Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs - Episode 41: I Apologize To Listeners

Episode Date: September 3, 2021

In this episode, Bryce and Conor have a casual catch up and talk about totally random non-technical things.Date Recorded: 2021-09-01Date Released: 2021-09-03CredenzaCredenza Twitter PollTI-BASICvcpkgB...agelBialyHungarian flagMexican flagIntro Song InfoMiss You by Sarah Jansen Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0Free Download / Stream: promoted by Audio Library

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I apologize to listeners. That's the title of the episode. I apologize to listeners. It goes with your credenza. It does go with my credenza. The bed frame and the credenza are both walnut. Listeners, I really love walnut. Welcome to ADSP, the podcast, episode 41, recorded on September 1st, 2021. My name is Connor, and today with my co-host Bryce, we have a casual catch-up where we talk about credenzas, walnuts, bagels, bialis, and so much more.
Starting point is 00:00:44 If you're only interested in technical content, feel free to skip this episode. Holy smokes, ladies and gentlemen. Bryce has decided to join. I had to unpack the microphone in my defense. In your defense. Then I had to reassemble the microphone in my defense in your defense and i had to then i had to reassemble the microphone stand and and let me tell you while the blue yeti is a very good microphone the microphone stand does not live up to price standards it's like impossible to get it like
Starting point is 00:01:21 really tight what else oh and then the freaking pop filter that you made me get which some people have some people have said oh i can't wait until price gets a pop filter guess what i have a pop filter my voice is just very crack and poppy oh i guess we're gonna have to bleep that explicit content don't worry i'll put like i'll put a little duck quack in there crack yes um but so the pop filter that you made me get there's no obvious place to attach this pop filter to the microphone and then finally i get the thing assembled and i'm like well i don't have any i i have no functional furniture in my manhattan apartment i have i have a very expensive designer credenza and like that's the least functional piece of my
Starting point is 00:02:20 furniture that was of course the one the first piece to arrive i have two two counter stools and i have um a bed but not not not not the bed that i ordered i have like a hundred dollar bed frame that i ordered because the bed that i ordered doesn't show up until january wait so pause pause for me and probably 95% of our listeners. What is a credenza? I mean, this is coming from, this is not me. Bryce, for those of you, I think he's mentioned it. He orders his cocoa from like, you know, some factory in the northern Alps of whatever.
Starting point is 00:03:02 That's a Sherpa takes it down off the mountain and then, you know, gets, you know, ferried across, blah, blah, blah. So it's actually British. Whatever. Close enough. You get your cocoa from a different continent. You don't know what a credenza is? I've never even heard the word credenza.
Starting point is 00:03:24 If I had to guess i would i would guess although i might not guess this because i do happen to know most of like the ferrari or lamborghini names but it sounds like a like an elite like mclaren type like name of a car like the ferrari credenza 2021 you know it's like you know what like they're also called like a sideboard or a buffet a buffet i've heard of those where you show up and you get all the different options or it's like a wedding option do you want the you want the plated you know 69 ahead or do you want the buffet 59 different that's a different a different type of buffet. A credenza, it's like a dining room cabinet.
Starting point is 00:04:18 So it's a cabinet type of thing that you'd put in your dining room to store, you know. It's mostly like a display piece, but like you might store your fancy dishes and points you can also use them as like a tv stand um uh which is what i will potentially be doing with my credenza although i wouldn't actually put a tv on my credenza because that would be like that would be a real crime i'm sure it could probably support supported tv but it's like spanish and it's all walnut it's very nice i'm very happy with it i feel like i'm gonna i'm gonna do the first adsp twitter poll do you know have you heard of have you heard of or do you know what a credenza is is it c-r-e-d-e-n-z-a course. Of course every civilized person knows what a credenza is. Jeez, look at that privilege just oozing out of your pores.
Starting point is 00:05:10 Every civilized person knows what a credenza is. Look at this guy. Moves to New York. It's been, what, like a week? And just this nyaka. I'm walking here. I got my credenza. I got my bed frame.
Starting point is 00:05:25 It's being ordered and going to show up in the next. No, no, no, no. This bed frame is just the temporary bed frame that costs like $100. But it looks good for like $100 bed frame. Like it looks good. But the actual one is back ordered until January. But I fell in love with it so i'm gonna you gotta wait for the good stuff you gotta wait for the good stuff it goes with your credenza
Starting point is 00:05:50 it does go with my credenza the bed frame the bed frame and the credenza are both walnut listeners i really love walnut usually i'd say if you're gonna get me a gift get me consumable things because i live in a small apartment um and so like things that i can eat or like you know stuff stuff stuff that i don't have to think about storing but if you do want to get me something uh uh you know more permanent you can't go wrong with walnut. It is my favorite wood. I know it's not one of the higher-end woods. It's actually one of the less expensive woods, which is why you can get almost anything in walnut. But I just love walnut furniture.
Starting point is 00:06:39 I just really love it. And in fact, I had a conversation with my decorator where I was like, do I have too much walnut? Of course I have a decorator. Do you not have a decorator? How do you decide what furniture to purchase if you don't have a decorator? Oh my God. I had a conversation with my decorator where I was like, am I ordering too much walnut furniture for this apartment? Because there's a walnut bed. My coffee table, which is the one piece of furniture that I took from California, is walnut. My desk is walnut. The credenza, of course,
Starting point is 00:07:19 is walnut. The nightstands for the bed are walnut the dresser is walnut yeah so like pretty much all my furniture except for the bookshelves and the couch are walnut i really love walnut really really it's my favorite wood and so yeah i may have i may have gone a little bit overboard in the walnut and i may have too much walnut but um it's okay. It's okay. I have other ways to bring out the roots. Some accent blankets and rugs and pillows. Yeah, it'll be okay. Bryce and I, if you've been listening since episode zero, we do share a lot in common.
Starting point is 00:07:59 We first started programming in high school, both on a TI and TI basic on a TI calculator. Love algorithms. Bryce was kicked out of university. I arguably was kicked out of a university, depending on how you want to spin it. This is where we draw the similarity line. And so Bryce with his accent, pillows and carpets and credenza and decorator, everything in my apartment, except for my mattress, was acquired from other people. My desk is a friend's brother's that he
Starting point is 00:08:37 was going to throw away. I got my couch, my TV, my coffee table from my sister when she moved to Calgary. I have like eight or nine plants now. Those are all from my sister, my coffee table from my sister when she moved to Calgary. I have like eight or nine plants now. Those are all from my sister slash my other friend that just moved back to Vancouver. I do not have a decorator. You would be very... I can connect you with my decorator. I do not need a decorator. No, that is not something... I think you would be... My walls are completely blank blank i don't have anything hanging on yeah i have been noticing that and i've been needing to have a conversation with you about why you need to get you some art we don't need to the art is the the trees outside it's beautiful go for a run
Starting point is 00:09:18 no your walls are um your walls are it looks like a crime scene man we're gonna have to call this episode just a casual catch up for the first like little 20 minutes here because this is not sure the content that our listeners
Starting point is 00:09:38 I'm sure they'll appreciate it anyway so how's the for those of you that haven't clued in bryce is now in new york um the move is done how did it go uh no no the move is not done i am in the apartment but as we've established i only have a bed a temporary bed frame mattress, two counter stools, and a credenza. My stuff from California has not yet arrived. And my furniture will be trickling in throughout September and October. And then the bed will arrive in January.
Starting point is 00:10:19 So I won't really be fully moved in until like at least october when all the furniture gets here and then the bed is just sort of like you know one day they come and take the old bed out and then the next day they'll come and bring in the new bed so yeah i'm still sort of in the middle of moving because i don't have any stuff that sounds awful i hate moving yeah i mean i hate moving and i i i wish that uh that stuff was not going to take so long to arrive but like i had to decide between like getting stuff that was in stock or getting the stuff that i wanted and of course you know which choice i would make people at the store are like, oh, but that's going to take until January. And I'm like, okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:09 But no, it's going good. Yeah, I've been here just a week now. Having meals with a bunch of various C++ folks. I had dinner with Alistair, the former library working group chair, who lives like a couple blocks away from me, yesterday. And Nicole from the VC package team and I went and got bagels for breakfast today. That was fun. It's nice to be in the big city. Those second-class New York bagels.
Starting point is 00:11:49 Really? You want to go there? You want to start this? I'm just saying that to ruffle your feathers. I don't even understand the bagel debate to the bagel war. Well, it's very simple. In Canada, they produce bread rings that they do not, my understanding is they do not like properly fry ahead of time. They just like bake like savages. them bagels, which is just wrong. And in New York, real authentic bagels are manufactured. And many of the best bagel places are the, you know, the historically Jewish little shops,
Starting point is 00:12:39 which produce bagels in the way that they did back in the bakeries in Poland. So these are real authentic bagels. Bagels are from Poland? Yeah. And have you ever had a Bialy? I once again have never even heard of the word Bialy. Really? I've heard of a Bianchi.
Starting point is 00:13:04 A Bianchi? I think that's an italian bike it's um it's it's similar to a bagel um uh i i i don't i don't entirely know the difference but i think that bialy's have less flour in the bagel. Um, yeah. I'm not entirely sure what the difference is. Unlike a bagel, which is boiled before baking, a biali is simply baked, and instead of a hole in the middle, it has a depression.
Starting point is 00:13:38 Yeah, so like it's, and usually they put some stuff in the hole in the middle. Like, uh, some, uh, uh some like um caramelized onions or good stuff like that okay so so so the the canadian quote unquote bagel is probably closer to a bialy because it's not uh it's not boiled. It's simply baked. Well, next time I come down to New York, now that we're on the same time zone,
Starting point is 00:14:12 yeah, welcome to EST or EDT or whatever we're on. Yeah. You can introduce me to whatever, the proper New York bagel. I've had New york bagels bialy is definitely 100 um polish because they're named for the polish city of bialy stock or whatever i'm sure i pronounced that wrong i'm sure all of our polish listeners Polish listeners, mostly the one that works for me, will be composing to me on Slack a message right now explaining how I just butchered the pronunciation of that.
Starting point is 00:14:54 Does Mihal listen to this? I don't know. I don't think so. He's currently on vacation, so I think it's unlikely that he's listening to this one. Yeah. Right. But I'm pretty sure that Bagel is also, yeah, I'm almost certain Bagel's original origins are Poland.
Starting point is 00:15:16 Yeah. The Polish Jews. So, sorry, Canadians. You don't get to claim this one. I mean, I wasn't trying to. I was just, I know that's like a thing that happens on Twitter that I don't understand. So, I mean, I like food. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:34 One bagel's, I guess one bagel is not as good as the next bagel. That's correct. Proper bagels have to be produced in, you know, in New York. I mean, I guess Poland also probably makes better bagels have to be produced in, you know, in New York. I mean, I guess Poland also probably makes. Yeah, man. You need that New York water. You need that New York water. Makes them better. It's actually completely a myth. It's not. It's not at all true. I didn't even know that was a myth. Learning so much today.
Starting point is 00:16:02 Bialy's, Credenza's, apparently New York Water. There's a myth about bagels. Oh, oh, oh, wait, wait, wait. We didn't even get to the end of my story about my struggles in setting up the microphone. So I finally had the microphone assembled and then I go into the, I'm trying to figure out which room will have the least echo
Starting point is 00:16:22 and I go into the bedroom. There's still a pretty substantial echo. I wasn't going to do the Connor thing, though. The Connor thing would have been to produce this podcast episode in my closet. I mean, you should consider it. You should consider it. People are going to be like, yeah, Bryce, your audio quality has dropped. You all can wait a week or two for my mammoth couch to get clear to dampen the sound like relax
Starting point is 00:16:47 relax but then I realized because the way I have the microphone configured I don't know if you can see it and I'm now lifting it up which is gonna make the audio quality a lot worse
Starting point is 00:17:02 but as you can see it's a little bit top heavy. So the first thing I tried to do was to put it just on my bed, which I will do now. And as you can see, it just falls right over. Again, not great for the audio quality in this episode. So I'm like, all right, it's okay. I'll just put it on my laptop keyboard so then i start doing that but then i realized i had to like carefully balance it to not like be smashing a bunch of keys but uh i think i've figured that out now so we can uh we can now proceed proceed with recording our episode an hour and uh 45 minutes in 45 minutes in 45 minutes of which 28
Starting point is 00:17:48 minutes you were late you got to fix your camera too now I'm just staring at your mic but yeah it's the first time since July we didn't we didn't record a single episode in August hang on I got it you got it you got to see this you got to see this yes we didn't record a single episode.
Starting point is 00:18:06 Watch this. This is my favorite feature of the apartment. Okay. It's a remote control shades. It brings me great joy. It brings me great joy. It brings me great joy. The bathroom has a heated seat. A heated floor, which is very nice.
Starting point is 00:18:32 That is very nice, especially in the winter. And I'm pretty sure that the Mexican consulate is like right across the street from me because I'm pretty sure it's the Mexican flag that's flying from the top of it. Is that something you look for in property when uh i mean i i am quite near the uh the un actually no maybe i'm wrong maybe it's the italian
Starting point is 00:18:56 it's the it's the colors of the mexican flag but it's not exactly the mexican flag it's yeah i don't know what flag has red white and green in horizontal stripes i want to say hungary you think it's hungary no i'm checking up hungary flag if i get this right that'll be oh damn that's exactly correct um but there's nothing in the middle is there like a little emblem in the middle uh or is it just there's no little little emblem yeah i nailed it god damn look at that wow hungry yeah mexico is uh vertical with like a little yeah yeah little bird wow so that must be the Hungary. No. That can't be it. Because the size of that building.
Starting point is 00:19:52 Look, no offense to the great nation of Hungary. But I don't think that Hungary has quite so much real estate. Can you stop offending all of our listeners in different countries? You've offended Canada. You've offended Hungary. You were nice to Poland. That was nice. Although you probably mispronounced. Yeah, I probably offended the Polish in some way.
Starting point is 00:20:14 At ADSP, the podcast, I, Connor Hoekstra, apologize on behalf of all panelists or hosts that may or may not have offended your people. Speaking of what, what, what's the country where we were, where we were very popular. Oh, it was either. I think it was Slovakia. Slovakia. Yeah. We were like, we were like the number 17 podcast. I thought it was Slovenia. Or was it Slovenia? Oh God. We should probably know this
Starting point is 00:20:45 we also apologize to our either slovenian or slovakian listeners but yeah we were the we were like we're just ignorant americans it's been over it's been over a month since we've done this so clearly uh we're a bit out of practice uh or at least we're gonna blame it on bryce because what are you talking about this is going great i'm glad you think so so we should probably talk about some code yeah yeah yeah let's uh well first so we'll we'll end it there and then we'll start our new we'll start our new actual technical podcast so that last one was episode 41. I apologize to listeners. That's the title of the episode. I apologize to listeners. Yeah, I apologize to listeners or like Bryce can't set up a microphone, something like that, I think might be good. Because that was the overarching narrative that was told throughout.
Starting point is 00:21:47 Thanks for listening. We hope you enjoyed and have a great day.

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