All-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg - Scott Bessent | All-In in DC!
Episode Date: March 19, 2025(0:00) Chamath and Friedberg describe their adventures in DC and welcome Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent! (2:12) Scott's background, what drew him to equities, the role of macro investors (7:22) The ...legendary trade that broke the Bank of England in 1992, and how it relates to Main Street vs Wall Street today (21:30) Scott explains the Trump Administration's economic strategy (32:45) How this administration plans to de-regulate the economy, Fed relationship, re-financing debt (42:06) DOGE, DC grifts, shakeup at the IRS (50:51) Re-engineering social security through the US SWF, how energy factors in (1:00:02) Surprises, fixing affordability, thoughts on President Trump Thanks to our partners for making this happen: Hims: |Â iTrustCapital (use code allin): Follow Secretary Bessent: Follow the besties: Follow on X: Follow on Instagram: Follow on TikTok: Follow on LinkedIn: Intro Music Credit: Intro Video Credit:
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Okay, we are here in Washington DC in front of the White House. Having spent the afternoon with our friend David Sacks, our friend Elon Musk and others, we are here to learn about the debt, the deficit, what's going on in DC. And we have an incredible interview lined up with Scott Bessent, Treasury Secretary of the United States. It was amazing.
And it's been an amazing afternoon. And we're really looking forward to it.
It was amazing.
Well, this is the pre the intro to the video. It will be amazing. And it's been an amazing afternoon and we're really looking forward to it. It was amazing. Well, this is the pre, the intro to the video.
It will be amazing.
It's not the pre, it's just the post.
We're going to pretend it's the pre.
It will be incredible.
It was incredible.
But how cool is the White House?
And here's a bell.
I'm pretty sure the bell.
I cannot even describe to you the day we had, running around.
It's incredible.
Running around room to room in the White House.
One of the best days of my life.
It was one of the best days of my life.
It was incredible.
I think this bell is probably pretty important.
Can you guys get a shot of this bell?
I don't know what it is, but it's really important.
The White House to people, 201.
Super kind, super open, super curious. I mean, you felt it? I feel you felt accepted. Yeah, I felt it
But I got free soda
They have a soda machine where you can make any coca-cola flavor you want in the White House. It was pretty cool
I like some hummus. I wrapped it on
It was a cool afternoon and this is what is this The East Wing of the White House. And we took a walk from the West Wing
all the way over to the East Wing.
And then we snuck in, well, we didn't sneak in,
we walked in and then we're walking around the East Wing.
We went to all of the private rooms.
I got great photos.
We'll slice them into this video.
And then some Secret Service dude comes up and he's like,
what are you doing here?
This is the residence of the president.
You have to get the out. He's like, you need to go here? This is the residence of the president. You have to get the fuck out.
He's like, you need to go downstairs now.
So we got kicked the fuck out.
But it was an incredible, incredible tour.
Super great.
Anyway, we're excited for this interview with Scott Besson.
Hope you enjoy it.
I'm going all in.
All right, besties.
I think that was another epic discussion.
People love the interviews.
I could hear him talk for hours.
We crushed your questions.
Admit it.
We are giving people ground truth data to underwrite your own opinion. What'd you guys think? That was fun. Well, today's a really important day.
We're joined by the 79th Secretary of the Treasury, Scott Besson.
And this is an opportunity that we wanted to take as part of a longer form way of explaining
to people not just how the economy works,
but in a little bit more detail, where are we
in this moment in time?
Where are we with deficits, tariffs, the budget,
economic, monetary, fiscal policy?
How do we make sure that we all understand the plan
to make America great again?
So Scott, thank you for joining us.
Thanks for having me.
I actually want to start with, let's go back
in the way back machine.
So South Carolina, your father was a real estate developer.
Tell us where the passion for finance came from.
Well, I don't know where finance in particular came from.
As you mentioned, my dad was a real estate developer
and he was kind of boom bust kind of guy.
So I think that's where my passion for risk management
came from.
But I was very fortunate.
Went to Yale, wasn't sure what I wanted to do.
1980 when I got there, probably you all can't imagine this,
but there used to be these things called punch cards
and we're just going, the Yale computer system
just gone from punch cards to screens.
I was gonna say you'd be in a computer science major,
maybe a journalist,
because people actually used to read newspapers.
So punch cards and newspapers from the way back machine.
And I got an internship just for an individual
and he taught me the investment business really well.
And I-
And who is that?
His name is Jim Rogers.
He's famous.
He was George Soros' first partner.
He had just completed an around the world motorcycle trip
and written a book called Investment Biker.
And fascinating guy.
And I did the investment business and I thought
this is really what I like because it's quantitative.
So I have to use my quantitative skills
but you're also constructing a narrative.
And it's also like human emotions.
And you were trading equities, bonds, everything, currencies?
Well, I started out with equities.
And I did that for several years.
And then I actually ended up at Soros Fund Management
and worked for a fellow who's my mentor, Stan Druckenmiller,
who's incredible.
I think he's on, he's more than 40 years now,
never a down year.
When you're sitting next to him,
I mean, what am I doing all day?
And notorious for going all in several times in his career.
All in. All in.
Only when he's right.
Yes. Well, I but he is the best at changing his mind. That's right. Of anyone I've ever seen.
So Druck has that famous adage, invest then investigate.
Well, he has several.
And I'm trying to get him to write a book because he has so many of these great things.
Maybe you will compress him.
But invest, investigate. It takes courage to be a pig. Right. Right. So and then I was hooked on markets because again it was everything is
quantitative, it was qualitative, and it's real time. You get real time feedback all the time.
real time, you get real time feedback all the time. And you're, you can have a long-term view but then you're trying to gauge the short-term against that. And I loved it. And for 35 years,
I've gotten into, I did what was called macro investing. So eventually I was trading currencies, bonds, commodities,
the equities, some credit,
and I got to travel around the world meeting leaders
and trying to figure out what the next move was in policy.
I think this is important because I've spoken with folks
who trade in macro and a big part of the role
of being a macro investor,
macro trader, is really knowing where central bank
action is going to be, really knowing how government bonds
are going to move, and spending time with economists,
not just central, but around the world,
and learning a little bit about how capital
is flowing all over the world.
Is that kind of the right way to describe
that role of being a macro investor just for folks?
It's a lot of that.
There's another great macro investor called Bruce Kovner.
And he had this saying that he said,
I succeeded because I could imagine a different future
and believe it could happen.
So the key is to believe it could happen
and then manage the risks. So you know could you imagine like what would happen
if the Iron Curtain came down? What would happen? I mean you all do as venture
capitalists but like you know how could the world live in a different state? Okay
well let's hold that idea and double click for us to 92.
It's probably one of the most famous moments
where the broader world at large met macro trading.
And this is really where you and Druck and Soros basically
broke the back of the Bank of England.
And it's really an interesting window
into assessing all of these things.
So can you give us the conditions on the ground
at that moment and what new reality you saw for England?
And then it would be great from there,
we'll contrast and compare it to America today.
So it's a great historical example,
and it also kind of brings in three dimensions.
So I was the analyst, Stan was the portfolio manager, and then in a way George was the
risk manager.
So I was running the UK office, I was on the ground in the UK, and I had this light bulb go off. And I thought, the fulcrum thought, or my differentiated view, was that the UK had just had a big housing boom.
And UK mortgages at that time, they didn't have long-term mortgages.
They were all floating rates.
So if the Bank of England raised rates on a Wednesday, your mortgage went up on a Friday.
The UK had hooked into something called the exchange rate
They had to balance versus the Deutschmark.
They had to stay within a band.
I noticed that if they raised or I thought
if they raised rates to try to stay in the band
and protect the currency, it would be unsustainable
Because British homeowners would get bankrupted
Stan's great
Feet of analysis was figuring out that
these bands set up this incredible asymmetric bet because I
can push them up against one side of the band and their
mandate is just to push me back to the other side.
So we just lose two and a half percent.
And Stan tells this great story of like telling George Soros, oh, well, you know, here's what
I want to do. And he says he told him and George says, know, here's what I want to do.
And he says he told him, and George says,
well how much do you want to do?
And he said, probably 100% of the fund.
And he said, Soros gave me this really sour look.
And he thought that he had said something wrong.
He goes, well why wouldn't you do three times that?
So anyway, it was, we pushed them against the band.
The Bank of England, the British government
had to buy this unlimited amount of pounds.
And they started raising interest rates.
And this was September of 1992.
And eventually, they just weren't able to sustain the pressure from the high rates and came out.
And then the asymmetric risk reward was we made about 20-something percent in a day.
And back to what was really Stan's genius is I don't know if either of you played backgammon,
but in backgammon, there's the move after the move.
And so Stan, we'd made all that money,
and we were kind of your for it.
Okay, now what?
Because there's going to be the trade after the trade.
So we made that much in a day,
but then it was actually the trade after the trade.
This isn't well publicized.
I think we made another 20% during the rest of the year.
So in that moment, what you're really observing
is that the real economy is somewhat dislocated,
maybe meaningfully dislocated from the financial economy
in your operating.
And I think you've said this now many times,
and you've basically used the terminology
the Main Street, Wall Street dichotomy.
How do you observe the moment in 2025,
what rhymes with the early 90s or other periods where
you've been trading actively?
Well, look, I think it goes back to something that's
unsustainable is unsustainable.
And one of the reasons I'm sitting here now
is about 18 months ago,
I went to see President Trump.
I'd known the Trump family for 30 years.
I'd never known the President that well,
but to tell him that I want to get involved in the campaign
because I was so alarmed with what the Biden
Administration was doing with the deficit debt and deficit
and stimulus and less spending endless spending but in endless spending when we were in
the solid economic territory or not in the war first time first time ever and
solid economic territory or not in the war, first time ever.
And I thought it was very cynical because I actually thought, well, we're gonna spin, spin,
spin and then there'll be no choice but to raise taxes.
So you'd go into this equilibrium
that you could just never get out of
and you become kind of a European style social democracy,
the Malays.
And I also think that they were very cynical on
immigration. Because if you take the stated number, 12 million, the president's number,
22 million, I don't know what the truth is, kind of leaning toward the president. But it was,
oh, we're going to let all these people across the border. You can't ever make them,
problems too big to make them go home.
But I like to stay in my finance lane.
So the finance lane was, we're going
to just go to the point of no return
and kind of inflict these progressive financial values
on the country.
There'll be no way out.
You had very meaningful wage suppression in that period.
And you had an equity market that was incredibly well bid
just because the money supply was just always there.
Well, it was always there.
And you had these distributional aspects.
Because back to your question of Wall Street versus Main Street,
that it was driving me crazy when Vice President Harris said I'm going to fight
for the middle class and she'd eviscerated the middle class.
Or these policies, inadvertent, intentional, had eviscerated the middle classes and really
the bottom 50%.
So we're in this...
Because purchasing power goes down, inflation went up.
If you didn't have assets.
That's really important.
I think people don't understand this, that if you had stocks,
if you had assets, your assets inflated.
But if you didn't, the cost of everything inflated,
but you didn't have the ability to purchase,
because your wages don't go up.
Yeah, not only did inflation go up,
but if you look, Jason Trinidad has this thing, I think,
he calls it the Everyman Index.
And so CPI went up about 22 during the period.
But the Everyman Index was up over 30%, 35%
because the bottom 25%,
the bottom 50% of wage earners have a different basket
than we do.
And it inflated much faster.
Use car prices.
Car insurance.
Car insurance, rent, groceries.
And not only is it unfair, but it's just unstable.
Great civil issues create civil issues. Yeah. Societal issues.
And so yes, but sorry, as you guys got into looking at this, I remember Stan talking about
this in the summer of 23, I think it was, or 23, yeah. And what was the point of view on what
should have been done at that point in time?
And then how much farther did it go? How much longer did it last? Well, I think what happened,
the Democrats will tell you that the big spending bills were needed for rescue.
And I would say in March of 21, the economy didn't need rescue, it was already in recovery.
So these were rescue size packages,
and even Larry Summers, I remember there was a great debate
between Larry Summers and Paul Krugman,
and Summers I think said,
look this is at least 900 billion, a trillion too much,
and the Federal Reserve was, summer of 23, 22,
Federal Reserve was very slow off the mark.
And we ended up, and again, imagine top 10% has assets,
stock market is flying, you're in the bottom 50%,
you have no assets but you have debt.
So credit cards are up, mortgages impossible to buy a house,
house prices had gone through the roof due to COVID.
So it really did end the American dream.
But we've been suffering these distributional effects.
Scott, what is the American dream today, do you think?
I think the American dream is what it's always been.
But after World War II, I think 90% of American families,
the children made more than the parents.
Now I think it's 50-50.
But to own a home, it's financial security,
it's to some level of comfort, it's purpose in your work,
it's to be able to support your family,
to be able to have choices to not have to work two jobs.
I made a remark at the Economic Club of New York
last week, two weeks ago,
and Mike Pence decided he was gonna troll me,
because I said the American dream
is not built on cheap goods.
And he said, well, yes it is.
And I just say, Vice President Pence,
this let them eat flat screens economic policy
isn't what people want.
They don't want the baubles from China.
It's like the old-
They want progression.
People want progression.
I mean, I remember reading,
I think Jonathan Haidt had some work on this a long time ago
where happiness is measured by your change in net worth or income per year.
It doesn't matter what your absolute levels are by all these socioeconomic kind of surveys that they do.
That feeling like you're having some progression in life is what folks are looking for.
And I wonder whether solving for that, we created a system, and I'd love to point out your read on this, that we said
everyone should own a home, that's the American dream. And in order to do that, people put most
of their net worth into a home. 60% I think of middle class net worth is tied up in a single asset.
And then in order to get them to feel like they're progressing, we've created a system of loans and a
system of kind of economic and fiscal policy that ultimately drives the value of the home up every year. Now we're kind of in an
unsustainable housing bubble. Most people can't even afford to buy a home.
What did we get wrong there and how does that affect what the American dream
should look like going forward? Well I think a lot of it's scarcity because what
you're talking about is like out in San Francisco, super tight zoning laws.
So there's scarcity for homes.
If you think like Ivy League education,
all of a sudden you gave all these people access
to Ivy League education,
you brought in international students,
but the number of degrees awarded,
Harvard, Yale, Princeton, probably hasn't changed very much since the 1950s.
So you created just this demand for
scarce things which leads to this anxiety.
But you also created, I think, a sense of hopelessness through,
cuz if you-
I can't accept, I will never get, I will never be able to pay down my student loan.
I will never be able to afford a home.
I can never see my income growing to give me access there.
Yeah, and...
So is that a dereg solution?
The first part of it is it's a data problem, because
in order for the government,
I mean, the one thing that struck me about, I think,
this Trump 2.0 administration is I
think you have a better beat on the fact
that this data is not as reliable as other administrations
would say they were in order to do whatever it is they
wanted to do anyway.
So it was sort of like, let me just
find the data that justifies what my action is.
And part of why you can't, I think, tell the story is, do you trust the GDP numbers? Do you trust non-farm payrolls? Do you think these are reliable enough for you to act on behalf of the United
States? No, look, they're subject to big revisions over time. And I thought one of the big mistakes the Biden administration made and thank goodness they made it was they
Refused to bolt they went with the numbers not what the American people were feeling they said
No, it's a vibe session and you really don't understand how good you have it. You know, this has happened
This has happened when in reality
was on meet the Press yesterday,
and there was something that said,
well, the American people don't believe
Donald Trump's doing enough on the economy,
and I told the host, I said,
you know the one thing I'm not going to answer
is that they don't know what they're talking about.
I have to have respect for how they feel,
and then we need to go back and look at what is
causing this anxiety
So that's what that's what we're gonna do. So let's peel the onion back. What do you think is causing this anxiety?
Where are the levers that maybe the federal government can control in?
Releasing some of the pressure and what are more market functions that just need to clear up some of the pressure? And what are more market functions
that just need to clear up some of these?
Well, look, I think there are...
We're trying to do three things,
and I think you may have talked about it last week,
the week before.
The three legs on the stool.
The three legs on the stool.
And from the outside, you intuited that very well.
I would do just a little refinement on that.
That's what I was gonna ask you.
Yeah, just tell me where I was right and wrong.
But you were adjacent to everything.
So on one, we are trying to bring down
this massive federal debt, cut the spending, but in a controlled
You can't do it all at once.
I don't like to repeat private conversations with the president, but I'll repeat this one
because I think it really illustrates where his head was at.
First time I went into Seam, saw him at Mar-a-Largo, and walked in the door,
and he said, Scott, how are we gonna get these debt
and deficits down without causing a recession?
Fantastic, that's a good question.
That's exactly where we are now.
How are we gonna get the debt and deficits down,
not cause a recession?
And I said, sir, when you win, you didn't get us here.
We're gonna set a goal by 2028, I said, sir, when you win, you didn't get us here.
We're gonna set a goal by 2028. We wanna get back to the long-term average.
We're gonna deflate it slowly and-
Long-term average being about 3% deficit to GDP.
About three, three and a half percent deficit to GDP.
And I keep saying the US, we don't have a revenue problem,
we have a spending problem,
because we are averaging right about 18% revenue,
and I'm talking about federal government only,
we're at about 18% and Biden administration blew it out,
blew the spending out to 25,
normally it's about 21, 21 and 1 1 And it was very interesting. I had one of the heads of one of the Singapore sovereign wealth funds here last week.
Guess what Singapore spends in terms of spending the GDP?
Deficit, 3%?
They have no deficit, but they spend 18%.
And he said, you know, he said, we
have a lot in common with the Trump administration.
We like small government.
We don't like immigration
illegal immigration and
We like personal safety, which I thought was very interesting. Sorry. So let me just
Understand so deflating government spending is key
but the big challenge has been that we have now accumulated 30 some odd trillion dollars nearly of debt and
The interest on that debt has
started to grow. We now have to pay 1.2 trillion dollars in interest payments
per year so that starts to consume more of the spending budget that we have at
the federal level which means we can spend less on the rest of the federal
government's programs. Meaning you have to cut a lot more than you otherwise
would have, which is what makes it so difficult and so painful.
Is it realistic that you can get Congress
to act in the way that Congress needs
to act to get to the level that we
need to get to given the high interest payments
and the high debt level that we have?
And with this Republican Congress,
I'm not sure what a deficit hawk is,
but I think I would qualify as one.
And a lot of the Republicans, I actually have to coax them,
you can't do this all at once.
I was with one of the congressional budget committees
two weeks ago.
And they really want to cut this fast.
And I said, you do realize every 300 billion we cut
is about a percent of GDP.
So we are trying to land the plane well.
And the plan, because that's really
what I'd like to talk about today, I think there are three plans here, but plan one, we're going to de-lever the government via the spending.
We are also going to shedgulate the financial system.
The regulated financial system has really
been in what I call a regulatory corset for a long time.
And as we deregulate that, then the private sector
can re-leverage.
So government de-leveraging, private sector re-leveraging.
And the employment or the folks who lost their government jobs will be picked up by the private sector.
But this is really important and I think this is the most critical thing.
I'm really glad we got the chance to talk today because I hear so much about the conversation on any one of these topics independent of the others and there's a relationship between them that I think is critical to understand on how this administration is aiming to drive an economic recovery
that is not inflationary is sustainable and also will allow people to have the
American dream in a way that they can't have access to today. Yeah and that so
part of fixing the affordability crisis is what can we come back and talk about it if you want
But what where can we get prices down?
You know like eggs are easier, but the the other side of getting prices down
Is getting real wages up. Mm-hmm
So on getting real wages for working people up it goes back to the Main Street
versus Wall Street. And
the second plan is to reorder the international trading system and bring manufacturing jobs
back to the U.S. and reinvigorate the middle class. Because again Through tariffs. Well, to use tariffs where needed to bring other countries into line.
And to create an economic incentive to onshore for some industries and some supply chains?
Well, so there's tariffs.
Then I think there are three other things we can do, which are the centerpiece of the administration.
We can have the low and predictable taxes.
We can substantially slash regulations,
because regulations are the equivalent of it.
Drive investment dollars, private investment dollars.
And predictability in regulations.
And then cheap energy.
And sorry, what is the relationship
between the tax cuts and the getting to 3%, 3.5% deficit
as a percentage of GDP?
Especially because the CR unfortunately gave folks
a get out of jail free card because we kept the you know, two trillion dollar cap for an exit alone
Yes, but
You're gonna have we
I've been in this building. I think this is my seventh week president Trump been back at the White House for eight weeks
So you actually do need time? Yeah, so what a lot of people who weren't happy about the CR,
but shutting down the government wouldn't have been productive,
either politically or economically.
So sorry, does tax cuts get made up with tariffs,
or does tax cuts get made up with cutting government spending?
Tax cuts will, so tax cuts and deregulation will change the growth trajectory.
Grow GDP.
Will grow GDP.
If trend line has been 1.8, if you can move the growth to three or above, then you really
change the trajectory.
And if you can keep expenses flat or do the unthinkable
and cut expenses, then you can really.
So this is important.
So sorry, government revenue as a percentage of GDP
can go lower if you have lower expenses
and a faster growing economy.
I think that's like really important for folks
to understand that relationship.
And so in isolation, tax cuts might reduce revenue.
But when done with reduced
government spending and deregulation and a reordered international trade model, you theoretically will
accelerate economic growth in this country, increase government revenue overall, even with
a lower tax rate. That's kind of it. Yeah. And I'll tell you, shame on me. I was in the investment business 35 years. I talked very confidently that CBO scoring says this.
And it turns out I didn't know you know what about CBO scoring.
Like when you're on this side of the wall,
you realize how crazy it is.
It's crazy.
So just to the point of gameable systems.
It's very gameable.
And one of the most gameable parts of it
is normal CBO scoring
That so we recall it. We're saying that we want to renew the tax cuts, right?
We're actually just renewing the current tax regime, right that but somehow
after they expire
Then they go back to the old rate. Spending never changes.
Spending never has to get renewed.
And I think when I look and think about a mental model
and how do systems work, how do they break down,
one of the things that has caused this spending bulge
is this idea that you never had to rescore spending.
Oh, it's not.
And the incentive model is when you have a constituency
that you represent as an elected representative that's
earning from that spending, they're telling you,
if you want to get re-elected, make sure my earnings stay
and get me more.
And then every year, you've got a set
of elected representatives whose primary objective
in a democratic system is to go in and get more money
for their constituents.
How do we solve that fundamental problem?
How do you think about that?
Well, hold on a second.
Do you actually think that that's true?
Do you think that most politicians are here
to just get money for their?
That's a good question, yeah.
Yeah, I mean, it's OPM.
It's other people's money.
Danny DeVito had that movie.
But you would regard that as being a good politician.
Right. You brought home the bacon for for your district.
Yeah. That because the CR a lot of people didn't like it.
But one of the things that a lot of people didn't like,
there were no earmarks in it.
But how dare they totally the Christmas tree bill
that kind of shows up at the 11th hour
where everyone gets a little bit.
Can you talk about, so we talked about this deregulation
as this one very important lever, right?
So how do we add 50, 100 basis points of growth back in?
We're gonna do it through deregulation.
How do you undo the financial corset, as you said?
What are the sort of three or four big ideas
that you'd like to affect?
So we are re-examining all the bank regulations and why are they there?
Why do banks have to, I can't remember, it's 5 or 7% to hold treasury bills.
What are the regulations? Why do?
I had a whole group of community bankers or small banks here last week?
And why do they have to hold the same amount of capital that JP Morgan and Wells Fargo and Citi hold?
When they don't have the complexity that they don't have.
Why do the regulators?
One of these small bankers said,
well, Bank of America does it this way.
Well, Bank of America has a trillion dollars in deposits.
This was $183 million bank.
Well, when you look at the regulatory overhang
of some of these things, Basel I, Basel II,
you have all of these frameworks.
And then as a result, all these organizations
that are running around trying to help you
administer this complexity, all it does is are running around trying to help you administer
this complexity, all it does is just lower economic activity
in the end.
But I know you all talk about incentives a lot.
Back to incentives, what's a regulator's incentive just
to keep tightening the corset?
They don't care about growth.
They don't care about the common sense.
Turn off every risk at their job.
If you had to create a metric then to say, OK,
here's how we're going to measure this undoing
of the financial corset, is it sort of the lending velocity
by private lenders so that the private re-leveraging can
Is that a good way to think about that?
Or is rates a way to think about it?
Well, it doesn't have to be rates.
But if we do all the things I was just talking about,
if we deregulate, if we have cheap energy,
if we shed excess labor from the government,
if we get government spending down, then rates,
inflation should come down, rates should come down.
But on the question of how are we going to measure it, then rates, inflation should come down, rates should come down.
But on the question of how are we gonna measure it,
I don't have any problem with private credit. I actually think it's exciting.
Yeah, it's dynamic.
It's dynamic.
It meets the business where it is, yeah, I agree.
And the strength of the US financial system
is the depth and now the breadth.
But you could see that what's happened, that so much lending is being pushed outside the regulated banking system,
that tells you it's overregulated.
Right. Yeah.
So now, once we, so one test will be, how has bank lending, especially small regional, small
banks, community banks, come undone.
And these small banks, the small banks and community banks, they're 70% of ag loans,
they're 40% of small business loans.
And that's one of the reasons Main Street's been stifled. So can you talk about then how you will work with the Fed
in sort of the change of all of this financial machinery?
And do you need to work with Congress
to make these changes?
And also just generally, maybe your thoughts on just the Fed
in this process of helper, foe, like where do they stand?
Well, the Fed,
I 100% support the Fed's autonomy in monetary policy.
I don't agree with it all the time, but that,
How it is. It's how it is.
It's how it is.
And so, and I said,
I won't comment on perspective policy.
I can talk about their mistakes in the past,
which have been numerous.
But I think, like with any system,
as it expands beyond the core, I actually
think that some of the things they've done in regulation,
some of the things they've done in regulation some of the things they've done Kind of climate and DEI some of the things may maybe even non-standard monetary policy
Threatens their independence and I want them to stay strong robust and independent of monetary policy on
regulation, I think that they have they have been
much too harsh on especially the smaller banks, medium banks.
So there's three main bank regulators.
There's the Fed, Office of Control of the Currency, OCC, and the FDIC.
And then there are other regulators, the SEC, CFTC.
But the banking regulators at the federal level
are those three. Here at Treasury, we have something called FSOC, Financial
Stability Oversight Council, and I chair that. And via that, the President's
Working Group, which is another convening mechanism, that I plan to just keep pushing for safe, sound, and smart deregulation.
Like, why are we doing this? Why are we doing that? And again, that there's a capital charge to banks for buying treasury bills. Totally. So I actually think there's a chance that if we take,
it's called the supplementary leverage ratio.
If we take that away, it becomes a binding constraint on banks.
We might actually pull treasury bill yields down
by 30 to 70 basis points.
Every basis point is a billion dollars a year. Can we talk about that for a second?
Yeah. So I think, and I've said this for a year probably, but the one of the biggest mistakes
that I think Janet Yellen affected was this continued issuance of money on the short end
of the curve to finance these deficits, which gives you,
you inherit an incredibly difficult challenge,
I think, over the next nine months.
I think there's like nine or 10 trillion
that has to get refinanced.
Do you want to talk about that?
Look, I thought that when rates were low,
you're supposed to turn out rates.
And instead, the Treasury for the past few years
has pulled rates in.
And I think part of that was to keep rates lower.
They changed the issuance schedule
when rates moved back up towards 5%.
I have maintained that policy, but I'm maintaining it because,
let's go back to David's question,
when are you going, when are we going to see the results
from this, the getting the government spending
under control?
And I don't think the markets recognize it yet.
Like, you know, again, if we do.
They're not sure what to believe.
I mean, we hear this commentary a lot.
Like, what do you really,
there's just a lot of uncertainty.
There's a big spectrum of opinions there.
Yeah, like the central value tendency, you're right.
The central value tendency, like what's the center of it?
Because the range of outcomes is so broad.
And we know there's a problem there.
We know there's waste, fraud, and abuse.
Quantify it.
Quantify it.
So I think as we are more able to quantify it,
we will get credit for it.
So let me go back.
So outside of waste, fraud, and abuse, as it's termed,
I want to go back to the question I asked earlier.
Does this administration need Congress
to act to get to 3% to 3.5% deficit to GDP?
And what's your read on the Congress
and how willing and able they are to take
the action that's needed here?
Yeah, I think there are a lot of headlines, especially after the CR, about
the Democrats being in disarray and media like media likes to write about
disarray. I think the under or untold story here is Republicans have for a
change actually been very disciplined.
That and I think a lot of that, President Trump
is kind of shepherding the party, shepherding the movement.
Imagine, you said, oh, that Mike Johnson
will never get reconciliation instructions out of,
he's got such a slim majority, well, he did it.
He did it, yeah.
He's got such a slim majority. We did it. He did it. Yeah
That he'll never be able to pass a clean CR. He did it. He did it
So let's see what happens with the budget. So
We need Congress to be our partners on the budget
They're very engaged the house and the Senate that everybody recognizes that if we don't get this done, it's gonna be the biggest, it's pass fail.
It's the biggest tax hike in history.
Where does DOJ come in?
Well, DOJ, that's the cost cutting.
And it's the first time we've really ever had
business people looking at it.
This Clinton-Gore commission that we hear a lot about,
I think it was a bunch of business school professors.
But here you've got real CEOs.
You got Lutnick, you got Burgum, you got Elon.
I mean, this cabinet is stock full of experienced operators
that can go in and identify where there's an opportunity
for saving the taxpayers' money
and still getting the results.
Well, it's sad.
And we had this crypto council meeting the other day
and I was sitting and looking, it was myself,
Secretary Lecknick and Kelly Loeffler,
everybody was a market person, like forget business.
But with Doge, that I am completely aligned
with what Elon's doing. And everyone says, well, do you have to do it so fast?
Do you have to do it?
Like I said, I've only been in this business for seven weeks.
I've only been in DC for eight weeks.
But the thing I can tell you is if you don't move fast,
the vested interest will weigh you down.
Like the quicksand will come up or...
The claws get set.
Everybody's got lobbyists.
Everybody's got...
I mean, think about it.
Within a 10-mile radius of here, 25% of the GDP of the US pulsates through here every day.
And everybody wants to just skim a little.
I said to Elon, we're in a meeting,
and I said, you know, people are mad at you
because you're moving their cheese.
And he goes, it's not their cheese,
it's the American people's cheese.
Every dollar spent goes into someone's pocket
and that person's gonna fight tooth and nail to get that dollar spent goes into someone's pocket and that person's going to fight tooth and
nail to get that dollar to keep flowing into their pocket.
And it's a very, like, there is no winning in Elon's role.
Every single time he takes action, there are people that are going to come after him, that
are going to come after the administration.
There's no situ...
And obviously gets recast, reclassified in media as being something different
But there's nothing but downside as you make these changes to individual
Organizations that participate and then it takes a while
For the flow of that money to find its way or those individuals to find their way back into the productive private economy
That's where I think there's a big gap and a big challenge in the perception of the actions that are going on with the changes right now,
is everyone sees the cuts, but they don't see the benefits. And that's nine months,
12 months, 15 months down the road. And that's a really hard thing to reconcile for most.
Yeah. And I'd say there are a couple of things too, is one, like everyone's hearing cuts
and they think their government services are going to get cut.
That's right.
And they're not.
I keep saying it's the Department of Government Efficiency, not government extinction, not
government elimination.
And can we make it run much better with fewer people with fewer costs?
And I don't want to demonize any of these federal employees. Because I tell you, in this
building, I've been so impressed with the quality of the people. I would have hired them in my
private firm. They are great public servants. I need to stay for the weekend. I need a 25-page
memo in 72 hours. The super high quality. I actually think what, when all this is done,
there will have been two big savings.
One will have been on these contractors.
Which is-
Totally, we were just talking about this.
We were with Elon just now.
We were just with Elon in the West Wing.
An incredible stat he said,
I'm not gonna name the firm so that I don't wanna,
but he said this one organization gets 98% of the revenue.
Oh, it was in the newspaper, so we can say it, it's Booz Allen.
We were talking about this.
But then we were going through the numbers on the other firms and it's just the whole thing.
It's shocking.
What kind of risk management is that by the way?
But it tells you that they didn't manage the risk.
That's right.
It tells you how entrenched they believe they were.
And how good it is for them. And how good it is. You're absolutely right. And the way the Grift works,
you can only have six month contracts, but there are people who have had
40 six month contracts. Incredible. They've been in situ for 20 years. Incredible. And it's this whole
I'm so happy there is transparency and visibility
into this.
If for nothing else, the administration
providing this level of insight and data,
I think, is so important for taxpayers and individuals
in this country to see, to recognize,
and importantly, to understand just how much of this grift
is going on.
It's frightening.
And I'm glad that it's being addressed.
And the American people can see if they want it.
This is what I was gonna ask you. Let's just say that some somehow the Borg slows this whole thing
down. You know, what people say is that the conventionalism well, then the only place to
look will be things like entitlements. Good question. Do you do you think that that's true?
Do you think that that's true? Well, I think that now that the cat's out of the bag,
that the American people are not going to stay with this,
is that maybe, again, here, maybe in the Northeast corridor,
there's some pushback.
But I've seen the polling data, and the rest of the country
does not want this to stop.
And this administration is not going to stop.
The courts, they're trying to throw sand in the gears
with the courts, and how some judge can say, oh, all
these workers have to come back in.
But I also think we've moved really quickly.
Now, I think when we start putting out some of the anecdotes
and the messages and talk about what's happening,
I'll talk about it.
I'll be talking about it soon.
But there's one very large department
that everybody deals with on April 15th, that their help desk is fully staffed 24-7, 365 days
a year. They have the same number of people on Christmas Eve as they have on April 14th.
This, by the way, is something that I've seen being a lightning rod. Theoretically, every dollar you spend on the IRS, you get $3 back or whatever it is.
That's not necessarily true. Like, I just want to be clear that there's,
you can still get all your tax revenue at the federal level, but you don't need to waste.
Well, look, I mean, I'd be the ultimate chump if I said, oh, we're going to cut spending. Yeah.
we're going to cut spending. Yeah. But I also cut revenues with with the IRS, which Treasury controls. My three goals are very simple. Revenue enhancement,
privacy, and customer service. Totally. You know, there's a there's a body of
knowledge that says if we just fed in, and by the way, four or five of these
companies can do this now, if we just fed in this entire federal tax code into
these AI models, what you can give to Americans is a very
guaranteed resolute ability to file taxes with the assurance
that there is no waste, fraud and abuse. And now all of a
sudden, you take this incredible weight off of people's
shoulders. You know, sometimes it is said that you get audited for almost political reasons, it seems
like, you know, people that-
Not almost.
We have a big- we had a big announcement on Tuesday, and we brought in the 200 Biden whistleblowers
who have a lot to say about who gets audited, who doesn't. They're going to be sitting in this building, working on IRS,
it matters, and understanding exactly how these audits get triggered,
how these political witch hunts happen,
and trying to change the ethos of the building.
And again, 99% of the people at the IRS are good people.
It's just like all these other agencies
where they're bad folks.
But to your point, this is where technology can create
very reliable guardrails for the American citizen.
Where it's like, okay, well, if this model says
I owe $1,000 in tax, this is it.
I'm not trying to change anything.
I've fed it all the information.
Software first.
Software first, and you just know.
Let me go back to entitlement.
I talked last week on our podcast about Social Security.
Social Security has a $2.7 trillion balance,
which is just basically a treasury bond that they can't trade out of,
should Social Security have invested in the S&P or invested in equities? And why don't we turn
Social Security into a sovereign wealth fund and invest it for the benefit of all Americans going
forward? Yeah, I think there's the optimal, then there's the possible. George W. Bush tried to privatize Social Security.
And I saw your numbers,
listened to your numbers going way back.
1971, and with 15, 16 trillion that we'd have.
I don't know what the numbers are since W. tried it.
They'd be substantial.
We wouldn't be thinking about a problem in a few years.
But I think now you've got to play the hand you're dealt.
I think we are dealt with Social Security hand.
And I think maybe we could re-engineer it
if we could create the sovereign wealth fund
and have that on the other side. There are a lot of philanthropists who are looking at baby bonds.
So if you can create some kind of an investment account for newborns, then that would run on a parallel track to Social Security.
So that would be compounding.
The other thing would be a safety net.
Yeah, but it's still sitting in treasuries on the other side.
And that's where there's an opportunity not just
to drive up returns, but participate
in the American economy and give all Americans today
the ability to know that they have some participation
in the American economy rather than having
their retirement funds being sitting
as a loan to the federal government for spending, which I think could be a big dramatic change.
I don't know if they need to be independent, but I would I think it's a it's a real opportunity.
Are you excited by the idea of the sovereign wealth fund.
I am. I'm excited by the idea. This is President Trump. Everything he does isn't in a straight line,
but I guarantee you, he has a destination in mind.
And the idea that he's going to be the first president
in generations who is going to, he wants to create assets
for the American people, not just debt.
So he wants to take the debt down.
And then this idea of assets, there was a lot of talk about this economic deal we're going to do
with Ukraine. That would have gone in the sovereign wealth fund. Right. Yeah. Government has big stake
and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Yeah. When it comes out of conservatorship, where does that go?
Where does that go? As you mentioned, Doug Burgum did great work when he was governor of North Dakota.
North Dakota has the equivalent of two state sovereign wealth funds for seven, eight, nine hundred thousand people.
I think they had $25 billion. Right.
Alaska Permanent.
The Alaska Permanent.
But all that's from the natural resource money going in.
So to the extent we start, the other day when the sovereign
wealth fund was announced, President Trump
surprised me in the Oval and said,
could you make a few remarks?
And I said, well, we're going to mobilize the asset side
of the balance sheet.
And all the gold books said, he's
going to revalue the gold.
I can say today, we're not revaluing the gold.
But what we are going to do, Doug Burgum at Interior,
every other department head is looking for the assets
that we can mobilize.
So if we have energy leases,
federal government owned, back to the housing shortage,
federal government owns a lot of land
in downtown urban areas.
Can we, or in suburban adjacent things,
in Nevada and Utah, can we use that land?
Do you see a wave of privatizations
as a way to sort of both pay down the deficits and debts
and also just to?
That's important to me.
Why put in a sovereign wealth fund versus pay down the debt?
Help kind of do the finance math for us.
Oh, because you think you can get a higher return.
Well, it's just simple.
Anything that beats our current interest rate.
Yeah, I mean, not that in keeping score,
not that I watch it
closely, but the 10 year treasury today is 428. So can we responding well, can we can we do better?
Yeah. For can we do better than 428? And I think with this group in this cabinet, and if we can put
in right right now, we're working on the study group for the Sovereign Wealth
Fund and we want to do best practices.
We're talking to people around the world.
We're talking to investment people.
We're talking to a lot of the other big sovereign funds and we're going to do best practices.
And we want this to be a legacy of that.
Well, one thing Dan Loeb made this comment that the Australian superannuation, they've got 30
managers and they have as much on their balance sheet today in their fund than Social Security
does, about $3 trillion, and they have 7% of our population.
No, it's incredible.
It's incredible.
It's incredible.
And I was with one of the Middle Eastern funds,
and I said something about oil revenue.
We haven't had an injection into the fund in 20 years.
Why was this such a miss for America?
What happened in the United States
was that we took every excess dollar we had,
and we invested it in the future.
We built infrastructure.
What happened that kept us out of this model
where others were so successful
and clearly have now gotten ahead of us
and their people have a greater kind of safety net
than we do?
Yeah, I think it was just this idea
of it was supposed to be a safety net,
not some kind of prosperity ramp.
The old age and survivors's disability insurance fund.
That's what it's called, right, under Social Security.
You've mentioned cheap energy as a critical part
of this holistic program, I think, three times now.
Where do we make mistakes in that path where
energy gets out of control?
What do we need to do to make sure that energy, actually,
the incremental cost
of the electron basically goes to zero? Well, I think the biggest challenge we're having right now
is trying to get private sector to lock in for some things that might not have a payoff for five,
ten years. And how do we avoid student body left, student body right with administrations coming and going?
So we're trying, we're working on that.
Well, this is an incredibly nuanced
and I think an important point,
because we have this very vibrant, as you know,
tax equity and transferability market
that allows a lot of these organizations
to make these five and 10-year investment cases.
And for all the issues with the IRA, of which there are many,
I think the one narrow aspect that it did
was it calmed the markets about the future
of those specific ITC credits and transferability.
And it's a critical thing because there was a report.
You probably saw it, but FERC said
90 plus percent of our incremental electrons as of December
were from sources that were leveraging these ITC credits
and that transferability.
So to your point, we have this very delicate balancing act
of making sure we.
There's the tax side, but then the regulatory side.
With fossil, it's tougher because it
crosses a lot of state lines. There's a lot more permitting,
a lot less permitting for solar farms, for wind, for geothermal.
Yeah. Yeah. And nuclear?
Nuclear is going to be a big part of it, but it's not going to happen
We got to fix the supply chain and the regulatory.
Well, we got to fix the supply chain. We got to fix the supply chain and the regulatory. Well, we got to fix the supply chain. We got to fix the regulatory.
We've got to decide which model are we going to go with.
And I'm told that you two probably know more about nuclear
than I do.
But he loves it.
I hate it.
Well, no, I don't hate it.
I like nuclear.
I just think it's 10 years away.
He's a loser.
Don't listen to him. Yeah, you don't know what he's talking about. It's just not an investable thing for the next 10 years. Well, we can put that. But it. I mean, I like I like nuclear. I just think it's 10 years. He's a loser. Don't listen to
It's just not an investable thing
It's important because the question is when it becomes one that's when we know we fix the problem but but but
To the point that it's not investable. That's where the government needs to step
Absolutely. I 100 agree with you like. That's where we have to bridge to the technology. We have to do the time arbitrage.
Also, I'm told especially with the smaller-
That you need to cluster them.
And you've got to find somebody who wants to cluster them and all that.
And let me ask you one more question as we get to the end end But what's been the most surprising thing for you in this role since you've since you've been in office the national security aspect
Hmm that I would say 40
50% of my day
Treasury does a lot of national security work whether it's syphus in terms of
whether it's CFIUS in terms of foreigners who want to buy US assets, whether it's sanctions, whether it's OFAC, anti-money laundering.
We've just designated the Mexican cartels as foreign terrorist organizations. We, President Trump, over the weekend launched a very aggressive strike on,
missile strike on the Houthi assets.
Well, underneath that, we'd already been working
for several weeks on their bank accounts.
I see.
Or anyone who was adjacent to them,
the Iranians supply the Houthis with their ecosystem.
Previous, to my getting here, Treasury had disrupted the ecosystem so much that
the Iranians used to hand them cash. Now they're just handing them here, take
this oil tanker and try to sell it. So there is the ability to break that down.
When you go home and you're talking to your kids,
you're talking to your husband, and you're like,
this was so cool, there must be these moments where you're like,
this was so cool.
Do you have any anecdotes that you're comfortable sharing
where you're just like, I can't believe I'm doing this job? Well, there have been several.
But a good example, my family was actually there.
Because after the inauguration, I asked President Trump,
may I bring my family in, say hello, get a photo.
And we're sitting in the Oval.
So it's myself, my 11-year-old daughter, my spouse, 15-year-old son, and President Trump's
having a great conversation with them.
And then he said, oh, Scott, while you're here,
let me call in these other two people,
and we need to discuss this.
So they actually got to see government being done live.
So there's that.
I have to say, I think the moment with President Trump,
Vice President Vance, President Zelensky
was kind of a once in a lifetime thing in the Oval Office.
I hope it's once in a lifetime.
And they, but I was sitting there, was kind of a once in a lifetime thing in the Oval Office. I hope it's once in a lifetime.
And they, but you know, I was sitting there,
it was kind of in the front row of history.
Vice President, Secretary Rubio, myself on the sofa,
and watching President Zelensky do what I thought was
the biggest diplomatic own goal in history.
I think you said it very well in TV afterwards.
It really, really was based on.
And you said, because you were there,
you tried to negotiate with him in Kiev.
It was a very escalated, I think you used the word escalated,
or high decibel conversation.
High decibel, yes.
But kind of my job for 35 years was to be outside the room,
trying to put my ear to the door, maybe lift myself over the transom, figure out what the leaders
needed to do, were going to do, and then how it would affect the market. And now it's
markets. And now it's fantastic and amazing and stimulating and a little scary being the person in the room who has to, what should
we do? What can we do? How's it going to affect the markets? How's
it going to affect the real economy? What's it going to do to
working people in America?
So how do we fix affordability?
to working people in America. So how do we fix affordability?
We're just gonna have to go through
and where's the problem, what's the solution?
In terms of like, are the insurance markets broken?
What can we do?
There's been no, and I've been involved in the house building business,
there's been no technological change in house building in 50 years, maybe 60.
Some of the building codes go all the way back to the Chicago fire.
So what can we do that the way we categorize housing, it's stick-built or
modular. Is there something in the middle?
Prefab. Because the more that comes out of a factory, the more that is
standardized, that neighborhoods from DC to Bethesda to Potomac to, like
you could be in contiguous neighborhoods. And if they're different municipalities,
they'd all have different building codes, not zoning,
And why is that?
Like, they're adjacent.
Why do the houses have to be?
So is there some kind of window guidance
that the federal government can give
in terms of the more that comes out of the factory, the cheaper it will
be, the faster we can make it, things like that.
Is there pressure that you could apply or influence you can apply?
One of the things you mentioned earlier was just take San Francisco.
There's an artificial constraint that's created by the zoning paradigm, and it's not clear
how you unlock that.
Maybe is it up to private citizens to have regime change at the local level?
But how do we sort of unclog that part of it to marry up with this kind of stuff?
Because it would be great if you could just build up in many places.
I think there are a lot of things where you can look around and find what's interesting
that something that's interesting this being done somewhere.
So I lived in Greenwich, Connecticut for a while, maybe the richest suburb in America.
There's a ton of multifamily there, very expensive, very nice multifamily.
There's some affordable housing.
But Greenwich is not all 10 acres and a horse farm.
The state of Connecticut has put in a, I guess it's a law,
that every municipality has to allocate 10% of vacant land
to multifamily.
And if the zoning board won't give you a hearing, you as a developer,
you as a nonprofit for housing, can go over the top and go to Hartford. And then Hartford will
give you the authority. No town wants the state doing on their behalf. So now the towns negotiate.
So I think that there are a lot of things that can be done.
Again, on insurance, is there something that I've been
thinking about, is there something the federal government
could do for California?
Where we come in, everyone's paying homeowners insurance insurance then there's reinsurance on top of that then I think the California
Reinsurance companies called fair. Yeah on top of that. So it's it well, it's a separate plan. But yeah, yeah, but it's
So is there something we could do
Where you put another layer of private money in there and then the federal government is the fifth risk
Tronch right, but if the federal government comes in can we mandate down here?
proper hygiene
Changes in the building code well changes in the building code changes and brush cutting right and material choices. Yeah Yeah, right. Well, changes in the building code, changes in brush cutting, and things like that.
Material choices, yeah, exactly.
Right, right, yeah, makes sense.
So I think there's a lot.
And obviously, energy, I mean, just getting back
to affordability, right, energy costs come down.
That's the big one.
You took the words out of my mouth.
No, no, no, no, but I mean, energy costs are energy costs.
But then there's also, for food, the transportation cost of getting it to the grocery store, everything that's
made out of petroleum products.
So I think we can do that.
And I think there is a lot to do.
And it shouldn't be too hard.
So we're actually, we should probably
be announcing it in about 10 days, we're gonna have
an affordability czar, but it's going to be someone with a lot of experience in supply chains,
figuring out what are a lot of the quick fixes we can do. Because back to the question,
What really has people anxious, inflation for now is actually pretty close in.
And, but the affordability has gotten so away from everyone
that how can we bring that down?
Yeah, yeah, good.
For all our friends at home who talk a lot about the
conversation about climate change and carbon-free, I think one of the things
that I always point out to people is the cheapest way of driving energy
production in this country is that there's a low carbon or carbon-free
alternative that's out there that's actually cheaper than standing up new
new plants and And there's
an acceleration. I don't know how much this administration thinks about that relationship,
but it seems to me like if we can unlock energy production, costs come down, and this economy
transitions. Well, transitions, and I think it's also not being dogmatic. Totally. Like I saw what
the Biden administration did with EVs. I have an EV, I can't wait for it to come off lease.
But also have a hybrid,
and I think I fill it up maybe three times a year.
But this administration had a jihad on hybrids
because they didn't pass the purity test.
They were picking winners and losers
in a way that a lot of us were left scratching our heads. Yeah.
I think cheap energy solves a lot of problems.
I think it'll.
And cheap energy is energy security, too.
Because that's why Europe's kind of over a barrel, literally.
And it's why the Russian war machine hasn't, again, literally run out of gas.
And to the extent that we believe we're in an existential arms race for technical supremacy,
it's really on one dimension, which is AI. And that is so needy of energy. So if we don't pull
all of these issues together and realize that we need to basically take the incremental cost to
zero, whatever we do, we need to create the incentives and package it all together.
I mean, we can't we can't compete manufacturing.
Without energy.
We certainly can't compete with that energy.
Yeah, I mean, we're not going to crush labor, like China and some other countries have done.
So we got to crush the energy price.
Exactly right. And when you're in theval, what are the truths and misconceptions of the president,
meaning of the outside and what people know or don't know?
Well, how about this, we had a lot of foreign leaders come in and I knew someone in one
of their entourages, I won't tell you which one,
but afterwards he comes up to me and he goes,
holy crap, because he's really smart.
President Trump has perfect recollection,
because he was talking about something
that had happened in that country 30 years ago,
and he's sending it really.
So the President Trump listens, he is judicious,
he is just taking it all in, he likes to see how people react.
It's just incredible executive skills. Yeah, and the other thing too, that he's tough,
but I went in and I showed him, we were talking about something the other day. And I said, well, this is going to cause some layoffs.
And well, let's try to fix it.
Yeah, yeah.
Let's try to fix it.
So I always say he really regards himself as the mayor of America.
330 million people.
He wants to be personable to everyone.
And he cares deeply about all of them. And he doesn't care whether you're Elon Musk
or the guy cutting the Rose Garden.
You're his constituent.
Well, Scott, thank you so much for taking the time.
This has been a pleasure.
And we really appreciate the insight.
We wish you the best.
And thanks for the service.
And thanks for doing the role.
Thanks, guys.
We appreciate it.
Thanks, Scott.
Thanks, Scott. I wish you the best. Yeah, and thanks for the service and thanks for doing the role. Good, thanks guys. Thanks.
Thanks, Scott.
Thanks, Scott.
Thanks, Scott.