And That's Why We Drink - E10 Annabelle the Doll-y Parton Impersonator and the Tap Water Scammer

Episode Date: April 9, 2017

Come celebrate episode 10 with us! We’ve got the story of Annabelle the (extremely creepy) Doll and America’s first serial killer, the one and only H. H. Holmes. So many reasons to drink this week...!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 My favorite insult in French? Did I ever tell you it? I don't think so. Oh, maybe. Quelle flamme de l'islam consomme votre clan de vie? You did tell me, but I don't remember what it means. May the flames of Islam consume your degenerate lifestyle. Which, apparently, like, I also learned that way before all this, like, Muslim ban shit happened.
Starting point is 00:00:19 It wasn't as touch and go as it is now. It's not as timely and terrifying. Like, it's not as funny to just say to anyone. It's now like the NSA is on top of our shit right now. Our podcast is going to get banned. God damn it, Emily. Sorry. Good start.
Starting point is 00:00:49 I can start? I said good start. Oh. Fuck. Episode 10. Episode 10. We did it. We did.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Who would have thought? No one. Not a single person. You thought for a moment and you were like, there's zero people. I thought it'd be interesting if we made it this far. High five. Yeah. That was a single person. You thought for a moment and you were like, there's zero people. I thought it'd be interesting if we made it this far. High five. Yeah. That was a good one. We did it.
Starting point is 00:01:11 Congratulations to you. I'm so proud of ourselves. Even, I remember when we were talking about if, like, if anyone would even listen to us. And I'm so happy that 10 episodes in, someone actually listens to us. Yeah. And we have fans. Thousands of people are listening to us. Why?
Starting point is 00:01:28 Right? I think hundreds. Oh, okay. I don't think we're that cool yet. We have thousands of listens and subscribers. Okay, that's fair. We have thousands of downloads. You're right.
Starting point is 00:01:37 Sure. But still. Made by hundreds of people. The fact that even 10 people would listen. I know. Good for us. Thanks, guys, for making it possible we love you so much teamwork makes the dream work it really does yep all right anyway how are you on
Starting point is 00:01:52 this 10th episode i'm so great and i'm happy oh and i wanted to say um my friend who is living in um tanzania right now right she messaged me the other day and she's like, oh, I love listening to your podcast. It's so great. Blah, blah, blah. And I was just so happy because I'm like, you live in Tanzania and you have the time to listen to our podcast. And like my own brother who lives in my apartment doesn't have time to listen to my podcast. So thank you for your support. Well, what's going on in Tanzania?
Starting point is 00:02:21 So her name's Allison. She's living down there. And she taught me how to say and that's why we drink in swahili i want to know i know it's great this is really fucked up is it click clacks like no emily what's the language where they do that i don't know it's not i want to heal i want to learn it so bad though god okay okay how do you say it in swahili yeah she's like one click for this no so in swahili um she, she's like, one click for this. No. So, in Swahili, she said it's something like this. So I'm probably
Starting point is 00:02:48 going to butcher this beyond belief. It's fine. You'll do it in a German accent, I'm sure. Probably. Nahi ni sababu yetu ya kuniwa. That's amazing. I know. Wait, she speaks Swahili? Yes, she literally. God, she's so cool. I know. She's been taking it since college and then
Starting point is 00:03:04 she fucking went to Tanzania and was like, oh oh let me just move here and get shit done you know my mom got so mad at me when I graduated from college and was like I'm gonna move across the country but if I told her I was moving to Tanzania she would have had a heart attack she's brave as fuck and also just wonderful so thank you thank you, Allison, for that. We'll learn how to not butcher that. Will, I probably fucked it up and I'm sorry. And please don't judge me. We should have had her send in a little clip of her saying it.
Starting point is 00:03:32 Probably. We'll do that for next episode. All right. So, also, let's see. Website and Patreon are up. We said that last week. Thank you all for your support. You're awesome.
Starting point is 00:03:42 We love you. You're the best. Please donate because we are desperate. we're like wealthy beyond all belief but we don't want to sound desperate but right just kidding we don't want to sound like we're so well off that we don't need help totally we want to like sound like so like you know donate if you feel like you really want to make a contribution we're not we're not like be normal you know yeah so you know so donate if you can do what you can pretty please help us what um are you drinking about oh oh where's your wine i don't know what are you drinking what are you drinking it's over there go I don't know. What are you drinking? What are you drinking? It's over there.
Starting point is 00:04:27 Go get it. That's the farthest you've ever been away from wine for as long as I've known you. It's so far away. It's within two arms reach. All right. Hang on. There it is. It's called Avalon Cab.
Starting point is 00:04:39 That's an empty bottle. Shh. Did you already drink it? You need more. I just noticed that there was nothing sloshing around in there. Is it all gone? Oh, my God. What's happening?
Starting point is 00:05:00 Okay, so what happened is this I drank. What happened was I just put it all the way down. What happened was the other day I drank all this wine, but I don't want to. I'm literally drinking the same fucking thing because I can't drink two bottles of wine in a night. So I was like, oh, I'll just mention this name because I drank it the other day while I'm drinking the same bottle. How systematic of you. And pretend it's another week where I'm drinking a different one. So I saved the bottle. Who are you? Hello, blooper reeloper reel it's me i'm here again for the millionth time okay
Starting point is 00:05:31 back to the back to the show so i'm drinking this avalon cab because again i told you cab is now my favorite type of wine right which is something i Cabernet Sauvignon. Right. Which is something I already knew. Yeah, which I didn't know and you just kind of put it. It's like you telling me later in life that your name is Christine. It's like I knew. What are you... I don't know.
Starting point is 00:05:51 What are you talking about? I think... I think I need to take a nap. I'm so tired. I think you need some more Avalon Cab. I need none of the sort. You need none of that.
Starting point is 00:06:01 Hey! Ask me what I'm drinking. Ugh, fine. What are you drinking? I'm drinking... For some reason, every time i drink a strawberry milkshake it's already frozen like it's too frozen to drink this is like the third strawberry milkshake i've had on this show and it's i'm waiting for it to thaw do you want me to take it off your hands no okay hey hey episode 10 welcome we did Again, are you drinking for any reason?
Starting point is 00:06:28 Uh... Nothing in life has happened in the last week that you want to talk about? Um... At work they gave me my own investigation At my, like, private investigation company What do you do? I do... I literally work at a private...
Starting point is 00:06:41 I'm a temp So it's like Oh, it sounds boring as fucking horrible But I got my own... They, like, gave me my own investigation temp. So it's like, oh, it sounds boring as fucking horrible. But I got my own, they like gave me my own investigation. And I can't like say what it was. What does that mean? Like you're a private investigator?
Starting point is 00:06:51 Literally. Like I go through people's like email. Wait, I want that job. It's so cool. And I. Well, I don't want to quit my permanent job to become a temp. No, you don't. You don't. And it's like fine.
Starting point is 00:07:01 But it was one of those things where I was like, okay, I'll do this for like a month. But I'm there and I'm like, well, it's actually really fun and awesome. And I get to go through people's social media and emails and, like, write down everything suspicious about them and get paid for it. So it's great. So they gave me my own investigation. And I kind of, like, there was one thing that I really fucked up. And I accidentally sent the investigators to the insurance adjuster's house instead of the actual subject's house oh shit so yay for me yay but they didn't fire me so oh god hello i'm here that sounds like a fun job
Starting point is 00:07:34 i have a friend back home who's dating a an actual pi cool and i was like oh i would love a job like that that sounds so much cool right yeah it sounds so much i literally assign all these assignments to like the pis they hire and then i like get to send them on their missions and then they give me my own assignment and i was like oh i would love that job it's so cool it's like desk work olivia benson yeah yeah exactly it's like i don't have to do anything really but i get to like snoop in everybody's life that sounds so cool it's really cool that sounds so cool and i get made paid more than i ever did in tv so yay so there's that so are you out of the film industry then no okay hell no i just need some like money for it's like an eight to five job and then i do this and then the comedy show and then right got a busy life do Do the LA lifestyle, you know? Cool. Why do you drink this week? I drink because I'm learning my new job, which isn't bad.
Starting point is 00:08:31 I do like my new job. Oh, good. I just, it's a change. Like, the environment is very different. I'm used to, like, laughing and joking around all the time, and now I have to be, like, quiet and attentive. What do you do exactly uh so i am a department coordinator for entertainment marketing and product placement that sounds really cool yeah
Starting point is 00:08:55 so we have clients that we work with that we try to get their product on tv and uh another part of the job that i have is i show scan, which is pretty cool. So I have to watch the shows after they come out and try to find the products and then write down like time codes and do sheets and everything of how long it actually aired. So we can then give those to our clients and be like, oh, look, we got your product on the air for this long. That's so cool. So last week I watched a lot of shows. I spent like a whole day on Thursday where I just watched TV all day, just trying to find products, but it's actually harder
Starting point is 00:09:31 than I thought. Cause I don't just get to like mindlessly watch TV. I'm not even really paying attention to the characters. I'm like just staring at the background the whole time. Scanning. Yeah. And, uh, it's weird because shows I used to make props for, I never actually watched those shows. Cause after I made the props, I was like, well, I don't really care about the show because it's ruined. But now I'm watching the shows that I happened to also make props for. So now I'm watching the shows and I'm seeing my props and I'm like, Oh yeah, I'd made that. Oh yeah, I made that. Oh, I cut that. And so I'm finding the wrong products a lot of the time because I'm scanning and I'll see something I made and then I get like my attention goes towards that instead of the
Starting point is 00:10:10 products I'm actually supposed to be paying attention to. Still cool, though. Yeah. I mean, I work in the same company, so I still hang out with all the same people. That's good. Well, I have facts. Tell me. Would you like a milkshake one or a wine one?
Starting point is 00:10:24 I want to hear a milkshake one. Okay. Um, okay. Well, did you know that it would take 3.2 million milkshakes to fill an Olympic sized pool? AKA one serving for me. No, and I didn't know that. That is crazy. That's some information for you. I will store that in my brain uh are you ready for a wine one i am uh there is a drink called seagull wine like like a seagull yeah i hate seagulls well it's made purely by stuffing a whole seagull into a bottle of water and leaving it there in the sun to ferment that's not real i'm not i'll google it that is not i mean i didn't just i didn't just say that out of my brain i'm pretty sure you made that up no seagull wine if i have to look at a picture and see a fucking bird yeah
Starting point is 00:11:09 you're really freaking me out where is it that is a nightmare i better it's real no it's not yeah yeah it is yeah it is i'm gonna vomit why would you tell me that i don't like birds ah it's real it just looks like one of those science projects where people put snakes in vomit. Why would you tell me that? I don't like birds. It's real. It just looks like one of those science projects where people put snakes in jars. But why would you drink that? I don't know. Also because like alive birds have a bunch of diseases. Why would you drink a raw one?
Starting point is 00:11:39 Now are you looking at it too? Gross. Anyway, there's your fun fact. There's a fact. Look, I don't make the facts i just read them oh my god apparently and it's an it's an invention of inuits in desperate need of a drink desperate indeed jesus simply stuff a dead seagull in bits or hole into a bottle of water and i just want the chunks that have eyes yuck i'm trying to tell you something fun and i'm sorry this is not fun it's terrifying to me okay do you want a different one no that's fine i'll take it no i'll tell you i'll tell you a different one did you know that the
Starting point is 00:12:16 oldest person lived to be 122 and it gives credit towards drinking a glass of port every week every day i did only because my mother and i've shared the article with each other probably a hundred times because we're like let's reinforce let's enable each other let's enable ourselves and each other anyway that's all i got that's actually i love that how old were they 100 and what 122 holy crap and 22 is my lucky number so'm going to call that a win for both of us. Thank you. That's all the intro shit I've got for you. That's all I had, too. So let's get into it. Wow.
Starting point is 00:12:56 Things are going so much more effortlessly than they did last week. Yeah. Oh, I did want to add, I didn't save the name, and I tried to find it, but someone on Twitter wrote, because we were talking about what our trademarks were and you said let's crack into it and i was like i wonder what mine is and someone tweeted at us that yours was let's crack into it and mine was just gasping like the whole episode i've heard from a lot of people that their favorite part of the show is listening to your reactions to the should i say i literally just go and people have said that it's my trademark and it's so embarrassing.
Starting point is 00:13:27 I have one friend back at home who, their favorite thing to do, which I'll start sending you, they will just record themselves reacting to your reactions. No, it's so embarrassing. I'm so embarrassed. And Kirk, the guy who did our logo, he listens to us religiously.
Starting point is 00:13:44 Every single time he listens to something, he won't tell me he's listening to the episode. He'll just shout the title at me so I'm in the know that he's in the know. Kirk is my favorite person. I think he just listened to Robert the Doll yesterday and found me in my new department. And he was like, Robert the Doll! And he just shouted it. And I was like, yeah, that's what we talked about. That's terrifying.
Starting point is 00:14:03 Don't shout that. And he just shouted it. And I was like, yeah, that's what we talked about. That's terrifying. Don't shout that. But he also has said that his fair part is just listening to how you react to the shit I say. That's so embarrassing. No, you're just enthusiastic and passionate. No, I need to stop with that.
Starting point is 00:14:15 So I'm going to be really cautious of my... Don't. It's like some of the people's... Give the people what they want. It's not for me. They like you. Oh, please. I feel like you're just the popular one
Starting point is 00:14:26 but it's fine it's because i'm single i deserve attention i'll get over it okay are you ready tell me a story let's crack into it and that's the title of our spinoff series how fun let's crack into it gasp i think you'll like this I get so excited when you tell me what we're talking about. Well, it's because I always move around in my chair like I'm about to... You settle in. I know. I get cozy because I'm ready to blow your mind. Okay.
Starting point is 00:14:55 I think you'll like this. I'm not sure. People that listen to us will have varying opinions. Really? What does that mean? Well, after Robert the Doll, I got a lot of oomph from the Twitter community because a lot of people didn't like
Starting point is 00:15:13 that I talked about Robert the Doll. Why? Not in like a, that they were mad. Oh, they were freaked out? Yeah, they were just like, fuck you, like for terrifying me. Okay, I was about to get real mad. No, you don't have to defend me.
Starting point is 00:15:24 Thank you. You're welcome. So, uh, i'm gonna piss off the same people oh do i have another doll ew these are the creepiest i am tell me can you guess who it's probably the one that you wrote on the board called annabelle but i don't know what that is i just remember you don't know what annabelle is i don't whoa my internet just decided to like whip itself open yes Yes, I'm talking about Annabelle. Because when we wrote it on the whiteboard, my brother came in when I wasn't looking and took an Expo marker and wrote, it said Annabelle the doll and he wrote Annabelle the Dolly Parton impersonator.
Starting point is 00:15:56 So it said Annabelle the Dolly Parton impersonator. I love anything Dolly Parton related. Perfect. So I don't know what we're talking about. She's got ivory skin and eyes of green so i'm all okay all sorts of confused so tell me well i would love to tell you that my computer just decided to freak the fuck out do you think it's annabelle the dolly parton impersonator i hope not okay we're back let me just settle in get my get my leg up what's happening i'm just
Starting point is 00:16:22 rotating rotating things like hoisting your undercarriage. I'm like six feet tall, so my legs are pretty heavy, okay? So I have to lift them sometimes with my hands. I can't move them on my own. Oh my god. Look, my legs are like horse tarantula legs.
Starting point is 00:16:39 What the fuck? If you donate to our Patreon, we can get a lazy lazy boy armchair recliner for her for her tarantula legs you know what i mean like they just like they move on their own i don't know what you mean they're very independent of themselves i support you anyway okay anyone else who has four foot long legs understands what i'm talking about nobody has that okay go on okay annabelle so in the 1970s a nurse a nursing student not a nurse yet soon to be don't give her undue credit a nursing student named donna uh received a raggedy ann doll from her mother which her mom bought at like some like tch kind of store. Nope. I don't like it. I had never liked Raggedy Ann dolls.
Starting point is 00:17:29 Nope. Me neither. Creep me the fuck out. Well, this one gives you good reason to be freaked out. It was a Raggedy... This makes it so much worse. I have pictures if you want them later. Nope. So Donna was a nursing student. She got a Raggedy Ann doll as a gift from her mom. Thanks, mom. What a weird gift. If my mom gave me a Raggedy Ann doll, I would throw it in a fire. Be like, nope. Okay.
Starting point is 00:17:53 So she took the doll back to her place where she shared it with, I think the roommate's name was Angie. Uh-huh. And put the doll on her bed. Didn't really think about it. And the woman started noticing that the doll was moving on its own. And, like, not only changing position, but eventually was, like, ending up on different parts of the room and then ultimately started, like, being in different rooms.
Starting point is 00:18:23 Like, they would go into the bedroom and see it and then leave and then go back in the bedroom and it wouldn't even be in the room it would be somewhere else and then it would always be like sitting either on the floor or in a chair where it couldn't have gotten by itself in theory or sometimes it would like almost solidify and be in a standing position and like would just be leaning on a chair staring at them we're not even this is just the intro calm down something like you're just freaking me the fuck out lately i think what's gonna be really interesting is after we record this and we just hang out and talk about no i'm like already
Starting point is 00:18:54 scared no come on please that's my favorite part of coming over on saturdays okay but can we do it though yeah okay yes but my favorite part of being your friend is talking about this. Oh, mine too. Thanks. Okay. Um, all right. Where was I? Okay. So it was just moving everywhere.
Starting point is 00:19:10 Uh, I have written at times Donna and the roommate would find the doll sitting cross legged on the couch. Other times it would be found like it was found upright standing on its feet, which I'm not fucking for because the whole point of raggedy and is that she's raggedy and does not have joints or a skeletal system. That's the whole point. The whole point is no skeleton. Okay, so not, okay, this is where it gets even neater. Sounds really neat.
Starting point is 00:19:43 Are you ready, Christine? No. Okay, so we don't we should also have video footage of you reacting because if people think the sounds are great watching your face is just a treasure her whole body is she's shaking out the fear okay lose my goddamn mind her eyes are already watering and i'm only in the first paragraph of a whole page god damn it okay the doll did not only move you want to guess what else it did not talk oh uh move talk and no what what right yeah no what could write that is even creepier so a couple times uh donna and the roommate uh began to find penciled messages
Starting point is 00:20:23 it looked like it was written by a child. Where? All over the house. Like on the walls? No, like on paper. Oh, what the fuck? There would just be random paper and pencils. And they also wouldn't remember having bought that paper or bought the pencils. Ew.
Starting point is 00:20:36 So like the material isn't even supposed to be here. Ew. And they would find little notes on the floor next to the doll. Holy shit. Would you like me to tell you what the note said? Sure. Help us. notes on the floor next to the doll holy would you like me to tell you what the note said sure help us are you kidding no tell the truth uh what the fuck and the handwriting looked like it belonged to a small child that's okay we're one paragraph done you're doing so good i'm so brave you are the bravest person in this room besides me. Okay, so. Good for me.
Starting point is 00:21:08 You almost get one whole medal. I've come so far. So it got worse. Can you believe it? No. I certainly can. No. So one night, Donna is coming home, sees the doll, once again not sitting where she left it.
Starting point is 00:21:23 And this time, all over the hands of it are blood. What? And the blood seemed, or it was a red liquid, but they assume blood. And it seemed to be coming from the actual doll. Like, it was seeping out of it. So, like, if you pressed on it, it would come out. Oh, what the fuck? Like, more would come out of the fabric. That was the sign for Donna that she was like, we should get, like, a medium or do something to figure out what the fuck is going on with this doll because it's moving on its own.
Starting point is 00:21:50 My first thought would have been tear it into different pieces and throw them in different parts of the earth. But whatever. Literally burn it and throw it in the river. I guess we're just going to call a medium. Okay, Donna. So the medium conducted a seance. Through the seance, she found out that she was talking to a spirit named Annabelle Higgins, who was a seven-year-old girl. And I guess she died on the property where the apartments are now built.
Starting point is 00:22:13 And Annabelle said that she liked the women in the apartment living there. And she felt comfortable and safe with them and wanted to stay with them and for them to not throw her away. And she was, I guess, living through the doll. So anytime they saw her moving around, it was just her way of saying hi. And she had never felt safe until they moved in. So she just wanted to like be loved on. So the doll that the mom had bought didn't have the spirit in it until it was moved to that apartment.
Starting point is 00:22:42 I guess so. Yeah. Um, and so, uh donna ended up saying uh yeah you know you can stay in the doll or whatever like well you know if you feel safe with us sure so that's the beginning of the end right there uh so a mutual friend named lou who i like to consider uh the first person who dies in a horror movie. Oh, God. Because he's usually the smartest one.
Starting point is 00:23:10 He's like, let's get the fuck out, and no one listens to him. He doesn't die, but, I mean, he's like that kind of guy. He's like, uh-uh, I don't fuck with this shit. I already smell crazy. Poor Lou. So Lou takes one look at this doll and is like, I don't fucking like it. And Donna explains, like, oh, no, it's like a little girl inside it's our friend and lou was probably like this girl is tripping yes all right so one night um after several times of being at that house and he's like i don't like that doll like
Starting point is 00:23:36 when i'm around like just put it somewhere else um he spent the night one night on the couch and then woke up and realized he was paralyzed uh um he looked down at his feet trying to move them and saw annabelle sitting there uh the doll began to slowly climb up his leg emily moved on top of his chest and then began to strangle him and because he was paralyzed he couldn't get away so he was gasping for breath and at the point of basically being asphyxiated he blacked out and woke up to in theory it being a dream but he said it felt so real that when he woke up and jolted up it was like his legs hadn't been moving in a long time what the fuck like when he i guess i read on one of the sites that his account of it was when he tried to get when he when he woke up from the dream he rolled off the couch and tried to
Starting point is 00:24:33 move his legs and they were almost like joint locked because like they hadn't been moved in so long oh my god the next terrifying thing that happened um oh i so i guess they were going to they were packing for a road trip and lou was there again which if i were lou i'd be like yeah 50 miles out of that house all the time out of there lou and um they were planning a road trip and they were in one room and in a room off from them they heard like a man walking around or like a like heavy footsteps walking around and no one else was in the apartment so they ended up um lou like crept into the room to see like what was going on in there and the only thing that was in the room was the doll sitting in the corner from there like he walked over to the doll to see like if there
Starting point is 00:25:23 was anything else near her because of course the doll wasn't there last time he over to the doll to see like if there was anything else near her because of course the doll wasn't there last time he was in the room right so he's starting to walk towards it to kind of check on it and it feels a burning on his neck that he gets the sensation that someone is evil and staring at him like that dark kind of presence behind him so he turns around to look at it and doesn't see anything but all of a sudden basically feels like he gets slapped on the back and giant animal claws get cut through his back so there was no one there uh he oh he found himself uh doubled over cut and bleeding and on his chest there were seven distinct claw marks oh my god three vertical four horizontal and they all apparently felt white hot, like, like brand new burns.
Starting point is 00:26:06 Oh my God. So like a grid pattern of claws scratched into his chest. Um, again, if that's happened to me once, it's happened a million fucking times. Get out of that house. Get out. Like that's not like getting paralyzed and strangled by a doll wasn't enough, but let's also get fucking clawed by a demon. But also I'm going to walk into a room with it by myself.
Starting point is 00:26:27 So, eventually Donna contacts a priest because now she's listening to Lou. Thanks, Donna, for that. And the priest immediately contacts the Warrens. Because I guess the Amityville thing had just happened. And so everyone knew their name at this point. So the priest was like okay we'll get them in here yeah um so they went on an investigation um they uh lorraine who's the clairvoyant ended up talking to whatever was in the house or at least making contact to some level
Starting point is 00:26:59 and told donna uh hey dumbass uh that wasn't a little girl talking to you. That was a horrible fucking demon that basically pretended that it was a girl to play off of your emotional vulnerabilities. And when it asked if it could stay and you gave it permission. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Yeah. Are you fucking kidding? No.
Starting point is 00:27:23 No, I'm not kidding. That happens? Yes. What the fuck? So it said, basically, it was walking around and was never actually a spirit in the doll. No, no, Abby. It was actually a demon that was literally never inside the doll at all. It was just a demon throwing it around as an item for people to acknowledge that something was there.
Starting point is 00:27:49 So it was never a little spirit in a doll. It was literally a demon grabbing the doll and moving it around so that people could see something and acknowledge that there was an energy. And so then he lied and said, oh, I'm trapped in this doll. Can I stay here because I feel comfort and love from you? And they basically welcomed him in. And so now that they welcomed him in, he wasn't actually trying to get attached to the doll. He was trying to then attach onto a human body. So after the Warrens did this investigation, they said, had you stayed in this house with this thing for another two to three weeks, it would have
Starting point is 00:28:25 eventually attached to one of you and tried to possess you. Absolutely not. It was, basically it was looking for a human host and all it needed was to be welcomed into the house. Nope. And they vulnerably did so and it was borderline about to possess one of them.
Starting point is 00:28:42 No, that's fucked up. Um, so it got a lot worse um in like in the time that the warrens were there because they kept coming in to check on it and they tried to do exorcisms and it wasn't working um the dolls started moving around by teleportation um uh oh oh um the warrens i forgot to put this in. I read on one of them that the Warrens also said by bringing in a medium, they were allowing the demonic spirit access to finally communicate with them one-on-one. Instead of just dragging around a doll, it was able to explicitly talk to them, which I guess made them closer. Like, made them, like, energy. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:29:24 Like, they were now closer to it in some way, and it made them even, like made them like energy. I don't know. Like they were now closer to it in some way and it made them even more vulnerable. Um, so, uh, yeah. So they thought that the next step was going to be, uh, infestation, which is like the second phase in demonic possession. Oh. Um, and so they said, listen, you got to get this doll out of your house we will gladly take it from you um and because they tried blessing the apartment and cleansing it and they were like we'll just take the doll with us um and i guess the warrens specifically chose to
Starting point is 00:29:58 uh take back roads because they knew that like something fucked up would happen. Like if they're putting a demonic doll in their car, what the fuck? I don't know. Cause I guess the demon was currently attached to the doll. It was still more attached to the doll than anything else because it hadn't leached onto a human yet. So if they took the doll out, they're taking the demon out. Um, they put the doll in a bag and sure enough, uh, they were driving home and the, every time they turned a corner, the engine would cut out.
Starting point is 00:30:30 Um, the car would swerve and stall the power steering and the brakes failed. And eventually Ed Warren put holy water in the bag with the doll. And then they were able to drive home without any problem. My God. Uh, Ed left the doll at his desk for a while. Like, cause they have in their house it's basically a museum of all these haunted artifacts which is something i would love to visit one day but also i don't want to go near it um but so one of the things that they have if you've ever
Starting point is 00:30:58 watched any of the movies involving the warrens they always shoot it like they have a scene where they're always in their in their basement or their and it's it's basically a makeshift museum of all the stuff that they've collected and you can always see annabelle in the back that's one of their big things that they have so before they ever had a place in that area for annabelle they just kept it in their house and uh because they're used to having haunted shit in their house since they're the fucking Warrens. Yeah. So they put the, they would leave the doll on the desk and then eventually
Starting point is 00:31:30 started coming in at night and seeing the doll levitating on the desk. Um, a couple of times that happened and then eventually it slowed down, but it actually got worse after the little intermission and she started appearing in different rooms, um um and then when a catholic priest apparently came to try and throw holy water at it like steam came off of the doll like it burnt it away god so sensing that the doll was you know getting back into its like the heat of the game um i guess the priest got scared and out of fear said something like you're just a doll or you can't hurt anyone like was like challenging it basically and on the way home the priest got
Starting point is 00:32:12 in a huge car accident and was basically inches away from dying oh god uh so they ended up creating a locked case i think they just surrounded it with holy water and like all these like religious relics just to keep it closed and to to date, she has never, she hasn't left the box, but they have a sign on there. I like the way that it was worded. I've, I've seen this picture a million times before I ever researched this. Cause I've always wanted to learn more about Annabelle, but that sign says like positively do not open. Like it's like written in old timey handwriting because of how long ago it was. And I knew about Annabelle and the Warrens before I even was, like,
Starting point is 00:32:53 just when I would watch the movies, I would see Annabelle on the back during, like, that scene. Yeah. But anyway, so she's also thought to be the death of a young man who went to the museum with his girlfriend one time because the guy was like challenging the doll and banging on the glass and saying like, come on, put scratches on me, put scratches on me. Why would you do that? First of all, he's a fucking douche. That's why. But so anyway, on the way home, he got in a motorcycle accident and died.
Starting point is 00:33:19 Um, and his girlfriend survived the accident, but was in the hospital for like over a year or something. Holy shit. girlfriend survived the accident but was in the hospital for like over a year or something holy shit um but so i guess people can i don't know if people actually can go visit the museum because it is in their house yeah yeah but people i guess they'll welcome people in and you can go down and see stuff if you really i can't imagine like if you're not a skeptic at all then everything in in that part of their house is like the most haunted shit and like the most cursed things yeah all in one concentrated room so i can't imagine they really want people down there touching things no probably not
Starting point is 00:33:56 but um i would love to go down there one day that sounds really cool and they uh sense annabelle since her i guess discovery and people finding out about her she has uh she has either been involved in or starred in two different movie series one's the conjuring and conjuring two and annabelle and annabelle too which is going to release soon i actually worked on annabelle too anyway Anyway, that's basically it. Any other stories I saw were just different ways that people have challenged the doll since it's been in the glass, and they just all get hurt in the same horrible ways. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:34:35 So basically, if you have a death wish... Yeah, I don't know why you would fuck with it. Yeah. We should get that guy from your last story. The... Oh, Michael Malloy. Michael Malloy. Michael Malloy. Get him to go tap on the glass and see what happens.
Starting point is 00:34:47 He'd probably survive. Anyway, and then I had a picture to show you what it actually looks like. I don't want to see it. I don't care. I'm going to have nightmares. It's fine. Here, this is the movie version on the left and the real version on the right. It's just a Raggedy Ann doll.
Starting point is 00:35:02 I mean, it doesn't... That is so creepy looking. Yeah. Somehow. Also, I think it's weird that on the case that they have padlocked is a tarot card of the devil. Oh, what the... I think that's pretty fucked up.
Starting point is 00:35:14 Like on the real one. Like on the real one. Oh, what the fuck. Anyway, that's Annabelle. Annabelle is... Fucking scary. Yeah. I don't want to talk bad about her
Starting point is 00:35:23 because I don't want her to come after me, but... Not into it. Well, it's not as lengthy of a story as Robert the doll, but at least, you know what they, something was happening, something fishy was going on. And then they got an immediate contact from the Warrens who are the best people in the business and they fix it. Right. Right. Right it right all right am are you ready for my story no fine maybe i'll keep it to myself all right what is it okay i'll humor you thank you my story is about hh holmes do you know who that is yeah i do he was america's first murderer he was america's first serial killer. Oh, serial killer shit.
Starting point is 00:36:06 But he's the one who created the... He, like, bought out a hotel or something and turned it into his own, like, torture chamber. Okay, well, don't give away my whole story. Oh, that's all I know. I tried watching a documentary on him on Netflix, and it was not good. Oh, good. So sorry to the people who wanted to watch that. Don't watch that?
Starting point is 00:36:27 You didn't watch it, did you? Mm-mm. I could not get through it. But that doesn't mean he's not interesting. I, like, ended up finding out about him through, like, murder tweets and murder Facebook pages and stuff like that. That sounds like I, like, am part of, like, a murder group. Murder tweets?
Starting point is 00:36:45 Like, okay, like, I follow people that, like, tell, like, serial killer facts and stuff like that. Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh. But I've never actually heard the whole story of them. It's fucking crazy. All right, lay it on me. Okay, so H.H. Holmes was born in 1861 under the name Herman Mudgett. Neat. No wonder he turned, he changed his name.
Starting point is 00:37:04 Yeah, I was like like that's everyone's first like i would be a serial killer too so okay uh his father was a violent alcoholic um he was really good in school but he got bullied a lot um and in an attempt to scare him the bullies in his school they found out that he was scared of the doctor. So they broke into the doctor's office with him, dragged him in there, and made him stand face-to-face with a human skeleton. And then they made the skeleton, like, they put the hands of the skeleton on his face. Wait, they put a skeleton on his face? They brought him in and, like, put him face-to-face with a human skeleton in the doctor's office.
Starting point is 00:37:44 And then put the skeleton's hands on his face. And then he said that's where his fascination with death began. No. That's fucked up. Yeah. So they done fucked up by turning him into a serial killer. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:57 So he said later that he found that experience fascinating. And that it cured him of all his fears. All of his fears? Yeah. Because he was he was scared of like the doctor and death oh well he was like since a skeleton has touched my face i guess yeah what else could go wrong skeleton he was like this is my new passion in life great at age 16 he graduated high school and moved to new hampshire he married a woman named clara lovering had a son with her then became a a CPA and the city manager of Orlando, Florida, just randomly. At age 21, he enrolled at the University of Michigan's med school. He graduated a few years later with his medical degree. While he was at the University of Michigan, he stole cadavers from the laboratory,
Starting point is 00:38:42 disfigured the bodies, claimed the victims were killed accidentally, and would collect the insurance money from policies on each of the people who had died. So he started this scam of finding these dead bodies and being like, oh, this was my cousin. I'm going to take his insurance money. So his marriage to Clara quickly fell apart, not surprising. Um, so his marriage to Clara quickly fell apart. Not surprising. Uh, he abandoned his wife and son and spent the next couple of years moving around the country to various cities, doing random jobs, um, and continuing scams. He would like take out, he would get credit cards and buy a bunch of shit on credit and
Starting point is 00:39:18 then sell it and then leave town. So they would never be able to find him. So back in the, you know, cool. Nobody could try to do that back in the day. Yeah. yeah yeah i'm sure that goes really well for you yeah obviously we're uh you're wealthy beyond your wildest dreams beyond compare i would say um he moved to moorsfork new york and a rumor spread that he had been seen with a little boy who disappeared um he claimed the boy went back to his home in Massachusetts. Before an investigation could take place,
Starting point is 00:39:48 he left town and decided to change his name. He went to Pennsylvania and... Wait, where was he originally? He was born... I don't fucking know. Like, where did skeletons touch his face? I don't know. Let me look it up.
Starting point is 00:40:09 What? All right. He was born in New Hampshire. Okay. So he worked at this drugstore in Philadelphia, but while he was working there, a boy died from taking medicine that he had bought from the store. Holmes denied any involvement with the child's death and immediately left the city he moved to chicago and changed his name to henry howard
Starting point is 00:40:31 holmes h h holmes uh yeah calm down all right chill everybody chill okay let's all play cool play cool play cool uh so he wanted to avoid uh any of his scams catching up to him basically gotcha while he was still married to clara in 1887 he decided to marry murda belknap and just decided to like adopt a second wife uh they adopt her yeah just take her under his wing, you know. They lived outside Chicago and had a daughter. Five years later, he married Georgiana Yoke in Denver. So that's his third wife. So he basically had...
Starting point is 00:41:15 So he had... Name all of them again? Because they all have even weirder names than the one before them. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The first one was named Clara. Then Myrda. Then Georgiana. Okay.
Starting point is 00:41:26 This is America. Mm-hmm. Okay. He liked blonde women with blue eyes. To the Aryan race. Mm-hmm. Typical. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:36 Typical serial killer. Typical sociopath. Mm-hmm. So here's where it gets to the good part. He moved to Chicago. Well, he was living in chicago with his third wife so he came across elizabeth s holton's drugstore and got a job there and she was very impressed with his uh work and her husband was dying so when he died he uh when her husband died
Starting point is 00:41:57 uh hh holmes decided to offer to buy the drugstore from her and she agreed and he said that he would pay her $2,700 okay it was $100 then today's dollars it's $2,700 a month to pay her back uh and but the way he made money was by selling water that he claimed would cure the sick um did he put in it or was it just water it was literally water and he was like oh it'll heal you oh so he just was a tap water salesman right yes okay yeah like literally the tap water scammer yeah like con artist yep okay i just wanted to make sure i got it tap water scammer tap water scammer yeah so he sold basically water and said it would heal the sick, which obviously did not. So he stopped paying his payments to
Starting point is 00:42:50 Elizabeth. Surprise, surprise. And soon after that, she disappeared. When people asked where she was, he told them she moved to California to be with her relatives. Then Holmes decided to purchase an empty lot across the street and build a three-story block-long hotel building.
Starting point is 00:43:10 How much did that cost back then, though? A lot of money. I mean, was he rich, though? Yeah, because he literally scammed everybody for many years. Right, right, okay. He just would, like, take dead people and get money off of them. Like, he would just get thousands and thousands of dollars off corpses. And then, like, murder people like her and get all their money.
Starting point is 00:43:31 And then he got this whole drugstore because she disappeared. Oh, okay. Cool. So he decided to buy an empty lot. And he also came from money, too. So it wasn't even, like, you know. So he purchased this empty lot across from the drugstore built a three-story block-long hotel people called it the castle because it was so massive um but if it was that big wouldn't
Starting point is 00:43:52 people want to go walk around in it or like visit it yeah a lot of people visited because and they just didn't see all the dead bodies no it was a shush there's no dead bodies yet okay so that's a good point he so he created this hotel and people called it the castle because it was so massive um they called it the world's fair hotel because the world's fair was coming to chicago that year and so he was gonna uh rent the rooms out to people visiting for the fair um and they would stay there during that time and i actually funny enough a couple weeks ago hillbilly horror stories did this same episode on hh homes and they uh i learned from them that this was the world's fair where they actually introduced electricity oh and to the fair so
Starting point is 00:44:39 they murderers and serial killers yeah so they lit up the the fair and many people died okay at different times yes not at the same this is not the same historical event not electrocuted okay uh so the ground floor of the castle had uh home's own drug store he moved his drug store into the castle uh a jeweler's office, the upstairs contained his own personal office and a labyrinth of rooms. It had doorways that led to, like, frick walls, had weirdly angled hallways, stairs leading to nowhere,
Starting point is 00:45:13 doors that could only be opened from the outside, and other strange constructions. And it reminds me of the, um, whatchamacallit? Oh, Winchester House. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Episode one. Episode one. God.
Starting point is 00:45:27 So far away. Really, though. So, yeah. So, just... And the way he had people build it was that he would keep firing people while they were building it so that nobody really knew the full extent of the construction. That's smart. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:45:42 So, nobody knew... Let's say he ever got found out they wouldn't really no one really know where anything was right so he just kind of had them build like pieces and then would fire them uh so during the during the construction holmes met and became close friends with this uh criminal he was a carpenter but he was also a criminal named uh benjamin petezel how was he a criminal he was just like a petty criminal from the past and so uh holmes kind of like used him as his right hand man and petezel would like help him with all these scams and things like that but remember his name because he comes back
Starting point is 00:46:21 sorry yeah we don't have to remember it. For shizzle my petizzle. Am I right? Oh, no. What is it? It's a vignette. Oh. Technically, you're right. But you're so wrong also.
Starting point is 00:46:37 Petizzle my nizzle. Is it called petizzle? Petazzle? Oh. Petazzle like bedazzle? Oh, my God. I'm'm never gonna win this conversation all right let me know all right just keep him in mind basically hh holmes hotel became a murder and torture hotel right so what he did was he required his employees to take out life insurance policies
Starting point is 00:47:00 as part of their contract but of course he was the beneficiary so like he would pay their premiums but he was also the beneficiary if anything happened to them casual uh some of the ways that he uh killed people he had soundproof bedrooms that were fitted with gas lines so he could asphyxiate his guests whenever he wanted he had a room on the second floor called the secret hanging chamber uh he had a vault in his office it was a giant soundproof vault where he would lock people and then suffocate them to death and then he would suffocate them or he like like he would go in and suffocate them no like he didn't strangle them they would he would like lock them in this vault and they would suffocate oh that's so much worse yeah it's bad and they found like scratch marks and stuff on the
Starting point is 00:47:48 the one of the things i hate most is the idea of getting buried alive totally that's like my biggest like death fear besides the one about being in a surgery and yeah yeah um then he had a secret room that was sealed by solid brick that could only be entered by a trap door in the ceiling. And they would lock people in there. He would lock people in there for days to die of hunger and thirst just to see how long they survived. Like as an experiment? Yeah, just to like leave them in there until they died. It's so fucked up.
Starting point is 00:48:17 He even had an alarm system set. So if people left their rooms in the hotel or walked down the hallway, it would like trigger like a bell. I don't know if it's a bell or something but he would like know when people were moving around the hotel because he didn't want anyone to be like wandering through oh weird the hotel um as far as the bodies he would take their bodies and either put them down a metal chute or there was like a dumbwaiter that led to the basement in the basement he would dissect them strip them of their flesh and then uh craft them into skeletons that he would sell to like medical schools so he was like making money off these dead bodies by like selling their skeletons and remember he'd gone to med school
Starting point is 00:48:56 too so he like knew about like oh so you like he knew the anatomy and all that uh-huh and he even had a guy that would come and he'd be like, this man died in his hotel room. Like, please help me articulate the skeleton. And would like have this guy come in, like, pay him 50 bucks to blah, blah, blah. He had a mistress named Julia Smythe, who was the wife of the jeweler that worked downstairs. Oh. I know. And when her husband found out that she was having an affair with him and got pregnant, he like peaced out and left her and her daughter Pearl behind.
Starting point is 00:49:32 She decided to stay with Holmes with her daughter. When she told Holmes that she was pregnant with his child, he said he would marry her, but she would have to have an abortion. But he said he could do it for her. Oh, my word. I know. It's so fucked. So he he on christmas eve he brought her to his on christmas eve christmas eve he was like this seems like a good time
Starting point is 00:49:51 he brought her to his abortion room he had a room called the abortion well he said this is where i perform abortions so yeah basically he performed exorcisms baptisms and abortions if you want to get married i'm also ordained he overdosed her with chloroform then killed her daughter pearl like just went back and murdered her daughter oh so just like knocked her out and then murdered her killed the daughter with chloroform and then went and killed the daughter oh murdered her with chloroform overdosed her and like she was a goner yeah and then killed pearl um and then when someone in the building was like where are they he said they went to iowa for a family wedding like that's not even well no one's ever gonna look in iowa i'll tell you they're gonna come back if they're like leave for a wedding i
Starting point is 00:50:39 don't know what's true so uh so after that he met this railroad heiress so how wait how many people has he been married to or dated at this point so at this point he's on his third wife this is his uh second mistress second mistress good but like who knows you know who else was in there and there's more like i'm there's one more here god soon after he met a railroad heiress named minnie williams in boston he decided to call himself henry gordon and they started dating God. Soon after, he met a railroad heiress named Minnie Williams. Hmm. In Boston. He decided to call himself Henry Gordon, and they started dating. He even sent love letters to her because they lived long distance for a while, but she moved to Chicago in 1893, and he offered her a job at the hotel as his personal stenographer.
Starting point is 00:51:19 Hmm. Everyone needs a stenographer. Yeah, I need one of those. We need one for the podcast. That'd be great. What's a stenographer. Yeah. I need one of those. We need one for the podcast. That'd be great. What's a stenographer? They write things down. Oh.
Starting point is 00:51:30 Yeah, we do need one of those. Wow. What did you think it was? I wasn't sure. Oh. I wasn't sure. I really don't know. It's like a court stenographer.
Starting point is 00:51:40 Like, they write everything down that everyone's saying. Oh. We don't need anyone to write our conversations down, though's saying oh we don't need anyone to write our conversations down though no we don't need a paper trail nobody nobody needs that nobody needs proof of the shit we say it's not like we record it on a weekly basis um he also convinced her to transfer the d uh the d Transfer the D. Woo! Give me that D. Okay. Oh my god. Oh, help me. It's late. Okay.
Starting point is 00:52:10 He also convinced her to transfer the D to a property she had in Texas to a man named Alexander Bond who was his alias. God. So he just transferred the D's over to himself. But he's like, oh, it's this guy named Alexander Bond. And then he served as the notary and got her to sign it over to alexander braun who's also him and then he proposed to her and
Starting point is 00:52:31 said why don't you invite your sister annie to chicago to meet me and see the hotel so she invited her sister annie to chicago and he even gave her a personal tour of the hotel and while he was in in his office he asked her to get a file out from his safe. And he locked her in the safe and turned the gas valve on and killed her. Oh, no. And then soon after, Minnie vanished, the sister that he was proposed to. Disappeared. They both just vanished.
Starting point is 00:53:02 And then he moved to Texas to their property that he had just gotten the rights to because they they both just vanished and then he moved to uh texas to to their property where that he had just gotten the rights to because they were both dead um then he decided to like just roam around the u.s and canada um i mean why not i know after i do my killing i need to just take a walk just like road trip around. Yeah. Just some self-discovery. Yeah. Like see some, you know, nature. So he actually got caught in St. Louis for selling mortgage goods. He was in jail for a brief time. But while he was there, he started a conversation with a train robber named Marion Hedgepeth. Um, he told this train robber guy that he was planning on swindling an insurance company out of $10,000 by taking out a policy on himself and faking his own death.
Starting point is 00:54:02 And he told this guy, the train robber guy, if you can find me a lawyer who will like help me pull this off, like a, like a sketchy lawyer who is willing to be in on this plan, I'll give you $500. Oh, okay. So the train guy was like sure uh here i know this guy who'll help you and he has a law degree um instead of faking his own death uh holmes decided to have someone else fake their death instead enter for shizzle my puzzle what was his oh put puzzle for shizzle my nizzle put sizzle yeah that one that one. That's the one. Glad to be of service for you. Thank you for that. His partner in crime, Patizzle,
Starting point is 00:54:33 agreed to fake his own death so that his wife could collect the $10,000 life insurance policy and then split it with Holmes and this sketchy attorney they had. Okay, cool. The plan was that Patizzle would set himself up as an inventor named bf perry then be killed and disfigured in a lab explosion and holmes would find a like lookalike cadaver to be like oh look he's dead you know what i mean yeah i get it but no i don't want that no um so instead holmes decided to chloroform petezel and set him on fire oh casual that's how
Starting point is 00:55:09 i handle things too so he collected the insurance money it killed his like only friend yeah his only friend and told his wife told petezel's wife that he was actually in London. Like, he didn't tell her that he died. He's like, oh, he's in London. Like, just. You'll catch him. Laying low for a few months while we, like, pull off the scheme. And he somehow convinced her to give up her three children.
Starting point is 00:55:36 What? Three of her five children to his custody while they waited. You know, he really knows how to make a sales pitch. I'll say that. If he's able to do it i'm almost impressed it's that sociopath thing where he can just like convince people charming and charismatic and so the wife had no idea what he was going what was going on um he basically traveled through the u.s and and Canada with these three children. The entire time convincing this woman that her husband was, you know, in London and that everything was fine. Uh-huh. Meanwhile, he forced the two girls, Alice and Nellie, into a large...
Starting point is 00:56:15 Oh. I wrote drunk. I meant trunk. I think you were drunk when you wrote it. I meant trunk. He forced them. And then he what? Passed out in your bed after we have a podcast episode?
Starting point is 00:56:30 Help me. He forced them. This is so sad. He forced them into a large trunk, locked them inside, drilled a hole in the lid, put a hose through it, fed gas into the trunk and fed gas into it. Then buried their naked bodies in the basement of the rental house they were staying at in toronto them ice cream why couldn't he just why couldn't he just feed them a drunk trunk give them a truck he made them drunk probably i think christine's dream is a drunk trunk yeah what is that i want i guess you just bathe in cabernet sauvignon i don't know oh my oh my do you think if you sit in wine it turns your whole body turns purple like how your mouth I guess you just bathe in Cabernet Sauvignon. I don't know. Oh, my. Oh, my.
Starting point is 00:57:10 Do you think if you sit in wine, your whole body turns purple like how your mouth turns purple when you drink it? Yeah, because when they do those grape stomping, their legs turn purple. Oh, really? Yeah. That's kind of like how in Wizard of Oz when they would dye the horses in Jell-O. Oh, really? That's why if you watch Wizard ofz uh some of the horses like they're licking themselves and oh how weird because they didn't have another like animal approved way to right dye them they had to be like brightly colored so like i think i think it was like a purple horse
Starting point is 00:57:37 when she finally meets the wizard of oz and like their horses outside of the oz castle or something the horses like can't stop licking itself for the whole scene it's because they covered him And like there are horses outside of the Oz castle or something. The horses like can't stop licking itself for the whole scene. It's because they covered him in purple jello, which is adorable, but also really fucked up when you remember that jello is made of horse feet. Oh, it's made of gelatin. Yeah. So it's like he's licking him like his parents or something. His parents.
Starting point is 00:58:03 I'm sure it was. But imagine like you're just like eating something'm sure it was. But imagine, like, you're just, like, eating something off your body and you're like, oh, this is made of human. Ugh. You know? But it makes me look pretty.
Starting point is 00:58:13 I don't know. The world's a dark place. Thank you, Em. As is my mind. That's why we drink. Anyway. Okay. So, he buried their bodies
Starting point is 00:58:22 under the rental house. Mm-hmm. At this point, there was a detective who was already coming after him, and he tracked him to Toronto and found the decomposed bodies of these two girls. And he noticed that Nellie's feet had been cut off. Oh, cool. And he remembered that she had had a club foot, this detective. So he was like, oh, probably the reason he did that was so that they wouldn't identify her body and like no you know it would take them longer to figure out what it was
Starting point is 00:58:52 so they put the police and tracked him to indianapolis um where he had bought drugs at a local pharmacy to kill the boy so he had killed killed the two girls, and then he went to Indianapolis from Toronto to kill the boy and bought drugs at a local pharmacy to do it. And he had gone to a repair shop to sharpen the knives he used to cut up the little boy's body before burning it. They discovered the little boy Howard's bones and teeth
Starting point is 00:59:21 in the fireplace of the house that Holmes was renting. So at this point, the train robber, Marion Hedgepeth, was pissed because he was never paid. And what's-his-name was like, Holmes was not following through on his word. Right. Why would he? He had a lot to do. He was really busy cutting feet off little children a lot of his mind um so in retaliation he went to the police um with the information he had
Starting point is 00:59:53 like that he had learned about him in jail uh so the police kind of used that to arrest him in boston in 1894 and the only way they were able to hold him after arresting him was because there was an outstanding warrant for horse theft that he had in Texas. It wasn't like, oh, you've murdered hundreds of people. But it was, you stole a horse one time. So the police decided to go to Chicago to his castle and check it out. And we're just beyond horrified. What'd they find?
Starting point is 01:00:24 So the caretaker who worked there told the police he was never allowed to clean the second floor. They spent an entire month going through the hotel trying to uncover every torture chamber, every secret passageway. They found women's hair, a woman's shoe, a piece of gold chain, which they determined to be Minnie Williams, one of the sisters that he had killed. They found a pile of human bones mixed with animal bones, a dissection table covered with blood, and a pile of bloody women's clothes in the basement. There was an entire, like, lime pit where he would just throw bodies, and they would all decompose.
Starting point is 01:01:00 So, like, they didn't even know how many bodies were in there because they would completely decompose in the Lyme. They could only confirm nine murders. Just nine. Right. Only nine. Right. They only found enough bodies to actually confirm nine bodies.
Starting point is 01:01:18 He confessed to 29 murders, but most people estimate that the number was uh as high as 200 people that he so just nine needles in a needle stack you know like they're all dead bodies needle i'm trying to like i don't know it's so late let's just i'm just slap happy yes i'm not yes that is what it is just smile and nod just Yep. Yep. Let's go with it. I'm not wrong if you're thinking the way I am. Oh! Said Trump.
Starting point is 01:01:55 Good one. Thanks. Real talk. I know. And that's why we drink. And that's why we drink! Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 01:02:02 Then Hearst newspapers were like, we'll pay you pay you 7500 for your story which today is 216 000 oh i would i would tell them whatever they wanted to know yeah so basically he was like sure i'll tell you my entire story but the problem was that he kept telling different versions of it and would like make different numbers of who he killed like first he said he killed a certain number of people then he said 29 then he before right before he died he said two like he just kept changing it then he changed like his childhood and and then he even claimed that he murdered some people who were still alive he made like hundreds of thousands of dollars just telling the newspaper who he murdered which is just so fucked um first he's claimed he was innocent then later he claimed
Starting point is 01:02:45 he was possessed by satan so whatever great um for fun i looked up his final meal i love it i know i i just needed to know it's so boring boiled eggs dry toast and coffee ew which is like what i eat every morning for breakfast yeah but like that's literally the thing that's gonna make you the happiest that says a lot about you like give me some if i'm dying give me some chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast at least at least i mean i feel like that says a lot about him when that was the most like in like greatest thing in his life and his real non-murdering life. And I get that it was like the early 20th century, but also like there's like pie. You could get like a fucking pie. There's like sugar cubes that you can feed your dead horses. What?
Starting point is 01:03:36 You feed them. Didn't he have horses that died or he did something with horses? No. What the fuck? Oh, he stole a horse one time. Stolen horses, not dead horses. He could it could get sugar okay i'm so tired maybe okay all right he ate dry toast i don't know oh it wasn't even the early it was literally the 1890s okay okay so there was definitely like more than just sugar cubes he You could have gone to a candy store.
Starting point is 01:04:05 There were probably pies. I don't know why I'm hung up on that, but like, I'm sure there were pies. There were definitely horses. He could have fucking eaten a horse. I don't think they allow that. Well, I don't think they allow murder either, Christine, but. Oh, you've got me there. But that shit happened.
Starting point is 01:04:21 God, stop drinking so much. No, dude. Wait. Oh, wait. What much. Dude, wait, oh, wait. What year was it? The 1890s? 1896. Okay, so he still had like 30 years before the milkshake, so it's not his time. Oh, shit, yeah. But they definitely had wine.
Starting point is 01:04:34 They had wine. He could have had fucking wine. They had booze. What a dummy. Okay. On May 7th, 1896, Holmes was hanged at Moyamensing Prison for the murder of Benjamin Patezel, his good friend. Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on how you look at it, Holmes' neck did not snap. He instead was strangled to death slowly, twitching for over 15 minutes.
Starting point is 01:05:00 That's like Yankee Jim from the Whaley House. Yes, it reminded me of that, too. This whole thing is reminding me of the first two episodes oh happy 10th oh how sweet oh it's like a throwback oh we forgot to celebrate that it's our 10th episode no we didn't we definitely talked about this all right it's been so long since the beginning of this episode it's almost been an hour it feels like a really long time okay uh so he was murdered and then oh he was hanged and then it took him 15 minutes of twitching uh and he was pronounced dead 20 minutes after he had been dropped
Starting point is 01:05:30 um the quote that is often associated with him that he said in prison that just is twisted and kind of goes to like his whole mental tendencies is quote i was born with the devil in me i could not help the fact that i was a murderer no more than the poet can help the inspiration to sing i was born with the evil one standing as my sponsor beside the bed where i was ushered into the world and he has been with me since poets don't sing all right m i'm just saying he wasn't even right i kind of get what he was saying though what you do do you do the evil one ushering you into the world no but i mean like i get the like he probably i i imagine he was
Starting point is 01:06:11 born with that i don't think with the tendencies yeah i don't think he chose that life if he had any moral bone in his body yeah well you like he was a sociopath or something i don't know i think he i think he probably did not choose that life i think it chose him all right well he also murdered a bunch of like an og he was the original serial killer serial killer but he killed a bunch of children like i can't like feel sorry for him oh i don't feel sorry i'm just saying i he may not be wrong he may i mean no i like he's wrong for killing i'm saying he may not be wrong in that he like he couldn't control himself oh yeah maybe he also lied a lot though so like at one point he was like
Starting point is 01:06:50 oh i didn't do anything right then he was like no it's the devil and then he was like oh no i only killed two people okay so maybe there was like some mental issues it's just like who knows what the fuck i think he just was like saving his ass whenever he could yeah i think he was just a liar and then he's like look at this dramatic quote i can i don't know he also wore a bowler hat which i thought was he did hella dumb he did he looked like a fucking idiot and he had that mustache he looked like a creeper and a half yeah i don't trust anyone that wears a bowler hat no you shouldn't or a fedora no no no it's not okay and that's like that's a good message to take away from this. There's actually, like, when he was buried, this is just... Tell me.
Starting point is 01:07:28 Such a fun cap to the story. He asked for his coffin to be contained in cement and buried 10 feet deep because he was worried that grave diggers or grave robbers would dig up his body and dissect it. Oh, like, you know, I know what I did to everyone else, so God forbid karma come and kick my ass. He's like, I did this to 200 people and children and dissected their bodies and sold their cell phones.
Starting point is 01:07:50 I like how he's willing to write ahead of time that he wants to be buried in cement because he's afraid of that happening to him when he was lit. It's like,
Starting point is 01:07:58 oh, you don't like that happening to your body? Interesting. Yeah. Fucking interesting. He spent his entire life doing that to children, men, women, and children. He's like, oh, no, but entire life doing that to children men women
Starting point is 01:08:05 and children he's like oh no but don't do that to me but i'm worried that someone's gonna touch my skeleton it's like i bet all those people were also worried about that and you fucking did it they did that for him and it's like he was on death row and you were like we'll pay all this money to like bury his body in a cement cube yeah like i would have dissected that body i would have intentionally skinned it just for fucking fun i would have dissected that body i would have intentionally skinned it just for fucking fun i would have sold that skeleton to someone good for you good for you don't know who but i would have sold it i would have done something real bad yeah i would have put it on someone's face i would have gotten a little kid and started it all over again yeah and started
Starting point is 01:08:40 the cycle so that's fun um and then actually they went back uh the caretaker of the hotel actually committed suicide soon afterward they found his body in his bedroom at the hotel with a note that said i couldn't sleep oh that's so sad it's just so dark and awful and his family said he had been just like miserable like he had spent months just like with hallucinations and like trauma and then he killed himself that's so fucked up um and there's a book on this called the devil in the white city by eric larson i haven't read it it's really famous it's supposedly really really good um and then currently where this hotel used to stand is currently a post office the englewood branch of the chicago united states postal service so that's fun well that's a that's a nice way to
Starting point is 01:09:33 end this let it it's now a post office that you can go to probably be just as miserable there as you would be if you were at the original hotel i wonder if there's any ghosts haunting his old castle the post office the post office probably yeah there's bound to be something i don't know i'll i'll let you i'll let you know next time the next time you go to the anglewood branch of the post office well i mean next time i'm on google and i research it oh or next time i'm just globe trotting and that's why i'm myself on a post office stamps.'s why you should use Oh. Are not sponsored. What the hell is that?
Starting point is 01:10:07 You know that they're a sponsor on podcasts all the time. Oh, really? We'll have to contact them. So that's a legitimate sponsor. That would have been a great segue. They missed out. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:17 They missed out. We could have been like, you don't want to go to the post office? Use We'll send them this episode. Yeah. We'll let them know. Definitely. They would love this episode. Good story.
Starting point is 01:10:28 Yeah, so that's fun. Yeah. Anything, you're good? I'm good, dude. Look at G. I'm just as tired as he is, man. He's literally twitching in his sleep right now. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:38 Aw. This has been a struggle. I don't know what, we just. Something in the water. I'm tired. I'm sorry. I don't know. I just got in the water I'm tired I'm sorry I'm I don't know I just got slap happy for about a minute there I felt really stupid I was like oh no I'm gonna ruin this
Starting point is 01:10:51 episode that does not ruin let's be real I mean we've we've found many other ways to ruin the episodes the impotence of our episodes well good thanks. That was a good tenth. Thanks for... If you're still here, thank you. One day we'll have a 100th episode. Oh, shit, dude. That'll be crazy. It'll be crazy. Yeah, I just said that.
Starting point is 01:11:13 I'm just trying to... Okay, well, thank you guys for listening in. Please support us however you can. If that means by doing Patreon, that would be awesome. Or you can write in your stories and help us out with the next listeners episode, which comes out May 1st. We have a contact form on our website now, and that's So you can go and submit your story there, and it'll go straight to our email. Or you can just become friends with us on twitter go to atwwd podcast facebook twitter instagram um and check out our website and our patreon and
Starting point is 01:11:51 i just said all of this i'm just summing it up send us some love okay this is why christine does it at the end because apparently i've not let up the last word you are okay i'm just summing everything up into a one sentence all right well i hope you guys have a good week until the next time you get to hear us tell you an amazing story. I'm trying to let you have the last word. No, I don't want it anymore. And that's why we drink. This is literally why we drink. Hopefully you drink too so we're not alone.
Starting point is 01:12:23 See you on episode 11. Bye! Bye!

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