Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs - Episode 144: 🇸🇮 SRT23 - Nigeria, Here We Come! (and How Bryce Almost Died)

Episode Date: August 25, 2023

In this episode, Conor and Bryce record live from Slovenia, Croatia and Italy while driving and chat about next year’s 2024 Nigeria Road Trip as well as Bryce’s near death experience. This episode... is very light on the technical content (so feel free to skip).Link to Episode 144 on WebsiteDiscuss this episode, leave a comment, or ask a question (on GitHub)TwitterADSP: The PodcastConor HoekstraBryce Adelstein LelbachShow NotesDate Recorded: 2023-06-21Date Released: 2023-08-25PiranFireship Java YouTube Video (Java is mounting a huge comeback)Run for the Fun of It PodcastHaskell Programming LanguageClojure Programming LanguageIntro Song InfoMiss You by Sarah Jansen Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0Free Download / Stream: promoted by Audio Library

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I did think that momentarily we lost Bryce because when he slipped and fell. Although he did just kill a spider for me, a little that was in the car a little while ago. Give me the mic, give me the mic. Get some Haskell folks on, get some closure folks on. We, the only place that we know for certain that we want to go on this trip is Nigeria, but we're very open to going to other. We encountered many naked people. I have been pretty concerned every time you have boldly dove into the water.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Welcome to ADSP The Podcast, episode 144, recorded on June 21st, 2023. My name is Connor, and today with my co-host Bryce, we continue to record live from our Slovenia 2023 road trip from three different countries today, Slovenia, Croatia, and Italy. In today's episode, we talk about our plans for our upcoming 2024 road trip to Nigeria and potentially other African countries, as well as recap the story of how Bryce almost died. But why shorter talks? Wait, are we recording now? Yeah. Listen, folks.
Starting point is 00:01:17 Brian! We're not going to have time to do the full intro. Let's just... I want to talk about this. No. Okay, we'll talk about it. But, folks, we're on our way to Croatia. We just
Starting point is 00:01:27 left Peran. Absolutely beautiful. We'll talk about it more later, because this is just a short recording, and we are going to talk about lots of things about Peran. Like, I kind of tried to kill me. Just a little teaser. Listen, that was your detour you wanted to take. Don't at me for almost falling off a cliff
Starting point is 00:01:44 and dying, okay? That was all on you. We will give you the full story on that later. But when we were in Paran on the tip of the Istrian Peninsula, we had a pretty brilliant idea, I think. I wouldn't go as far to say that, but we were having, we were,
Starting point is 00:02:00 we'll recap the truffle dinner. I think it was supposed to be five course. It ended up being four. Yeah, whatever happened in that fifth course? I don't know. But the truffle ice cream. It was good enough that it didn't matter. Absolutely amazing. And in the midst of this dinner, after quite a few glasses of wine, before the grappa, I'm sorry for shooting it.
Starting point is 00:02:17 I'd never heard a grappa before like 24 hours ago. Even I knew what grappa was and I had never drank alcohol. Listen, I am not a big hard alcohol person. I don't like shots. I don't like hard alcohol. I don't know the difference between whiskey and scotch. I apologize to all the fine Italian people. Anyways, we'll talk about that more later. Right now, we're chatting about our quote-unquote brilliant idea, as Bryce called it, which is our 2024 road trip. That's road trip in quotes because that's just the term we're going to use now for our international tours. But there will not be a road trip component of this trip for reasons that will become evident.
Starting point is 00:02:59 Yeah, so we're probably not going to do this annually. But until, you know, while we both don't have children and, you know, dependents and whatnot, we might as well take advantage of it. So, for the time being, annual road trip 2024 taking place in the continent of Africa. Woo! Yeah. We're going to go to Nigeria. We're going to go to Kenya. What are the other countries that we're going to go to?
Starting point is 00:03:21 I think our itinerary is going to be we're going to fly into Morocco, maybe spend a day there. And then we're going to go to Nigeria, probably go to a few different cities in Nigeria. And then we're going to go to Kenya. And then I think we're going to go home. Yeah, not finalize the plans. We still got to do some research. The goal here is we want to go to all of the nascent growing
Starting point is 00:03:47 tech hubs in Nigeria because this trip this was mostly just for the two of us for fun, but a couple times during the trip we've said to ourselves, you know, it would have been really cool to have had a meetup with you know, like maybe in Ljubljana, it would have
Starting point is 00:04:04 been cool to have had a meetup with some local C++ developers, talk to some people, talk to some of these fans that have made us the eighth largest tech podcast in Slovenia. We don't have fans. We have listeners. We have listeners, not fans. That's right. I have fans. Connor doesn't have fans.
Starting point is 00:04:18 I do not have fans. I don't want fans. I just want people. I don't even, if people want to listen, they can listen, you know? Yeah. But so then we were thinking, talking about where do we go next. And Connor had this great idea that, you know, we should, next time we should plan ahead. We should set up some meetups and some talks at some universities and, you know, connect with some people.
Starting point is 00:04:41 And we thought that it would be great to do it in some areas that are developing into big tech hubs, maybe areas that have been underlooked by the tech industry. And for us to go there and partner with some locals who are in tech and to put together some meetups where we give a couple talks and then maybe we get some locals to give a couple talks and meet some people. And so that's the idea. And our first, our immediate thought was, well, we should do this in Africa. The one place that I think we know for sure we want to go to is Nigeria because it is a very large country.
Starting point is 00:05:21 We actually have this podcast. How large? Because remember, folks, I don't care. I'll figure out what episode it was. But at some point, I said that I knew the five most populous countries. And I think I got the top four in the correct order. But then I couldn't get the fifth. And the fifth was Nigeria at 200 million people, which is like right behind the United States.
Starting point is 00:05:39 It's like, what is the U.S.? It's 130 million or 330 million last time I checked. And yeah, Nigeria. I wouldn't even – is it correct to even call it nascent at this point? I feel like Nigeria might be one of the biggest like tech capitals. There's the U.S. and then what after? China? I definitely think it is.
Starting point is 00:06:00 But I think that it is a new enough phenomenon and tech in Africa in general is a new enough phenomenon that it's not traditionally a place that you think of as being a big tech hub. We are driving and there's a tractor on the side of the road that is blocking traffic that seems
Starting point is 00:06:20 to be having some problems. But yeah, I mean, it's a big country. We, both Connor and I personally know a number of younger, absolutely brilliant programmers from Nigeria, some who are in Nigeria, some who were born and raised in Nigeria and now are in other places. And we think it'd be a great location.
Starting point is 00:06:45 So I think our goal is we're going to try to connect with universities and maybe companies in particular to try to plan and organize some of these meetups and events. I mean, I think it's better to try and partner with a local tech company because as cool as it would be to go to a university, that's less exciting for, I think, both students slash tech professionals. When I'm in Silicon Valley, it's way
Starting point is 00:07:14 cooler to go do the LinkedIn HQ in Sunnyvale, which has a really cool meet-up presentation spot, and they always got good food. Versus uh versus like it's cool to go to stanford and palo alto but uh not as cool as going to linkedin hq we are we are about 20 meters from the uh slovenian croatian border so in just a moment we are going to be in croatia
Starting point is 00:07:41 assuming that there's no sort of security check here. Not sure what's going on. I think we're good. Everybody else seems to be driving through. And I don't believe we need that little sticker thing. Four, three, two, one. Bye, Slovenia. We'll be back in a couple hours. Actually, according to the Google Maps, I'm pretty sure that this is the checkpoint that's
Starting point is 00:08:02 before the border. I'm pretty sure the border is. Right, folks. That was nuts. Yeah, we are still in... Alright, we'll do that again. Five, four,
Starting point is 00:08:17 three, two, one. Happy Croatia! I do believe we are now in Croatia It feels good Let's get some of that Croatia air Woohoo Yeah
Starting point is 00:08:33 That's pretty nice Croatia The soccer team that never dies Because they always make it To the semifinals of the World Cup Even though their team Is of questionable talent compared to some of the other teams. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 00:08:51 I mean, that's just a fact. That's just a fact. We're not going to turn this into a football episode. I mentioned the word soccer while I was at dinner a couple nights ago, and they were like, ah, we know where you're from now. You're not from here because it is football, not soccer. All right. Well, fortunately, this episode won't're from now. You're not from here because it is football, not soccer. All right. Well, fortunately, this episode won't air until after we're out of Croatia,
Starting point is 00:09:09 so we don't have to worry about getting, you know, murdered by some excited Croatian soccer fans. Well, what are you saying about the people of Croatia that they're going to come and... I'm saying that the people... What I am saying is that the people of Croatia, I'm certain, would defend the honor of their soccer team. And I feel good about that statement. That's true.
Starting point is 00:09:29 That's true. But anyways, so yes, we were talking about what sort of talks should we give on this 2024 Africa trip. And what did you suggest? Bryce doing a terrible job with the mic. Just disappointed me the whole time while he's talking. But I'll repeat what he said in case it was not audible. We were chatting about what would be a good topic. So I think the format is going to be shorter talks in order to leave some time for more of a Q&A, AMA.
Starting point is 00:10:00 I think students specifically, I'm not sure if the tech professionals are going to have, you know, questions and whatnot. But if my guess is that there's, what are you doing? Are you kidding me? I had my blinker on my guy. All right. Well, I tried to make a left-hand turn into a merge lane and this guy just whipped around me. First of all, it's not a left-hand turn because you weren't turning, you were merging. Merging. It's a left-hand merge because you weren't turning, you were merging. Merging,
Starting point is 00:10:27 it's a left-hand merge. Look at that, it's beautiful. That is beautiful. Yeah, that's where we just were. Oh, I meant the airport that we can see. No, I was just kidding. It is absolutely gorgeous here on the Istrian Peninsula. Anyway, so I think shorter talks, probably like 20 minutes, 30 minutes,
Starting point is 00:10:43 I think a good topic would be, you you know how to uh things you can do easy things you can do to make yourself marketable to companies whether that your plan is to stay in nigeria or if you're trying to travel abroad things like you know get up projects etc and then we also want to give the opportunity i'm not sure how we would do that uh how to choose a couple students or people to give also sort of 20, 30-minute talks. Or maybe we just do like a bunch of lightning talks. We try and highlight a bunch of stuff. That's a good idea. And also, too, I mean, we said talk to the local C++ talent.
Starting point is 00:11:18 But in another conversation, we were talking about how, I mean, we've said this across multiple episodes but we always fail to uh sort of stay true to this is that we want to make this more of a poly polyglot podcast than being just c plus plus as uh first class language and then you know uh rust as a you know you know second tier uh i think we want to try, you know, get some Haskell folks on, get some Clojure folks on, you know, even maybe talk to the Java people, you know? Talk to Java. And, yeah, that's the basic idea. Hey, I hear that Java
Starting point is 00:11:55 has Instance main now or whatever. You can write main as a function so that their hello world is nicer. Java 21, we'll link it in the show notes, folks. Making a comeback. There's a couple different videos. I think one was from Fireship on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:12:10 Another one is from also Fireship. If you're listening, which I don't think you are, you stole my YouTube channel name and my handle. You can't just go and make a code report series because now anytime someone Googles code report, that's the first thing that comes up. Back off. Back off, Fireship. I know where you live. first thing that comes up. Back off. Back off, fire ship. I know where you live. I know where you live. Connor does not know where you live.
Starting point is 00:12:29 No, no. I don't know where you live. And I assure you, even if he did, he's a gentle giant. Although he did just kill a spider for me. Oh, that was in the car a little while ago. Oh, yeah. Give me the mic. Give me the mic.
Starting point is 00:12:39 Wait. I got to make this left-hand turn. All right. We made the left-hand turn successfully. Holy smokes, folks. We've learned a lot about Bryce on this trip. I think I have been very upfront that I am a sissy about spiders. Man.
Starting point is 00:12:52 Yeah, we've learned a lot about Bryce, but holy smokes, did I see... I'm not even sure I would call you a full-grown man. Whatever you are, crumbled into a small baby. This dude was quivering, and we were like halfway up a parking exiting the parking this dude exited the vehicle and was like you got to deal with that for me man and i was like what what are we doing man we're both in our 30s this is this this is a this is a fear so so serious and and and so deep in me that i'm not even embarrassed about it that it's just like okay like i just i want the whole world to know so that I never have to be exposed to a spider.
Starting point is 00:13:28 So that everybody will understand that this is like, yes, I am a small, in-frame child when it comes to spiders. Anyways, kind of dealt with it. And in Perron, they had some exhibit, some spider exhibit at their local museum. And they had posters for it everywhere. And I think it scarred me a little bit. I also do want to talk about how that spider got into this car, but you know what? We're going to leave that be. Anyways, back to the road trip.
Starting point is 00:13:51 Before we move on, though, arachnophobia is the fear of spiders, correct? And then I think acrophobia is the fear of heights. What is agoraphobia? I can never remember that. That's the one where you're afraid of leaving your house. Is it? Yeah. Yeah can never remember that. That's the one where you're afraid of leaving your house. Is it? Yeah. Yeah, I find that fascinating.
Starting point is 00:14:09 I love words, love Scrabble, and I always find the fears of topics. I think acrophobia, that's the fear of heights, right? I think so, yeah. Because Acropolis is a building with a tall spire. So I think acro means... Yeah, yeah. And acrobats are jumping through the air. So that makes sense. I did also take two years of Latin in college.
Starting point is 00:14:30 Not sure that they did anything for me. But that's what I seem to recall. Anyway, so... Yep. 2024. So... What are we going to... Because we called it the Slovenia road trip.
Starting point is 00:14:43 And Slovenia is a country. And so we can't really call it 2023 Africa road trip because Africa is a continent. But we're going to go to multiple countries. So do we call it the Nigeria road trip even though we're going to be in Africa? Well, I think this is the part where we may need to ask for some help from our listeners. First of all, the only place that we know for certain that we want to go on this trip is Nigeria. But we're very open to going to other places. I also know that there's a lot of tech in Kenya.
Starting point is 00:15:12 So Kenya is also somewhat on the list. But I would say if you have a recommendation for good countries for us to stop in. Please let us know. Also, if you are in Africa or have ties to Africa and maybe know people who could help us organize some of these meetups, please let us know. We're just starting
Starting point is 00:15:38 to plan this thing. We're looking for ideas, obviously. How many countries in Africa? I have no idea. 54. 54. And we can't go to all of them. Yes. Equatorial Guinea, Chad, Niger.
Starting point is 00:15:50 I used to, I memorized once all 54 African countries. Yes. We should say, you know, we are two privileged white males from Northern America. We know very little about Africa. What? Speak for yourself. Connor, are you not a privileged white male? Oh, no, I am definitely a privileged white male from North America.
Starting point is 00:16:09 It doesn't mean I don't know that much about Africa. I am going to be more humble and say that I don't think that I know that much about Africa and that we definitely are looking for suggestions and recommendations on how to do this. The only thing that I'm fairly certain of is that we will connect through Morocco on our way in, simply because that is the easiest way for me to get us there on airline miles, and that we want to spend some time in Nigeria. And that there will probably not be a driving component of this trip because I do not think that we are qualified to drive through Africa. I think it's going to be easier to fly from country to country than it is going to be to drive from country to country. And, is this correct?
Starting point is 00:17:01 Yeah, this is correct. I know that most of Africa is completely lovely, but there are definitely certain countries that you want to stay clear of. I'm not going to name any, but you know who you are. Yes. Well, I think we're going to probably, whichever country is going, we're going to probably try to hire a local guide so that we don't get ourselves into trouble. Anyways, we'll figure all this out. We'll figure it all out. All right. So we've got to sign off for now because we're getting pretty close to the scenic viewpoint
Starting point is 00:17:33 in Croatia that we came here for. So the plan for today is we're going to go check out one or two things in Croatia, most of which we can say that we've been to Croatia. And then we're going to take a scenic drive to Venice. And this is the last day of the road trip, really. Yeah. Alright. Well, let's sign off.
Starting point is 00:17:53 Peace! Peace? Oh, man. Hello from the wonderful, beautiful country of Italy! Listen, folks, it is, we're back. It's day four, second time recording. We recorded a short episode when we went from Slovenia to Croatia.
Starting point is 00:18:29 It's the Slovenia 2023 road trip. We are on the final leg of our journey en route to Venice. We are in Italy, on the highways of Italy, and we're pretty excited. We've been to three different countries in the last couple hours here, Slovenia, Croatia, and Italy. I won't do my Italian accent that I was doing in the car a while ago, as it is culturally insensitive. And I also, once again, would like to apologize to all of our Italian listeners. I did not know that you were supposed to sip the grappa, and I did start sipping it, because that's what I figured you were supposed to do, but I'll be honest, it was terrible, and I just wanted to get it over with, and I thought that was an alternative method. But we apologize to all of the Italians that live in Italy and outside of Italy and to the country as a whole.
Starting point is 00:19:06 I will not ever shoot a grappa again. Did we talk about the beautiful dinner? We did talk about the beautiful dinner. But I don't think we talked about... No, no, no. We did not? No, no, no. We said we mentioned a bunch of stuff.
Starting point is 00:19:21 We mentioned Bryce almost losing his life. We mentioned our truffle dinner. But now, listeners... And Connor nearly dove into a rock today. We're going to cover that too. Oh, no, no, I didn't. No, I didn't. That's not true. So we are going to recap day three. It's day four today. We're going to recap day three, which was eventful. It certainly was eventful. How do we start off day three? We started off day three by gallivanting around the beautiful city of Ljubljana. We went to meet meet. I think we already talked about that. And then we got in the car.
Starting point is 00:19:58 I think we recorded an episode yesterday. So we don't need to recap that stuff. So we were en route to Piran on the beautiful coast of Slovenia. It's only a tiny little sliver. Slovenia's only got a little tiny bit, but they still got it. And it's quite a nice bit.
Starting point is 00:20:15 It is quite beautiful. I petted a cat this morning. Love it. For about a minute. It was a beautiful kitten. Beautiful kitten. We love the kittens. We love, we love the kittens. We love them. They're very soft and cute and they make us very happy. This
Starting point is 00:20:31 is, this is exactly the content that our listener, our listener is looking for. So, uh, then we went for a little bit of an excursion after we got to Praan, which proved to be unwise. So we were going to walk over to this area, Moon Bay, and we decided we were going to walk instead of driving, which was perhaps our first mistake. So we just looked on Google Maps, and there was a route on Google Maps, and it looked like it was nice, but then there was one part of it where I suggested, well, maybe we can just go by the coast here, even though Google Maps says to not do that. And what happened, Connor? What happened was, you know, it's important.
Starting point is 00:21:14 We need to really over-index on we had a route. It was a 5.8-kilometer route. And Bryce, for the last kilometer, did not want to take Google's recommendation. And listen, folks, it's been four days of traveling with Bryce. If you want to have a positive traveling experience with Bryce, you have to learn to just, you know, go with the flow. Bryce is a, he's a sensitive soul. You know, the more, the breakfast provided by the hotel this morning was not up to the Royal Highness's standards. So we abandoned the breakfast. And then we couldn't find anything.
Starting point is 00:21:54 And you know what? That's fine. That's fine. But the point is, is Bryce wanted to go along the beach. So we went along the beach first. We encountered many naked people. It was a nudist beach. So we went along the beach. First, we encountered many naked people. It was a nudist beach. There was some speculation by Connor that perhaps it was called Moon Bay because people
Starting point is 00:22:11 would be mooning there. I think that is probably unlikely. But yes, there was a nudist beach. And we walked by. We were, I think, quite respectful. We were very respectful. We were just trying to get to our destination. Yes. And Bryce was concerned. He did ask me at one point, is it considered disrespectful that we are not nude? Clearly, Bryce, not familiar with how the nude beaches work.
Starting point is 00:22:39 Because you obviously have spent a ton of time at nude beaches. I have not, but I did spend, I did spend six years in Vancouver and there's a famous, when I was studying and there's a famous beach called rec beach by UBC that's nude. And we used to go, uh, not frequently, but every once in a while we would go on family walks that happened to go by, but usually it was like early in the morning and there weren't too many people out. So anyways, I ha I just have had experiences. You're allowed to walk through new beaches as long as you're not being, you know So anyways, I just have had experiences. You're allowed to walk through nude beaches as long as you're not being, you know,
Starting point is 00:23:08 impolite or anything. It's totally fine. Anyways, we got past the nude beach, right at the end of the nude beach. The rocky sort of, you know, it was about a five meter, a five meter beach that we were walking along kind of disappeared and we had to go up a hill.
Starting point is 00:23:27 More of a cliff than a hill. It was halfway between a hill and a cliff. And I will note that there was no discussion about whether we were going to go up it. Connor just raced up the hill. And I expressed my concerns that this was an unwise path for us to take. And that we should maybe reconsider our plans. First of all, first of all, folks, I didn't race up the hill. If you, if I was racing, you'd know, you'd know. Okay. I'm real fast when I race and I wasn't racing up no hill. In fact, if anything, I was
Starting point is 00:23:57 quite cautious because I do agree. It was quite, uh, quite steep and, uh, I saw no such caution. Okay, well, I was being cautious. But, you know, I'm at one in the wilderness and I was not intimidated and I wanted to get to this Moon Bay and it looked beautiful in the photos. We actually did see it today. We drove up and then forced a lady to drive backwards
Starting point is 00:24:20 for a while. Very unclear where one parks at this Moon Bay and we went on a very rural one-way road and did some very intense maneuvering to get up and then back down and were unable to find a place to park and then to go hike down to it but we decided that Moon Bay had defeated us twice and we would just have to come back some other time. Yep. So we did see it from afar. And spoiler, kind of, that we did not end up making it to Moon Bay yesterday. And so at a certain point, we realized that there's no path at the edge of this cliff.
Starting point is 00:24:57 It's got a pretty steep drop-off on the left. And so we sort of cut in, but then it didn't look too, it wasn't too clear if there was a path, because Google said that there was an alternative path, but it clearly wasn't where we were. And then at some point we said, okay, we've got to go back down, or Bryce, you know, starts to go back down. And then? Then I slipped and fell maybe, I don't know, 10, 15 feet. And I hurt myself a little bit, got a couple scratches on my arm, didn't get my finger. But in my defense, in my defense, one, I said this is a bad idea to go up there.
Starting point is 00:25:37 Two, I was the one carrying the bag, and it was not a proper hiking bag. It was just a bag over my shoulder. And the weight of that, I think, made it a little bit tricky to essentially climb up this cliff, which we were attempting to do. And three, the trail shoes that I had with me are on their last limb. They've got a pretty substantial hole in the sole, and the treads are worn down and this is going to be their last trip and i was not anticipating the need to uh climb up a cliff uh although connor connor seemed uh connor seemed to be very interested in doing that listen folks we got a couple things to clear up here one is that when bryce says the bag which makes it sound like it's a it's a shared common bag. It's his bag, okay?
Starting point is 00:26:25 I did not have a bag because I didn't need a bag. All I brought was a towel. It had all of the things that you might need as well, like a phone charger and, you know, a phone and wallet in case we needed to pay for things. Those are not all your things. No, no, the other things. Those are not all your things.
Starting point is 00:26:41 Yes, but look, it's always good to come prepared. If I needed something, I'd run back. No big deal. Okay your things. Yes. But look, it's always good to come prepared. If I needed something, I'd run back. No big deal. Okay, okay. Anyways, long story short, we eventually got down. Whoa, whoa, whoa. We're not done. We're not done with this. From my point of view, folks, you've got to understand.
Starting point is 00:26:56 I did think that momentarily we lost Bryce because when he slipped and fell, it's a very steep hill. And below us were just a bunch of trees and, like, sort of bushes. So you got to understand, within a second, he slipped, fell down the mountain, and started sliding away. And there was a lot more to go. He could have gone, instead of just 10 or 15 feet, he could have gone, like, a full 30 or 40. I caught a hold of him. And he caught a hold of something. But I'm just watching Bryce disappear.
Starting point is 00:27:24 And I'm thinking, oh, shit, like, I killed Bryce. Technically, it would have been his own fault. Nope, it was definitely Connor's fault. Connor went up there. I felt obligated to fall. You were the one that did not fall attention. Right, right. That was correct, but I did not make the decision to go up the cliff.
Starting point is 00:27:39 You made that decision. I'm just saying. We wouldn't have been in that situation in the first place if we just listened to google that is true i will admit that anyways it was all good at the end of the day i did i did ask bryce if he needed to go to the hospital which uh it was definitely not that level of uh of injury however i uh i did in the moment you were uh i was concerned yes yeah um yeah it was uh Yeah, it was not great. But then this morning, when we were in Croatia, we went and swam off of the Istrian Peninsula, the Croatian part,
Starting point is 00:28:16 and it was beautiful. The water was gorgeous, perfect temperature. But everywhere that we've gone that's had water, Connor has just decided to just dive right in without, I think, really giving any appropriate consideration to whether or not it is a safe spot to dive. No. And this day, he did two dives, and on the second dive, there was some slipping of the
Starting point is 00:28:41 feet, and there was maybe some concern that you were going to crack your skull in the water, which I've been worried about all week. First of all, first of all, to say that I took no consideration is absolutely false. I got in the water before I dived to check how deep it was because— You did not do that at Blood Lake. I didn't at Blood Lake, but that's because I could visually tell. I could visually tell. That water was so clear, and, yeah, so I didn't at Blood Lake, but that's because I could visually tell. I could visually tell. That water was so clear. And, yes, I didn't at Blood Lake.
Starting point is 00:29:09 This one, it was, you've got to understand, is that the coast of Croatia and Slovenia where we have been has been completely rocks and rocky. And where we were in Croatia, it's definitely, it was definitely pretty, like, you know, rocky. Anyways, there was this, like, little boat launch where on the edges you could walk out. But I hopped in the water, checked how deep it was. It was about, you know, 1.5 meters, I'd say.
Starting point is 00:29:35 Which is definitely not great. Not great. But as long as you're doing a shallow dive, which I, of course, know how to do. You're all good. First dive was fantastic, wonderful. And the second dive, my feet slipped a little bit. So it wasn't, I didn't execute well. And it could have been bad.
Starting point is 00:29:57 It wasn't. I just thought to myself, you know what? Even though we got 1.5 meters here, the rock is a little bit too wet. So no more dives. And for you to put that in the same category, I'm completely unscathed. No injuries, no blood. I wouldn't even call it a near miss. I have been pretty concerned every time you have boldly dove into the water.
Starting point is 00:30:24 But then what else did we do we we drove we drove from croatia back into slovenia and then uh we drove through the city of truste and then we stopped briefly at a castle um miramar castle i think all right along the coast it was beautiful and lovely. And now we are about an hour out from Venice. And we're going to go to Venice. We're going to meet up with one of my friends and get some dinner.
Starting point is 00:30:54 Check out Venice. Maybe try to find one of those little boats with the men who serenade you as they butcher around the city. What do we think about that? That sounds fantastic. Never been to Venice. I'm also, I have to say,
Starting point is 00:31:08 I mean, this is not my running podcast. I have a running podcast for those that care. Run for the fun of it. But this morning I also did go for a very short 7K run because I wanted to wake up at 6, but thanks to the grappa, I forgot to set my alarm and only woke up at 7.30, and we didn't have that much time
Starting point is 00:31:25 because we needed to get on the road. But I ended up running 84 streets this morning which is for seven kilometers absolutely ridiculous. We love we love these little Roman-esque cities with small back alleyways because they're so road and street dense and so looking forward to venice we're going to be going on a couple big runs as soon as bryce leaves we can get back to running uh our our full distances 15k 20k very excited for venice and uh yeah now we can switch to because we didn't talk about this on the pod what was it a couple days ago when we were chatting in the car and we were talking about some algorithm stuff and I asked Bryce. And so now I'll put it to the listener.
Starting point is 00:32:09 If you're washing dishes, if you're on a run, if you're on a walk, or if you're just sitting on the couch or sitting in a chair in the backyard enjoying the sunshine, think about this. So we've got... Tune in next week to hear our discussion of this algorithm problem. Be sure to check the show notes either in your podcast app or at for links to any of the things we mentioned in today's episode, as well as a GitHub discussion where you can leave questions, comments, or thoughts. Thanks for listening. We hope you enjoyed and have a great day. Low quality, high quantity. That is the tagline of our podcast. It's not the tagline.
Starting point is 00:32:47 Our tagline is chaos with sprinkles of information.

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