And That's Why We Drink - E100 Cryptids for 400 and a Best-Friend-Elope

Episode Date: December 30, 2018

Something is very wonky in the state of Brussels, but don't worry because THIS IS OUR 100TH EPISODE!! Hold on to your buckets because we've got presents, surprises, new stories and a BIG announcement celebrate 100 episodes and over 200 stories told! This week Em and Christine swap story ideas which brings us the mysterious tale of the abandoned merchant ship, the Mary Celeste, that was found abandoned and adrift in the Atlantic Ocean with no explanation. On the true crime side, Christine tells the wild tale of Belgium-Hungarian serial killer András Pándy, which, involves the hiring of actors, you'll never guess for what! And Christine humanely saves a piece of confetti from downing in her wine... and that's why we drink, from 10/30/16 to forever! Please consider supporting the companies that support us! Try a new pair of Felix Gray glasses today when you go to Start Ritual vitamin subscription service today when you go to  For a total of $60 off, that's $20 off your first 3 Hello Fresh boxes, go to Get Canvas People's popular 11x14 photo canvas for free, that's a $69.99 value, just cover shipping and handling, when you text WWD to 484848

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right, take it away, Christine. Hi, Mom. I don't remember what we said. This is called, and that's why I drink. That's why we drink. That's why we drink. Shit! So you guys like our attempt, our acting? I don't hear myself.
Starting point is 00:00:17 I don't hear myself either. This actually does sound like our first episode. I don't hear anything! It's been a hundred episodes. We still don't know what we're doing. Is that better? Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:00:37 Happy 100. We did it, baby. You still have something on your nose. Shit. From episode one all the way till now. That's just my nose, Em. Oh, right, right, right. Sorry. Happy 100. Holy crap-a-roonie. We did it. Also happy, if I'm getting this right, happy 36 to Eva. Happy 36. I think, I think that's correct. The golden anniversary, you know. Oh yeah yeah, 36th, that's the one.
Starting point is 00:01:06 Wow, we did it, huh? Yeah. Who would have thought? We have some confetti wine bottles. Em walks in with fucking like 11 bags and confetti wine, champagne poppers, and Eva showed up with fun confetti poppers. Yeah, it was like the confettietti cannon and this is the confetti bottles oh my god so you've got options oh i'm so excited um do you want presents oh now hell yeah always
Starting point is 00:01:31 okay should i pop this how do we do this yeah oh and we should either boomerang it or yeah here you do one and i'll do one okay but how do we do it because you turn it see you have the arrows uh-huh i think you turn it like this oh shit like away from each other okay okay where's the okay go okay wait okay ready go how does it it's not working oh no sorry eva maybe we have to unwrap it like a like a bottle of wine no wait here remove the outside plastic cover firmly hold party popper upright upright Rotate in an arrow direction. Do not point at people or animals. Okay. Please clean up after you. Fuck you. I'm not gonna do shit. So take, no, no, no, no, wrong direction, dude. What? Up? The plastic off and then hold the bottle upright.
Starting point is 00:02:16 Oh, I thought it went up from the bottom. No, no, you're gonna shoot it into my. Into my crotch. Eyeball. Into your crotch. Okay, good to know, good to know good to know oh oh i see okay one two three oh that was fun oh i kind of missed it that's okay that's why you got the cannon just kidding look at your hands though covered in glitter oh my god glitter everywhere this is the best thing that's ever happened to me i And also it rains so delicately. It didn't just come down. I got a second to really enjoy it. Oh my god, here come the dogs.
Starting point is 00:02:52 They didn't like that. Wow. Look, look, and you get aftermath if you sprinkle your hands on the table. No wonder they told me to clean it up afterward. Alright, take two. Alright, so what do we do with this? This is gonna be the messiest fucking room. I need Handy to come clean this for me. Here we go. right, so what do we do with this? This is going to be the messiest fucking room. I need Handy to come clean this for me. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:03:07 Wait, so what do we do now? Don't point at people. Which way do we not? To use, just rotate the bottom following the direction. Okay, this is the bottom. Okay. Okay. Happy New Year.
Starting point is 00:03:18 Okay, ready, Eva? One, two, three. Oh, my God. That one sounded for sure like like a bomb did it work yay we don't know we don't care don't worry about it that's holy my face looks like I'm confused. I think we both look very alarmed. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:03:48 Wow, now we're literally, you guys. We're covered in confetti. We're fucking surrounded by confetti and it's in my wine. Aww. Yeah, we didn't think this through. Oh, but look, some of mine fell into your glass. Your champagne fluked. Fantastic.
Starting point is 00:04:00 Okay, who would like some presents? Because this is the 100th that I'm extra shit. Me, me, me. Let me open the wine. Okay, who would like some presents? Because this is the 100th and I'm extra as shit. Me, me, me. Let me open the wine. Okay. Oh, bing! That was precious compared to the boom we just did. Drop the cork everywhere. So, I have
Starting point is 00:04:16 hang on. Oh, also because... Eva, would you like some wine? Jesus, this place is a wreck. You will? Yes, thank God. Eva just finished Whole30. She hasn't been able to have wine for wine today. Woo! It's a big day for everyone! Okay, so... Very exciting. You're also not going to hear about it on the show
Starting point is 00:04:31 because it already happened in real time, but I also made Christine a cake in the shape of a 100. A funfetti. Funfetti with blue frosting and then confetti sprinkles. Oh my God, it was beautiful. And it looked like a 100. And literally made it. Yep.
Starting point is 00:04:46 That was incredible. It was a good time. Yeah, we all got to share that. That was delicious, too. It was. And it was small. We all got to have a little... It was an hors d'oeuvre, if you will.
Starting point is 00:04:54 It was a little crudité. Ooh, I like it. One, two, three, four. So there's four-ish presents. Because some are yours and some are eva's oh my god so obviously it was involved obviously so there's um let me think there's three things that you get there's two things that you and eva get okay i just burped excuse me fantastic nothing has changed we can't get this shit together.
Starting point is 00:05:25 Not much has changed. Okay, let me think what order I want to do this in. Okay. Okay. I've already figured it out. Oh, that was a long thought process. Oh, Gio's excited too. Close the door on him.
Starting point is 00:05:40 Okay, so this is the beginning. Holy crap, this room is a fucking mess. I don't even want to look over the table. No, it's bad, you guys. I just looked. Guess who cleans up? Me! Oh, hell no. This is gonna be a nightmare. Okay. All right, this is your first gift. This is, I call this humble beginnings. Oh my god, what is it? I'm already so excited. it i'm already so excited oh my god christine s yeah back when you were christine s in my phone and not geo's representative what would you think about doing a podcast together and then it doesn't show but there were seven hours where i didn't fucking respond that's why that's why i did that's why i cropped
Starting point is 00:06:28 it love it love it but yeah so i it's a framed picture there's three of them amazing the middle one is our original the og logo that m made on their computer on microsoft word yeah that's the you've seen it right that's the og logo and then um oh my god then our first venmo the venmo request to buy the audio equipment pray that this is money well spent or else i'm breaking the audio equipment hashtag eerie in theory that was our og name also hashtag podcast dreams hashtag thanks jim we were listening to a lot of uh jim harold's campfire at the time um oh my god this is amazing wait i want to hang that right next to the bulletin board so every time we play buckets we can aim at our old logo we can aim at the text
Starting point is 00:07:11 of the beginning of this we spent a lot of money on this freaking audio equipment we did like every dollar we had left truly when i i tell christine this often um i don't know why but i bring it up a lot but when we bought the audio equipment i was in a very broke stage of my life same and we're not gonna judge me for it um but when i paid her my half of the audio equipment i then had 18 to my name for the next week and a half so and we made it work is what happened 40 see we were humble beginnings real real humble beginnings interesting and i was like oh i have plenty of money in my account for this week and then we were like let's spend five hundred dollars on audio equipment right and then i promptly did that was a number that i had never spent any money
Starting point is 00:07:53 it was a lot of money i remember making you venmo me like in the room because i was like i don't have this much yeah you better venmo me the other half i don't trust that you're gonna get this back to me if i let you leave and then we didn't order food because we didn't have the money for it. That's so sad. Okay. As we're surrounded by confetti. I know. And wine.
Starting point is 00:08:13 Just several bottles of wine on this table. I mean, that's not new. The third one? Oh my god, I'm so fired up right now. The second one, excuse me. Look at that bow. Listen. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.
Starting point is 00:08:23 I like to think of myself as quite the design connoisseur when it comes to wrapping a present because it looks kind of like a snowflake on snowflake wrapping okay dad it's like a three-dimensional snowflake if you were yeah bursting through the seams otherwise known as a bow no but it actually does it's very cute looks like little icicles yes this is mine this mine. I opened it. This is yours. It's for the studio. I love the Hanukkah wrapping. Thank you. Super cute.
Starting point is 00:08:57 So this is from the help of all of our listeners. What is this? That is over 500 tweets from people wishing you a happy 100th. Get out of town. What? How did this happen? I blocked you again 100th. Get out of town. What? How did this happen? I blocked you again on Twitter. How do I not notice this? And then I asked people to DM me a happy 100th note.
Starting point is 00:09:14 M, are you kidding? And I did not expect that many, but I spent like three hours screenshotting every single one. So that is 567 tweets. All for you. Christy says, wish I could buy you all the boxed wine today. And if you can't read all of them, I also just sent you an iCloud link to all of them. Oh, for God's sake.
Starting point is 00:09:36 So if you ever need to pick me up, you have 567 tweets to read. This is the most precious thing. This is like the time I blocked you on Facebook for like two or three weeks and you didn't notice either. Yep. precious thing this is like the time i blocked you on facebook for like two or three weeks and you didn't notice either yep we just like use this social media that the other person uses less and then right right nobody finds out oh my god this is so sweet i discover you guys when i move to cali oh you both make me laugh this is the sweetest thing i've ever fucking seen. And it gets better. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:10:07 Okay. Okay. Okay. I'm ready. Sorry. I'm so caught up in this. This is the most unbelievable thing. I also want you to like, I just want you to remember that I had to collage all of those. No, believe me.
Starting point is 00:10:18 I'm looking at some of them that are like rotated a little bit so they can fit. And I'm like, you must have truly individually it took a while holy crap all for you baby cakes all for you beautiful thing oh my god we have to think about where to hang all these oh my god this is beautiful and that is so sweet you're welcome so thoughtful so the next one is for you and eva fantastic there's one, so I need you both to put your hand in the bag and then just grab the same item at the same time. I feel like this doesn't end well no matter what happens. It does.
Starting point is 00:10:51 Don't worry. But there's only one you have to share. No. All right. We both put our hand in it? Just grab it. One, two, three. What is it?
Starting point is 00:11:03 Oh. Our adventure book. Yeah. It looks like the adventure book from Up. And it's from the very beginning. First picture of us ever. Oh, it's a scrapbook. It is.
Starting point is 00:11:19 I cannot. This is why. Oh, that was Blaze called it the wrong name and wrote us a nice sign. And we were like, thank you, honey. But that's not what it's called. Eventually, so I tried to do it in chronological order, but then I forgot all the pictures for CrimeCon, so those come at the end. Oh, first guest appearance. Aw, what's you?
Starting point is 00:11:35 Plunger Fort. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Our B-Days, 2017 and 2018. This is the most, first, first fan tat. That's hilarious. First mention in New York Times. I like how it's the first first fan tat that's hilarious first mention in new york times i think that's the first mention we've had two we have one million dollars downloads oh like when did we get that holy shit did i forget i forgot to put that one in the scrapbook i forget the one million dollar mark oh my god with the ice cream cake oh my god april fool's vision boarding that was before
Starting point is 00:12:08 we'd ever been on a stage and we pretended like oh one day we'll be on a stage we really didn't think that was gonna happen welcome eva and then eva shows up oh my god first guest spot on tv happy half hour welcome eva hashtag geo triohtag GeoTrio. Precious. Hollywood Improv. This is our first show ever. Yeah, this is our first show ever. Our first show that wasn't CrimeCon, yeah. Oh, yeah, true.
Starting point is 00:12:33 Irvine. Oh, that was the first one Eva came to, because I made Eva go get you that cake. Oh, my God. Oh, my God, National. Oh, my God, that creepy Uber where they, like... I know. ...made us pick out of a... That was so weird. Moonshine, First Flight Together.
Starting point is 00:12:50 Oh my god. Zadies. This is so precious. New York, Punchline Philly. Oh my god, it's our creepy baby! Kremit! Kremit made an appearance in the scrapbook. Y'all, it's on your Instagram, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:13:05 It's on my Instagram. Oh, my fucking god. Oh, me and Lisa! Aww. New York Comedy Fest. Last show of East Coast. Oh, this is so gorgeous! Oh, Funbox! Oh, yeah. There's a lot of those. Second friendiversary! Aww!
Starting point is 00:13:23 Oh, my god. I loved it. The Simpsons picture. Crime con! Oh my god, Renata. This is why I asked for tape downstairs, because I found them at the bottom of the bag and I was like, oh shit, I forgot to put them in. When Renata and Linda met! Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:13:39 This photo, I remember being highly... I don't remember. Let's just put it that way. I believe it. Oh my god, this is the most precious thing. Oh, my God. There's pages we can add to. And this is the sweetest thing that I've ever seen. Okay, so that's three.
Starting point is 00:13:53 Oh, for God's sake. This is why I lose at our friendship. Listen. This is why I lose. You give me a holiday, I'm going to fucking take care of it. Don't worry. We give you a lot of fucking holidays. All right, so the next one, each of you get one.
Starting point is 00:14:04 Okay. Do you know which is which? which oh i see an e on that one so yeah you have to open them at the same time put your hand in at the same time okay oh sorry okay okay tell me one okay and i also have one and allison blaze and alexander all get one just so you know there's only six in the world go ahead oh my god oh my god and that's why we drink 100 episode t-shirt holy shit it's our tour it's our actual tour instead of our fake one oh my god and because it's me they glow in the dark is that why i was like the fonts the color's a little interesting yep they're fucking glow-in-the-dark tour shirts yes with an actual tour instead of the stay thirsty tour that says we're from like new guinea or something yeah
Starting point is 00:14:55 there was somebody literally was like oh my god did you really tour oh my god you did you did a show in jones yeah i was like uh not quite oh my god 100 episodes holy crap m awesome thank you yeah these are amazing they have been sitting in my apartment for three months you knew what you were doing i've been wearing it around the house and there have been a few times where i almost ran over here to record an episode can you imagine if you just showed up and i was like gotta take my shirt off can you imagine if i opened the door i was like what the fuck did you just make yourself a weird t-shirt yeah and uh you would have had to play that off i would have had to be like oh yeah i just got really excited i just like made myself a t-shirt and you don't even have alcohol to blame you just have right
Starting point is 00:15:35 to own it right oh my god this is overwhelming i need to call my mom later i have a lot to report okay so the last one there's more there's one last there's always more i should have known better so um and this is where eva's gonna put in a clip that she already emailed me to confirm that it exists but hang in there what okay so uh there's a clip from a while ago that i don't think we ever actually addressed. Was it me misgendering you? No. Because that exists too.
Starting point is 00:16:09 Um, there's a, a clip that we never, I don't think we aired. I think it got cut out where we were talking about how we found out that in Las Vegas, there is a wedding ceremony for best friends. Oh my God. Yes. So there is a, we did cut that out. Yeah. Best friend commitment ceremony in friends. Oh my god, yes. So there is a... Oh, we did cut that out, yeah. A best friend commitment ceremony in Vegas.
Starting point is 00:16:29 Oh my fucking god. Christine, let's get married and have a Halloween wedding. Can we actually... Can we do like a separate parallel thing where we just do that? Because I feel like... I bet there's got to be like a best friend commitment ceremony. Eva, write that down. I mean, like, I would... I mean, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:16:46 Like, I would commit to you. I would commit to you. Oh, yeah. I'm so on board. Which is like, says a lot because there's really nobody else I think I would commit to. I mean, to be fair, we already started a business together. So we're kind of legally committed. We might as well just make it official.
Starting point is 00:16:59 Let's make it a legal best friend commitment ceremony. We might as well make it socially official. Eva, is there a social best friend commitment ceremony? The first two things that came up are there was a buzzfeed article and then the next thing down is a vegas weddings like best friend commitment ceremony so these things are real hold on christine july 27th oh my god oh my god do you want to get committed to me oh fuck yeah i'll totally commit to you oh my god alice and blazer literally texting each other like what is happening it's like how come my ears are tingling and why do i hate it oh my god let's do it right now no but let's also not tell them let's just do it and like a literally like a vegas wedding let's just not
Starting point is 00:17:31 tell anyone oh fantastic let's elope yeah but let's best friend elope oh my god best friend elope it sounds like a creature out of a dr seuss story best friend elope yeah no i'm with you let's do it no but then yeah oh my god wait hold on okay the ceremony in vegas what is it wait this is our next birthday done we're going to vegas and getting fucking oh my god we have a year to plan it we have a year to plan and we cannot tell anyone because they'll ruin it oh my god okay okay what are we gonna do oh my god best friend commitment ceremony at las vegas weddings jesus christ what you get is the indoor gazebo Jesus Christ religious for sure
Starting point is 00:18:14 Irish Catholic oh my god M M keepsake which they do not specify oh no personalized keepsake commitment certificate oh my god m professional photo session six ceremony photos m on a cd personal done we'll put it on the company card for sure for sure jesus christ that is so exciting christine like i actually really want to get committed to you i'm not even remotely being sarcastic no i'm not either okay good i'm so excited oh good i'm glad we have a whole year to plan this oh my god i can't wait wait can you plan my bachelor party and i'll plan your okay when the clock strikes midnight between june 3rd and june 4th we'll do it like in the span of like it'll start at 11.59 and end at 12.01.
Starting point is 00:19:07 Yeah, yeah. We got to do it. Yeah, we'll be the last wedding and the first wedding of... Oh my God. I can't breathe. Okay, let's do it. But also we can't tell anyone except Eva. Oh shit. Okay, yeah. Delete this Eva. Sorry. Eva's just the best.
Starting point is 00:19:24 Wait, this is the music. They said we can choose what we're getting where we're getting committed to this loud noise this exact sound of us committing our excitement oh my and we didn't tell anyone we just put it on patreon just didn't it's like welcome to our commitment ceremony and there's like an irish Catholic priest being like, I don't feel comfortable at all with this. But also like Gio's absolutely are efficient. Look at this goober. Gio, will you marry me and Christine? Happy size.
Starting point is 00:19:56 He literally just choked on his own spit. He's like, you guys are already committed. Get over it. Giovanni. I love you. So maybe next year for our friendiversary, if you're willing, Christine, will you marry me? Ah!
Starting point is 00:20:14 Ah! You gotta say yes or no okay holy fucking crap it is a tractor like i didn't want to i didn't want to step on blaze's toes and get you a ring so i got you a bracelet and then i hot glued a tractor to it. You stepped all over Blaze's toes and I love it. Because we met on it. We became friends on Farmer Bob's tractor. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:20:53 The box says 10-30-16 to forever. Plus, also glows in the dark. Oh, for God's sake. Oh my God. There's a photo on it. This is the most precious thing besides my real proposal there it is i promise there it is wink wink oh my god oh my god i forgot i completely forgot about that so are you gonna hug me of course i'm gonna hug you you just proposed to
Starting point is 00:21:18 me is that what i'm supposed to do yay oh with my beautiful wedding bracelet engagement bracelet but yeah also I don't know what your size is so I just I don't either I just bent into a wrist shape there you go are you filming? I filmed the first part of me shrieking bloody murder
Starting point is 00:21:39 fantastic oh my god this is so overwhelming holy shit alright so happy 100 Oh my god, this is so overwhelming. Holy shit. Alright, so happy 100. Oh my god. The end. That's it. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:21:52 Are you okay? Yeah, but I don't know how we're going to even do anything now. I mean, we could tell a story if you want to tell a ghost story. Okay, I do have one thing for you. Oh, okay. It's kind of communal. It's to your right. What the fuck is that massive ass box you have to remove the blanket
Starting point is 00:22:06 it's literally a box the size of the couch open it it's just because i thought okay hold on let me explain real quick i thought at 100 episodes it's about time we kind of upgrade the studio a little bit for our needs to meet is it a fucking printer christine no it's not because i know you bitch and moan about how we need a new printer can you imagine if i was like look i bought a printer and i expensed here i proposed to I propose to you. Give me a printer. Okay, I'm going to go check. Okay. You got to open it, too, once you take that off.
Starting point is 00:22:31 Shut the fuck up. You got to open it. And then you got to look. Wait, open the top. Open the top. Open the top? Yeah. No way!
Starting point is 00:22:45 Oh, my god! It's about time. It's a mini refrigerator full of lacroix. Yep. And in the freezer there's three Ben & Jerry's.
Starting point is 00:22:55 There's actually four ones hiding. Ooh! And there's also a bottle of champagne in there. But I wanted, I didn't know what
Starting point is 00:23:00 Ben & Jerry's was like but I had to find one with a freezer because I needed ice cream to fit in there. Uh-huh. So I found one with a freezer too and then I bought the lac what Ben and Jerry's like, but I had to find one with a freezer because I needed ice cream to fit in there. So I found one with a freezer, too. And then I bought the LaCroix.
Starting point is 00:23:09 And I figure whatever drinks you'd like, we can prepare and then they can be in there for when we record, you know? They were all so pleasantly organized. They were all spun so I could see the front of each one. Oh, you know, I wanted to make sure. I love it. Oh, my God. Yeah. So that's that. That's the new addition to the. We have many additions now. Oh, you know. I wanted to make sure. I love it. Oh my god. Yeah, so that's that.
Starting point is 00:23:25 That's the new addition to the... We have many additions now. Oh my god. This is just quite a day. I showed that to Blaze and I was like, I hope you don't mind. This? Oh, hilarious. I showed him the tractor, Bryce said.
Starting point is 00:23:35 I was like, I hope I'm not stepping on your toes. And he's like, what the fuck is this? I don't know what you're... He was like, just fucking do it. Please stop showing me this weird thing. This is amazing. This is fucking hilarious we only get one 100 wait till we get a thousand can you imagine oh my gosh what a wild time that will be
Starting point is 00:23:51 so are we confirming the date our friendiversary or will we have to find another time oh for the wedding for the wedding guess what you get to say you're the bride again i'm the bride everyone fucking hates me they're like we just got we just got over it yeah it finally ended um also what the fuck was i gonna say oh i don't know it doesn't matter um yeah let's do i guess yeah like friend uh friendiversary three yeah okay Like Friendiversary 3? Yeah. Okay, perfect. Does Allison hate you for this? Maybe. Oh, good. Great. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:24:29 Well, at least Blaze is okay with it. I mean, she knows I was doing this. She watched me paint the box and everything. Oh, good. Okay. She knows. Fantastic. Well, she invited me over for dinner next week, so if you don't hear from me, I'm literally
Starting point is 00:24:38 dead. This is... Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Can you imagine? I'm sorry to say this real quick, but like when blaze proposed, it was like perfect and sweet and everything.
Starting point is 00:24:48 There was no confetti though. And there was definitely no champagne. I had to go buy champagne. There was no mini fridge with four Ben and Jerry's waiting for us. Correct. That also, oh, I also got you this giant spoon in case you want to get some.
Starting point is 00:24:58 Oh, that's like a ladle. That's the exact ice cream serving size. I felt like that was more your style than a regular spoon. Oh, for sure. Did you find this and just decide it's actually mine? Well, it's from my drawer.
Starting point is 00:25:10 I thought you just found a spoon. I just use it for ladling stuff, but you can eat ice cream with it. Yeah, I will. Okay, good. Hooray. Hooray. All right. Wow.
Starting point is 00:25:22 Everyone is on an adrenaline rush right now. I'm like high as a kite right now um i should probably get my laptop out so we can do a story all right yeah sorry i kept the fridge kept buzzing and i was like fuck they're gonna notice because it's buzzing over there truly didn't notice even a little bit i like i'm so clueless you guys it was literally just covered in a blanket and i didn't even notice i'm amazed yeah true i didn't even that's actually why i was playing when we all got to the room i was playing our first episode because I was trying to drown out the sound of, I was like, look, it's a throwback.
Starting point is 00:25:48 But really, I was just trying to drown out the sound of the fridge. Had no clue. All right. And then don't worry because next month is our conception year, is the conception podcast date. That's like the actual birth of the show. No, wait. Oh, the conception is in January and then the birth is in February.
Starting point is 00:26:04 Yeah. We are so fucking annoying. We've got Christmas and our 100 and New Year's and then it's Eva's birthday and then it's Eva's gotcha day. And believe me, it's all fucking... And then only two months until our joint birthday weekend.
Starting point is 00:26:20 Yo, Em and I are already planning Eva's gotcha day and it's like, what, four months away? Look, Eva, if you think I'm fucking extra, wait until both of us get on something. It's going to be bananas. Em literally said this is the first time we've both been able to like be on board with something simultaneously. Again, I said it last episode, combined efforts. We've never been able to do it before. It's way, yeah, and I feel like the world might implode, but like, let's see what happens.
Starting point is 00:26:41 Eva, you're in for a world of something. Oh my god, poor Eva. Also, we definitely haven't even mentioned that it's um like five days after christmas oh yeah by the time you're hearing this we have a more important holiday occurring right now um so i haven't even left for virginia yet but i hope it goes well i hope we all do yes i hope you had a great uh merry christmas oh thank you. You too. I hope tomorrow, which is New Year's Eve, you're doing something fun for New Year's Eve.
Starting point is 00:27:13 Well, Blaze's birthday is January 2nd, which is like a blessing and a curse. Actually, it's just a curse. Oh, okay, good. I hope you tell him that. Well, he never got to celebrate it. Right. Because in college, it was like everyone's hungover. Or on break, like nobody ever. So he just isn't used to having people.
Starting point is 00:27:24 And he's the oldest of six kids, so he just isn't used to having and he's the oldest of six kids so he just never really got a birthday celebration so like i try really hard to make it like super fun and extra and i think he's a little freaked out by that i'm like em only encourages me so oh i'm like do it do it better no no more more more tractor bracelets well um so happy belated or merry belated christmas oh my god i'm engaged again you guys text blaze i'm gonna write i'm engaged wait i'm gonna send a picture actually of me with the bracelet on and being be like i got more than a bottle of wine today what do people what does that cheesy shit people say when they get engaged oh i don't even know i should probably go back to
Starting point is 00:28:04 my instagram and look your instagram for yours though was you said um blaze got me this for our anniversary i got him a book i said it's like for the record i got blaze a cookbook for our anniversary it was like a picture of my wedding or my engagement oh my god this is the best thing that's ever happened to me i'm glad it's can you imagine us planning a wedding together so much fun it's gonna be bananas it's gonna be bonkers you there i'm looking for a text holy shit Can you imagine us planning a wedding together? We're going to have so much fun. It's going to be bananas. It's going to be bonkers. Black Tux, you there?
Starting point is 00:28:29 I'm looking for a Tux. Holy shit. Yes. So happy holidays all around. Let's make a Zola registry. Oh my God. Can you imagine? Let's just make people buy shit. Can we just put ice cream on it?
Starting point is 00:28:37 Ice cream and 19 crimes. Please just deliver us a lot of wine. Thank you. Can Drizzly be on our registry? Oh, good idea. deliver us a lot of wine thank you can our can drizzly be on our registry oh good idea so the other thing that we are doing since it's our 100th is we've never done this before oh yeah but our story is usually we don't know each other's stories but this time around i requested a story from christine and she requested one for me but we gave each other several requests so we
Starting point is 00:29:03 still don't really know what to expect but we know it's like one of the ones that we asked for well the ones that you requested i was like oh i haven't done these and it turns out i did do one of them yikes so you know it's one of the no it's fine i like didn't recognize the name and because it's like a weird name until i googled it but it doesn't matter okay i picked one of the other ones well this is um surprisingly short i expected it to be a lot more have have a lot more stuff going on. But I thought with all the presents, I definitely took up some of my usual time. So I was like, okay, maybe it's for the best it's short. I'm so amped.
Starting point is 00:29:33 So this is a story, per Christine's request, of the mysterious Mary Celeste. Hell yes! Oh, I love this story. AKA the ghost ship. I don't know too much about it, but I love it. So I actually hadn't, I didn't know what it was i'd only heard it on astonishing legends ages ago but like i don't remember much um so the mary celeste is basically to give you a quick paraphrase there is a ship that goes missing and they to this day have never figured out why the why the people on it went missing the ship actually the ship wasn't missing but everyone else was like all the people right oh so they vanished they vanished right but yeah so i
Starting point is 00:30:08 hadn't i'd never heard of this before oh even better so uh the mary celeste was built in 1860 and nova scotia so you know i love it oh i didn't even know that and you're welcome and thank you and it was originally named the amazon the amazon okay the 1860s, the vessel was owned by several people, all having accidents with the ship whenever they owned it. Oh, no. Including three captains who died on it. Oh, no. That's not even just like a fender bender. That's like real time.
Starting point is 00:30:37 No, people were like, everyone who owned the ship, bad stuff was happening to them. And so it had a very negative reputation and ships already have very like superstitious energy like people who are in that community like there's like all these like things that you don't try to totally like there's a lot of bad luck and if a ship has done this you never go on it again and stuff superstitious stuff so the fact that three captains had died on it and anyone else who used it had other like horrible things happen to them obviously bad luck yeah it's not a good look so the ship uh for example um some of its negative things is that the ship ran into a fishing dam and required major repairs okay um another time it needed repairs and it was at the shipyard and while it was there
Starting point is 00:31:22 a fire broke out at the shipyard oh Oh, no. And burnt several other ships. Okay. During her first Atlantic crossing, the ship crashed into another ship, which sank. Oh, dear. Another time, the ship ran into rocky ground when it ran into shallow water. This ship just... I'm just picturing, especially because, you know, like, ship lingo is like her and she. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:43 I'm just picturing this, like, really reckless, like, really reckless like careless like i know you know who i'm picturing this is just so weird but like pearl from spongebob and she's just i'm thinking yeah running into buildings and like knocking people over and not realizing it i'm here crash like daddy i need more money this is literally what i'm picturing um so the ship went to many people after all that and all those people went basically bankrupt the ship was then purchased by james winchester oh of like winchester mystery no i wish that that'd been cool but she was purchased by a man named james winchester okay who changed the name to mary celeste because he thought if i changed the name then maybe the bad luck will make sense or it was still the amazon right before that okay and so he changed to mary celeste and then he put captain
Starting point is 00:32:28 benjamin briggs in control of it okay and benjamin briggs is one of the people that was on the mary celeste when it disappeared okay so in 1872 um the mary celeste left new york city to go to italy to deliver 1700 barrels of denatured denatured denatured denatured alcohol um the night before captain briggs and his wife had dinner in new york with their friend captain morehouse who also becomes a prominent character but so they had dinner the night before he left for the ship they also found out that they were going in the same direction briggs was just going to be a couple days earlier in his voyage so they had dinner the night before he left for the ship they also found out that they were going in the same direction briggs was just going to be a couple days earlier in his voyage so they weren't going to see each other but they both knew they were heading that way got it got it um so a month later so after that dinner he goes on the ship he brings his wife and his daughter
Starting point is 00:33:18 and a month into the voyage on december 4th 1872. That's 10 days after the last entry log. So 10 days before that was, I think, November 27th or 25th. Don't look at me. Yeah, sorry. And, but that was the last entry log and it should have been kept up to date. Oh. Every day, but there were 10 days missing on the log. Oh, so you're supposed to like enter every day, right?
Starting point is 00:33:44 Right. Okay. oh every day but there were 10 days missing oh so you're supposed to like enter every day right right okay so within a month there's i mean within a month the ship is already gone and things like the the log has nothing to show for it so it ended up getting found the ship itself got found by a ship called it's italian i think it's called de grat Gratia. Sounds good to me. Dei Gratia. And that ship unexpectedly caught up with the Mary Celeste in the Atlantic Ocean. And the captain of it happened to be Captain Morehouse. Okay. So he was the one... Oh, wait. Oh, so the guy you had dinner with.
Starting point is 00:34:20 The one he had dinner with. So he knew this guy's supposed to be at least 10 days ahead of me. Why is this ship here? Oh, shit. So knowing that the ship should have been days ahead of him, he sent his crew to investigate. Okay. So what ended up being missing on the ship was not just the people. Right.
Starting point is 00:34:39 But nine barrels of alcohol from the cargo hold. And not like, not the barrels themselves, the barrels were there, but nine barrels worth of alcohol of the liquid was gone. But the barrels were still there. Oh, ew. Also, the captain's sextant was gone. Okay. The captain's chronometer. Is a sextant like the direction?
Starting point is 00:35:00 Mm-hmm. Okay. Sextant, chronometer, navigation book, and the ship ship's register all of them were gone oh no what's the oh but the log is different from the register i don't know how they're different i just know that they are okay um i'll take it it doesn't it doesn't become important okay okay that's creepy though that's so creepy yeah for sure and And so what ended up, so everything else was still there. So clothes were totally intact. Personal items were totally intact.
Starting point is 00:35:29 Supplies were intact. It just looked like someone up and left the ship. Okay. Except there were the nine barrels worth of alcohol missing. And then some of the captain's equipment. But it was like denatured alcohol. It wasn't like drink for drinking. Right, it's not like someone drank it.
Starting point is 00:35:42 Right, okay. Drank nine barrels in 10 days or 30 days. I mean, that'd be very dead too, I guess. Also, on the ship, one of the pumps underneath the ship was damaged and there was three and a half feet of flooding. Okay, okay. So, so far that's all the information that they have. And now they found it, you said 10 days after the last law, right? Yeah, so presumably 10 days after the crew something happened okay
Starting point is 00:36:05 yeah it's suggested that the boat was just sitting there for wow okay and like i said the ship was stocked with six months worth of food supplies actual drinking alcohol and the only big thing that was missing was a lifeboat oh my god can you imagine how scary it must be to be that friend or that got other captain and pull up and be like hello is anyone here what are you doing and there's a lifeboat missing and no one's there nobody's there well so eerie so this is what he found he found a frayed rope trailing off the side of the ship okay he found the captain's log book which what the last entry was 10 days before um and it the last log said that they had they were six miles northeast
Starting point is 00:36:47 of santa maria which was close enough to see land oh interesting okay so the last log entry says we can see land right um and that basically because all of the equipment was missing all the captain's equipment was gone it suggests that there was a slow evacuation on the ship because captain briggs could he was able to go down into the bottom of the ship and grab all of his equipment instead of just fleeing right okay so it doesn't look like it was a last minute thing okay so there's a court statement where basically when morehouse ended up deciding that he wanted his crew to investigate the ship he sent some of his crew to not only look around but then when they realized no one was there to sail the Mary Celeste
Starting point is 00:37:32 to Gibraltar to report the loss to be like okay this is a random boat that's missing and we know who was supposed to be on here and then in when you report the loss there was a court statement of like okay who got the um salvage insurance and things like that okay there was a court statement of like okay who got the salvage insurance and things like that okay and so a court statement also wrote so it's documented that the galley was in a bad state the stove was knocked out of its place and the cooking utensils were on the floor and the whole ship was thoroughly wet so those are like the clues that we've got. Okay. So what was wrong with the stove again? It was just knocked out of place.
Starting point is 00:38:08 Oh, okay. Um, and so, like I said, Morehouse sent some of his crew to sail the Mary Celeste to Gibraltar. And when they got there, there was questioning that maybe this was a frame job where because they were friends,house knew that the ship where it was going to be and so he got his men to go kill these people and then throw them away on a lifeboat and then pretend nothing happened and be like look what i found right and then like get the insurance money oh interesting okay and uh but the court found no evidence of foul play from morehouse or his crew okay. And the ship received a sixth of the Mary Celeste salvage insurance
Starting point is 00:38:47 when they should have been able to get the full $46,000, but they only got a sixth of it because it suggested that the court didn't entirely trust them or the story right away. Okay. I mean, it is a wild story. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:59 And in today's money, each crewman got $830. and these are the people who found it you're saying right oh so they got the money because they found the ship yeah because they ended up having to like uh oh so sell all of it sure and so they were suddenly responsible for it right okay and so each of them only got 830 dollars so the opposite argument is that nobody would go through all that trouble for just 800800. Totally. Yeah. Is that you said today money? Today's money is $800. Oh, yeah. So that doesn't even make sense. Right. So they're totally missing. Some things are some things have like come into play, like a rope hanging off the
Starting point is 00:39:36 side of the ship and that there's like, water flooding in the bottom of the ship and things like that. But there was a lot of theories about how all this happened and why it happened based on the clues right and i feel kind of like in your last story when you were saying like the only clues we could go off of was like an unopened bottle of coke and an empty napkin holder yeah so i feel like this is just a bigger game of that it's like the most absurd useless details yeah so these are all of the theories that people either currently have or once had. And, uh, I guess like the version of debunking it, if you don't really believe in that theory. So the first thought was, okay, pirates came on the ship and took them. Right. Okay. That makes sense. Um, and they were in an area that was heavily surrounded with North African pirates
Starting point is 00:40:21 that were very active nearby, but there was no sign of violence and there were, there was still alcohol, personal items and supplies left on board. So pirates wouldn't have just left and not taken everything. I've been like, yeah, take your time and grab your stuff. Right.
Starting point is 00:40:35 Yeah. Then there's a, there's the theory of there's a storm and the storm washed them away. Um, but the storm records then confirmed that there were some stores there were some storms but nothing that an experienced captain couldn't handle and um the ship's overall condition i can't fucking speak today the ship's overall condition suggested that that wasn't the situation so there was no reason for like the crew to need to
Starting point is 00:41:01 evacuate got it okay like the ship wasn't in like disrepair or anything right it was storm um also it's a captain's code that you do not leave the ship unless there's a dire emergency and so since the ship looked relatively fine there it didn't look like there was ever an emergency for a captain to leave and you'd think like if he wanted to leave record of what happened and he had the time to get his supplies he'd write like oh this is what's going down right right i mean i don't know well a lot of people also think because his wife and daughter were on the boat maybe he was like fuck the captain's code oh sure if something happened let's family just get out of here yeah um there's another conspiracy that it was a mass suicide out at sea where everyone just jumped off the boat oh no um that's horrible they don't have any that hasn't necessarily been debunked, but it's, I mean, just pretty rare.
Starting point is 00:41:46 That probably comes from lack of evidence of everything else. Right, and also they didn't, him and the crew didn't all know each other beforehand or anything, so it's not like they like. Oh, how many people were on board? It was the three of them, him and his wife and his daughter, and then eight crewmen. Oh, eight, okay. Yeah. Oh, yeah, so that would really need to be a mass. Right.
Starting point is 00:42:03 That's at least ten people that have to agree to something like that. He needs to be a Jim Jones-level cult master to get everybody... Right, and apparently he didn't know all the people when he got on the ship. Interesting. Also, there's the thought that it's a murder, and that Morehouse's crew could have killed them and sold cargo for insurance. And Morehouse and Briggs were friends, though, so because they respected each other,
Starting point is 00:42:24 and that wasn't the only dinner they'd ever went to together, like, they knew each other from a long time. I think they both were also from Nova Scotia. They were both from the same area, so maybe they knew each other that way, but they had such a tight relationship that people don't understand why Morehouse would kill him, especially when the ship was not in either of their names. It was under that James winchester guy's name right so it's not like they would have even gotten all the money it's not like he said oh i'm transporting eight million dollars to england it's like denatured alcohol right right so a lot of people say that's probably not likely that morehouse was willing to kill his friend um and then there's the other theory of the drunk crew drunk crew theory i mean i like this cereal right sounds about right the
Starting point is 00:43:07 because the nine barrels of alcohol were gone the crew could have gotten drunk and killed briggs and then fled in a lifeboat however there's no signs of violence the denatured alcohol would have killed them before they got that's what i was they would have left unless you're like michael malone or whatever right right true michael maloy michael Malloy. I was in Kevin Malone. I know it does. I didn't even notice at first. But yeah, so there's no signs of violence. The denatured alcohol would have killed them before they got a chance to leave.
Starting point is 00:43:31 And there were no bodies or cups of alcohol filled or with any drops of it. Oh, you're right. Like there's no proof that anyone drank it. Sorry to make you go back again, but how much was missing? Nine barrels worth. Yeah. And like eight crewmen. So each of them have to
Starting point is 00:43:45 drink more than a more than a barrel barrel of denatured alcohol yeah exactly so you're all dead so then there's the other theory that the um ship could have sandbanked and then when they got off the ship to check out the issue the water might have actually washed the sand away and then drifted the boat off on its own oh so they got off the boat that's a theory though like the ship ended up in shallow water and got sand banked like and then they got off the ship to look around oh my god sorry that piece of confetti started sliding down the window and it was gold and i just saw that it's a spider face fuck i thought no i thought it was like an eye like an eye or something because two pieces of confetti were like falling down the window in the dark.
Starting point is 00:44:26 I'm sorry. It really freaked me out. Oh my God. Um, I'm sure you saw me looking over your shoulder and like, I did. I was like, I'm not going to fucking look, but it was moving so slowly. It really freaked me out. Okay. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:44:36 Um, no, you're fine. So one theory is that the, they got, they found land and then got off the ship. And then before they got on the ship, the water pulled the boat away. Got it. And they were what, stranded somewhere? That they might be stranded on an island or something. Got it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:44:50 But, I mean, I feel like a ship would have a pretty heavy anchor, and it wouldn't just get washed away. Because if that was the case, then a lot of ships would be getting washed away, you know? You'd think, like, again, there's 11 people on board, and they seem like the guy's pretty experienced. It's not like he's like, let's all get off the boat. Right, right. And not put down an anchor. Right. Yeah, it just seems unlikely.
Starting point is 00:45:09 From all my experience. Right. I mean, as a ship captain. As a seaman. So another big theory for some reason is that cryptids are involved. Oh, hell yeah. Like the, like, I know this isn't, this isn ireland but like the lochness like something like as wild as like giant squid giant squid is one of them um they think that like the tentacles
Starting point is 00:45:31 could have literally just come up and grab people one by one and then swam away that's absolutely what happened i mean i'm assuming remember right i remember i did not forget that um so they really do think that some magical ocean creatures could have ripped off part of the boat to get to them. Oh, dear. However, again, because the ship was in good condition. Oh, yeah, true. And it didn't look like there were like giant tentacle sized holes in the walls. I think we can assume that's not it.
Starting point is 00:45:57 There's like suction cup marks on all the walls. Aquaman came out. The denatured alcohol has like squid tentacle marks all over it so the other thought is that people think that aliens abducted them oh yeah i'm actually wait i changed my mind this is what happened so um and usually the reason for that is because they can aliens can pretty much always explain away anything i mean it just seems like you'd be like oh well that happened because i was abducted right because it's so mysterious and there's no explanation can you ask for right and so um a lot of people use this as a theory when they have actually heard the incorrect version of the story because there is a version of the story where when morehouse and
Starting point is 00:46:36 his crew got to the ship they actually saw people walking around on the ship oh and when they got on the ship there was still a hot dinner waiting for everybody and that um oh and that there was no water damage on the ship but there was water damage on the ship nobody was there and there was no dinner heated up and ready to go okay but a lot of people think oh if someone was going onto the ship and then everyone vanished that must be aliens right and that he confirmed that wasn't the case there There was never any like food on a table. Right, right. And then, of course, people think that
Starting point is 00:47:08 the Bermuda Triangle is responsible. Oh, wait, never mind. I changed my mind. This is what happened. I like this the best. Apparently, they think that the ship must have
Starting point is 00:47:16 just gotten caught in the Bermuda Triangle and then spit out the people off the ship and then the ship found its way back intelligently out of the Bermuda Triangle
Starting point is 00:47:23 where nobody escapes. And weird things happen in that triangle, Anne. I know you don't know much about geometry but like triangles are hard okay i'll explain it to you so apparently they're very in my opinion a very justified argument to that is that the ship did not sail near the bermuda triangle and not even on that side of the ocean. Okay. Well, nevermind. I want to go back to aliens. Okay. Okay. How about rogue waves? Oh, okay. Hmm. I'm going to stick with cryptids until we, until I hear this for 400, Alex, thank you. Uh, I will hear this out. So they think that maybe there is an extreme or abnormal wave that, um, just washed them away because they did say in the document that the place was really wet, that the whole ship was wet and that things were knocked around. So it's called rogue wave.
Starting point is 00:48:13 Rogue wave is like a like a random like a phenomenon, like a sharknado wave. Yeah. the apparently modern analysis because people are still trying to figure this out modern analysis has proven that um the ship that morehouse found the mary celeste was right around the area where it should have been expected had it been floating with average currents so if it were by itself and did not have a captain and it started based on the where the log was the log said six miles northeast of santa maria and then add 10 days to that you can expect it to be in the location that it was in okay cool so had there been a rogue wave it should have either toppled over been like several miles further got it so scientifically speaking it
Starting point is 00:48:54 followed the normal right okay and also there were no like reports nearby of freak waves right okay i mean people had reported about storms with like theboat missing, I feel like if a freak wave hit, you wouldn't be prepared for that. Yeah, okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Interesting. Also, how do you feel about seaquakes? I'm feeling good, Alex. I'm feeling good.
Starting point is 00:49:16 Can I hold? Double jeopardy. Double jeopardy. So, seaquakes are literally earthquakes when you're in the water and they could have caused so because the nine barrels this is where it actually starts getting pretty scientific oh i love it okay these are actually like those were all the ones where it's like okay that probably didn't happen right these are actually some of the more valid things that could have happened okay okay um so a sea quake could have caused the nine barrels of alcohol
Starting point is 00:49:46 to dislodge themselves from the cargo hold and let the alcohol leak out oh got it and the quake could have freaked people out and made them evacuate the only reason that that might not be a real theory is because no sea quake was actually reported in the area nearby where the ship was so it's just an earthquake on the sea yeah like it's tremors in the water okay yeah so that was one idea of like okay well it knocked the barrels loose and then they leaked out alcohol so that's at least the beginning of explaining the barrels because i was gonna say there's so many moving parts of like oh this could have happened but then what about the barrels or what about the log or the lifeboat
Starting point is 00:50:21 so that was one theory and then another kind of pseudo theory to that is that the sudden shaking could have sparked embers from the stove on board. Oh. And they could have thought that the embers would ignite the alcohol cargo. The alcohol. And so they evacuated for that reason, too. So it wouldn't explode. So had sea quakes been involved, those probably would have been the diehard theories. That is an interesting. that is very interesting.
Starting point is 00:50:47 However, that theory was the beginning of an actual theory that to this day is the most likely thing that happened. They basically consider the mystery solved. Really? Until any further, any telling of the others. Okay, actually I go with this one. Okay. I changed my mind. Okay, actually, I go with this one.
Starting point is 00:51:02 Okay. I changed my mind. Well, after that theory of, okay, well, maybe something of the sparks of either the stove or some sparks in the cargo hold, however, they would show up, plus the alcohol, they would have freaked out the captain. And because his wife and daughter were on board, maybe they just, like, all hung out on the lifeboat for a little bit. Oh, shit. So in 2006, a chemist named Dr. Sella at the University College London tried to recreate the scene of the ship if this theory were true. So he filled an area with paper and butane gas, and then he sparked it, and he basically created a giant flash paper. Do you know what flash paper is?
Starting point is 00:51:42 No. You light a piece of paper, and it just catches on fire and then goes away no i mean i do now okay i guess anyone who knows what flash paper is or wish paper then that's what it is wish paper i'll explain magical it is well it's supposed to it's like um first of all this is like not supposed to be it's it's a weird venn diagram of magical because like people in wiccan actually use it and people in the circus use it. So weirdly it's magic on both ends. So wait, is it that the paper doesn't burn? You're saying it's no, it definitely burns. It's, um, I'll show you some, I have some from my magic kit that I kept. Specific type of paper? Yeah. So it's like basically like a tissue paper,
Starting point is 00:52:21 but it's like soaked in these chemicals where it's wish paper is flash paper but it's it has a purpose of you write a wish on it it's basically manifesting okay so if you have flash paper it becomes wish paper when you take a pen and write your wish down and then you catch it on fire and like bring let it go and then it goes into the air the ash it stuff yeah okay it like just totally disappears like there's no what do you do within the circus um it's like good to for like fire tricks oh so you just kind of like poof fire because it literally like it disappears like that like you can't hurt yourself oh that's what it okay okay yeah i didn't really understand what the magic i'll show you sometime don't worry i get it remember well here let's play it back to how we usually do it you know how in the office
Starting point is 00:53:01 um you know now i get it you know in that the big that one intro where they oh yes where he goes like in there's he used flash that's what it okay i get it so the point is that it doesn't like ignite everything it just like it literally doesn't go out and goes away oh okay so the the paper is just soaked in these chemicals that when it burns the entire evidence burns away so there's no proof of paper whatsoever i see and no burn marks or anything right okay got it so a lot like the thing that michael scott used or i guess steve carell used is it's called a fire uh fire flicker um some people call it a fire bindle some people call it a fire it doesn't matter it's a it's basically like the the part of a lighter
Starting point is 00:53:39 that you like press your thumb down on and like and causes the spark yes it's attached to a ring that's supposed to fit on the inside of your finger so when you do when you press down on your finger it creates fire and if you stick a little flash paper in there it'll like poof that's why it looks like a poof of fire came out of your hands got it woohoo oh i just totally broke the magician's rule um where were we oh yeah sea quakes um so they so dr sella he basically created a room of flash paper and he did he put a bunch of paper down and a bunch of butane gas and basically lit the whole room on fire and it was a giant version of flash paper where went poof and then it was totally yikes and then all the paper went away but the room looked unscorched okay so that was his way
Starting point is 00:54:20 of saying maybe they saw some sort of spark and with the denatured alcohol, maybe there was a poof like that. And that scared the crew back in the 1800s who didn't know anything about flash paper combustion. Why would it be flash paper? Well, no, like he, he like, I'm saying he made like a metaphorical flash paper. Like he went into a room, put in a bunch of paper. I mean, I know why he did it or I don't really know why he did it, I guess. Because I haven't gotten there yet. Oh, okay. Like, basically he made a giant room that could combust in a second and then leave the entire place unscorched.
Starting point is 00:54:52 Okay. So he's trying to recreate what could have possibly happened down in the bottom of the ship that would have scared someone. I see. To then leave the ship thinking that more fire was to come. Okay. So he created, so in his experiment he tried to recreate what would happen in the bottom of the ship and created a flash of flame that looked scary but disappeared so fast that no signs of scorching appeared in the space much like flash paper um
Starting point is 00:55:17 and back in the 1800s before like any like real knowledge of like chemicals like we know now he could have seen a poof like that that freaked him out. But was there something to suggest that that was possible with the DNA? Is there a reason why he said that? Well, because if the alcohol did leak down, and then there was some sort of spark, if there was a sequelae. Oh, and I guess there was no scorching, so they're saying maybe... Maybe there was something like that where he saw a fire,
Starting point is 00:55:42 and then even though by the time Morehouse got there, there was no signs of a fire. Okay. So they're not saying like, that's what would happen. It's just like, that's a possibility. It's a possibility. Okay. Got it.
Starting point is 00:55:52 So like Captain Briggs could have possibly seen fire. Right. I'm scared. Without there ever being any actual signs of it by the time Morehouse got there. Got it. Okay. Okay. And so the fire could have scared him away.
Starting point is 00:56:02 And then by the time people got there, they'd be like, it's not like there was a fire here, but Briggs might have seen, like, a chemical reaction to something, and it freaked him out. And he thought more fire was coming. Got it, got it. Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba. Gosh, I'm turning into you. Finally, it's happening. So, I'm trying not to do it, but now it's happening on its own. I'm trying not to do it, but now it's happening on its own.
Starting point is 00:56:29 Yeah, so the site could have scared the crew thinking that the fire was going to get worse, and then they would have escaped, and by the time Morehouse got there, nobody would have seen any signs of fire. Okay, I see. If not embers from the stone, then another big theory is an explosion in the cargo hold where the empty barrels were made of red oak instead of white oak, which means that they were more porous, so it was more likely that the alcohol could have leaked out, meaning that there was a buildup in alcohol vapor in the cargo hold.
Starting point is 00:56:52 Oh, shit. So then the alcohol fumes could have mixed with, if there was a quake or if during a storm or if something wasn't put away correctly in the beginning, the barrels could have fallen out of the hold that they were in. And the steel bands around the barrels could have rubbed against each other and created a spark. I see.
Starting point is 00:57:12 So the spark plus the alcohol fumes could have created that whoosh effect and then it would have freaked everyone out. Oh, okay, so that makes sense. So it was like because the vapors were in the air and it wouldn't have necessarily caught the plates on fire. Right. Okay, I get it. It would have just been like a big scary scene and then right right they could have thought something worse was coming so one of the two could have caused sparks so um basically it could have been it could have been the stove or could have been
Starting point is 00:57:38 the bands rubbing against each other okay from the. I speak your language. Don't worry. I don't know what's wrong with me. Well, you just said you're turning into me, so I don't know what that says about me. So most likely Briggs could have just smelled alcohol vapors. And since his wife and daughter were with him, he might have been more cautious than usual and ordered everyone into a lifeboat. And then when it comes into play about the rope off the side of the ship, he was probably trying to tow the lifeboat behind the ship while nobody actually sailed the ship in fear that he was going to find out that the ship would explode. But if it exploded, the lifeboat would have been towed far enough away that they wouldn't have been hurt.
Starting point is 00:58:18 Right. Okay. But if all the people were on the lifeboat with him? Everyone was on the lifeboat. Wow. the people were on the lifeboat with him everyone was on the lifeboat wow um and so and then i'm assuming like maybe a couple minutes later if he realized that nothing was wrong he could have reeled them back in and climbed back up and then continued sailing the ship sure um so that might have been his that's like the most believable plan of that maybe he was trying to tow a lifeboat full
Starting point is 00:58:38 of people behind the ship thinking it was going to explode and then either through him not tying the rope correctly or maybe like a current came through or being really windy the lifeboat might have gotten disconnected from the rope that stayed on the side of the ship by the time morehouse got there and then they just watched their own ship just my god the horror the fucking horror of that yeah and even if they were close enough to see land maybe there were strong enough currents that they couldn't fight them. Yeah. And they just floated away. Wow, that is very, very, very terrifying. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:09 Like, literally just watching, just watching your chances of survival go up. Like, our life, right? Right. Oh my god. So, if this happened on the last day of the captain's log, then they were close enough to sea land, but they probably tried to row against currents and ended up drifting themselves out to sea. Oh god. tried to row against currents and ended up drifting themselves out to sea oh god in this scenario if all of this is true if this theory which is currently the closest thing to a solution that they have if this scenario is true then as for the broken pump and the three and a half feet of
Starting point is 00:59:35 flooding in the cargo holds that could have been because a like a pump could have been clogged with coal and sawdust because its voyage before this one was that it was delivering coal and had it not been cleaned out properly the pump could have failed on itself and there could have been coal and sawdust collected in it and that would have caused the flooding sure um and briggs wouldn't have known about the flooding because by the time he got in there the cargo hold was already packed with all of the barrels got it so he wouldn't have known about the flooding because by the time he got in there, the cargo hold was already packed with all of the barrels. Got it. So he wouldn't have been able to see that it was flooded to begin with.
Starting point is 01:00:10 In 1879, so after that happened, in 1879, the new captain of the ship, his name was Edgar Tuthel. He was very brave or very stupid. Well, he got sick and died shortly after his first voyage. Oh, no. And then the ship was passed on to a man named gilman who sold it to a man named wesley and wesley tried to over insure the boat and then intentionally wreck the ship for insurance um but he was caught charged with fraud and then before he went to jail died he didn't even need to do it on purpose like he probably could have just tried to sail it out and it would have i know this giant squid would have eaten it in 18 so in 1884 the
Starting point is 01:00:45 first person to write about this was a man named arthur conan arthur conan doyle who also created sherlock holmes our good old boy um he wrote the most famous account of the mary celeste and he wrote it as if he were the character it was fiction, but people took it seriously. So it was called J. Habakkuk Jefferson's Statement. And apparently J. Habakkuk Jefferson was the sole survivor of the Mary Celeste and was writing his account of what happened. I see. Okay. And so it was supposed to be fiction, but people took it seriously. And that was when people started really getting invested in the mystery of what happened also in 1913 there was another fictional piece that claimed the author was the sole survivor and his story was that the entire
Starting point is 01:01:31 crew fell overboard while watching a swimming race and then they were eaten by sharks what so that was his theory of what a swimming race in the ocean i guess from the fish of swimming race with fish or like two of the crew members were like we'll swim aside side of the boat i don't know well apparently that happened in 1913 and people took that seriously for a little bit and then in the 1920s another article was written by an alleged survivor um and then very shortly he was exposed as a fraud i love all these back then the journalism quote unquote was very just like it's like yeah you must be him who can write the most fucking dramatic bullshit i know and we'll all believe it anyway to this day the mystery of the mary celeste has yet to be solved fully so oh it's so crazy i just love that it's like it was already it already had such bad juju on it you know yeah yeah yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:02:26 i have to move all your gifts to get my laptop i was gonna say wow you're just gonna move your big old fat ring box it's a pretty fat ring i'll tell you what i'm just being Hank from... Yeah, King of the Hell. I'll tell you what. Okay. Whenever you're ready, I have a doozy for you. Good. I wanted to show you something first.
Starting point is 01:02:53 Oh, sure. Which Eva's already very aware of. Okay. I can't believe you let me not tell her about this. What? So, I went to... when I bought your bracelet. Uh-oh. When I bought your, well, when I bought the tractor before I hot glued it.
Starting point is 01:03:13 You brought the tractor, okay. So I was really slap happy when I bought it. Okay. Eve has been on this journey with me for about a week now. Interesting. And I knew nothing. I knew nothing. I was really slap happy when i bought the
Starting point is 01:03:25 tractor i originally bought a different tractor what and it was not that tractor and then it ended up i ended up looking into it and i was like what size is it because i was trying to figure out what size bracelet i should get did you buy a giant ass tractor yeah oh m what the fuck i bought a giant you didn't look at the, like, dimensions of it? Well, no, not when I was super tired, but then I woke up. Like, the next day I was, like, more awake, and I was like, okay, I'm gonna pay attention to this. And then I sent Eva a video, because I was like, I just realized what I did. And I'm gonna try to return it.
Starting point is 01:04:00 Let me see. Eva, apparently I didn't cancel it in time. Oh my god! Look how big it is! Em, are you fucking kidding me? So before this happened, before I sent her that video and I decided to return it, I... Oh my god! That is bigger than...
Starting point is 01:04:21 Hang on. So there's more. So I don't know if you have the picture on hand eva i facetimed her frantically in walmart because i only had so many days i didn't think i could find another little tractor to get here in time and so i was like okay i just have to make this fucking work and so i was like well i guess instead of like a any version of jewelry i'm just going to recreate the set of us meeting and becoming friends diorama yeah and i was like okay so i'll just get barbie dolls to like sit in it
Starting point is 01:04:51 and so do you have any of it god's name are you talking about i facetimed her trying to find i facetimed her trying to find a barbie that looked exactly like you and so we went browsing through the walmart hall trying to spoiler alert no barbie looks exactly like you and so we went browsing through the Walmart hall. Spoiler alert, no Barbie looks exactly like me. Well there was a farmer Barbie and I was like this might do and she was holding a chicken. Oh actually maybe that one does. That's fucking gold.
Starting point is 01:05:16 But so I, then after that I like, I was, I spent like a half an hour in Walmart trying to find fucking Barbie dolls that would fit in this goddamn truck and then I was gonna like look for hay. No wonder you kept going to Walmart. He's like, I keep going to Walmart. Or I've been to Walmart three times in the last 25. I kept going to Walmart for other things, but that was definitely involved.
Starting point is 01:05:33 Oh my god. And then when I finally found one, like when I finally found the Barbies, I was about to walk out, and then I passed a little car area I hadn't seen, and then I found a little tractor. I was like, look, for scale, that's your bracelet on the big one. Wait, I can't even see it. Can we talk about how the title of this or the name of this toy is called Big Farm Tractor? Holy.
Starting point is 01:06:01 And that's like the size of this table. It's truly massive. Wait, you just... Amazon? I tried to return it, and by the time I pressed return, I got home and it was already at my door. And I was like, well, fuck. I was like, I guess I'm stuck with this fucking tractor. Are you going to return it?
Starting point is 01:06:17 I'm sure you can return it. I'm sure I can. I think I'm just going to give it to Jack. Oh, that's cute. Yeah. Or I'll save it for a diorama. Or we can make a literal diorama like i need something to do by the time january like 19th comes around right right this is i mean i do love
Starting point is 01:06:32 that this is literally the run you gave me is identical but smaller right like that's so funny big farm i saw that and i truly it took my breath away i was like i don't know what to do did you open it and go like oh yeah well because i like I saw it I think in my like stupid ass tired brain I was like oh that's centimeters or something when it said like a hundred feet a hundred thousand feet long I remember looking at me like that's fine and just buying it and then later I like saw the dimensions I was like that's kind of weird and I took out my like measuring tape and I was like you like keep going I was like oh no I could be oh and then and then Eva texted me
Starting point is 01:07:09 and uh I was like Eva what the fuck do I do and she was like can we think of a way to like still use it and then this fucker she was like can it fit and it fucking fits in the bag wait that's a great idea you could have rolled it in yeah I was thinking if i could get like
Starting point is 01:07:25 a remote control like oh fuck you could attach it to uh geo's leash and have him drag it in actually he'd probably fucking ruin it for everybody no it's it's really fucking it's wired and hot glue gunned on so you can't break it don't test me because my mom has did i ever tell you i probably didn't i guarantee you i did not but we had these like bowls that were plastic and i was like why do we have these plastic bowls? Because we got Winnie the Pooh ones and 101 Dalmatian ones. And my mom had the actual China that was away. Or the whatever.
Starting point is 01:07:54 And I was like, why do we get these ones? And she's like, oh, because they don't break. And I was like, okay. And then she went to work or something. And she came home. And I was sobbing in the driveway. And she's like, what? And I had smashed the bowl into the driveway over and over and over and over again until i had destroyed
Starting point is 01:08:11 our bowls oh my god she's like why'd you do that and i was like you said it wouldn't break so i you're a sociopath so i proved you wrong and she's like what the fuck is wrong with you but yeah ever since then she's like and now i'm gonna cry about it like and i saw i gave myself 20 chances to not do this screaming that was my favorite winnie the pooh bowl she's like why the fuck did you smash it and i was like because you said it wouldn't break and she's like you're a psycho like i was a real psycho oh my god um so when you say it won't break i'm like don't challenge me no this is so perfect oh my god and i expect you'll wear it every single day until next october so like obviously obviously at least at the wedding you'll wear it i imagine it matches
Starting point is 01:08:51 this ring actually my for my great grandma oh well i did that on purpose i didn't i know i know you did don't worry about it okay i guess now i have to pee. I didn't and now I do. Alright, we're back. Alright. Now, do you want to hear a story? As you yawn into the microphone. Sorry. Great. Yes, I do. Okay. That's the one thing about going second. I feel like I'm always
Starting point is 01:09:18 boring. No, you're not boring. I think I stress myself out about making sure my story's on time and I'm able to report it in a way that people are going to understand it, I stress myself out about like making sure my story's on time. And like, it's like, I'm able to like report it in a way that people are going to understand it. And I like psych myself out and then I'm finally done with it. And I'm just like, hands off. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:33 Yeah. And I just like exhaust myself being the whole time you're doing yours. I'm like getting anxious and anxious. It's like, I go from nerve wracking to like, okay, chill the fuck out. You don't have to do another story for another week. Oh, fantastic. I go from nerve wrackingacking to like okay chill the fuck out you don't have to do another story for another week oh fantastic i go from nerve-wracking to just like more nerve-wracking okay story of my life um this is the story of a girl who cried a river and drowned the whole world yeah her name was christine oh she was a whiny whiny ass baby okay i'm trying to find the best. Okay. So this was one of your requests. Now you requested three. I did. Excuse me. I'm dropping the microphone into my face. And I was like, Oh, and you were
Starting point is 01:10:12 like, Oh, well, I don't know if you did one of them. It's hard to tell from the list. And I was like, no, I haven't done any of them. Well, that was false. And I was dumb. And I had done the second one, which was the grandma, the granny ripper the granny ripper granny ripper we literally just talked about this in the last episode though they're like we don't even know what stories we've covered any ridiculous like there's so many it just blurs together i mean we can literally now say we've done a hundred stories yeah yeah each that's 200 stories live shows and stuff yeah and stuff we've like researched and looked into and then haven't actually reported so it's just like right a lot of stuff yeah so i had done that one so instead now i okay full disclosure elizabeth bathory is one i've been like saving and i just didn't have time to do the full like
Starting point is 01:10:55 i wanted to do like a big episode on that sure so i mean she only killed 6 000 people yeah i was like i need to give that the full the full monty the full monty yeah so instead i did your third request which was andras pandy all right now how on earth did you know but i've never heard of this before where did you find a story same way i look at my ghost stories i typed in fucked up stories oh okay so it wasn't something that was like lingering in your mind that you wanted me every day i think of andras pandy well i knew there were some where you were like i've always wanted you like elizabeth bathory where you like, I've always wanted you to do this one. But this wasn't one of those, right?
Starting point is 01:11:27 It was just like, you found it. Right. I found it intentionally because all the stories that I would really want you to do would be ones that take forever. Like big ones. Yeah. Oh, shit. There's a bug in my wine. Let me save him real quick.
Starting point is 01:11:37 Can I have your big spoon? No! It's your spoon, I guess. I'll save him and then I'll wash it. Hi, friend. Come here. It's okay. I'll get you out.
Starting point is 01:11:50 Eva and I just made eyes at each other. Come here. Come here. It's okay. That's how I talk to my cats. Yeah, cats, not bugs. Come here. Hold on.
Starting point is 01:12:02 What are you going to do with him when you're done? Just set him free. Wish him a happy life. Is it a gnat? Because he's gonna die in like 15 minutes. There he is. It's all relative. That's a full life for him.
Starting point is 01:12:19 Are you gonna drink that now? You're gonna drink your wine now? After a bug touched it? Oh, no, that's just a piece of confetti. All of that? Anyway, let's go back to the story. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:12:36 Okay. He looked like he was slandering. And colorful all at the same time. Flickering in celebration. Full of glitter. Okay. So this is Andras Pandyickering in celebration. Full of glitter. Okay. So this is Andras Pandy, who I have never heard of before. And I looked up and there was only one other podcast about him and it was Nothing Rhymes
Starting point is 01:12:52 with Murder. So I was like, wow, this is really a new... Oh, wow. Job well done to me then. Yeah. You really picked like a very... I really knocked it out of the park. Obscure one.
Starting point is 01:12:59 Yeah. Love a good obscure story. Yeah. So this is the story of Andras Pandy. And it's really wearing me out because I call Alexander Pandy. That's like my nickname for him. Right. Zandy Pandy.
Starting point is 01:13:09 Zandy Pandy Mander. So very weird. But so Andras Pandy. So he was born June 1st, 1927. Uh-oh. He's a Gemini. He's one of ours. One of our kind.
Starting point is 01:13:20 Two Hungarian parents in a town in the Ukraine just across the Hungarian border. kind to hungarian parents in a town in the ukraine just across the hungarian border he was a church counselor for the reformed church in hungary when he met his first wife elona sores the two of them fled to belgium after the hungarian revolution of 1956 and in belgium pandy became a pastor for a small hungarian protestant community in brussels and a religion teacher at the local church. Wow. So religion teacher. So far looking good. So far looking okay. I had a lot of religion teachers and I tell you, some of them were weird. I had none.
Starting point is 01:13:57 Secret. All of them were weird. Sorry. Sorry to you. I don't want to say names. I was going to say names and then like that's just. You know who you are. You do know who you are. I don't want to say names. I was going to say names. And I'm like, that's just. You know who you are. You do know who you are.
Starting point is 01:14:06 I hope. Okay. So things are going well. Obviously, he's like married. He's a religion teacher. It's like, okay, all's well and good. And then the following year, he and his wife, Alona, have a daughter named Agnes. And then they have two sons named Daniel and Zoltan.
Starting point is 01:14:26 Now, I also had a friend named Zoltan in high school so this is getting really weird for me pandy and zoltan pandy religion teacher zoltan it's just very weird it's yeah not names that you get to find combined in one story right and zoltan he i say friend that's a let's say that very loosely but got it he held me out a window one time. Sounds like you should do a story on Zoltan. I probably should. I don't know what the hell he's doing today. So shortly after the birth of Zoltan, Pandy accused Alona of infidelity and the two separated.
Starting point is 01:15:07 And then Alona moved out of the house with Daniel and Zoltan, the two sons, but left their 11-year-old daughter, Agnes, behind with Pandy. Okay. So shortly after that, Agnes, who was left behind by her mother at 11, became the victim of an incestuous relationship with her father. Yeah. Oh, I know how to pick them. Yep. So at the beginning of the 1970s, after his separation from alona um andres pandy also
Starting point is 01:15:27 began courting other women through dating services and hungarian newspapers so he would post so he's in brussels he's living in belgium um but he would post in hungarian newspapers like with a fake name and a fake job and he would use the motto european What? I don't even know what that means, use the motto. It's not really a motto, but okay. Maybe a hen it is. Is there a thing, Mr. Worldwide? I don't know what the fuck you're doing. Maybe around his house it is a motto.
Starting point is 01:15:53 Yeah, so he would use that and, like, I guess draw in women and then go to Hungary. And, like, he would go back and forth a lot from Belgium to Hungary and would, like, date these women. All the while having an incestuous relationship with his daughter so by the end of the 70s he had begun visiting hungary like very regularly dating all these women and that is when he met his future second wife edith fintor who happened to also be married at the time oh perfect but she eloped with him to belgium and they got married in 1979 and with her she brought all three of her children all three of whom were daughters were girls seven year old a seven year old an eight year old and a 15 year old yeah so shortly after their marriage they had
Starting point is 01:16:39 two children a son named andras jr and a daughter named reika and so now this dude if you think about it has essentially eight children like under his umbrella basically of fatherhood so he has eight kids how many are girls that he's responsible for so it's the first daughter agnes then the two sons then her three daughters so that's four daughters and then they have one more daughter so he has five daughters and three sons got it yikes yikes yikes is right um so in 1984 uh pandy started a second abusive incestuous relationship with his stepdaughter who was now 20 years old um named timaya and he uh raped her and impregnated her. Yeah. I'm sorry that I did this. Really, really bad. Tamiya's claims of sexual abuse were brushed off by her family members, so that's nice.
Starting point is 01:17:32 Of course. Stating that, this is fucking horrible, stating that she had probably used a towel containing pandy semen to impregnate herself, and that's how she got pregnant. Okay. So her own mother was like there's no way like that my husband did this to you you must have wanted to get pregnant ew and done that to yourself like beyond god beyond sick so she was sent to live in a different house with agnes the oldest daughter um and they believe that agnes was so jealous that Tamea had gotten pregnant with their father
Starting point is 01:18:06 that she tried to bludgeon her to death. That Agnes tried to bludgeon Tamea to death with an iron bar in the basement. Oh my God. And had to be stopped by one of the adults or another kid. After being hospitalized, Tamea attempted to report her abuse to the authorities, but her claims were dismissed and she later gave birth to her son, Mark. And that was the baby that her father had, her stepfather, excuse me, had impregnated her with. Um, and so at this, at this point, Tamea had actually told her mother Edith that the father of her son was
Starting point is 01:18:41 Andras. So like Edith's husband and that he had been sexually abusing her. And so Edith finally confronted Andras and was like, what the fuck did you do? They had a massive argument. And by all accounts, just this huge fight broke out. It sparked this like terrible fight. And so after she after Tamea told her mother, like this baby is my stepfather's baby. She escaped from her family wow um she stayed with relatives in Vancouver in Canada and then came back and started a new started a new life in Hungary with the baby and they ended up living separately and like
Starting point is 01:19:19 being fine so that's good news um so after this huge fight where edith was like confronting her husband about the sexual abuse and that kind of thing um edith took her 14 year old daughter and they disappeared and andres told the police that edith had left him for another man and the two had abandoned him and moved to germany he had a telegram and he said she wrote me this letter and i'm heartbroken and she said she's taking our daughter and leaving for another man. And so that was what the story he told the police. Okay. So remember the first wife that Pandy was married to named Alona?
Starting point is 01:19:58 Right. Like back in the day. Right. So two years later, after Edith disappeared in 1988, which was 20 years after Pandy's and Alona's separation, Alona, who had taken her two sons and left Agnes behind, she and her two sons disappeared. He claimed they moved to France, and then he changed his mind and says they moved to South America. Okay, he just decided? So, yep, he just decided that's actually, I didn't mean France, I meant South America.
Starting point is 01:20:26 Okay. So that's a good sign. I need a drink. Okay. La la la la la la la. Okay. So we are now in 1990, two years later, and Edith's 18-year-old daughter, so Edith's gone, like she's disappeared, supposedly with a new man, with her 14-year-old daughter. So Edith's gone. Like, she's disappeared, supposedly, with a new man, with her 14-year-old daughter.
Starting point is 01:20:48 But her 18-year-old daughter is still living with Andras. So Pandy decides to send his oldest daughter, Agnes, the one he's been sexually abusing since she was 11, away on vacation with his own younger children, Andras Jr. and Rekha, the youngest. So Agnes goes on a trip with these two and then when she returns she discovers that 18 year old the 18 year old daughter uh of edith has also disappeared and pandy tells agnes that she had become disturbed so he sent her to live with
Starting point is 01:21:17 another family okay oh my god um family drama man like really constant it seems like he's maybe the common denominator at all i think he just might be um should i let that go like let that they're after you it's your call okay put me in that fridge oh no there's ice cream in there we don't want it to melt yeah okay um so at this point um andras pandy is still visiting hungary pretty often you know he's dating all these women and going back and forth from his homeland um and hungarian police become involved in an investigation when his name comes up and that's because pandy comes up in connection with many missing women in hungary really yeah so the ones he was like meeting on in the newspaper right so since he's
Starting point is 01:22:12 constantly visiting hungary and he owned a summer home there um and he was known to charm local women and offered to take them back to brussels with him. And there were a lot of women missing from that area. And so that name kind of came up. And so police started kind of digging into his story and connecting it to what was going on in Hungary. And so this led the two police forces. So the Brussels police and the Hungarian police started looking into him and they started a joint investigation.
Starting point is 01:22:46 And two siblings from this town in Hungary, Eva and Margit, claimed to have both accepted Pandy's offer to move to Brussels. Really? Okay. Each with the hopes of becoming his wife. And according to the two women, they were locked in the home, forced to cook and clean constantly, were told they would raise suspicions if they wandered out of the house because they couldn't speak anything but hungarian and uh were basically trapped in this house and so they reported later that after rejecting separate marriage proposals the women both demanded he send them back to hungary and oh my god he did wow okay like yo
Starting point is 01:23:21 this weird fucking thing happened and oh my god i can't believe that worked so seamlessly for them of like me too just take me back home okay that's never how that goes that's never how that goes i was expecting for sure you'd be like and that was his first murder right right it's like i promise i won't tell anyone i won't even call the police right like that never works but apparently it did and they immediately told the police all right good for them right so they so that was like obviously a huge red flag um and it also turns out that in an attempt to conceal his crimes he would hire actors to impersonate his victims in hungary i'm sorry they would what they would so he would hire they would he would hire i'm sorry just say it
Starting point is 01:24:05 again he would he would hire actors to impersonate his victims back in hungary okay telling them they were in a film about his life so he would give them a role to play and be like you are uh you know margaret play this role oh my god and so then investigators were told that they were alive and well because these people were playing these roles so he would like basically have a victim of a woman that he had dated and then he would hire another woman what the fuck hire so weird actor to play that woman to be like oh tell the police you're alive and you're fine but they like wouldn't imagine that someone 14 hours away in br was hiring someone to play a role. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:24:49 And the way he got them to do it was by saying, you're in a documentary about me. Like, what the freaking hell? I don't know. This is just really good method acting. Just call the police. Everything's fine. And don't judge me. Don't question me for it.
Starting point is 01:25:00 Don't worry about it. I won't pay you, but you'll learn an experience. You'll get paid an experience. Yeah. You're actually a PA. You're right. Oh't worry about it. I won't pay you, but you'll learn an experience. You'll get paid an experience. Yeah. You're actually a PA. You're right. Oh, that was cruel. And that was harsh.
Starting point is 01:25:09 That hurts. That hurts real deep. Okay. So meanwhile, this guy is still a fucking pastor. Remember this, by the way. Thanks, priest. Yeah. Thanks, fucking priest.
Starting point is 01:25:19 He's still a pastor at this Protestant church in Belgium. His employer, the United Protestant Church, had never made an official complaint against him. However, in 1988, his colleague, a Dutch minister named Andries den Broer, apparently became aware of abuses at Pandy's home and realized that the police were not investigating it. So he kind of stepped in and he wrote to the belgian ministry of justice uh with his suspicions and was like this guy's up to some shady shit me thinks actors are calling you me thinks that's something fishy what was that thing i kept saying about denmark the state of denmark i don't know never mind what's the quote something's rotten
Starting point is 01:26:02 oh my god eva i wish she's been saying it wrong so many different ways i sat there and went something's fishy in the state of denmark something is mysterious and suspicious and super fishy i could not fucking come up something's bananas in denmark it's wonky as fuck in denmark yeah okay rotten that's the one no no you're correct. Maybe it is bananas. You're absolutely fucking correct, and I'm just so wrong. Okay, wow.
Starting point is 01:26:31 That makes me feel real bananas, real wonky. He thinks there's something rotten in Hungary. Correct, in Brussels. In Brussels. Oh my god, okay, so so this colleague of his, this dutch minister is like yeah yo something is
Starting point is 01:26:50 up and he writes to the queen of course queen fabiola why wouldn't he that sounds like a drag queen name i'm queen fabiola oh no that's for sure yeah i love it drag queen fabiola queen fabiola right but drag queen queen queen correct just be a drag queen he's writing out oh right they just put that part in parentheses it was drag queen fabiola and then they just erased drag they're like they'll know what we mean they don't get it we stand a queen they'll get it a drag queen drag queen so he writes to this drag queen he's like yo can you imagine she would have had a heart attack knowing that we were calling her a drag queen 50 unless she's like way liberal and she's like super honored oh my god this isn't even 15 years ago this is like 97 so this is not even that long ago who knows
Starting point is 01:27:35 um so he's like writing her and he's like something is going on here and um it turns out so like he's reporting all this and like nothing is happening and's like, I keep reporting him to the authorities, and nobody's going after him. Turns out, later, it was revealed that the whole time that this Dutch minister is reporting Pandy to the authorities, Pandy is submitting false testimony, fake letters, like, telegraphs, and, like, basically bullshitting his way through it and being like, no. Of course he is. Here's a letter that says she left me for another man yeah you don't know like here's an a method actor who clearly clearly very method her name is clearly margaret and she definitely only speaks hungarian
Starting point is 01:28:15 don't question her about it yep um so that is happening and then on it got to the point where because of these missing women in uh hungary and this guy like basically pressing his case being like something is very wonky in the state of brussels uh finally pandy is arrested on october 16th 1997 which is coincidentally the same date as the white march which was a large demonstration for the victims of another belgian serial killer wow who happened to be active at the exact same time wow named mark dutroux who was super controversial he had sexually abused and killed several girls around the same time and so because of that case which actually had brought like police incompetence and corruption to the forefront and like the whole country was like just furious with
Starting point is 01:29:12 belgian police and saying like they're not doing their job so because this case this mark do true case brought that to the forefront pandy at the same time people were like and look at this motherfucker like also getting away with shit so this case was also brought to the forefront i see so he happened to be arrested at that on that same day as that march very coincidental it's very weird and apparently his case went like basically old school viral because of his deadpan reaction to his surroundings while he was being arrested really march is going on for these victims of the silver zero and he just looks like he couldn't give a shit yeah he's like so deadpan and they're like yo what the fuck this is another serial killer like right just wild stealing his
Starting point is 01:29:53 thunder stealing his thunder um and so in november 1997 so that was uh in october so the next month agnes the oldest daughter who the one from the beginning, from age 11, who had been sexually assaulted by her own father. Agnes herself was arrested by the police. What? And a few days later, she confessed to participating with her father in most of the murders of all of her relatives. That's some Stockholm stuff. I think, right? that's some stockholm stuff i think right according to agnes she was solely responsible for the murder of her own mother alona took part in the murders of daniel zoltan edith and andrea
Starting point is 01:30:32 oh my god but was not involved in and possibly unaware of the 18 year old tunda i haven't said her name yet but that was the one that where she went on vacation with the youngest kids and came back and she was disturbed so he had sent her away right that was the only murder where she's like i actually had nothing to do with that that one wasn't me okay i promise come on i feel like in that case you just kind of believe a murderer if they say like right like i killed a through z but not this one i would have told you it's like okay because think about like remember that one i did last time last episode of like the yogurt one yeah the yogurt shop when he was like i would have been proud he's like yeah right exactly i would have confessed to that and been proud of it right yeah right right um which is like hard to argue with yeah it's like okay
Starting point is 01:31:13 i guess i have to believe you on death row it's like well why not right um so it was believed that the killing of this 18 year old tunda was the only murder that pandy had actually committed without agnes's assistance so agnes um gave the police the mo she said in every case they were murdered by either a handgun or head trauma with a sledgehammer and then they would dismember the corpses together she and her father partly dissolve them in a bath with a liquid plumber which i didn't know what that was oh that's drano yeah it's basically drano exactly and then the uh the uh brand they used i found out because i was researching this is called cleanest and it had it was later removed from the market because it was too strong so they like got the tough drano times two yeah oh my god so it's basically a drano um and then they would uh they would dissolve the bodies in a bath of this
Starting point is 01:32:12 cleaning agent this drano um and in the basement and then they would take the remaining parts to a local slaughterhouse for disposal oh my god yeah wow that see like when i suggested the story i kind of knew about some of it but i didn't know like that she was involved at all in this that's why i didn't it kind of came as like a shock yeah i mean i guess i listened to a podcast episode on it but like reading about it in articles you really wouldn't know because she's a victim you know like you don't think about it that way so obviously because he's a fucking, you know, like you don't think about it that way. So obviously, because he's a fucking asshole, Andras Pandy denied the charges, although due to Agnes's testimony and her help getting evidence for the police, enough evidence was gathered to convict him. In court, Pandy dismissed the proceedings as a witch trial against him. Of course.
Starting point is 01:33:03 Oh, my God. And told the jury that uh the allegedly dead family members oh my god were still alive and he is quote in contact with them through angels shut the fuck up what's wrong they're alive and i talked to the dead to speak to them oh my god they're alive in heaven they're alive don't worry they're alive in my heart is that not enough for you what more do you want oh my god they're also in a teledrano but they're also in my heart what the fuck do you want oh my god so when asked why the missing family members who were supposedly alive could not be traced with four years of searching pandy replied it is up to
Starting point is 01:33:43 justice to prove they're dead when i'm free free again, they will come and visit me. I'm like, what? No one's going to fucking come and visit you. On March 6, 2002, a Belgian court convicted Pandy of the murder of six of his family members, attempted murder, and rape of three of his daughters. Oh my god. He was sentenced to life imprisonment without parole. That was an O2. Wow.
Starting point is 01:34:02 He was sentenced to life imprisonment without parole. That was an O2. Wow. So, Agnes, who is now 44 years old, which is fucking horrifying that age 11 is when this began, and she's now 44 and it's finally, like, surfacing publicly. Right, right. She received a 21-year sentence for being an accomplice in five murders and one attempted murder. five murders and one attempted murder. Prosecutors initially requested a 29 year sentence for her, but her lawyers pushed for leniency saying Agnes had been under the overwhelming irresistible spell of a father who was raping her and coerced
Starting point is 01:34:33 her into collaborating in the killings of her mother and siblings. Shit. So in her closing statement, Agnes says, quote, I had no way out. I was completely in his grip. So essentially do we,
Starting point is 01:34:45 and we believe her on that. I mean, that's just, I don't know if that was her way of like trying to get out of, I mean, she was 11 when this began, she killed her mother, you know,
Starting point is 01:34:53 it's like, so, but so earlier when I said Stockholm syndrome, do you think that's what that, what this is? Or do you think it was just like, I mean, I don't know if Stockholm syndrome is more than,
Starting point is 01:35:02 I mean, I guess is that, is, does that count if it's like, I mean, does she know what's wrong? She doesn't want to do it is stockholm syndrome like do you have to be kidnapped or like is that i mean it seems like brainwashing is what it i think is generic brainwashing you're 11 your whole life is shaped by someone who's an abuser yeah okay i would think that's awful yeah it's fucking terrible it's just a case of like you're in such an abusive spot like how much are you responsible for and how much right was influenced yeah that's just rough
Starting point is 01:35:31 so um she i believe was paroled within five years but was sentenced to i think 21 um and then andras pandy uh died on december, 2013, from natural causes in Bruges. He owned several homes. This is really wild. So he owned several homes, including several row houses, where the murders occurred. And during an excavation at one of the homes in following in brussels following his arrest the skeletal remains of seven women and one man of unknown origin were discovered within the concrete of the basement oh my god now this is what reminds me of like your last story of like just finding
Starting point is 01:36:15 bodies all over the walls and stuff like in the right inside the basement inside the floorboards and stuff like that yeah um and so in january 98 dna analysis of the bone fragments revealed that the deceased were not relatives of pandy and it remains unclear if their deaths were related to the case at all oh um and due to pandy's prolific use of hungarian dating services there are suspicions that they could be the skeletons of hungarian women brought to belgium oh no in that case though those two that got to just up and leave are really lucky which is wild and they were such a key in saying like yo this is what's what he's doing right very weird um during an investigation of that same home several firearms including three rifles and four handguns were found stashed in a hidden compartment built into the ceiling and then
Starting point is 01:37:03 after his arrest uh further investigation speculated that Pandy and Agnes may have committed several additional murders of non-relatives together, so not just her relatives, before and during the killing of their family members. So on November 26, 1997,
Starting point is 01:37:20 a month after his arrest, the Hungarian newspaper Nepsava reported that this just even gets worse. It gets worse, believe it or not. Reported that Andres Pandy had fostered an unknown number of Romanian children. Oh, no. Orphan refugees from the 1989 revolution in Romania at his home. So he had hosted them, fostered them at his home in brussels
Starting point is 01:37:46 and the children were supposedly recruited by a charity called ydnap ydnap which is pandy spelled back what a fucking idiot oh no what a fucking asshole it's his literal name spelled backwards. Oh, no. He said, this is the charity I got them from. Fucking terrible. So, it's just beyond me. The newspaper reported, the Hungarian newspaper reported that nobody knows what happened to them or if they returned home to Romania. So, it's literally unclear why the fuck he was fostering these kids and what happened to any of them. Right. There's no
Starting point is 01:38:27 record. So like maybe he had like a heart of gold deep down and was like I'm going to foster all these children. But I just happened to murder several of my own but I'll foster these strange children and. Right and who knows what he's doing with them. Yeah exactly. It's not not
Starting point is 01:38:43 not a good sign. Police also linked Agnes the daughter to the 1993 disappearance of a 12 year old girl whose mother had been romantically involved with pandy okay so hungarian authorities had searched several of the basements of pandy's former homes that he owned uh inapest, capital of Hungary. And the findings were concealed, so they're not publicly, public record, but they suggested that an old family tragedy might have been responsible for Pandy's killing spree. So, like, something... Something must have, like, traumatized him.
Starting point is 01:39:21 Right. Now, this is the wildest, the the last fucking bullet and it is the craziest thing of all what in fact these sealed records suggest that the prisoner in belgium might not be pandy at all but rather a sibling of the real pandy shut up death had actually been recorded in 1956 the year that pandy supposedly migrated to belgium oh my god what the fuck so fucking nuts so they think that maybe the real panty died and then one of his siblings like took the name and his identity oh no and like fucking started his own murderous rampage under his brother's dead brother's name that's wild that it like stays in the family like that yeah in their case and all that yeah wow and it wasn't
Starting point is 01:40:12 even revealed until like decades later that this guy's potentially because it's sealed but like from like uh some digging it looks like his death might have actually been recorded in 56 so it could be like a relative who took his identity i'm sorry i didn't like give more banter during that i was just like i was like tell me more i feel like i just vomited words all over you but wow that was a wild story though i didn't even know what the hell i requested i didn't i didn't expect all those twists and turns well thank you i guess. I guess. Fuck, dude. That was fun. We just are requesting things more for each other.
Starting point is 01:40:47 That was fun. Yeah. I'd never heard of this before. So Pandy or the real Pandy, whoever he was, his birthday was June 1st, as I mentioned. So he's a Gemini. So I got a little horror scope for us. Oh, cool. Okay.
Starting point is 01:41:04 Here we go. Rather than having just one major relationship at the moment, you seem to be working on a number of them all at once. Oh, my God. Well, you really find them, don't you? I don't know how I do it, man. Really on the nose. There is plenty of room to experiment and find out which ones are really suited to your true nature. Direct Mercury returns to enthusiastic Sagittarius, and animated ideas are there to accelerate to the next level.
Starting point is 01:41:30 You can turn all those beautiful thoughts in your head into reality. Hmm. I don't like that. Yikes. I don't like it either. Usually they're like, don't do whatever you're about to do. Right. This one's like, la-di-da.
Starting point is 01:41:42 Ignorant. Yikes. Of the horror. This one's like la-di-da, ignorant of the horror. So that is the story of Andras Pandy. And I'm sorry that I just made it super difficult for Eva to find like a term to use for our title. Because I just fucking went on and on with all horror. Constantly horror. We should just start making Eva just pick random words.
Starting point is 01:41:58 Like a word generator and just making that the title. You know those like rap name generators? Yes. Let's just do that every time. Just put Andras Pandy into like a rap name generators yes let's do that every time just put andres panty into like a rap rap name generator and see what happens there you go um all right well thank you everyone for listening to our 100th story cool eyes 3000 what nothing oh oh i thought you were they were just my brain hasn't caught up nope i understand
Starting point is 01:42:23 okay i'm here um thank you guys for listening to 200 episodes, 200 stories of us. Did I sound engaged for the second time? I remember when you weren't engaged once when this started and now you've been engaged twice. Listen, the last couple of months have been bleak. Oh. The month of November was very bleak for me. I can imagine after all the just married and withered. All the, well, I'm here to revive you thank you um all right well catch us on october 30th 2019 for our wedding
Starting point is 01:42:51 and catch us then catch us and then uh until then you can find us on our social media on facebook twitter instagram and also on our patreon you stop what are you digging for i thought that was another book in your wine glass uh also we're going to jacksonville forgot to mention that oh yeah we're going to jacksonville yee-hee go jags um our handle is atwwd podcast you can also find us uh find our website and that's why we you can also uh click the button that says tour and see all the shows you can also look at our instagram because that's where we usually post things first when it comes to shows and live show updates. Yep. And if you want to send in your personal true crime
Starting point is 01:43:30 and paranormal stories, you can email us at and that's where we drink at where we put out a new listeners episode at the first of every month. The next one is in two days. January 1st. Yeah, that's right. Holy shit. In two days it will also be 2019. So get your resolutions ready
Starting point is 01:43:45 fucking hell here we go again um and that's all i got and that's why i drink and that's why we i drink dang what's the name of the show again oh my god

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