99% Invisible - Kickstart Radiotopia- A Storytelling Revolution

Episode Date: October 20, 2014

When you support Radiotopia, you are making sure 99% Invisible can keep coming to you weekly and you’ll be supporting our entire collective of award-winning, independent radiomakers. Thanks!   ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is Nani. This is Radio Topia. I'm Roman Morris. Radio Topia from PRX is a collective of the best, sound rich, story driven, audio programs in the world. It's kind of like an indie label for the best producers to make their best work. Four years ago I created 99% invisible by myself in my bedroom at night. And two kick starters and over 20 million downloads later, we now have this fantastic
Starting point is 00:00:33 staff we have produced the best episodes that we've ever made. Now we want to change radio forever with radio topia. a normal person. The O.E. of everything. That lady from the Wendy's commercial is like the embodiment of our collective fatigue with bullshit. fugitive waves from the kitchen sister. My name is Pat Smith and the reason why my foot's moving like that is because Mick Jagger's own love and radio. No, I'm robbing a bank tomorrow morning. I should probably wake up a little earlier.
Starting point is 00:01:20 Fundamentally, this shows in radio topia. They're just fun to listen to. But I think they also represent the best of podcasting as an art form, and that requires work, a ton of work. And we need listener support to make it happen. It doesn't matter how much you can give. The whole idea of it is, we all pitch in to create the public media that we deserve. This is a radio revolution, and we can only do it with your help.
Starting point is 00:01:49 When you support radio-topia during this Kickstarter, you're not only keeping 9-amp or 7-visible going, you're supporting all the programs in radio-topia, and you're establishing this infrastructure for the next set of independent radio makers to make stories that they can't make anywhere else. We want to raise as much money as possible in Greenlight as many shows as we can handle, because our work here is not done.
Starting point is 00:02:13 We are living in the golden age of audio storytelling, and Radio Topia is here to help the best and the brightest find their audience and make the best work of their lives. So share this, spread the word, get yourself a little something from the rewards, and back radio tovia, in the future of Indie Radio for everyone. Thanks. Yeah, excellent. Yeah, very nice. Very dry, very dry. Yes.
Starting point is 00:02:53 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

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