All-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg - E64: Antitrust standards & enforcement, tech repricing, lab leak obfuscation, E63 reactions & more

Episode Date: January 22, 2022

00:00 Cold Open 00:25 Besties react to last week’s All-In E63 21:50 Implications of FTC Chair Lina Khan’s approach to enforcing antitrust 42:21 “Superbubble,” Multiple compression, Fed interes...t rates, Peloton & Netflix valuations 1:11:04 Sacks explains the NIH’s coordinated effort to downplay the lab leak hypothesis 1:32:01 Friedberg’s new company Cana 1:33:47 Learning loss from COVID school closures Follow the besties: Follow the pod: Intro Music Credit: Intro Video Credit: Referenced in the Episode: Lina Khan interview with Kara Swisher and Andrew Ross Sorkin on CNBC    WSJ article: Sen. Dianne Feinstein & Sen. Alex Padilla advanced the antitrust bill    Chamath’s Social Capital 2019 Annual Letter    Bill Ackman suggests the Fed should raise rate by 50 basis points    Gavin Baker’s Twitter on Generals getting shot last    Jonathan Chait in NY Mag on School Closures    Unicef estimate that COVID-19 learning loss could cost students close to $17 trillion    Friedberg’s interview on This Week in Startups 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's Chim off in a room with his PR crew right now like rehearsing and practicing and Hey everybody, so I just wanted to make sure based on on last week's pod, it was absolutely clear. I care about human rights. Many of you know my origin story, but for those of you that don't, I was born in a country that's no stranger to civil war and religious and political persecution. Growing up, my family and I felt those effects. It affected our safety. It's in part what led my family to file for refugee status in stay in Canada.
Starting point is 00:00:48 So this is a real part of my lived experience. That said, I realized that what I said last week lacked empathy, particularly towards others who are dealing with persecution, in this case, the weekers. And based on what I read this week, I think what's happening to them in Western China is a terrible situation. I also want to talk about this idea about nobody caring.
Starting point is 00:01:12 Look, if we take a step back and replace weager with other really important issues, like the conflict in Yemen, the potential war in the Ukraine, gun control, school shootings, healthcare equity, we're faced with horrible events every day. However, the unfortunate state of the world today is that we've also normalized this routine of being confronted with something tragic or horrible or unjust and being allowed to react with thoughts and prayers.
Starting point is 00:01:37 And this was the real intent of what I was trying to get across. So when I talk about my line, it's not about whether something matters or not. It's about which issues, of all the important issues we face every day, where I have the expertise and I believe I have the ability to have a real impact even if just by a little. For me, those areas happen to be climate change, life sciences, and deep tech. But just because this is where I spend my time, it's not to take away from any of the real work, any of you are doing in other areas. And then lastly, I just wanted to explain to people who may be new to the pod because of last week,
Starting point is 00:02:12 that this is a place where four of us, four friends talk about a whole wide range of things. We explore our curiosities, we try to learn from each other, we challenge each other, but we've always done it in a really supportive space. And I hope you keep that in mind as you listen and watch going forward. And hopefully you can bring some of that to your own conversations. That's all I have to say.
Starting point is 00:02:32 Well, I'll say it. Zach, I mean, I know you have something to say, but I'll say I got a lot of messages this past week after the show where, which I felt a little bit hurt by and mischaracterized and maybe it was simply I said the wrong thing at the wrong time. And so I want to just be very clear about a couple of points if I can take a minute. That's all right with you guys. Yeah, so I said I just wanted to I was going to actually send this out on Twitter and I decided it was better just to address it on the pod. So to be clear, I strongly believe in
Starting point is 00:03:07 and support absolute freedom of all people. And this means de facto, I strongly disagree with the suppression of free speech, denial of religious freedom, imprisonment, harm, capital punishment, slavery, and genocide. I thought this was obvious when we were having our conversation. I did not know I needed to be. So to be clear, you're not in favor of genocide. I'm not in favor of genocide. I thought this was obvious when we were having our conversation. I did not know I did not in favor of genocide. I'm not in favor of genocide. I'm not in favor of slavery or capital punishment or suppression of religious freedom. I thought this was obvious. The conversation I tried to have was the wrong conversation at the wrong time, which was to try to talk about the broader China-VUS narrative that is swelling and will
Starting point is 00:03:45 continue to swell this decade. I think that the primary function of civilized society or any advanced social system is to take care of and protect those that cannot take care of or protect themselves. And this is usually done by government. But when government fails and government is, in fact, the oppressor, I think it is the responsibility of other governments and other peoples to step in and have a voice and to take action.
Starting point is 00:04:09 And so that is kind of my moral framework. I think it's important. I don't deny any of the harm being done to the weaker population in China. I don't agree with it on a principled basis. And I don't think that what the Chinese government is doing is right. And the point that I was trying to make during our conversation
Starting point is 00:04:26 was a very different one that I think got completely lost in the moment, which was really just about what's going on with the China-US narrative right now. I'm not pro-China. I'm also not anti-China. I am particularly interested in understanding the broader China-US dynamic and what it means for the world over the coming decade and decades.
Starting point is 00:04:45 I think it's really important for us when we evaluate these things and to understand them, to not just take sides, but to understand the context in the broadest way possible. And that's why I am trying to get both sides and understand the mindset of the people that are involved in running these governments and the way that this world is going to evolve as this economic tension continues to mount. And so that's where I was trying to go. And I was just trying to highlight where I think everything is headed over the next decade or two, independent of what are obvious human rights issues going on.
Starting point is 00:05:18 So let me just stop there and say thanks for letting me say that, but that was important for me to just be really clear on because clearly I wasn't clear last week Well, and I'll just add to what you said that I also thought it was implied that you care about these things and that you're not in favor of them I didn't think that need to be spoken. Yeah, so I think it's it's nice that you're clarifying it But I think any reasonable person would understand that if you care deeply as a vegan about factory farming that you also care about humans and genocide and torture or whatever issue. So I think it's like, your statement is so obvious that I wonder if you even have to have made it, but I'm glad you did.
Starting point is 00:05:58 Sax? Okay. So, I guess first, I should say that what's happening to the Uighurs in China is in defense bowl. You've got reports of upwards of a million of these people being held in detention camps or reports of mass sterilization and rape. It's like ethnic cleansing over there. So that's absolutely wrong.
Starting point is 00:06:21 And it's one of a growing list of issues that we have serious problems with China on it, which include theft of reinélectual property, cyber espionage, the bullying of their neighbors, their crackdown on dissidents, the list goes on and on. I mean, I think we have to be clear-eyed about the challenge and the threat that China represents. And we've discussed that on this pod many times. That being said, you know, I think we saw this week was really about cancel culture, right? You had in response to last week's pod, you have this online mob form, and they want to take what Jamal said and interpret it in the worst possible light, so they can turn
Starting point is 00:07:00 the outrage meter up to 11, and everyone gets to basically go on Twitter and Virtue signal and say what great people they are because Jamal is a bad person And I just want to speak to that issue. I mean there's a huge amount of hypocrisy going on in that because how many of the people Who are tweeting their outrage and their denunciation of Jamal are doing it from a device Made by force labor in China wearing their Nike device made by force labor in China, wearing their Nike's made by force labor in China on their way to target to buy cheap goods made in China. How many of those people have actually lifted a finger in the real world to help the weggers?
Starting point is 00:07:38 How many of them have sacrificed an economic benefit in any way? And so when Tamoth said nobody cares, I thought it was a really startling statement by him. But if you define caring as doing something more than just virtue signaling and expressing your feelings as actually making a sacrifice or taking a risk in the real world, I thought he was frankly telling us a very uncomfortable truth. We haven't really, most of us, done anything. In that sense, I think the reason why his comments hit such a nerve, I don't think you get the kind of pylon that we got, unless he's saying something that's hitting a nerve. I think the nerve, the thing that he exposed is that we're not really doing more than
Starting point is 00:08:21 virtue signaling on this issue. Then came all the hypocrites you've got the NBA denouncing him issuing a statement when, what have they done? I mean, when Darryl Mori spoke up on behalf of the protesters in Hong Kong, the NBA shut down in sanctioned him. And, you know, LeBron James said he was uneducated. Actually, I think Darryl Mori was pretty educated about what was going on. So you've got those hypocrites.
Starting point is 00:08:45 You've got the White House issuing a statement, disavowing to Moth. But Hunter Biden went over to try to manage billions of dollars for them and profited by his business dealings over there. So there are a bunch of hypocrites. And the list goes on and on. And so, you know, I think that if in order for the mob to summon the outrage that it summons, it requires them to, I would say first, put the worst possible light on what Jamal is saying and to ignore,
Starting point is 00:09:13 I'd say the fundamental truth of it, and second to engage in this massive hypocrisy. And that is the way that cancel culture operates, and I don't think we should buy into it. So I appreciate what Jamal said. I think he's clarifying his remarks He's showing that he does care and he does have empathy as we all should But I think there was a fundamental truth in what Shema said last week and that is what people are so uncomfortable with Okay, well said I have feelings and Most of all I'm thankful we had the discussion.
Starting point is 00:09:46 The goal of this pod, I think what makes it special and why you all who are listening come here every week is because you know we're going to be honest with you and we're going to tackle these hard discussions and I think Friedberg's comments and sacks and comments really explain that and what our intent here is. And human rights is one of the hardest issues to discuss. That's why you don't hear it being discussed. And there are not easy answers.
Starting point is 00:10:10 And I think, I was challenged by my besties on the episode. And their questions and their challenges were absolutely critical. Yes, how can we care about one group of people when the people that are back here, we're not caring about one group of people when the people in our backyard we're not caring about? Are we going to invade countries? These are very nuanced, difficult questions, but we must have this discussion. And if we try to cancel people with a 22nd clip that looks completely different if you look at the two-minute clip or you take the
Starting point is 00:10:40 time to have a 40-minute listen of the whole segment, you get a totally different picture. And I think it's very important to raise awareness about human rights, and it is an issue that I have been passionate about my whole life, and I'm not trying to virtual signal or score any points here, but I know firsthand that raising awareness and having the discussions reduces the violations,
Starting point is 00:11:02 because dictators, despots, and people doing this kind of stuff do not want the heat of what happened this past week. And what happened this past week is that more awareness was raised about the weagers and the situation that they're going through. I think then, as somebody who's monitored the situation, then I've seen in the last couple of years. Perhaps this was a tipping point, and that is something good that can come out of that discussion. Now on a personal basis I have had some feelings of guilt
Starting point is 00:11:30 Because I was very hard for me to watch what happened to Chemaugh this week and to watch people dunking on him And then let's face it. I brought the topic up and I dug in with my feelings and it got a little heated and I'm suddenly being portrayed as, you know, a hero in this discussion. It's not the intent and there's no hero or villain in this. There is a hard discussion in this and I am extremely proud of my friendship with each of you, especially you, Chimath. I am extremely proud of your candidness and tackling these issues and making people think about them. And, you know, I'm just so proud to be friends with each of you. And I'm so proud of the work we do here every week. And I think it's important work.
Starting point is 00:12:15 And I feel like I get smarter every week. And I hope the audience does too. And I hope we can keep having these discussions. Can we make fun of each other? Yeah, now let's make fun of each other? Yeah, now let's yeah, make fun of each other. I mean, I don't know if we're allowed to laugh. This is like so serious and heavy, but- So what you're saying is thank you, Trimoth. Now that's going to be clip for 20 seconds. I'm going to get Jason Novark. Jason Calligat is
Starting point is 00:12:40 the Jason Avar. But Saks is point about, I mean, look, we've talked about cancel culture a lot on this show. We've always been, I think, generally able to be third party observers. So what's happened? And it was really interesting to go through the cycle this week, where there was just kind of an echoing narrative on one thing that was said with one direction. There were a few pieces, though, Chimath, right? I mean, it wasn't there a piece from the Atlantic and some other pieces that kind of highlighted that things that you said were things that a lot of people won't say. And that's what was really so shocking for so many people. What's the Peter Teo comment on this whole
Starting point is 00:13:20 on all of this stuff? If no one's saying it, it's probably true. Or if you're not allowed to say it, it's probably true. Yeah, if you're not allowed to say it. But yeah, it was really... Well, you're saying, based on the mob that formed, and it's already kind of blown over, and that's the way this kind of cancel culture starts, but for that sort of that white hot, really intense day or two,
Starting point is 00:13:42 you would think that like Jamoth had practiced genocide himself. Because everybody comes out and the way that they make themselves feel better is by virtuouslyling on this issue. And again, I would just say that, well, I think we should be thinking about, what do we do? How do we actually make a difference
Starting point is 00:14:04 because I don't think does virtu on the issue is going to do it. And, you know, at the same time that this mob was forming against Jamoth, we had a two hour Biden press conference in which Biden never mentioned the Wiggers once. The press corps never mentioned the Wiggers once. So does that mean the Wiggers are below their line? Why wasn't it mentioned? Shouldn't we be ganging up on Biden?
Starting point is 00:14:30 Why is the press ganging up on Chimath when they're not ganging up on Biden for that? So there is a fair amount of hypocrisy here. I actually think, Jason, I think you make an excellent point that by discussing these issues and raising these issues, it creates a little bit of a check on the people perpetrating these atrocities because they don't like to be exposed that way.
Starting point is 00:14:50 And maybe we should be boycotting the Beijing Olympics. I mean, maybe that should be on the table. Maybe we should be boycotting the MBA. I mean, let's have that conversation. Yeah, or maybe everybody who goes, I wouldn't want to see the athletes miss the Olympics, but maybe they can each just raise their hand and do a U or some sort of a signal to show they support the situation or they're aware of it with the Uggers.
Starting point is 00:15:12 There could be some modest protest or statement they could make without ruining their lives work. I always hate when the Olympics get canceled for some political reason because I think those people work so hard for it. But racing awareness is a noble goal in all of this, and then also doing things is a noble goal. And yeah, I mean, it was very weird to watch the mob form and then dissipate,
Starting point is 00:15:42 and just who was taking the time to actually listen to the full episodes who was clear from that Atlantic article and some of the nuance takes that they listened to the full discussion because there are bullet points here like, there was somebody who asked me a very challenging question, I think it might have been you, Freiburg, like are we going to start invading countries over human rights and then there's more suffering and death and pain from the wars. And when do you decide as the democracies of the world to invade the dictatorships of the
Starting point is 00:16:11 world to promote human rights? This is a very difficult issue that the world has had to deal with sadly before. And there is no easy answer there. Right. Well, you're right. And this is a point that I also try to make on the last episode, like Freeberg did, which is, I think it's actually great to have these ideals, and we should have moral clarity about what's happening. And I think what's happening is wrong, it's outrageous, it's an atrocity,
Starting point is 00:16:40 but the question is what we do about it. And the reality is, even though it's important to speak out about human rights, these types of fullminations about human rights when they become this sort of, you know, when people, when we get into this like frenzy, it's been the prelude in pretext for every misguided foreign intervention that we've had over the last 20 years. And the example, the Iraq war, I mean, Saddam Hussein was suddenly Hitler. You know, the goals of nation building Afghanistan for 20 years are invasion of Libya. We got rid of Gaddafi and we replaced it with chaos. And for years, we were talking about how evil the Taliban and their social system was.
Starting point is 00:17:22 And then we just handed Afghanistan back to them a few weeks ago. how evil the Taliban and their social system was and then we just handed Afghanistan back to them a few weeks ago. Exactly. So, you know, and so these types of, you know, when you kind of, you whip people up over human rights, I mean, I agree with the sentiment and I agree with the moral clarity, but I also can't help but recognize that Neocons and the military industrial complex and the Washington blob have used this type of rhetoric for decades to corral us and stamp eat us into wars and foreign interventions that don't make any sense. We all recognize after the whole project has gone wrong, like Afghanistan, we become
Starting point is 00:17:59 suddenly more realistic about the whole thing. Suddenly, we're not talking about the moral know, the, the, the, the, the, the moral atrocities of the Taliban anymore. But the discipline is to. There's still there. They're still there. The discipline, though, is to be able to check ourselves before we get into these interventions. And I don't think we do a good job of that. We're whipping ourselves up into these mobs and we're in a frenzy. And the, the, the racing awareness is something that has been lacking, you know, certain organizations. And I think it's very important that we don't take organizations that have engaged with a country, let's say China or Saudi Arabia.
Starting point is 00:18:36 They may have engaged in good faith with the goal of, you know, engagement is a positive for humanity in the world. Okay. If we engage with China and we are co-dependent on each other, that will lead to a better arc for human rights and for humanity and less worse because our economies are entangled and we do business together. Okay, this is a fine premise. What the dictators and despots want you to do is to fight each other and not
Starting point is 00:19:02 look at the human rights atrocities. So it's easier for us to say, oh, the NBA, oh, Apple, oh, pick the company or corporate interest or organization that has engaged. But by raising awareness consistently, it gives other people the ability to talk about this. Some organizations weren't willing to even talk about this or say the name, Wiggers. And if we keep talking about the weegers, the chances that that situation
Starting point is 00:19:28 improves, I think there is a chance it does improve. But I do think this like notion that the four of us can get together on a podcast and not get canceled because, you know, we don't collect money from advertisers and we started having these conversations amongst friends and we just put it on the internet. First of all, it's a great kind of reflection of what you can do in the United States. So put the freedom of speech that we have and we can just put it on the internet. First of all, it's a great kind of reflection of what you can do in the United States. So put the freedom of speech that we have and we can just put this on the internet and anyone can watch it around the world.
Starting point is 00:19:50 I don't know how many people are watching it, but mostly freedom of speech. Mostly freedom of speech. Much. But I do think that it's pretty valuable and I do think that that's an important point for us is as much as chamoff got completely destroyed this week You know the I gotta I gotta say other than COVID. I'm I'm feeling pretty good. You feel better
Starting point is 00:20:12 You're pretty bummed for a day or two I mean, I think the the COVID thing was scary because four of my five kids got it So I was just like oh my god. How's everyone doing by the way? I'll be very honest with you so So I was just like, oh my God. How's everyone doing, by the way? I'll be very honest with you. So between both houses, you know, mine and my ex-wife's, four to the five kids got it, our nanny got it, Nat did not, and the youngest baby did not. There's a real difference between, in my house,
Starting point is 00:20:43 how the boys experienced COVID, how the boys experienced COVID and how the girls experienced COVID, quite honestly. It, like we expressed certain symptoms specifically a really bad sore throat at a cough that the girls in our house did not. The girls had more intestinal issues, the boys roughly did not. So it all manifested kind of in odd ways.
Starting point is 00:21:03 But my God, I mean, what a pain in the ass. Well, to be going through that, and then also like monitoring Twitter and inbound your phone must have been blowing up. I was doing any of that. Okay, Jason, start the pun. Let's go. All right, well, okay, everybody, welcome to the whole podcast with us. The Sultan of Science, who's got a new startup he launched.
Starting point is 00:21:21 We'll hear about that later in the show, the Rain Man himself, and the RISA, the Dictator. I'm a fan of the Dictator. I was like, it's not like we didn't warn you. We got a 63 episodes, we called them the Dictator. This was about to happen. Let's start the show everybody. We do guys were like after 20 years of friendship,
Starting point is 00:21:41 it's like, I don't know, the list is like 9,000 items long. I was like, yeah, I've been a catch one. We got a log list. Yeah. All right. So first up, I think we should start with a duo of stories that relate to each other. Microsoft announced it's buying Activision Blizzard
Starting point is 00:21:59 for $68 billion of hash. Microsoft's got a lot of cash. And I think we all understand why this is a great idea for Microsoft with Xbox and obviously Activision owns Call of Duty, which has 120 million or so monthly active users. They also own a bunch of nerd stuff from Blizzard, like Diablo World Warcraft, my favorite Starcraft. And those have upwards of 40 million. They also had Blood King. If you remember that, they star craft. Those have upwards of 40 million. They also had blocked king.
Starting point is 00:22:25 If you remember that, they make candy crush and those kind of casual games. They have a quarter billion users. But even with all these, it's a highly fragmented market. But in related news, Alina Khan, the, I believe, 32 year old head of the FTC who has written a bunch of pieces. We talked about this on all in episode 36, sat down with Cara Swisher and Andrew Ross Sorkin for an interview.
Starting point is 00:22:50 And basically we're moving, or she intends to move the goalposts on antitrust. I wanna play three clips and have you react to them. Here's the first one. And this is her take on changing the antitrust from consumer harm to now shift to does this deal and we'll take the Activision deal here as one example, but you could take the Instagram and the YouTube deals as well. Do these deals substantially reduce competition in the future?
Starting point is 00:23:19 Let's watch the first clip. In certain cases, maybe too much success. And so the question is, when is the regulator supposed to say, this could work, and if it works, it's actually worked too well. It's an interesting question, and I think, you know, for enforcers, the real question is, is this a deal that could lessen competition? And in hindsight, all deals to sum to, all All deals to some degree are going to let you know. So, substantially lessened competition or tend to create a monopoly. And there's also indication that Congress wanted enforcers not just to act when, you
Starting point is 00:23:53 know, the third and fourth companies are merging on the first and second, but actually in the insipiency, when you said see trends towards concentration, that those can also be important moments for enforcers to jump in. So, what do we think, Freeberg about this sort of new rubric, not consumer harm, because obviously if Microsoft buys Activision and makes those part of Game Pass, and you get quality duty for free with your Game Pass, and the Candy Crush games and Blizzard games, that's good for consumers. They get a whole bunch of more games. It would be like Disney buying Star Wars, you get all the Star Wars stuff in Disney Plus,
Starting point is 00:24:26 for the same low price. Look, Saks is our legal eagle here. I think we go on, but I'll just say before, he probably speaks better in form than me. If it's not about consumer harm, and it's about decreasing competition in this broadly, I would argue subjective sense, then what's scary is that there are going to be decisions made by interpreters of what
Starting point is 00:24:49 isn't isn't competitive. And ultimately, if they're not trying to keep in mind the best interests of the consumer, then it is in fact going to cause consumer harm at some point, not necessarily the point. That's a good point. The goals that they block, but there will be the goals that they may block that may have benefited consumers. Meaning prices go down. Imagine having all of your products integrated in one streaming service instead of having to pay for three streaming services.
Starting point is 00:25:11 So instead of paying $70 across HBO Max and Disney Plus and Netflix, you get everything in one. But today the regulators would not let those businesses merge because that would be anti-competitive under this context. And so this is going to be a touchy debate, and it's going to be difficult, I think, ultimately to rationalize this, if there is going to be a point in the future where we can actually show that consumer harm would be caused by decreasing competition in marketplace.
Starting point is 00:25:35 And so I would be nervous about that subjectivity and the slippery slope it enables. I think it's a great point. Think about it. If you had to pay, instead of for Disney Plus, you paid for Pixar Plus, Disney Plus, Marvel Plus, and Star Plus, it'd be chaos in your household to manage all those accounts. It's a much better offering. That are a good experience. Much better, consumer service, and cheaper. And this is why I said in the past, we use the term monopoly as if it's de facto evil and bad.
Starting point is 00:26:00 But not all monopoly, they're businesses that have very big moats is another way to kind of describe them. Are necessarily bad for the customer. You get cheaper products, you get better products, you get more of an advantage, they may ultimately be yielded to be anti-competitive, you know, harmful way. Let me let me let me just let me explain to you where she's coming from. Like there's a fundamental pillar of capitalism that says that excess returns must get competed away.
Starting point is 00:26:25 So if a capitalist system is to be efficient, if a company has profit margins of 99%, competitors emerge pushing those profit margins down to something reasonable where you get to some sort of equilibrium. And the whole principle of what she's saying is in the absence of competition, we don't really know what the equilibrium return really looks like. And she's not saying that, but that is the implicitness of what she's saying. And so if you allow all of this stuff to aggregate, maybe Google shouldn't have 45% EBITDA
Starting point is 00:27:00 margins. Maybe in a really competitive society, they would only have 18% and that's actually better net net for the system. The problem is that counterfactual to your point freeberg is impossible to measure. How do you know and how much value do you need to take away of the panoply of things that Google does to figure that out? And that's I think where the problem with it. But, you know, let's be clear. In 2019, I wrote in my annual letter, there's a section called the tightening of the regulatory noose, and meaning it was a framework for how to basically dismantle big tech.
Starting point is 00:27:32 And element number one of that was a changing regulatory landscape. And it's really incredible to see it in front of our eyes. We got a bill that just left judiciary, right? That was effectively voted across the aisle. That's now going to go to the floor of the Senate, which is going to rewrite some of these anti-competitions. It was like 7525 and it was a 50-50 committee of Democrats and Republicans, so clearly across the aisle. Clearly across the aisle. And I mean,
Starting point is 00:27:54 the funny thing about that was Spinestein and Padilla, the two Democratic senators from California, where most of these companies are in the Wall Street Journal article that I read, railed against it, but still voted for it to go to the floor. So it's, I think, some version of that is going to pass. She's going to go and scrutinize these companies. I still think this Microsoft Activision deal on balance gets done because if you take the absolute values away from it, the reality is that it's an adjacent part of Microsoft's core business and there's nothing fundamentally monopolistic about what would happen if you let Microsoft and Activision come together.
Starting point is 00:28:28 Could it reduce competition in the future, I think would be her new lens, and if Xbox has Call of Duty and Sony PlayStation doesn't, or the next console doesn't, maybe it does. You could make the argument, sex, what are your takes on this? Very hard to apply standard of reducing future competition, because as Aaron Rossarkin said very clearly, all of these reduced competition is now we got to get into what is the word substantially mean in this context. Yeah, so my take on Unlead-A-Con is that she's got some worthwhile observations on the problems
Starting point is 00:29:02 posed by these big tech monopolies, but I don't think she's got the right remedies. So on the observations, I think she's correct broadly speaking that these big tech companies, the fangs, they have way too much power in the marketplace. They are now gatekeepers over the internet, they control all these powerful platforms. And broadly speaking, it is time, I think, to basically have some limits on those powers, make sure they don't abuse it. I think she's also right, that the traditional standard
Starting point is 00:29:32 of consumer harm doesn't really capture that sort of concept of market power for these free ad-based services, right? Because there is no pricing. And furthermore, I think she's got a point when she says that, you know, it's you know, no pricing, you mean Facebook and Google doesn't pay. So how can there be consumer harm, right? So clearly that there's that that standard of consumer harm doesn't really capture
Starting point is 00:29:54 the market power dynamic. And then I think the last observation she makes, which I think is pretty, pretty valid is this idea that, you know, when Facebook bought Instagram at that time, it didn't seem to be a problem, but it definitely allowed them to extend their monopoly from the desktop into mobile and it probably should be scrutinized harder. My problem is with her remedy. I mean, what she's basically saying is, first of all, like you said, any deal that could decrease competition in the future is a problem.
Starting point is 00:30:23 Well, the whole goal of business and making business moves like an acquisition is to build your moat, is to win, is to win, is to create a more competitive offering. So there's no limiting factor, there's no bright line test there. At least with consumer harm, there's a bright line test, which is about pricing, right?
Starting point is 00:30:41 It's mathematically measurable. You could create a model around it. Here, there's absolutely nothing. And so what it's going to do is completely politicize the process of getting an M&A deal approved. And you can see this when she's talking about the impact on labor. I mean, this is a total stop to the, let's go. This is a total stop to the labor constituency in the Democratic Party because look, Facebook and and Google no matter how powerful monopolies They may be they don't have a dominant position in the labor market. This is not true
Starting point is 00:31:11 They're competing for the same engineers at every tech company is competing for so she's bringing up purely political consideration in now and so again, there's no bright line rule. It's gonna be heavily political Companies trying to get a merger approval never know whether they're good or not. And even after they get approved, they'll never know they're good. And I have a big problem with her saying that any deal that they approve can be reopened and re-evaluated a decade into the future and reversed companies. I.E. The actions they're taking against.
Starting point is 00:31:41 Companies need certainty. That's the real issue. The rules of capitalism have been that the smarter slash more strategic entity, if they can run their plays more efficiently, has the right to win. This is almost trying to say actually not really, and that is very problematic. You never know your good. You never know your good. And then the problem that it'll create in the equity market specifically is, how do you actually drive shareholder returns and then what do all the shareholders then do if these companies are rendered to basically stay where they are? So the price gap shot, I mean, you take a snapshot of the economy and you say this was what it will
Starting point is 00:32:24 be from now on. But it's in, Sachs' point is really interesting. It's going to require M&A to become kind of a political maneuvering process. Similar, you know, create sort of these, you know, obfuscate and gates where you don't really know what it's going to take to get through there. And then you've got to go do what you do when you try and convince foreign governments to work with you or allow you to do a transaction, a foreign government in a foreign country, where you got to go in and you got to go figure out the politicians, who they want, who they are, what they want, and then put together a political consortium that's going to approve the deal, given that there's now going to be subjective validation, whereas before I think the criteria were much more objective.
Starting point is 00:33:00 Let me play this other clip. This is the clip that the SACs is referencing. Alina Khan also talks about how labor unions are trying to get in on the action slash griff. See on the other side. Some of this research has showed that labor markets are significantly concentrated. And it's led to, you know, additional thinking at the policy level of how this should be affecting what anti-interest enforcers are doing. So the Justice Department, including in the last administration, started looking at no poach agreements, more closely instances in which employers may be colluding to suppressed wages. Both agencies have been looking at the ways in which mergers in particular may less
Starting point is 00:33:41 in competition for labor and have downstream effects on workers in ways that are harmful and that also needs to be on our radar. So I think this is an ongoing conversation, but increasingly the question is, you know, how we implement some of these priorities and not, you know, whether they're important. Because the first time you've included labor, this is something laborers wanted for a long time, the idea of looking at antitrust through the lens of unemployment, essentially. Yeah, there's an interesting history here. I mean, there were cases in which unions were supportive of transactions because they
Starting point is 00:34:13 thought they would lead to more downstream benefits. But I think we started to see through retrospective studies instances in which murderers actually ended up having a harmful effect. And so I think that is what's significantly contributing to this. Look, this is, this is also part of what I said in 2019. The third element of that plan was you have to change the rules on stock-based compensation. So instead of her talking about it as labor, I think the more accurate way to say it is like there's very valuable human capital in technology business.
Starting point is 00:34:42 A few people have, you know, discontinuous impact on these businesses. And it has been a stated strategy of all of Big Tech to use their balance sheets to buy small companies in their insipiency to use her words, not because it helps advantage their monopoly, but it prevents the leakage of human capital into other ideas and it prevents those other ideas from really flourishing. That's really what's been happening for years in Silicon Valley. And we all know that. You know, all the aquahiring we see is about hoarding talent. And you'd rather pay these people millions of dollars a year if you're big tech
Starting point is 00:35:17 to basically work on next to nothing than take the risk of them going across the street to a competitor and then having them build something that is troubling. And this was such a, this is such a, no, the only way, but the only way, sorry, just to finish the own, one of the ways that you can change it is you have to change the way that stock based compensation works, how it's accounted for, how you know, how you can actually deal with it on a gap basis, how capitalists then treat that in terms of their earnings. If you don't do that, none of the models change. People look past it, people look through it, they don't think it's a real
Starting point is 00:35:50 cost, which it is. And then you're allowed to continue to do it. That's really the underlying issue. So much so, Tramoth, that the hoarding of human capital was a reoccurring theme on the Silicon Valley HBO show where people in Hooli were getting paid millions of dollars and hanging out on the roof. Freeberg, when you look at this human capital labor, bring brought into it, isn't the point of a lot of M&A to eliminate jobs and eliminate redundancy. So if you brought in YouTube at Google, I'm not sure if you were there at that time period, the distinct concept was, hey, we already have an advanced ad network, we already have accounting, and we already have servers around the world in storage.
Starting point is 00:36:30 You don't need to hire those people, we can get rid of them or whatever. And we get rid of that redundancy. No, look, I mean, yeah. Large-scale consolidation, that's certainly true. Most M&A and technology is the opposite, where an acquisition takes place and the acquisition gets fueled by further investment after the acquisition is made. When YouTube was acquired, there was a few dozen employees there, and then very quickly Google scale that team, the engineering team, the infrastructure team, they even had their
Starting point is 00:36:58 own independent ad sales team to thousands of employees. And without that, it would have been very difficult for YouTube to achieve that scale, both from a product success perspective, an infrastructure perspective, but also an employee-based perspective. With the amount of capital it would have taken to go and raise that from venture capital. It's not.
Starting point is 00:37:14 Maybe nowadays where there's billions of dollars floating around, it would be different, but back then, it would have been very hard. And so what's the same for WhatsApp and Instagram? Yes, exactly. WhatsApp was 19 people when it was acquired, and now it's thousands. I'm certain and Instagram is the same. What we've seen traditionally, or not traditionally, but over the last 10, 15 years, with internet-based
Starting point is 00:37:33 acquisitions, is not about consolidation and reduction and costs, but about taking and enabling technology and accelerating it on an existing platform. Now, number one, it makes that new technology a product far more successful, far more far reaching, and more consumers benefit from it. Number two, is it now makes that platform harder to compete with? So as a platform, it's going to be a lot harder to catch up with the cash flows being generated at Google and at Facebook, given how quickly they reinvest that capital in new technology, the further their advancement. And to your point. Yeah, but I would say what's been so significant over the past 15 years that people are lifting their head up, is that it has been both beneficial to consumers and anti-competitive.
Starting point is 00:38:14 So that was exactly what I was going to get to here. Your YouTube example is the perfect one because if you look at YouTube, think about all the joy, education, communication, it has created on a global basis as a juggernaut. That's free. And that helps humanity so much in this new lens. But no one else can make a video at site. Like there's exactly so. We're now looking at all the benefit
Starting point is 00:38:36 that YouTube has created for humanity versus the fact that it's going to be impossible to displace YouTube now. To your point, Sachs, how do you get past the Bright Line? Do you have a suggestion for a way? And would you now look at something like YouTube and say we shouldn't have allowed that to happen? YouTube was on debt store because of the lawsuits
Starting point is 00:38:55 and the server bills. We all know that. Right. Well, this is the uncertainty that's going to be created. And I think this administration's creating tremendous business uncertainty. I think the reaction of a lot of big tech companies is this is going to be to stop doing M&A until the situation gets clarified because they just don't know. Target companies are going to want to have huge
Starting point is 00:39:15 breakup fees. And it's just going to have a chilling effect on the market for M&A. I mean, business needs certainty. And they're not giving it in this business environment. needs certainty and they're not giving it in this business environment. Um, to about before we get to you, just kind of make one point about that last clip on, uh, on the labor point. Listen, this feels to me, just like when the administration, uh, talked about clean tech and clean energy and electric vehicles, but then they only gave the subsidy to the, uh, car companies that were, uh, that were basically union shops. They give Tesla the same.
Starting point is 00:39:48 That's right. They excluded Tesla. They excluded Tesla from the EV symbol trying to pretend that Ford and GM were the ones driving the EV revolution in the US. It was laughable. What they were trying to do there is they were shoe-horning a union agenda into clean tech. I think that's what Lena Horma is doing in that clip.
Starting point is 00:40:04 She was shoe-horning a union agenda into antitrust law. And it's a bit absurd because Facebook and Google, even though they are very powerful companies, when it comes to talent, they are in a war for talent, just like everybody else, they compete against each other. There's not a union issue there. These are not facts.
Starting point is 00:40:20 These are not mistreated employees. These are very well-paid employees and moreover, the market is highly competitive. And we don't need them trying to insert this union agenda into antitrust law. You got to think that, for example, going back to Microsoft Activision, obviously the bankers would have called Apple
Starting point is 00:40:38 and Facebook and Google as well. I mean, it's absurd that they were- It's impressive. It has to be. The minute that you think you have a bona fide offer, one of the things you have to do is essentially, you know, get an opinion letter and also to make sure that as a public market shareholder, you can justify that you've evaluated all the other options, right? Sure.
Starting point is 00:40:57 But it's really quite telling to David's point, I don't think that if you were Facebook or Google or Apple, you could have credibly made an offer because the calculus in the back, if your head, was not whether it had business logic, but whether you could actually get it through the FTC. But Microsoft did, because Microsoft is no longer seen as a threat. And look, we said this in our awards show two or three episodes ago. You know, they have really been the most untouched in the last decade by antitrust scrutiny, whether it domestically or internationally, they've largely skated under the radar after paying the price for an entire decade.
Starting point is 00:41:34 I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that Microsoft's effectively pivoted with the exception of this gaming into being an enterprise software company, and the politicians just care a lot less about enterprise software. It doesn't capture the public's imagination. It's the big consumer companies that get all of that attention. Fast and divestinated point. Literally, the consumer and the bread and circuses of this is what's driving it. People hate big tech and Trump got banned from it, Yadi Yadi. I got to say, these increasing restrictions on big tech and these prohibitions and the chilling effect, the uncertainty, it's one thing to do it when the market is just
Starting point is 00:42:12 completely ripping and we can sort of afford to run these experiments and tinker with these rules. And I got to say, I'm sort of get pretty worried here that you know we had Jeremy Grantham is sort of a old school Yeah, old school kind of bearish type market commentator. He had this expression that the yeah I mean one of these stop clock right twice a day things Here Jeremy Grantham has never found a market. He didn't yeah, yeah exactly But but but a stop clock can be right twice a day and the line line he had today is we're seeing the popping of a super bubble. And, you know, we've been talking about.
Starting point is 00:42:48 Super bubble. Yeah, exactly. Basically, that's not, that's not true, but I mean, it's good. Yes. Well, the, the sensor which is, it might be true. Is that, I mean, we talked about this last few months, is that you had the fed and the, the, the federal government pump a tentrillion of liquidity into the mark over the past years because of COVID. Now they're starting to pull that back. And there was, I think, a general asset inflation across asset classes, certain types of assets
Starting point is 00:43:18 clearly got more inflated than others. We've seen a huge correction in growth stocks. We've seen a huge correction in growth stocks, we've seen a huge correction in crypto. Basically anything long dated as the fear of interest rates increasing has gone up, they've massively corrected. But so the concern is that, you know, with the losses we're seeing, and I mean, every day it just keeps, like, you see more red, that this could turn into a recession, you know, popping of bubbles is usually followed by a recession.
Starting point is 00:43:47 So I think the fortunes of the economy could turn really quickly here. And that is the marginal risk. The marginal risk is actually for a recession. We talked about this before, by the way, just to your point, you're right that we pumped in $10 trillion, but over the last three weeks and really over the last two and a half months, we have actually eviscerated $10 trillion of value as well. So if you want to measure it, we put $10 trillion of excess capital in, but we've now destroyed
Starting point is 00:44:13 $10 trillion of equity across. Just righted by lowering the prices or re-pricing stuff. Yeah, we repriced it. We've repriced it. I mean, crypto in the last couple of days has just been shocked. Growth stocks have been shellacked. Biotech stocks have been just absolutely spoken. Everything is getting crushed. COVID stocks. But David is saying something really important. The risk in my opinion is not of runaway inflation
Starting point is 00:44:38 anymore. And the reason was what happened this weekend was incredibly important. And we have seen this happen just a few years ago. So this weekend, China cut interest rates. Now as we know, we are dealing in the United States with this issue of whether we should raise rates and by how much because we're worried about inflation. While if you're cutting rates, it's because you're worried about the other problem, which is that the economy has basically turned over and you need to become more accommodating. You need to incentivize businesses to spend by lowering.
Starting point is 00:45:11 Turned over, you mean? It's slowed down. People are not building companies, not doing new projects. So you want to give them an incentive or maybe some catalyst to start some new company or start some new project because all the real estate projects have wound down. In 2018, here's exactly what happened. The setup was, the Fed, we were, everybody was worried about what the Fed was going to do on interest rates.
Starting point is 00:45:37 The Fed was looking at China as the Canary and the coal mine, the leading indicator of what we should do. And at the end of 2018, Jerome Powell decided to raise rates. And we raised rates. And then enter 2019, and the Chinese economy turned over. And we realized that the economy was not nearly as strong as we thought it would be. And so our reaction was disproportionate to what the actual data on the ground said. We entered a recession in 2019. That's when you guys probably saw Trump
Starting point is 00:46:10 going crazy blaming Powell. I mean, most of us ignored it because we were all dealing with Trump derangement syndrome. But the underlying thing of what he was saying was, hey, hold on a second, you just caused a recession in America by raising too quickly. The Fed is now in this really delicate situation where China cut rates last week. We have an FOMC meeting, the open markets committee that sets rates on Wednesday, I think, of this coming week. What is he supposed to do? You know, Bill Ackman two weeks ago, it was advocating for a 50-basis point raise in this meeting. So that's way beyond what people even thought is supposed to have. We should just remember that Bill Ackman has bets, macroeconomic bets in this meeting. So that's way beyond what people even thought is supposed to. We should just remember that Bill Akman has bets, macroeconomic bets in the market.
Starting point is 00:46:49 If he's calling for a 50-point raise, I guarantee you that you'll make a lot of money. No, no conflict, no interest. Yeah, but my only point is the setup is a very complicated one for the Fed coming into this week. And the risk is to a recession, because if we over-correct, yes, and the leading indicators all around the world tell us that their economies are weak, then inflation may have actually been much more transitory than we thought. And right now, we have to decide because if we over-correct, we're going to plunge the United States economy into a recession. This is why I think Friedberg, when you look at this, when you have so many different things happening at once,
Starting point is 00:47:26 and you're trying to pilot a plane or a car in rain, on ice, going really fast, maybe there's something wrong with the brakes, and you've got to be very delicate with how you steer into this. What is the right strategy here on a policy basis coming out of Omicron? Should we just take a pause on raising rates? What do you think the right situation here? Obviously putting a bunch of regulation on top of big mergers and acquisitions,
Starting point is 00:47:52 and that's going to create headwinds. I don't know how many different variables we want to add to the mix of an economy that feels like we're in a perfect storm. I don't know. A lot of us kind of talk about the valuation of things in markets as being the economy, but it's not. The economy is the productivity of businesses that are valued in the market. And as long as the productivity of the businesses in the market continues to improve that businesses continue to grow, that there's stability to pricing that's not run away or declining and either inflationary or 2D
Starting point is 00:48:25 inflationary. You know, I think those are the indicators that matter most. Now the reality is over the last couple of years, we've had trillions of dollars that have flowed into these markets for free. And those trillions of dollars have created lots of mini asset bubbles. Lots of little new markets have emerged, NFTs, random cryptocurrencies that don't actually do anything, the collectibles market, the art market, there are lots of, I mean there are lots of examples of the speculative early-stage
Starting point is 00:48:57 businesses that have gone public and people back them and they said, look, when there's this much money around, I'm going to start making more risky bets. I'm going to make more speculative bets. And regardless, the money's coming out of the markets. The money's going to come out one way or another. And as it starts to come out, these little bubbles are the first that are going to pop. And that doesn't necessarily mean that the economy is at risk. It means that there are valuation bubbles that are going to burst, they're going to decline,
Starting point is 00:49:24 and no interest rate policy is going to change that, because the inevitable growth in the underlying economy, the inevitable end to the pandemic, is what's ultimately going to drive capital out of these markets and back into ultimately more productive assets and less speculative assets. And so this is a transition that I'm not sure you can really kind of manage, I think underlying businesses and the growth of the economy and the ability for people to get jobs. There's an incredible number of open jobs in the US right now. 3 million open job listings.
Starting point is 00:49:51 Go apply for a job. We have a million. 11 million. Whatever it is, go sign up for a new job. 3. What is it, sex? They're there. They're there. 3.7% on a point.
Starting point is 00:50:00 There are not a lot of people in the US that don't have an option to go out right now and go improve their working condition. There are a lot of open jobs in the US. And so, that's what I mean. You're working condition. You can go make more money. And so, the economy underlying, there are lots of great businesses that are growing and doing well, and there's stability that's emerging, and then there's a bunch that aren't. And there are a bunch that were always speculative and that they were hyped and overvalued. And, you know, as those assets get evalued, a lot of us that have most of our worth and income coming from capital are going to feel the burn. I have two questions. By the way, I want to go around the horn on
Starting point is 00:50:41 first, Tremoff. If we could do, if each of you could do one thing to one or two things, to manage this economic policy in the next year, what would it be? Like, what two things do you think we should do, David? One or two things. We, the top of this, that regulators should do in terms of managing this seemingly chaotic situation. Just feels to me, It just feels to me like we're pinballing from one overreaction to another. So we overreacted in terms of flooding the zone with liquidity because of COVID. I mean, remember like Druckermiller was like the one of the only voices about a year ago when they did that last $2 trillion stimulus bill, the COVID relief bill. And he said, look, retail is already 15% above trend, meaning if you looked at demand, the demand side of the economy, it had fully recovered and was actually above trend, people
Starting point is 00:51:33 were spending more money. And then we flood the zone with another two trillion and then low and behold six months later, we have this inflation. And then in response to that inflation, we're now jacking up rates so quickly that I think we're risking to Jamas point or a session. So we're pinballing from one over reaction to another and I just the big Metathod I had this week with just how many of our problems are just self-inflicted right now. I mean, even on COVID, right, we could live with this variant of COVID, Omicron, you know, Jamas and all of our friends, we've, everyone
Starting point is 00:52:05 I know in the last few weeks basically has had it and it's been very mild, it's basically been a cold, but in large swaths of the country, we're not choosing to live with it. We're at each of those throats about these vaccine mandates, these other restrictions and scurried closure. And similarly, and the same thing to make even more local, we've got a crime wave in America going on right now. Why? Because we emptied the jails last year and stop prosecuting totally self-inflicted.
Starting point is 00:52:30 Okay. So what things do we need to do? Just if you had to one or two things that you think we should do. One, you said we're ping ponging. So you think more consistent policy. Community. I don't. I think that you want some neat little answer that's treatable and there is not.
Starting point is 00:52:42 No, I just wanted to let me explain. I thought there was a good idea. There, there is not. No, I just wanted to. Let me explain. There was a good idea. There is no one or two things anybody can do. I think there's a collective set of things that we have to do in a real life. Let's hear it. So look, just a set up, right?
Starting point is 00:52:54 We have had more activity and hedging than in any other period in recent memory, except the great financial crisis, just to set the tone of where we are in terms of volatility in the capital markets. Mutual funds who don't short stocks, right, the multi trillion dollar mutual fund complex whose only job is to buy has been a net seller, hasn't even started buying a single thing. We have an FOMC meeting that's going to happen next week, where Jerome Powell and the Fed has to decide what to do in the face of incomplete data.
Starting point is 00:53:31 It's not as if we've even stopped all of the purchasing of assets that we've been doing. We're still putting money into the system. I just want to be clear, we were debating when we stopped the spigot. We're not even debating when we shrink our balance sheet as a country. So we are in a really complicated moment. And I think the risk is that there is an overreaction to incomplete data and we plunged the US economy into a recession. And I just think that that has to be really thoughtfully measured. And we, guys, we has to be really thoughtfully measured. And we've seen this in 2018, 2019.
Starting point is 00:54:10 A favor, any thoughts? No, I'm not an economist and I'm not a central banker. And so I have no clue. Okay. The next thing I have- But to my point, I mean, we are dealing with balancing the risks of inflation against the risk of recession. I think that is fundamental. And right now, all the statements have been so
Starting point is 00:54:28 hawkish that, you know, the markets have been just flowing red now for months. And it's starting, I think, I think the, the balance of risks is starting to make recession possible in a way that didn't seem possible two, three months ago. Doesn't the repricing of assets though, like we look at Peloton, you know, it's down whatever 80%. You look at zoom is down 78% when you see those things that were obviously mispriced. A Rivian, which we talked about. I wouldn't use the term misprice.
Starting point is 00:54:59 They were repriced. I would say they repriced. They were mispriced. They're not repriced. They were, they were, they, someone paid some, they're priced, someone sold them for something. They were mispriced. They're not reprised. They were, they were, they were, they were, they were, they were priced. They were priced. Someone sold them for something. They were priced against gravity.
Starting point is 00:55:08 They were priced against gravity. If yesterday they paid 25% more and then today they're paying 25% less. What difference does it make? Whether it's yesterday and hour ago or a year ago. Well, every day pricing changes. Well, no, here's the thing about the pricing. The pricing was based on people with a lot of money placing a lot of bets, maybe who are new to the market. What's the reach out?
Starting point is 00:55:27 Okay, fine, what's the point, Jason? The market condition changed. Well, I think maybe we had enthusiastic people betting things out without looking at fundamentals. Is my point. I think the tax agrees with me here on this. So I think if we, if we, yeah, you're right. So now you have market participants who were gambling
Starting point is 00:55:44 on like momentum. Now we're reprising stuff. Do we think where are we at in this reprising or correct pricing or assets? We're in the eighth in my opinion. I think we're in the eighth inning of the tech drawdown. So if you're a high growth tech company, you've been smashed for three months in a row. As you said, Jason, we're off. Some stocks are off 80, you know, 50 to 80% of their highs. That's error. Corrections. I mean, that's crash.
Starting point is 00:56:10 That's not come error. Crash. Yes. If you're in other areas like value, you've had a pretty good rally. If you're in crypto, you're just starting to get smoked now. If you're in, why is it crypto? I want your thoughts on this,
Starting point is 00:56:26 trim up. Why is it crypto getting smoked like palaton and zoom? Is it because those people are holdlers or something? Well, crypto, I think, has slightly different dynamics than individual stocks like a palaton, but I think that you're going to see. You're going to see. It's released for one. Right. But you're going to, because I can't understand what all the market is is who's bidding and who's coming into the market. I mean, there's still thousands of millions of people from around the world stepping into the crypto markets each day That are putting more money into these markets that balances out the withdrawals and that's all the crypto is There's no fun there is underlying business that you're valuing the peloton release was really bad
Starting point is 00:56:58 Okay, I mean it was very strange yeah, well, I think it was strange It was just like we're just gonna basically stop producing anything because all of our inventory will meet our demand for the foreseeable future. That's a, that's not a good statement if you're supposed to be a high growth. Okay, so if we're seeing 50 to 80% sacks, even Baker had a tweet that's a comment.
Starting point is 00:57:18 Capital allocator. Yeah, the bottom of the market, he and it was afraid something like when we shoot the generals and his comment was the generals are big tech. When those things trade down 25%, the bottom is in. And I think that collectively, most people think that we're a little bit oversold in all areas except big tech.
Starting point is 00:57:38 I think big tech is down 10, 11, 12%. When you see this thing really get cracked, is when those folks, you know, trade down another 10 or 15% and then I think we're kind of through most of the pain. So palatine and zoom were kind of mid-tech. I don't know what we call those, but I would call them like mid-tech. They're obviously not big tech, but they're not small either. Mid-tech gets their asses kicked 50 to 80%. Big tech 15%, but if big tech goes down 30%, then we start really seeing a bottom. And we consider Netflix part of that.
Starting point is 00:58:06 I don't know. You never see that because I think Big Tech, you have to remember, is basically the index. And in the last 10 or 20 years, you've never seen drawdowns more than 15 to 25%. You've never seen it. And when you've ever had a 15 to 25% drawdown, meaning the market goes off 15 or 25%. You have to remember the thing that we have also done over the last 20 years is created so much money on the sidelines always looking for a cheap buying opportunity. And so the minute that these things, so even in March of 2020, remember when we started to do this pod and it literally looked like the world was ending? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:39 The bottom existed for a week. Yep. And then within a week, the entire 25% loss in the stock market was wiped out and we were back to normal. So that's what I sold. We did it. We did it. No take our advice first. Okay, well, let's talk specifically about Neff.
Starting point is 00:58:54 I think it was good that we talked about palatonic that the lows. Oh my God. I remember selling slack going, this is the dumbest thing, but I have no choice because I was literally going to 15. How about when Uber goes to 15 from 45?
Starting point is 00:59:07 I was ready to puke. I basically curled up in a ball and said, I'm not selling, but I'm not feeling good right. That's why I was saying Jason, like any comment you made earlier, I think you made a comment about, you know, what do you do right now to drive or make change in these markets? And I'm not sure that at the end of the day, the drive or the change is being
Starting point is 00:59:25 made as much as the change that's being made is being driven by the market itself. There is just so many dynamics at play that it's very difficult to kind of ascertain where things are headed next, what's going on. And we're all going to sit here and we're all going to speculate, we're going to flip it coin. It's going to come up heads, it's going to come up tails. We're going to be right, we're going to be wrong. It's really difficult to kind of put put our foot down and really difficult to kind of put our foot down and for any of us to put our foot down and say, this is what I think needs to happen
Starting point is 00:59:48 and this is what I think should happen or could happen or will happen. Half of us will be right, half of us will be wrong. But man. Let's take another stock. I think it's interesting to talk about this. Netflix was at $700. Could, just a month ago, it's at $390 today.
Starting point is 01:00:02 You're talking about the business. You're talking about the business. That's a big problem. Yeah, that's like a real business that you can assess what's going on in the business itself. Well, they think they're not gonna grow 20, 30% a year. They think they grow 8, 9, 10% a year. But a fabulous business, right? Like a great business.
Starting point is 01:00:18 Incredible. Is that now the time? So is this growing so much? I mean, Netflix is so saturated. It has achieved such incredible market share by growing so quickly every year for years and years and end. At some point, the growth was going to slow down. They hit their natural audience.
Starting point is 01:00:34 I think Netflix is going to be the best example of consumer surplus at scale. And what I mean by that is they have given so much value away for an incredibly small amount of money. If you think about the value you get from Netflix as compared to what you would get from a Comcast and you spend $10 a month, $10 or $15 for Netflix versus $100 for Comcast, there was such a huge gap in value. But Netflix had to spend so much money to keep people entertained. The real question is, at what point do they start to sort of like run out of the things that they can do
Starting point is 01:01:11 to keep people engaged? And otherwise they Jason do what you did, which is you have a subscription to HBO Max, you have a subscription to Disney plus. I mean, the headwinds are the competition. Everybody gets in the game. The only real winner is the consumer. Yeah. And any individual company, I think, gets into a real tough spot. And I think what you saw was their earnings release basically said just that. Disney's doing a great job competing against us. HBO Max is doing a great job competing against us. So we're not sure what the incremental dollar that we can give you the growth that we've given you before when we had no competition.
Starting point is 01:01:41 That's by the way, Lena Conn's comment, which is the other side of the coin, which is when you have more competition, the consumer does win, it contains prices, it just doesn't contain asset inflation, which does impact the shareholders of these companies. Yeah, and still, even at this level, $172 billion, they have a 35 XP. I mean, one way to look at this, I think your point is an interesting one, Chimath, where you talk about how much value they've given away over the years and what they have today. You can always look at the balance sheet of a business, a public company. And in the balance sheet, there's this line, goodwill.
Starting point is 01:02:20 No, not even goodwill, just the accumulated loss, the accumulated deficit. If you look at that on Netflix, they basically run the business right now as of their last earnings statement, which was December 31, negative $40 million. In terms of the total net cash that they've generated as a business, since they're founding as a business, they've lost $40 million. So meanwhile, the question is, OK, what's the, so they're not necessarily at a stage where they've been generating cash. But for many, many years, Amazon had a similar strategy
Starting point is 01:02:54 where they were reinvesting all their capital. And that capital was going into building the business and growing the platform and adding the next layer of growth. The question is, has Netflix, from a fundamental business perspective, not a valuation perspective, have they added enough growth platforms into the business? Have they found enough other products, services, or ways that they'll have to build up the growth of it? They have one product. They have one linear video. They don't have gaming, they don't have anything else. They did start doing sports. They're not comedy. They are dabbling. They dabbled
Starting point is 01:03:21 with doing a couple of podcasts. They dabbled with doing a couple of games. And there's rumors that they might try to get the other 20 to 30% of people who don't pay by creating a lighter version that was ad support. In other words, you're not going to get the new season of Ozark, but maybe you can get the first two or three. You're a year behind the production schedule, but you can watch it all with ads. So the... Why isn't Netflix and video games in sports? It's such an obvious one. And that's why I think they released a series of games based on their IP. So as their IP grows, and I think that's what you'll see with Disney pluses, think about an app store inside of Disney plus, a merch store inside of Disney plus. I think there's so many problems. Next to them. Why don't they know merch store inside of it? Why don't they own Spotify or
Starting point is 01:04:02 have a Spotify competitor? Well, I think Spotify sees themselves as a... That's a really good point. When you look at the peloton, I was looking at the peloton earnings when it was down 25% yesterday or the day before. And I was like, this is an incredible business because they have 2.1 million subscribers that pay them. Hey, 40 bucks a month.
Starting point is 01:04:23 It's incredible. I mean, it's a money printing machine. Money printing machine, I actually have a subscription. I don't even have a peloton, peloton. I don't have any of them. You pay $500 a year to use the classes. I have the app. It's crazy.
Starting point is 01:04:34 I don't even use the app. I think that's 20 bucks for just an app. But the point I was trying to make is when you look at it, you know, there's about 30% of that revenue that goes right back to the music labels for the music. So, you know, to your point, like, there's just an enormous value in actually music. One of the graphics built library values in content they could point it to music as well. There's all these things they could do to re-ignite growth.
Starting point is 01:04:55 A lot of people discount the value of having a subscription consumer business. When you have a consumer's credit card on file and they're paying every month for something, it's an incredible point because you don't have the friction of getting the sale done, you've already done the sale. Now the question is can you upsell them some new service or some new addition that they're not paying for today? So obvious. Yeah. It's so obvious, right? And so like, by the way, I'll say this like for years Google struggled with this question, which is what is Google's consumer subscription business? Because Google did not have consumer credit cards across its platform despite a billion daily users.
Starting point is 01:05:27 And so Google for years was strategically trying to figure out what business can or should we be in to have a subscription model with consumers. Because once you have that, then you can charge for all sorts of stuff. You can charge for storing photos. You can charge for accessing audio. You can charge for accessing unlimited video.
Starting point is 01:05:41 Imagine if at the... I'll take the contrary inside of this. Okay, here we go. Go ahead, Peter, Jeff. Audio you can charge for accessing unlimited video. Imagine if at the I'll take the contrary inside of this. Okay, here we go. Go ahead Peter. Well, no, look, I invest in B2B subscription businesses. I hate B2C subscription businesses. And the reason is just the churn rates.
Starting point is 01:05:55 What we see when we look at B2C subscription businesses is 5% monthly churn is not uncommon. It's pretty much the standard. So call that 50-60% churn in the subscription base every year. So effectively, you're rebuilding the company from scratch every two years. I don't see like how you can build a successful business. I'll tell you why you're talking about this.
Starting point is 01:06:14 But doing contrast that to B2B. With B2B subscription businesses, you do lose some customers. But the ones who stick with you keep adding seats for more employees, usually. And so actually your land and exp expense, your courts are actually, your courts are growing 20% every year and say it's shrinking 50%. Now, obviously, there are some of these beta C subscription businesses like Netflix and
Starting point is 01:06:35 Peloton, they are obviously valuable. They've defy gravity. Well, Netflix has done it because they spend billions of dollars on content. And Peloton's got it because they plop a expensive machine in your house so you can't forget about it. And that keeps you a little bit more recurring than like a lot of these subscriptions which are just very easy to cancel. But so look, they've been able to make it work, but I'm mostly. Here's why I think you're wrong. It turns out these are so low priced these subscriptions that you get a lot of consumers
Starting point is 01:07:06 trialing them. So because it's only five or ten bucks a month to use something like a Spotify or a Disney, because they're so low priced, you do get a little bit of sampling and that's why the rates higher. Whereas in business, there is a massive onboarding of people have to take their time to set up the software, learn how to use it. So if you're going to commit to it, it does reduce it and you do have land in expand. But what we're talking about with product expansion is the equivalent in SaaS of land in expand. So imagine if Disney Plus or Spotify, after you listen to an album or it's in your top rotation, they showed you the merch for that band. Or after you completed the season of Mandalorian or Book of Boba Fett,
Starting point is 01:07:45 they showed you the merchandise and said, here's an unlimited edition of Grogu, baby Yoda. When we tried to get baby Yoda stuff last Christmas, Disney dropped the ball, they didn't have any. And they could have had all that made and they would have sold millions of. We were buying stuff on Etsy. The reason baby Yoda works is because it's leveraged off a platform, this massive Disney platform of which the B2C subscription service is just one piece. I mean, look, obviously there are valuable consumer subscription businesses. So the way I'm approaching it can't be right in all cases. However, I think people really get themselves in trouble when they start to value these
Starting point is 01:08:21 B2C subscription businesses the same as the beta b ones. In one case, in the beta c case, churn is the predominant characteristic, and it means that you're going to have to spend more on marketing or cogs or content or what have you to keep rebuilding the user base. Whereas in the beta b context, the user base is compounding on its own. And that does make for, I think, a more family-attracted business. Yes, but it grows slower. Again, just at the end of the day, these are all variables.
Starting point is 01:08:52 Just the weights just changed. I agree with David that consumer churn businesses or consumer businesses have much higher churn than enterprise. And enterprises have negative churn, which means that they just naturally grow. But the reality is, consumers just have an unbounded tam that enterprises do not. And the way that the LTVs work,
Starting point is 01:09:11 just tend to be different. And the cash flow cycle of these companies tend to be very different. And that's why you see Netflix get these enormous valuations that enterprise subscription businesses do not. What some people are now doing when they look at consumer businesses and then look at churn, is they take out the ones that are based on credit card to look at people who
Starting point is 01:09:27 actually unsubscribe because they don't want it, but not because they're credit card. Right. So basically, if you think about Netflix's business, if it's churning 2.5% per month, that's called that 30% of the user base is a tritting every year, they've got to rebuild their user base from scratch every three or four years. Now, they can do that. I guess at some point, though, they may run out of, you know, greenfield opportunity to grow their customer base. But, you know, it's going to pressurize their margins because they're going to have to constantly spend on content, original content to retain you. They're going to have to spend on
Starting point is 01:10:04 marketing to keep going after the portion of the market. Yeah, but the archives, you're leaving out the archive. These archives are going to be super valuable. And I don't think we even know how to value these archives yet, because if you look at the Marvel archive or the Star Wars archive, these things just keep printing money year after year. And then you'll see Netflix and HBO Max will keep being able to go back to them HBO Max being the canonical example now, because you didn't think that that business would have a lot of IP to build on, but suddenly
Starting point is 01:10:30 you have the many saints of new work and the sex in the city reboot. I mean, they're going right out. I was going to be an authorized reboot. When you own the franchise, it has value. Disney has shown that. You own the best franchise. HBO Max is now showing it. And then that means Netflix will show it next.
Starting point is 01:10:45 Yeah, but how much of Netflix's content do they even own? Are they licensed? No, no, no, it's 100%. Netflix is 100%. They stopped and that's why Disney started taking it off. Their whole spend, I think they're spending 20 billion or something, it's all on original content.
Starting point is 01:10:58 So that's why they made that move is because they knew they were going to have the Disney content and the Marvel content pulled. Where do we want to go next? Guys, because I have Where do we want to go next, guys? Well, because I have COVID, I want to talk to him about his, what's going on with Fauci. Oh my gosh, this is quite a story.
Starting point is 01:11:16 This really is. I'm trying to get my head around the story. Now, I'd be totally honest. I'm just slow with it down. Explain it to us, because I think we all know. Please, my head is spinning. Okay, so a series of emails have come out that were a question of the Freedom of Information Act.
Starting point is 01:11:30 And what they show is that at the NIH, Fauci and Francis Collins, who was ahead of it, they had a series of conversations with scientists around January, sorry, January 31st or February 1st. There are emails on February 1st, summarizing those conversations. And basically, what they say is that a group of scientists advised Fauci and Collins that COVID likely came from a lab. How they know, because it had hallmark signatures like the Furen sites, the same reasons we now
Starting point is 01:12:04 believe the virus came from a lab, okay. But by February 4th, officials at, so three days later, officials at the NIH, including Fauci, had come to the conclusion that the virus must have been passed zoonotically from an animal like a penguin. It didn't come from the lab. And furthermore, they were starting to use language like conspiracy theory to discredit the lab leak, the lab leak idea. So that within a few days, they were all in on this sort of so-called zoonotic theory. And they really began a campaign in the words of Collins, a devastating takedown of scientists who were trying to discuss the lably theory. That became the official position.
Starting point is 01:12:54 Why? Well, okay. So this is where it gets really interesting. Obviously, I can't speculate to motives, but here's what we know. The NIH, Fauci's division, years ago, there was a debate in the scientific community about how we study viruses. Fauci's an epidemiologist, he wants to study them, makes sense. The debate is over whether you should enhance the viruses as a way to study them, so-called gain a functional research. Their Fauci is on the side of engaging in that kind of research. There are other scientists who think it's crazy.
Starting point is 01:13:30 They lose. The NIH then makes grants to a group called the EcoHealth Alliance, is run by a British scientist named Peter Dasek. Okay. By the way, who doesn't support eco health and interlides? Yeah, it's anybody. Branding. Yeah, exactly. And we love health and interlions? Somebody branding. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:13:46 And we love puppies. Yeah, we're yes. Angel, angel puppy love. Yes, exactly. So so eco health alliance, which has neither been good for the ecology for our health or alliances. Yeah, premium of bad natural alliance is everywhere.
Starting point is 01:14:03 Yes. So they then provide funding to the Wuhan Institute of Irrology to study bat viruses where getting a function research then occurs. This lab in Wuhan is known to have had leaks in the past. So disarm a security choice, not the best recipient of a grant, but that is what happens, okay? And then we know the history from there.
Starting point is 01:14:24 It's almost certain that this virus is dead. What's the element of the story that has to deal with the Lancet and the person that worked for Fauci and then that person got a grant afterwards? What? And then just one other thing I want to point out here. So we're clear, this has become a very partisan issue, but the original foes were done by BuzzFeed and the Washington Poe, sorry, the FOIA releases were done by BuzzFeed and Washington Post, and now you have Rand Paul on the other side of it who seems like really wacky and obviously conspiracy-right-wing. So you have this like really weird partisanship that's now been embedded in it. Okay.
Starting point is 01:15:04 Yes. So, Zach, can you explain the partisan nature of the truck? I almost want to take a small question first about who is this Dasek guy and what is this Lancelot? Let me come back to the partisan thing. I'm just going to start to establish the facts before we get into the partisan mess of this thing. So, Peter Dasek is the guy who made these grants to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Okay. There is one other interesting fact.
Starting point is 01:15:26 When the West wanted to come in and investigate what happened in this lab, China approved one person from the West to come in and conduct the investigation. Guess who that was? Peter Dazek. Okay. He was the only guy the CCP led in to go look at this lab. He then comes out of this, whatever he did, did and says it has to be the Zoonotic theory He endorsed the wet market idea. It cannot be lab leak
Starting point is 01:15:52 That is a conspiracy theory and then he Rounds up a group of scientists to write a letter to the Lancet Which is a respective scientific publication which incredibly respected yes which he signs in which he basically advocates the zoonotic theory but he goes further and says there is no way that it could be lab leak and anyone who says that is a conspiracy theorist and that has an incredibly chilling effect on the scientific community because no scientists want to be labeled a coup or conspiracy theory or heretical to the Lancet. Exactly. And this is a tight knit ecosystem of insiders and institutions and grants.
Starting point is 01:16:32 No scientists want to lose their funding, right? And then furthermore, big tech starts censoring this disinformation, the lab leak theory, because they say, well, these officials, look at all the scientists, we have to follow the science, right? So the science, according to this letter from the Lancet, is basically on the side of the Zoonotic theory. So you then have downstream censorship of this. So that is who Peter Dazic is. And in this letter, in the Lancet,
Starting point is 01:16:59 he never disclosed his conflict of interest, which is the fact that he funded this Wuhan Institute of Irrology to conduct the type of research that might have led to the leak of the virus. So this guy is hopelessly conflicted and has a reason to want to suppress and cover up a lab leak and he never disclosed it. And look, so does Fauci. I mean, because Fauci funded Dazic. So imagine, when in February of 2020,
Starting point is 01:17:28 when the lab leak is coming across the desk of Fauci. Does he tell the president, Mr. President, he's at the right hand of the president, Mr. President, we might have funded this thing. We funded Dazic, who funded the Wuhan lab. We collectively, the United States government might have some responsibility in this. Do you think that conversation ever took place when he was making his recommendations? He was hopelessly conflicted. And if the truth about this had come out, and look, I'm not saying he had any intentional role, I'm not saying he wanted this to happen, I'm not even saying that he knew for sure
Starting point is 01:18:01 that Dazic was funding the Wuhan Lab. Okay, let's just give Fauci the benefit of the doubt. But we all know how politics works. If it had come out in February of 2020, that Fauci had funded the guy who funded the Wuhan lab and that's where the virus likely came from, his career would have been finished. Okay, finished.
Starting point is 01:18:18 We know that as a political reality. And so within days of scientists advising Fauci, hey, this thing probably came from the lab, the NIH is consolidated around the idea that this is a conspiracy theory, and they work to suppress it, and they wage a public campaign. I got to tell you, when I have learned all these facts, I got to tell you what I compare it to. It's almost like we learned all those revelations about Bill Cosby, that here's this guy on TV for years, pretending to be America's dad. And then we find out he's a monster.
Starting point is 01:18:48 Fauci has been on TV for years, lecturing us about COVID. He's been like America's dad, America's doctor. And lo and behold, we find out that he has a role in this whole thing. And look, I'm not saying. Well, his intent was not to abuse anybody's intent has been always to help people. So it's a little bit of a car. I'm going saying his intent was not to of course it was a case. He's intent has been always help people. So it's a little bit of a car. I'm going to give him the benefit of every doubt here.
Starting point is 01:19:09 I'm going to give him the benefit of every doubt. Okay. He's called and built Cosby. I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt in the sense that he didn't want this to happen. He didn't have any. He didn't cause that. But we know for a fact that he funded Dazak who funded this lab.
Starting point is 01:19:23 It's where the virus came from. Come on. we know that. And he covered it up. He engaged in a campaign to suppress the lab leak theory. That is a conflict of interest. Let's get freebiegan on the science. What do you think as a man of science, Friedberg, the Sultan of science, in fact, about these emails and the chances that Fauci essentially was funding gain of research and then attempting
Starting point is 01:19:48 to cover it up. I don't know that's a question of science. Look, I mentioned this in the past. Jamie Metzel did a podcast interview with Lex Friedman. It's worth listening to. It's a couple hours long. He got some time to kill. But he does a good job contextualizing these
Starting point is 01:20:07 matters and what may have gone on that led ultimately to the lab leak and also the lab leak cover up. I don't know what happened with Fachi emails, I have not read this stuff. So I have no reason to believe that Fachi is now intentioned in the sense that he has some reason to harm or hurt I could see that There is a certain degree of nervousness to accuse the biggest foreign government and potentially US adversary Of causing a global pandemic and not wanting that sort of conflict to arise at a period of time when you really need to take care of your people And we really need to focus internally the country on how do we get through this pandemic and making
Starting point is 01:20:48 that the trial response to that. I have to respond to that. I'm not saying that Fauci or anyone involved in that process should have accused China, but that's not what was their decision and that was not what was to be. They decided to stop the debate altogether. They decided to suppress the debate. What would you have done in that seat, Sacks? You're sitting in that seat
Starting point is 01:21:10 and the country is potentially facing a pandemic that could wipe out millions of Americans. Where do you prioritize? How do you get into that? I'll tell you what, if I was sitting at the NIH and I wasn't hopelessly conflicted, I would probably have just said, listen, I don't know what the origin of the virus is, let that debate continue. I would not have tried to wage a public campaign
Starting point is 01:21:31 against the people against the scientists who were honestly pursuing in good faith where this virus might have come from. So we can learn things, maybe how to avoid something like this from happening again. The people at the NIH should not have engaged in that type of politically minded PR campaign. They should, that's not their job as scientists. And then to find out that they have a conflict of interest on top of that, that might be motivating, that desire, that is not appropriate.
Starting point is 01:21:57 I think it's really important, freeberg, you can probably agree with this. That at some point, some journalists should really simplify this for all of us because it's an incredibly important topic that we need to look at at the end of all of this assuming that Omicron is the end of this chapter because it's been a horrible chapter for the world. We do need an accounting of the truth, right?
Starting point is 01:22:20 I think that that's really important. Look, there was an episode many ago when I said, I don't know and I don't care about whether or not the virus came out of China. And again, I was somewhat kind of misdated as the intention of why I said that. The reason I said that and what I really meant was that what happened, even if it was a lab leak, what happened was really the tip of the iceberg. The ability to bioengineer half-agentogenic organisms is becoming ubiquitous. The toolkit to do gain a function research as it's being called in the press
Starting point is 01:22:50 is a very simple toolkit. The ability to engineer organisms that can cause catastrophic harm to the human species is becoming available on the internet and with tools that any of us can buy and use in our garage. And so what I'm more questioning and what I'm more concerned about and what I care more about
Starting point is 01:23:06 is what is our global bio defense strategy? How are we getting ahead of the next wave of this happening? And it's not about who said, he said, she said. But those things, what do we still get? It's really important to understand the technology. I don't even know we need bio defense when they're saying it came zoonotically.
Starting point is 01:23:19 They're saying it came from in the animal when it actually was created in the lab. If you wanna have bio defense, we gotta first say that it came to the lab. Whether it did or did, yeah, you're want to have bio defense, we got to first say that it can't be allowed. Yeah, you're right. Whether it did, separate question to me, whether it did or didn't, the tooling to do this is absolutely possible.
Starting point is 01:23:33 And the ability for these sorts of viruses to leak out and be made and turned into a weapon is significant. It's a real risk. And so I'm. I think both of you guys are saying, how do we solve this problem? Like, how do we? Yeah, both of you guys are, but both of you guys are saying nuanced versions of David is saying we have to have an honest accounting of what happened if we could if we're supposed to actually have an
Starting point is 01:23:56 Eco-health alliance. Yeah, I'm not by the way. I'm not you're saying. Yeah, yeah, I'm not just making I'm not dismissing that Yeah, and you're saying we need to actually formalize gain of function research because everybody has it. And so it's going to be inappropriate for us to ignore it going through. We need to assume gain in the function research leads to dangerous pathogenic bio-organisms. And then we need to cancel the other point.
Starting point is 01:24:17 And then we need to formulate a bio-defense strategy. I'm just saying, like, we don't want to. The implication, the reason why sex is thing is important to me is the implications we have to have an honest accounting of these implications. We saw another implication just this week in Flint, Michigan. They shut down indefinitely the public school system in Flint, Michigan. Okay, this is a society just to give you a sense of the facts here. 90% are minority. 80% shut it down because of COVID?
Starting point is 01:24:45 80% because of COVID. Yeah. Because of the fear of catching COVID and spreading COVID. But 90% are minority kids. 80% are in poverty. I don't know how 80% of kids who are in poverty are expected to have a laptop and internet access on a consistent basis. This is the same place that screwed up the water system.
Starting point is 01:25:07 So I don't, so I think like we have to have an honest accounting of, of all of these things because the implications are real. This is the biggest story of our lifetimes, COVID. I mean, it might be the biggest international incidents in World War II. And the fact that the major, let's call it prestige publications, have not really fully investigated what happens. This is unbelievable. Conundrum to me, because this started with a massive amount of coverage
Starting point is 01:25:37 from Buzzfeed, Washington Post, New York Times, in June of last year, 2021. They were covering this like crazy event, and they fair did a major investigation. And then it seems to have gone silent. And then Rand Paul has been going after this. And all of a sudden became partisan. So the only coverage I'm seeing of it, that's independent as the intercept. But then everything else is the hill and, you know, really weird far right stuff that want to like, you know, Fauci needs to be whatever. And how did it become so partisan if it started
Starting point is 01:26:08 with left leaning publications, getting this information, SACs? Like how did this become partisan? Is because the president changed in the middle of all this? Like, what, do you have an honest, handy capping of why we can't get, you know, like a consensus on what's actually happening here from the press? Is it Rand Paul's two polarizing?
Starting point is 01:26:26 Well, I think what happened is if you go back to February of 2020, if you look, I just had this conversation with Ashley Rinsberg on my call and show and, you know, he's a plug-e. What is it? No, available. I just call it. Can I, he literally wrote the book on the New York Times and I asked them about their coverage of probably.
Starting point is 01:26:50 You could trade that a Robert. So fine. Can I can I finish? This is the guy who literally this is the guy who literally wrote the book on the New York Times and I asked him out of the New York Times coverage of COVID and COVID origins. He says that on February 17th, so basically two weeks after these officials at the NIH settle on the conspiracy theory narrative, that narrative is then published almost word
Starting point is 01:27:18 for word verbatim using the same language, not just the New York Times in the Washington Post across all these major publications. So what you see there is a PR campaign. It's a concerted effort. not just in New York Times, in the Washington Post, across all these major publications. So what you see there is a PR campaign. It's a concerted effort. You don't get the same words and language being used across all the major publications
Starting point is 01:27:33 at the same time, unless somebody is pushing that narrative. We all know this. This is corporations do this, right? They run PR campaigns. That is what basically happened. And so the prestige media got on board this zoonotic theory and this idea, look, like they've done so many times, they got on board WMD in Iraq before realizing it was a total farce and a hoax. Okay. So they got themselves
Starting point is 01:27:58 on record behind this conspiracy theory idea. And similarly, I think the Democrats got themselves on record as being profalchi and everything because of, you know, TDS, right? Anyone who's standing up to Trump must be correct and defended. And so all of this happened in 2020. And so by the time we now fast forward to, let's call it an honest investigation of the origins, the virus, which should be bipartisan. This should not be partisan. We should all want to know what happened. We should all want to take the politics out of it because without knowing what happened, how do we prepare for it in the future? Everyone's already like hopelessly committed to positions they took in 2020 and I think this was driving the partisanship. Yeah, I think you're right. Yeah, I mean, that's the thing I'm
Starting point is 01:28:44 trying to get to is like when I saw you wanted to put it on the. Yeah, I think you're right. Yeah, I mean, that's the thing I'm trying to get to is like, when I saw you wanted to put it on the docket, I'm like trying to grok this and I can't find, I'm finding all the left leaning coverage from June of 2021, none since then, and then it's all right coverage now. And I think it's something we need to get some independent coverage with.
Starting point is 01:29:03 So, I'll take credit for saying that she is the biggest political looter at our all-in podcast recap. Thank you. I'll take my bow now. Well, I mean, the other thing that's kind of... They have our free issues of come true already. I mean, we're so correct on these things. The thing that's, I think, just infuriating right now is that everybody is trying to manipulate the public and they
Starting point is 01:29:27 have not understood that in this media environment, the truth comes out, kind of not only eventually, but pretty quickly. So stop trying to game the public either way that the vaccines don't work. But Jason, they've delayed the public reckoning on this by what like yours. Well, here's the thing. There's a, so I agree with you on that. There's also a four release that happened in the UK where, and it's a little too much to get into right now, but this four release now is looking at all the people who died in the UK of COVID. And it turns out like maybe more people are dying because they didn't get their cancer
Starting point is 01:30:00 or a large number of people died because they didn't go in to get tested for cancer. And all of this is gonna come out eventually. And not putting out every day the ages and the comorbidities of people who died of COVID just led to this feeling that we're getting gameed and turning on CNN and seeing the case counts in a cumulative chart is like a startup giving me like the cumulative number of people
Starting point is 01:30:23 who registered for their company for their product. We don't care about that. We want to know your daily activities. What about the catastrophic impact of school closures that we've been talking about in the show repeatedly? And everything being manipulated, stop manipulating the public. Look, you have to realize that there is huge political motivations here because huge CYA going on because the heads of the teachers union said there is no learning
Starting point is 01:30:46 loss. They are the ones who lobby to shut the schools down. They sure as hell aren't going to admit their mistake now. They're covering it up. And so any politician who takes their money is basically they're gonna muffle their criticism. There's only one really honest like left-wing guy I've seen acknowledge the school closure issue which was Jonathan Chate had a great article in New York magazine saying that progressives must acknowledge the mistake of school closures because otherwise we can't learn from it. He has been a voice in the wilderness on that side of the aisle. We got a wrap up. Now that SACS has cracked open the plugs, what are we all working on?
Starting point is 01:31:22 Because I want to give a plug to Friedberg who did a great interview on a tech podcast called This Week in Startups where he announced Kanna. So it's a dual plug here, Friday's episode of This Week in Startups. Maybe you could tell us a little bit about the launch of Kanna, your new... Yeah, we're just a indicator.
Starting point is 01:31:40 We're just announcing the business, which I talk about a lot on Jason's pod so definitely we're hearing but as you guys know I've talked a lot about this concept of decentralized manufacturing where we can kind of move Old school industrial production systems Which are super inefficient. We use lots of resources move stuff into factories process them and then ship the products back out and You know technology now allows us to have more distributed or decentralized manufacturing potentially. So what we've been working on for three years at this point is a company called Cana, which is really about printing beverages in your home. So you can use a single
Starting point is 01:32:17 device, the print ice coffee or iced tea, cocktail, juice, wine, soda, etc. All using a single flavoring system and water from your sink. We talk more about it on the pod, but I think this is a big theme. Forget about Canif, for a second, but generally, the systems of old, the industrial revolution created all these old school systems that are big contributors to carbon emissions and are super resource inefficient. And I do think that everything from 3D printing to biomanufacturing to the system that we kind of introduced today
Starting point is 01:32:50 with Kanna can completely reinvent our global industries in different ways and ultimately lead to cheaper products, better products and products that use much less natural resources and put less carbon out. And so it's been a big thing that we've been working on and excited to kind of open it up a little bit and talk more about what we're doing. So thanks for having me on, Jake Hal. And it's the men that hired the Mewth as a spokesperson.
Starting point is 01:33:14 He may or may not have his brand on here. We'll see. So right now, the business is signing up lots of different folks. It can create digital beverage brands. And so if any of you guys want to have J.K.L.'s, you know, art cider, hard cider, we'll be launching that. But that's a big hot number. Phil Homme has told me his new soda that he's going to be bringing.
Starting point is 01:33:36 It's called Mewth Cola. It has five times the sugar of Coca-Cola. Other than that, it's just like any other colder. But you get five times the calorie. It's like grips out like maple syrup. Hey, I'd like to do a plug. Do you got a plug? I'm sorry, I project your work.
Starting point is 01:33:50 No, but I want to say it again, in Genesee County in Michigan, Flint indefinitely shut down their public schools this week. What is going on? You have thousands of kids who, at best, will have to learn via Zoom and internet access that most of these kids may or may not have because again, you know, they're in poverty. And so I just want to make sure that everybody just understands that everybody tweet that and self-inflicted
Starting point is 01:34:18 wounds. Well, here's the thing. These kids, this is one of Eric Adams 90, 90% minority, 80% in poverty, all virtual until further notice. Here's what's going to happen, too. It goes right against the CDC guidelines. Okay. And this is really the accounting of the cost. And we are, as we said before, learning loss in our kids is going to be the single biggest thing we look back in 20 years coming out of this pandemic. and realize was the biggest price we paid for this. And here is the stupidity of it.
Starting point is 01:34:52 What the, and Eric Adams and the New York City, you know, sort of leadership we're talking about this, when these kids are in school, okay, there's a chance they're going to get Omicron, like everybody got Omicron, like everybody has it now, like it's crazy how many people in our circle have it. The only person who doesn't have it is Phil Helmuth. Now, what's gonna happen when they go home or they're not in school and they're hanging out with their friends or looking for something,
Starting point is 01:35:17 they're gonna get it anyway. What Eric Adam said is that school's the safest place for them to be. Yes, totally. Totally. And they should, school shutdowns are just so insane to me right now. It makes no difference. Unicep had an article, which I'll dig up, where they said that the cost in future earnings
Starting point is 01:35:36 by this generation of students who suffered learning loss is going to be 17 trillion worldwide. That's going to be the economic impact from this thing. Not to mention the stunts of social and emotional development by locking these kids down for your anxiety PTSD. I mean, this is going to create depression in kids. We need to solve this. We got it. We got to get to we got to get the schools in Flint, open. All right, everybody. For the dictator, Chema, Polly Hoppatea. David Friedberg, the Sultan of science, and the Rainman himself, David Sacks, I'm Jake Hell. We'll see you next time at episode 65. Love you, Basties. Bye-bye.
Starting point is 01:36:14 We'll let your winners ride. Rainman, David Sacks. I'm going home. And it said we open source it to the fans and they've just gone crazy with it. I'm going home, yeah! I'm going home, yeah! What, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, We're gonna have to wait for the sex. Oh man, my ham is a bit asher when we get to the sex. We should all just get a room and just have one big hug or two because they're all just like this sexual tension that we just need to release that house. What, you're the B, what, you're the B.
Starting point is 01:36:57 B, what? We need to get merch, these aren't that bad. I'm doing all this! I'm doing all it!

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