circus, where people get on, there's thousands of these people. Thousands. Thousands of them, they get on, there's tubes
Starting point is 00:41:11 that are like water slides, I guess, that like veins are like all over the boat, they come in and out, and there's all this status on a cruise amongst people. They're like, I'm this level, I'm that level, I'm in, oh, I'm in the captains quarter. Yeah, like it's crazy. It is crazy.
Starting point is 00:41:28 And then are you interior, like imagine being like, if you're interior people are like, oh, you don't have a view. How you don't have a view? I don't have a view. Oh, Jesus. Yeah. And then people smuggle drugs. Smuggle drugs. That's big.
Starting point is 00:41:40 So when I was in college, I went with two of my roommates, and then we, I guess we needed a fourth person, so we brought some chick that we none of us were friends with. And we went on a cruise during spring break. And as we're doing security, like in the security line, one of my friends, he like tapped me, he's like, I got this weed, and I was like, where are you? And he's like, right here on me. And I was like, right now, how much do you have on's like, I got this weed and I was like, way here and he's like, right here on me. And I was like, right now, how much do you have on you? He's like half ounce. And I was like, oh, fuck.
Starting point is 00:42:10 And then they're like, next. And I walked through and I was like, he's definitely about to get. Yeah. And he put it through the scanner. He didn't care. Yeah. Didn't know.
Starting point is 00:42:21 The people bring your own booze. People whose booze. That's what they care about. Yeah. They want to fly that. That I saw people get caught with that, by the way. If you wanna see something humiliating, watch someone get caught with booze,
Starting point is 00:42:33 getting onto a cruise, because when we did the impractical jokers cruise, there were people that were getting caught with it. Sure, because that's the real money on the cruise. That's where the money has. And then people have to pretend they're like, oh, I go. My God.
Starting point is 00:42:47 Actually, a gift. I'm giving it. This is for the captain. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. This is a bottle of absolute vodka. It was always like brand-a. That's a bad shade.
Starting point is 00:42:56 I'm sorry. So we're not allowed to have this absolute citron on here. I apologize. I don't have to spend any money. Yeah. Sorry about that. And here's the thing with the cruise, they're not tropical.
Starting point is 00:43:07 They're not like, it's just a deck. The pools are small. Yeah. You're just on a deck getting drunk with strangers. So with strangers? It's not like a luxurious experience. There's nothing about it. It's like, you're knowing you're the water,
Starting point is 00:43:21 the water is, one guy killed his wife on a cruise. That's a fucking cool guy. He killed his wife on a cruise. That's a fucking cool guy. He killed his wife on a cruise, and I talked, because I said to the cruise staff once, I said, what's the darkest thing that ever happened on one of these boats, so I was really bored. And they said, one day, a guy, we didn't have him on camera, but he went up to the deck with his wife.
Starting point is 00:43:35 He came back, she did not. And then he was like, at eight he's night, the next night dancing and stuff, people were like, where's your wife? And he's like, oh, where is she? We're talking about that. We can't rush it. And then he started to get sad. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:43:48 Oh, he did plead guilty. So this is real. Wow. If they don't have you arrested him when they, they don't have you on camera, and you break like that, you confess, you fucking deserve that time in prison man. Like, yeah, let's fucking, how about,
Starting point is 00:44:08 you know how many third worlders are on the ship? Why don't you blame them? He goes, I have to know. No idea what happened to her. The Romanian guy. Yeah, yeah. Well, there's a lot of Philippines, the cruise work, and engineers.
Starting point is 00:44:19 All the cruise workers, a lot of them live in the Philippines. Yeah. It's a wild thing. I don't know why. I mean, you think, I did it or you think one of the, yeah, maybe it in the Philippines. Yeah, it's a wild thing. I don't know why. I mean, you think I did it or you think one of the... Yeah, maybe it was the Filipino. Yeah. I saw them on deck too.
Starting point is 00:44:31 I think you asked them. I'm looking for my wife right now. Maybe they hated her voice and threw her over. Maybe they were sick of her passive aggressive comments and threw her overboard in the middle of the night. She was commenting on how they cleaned the deck. That's gonna be amazing. Imagine how that quickening of the pace of the heartbeat
Starting point is 00:44:50 when the wife goes over. Oh yeah. Just like, you know what, enough of you. And then also, like, he just kind of goes like, is anyone behind me right now? And then no one in the music. And then he's like, And then he's like, is it a theme party tonight?
Starting point is 00:45:04 Yeah, he goes, yeah, literally the next day, he was like, at 80s night, just being like, this is fun. I'm dressed up as Prince. I don't know what I'm saying. And then he's like, people started to be like, hey, where's your wife that you've been here with?
Starting point is 00:45:15 He's like, I don't know. I think she got off. I don't know where she went. I don't know. What's the theme tomorrow? Yeah, what do we, yeah. It's like a Viking thing going on. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:27 Have you seen that this thing has also taken off recently? I feel like on social media where plus size people are now complaining about accommodations and they're like, things need to be. Well, I think this was a troll, actually. This one was? Well, the one where the woman is going through the plain seats and turn side was-
Starting point is 00:45:50 That was a fetish video, because- Alright, guys jerk off to just fat woman struggling through the, this is- Really? This is a fact Nick Mullen told me this and I believe him and then somebody put over her complaining about the thing. Oh, yeah, because I think that was just a fact,
Starting point is 00:46:07 because she's like struggling in a weird way. It's kind of like a fat-ass gets stuck. Yeah, it's very like a reformative. But then there are fat people that complain a little, like as a fat person, I don't really complain about anything because I realize it's my problem. Exactly, and look, at my fat-ass, yeah, things are uncomfortable,
Starting point is 00:46:24 but you still go, I gotta fucking just bite the bullet off. Yeah, you gotta buy the bullet, but all the things are kinda big enough. Kinda. Like a lot of things are big enough. Like all these people are like, oh, the country's not designed for fat people. It's like, it's absolutely getting a Chevy tar.
Starting point is 00:46:36 I mean, like, absolutely designed for fat people. If you're like, the things are not big enough, right, that's a problem. Really big. Like, what does this woman say? Yeah, what's this big-ass broad thing? It's super frustrating that there's even a difference between traveling as a straight-sized things are not big enough. Right. That's a problem. Really big. Yes. What does this woman say? What's this big ass, broad thing?
Starting point is 00:46:47 It's super frustrating that there's even a difference between traveling as a straight size person versus a plus size person. Traveling in general is difficult. In addition to, you know, being removed from the comforts of your own home, you're also a woman. Being removed. Like, what a wrench of like, oh, also, you may be not able to fit all the places. I just recently, I can't fit all of the places,
Starting point is 00:47:07 you know, like Greece. It was a really big thing. All of the excursions would have body inclusive accommodations, but there was like three or four excursions that had weight limits. You know, like four, over 350 pounds, you couldn't attend this excursion. I feel like if you're physically able to walk a certain amount of miles by, like, you wouldn't
Starting point is 00:47:31 be able to participate in these excursions. Because they know fat people have died before. He was the deal. Yeah. A fat person has died in some Mayan ruin and they start rotting. Sure. And then the rest of the tour groups, like, are we gonna leave them? And then like an elephant, people have to come and strap this fat part. It's probably like local people. They have to strap this big behemoth to something. Reef these a good limit. And walk down the fucking steps. Yeah. They've tried it before. Fat people have died. And this lady's like, I want to get on this
Starting point is 00:47:59 parasail. And they're like, what excursion is this bitch want to do? Exactly. Is she talking about she's like, I'm mad I can't go on the hike. If you cared about excursions, you wouldn't look like that. Three excursions. It's so shitty that they cut us off toilets. They don't have a stand at the bottom. Well, why don't you know what that means? That because they're well wall mounted.
Starting point is 00:48:19 So they break if you're over a certain amount. They're not, they're not fixed to the floor. So like that one right there, she could snap. She knows it. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha toilet in the guest quarters of the cruise. Sad is this work. So there are any accommodations with toilets made of stone. Sitting down on it and being like, oh my gosh, if I break this, like, I will be so sad. Just because I want to enjoy my each time and I don't want to have to worry about is something going to be able to hold my weight.
Starting point is 00:49:07 But all this, all this, all this, all this, all this, all this conversation about all these things that like maybe don't accommodate her and none of it like, so that's why I decided to lose six pounds. No, it's very reasonable to go. I just want everything I encounter to be made of marble. Always. There any way we can make something out of marble all the time.
Starting point is 00:49:28 And it's just because I need that. Yeah. I need it for myself. I can't sit anywhere or go anywhere because, I mean, so what does, that means she's got to be pushing four bills, right? She's pushing some bills. Yeah. I believe that airlines is the biggest frustration
Starting point is 00:49:46 when it comes to plus size accommodations. When we're flying next to other people, my husband and I try really hard to be as small as we possibly can, but you can only do so much to make yourself small. One of the biggest worries that people have as a plus size person is having to ask in front of other people that they don't know
Starting point is 00:50:03 for a seatbelt extender. But I mean, here's the thing. She's like fucking really sucks ass for it, but you need a seatbelt extender. And here's the thing, if you don't want to ask for a seatbelt extender, there's one star. It's a fairer star. Yeah. If a plane makes her fly out of the seat. Yeah, it's over.
Starting point is 00:50:25 Like if the G forces on that plane are making her and her husband fly out of the seat, this is crashing. It's ripping apart. Yeah. She should not need a seat belt. They should literally tell her in front of other people. Oh, you don't need one.
Starting point is 00:50:38 You don't need to worry about this, because anything that would propel you into the air means it's over for all of us. Where this is a mountain, we're crashing. I mean, this is crazy. Yeah, it's crazy. The life at risk and not where a sea belt versus embarrass themselves by asking
Starting point is 00:50:58 for a sea-balled extender. I wish that there was a way that even if like on the reservation, we could say, I would prefer this type of chair or I would prefer this type of accommodation. When you're making a reservation to an airline, I think that there should be a way to select that you want a sea belt extender. And then that sea belt extender should just be sitting. I've never needed one and they only unlike the tiny jets, like the ones that sometimes you regionally fly, it gets very tight, but the seat belts are pretty fucking big.
Starting point is 00:51:28 They're pretty big. The seat belts are big, I'm a big dude, the seat belts are big. I have a smaller waist, but like, the thing with horrors is just, it's where you bulge. Yeah. She bulges in a place that's very tough to lock down. Yeah, what about?
Starting point is 00:51:42 She's bulging in a place that's not, Why doesn't she wear the seatbelt around her neck? It fit there. It definitely fits there. You get there higher people that are different sizes to come to your restaurant and sit in different places. If you're going to open a restaurant, you're accommodating people of all different sizes. Can you imagine that being a fat seat, filler? Higher people that just come to your restaurant and be fat? Hey, man, I know you're 425. I'm opening a new fucking sandwich shop.
Starting point is 00:52:16 Could you come by? Let me ask you a question. So we have this very high-end Italian restaurant and certain members of the fat activist community are worrying we're not shoveling a gruel in enough pig's faces. Could you come down here and just be fat for a living? Just do what you do. Do you see if some shit breaks?
Starting point is 00:52:34 Comment your show people that the chairs work. Her whole point is she sees that the fat person goes, oh, these chairs work. Oh my God. I love that she acts like she's not going to chance it in a restaurant. Yeah, sure. But maybe I won't go to this restaurant really. Yeah, you will. To be made, people want to travel and we shouldn't
Starting point is 00:52:56 be seen as the problem. Okay, okay. Every plane should have eight seats. That's it. That's it. That's also possible. It's called private charter. Yeah, private charter.
Starting point is 00:53:07 That's the charter. That's that. Fatty. Fatty Boombatti. I think it's getting, it's a little absurd. And the demands being made of people to accommodate it. This is an insane demand. It's insane.
Starting point is 00:53:21 I mean, it's unrealistic and it would ruin, I don't even understand what her problem is. She doesn't want to ask for the seatbelt extender. She wants, she wants, there's places that have, I don't think she has to ask people like a good flight attendant notice that and goes. As soon as she boards, here you go. Here you go. And most restaurants should be able to accommodate, you know, they should be okay. We're probably gonna have some people for,
Starting point is 00:53:48 for 50 coming in. Right. You know, we need, like, you know, how about you do a little bit for yourself too? She's like me and my husband, when we're on the plane, we try to be small. Yeah. How?
Starting point is 00:53:59 Yeah, how do you, how do you try to be small? This, this, what do you do? You shrug, she goes, we close our eyes and we pretend to be June bugs, but we're not. We're in like, I know. I know. I'm not in this big, but I'm gonna June myself down.
Starting point is 00:54:11 Yeah, to 200. I'm trying to June myself down. I'm trying to fit in this seatbelt. So I can get to fucking, where are they even going? Where are they going? Where are you going? She's like, we took a trip to Ohio. It'd be funny if, well, was there a thing too?
Starting point is 00:54:29 Wasn't there a thing years ago where airlines were like, they would just go like, no, you gotta find three seats. Like they would just make you buy the seats. I think so. Yeah, I think it was maybe Southwest that was like, mm-hmm. No, if you're gonna fly here, you require multiple seats. Yeah. I think they was maybe Southwest that was like, no, if you're gonna fly here, you require multiple seats. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:47 I think they did that and people got upset, obviously. Now they're banning skinny woman. Well, there's no exact weight limit, customer of size is someone that needs more than one seat. Yeah, Southwest state that the lowered armrests, is if you cross over it, yeah. I love that this has to be explained as that. The armrest is the border of the seat.
Starting point is 00:55:07 Yeah. Are you in somebody's country? That's where the seat ends. Now, are you Russia going into Ukraine right now? Because if so. If your stomach is in the next person's seat, you have to pay for that. Yeah, I think that's reasonable though.
Starting point is 00:55:26 I think it's reasonable. I think it's reasonable. I think it's reasonable. Or here's the thing, just don't fly. Don't fly, get up, get a first class seat. They're not being... Get an exit row. That might help and try to be as small as you can.
Starting point is 00:55:42 And try to work on you. Just wish real hard while you're in your seat. Just go out and see how that works out. I like how she's like, the excursions are being kept. Like she's like, she's like, finally, I'm in vacation. I want to try walking. And they won't let me. I want to try, I've never done this before.
Starting point is 00:56:03 What is this exotic thing called walking? Yeah, it's a really, yeah, it's not like you're doing excursions when you're home. Yeah, and it's like, what does she think she's gonna be on a zip line? Hell, no, that whole fucking forest will fall apart. That'll be amazing. Now, to see her on a zip line would be kind of amazing.
Starting point is 00:56:18 And end up, and they're like, we don't think she's, I got up here. And they're like, all right. And then you see all the shit snap. Kill a kid in the village. I'm like, oh my god. Did you guys, by the way, find any more of that, dude? Quite possibly.
Starting point is 00:56:33 I'm being dead serious. This isn't a joke. I said what I said. I don't know what to tell you. You don't get to question me. You do not get to require proof from me. You will probably have a moment to help establish these rules and set the bar.
Starting point is 00:56:50 You don't get to come later when someone else joins a club that you don't want in. So I want to make sure that that's clear and understood. You don't get to question what I personally identify. What's like the trans community should do is just really embrace him. Yeah. And just start following him around.
Starting point is 00:57:05 Yeah. Like drag queens just start showing up at things he does. And he's, oh yeah, we're here for you. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, they should embrace him and like reverse troll him. That, that's, that's because you're a comedian. So this, you know how to handle the situation. That's the way to do it.
Starting point is 00:57:17 Yeah, the way to do it is like if you get super upset, yeah. You're doing exactly what he wanted. It's exactly right. What you need to do is go and tell him that he's part of this now. And then when he goes, you know what? I've decided to reestablish my, my, I'm actually going to be a straight white man. They go, no, no, you're not.
Starting point is 00:57:35 We're going to follow you forever. No, you're not. That will be trans for the rest of your life. You're a trans woman of color for the rest of your life. Yeah. It's pretty amazing. I love it. Yeah, it's great.
Starting point is 00:57:48 It's like a Jordan Peel film in reverse. Go back to the search results, because I thought I saw when he's fun. He's a fun dude, though. He's a fun guy because this is, but you got to reverse troll him. There's no other way to do it. You have to. It has to become so, like both sides are trolling so hard that nobody knows Yeah, what's real anymore? It's like when a CIA agent gets turned by another country
Starting point is 00:58:09 Then there are double agent and then they come back you and see I was turned they go okay We'll feed them fake information then there a triple agent then he goes back to the country goes listen I told him I was trying to give him you fake information and then they go that's great But now you're back with us again you get to a certain point where you've been flipped so many times You don't know what's going on. That's what this guy has to do. What would be amazing is if they, you know, they get more upset.
Starting point is 00:58:30 And so what he does is like he just shows up first. He just shows up in his suit, but in a wig. Like he puts a wig on. And he's like, I'm a, you know, trans woman. Right. And then a few weeks later, he adds makeup. Yes. Right.
Starting point is 00:58:44 Then all of a sudden, six months go by, he's in a dress. Yeah. But he still thinks he's trolling, but they're like, you're wearing a dress now. Right. And then he's in heels. Yeah. And then he's like, I've switched back,
Starting point is 00:58:53 but he's like, you know what, I kind of like the way these shoes feel. Right. And then he's kind of seduced. Right. And then he comes this kind of hybrid. Yeah, this hybrid. And then he actually goes, you know what?
Starting point is 00:59:02 I actually am going to identify. Yeah. As it started out as a troll and then he has a tearful press conference because they started out as a troll. Yeah. But I am a trans woman now. Yeah. That's how it happened. That's how it happens and and the color is happening too. That's exactly what happened. Transracial is one of my favorite things. Well, it's great. It's great because it shows that people contain multitudes. Yeah, and the reality is yeah, I remember how she was great. I respect people that are that insane that they go to those links. That's the ultimate one. Like that to me is like like that guy who's now like a conservative guy on Twitter is Holly
Starting point is 00:59:45 London, but he wanted to look like a Korean or something and he tried to become Korean. That's amazing. Yeah, Google, Holly London Korean. So he tried to be, he tried to become like Korean. That's. And he made himself Korean. Uh huh. And that identifies us as South Korean.
Starting point is 01:00:03 Yeah. So he went and, and, and, and he went and he became South Korean and I respect that. Now he's like, now he's conservative on Twitter, he yells at trans people. Really? Yeah, it's hilarious. It's hilarious.
Starting point is 01:00:19 No, this whole country will descend into like freaks yelling at other freaks. Yeah. Like people that have like multiple plastic surgeries screaming at other people that want multiple plastic surgeries. That the and all this is just rooted like you don't even know about this if you're not on social media. You know, I mean like my father would have no idea what this is. Like what? I'd be like, Dad, so's trying to be Korean. Oh my God. 18 surgeries. It just looks like he got, like he walked into a B-hive. It takes a lot to get to end up Korean.
Starting point is 01:00:54 Yeah. You don't. And also, here's the thing though, I'm losing some respect if you're like, at least not on Duolingo doing Korean lessons. Right. No, you have to be full Korean. Yeah, like at least you got got try to learn the language.
Starting point is 01:01:06 I love the idea if you showed up looking like that, just all English. Yeah. You gotta do some Babel courses. He's like, hello. Yeah, do some Babel and let's fucking, let's spit some Korean at me. Yeah, do you think Rachel Dullesall speaks with,
Starting point is 01:01:21 excuse me, A-A-V-E? Yeah. African American vernacular English? Definitely AAVE. Yeah. African American vernacular English? Definitely. Probably. Definitely. It's a lot of people, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 01:01:32 She would definitely be in the store and she'd be like, shh damn. Shhh. You know happy. I'm robby. You know what I'm saying? I'm like Rachel, what's up with that? Well, you know what I'm saying? I'm like Rachel, what's up with that? Well, I identify.
Starting point is 01:01:47 Yeah, well yeah, I'm identifying as an A-A-V-E speaker. Yeah. And so this is how we speak. That's how we do it. That's how we do it. This is how we do it. You're, by the way, you're one of the people who, every time, I'm scrolling. Yeah. You know, a lot of the, you scroll and you see your friends and you people who every time I'm scrolling.
Starting point is 01:02:05 A lot of the, you scroll and you see your friends and you watch it, but I am actually genuinely entertained by your stuff. Thank you very much. I'm very entertained. Thank you very much. I do think you have the, I don't know, it's like you have the gift of GAB as they say,
Starting point is 01:02:25 where you can just, I think the highest level, like skill set and podcasting is podcasting essentially alone. Yeah. I don't know how you do it. I do love this guy at the break or so. This is the king. This will be you one. This is my final form.
Starting point is 01:02:40 You could look at him. This man right here. Click that. This man, this is a man who, to me, he never left the monarchy. Yeah. Like, he believes very much in the divine right of kings. Yeah. And he's going to go each from cocktail on Sunday at the breakfast branch.
Starting point is 01:03:03 And I love it. You could tell him that on the driveway behind him, a kid just got hit by a car, and he wouldn't turn around. No, he'd go, I know I did it. I know because he wouldn't get out of my way. Now get me some Crestone Crab Clos. Wow.
Starting point is 01:03:20 Yeah, I love this guy. Tim J. Gill on Instagram, if you want to see that, you gotta look. Oh man, it's fucking amazing. It's amazing. So you're doing the podcast and Patreon every week. We do the podcast and Patreon every single week. We are out on the road.
Starting point is 01:03:36 TimDillaCombony.com. We have a book out now. We have other things happening. Yeah, you got some big things happening. Some really cool things happening. So who knows? You know, it's been a weird journey since I started in 2010, late 2010.
Starting point is 01:03:50 Late 2010. In a coffee shop in Long Island, where they did tattoos on people, and you would hear when you didn't do well, you'd hear the tattoo need all. Isn't it kind of wild to think of that, though? Like to really stop and think about it? It's crazy to think about it.
Starting point is 01:04:01 And like there's some people that you knew back then. Yeah. Who were you like, hey, I'm doing this. And they were like, that's a cool hobby for a few months. And then they see you now and they're like, what the fuck? Yeah, it's weird. And I didn't know, when I started,
Starting point is 01:04:15 there was like, no, I didn't know what podcasting was. Sure. I was not really on the internet. I wasn't, you know, I had no idea where anything was going. Yeah. And I don't know what's gonna, it's gonna, what'll happen next. If that's the interesting thing.
Starting point is 01:04:31 I think they'll real lessen for people like who are getting into this, they're watching you is that you didn't, I never saw you go like, is this okay? Or what happens if like, most people go like, what if I say that though and it gets in my, you know. I can only function in my face and how can I? I could only function in this business
Starting point is 01:04:53 if I could say whatever I wanted. Yeah. It was the ultimate, but people say they wanted, they wanted this, but they don't. But I realized the things I said had to be very funny. And the whole goal of everything I said was to make people really laugh. And if there were good points in it,
Starting point is 01:05:10 great, and sometimes there are, but the goal is ultimately to just make people laugh. And I had to just be able to do what I wanted because if not, the constraints weren't worth it. And you never did the, oh, I'm joking. Like you didn't have to, you didn't do what I'm joking. You didn't tell people. Yeah, I just, I think it's a comedy podcast.
Starting point is 01:05:31 If you like listening to something funny, great. If you like listening to something where you go, oh, I agree with some of that. Some of that I don't agree with. But all of it's funny. Great, that's the whole point. None of it is meant to, it's not not proselytizing.
Starting point is 01:05:48 Did you always feel like you could like knew that you would do it alone? Like it's hard, I feel like it's really hard to do it alone. Yeah, I think when you talk for the hour, you kind of talk at, you know, you talk at the audience, and you talk at your producer, who's ever there.
Starting point is 01:06:04 Sure. But when you talk at the audience, and you talk at your producer, who's ever there. But when you talk at the audience, you develop a kind of bond with them, with they expect that, and they like that, because they know that whatever you think, you're going to say, and do you prep it all in your head? No, nothing. I barely know what I'm going, like I did an episode a couple of weeks ago.
Starting point is 01:06:25 I talked about nuggets. A woman, a chaggot burned with a nugget at a McDonald's. And I said, this is clear that her mother is struggling and needed to burn her to make money. Sure. There was an autistic girl who couldn't testify, you know, what are the odds? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:37 And I think the mother was basically like looking at the girl and she was like, I gotta hurt you with this nugget now. But then I'm gonna buy you a bicycle. So I think she heated up a nugget and then put it on a door to his leg. I had no idea I was doing that until my producer pulled up the nugget story and I was like, oh, let me, yes,
Starting point is 01:06:53 that's the funniest thing and I find stand-up from that process. Because I tighten things up and then you take it to the stage. And then I take it to the stage and that's the fun of it. It's like stream of consciousness on the basically on the podcast. Yes. And then whatever's the best fun of it. So it's like stream of consciousness on the basically on the podcast. Yes.
Starting point is 01:07:07 And then whatever's the best, you take it. Whatever's the best, we take it to the stage and it's fun and hopefully it's fun. And some of it works, some of it doesn't work. Yeah, that's how it goes though. That's how it goes. I mean, it's not supposed to always work. No, but enough of it works.
Starting point is 01:07:22 That's what it works. But the fun thing, I mean, the thing about it is like, you know, fucking up is how, fucking up huge, because sometimes in the middle of the story, I'll go, oh, I was wrong about that. Oh, I should actually go the other way on this. Or, and that's what's, like, you never get like, really good stuff.
Starting point is 01:07:39 Unless you have some shit that doesn't work. Yeah, I think the freedom of that and having to talk for an hour, twice a week gets you to this interesting point in your head. Incredible. Where you're like, okay, how can I present these ideas in a way that are funny to people, tightening that on stage is great. Well, look, we're huge huge fans here. I hope we get to see you more. Yes. Congratulations on the book. Thank you. Go pre-order that now if you are listening, if you're watching pre-order Tim's book. See him on tour, listen to his podcast. Thank you. Yeah, we'll see you soon, man. Thank you, brother. Thank you, Shedding. There's not a chance in hell that they'll keep the clean. Here's what we call, Soon bears one cave.
Starting point is 01:08:27 No scripts to bet a booze amateur for topology. Dirty jokes, runchy humor, no apologies. Here's what we call, Soon bears one cave. you

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