Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs - Episode 117: OOP, C++ Containers, APIs, EOP & More with Zach Laine!

Episode Date: February 17, 2023

In this episode, Conor and Bryce talk to Zach Laine!Link to Episode 117 on WebsiteDiscuss this episode, leave a comment, or ask a question (on GitHub)TwitterADSP: The PodcastConor HoekstraBryce Adelst...ein LelbachAbout the GuestZach Laine has been using C++ in industry for 15 years, focusing on data visualization, numeric computing, games, generic programming, and good library design. He finds the process of writing bio blurbs to be a little uncomfortable.Show NotesDate Recorded: 2023-02-16Date Released: 2023-02-17UT AustinObject Oriented ProgrammingC++ virtualDynamic and Static PolymorphismAd Hoc PolymorphismParametric PolymorphismRank PolymorphismElements of Programming (Free PDF)The Structure and Interpretation of Computer ProgramsC++23 std::flat_mapC++17 std::string_viewC++20 std::spanC++20 std::basic_string::starts_withC++20 std::basic_string::ends_withC++20 std::basic_string::containsIntro Song InfoMiss You by Sarah Jansen Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0Free Download / Stream: promoted by Audio Library

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right. All right. Bryce, Bryce fancy. Everyone knows Bryce fancy. All right. The guy with a sweatband and a Heather Gray t-shirt wants to tell us what's fancy and what's not. All right, Bryce. We got it. I might make that the cold open on every single one. welcome to adsp the podcast episode 117 recorded on february 16th 2023 my name is connor and today with my co-host bryce we talked to zach lane about a plethora of topics including object-oriented programming c++ containers apis the elements of programming, and so much more. This is part one of probably a four or five-part interview series. All right, well, we should introduce Zach. Works at Cadence Systems, senior principal engineer, I believe. More importantly, or I don't know, maybe it's more important, maybe it's not.
Starting point is 00:01:06 He's a member of the ISO C++ committee, author of multiple Boost libraries. We've met before multiple times. And I was just at your LinkedIn profile. I had no, do you live in Austin? Yeah. Man, that's a missed opportunity. I was just in Austin. You were just in Austin?
Starting point is 00:01:22 In January. Yeah, for my favorite race of all the races I've ever raced, which is like probably, I don't know, 30, 40, 50. The 3M Austin Half Marathon. It happened on January 22nd, and it's a great race because it's mostly downhill. Those are my favorite kind of races. I always feel I perform my best when I'm running downhill. And yeah, I was there for a few days. Austin's got to be, it might be my number one favorite American city.
Starting point is 00:01:54 Really? Definitely better than New York. Oh, okay. Well, now we've got a problem here. It's got that downtown vibe, but also like five minutes from downtown. Yeah, it's better than Nework if you want to get like hit by a car in austin i think you're thinking of houston yeah i know he's a get by a car in houston there's a thing when you cross the street in houston people speed up when they see you
Starting point is 00:02:16 because they're like you're in my lane get on my lane now i'm i'm sure i'm sure that zach has never heard but has never heard of this race or run this race because when was the last time that you ran? 2000. I mean, at one point I ran a five minute mile, but that was like a very long time ago. That's fast. Yeah. No, I didn't want to. Like they made me.
Starting point is 00:02:43 Was it like the police that made you? It was that or it was a five-minute mile or five years in the clink. So I was like – I was on my toes. No, it was – I was in the army 20 years ago. Oh, wow. 25, yeah. That's super fast. Yeah, we're running formation and you don't want to fall out.
Starting point is 00:03:02 And I remember literally yelling for the back of formation, where's the fire? Because I'm like, why are we running so fast? And then I looked at my watch, and I was like, that was that was the mile mark. And that's five minutes was almost like 505 or something. I was like, Jesus Christ. Yeah, that's very, very fast. So so you and I and I know, Zach, last week, we spent a bunch of time talking about you telling me about your Army past, but I don't know that I know this detail. Did you go to college in the Army or Army then college? No, I was in the college. Well, so I was in college and then I kind of dropped out and I was, you know, did a bunch of stuff, including being in the Army. So it took me 11 years to get through undergrad, like from beginning to end.
Starting point is 00:03:42 I started in 92 and I ended in 2003. So a lot of people like my age have been working a lot longer than I have. And then a lot of people much younger than me have about the same seniority that I do. It's kind of an odd thing. But yeah, that was just because like I was a really, really crap student and I didn't want to be in school. And I enjoyed the coursework. I just didn't want to do it. I just, you know, I wanted to just like hang out and, and talk to people and have a good time and not do anything. You know, I mean, I mean, that is the best part of university. Yeah. I mean, that, and so that's the thing is
Starting point is 00:04:15 that I feel like it's one of those things where I was given just enough freedom to be like, Oh, why don't I just do this all the time? And so then it turned into like my entire existence. And so that was, that was, you know, bad for, for like coursework and stuff. But then eventually, you know, I kind of slept in the mud for three years and I was like, oh yeah, I like want a job job. I don't want to do this. I don't want to do anything like this. So I became super student when I came back as the dean list and all this stuff. So yeah, it was, it was good for me to have that as the sort of break that had the middle
Starting point is 00:04:45 because if I just sort of, you know, worked at 7-Eleven or something, I'd probably still be working. I saw that you also you went to UT Austin. Was that both before and after the three years in the mud? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And, you know, I went to UT Austin because I was, you know, from Houston, and I had one parent who lived in Austin. So I knew Austin, I knew I wanted to live there. I liked it a lot. I had friends that from my high school that ended up there. And so I went there for like essentially social reasons. And I just happened to be in a top five computer science department, like, like with zero effort on my end. Like I was in the top 10 of my graduating class. And at the time that meant you had a push button admission to any school in the UT system if you're, if you're a Texas
Starting point is 00:05:24 graduating high school student. I literally filled out a postcard and that was it. The fact that I got such a good computer science education was a complete accident, but I'm really thankful for it. I got a really good education there. Were you doing computer
Starting point is 00:05:40 science before you went into the Army? Did you know when you went to college that's what you wanted to do? Yeah, yeah, absolutely. So I, well, the funny thing is, like, my entire childhood, I wanted to be a physicist. Like, I saw these guys on Nova on, you know, on public TV, and I was like, I want to be one of those guys. I want to be a physicist. I was always obsessed with, like, you know, space and astrophysics and stuff like that and um you know i like read a bunch of
Starting point is 00:06:06 physics texts like in high school like just out of curiosity right um and i would read physics papers sometimes i was like really into it and i remember um at some point um i was just messing around with my computer and i wanted to like do a little bit of programming and all the stuff i did was physics related um but then when i was filling out this little postcard that I referred to before like there was a when you're in the college of natural sciences there's one postcard there's a different one for the the college of liberal arts and so I was on the natural sciences one there's a there's a checkbox for each of the majors right so if you get into UT like you just pick your major you get into one of those two schools like like I said you pick the. And I was looking at the checkboxes and I was like, Oh, maybe I'll do computer science. That's literally how long I thought about it. Because look, physics, computer science, why not? And so that's why I did the major that I did. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:00 If you went into physics, you probably would have ended up in computer science anyways. linear algebra interface is standardized. And so a lot of those folks are mathematicians or physicists, and they do tons of like really rigorous computer science work as part of their job. It's just the nature of the business. If you work in any kind of applied math, and if you work in any kind of physics these days, you know, your job as a programmer, like more than it's not. Yeah, it's really sort of astonishing how over the past 30 to 40 years in almost all scientific fields, a large chunk of the field has moved to computational work.
Starting point is 00:07:50 But even for the chunk of the field that's still wet lab work where you're still running physical experiments or something, increasingly there's a computational component to that work too because you're collecting so much data with these instruments that you have to do some post-processing of whatever actual experiments you're doing. And so it's like, like these days, like if you're, if you're, if you're in a career path where you want to study the sciences, you're probably going to end up having to do some programming. Yeah. Well, so the first half of my career was at a research lab at UT called Applied Research Laboratories, ARL. And I worked with a whole bunch of people on sonar. And most of them were physicists who decided they didn't want to do physics anymore. One of whom was he said the reason he did sonar instead of cosmology is because sonar is so much harder. Because it's a crazy, crazy hard thing to do uh because
Starting point is 00:08:46 the noise propagation is is incredibly noisy i mean sound propagation is incredibly noisy and it's like uh you might as well just call it noise propagation it's all dealing with noise uh whereas like you can get really good signals sometimes uh in cosmology and those tend to be the areas people focus on but um yeah it was interesting like dealing with like there was one project in particular it was just me and this physicist right so we had this common tracker uh that we used to track signals and sonar data and with this old implementation it was really crusty everybody's afraid to touch it and like we're going to do a fresh implementation of that from scratch and i remember at one point like we weren't doing a lot of object-oriented programming for this obviously it's numeric stuff and i don't really like oh anyway and um so he was he asked me at one point
Starting point is 00:09:30 what's this virtual what's virtual function what is that and i was like oh and i explained like you know how you'd have like a bunch of different flavors of stuff and you have a switch statement it kind of gets rid of the switch statement and it goes all the way through and there's these problems with it and blah blah and that was a little beyond what he can understand. So six months later, he's like, what is this virtual function? And I did the whole thing. I explained it to him. We went into his office.
Starting point is 00:09:52 We've talked for it. I explained the whole thing. And then a third time it happened about a year later. And I was like, Jim, I'm done. Like, this is it. This is the last one. Take notes if you want to know what this is in the future or just live in ignorance. And I remember at one point, the same kind of thing happened, but the other way around.
Starting point is 00:10:11 Like I asked about something I was kind of curious about, but it didn't stick. And I asked him about the same thing again. He's like, I already explained this to you, like some physics thing, right? And it's really funny how when people are technically oriented, whatever they're oriented towards, the things that they're interested in stick in their heads really easily compared to other equally hard to understand things that are just outside of their interest area. Right. And so when, when you sort of focus on one technical area, not another one, even if it's an adjacent area, a lot of times, like there's, there's a real lack of understanding. And it's not because these things are any harder to understand. So you're just not oriented towards doing that work to understand, you know, it's like that quote, uh, the neurons that fire together,
Starting point is 00:10:44 wire together. It's like, if you already have the vocabulary in your them, you know? It's like that quote, the neurons that fire together, wire together. It's like, if you already have the vocabulary in your head, you know, learning something that's adjacent to that is super easy. But if it's in some other domain that, sure, it's just as hard, but you don't have the vocabulary, you don't have the wires that can fire together.
Starting point is 00:10:58 So it's just, it's, I remember, it's like so many things I've learned. Like I went through a finance phase where I wanted to be a quant. They just have the vocabulary, the jargon that they have, like share, stock. You get into options and stuff, derivatives, exotic. It's just like you have to learn this whole vocabulary first. I remember asking my parents, man, what's the difference between a stock and a share?
Starting point is 00:11:22 They didn't know. It's such a subtle thing, but it's not difficult. It's just, you need, you need to have the vocabulary in order to, to really grok if someone's explaining something to you. If, if every fourth word is like, I don't know what that means, then it's not going to stick. Right. Yeah. And I think that's, that's, that's a, it's a huge problem for a software engineering education because we have, I mean, every field has its own language, but I think that's, that's, that's a, it's a huge problem for a software engineering education because we have, I mean, every field has its own language, but I think we in particular have a lot of jargon. And I think that it becomes so natural to us that we don't even realize how unapproachable it is to, to newcomers.
Starting point is 00:11:59 And the way it's taught is like, like I was, who was I just talking to this the other day, the polymorphism, like in school, it's's just taught like when they teach polymorphism the unit in whatever engineering 201 software engineering 201 they just teach like runtime polymorphism which also is known as dynamic polymorphism but like there are i think we i listed off like 10 different types static polymorphism also known as compile time polymorphism ad hoc polymorphism parametric polymorphism like rank polymorphism it just goes on and onism, parametric polymorphism, like rank polymorphism. It just goes on and on and on. But in school, they refer to polymorphism and it just refers to dynamic.
Starting point is 00:12:31 But there's like literally 10 different types. And I've never seen a talk that talks about like the umbrella world. You know, here's an umbrella term, polymorphism and all the different types. And I remember in an interview, I got asked once, what is static polymorphism? And then I was like, I think that's like, I think that's like templates. And they remember in an interview, I got asked once, what is static polymorphism? And then I was like, I think that's like, I think that's like templates. And they were like, yeah. And they're like, so why is it called static polymorphism? I was like, listen, I don't know much about templates. Like, I just started learning C++. And anyways, it's just, yeah, the vocabulary problem is, it's a problem because even in education, like they teach
Starting point is 00:13:05 things in a very, very, I wouldn't even say it's simplified. Like I think that's misleading to teach the word polymorphism and not start off by saying, okay, we're going to focus on this one type, but like there are 12 different other types that you're going to get to depending on the language you work in. And I think that's really true, especially in the light of the fact that, you know, there is lots of use for polymorphism in code. There's very seldom a need for dynamic polymorphism code right and so like very often i see people do stuff that are you know the kind of intermediate programs i work with a lot of programmers that are like that and it's not a failing of theirs is that they came from
Starting point is 00:13:38 double e and they're kind of learning on the job and so it's another it's another question of of focus and so when when they when they see a new programming technique, they aren't like really interested in drilling down on that. That's what they become obsessed with for a while. They're like, oh, someone did it a different way. I don't care, right? I'm getting my work done this way. That's the important part. The way that I'm used to doing it, how can I perfect whatever direction I'm already in?
Starting point is 00:13:59 So they already know like OO type stuff. They write lots of virtual functions even when that's not necessarily the right tool for the job. And that's one of the things I just mentioned not liking OO, but I think that's like a really big deal in our industry that there's so many people that even now, if you look like on online courses, like introductory stuff for C++ people, there's no good learning resources for C++. That's a different topic. But what there is out there, a lot of it's very focused on the same kind of overlap with, I'm sure, other courses that the same people are making for other languages. And that includes lots of ideas from Java and other things that sort of
Starting point is 00:14:34 co-evolved with C++ in the early days. But those people writing those tutorials have no idea that the sort of cognoscente within C++ have completely moved away from that paradigm and that's seldom used yeah except sometimes as an implementation detail of something else um yeah it's it's really kind of it's kind of unfortunate because i think a lot of people
Starting point is 00:14:54 reach for that in fact you know the previous role i had at my current job i did a lot of like internal training and and like there was part of this thing called the quality team the whole idea was to like decrease the defect rate in our in our code which was kind of this thing called the quality team. The whole idea was to decrease the defect rate in our code, which was kind of high. Well, tragically high. It was awful, right? And so we were trying to get rid of crashes at customer sites and stuff like this.
Starting point is 00:15:13 So one of the things my boss and I were talking about when I first joined the team was he was like, maybe we could do some internal training about this or that. What do you think about putting together a course from first principles, like how to write code well, like, you know, good object-oriented techniques. And I was like, well, it's funny that you say that because it's no such thing. His head kind of exploded. But, you know, he was great about like recognizing like new material when I would present to him, like new techniques and why they were important. And he really took a lot of those lessons on board. And that was really cool. So he wasn't
Starting point is 00:15:49 like pushing back against that. He was just surprised by it. And that reflects like an older mentality because when he was a day-to-day practitioner, that was kind of the way you did things. And unfortunately, that has persisted, especially as like people that were from that era move into management. And then people below them are trying to do something a certain way. They're like, oh, you want to do an object oriented thing with like some big class diagram or something. And so that, that tends to perpetuate it. And I'm kind of waiting for people to like, I know no one's going to read EOP, but I'm
Starting point is 00:16:17 ready for people to adapt those, those kind of, or adopt, I should say those kind of, those kind of approaches of, you know. And that's, that's Elements of Programming uh stephanov's uh uh book which is sort of the it's it might not be the best book about computer science ever written but it's the best one ever it's the it's the only book on computer science or programming that i've ever read i think we've talked in this podcast before about how i'm not a huge fan of like wait didn't you i thought you said that about sick p which is the structure you know what programs I I've read parts of sick p I've elements of programming is the only programming book I've read all the way through like those are the two
Starting point is 00:16:53 that I've read from like and not just like skimmed the index of um yeah uh and uh elements of programming is the only one that I've read I've actually read through it twice so I've read lots of them and I really think elements of programming is the one that I've read. I've actually read through it twice. So I've read lots of them, and I really think Elements of Programming is the one that I appreciate the most. And in fact, what I often tell people is, you know, you can get us a free PDF download these days. Like, you don't even need to pay for it. You don't even need to hold around a dead tree in your hands, right? All you need to do is, like, go and download it from somewhere. But if you can internalize the first six pages of the first chapter, that's all you need. Literally,
Starting point is 00:17:26 the first six pages. If you can internalize that, the rest of it is logical extension of that first six pages. If you apply those first six pages to all these kinds of programming styles that are covering the rest of the book, that's where the rest of the book comes from. And the rest of the book is very dense and hard to get through. That first six pages is also dense and hard to get through, but it's only six pages. So it's you know a time investment i always tell people that i don't think i've had any takers but i mean the stuff in that first six pages is so good you know i don't know if you guys had a similar experience of like you know when i was first starting out i would hear about some technique and i would like be like i'm going to find an excuse to use my code
Starting point is 00:18:01 because that's interesting i'm gonna see if that works right and so you do things like kind of like the wrong way on purpose to see how it worked. And then you're like, ah, it works or it didn't. And you kind of adapt, right? So there have been many, many different styles of like things from like, you know, just texting, textual conventions like, you know, where you put hanging braces. All these different things I've tried over the course of my career over and over again, different experiments. And the only bit of advice that I have, once I internalized it, I literally never looked back or never changed, even when I had new data introduced to me as those first six pages of that first chapter. I mean, they're really,
Starting point is 00:18:37 I think, unassailable. What are the key lessons to take away from? So some of the key lessons are things that people already pretty well understand, right? So one of the things is, you know, you want to write things for reuse. And that means like writing things generically. There's lots of things about like defining what should and should not be in interfaces. And this is the part that I think people don't take on board as well. One thing in particular is that, you know, they define what a basis of operations is. A basis takes its name as analogy to like basis vectors in an N space, right?
Starting point is 00:19:19 So you have N basis vectors that are orthonormal, and then that defines an N space. Similarly, you can define n operations on your type. And as long as those n operations on the type are defined, you can do anything that that type is capable of just with some combination of those. And as long as you can efficiently get to any behavior you want to using those types, and that's the right, or sorry, those operations, that's the right set of operations. And you don't want any more operations than that because that increases
Starting point is 00:19:48 test burden surface area it creates confusion all kinds of stuff like that so you want it to be small but not too small you want to be efficient and then as long as that exists you can do anything else and the reason you don't want to add anything else is because if you write free functions instead of writing a new member, then when some other type, you've got your type T, some other type U, you write it in the future, and it has very similar semantics in some aspect of what this type T did. Then all of a sudden that free function you wrote, you can just use it and it works, right? This is the same idea behind the algorithms library by one of the same two people, right? Alex Stepanov,
Starting point is 00:20:27 Paul McJones being the other one. The idea there was like, we're going to write all these algorithms and not like hang an algorithm off of all these different data structures like vector and map and so on. And I think that's the right way to do things. And in fact, I really think after going, after having gone through the process of adding a new container-like thing to the standard library, which is flat map,
Starting point is 00:20:49 I realized that I don't ever want to do that again. I don't want anyone else to have to do that again either because I think the right thing for something like flat map – well, let me back up. So what I'm talking about in particular is flat map, because it's just cloning most of the interface of map it has things like insert it has in place it has the square bracket operator it has try in place it has blah blah has all these different things right and if you boil it down it's just try in place like
Starting point is 00:21:21 literally you can write try in place and all the others like in their in their description they say like we're going to do try and place and if that doesn't work then we're going to create a new object and then we're going to try and place that's what square bracket is defined as like roughly right um and so on and so forth like all the other kind of inserts are just some permutation of try and place so that begs the question if we have map, flat map, multi-map, flat multi-map, I guess the own order ones don't quite work the same. But if we have that for the tree-like containers, even if you have a flattened tree in the case of flat map, why don't we have just like a free function that does insert,
Starting point is 00:22:01 that does in terms of try and place? And then if you want to make your own map-like type, you only have to define like, you know, 10, 12 functions, something like that, instead of like literally, I think for std vector, which is much smaller, I think there was 64 members. Yeah, and most of them are some form of in place, push back, or yeah. Yeah, exactly, yeah. So if you had in place and in place push back or yeah yeah exactly yeah so if you had in place and in place back
Starting point is 00:22:28 um you know that that's all you really need right you can even have a branch inside of in place that tells that it's at the back and it does the right thing right so you know that's that's that's a generalization that that costs you some efficiency so maybe you don't want that but but you could get there too so the long and short of it is i think people should be writing more um containers because like let's say you've got vector and static vector and dynamic or not dynamic vector what am i trying to say um small vector right that's what i'm trying to say so small vectors along with a small buffer optimization then then it goes to the heap if it can't if it can't do stuff there you really want to be able to write all those
Starting point is 00:23:01 really conveniently right um because there's no reason why you shouldn't have a vector-like interface for any of these things. But people don't have a convenient way of doing that. They have to repeat those 64 different ways of doing stuff. So I think it's a big, fat bummer. And David Stone, actually, he's another committee member. He has a project that he's been working on for a little while to try to make the abstractions for all of the – we have sort of these categories of containers in the standard. So the vector-like ones are sequence containers,
Starting point is 00:23:40 and the node-based containers are – what do we call those? We call them associative containers. So those are what we call the associated containers so those are things like map and set and so forth so he's tried to do exactly what i just talked about right like figuring out what that small basis is and let's make free functions for everything else and he says he's still not happy with it he's been he's been working on it for a while but i think that kind of thing really if people did more of that, then we would be better off. So the classic example to me is, and this is a real question I had at work. Like someone said, well, I got this string view and it's got like find last not of or something. So one of these algorithms that hangs off of strings and string views.
Starting point is 00:24:18 And he said, but I've got a span sometimes. Sometimes I've got a string view. Like, how do I do this? And I said, well, you have to construct a string view from the span in order to get that algorithm. It's dumb, but that's what you have to do. And that's such an unsatisfying answer. Like, why isn't that an algorithm, right? And why don't we have just a set
Starting point is 00:24:34 of string algorithms that does string stuff, right? I think that could work really nicely. Yeah. It's, I think once you learn more about generic programming, you start to become aware of the cost of adding a new type
Starting point is 00:24:53 and of added complexity in the interface of a type. And it's like any time I either work around the committee that somebody shows me their proposal for some new class does some great thing. And it's got like a lot of knobs and bells and whistles. My like first gut reaction is always like, all right, let's like take all those knobs and bells and whistles and like take them out. And like, let's just get down to like, what are the core basis operations of this thing? And it's because anytime that we add additional complexity that we don't need,
Starting point is 00:25:33 one, it's typically a mistake that we can't come back and undo later. But we end up in this world where we have things like string that have dozens of different operations on it. And when we wanted to make another string-like thing, string view, we had no choice but to make string view have all those same operations as well. And I think that that's a much worse world than the world that we could have lived in where we could have, we could have had some string algorithms and maybe we could have introduced some sort of concept for string types. And we could have had, um, some like string view would have looked a lot more like span.
Starting point is 00:26:17 It would have been a very simple thing. And it would have been possible to have like a string, a string like concept where you could just have your own string thing just satisfy that concept. In the same vein as that, you know, when we added – I know a lot of people are happy that we're finally getting unstud string in the last couple of standards we've gotten, like contain, start with, and ends with. And I complained so loudly in LEWG that we should not be adding these. Like these are algorithms that we should have with those names that work with strings and they said but they don't work for char star i'm so let's make an overload that works with char star this is this is not hard to do we can add
Starting point is 00:26:52 that right and i was like even if we even if we start a new um section of the library like a sub name space or or some kind of naming convention we have all the string algorithms over here in their own little spot that beats having like to add this to string and then string view and then whatever else comes along later. Because, you know, sometimes people are going to want to have their own string-like thing. And it doesn't have to be necessarily interoperable
Starting point is 00:27:20 with string or string view. And they just can't make it work with generic code without repeating all this API. And I think that's a huge problem. We want people to write quick and dirty code that's reusable by everybody as much as they can, right? Because the testing burden for writing complicated things is so high that we just don't do it, right? And so you have this untested stuff, or you have stuff that just doesn't work in a generic context, because either I was going to have to write these extra interfaces and test them, but since I don't want to do that, I just don't write them or I don't test them. Neither one of those is a very good
Starting point is 00:27:49 answer. This is why this Boost library has steel interfaces, and hopefully we're going to standardize this, but I have a class in there or a template in there that will let you write iterators much more simply than repeating all thei of an iterator because what i found was uh i was working on this other library that needed iterators all over the place for views and ranges of things and every time i wrote an iterator i made like a subtle mistake and i started realizing i was i was doing it a lot and so i was like why i should have glue for this this should be easy and so i think we should try to if we're going to define interfaces that everyone needs to use, then we should define either really good glue that helps them generate that code, or we should define them in such a minimal way that they don't need to
Starting point is 00:28:33 generate that code. Because all of these bugs that we're introducing, you know, there's something like, I think that the industry standard when I learned this back in school was something like, for every 100 lines of code, you've got a bug and that's considered to be a good defect rate. I'm talking about the first draft. The first time you write some code, people have done some testing and stuff. They check it in
Starting point is 00:28:55 and then from that stage, we're not even talking about just I banged out some bullshit. This is actually I've done my due diligence and I've still got basically a bug every 100 lines. So if you can reduce the number of lines people write, you reduce the defect rate.
Starting point is 00:29:10 It's sort of an inherent thing to writing code, it seems. It doesn't seem to depend on the language or anything. But right now we have a lot of things, particularly in the standard, that don't lend themselves to reuse that way. I mean, I know very, very few people have ever written an iterator like and and you know whenever whenever
Starting point is 00:29:32 i have had to write an iterator i typically only write the operations that i am going that i know i will need to use in my code yep and it's simply because like, if I need to show the code to somebody else, I want it to be as like short as possible. Yeah. And the funny thing is like, that will not fly with the ranges. Right. Because the ranges are actually like concepts.
Starting point is 00:29:58 Yeah, I know. It's a real problem for me. Yeah. Well, you know, in a similar vein, you know, there's one of the things that we spend a lot of time talking about when we're designing new library facilities is I think the questions of like default constructability and the conversions that a type has comes up a ton and like default constructability whether or not your thing can be default constructed is usually like this huge question for your type because if it can't be default constructed then there's a lot of context especially in generic code where your thing isn't going to be able to be used but if it does you know if you are going to make a default constructed,
Starting point is 00:30:46 does your thing have some sort of null state or empty state? And if so, what does that do to the invariance of the rest of your thing? And likewise for conversions, this question of when does your thing convert and are those conversions implicit or explicit is a huge question in the design of almost any type. Especially when there's, I think on the committee, we tend to like anything that has potential for performance loss to be explicit. Yeah. Yeah. So I remember saying to a bunch of people at a committee meeting, we're just hanging out after, you know, sessions.
Starting point is 00:31:31 And I said, I think I literally said implicit conversions are evil because like so many people write so many of them and they cause all kinds of headaches. And then Bjarne who happened to be, said, no, they're not evil. You just need to make sure that an implicit conversion converts between something that you're converting from and something you're converting to, where the to and from types are essentially the same thing. And then it's natural and normal and everybody can reason about it. So like converting between a float and a double should be implicit for that reason, for instance, right? It's questionable, and I think other languages have made a different decision. I think I like the decision more that an integral value and a floating point value
Starting point is 00:32:10 maybe should not be interconvertible, right? But that's a default we have from C. And I think the question of whether something is default constructible, and by the way, this is another one of the first six pages of EOP, is the notion of regularity, right? Like you have all these operations that are like, if you're like an int, you're regular, and that allows you to reason about your code.
Starting point is 00:32:29 And in particular, to do local reasoning about your code, because you don't have to worry about things like the semantics of the code, plus where do all these guys live in memory? This one over here, that one over there. Well, she lives over here and he lives over there. I don't know if the alias to the same thing. Like local reasoning is enabled by saying well i can see the values and i see how they're used and the semantics of the the
Starting point is 00:32:51 operations that i'm doing is all i have to care about i have to care about lifetime and other things like this um so the reason that default constructability is in there even though it's not actually required for any of the algorithms in the STL like everything everything else in in regular is actually required to to operate with everything in the STL and so you can see why that's a useful definition for someone who's going to write something like the STL so someone asked Alex Stepanov one time like why is that in there it's not it's not required unlike everything else he He said, well, it sure is convenient. And to me, that's enough because, you know, part of that first six pages, he says, like, you know, you need to not just write, like, a basis of operations that, like, could work sometime. And the example he gives is, like, what if you have a mathy kind of type, right?
Starting point is 00:33:40 So it does arithmetic operations. Well, you could provide, like, minus but not plus, like binary minus but not binary plus. And you could say, well, you just negate it. Yeah, it's in there, right? So, yeah, okay, you could do that, but it's incredibly inconvenient. It's a type that you want to use for math, so you should be able to do that. And I think default constructability goes under the same rubric, like is it convenient? And if not, then why not?
Starting point is 00:34:06 So I think there are some types that really you cannot default construct because it doesn't make sense, right? So something like a lock, I know there are patterns that people come up with where like they want a default constructed lock. But I think really the 99.9% cases, the reason I'm constructing a lock is so that in its lifetime, it holds the lock and that's what it's for and it shouldn't do anything else. So I think that that should be not default constructable. But I think most things we should definitely have regularity as part of them. And in particular, since that statement from Stepanoff, we now have move semantics in the language. Because that was an old interview, I think.
Starting point is 00:34:38 But now the argument to me is both convenience, the Stepanoff answer, but my new answer is, can you move this thing? If you can't move it, then yeah, let's talk about it, whether it's default construct. But if you can move it, I don't want to hear this, it changes the invariance because the invariance are already that way. Like you have a move from state that you have to reason about. We don't have, unfortunately, a destroying move operation in C++ where when you move something, it's gone. I don't have to reason about it anymore. I think that's a better semantic, but we don't have that. The fact that I've got this thing around and I have to have that in a set of things that I'm reasoning about when I look at the value because it was moved from, that means that I have to be able to reason about that before
Starting point is 00:35:25 it's got a value as well. So I don't think there's anything wrong or messy about that. I don't think it weakens invariance in the way that people claim that it does. I just don't think it's a big deal. Yeah, I tend to agree. Yeah. And I've had the same argument with a lot of people, a lot of very smart people. And in some case, I'm the only one in the discussion that thinks this. And so I know it's not a popular opinion amongst especially a lot of the sort of thought leaders in the community, but I really think it's the right answer. Thanks for listening. We hope you enjoyed and have a great day.

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