ACM ByteCast - Kush Varshney - Episode 43

Episode Date: September 14, 2023

In this episode of ACM ByteCast, Bruke Kifle hosts Kush Varshney, a distinguished research scientist and manager at IBM Research in New York. He leads the machine learning group in the Foundations of ...Trustworthy AI Department, where he applies data science and predictive analytics to the fields of healthcare, public affairs, algorithmic fairness, and international development. He is also the founding co-director of the IBM Science for Social Good initiative. He has contributed to the development of several open-source toolkits such as AI Fairness 360 and AI Explainability 360. In 2022, he independently published the book Trustworthy Machine Learning. Kush has been recognized with the Extraordinary IBM Research Technical Accomplishment Award for contributions to workforce innovation and enterprise transformation, and IBM Corporate Technical Awards for Trustworthy AI and for AI-Powered Employee Journey. Kush shares a few key moments which have helped to shape the course of his career thus far, including his graduate days at MIT and joining IBM Research. He defines responsible AI and talks about operationalizing RAI principles, as well as the importance of finding a balance between the technical and social aspects of AI. He also discusses some of the risks—both short- and long-term—inherent in emerging technologies such as generative AI, and how various stakeholders can play a role in coordinating AI safety. Kush also mentions his book, his work with IBM’s Science for Social Good, and some of the things that excite him about the future of AI.

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Starting point is 00:00:01 This is ACM ByteCast, a podcast series from the Association for Computing Machinery, the world's largest education and scientific computing society. We talk to researchers, practitioners, and innovators who are at the intersection of computing research and practice. They share their experiences, the lessons they've learned, and their own visions for the future of computing. I am your host, Brooke Kifle. Artificial intelligence has become an integral part of modern society, transforming industries from education, medicine, to law enforcement and finance. AI technologies like GPT and DALI, further enhancing the potential of AI and revolutionizing
Starting point is 00:00:46 the way we interact with technology, the web, and the world more broadly. However, as AI becomes more ubiquitous, there's growing concern about the potential for misuse, for bias, unintended consequences, and harm. Ensuring AI is trustworthy and responsible has become increasingly crucial with a focus on distributing its benefits fairly and equitably to society at large. In this episode, we delve into the topic of responsible and trustworthy AI and how it can be achieved with Dr. Kush Varshney. Dr. Kush Varshney is a distinguished research scientist and manager at IBM Research in New York. He leads the machine learning group in the trustworthy machine intelligence department, where he focuses on applying data science and predictive analytics to various fields, including healthcare, public affairs, algorithmic fairness, and international development. He is also the founding co-director of the IBM Science for
Starting point is 00:01:39 Social Good Initiative. Dr. Varshney has contributed to the development of several open source toolkits such as AI Fairness 360, AI Explainability 360, and conducts widely recognized research on trustworthy machine learning. In 2022, he independently published a book called Trustworthy Machine Learning. He received his bachelor's in electrical engineering and computer engineering from Cornell University and master's and PhD degree in ECS from MIT. Dr. Kush Varshney, welcome to ByteCast. Yeah, thanks, Brooke. It's my pleasure to be here. Thanks for the invitation. Oh, certainly. You know, I'd like to start off with a question that I ask most folks. You know, you've had a very, you know, interesting and remarkable career from,
Starting point is 00:02:23 you know, your graduate work at MIT to work at MIT to your long contributions at IBM. Can you describe some of the key inflection points within your personal and professional career that have led you into the field of computing and specifically calling out any experiences or projects that have really sparked your interest in responsible and trustworthy AI research? So I wanted to start actually with a quote. It's a proverb from Sudan. And it says that we desire to bequeath two things to our children. The first one is roots and the other one is wings. And I think both have been important. I think the roots and the wings. So in terms of roots, yes, I mean, my family, I mean, over a long period of time has been very much interested in technology, but also kind of in how to make social impact in various ways. And so I think that's been a big starting point.
Starting point is 00:03:24 And then on the wings, just kind of taking things into the future as best as possible. So let me, I mean, talk through that a little bit more. One of my great, great grandfathers actually was the first person from India to study at MIT. This was back in 1905. And he studied glassmaking technology. And then he went back to India, used that knowledge to start a school and a factory for glassmaking that kind of illustrated to the people of India that they can have a self-sustainable industry and use that as a way to fight for Swaraj, which was the independence movement in India from the British. And since then, I mean, various family members of mine have been kind of
Starting point is 00:04:14 straddling this technology and social impact sort of space. And in terms of, I mean, computing, it's always been something where it's kind of like the newer, new technology that I've grown up with and have wanted to contribute to because anything that is up and coming, I think, is the best place to make impact. studied electrical and computer engineering at Cornell. And I was drawn more to the kind of mathematical side of that field, just because of, I think I was a little bit better at it. And it made more sense to me. I mean, electrical engineering is a very broad topic. And so, yeah, I mean, I started doing kind of more on the signal processing and that sort of side of things. And then went straight over to grad school at MIT
Starting point is 00:05:07 and kind of got into doing more machine learning over time as an outgrowth of some of the signal processing work. And then when I was looking for jobs, I knew I wanted to do research and I was looking for mostly industrial research sort of positions. And this was a time back around late 2009, early 2010, when we hadn't yet had kind of the machine learning explosion that we've had in the last 10 to 15 years. I mean, a lot of machine learning specific research groups and so forth, like there are now.
Starting point is 00:05:47 And IBM made a lot of sense to me. So this was just before IBM actually came out with Watson, which won the Jeopardy thing and reignited a lot of the renewed interest in artificial intelligence. But the group that I joined, led by Sashka Mysilovich, was actually doing something quite unique, something I had never even imagined would be possible. Now it's kind of old hat, but back then the group was using machine learning to make predictions about people in various contexts. So thinking about how machine learning can be used to improve human capital management, so getting employees to be better aligned with what they want to do, predicting employees at risk of resigning so that we can offer them incentives to stay, various things of that sort. And also looking at the use of machine learning in healthcare. So again, both were things
Starting point is 00:06:48 that I had not even imagined were possible. And that was what drew me to the group and the people as well. And that eventually, I mean, kind of led to where we are today. So when we were working on those people problems with machine learning, it kind of brought up the fact that we need to do a lot of explainability and interpretability of the mean, these are, again, consequential decisions. If certain people or groups are being systematically disadvantaged, it's not a good situation. So all of that kind of started happening. We've kept pursuing things in that direction. And in parallel, a few years after I had started working at IBM, I went back to my roots and heard about this organization. It was called DataKind. Actually, right at the beginning, they were called Data Without Borders, but then they quickly changed their name to DataKind.
Starting point is 00:07:58 And it was an organization to connect practicing data scientists, which at that time was a new term by itself, with nonprofits and social change organizations to do applied work. And so I got to, I mean, work on some really exciting projects with a few nonprofits. And then after doing a couple of those projects, Sashka and I sat down and said, maybe we can try doing something like this internally at IBM Research. We have all these smart people who are dying to kind of make a social impact. So we started that program and have done a lot of projects with various nonprofits addressing poverty and hunger and health and education and inequalities of various. So all of that came together, doing the research, doing the social good.
Starting point is 00:08:49 And then that led to, I mean, the open source toolkits as a way to bring things from the lab to practitioners. And then things kind of evolved from there. Eventually, the book as well that you'd mentioned. So, yeah, things have kind of been a natural progression. And I mean, in terms of inflection points, I think there's some things that I would point out. I think it's a mix of things that you choose to do and things that you choose not to do.
Starting point is 00:09:21 And people don't necessarily think about us that way. So yeah, I mean, there were points at which I had opportunities to leave IBM and do something else, which I chose not to do, because I felt that the work we were doing here was so important and could be so socially impactful. So yeah, I mean, I think part of it is that and then choosing to take opportunities, start the social good programs, create the open source toolkits, write the book. These sort of things are things that you do choose to do. So yeah, I guess the long-winded answer to your question. That's awesome. It seems like, you know, I really like this common theme of social impact that underlies all the work that you chose not to take or the decisions you chose not to make, how that has ultimately led you to your current place is also quite interesting.
Starting point is 00:10:31 You know, one thing before we get into some of the actual technical details of, you know, your work in Trustworthy AI, you know, you lead IBM's machine learning group in the, you know, Trustworthy Machine Learning Intelligence Department. Can you explain the concept of trustworthy machine learning intelligence department. Can you explain the concept of trustworthy machine learning or within the industry, we hear this term of responsible AI, what is it and why is it important? I think of responsible AI as kind of an overarching umbrella within which we have a few different things. So there's AI ethics. So that's about kind of thinking about the principles and policies. So what should be done? What and actually operationalize them? What are the theories and methods and tools that we need to go forward and actually do this? And then there's AI
Starting point is 00:11:31 governance as a third aspect. So these are more of the organizational aspects. So once you have the tools, what does it take to actually make them part of the workflows of different organizations. And so on the trustworthy machine learning or trustworthy AI side of things, the way I think about it is, what are the attributes that you need from a person to be trustworthy? And they're kind of the same of what you need from a machine learning system. So you can think about it, let's say you're trying to hire a carpenter to work on your house or something.
Starting point is 00:12:11 There's probably a few things that you want from that person for them to be trustworthy. And in the organizational management literature, they've come up with several of these attributes. So the first one is that the other person should be competent at what they're doing, so they should be able to do what they say. Second is that they should be reliable, so that that competence sticks around in various conditions and various settings. Third is that they should be able to communicate back and forth with you, so that you can understand them, they can understand you, and there's some level of intimacy. And fourth is that they should be working for goals beyond their own goals. So they should be selfless in some capacity. And all of these exactly map to what we want from machine learning systems as well. So a trustworthy machine learning system is competent if it has good predictive accuracy. It's doing what it's supposed to really well. And then in terms of the reliability,
Starting point is 00:13:06 there's a few different things. We want these systems to be robust to distribution shifts, because we know, I mean, COVID gives us a great example. If you have data from before COVID, and now there's a distribution shift, and you have a model trained on that data, it might not work so well because the world has changed, right? So we want that sort of robustness. We want robustness against attacks. So if there's a malicious actor who's trying to make the system do something that it's not supposed to, we want to make sure that that's not possible or it's difficult. And then fairness comes in here as well. So we want to ensure that our AI systems work as equally as possible for different people, different groups and in different situations. So those are on that second attribute. And then if we come to the
Starting point is 00:13:58 third attribute, which is the communication back and forth. So there's a few things where the machine is communicating to us as humans. So that includes interpretability and explainability so that we as people can understand how the model is making its predictions. There's uncertainty quantification. So we want the machine to be able to tell us its own limits, what kind of be intellectually humble in a sense. So if it is not confident, it should be able to tell us that it's not confident. And then some sort of broad transparency as well.
Starting point is 00:14:30 So kind of throughout the entire development lifecycle of that system, where did the data come from? What were the intended uses? What are kind of different processing steps that have been done? What tests have been conducted? And release all of that in some sort of transparent documentation, like a fact sheet or a model card. And then
Starting point is 00:14:50 there's the other direction as well, right? So for us as humans or society to communicate to the machine of what we want, and this is often known as value alignment. And we can maybe come back to that, what that implies and how it's kind of evolving now that we're seeing these very powerful models coming up and so forth. And just to close the loop, the fourth attribute of selflessness, so using AI for social good, for making positive social impact is certainly one thing that I would categorize in that bucket. And then also, I would say, empowering all people, no matter what station in life that they're in, to be able to use AI technologies for meeting their goals and their purposes. So all of that, I think, combines together to make what I would call a trustworthy machine learning.
Starting point is 00:15:44 You know, very interesting. One thing that comes to mind is, at least on some of these aspects that you described with, you know, like, for instance, reliability, you know, there's a need to balance the technical aspects of trustworthy machine learning with social and ethical aspects. For instance, you know, one of my early introductions to, you know, the sort of responsibly I field was an experiment that I was introduced to at MIT, the moral machines experiment, which is basically, you know, conducting a set of studies on how humans would respond to different, you know, morally challenging situations, you know, you're driving a car, and, you know, you're arbitrating or choosing between sparing the life of one individual versus five. So the classical, you know, trolley car problem in
Starting point is 00:16:30 philosophy or in ethics. So, you know, while certain aspects of, you know, responsible AI or trustworthy AI that you mentioned, like fairness, have very clear mathematical formulations that, you know, we can actually pursue and optimize. Certain things like ethics or morals are actually, you know, less objective, or they may vary based on personal values or religious values or cultural values. So how do you balance these technical aspects with these social aspects? How do you incorporate different perspectives and values into the actual design and development process? Yeah, no, that's a really great question. And let me first describe one project that we did a few years ago and then extrapolate from that. So like you're saying, different folks do have different value systems. And it's very important, actually, to be able to bring those in
Starting point is 00:17:25 in the natural way that they might express them. So a demonstration that we created back in 2019 was looking at using the Pac-Man video game as an example and we wanted it to kind of have this moral behavior of kind of not eating the ghosts, if you're familiar with the game. So we didn't want to encode it explicitly because in reality, I mean, like you just said, I mean, there's often not a very clear cut mathematical way to bring sort of moral considerations into a system. So what we did was we used a technique called inverse reinforcement learning, which is able to take demonstrations of the behavior that you want and to induce policies from that. And so we were able to learn a policy from people playing the game
Starting point is 00:18:19 without eating the ghosts of what it means to be kind of moral in that sense. But just that policy by itself wouldn't do the whole trick because we still wanted the system to use its own creativity and its strengths as an AI system to play really well as well. So what we did was we actually had two different policies. We had this moral policy that was induced from inverse reinforcement learning, and then we had the normal way of doing forward reinforcement learning to play the game to win, to maximize the points. And we had this thing, which we called the policy orchestrator. So it was using this technology called a contextual bandit. And it kind of, the terminology bandit comes from, actually from Las Vegas.
Starting point is 00:19:05 So if you're familiar with slot machines, they used to be called one-armed bandits back in the day. And people, I mean, kind of expanded on that as math problems and called these larger systems multi-armed bandits. And the idea is that you're kind of pulling one machine's arm versus another and kind of trying to figure out which machine's arm you should be pulling. So in our case, it's should we choose the moral policy or the point maximizing policy? And it was interesting, we were able to do this. And in the dilemma sort of situations where Pac-Man was cornered and the ghost was chasing it, it was near this power pellet, it would kind of utilize the moral policy and everywhere else it would use the point maximizing policy. So the point that I wanted to make is that, yes, I mean, we do need to have
Starting point is 00:19:58 different ways of bringing in different policies and then use the context, the use case, the specifics of what we're doing to inform which policy is the most relevant and what's the most important to be done at any point in time. And there's this paper by, the first author is Abiba Abirhan, and it's about the forgotten margins of AI ethics. And the point that they make in that paper is that exactly like you said, I mean, there's different religions, different worldviews, different perspectives, and they're also contextual based on the use case.
Starting point is 00:20:37 And even the Moral Machines Project saw this. I mean, there was no universal set of morals. So I think they found three big clusters of countries. So I think Asia, then kind of the English-speaking world, like UK, Australia, US, Canada, and then more of the Southern European and South America sort of cluster. And they had, I mean, very different, not very different, but there were enough differences that they did cluster separately.
Starting point is 00:21:05 And that's kind of my view right now on what's happening with these large language models. So with ChachiPT or with Claude or with VARD or any of these models that are now coming out, they're starting to have these different safety apparatus and they've been instructed in ways to limit someone's sense of what's bad, right? But that someone is the engineers in that company. And I think that's the missing piece that we need to work on, which is how do we instruct these language models to be able to take principles and policies and behaviors, whether they're coming from Indigenous knowledge or corporate policies or laws or even psychiatry or other sort of places that inform how things should behave and take them in their natural
Starting point is 00:21:59 format and then use those to instruct these language models on how to behave, be contextual about it. So it empowers the actual stakeholders, the diverse lived experiences that they have and see to actually create the models that work best for them for their deployments and deal with conflicts as well, like in the Pac-Man example that I talked about, because you're going to have, I mean, conflicts, different people, even who are talking about the same thing will have different worldviews. So I think it's important to be able to have those sort of technologies to make sure that
Starting point is 00:22:35 the large language models that are now going to be part of our world in a big way are actually deployed in ways that make sense for the deployers. And in terms of operationalizing, we'll get into the LLM sort of side of it. But in terms of operationalizing these RAI principles, fairness, transparency, explainability, what is actually needed to operationalize them? And maybe some of the toolkits that you've helped develop with AI Fairness 360, AI Explainability 360, which I've played around with, play a role. But in production settings, how do you see RAI principles actually being operationalized? The tools are a starting point. They're clearly not the entire solution. I mean,
Starting point is 00:23:21 when we talk to various people who have worked with our toolkits, it's great to hear that they've found them useful, that they're able to kind of incorporate them into their natural workflows as practicing data scientists. But there's a lot of education that is needed beyond just having the tools and a lot of organizational governance sort of aspects as well, because the tools without the people and processes is kind of sitting on an island. So it's important to have kind of either an ethics board or kind of a bottom-up sort of approach in an organization that will help institute kind of policies
Starting point is 00:24:04 and make sure that as things are being developed, different models, different applications, there is a problem specification phase that involves diverse stakeholders, because when people have different lived experiences, they're better able to recognize various sorts of harms, especially if they themselves have been oppressed in some way. And so bringing in a diverse panel, making sure that you spend a lot of time on the problem specification phase, like what is our goal? Why are we doing this? Should we even do this? How would we measure success? If we spend a lot of time on that, then you're in a good spot because then, I mean, a lot of people are skilled
Starting point is 00:24:46 to carry out and meet requirements, but setting the requirements themselves is the challenge to ensure responsibility. Yeah. So emphasizing sort of this people process technology triad, right? Technology alone is not sufficient. In the context of the actual open source toolkits, two questions. One, how closely do you actually work with industry practitioners or end users of these tools to help design a tool that can actually address the needs of practitioners? I suspect a big motivation for open sourcing is actually to build community and bridge the gap between responsible AI research and actual AI sort of development, but how closely are you coupling with industry practitioners and end users of these tools in the design and
Starting point is 00:25:31 development? So yeah, the motivation for open sourcing was exactly, as you said, to bridge the gap between what is happening in both academic and industrial labs and the actual practice. So when we first created AI Fairness 360 back in 2018, there was nothing like it around. And so we felt that it was important to have the tools collected in a standardized way, matching the syntax that the data scientists tend to use and have that. And it was important for us not just to dump some code, but when we first released it, we put together several tutorials, an interactive web demo, several glossaries and other reference materials and so forth, and created a Slack community as well, where anyone can come and ask questions and have discussions. And so we've kept that up over the last five years.
Starting point is 00:26:26 And yeah, we always get questions from various sort of folks on our Slack channel that we address. We've run tutorials at several industry conferences as well as academic conferences, getting people up to speed. One nice thing has been since, so we donated the toolkit to the Linux Foundation
Starting point is 00:26:47 a few years ago, so it's openly governed, but obviously IBMers are still very heavily involved. And some of the IBM consulting groups are actually able to then use these toolkits along with some enhanced editions of capabilities that are written in the same way, but just haven't been open sourced with a lot of different industry partners. So they've implemented a lot of fairness and explainability and robustness things with companies in the financial
Starting point is 00:27:17 services sector and the retail sector in all sorts of different places, healthcare and so forth. So we have a way to do that, that expands the reach of just the small number of researchers that we're involved in with. So yeah, it's been great. I've had a chance to play around with both IBM Fairness 360 and Microsoft has similar tooling with Fairlearn. And I found that these toolkits are actually very effective and powerful tools. And most of the use cases that I've actually experimented with or seen are, you know, supervised learning tasks such as classification or regression. How do we think about using these tools for, you know, emerging technologies like generative AI or LLMs for understanding these notions of fairness or
Starting point is 00:28:06 explainability? Are these tools extensible to these kinds of AI technologies, or do we have to rethink the way we build or develop these toolkits to work well for these new technologies? That's an amazing question. It's something that I've been thinking about the last couple of months in quite a bit, right? So there's certain harms and risks that are the same that are addressed by Fairlearn or AIF360 or other things that show up in classification and regression tasks. And if you have a large language model that's being used for a predictive task, then a lot of the same tools can still be used, especially if they're in the post-processing part of the lifecycle. But then there's a lot of new risks that come up when the output is a generative content, right? sentences or paragraphs or code or images or whatever have you that are being generated completely new that don't have a fixed set of categories or some number line on which they're being output, then yeah, there's a lot of new risks that come about. So things like toxicity,
Starting point is 00:29:18 hallucination, lack of factuality, things called prompt injection attacks. There's a bunch of new risks that come about, and all of those are not addressed by these existing toolkits and methodologies. So that really requires a new set of approaches to address these new harms that are coming up. So certainly lots of opportunity areas in this space, it seems. Yeah, absolutely. And yeah, it's something that we're banging our heads on. Like, what is even hallucination? How do you define it? And then if we can define it, what are ways we can start mitigating, I mean, those sort of issues. So yeah, absolutely. And on the toxicity side of things as well, I mean, when this LLM is behaving like a chatbot and interacting with you, there's so many bad behaviors that it can
Starting point is 00:30:14 undertake. I mean, it goes well beyond the biases that we would count on for fairness. So yeah, it could be narcissistic. It could be, I mean, bullying you, I mean, doing all sorts of things. And so just understanding, especially from a psychology perspective, what does it mean for these systems to behave in that way? And what can we do to mitigate it is very much an open area. ACM ByteCast is available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Podbean, Spotify, Stitcher, and TuneIn. If you're enjoying this episode, please subscribe and leave us a review
Starting point is 00:30:57 on your favorite platform. And I think that's a good segue to a follow-up question that I was going to raise, which is, you know, in light of some of the rapid advancement of, you know, these LLM technologies, we've also seen growing concern around, you know, harms's been an open letter that's circulating, which I'm sure you're well aware of from the Future of Life Institute, which is essentially calling for, you know, a six month pause on the development of AI systems. And we've seen this signed by many prominent researchers. And, you know, the letter really cites some of the important risks to society and, you know, humanity at large by these, you know, human competitive AI systems. So what are your thoughts on this call for pause? Do you think it's necessary? Do you think it's feasible? Do you think it's desirable? And I think the overarching concern is, what's the trade-off between innovation and safety more
Starting point is 00:32:01 broadly? Do we stifle progress in this field and AI research more broadly? So curious to get your thoughts on this. I guess you've already learned that I like analogies and so forth. So let me give you another analogy. So if we look at commercial aviation, so between 1903 and 1958, so when the Wright brothers had their first flight and when the Boeing 707 was introduced. So this was a time, the first 50 or so years, where it was all about just trying to get planes to fly, just get them to work. And then since the Boeing 707 was introduced, there has not been really a fundamental change in how airplanes work. So today's aircraft are extremely similar to the Boeing 707. But what has changed is that in the
Starting point is 00:32:53 second 50 years, there was much, much more focus on safety and efficiency and automation. And so, for example, fatality rate per miles flown today compared to the 1970s is something like 300 or 400 times less. And the number of miles flown is much, much larger. So it's a shift over time where once you have something that is working, then the onus and the focus shifts to the safety aspects. And we're kind of completing that first 50-ish years of AI as well. So now we have these things, you could say, was it, I mean, around 2012, when deep learning,
Starting point is 00:33:35 when the ImageNet was at the end of the first 50 years, was it when the transformer architecture came about in 2017? I don't know exactly, but we are at some point where AI is performing, right? It's being used in real world things. So now we are at that point where the focus must be on safety. And to me, a complete moratorium is not something that helps push, I mean push safety or alignment or trustworthy AI research. I think everything goes hand in hand. I do think that there should be more focus and more regulation as well. And when I say regulation, it's not just laws, but regulation through social norms, through the market, through various things that kind of make sure that that focus shifts. Because, again, coming back to the aviation, I mean, if the industry had not
Starting point is 00:34:33 shifted to more safety, then it wouldn't be where it is today. And the creation of different regulatory bodies happened, but the market was asking for it as well. So I think this is going to be a natural progression where we kind of, at least that is my hope, that we work towards kind of more of the safety aspects as we go forward. And just one more comment about the different views of what safety should be about. So there's kind of a long-term view of kind of what AI can cause in terms of existential risks to humanity. And then there's, I mean, much shorter, clear and present sort of dangers that we see, I mean, every day.
Starting point is 00:35:20 And to me, I think that every day things that all of us right now are encountering the bullying from these systems, or the fact that they lead to unequal allocation of things, or that we don't, I mean, know what's happening, that there's some incitement of violence or other things that these things are doing now, is where our focus needs to be. So yeah, I mean, the letter is fine. I mean, it's great that people want to point out that there's risks. I like that. I encourage that. But I think the way to make progress is focusing on things right now that affect people now and just kind of making sure that AI research is working towards safety. Yeah, I think it certainly sparked a good discussion and dialogue within the industry.
Starting point is 00:36:11 And, you know, I certainly agree that while there are two classes of both short-term and long-term risks, there are very tangible risks that we're seeing in the immediate short-term. And so prioritizing some of those safety and, you know, responsible AI improvements and mitigations, I think is certainly of interest. So, you know, in terms of the path forward for governance and regulation, how do you see the role of different stakeholders, whether it be academic institutions, whether it be government, private sector, civil societies, professional societies? How do you see these different stakeholders coming together in that path forward for AI governance? Yeah, I think everyone, all of those different stakeholders have a role to play. And
Starting point is 00:36:58 one big group that you didn't mention was us. I mean, all of us as people, especially people who are maybe less powerful. And yeah, everyone should be bringing forth their principles, their policies. And then systems should be designed in a way that can bring in those kind of policy packs as input to guide and kind of control the behavior of the systems as they go forward, deal with conflicts, as I was saying before. Yeah, I mean, I think government regulation has its place. Self-regulation by industry has its place. Watchdogs, civil society organizations. I mean, civil society kind of exists because, I mean, it is a kind of a
Starting point is 00:37:45 criticism to government and industry, because if both government and industry were perfect by themselves, there would be no need for civil society in a sense. So yeah, I mean, I think everything is important. And I think there's ways to bring all of it together into specifying the behavior of these systems. So, you know, as part of this effort, I think one of your major contributions is, you know, the publication of your recent book, Trustworthy Machine Learning. And I'd like to quickly give you the opportunity to plug, you know, this publication where it's available. But I would love to learn more about what inspired
Starting point is 00:38:25 you to write this book. And I'm sure it's a big part of what we discussed, you know, the path forward, how do we, as individuals, as practitioners, as, you know, researchers, academics, democratize, you know, this information or this knowledge, but what inspired you to write this book? And, you know, one interesting thing is you actually chose to, you know, move forward with self-publishing. So what was the motivation with self-publishing and how was that experience? In terms of writing a book, I mean, it's obviously a very large effort. So it has to be something where the motivation can't be just that, oh, I want to write a
Starting point is 00:39:02 book, so I'll write a book. It has to be that you have something unique to say that you don't think that anyone else could say it and that people should, I mean, have a need to hear. And I felt that way a few years ago. This was, I mean, right before COVID that I started writing the book. And it was kind of that, I mean, I'd had about 10 years of experience up to that point, had a unique sort of way of approaching machine learning. I mean, using the projects that we did through social good, also the client sort of projects, the human capital management, etc. of had this unique perspective of this is what the starting point is also interacting with different practitioners being a practitioner partly myself and so I mean that was the motivation that there was a missing piece that if there's a practitioner who wants to kind of do things in terms of responsible AI how do they think about it? What are the conceptual aspects of
Starting point is 00:40:05 it? Because to me, a lot of trustworthy machine learning isn't difficult to carry out if you start thinking in the right way to begin with. So that was the goal. So yeah, the book is available as a free PDF on trustworthy machine And it's available on Amazon as a paperback. It's I think $6 and 85 cents, which is the least possible price that I could set given that Amazon has to print it and they have some costs for that. So the reason I eventually self-published or independently published is because I wanted this knowledge to be out there. So people all over the world should, I mean, have the ability to get the knowledge and to be able to put it into practice.
Starting point is 00:40:52 So even like the first week it was released, I got an email from this student from the Ivory Coast. And I mean, he just was so gushing that, oh, I mean, this is so useful for me. And I've seen that, I mean, he just was so gushing that, oh, I mean, this is so useful for me. And I've seen that, I mean, again and again, that people are dying for knowledge. And if you, I mean, kind of gatekeep and put a book up and it's like $80 or something like that. I mean, what's the point? Really, what we want is people to have the knowledge to be able to use it and to make the world better for themselves and for their communities and for everyone.
Starting point is 00:41:30 So, I mean, that was the motivation. And I think it's been doing well. So I'm not tracking how many people have the PDF, but even in terms of the book sales, it's reaching close to a thousand, which I think is good for this sort of publication. And yeah, I mean, it's been good for everyone that's been able to take advantage of it. And I've personally been making my way through the book. And I've so far have thoroughly enjoyed it. So you have one endorsement in me. And what are some, you know, speaking on the topic of the book, I know we've discussed a lot of the key trustworthy AI principles and concepts, but what are some of the key takeaways that you hope readers will gain or walk away with? I mean, yeah, we've covered a lot of the content
Starting point is 00:42:15 through this discussion. But I think the biggest thing is, yeah, I mean, start with the use case. What are you trying to do and why? And is it something that really should be done or not? And then progress forward to kind of the machine learning aspects. Because machine learning these days, I mean, there's great tools out there. But the question isn't, how do I use the tool? It's more about what is the right thing to do. And having that as your starting point, I think, is the biggest message. And the sort of theme that kind of winds its way through the entire book is this kind of call for people not to take shortcuts, because I think that's where a lot of the issues crop up, where they're, I mean, trying to do things very quickly without stopping to think, without stopping
Starting point is 00:43:11 to think about what mitigations there might be, because it's very easy, I mean, to want to take shortcuts, but if you're, I mean, somewhat wanting to be responsible, then that's the message. You know, I'd love to quickly touch on some of your work with the IBM Science for Social Good. And you provided some pretty, you know, cool context with the motivation. You know, I think you mentioned how you started off with DataKind or Data, was it Data Scientists Without Borders? Data Without Borders was the original name and then DataKind was the name. Yeah. So, you know, given your work with the Science for Social Good initiative and your experience in leveraging technology to, you know, address these pressing societal challenges,
Starting point is 00:43:56 how do you think about identifying problem areas to pursue? And what are some of the challenges that exist when you're developing technology solutions for, you know, new markets, new regions, new contexts? You know, developing a solution in the Western world, in the U.S. is very different from, you know, developing a technology solution somewhere in rural India or rural Ethiopia, where I'm from. So what are some of the challenges that exist when developing these solutions in new contexts? So I actually am going to be presenting a paper at the iClear workshop on practical machine learning for the developing world in a couple of weeks. And the discussion in that entire paper is this, right? So when you're thinking about the developing world and trying to develop AI sort of technologies,
Starting point is 00:44:49 what are the considerations and how should you go about doing it? And in that, I kind of make an analogy again, so my favorite thing, to this concept of bottom of the pyramid innovation. So this is the idea that if you're, whatever, creating a stove, or I mean, any sort of technology product for the developing world, then there's a lot of different requirements that come about. And management professor CK Perlaad, who came up with this,
Starting point is 00:45:19 I guess, close to 20 years ago now, lists down like 12 different characteristics. I'm not going to go through every single one, but the main things are that you need to start from the user's perspective. So start with the people we are serving. Ask them what is it that they need. Try to understand that as deeply as possible. So in the AI world, I mean, people have started using this term participatory design. So that's, I mean, certainly related. So it's a question of really understanding what is the true need and then going from there, because what I can imagine sitting in my lab in Yorktown Heights,
Starting point is 00:45:59 New York is very different than being on the ground and kind of experiencing what is truly needed. So this bottom of the pyramid innovation sort of approach starts there. And then there's these other characteristics. So the technology needs to be robust, inexpensive, appropriate, have a good user interface that's matched to the people. I mean, a bunch of different things and have some reusability as well. And so that they're kind of like more of a platform sort of approach. So all of these things are what in some ways we've been working towards. And actually, I mean, these language models, these chatbots are almost there in certain capacities because
Starting point is 00:46:46 now it is true that anyone can really interact with them to solve their own problems. So I had an interesting experience in January where this organization we had worked with in the past. So it's the International Center for Advocates Against Discrimination. So we had helped them develop some natural language processing technology, which marks different documents by which of the UN Sustainable Development Goals are discussed in a particular sentence. So these, for those that don't know, are a set of 17 goals that the member states of the United Nations ratified in 2015 as things to work towards by 2030. So things like no poverty,
Starting point is 00:47:34 no hunger, specific indicators and so forth. So anyways, we developed this NLP thing like five years ago, took us a whole summer, we fine tunedtuned it, there's a bunch of us working on it. And in January, I sat down with the person from that organization. She had heard of ChatGPT by then, but she hadn't thought of the fact that, oh, I could solve my problem using ChatGPT. So we sat for two minutes and it just worked out of the box. So, I mean, that democratization is happening. The price point, the environmental concerns amortize over a lot of users. And it is robust. We're getting there with low resource languages.
Starting point is 00:48:17 Eventually, I'm sure that we'll be there, different interaction patterns and so forth. So the thing that is kind of missing, though, is the appropriateness in terms of the interaction with other things. So it's not the best right now in terms of the other tools that low-resource organizations might use. So if you have some Excel file or something like that and you want to use that to then interact with with one of these chat systems there's still a gap kind of having a little bit more appropriateness
Starting point is 00:48:50 in terms of of the integration with with other stuff is the missing piece but we're kind of getting there so in my view we're I mean these sort of technologies that we're seeing today are a form of democratization. They do have the robustness to work in hostile conditions and so forth. So beyond the actual maturity of the technology itself, you know, in emerging markets, there aren't the same financial incentives for tech development as there are in developed markets, right? The market may not be as large. The potential for paying for services or products may not be as high. So what do you see as a
Starting point is 00:49:32 sustainable model for incentivizing, you know, whether it be large corporations or startups or entrepreneurs to actually drive progress in this area and develop tech solutions for emerging markets? Yeah, so the part that I forgot to mention about this bottom of the pyramid innovation idea is that once you are developing technologies for that large base of low resource people or organizations, the solutions are often better and cheaper, even for the top of the pyramid. So the incentive is, I mean, if you do something really good for that bottom, then it's also really good for the top. So like in India, there's this eye hospital, Arvind Eye Hospital, which does extremely cheap cataract eye surgeries, and they've it out. So, I mean, they can do so many so quickly
Starting point is 00:50:27 and the results are like 10 times better than what you get in the US in terms of the health outcomes. And they're like a thousand times cheaper or something like that, right? So similarly like shampoo or like cars or, I mean, all sorts of different things. So once you have that incentive that by focusing on the bottom that you will also be better able to serve the top, then I think that's a really great motivation. You know, this has been a very interesting conversation. I'd love to, you know, wrap up by discussing some future directions. I think as we've touched on, we're witnessing an AI arms race and we're seeing a lot of the rapid evolution and progress of generative AI, which to your point is now becoming a
Starting point is 00:51:16 platform where users can essentially explore different use cases and applications on top of these foundational models or technologies. So we're seeing conversational AI, we're seeing transformations in search and marketing and education. What are some of the most exciting developments that you see for the future of AI? And how do you see these developments impacting the business world in the coming years? Yeah, I'm sure by the time the podcast is released, everything I say will already be done because the field is moving so fast, honestly. I mean, even someone in my position, it's so hard to keep up.
Starting point is 00:51:56 Like every hour of the day, there's some new development. And yeah, I mean, I think there's going to be multimodal, these models, these foundation models that incorporate, I mean, all the different modalities, image, text, tabular data, scientific data, I mean, all sorts of stuff. So one combined, I mean, combined models for those, I think that's going to be out there very soon. I think to deal with, I mean, some of the risks that I talked about before with hallucination and so forth, one thing that needs to happen is kind of separating out the memory, the facts, the information from the processing of the language, because right now they can get all mixed together and intermingled. So if we can keep those separately, then we'll avoid some of applications, because the state right now doesn't allow these things to really be used in operational sort of settings most of the time, because there's kind of this hump that we have to get over to make them more trustworthy,
Starting point is 00:53:20 more safe for those enterprise applications. And once we do, I think we'll see a flourishing of activity. And one thing that I think that we will also have to think about very seriously is ensuring that the people have the dignity and agency remaining in their work lives with these technologies so that it's not the technology is the driver and the human is just along for the ride. But there's some joint collaboration that's designed into the way that these things interact with us so that it's utilizing the strengths of humans and AI, but also giving us the dignity of work. So AI is a co-pilot. Yeah, co-pilot or some sort of like advisor or something like that. So finally, what advice would you give to, you know, young students, researchers, practitioners like myself, you know, in the field of AI?
Starting point is 00:54:16 And how can they ensure that, you know, their work consistent with, you know, your personal careers theme contributes to, you know, a more just and equitable society? I think be solid technically, first of all. Just like with the trustworthiness, the first attribute is competence. So definitely focus on that and then start bringing in these other attributes. So just like the technology has I mean, has these attributes that we want from it. For ourselves, we want the same things. So we want to be leaders that are standing on a solid foundation and then bringing in the selflessness and the justice and all of those things that go beyond it. So, and yeah, get a, I mean, focus on a broad-based education that
Starting point is 00:55:04 you're learning everything because I use everything I've learned and everything that I do. Those would be my recommendations. And yeah, just believe in yourself. Believe that what your worldview is is something that others will value. Well, I think those are some pretty good bites
Starting point is 00:55:21 for our audience. Dr. Kushvarshney, thank you so much for joining us. I think we are certainly at an inflection point in technology history. And I think with some of the amazing and foundational work that you're driving in trustworthy AI and responsible AI, I think the future is bright and optimistic. So thank you for all your work. And thank you for joining us on this episode. Yeah, it was my pleasure.
Starting point is 00:55:44 And I hope it'll be useful for the listeners as well. Thanks. ACM ByteCast is a production of the Association for Computing Machinery's Practitioner Board. To learn more about ACM and its activities, visit For more information about this and other episodes, please visit our website at slash b-y-t-e-c-a-s-t. That's slash ByteCast.

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