All Fantasy Everything - Game Show Hosts (w/ Katie Nolan, Shane Torres)

Episode Date: November 7, 2024

Nolvember is here, baby.Guest:Katie Nolan (IG @natiekolan, X @katienolan)Shane Torres (IG @shanetorres, X @shanetorres)Support the show!Join the All Fantasy Everything Patreon for a...d-free episodes, mailbags, and video pre-rolls.Advertise on AFE!Advertise on All Fantasy Everything via the Good Vibes Gang on social media:Ian Karmel (X @IanKarmel, IG @IanKarmel)Sean Jordan (X @SeanSJordan, IG @SeancougarmelonJordan)David Gborie (IG @Coolguyjokes87)Isaac K. Lee (X @IsaacKLee, IG @IsaacKLee)See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is a HeadGum Podcast. With Audible, there's more to imagine when you listen. Whether you listen to stories, motivation, expert advice, any genre you love, you can be inspired to imagine new worlds, new possibilities, new ways of thinking. And Audible makes it easy to be inspired and entertained as a part of your everyday routine without needing to set aside extra time. As an Audible member, you choose one title a month to keep from their ever-growing catalog.
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Starting point is 00:01:09 from the world of popular culture. Today, we are kicking off the annual edition of November. And at the same time, we're celebrating the Shay Shay the shirts week of November Yeah, the Shay the shirt Be on every episode Oppose Shayna ween opposed Shayna ween opposed Shayna we it's opposed Shayna ween episode and the first episode of November All Shane's day poster shadowy it's poor Shane It does sound like gay like it does sound like it doesn't die of itself. All Shanes Day? A poster Shanley. It's poster Shanley.
Starting point is 00:01:47 One more? All Shanes Day? All Shanes Day! Oh I like that. Mojox thanks to All Shanes Day. It's a good writers room here. We're working it out. I'm your host Ian Carmel with me as always with my good friend Sean Jordan.
Starting point is 00:02:03 David Bore in Bolivia. Undisclosed location. We, David Borey in Bolivia, undisclosed location, we are drafting game show hosts. Yeah. Dun, dun, dun. Happy November everybody. We just had the last week of OXSODER. Oh yeah, you guys had Dan on. We celebrated OXSODER 31st.
Starting point is 00:02:22 Did everybody love him? Did he go over, Did it go well? Who doesn't love Dan? I know, I was just asking. Not as good as you, not as good as when you're on. Perfect. More of that. We could turn the gain up on that. It wasn't anywhere near as good as any of your episodes.
Starting point is 00:02:38 But I would place it right behind. Perfect. Well, he usually is. There you go. Scotty to your Michael sure yeah that's type of dynamic the Julia your Gronk by the way we were on we were Harry and Marv from Home Alone I saw it was great yeah we spent the whole night we were at a party we spent the whole whole night, like on the dance floor, him like bending me over and me like jokingly,
Starting point is 00:03:09 exaggeratedly dancing with him. We thought it was so funny to see Marv, like fucking Harry from the back. Cause the top of my head, I had the like hat, with the bald head. And you'll turn and joke as she, the people who've gone in wildly different directions. But nobody thought it was funny.
Starting point is 00:03:26 And we just kept doing it. We kept being like, look, look, look, look. And then we would just, like, and nobody thought it was funny. But boy, did we have a fun time. The rest of the party wasn't like, ah! The wet bandits. When Harry and Mark get down,
Starting point is 00:03:39 they start as wet bandits and end up as sticky bandits. You know? Damn, that is. Little innuendo. An image, yeah. That's a real image. Myrtle was Kevin, is that right? Yes, and then for about one lap of the party, and then we put her to bed because it was a lot of people.
Starting point is 00:03:53 But you know, we got the sweater, so she was there to complete the look. Were you hosting a Halloween celebration? No, we went to one. We were guests. Oh, very nice, very nice. So you took Myrtle back home, put it about. Yeah, yeah, we were staying at the house
Starting point is 00:04:08 that the party was at. Oh, nice. So we were like going to stay the night, so it was far away. What's the exact address? Yeah, it was lovely little. It was 1220. 187-311-420.
Starting point is 00:04:21 Six months. That's right, 6-9. 16 on Boulevard. Butt Stuff Avenue. Oh, my. But, Butt Stuff Avenue. Oh, my grandma lives on Butt Stuff Avenue. Yeah, I saw that. No, this is in, this is in Fuckland County. Oh! I guess I made this a Butt Stuff Avenue in like every city.
Starting point is 00:04:39 Okay, that makes sense. It's Marcus Garvey Boulevard. This is Springfield. Yeah, MLK, Euclid, and Buttstuff. Yes, Euclid Chavez, yeah, all famous for like... Civil rights? Different reasons. Huge civil rights activist.
Starting point is 00:04:54 Yes, yes, yes. Eliezer Buttstuff, dude? The Jews wouldn't have the right to vote without him. I'm making them Jewish. Yeah, I know. Nice. Yeah, and by the way, your anti-Irish slur before? I don't know what you were doing. Before we record.
Starting point is 00:05:08 The Jewish prison warden. We heard. And also, all of your uncle's law firms would be bankrupt if we weren't committing all these crimes. And we appreciate it. I also- No, then act like it. Because we will do something horrible.
Starting point is 00:05:23 If you keep badgering me like this. You know that. You know we're more than capable of doing something horrible. We'll bring all the rats back. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:31 Fuck around and find out. Yeah, then you'll get, is that why you got rid of the snakes? The Irish rat advocate. Yeah, Sean Jordan, the Irish rat advocate. I want you to get billboards all over Portland like a lawyer, like Sweet James or... I went, I just dressed up like a surly Irish dickhead
Starting point is 00:05:52 last night with Max and I was throwing potatoes at cars all night. Max was dressed up as a kid before Halloween. Little purple kitty cat, but it was raining, so she had a raincoat on, it's funny. You're like, well, now you're just dressed up and you just got a raincoat on. Now you kind of just look like a 22 year old in Portland, Oregon.
Starting point is 00:06:08 Cat ears raincoat. Yeah. Who had the joke? They immigrated here from I think like. Oh, do you know what I'm talking about? Yeah. Where they immigrated right before. It's Chinook right before Halloween. Yeah. I don't know why I'm forgetting his last name.
Starting point is 00:06:22 No, it was right before. It was right before 9-eleven and then Atlanta. His mom saw everybody dressed up on Halloween and she was like is this cuz of 9-eleven? mm-hmm. Yeah. That's very funny. Yeah there we go. It was really fucking funny. That's very funny. Yeah that guy's great. Katie Nolan is here at. Hi. Katie Nolan on Twitter at Nady Colon on Instagram. Mm on Instagram. The long struggle for possession of Katie Nolan continues. Yeah, my agent was like, can you just be Katie Nolan, please? And I was like, this sounds like something you do.
Starting point is 00:06:56 What do you mean? I'm not not Katie Nolan because I don't wanna be. Katie Nolan was taken. I made Nady Colon. Why are you yelling at me? And then I cried. You cried? You're an agent yelling at you
Starting point is 00:07:09 for not having the right Instagram handle. It's nuts. They've made the advances to where you type your name in the search engine and you will pop up no matter what your name is. Right, so they should just get over it. No matter what your handle is. Like it's fine.
Starting point is 00:07:20 Build a bridge and get over it, you prick. That's what you say to them next time. I will, thank you. Thank you very much for that. say it like that. I will We got a friend who unleashed a sea of rats upon him The Irish rat advocate, you know, I just when he tells you the Irish rat advocate also is IRA which makes it seem like British called them. Yeah, the Irish read that. You think I didn't know that? Did you know that? No, of course he did. IRA, of course I did. Dig deeper into the bit, you guys. What are we doing?
Starting point is 00:07:54 Wow. You thought I did that by accident? You never say that to me. You thought that was an accident. You thought I accidentally came up with the acronym for IRA. Cosh into the wind. Cosh into the wind. Yeah, cosh into the wind is all you have to say. I'm so sorry, Sean. That was top tier stuff. I wouldn't trip into the, oh, give me more credit. Ian, do you believe me? I do now. You didn't? At the time, well no, only because I didn't put two and two together.
Starting point is 00:08:15 I didn't put the IRA thing together. Neither did Sean. I believe you. I believe you, Sean. I appreciate it. I'm a little more passionate about this than I am with most things, so you can tell I'm not lying. That's how I can tell.
Starting point is 00:08:23 Yeah, you're all worked up. You're foaming at the mouth. Or my good liar. Could you put your shirt back on and put down the machete? No, I'm a little weird. than I am with most things, so you can tell I'm not lying. That's how I can tell. Yeah, you're all worked up. You're foaming at the mouth. Could you put your shirt back on and put down the machete? No, wife's out of town. That is a little weird. You set your own curtains on fire. Wife's out of town, Nolan. I'm threatening the neighbors.
Starting point is 00:08:33 Somehow you're sitting there recording and there's another you in the backyard doing sort of like slam dance moves. Yeah. We can see it through the window. You need to calm down, dude. There's a naked me in the living room watching Goodfellas. There's another one of you smashing bottles on the floor
Starting point is 00:08:47 and a fifth you doing knuckle pushups in the broken glass. You did multiplicity butt when the wife was out of town. You just want some buds. But I'm still going outside to crack beers and coughing while I do it. Yeah, yeah. You do say I like pizza a lot. I love it when she's out of town. I like it when she's here.
Starting point is 00:09:06 There's a sixth of you watching an all-you production of Casino where you're playing every character in Casino including Sharon Stone. You need to calm down, bro. I just want my jewelry. Why? I just want to go in and get some of my things because he's been threatening me. Well, fuck you ace Yeah, yeah, okay have a good night we the the amount of uproar for for November was Unresonated this year. I feel like the country needs it. We always we always want to do it, but people were clamoring Oh, hi people people. I'm happy clamoring. I always, it sneaks up on me.
Starting point is 00:09:46 It's like, oh, that's right, it is November. So it is time to do the damn thing, as they say. Time to hang out with your dear friends for about eight hours. Of course, it's time for me to see people more than I see people all year round. And by people, I mean the three of you. That's right.
Starting point is 00:10:01 I guess, technically. Sometimes David comes, but I know he's busy. He's tied up. He called me yesterday. We talked for like an hour. It was nice. People specifically request we not have Shanturas on the podcast. And I apologize.
Starting point is 00:10:13 Trying to Flame Boy Wet William. Give him a little good, little evil. Yeah. Flame Boy Wet William, is that how you... Flame Boy Wet William is my pen name. Is that your angel? What the fuck does that mean? Flame Boy Wet William?
Starting point is 00:10:26 Flame Boy Wet William. He was a contemporary of... Dude, I wrote all of Soulja Boy's songs. Not a lot of people know that. Flame Boy Wet William. William Faulkner and Flame Boy Wet William were at Vanderbilt together, right? Yeah, yeah, for a while.
Starting point is 00:10:40 I got kicked out for throwing tech parties on. I'm gonna let you two do this one. Where is Vanderbilt? Oh, who's... You asking me? You know I'm asking Sean. That's what I like to do to him. I will appoint Ian as my proxy just so he feels good about himself. Ian tell the folks where Vanderbilt is.
Starting point is 00:10:54 Vanderbilt's a university. Dude, I'm feeling great about myself these days. I don't really need a... I should have said Ole Miss. That would have been a better joke. Katie, let him know where Vanderbilt is at. It's a university. It's out there. It's in the world. Let them know where it's at. My mic isn't working.
Starting point is 00:11:07 Vanderbilt is in Pennsylvania. Dude, no. Next to dude, no. Vanderbilt is, Vanderbilt is in. All right, you saved it there. But you were really trippin'. Jesus Christ. I have no idea where Vanderbilt is.
Starting point is 00:11:23 This is mean. It's in Nashville, I believe. I was gonna say Tennessee, cause Nate loves it. Cause Nate bargains, he loves Vanderbilt. Go, Vanity. Did he give them a shout out when he was hosting SNL and they beat Alabama? Did he do it?
Starting point is 00:11:36 I think he did. I think so. I wouldn't be surprised. That's pretty cool. Yeah. Yeah, he didn't go there, for the record. He didn't go to school there, but no, it's a very good. It's like, to be fair, if you're from the South, you're allowed to pick
Starting point is 00:11:49 whatever college you're in for. Yeah, fair enough. It's not uncommon. It's not uncommon practice to root for. Is that just the South thing? Because I didn't go to the University of Oregon and I root for the University of Oregon. Well, but you identify with Oregon. So that makes a lot of sense. I can't root for Portland State University.
Starting point is 00:12:05 I didn't go to Cambridge, but I'm a big crew guy, so is it okay that I root for Cambridge? No. Name two positions on a crew boat. Oh, don't do this. People do this to women. You can be any kind of fan you want to. Front and back dickhead, what are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:12:18 Front and back. Ah, ah, ah. Isn't one of them called the Yeller or something? Or what is it? No, they're called. A cox, isn't there a cockswing? Oh the cockswain, I woulda got it. Yeah, that's why I thought you might actually get it.
Starting point is 00:12:29 Yeah. It's a filthy word and you're disgusting. Yeah? Yeah. Hahaha. Arrive at the point, please Mr. Torres. No, that's it. I'm just being mean. Do you have anything to point people towards as we as we begin
Starting point is 00:12:44 the most sacred month of November? Not yet, but a podcast is coming on the horizon. Oh! Oh, ho, ho! It's coming. I know I've been saying that, but this time I actually, like I'm working on it right now, so it's coming. It'll be around soon.
Starting point is 00:12:58 Any details you can share with us right now? I'm realizing I don't know what I'm allowed to say, and so I'm just gonna be coy and blink a couple of times and say, probably in Q1, we'll be seeing some sort of an... It's not going to be a big deal though. It's literally just like, I can't sit here anymore and watch everybody have a podcast. So I'm just going to make a podcast. And then hopefully the TV industry will figure out what it's doing.
Starting point is 00:13:26 And I can go back to doing that. But until then, I'm not just going to sit here. I've been just sitting here. It has been nice. But I think I'm going to start a podcast. So that's coming. The people are hungry. The streets are clamoring for Katie Nolan. Thank you. Yeah. I have my ear to the ground. Yeah, thanks. Yeah, that's right. The album drops in the first quarter of the year. Sugar Shane Torres is here. Yes, it's me. At Shane Torres Across Platforms.
Starting point is 00:13:52 That is he. This episode drops on the 7th of November. Oh. Where would you like to direct people towards? slash shane torris there was only two W's sounded like you said punch up no I said WW
Starting point is 00:14:11 WW you're on the wide web? you act like you don't care ok nevermind fuck it Katie tell us about your podcast that there's nothing we know about fucking sweet I'm on the big wild west. BWW.
Starting point is 00:14:28 The Buffalo Wild West. Your shit was so descriptive. I'm gonna fuck my thumb. So shitty. How ready you guys are to fucking jump on me. I'm on the Buffalo Wild West. By the way, also, I am an I have been keeping score. Katie wished everybody else a happy birthday and stopped at me. I know, I did it keeping forth. Katie wished everybody else a happy birthday and stopped at me.
Starting point is 00:14:45 I know, I did it on purpose. It's a good thing. I know, you're a mean person. Anyways, I'm on the internet. Hold on, we're not done with that. That's one of the funniest things I've ever heard in my entire life. I did used to work at a Buffalo Wild.
Starting point is 00:14:59 Did you really? No, really? I've never heard about this. Like where it says this. The quality is down at B-Dub's. I don't know if it's ever been up. It's no good. You don't even get looked at.
Starting point is 00:15:09 You go in there and they just look at you like you're an asshole for B-Dub. I go more than you think I do. No, I think I know how much you go. How much do you think I go? Once you go to the concept of a foot locker as a restaurant, then... I think you dine in twice a month. Probably once every other month. Let's see, how far are you on your punch card, Sean?
Starting point is 00:15:29 They don't have a punch card. Oh, I'm shocked. I have a goal, I have one of those metal gold cards there. Yeah, you can punch a hole in it if you try it. Anyways, god damn it. It's bulletproof. I'll be in Seattle, but never fucking mind. What's the website? Tell the website, Punch Up, Punch damn it. It's bulletproof. I'll be in Seattle, but never fucking mind. What's the website?
Starting point is 00:15:46 Tell the website, Punch Up, Punch Up Live. Don't worry about it. It's fine. slash spicy mango habanero. No, come on, be honest. Say your plugs. I didn't mean to step on your plugs. Come on, don't cry.
Starting point is 00:16:00 Those are Shane's three turtles, yes. Spicy mango and habanero. Come on. Is it not anymore? Katie was the latest one to the Zoom. Those are Shane's three turtles, he has spicy mango and habanero. Oh, don't cry. Come on. Is it not Shane is a comedian? Katie was the latest one to the Zoom. Katie was the latest one to the Zoom. What is this?
Starting point is 00:16:10 What is this? Are you cancelling now? He just saves things. He's like, okay, just so you guys know, she picked her nose. Oh, yeah, yeah. You know what? I'm boxing dirty today. Everything is going to be puffed up after the click.
Starting point is 00:16:21 Damn, okay. I'm going to be fucking nasty. No, that's okay. Sorry. Katie was freak dancing at a Halloween party. I talked to your boxing sensei and you box dirty all the time from what he said. Yeah, I'm amazing. www.w, there's an extra one for you fucking jerks.
Starting point is 00:16:41 The Wiggly world wide web. We have to let him finish the URL. God damn it. I didn't interrupt you. He interrupted you. HTTP colon backslash backslash. Just follow me on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:16:58 It's Katie Nolan. Follow me on Instagram. Oh, my agent's coming for that ass. I think we might be at the same agency. That'll be fine. Oh, God. Oh, God. Yeah, that would be awful. What's the actual website?
Starting point is 00:17:16 Slash Shane Torres. Get your tickets there. I'll be at Seattle the 22nd and 23rd of November. I will be in Monticello, Illinois at Three Ravens the first week of December and then Empire Comedy Club The second week of December and Kansas City Comedy Club the third I'm never going home for Jesus Christ. No three Ravens What's the reference there? I have no idea they Said this is how much we'll pay you and I said I will come to a town Yeah, yeah, yeah, that was pretty much the extent of the deal. I thought it was like the chuckle hut, like the way you guys have names of things. I thought the name of it was like three ravens.
Starting point is 00:17:50 And that's like in Greek comedy when three ravens fly over them. No, Ed Reed. Some people actually do. Ed Reed. Yeah, it's Ed Reed. It's the guy that painted his face. Ed Reed, Joe Flacco, and the estate of Tony Cirogoso open a comedy club together.
Starting point is 00:18:03 Yeah. And crazy enough, Anquan Bolden does do with the open mic. He's good. He's got kind of an emo Phillips vibe, which you wouldn't expect. Just a jacked emo Philip. He box jumps onto the stage. Screamo Phillips. Screamo Phillips is the name of my understated emo. I like that. I would listen to Screamo Phillips, there he's got. Screamo Phillips is the name of my understated emo pit. I like it, I would listen to Screamo Phillips. I would too, it would heart beat.
Starting point is 00:18:29 That would be a pretty, that's probably a thing somewhere on the internet. Not me, not me, thanks. I'm good. I'm good. Go to the Capitol Hill Comedy Bar in Seattle, are you? Yeah, two or three nights there I can, yeah. It should be fun. Well, according to, which is another place there I can't, yeah. It should be fun. Well, according to Shane, it's at,
Starting point is 00:18:46 which is another place you can go to find dates. Two nights, four shows. Let's see, yeah, all right. I skipped Sean. Sean S. Jordan is here. Sean Cougar, Mel and Jordan on Instagram. Yeah, you can find me on the Buffalo Wild Web. I'll be in Raleigh, North Carolina, November 22nd, 23rd. Come out, come to the shows in Raleigh, North Carolina, November 22nd, 23rd.
Starting point is 00:19:05 Come out, come to the shows in Raleigh, North Carolina. Where are you playing? You should give them the name of the play. Good Nights. Four throws. Thanks for the tip, Shane, I appreciate it. Good Nights Comedy Club in Raleigh, North Carolina. I'm going to the Bull Durham Bar.
Starting point is 00:19:19 Oh, I think I like Good Nights, right? That's a nice one. The Bull Durham Bar. It's a good club, it's a historic club. Is where Kevin Costner and Tim Robbins meet, where they all meet at that bar. That's a nice one. The Bull Durham Bar. It's a historic club. It's a historic club. Is where Kevin Costner and Tim Robbins meet, where they all meet at that bar. That's like right down the street. I cannot wait.
Starting point is 00:19:29 So come to those shows and then I'm doing a holiday show in Portland at Helium Comedy Club December 22nd. Come on out. It's gonna be a hoot. It's gonna be a holler. I'll be there. It's gonna be a gas. What sort of holiday themed things are you going to be doing for it?
Starting point is 00:19:43 And are you incorporating the fact that Hanukkah starts on the same day as Christmas? It's a we're spelling holiday HAULIDAY Huh? Hanukkah? Or CH, we're spelling it. CHAU CHAULIDAY When you say we you might want to let the other person in that we handle the spelling. Yeah, yeah, no shit. You're not involved, it's me and another Irish guy. We had a talk over about 15 beers
Starting point is 00:20:11 and we don't need any input. Chained up next to him on the rock breaking line or what? Yeah, I'm just like, buddy, can we turn these rocks into liquor? Then I wouldn't mind prison, would I? I'm gonna do an office Christmas party theme. I'm kind of kicking around what I'm gonna do, but I'm gonna be like a Lumberg type? I'm gonna do an office Christmas party theme. I'm kind of kicking around what I'm gonna do, but I'm gonna be like a Lumberg type,
Starting point is 00:20:27 and I'm gonna be hosting this office Christmas party. I'm gonna have some comedians act like they're hacky office Christmas comics, and I don't know, I'm still tooling around with what I'm gonna do, but it's gonna be Christmassy. Oh, I forgot to plug something. Shane Torres is war on Christmas, everybody. Come out this year.
Starting point is 00:20:43 He's like Latimer in the program when it comes to Christmas. He just hates it. You're the Christmas to come him. When you say tooling around with it, do you mean tool as that like, isn't tool like? T-U-L-L-E. Yeah, isn't that like a thing? What ballet skirts are made out of?
Starting point is 00:20:57 The Irish name, I'm O tooling around with it. Oh, you're O tooling around. Of course, yes, of course. Nobody's coming to any of those. My name is Ian Carmel. At Ian Carmel on Twitter, Instagram, IKCoolJu on YouTube. There he goes.
Starting point is 00:21:12 Follow me on YouTube, IKCoolJu, an account I started more than a, well, more than a decade ago. No, I have that email. Yeah, I might. You're like, IKCoolJu at Used to be the way to get ahold of all Ian Carmel. Which I started that email. Yeah. used to be the way to get ahold of all you and Carmel. Which I started that in middle school.
Starting point is 00:21:28 But follow me on YouTube. YouTube? That's where it's all going down now. I'll be dropping my special at some point. Are you putting it on your, I was gonna ask you, is it your YouTube page you're putting it out on? You're not putting it out. I think probably me and 800 Pound Gorilla together.
Starting point is 00:21:43 Okay, all right, that's how it is. So it'll be going on in both. Anyway, more details to follow. I forget one W. No one knows where Ian's special is. Again. It's not out yet. It's not out yet. Stop keeping score.
Starting point is 00:21:55 You're keeping score for no reason. I will always keep score. You seem bitter as fuck. I am Irish. Jesus, this Irish thing. I'm Italian. I'm from Italy. That's what it is. Oh, I'm from Italy. I'm from Italy. Oh, I'm from Italy. That's what it is.
Starting point is 00:22:05 Oh, I'm from Italy. I'm from Italy. Oh, I'm from Italy. I am. Oi! I'm from the boot. Hey, it's a me. I'm from Sicily, bruv.
Starting point is 00:22:17 You don't fuck with Sicilians, bruv. I'm from Sicily. There must be. Of course there's. You can go see our homies. There must be dudes in London who talk like this, but I'm Sicilian, mate. I'm Sicilian. I've got a temper. I've got a mad temper.
Starting point is 00:22:34 It's mental. You don't step to me, bruv. I'm Sicilian. There must be. It must. I gotta meet that guy. From Naples, bruv. Bruv, we're from a few Naples.
Starting point is 00:22:42 Right? We swam here, bruv. We swam through the manatees. We swam through the manatees. We swam through the manatees. It must be. It must. I gotta be back, eh? From Naples, bro. Bro, I'm from Naples. Naples. Right, we swam here, bro. We swam through the Mediterranean, bro. Up the channel. Don't step to me, bro.
Starting point is 00:22:55 I'm mental. I've got marinara blood, bro. Alright? Right, so, you know, you could buy my book, T-shirt Swim Club. It's available anywhere books are sold. Pick that up. It's a good, it's a ripping book. It's a proper book.
Starting point is 00:23:14 What else? I've got nothing else to promote, bruv. But you said you have all these deadlines. What are your deadlines for? I'm working behind the scenes on a number of projects for other talented people. Nikki Glazer, a Joan Rivers tribute that will air at some point.
Starting point is 00:23:32 Various projects, none of which I need to personally promote because they have the entire marketing wing of a broadcast network behind them. You kind of turned into a Gallagher for a second. Like a Liam Newell Gallagher situation? A little bit, yeah. No, you smashed a watermelon and I said, I know this, I know this guy.
Starting point is 00:23:53 Best comedian of all time. Let's just keep it pushing. RIP, RIP Gallagher. Oh really? Yeah, he's been gone for a little while. Oh, okay, sorry. No, it's okay, I didn't do it. Thank you to everyone for all the well wishes on
Starting point is 00:24:08 On the little baby Carmel on the way. We are naming them Darnell Darnell Carmel Gordon Jordan and, and Bronisaurus Taurus. Yeah, dude. No. And Nolan Nolan. I'm not like kids, right? You go double double. Bolin Nolan.
Starting point is 00:24:32 Bolin. Great. Colen. Because you love T-Rex. Yeah, I said it on like a live stream and then we brought it up on the last podcast and then Dana posted a picture of her at the pumpkin patch. Holding a little pumpkin with our little pumpkin. On the way.
Starting point is 00:24:48 Donnell Carmel. On the way. Good little Mike Ditka yesterday, by the way. Yeah, it was really good. Full, we went full Chicago Bears for Halloween yesterday. Oh, I got a lot. That was pretty tight. Let me see if I can pull it up.
Starting point is 00:25:01 We went full Ditka. Amazing. Yeah. Amazing. Amazing. It's very good. It is. Very nice. A, oh my God, I'm blanking on his name
Starting point is 00:25:14 because I'm terrible with names. I will find it. Brought me that Mike Ditka. Michael. Michael in Chicago brought me that sweater vest when we were in Chicago and I was like, oh, I'm holding onto this. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:27 And so I did. Have you ever seen the Jake Johnson headshot he did where he's just wearing a bear's sweater with a white t-shirt underneath? He's like, does the whole Chicago, he was like, it was legitimately his headshot for a moment. Really? Yeah, it's pretty amazing. Pretty rad. That's amazing. I mean, I think it probably worked too.
Starting point is 00:25:42 Yeah, well, he's done pretty well. He's doing well Moving on Second This is all fantasy everything and we are here to get today. We are here to gay. We are here to gay We are here to gay. We are here to gay. We are here to gay. We are here today to fantasy draft game show hosts. Now the way we determine the order of this draft is through a rollicking game of rock, paper, scissors. Played between probably two of the guests
Starting point is 00:26:17 who have been here, two of the three the most. It's probably the two of you in Tuscany. Probably. An honor, a privilege. So we probably don't need to explain any of this, but even still, rock, paper, scissors between the three of you, between... We throw and shoot, here we go. Betwixt and between rock, paper, scissors, shoot. What? That was such absolute bullshit. Damn.
Starting point is 00:26:39 Yeah, right. It's a three-way tie either way. What the fuck was that? It's either way a three-way tie. Okay, yeah. I don't know. And we go round two. Rock, paper's a three-way tie either way. What the fuck was that? It's either way a three-way tie. Okay, yeah. You didn't just cut the rock. I just meant to.
Starting point is 00:26:46 And we go round two. Rock, paper, scissors, shoot. Oh, Shane wins a rock against two scissors, a natural victory. Shane is the winner of rock, paper, scissors. It is incumbent upon you to determine the order of today's draft. But before you do that, I will remind you,
Starting point is 00:27:01 it is a serpentine draft. And what is that? Here's why it is, bruv. It's like the feather of Fowlend is beginning a false gump, bruv. Oh, yeah. Succinct. End of explanation.
Starting point is 00:27:13 Succinct, bruv. It's long and drawn out. You're long and drawn out, bruv. Say it to my face. Life is like a box of Cadbury cherry wimples, bruv. You know? Mental is as mentalples, bruv. You know? MENTAL IS AS MENTAL DOES, BRUV. Life is like a flake, bruv. You know how it's delicious?
Starting point is 00:27:32 Those are tasty. I think you need to move back home to Oxford, bruv. They got... Miley's like that. They got great candy over there in England. A flake. They do. They do. They do. If they stick into a vanilla ice cream cone, get out of town. Ooh, tasty tasty.
Starting point is 00:27:49 Oh yeah. T-t-t-t-tasty tasty. What is that? It's the answer to a new podcast. That's right. Welcome to Tasty with Tasty Katie. Tasty with a question mark at the end. Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ. Tasty Katie. Welcome to tasty with tasty Katie
Starting point is 00:28:09 Jesus Christ tasty Katie There's a lot of furry pillows on this podcast Isaac please take where Katie just said tasty Katie and make that be the name of your podcast. All right, or don't. Is that kind of power? What are you talking about? He's an editor. He's an audio king, he can do anything. I don't know, who's producing it? He can edit. Isaac's all over the place.
Starting point is 00:28:30 They're like, I feel like podcast producers are like the society of concierges in, what was that West Enders movie called, the hotel? Hotel Chevalier. No, not. No. You know the one. Budapest Hotel. Grand Budapest Hotel, where they all know each other. Isaac, is this true?
Starting point is 00:28:46 Can you just call every other podcast producer? Absolutely, yeah. We have a network. We have a WhatsApp group. We have a Discord channel. Could you drop? Do you have a Slack? Do you have a Slack?
Starting point is 00:28:57 We do not have a Slack. I just found out about Slack. You just found out about Slack? Just found out? I love when comics learn about office, they learn about like office job, like boring things that happen in office jobs, but you guys get to them way too late because you never had to do any of it.
Starting point is 00:29:13 Shane, do you know what an email is? No, that's true, like I haven't. What? Do you know what an email is? I know what a little fucking attitude is in a little journey right now. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 00:29:22 Put yourself back on mute, fucking jerk. It's talent time. The Buffalo Wild Web has spoken. The Buffalo Wild Man, dude. Yeah. Basically, if you pick fourth in the first year and you pick first in the sec around now, with that in mind, what would the order of today's draft be?
Starting point is 00:29:47 I would say Sean first, Katie second, I'll go third and Ian will go fourth. Damn. Okay. Damn, are you sure you don't want me to go first? Yeah, you can go first. Sean, you can go last. Ian goes first, Sean goes last. You don't want me to go second?
Starting point is 00:30:02 No, no, no. Okay, so now what we'll do is Sean and Ian since they're the host we'll go first and second I thought I had a few days left till my rights were taken away. Nope This comes out after they've been already been taken so Yeah, by the time this airs will know So, unfortunately. Yeah. Oh yeah, by the time this airs, we'll know. We'll know?
Starting point is 00:30:25 We won't know. We'll know until like January. We won't know until like January. Yeah, yeah. You know what the worst part is? No matter what happens, something bad is going to happen. What these Jews are trying to do in Pennsylvania? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:34 Yeah. Wait, what did you say? Cause I was listening to what Ian said and I regret that I chose that path to listen to. I said, no matter what happens, something bad is going to happen. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. That way, no. That way.
Starting point is 00:30:45 And what date do we think the bad's going to happen? Do we think it's going to wait until the exchange of power or we think it's going to be as soon as they decide the... I've been reading about like voter disinformation shit, like just like what they think, what they're doing at polls and stuff. It is... They've started doing this months and months ago. I mean really years ago, but it's like,
Starting point is 00:31:06 they are just like, if they win, they still get to think they did everything. Like they, yeah, like it's like- Mr. Biden would just step aside and let nature take its course. Then we could avoid all this conflict. If- You still think Biden's running?
Starting point is 00:31:23 You know, if will just step down. Sorry, if the puppeteers would politely ask Mr. Biden to step aside, or move him aside rather, then- The Pennsylvania Jews that Ian was talking about. The Pennsylvania Jews. Oh no, I'm from the Pennsylvania Jews. The pews. Friend.
Starting point is 00:31:40 The pews, and not the ones you dirty Catholics be wearing down on. What's the final order now of the draft? Your last and third, Sean's second, Ian's first. Ian, Sean, Shane, Katie. That's amazing that's how this fucking shook out. Amazing. I'm the only one who didn't complain and say,
Starting point is 00:31:55 sure you don't want me to go first? The only person who didn't say anything somehow moved from second to last! Last is good though. Not in this draft, there are two clear number one picks. Katie, would you like to go first? I'm not gonna get either of them! Would you like this?
Starting point is 00:32:11 If it wouldn't be taking it from somebody else. Well, I wanna go second. Okay. I'm gonna be going second as long as. Here's what we're gonna do. I'm gonna go first. Okay. You're just gonna go second.
Starting point is 00:32:21 Katie will go third and Tom will go fourth. Shit. In the first round, but in the second round. No! Fuck off, shit head. It's the feather in Forrest Gump. Yeah. Shane.
Starting point is 00:32:33 All right, so I'm gonna go first? No, you're last. No, no, my final order. Final order. Is what? Well, Sean first and second. No, you don't want Sean first. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:46 And then Katie, you can go third. I'm going nuts. I'm like, here's the thing. I haven't been writing it down the last few drafts and then I've gotten lost. So today I said, write it down so you remember where we are in the draft. And there have been some,
Starting point is 00:32:57 I've crossed it out three times and started to write it again. What is the fucking order of this draft? Hold on one second. Before you decide officially what the order is, I just want you to go ahead and check your phone. Hold on one second here. Ian's sending you nudes? He's trying to-
Starting point is 00:33:16 No, no, it's Venmo. What do you Venmo here? What's he tipping the scales at? He Venmo'd me $5. Anybody wanna beat that? Anybody wanna beat that? I'll beat it right now. And is this open? Your Venmo's open? What's your Ven the scales at? He Venmo'd me $5. Anybody want to beat that? Anybody want to beat that? And this is open? Your Venmos open? What's your Venmo? Buffalo Wild Web?
Starting point is 00:33:30 All this money will be donated to making sure that 10th Street's one's another turn. This will all be donated to figuring out what exactly went on in those ballot boxes in Philadelphia. I like this. Who's gonna comment on top? Cause this is the highest bidder kind of thing. I just Venmo'd you some money, Shane. You might be able to. I bet it's six dollars. Six dollars.
Starting point is 00:33:52 You cheap piece of shit. It ain't six. No, you did better though. Double digits. What'd he do? What'd he say? Double digits. No, I don't wanna see what Katie's.
Starting point is 00:33:59 Oh Jesus. This is like going to a wedding and you're like, is this a good amount? Is this? Oh yeah. You ever split the jacket like this? I think we all know I'm not getting married, so this is the closest I get. Thanks for celebrating me on my big day.
Starting point is 00:34:09 Dude, you don't have to get married to go to a wedding. You can go to any wedding you want. You can? You just gotta go. And... My friend's house has gone up considerably. This is hilarious. It said, what's this for? You've never paid this person before. The Encore bill requests $60. Come on! I gave it to him. That's pretty bad. It said what's this for you've never paid this request It works hard this guy
Starting point is 00:34:31 Yeah, I've never I've never requested money it's a flood of deadlines Deadline guy To make it private. Oh, I meant to make it private. Yeah, right Shannon gonna ask for a price Katie that's I have to turn this down that's insane well better than you you cheap to best wait I didn't know you're Jewish I thought you were just a cheap basket what's all this? If I was sitting with you in person, I'd just draw a $5,000 bill on a piece of paper and slide it to you, you dumb Irish bastard. You'd take it and eat it and take it.
Starting point is 00:35:11 Hey guys, Trump's separating us, Trump's separating us. I love it. President Trump. Oh my God, stop, stop. What's the order of this crap? All right, I'm sending back everybody's Venmo money. This has gotten out of control, and I feel like it might be taxable since it's being recorded.
Starting point is 00:35:26 What did Katie send? What did Katie come over the top with? Katie came over the top with a cool 50 bucks. Whoa! I think you gotta give it to her. I think she gets first go. Well, like, you know, I didn't... yes, I did say that. Katie, you're still last. She's the only one that's been on the show that we're all thinking. Yes, I did say that Katie you're still last
Starting point is 00:35:46 The show That we're all thinking okay. He's first Obviously you're getting your money back Obviously thank you on I am keeping that here in In your your last why I'm saying because I want to do it that way I'll go second and Sean will go third. What an insane way to say the order, but. God. This whole thing's been insane. Gosh damn it.
Starting point is 00:36:11 And also, if we're just going on the way you've exploited over the year, if somebody had only heard a serpentine draft explain the way you do it, they would think that what we just did is how it's done. Actually makes the most sense. Yeah, that's so true. That it was very featherly.
Starting point is 00:36:22 That was a very Zemeckis feather. Well, lucky them. Zemeckis feather. Mr very Zemeckis feather. Well, lucky them. Zemeckis feather. Mr. Zemeckis feather, pleased to meet you. My father was Mr. Zemeckis feather. Call me Phil. Katie Nolan has the first draft, and we're going to get to that pick,
Starting point is 00:36:38 or the first draft pick, and we're gonna get to that pick right after. We take a short break. This episode of All Fantasy Everything is brought to you by Babbel. Who doesn't want to speak another language? If you don't, shame on you. I don't know what to tell you.
Starting point is 00:36:52 But if you've thought of it, it's the holidays. If you thought about a gift for yourself this year, because you should, I think people should be able to buy themselves Christmas presents. I don't see why it's frowned upon. Or maybe in your circles it isn't. Either way, one that has the power to help you grow, help you learn, help you become just a better version of you.
Starting point is 00:37:09 If you want a gift like that, give yourself the gift of language. Go ahead and get Babbel, why don't you? I've said it before, everybody speaks another language, except for us. It kills me that most Americans don't, but you can speak like a whole new you if you use Babbel. It's a language learning app that gets you actually talking.
Starting point is 00:37:29 It's designed to help you in, not, I don't wanna say like just small increments, but for someone like myself, kind of a short little attention span when it comes to things like this. And they have 10 minute lessons. They're handcrafted by 200 language experts and they can get you speaking a new language in like
Starting point is 00:37:46 three weeks. It doesn't like you're not going to be writing screenplays in that language, but you'll be communicating if somebody dropped you in the middle of said country, you'd be able to function, probably go grab a drink somewhere, get some food. You know what I mean? That's what you want to do. That's where Babel is going to take you And talking is the key to really knowing a language. Babbel's designed for real conversation.
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Starting point is 00:38:23 Like I was saying, go ahead and get some food. You know what I mean? If you're wondering desperately where a bathroom is, maybe that food makes the desperation for a bathroom a little bit higher. You never know. But they're gonna get you talk wherever you need to go. That's the whole point of getting an app like that
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Starting point is 00:38:54 Right now you get up to 60% off your Babel subscription, but only for our listeners at slash all fantasy. Get up to 60% off at slash all fantasy, spelled B-A-B-B-E-L dot com slash all fantasy. Get up to 60% off at slash all fantasy. Spelled B-A-B-B-E-L dot com slash all fantasy. Rules and restrictions may apply. This show is sponsored by BetterHelp. Now this month we're gonna take a moment to acknowledge people with every one
Starting point is 00:39:17 of the BetterHelp ad reads. We're gonna, first of all, we're gonna acknowledge Katie Nolan. You know, we're gonna take a second, give Katie Nolan some shine, because she's gonna be on these shows all month long and she is just fantastic. It is the month of gratitude here at All Fantasy Everything.
Starting point is 00:39:30 And along with the person that we were just shouting out, there's other people that we don't get to thank enough. There's so many people, myriad people. The aforementioned Katie Nolan taught me that it's not a myriad, it is myriad people. But one of those people is yourself. Go ahead and thank yourself. Sometimes it's hard to remind yourself
Starting point is 00:39:47 that you're trying to make sense of everything, especially with the holidays coming up. It's tough, it's a tough time for some people. And this is a reminder to just look in the mirror and say that you're dope. Because you are. I know it sounds hokey, but I've had to embrace that that is how I actually feel.
Starting point is 00:40:03 You just give yourself some credit, treat yourself, have fun with yourself, love yourself, embrace yourself, and just try to be as grateful as you can. And if you're having trouble with that, or if you're struggling with anything, that's what therapy is designed to help you with. It's designed to help you see the best in yourself, be the best you can be,
Starting point is 00:40:23 how to try to help your friends as much as you can, how to set boundaries so you can be healthy mentally. It's all those things, all of those things. And if you're thinking of starting therapy, give Better Help a try. It's done entirely online. We talk about it all the time for a reason. It's designed to be convenient, flexible, they suit to your schedule. Just get in the groove.
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Starting point is 00:40:59 to get 10% off your first month. That's betterhelp, slash all fantasy. Yeah, we're back, welcome back to All Fantasy Everything, the only podcast that has ever existed, but only for a short while longer. Until Q125. I hear there's another one coming out. Q1 comes through.
Starting point is 00:41:18 Q125 means quarter one. And then Tasty Katie. Oh, God. On the circus, circus. T-t-t-t-taste, taste. Is that a Fergie song? Tasty Katie Real hard hey bitch, let's yeah Huge news we are humanizing Trump on the podcast. Yes! President Trump. Can you stop?
Starting point is 00:41:53 It's not a good bit for you. It's just not a... Just leave it. To be fair, Katie, it is some of his best stuff, though. Is it? We argue about it every night, Lauren and I. She doesn't like my views either, but whatever. Yeah, well.
Starting point is 00:42:06 That's why you're wearing a camo hat. I am wearing a camo hat. Canyon has the first pick in the game show hosts. Fantasy graph, live all time. The funniest part of this is that getting the first pick now is a curse, because now I have to pick between these two. No, I think there's a clear number one. The one you think I'm gonna pick.
Starting point is 00:42:27 And then the one I feel I have to pick. Wow. And so we're doing a game show hosts of all time. Mm-hmm. Yes, the future ones too. I just don't think it's gonna survive until all of you get back to me. And so I have to take my dear friend Regis Philbin. Oh really?
Starting point is 00:42:51 Neither, not either one of the two that I thought, but yeah, it's a big fan. Really? No, he was the two to me. I had Regis top two for sure. I had Regis top two for sure. Yeah, I just thought he was gonna go. And listen, I never got to meet Alex Trebek.
Starting point is 00:43:01 God, I wish I would. And if you had told me earlier today that I wasn't gonna take Alex Trebek with the first pick, I would have punched you in the face. But I worked with Regis Bilbin. And he was, it was my first gig ever in TV was with Regis, which is like, what a crazy sentence that is. And he was such a nice sweetie pie.
Starting point is 00:43:20 And he's exactly the way he is on camera as he is off camera. And I thought he did. I mean, that was before I understood what it meant to be like a good host or like really good at TV. You watch him on Millionaire, he did fantastic. That show was like a thing.
Starting point is 00:43:34 You're going with Regis Felburn. Yeah, I think I have to. You sure about that? Is it my final answer? What do we think? What do we think? Is she going with Regis Felburn? Can I phone a friend? Yeah, call someone.
Starting point is 00:43:45 Yeah, please, yeah. You can pull the audio. Is there a way to call people on Zoom? Can you call people on a Zoom call? This is stupid, I could just handle it. There's no way this could come to the robotic leg on Zoom. There's a button. Sorry, Shane.
Starting point is 00:43:58 Shane just barfed. You push. You push. Are you okay? Somebody blew an anthrax. Somebody blew an anthrax, somebody blew an anthrax cannon in his face. Anthrax cannon will be a second name for a band too.
Starting point is 00:44:12 Yeah, I was gonna say, Shane does her D-side for the first time. Oh god, that sucks. Are you okay? Yeah, I'm fine, thank you for asking. When you say is there, sorry, go ahead, Katie. No, I just was gonna would say what was that? Said it's neat one sneeze. That was like nine sneezes Shane just got a match on on bumble
Starting point is 00:44:40 What apps are you on Shane? I don't do any own ESPN Google Maps Weather Google Maps. A lot. Yahoo Fantasy. Weather. I checked the weather to see how wet I'm going to be when I get where I'm going. Katie, can you tell us a little bit about that first job with Regis Philbin? It was called Crowd Goes Wild. It was on Fox Sports One. We were one of the flagship programs of that network, which was originally billed as the one for fun. And as we can see now- Oh, the home of the victor awards. The home of the flagship programs of that network, which was originally billed as the one for fun. And as we can see now... The home of the victor awards.
Starting point is 00:45:09 What we can see now, it's just become the one that is trying to be the other one, but less. And so it was like an hour long live show every day. I want to say five o'clock, but I truly don't remember. And it was just Regis and like five other people. Michael Costa was also on it with us. And it was just a crazy first gig in TV. And I loved Regis.
Starting point is 00:45:37 Regis was so sweet. Regis was, you know, he was older. So he had some things that you were like, oh geez, Like one time he told me that I reminded him of Tina Fey. And at the time I was like writing my own jokes in this like segment that we had called No Filter where I would just like show a video and then make a joke about it. And so I was like, oh my God, I do? Why? And he said, you know, brunette, cute.
Starting point is 00:45:57 And I was like, oh, well, that is not, those are not the things I was hoping that you meant. But he was just such a sweet guy who was amazed with how much food I could eat. That's also kind of nice to hear that he was like a sweeper. Apparently he was a real song and dance man too. Like that was like, like he would do live shows. He was very talented. He's a very talented man.
Starting point is 00:46:21 And I, he could have been lying to me, but he would read prompter, no, he never had contact lenses, glasses, nothing. He just read it. Now he read it slowly, but he read it just with his regular eyes. Seems like it'd be fun to knock back a Scotch or two with Regis.
Starting point is 00:46:39 Mm-hmm. He would drink, I wanna say either vodka or gin, but with a tonic back. He always had it as a back. Straight gin? One of those two, I wanna say, either vodka or gin, but with a tonic back. He always had like it as like a back. Straight gin? One of those two, I don't remember which. It was a long time ago. I just remember the tonic back.
Starting point is 00:46:53 That is a weird way to do it. He was amazing in like the diversity of things he could do on television. Cause it's weird, like you see him on the morning shows and he's like zany and wild, and then like, he could kind of, you know, he was still cute and fun on who wants to be a millionaire, but he could ratchet up the tension.
Starting point is 00:47:09 He was good at it. Yeah, he rattled me. Especially when you see like- He could control the broadcast, you know? He could control it, yeah. And the British host of it was so, such a departure from Regis, right? The original one was very-
Starting point is 00:47:20 Oh yeah. The lady, the, thank you, goodbye. Thank you, goodbye. Yeah. That was the weakest link. I thought that was weakest link. Oh yeah. Let's just quit naming picks, you lady, the thank you, goodbye. Thank you, goodbye. Yeah. That was the weakest link. I thought that was weakest link. Oh yeah. Let's quit naming picks, you know?
Starting point is 00:47:29 Of who, yes. No one can name that lady off the top of their heads. Fanny Buttersworth. Fanny Buttersworth. You know what, I think I was thinking of the weakest link host. Yeah. That's okay. Some guy named Chris Tarrant hosted it originally.
Starting point is 00:47:45 But no, it's not okay. It's not okay. And I'm stepping down from offense, everything effective immediately. Remember when the guy won a million and he called his dad to be like, I know the answer, but I just wanted to call you because I'm about to win a million dollars. And it was like, oh my God. What a way for that guy to like flex. You know the producers were going crazy like fucking yes, dude. That's a producer's dream for something that guy to flex. Very reluctant. You know the producers were going crazy, like fucking yes, dude.
Starting point is 00:48:06 That's a producer's dream for something like that to happen. It was what president appeared on Laughin'. I remember the exact question. Oh wow. Yeah. Shane Torres. Regis Philbin. Oh I'm second.
Starting point is 00:48:17 I really didn't remember what the order was. Oh I can tell you, so I have a second pick. I can also go, did you want me to go second? Oh we could do that Mekka's would I am I'm trading my first round pick the Katie know Can we really do that All right, I would get confided So I gotta keep track of it somebody else has to keep track because I will not.
Starting point is 00:48:46 I don't think it works. It would be me. This is terrible for a listener. This is terrible for the listener experience. Let me just go ahead and seed the obvious. Please just take the obvious pick. You're not gonna. I feel like I'm gonna get shit for this,
Starting point is 00:49:03 but I'm gonna try it anyways. You are gonna get shit for anything. Yes, very fair So I feel you should be able to I would like to take The TNT postgame show crew Ernie Johnson Charles Shacken Kenny because it's a game show Game show? Is it a post game show? Because it's a show after a game? Oh, it's a game show. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:25 Of course not. Ian put his De Niro face on. He was so upset. He was so sad. I knew he wasn't going to let me do it, but I thought I should cry. Of course not. It's a great... I love the way your brain works.
Starting point is 00:49:34 You're a brilliant and funny man, but absolutely not. Fifth round, you would have got a yes. I can almost guarantee. Fifth round, no. No, no. I don't really. I've only watched this show like twice in my life, but everybody's obsessed with him, so I guess I'll take Alex Trebek.
Starting point is 00:49:47 Thank you. You've only watched Jeopardy twice in your life? Yeah. No, he's only retained two words. He's only retained two words. Katie's been on it more than twice. What's wrong? Yeah, wait a second.
Starting point is 00:49:57 One minute, mister. Yeah, I saw you on it twice. I was like, I don't want to do this anymore. This sucks. Dana's been on it. Andy Wood's been on it. Yeah, I have more friends that have been on it. I'm going to watch more Jeopardy. I'm going to watch more Jeopardy. I'm going to watch more Jeopardy. I'm going to watch more Jeopardy. I was like I don't want to do this anymore
Starting point is 00:50:11 Dana's been on it Andy Woods been on it. Yeah, I watch more friends that have been on it than I have actually times I've watched it. Yeah. Oh, I don't think we've spoken face to face since Dana was on it. She was on it Yeah, damn that guy. She ran into a buzzsaw. That guy was crazy. He was crazy. He got every Daily double once that happens. it's over. Over. If you're dealing with someone who's even remotely competent. And I have a theory about Dana. The categories sucked. The categories were terrible.
Starting point is 00:50:33 And Dana was on, they were about to go on summer break. So this is my theory. Is that these writers, they put these categories together, and like anything else where they get excited about one, they're like, oh, let's do that, I don't know, cars that they used in movies category. That was fun to write, right? And at the end of the season, they just have this pile of misfit categories and they're like, oh, I don't know fucking throw up that like heads of the EPA category or like members of
Starting point is 00:50:58 Jimmy Carter's cabinet shit and this where they're like, they're like, well, we'll try to come up with a better one before airtime, but if not, placeholder, let's put all those bottom of the barrel. I'm sorry their work wasn't good enough. That's just my theory as someone who has worked on like a daily show where you're just like, geez, we're about to go on break, can we just, you know, you get like senioritis,
Starting point is 00:51:19 and I think that's what happened. I never watched a late, late show in June, because I knew you would be, you know, doing a crosswalk, a I would like to watch it in May or April or February I watched over the first Few months I would turn it on cuz he were cuz you were such a like you it was like a big deal for you On the show. Thank you. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it became a decreasing once I found out James was British. I had to get out You couldn't tell right away.
Starting point is 00:51:46 He's keeping that character up for the fucking three months. I was like, this is Christ. We're going to need a the only difference between this James and the other two that host late night show was his accent. Yeah. Yeah. And he had a little more cushion for the push and to. Yeah, he's all snow. He's a different kind of talent than those guys.
Starting point is 00:52:00 He's a Regis Philbin type. He is. Song and dance man. Who's third? Sean. What's your fucking pick, you stupid prick? I hate you. Hey man. Stop.
Starting point is 00:52:11 Thanks for being so. I know what he's gonna pick. Go make me another omelet, Sean. Give me the first letter of what you think I'm gonna pick. We didn't talk about Trebek P. Enough at all. Just for the record, we barely talked about it. Everyone talks about him enough.
Starting point is 00:52:24 That's so disrespectful, I just wanna say. My favorite part of Trebek, my favorite thing is how he would just go ahead and be a dick anytime he felt like it, like on the air. He would just, he would make fun of people for not knowing the answer. He would like, I mean, he just, if a story was wacky, he'd be like, okay, and he'd just keep going.
Starting point is 00:52:40 In other words, a nerd. I loved it. I loved it. I loved it. Katie. Yeah. Katie. When you were on, was he the host? No. Don't say who was, don't say who was. You know, Trebek was like a Canadian sex symbol. Was it Aaron Rodgers?
Starting point is 00:52:52 No, God no. Jesus, whatever. I can't believe they were really gonna give him the keys for a little bit. I was like, please don't, please don't. It seems crazy in retrospect now. Well, it seemed crazy then. I met his ex-girlfriend.
Starting point is 00:53:05 She came to a show at the stand one night. The actress, Shailene Woodley. Yeah, super nice. Yeah, she was really, really pleasant. I remember she once went on a late night show, all I know about her is that she went on a late night show and was like, I only own two pairs of pants or something like that.
Starting point is 00:53:20 And it was like, what? Relatable. And that was like her thing was like, I only own two pairs of pants. I only had one for both of them. Shirt pants and pants pants. What do we do? Probably gets like a lot of like free stuff.
Starting point is 00:53:34 Outfit sent to her. Yeah. It's like, yeah, owning two pairs of pants the way she does it is very different than owning two pairs of pants the way Shane does it. It looks very different. She's also like a natural, very true. If it was Shane one way. It looks very different. She's also like a naturalist and environmentalist and stuff, so she might actually be on the clothes waste thing.
Starting point is 00:53:52 Sustainably, yeah, something. She eats dirt, she eats clay. Like that's one of those, you know those people who like eat clay because they think it's healthy? Well brother, I'm gonna start eating clay because she looks fantastic. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:03 Alex Rebecca. Probably we'll introduce him to Ayahuasca. I bet that's true. Alex Trebek. Probably would introduce him to Ayahuasca. I bet that's true. I would imagine. Alex Trebek, the greatest, the best. One of the great mustaches. Because he knew the answers, he was always confident
Starting point is 00:54:15 and he was in control, he moved the game at the right pace. Now what show did he host? It was called Jeopardy. He had a Snickers every day. Every day he'd get there, he'd have his Snickers. Did he? Yeah. Because he's not himself when he's hungry.
Starting point is 00:54:30 And he also never knew the stories. Like, you know those horrible stories? He would never look at them until he was standing right there and then he would look at the three stories and pick one. Oh really? Yeah. Fun guy.
Starting point is 00:54:42 Talk to your mustache as well. I have to, I can only imagine how good he smelled. Oh God. Well he was a Canadian sex symbol. He was like a, he was a hunk. He was a heartthrob. He like fell into being a game show host because he was so hot.
Starting point is 00:54:54 That rules. Yeah. He probably smells like cedar wood. Oh yeah. Well he's passed so. Well now he's still does. Currently he's passed. Depends on what they made him out of.
Starting point is 00:55:03 Depends on what they made him out of. Pop it out of pine.ends on what they made him out of. Depends on what they made him out of. Pop it out of, yeah. Pine, yeah. May he rest. May he rest. Dear sweet Alex Trebek. When I did stand up on Conan the first time,
Starting point is 00:55:13 he was doing like a walkout comedy bit, so like in the dressing room across from mine, I was too afraid to go over and say hello to him, but he was standing there and I was like, oh my God, it's fucking Alex Trebek. Yeah. Very cool. Mine was Fred Savage. He ghosted. I wonder.
Starting point is 00:55:28 He ghosted you? No, actually. First, oh, the first time was, um, the other guy at Microsoft, not Steve Jobs, uh. Balmer? No, not Microsoft. Apple? At Apple. Uh, yeah. Wozniak? Yeah. Yeah. It was Animal Cubs, Wozniak? Yeah. Yeah. It was animal cubs, Wozniak, and Shane Torch. The big three, dude. All big furry things.
Starting point is 00:55:57 Those are also three gay subcultures, I think. Animal cubs. I'm a Wozniak myself, but I'm really into the animal creatures. I saw an otter and a wasniac fighting outside of... Sean Jordan. I'm not going the P. I'm going the S, baby. I'm taking Steve Harvey. I knew it. Yeah, of course. What was the P?
Starting point is 00:56:20 Shane, you said P. I believe in climate change so that motherfucker real game show Oh, yeah, so Steve Harvey man. You don't I've never been I've never seen him live. I hear it is Fantastic. I hear he's on for three hours. Just like every time they're not shooting. He's just talking to the crowd doing crowd work It sounds amazing. I know he makes them pray with him. I know he makes them pray with him. That's fine, I'd pray with him. I'd do whatever. I would pray with Steve Harvey. Yeah, bro. I'd be so excited to pray with Steve Harvey.
Starting point is 00:56:54 He's the best. There have been a lot of hosts of Family Feud and it's like a storied position that could easily, he could have phoned it in and he does not phone it in. I have, I don't know what's going on with cable, obviously, but they have one, they have those like, every now and then when you're staying in someone's house
Starting point is 00:57:10 or like at a hotel or a resort, they'll have one of those little like 2B or some of those little apps that aren't really cable. And they'll just, there's a channel that just shows, it's not full episodes of Family Feud, but it's rounds of Family Feud. And it'll just play them back to back to back. And I've watched those for hours hung over
Starting point is 00:57:30 in a hotel bed of just like, play another. All right. It's always just that. Now we said, pick something you would find in a bathroom. And out of all the things in all the world, you said, a gun? Or then when we said, the question... Show me a gun!
Starting point is 00:57:52 There's like, the question is pork blank. Oh my God. And you said, coupon? He's got, I forget the question, but he, if somebody answered and he's like, I don't know what's always on that board, but I know what's not on that board. That is not on that board. He just seems so fun, charismatic.
Starting point is 00:58:14 The suits alone, you put those suits on a mannequin that would go pay to see it. The suits are fucking wild. Satin, satin, they are very fancy suits. I don't know if you've ever quite taken the proper victory lap for calling out Steve Harvey the zaddy and He got so sexy. I a week after that. It was like you summoned it. It was crazy when we dropped the zaddies Sean took Steve Harvey and he was first pick
Starting point is 00:58:39 Was it really first pick? That's why it's crazy because Because you do, I mean, look, let's not, revision is history. You have made some picks in the past that you act like they aren't that crazy, and maybe you're right, but you're always picking them like first or second. It's like, you just go for it for no reason.
Starting point is 00:58:57 You could have had it in the later rounds. You're drafting like Jerry Jones. I'll take Quincy Carter number one overall. Jerry Jones ain't missing any meals, I'll take Quincy Carter number one overall. Jerry Jones ain't missing any meals. I'll take that. Sean, you have a type and it is pretty good looking bald black men.
Starting point is 00:59:12 Sexy black dudes. Yeah man, Lawrence Fishburne, we drafted, what did we draft, hot dudes? Hot dudes and your number one pick was Lawrence Fishburne. Yeah, boys in the hood, Lawrence Fishburne. His fucking dude is drop dead sexy. Anyway, we're talking about Steven. He's Morpheus Second, I mean if Trebek wasn't Trebek Steve Harvey would have the best mustache in the game
Starting point is 00:59:32 You can't be Trebek for sure a myriad of reasons, but Steve Harvey's mustache Mary points here. I do it right there. Use it right myriad. No, but it's just a stupid I don't know why I said it. I'm sorry for being the way that I am. I'd like to know. Yeah, I used it wrong. For myriad reasons. Trebek would want me to let you know that. For, you don't say a, you say for myriad. Not a myriad of, it's just for myriad reasons.
Starting point is 00:59:54 A number of reasons or myriad reasons. Oh. Thank you. Katie, you have the board. Anyway. Funny. I said, Katie, you have the board. Oh, funny. I said Katie you have the board. Oh funny, it's very funny. I'll go with it's Ian's turn for a thousand please.
Starting point is 01:00:09 Let's see it. Ian Carmel is about to make his first pick in this award ignored podcast. Award ignored. That's good, that's very good. Get the award at ticket sales, that's dope. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. We win every day, we win every day.
Starting point is 01:00:29 Time for my first pick. Boy, my three, like, very rarely are like the three I was gonna take all taken back to back to back. And that was like my very clear first round. So I'm left here with, with. Should have paid 50 bucks. I should have paid 50 bucks. I should have sent it back,
Starting point is 01:00:49 especially if I knew we were getting it back. Has he sent it back yet or no? No. I'm sending it back to Kay's. No, it's okay, it's all right. I'm taking the MVP of my youth, I'm taking Bob Barker. Good. I said, yeah, well this is the top four out of the board.
Starting point is 01:01:06 Yeah, I think so. Yeah, yeah. This is rare. I worked at CBS Television City in West Hollywood where The Price is Right has been filmed since I believe day one. And you could go downstairs and look at all The Price is Right games in the studio.
Starting point is 01:01:23 They're just out there in a hallway. They're just out there in a hallway. They're just down there in a big television hallway where you're like, oh shit, there's the Matterhorn. You know, it's just like all down there. It's amazing. I do love that. They should be in a museum. Oh, I guess they still use them.
Starting point is 01:01:35 They're still using them. Yeah. Yeah. If you have to pick a favorite Price is Right game, you can't do the wheel. Because everybody wants to do the wheel. Plinko. Yeah, Plinko.
Starting point is 01:01:47 Plinko's great. Is it the Matterhorn? What's the mountain climbing one? The yodel one? Yeah, what is that one called? I like that one. What is that called? It's like a Norwegian carnival game.
Starting point is 01:01:58 Yeah, that is fun. I like the you're like, as advertising. It wasn't supposed to be a game show. They just did the game show so they could advertise things and then it morphed into a game show. Right, am I right with that? Makes a lot of sense. And also it feels like, oh, were you guessing or you were saying the truth? It's one of those things where I thought I knew. I think that's true.
Starting point is 01:02:34 I think they started it specifically to be like not a good show. And then they made it and then it morphed into a game show. Because that to me makes a lot more sense than what they do now where they'll play a commercial and they're like, this is brought to you by Supermarket Sense. And then they talk about three different products
Starting point is 01:02:47 and you go, what, who's paying for this? Who made this commercial? It's like, oh, that was just, that's price is right. But without the sparkle. Yeah, they have that, there was that game with the big dice. That one always seemed fun. Oh yeah, that's a fun one. The punch a hole in the.
Starting point is 01:03:02 Oh yeah, that's fun. Through the paper, whatever, because that was like almost all guessing. I also like the showcase, because you're like, I have no idea how much a boat and a pool table. It's awesome when somebody gets both, when they guess within a certain amount
Starting point is 01:03:14 and you get to keep both of the showcases. That's always sick. It's always when it's like, you get a dune buggy. You remember that when they went nuts with dune buggies and you're like, I can't use a dune buggy. Very limited amount of people can use this a lot of turtle wax changing hands too who's the comic that was in the wheelchair
Starting point is 01:03:32 and she was on it and she wanted a treadmill oh my god was it it wasn't I can't remember her name but she uh uh it was like very people were just like, okay. Like she want the treadmill and everyone was like, we're gonna figure this out. Like it was, like. You gotta sling it.
Starting point is 01:03:51 But just the amount of people, like you got a pool table and you're like, it's gonna be a conversation with the Mrs. I don't know. I don't know if that pool table's getting used. I can't find anything here that says it was. Supporting what I say? Yeah. It could be one of those things I made up because I wanted it to be true, but I here that says it was. Is it boarding what I say? Yeah. It could be one of those things I made up
Starting point is 01:04:06 because I wanted it to be true, but I swear I heard it somewhere. Everybody smash that like button. Smash that like button, make it heavy with the comments, bro. Make it heavy with the comments. Smash that like, like and subscribe. The price is right.
Starting point is 01:04:18 Bob Barker getting him, he also hosted another game show called, I'm finding, Truth or Consequences, from 56 to 75. New Mexico? Truth or Consequences, from 56 to 75. New Mexico? Truth or Consequences, New Mexico. A Washingtonian, Bob Barker. Almost in Washington.
Starting point is 01:04:33 South Dakota boy too, he's got Native in him and he lived in Yankton, South Dakota for quite some time. He grew up on the Rosebud Indian Reservation in South Dakota, that's right. Yeah, I think he went to college at Mount Marty, maybe that's Yankton, I think. Yankton is like LinkedIn, but they force you to do it. I know this is not surprising, but.
Starting point is 01:04:51 He just got Yankton when he was trying to walk down the street. I'm not even trying to be on this website. I'm on the Buffalo Wild Web. I got Yankton. You might go to the Buffalo Wild Web on the way home, get some spicy mother fricking gizzle, dude. Whoa. What's a gizzle? Spicy girl. Oh, there you mother fricking gizzle, dude. Whoa.
Starting point is 01:05:05 What's a gizzle? Spicy girl. Oh, there you go. He was also a good dude, like a very, I mean he was- Passionate about cats not overproducing. Passionate, he was a big, he donated a lot of money to the Sea Shepherd Organization, PETA, animal rights, all that stuff, yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:21 That was like one of the few family guy jokes I remember is like they were doing like a Price is Right thing and he said to get your Pet spayed and neuter and then just showed the dog. He goes just die already Dark but that's not for my second pick. That's a dark shame. You get to go again. Yeah, you get to go. Yeah What do you got? Yeah, I know this is where the herd starts to get pretty thin, pretty fast. It does thin out pretty quick in here. I got some deep cuts.
Starting point is 01:05:51 Cause I'm not even trying to like, I know he's a big name, but I'm not. Just say it. I'm not gonna take him. I don't think I'm gonna take him. I'm not either. You have to take him. He can rot. You can rot. You don't have to do anything, unless he drops to the third round, then you can take him. Then gonna take him. I don't think I'm gonna take him. I'm not take him No, you can rot you can rot you don't have to do anything unless he drops to the third round
Starting point is 01:06:07 Then you can take them then you got it. That's about a half No, you know what no fuck man god damn it I really would have gone early It's really tricky. I'm taking Mark Summers. I'm taking Mark Summers. Oh, nice. Oh, Mark Summers off the board. I really thought.
Starting point is 01:06:31 I'm taking Mark Summers. Very nice, yes. I gotta give you guys more credit before we do this. I was like, no one's gonna get Mark Summers. I didn't think he would last. I didn't think he would last. He wouldn't. He absolutely would not have lasted.
Starting point is 01:06:43 Why would any of us pick the guy that was our first game show host when we were all six years old? The game show that we all wanted. Yeah, you could slime your parents and everybody would have to climb up a giant nose to pull out a flag. The man has made a career of hosting game shows.
Starting point is 01:06:57 First of all, a great young Jewish man from Indianapolis, Indiana. I just want to go ahead. Oh, I wouldn't have picked him. I didn't know that. Born. Oh, Jesus Christ't have picked him, I didn't know that. Born- Oh, Jesus Christ! Born Mark Berkowitz.
Starting point is 01:07:10 Hollywood made him change it, huh? Dang, I mean, didn't pick- Wait, yeah, okay, sorry, go ahead. He's hosted Double Dare. What would you do? Pick your brain. History IQ, win tuition. Unwrap, Wintuition?
Starting point is 01:07:25 Not a game show. What's Wintuition? Something on the game show network. It's where you ESP, you transfer funds. I'll tell you what Wintuition is. Mentally. Wintuition is an American game show. Well, thank you.
Starting point is 01:07:38 The game had a school-oriented theme in which three contestants competed to answer questions on a general school-based subject in an attempt to win 50,000. Okay. There's too much, it goes through elementary school, middle school, high school. I feel like I remember that, but not being called that.
Starting point is 01:07:55 Yeah. I remember what would you do. I just remember the song, what would you do? I don't remember the show at all, but I loved it. And what was that? Then he hosted the next Food Network star at Dinner Impossible, Restaurant Impossible. The man hosts game shows. What a weird thing to grow up to be. Like game show hosts?
Starting point is 01:08:14 I feel like it's a great lane. I'm sure it's a great, I'm not dogging it, but just like. Can I say, I've had that same thought. As a person who, since since leaving TV has mostly been pitched game shows and has recorded several game show pilots. I've had that thought of like, this isn't me, right? This isn't, this isn't my lane, I don't think. But it's like almost like I feel gaslit because everyone keeps being like, nah, this is you.
Starting point is 01:08:42 We got an idea for a game that is so you. And I'm like, I don't know. It's a skill, but I don't know that it's my skill. We were almost on a game show together. I think like the game on, which I don't think anyone was gonna take. Oh yeah, oh yeah. At least I dropped your name a ton.
Starting point is 01:08:58 They could have tagged you, right? Oh no, I had at least a Zoom. I had taken a lot of Zooms at the time, but I do think that was one of them. It was a Zoom era. It was a Zoom era. It was a Zoom era. My favorite Double Dare thing was when they had to reach up the nose and there were like a bunch of snot and balloons up there.
Starting point is 01:09:11 Yeah, that was so sick. That was wild. I always wondered what it smelled like in there. No good. It's like cornstarch, right, is what it's made out of, slime? Yeah, yeah, corn syrup. But then sometimes it was like translucent, and then other times it was opaque.
Starting point is 01:09:26 Maybe it didn't like, yeah, set or something. And so it was like, what is, yeah, I don't know. Really factored into our childhood, so. Yeah, a lot of the, slime was a huge part of my childhood. To get- And my adulthood. To get slimed was one of the great honors you could have bestowed upon you. It feels like we couldn't do that now.
Starting point is 01:09:43 It feels too. Slime and kids. If, I don't know, it just feels too gooey. After that Nickelodeon documentary, there's a little line. Yeah, it just gets a little dicey. Where you're like, oh, okay. Well, we should turn it over to the church then.
Starting point is 01:09:58 No, and they'll do the right thing with it. Certainly the archdiocese could handle. Mark Summers is my first pick. That's what slime means is Eucharist involved. I've also heard from back channels, lovely, lovely man. People who've like known him and worked with him. Just like a super, super nice guy.
Starting point is 01:10:14 Terrified of germs, very nice guy. Oh, that just made me think of another I wasn't thinking of. Yeah, he was very OCD like that. Oh no. How can you be terrified of germs and be the host of the nose slime game? What's going on here?
Starting point is 01:10:29 That was the whole thing. Crazy, right? That is a wild choice. I guess it's the only nose you can be sure is completely sanitized. The physical challenge is just shaking his hand. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:39 Sweating through those dark colored Brooks Brothers shirts he was wearing. Good pick, good pick. Thank you. Yeah. Sean Jordan. Uh, yeah, so I'm gonna go, I don't know if this is, I don't know if this is cheap or not,
Starting point is 01:10:57 but I can still get some prices right with a very good game show host. You can still, I can uh. Just say his fucking name. Drew Carey. What a game show host. You can still, I can uh. Just say his fucking name. Drew Carey. What a game show host. Drew Carey. Yeah, Drew Carey.
Starting point is 01:11:09 I don't get surprises from him. He also, he was like, is it anyway? That kinda counts, right? He's good at it. Yeah, a little competition show. Awful. He's great. I love it.
Starting point is 01:11:18 No, he is really, really good. He has settled into the role, I'll say that. He sure has. If you haven't watched in a while and you flip it on You're like, okay. Yeah, it's a different vibe it would be tough to like to step in and try to fill that and Yeah, you have taken a different direction Yeah, isn't he making shorter shorter moocoo cash, isn't it?
Starting point is 01:11:41 I think he's making insane money. Yeah. Yeah, He's like making money the old way in show business still. Yeah. You know, like. 12 and a half milli a year, just from hosting it. And it's work. I'm not like, that's work. I'd bother doing people like, that'd be an easy job. It ain't, none of that's easy.
Starting point is 01:12:00 None of that would be our job. Keeping that energy up. MLS soccer teams is like what he does and shit. He's a Seattle Sounders guy, right? Yeah. That's easy. None of that would be a challenge. Keeping that energy up. Any old MLS soccer teams is like what he does and shit. He's a Seattle Sounders guy, right? Yeah. That's smart. No, it's like having to keep that energy up on like the best day of this regular person's life. They've just gotten named to come up and do a game show.
Starting point is 01:12:17 And for you, it's like a Wednesday at your job. 100%. And to have to give the like, so good to see you, glad to have you here every day, it must be exhausting. He's always gotta be like, Josh, tell me a little about yourself. Yeah, right, even though he could not care any less. I'm going back to my Maserati. It is interesting where you realize that TV,
Starting point is 01:12:38 it really hit me the first time, two times, I went to see Ian at work, just to go visit, just to see the place, and then I went for one of Shane's Conan sets, and both times it was like everyone was just going to do normal stuff afterwards. I was like, don't we go party? And Ian's like, no, I work, this is where I work. But I'm like, this is crazy, there's famous people here,
Starting point is 01:12:58 we should go party. And he's like, I got coke. It's gonna be bad for us. What am I supposed to do with all this coke? But it is nuts, because you just have a normal life. If you have a third lead from Suits in your life every day, I understand why you don't want to do both. I think one of the hardest things to do in showbiz is to like
Starting point is 01:13:20 make like non showbiz people seem funny and make like entertaining bits out of it. I don't mean that in an insulting way, but like what Drew Carey, what game show hosts are able to do, you know, like to draw character out of it. And like, hold a show together and be like the binding? Seems like really, really hard. You have to be so likable. People want to enjoy you.
Starting point is 01:13:42 You know, like, it's a hard skill. It is. Like, maintaining an audience's trust like that, it's really impressive. It's also, I've talked to a game show host after they hosted the celebrity version of their show, and they were like, you forget how talking, how much more of a skill, or a different skill it is,
Starting point is 01:14:01 to talk to people who do not talk on TV for a living. So it's like once you do celebrity and you're like, it just kind of goes easier. And then you go back to regular people and you're like, oh, that's right. I have to help them, make them feel comfortable, calm them down, walk them through their thing. So it's a lot to do at once.
Starting point is 01:14:19 Right, because their hearts are beating like a million miles a minute. It is tight. I mean, mine is too, most of the time, if we're being honest. I still get gritty nervous. I love it that when they're like, who are you here with? They're like, I'm here with my wife, and I'm here.
Starting point is 01:14:34 I got my two beautiful children, and you can just see them. You're like, get to the words! It's hard. Drew Carey, he would, I mean they still shot Price is Right where I worked. Drew Carey hosting it. I was only there when Drew Carey was hosting it. He does drive cool cars.
Starting point is 01:14:53 He drives weird, cool cars. Seems like he has a good time. Seems like a cool dude. I met him at a stand-up show once. He was really, really, really nice. That's what I hear. Cool. Chintoris.
Starting point is 01:15:06 Well, I am taking this strictly based on I want the game show. I'm assuming we get the version of the game show with the host. Yeah. Sure. Sure, I guess. I'm taking Mike Adelame, the first host of American Gladiators.
Starting point is 01:15:21 Oh. I was wondering who their host was. I think the hosts probably sucked. Game show rules. You don't get the game. You don't really get the game. I mean... If I don't get the game, then I don't get to do the...
Starting point is 01:15:36 Who was the host of that show? There were like nine versions. Hulk Hogan was one of the hosts. Take your Hulkster, dude. Align your political views with your game show host views. A good host doesn't make the show about themselves. And that's what Hulk Hogan would do.
Starting point is 01:15:50 That's not what Mike, that's why we remember American Gladiators. Mike Adamle. And what was his name again? Mike Adamelame. Mike not gonna work here anymore. I think it's just A-D-A-M-L-E. Yeah, Adamle.
Starting point is 01:16:03 Adamle. Adamley? Adamama? Adamama? It's Mike Adamama. It's Mike Adamama. Oh, Mike. Adamley. Did you guys watch that American Gladiators documentary?
Starting point is 01:16:15 The like last year or whatever? No. They were just like every show someone was breaking, they're like, we couldn't show most of this stuff. I might even be talking, I think I'm talking about a different guy. No, I'm not, sorry. It's the right guy. He also did WWE.
Starting point is 01:16:28 There were two of them, I guess. This guy did WWE stuff. He played the NFL. NFL career. Six seasons. Two seasons each with three teams. Six years. Yeah. Six seasons each with three teams? Two seasons each with three teams.
Starting point is 01:16:44 Six years. He was all Big Ten at Northwestern. Oh, fuck, we had the same birthday. I mean, what the hell, dude? Kim and I had the same birthday. Oh, it was meant to be. What a great day. You wanna wish him a happy birthday? You know what?
Starting point is 01:16:58 Yeah, happy birthday, Micah Domaly. I'm American glad he ate or you were born You should host a game show it should be you If I don't get the show I'm feeling like I get the show you already made your shitty pick I don't know what you feelin' like. Whatever. I don't give a fuck. You're right. Is that how you're feeling?
Starting point is 01:17:26 I'm not like I truly give a fuck. This ain't gonna keep me up at night. I'll pick a goddamn cat pushing a string around the floor. Those headphones are gonna keep you up at night trying to get him untangled I think. All right. All that good hood.
Starting point is 01:17:38 Or all that sneezing that you're doing. I saw on Dan Soder's podcast with Brooks Wheelan that Brooks Wheelan's uncle was on American Gladiators. He was, he showed us the clips, yeah. He was a competitor or a gladiator? He was a competitor. A competitor. Okay.
Starting point is 01:17:57 It's always fun when Dan's doing a podcast, just picture in the room outside of that room, with like behind the couch is just me usually laying with Myrtle, trying to get her to stop barking just like I welcome I go hello hi welcome and then I go bye have a good podcast well that's fun you know else is fun your second. Mm, as it is. It's like a fan of both. With my second pick, I will be taking, this is so tough,
Starting point is 01:18:35 because then I'm gonna have to wait a while. So which one, give me just a second. You get two in a row. You get two in a row. I know, but then I'm gonna have to wait a while. So I just gotta make sure that the one I wait for is one that you guys won't think of Cuz I'll be upset if I don't get I've already thought of a franchise depends on it. I know Already thought of it all bro
Starting point is 01:18:56 I'm gonna take Mike O'Malley host of guts. Yeah. Yep Do do do do you have it, Shane? Hell yeah. The radical rock. The aggro crag. I don't know if I remember guts. You don't remember guts? The aggro crag? Let's go to the leaderboard, Mo! It was like, um, Mo!
Starting point is 01:19:16 It was like American Gladiators but for kids, kinda. Yeah. They climb the aggro crag at the end, they do the like... Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do That tracks. That name tracks to that area. You know, his co-host was a woman. What do you do? I host a show called Guts. These kids need to fucking figure it out. His co-host was a woman named Moira Quirk from England. Mo! Let's go to Mo with the scoreboard for more. Mikey Mike! She was British, right? Yeah, something like that. I think she was British.
Starting point is 01:20:01 She was cute. She was. I had a crush on her when I was a kid. Whatever she was. Man, I wanted a piece of the radical rock so bad. The agro crag? The agro crag. I remember in college people having it in their room and being like, this is an official agro crag. And everybody was like, whoa.
Starting point is 01:20:18 It was official? You think people want official ones? Well, you could buy it online at that point, I think. And I think this was like, it was like a, you know, a Boondock online at that point, I think. And I think this was like, it was like a, you know, a Boondock Saints poster. Yes. Of course. A piece of agro-crag. Sean had one in his bedroom.
Starting point is 01:20:32 Or an acoustic guitar and you play John Mayer songs. Those were like three things you saw at any dorm party that you went to. The Holy Trinity right there. My years of college. Shake your pick. The station for the cross. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:20:44 Who do you want to end up with? If you will, there be attitudes. Man, I just had a meeting with Michael Ballard. Oh really? He's a what? A meeting of the minds. A meeting of the minds, yeah. He's a television writer in like,
Starting point is 01:21:00 in addition to being an actor, he went on to being like a legit actor. Let's also not forget he hosted Get the Picture, which was a forgotten game show. I didn't know anyone liked the picture. It was like a 16 by 16 board, and you would have to like, you'd have to try to, I don't remember really,
Starting point is 01:21:16 just that, just remember that. There were pieces that would light up, you'd like get an answer right or whatever. Right, and I think it was trivia, right? It was just trivia, but you like revealed part of this picture, and you had to like, guess what it was. He was on, right? It was just trivia, but you like revealed part of this picture and you had to like guess what it was. He was on the show, he was on Glee? He was like one of the dads on Glee?
Starting point is 01:21:30 I never watched Glee. He was on Yes Dear? Oh really? Yeah. Oh that guy? Michael Malley. Michael Malley. Did Guts come up in when you met him?
Starting point is 01:21:39 He was in a commercial at some point. We talk about Guts. Okay, good. He was in some sort of a, I feel like the Hopper, when they did those commercials, who was that? They're like, it's in the Hopper! I feel like that was him. Or, I'm having a fever dream.
Starting point is 01:21:50 He used to give Greg shit about those... I might be having a fever dream. He was a bad guy on Sons of Anarchy or something like that, too. You'd be the one to answer that question. He's also a television writer. And you'll love this, he wrote on Shameless from like the beginning. Oh, he was the Rick.
Starting point is 01:22:09 He was the Rick in the ESPN commercials. That's what I'm thinking of. That's right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah. This guy's just a hard worker. Hard worker. Yeah, he wrote on Shameless,
Starting point is 01:22:19 he created that show Survivors Remorse, he wrote on heels. He's like a, he's a prolific dude. He's awesome. Really, really nice, really like, just cool, down to earth guy, willing to talk about guts. He's got intangibles. He's a good locker room guy. He's a good glue guy.
Starting point is 01:22:34 Yeah, and that's why I'm taking him. If it made it back to me, I was gonna pick him up with one of my two. So good pick, great pick, great pick. Thank you. And your third pick. Thank you. Okay, my third pick, I'm really between a controversial,
Starting point is 01:22:49 how many do we get total? 16,000. I mean truly, is it six or five? It's five. It's five, I do say it every time, I know. I'm being serious every time. You actually do do it every time. You do do it every time.
Starting point is 01:22:59 I truly forget every time. I will forget again next time, even when we do a whole month. Even when we do do a whole month of this. Well, you do do it again. when we do do a whole month of this I do do forget. So this is my third pick whoo And so I'm gonna get two more poop picks after this. I Get this one and then two more Confirmed a confirmed I've only taken two so far. I'm fascinated with myself at the moment Okay, so this one and two more, which means I'm gonna take you and I'm gonna take you.
Starting point is 01:23:27 And then it's whether I take you. It's called all math everything. What are we doing over here? Or you. Oh yeah, thank you. Thank you. I told Comedy Central. This is something of a game show.
Starting point is 01:23:34 Jesus Christ. The one general I have with Comedy Central. Shut up, I really wanna make the correct pick here. They were like, what do you wanna do? I was like, I'd love to host a show. And I just sat back like they were gonna offer me a show. You should. You would be a great game show host! I didn't have an idea though. Shout out Ryan if you're listening. Thank you for tolerating me for it.
Starting point is 01:23:51 I'd love to host a show? Yeah, that's what I said. They're like, what do you want to do in comedy? I was like, I'd love to host whatever you guys got. Yeah, they should have just thrown you something. It would have been great. It would have been a no-brainer. Daily Colbert report. Anything would be nice. Political juggernaut, dude. You should see my tattoos. With my third pick.
Starting point is 01:24:08 Yes, please. With my third pick. I'm gonna take somebody that if we find out that he's, I mean, I'm pretty sure if you lift this sheet and look underneath it, there's probably problematic. But I'm gonna take him with the caveat that if we find out during this discussion that he is really, like really problematic, I get to take it back and caveat that if we find out during this discussion that he is really like really problematic
Starting point is 01:24:25 I get to take it back and I get to do it again. No, I'm taking Richard Dawson Original Family Feud host back when they were doing the kissing back when they could But he was also a when they did match game and I watched a lot of game show network as a kid not just because at Night that was the channel that turned to Playboy. I watched it because I liked the game shows. Not because at midnight, maybe, if you had the channel on, you could get a few minutes of it before it would go away. Really?
Starting point is 01:24:56 I only watched it because of the game shows. Sure, of course. Other people watched it for that, not me. They did the Match Game game where they would have like famous people. I don't think I was alive when that was on. All right, buddy. No fucking, get out of here.
Starting point is 01:25:13 All right. Go back on mute, okay? Okay. Could you? Little shit. For God's sake. Really. Golly.
Starting point is 01:25:20 Chime in like that? When I'm being vulnerable? Yeah. Fucking Isaac. I'm in like that when I'm being vulnerable. Yeah I'm an Isaac match game was like a panel of famous people That was like six famous people but they would ask like yeah Jenny the dog is so dirty and the audience go how dirty is she well one time she blank and then it would go And everybody would have to write something down.
Starting point is 01:25:45 And then they would go over to the famous people who were all drunk and they would all be like, I said that he's this. Richard Dawson was the best part of that game. He always had the best dancers. He was a total creep. I feel like Betty White was on Match Game. That sounds right. That's a fun game that should still exist.
Starting point is 01:26:03 And so I just remember always being like who I think he drank on air during match game Just smoking drinking they got their cups basically a Friars Club roast like yeah Yeah, and so I feel like Martin's all liquored up and saying like sexually suggestive things to married women and saying sexually suggestive things to married women. I mean, okay. I thought you said married women. I was like, good, way to apply the lesson right away. But you said married, which is different.
Starting point is 01:26:32 Yeah, I just feel like we'd be remiss to not name somebody from the kissing era that smooched on the 12 year old contestants. He was on my list for sure. He's certainly on a bunch of lists. I'm on the Wikipedia. One of Dawson's trademarks on Family Feud, kissing the female contestants,
Starting point is 01:26:49 It was a lot. earned him the nickname, the Kissing Bandit. Okay dude, so I Googled him. By the way, I don't hate that. Kissing Bandit. I Googled him to see if it was, if there was anything that came up right away as like, oh, by the way, he probably,
Starting point is 01:27:04 cause you know, that era, you're like, we probably just didn't know, but I'm not even doing some shit. First thing that came up Entertainment Weekly, an article from a year ago, family feud contestants took herpes tests when Richard Dawson was host. That's wild.
Starting point is 01:27:19 Well, here, there's a little more. How did you get herpes? I was on the feud. They just called them war blisters back then. You're fucking kissing your own family? Television executives are on my lips. Television executives repeatedly tried to get him to stop the kissing. After receiving criticism for the practice, which also included a great deal of physical contact, such as holding hands and touching,
Starting point is 01:27:41 Dawson asked viewers to write in and vote on the matter. Tell them I should be allowed to grope you. Tell them you like it. The wide majority, and this is crazy, of the roughly 200,000 responses, this is how big TV was back then, 200,000 people wrote in letters voting on whether or not you should kiss people favored the kissing.
Starting point is 01:28:04 And on the 1985 finale. What a lady killer. He explained that he kissed female contestants for love and luck, something his mother did with Dawson himself as a child. Oh, so he was sweet. I'm sure that was it. Sure she kissed him right on the lips every day
Starting point is 01:28:20 like a fucking creep. He was very matter of fact about it. He was very just like, and now comes the time where I kiss you on your lips. And it's very strange to watch back where you're like, nobody goes, no thank you. Yeah. No thank you. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:40 Are we keeping you? In this, no, I'm sorry. The Selma to Montgomery marches I just get so tired when I think about how hard black people had to work On their behalf so Any more snide remarks while I'm being an ally Katie Nolan. No, I can't see the cape in the zoom in the zoom shot You should pronounce it more
Starting point is 01:29:09 It's a cloak. I only wear it outdoors nice, bro. Yeah, dude Richard Dawson great pic Shane. Was it I think so I think I mean listen yeah, it's uh You know he's a silly goose that went a little too far. He's of his era Certainly not of this is he has is he, did he head out? Is he? I think he's still, I think he's still with us. Oh, he dead. No, no, no, no, he's gone. Yeah, he's gone.
Starting point is 01:29:33 Shark attack. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, actually, no, I think he smoked himself. I think he had esophageal cancer. He did? I think of it. He did have esophageal.
Starting point is 01:29:41 Don't you think? Is that something you can get from, like? I figured smoking. I figured smoking Figured that's from just smoking cigarettes on air for that. It's not like what Mike Douglas said he got It's probably from eating out too much from South Kisun Going down on Catherine Zetta Jones Shane it is time for your back. All right, I'm pretty sure you'll say no to this,
Starting point is 01:30:06 but I'm gonna try it anyway. It's so funny. It's so funny, they're all like, is this okay? Yeah, I'm gonna pick Damon Killian, host of The Running Man, played by Richard Dawson in the Arnold Schwarzenegger movie, The Running Man. It is Richard Dawson. Now, is that the good question?
Starting point is 01:30:24 No, but he's Damon. It's interesting. It's interesting. All host of all time. Or does Katie get this because she drafted Richard Dawson? You get American Gladiator, so I get. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. This was never on your radar.
Starting point is 01:30:36 This is bullshit. You don't just get to pick up this dollar I dropped. You don't just get to find a credit that somebody didn't get from somebody they picked and say that. No, I just did that. I do do that. I kind of think that somebody didn't get from somebody they picked and say that. No, I just did that. I do do that. I kind of think Katie gets it. Of course you do. You want to be a brick right now.
Starting point is 01:30:52 Katie doesn't even want it. She's going to take it. Katie's going to throw it away. Katie's going to take it and throw it right away. Katie's surrounding herself with sex offenders and murderers, I guess. Because I took Bob Barker and I get both of his game shows. We're taking the people. Although I like where your head's at with the pic. But he's not Richard Dawson. He's Damon Killian.
Starting point is 01:31:10 What's going on? Host of The Running Man. But that's a fictional game show, which we are not drafting. If we were drafting fictional game shows, it would open it up a little more. Okay, so... You have done nothing more than bolster Katie's draft list. Yeah. My pugilistic friend. What would you like to pick that actually counts?
Starting point is 01:31:29 I feel like that counts, but I guess I have to go fuck myself, like always on this goddamn podcast. No way it'll be any different in November. I'll eat my own asshole. I'm gonna take Pat Sajak. Is that okay? Or is there something I have to give Katie as well?
Starting point is 01:31:44 He sucks. Because he spells and she doesn't know how to spell. Sean could never take this guy. I'm gonna take Pat Sajak. Is that okay? Or is there something I have to give Katie as well? Because he spells and she doesn't spell. Sean could never take this guy. Because the weather is changing. He's a climate change. Oh, because he doesn't believe in climate change? Pat Sajak was at the, I saw him at the World Series. He was in the angle when they show the batter from him and his daughter who he really, I don't know if she's still involved now that he's no longer on Wheel of Fortune but they really shoe her and her in there. That's right. They really did the way Zoe does know she was
Starting point is 01:32:11 in singing into her role. By the way I can do this. Yeah you're like alright. You're fine at this but you're better at the other thing. Be happy you're kind of good at both. Having bangs? She's great at having bangs. She's very good at having bangs. You ever seen her without bangs? Jarring. It's pretty wild when you look at her. Is she still married to a property brother? Yes.
Starting point is 01:32:33 She was married to a property brother? She was also married to Ben Gibbard. Oh. Was she? Yeah. Oh. Well she's definitely married to that property brother. That's some nerdy lovemaking Jesus
Starting point is 01:32:52 Wait, what do you think their pillow talk would be like like just like they're just making those kind of Harmonizing their orgasms. Yeah What kind of clothes and then the post-not-clarity is transatlanticism. I don't know if that's funny, but it definitely had the rhythm of a very smart joke. Exactly. You know? That's pretty much, I get close,
Starting point is 01:33:19 but I never quite nail it. That's my smart stuff. I think that's what they're into actually. Yeah, I think you're right. I think they get close and then they back up. It's too much I can't you to enjoy the actual coming, you know, they can never come it's the journey not the destination It looks like a fucking Wes Anderson movie when those two have sex Irritating and cute
Starting point is 01:33:44 How cute is do I have? How cute does a house have to be to get 30 million dollars to make a fucking movie? I'm into it, dude. I love every bit of it. I'll take it. I like some of them. I really like a lot of them, but some of them I'm just like, I don't even see this Grand Budapest shit.
Starting point is 01:33:56 I loved it. I'll take two scoops, dude. Asteroid Shitty is more like it. That movie fucking sucked. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Astero movie fucking sucked. Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow. That's so rude. Asteroid shitty.
Starting point is 01:34:06 Wow. I can't believe they didn't call it that. Well, it's probably because they're not as smart as me. We were about to do Des Wesembur too. He was gonna be our guest for all December. And he just ruined it. Wesembur? Wesembur, I think.
Starting point is 01:34:20 Dessembur? Des Wesbur? Is that what you just said? Yeah. Desemberson? Dys-Anderson? Dys-Anderson. Dys-Anderson.
Starting point is 01:34:28 We were about to do Dys-Anderson, dude. What about Wulai? When we have all the Wu-Tang? We're gonna have Wu-Tang on. It's half a year from now. We have plenty of time to plan that. It's gonna be easy to get You-God. The rest are gonna be hard.
Starting point is 01:34:41 But Travis Kel-C Kelsey Brewery. Four straight episodes of You God. Welcome to Wulai everybody. All right listeners, send us in your suggestions for theme months. Debueri, there's a Debueri somewhere. Oh Debueri. Debueri Reynolds, Debueri.
Starting point is 01:35:03 We will do the best we can. February we could get RuPaul. We will do the best we can. February, we could get RuPaul. We will do the best we can to make it happen. Oh my God, that would be amazing. That would be amazing. People who do bad things to the climate. So Shane Took, do we say Chanel?
Starting point is 01:35:15 No, Pat Sajak, host of The Wheel of Fortune. My least favorite game show. I know, mine too, but I feel elitist saying it. It is, yes, it is the dumb person's game show. I know, mine too. But I feel elitist saying it. It is, yes. It is the dumb person's game show. It's like not actually my least favorite game show, but the fact that they pitted it against Jevron, not even against, but like when those-
Starting point is 01:35:34 No, it's like these two are the same, and you're like, no, that's not, let's not, don't do this. This is like, it's like when ABC does comedy during the Parks and Rec era of NBC, and you're like, just don't. Oh, cute, this is cute. This is like, stop right now. When ABC does comedy during the Parks and Rec era of NBC, you're like, just don't. Oh, cute. This is cute. This is like, stop right now.
Starting point is 01:35:48 Are they neighbors? Yeah, yeah. Easy watching Wheel of Fortune. You know? Think too hard. There is an amazing episode where this guy just gets everything with like two letters. And he's clearly, it was insane. He just starts smoking people, and he's like this really weird,
Starting point is 01:36:07 obviously like he watches a lot of Wheel of Fortune. And he just looks at the woman, he just keeps crushing and he goes, I'm sorry. And she goes, no, it's okay. And Patsy just like, I'm sorry, he's just too good. And then, like, he wins the big, whatever the fucking final fortune, whatever the hell it is called. I don't know how it works.
Starting point is 01:36:31 And then he just starts going, whee! Like, just like that. I think we need to find this clip. And he's like jumping up and down. What do I search to find this? Dusty old Buzzard Man wins Wheel of Fortune. Buzzard man.
Starting point is 01:36:46 I searched that and it just came up, it brought me to I'm on the Buffalo Wild Web. Dusty old, is he a dusty old buzzard man? Take it easy, you dusty old butters man. Oh, butters man. Oh.
Starting point is 01:37:03 Wait, I have to say one thing. My great aunt who has passed away, she's long since passed, used to, her name was Bertha, and she had like, like very short frizzy gray hair that was like perfectly a circle around her. I'm just trying to paint a picture. And like dark black eyebrows.
Starting point is 01:37:22 And she was very small and hot. She was very Gilbert Godfrey-esque as an old woman. And she used to always say to my brother, you. Your brother's an idiot. She'd go, you look like Pat Sajak. So that's what I think of now when I hear Pat. You look like, every time she saw him, like it was the first time she was saying it, Pat Sajak. That's what I think of.
Starting point is 01:37:52 I shout out Bertha. You met my, Shawn, you met my buddy Kiefer, right? That I grew up with. I sure did. Yeah. He met my great grandmother once and she was always just like, you look like Troy Akeman And and like she would just say that to me like oh, thank you
Starting point is 01:38:10 And then she would look at me be like your grandfather has a German daughter from the war Was it a 19 year old on his birthday? No, I don't know. I don't think so. This guy looks old. That doesn't sound like an old buzzard man. I haven't watched this in a while. But this guy looks young but with a shit load of gray hair for his age.
Starting point is 01:38:34 That's how I remember it. No, it's not. And I feel like he wears the shirts like fanboat captains wear, you know, like they're utilitarian. They look like you get them at like a... Oh, like a Bass Pro Shop outfit? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, okay. I'll look that up based off of those search terms.
Starting point is 01:38:50 You can't get a winner out of Bass Pro Shop when we're finished. We're gonna keep doing some deep research into this question. I wanna go to the Bass Pro Shop hotel, by the way. They have a hotel? Oh, then Memphis? Yeah, it's like a massive one.
Starting point is 01:39:02 Sean Jordan is going to make his third pick. Sean. Took you long enough. I'm gonna go down the MTV rabbit hole a little bit and I'm gonna pick Lisa Left Eye Lopez for The Cut. You guys remember The Cut? No. No. And it was. No.
Starting point is 01:39:18 It was like a music game show. Lisa Left Eye Lopez, The Cut! You don't remember that show? No, I don't remember Lisa Left Eye Lopez hosting a game show at all. Me neither. It was a music game show. Lisa Left Eye Lopez, the cut! You don't remember that show? No, I don't remember Lisa Left Eye Lopez hosting a game show at all. Me neither. It was fun. It was like the, it was, he finally got to meet Lisa Left Eye Lopez and it ruled.
Starting point is 01:39:32 What did Chili and T-Boz do? They were not involved. This was a Left Eye project, Left Eye exclusive. A drop as it were. This is, all your pics are so tracking for you. Like this is your personality. Like it's crazy. This had a total of two episodes, is that right?
Starting point is 01:39:49 No, it had a season. If it had two episodes, I'm thinking. That would be very funny. No, it had a whole season. I don't think it got picked up for more, but it was a blast. I liked watching it. It was like a music competition show.
Starting point is 01:39:59 Yeah, yeah, yeah. If that counts, like it's not like your traditional, but it's a competition show. Like what kind of competition show? Like Star Search almost. Um... That's not a game show. That's not a fucking game show.
Starting point is 01:40:11 I mean, kind of, isn't it? No, no, because then I should be able to get the TNT crew because that's a competition too. No, see, you're just stretching because you really want your jump hips to work and that's not how it works. For sure that's what I'm doing. You're so camp-hanging out.
Starting point is 01:40:23 Yeah, 100%, 100%, But two episodes, he gets Lisa Left Eye Lopez on a singing show. Does each episode end with a clear winner? Yes. Was there a prize? But did both of the episodes end with a clear winner? Did both episodes? I don't necessarily...
Starting point is 01:40:40 I can't speak to if I remember if there was a prize or not. You're just picking because you want Lisa Left Eye Lopez. You never watched this show at all. She was good. She was also fine. You never watched this show. She ruled. I did watch the show. I just, I was, it was 15, 16. I saw Christina Aguilera buy a scratch off ticket once.
Starting point is 01:40:53 I picked that. You know what? There might've been 51 episodes. No, you didn't. There was a clear winner. And that's so funny. If you did, I think you'd be able to pick it. Fucking asshole, this is no, there's no way. It's a game show. If it's a game show, it's a competition show.
Starting point is 01:41:09 When you said MTV, I was like, oh, I didn't even think about her. And then you didn't say her. So competition show doesn't count as a game show? No. Cause like, well, who is this? Like, why doesn't like us? We are to say, no.
Starting point is 01:41:19 Just to say Iron Chef, would that count? No, that's a competition show. But so is like Jeopardy. But it's, no, but Jeopardy is a game. This is philosophical. Cooking is not a game. That's right. Singing is not a game.
Starting point is 01:41:33 That's the attitude that keeps me out of the kitchen. Dan comes in, cooking's not a game. Cooking is not a game. Okay, I will go back to. Lay here with the dog. That doesn't have to count. Well, let me, look, the cut is a 1998 MTV talent series. Talent series?
Starting point is 01:41:50 I'm a free thinker, so I'd just like to get back hand down the road and up your own asshole, Jordan. This is a no-go. A handful of would-be pop stars, rappers, and rock bands competed against each other and were judged. The prizes were a record deal, an MTV funding to produce a music video. Sounds kind of like a game show.
Starting point is 01:42:03 I bet they didn't follow through on any of that. Nah, I don't think anyone made it. So the season was won by a male-female rap duo named Silk E. Never heard of. Come on, you guys aren't up on Silk E? Yeah, Neo was in it. Who?
Starting point is 01:42:19 Neo, Neo. Neo? Oh, Neo, they said Neo. The cut gave us Neo. And Aloe Blacc. Aloe Blacc. Wait, these timelines are not lining up for me. I guess Neo. The cut gave us Neo. And, uh, Aloe Blacc. Wait, these timelines are not lining up for me. I guess he's been around a long time. Aloe Blacc had a couple dead years in there.
Starting point is 01:42:31 Uh, I don't think... I need a dollar, dollar, dollar is what I need. This seems like a season-long... I bet he hates that. ...reality competition show, rather than a game show. I just have to disqualify. I'm sorry. Wow. Borders are in Carmel. If I can't pick a fictional game show from a murdering movie, then you don't get a place. And you can't. And you cannot.
Starting point is 01:42:53 Yeah, well you got something else you didn't know about there. Torres, why don't you cram it up your cram hole dickhead? How about I pick Guy Fieri? Is Matt just playing with knives right now? Guy Fieri for Guy's Grocery Games. There we go. Take a long walk up a short pier You're the only one that knows him. I got it. Eat it. Oh wait who hosted them? I've met Guy Fieri Nice. Have not. Did you call him Fieri or did you say it right and say Fieri? Fieri. I said Fieri. We were coached You should give it too much be like what's up Guy Fieri? Fieri! Fieri!
Starting point is 01:43:21 I can't been hot on that. I'm sorry as it now is it I'm sorry I don't want to be rude is it oh don't you you have such an interesting last name is it is It gooey or guy Your name is pronounced so interesting is it is it is it gooey Is it gooey fatty But you're Italian and it sounds like a slur so I'm assuming it's gooey Guys now which one do you think guys grocery guys grocery games? What is I've never seen an episode How do they like is it like?
Starting point is 01:43:56 The closest to yeah, it was but that that host Wasn't fantastic not his fault. He just, it's the closest you're gonna get to without picking that show. So he- It's kind of you to say it's not his fault. It's a kindness. Also not necessarily his, cause didn't Lenni Jones reboot
Starting point is 01:44:17 her in his seat? She didn't. She did, and she was- And he rebooted. And by the way, the waitings were whit. The waitings were wigged? Yeah, you get the fun of, without having to take the host. Cause Guy Fieri is a host among hosts,
Starting point is 01:44:42 as far as hosting things goes. The donkey sauce of game show hosts. hosting things the donkey sauce of game show hosts Yes, the donkey sauce of game show hosts has anyone eaten at a guy Fieri restaurant Fieri I sure have you have yeah the one in New York. No the When you do the cellar in Vegas, they have one of the in the Rio and I did it the next time Any of us or all of us are in Vegas together, we should go get drunk at a Guy Fieri restaurant. I think that would be really fun.
Starting point is 01:45:08 I can't imagine where else I would be. There is no- Imagine like the amount of sugar that's hanging over I'm gonna- Yeah, that's rough. I've never heard something and wanted to do it more. To soak up the sugar. And also, Sean's just gonna have a whale bone
Starting point is 01:45:22 anywhere he goes from Las Vegas. If they let me do it, I'm gonna do it. If you don't want just gonna have a whale bone anyways anywhere he goes from Las Vegas If they let me do it, I'm gonna do it if you don't if you don't Ass dumb drinks that's like in a long glass. Oh, yeah, big beaker. Look if you don't have a Got a boner from all the money I'm gonna win I Got a money boner. I hate this. I didn't like it either. The only cure is more slot machines. You should have seen me light up, David's like, you know, they give you free
Starting point is 01:45:54 drinks when you're at the machine. I'm like, what? Yeah, back then, last time I was in Vegas, when I heard you could smoke inside and they'll give you free drinks, I was like, and so people leave, why? Yeah. Also, Sean was people leave, why? Yeah. Also, Sean was so drunk, he sat at the ATM and thought it was a game for a little bit. It was a game of how long is my marriage gonna last?
Starting point is 01:46:14 Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Uh, guys, yeah, and then you yell things like, Shay, I have $300. Was there a clear winner at the end? Yeah, yeah, I love one, it always does.
Starting point is 01:46:24 Love one. Good, beautiful, love one, it always does. Beautiful, gorgeous. With my third pick, I am going with a, someone who won me over. He won me over. In spite of him. In spite, in spite of him. Wait, how did that go?
Starting point is 01:46:40 You've already won me over. Yeah. In spite of me. Oh. It's part of me. Oh, that was a catchy tune. Don't be alarmed if I'm, uh, head over feet. Don't be surprised if I love you. It's not your fault. Is that Avril? For all that you are.
Starting point is 01:47:00 Is that an Avril? Kelly Clarkson, who is it? You are an asshole. 0 for 2. Alanis. It's Alanis. Oh, gosh. Well, Avril? Kelly Clarkson, who is it? You are an asshole. Over two! Alanis, it's Alanis. Oh gosh, well Avril's Canadian. Pre-Avril.
Starting point is 01:47:10 Yeah, sorry. Pravril. Pravril. New medication. Pravril. Pravril. Can you not distinguish your Canadian pop stars from one another?
Starting point is 01:47:19 Pravril. For moderate to severe, not knowing who the fuck sings this. They result in severe fever rashes, night terrors, and drunk driving. And killing yourself. I can finally listen to music in public again, thanks to Praveral. I'm taking Ken Jennings. Okay. What's wrong with KJ?
Starting point is 01:47:40 Nothing. Okay, I thought he said it like there was something wrong. Well, extremely, extremely, extremely big shoes to fill. You know, and I think he was aware of it. And I kind of weirdly think now with the Myambiolik training wheels, not that they gave Ken, but that they like, or bumpers that they gave him,
Starting point is 01:47:59 where it was like, he was better than Myambiolik. You know, doing it, because it was like so hard to do. It was such a hard job to do. I, hey, I have a fucking quick question. Go on. Let me cut you off, Carmilla. Are you fucking crazy? Are you mad at us?
Starting point is 01:48:15 Yeah, it's so expensive. I'm a little upset, because I just feel a little double-sided here. Katie gets the fictional host of Running Man. Yeah. Because she picked that host. Yeah. I picked Rebecca,
Starting point is 01:48:27 and you still get to have a Jeopardy host? Because Ken Jin also hosts. Where were you when he took fucking Drew Carey? Oh, I don't give a fuck about that. I just want to be upset. This one affects me. We're taking the hosts. I told you this when you tried to take American Gladius.
Starting point is 01:48:42 He doesn't get him, and I bet your logic that I get that guy No, you're opposite of doing it that way. No, Richard Dawson plays him. He's the same person. We're talking It's the same person. You're talking different shows, same person. You cannot get that performance enough credit. He transforms himself It is good. He stops kissing. He doesn't kiss at all. No, he's Daniel Day-Lewis reincarnate
Starting point is 01:49:03 With a bloodlust. Daniel Day-Lewis reincarnate With a bloodlust. Daniel Day-Lewis isn't dead. Yes, Shane. He said to me when he quit acting. He's still a dickhead. Red coat. Ken Jennings, I was really really hard on him at first because I was like there's no way There's no way he's gonna be good and he at first he was he was not Alex Trebek.
Starting point is 01:49:24 I remember I posted some like tweet thread There's no way he's gonna be good. And at first he was not Alex Trebek. I remember I posted some like tweet thread that I regretted, but just about how he, he's a nerd, so he can't pull off that like Trebek thing where he's like sort of feels like he knows everything but is not a nerd, but is like above all the nerds kind of thing. He shouldn't try to do that though.
Starting point is 01:49:46 And he didn't. Yeah, that's what I mean. I think that's smart. I bet there were so many shitty articles on sites like Vulture and Brooklyn V. Yeah. There's like a Jeopardy, like every certain like legacy media places have like a Jeopardy beat where they'll just write about every little piece of drama around Jeopardy.
Starting point is 01:50:09 There was a lot of Mayim Bialik stuff, a lot of Ken Jennings, anti Ken Jennings. Remember when the producer of Jeopardy just named himself the host and everybody was like, no. My crazy thing, right? Richards. Everybody was like, no. I do like a guy who's like, I'm just gonna try this
Starting point is 01:50:26 and see if anyone says anything. See if I can five-hole everyone. It's like the same way the people got into the Obama's bedroom when they were in the White House. Let's just try it. Let's just see. I don't remember if it was after or before all the auditions, but I just remember him being like,
Starting point is 01:50:39 and turns out it's me. We're gonna go with me. Everybody liked me the most. So let's not ask any questions. We'll just dive right in. An exhaustive search of the entire country, and it's me. We're gonna go with me. Everybody liked me the most. So let's not ask any questions. We'll just dive right in. An exhaustive search of the entire country and it's me. I've got all the answers. You've got all the questions.
Starting point is 01:50:51 You've got all the questions. I tell the show words. I'm Paul Rudd and Clueless. I was right here in front of your eyes the whole time. But Ken Jennings, he really won me over and now I love it. Now I'm like, that's the host of Jeopardy. It's also, what started to be unfair for Mayim, I think, as somebody who was watching both,
Starting point is 01:51:11 and seeing her get at first undue hate because of just the misogyny that exists in the world, I'm sorry, but it's just like watching people hate Mayim. And at first Dan and I were like, she's really not that bad, Ken's not that good. What I think he grew into was the like, not having to be told the answer. He knows, or not the answer, sorry,
Starting point is 01:51:30 it's because it's Jeopardy, so the response. He knows what the correct response is without having to wait to be cued about what it is. Yeah, it's like a almost natural athletic ability for lack of a better comparison. Yeah, he's one of our winningest Jeopardy champions. He knows the answers to most of this stuff, so there is no waiting to be like, will we take that?
Starting point is 01:51:52 Once you could tell he took ownership of it and would make a ruling and not be afraid to the next commercial when they would come back and be like, there's been a change in score. We actually will accept the answer that you said. I feel like at first he was afraid of that. And then he just was like, oh, I'm in charge. And now I love Ken. Ken's great.
Starting point is 01:52:12 He's doing a great, he does a fantastic job. That's an impossible follow. It's so crazy. It's so hard. Like people are the same thing with Trevor Noah on the Daily Show. And it's like, well, it's Jon Stewart like influenced a generation
Starting point is 01:52:26 of political comedians and comedians in general. It's like, just don't do this. That's why I didn't watch it. I didn't watch it because I was like, I'm gonna hate it either way. I thought Trevor was fine. I'm like, I don't think it's fair to Trevor Noah that I have an opinion on how he hosts the show
Starting point is 01:52:39 because he's gonna make it a different show, and the show that I loved is gone, and it's better for me to just say goodbye to it. Remember it's fun. Wait, now we're talking about guts again. Guts, dude. The show that I loved is gone. Do you have it?
Starting point is 01:52:51 Herpes. I would like a Jeopardy host who doesn't know a goddamn thing. That would be the most fun. Every answer that I would be. That's right. They're just like, there and there,
Starting point is 01:52:59 and it's like, could be. That sounds right. Could be, bro. You look confident. You look confident. I'm gonna give it to you. I think so. I think so. Actually, may I introduce you to, maybe I shouldn't say
Starting point is 01:53:08 because it's names, but may I introduce you to Rob Lowe's game show that he clearly has no idea what the correct answers are. The floor. Fascinating. A fascinating watch if you have 13 minutes to spare of just feeling like you're watching the world end, where adults are shown photos of things and expected just to name what those things are. I've watched a bunch of it.
Starting point is 01:53:32 It's easy to have on when you're doing stuff. Isn't his shit just like, which of these is an apple too? Like isn't it like that kind of thing? Yeah. Well it's like school supplies. It'll be like notebook, protractor, seriously pencil. But if you put yourself, this is why,
Starting point is 01:53:49 because if you put yourself, you're like, it might be tricky where you're like, you'd forget that it's a pencil for a second. It's very Billy on the street when he goes like, name a woman, and you're like, uh, um, it's like putting you on the spot, but at the same time. You're like, name a woman.
Starting point is 01:54:02 You just pie face him, no. Ted Cruz is not a woman, you idiot. Get out of my face. Over here to this cafe where people are having a... Ma'am, for a dollar. Name a woman. God, he's great. But Ken Jennings.
Starting point is 01:54:11 I cannot get enough of him on that shit. It's very funny. It's very funny. When he says it with pink, have you seen that? No. It's like she's doing her, practicing her aerial show and he's just up there with her. That's funny.
Starting point is 01:54:27 And she is losing her fucking mind. He goes, everyone it's him! He's so funny. Oh, he really charms the shit out of me. You were right though, Katie. My ambialic was good at first. I don't know why I think she was bad. At first, and then, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 01:54:43 I will agree with you then. They took a little break and when they came back, I was like, did. I don't know why I said she was bad. At first, and then I, no, no, no, no, no, no, I will agree with you then. They took a little break and when they came back, I was like, did she always suck this bad? Right, and then Ken Jennings was better. It was weird, she wasn't. K-Dog stayed motivated, spent his time in the jeopardy. You could tell he was lifting. Lifting all those quizzes.
Starting point is 01:54:57 Exactly, he was doing exactly that. We're gonna get to my fourth pick right after we take another short break. This episode of All Fantasy Everything is brought to you by Hero Forge. Yes, Hero Forge, this is a dope sounding name. Hero Forge offers fully customizable tabletop miniatures with dozens of fantasy species,
Starting point is 01:55:17 thousands of parts to choose from, and they're all just right there on your web browser. They're constantly expanding their catalog of customization options. They're adding new parts every week to major features. You know they got new species, custom posing you can get into, and they're celebrating 10 years of being around. That is no small feat. So get in there and decorate. Decorate your desk, man. Collect some stuff. Have fun, be an adult who has collectible things,
Starting point is 01:55:45 make a space for it, it's a good time. Go visit during their 10th anniversary sale through the month of November to save up to 20% on custom physical miniatures. Doesn't that sound fun? Just go do it. And up to 20% on digital miniatures and STL files, sale ends November 30th, restrictions do apply.
Starting point is 01:56:06 See the site for details. This episode of All Fantasy Everything is brought to you by Mack Weldon. I'm not gonna lie to you, I woke up today hoping we would have an ad read for Mack Weldon. I know it sounds like I'm making that up, I am not making that up. I try not to lie ever, so I wouldn't say that
Starting point is 01:56:23 because it'd be pointless to say. Because I put the Air net boxer briefs on, immediately, that was the first thing I did today, it's fantastic. It's like having a secret weapon, I swear to God. If you have anything that gets you ahead in life, for me, for your boy, it's parallel parking. I'm the best parallel parker you know.
Starting point is 01:56:37 If Ian was doing the ad read, he might say it a little differently, but he's not. It's me. That's how I feel when I parallel park. It just helps me, everybody always thinks it's so. That's how Mack Weldon thinks about clothing. I'm telling you, it's me. That's how I feel when I parallel park. It just helps me, everybody always thinks it's dope. That's how Mack Weldon thinks about clothing. I'm telling you, it's a secret weapon. It's timeless, it's classic, it looks good,
Starting point is 01:56:52 it looks casual, but at the same time, it looks dressy. I don't know how that's possible, but it is. And you know, you could be looking for light as air underwear that I'm wearing right now, anti-odor tees, sweaters, sweatshirts, the button-ups are on point, the sweatpants, every single thing they have that I have ever put on my body is fantastic. They have a full range of clothing,
Starting point is 01:57:13 keeps you comfortable all day long, keeps you looking good. Right now on my body I'm wearing the Ace sweatpants, Navy Ace sweatpants, I have the Airknit boxer briefs, which the eight inch long ones, it's like putting a cloud on your butt. It's so dope. And in my room, on my bed, that I will be putting on is the beige crew neck sweatshirt.
Starting point is 01:57:32 I will be Mack Weldon head to toe, except for the shoes today. So that's how your boy's getting it done. And if you wanna look good without calling attention to yourself, it's a perfect way to do it. I'm hitting that age where I still wanna look like a skateboarder, but I want things to fit me the way that clothes should fit, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:57:50 And they do that perfectly. It looks casual and dressy at the same time. I honestly don't know how it happens. I can go skate in the clothes, I don't get too hot, I don't get too cold, none of that. You know what I mean? It's on point, it's the go-to choice for guys if you wanna look good without trying.
Starting point is 01:58:06 I'm telling you, get on it. The breathable underwear keeps me cool. The whole Ace collection, I could not, I could not back this harder. We could not, it is just amazing. Go check it out. Get the timeless looks with Modern Comfort from Mack Weldon. Go to and get 25% off your first order
Starting point is 01:58:24 of $125 or more with the promo code ALLFANTASY. That's M-A-C-K-W-E-L-D-O-N.COM, promo code ALLFANTASY. Get on it. My list sucks. Mine does too. Bring it back in that. You have Trebek, dude.
Starting point is 01:58:41 You have Trebek and Sajak. Can we have it be brought back when Shane says my list sucks? Yeah. Can that be bringing us back in? We're back in. Got a bunch of betas on my list. Even though I'm such a beta, it's crazy.
Starting point is 01:58:59 You are a beta, but it's great. It's great to be a beta. Thank you. What you eating? What do you got there? Protein bar. Ooh, one of the good ones. Alpha says the alpha.
Starting point is 01:59:08 No, it's fucked. Protein bar not alpha, bro? I'm not, by the way, I am not an alpha. I don't know, I eat out of the garbage, whatever my wife lets me have on beta. It's no cow. No cow. It's one of the dairy-free,
Starting point is 01:59:19 nothing on earth tastes more processed, but for some reason I like it. Oh, that's interesting. You should have cow. That's like Red Bull, it's like you hate it at first, and then you're like more processed, but for some reason I like it. You should have cow. That's like Red Bull. It's like you hate it at first and then you're like, no, but the gym sock is actually part of the appeal. Right.
Starting point is 01:59:30 It tastes like nothing resembling food. It tastes like somebody spilled chemicals on sand. I think Red Bull's amazing. But I can't stop eating. Yeah, I know. That sounds like the legendary bars. Have you had those? No. They make like pop tarts, like protein pop sounds like the legendary bars. Have we had those? No. No. They make like pop tarts, like protein pop tarts.
Starting point is 01:59:48 Oh yeah. And they taste almost like pop tarts. But then they have that protein thing. Yeah, that like... Yeah, like... Oh. I don't think the restaurant cleaned this fork that well. Yeah. Like, that's not a texture I signed up for.
Starting point is 02:00:08 No. I'm gonna go ahead and make my fourth pick. What do you think about that? I guess. I'm taking Ben Bailey cash cab. Okay, good pick. Yeah. Touch a good game, the cash cab.
Starting point is 02:00:20 Loved, it was always a dream to get picked up in the cash cab, I think I would have done pretty good. That was reasonable. I saw it filming once. I saw it filming once in Times Square, and I was like, this is it. I'm getting this is what, this was so long ago. This was like, I don't know, 13, 15 years ago. I was in college and I was like, this is it.
Starting point is 02:00:39 I'm gonna be on cash cab. And apparently everybody thinks that when they see the cash cab. And he just kept being like, we're doing promos. It was like, oh shit. Okay. My bad. I'll say this.
Starting point is 02:00:50 He is such a nice guy. So nice. I met him recently and I was like, I'm so sorry to do this, but like, whoa, I just watched so much of you on TV late at night. It was such a part of the zeitgeist that he would make cameos on super popular sitcoms and people would be like, Cash Cab, not Ben Bailey. Like he was no... He must hate that.
Starting point is 02:01:12 I bet he loves the big fucking house. But also, love hated all the way to the bank. Yeah, exactly. I wonder if it did buy him a big old fucking house. I'm sure. I changed my name to Cash Cab. Sure, make it out to Cash Cab. You know what's crazy about Cash Cab
Starting point is 02:01:26 when they were auditioning for that show? Yeah. No women. Sorry, I was thinking of the Bang Buss. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. That was all it. I mistook the two.
Starting point is 02:01:36 I was like, who's this Ben Bailey? Excuse me. I hate to do this. I was doing a sexist driver joke the same time you were just doing a sex driving joke. This is a safe space, girls. Please don't leave. No, please don't.
Starting point is 02:01:49 Please stay. They're just joking. They don't mean it. We're just silly guys. I don't know what the bang bus is. Nice, there we go. Never heard of it. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:02:00 But Ben Bailey, yeah. Yeah, amazing. They can sit in that. Fun. So was the meter sit in that? Fun. So was the meter running for that? The idea of somebody thinking up the idea of the Bang Bus just entered my head. Like that guy.
Starting point is 02:02:15 You know he's just getting drunk at a mid-sized city somewhere in Florida. Telling somebody that he came up with the idea for Bang Bus. But he was like, and I tried to put all this money into this weird sex sausage company, but it didn't pan out, so now I. That's a man who didn't evacuate his mansion in Tampa when the hurricane came, for sure.
Starting point is 02:02:32 He put those straps over his house to make sure he stayed attached to the ground. He thinks the real hurricane is Kamala Harris on Tuesday. Oh my God. Kamala, dude. Sean Jordan, time for your fourth pick. Ben Bailey's off the board.
Starting point is 02:02:47 Ben Bailey off the board. I am gonna go, the first game show I remember caring about, I'm gonna go calling Quinn for remote control. Oh my God. Oh my God. Shout out to Comedy Cell and Regulars in a row. I was a kid, real little, and it was like, I felt like I was a grownup, watched anything with MTV, but like remote control
Starting point is 02:03:05 was real fun, I thought it was cool, and I got sucked out the back. So immature, but yeah. Was he a big host? Wasn't he the side, was he the big host? Am I misremembering it completely? I thought he was, I'm pretty sure he was the, I thought he was like a side character.
Starting point is 02:03:22 I just in a benefit with Colin, and he brought up remote control, he goes, I used to host this show, Remote Control. Oh shit, yeah, that's my fault, yeah. Pretty sure. I thought he was like a side character. I just did a benefit with Colin and he brought up remote control. He goes, I used to host this show remote control. Oh shit, yeah. That's my fault. Yeah. Pretty sure he was in one state or another.
Starting point is 02:03:31 I barely remember it, but. I love Colin Quinn so much. The whole recliner situation. He's awesome. I know that this isn't how it works for you guys because you're in comedy and one person runs all 50 of your Instagrams, but he followed me on Instagram the other day and I was like, hello Colin Quinn. Oh, that's pretty sick. No, I think it's probably just like- I don't know, Instagram the other day and I was like, hello Colin Quinn. Oh, that's pretty sick.
Starting point is 02:03:46 No, I don't know. I probably just like- I don't know, Instagram's still pretty- I run my own Instagram. Yeah, I certainly run mine. I feel like- Do you think Colin Quinn is logging into Instagram? I think he also does. I think he probably followed you.
Starting point is 02:03:58 I don't. It was probably- I think he did. You know what, Katie? Why would the person who runs his account follow you? Well, because it might be Homeless pimp and that's who produces dance Hosted by Ken Ober and featured Colin Quinn is the announcer sidekick Interesting do I get to take him still I think so. Yeah, I think so. Yeah
Starting point is 02:04:19 He's not the host but you can take him Clearly has something to say but won't say it. We're at that point of the meal. I think we all know I'll say it. We're at the point of the meal where you're like, no, enjoy that, no, that's great. I feel like Tony Soprano's mom, my energy is like... I never did anything to you.
Starting point is 02:04:41 Oh, fine, fine. Your sister was a bit of a tramp in high school, Tony. Hey, Colin Quinn, what do I kiss you if I can? I don't care, you clearly don't care. I don't care. Oh, my children hate me. Gotcha. This is a little bit of our very narrow age gap, Sean.
Starting point is 02:04:58 Because this was off the air by the time I was watching MPP. I mean, I was young when I was out, but yeah, I was probably seven, eight, I don't know. But it was fun to watch. Ian, how old are you? How old did you just turn, 40? 40, treat. Big four-oh.
Starting point is 02:05:11 Four-zero. 40, yeah. 40. Damn. Did you do something? Did you do something? Did you do a big, did you say I'm 40? I hosted a press conference at Oklahoma State University. Yep. Good. Did a little Seanan and Shane.
Starting point is 02:05:25 Could a 40 year old do this and he'd dump milk all over his head? Yeah. Went up to wine country with a couple buddies. And then my wife took me to a very nice hotel in Big Sur. To Pound Town. To Pound Town. Should we make a sound effect for winking? Isaac, can you add a winking sound effect or are you turned off by Shane's boarish behavior?
Starting point is 02:05:47 I'm turned off by Shane's boarish behaviors, but I'm a professional. Oh, get fucked. It's your comeback, get fucked. Yeah, it's been his comeback since day one. I liked it. It worked. It worked on me.
Starting point is 02:06:00 It seemed to land and make everyone laugh. And all the listeners just had a good chuckle. So they can get fucked if they didn't. You're a very funny comedian. Do you have a faction of listeners that hate you, Shane? Why would you have a faction of hosts that hate him? You're asking if you have a faction. What a fucking shitty question.
Starting point is 02:06:16 Why not? Why? I don't think there is anyone who hates me, Shania. The assumption that people... I'm not assuming, I'm asking. It feels like if you're asking and you thought of it, you're assuming. No, I thought of it because I, as a person who also appears on this podcast, have identified a faction of people who do not like me. Isn't that our podcast?
Starting point is 02:06:35 You're one of the only times I will listen to this podcast is when you were on. Oh, no, don't do this. This is not the point of this. Cut all this out. This is not the point of this. I just wanted to funnily ask if you like know that people don't like you. When Sean is gone, I also listen. Okay, yeah, okay, thank you, I was gonna say. God, this was getting too sappy.
Starting point is 02:06:53 Sean has to go pick up his daughter in 10 minutes, so we're gonna speed through the rest of this. Shane, your fourth pick. Oh, my fourth pick? I'm going strictly, actually, I'm gonna pick somebody we all love okay star of stage screen and game show host my scene partner Miss Jane Lynch yeah yep and also from Red Nose Day with Shane what did you do Red Nose Day I did a
Starting point is 02:07:23 promo for Red Nose Day with a sketch a promo for Red Nose Day. Oh shit. I was sketched with her. Yeah. Yeah. She fun? She nice? She was very nice, very charming, all business, super pro. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:07:32 And she goes, she was like, Jane and Shay. Oh cute. And I was like, sitting in a tree and she was like, and nothing cute. I didn't actually say that, but I did figure that that was where it would go. So I decided to leave it alone. She's killing it on Only Murders, man. She is fantastic. She's amazing.
Starting point is 02:07:49 She's like, her on Glee, the first two seasons, is fucking, she's so goddamn funny. She's such an alphabet funny. Two Glee mentions on this episode. It's where Glee, where it transitioned to a Glee cast. I guess maybe I should watch Glee. AF Glee. You don't have to. Just the first season. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 02:08:05 Just the first season. And also, the amount of tragedy befalling the cast members of that show. I mean, I watched Degrassi, so I always was like, damn, everything's always going wrong here. What a little shot. Oh, you mean in real life, you mean in real life. Like the actors of that.
Starting point is 02:08:20 In real life, it's like so different. I thought you meant the like, damn, those high school kids had a really dramatic life. Yeah, that glee club was rough. I get what you're saying. A lot of them are dead. Another guy got stabbed. Yeah. There's basically a menace to society
Starting point is 02:08:32 with white kids singing Journey songs. Jane Lynch, excellent pick. Katie Nolan, time for your fourth. And then your final picks will do a speed round for the last round. Okay, with my fourth pick, I'm gonna take Summer Sanders, who you may remember. Oh my God, nobody's reacting, just for the last round. Okay, with my fourth pick, I'm gonna take Summer Sanders, who you may remember.
Starting point is 02:08:46 Oh my God, nobody's reacting, just for the listener. No one is reacting. It was a Nickelodeon show called Figure It Out. But Summer Sanders was also in the 1992 Olympics. She's a swimmer. I believe she was a butterfly. Yes, you absolutely do. She hosted a game show called Figure It Out
Starting point is 02:09:05 that I used to watch all the time and she was very good at it. She was like very charming, very smiley, very happy. She ruled. I loved Summer Sanders. And so, shout out to her. Oh, she also hosted, I don't know if you remember this show.
Starting point is 02:09:18 It only went for two seasons. She was the host of the second season. The first season was Rich Eisen, Beg, Borrow, borrow and steal on ESPN, which was basically like the, what's the one where they travel around now, like Survivor, but you travel around and you fly. Great Race, Amazing Race.
Starting point is 02:09:38 It was basically like that. You had to get from one survivor on a plane. The Great Race. The Great Race is Jews. Oh. Survivor on a Plane. The Craned Bates. The Great Race is Jews. That was the Galvanagas in Live from the Purple Line, and he goes, that's really amazing race.
Starting point is 02:09:52 Is it about white people? They had to get from one side of the United States to the other side, I think, or like two different points in the US between those two points, but without any money. And they had to like, like sleep on people's couches and like ask for rides and stuff. And she was the host of that. So that's two, a twofer, Summer Sanders. Shout out to her.
Starting point is 02:10:13 Hell yeah. Awesome. And your final pick? And my final pick, I'm going to take Phil Moore, the host of Nick Arcade. Phil Moore what? Oh fuck! The host of Nick Arcade, a sneaky favorite Nickelodeon game show of mine that most people forget.
Starting point is 02:10:28 Oh, I love that show! And Fillmore had the coolest energy. He was so excited and that I can imagine now on the other side of the camera I can imagine that being a very difficult game show to host. There's a lot of moving parts to it. And bad technology too. Yes, yes. But now when you watch it back, it's like, oh my God, that's so... Because even at the time, you were like, this doesn't really look like he's in that video game. But it must have been a difficult thing to do.
Starting point is 02:10:54 And I thought that guy was awesome. And