All About Change - Sassy Show Stealer: Sammi Haney ('Esperanza', Netflix's Raising Dion)

Episode Date: March 30, 2021

When Netflix was looking for a funny nine-year-old wheelchair user - there were those who said that no such thing exists. Sammi Haney, a bright and sassy kid who was born with Osteogenesis Imperfecta ...Type III (or "Brittle Bone Disease") proved them wrong. Listen now! Episode image photo credit: Frank Ockenfels for NetflixSee for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 produced by PI media. Some people within the industry knew someone working on the show, raising Dion, you know, their advice to people working on the show was you're never going to find an eight year old girl in a wheelchair. Who's funny. They don't exist.
Starting point is 00:00:21 You need to get an 11 or 12 year old girl and have them fake being in a wheelchair because you're saying that 8 year olds can't be funny and that people who have disabilities can't be funny and that's very wrong. All Inclusive A podcast on inclusion innovation and social justice
Starting point is 00:00:42 with Jay Ruderman Hi, I with Jay Ruderman. Hi, I'm Jay Ruderman, and this is All Inclusive, a podcast focused on inclusion, innovation, and social justice. When the producers of Raising Dion, a Netflix TV series, were looking for an actress to play the role of Esperanza, the main character's best friend, they auditioned many young aspiring actresses. But when they saw Sammy Haney's audition video,
Starting point is 00:01:16 they immediately knew they had found what they were looking for. Indeed, Sammy's sassy and confident Esperanza quickly became one of the show's most loved characters. Some critics even called her a show stealer. Sammy, who's only 10 years old, is also a great example of authentic representation of people with disabilities in the entertainment industry. She's here with us today together with her father, Matt Haney. Sammy and Matt, welcome to All Inclusive. Matt Haney. Sammy and Matt, welcome to All Inclusive. All right, so Sammy, let's get to know you a little bit better. And in specific, can you talk a little bit about your disability? Hi, I'm Sammy Haney. I have osteogenesis imperfecta, type 3, severe. That means I can break very easily.
Starting point is 00:02:07 And can you give us an example of how that's impacted your life in terms of, you know, how do you go about everyday life with having this disability? Well, there are different types of breaks. One is mild, which it doesn't hurt that much. Two is severe, like it hurts a lot. Well, give them some examples of how you've broken bones. Some of the examples are when I was much younger, I used to break my legs while sleeping by just moving. And then this happens through my life.
Starting point is 00:02:53 It never stopped. Whenever I sneeze, I break either a rib or some part of my back. That's why I try not to sneeze. And recently, I just broke this this arm but it's healed now I broke it by just playing a VR video game on my dad's phone and then this arm it's healed now it was broken by just trying to get up in the morning. I was trying to sit up and I put too much pressure on it. And how does that impact your everyday life? Playing with friends or schooling or even being an actress on a television show?
Starting point is 00:03:40 When I meet someone new, I have to tell them I break easily so that they know to be careful. And I'm homeschooled because going to school would not really help because it would danger me. And I have a lot of appointments for doctors and stuff like that, and I would miss a lot of school days. So Matt, when did you first learn about Sammy's condition, and what impact did that have on your family? We learned about it while she was still in the womb. The doctor had done a sonogram, and seeing that her femurs, her femur bones were way shorter than expected for the time she was in the womb. And so they did a level two ultrasound and at first everything appeared okay, but then they did another one, a follow-up and they found the number
Starting point is 00:04:39 of fractures. And so they immediately thought, well, this looks like it might be osteogenesis imperfecta because she has so many fractures and with her femurs being shortened as well and so that we went through a roller coaster of a number of different possible conditions she could have but they ended up after the end of it realizing it was osteogenesis imperfecta type three. So we knew that before birth. And then, so she had a C-section and at the time of the C-section, she had 19 different fractures, like at various stages of healing. And so that was kind of how we found out was just through the sonogram. So we knew before she was born, which helped us kind of prepare and get involved with like Facebook groups and different things where you have other people who've already gone through what we're going through. And so that was very helpful. As far as
Starting point is 00:05:34 helping, how did it impact the family? It really opened our eyes to a lot of the ableism that's in society. Just trying to go somewhere is really hard when you have a child that has to use a wheelchair because you never know how accessible the place you're going to is. You have to do a lot of research or you have to do like a trip before you go just to see how we're going to get her in there, how we're going to get her out of there. It just makes going places not as easy. You can't, we can't just pack up and go somewhere without knowing, you know, what the location is going to be like.
Starting point is 00:06:10 Even, even for some things as simple as where they invite Sammy to something. And then she gets there and they realize, Oh, we have no way to get Sammy on the stage. The stage is not accessible at all to her. And so we've had issues like that. Even when people invite us to things,
Starting point is 00:06:24 I guess another way to look at it is so we've had issues like that, even when people invite us to things. I guess another way to look at it is, since we've had Sammy, is like we take her out in public. And this is before raising Dion and before she was like, you know, on a TV show. A lot of people just have trouble accepting that disability is normal and that it's not a result of something terrible that the parent did. We've been just at the grocery store and someone will come up to us and say, what did you do to make your child that way? Or they'll walk up to us and say, you know, if you had more faith, your child wouldn't have to be that way. And just various ignorant things like that, where you just, I would have never known that people are so blatantly rude to you know parents with kids with disabilities until we had one ourselves
Starting point is 00:07:08 and we just begin to see a lot of that and then with our our other kids they've grown to be a lot more inclusive in their thinking just to be way more defensive of people that are being picked on or bullied because they're different. Um, there's been instances where, um, you know, Sarah, her older sister has stood up for in public when they're out at the mall or somewhere. And, uh, you know, we have instances of like teenagers pulling out their phones and discreetly taking pictures of Sammy without asking permission.
Starting point is 00:07:43 And this is before raising Dion, just doing rude things, just not treating her like a person. And so we just began to see a lot of the ableism that was kind of invisible to us before because we didn't live in that world and we didn't have to face any of those consequences. And so it was just waking up to, you know, the world wasn't really built to accommodate our daughter and just slowly realizing all the facets of that. And how did you how have you reacted in the past to these rude incidents when, you know, someone approaches your daughter and treats her as less than a human being? How did how did you react to that? treats her as less than a human being. How did you react to that?
Starting point is 00:08:31 Well, the people that yell stuff at us, normally they're not, you think that they're wanting a conversation. And so you try to start explaining, well, actually her condition is genetic and they just walk away. They just wanted to blame you and move on. They really weren't interested in hearing your story or knowing what the real issue is. One of the things that I saw a lot too early on when she was younger is if we'd be at a toy store or something and we're just going down the toy aisle and she's in her wheelchair, another kid would see her and just be like, oh, they would see that's just another kid. I want to go talk to her. So they walk over and start talking to her. And then the parents would rush in and scoop up and grab their child and take them away to another aisle because it was like,
Starting point is 00:09:13 I'm just assuming there was like this fear of, oh, my child hasn't been prepared on how to interact. Probably good intentions. Thinking my child has not been prepared on how to interact with a child in a wheelchair. I'm so afraid that my little child is going to say something offensive or rude or odd, or, you know, it's going to become an awkward conversation. So I would rather just usher them away and not have to deal with that. And so they're without really realizing it, they're teaching their children the way that you treat people with disabilities is you just ignore them.
Starting point is 00:09:43 You don't treat them like people. You don't get to know them. They're so afraid of that awkward conversation of their kids saying something. And we've had kids, you know, that mean well and say things that could be interpreted offensively. And we don't, you know, bite their head off or anything like that. We just try to kindly talk to them and correct them if we can and move on. But it's I don't know that we've ever really had anybody that wants a long conversation like that. They basically, if they're rude, they just want to be rude and move on, you know? So Sammy, how has all this impacted you? I mean, are you in pain
Starting point is 00:10:18 quite frequently? And if so, how do you deal with that pain? Well, when I break something, I am in pain. But otherwise, unless my rods are moving around in there and stuff, then there's no, like, normal pains and aches daily or anything like that. Unless I just break something, then yeah yeah I'll have pain and the way I deal with that pain is mom what's that medicine called it's kind of orangey and it's a medicine for pain. Motrin? Yeah I take Motrin. But if it's a big break then you need the prescription yeah pain relief. Yeah yeah it tastes bad but I take it anyway. So maybe we can talk about the process of auditioning. And Matt, maybe you can tell me about how the audition for Raising Dion came about.
Starting point is 00:11:13 Yeah. So Nikki Young over at Morgan's Wonderland, she used to be in casting. And so she knew people at Netflix. And Netflix was looking for someone to fill the role of Esperanza on Raising Dion. And so they reached out to her and said, Hey, do you have any kids that go to Morgan's Wonderland? That's a park here in San Antonio where it's from the ground up, it's built to be inclusive so that families can come in and every ride you can use your wheelchair to get on the ride. And it's not just for people with disabilities, also for their the ride. And it's not just for people
Starting point is 00:11:45 with disabilities, also for their family members. And so they said, do you know of any girls that you think would be good fit for this role of Esperanza? And she gave them three names. One of them was Sammy. And so at the same time, we got a voicemail saying that they wanted from Morgan's Wonderland saying that they wanted permission to share Sammy's contact information with someone for her to do some work but the voicemail either cut off or cut short or something there wasn't really any more information and we thought we just assumed because Sammy had been in a commercial for Morgan's Wonderland that they were just talking about doing a commercial for
Starting point is 00:12:25 something similar. And so we kind of just forgot about it and ignored it and just said, well, we don't really know all the details and we're not super concerned about her being in another commercial necessarily. And then right after that, my wife was in a Facebook group about children with disabilities, had nothing to do with acting. And someone posted in there, hey, they're looking for a wheelchair user, a little girl that's like seven, eight years old, and said she's supposed to be a no-nonsense, sassy, smart girl who's hilarious and funny. And we thought that is like sammy to a t that like she's super sassy she's super sharp-witted um she always speaks her mind and uh we thought
Starting point is 00:13:14 wow that sounds like perfect for sammy and then we thought i wonder if the morgan's wonderland thing was related to that but it seemed crazy like, like why in the world would they want Sammy to be on a Netflix show? It seems like she'd have to have experience or something. And so we just figured, you know what, let's just go ahead and reply to this casting call and see if Netflix responds. So we emailed Netflix based on the casting call, the email that was attached to that. And they said, yes, we do want Sammy to audition for this part, please. They sent us some scripts and they said, get this back to us as soon as you can.
Starting point is 00:13:52 So we spent one day practicing and that's when we realized me and my wife kind of realized she may be gifted and acting because she was memorizing her lines extremely quick. Cause we tell her, we need to go over the lines so you can memorize it. And she'd be like, no, I already have it memorized. And we're like, no, you don't. And she was like, here, take the paper. I don't need the paper.
Starting point is 00:14:12 And we'd be like, oh, wow. Okay, you memorized those lines like super quick. Okay. And then we just kind of coached her to just be yourself when you're doing it. They want to see you, what you add to the script. And so we just encouraged her to you're doing it. Like they want to see you, what you add to this script. And so we just encourage her to be her silly self and not try to like put on some acting mask, just be yourself.
Starting point is 00:14:33 Cause that's, you know, they're, they're going to love you or they're not. And so, uh, they loved what they saw and they said, could you please do some more?
Starting point is 00:14:42 So they sent us some more scripts and gave us some feedback and some minor things to adjust. And soon after that, they basically told her that she had gotten the part because she was the only audition tape that made everybody in the room laugh. And so they just fell in love with her. But she can share the maybe the story of how she heard that news. I'm an elephant. I memorize stuff. Oh, yeah. I didn't know why she just said that, but yeah, she, she's really good at memorizing. Even when they do changes to the script and they'll say, okay, for this, for this line now, instead of saying this,
Starting point is 00:15:19 say this. And sometimes like, I'll be confused as to what they want changed, but she'll know exactly what they're talking, but she'll know exactly what they're talking about. And she'll just whip it out and say it, you know? And so she's really good at, at that getting her lines, but she does have to practice a lot. Um, she puts in a lot of work. It's definitely a huge blessing, but it's not an easy thing. She puts a lot of work into it. Um, even though she makes it look, you know, easy, but she does put a lot of work into it. So Sammy, tell me about when you first, about your reaction when you first heard that you got the part. We were on a road trip to go visit family, and in the middle of driving, someone called us.
Starting point is 00:15:58 The person who was not driving answered, and they said I got the part. And everyone in the car was screaming and yelling. And we did cut our vacation short, but that doesn't matter. Yeah, they had to fly out to Atlanta to sign the contract almost immediately. So the vacation was cut short. That's okay. Yeah. We vacationed later.
Starting point is 00:16:22 So can you talk about any special provisions or accommodations that were made by the show for Sammy to participate in the production? Yeah, so the first thing that we did was I read through all the scripts, me and my wife, and we just found all the things that we thought would probably be troublesome for Sammy. Like they had her picking up a heavy backpack they had a scene where like within like one scene there was like three different uh characters who picked her up and put her into a car seat and then took her out of the car seat and so we're like we need to rewrite that because we're just not comfortable with that many strangers picking her up and handling her because they could break her so easily. And they rewrote that part.
Starting point is 00:17:11 And then there's like a scene where she has to go save Dion by grabbing his inhaler because he has asthma. And she's supposed to like speed across like some gravel. And we just said, well, we're not really comfortable with her going super fast on this type of gravel can we like put a pavement in or something and they changed that and fixed that there was a lot of little changes like that that they were all open to so that was the first thing um then the i guess the second thing is like when we got finally got there and they started filming um they move all the actors around um in these huge vans and this is just normal for for every show whether it's Raising Dion or Stranger Things they all use the same type of van but they're like
Starting point is 00:17:50 color-coded so you know like the red vans are for this show the white vans are for this show but these vans have like when you get out of them they have these very very tall steps that are not natural they're just really tall steps and then when you get into the van there's these very narrow aisle seats so we're having to you know pick sammy up and and hold her and then get into the van and it was just like right away we're like this is not safe we don't feel comfortable doing this because we're going to be doing this hundreds of times over the next couple months and we don't want an accident to happen so within two hours they had a uh mobility van on set that they gave us to use for the whole duration of the show. And they actually used it in the show. You'll see
Starting point is 00:18:30 it in the show. I think it's like episode four or five. Um, yeah. So you can actually, you know, you press a button and the door opens up in the van and a ramp comes out and then she rolls her wheelchair in there and there's tie downs to strap down her wheelchair and a seatbelt and so uh they got that for her within two hours that was amazing and then obviously like for her trailer most trailers don't come with a ramp they just have stairs but they added a ramp to her trailer for her and then every time she's shooting they always like if she's coming on set or off of set there's always a lot of people moving around it's pretty chaotic you've got people carrying heavy equipment and background props and different things and so they always like stop everything and halt everything and they're they're
Starting point is 00:19:14 like on their walkies they're like okay sammy's coming through everybody halt everybody clear a path and so they make sure she has a clear path for her wheelchair and nobody's going to be walking around her because we don't want anyone to bump into her and cause a fracture and so there's they're super careful with her um they've been super accommodating for everything we've asked and they're always stopping us and saying hey if there's anything you know you're uncomfortable with today on the shoot let us know they're always you know bringing up every situation so they're being as inclusive and adopting everything as they can we haven't had any problems we're really surprised at how much they've embraced sammy and
Starting point is 00:19:49 made everything very safe for her well i think we should say that that this is a show where for sammy's role they wanted raising dm wanted to cast a young person with a disability. I think it sounds like they really understood what goes into that and what accommodations need to be made, even if they are not there at the outset, that they are worked in as situations develop, which is good. And I wish more shows would go in that direction. So Matt, let me ask you, what reactions did you and your wife receive from people who watched the show? Well, before they watched the show, for a long time, we couldn't tell anybody she was on the show. We could just say that Sammy is going to be on a Netflix show. And it was kind of strange because we didn't expect for everyone to assume this,
Starting point is 00:20:50 but everyone we talked to just assumed, oh, you mean she's going to be on a reality show or something about her disability? And we're like, no, why would you assume that? And it just seemed odd that there's this kind of expectation that if someone with a disability is going to be on a TV show, then it's going to center around their disability. And it can't just be a drama or, you know, a superhero show or something. And I guess, you know, because she had not acted before, I guess there is the sense that, oh, well, if you don't have any history of acting, you would probably get into reality TV easier than anything else. But it was just a little bit odd that that's what they all expected.
Starting point is 00:21:31 But once it came out and everybody saw it, they were blown away because she is a natural actor. Everyone that knew us was like, wow, we knew your daughter was in the show, but we had no idea she was going to be that good. And it's just because she was so natural at it. And then after it came out, you know, she had a number of people with disabilities that used to be in acting and got out of acting. And after seeing her on the show, it kind of renewed their fire to do that. And they said, hey, I just want you to know I'm getting back into acting because of your role on Raising Dion. And so that's, that's super exciting for us to hear that. Cause that's one of the things we wanted to do was to allow this to be an opportunity
Starting point is 00:22:14 to get people excited and say, Hey, I have a disability. I can act too. You know, there's a lot of people that thought that door was just closed to them because they had a disability and that you don't see a lot of uh people on tv shows with disabilities that are authentic and so we're hoping this you know just starts a little something and gets the fire going that hollywood realizes this and and actors with disabilities realize this that that you know it can't happen yeah so we've done um as a foundation, a lot of work in advocating for authentic representation of disability. And, you know, most recently, NBCUniversal and CBS Viacom have come on agreeing to audition actors with disabilities for all roles. But I wanted to ask you and Sammy, do you think it's important that the roles of characters with disabilities be played by actual actors with those disabilities?
Starting point is 00:23:26 Because back in the day, they used to have all the white actors play all the roles. And they would use makeup to make themselves appear like they were another race. And now that's just – everyone realizes that it was hugely wrong. And you don't see that happen now. Well, it's also wrong to take a role that should be given to someone with a disability and give it to an able-bodied actor. And I think if you look at a lot of those roles that have been given, you just see the details in the script because they don't consult people with disabilities to make it authentic. You see actors in wheelchairs doing things in ways that someone with that condition would never do it. And a large viewership of people do have disabilities and they do recognize
Starting point is 00:24:07 these inconsistencies, these irregularities. And it just, I think it makes the story less interesting, less genuine, less authentic. And I just think it's wrong. I think that clearly, you know, Sammy has shown that it can be done and there's no reason for it not to be done. And so I think it's just a bunch of excuses are given for why they do it. I'll be very careful about how I say this. Some people within the industry knew someone working on the show Raising Dion, and I don't know who these people are so I'm not trying to out anybody or anything like that but they knew about the role because they knew other people
Starting point is 00:24:50 working on the show and they said you know their advice to people working on the show was you're never going to find an eight-year-old girl in a wheelchair who's funny they don't exist and so it was like whoa you know to hear that that's what was going you know that that's the type of mentality that goes around hollywood and the advice was you need to get an 11 or 12 year old girl that's very ageist and um able this yeah exactly you need to get an 11 or 12 year old girl and have them fake being in a wheelchair. It's saying that eight year olds can't be funny and that people who have disabilities can't be funny. And that's very wrong. Yeah. And so that's the type of mindset that Netflix was fighting against. It's very rare that people get roles like Sammy did. I mean, what they did and what Carol
Starting point is 00:25:45 Barbie, the showrunner, she's the one who created the role of Esperanza, and she's the one that was, from the very beginning, saying this is going to be an authentically cast role. So they did something very exceptional there, and we want to see that become more common. Well, I do think that there, I mean, if you look at the last three decades of men that have won the Oscar for best actor, half of them have won for playing a disability. So I think that there is this ingrained perception in the entertainment industry that playing a disability is good acting. acting. Whereas what you mentioned, you know, playing a different race or a different gender or even sexual orientation is no longer accepted. But with disability, you still have that hurdle. Although I do see from our own experiences as activists that more and more studios are coming on board. We're giving out the seal of approval, um, to many, many shows. So, um, there are, um, showrunners who have made it a point of casting
Starting point is 00:26:57 off, uh, authentically. And I think they're seeing people, you know, like Sammy are great And I think they're seeing people like Sammy are great actresses and the talent pool is out there if you look for it. So, Sammy, how has playing in Raising Dion changed your life? Well, this was before COVID, before we couldn't go out placing and stuff. When we were in public, people would come up and say, oh, are you Wes Barranto from Raising the Yarn? I was like, yeah. So I'm happy about that because I get to meet a lot more people.
Starting point is 00:27:34 And this was before COVID, may I remind you. Netflix invited me to two Netflix parties. One was the Emmys. Yeah. One was the Emmys. Yeah. Yeah, the Emmys. And the other was a Christmas party, and that was super awesome. I got to meet a bunch of people, dance, dance party, and stuff like that. So, yeah, it's been awesome.
Starting point is 00:28:01 Yeah, it was pretty awesome because we were kind of nervous. Well, I felt kind of nervous. We felt, well, I felt out of place. I'm not a star, but Sammy is. But a lot of the celebrities at these parties would come up and approach Sammy, and they already knew who she was and they wanted to talk to her. So we were just impressed with that. It was really amazing
Starting point is 00:28:19 to see that other actors, Adam Sandler, David Chappelle, all came up and approached her. Let me tell you a funny story. So at the Christmas party, the music was way too loud. So Adam Sandler came and talked to me, but I kept on thinking he said bye. So I said bye too, and I didn't know what he was saying.
Starting point is 00:28:39 So I was like, bye, bye. Yeah, she kind of bide him away because he was saying hi, but he thought she was saying bye or something. I don't know. She ended the conversation accidentally. He was saying bye because he had to go or something, and I was saying bye, but I didn't know he was saying something else,
Starting point is 00:28:56 so it was very confusing. And if you're listening to this right now, I'm very sorry. Well, I'm sure he appreciates that um matt let me ask you a serious question there's so many examples of child actors whose early success had a major impact on their lives and it was not always a positive impact how are you and your wife protecting, you know, Sammy in a way that to prevent, you know, sort of the tragedies that have happened in the past with child actors? Yeah. Well, one thing that we're doing that's not really traditional, uh, a way of doing it is we don't have a manager. We don't have an agent. We do everything ourselves. And so we don't have anyone that's kind of putting pressure
Starting point is 00:29:45 on her. Like you need to do this to be, be a bigger star. You need to do that. And so we're kind of controlling all of that ourselves. Um, and then as well, um, like when she's on set doing Raising Dion, she's never by herself. Um, my wife is always there right next to her. I use all of my vacation days, uh, since she got on the show to go visit her on set so so she doesn't have any other influences that are you know coming from Hollywood and trying to push her in certain directions like we had for instance she had a a major studio which I won't name but a major studio one of the big ones which I won't name, but a major studio, one of the big ones,
Starting point is 00:30:28 wanted her to have a star role in a new show coming out. And they sent us a script, and we looked at it, and there was just every negative stereotype you could associate with a person with a disability was in the script. And it was just really full of ableism. And we wrote them back and said, you know, which a manager and agent would never want to want you to, this is not a good move to do, but we,
Starting point is 00:30:50 we thought it was the right thing to do. So we sat down and wrote out, here's all the things we had issues with in this script. And here's how you could revise it or, you know, begin to revise and give our own suggestions and explain why what was said was hurtful and offensive. And we never heard back from them again. But the next time that they sent out a casting call for that very same role, we noticed that they had applied everything
Starting point is 00:31:17 we had told them. So they changed all the descriptions. They changed everything about it. But clearly, you know, we had closed that door by being upfront about it. So we don't have anyone that's pressuring her to make money or to take whatever role comes her way. We're not treating this as though we're desperate for her to have more roles or anything. We've had a lot of people reach out to us. And so she has lots of offers that she gets. And if it's not right, we just decline it because we're explaining to her the most important thing that you should do with this opportunity is be a good advocate, be a good representative of the disability community. And so that's what we're putting first in her mind is this is not about you being famous or you making money.
Starting point is 00:32:04 This is not about you being famous or you making money. This is about you having a chance to be a good representative for disability community and to make change and break down walls and break down barriers. And yeah, she, she, she hears me. So. Sammy, a couple, a couple of questions I'd like to end with. And then some questions from some of your fans. First of all, what's the best part of being an actress for you? Well, the best part of being an actress is, you know, representing people with disabilities and helping get that out there that people with disabilities can be actors and that
Starting point is 00:32:48 and that there should be authentic roles for people with disabilities. And that's my favorite part about acting is to help other people. That's very mature of you. So a couple of questions from your fans. This is from Jackson Sanford 24. Do you plan to acting as a career? Well, yes, I do. But I don't know what's going to happen after I get out of college. So I'm still probably going to act after I get out of college. But I don't know what I'm going to do do after that but i would like to be in many other
Starting point is 00:33:26 tv shows and movies and stuff like that so i am planning as it as a career mostly i don't know what's gonna happen in the future but yeah uh here's a question from uh lily y uh zero seven what is your favorite behind the scenes memory of filming raising dion okay um well i didn't really have that many special effects but the one that i do remember is the one where you know how you kind of see me floating up in my chair out of my chair well actually the way how that was done was um there was no green screen out of that. I was in, you see my power wheelchair right here? Let me just, I know other people can't see this, but I can rise my wheelchair.
Starting point is 00:34:18 So I just rise my wheelchair to its highest point so that it would look like I'm lying out of my chair. So they filmed that and they edited out the chair. And for the leg scene where it looks like I'm walking, I just moved my legs like I was walking. So that's how it was done. So one last question from Lurcha Darbell. When can we expect Esperanza to get her own show? Hint, Raising Esperanza. Okay. I don't think that's going to happen. Raising Esperanza.
Starting point is 00:35:02 Okay. That's the most outrageous question I've ever gotten through the years, but okay. I think it's clear that your fans love you, and they want to see more of you. And I think the fact that you're authentic, not only in portraying disability, but as a person and your vivaciousness comes across,
Starting point is 00:35:23 I think people love that. I really want to thank you, Sammy and Matt, for spending some time with me on All Inclusive. And it was a pleasure talking to you. And I wish you a lot of success coming up in the coming years. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Nice meeting you guys. Nice meeting you too. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:35:41 Thank you. Nice meeting you guys. Nice meeting you too. All Inclusive is a production of the Ruderman Family Foundation. Our key mission is the full inclusion of people with disabilities in all aspects of society. You can find All Inclusive on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify, and Stitcher. Find All Inclusive on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify, and Stitcher. To view the show notes, transcripts, or to learn more, go to slash allinclusive. Have an idea for a podcast? Be sure to tweet at Jay Ruderman.

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