All Fantasy Everything - Taylor Swift (w/ Dana Schwartz, Lizzie Logan)
Episode Date: February 6, 2025It's us, hi, we're the podcast, it's us.Guest:Dana Schwartz (@danaschwartzzz)Lizzie Logan (@lizzzzzielogan)Support the show!Join the All Fantasy Everything Patreon for ad-free episo...des, mailbags, and video pre-rolls.Advertise on AFE!Advertise on All Fantasy Everything via the Good Vibes Gang on social media:Ian Karmel (@IanKarmel)Sean Jordan (@SeancougarmelonJordan)David Gborie (@Coolguyjokes87)Isaac K. Lee (@IsaacKLee)See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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This is a HeadGum Podcast. Welcome to another brand new episode of All Fantasy Everything, the podcast that fantasy
drafts anything and everything from the world of pop culture.
On today's episode, we're drafting Taylor Swift.
Our guest today is writer and podcaster Lizzie Logan.
I'm your host, Ian Carmel, and with me as always are my friends and comedians, Sean
Jordan and David Borey.
I've done this for years.
Nailed it.
It's easy.
So have I.
And I...
And I...
Ian, you're still great at hosting the show.
Every time I have to step in,
I like to think I do a decent job and then, holy buckets.
I like to keep it fresh.
You should maybe forward that script to Sean for next time.
It'd be nice.
He never forwarded me one.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Did he type that out today and give it to you?
He will now.
Ian, why would you give it?
Are we going to do the whole thing?
I wrote out that script for myself just to remind me,
even though I've been doing this podcast for, what, 10 years?
Something like that, yeah.
Something like that.
Pert near. Yeah. Well, welcome, Lizzie Yeah. Something like that, yeah. Something like that. Pertnir.
Yeah. Well, welcome, Lizzie Logan.
Hi. Hi, Ian.
Good to see you.
And a hush fell over the ground.
Yeah, I don't know why we're doing this.
We could just get into it.
Yeah, we should just get into this podcast.
One of us has to explain- How's everybody been doing?
A serpentine draft, I think.
I think someone else usually does that.
Oh yeah. Yeah. I think someone else usually does that. Oh yeah.
I got something.
I got something.
We're drafting Taylor Swift today.
Who's that?
Lizzie, this was your idea, yeah?
This was my idea.
I originally pitched Taylor Swift songs
and Ian had the bright idea to open it up
to Taylor Swift in general.
So I have with me just a list
of like my favorite stuff about her.
So we'll see where that goes.
And I, Ian, had invited my wife, Dana, to bring up her favorite Taylor Swift stuff and
had so many things that I just said, you should just do this.
You've called me out a couple times
for subbin' out my homework.
Lizzie, have you ever seen her live?
I have.
I have, in fact, with Ian's wife, Dana.
You did not in Vegas?
In Vegas.
I have seen Taylor Swift live twice,
two of the best nights of my life.
I just, I think she's created a pop music world
that is so fun to live in,
and I love talking about her and educating people about her,
and I take it very seriously,
and I'm sorry that this is a comedy podcast,
but this is very serious to me.
It doesn't sound like it's gonna be funny,
and that's fine, let's get serious.
Oh, you showed up with the merch. There we go
Having having been to a Taylor Swift show is it you can wear the merch to the show
Oh, it was a lot of people with merch at the show. Yeah, that's kind of most people are dressed up in like basically a costume
we were
Lizzie and Ian's wife Dana were in sparkly
Good job Lizzie and Ian's wife Dana were in sparkly dresses and cowboy boots.
I'm gonna see how long you keep it going, Ian. Good job.
And all these finance bars in Vegas were like,
did you just come from the Taylor Swift concert?
And it was like, yeah. Are you dumb? Of course we did.
You know, we were in...
I will also say... Sorry.
No, go ahead.
Great way to see Vegas is on the night of the Taylor Swift concert,
because I'd never been to Vegas before.
I don't know what the vibe is usually,
but it was like one third dudes at a bachelor party,
one third just people out to party,
and one third women in a great mood.
And it was so everywhere you went,
there was some, it was so safe.
Everyone was really happy. There were, it was just a some, it was so safe, everyone was really happy.
There were, it was just a wonderful,
it was a wonderful way to see Vegas
in a way that I'm not sure the vibe is the same
when like the monster truck rally is in town.
Someone who's been to Vegas a bunch of times,
don't go back.
I think hold that in your heart
and remember that is how Vegas is.
Yeah, let that be the time.
We, what I was gonna say is one time, Ian, we were with your dad.
You weren't even there.
It was me and Zach Disconnie and your dad.
And we were leaving Tacoma.
Ivan Carmel? Yeah, yeah, we were with you.
You were in. We were with Ivan.
And they were as a Taylor Swift concert the night before.
And I just I was like, hey, how do you think
the Taylor Swift show went?
And he goes, who gives a fuck?
And then he burned rubber.
I swear to God, the tires squealed
and we got out of the hot tub.
Well, should we get started on the show?
I'm actually curious, Sean and David,
what is your fan level with Taylor Swift?
So minimal, so minimal.
So minimal.
I love her Taylor Swift.
Did a lot of research this afternoon.
Taylor Swift, I used to, for probably three years,
I had to listen to a certain song every time I took off
and landed on an airplane.
I remember that.
And it's one of the many superstitions
that I have with flying that I forced myself to break.
Which song?
Are we gonna get into that?
Yeah, we'll talk about it.
Okay, I'm so interested.
Yeah, she just makes fantastic music.
I think one of the, an incredible songwriter.
We'll get into it.
How does this podcast work?
Who explains the serpentine draft?
I will.
Yeah, because there's a game of rock, paper, scissors
played by the-
A rollicking game.
A rollicking game of rock, paper, scissors.
Played by the three of us?
Played by the three of us now.
Ah, we can get, we'll get to the plugs.
We can do the, real quick,
let's point people in the direction of socials.
Joining us, David Borey.
David, Cool Guy Jokes87 on Instagram.
And are you venturing over to Blue Sky yet?
No, no, I'm not going to do that.
Okay, just keeping it on the gram.
Yeah, man, I'm not.
All right, the skies are gray.
Come on, man, the sky is not the limit for me.
You're lucky to have me on Instagram, to be honest.
Uh, point the folks. What do we got coming up?
I know we have a show.
Oh, yeah. Sean Jordan and I are playing the Carco Theater
in Renton, Washington, on March 1st.
March 14th, I'm playing the Comedy Commonwealth
in Cincinnati. And March 15th,
I'm playing the Comedy Commonwealth in Cincinnati, and March 15th, I'm playing the Comedy Corner Underground in Minneapolis, and then I have a date in April
in some dumb town in South Dakota.
You keep?
Fuck South Dakota!
Oh my gosh!
No, no, I'm gonna explode.
No one's ever seen this happen.
That was the realest anyone's ever said it.
Also coming to us, Lizzie Logan.
Is it just Lizzie Logan on Instagram?
Yeah, it's my name with five Z's,
so it's just Lizzie Logan.
And that's it.
I have a Twitter, but I privated it, and I'm not gonna tweet anymore, and that's it. I have a Twitter, but I privated it
and I'm not gonna tweet anymore.
And that is it.
I'm going all in on Instagram.
Sure. Yeah.
That's lovely.
I still have a good time.
You got anywhere you'd like, yes, yeah.
Oh no, I'm just gonna say,
I will completely naturally just clear my throat
and then leave a gap of like one second
and then start talking about all the things I need to plug
and then we'll naturally segue back into the show.
Hello all fantasy everything listeners.
This is the actual Ian Carmel,
because I actually do have something
to promote on this episode.
My very first standup comedy special,
Comfort Beyond God's Foresight,
is available right now for early access
on the 800-pound gorilla website.
You can go right to their website to find it,
or you can follow the links on any of my socials,
my Instagram, my Blue Sky, my Twitter,
if you're still over there on Twitter, unlike David.
Go check it out.
I'm really, really proud of it.
We recorded it live at Revolution Hall in Portland, Oregon.
You can get it right now for early access,
starting at $10, starting at 10, just pay the $10.
They have this pay what you will option,
and they're like, you can pay upwards of $100.
Don't, don't, don't do that.
Don't do it.
Or do it, I don't know.
What am I gonna tell you what to do?
But it's available right now for early access
on 800lb Gorilla's website on the 18th of February.
It will be available on YouTube as well,
and I will be doing a special live chat watch along
when that drops on February 18th, 5pm Pacific time,
8pm Atlantic time, which would make it seven in Chicago,
six for Nikola Jokic, unless he has a road game,
and then see any of those earlier posted times.
So check it out, I really think you're gonna like it.
It's kinda hard to promote it,
because I tell longer stories than my jokes,
and those don't really work well in Instagram
Formats, but I think it's really funny. I think you're really gonna like it. Check it out. We put a lot of love into it
It's gonna be a good time. All right back to your regularly scheduled
Taylor Swift based programming
And we're back. Sorry. What are we talking about? Wow, crazy dates Ian.
So much going on.
A lot of things I'm working on.
Oh, this is dank.
I will be at the Renton Carco Theater,
Renton March 1st with David.
We might have a special guest come making the trip
from Portland with us.
Who's to say?
Is it me?
Yeah, Lizzie's coming. Come up from Portland. And Zach, you're gonna bring Portland with us. Who's to say? We can just say. Is it me? Yeah, Lizzie's coming. Is it you?
I'm coming from Portland.
And Zach, you're gonna bring Zach with ya.
And then I'll be in Fort Collins the last weekend of March.
Fort Collins, Colorado, Comedy Fort, come check it out.
It's always a fantastic time.
I'll be there.
I'll be there featuring for Sean Jordan.
It is gonna be dank.
It is gonna be tight, and I'm gonna love it.
All right, let's get into it.
I'm ready.
Now to determine, so it's a,
Ian, it's a serpentine draft, right?
It's a serpentine draft, which basically means
if you draft last in the first round,
you draft first in the next round.
Okay, now to figure out the order of said draft, I think.
We play a rollicking game of rock, paper, scissors.
Yeah. Yeah. I was gonna say, should we do four or is that just insane of rock, paper, scissors. Yeah.
I was gonna say, should we do four?
Or is that just insane?
No, that's insane.
I know, Ian never plays.
No, you guys do, but I'll call it.
I know what the emphasis is, okay.
Everyone ready?
I don't even know how you do it with three.
Rock, paper, scissors, shoot.
David Bowie in a natural victory.
Odd man outwings.
When we do, that's how we do it.
I don't know why I'm laughing so hard.
When you do it with three.
That's not rock, paper, scissors.
That's a different game.
Yeah, it's...
New rules.
New rules.
I'm just telling you.
How would you do it with three?
I don't know.
That's why I said it was three.
You could do an elimination where it's like then you would be out and then Sean and Lizzie, but that would just take too long. Yeah. That's why I said it was- You could do an elimination where it's like, then you would be out and then Sean and Lizzy,
but that would just take too long.
That's an extra one.
David, what's the order of the draft gonna be?
I have to go first, I think,
because I'm the least knowledgeable.
I like this.
Then we'll go Lizzy, then Sean and Ian.
Hot corner. Then we'll go Lizzie Van Shamanian.
Hot corner. Hot corner.
Hot corner.
Can I disclaim something at the top?
I just want to say because I know that like,
this is my topic, et cetera, et cetera.
I understand she's not perfect.
Like I'm not here to evangelize.
I think she's incredible, but if anyone has issues,
they should feel safe expressing those issues,
because I know people can get a lot of feelings
on this topic.
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, I got a lot of great feelings.
He wasn't gonna do it, but I think he flushed them out.
I'd just been punching the ground all day.
Like the mind is playing tricks on me video.
Just, that was a deep cut.
I'm very excited because I think the aspects
where Taylor Swift isn't perfect
are some of the most fun to talk about.
And that comes from me, Ian Carmel,
a genuine and heartfelt fan
from the deepest core of my being.
For you, it's Taylor Swift in Sublime.
Yeah, you did a hard jump.
You know what I thought of?
I was in the car the other day listening to UB40.
Should have got him a UB40 shirt for his birthday
and I'd give it to him, I'd be like, you'd be 40.
Wouldn't that have been cool?
Well, he'd still be 40 this whole year.
Yeah, that's shit.
The group that sang Red Red Wine?
Yeah, I was listening to that.
I love that.
I love that you and Max were in the car
listening to Red Red Wine.
No, we were listening to that Fool's Rush In,
the cover they did of Fool's Rush In.
I like that one too.
It takes me back to middle school.
12 years from now, B-52s.
Oh, there you go.
When he B-52s.
Set a reminder on your phone.
Yeah. 11 years from now, get the shirt, and then you. When he be 52. When he be 52. There you go. Set a reminder on your phone.
11 years from now, get the shirt and then you can give it to him.
This episode of All Fantasy Everything's brought to you by Babbel.
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This show is sponsored by better help now a lot of people talk about red flags in relationships.
It's funny that this is like one of the prompts on the ad
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Wanna talk about green flags.
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Should we dive in?
Yeah, let's go.
David Burey, what's your first pick?
My first pick that I learned years ago is that,
because okay, when I was looking up Taylor Swift stuff,
it would be like I'd find something
and it would lead me down the rabbit hole
of a lot of other things.
So what I'm taking first is that she wrote a book
on summer vacation when she was 14,
just like by herself and it's never been published.
Because then I started at that
and then I didn't know how much writing she does.
Just like from writing her own albums to writing.
She wrote, this is what you came for?
No idea, had no idea about any of that.
She also, if you listen to this is what you came for the the
Is just her vocals like if you listen for it the
It's placed I think it's spliced her and Rihanna yeah, you can hear her fully love it
But I think like yeah, she's so stupid. You just you're like man always been hardcore creative clearly
When I was 14, yeah You just are like, man, always been hardcore creative, clearly. Yep.
When I was 14.
Yeah, well, what'd you do that summer?
Boy, I gotta be honest.
I don't even know if I saw a book that summer.
I don't know if I was anywhere where there was a book
that could exist.
It was a rough summer when I was 14.
Yeah, I saw a lot of, I went to summer school
when I was 14.
Oh my God.
Oh no, that's middle school summer school that exists? Well, it was summer school to go to summer school when I was 14. Oh my God. Oh no, that's middle school summer school that exists?
Well, it was summer school to go to high school.
And I gotta be honest, the most fun school,
not the best, most educational,
like the school that I learned the most,
but as far as the other people in there.
Cause it's all the chillers.
Yeah, it's all, and cause this is Colorado,
a ton of ESL kids who actually could speak English
but you know schools kind of raises so they just had to take they had to take ESL over
the summer and they all spoke perfect English but yeah good time but yeah that she wrote
that book I think it was about I think I read that it was about a mother who wanted a son
and had a daughter,
and she just wrote it, and then her parents have it,
and she's never put it out, and that's amazing.
I'm 38, I'm not gonna write a book.
That's sweet.
You might, man.
It was, did you say a son that wanted,
or parents that wanted a son and not a daughter?
We were at the, we were at our pediatrician one time,
and I forget the exact context,
but the woman started telling us that she had two daughters,
and she's like, when I had my first daughter,
I just started weeping uncontrollably
because I just didn't want a daughter.
I wanted a son, and I'm like, how could you be that bummed?
I mean, as soon as Max came out, I was like,
I just wanted the kid, you know what I mean?
Like, I didn't matter, boy.
I just, it's crazy to me to think, like,
that you have that heart of an opinion, you know?
That you'd be weeping.
It's also like, you know going in, it's 50-50.
That's the other thing.
Like, you can't have a strong preference.
You just can't.
If the guy's on top, you know, obviously.
Oh, sure, sure, sure.
Yeah, yeah, well, that's science,
not every scientist. Yeah, that's true. You know, I did read a book when I was 14. It's called The Guy's on top, you know, obviously. Oh, sure, sure, sure. Yeah, yeah, well, it's not science. Not every scientist.
Yeah, that's true.
You know, I did read a book when I was 14.
It's called The Guy's on Top.
It's How to Have a Boy.
Is it called Playboy?
Yeah, that was an article in Maxim that I read.
Play, come a boy.
Yeah, I didn't know.
Are they ever gonna publish it?
I know we gotta crank through these, but no.
She's not gonna wanna embarrass herself
with some of her juvenileia.
Yeah, I mean, Carmella, have a good vocabulary.
What up? There we go.
Oh, I'd be holding on to your,
Ian, I'd be holding on to Dana's vocabulary.
I think it's better than yours.
Juvenilia. Yeah.
I've never heard that word in my life.
Write a book. Everyone else?
No. I shall not.
Everyone else on this podcast heard of that juvenileia? I've never heard that word in my life. Everyone else? No. I shall not. Everyone else on this podcast heard of that?
I've never heard that word.
Lizzie's heard that word.
I'm heard, I mean, I guess.
I was laughing at you to deflect.
Full transparency.
Lizzie Logan, time for your first pick.
Ian, you're good at this.
I was going to pick All Too Well 10 minute version, Taylor's version from
The Vault, which is the full title of her 10 minute long song. But then I wanted to
be more specific. All Too Well is a song from her album, Red, that is a masterpiece. It is possibly her best song ever.
And she plays it typically on the guitar,
but at the Grammys.
She played it on the piano,
and she whipped her head back and forth and cried.
And it's so good.
And she had had her heart broken by Jake Gyllenhaal and she just plays this
song. It's just her and the piano and she just plays the saddest song and everyone had been like,
oh, she's like the little country girl, little Miss Taylor Swift. And she just sits there at
the Grammys, didn't win, plays her little heart out and then like glares out at the audience. -♪ Hey, I call me your fucking just to break me like a promise...
So can you believe...
That hair flip is an iconic performance.
Because it should be too much.
But it's actually perfect.
Yeah, it's a great, it's one of her best live performances.
And for someone who's not usually a great live performer.
If you Google all too well Grammys, I think it's like what comes up.
How old was she?
21, 22?
Well, we do know it's supposed to be fun turning 21.
Yes, because that's why they broke up,
is that he didn't go to her 21st birthday party.
So she's...
Whoa, he did?
No, he missed it.
He missed her birthday party. That's a... did he missed it he missed her birthday party that's uh was he while filming Jarhead 2 or oh that is a good flip though that is
a really man I've never really thought about hair flips in that way that is
mm-hmm are you watching it now I'd seen slow motion too
like a shampoo commercial
she's so overcome with emotion,
but she's sitting at a piano,
she can't dance or anything,
so she just flips her hair back and forth.
And it's so good.
All you see is her and the drummer going nuts behind her.
You said she was crying during the performance?
She tears up right at the end.
She sorta looks out and tears up.
There are so many songs that I watch people sing
that I'm like, I can barely sing it to myself
without crying.
Some of those songs, I don't know how you could possibly
get through it without weeping.
Especially if they're about deeper stuff,
maybe stuff that we don't even know about,
you know what I mean?
I don't want to blow up the spot of one Lizzie Logan,
but I have it on Inside Authority that there was a certain
song during the heiress tour that got you full weeping.
Oh, yeah. Oh, that's fine. You can warm that up.
It may come up. Who's who?
That was... I definitely cried during All Too Well,
and I think I also, I really cried during August.
August, yeah. All Too Well, I tear up.
Is it, it feels like, is there a lot of people crying at the show, though?
It feels like a concert where a lot of people are...
Yes, but also in that, like like you're seeing the Beatles crying.
They're just like so excited to be there.
Like there she is.
Like I almost cried like the the era story there's like a clock countdown
and I almost just like cried of excitement like just because the buildup is so so powerful.
And by I he means his wife Dana.
His wife Dana.
Yes, yes.
He does that all the time,
because they're one spirit now,
so he's been known to do that.
I think, Ian, you remember,
you cried when we saw Jay-Z in the videos.
Yeah, he did.
So, I still.
I mean, I, he and Carmel have seen Kanye,
that's only one of us.
Oh, I wasn't at that, Kanye-Guz.
Taylor, notable Taylor opps.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I think oppa everybody at this point.
Yeah, yeah, he sorta decided.
Just a general opposition, yeah.
Most people.
Well, we have some heart out.
Sean Jordan, what's your first pick?
First pick, I'm going with the song style.
That's my airplane song.
It was for years and years and years.
I remember the first time I heard that song,
I was driving home from Madison to Sioux Falls,
South Dakota, I was driving back,
and I heard that song,
I wasn't really up on Taylor Swift, really,
and I just heard the song and I thought it was perfect.
It's like a perfect pop song.
And I didn't know it was her for months later, I don't think, because I just heard the song and I thought it was perfect. It's like a perfect pop song. And I didn't know it was her for months later,
I don't think, because I just heard it on the radio.
And I just love it.
I still love it to this day.
It's about Harry Styles,
but it's not like a rough breakup song.
It's a revere, like, you know, this is a good thing.
I like you, we're still friends song, right?
Yeah, it's just like, isn't it crazy
how this thing we went through.
Yeah, it is, those two, yeah, it is.
It is, we're like, yeah, what are you guys doing?
They should have made some music, that would have been tight,
but we got the song out of it.
Yeah, I wonder, of her boyfriends,
we might get into this later,
do you have like a pet favorite?
It's hard to, I don't know too many details
about the relationships.
Like for example, I like Jake Gyllenhaal a ton.
But I don't know if he was a bad,
if he was bad in the relationship.
He was terrible.
I think John Mayer's dope.
But Jake Gyllenhaal and John Mayer,
I think have the best songs.
That's what I was gonna say.
Who made the best songs. That's what I was gonna say.
Who made the best music?
I think Jake Gyllenhaal.
Jake Gyllenhaal's my choice for the best music.
Followed by John Mayer, followed by Harry Styles.
I mean, yeah, Harry Styles to me.
Who else is on the hit list?
It was Tom Holland, not Tom Holland, Tom Hiddleston.
Yeah, he has a few, but he is kind of like sad.
Like you kind of feel bad for him.
So she won that one?
I think she won them all.
Yeah, yeah, truly, right?
To quote Taylor Swift, she always gets the last word.
God, she's a gangster.
Yeah, anyway, I just style my favorite,
by far my favorite Taylor Swift song.
I still listen to it sometimes on the flight.
It's on my airport playlist for days.
Yeah, so I just, I love that song.
First pick.
First pick, song, style.
Okay, my first pick is also gonna be a specific moment
from a live performance at an award show.
She was singing We Are Never Getting Back, and was in kind of a great costume
about it.
And a part of that song is she does like a sassy talking moment.
That's another sort of Taylor Swift thing that there's like sometimes a little sassy
talking moment.
And there's a sassy talking moment in We Are Never Getting Back Together where he goes,
he calls me up again and he's like, I still love you.
But at this point, she had just broken up with Harry Styles.
So I'm taking her saying, he called me up again and he's
like, and then in a British accent, she goes,
I still love you.
So he calls me up and he's like, I still love you.
And I'm like, I'm sorry.
She let it be known.
She let it be known.
I like that.
She let it be known.
She did it in a little bad British accent.
And that's what I'm taking.
The British accent, I still love you.
That's pretty tight.
What'd she do it on?
Oh God, what award show was this?
I think it's like the Billboard or the American music.
It was not like a, it was a pretty populous thing.
But she can be petty in a way that I really enjoy.
Her entire, the one time she hosted SNL, her monologue is petty in a way that I really enjoy.
The one time she hosted SNL, her monologue is her singing
a song about Joe Jonas.
Stop giving away, stop giving away
possible phrases. That is a pick.
Okay, this was the opening.
I'm all over what she wrote, by the way, right?
This was the opening of the Grammys celebration.
So this was when she did a Grammys performance
of We're Never Getting Back Together,
her little British accent.
Ian, it's really hard for me to not talk about Taylor Swift.
Taylor Swift's on top of my head.
I know, that's the tough part, the waiting.
But it doesn't matter what performance she did,
it would still go viral.
She could perform at the county fair in Sioux Falls
and it would still, everybody would see it.
Okay, for my second pick, Hot Corner,
would see it. Yeah. Okay, for my second pick, Hot Corner, I'm gonna take the SNL, her SNL monologue song in parentheses, la la la. You might think I'd bring up Joe,
that guy who broke up with me on the phone, but I'm not gonna mention him. In my
monologue, hey Joe, I'm doing real well. Tonight I'm hosting SNL.
I'm proud of myself.
In my monologue.
She wrote it.
It's a great monologue.
I remember reading that the SNL writers were like,
oh great, let's work on a monologue for Taylor Swift.
And she showed up and she was like,
all right, here's the monologue.
Cause she didn't know that the writers
write the monologue for you. She was just like, here's the monologue. Cause she didn't know that the writers write the monologue for you.
She was just like, here's the monologue I wrote.
And she plays this monologue song
and she talks about Joe, calls out Joe Jonas,
who broke up with her on the phone.
And she alludes to the fact that she's dating
the vampire from, not the vampire,
the werewolf from Twilight, Taylor, Taylor Lodder.
Who also married, he dated Taylor Swift
and he married another girl named Taylor.
He just like loves, his name is Taylor
and he loves girls named Taylor.
A little weird.
And the monologue song, if you haven't heard it,
is very fun because it's like early petty Taylor.
Like now she's like above calling people out by name
and now she's like, the song is the story
and the music is the important thing.
But early Taylor was being a little gossipy
and it was very fun.
I like that.
Yeah, I don't know that I've seen that performance.
Did she crush on SNL?
She's not, and again, this comes from somebody
who loves Taylor Swift.
She's not a great actress.
She's a great, so she's like fun.
She's like 20 and she's a musician and she's good,
but now she doesn't crush.
It's not like, you know, sometimes like Ariana Grande's on
and you're like, oh my God, she's a comedian.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Taylor Swift is not like, that's not her gifts.
That's okay.
Yeah, I always, the older I get, I think about that.
I'm like, I put myself in these situations
because the one time I was on TV,
I forgot my daughter's name
for like two minutes before I went out.
I couldn't even think, I couldn't feel my feet.
And so I put myself in these situations.
I'm like, how the fuck do they do it?
I don't understand.
It's just, it's like a different level
to be able to do that and to memorize things
and to be able to read the cards.
I was on Jeopardy and it was the worst 20 minutes
of my life.
I was so sweaty the whole time.
You hated it?
I was so uncomfortable.
I was, or Dana was about 14 weeks pregnant
and so deeply nauseous and was just mainlining
saltine crackers backstage and I, it was so scary.
I can't even imagine.
Not like the nerves alone, but then I'd be like,
I'm gonna look so stupid.
Yeah, I was like, I'm gonna look stupid.
A part in the back of my head,
I was like, I'm gonna puke on TV.
Yeah, it was bad, but that was fun.
Okay, my pick, SNL... Sorry, Lizzie Logan.
Oh, I was just gonna say, I found out that Dana was pregnant
and going on Jeopardy around the same time,
and I wasn't allowed to talk about either,
so I was just...
You were kind of an amazing detective,
because I, to Lizzie, I was like,
okay, there's something I need,
this is like an in-person conversation.
And Lizzie 100% knew that I was pregnant,
because I was following pregnancy accounts on Instagram.
All you had to do was go to the following because it goes in basically a reverse
Carmelatchal order and it was like a maternity boutique and a midwife and like a
parent blog and I was like this bitch pregnant.
Oh that's so sick. Ian wasn't following the same things.
Yeah, it was following the same things. I couldn't.
Yeah, it was like the Mets.
Yeah, if I went by that, I'd be like,
oh no, Ian's pregnant with shoes.
Oh yeah.
And he is, almost always.
And he's back in a face ball.
Sean Jordan.
I love the fact that she went and re-recorded all her music.
That is one of the most games that you could possibly do.
And it took me so long to just understand
how she even did that.
It's just so cool.
I mean, maybe if you can help me shut some light on it,
because I didn't research on this,
but she really did just pay for the time
and go re-record everything.
And so both versions are out there, right?
Yeah, someone else bought the masters of the old versions,
but she still owned like the songs,
so she re-recording them now then just could own that fully.
Dude, I would feel...
Was it her old manager? Am I incorrect? Is that the story?
It is...
It wasn't his old... It wasn't her old manager.
Sorry, Lizzie, take it away.
No, I was just gonna say, it is a former manager
named Scooter Braun who discovered, among
other people, Justin Bieber.
And her former label head, Scott Borsetta, was like involved kind of in the selling of
It's like very unclear what actually happened because there seems to have been an offer or a time when she could have bought them
back herself, but like, her version is that she was supposed to earn them back by turning
in six more albums and then she would be given the opportunity to buy back her masters.
But in any case, what it came down to is that not only were they bought by someone who wasn't her, they were bought by someone
she fucking hates.
Because Scooter Braun has been a dick to her.
So she was like, I will make this purchase you made
basically worthless because my fans have no interest
in streaming the old version of my music.
I would feel like such a loser.
If that happened to me.
Yeah, he thought he was gonna retire on that.
Like that's an exit strategy, right?
I got a master's, I'm good.
She's willing to re-record them out of spite.
Hell yeah.
Yeah, to speak to the spitefulness earlier,
that is the ultimate, I mean,
God, it's just so gangster.
I don't, it's hard to even think about
doing something like that.
And they sound the exact same to me.
I mean, if nothing, better.
I think her voice actually is better.
I think her voice when she was younger was a little thin
and now her voice is kind of better.
Is she the only one who's done that?
I think so.
I've never heard of anybody doing that.
You have to have such a dedicated fan base
to be on board with the Taylor's version.
And her fan base is.
Isaac says, yes, on this scale she's the only one.
Yeah, it seems like that's a big swing to just do.
And that would, I was talking to Laura,
my wife Laura about that, cause she makes music.
Cause to me I'm like, so she probably just goes in
and knocks one out, one a day, cause she knows the song already. And Laura's like, no, no, no, no. They're like six to me, I'm like, so she probably just goes in and knocks one out, one a day,
because she knows the song already,
and Laura's like, no, no, no, no,
they're like six months each, I bet.
Just, it's not something you just go do.
They sound really good.
I think she's, and she's a perfectionist.
I bet, you know, I think it took the work
and took the time.
Pretty dope.
Just like my kickflips, perfectionist.
Exactly, exactly like that.
Lizzie Logan, time for your second pick.
Ah, no, I'm just getting so many ideas
of baller things she's going to do.
Text them to David.
I've still got a couple.
Isn't that cool?
OK, I just put one in the chat.
OK, I would like to draft being tall and still wearing heels, because I feel like this encapsulates
her entire unwillingness to just like apologize for the way that she is.
Taylor Swift is quite tall.
She's like 5'10", I think.
In any sort of heels, she's 5'11".
Girl wears heels on a regular basis. And that is like not necessarily
a thing every girl in the media who's that tall would do. Like, I mean, she doesn't,
I also think it's smart. She never walks the red carpets with anyone she's dating. So it's
not like there would be pictures of her being taller than her boyfriends, but like, she'll
tower over people. There's pictures of her next to Sabrina Carpenter who's like five foot nothing just towering
over her.
She'll stand next to presenters and just tower over them.
And I love that like, and she sprung up, she was a little string bean from when she was
like a teenager.
She was very tall, very early.
And I love that at no point was she like, oh, I'm just going to wear flats and like
be a little dainty girl. She was like, no, I'm just gonna wear flats and be a little dainty girl.
She was like, no, I'm gonna wear really high heels
and be so much taller than everybody else.
Let them know.
Let them know.
That's a great pick.
Our daughter is in the 100th percentile for height,
so it really gets me excited when I see tall,
just tall women owning it.
I know it would be It's got to be tough
So it really is exciting to see and she hears quite a bit of Taylor in the living room and in the kitchen already
So maybe she'll start seeing pictures. Maybe we'll watch this on YouTube. It's just Taylor Swift and you be 40 in that
It's an eclectic mix in the kitchen, especially if I'm making dinner. Holy cow. You don't know what you're gonna get
Some old some nasty like the chronic or it could be it could be UV 40
David Bori time for your second pick
My second pick is something that I didn't know about
Every pick is that I'm pretty I'm taking the Easter eggs that she has throughout everything that started it seemed like it started in the liner notes
But then it transferred into like music videos and outfits and stuff like that. That's just a great
That's just a creative cool thing to do for your fan base. She keeps she keeps the fan base engaged
Yeah, there's like cuz that's that was what kind of I was seeing when I was like reading about it is like
people devote time to deciphering everything. And that's a lot of fun if you already got like, none of my favorite artists do anything like that, really.
It's like you get to play DaVinci, the book and slash movie, The DaVinci Code, but with Taylor Swift.
Yeah, but it's not like so deep that you can't get it. You know what I mean? I think sometimes especially the rappers will just say stuff that's so it's like a conversation two guys had in a parking lot one time
I don't know. I don't know what that is. I don't get it
I got a like Google who is on Rivera, but she yeah, it's just it's like a cool part and I never seen any of that
That's really neat
Yeah, I was reading a little bit about that today.
Do you two have any, do the three of you,
have any examples of like the Easter eggs?
You're welcome.
I just, I don't, I can't think of any.
Like are they liner note?
Well, she used to.
Well the capital.
Yeah, she used to in her like lyric liner notes,
capitalize certain letters in the song.
So then it's like, there was a song that then
all the capital letters spelled out maple latte,
because there was like a famous paparazzi picture of her
with Jake Gyllenhaal drinking maple latte.
So it's like, oh, this song's about Jake Gyllenhaal.
To like tell you who the songs were about.
I was hoping maple latte was gonna be her pen name
when she was 14.
Ah, man.
It's also- My favorite are the things that people convince themselves are Easter eggs and she used to be like,
that's not a thing. She posted a picture of herself that was like taken through a fence
and it became this huge thing online that is like there's five holes in the fence. What does it mean
that there's five holes in the fence? There's some things happening in five
days blah blah blah and then ended up being nothing and she like later posted
a different picture where she was like okay now there's five holes in the fence.
She was fun with it I think. She pays attention to what people are saying online about her.
It'd be hard not to do like not to mess with people. It also seems like it would be hard to not engage
in like a negative way.
You know what I mean?
It seems like a lot of pressure and stuff like that.
So to keep it positive seems pretty cool.
I bet it's very lonely to be that famous
and that powerful.
It has to be.
It's gotta be.
How many peers does she have, truly?
Truly, like zero of her generation. None of her generation in like...
I mean, I think not to be like, obviously musicians will challenge us,
but I think in terms of like fame and money and impact, it's like Paul McCartney.
Right. That's right.
Paul, I know you're listening. If you want to say something about it, you text me.
Figure it out.
No, that's uh, that's it. Yeah, it's saying, who do you talk to?
She's talked to Paul McCartney. They interviewed each other.
Oh, okay.
I wouldn't be surprised.
They interviewed each other.
She talked about how she went to one of his concerts and it really inspired her
to like play more hits at her shows where she's like, even if you're sick of playing
the song, like this might be the only show that some fan ever goes to.
Like, don't not play, you know, Let It Be or whatever.
Um, and so she's like, yeah, all right.
I'll do Shake It Off again.
I love, she was, uh, this is when she was talking
to Paul McCartney, but she has this song called
Sweet Nothing that's like, it's sort of like, not a hit,
but it's on the album and it was,
people assumed it was about her relationship
with Joe Alwyn and it's about this sort of sweet,
cozy relationship where the other person
doesn't want much from you.
And she broke up with Joe Alwyn
and then sort of retroactively made it clear
that the song was actually inspired
by Paul McCartney and his wife
That's beautiful. Oh, yeah
Inspired by them to
Third pick oh man, uh, oh and looking up stuff. There's a lot of like business stuff. That's really interesting I'm taking that her cat is worth more than her boyfriend
Olivia Olivia cat is worth more than her boyfriend. Olivia Benson is worth apparently $97 million. How does she make that income?
Branding and then appearing in commercials and things like that.
Oh yeah.
Which is...I didn't even know animals had net worth or bank accounts
Yes, Stella's on the ground she's like
Just laying in the car like yeah, you wouldn't know yeah
It's that's just insane to be able like just the scale of what her is, that you have a cat who's generationally wealthy.
Ha ha ha!
That cat's kittens are going to Yale.
It's kittens' kittens.
The finest trainers in the land for generations to come,
and that's so impressive.
And just like, yeah, it was just wild to see.
And it's like, Travis Kelce isn't doing bad.
You know, we just talked about this the other night
because I finally watched Notting Hill.
Has everyone seen Notting Hill?
Oh, I love that movie.
Never seen it.
So we watched it the last couple nights
and I was like, when was the last time this happened?
And I reminded myself that I thought it was happening
with Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift.
And then I'm like, no, he's far from just some dude though.
Because when they started dating, I'm like,
look at this guy, he's the best football player.
He's gonna win the Super Bowl for a third time
in a couple weeks, and that's never happened.
And compared to Taylor Swift,
he does sort of sometimes seem just like a guy.
Yeah, he's like a pro full,
one of the best diets in the game.
It's like, you know?
He like had a dating show.
But also, you know, he's not that.
He's not too much of a one.
No, no, he ain't.
He didn't have a billion dollar billion with a B tour.
Lizzie Logan, time for your third pick. Oh my god, there's so many things.
Um, I am going to draft the...
I'm gonna draft this song, Blank Space,
which is one of my favorite Taylor songs.
So it's gonna be forever
Or it's gonna go down in flames
You can tell me when it's over If the high was worth the pain It is very self-aware and funny.
And if somehow someone listening to this doesn't know the song and just like woke up from a
20 year coma, it's she's making fun of her own.
So good.
David just woke up.
I mean, this is one of the most known songs
in like American history.
Like you don't have to be a Taylor fan to know this song.
But anyway.
You would be surprised what misses me in this house.
Well, you, I'm almost envious
because you get to listen to Blank Space for the first time
and it goes so hard.
I would highly encourage you to watch the music video,
which is super funny.
It's her making fun of her own tendency to date a lot.
And basically she's saying, I have a blank space.
Like I just keep filling in,
I keep slotting in whatever guy comes along
and then I rip them up and I move on to the next one.
And I remember some critic or like,
not even in a mean way,
but when that song came out, someone wrote this thing or like, not even in a mean way, but when that song came out,
someone wrote this thing being like,
I don't know if it's good to like,
take the thing that people really dislike about you
and try to make a joke out of it.
Like people, it's just sort of highlighting
this tendency you have to like date a lot.
And then it ended up being like the biggest song
in the world.
And she just like kind of screams things it.
And I love everything about it.
It had a-
That's a great pack.
The, in the, one of the lyrics she says,
got a long list of ex lovers
and I convinced myself fully
that it was gotta love those Starbucks lovers.
And then I made this whole narrative in my head.
I was like, I know what a Starbucks lover is,
what a genius.
And then I'm like, yeah, these people at the coffee shops
where their relationship means nothing.
I just made up this whole thing.
I just, whole thing in my head.
And I'm like, holy buckets.
That's not what she said.
Yeah, Starbucks lovers, just casual.
Like you throw it away, like a disposable cup of coffee.
Yeah, like a macchiato.
I was saying it to Laura early on in our relationship.
Like, we're not going to be those Starbucks lovers.
You're not going to worry about that.
I'm going to.
Excuse me.
I'll be around
Not going anywhere
Sean Starbucks lover Jordan time for your third chick. I like that a nicknames tate a I'm picking the cool nickname tate a it's fun to
say say
That wasn't written down that's just the kind of
I thought I was gonna get corrected in the notes.
Lizzie just said something.
Oh, she said, the Starbucks lover.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Oh, is that?
I'm not the only more on the thing, sir?
No, I'm telling you, it was a,
for like a week after that song came out,
people thought it was all the lonely Starbucks lovers.
And it became a thing where Taylor had to be like, no.
If Taylor was going to do something like that,
Starbucks would have to pay.
She's not doing that for free.
They have to pay her cat.
A million dollars.
Callin' her Tay Tay.
I think it's a fun nickname.
I love a good nickname.
I really try to give everyone I can a nickname.
I think it's a fun thing.
Am I D-Money? Yeah, you're D Money.
Yeah, you've been D Money.
L Train?
Off the top, you know, we just met.
No, yeah, yeah, that was good.
Have you ever been to Chicago, Lizzy?
L Train sticks, there it is.
D Money and L Train.
You wouldn't go to that show?
I sure would.
I would, I would. D Money and L Train, you wouldn't go to that show? I sure would. I absolutely would. I would, I would. D Money and L Train have a podcast coming out August 4th.
This is the exclusive reveal.
We're not gonna say any more information about it.
It'll just be a little Easter egg, a little plant.
No more information.
Yeah, we like those Easter eggs we've discussed.
August 4th, Taylor Swift, August, connection.
Five, won't you guys release them five episodes on the first day? Yeah. August 4th. Taylor Swift, August, connection. Uh-oh.
Why won't you guys release
some five episodes on the first day?
I saw five toes on that foot on the beach,
so I'm just saying.
I thought her number was 13.
Is that right?
Yeah, it is.
She's born on.
See, you know that, but you've never heard Blake's name.
This is all that I got this weekend,
or this afternoon.
If you listen to Blake, I bet you've heard it, David.
I bet you have.
I'm gonna listen to you after.
Yeah, I bet you've heard it.
If you've been in a store in the last 10 years,
you've heard it.
Okay, and I've been in a lot of stadiums as well.
Gets in your brain.
Our fun facts, the due date of our son was December 15th,
which might have been, I was like, there's a chance
he's born on the 13th, Taylor Swift's birthday, very auspicious day.
Turns out he did not, was not excited about that plan,
decided to come much earlier.
You heard all that talk about Taylor Swift,
he had to get out.
He had to get out.
He wanted to hear it firsthand.
It was, the sound quality through the womb was not,
it's not good.
Yeah, that's true.
It is, it's like noise dampening technology.
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Okay, it's my third pick.
I'm gonna take a Taylor Swift bridge, specifically.
In her songs, I think she's holding
this nascent infrastructure together with how well she constructs bridges.
I think a lot of pop songs these days neglect the bridge.
I love the Taylor Swift bridge.
Particularly, I would say my three favorite bridges,
Cruel Summer, Getaway Car, Dear John.
Those are my go-to bridges.
I love when she does a little pronoun flip,
when it's like an I throughout the song,
and then for the last version, it's a U.
She does a little, a little trick.
What is the bridge of a song?
So it goes, like a classic song is like a verse,
a chorus, a verse, a chorus,
and then sort of like a different thing
where it's like a different melody,
different rhyme scheme.
They kind of break out for a little bit.
Break out and then back to the chorus.
That's the bridge.
That's the bridge.
It's driving me out of my mind.
You know what I'm talking about?
I sure do.
That girl is hard for me to find.
We're leaving the main structure of the song.
It's a whole other thing.
We're going out, we're writing a little thing.
It feels, it's very like,
the Taylor Swift bridge is where she's really feeling it.
And where she's really going for it.
Lizzie, do you have a favorite bridge?
Like the rap and shake it off kind of,
would that be the bridge?
Yeah, yeah.
The hey, hey, hey.
That would not be my favorite bridge.
Not my favorite. I like it. I hated, hey, hey. Yeah. That would not be my favorite. Not my favorite.
I like it. I hated it when I first heard it. I'm like, I hear it now and I'm like, yeah, all right.
I mean, you know, compared to the spelling in me, it's not so bad. It's...
Whatever. She's being goofy.
She has her deep cuts. She has her good... She has her... her... her singles. She does her thing.
It's hard to say what the bridge of the 10 minute version
of All Too Well is, but a line that I love
is because she's a, pointing out how apparently
Jake Gyllenhaal convinced her she wasn't funny,
but also mocking him.
She goes, and I'm not good at telling jokes,
but the punch line goes, I'll get older,
but your lovers stay my age.
I thought the first time I heard that,
I was like, she's a writer.
She's a writer, she's a writer.
This is, this is, like, what do you want from a song?
I get older.
Also, is Jake Gyllenhaal a funny guy?
I doubt it. No, he seems so, so serious.
Oh, didn't you see him in Sack Lunch Funch being goofy,
and then everyone thought he was the funniest man
on the planet?
Ah, man, he does nothing about him.
You know how you could just smell it on somebody?
I don't think that guy's like a fun hang.
He seems like he tolerates a lot of his friends.
It seems like you make a joke
and he would like kind of look at you and be like,
actually, I don't think that's okay to joke about.
Chew and go the whole time.
Right, exactly, exactly.
Yeah, yeah, he seems very much actor-person.
Actor-person, and the punchline also for that line, Lizzie,
is he was dating a 20-something when that song,
when All Too All Too, Men in First came out.
Here's a question for, I think the boys mostly.
If you dated Taylor Swift,
would you listen to the songs about you, or would you just be like, I abstain, I think the boys mostly. If you dated Taylor Swift, would you listen to the songs about you?
Or would you just be like, I abstain, I'm not?
Absolutely have to.
Yeah, I couldn't.
There's no way.
How could you not?
Somebody wrote a song about me, I can't.
That's not gonna happen again, probably.
I've had, I was just talking about it, I've had.
I would want it to not be good.
It would hurt if it was like a banger.
Like when they're listening to No Vaseline.
Cause then you're gonna hear it more, right?
But some of them are kind of,
some of them are neutral nice.
I think like the Harry Styles ones,
like if she wrote style about me,
I think I'd be thrilled.
Okay, okay.
Sure, because that, yeah, there's the off chance.
And I guess I'm, maybe I'm gonna go on the person
that I am in the real world,
where I'm like, if we broke up,
I like to think it wouldn't be under horrible terms.
It would be, probably she broke up with me
for one reason or another,
and maybe it's just something I didn't do.
Also, that need to know, this is gonna get dark real quick.
It felt like you had an answer for the thing you didn't do
and you didn't wanna share it with us.
I have been, I have been, I've been cheated on before,
and I had,
I asked for like detailed explanations of what happened,
like getting cheated on.
So I can guarantee I would listen to the song for sure.
You just gotta know.
Your mind, well, your mind's gonna do way more worse things
than reality. Mine is anyways.
Isn't it kind of interesting to know that,
of how someone else perceived the relationship?
Like- Yeah, that's it. It seems like that's kind of like that.
That would be nice.
It would be nice.
Well, I mean, but also I need time as well, though.
Like if we broke up, she writes the song.
I don't listen to the song for like a year, though.
I do need some space.
Get in a good place.
You know, get a new apartment.
I'm back on my feet.
I'm back. the road back touring again
Yeah, yeah, I've been walking the dog a lot like I need to kind of get back to me before I don't even know
Yeah, I don't even know what Taco Bell smells like anymore. Oh, yeah dating myself right now
You just play it in therapy be like, okay listen with this yeah
You just play it in therapy, be like, okay, listen with this.
Yeah, we got it.
I'm gonna need another hour.
You listen and tell me what I did,
but be cool about it.
The main problem is if Taylor Swift wrote a song about you
and it like, obviously she's taking artistic liberties,
but it like wasn't fully accurate to your experience
or how it happened.
Imagine how crazy you'd have to be like
to have to tell everyone like,
well, that's not how it happened.
Like that's not actually accurate.
And then people are like, well, it's just a song.
She was inspired.
She took liberties, but then you have to hold onto that.
Like not-
And no matter who you are,
you're not gonna have the rabid fan base that she had.
So it already feels like breaking up with her.
There's a, just a huge section of the population
who's gonna eat you forever regardless.
You just like, the song comes up, you're John Mayer standing in regardless. You just like, the song comes up,
your John Mayer's standing in line to get a coffee
and the song comes up and a big Mayor head
pulls up in an escalator like, get in John, it's all good.
You don't have to listen to this.
A protected noise canceling headphones.
I will say, I think something sort of, whatever,
people like to lob at Taylor Swiffer.
It's like, oh, don't date her,
she'll write a song about you.
Guys who treated her well, she does not diss in songs.
That's what I'm saying, some are good.
She doesn't really have a lot to say about Calvin Harris.
She doesn't have a lot.
She wrote one song about Taylor Lautner
and it's about how she didn't treat him well.
I will say she very purposely didn't make 1989
a breakup album because she wanted to get away from that.
So she doesn't really say anything negative
about Harry Styles on it,
but she does now with the Taylor's the vault songs,
she does multiple times talk about this
like snowmobiling accident they got into
and just puts all the blame out where she's like,
yeah, and you can't fucking drive.
Like in multiple songs, she's like,
remember when we got into that accident, remember how you can't drive,. Like in multiple songs, she's like, remember when we got into that accident?
Remember how you can't drive?
Remember how you always speeding?
And I was like, Taylor Plotman.
Her and Taylor Plotman?
Would they go like ice fishing in Bismarck?
Why were they on a snowmobile?
Harry's not, you know how Harry Styles
takes women on dates on snowmobiles?
I guess, I don't know.
I'll be honest.
They got in some ski accident or something.
I didn't even know rich people rode snowmobiles
I've never been on the snowmobile. Have you?
Well, it's like a snow motorcycle. Yeah, they're cool. They got a little stop
I remember the first time I saw one. It scares me. I have a more important question. Is there uh
Is there do you has there been an ex-boyfriend who kind of crushed
under the weight of like her making songs?
Like has anybody handled it really, really poorly?
I remember John Mayer said something that was kind of like,
I thought a little like pissy.
She wrote this like truly devastating song about him
called Dear John, one of my favorite songs.
And again, name names, but he said something like,
well, she's like a gifted,
such a gifted songwriter, like, what a shame
that she turned her gift in this direction.
And I'm like, mm.
That's not so bad. I'm talking about anybody
like jumping out the window.
No, she's not ending anyone's career.
She hasn't ruined anyone's life.
Like, no.
Well, I mean more on the receiving end of like,
I don't mean necessarily her going at somebody so hard,
but somebody just being like,
we broke up, the fans are coming at me,
she wrote this song, I can't.
I can't do it.
I could see that crushing in there.
Scooter Braun maybe.
Yeah, Scooter Braun.
Scooter Braun, in that song also she's like,
and your wife left you.
Just Scooter Braun, she wrote a song about just being like,
you're a terrible person, nobody likes you,
karma will destroy you, I'm so happy that you are suffering.
Her boyfriends, I actually don't think it's that bad.
I mean, again, I think Dear John is probably the worst
and it's not even that bad.
How does Dear John go? Which one's that?
I'm not gonna sing it, but basically she's like,
I get that, I respect that.
Yeah, well you can just give me some lyrics.
Now, Ian would have sang it.
Ian would have sang it.
I would say that...
You don't know how it goes.
The Dear John lyric that I would go to is,
maybe it's me and my blind optimisms to blame,
or maybe it's you and your sick need
to give love, then take it away.
You'll add my name to your long list of traitors
who don't understand, and I'll look back in regret
how I ignored when they said, run as fast as you can.
I'll tell you what I wouldn't do
is have somebody read the song to me.
It cuts different when someone's reading it.
So it's like you kind of can-
That hurt my feelings.
I was like, is my name John?
But like, you kind of can tell what kind of guy he is,
can't you?
Yeah, you can feel it.
You can sort of feel that.
All right, time for my fourth pick, Hot Corner.
I'm gonna take the original slut shame lyrics
of Better Than Revenge.
Do that, I thought you might do that.
Wait, so you have to explain all this.
So there's a song called Better Than Revenge,
which is a pretty mean song
about a girl who stole her boyfriend., which is a pretty mean song about a girl
who stole her boyfriend.
Well, whether a girl can steal a boyfriend
that's a whole different conversation.
But a girl who-
Is this that da da da da da da,
better than your ex-wife, that one?
No, that's a different song.
That one's about a girl.
Okay, sorry.
Sorry, I was swinging a piece.
David's never heard me sing like that before.
This is an early song and it is pretty mean
and it's about a girl who quote unquote
stole her boyfriend, Joe Jonas,
and she says, she sings the lyrics,
she's not a saint and she's not what you think,
she's an actress, but she's better known
for the things that she does on the mattress.
She's not a saint and she's not what you think,
she's an what you think. She's an actress.
She's better known for the things that she does on the mattress.
Not a nice song.
She's a wrestler.
I'm trying to figure out when the original one was.
When was like the original?
It was Speak Now.
Yeah, but what year was Speak Now?
Now, original year.
So when was that?
2010. 2010. 2010. 2010. 2010. when the original one was, when was like the original? It was Speak Now. Yeah, but what year was Speak Now?
Now, original year.
So it was a different time, you know,
people were, you know, feminism hadn't been invented yet.
She hadn't met Lena Dunham yet.
She hadn't met, yeah.
So that was the song, you know, whatever.
She's 21 years old, these things happen.
I said some stuff when I was 21.
For her re-release of the album,
she heard the critique and she changed the lyrics
to something like, he was a moth to the flame
and she was holding the matches.
Which I think the, I'm just taking,
I'm not condoning the lyrics,
but I'm taking the fact that
those slut shaming lyrics exist.
And so, that's my fourth pick.
That's a good one.
Yeah, to change, and also,
what a good set of lyrics to change it to.
That sounded great.
She had a nice lyric.
And it kinda got the same point across,
just you're drinking wine instead of a 40 in this one. Yeah, there was also, and I think on her first album,
there was like a homophobic version of Picture to Burn,
where she's had a lyric where it's like,
if you go around, tell my friends,
I'm obsessive and crazy, that's fine,
I'll tell mine that you're gay.
But she has since changed that.
So I'm taking her growth lyric changes. She's just back there like, well, you're gay. How old was she when since changed that. So I'm taking her growth lyric changes.
She's just back there like, well, you're gay.
How old was she when she wrote that?
Probably like 16.
Yeah, that's what they do.
The kids are still doing that, by the way.
Holy cow, are they still doing it?
And she was probably younger when she wrote it, too.
Well, it's also funny because, I mean,
hold her to as high of a standard as you want.
She's the most famous, powerful woman in the world.
Like go ahead.
But it is just funny when people are like,
you know, she hasn't always been very woke.
I'm like, do you know what country music is like?
Like, do you realize?
Like, can we compare her to where she started?
44 year old dudes cranking that shit.
Jason Aldean just put out that disgusting song
like a year ago
And he's a everyone should go back to whatever
Humiliating Facebook post you made when you were 16 and just just look and see
David did a deep dive on mine like two episodes ago and was reading. I mean you pretty nice
It was it was for a bit. It was for a bit. I wanted to close with one of your old Facebook posts
Yeah, you were really going nuts.
That's why I deleted mine.
They're so bad anyway, yeah, yeah.
So that's my first pick.
The original slut shame lyrics of Better Than Revenge.
Sean Jordan, time for your fourth pick.
We're on number four.
Yeah, I'm keeping it moving.
Yeah, you're nailing it.
This is great.
I'm gonna pick a winning album of the year four times.
She's the only person that's ever done it.
I didn't know that.
But not for her best album.
I think.
That's my take.
Appendings fly.
She didn't win it for Red.
Yeah, but not winning it for Red is what inspired her to double down on pop and create 1989.
It's true.
1989 is one of, I mean, it's so,
it's like all eyes on me for me.
Where I can listen to the whole thing
and there's like two songs that I skip
and the rest are just absolute killers.
All killer, no filler.
She's the only one that's done it.
And up until then it was Stevie Wonder,
Paul Simon and Frank Sinatra that had won it.
Oh, blue eyes.
I didn't know Frank Sinatra legit put out albums.
I'll tell you that.
I really had no idea that the guy was cranking out albums.
I thought he was just Frank Sinatra.
He's still on the billboard,
I don't know what chart it is.
What would you call that?
Like standards or like jazz, vocal jazz or whatever?
Yeah. Where it's like, people like jazz, vocal jazz or whatever?
Where it's like, people who put out vocal jazz albums
are still competing with like old,
it's like Seth MacFarland is gonna be like third
because it's like a Frank Sinatra album
is always gonna be number one.
God damn Blue Eyes.
She also, she wrote, people were like criticizing
or like speculating that she didn't actually write all of her songs.
So then for her, the next album, Speak Now,
she was like, I'm just gonna write all of them
and see what you say.
She's mostly written her own songs though, right?
That's what it was looking like when I was looking.
She only writes her own songs
and sometimes she has co-writers.
Okay, so where's the speculation come from?
Just haters?
Well, for her first album, she had co-writers
and so people are like, yeah, but how much did she really write? Okay, okay where's the speculation come from? Just haters? Well, like for her first album, she had co-writers and so people are like,
yeah, but how much did she really write?
Okay, okay, okay.
Boy, you gotta have a lot of time.
In the second, so it's the,
cause Fearless was the first time
she won album of the year.
That was her second album.
And that one was the one where people were,
it was like, that has like love story
and you belong with me, where it was like,
this is the girl and people, no one I was talking to,
but I guess people were a little like,
is she really a writer, blah, blah, blah.
So she wrote all of Speak Now by herself.
Oh yeah.
She's petty in such a satisfying way.
And she has said people underestimate
how far she'll go to prove a point.
And that has been proven true again and again. I love it
That's yeah, it's one of the things I wish I don't have I don't have a bit of that
I don't have a drop of that blood in my body. You don't have an I'll show Eugene. No, no, not really. I
Can't think of any I just don't make waves ever. That's the big thing
I just don't like making waves bag on none of that. So it's fun seeing other people do it
I'm like, I wish I could do that.
I, no, I don't.
You should draw strength from Taylor.
Yeah, be inspired.
I try, that's how the plane flies, man.
Sean, you're a tall man.
You should be metaphorically wearing high heels.
Or literally if you want.
That's what I was gonna say, also physically.
I got so little, I mean, that's a whole nother
not to crack open, but that self-confidence is crazy.
I don't even like being tall.
I slouched until a year or two ago.
What, being a tall man is a superpower.
I've heard a lot of dudes say that though.
I used to be embarrassed tall skateboarders look stupid.
I think if you're really tall and you're very athletic,
which you're really athletic,
but guys who played football and stuff like that,
but I've just known a lot of like slope shoulders guys
who are like six, seven, they just feel like freaks.
Turtle up, yeah.
Yeah, tall guys hate being bad at basketball, dude.
I mean, they don't like it.
Sean, how tall are you?
Six, two.
Oh, yeah.
No, I used to be about six, one, now that I stand up.
I'm six, three, so that's not,
it's not really impressive.
And you've let me know ever since.
6'3", 280 right now, roughly?
And wait, wait, wait.
A young man named Arthur Carmel is one foot 10 inches.
There we go. There we go.
Five more to go. Five more feet to go.
He's on it. He's on his way.
I've never heard someone say,
yeah, I'm about 110.
That sounds like weight.
I've never heard someone say height like that.
He's 110, one foot 10 inches or 56.5 centimeters.
We came from the pediatrician,
in case you're wondering why we relate to this podcast.
Love it.
They just measure him every day.
Yeah, just to make sure.
We, you know, there's so many things that I wish we'd,
like we never did the whole Mark Maxx on the wall thing,
like, you know, the height.
We talked about it.
It's so easy.
You just have her go stand by the wall and do it.
It's our house.
We own the place.
Never did it.
So do that.
You can do it now.
That's a good thing to know.
She's still growing.
I know.
Or that like take a picture of her every month.
We didn't do that either on that blanket, you know?
Oh, that's, oh yeah, we haven't done any of that.
Blanket's a little tracer.
When people do that stuff, I'm like,
where did, my mental just wasn't there.
It's not there to do that kind of stuff.
It's more like vegetables.
And I'm not saying, not talking shit,
but I'm just like, I don't understand
how people also find the time to do that stuff.
It does seem like it should be low
on the list of priorities.
It's definitely not a thing.
I haven't filled out like the baby book
that I was supposed to or take those month pictures
because it's like, I'm busy keeping him alive
and that's a lot of work.
That's the important thing.
Yeah, yeah.
You've got time to make your own artifacts too.
You're gonna look back and be happy
that you focused on that.
You know one thing that we did,
we got a poop and pee app or whatever,
one of those apps where you can track everything they do,
and we would just enter it,
and I still have it, so it's pretty fun.
I'll be like, if I look back, there's notes in there
where I'll be like, yeah, she took a big old shit,
or something, and it's just in our,
I can just tell you what day it was
when she was six months old, it's fine.
That's basically a baby book.
We do the breastfeeding app,
which is very, very important because you have to keep,
if you don't keep track of which boob was which,
one of them will just explode.
Am I allowed to swear on this podcast?
Oh, go crazy.
One of them will fucking explode.
Yeah, Ian, but I don't think you should be talking
about breastfeeding so familiar.
Maybe we should get Dana on to do this.
No, yeah, yeah, my wife, all she does is feed the child.
Isn't that buck, dude? I love the post to be doing this. Yeah, yeah, my wife, all she does is feed the child. Isn't that buck, dude?
I love the post, because it's true.
I knew nothing about you have to get up regardless.
You think you're gonna get those six hours of sleep
or whatever and skip a session because you pumped,
but that ain't true.
You gotta get up and pump anyway.
You gotta get up and pump anyway.
Sean Jordan, did you feed?
Were you doing some night feedings?
I mean, I got up every time she did,
except I would sleep from like four to 10, 4 a.m.
You got up every time she did?
I was just up pretty much.
We were like, my shift.
You gotta get her a water.
You gotta be the nice husband.
I mean, I'd just be up,
because she'd come down in the living room.
So like, I would, she'd go to sleep at like 9 p.m.
and she would get up and pump upstairs in between there
from her night, because she would come take over at like three in the morning.
And I would just be up till midnight or something
watching stuff.
I didn't go to sleep until she came down.
So I was just awake and then I would sleep
from 3 a.m. to 9 a.m. or 10 a.m.
So you did a shift system.
Because someone, it's another thing too,
someone's gotta be alert and staying up
and trying to be the hero doesn't,
then I'm just loopy with her.
So I had to get a chunk of sleep
so I could be the middle of the day guy
if she had to take a nap, you know what I mean?
Yeah, yeah, that's smart.
Hero, ally, one of the good ones.
You know, a lot of people throw around a lot of terms. It's just, my cross to nap, you know what I mean? Yeah, yeah, that's smart. Hero, ally, one of the good ones. You know, a lot of people throw around a lot of terms.
It's just, my cross to Barry, you know?
Well, Lucy Logan, it's time for your fourth fit.
Man does minimum.
That's actually pronounced man-a-mum.
The man-a-mum, the man-a-mum.
You just mansplain.
I mansplained it.
Man-a-mums to me. The manamones, the manamones. You just mansplain. I mansplained it.
Manamones to me.
What do I want to pick?
In the most like
lighthearted way possible,
I am going to pick her
sexual assault trial
because it is like not
actually traumatizing,
it's just excellent.
So basically what happened is that she got groped
by a DJ during a photo shoot, or not a photo shoot,
like a meet and greet, and she just told his employer
and he got fired.
And so, and that was it.
She wasn't out to destroy this man.
She was just like, I don't want to talk to this guy.
He touched... He was gross.
It was like one of those things where they take a photo
and he was grabbing her butt.
He grabbed her butt.
And you're telling me a DJ did this.
Yeah, like a radio DJ.
Believe it or not, a DJ was creepy.
A radio DJ, Lizzie Logan.
A middle-aged man didn't have a clear sense of boundaries.
It's unprecedented. But, so he got fired and so then she... A middle-aged man didn't have a clear sense of boundaries.
It's unprecedented.
But, so he got fired and so then she, he sued her and I think that I...
He sued her?
For, because he got fired.
She complained.
He sued her because he got fired and she was like, he was like, this didn't happen, blah,
blah, blah.
I don't even know what happened with that suit, but to have it on the record, on the
legal record to clear her name, she countersued him for $1.
That's right.
Okay, I know what you're talking about, yeah.
That's awesome.
And she took the stand and all of her answers are so good.
She's so good.
She's so good.
There's, I can't remember all of them,
but at one point his lawyer is like,
well, did you see this happen?
And she goes, no, my butt is on the back of my body.
That's like what you would write in a script.
What was this?
This was, she had short hair, it was short hair era.
Like 2016, it was after Snakegate,
but it was like right pre-Weinstein,
because then she was on the cover of Time
with like a bunch of the Weinstein accusers
being like the silence breakers.
But it's just like such a good,
it's just like such a good little,
she defended herself in the most perfect way
because not that she owed this guy anything,
but it is weird to ever take someone to court
when you're like the most powerful person in the world
Let you know what I mean, but it was just like she didn't initiate it. He was the one
He's the one who loyered up first and she sued him for one dollar and she just and she didn't you know
Yap about it. It was just like a really nice
Like role model moment and like good for her dude. What a DJ DJ move to to be like, well, I'll show her.
You got to be out of your mind.
This is like, you know what you did sort of tangential, but it reminds me of in the
Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders documentary, all those meet and greets.
They always give the men a football to hold while they're taking pictures with the
cheerleaders so that their hands aren't free to grope them.
Because it's like you have to treat adult men like toddlers.
It's like, do you wanna hold the football
so you don't squeeze the stranger's butt?
So you don't make the adult woman uncomfortable
with your hand too close to her boob?
You see it after, even standup shows,
you see it where, like, just the small of a woman's back
Okay, huge guy will come up and do it
It's just crazy. Yeah, people get weird at meeting great touching you
Comfortable and you guys are like dudes
It's and it's still like people feel entitled to your your personal space. Oh, yeah, I mean I wasn't talking
yeah, I mean that app it's it's funny because it's like it's happened a couple times. Yeah man.
It's happened a few times. It's not even close to the same thing. We're standing next to your husband.
Yeah no like I mean it's been again again I just I can't stress enough and not comparing but no it's not a I mean, it's been, again, again, I can't stress enough, and not comparing,
but on a completely separate note,
it's sometimes you're like, what are you doing?
What's going on?
Someone will be draped on you.
I think a lot of our fans are wasted too.
Yeah, yeah.
This is like.
And they're all old dudes, so it's fine, be draped on me.
I will say, I'll just make a general thing
that if you don't know a woman,
don't touch the small of her back.
There's a good SNL commercial parody for lower back spikes.
A little belt you can wear that makes your lower back
spiky and when people try to touch it, it hurts.
Don't touch strangers in general.
Unless it's a Rihanna meet and greet,
but she has different rules.
I only had one person.
Have you seen those? No, what are her rules? You ever seen Rihanna meet and greet, but she has different rules. I only had one person. Have you seen those?
No, what are her rules?
You ever seen Rihanna's meet and greets?
Well, she's all over them.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. She's great.
She's like, ugh. They're very intimate.
They're super fun.
I just didn't know what her rules were.
The fact that like, you think someone's not gonna know
how to get to the table unless you touch their back
and kind of push them towards the table is crazy.
That way.
Yeah, right over there.
It's just, yeah, it's bonkers.
I only one person ever touched Dana's pregnant belly without asking and it was bad.
It made me so uncomfortable.
I asked.
Wasn't it someone she was familiar with?
It wasn't me, was it?
No, no, no.
I asked you.
My heart, I swear to God, you could see a beat right there.
When people that I love and know asked,
I would always be like, yeah, of course, sure.
It's just someone not asking and just going for the stomach
that is uncomfortable.
Do you think it's, was it like a situation
where people feel entitled to it because you're,
like, was it like a joyous, like, oh, look at you, mama.
I feel like everybody calls pregnant people mama.
It was an adult man.
Pregnant women are property of the state.
So that's.
Like, if it was like my best friend,
like Lizzie, even if you were like came over
and were just like, and like touched my son,
like I wouldn't care, but it's the adult man just doing it.
I just wanna hold the baby all for time.
Yeah, and it's like double gnarly,
because there's two of you.
It's just so intimate to do.
I don't know, even with Laura,
I would be trepidatious as a word.
Well, David Bowrie, it's time for your fourth and fifth pick.
Fourth and fifth pick?
I'm not even out of picks.
Let's go.
I was thinking earlier,
this is like when I drafted YA novels,
I was out of picks after one,
and then I think my first pick was even wrong.
I think you guys were like,
that wasn't a YA novel, but what a wrap.
Was it?
It was like the Hardy Boys or something,
and you're like, no, no, no, no, that's not.
I think that would count.
I think middle grade, we can,
I would have defended that. You that's not. No, that's like a kid's book. I think that would count. I think middle grade, we can, I would have,
I would have defended that.
You could let her, you did.
Oh, okay. I appreciate it.
Did I not count it?
It must be Ian.
I think everyone was having a little role,
a little romp with me.
Just that. Okay.
Just jamming a little bit.
You would have let anything I said count, I think.
Oh, I'm just gonna take the Eras Tour.
The fact that it boosted the US economy is like
Insane, I remember like hearing about it when it came to Denver and people talking about it
But then going and reading like the numbers on it what it did to cities. I think it said
Where is it highest grossing tour of all time 2.2 billion? I?
Can't I'm not reading numbers faster, but basically she comes to a city and jacks their economy up
For three days and that is crazy because I remember when it was in Denver. I remember people being like
There's no hotels. There's no hotels in Denver
There's barely hotels in Aurora like it just like and then they were talking about all the money it brought. I think the LA one said it was,
she was responsible for like 3,100 jobs or something, which seems like low maybe.
But just the scale of that to where you are an economy shifter when you do your
job is pretty incredible, right?
Yeah. Crazy.
Yeah. Or like you saying that in Vegas,
you could feel the fandom.
I've been to Vegas a million times
and there's always concerts going on.
You can't tell.
You know what I mean?
You could tell.
Vegas was, it was, and everyone,
there were girls there who had been the night before
and they would just see our outfits and be like, oh, what surprise song did she play tonight?
Like you didn't have to ask.
It was a sisterhood.
Yeah, true community.
You see a group of girls who go, anybody getting married?
Oh, congratulations.
You also, it's sort of like you could,
I think Taylor Swift also at that moment has a very,
she has obviously a diverse fan base,
but you can kind of visually tell.
It's like, is it a woman, a millennial woman, 28 to 35?
She's there for the Taylor Swift concert.
Is that her primary,
would you say that's the primary age of her fan?
Like does she, I was, I guess in my head,
I had always assumed that she skewed younger,
even though we're like the same age, but.
I think she did skew younger and we all grew up with her.
I mean, for me, it's because she was always a few years older than me.
So it was like, oh, she was the cool, like doing all this.
So, yeah, I think I think most of her fans are the ones who are a little bit younger
with her than her when she started when she was 16.
You know, like 13 year olds when she started at 16 and now we're 30.
It is funny, I wrote something about Taylor Swift once online, I've written many things
about her online and somebody commented being like, oh I didn't know, I mean this was misogynistic,
but being like, oh I didn't know she had fans that weren't like bitchy teenage girls.
And I'm like, do a little bit of math.
If you are 15 right now, you weren't even born when her first album came out.
So like, how could she possibly only have teenage fans?
Also she's like in her 30s.
Yeah, she's 35.
Oh, uh, fifth round is going to be a lightning round just to get everything up.
So David Bore, time for your fifth pick.
Lightning round.
I'm taking this one.
Lizzie, thank you so much for lobbing me the softball.
I'm taking her letter to Apple Music.
Pretty cool, pretty cool, pretty cool.
What, I know it's Lightning Round,
what exactly was that?
Because she wasn't on Apple for a long time?
They were offering three months free subscription, right?
But they weren't paying anybody for it.
They weren't paying any artists.
Yeah, so she didn't put her fifth album, I think it said on, right?
That's so, just to go to bat for people like that.
She doesn't have to, you know?
And in the letter, she is very cool about being like,
listen, I could pay my whole shit forever.
Yeah, I could start my own shit.
Yes, no, she was like, I make enough money, I can pay me, my team,
my team's team, everybody's kids going to private school.
It's for the new artists.
My cats are generationally wealthy.
Yeah, my cats could tour live and pay the rest of my bills.
But yeah, so later on to Apple Music, last one.
Next up we have Lizzie Logan, what's your fits
and final pick?
Cam Saunders. Cam Saunders is one of the heirs to our dancers and he is like one of the only plus size dancers and he's this like very fab guy and he does a little dance solo and he makes incredible online content and his brother is a football player and used to be on Travis Kelsey's team.
His brother used to play for the Chiefs?
Yeah, he plays for I think New Orleans now,
but he used to play with the Chiefs,
the Chiefs, the Chiefs, and I love him.
Was that a connection?
Did that help Travis get his number to Taylor Swift
or do famous people just have back channels
for that sort of thing?
I don't think he needed that,
but it is just one of those funny things
where it's like this woman had these two sons,
one of whom became an NFL player
and the other of whom became a Taylor Swift dancer.
And he's just been so cool.
Oh damn, he's going for it too.
He just like brings so much good energy.
Like I feel like if anyone needs to know
what the vibe of a Taylor Swift concert is like,
just look up Cam Saunders.
Sean, Jordan.
You just did a death drop.
Time for a fifth and final pick.
Yeah, great clip.
I wish I'd, man, I wish I would've gone to that.
All right, I'm gonna pick another song,
just a regular old song.
I'm gonna pick Karma.
I just like the song. Oh, good song.
I like it so much.
If I'm being honest,
the lyrics sorta got on my nerves in the beginning.
It was just, the word Karma too much.
I just didn't-
I didn't care for it.
I absolutely love the song now.
I love all of it and it's now one of my,
another one of my airport songs.
I'm excited, I'm going to the airport
at five in the morning.
So I'm gonna be listening to all this stuff.
I can't wait, I know.
So yeah, karma.
Time for my fifth and final pick.
I think I'll also choose a song, a lot of,
a lot of contenders.
I'm going to go with Invisible String,
because it was the song that we did
at my wedding for the cake cutting.
I didn't want to be one of those people
who did like a Taylor Swift song.
I was like, walk down the aisle or first dance.
That wasn't my vibe or my energy,
but I was like, you know what?
I really like how Taylor writes a love song.
The song Invisible String, which I think is a very,
very sweet and romantic love song,
is a cake cutting song at the Schwartz Carmel wedding.
Yeah. What did Dana want to play?
Oh, Dana.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
For the cake cutting.
Probably a sublime song.
Yeah, lovin' it's what I got.
I think she wanted bad fish.
We left a lot of things on the board,
saying one, two, three, let's go bitch,
in the song Delicate. how badly she wants an Oscar
and hasn't gotten it yet, her Fourth of July party
at her Rhode Island mansion, her chai cookie recipe,
anything else we left on the board?
Tree Pane. Tree Pane.
Who Dana met once in a car, it was crazy.
The story, Tree Pane is-
How do you do your list?
I've never heard this story.
Oh, well Tree Pane invented Auto-Tune, you know that.
That's very funny. That's a lore destiny when she doesn't like one. It's funny. No, I can tell Isaac needs us to wrap up.
Oh yeah, we've got to have Isaac's pick too.
Oh yeah, Isaac, sorry, what's your pick?
Do you have a pick?
I guess folklore is my favorite record that she's ever done.
And I think that's a good one.
I think that's a good one.
I think that's a good one.
I think that's a good one.
I think that's a good one.
I think that's a good one.
I think that's a good one.
I think that's a good one.
I think that's a good one.
I think that's a good one.
I think that's a good one.
I think that's a good one.
I think that's a good one. I think that's a good one. I think that's a good one. I think that's a good one. I think that's a good one. We gotta have Isaac's pick too. Oh yeah, Isaac, sorry, what is your pick? Do you have a pick? Sure, I guess Folklore is my favorite record
that she's ever done.
And the song Exile with Bon Iver,
who's my favorite artist.
I mean, that whole record and Evermore, I think,
are really like, Reputation is probably her best record
in my opinion, but.
Everybody hated that one, right?
At the time, but it's currently record.
The Push Made Me Do was awful, but like Endgame is on that one, right? At the time, but it's currently a rep girl. The question made me do it was awful,
but like Endgame is on that record.
King of My Heart is on that record.
Getaway Car is on that record.
Endgame's that song of the future, right?
In Edgy.
But Folklore and the sessions on Disney+.
I obviously know how to do this.
And do I go down everyone's picks?
You do the honorable mentions and then you recap the picks.
David chose her the book she wrote when she was 14 years old, her Easter eggs, her cat
that's worth more than her boyfriend, the heiress tour as a whole, and her baller lettered
Apple music.
Lizzie Logan took head banging playing all too well on the piano at the Grammys, being
tall and still wearing heels.
The song blank space, her sexual assault trial and Cam Saunders, the dancer.
Sean Jordan took the song Style, the re-recording Taylor's versions, her nickname Tay-Tay,
winning album of the year four times, and the song Karma. I took her saying,
I still love you in a British accent when she performed at the Grammys. Her SNL monologue song Her Bridges, the slut shame lyrics of Better Than Revenge,
and the song Invisible Strings. We want to hear your pick.
I don't know. We want to hear your picks. And then there's something else I say.
Yeah, hit us up at allfantasypod at
No, not on Twitter anymore. I guess just off
Shout out to the...
I actually do want to know your picks,
but send them to my wife, Dana Schwartz,
on her Instagram, DanaSchwartzwiththreesees,
because she would be very curious, actually,
to talk about this with you.
Sorry, Sean, continue.
Hey, you're all...
Shout out to everyone on the AFV Patreon.
Thank you for holding this down.
Shout out to everyone on the AFV subreddit. We see you. Thank you for keeping things
going out there. Shout out to everybody who is coming to the New Orleans show
who's already hit us up. That'll be such an amazing time. And yeah.
Say it to Carmel.
Shout out to Say it to Carmel. Shout out to Haji Beats. Shout out to Sid the Dude.
Shout out to Frankie Ocean. Holy buckets, more important than all that.
Tune in again next week for another brand new episode
of All Fantasy.
All Fantasy Everything.
Ha ha ha.
That was a HeadGum Podcast. Hi, I'm Caleb Herron, host of the So True Podcast now on HeadGum.
Every week me and my guests get into it and we get down to what's really going on. I ask them what's so true to them, how they got to where they are in life, a bunch
of other questions and we also may or may not test their general trivia knowledge. Whether
it's one of my sworn enemies like Brittany Broski or Drew Fualo or my actual biological
mother Kelly, my guests and I are just after the truth. And if we find it great and if
not no worries. So subscribe to So True on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Pocket Casts, or wherever you get your podcasts,
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