And That's Why We Drink - E103 Martian Beer Pong and Sweat Glands of the Hand

Episode Date: January 20, 2019

Guys. Our heads hurt. We’re time traveling again this week for Em’s second part in their series on Project Pegasus and our minds are sufficiently blown. Then things get dark real quick when Christ...ine covers the story of the Bike Path Rapist, Altemio Sanchez. And we might be a little more telepathic than usual this week… and that’s why we drink! Please consider supporting the companies that support us! Get 15% off your first Thirdlove purchase when you go to third For a total of $80 off your first month of Hello Fresh orders, go to and enter code DRINK80 Get 2 months of Skillshare for free when you go to Start your free wedding website and get $50 off your registry, go to

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello everyone we are a week into our 2019 tour as of when this airs not officially right now as it airs tomorrow's our conception? Yes, correct. Good for us. And we've just spent five days on the road, so we probably want to strangle each other. Probably. At least one of us does. That's good. Who is it is the real fun game. Real mystery.
Starting point is 00:00:34 It's Eva. She wants to strangle both of us. She's got her tiny little hands on both of our necks. She's like, please, just be quiet for one second. I'm so over it. That's all. We just wanted to give you an update that's it bye we yeah hopefully we're doing well hopefully if people have laughed on all at all of our shows
Starting point is 00:00:53 hopefully we haven't been booed hopefully we hopefully i haven't been booed i don't really care about you what else is new hopefully we're getting more than five hours of sleep a night no promises fingers crossed fingers crossed knock Fingers crossed. Knock on wood. And yeah, we have a bunch of other shows coming up soon. So if you guys didn't make it to our shows this week, we have a bunch. As of this week that this comes out, we're leaving and we get home and then 48 hours later. Nope. Like 30 hours later, we leave for Phoenix.
Starting point is 00:01:21 Yeah. We're literally home to take a nap. We literally fly all the way back to L.A. to take a nap nap i don't really know why i did that but it's okay oh yeah we have a day we're gonna give allison and blaze a high five and a hug and then and then waltz right back out of their lives give them a temporary smooch everyone loves it leave them guessing and then we'll be in new jersey next week We have actually quite a few tickets left for like New Jersey, Brooklyn next week. And we still have some tickets as of right now for Boston. So go look at our slash live.
Starting point is 00:01:54 Ooh, that is, that's a hard pill to swallow. Making me sweat. Making me sweat. All those times I got to be on a stage. My goodness. I know. I'm trying not to think about it. But yeah, so we're happy. We're still here in LA. We're still here. Naive. We've made it so far. i gotta be on a stage my goodness i know i'm trying not to think about it oh but uh yeah so
Starting point is 00:02:05 we're happy we're still here in la we're still here naive you've made it so far pre-tour little naive angels right right we have no idea just drinking wine um all right so i do i have one thing to say because i know so we did just record last episode before this just to give you a little peek behind the scenes so we kind of talked a lot about things before last episode, but I do have one or two things to say. Okay. So you know how you friend proposed to me? Yeah. I wanted to throw out a couple hashtags that people have proposed, quote unquote, wink, wink.
Starting point is 00:02:38 Got it. For a hashtag. And we have plenty of time. Sure. But I think we should start thinking about it. I mean, this is the first step into planning yeah i mean that's everyone's first step right okay so so mine was christine gets blazed with when blaze and i got married that's old news though right right right so some that we've seen that i've seen are christine gets m gauged love are Christine Gets M-Gaged. Love it. Love it. Christine Gets Frem Chipped.
Starting point is 00:03:10 And then one that I considered using for our wedding, and then it didn't really fly, so we just went with Christine Gets Blazed, and that's why we wed, which is still one of my favorites. I think that's just so perfect. I don't hate any of those. So those are some fun ones. So let's see what other people come up with,
Starting point is 00:03:23 because it took me a while to come up with Christine. I like M-Gaged. I like my name being involved. is cute because i'm a narcissist but i also like and that's why we wed we're probably the only two that really get to like use that have several meanings exactly and that's why we wed is really cute so anyway i guess if it's about us it should be and that's why we wed but if it's about me because i'm the i'm the groom yeah then it could be engaged your name's still in there but still on the nose of you and blaze you know we could do yeah it's still a little too like we
Starting point is 00:03:51 could do multiple hashtags well what i was thinking is instead of multiple because that's how that other one got kind of like pushed out of mine is christine gets engaged is like the name of the event okay and then and that's a hashtag and that's why we went. Yeah, for sure. You know? Yeah. Like the event title. I love a good event title. Like wedding isn't enough.
Starting point is 00:04:11 It's like, let's just redo it. But also engaged is different from the actual wedding. Yeah. This is our engagement. This is our engagement. Correct. This is Christine's engage. Christine engagement.
Starting point is 00:04:23 So up in, so currently we're m gauged or christine gets m gauged but then on the day of the wedding right it'll be and that's why we went now every single person wants to strangle us with their hands at first it was just eva now everyone's like yep let me everyone's like move away eva i'll get her let me grab i'll get christine let me grab her throat i'm tired of her being the bride so currently christine is engaged yes and then on the day which we have not decided a day yet yes uh it will be and that's why we went i kind of like that i think that's pretty i like it too yeah i like it so thank you a couple people propose that so i don't propose oh it's so good um so thank you guys for your for your contribution yeah I like a big day.
Starting point is 00:05:06 I'm very stoked. Anyway. So that's my, uh, we have to figure out a cake. I've always wanted that to be the first thing. That was my second step. Actually I did hashtag. And then my mom was like, okay, I already booked us a cake tasting. And then she just stepped out of the planning.
Starting point is 00:05:19 She's like, I just want to taste the cakes. And then just wait, is she telling the truth? What? Yeah. She peaced out. She wanted to eat the cake and then she didn't do anything else. And I was like, okay, I'm not surprised. I love it. I sort of loved it, but not really.
Starting point is 00:05:30 Oh, I loved it. I loved it for you. Okay. Well, good. All right. It's very important. We should just have like one big cake party and everyone can be involved on the cake. Sure.
Starting point is 00:05:40 Sure. It was everyone. Just you and me, right? Sure. Come on. We don't want to share a cake with everybody. I mean, I don't want to share my cake with you either i know so why add more you're right you're right you're right you're right you're right you can be there but no chocolate
Starting point is 00:05:51 for him should we have a cake shaped like geo just wondering yes write that down okay eva eva learn to carve a dog shaped cake correct write it down okay good to know anyway so that's all what's gonna be our dance obviously pony yes obviously or like our theme song i mean oh my god we're probably the only married couple that has a theme song we might as well go so romantic saddle up my saddle's waiting that'll be our honeymoon song oh my god where are we going on our honeymoon that's a good question that's step three these are the most important steps all right i'm i'm thinking like escape room marathon okay okay something along
Starting point is 00:06:42 those lines maybe an ice cream bar a boozy ice cream bar a boozy ice cream bar okay i could get down with that i mean we'll we'll talk about it or maybe like somewhere super haunted where we can just like go like hang out drink eat ice cream and like haunt ghosts oh i mean let's do that i mean either at the time yeah yeah yeah let's do that okay either at the time okay okay okay good perfect good to know good to know all right where were we oh yes i had y'all on the edge of your seats is where we left off and me um oh wait i'm not done yet you want to know why i drink this week yes we never play that game anymore i know i actually had one
Starting point is 00:07:16 for me too but i didn't want to like oh why do you drink you go first no because i've been talking this whole time you go first yeah chatterbox i drink because i recently framed a picture of me and my mom at her wedding i just framed it we did a whole like picture collage thing on my wall in my apartment it's really cute i saw it and thank you and so one of the pictures is me and my mom at her wedding and i went to go get it printed at fedex and someone saw a picture of me in a tux and my mom in a wedding dress and looked at the picture and went, Oh, congratulations. Stop it. Um, and then next and next to Alison. So Alison saw this happen and Alison was the dead ringer to give it away. Cause
Starting point is 00:07:58 I literally looked at that woman dead in the eyes and I was like, thank you. And like, just wanted it to be done with. And Alison started laughing. and then the woman looked at me and then back in the picture was like she is your she's your she's no don't say it and then i was like no this one right here and i was pointing at allison i was like she's mine she's mine she's mine and she looked confused because i still hadn't give her any explanation that is i was like that's my mom you know that lady is telling that story right now on reddit or somewhere like somewhere i did something embarrassing she was like she felt so bad and i was like it's really not a big deal i was like all you did is just flatter my mom her ears are ringing somewhere absolutely she looks like she's in her 20s
Starting point is 00:08:38 getting married for the first time i will just tell millions of people about this on my show don't worry about it anyway oh that's why i drink why do you drink i drink i mean mine's not as funny at all my mom also got engaged apparently what happened there everyone's no that's my thing everyone's getting engaged all right what's why are you drinking oh my thing is just that um i am changing some of my medications uh-oh my okay yeah yeah my i'm i'm altering my my meds my antidepressants changing things around and i feel like i'm in a very good place now and so i'm trying a good reason why yeah i think so and i'm trying to be more transparent about it because i feel like it's important and i talked to my stepmom recently and she was like you've been on antidepressants and i was like yeah and like
Starting point is 00:09:22 like we had just never talked about it so i was like maybe i need to be more transparent about things like that so yeah so i've been working on changing my meds around a little bit and i feel a lot better than i used to so yeah my i recently told my dad i didn't like come out that i'm on antidepressants but i've recently like brought it are you what you're on antidepressants well i'm on lexapro so i'm anti-anxiety yeah i didn't know that what is wrong with i feel like i've i don't know i don't think we've ever even talked about that have we well because i'm it's because it's overshadowed by the propranolol i'm always talking about okay but yeah i have lexapro and i propranolol okay but i brought it up to my dad and he was like he didn't even know i was on propranolol and i've like meanwhile i'm like
Starting point is 00:10:04 shouting it from the rooftops it's like the greatest thing on earth for me and he was like he didn't even know i was on propranolol and i've like meanwhile i'm like shouting it from the rooftops it's like the greatest thing on earth for me and he was like i know you were using anything and i was like well yeah but yeah i mean it's weird it's weird how it's always involved in your personal life but then you announce it and people don't know talking about something we were doing a facebook live or something and i said i said like oh yeah well i took a xanax yesterday or some or I took a Xanax that's why I'm kind of like I was having a bad morning or something right like we talked about it and then later like I had forgotten that my mom was in the Facebook live and she was like so uh you were on Xanax and I was like yeah sometimes I take it if I'm having like a really
Starting point is 00:10:38 rough morning and she was like okay and I just feel like it's such a different thing for like people of our parents generation like it's just not different thing for, like, people of our parents' generation. Like, it's just not a thing you talk about. And so I'm just learning that my parents are very, like, taken aback when I, like, talk openly about it. It is definitely a generational thing because I think maybe it's just as a millennial. And also I think what was the – it's, like, by next year, depression is going to be, like, the biggest, like, mental illness that, like, everyone everyone our generation has it's like just kind of a so common thread these days yeah and i've noticed that without even thinking i'll just mention that i'm on medication and people don't care it's not as taboo as it might be and then
Starting point is 00:11:16 the second i'm talking to adults they have this weird look like that i'm giving them too much personal information what birth control like oh i use condoms with my like it's like you're saying something like personal they act like it's like way're saying what birth control, like, oh, I use condoms with my, like, it's like you're saying something like personal. They act like it's like way too personal and they don't know me well enough for me to be addressing it. Right, right, right. But when I talk to people my age, it's like not even something people think. It's like, oh, me too.
Starting point is 00:11:33 It's like, okay, well, how do you feel about that? Because I'm trying to change mine. Big surprise everyone is, right? Like, I just feel like. The real surprise is when people aren't on antidepressants to me. I'm like, oh, wow, you're really, you're really doing it. You got it together. Oh, natural. Wow, wow.'re really you're really doing it oh natural
Starting point is 00:11:45 good for you yeah so anyway that's one that's why I drink this week because I well I'm proud of you thank you I finally got my shit together and went and got the guts to figure it out so I'm very happy about it oh good let's see how I am in a month but I'm about to go tour with you so if all of a sudden you like lose your mind well it was the tour where I was like I was talking to my therapist and I was like oh she's like maybe you should figure this out before you leave was it like just a dosage or did you change brands like total different medications oh cool so we'll see what happens do you feel comfortable saying it or no yeah I've changed I'm on Wellbutrin now I was on Zoloft I learned my Zoloft at night way up to my Wellbutrin and I'm still on clonopin as needed blessed
Starting point is 00:12:27 blessed for clonopin yeah and people always kind of panic about that but i don't take it and drink because i talk about a lot about drinking and then people are like don't drink on it and i'm like i'm married to a pa i know not to drink on it don't worry right right right um but yeah anyway so i changed meds and my therapist was like you should probably figure that out before you leave maybe for the four months. And I was like, fine. Right before I like, I'm like the next murder victim in one of your stories. Before I'm reading about murder and on the airplane, like I said last week and just snap.
Starting point is 00:12:55 Yeah. Well, good. I'm happy you're happy. Thank you. I'm happy that. Currently I am ship shape, I think. I'm just so excited to learn more about time travel. Sorry. I just went off like the deep end with that conversation.
Starting point is 00:13:07 Oh, no. I mean, sometimes it's got to get educational. Also, in case anyone's wondering, I'm a big believer in HTP5. Have you used that before? Blaze was telling me about it yesterday. A lot of people say it's just a placebo thing, but if it is, I don't care. I feel like it works more than my other medications sometimes for anxiety yeah no for depression oh i see i used to take saint john's wort for anxiety but
Starting point is 00:13:29 then it interfered with my birth control if it's if it's a placebo it's an effective one which i honestly i'm like why not if it's a placebo even better then it's not doing anything and it's like if it's no better if it's just making me feel good it's the it's as much as as like Lexapro does a lot. I'm not, I'm not crapping on Lexapro, but, uh, HTP five, I is a noticeable, noticeable difference for me. And like my big version, my big symptom for depression, I never, I'm very lucky that I don't have to deal with, um, really any negative thoughts. Yeah. It's, it's very much a, a lack of motivation to do anything at all
Starting point is 00:14:06 um all the way to like going downstairs just to grab the mail like like it's impossible for me and so when i take htp5 i'm able to do everything and not even think about it it's very weird maybe it wasn't i don't remember what it was blaze was talking about something that people always steal from the pharmacy that's probably it maybe not it's probably it is it is very well known as like a fake drug but whatever i'm still gonna keep it was at kroger or at whatever it is here ralph's and it was behind like a glass case and i was like why is that back there and he's like i don't know people always steal it because they think it's gonna like save them or something but like it's one of the most stolen oh or whatever. Anyway, it was back there with like Benadryl and like.
Starting point is 00:14:47 Oh, like Robitussin and all that. It was like Benadryl and then like all the coffee. Purple drinks. All the ingredients for purple drink. Literally, we talked about purple drink for maybe 45 minutes each. Coding on coding on coding. All right. Well.
Starting point is 00:14:59 Wait, can I say one thing? Yeah. When I gave, for Christmas, I gave my sister a boba tea kit because she loves boba tea. So I gave her like make your own boba tea at home. Oh, nice. And it was super fun. And she made one. And she brought one in.
Starting point is 00:15:11 Did she call it purple drink? Allie, Alex, and her, me, and Blaze. And she's like, look, I made purple drink. Oh, no. I call it purple drink. And we just like spit our drinks out. We were like, what? And it's so sweet.
Starting point is 00:15:23 She just has no idea. And Blaze wasn't paying attention. So then I said, no, she has no idea and blaze wasn't paying attention so then i said no she has no idea so then i said oh what's in purple drink and blaze hadn't been paying attention so he turns to me and he goes codeine and sprite and i was like no i'm talking shut up you're not wrong but you're not right either it's like keep your mouth shut i'm asking my sister what's in her purple boba tea she's like it's just it's just purple purple drink and i was like oh boy so precious please don't take that to school and call it that yeah call it something else call it violet drink call it beautiful lavender unicorn frappuccino that's what that's there for yes
Starting point is 00:15:53 anyway purple drink go on oh my goodness so we could talk about that forever the olden days i know spiraling out of control sorry eva so uh one one of our one of the things I was saying is that you guys were on the edge of your seats a while ago until you probably gave up because we tangent everywhere. We just totally ignored you. We just said, blah, blah, blah. Left you in the dust. Hush-a-faw, hush-a-faw. So
Starting point is 00:16:19 I was keeping you on the edge of your seats. Maybe for some of you who are listening to this week by week, you have really just been dying to hear what comes next. Or they're like, I have no memory. That was seven days ago. Right. So if you would like to travel back in time, hint, hint, wink, wink, nod, nod, elbow, elbow. Clever.
Starting point is 00:16:36 We are talking about Project Pegasus. And that it's my first two-part series uh of an episode two episode series legendary i like to think so first of the podcast ever so uh please go back and listen to that episode because a lot of this information is not going to make sense if you did not hear that episode true so if you're going backwards this is where you're fucked right exactly and uh so i'm warning you now please go like even if you're trying to adamantly listen to them in a row backwards to prove something to someone you have to go listen to 102 before you listen to this okay um and i would love to sit here and try to give you a quick
Starting point is 00:17:16 cliff notes about there's no such thing there's no such thing it's too much information i'm so glad we recorded these back to back because I would not remember. I am too. But that's why. So at one point we were thinking like, oh, well, we can when I told you like, oh, maybe we'll move the episodes. I was like, no, we can't do it. Can't do it. I was like, I can't tell you why, but we can't separate these two episodes.
Starting point is 00:17:35 Not happening. Okay. So please go enjoy episode 102. And we'll wait for you right here. And get back to us. Elevator music. two and we'll wait for you right here and um get back to us elevator music did you listen to it did you have a good time i'm just gonna say yeah because if they if if i hear otherwise i'm gonna be pissed okay well if you enjoyed the first one let's move on okay so we
Starting point is 00:18:00 were at oh yes the children who have lost legs and how i mean there's people who didn't listen into that they're like okay fine they're like you were right you were right now i need to go so children have lost legs um oh my god so i'm just going to jump right into a whole other topic i just wanted to explain the children thing at the end of my story sure because i knew that was a question people were going to be asking on stop. But so we were at, it started as teleportation, and then this DARPA program was able to find its way through time travel. All these kids were time traveling, and now it's the late, or the early 70s still. It's around the early 70s, mid 70s. And I'm trying to figure out how to like frame this so that this story kind of makes sense when I'm jumping into it or this part of the story.
Starting point is 00:18:45 I guess the last thing I talked about that actually is important for this context is that Andrew, our time traveling main character. The attorney. The attorney at law. Wow. He is now finding out that people are, you can go into the future, go back in time to get intelligence and gather materials so for example he at one point went to 2045 to get materials that were prepared for him to go pick up where he could bring them back to the 70s and they could look at future events coming up between the 70s and 2040s so um there was a big wall to mexico sorry god you are really how did you know a big gigantic
Starting point is 00:19:30 wall trump does get mentioned mexico paid for it no wall yet maybe but then again he did say in 2045 everything's peaceful i see so maybe we all knock the wall down together yes like maybe maybe or maybe there's none to begin with i mean that's the big fingers crossed that's the ideal but we'll see we've got like 20 30 years to go till we find out so one of the materials that he picked up and that he brought back to the 70s um he brought it in 1971 one of the materials about the future that he brought back to the 70s was footage documentary of 9-11. Which means in 1971, 30 years before 9-11, if he's telling the truth, the government knew about 9-11 30 years in advance. Could they not stop it? I guess that gets into a whole different thing.
Starting point is 00:20:24 We get there. Okay. Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God. 30 years in advance could they not stop it i guess we get there to a whole different thing we get there okay so oh god oh god oh god oh god bossiago andrew bossiago says 9-11 was foreseen by his father because remember his father is an associate of the cia at this point and aware of the stuff his child is going through and which has been proven that he was in related to cia somehow right okay he is somehow related he's in the cia database because has enough clearance, but we don't know how he was involved. Right. Other than being an engineer. Other than what Andrew has said.
Starting point is 00:20:49 Right. Yeah. So he says the 9-11 has been well known by his father and other Project Pegasus participants as early as 1971. Agents had footage of September 11th and Andrew saw for himself at that facility moving pictures of the attack on the Twin Towers. Oh my God. Can you imagine being that person sent to that? I know.
Starting point is 00:21:10 Or whatever. Or I guess if. He went to. Oh, I see. It was footage from the actual event and then it was brought back. When he went to the future, he got footage of that future past, which was still his present future. Yeah, yeah, I get it. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:23 Okay. You know. It just makes sense. I've just watched Back to the Future too much that that made total Yeah, yeah, I get it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. You know. It just makes sense. I've just watched Back to the Future too much that that made total sense to me, but probably no one else. No, no, I get it. I get it.
Starting point is 00:21:31 So I really should have made a where we're going, we don't need roads pun when I was describing the machine, but it's fine. Someone else will probably tweet about it. We've had a whole week for someone to say something. Make a meme.
Starting point is 00:21:43 Make a meme. Someone make a meme. Meme it up. God, I i can't even back to the future memes about our show i would lose my fucking mind okay all right you heard it here first people you heard it here i'll definitely like it and retweet it if you'd like my if you'd like my attention someone made an uh antelope i saw that one what is it called us as antelope i forget what oh because we can't elope no no it was something elope but it was friend elope friend elope the friend elope yeah uh with our faces on antelopes i like the one where someone uh photoshopped our faces on ghostbusters oh that was a with that was i actually kind of like really love that one that could be a cool poster
Starting point is 00:22:18 come on you think i haven't already looked into that why did we not remember to invite eva here today? Eva right all of a sudden. We're such assholes. I just didn't even tell Eva to come. Yeah, we really absolutely texted each other at 10 o'clock at night yesterday. We were like, so? Are we even seeing each other? Should Eva come?
Starting point is 00:22:35 What's going on? Did we forget to tell Eva? And then we decided that it was too late to force Eva to show up at my house at 10 a.m. We were like, oh, well, if we forgot by now, she's fine. We'll just wing it. Okay, so anyway, back back to 9-11 that's what i like to hear the happiest things on earth so um agents had footage basiago himself has seen moving images i like how he doesn't say videos he's like moving images maybe yeah i guess that's what they were called back then moving pictures so old school.
Starting point is 00:23:08 Okay, so he saw them at a... Okay, so here's where the details come in. He saw them at the Secured Defense Technical Aerojet Corporation Facility on the corner of Bullock Avenue and Leroy Place in Socorro, New Mexico. Oh, shit. So he's like, it happened here first. I know where it was. He also
Starting point is 00:23:24 says... By the the way did you see the movie vice that just came out no okay so i saw some of it some of it i fell asleep um but at the theater i did shit man not because it was bad i don't want anyone thinking it was bad i just wait what movie is that so it's about dick cheney and all the stuff that was actually happening behind the scenes you fell asleep during it you would i'm sorry i'm sorry that's hilarious it was a good movie from what i saw but um oh my god but so to be fair the parts i did see it is about the behind the scenes of what dick cheney knew and how he basically manipulated the entire system and was in charge of a lot more than he needed to be and he took advantage of people and even though the vice president he said at one
Starting point is 00:24:11 point when he was younger and just finally like starting to get his foot in the door at the White House he was saying that the vice president doesn't actually do anything and he became like the most like influential yeah like he like created so many jobs for himself because he was able to talk his way into it and stuff like that but he also knew some really fucked up things and he allowed them to happen and even like was the one who pulled the trigger on some things and his advisor when he first started as an intern was donald rumsfeld oh okay played by steve crowell by the way lol lol it was very hard to watch him in that role. Yeah, I would imagine. I just think of Michael Scott in Congress.
Starting point is 00:24:46 It's a nightmare. I was going to say, Michael Scarn is here. Threat level midnight. Threat level midnight. So, anyway, I say all that. Basically, and also Donald Rumsfeld, because he was, Dick Cheney was the intern to Donald Rumsfeld. Right.
Starting point is 00:25:00 And Donald Rumsfeld taught him all these kind of fucked up ways to handle things and was very good at being a master manipulator and kind of knowing how to beat the system. Or even if something really bad is going on behind the scenes, sometimes you just got to let it ride out. He was just very sneaky. That being said, Basiago says he saw this footage of 9-11 in 1971 at the Aerojet Corporation. He also says that at that time, Donald Rumsfeld was the liaison between Project Pegasus and the Pentagon. Oh, interesting. So he was very aware back in the 70s that one, Project Pegasus existed. Two, he was the liaison between that and the Pentagon. Two, he was the liaison between that and the Pentagon, and he had information that he knew about 30 years in advance about 9-11, and 9-11 still happened.
Starting point is 00:25:51 Okay. That's a big pill to swallow. Okay. So Rumsfeld not only knew about the attacks 30 years in advance, but he was the defense attache for Project Pegasus, and he was also a counselor at that time to Nixon. Okay. So he could have easily gone to Nixon and said, this is going going to happen let's make some moves so we can avoid this if this is if this is real if this is just not to this is all a legend right um so he basically rumsfeld knew about it and by the time 9-11 actually happened on 9-11 donald rumsfeld had moved up the ladder and was the secretary of defense that day the day of 9 11 okay so he knew about allegedly knew about 9 11 at a time where
Starting point is 00:26:32 he could have he definitely had connections to address it to someone or tell someone and even if he did tell someone it could have someone else could have decided not to do anything right and how what do you say like oh how many people can you be like oh i knew there was a time travel like right you only can only tell like cleared classified people and but so for someone who i mean they literally it's in it's in the movie theaters right now a whole documentary about how he was really sneaky and knew a whole lot and still made some bad calls on purpose then i happened to do this story and i was like so i'm a little primed to think he's guilty but no one else has to be it's just because i've it just i just saw this movie of him part of the movie part of the movie just kidding i only saw the parts where he was a dirty dirty
Starting point is 00:27:16 guy no funny to me where did you see that uh when i was with allison the poconos okay i was like this doesn't seem like something you would go see on your own. Nope. Okay. Okay. But yeah, so he, by the time 9-11 happened, he was the Secretary of Defense where he like, absolutely, if this is real, he definitely knew about it. And he was the one in charge on the day where it happened. He had the highest possible clearance. Okay.
Starting point is 00:27:39 Although, to answer your question about could they have done something about it 30 years in advance, the understanding of Project Peggasus from its conception was that project pegasus officials were only time traveling to learn information about the future and it was not their responsibility to play god and change everything i was wondering i was like i bet you there's some rule where you can't fuck with it so they made a rule who knows if who follows it but the understanding is that you are not to play god and not just because not just because you shouldn't but also because it actually makes things worse for you in the future because ripple effect yeah so to change one effect or to change one event means changing all other events but because they only have enough materials telling
Starting point is 00:28:23 them what shows up in the future if you you change one thing, all that other information could be wrong. Right. Because you could just skew everything that else happened before. So to change one event means having less information about other future events. So your hands are essentially tied. Yeah. It's like you could stop 9-11, but either you could create much worse things in the future, or even if you stop 9-11 and nothing bad happens, you still't know what direction the world's going that has and you'd have to do a whole other time travel
Starting point is 00:28:50 to go get new information about the new world you created and so so that must be hard to go to the future and be like no what's coming do anything like if you are to try to save the world you'll create a paradox where there's even less knowledge about the future's future oh god okay so it's like real movie territory yeah so seeing 9-11 happen after 30 years of thinking it might not happen because he remembers seeing it and then he was like oh maybe i was wrong maybe i maybe that's not going to happen but then when he actually saw 9-11 happen 30 years this is this is basiago sorry so i was like oh my god he admitted it okay so andrew basiago after he saw it back in 71 he remembers seeing the pictures and kind of felt like oh well who knows like maybe they did play god and maybe they did change it and i don't know
Starting point is 00:29:36 what actually ended up going through with that case and blah blah blah well the 9-11 came and he actually saw what happened and that was his that was his trigger moment wow to release a public affidavit about project pegasus in 2012 oh my god that was the moment and he released it on the anniversary the first anniversary of 9-11 holy shit so he had talked about it before since 2004 he's been announcing that he was part of this but when he to put out all the details to sign an affidavit and like really give as much info as he could that was after seeing 9-11 and realizing okay people have to know about this right time to like get my butt into action right
Starting point is 00:30:15 and that was in that same document he is when he said i know as a lawyer if they ever find out that what i'm saying isn't true or if someone wants to challenge me on it and i can't prove it, then I am risking getting disbarred and ending my professional career. And he was like, I'm willing to do that for people to know. That's really interesting that he waited for something as big as 9-11 to be like, it's worth my career to try to be open. I know this is happening. And honest about this. Yeah. And that was, how old was he at that point?
Starting point is 00:30:42 I mean, he was. I don't know. He was, well, he was six and 68. So old was he at that point i mean he was uh i don't know he was well he was six and 68 so he was born in 62 so don't even look at me so if he was born 62 he's my mom he's my mom's age so he's 56 or he just turned 57 sure he's about to turn 57 okay sorry mom i mean 37 i mean 37 i was gonna say my mom was born. Never mind. I mean, he's about to turn 29 for the 30th time. So, okay. You already said you were marrying her because.
Starting point is 00:31:14 I mean, I'm already marrying her because I just, she looks so young for her age. The FedEx person already thinks you're engaged. Right. There was no airbrushing involved. We just look exactly the same age. So. She's really dragging my mom i'm so sorry no comment linda i love you i didn't do anything mom you're so pretty i love you i would love to
Starting point is 00:31:35 marry you look you're like you're 29 i would love to marry you it's a shame you're already taken um so so that whole 9-11 part's over but that is an important part of the story i wanted to make sure it got out there right so by 1980 he had already announced in his 2004 document or wherever he released it that he was in project pegasus from 68 to 72 and he was no longer in it by the time he was 12 and then he's just supposedly carried on lived his whole life really so can you imagine joining like high school and all the guys are like bragging about like i slam dunked a basketball and he's like you're gonna say time travel i touched a boob sure that too i slam dunked a boob yesterday that's what i always said what i do every friday night so sorry yes and you're like i saw the
Starting point is 00:32:20 gettysburg address right exactly like i'm literally sitting in my history class and can't tell the teacher that he's wrong and what he said. Oh, my God. Like, I literally took my Nikes. Can you imagine how humbling that is? Oh, my God. How fucking frustrating, though. You'd be like, fuck all of you.
Starting point is 00:32:33 I know, I know. So, on his, I don't know if it was his 18th birthday, but by the time he was 18, it was 1980, which is where this, your story took place as well, 1980. Oh, right. We did talk about that um he needed a lot of therapy right yeah so for sure i'm sure i imagine and you can't even tell your therapist unless it's like a ca therapist you're right they're always listening um a ca therapist that is a good job so can you imagine the shit that they hear and can't go home and talk about you must have a lot of let's talk about another honorable mention on like. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:05 Last year we, or last week we did a. People who are. Dispatch. Dispatch operators. Now it's a CIA therapist that we. You know, there's somewhere out there, somewhere out there. But that happens in criminal minds. They have to see therapists in criminal minds.
Starting point is 00:33:18 Wow. Talk about how they shot people. Yikes. Anyway. So 1980 happens. Andrew is now 18, which means he's an adult and the government comes back and tries to recruit him again oh god to come back and do more program work leave him alone so he says yes uh okay spoiler all right fun i'm on board then during this time as far as he
Starting point is 00:33:38 knows it could have been happening earlier but now that he is back in the game, Project Pegasus is now using time travel to pre-identify future presidents. Get out. So. What? He says that many of the presidents are now being recruited as kids and teens to be involved in DARPA programs. Is that why there's always little kids taking photos of me when I'm walking down the street? They know. They know something.
Starting point is 00:34:03 President of the wine club.istine christine coming at you 2020 so he says that um there are people that are currently time traveling bananas to young version either to the future or the past because by that point some of the presidents are let's say young adult age so time travelers are going to the past to see young presidents. Like baby Obama. Like baby Obama. Okay. Um, people are time traveling, whether it's to the future or to the past or whatever age appropriate. They're finding presidents before they are even involved in politics and are briefing them and trying to recruit them for these DARPA programs. So wait, they're trying to recruit the baby presidents?
Starting point is 00:34:47 Not like a toddler, but like going to like teenage. But why do they want them to be in the DARPA? Hang in there. Okay. There's more of the story coming. So in Project Pegasus, Project Pegasus agents would, they were now finding future presidents and vice presidents while in their youth,
Starting point is 00:35:01 and they would be debriefed by CIA and DARPA personnel that they were to become future presidents. Oh, God, can you imagine? And Andrew was included in many of these meetings where he actually met several future leaders during informal lunches in Albuquerque, New Mexico. What? There's a quote saying, I met several future national leaders of the United States at lunches that were held in Albuquerque with project principals shortly after they were told after they the future presidents
Starting point is 00:35:29 i met with them in albuquerque with others after these future leaders were told that by using quantum capabilities the darpa program had determined that they were destined to serve as president or vice president of the united states what can you imagine having an informal like bologna sandwich lunch with someone they're like so i found you because you're going to be president you're literally hung over from the night before and they're like and this guy's like hey i'm from 30 years into the future and you're going to be president so let's get you settled in now so individuals that andrew remembers meeting are both George Bush's Dick Cheney and Bill Clinton. What? And then quote, as for Trump, I have a vague memory that my father took special note of him during an appearance on the Phil Donahue show.
Starting point is 00:36:15 And I remember my father commenting that he was one of the future presidents, but I ignored it. Oh, shit. Because he was a little kid. He probably didn't give a shit. Right. But also knowing your dad's a CIA member and you yourself at six are involved in time travel you probably just get used to hearing random shit about the future stuff that right you probably just ignore it seems innocuous but he remembers his father saying something like oh trump's gonna be one
Starting point is 00:36:35 of the presidents oh my god so the goal of briefing them to answer your question was to have them begin learning the government's inside projects in advance to help them learn as much about classified intelligence as possible and to help morph them into capable leaders okay so kind of to sway them either way and get them interesting into so they just want to fucking get their hands on i guess so like just kind of groom them to become presidents okay i'm not gonna go there this seems really are you about to say bananas because it gets more as fuck but okay to be like oh we'll tell you what to do even though the american people are supposed to be involved in selecting and whatever and
Starting point is 00:37:17 instead we're just gonna put our hands on it and groom you to be what we think you should be i mean whatever i'm not surprised but then surprised. But then there's that whole conversation about is their destiny or free will? Because if it's going to happen no matter what, then you might as well step in and make sure they do it right. But what does that mean, do it right? I mean, who knows?
Starting point is 00:37:37 Maybe they have some rule in Project Pegasus about making sure that everything goes as according to plan. Because even if we think like oh well if we step in and quote change their path maybe in the future the past the way that they actually got to who they were was because you stepped in right so i mean you have no idea maybe that's part of your path who knows maybe by trying to change the world you're actually doing exactly what you were supposed to do head spinning let's not break our brains on that it just know that this is where
Starting point is 00:38:09 the story is going got it got it got it and it's about to take a sharp left turn because good one of the future presidents that basiago had the most interaction with was barack obama who in 1980 who in 1980 became in another participant with with Andrew in the Mars training program. Get out of town here. You're telling me Barack was in the Mars training program? I'm telling you Barack was on Mars. Okay, listen. You had me.
Starting point is 00:38:36 I know. You're losing me. You're losing me. The rest of this is just as expected. Andrew, you... Andrew had me. Andrew had me. You should have stopped while you were ahead. Andrew had me.
Starting point is 00:38:47 But I mean, let's be realistic. I believe in aliens. Me too. A thousand percent. Me too. I believe that... I would absolutely believe if someone said, oh yeah, the government has communicated with extraterrestrials.
Starting point is 00:38:59 Agreed. Same. I would believe a space program has brought us to planets and moons we haven't discussed that haven't been told to us. I would believe that. Perhaps. I just don't believe that Barack Obama is one of them. Was one of the people. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:15 It's a little out there. But okay. I'm going to listen. Look, it's my job to tell the story. So whether or not we believe it, your job is to listen. No, I'm buckled up i'm ready so in the 1980s while at ucla andrew attended a secret three-week seminar about mars to prepare him for teleport trips to mars because i guess the whole thing now is that not only can they
Starting point is 00:39:36 teleport in the world but intergalactically they can teleport now so they're really just expanding on all this technology the seminar was taught by major Ed Dames, who was then, at the time, serving as a scientific and technical intelligence officer for the Army. And this seminar was held at the College of, I'm going to mess it up, Siskiyous. Siskiyous? Spell it. S-I-S-K-I-Y-O-U-S. S-I-S-K-Y. Siskiy-o-u-s s-i-s-k-y-s-i-s-k-i-u-s skies skies skies i don't know a small college near mount shasta in california oh jesus it's
Starting point is 00:40:14 in the state uh the guys i don't know uh he says andrew says that 10 teenagers were enrolled in the mars training program and in addition to and Andrew and another guy who ended up being another whistleblower that corroborated everything that so far Andrew has said. Okay. His name was, his last name was Stillings. I think his name was Brett Stillings. Okay. His name was Ben Stiller and he and Barack Obama went to Mars. This is like Mad Libs.
Starting point is 00:40:39 Yeah, it is. Real Mad Lib disease. Mad Lib disease. But so Brett Stillings ends up coming out later and saying like everything he said is true. I can confirm everything. Whatever. Yeah. So in addition to Andrew and Brett Stillings, there were two other teenagers in Major Dom's class.
Starting point is 00:40:56 Major Dame's class. Dame or Dom. Major Dame's class. And they were Barry Satoro and Regina Dugan. Okay. And they were Barry Satoru and Regina Dugan. Okay. And Obama actually, so Barry Satoru actually was the name that Obama used to go by.
Starting point is 00:41:12 What? And right when he went to college, he changed it to Barack Obama. Oh, shit. And Regina Dugan actually happened to become, once Obama became president, so let's pretend all this is real. Obama was told when he was younger, you're going to be president. Let's start getting you involved in some classified program so that way you kind of know about the intelligence before you become president. Ta-da, today you're now president. You need to start appointing people you trust.
Starting point is 00:41:37 Regina Dugan actually became, while Obama was president, Regina Dugan was the director of DARPA. Stop it. In 2009. He appointed her as the director of DARPA, which was the department that was in charge of Project Pegasus. Okay, interesting. Where they met, allegedly. Allegedly. So.
Starting point is 00:41:58 Interesting. Of the students at that seminar, at least seven of their parents, if you add up all their parents, at least of them had ties to the cia and audited the class to make sure that their kids were safe so one of them was raymond basiago who was andrew's dad and he was the engineer and chief technically technical liaison to the cia on tesla based teleportation tesla tesla and another was thomas stillings brett stillings dad who was in operations analysis for a company who had served with the office of naval intelligence wow so those were just two of the seven but seven of them had really intense like caa clearance and like it seems like there's a pattern of like either nepotism or we need to recruit people who can we trust how about our
Starting point is 00:42:41 own kids inside yeah because you're not just gonna go get anyone bringing people from yeah right so there was actually the jump room that they used to teleport to mars we're pretending this is not right listen i'm not i'm on board okay the jump to mars got it the jump room that they used to get to mars according to both stillings brett stillings and andrew um is that the jump room was in a building ran by hughes aircraft at 999 north sepolvita boulevard in el segundo adjacent to lax i know where that is yeah so apparently that's the building that has a jump room to mars and it's right across from lax airport it was just over there yep let's go okay um so holy shit in 2011 andrew's statement about mars and barack obama was quote there are two individuals from the same mars training class in 1980 i have met and are um sorry i think there was a typo somewhere
Starting point is 00:43:42 oh no no this is him talking about him and brett stillings and when they first finally came together and said like they compared their stories about what was going on this is andrew and andrew and brett stillings the other whistleblower got it so they came together and started comparing stories because they have a theory that maybe some of their memories were wiped or something like that and so they came together and kind of pieced stuff and so in 2011 andrew made a statement that says two individuals from the same mars training class which is him and sillings he's talking about himself in the third person right two individuals from this training class in 1980 have met and are comparing experiences and are able to corroborate not only that they were on the surface of mars
Starting point is 00:44:24 together but that before reaching mars via jump room they were trained with a group of teenagers that included the current president of the united states obama and the director of darpa dugan brett stillings made a statement at the same time and said i can confirm that andrew d basiago and barack obama were in my mars training course in summer 1980 from 81 to 83. I encountered Andrew Courtney Hunt of the CIA and other Americans on the surface of Mars after reaching Mars myself via the jump room at El Segundo, California. I mean. Then in 2011, Andrew again mentioned his participation with Obama in 1980 and said, mentioned his participation with Obama in 1980 and said,
Starting point is 00:45:11 Barry Satoro, a student at Occidental College, was in my Mars training class under Major Ed Dames at the College of Siskiyous in Weed, California in 1980. The fact has been corroborated by one of my other classmates, Brett Stillings. Two years later, when he was taller, thinner, more mature, a better listener, Dillings. Two years later, when he was taller, thinner, more mature, a better listener, this student was now using the name Barack Obama and attending a different college, Columbia University. We crossed paths again in Los Angeles, and I didn't recognize him as the person that I had trained with in the Mars program and encountered on the surface of Mars. In fact, doing so would have been virtually impossible in any case because measures had been taken to block our later memories of Mars shortly after we completed our training in 1980. So...
Starting point is 00:45:49 Oh, I'm so invested, though. It's kind of like I want to not believe it, but I kind of want to believe it really bad. I want to believe. So, Andrew and Brett Stillings have both agreed that Major Dames stated during their training class. They both remember him saying this. They both remember their teacher, major dames stating during their training class in 1980 quote of the 97,000 individuals that we have thus far sent to Mars. 97,000.
Starting point is 00:46:15 Jesus Christ. Only 7,000 have survived there after five years. Wait, they left them there. I don't know. That's a quote that I fucking found and I want to, I want to talk about it. I don't know that's a quote that i fucking found and i want to i want to talk about it i don't know what so apparently i don't know if it means like survived at five years after having been on mars no either way either but either way that means 90 000 people
Starting point is 00:46:35 died somehow and like no one noticed that makes it fishy to me but they both remember him saying that apparently weird and i don't understand and i got no other information about it but it's freaky oh my god i mean and then you think like okay well why if you're trying to be believable why would you make up that president obama was there but maybe like it just seems like why would you make that up but then also but then also you're gonna throw like 90 000 like random missing people and also like all the people you're talking about in your stories might have just gone to mars and died seriously and if you're gonna make anything up i guess the question is i don't know make up something more believable or less scary but
Starting point is 00:47:14 then again it's like why even make up they're going to mars so who knows maybe it really like oh my god this guy really wants to get disbarred maybe maybe he really has it i'm gonna go out with a bang. He has an agenda here. I don't know. This is wild, though. Some of it's really believable, and it makes me want to believe the non-believable stuff. Same.
Starting point is 00:47:32 So another person that was in their training course who was in, I think, Brett Stilling's statement. Her name was Courtney Hunt, and she today is a career CIA officer. She trained with Andrew before the mission and showed him how to operate the respiration device for his jumpsuit and also provided him with a weapon to protect himself on mars what from what okay martians yeah apparently 90 000 martians he so andrew was then taken to the lockheed facility in burbank, California for special training in avoiding Martian predators. Wait, are you serious? It gets weirder and weirder.
Starting point is 00:48:08 Just hang in there. So the Mars program was launched to start mapping the area to create defense plans from extraterrestrial threats from space. So one day if there happened to be an alien attack, the goal was to go to Mars to learn about it so that we would know how to defend ourselves best. Got it. to mars to learn about it so that we would know how to defend ourselves best got it also by sending civilians there the hope was for you for the u.s to establish that they were there first to legally claim territory of mars out of everyone on earth oh i see they want to be like we've been there
Starting point is 00:48:36 first we studied it right right um the main mission for the students going to mars was to get familiar with martian humanoids and animals for debriefing later. So basically just to observe and report. Okay. Major Dames stated during their training, quote, simply put, your task is to be seen and not killed. That's a fun twist on seen and not heard. So it's unknown if NASA, JPL, which is located in, in Pasadena.
Starting point is 00:49:07 Um, it's unknown if they were at all involved in selecting the people that went on this mission. So NASA might not have, but all of them happened to have Pasadena connections. So Andrew was the son of an engineer for the Parson company and the headquarters of the Parson companies in Pasadena. Brett was living in La Cunada, which is a suburb of pasadena obama had just finished a year at occidental college
Starting point is 00:49:30 in eagle rock which is right next to pasadena yeah so everyone had some sort of connection and it seems like that's why they all kind of got put into this nasa group that was based out of pasadena okay it was just like i mean yeah he went to occidental but it was only like 20 miles away from this jump room so i mean like who who knows it's just a fun little pattern that people have noticed that they all have a connection to pasadena that's interesting i also have a connection to pasadena if maybe someone wants to put me on mars please don't because if you if the odds are correct you're gonna die on mars that's true seven thousand and ninety seven thousand olive also geo has a connection because he took all his training was in pasadena eagle rock and la canada so no way
Starting point is 00:50:13 yeah he's a little martian smart over there so don't the pets martian pets martian so don't send geo there please to the pets so the he would be though he would be a fucking absolutely he's a probably a human robot he's a martian ain't animal i mean he's definitely observing and reporting and he's like this fucking house over here is bananas get me out i give up please take me away white flag white flag give me i surrender take me back to mars so the uh testimonies of andrew and brett stillings about the jump room actually are congruent with similar accounts given by other Mars whistleblowers. So there are people who have also said,
Starting point is 00:50:50 there are a few people out there pretty high up that agree that there has been a Martian training program. I think the thing that I would actually believe if someone said there's like, Oh, a training program to go to space. It's just that Obama's involved. And it's just like, we sent Obama to the surface of Mars. Right. That gets a little much. It's like, I program to go to space it's just that obama's involved and it's just like we sent obama to the surface of mars right that gets a little much it's like i would believe like oh we prepped in the 70s or 80s whatever we tried to study for mars it's a crazy shit but like putting them on the surface of mars is a little far from me i mean listen open-minded i'm listening i mean obama said that he's like from chicago and can handle anything but if you
Starting point is 00:51:24 go to mars you really can handle anything. Maybe that was a wink wink. I went to Chicago. Hashtag Mars. Wink wink. Chi-town. There's no good pun for that. Mars is the Chicago of the solar system. Apparently.
Starting point is 00:51:38 So like I said there were other Mars whistleblowers and their story, the testimonies of andrew and brett about the jump room that leads to mars is actually makes sense with other people's whistleblowing such as the former u.s serviceman michael ralph who spent 20 years as a member of the permanent security staff on the u.s facility on mars oh former department of defense scientist arthur newman has testified publicly that he teleported to a U.S. facility on Mars for Department of Defense project meetings. Can you imagine if we had our project meetings on fucking Mars?
Starting point is 00:52:12 That's not fair. I wouldn't do that. And Laura Eisenhower, who's actually the great granddaughter of Eisenhower. I thought you might say that. Refused a recruitment offer for what was described to her as a secret U.S. colony on Mars. What? But she was like, nah, a secret u.s colony on mars what but she was like nah i'll pass probably smart probably but so then that brings the question why would two future presidents because as far as we know maybe by 2045 maybe there's like i'll be in the oval office by then but why would why would obama in general be put in a dangerous scenario right like, what would he have to gain from going to the surface of Mars?
Starting point is 00:52:47 Right. When they should be protecting him and being like, this is what you should do. At all costs. Unless that's part of his thing. Maybe he's supposed to go to Mars. Maybe. That's his enlightenment path to becoming president. Who knows?
Starting point is 00:52:58 Did they put Trump on Mars? They should have. They should have left him there. Ah, la la la. So this was part of, just to answer your question, the next point I have is, why would you put a president in a dangerous scenario like that? This was part of the, quote, grooming for their future roles. They were being, I guess it was like hazing.
Starting point is 00:53:18 It was government hazing. Go to Mars. It's the ultimate frat party. Ultimate. Apparently they're having project meetings up there. I bet they have chapter meetings too. They probably play Edward Forty Hands on the surface of Mars. Oh, that's a good time.
Starting point is 00:53:30 And there's like the gravity's all messed up. Oh my God. That sounds fun. It's like, whoa, this bottle's going higher than the other, man. All right. Beer pong would be a blast though. Would be. Martian beer pong.
Starting point is 00:53:42 Stop it. Can you imagine if your whole goal was just to go and talk to martians and get them to like you and you're like dude try this beer pong you just bring beer pong to mars that's your legacy that's i want that to be my legacy just teach them wizard staff like to make the beer cans right let's just play them drinking or teach them drinking games so um they were groomed for their future roles they were being taught to oh so this is what one of their theories are brett and andrew combined is that maybe as cool as all the sounds part of it was to actually teach future presidents to actually fear the power of cia
Starting point is 00:54:19 handlers oh and so like look we can put you on mars we can literally well that like truly life or death is in their hands holy shit and like clearly you're part of messed up clearly you're part of this massively classified program if you were to disappear no one would know you're part of a such a huge picture that you don't go off on your own like don't right like we could make it we can make anything look like a mistake we could literally leave you on mars we could leave 90,000 people right on mars and no one would notice. Holy shit. One of their personal theories is that the whole point of grooming them was to have a little fear. That's fucked up, dude.
Starting point is 00:54:51 And how come some future presidents were part of secret space programs and others were denied total information. So some examples of that. I forget where I got some of this information, but wow, I'm so grateful I did. Me too. examples of that i forget where i got some of this information but wow i'm so grateful i did me too somewhere in the three top pages of google where i typed in project pegasus into the search bar fantastic you'll find it there so one of the examples of presidents who have been denied that is kennedy his uh actually one of the theories of his assassination was that he was trying to get access to classified ufo files and he was trying to learn about extraterrestrials, and apparently that was a direct factor in his assassination,
Starting point is 00:55:28 according to underground whistleblowers by the CIA. Okay. So who knows if it's real, who knows if it's not, although there are a lot of theories that Kennedy's assassination was because he was trying to access classified files and nobody wanted him to know about them. Right, that's a major conspiracy theory, yeah. One of them includes UFO files, and there you go cool so another example would be president carter who was also denied
Starting point is 00:55:50 access to classified ufo files by the director of the cia george hw bush who happens to be one of the future presidents that was pre-identified so he got access and then was denying access to future presidents after him so well one person who got through with it was apparently president clinton got his friend into the position of being department of justice when once clinton became president he got his friend to be in the department of justice just so he could get answers to one who killed jfk and two are there ufos clinton did that apparently but all this is a legend was he sent to mars no he wasn't sent to mars but he was one of the pre-identified and debriefed presidents who was told in his youth so maybe there should maybe just some rule happened at some year they were like okay we have to stop telling presidents
Starting point is 00:56:40 about aliens like stop mailing them to mars stop faxing them across the galaxy at some point we've told enough of enough of them we don't need to tell anyone else let's stop telling these like 19 year old boys that they're going to be president of this country right you can rule the world including mars's world like of course they think then they're going to find out whether aliens are real like i would want to know that first things first and i do wonder why and there there isn't an answer to that i wonder why some of the presidents that's what i wonder too were not debriefed but others were because like obama is such a recent president it's like right that rule was instated why did maybe it was maybe as they were being debriefed maybe it's like
Starting point is 00:57:20 a based on whatever the law of time travel is maybe it's just like a no matter what they're going to be president no matter what there's nothing we can do about that maybe there was a rule of like whether or not we like him we'll tell him as much as we want like maybe we just don't like president carter maybe we don't like kennedy maybe he didn't do well in his interview when he was 13 i don't know but so i there's no answer but that isn't an argument towards all of this of like okay if how come some presidents get this access about yourself so it makes me wonder whether obama knows that like aliens are real yeah or he's like yeah i was on mars i feel like he's cool enough to know that aliens he would
Starting point is 00:57:55 like if any president would know that he would bro out for sure with some martians yeah he would definitely play edward forty hands with some marshals oh he would yeah he would even you know he's the kind of guy who would edward forty hands the same bottle with another martian they would be duct taped together in unity and solidarity and he would definitely let a martian take a celebrity shot for sure beer pong or would the martian let barack be the celebrity who knows a lot of questions i do have so many questions about this. I'm going to have weird fucking dreams tonight. I hope so.
Starting point is 00:58:29 That's the goal. I've been practicing my lucid dreaming, so if that's the case, love it. That's where I'll be. Mars with Obama. So Obama did... If Obama's Twitter is active, by the way, can someone tag him in this? Because I want him to know I know what he's been up to like no because then we're gonna get in trouble he's gonna be like none of that was real and i'm gonna be like okay and then he's gonna go that okay barry so west
Starting point is 00:58:52 or whatever gif of like the sunglasses coming down none of it's real sunglass sunglass sunglass so to be fair in in favor of andrew's argument obama did attend occidental college at the time that andrew claims and it's only 25 miles from el segundo where the jump room was barry sotoro was the name that obama used on college transcripts including while at occidental so up until that point he was going by that name and that barry barry sotoro um two other whistleblowers brett stillings like i mentioned and another guy, Bernard Mendez, came forward about their participation in the Mars Jump Rope Program, and they both confirm Obama's involvement and support that Obama used the name Barry Sotoro during the
Starting point is 00:59:34 program. Okay. This solicited a response, actually, from the White House. What? Like, when this all came out, it got enough traction where they were like, was Obama really on Mars? what like when this all came out they got enough traction where they were like was obama really on mars and the white house actually put out a release statement which adamantly denied the claim although andrew maintains his position wow but of course that's such a white house thing to
Starting point is 00:59:57 do like that's the most exact white house thing you would do is deny deny deny what are they gonna do be like yeah sure even if they did You're right. I don't blame them. They were not going to be like, yeah, okay. You caught us. So at some point during his Mars mission, this is just a fun fact. At some point during one of his Mars missions, Andrew actually has said that he encountered a dinosaur called a Martian plesiosaur. Okay. And he's also encountered quote, scorpion men.
Starting point is 01:00:21 And I don't know what that means. Well, fuck that. I don't know what that is right now. I don't know which one I right now i don't know which one i hate more i hate the second one way more scorpion or scorpio men oh oh both are bad oh if you if you're on mars only with scorpios i'm sorry but you're dead on mars get out of here there's no coming back maybe they're just shipping all the scorpios to mars maybe just geo's the king of mars and we don't even know it he's a little scorpio man make a lot of sense he is such a little scorpio man oh god so andrew has also written about mars and he's done several research and written his own papers and he actually wrote a paper called the
Starting point is 01:00:57 discovery of life on mars which was published in 2008 and it actually was to date one of the first works to prove that mars is an inhabited planet what it actually proved it quote okay okay okay he also founded the mars anomaly research society just fun fact do you realize that this is mars shut up from mars look at you and the patterns man all right so like i said uh project pegasus had evolved into pre-identifying future presidents and then recruiting them in secret government projects early on to groom them in advance for classified programs right um so cia officers associated with darpa in 1980 once andrew had turned 18 approached approached Andrew when he turned 18,
Starting point is 01:01:45 because they were able to confirm to him that the U.S. government had also pre-identified him as a future U.S. president. Get the fuck out. That's how we'll all know. Wait, what? Andrew was told by CIA associates in his own version of an informal lunch in Albuquerque
Starting point is 01:02:02 that sometime between now and 2028 he will either be elected president or vice president of the united states so we have until 2028 what that's very close you're right he's literally nine years away we we better find out we'll find out for sure all right we got two elections for three elections left to find out right okay hey we're calling it right now we're putting our money on it and we i'm putting my money on 2024 you guys owe us big time if this actually happens you're welcome so he was told he will be either president or vice president and he they saw him in the future in several material packages that while he is in office he will be promoting an extraterrestrial and secret space program
Starting point is 01:02:45 disclosure platform. Well, shocker. Which he currently is. Right. I was gonna say, he's already doing that. He believes that the people who, so this is kind of a, maybe not a total mindfuck, but just to kind of actually not metaphorically full circle it, but to actually full circle it. He believes that the people who traveled to the future to learn that he was going to be president were also the same CIA members who were in the past that told his father to recruit him as a child and the jump program, knowing that they needed to prepare him for his destiny as early as possible. So he was potentially being groomed by the caa since childhood with everyone around him knowing that he would eventually become president and they just didn't tell him until he was 18
Starting point is 01:03:30 well that was nice of them at least yeah wait we'll put you on fucking mars but we'll tell you when you're 18 fair point fair point we'll have you jump into mexico into new mexico and time travel to the gettysburg address and revolutionary war but you're just not old enough yet to know the truth about what's going to happen so either that or he's just really crazy or he's just really crazy he thinks that these cia members who told his father all the way back in the 60s to recruit him are white hats you know what white hats are yeah okay they're um basically they are in the system ready to release as much information as possible and they they're like quote the good guys who try to make sure that only good things
Starting point is 01:04:10 come out of everything so he thinks that the caa members are white hats who have known that he would eventually be the one to disclose classified information and so they intentionally made sure his father would recruit him for the program. And maybe even they intentionally recruited his father at the Parsons company to be an engineer, knowing that his father would then recruit his own child. Yeah, to get into the game. So it might go all the way back to like the 40s or 50s, knowing that this guy's going to be president. Let's figure out every way we can possibly get him involved as a child. That way, one day, we know that he will disclose classified information, which we want to happen. So let's make sure he becomes president.
Starting point is 01:04:50 Let me know when it's question time, because I have a question. Okay. I'm just going to read my note real quick to make sure I cover everything. He thinks these CIA members are white hats who have known he would disclose classified info, and they groomed him as a child to make sure he would become president to do so like they saw in the future. And then there's a quote from him saying, I'm proud of my dad recruiting me or being told to recruit me and i think you could say that my dad was also a white hat inside the intelligence inside the intelligence community because he was actively urging the public declassification of tesla
Starting point is 01:05:17 teleportation for civilians when he was serving on this project wow do you have a question so yeah i just um my question i don't know if this is going to be covered, but my question is, why is he, like, dumping all this out there? Like, if he's like, oh, I was told I was going to be president and all this stuff, why is he proclaiming it? Yeah, he's, like, really ruining his chances. Yeah, because then I'm like, I mean, if future is future and it happens, it happens, I guess, on the one hand.
Starting point is 01:05:44 But on the other hand, don't you think that they would, like, conveniently murder him? Right, right. Or, like, disappear? If this was all true, I mean. But, like, yeah, but then maybe you could do some, like, you could get, like, really, like, movie time warped into this and use an explanation. Like, the White Hats are defending him and following his every move to make sure no one hurts him. Or, like, if he's going to be president, he's going to be president, whether he talks about it or not, maybe. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:06:07 Maybe it's a fixed destiny. Yeah, I don't know. I just think that's really wild that he would even talk about it. Or maybe, I mean, my thought, I mean, based on that last quote where he's like really proud of his father, like also being a white hat, maybe he feels like it's his personal destiny to also be a white hat. I see. And like carry on his father's dream of declassifying this information like if i talk about it now then people will believe me right if i start down the road people won't think i'm as crazy when i say it out loud later when i'm the president i'm like
Starting point is 01:06:34 hey let's talk about aliens yeah but also can you imagine if you're doing all this just to become president to then have the power to declassify everything and then all of it was fake and like but then he also never knew like he really convinced himself as a child can you imagine thinking let's declassify it and then all of a sudden they're like there's no paperwork what but how would that even happen how would he become president if it wasn't even real oh that's true you're right i don't think he'd end up maybe he conveniently also just becomes president wait i don't think that despite there never being any proof that he might um okay anyway my
Starting point is 01:07:05 head hurts okay so one of andrew's big fears through all of us is not not becoming president or being killed which would be my two fucking big ones absolutely i mean he's made a lot of claims and we're ready we're ready to uh see the results of that presidents before like i mean they've literally allegedly killed kennedy well right i mean in the story oh right i was thinking like they've already killed presidents allegedly because they were saying too much so so this guy's saying too much he's not dead it's like i would be very scared that today's the day every day but maybe he knows enough that he's like it won't kill me they can't kill me maybe he's like pulling some move of like if i die wouldn't that look a little weird for you guys like if like you kind of have to keep him in plain sight otherwise people are gonna ask questions
Starting point is 01:07:48 how he disappeared after he announced that stuff could be but i feel like it's not that big of a story like it probably could be hushed right but but also you really like bravo to the people in the cia who are trusting children to not leak information i mean it was the 70s right and also they were doing like potentially memory washing every day. That's my other, I mean, that was my other question. So maybe the kids just didn't really remember. Maybe it was just like, since they're children, maybe that was another benefit if they're telling people about this stuff.
Starting point is 01:08:15 It's easier to blank their minds. Well, I was thinking like, if a child is going up to you and saying they time traveled to Mars, you'd be like, oh, I bet you did, honey. Good for you. Very cute, Henry. Why don't you draw a picture of it? Right, exactly. Yeah. So maybe that was another secret benefit. Anyway, his actual big fear was that this could all be inaccurate because the government had easy access to wiping memories and changing perceptions of the truth. So something they might do to future presidents after grooming them is talent is
Starting point is 01:08:43 giving them this whole false world or maybe maybe it affected him differently and now he's got this like weird deranged version of what happened maybe they tried to wipe his memory but a different one showed up that's even wilder wink wink right right right or maybe he went to mars and they tried to wipe his memory and then it like reversed and now it's like a heightened elaborate version of him going to mars yeah who knows but his big thing is they could have altered his thoughts yeah and everything he's saying might not actually be true right um he only knows what he publicly he only knows what he announced publicly is true because he found a journal that he had when he was a child where he actually wrote down his experiences before they would ever wipe his memory and after
Starting point is 01:09:25 only thinking like only after having faint vague memories of something he doesn't really know if it was a dream or not he then found this journal and it confirmed everything he had this false memory of okay however that could have also been planted by the government or could have you know there's always another story maybe plus side for using kids is like kids do have such a different right memories from childhood are notoriously not i mean memories from anyone are notoriously not true but like for children that's even more heightened yeah maybe you like had a memory as a kid or a dream as a kid and you remembered it so vividly you turned it into some whole world but anyway all that aside perhaps he really is going to be president perhaps and he is running
Starting point is 01:10:06 for president in 2020 is he seriously his allegedly i this is this is from information from his own website called dot dot net and his dot dot net sorry no i'm saying dot net that's a little bit i know know. His mission is to lead the American people into a bold new era of truth, reform, and innovation. And he has launched a quote, new Project Pegasus, which is the campaign to lobby for the government
Starting point is 01:10:35 to publicly disclose its teleportation technology. He tried to run in 2016, but didn't have enough money to cover the campaign because to have your name added to all the ballots in all 50 states would have cost $5 million. And he didn't have enough money to cover the campaign because to have your name added to all the ballots in all 50 states would have cost five million dollars and he didn't have it um in his campaign he lists 100 policies he wants to enact once president including investing in public education green energy net neutrality religious tolerance and declassifying and revealing all technology related to quantum transportation and the united states history
Starting point is 01:11:04 of time travel listen i can get every single one of them i want to kind of actually want him to run for president yeah especially in today's world i feel like enough people our age be like hell yeah go go martian guy you and bernie are kind of hand in hand here he also wants presidential honesty good luck where all former presidents who are all still alive he wants them to come forth and admit that they were given previous knowledge of their destinies. So, good luck. Listen, if this is the case, 2021 is going to be a weird, weird time. We feel like this is a weird year, wait until then. Oh, man.
Starting point is 01:11:39 The last thing I have for you is a quote from him saying, I do not know whether Project Pegasus is still active, but the intelligence that evolved from it is likely very active at this time my guess is that the quantum access capabilities that project pegasus provided the u.s government are now headquartered at some form of national intelligence center that provides the president the intelligence community and the military information about future events wow so vote andy 2020 so he doesn't know where it is he just says he doesn't know if he believes it's somewhere and the military information about future events. Wow. So vote Andy 2020. So he doesn't know where it is. He just says he believes it's somewhere.
Starting point is 01:12:09 He doesn't know if it's still active. He just knows that it probably is still active in a different form and it's at some headquarter protected by personnel. And it's definitely still being used in some capacity. And it's right here in our podcast. I mean, imagine if in the 70s they were able to do all that what the hell can they do that scares me a little bit yikes i mean you look at snapchat if you're able to disappear some photos and right no matter 24 hours who knows what the hell they're doing
Starting point is 01:12:36 anyway oh god that was my two-part series of Project Pegasus. That was great. High five. Thank you. You did such a good job. Thank you. I am wildly fascinated. I actually, I feel like you and I are probably going to talk about this for the next 10 years. A thousand percent. Andy 2020. Anytime we get stressed on tour, we'll be like, let's talk about Project Pegasus. It's okay.
Starting point is 01:12:57 Let's play Pictionary. Let's play Pictionary and talk about Project Pegasus. Project Pictionary. Aw. Aw. Pegasus Pictionary. Okay. So, you ready? I feel like mine are just like I'm sorry like Barry and Mars yeah you're like I'm literally sending all the presidents to Mars
Starting point is 01:13:17 now what's your story okay okay um you know first of all I do want to say before you go any further i am very scared after having said all that that just like how with harold the doll all of a sudden someone tagged oh not even i don't even think anyone tagged him but the guy who owns harold the doll then started listening to the story yeah and like has now heard me talk about him yeah and i'm very nervous now that andrew basiago is gonna say that either i butchered his story that i like i like i mean i think we were we gave it a fair we weren't like joking about him we were giving no no i hope i hope we weren't joking no i don't think so at all i think i'm fascinated but as far as i'm concerned i was really interested
Starting point is 01:13:59 and i don't i'm curious as to what he would think of my, my, cause product Pegasus has been one of my biggest interests for years. So I would love to know what he thought, but I also really hope he never finds out that I ever talked about it. Cause what if I butchered it? I don't think you, well, I mean, and also you only had a limited amount of time. True. And I feel like you found it all from his, his stuff. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:23 Anyway, I'm very happy. It took me a long, long time to get through that and to actually like spend the time to research it but i just looked him up he looks very uh normal he looks normal better term he looks like an american flag in the background yeah he's patriotic i mean he's the american's first child teleporter i'm come on man this is wildly fascinating i have to let my cat up kitty is that juniper is that happy handsome juniper wow those happy paws the happy tail all right i can you imagine what if he does become wait so but he's like oh i'm running for president but but so wait so they didn't tell him when they were just like, they said between
Starting point is 01:15:08 2016 and 2028 and 2016 running clearly already happened. So, yeah. So he's just, I guess, running for the next three years for the next three terms elections. I mean, the fact that we haven't even heard about this guy though, in that nature. I know. Unless maybe it is 2028 and like in the next five years like something crazy happens and you heard it here first andrew basiago i mean could be if he becomes president or vice president by 2028 then i gotta imagine that in 2045 the world will be
Starting point is 01:15:37 peaceful and environmentally stable i mean to be honest i'm just holding on to that little piece of that little nugget you told us if both of those things are true then by 2045 we can a thousand percent believe that barack obama was on mars just saying oh yeah that's the least shocking truth to come out of all right okay all right moving on moving on so this is the story of altimio altimio sanchez aka the bike path rapist oh yeah we go really dark you really i know i don't know what else to tell you man this is just how this podcast works Sanchez, aka the bike path rapist. Yeah, we go really dark. Wow, you really, really. I know. I don't know what else to tell you, man. This is just how this podcast works.
Starting point is 01:16:09 I mean. We should have done it alternating. I told you 103 episodes ago. I was like, I'll go first. There goes Gio. Gio's yelling at you too. I'll team you with Sanchez, aka the bike path rapist. Yikes. Okay.
Starting point is 01:16:22 Yeah, not good. So I watched a Discovery documentary on this called Catching a Serial Killer, which was really helpful. Where did you see this? Discovery? Discovery. Okay. I was like, ooh, I'm looking for a new serial killer show.
Starting point is 01:16:36 Let's get into that one. I've watched it on YouTube. Okay. But it was Discovery Show. Gotcha. You're looking for a new serial killer show? I have so many for you i i like a good series but i i don't like um a series that i have to follow i don't like a story
Starting point is 01:16:51 based series i like yeah i like every episode's a new thing like right i don't want to have to commit to something to get the final answer no no i mean none of my serial killer shows because there's a different killer every time okay good okay i think that's why i like your story so much because i'm like i don't have to remember this next week i'll just get a new one i'll just get a new story okay so i started these notes uh again a while ago on the plane from cincinnati um and i was on the plane probably researching once again 9-11 conspiracies so oh by the way as you when you said 9-11 conspiracies in the last episode yeah i was like shut up shut up shut up because it was so psychic different because you brought up 9-11 and i was
Starting point is 01:17:30 like i'm literally about to start my next part of that story with you really we're on it today because we spend so much time apart that all of a sudden we're together and we're like our psychic energies don't know what to do our brain waves are really scream tesla and i was like oh my god she knows and then you said 9-11 i was like oh my god she knows it's pretty wild and then you were like oh trump and i was like oh my god here we go we're on the same page um okay so i was on the plane from cincinnati researching very very inappropriate things love it um i happen to have so i usually log out of the and that's where i drink email because eva handles that but i happen to like accidentally have it open and literally as i clicked gmail this email came in
Starting point is 01:18:10 and i was trying to pick a topic and it was like topic suggestion for christine so i just clicked on it yeah uh and it was from charlie and it was this topic all right i'll team you sanchez and i was like okay i'll do it so i just without even a second thought i just did the nose so thank you charlie for happening to send one of thousands of emails the second i opened the email and good timing good timing so uh this is from charlie so this uh takes place in amherst new york which is upstate new york um and it's ranked one of the safest communities in america that's always not that's exactly where you never want to be. Cause then something like this happens. You know, well, did you see that meme that was going around that it was like
Starting point is 01:18:51 starter pack or like how, you know, you'll be murdered or something. Or like how, you know, you'll be the subject of a future documentary on like Ion TV or something. And it was like your smile lit up a room, your smile lights up a room. Oh no. You like to jog in a safe environment yeah whatever like your friends all like you lived in the safest like just every possible cliche it's all the cliches from these shows but like it's literally this entire story i mean okay good to know it's just a full of cliches a basic cliche horrible story it is it's just a full of a basic cliche, horrible story. It is. It's yikes.
Starting point is 01:19:25 Everything. Everything that horrific from the serial killer starter pack. Okay, good. So we're near the university at Buffalo, which I didn't realize was university at Buffalo. I thought it was the university of Buffalo, but it is. I looked it up. University at Buffalo. Oh, I wonder if there are other schools like that, that I've just been maybe saying wrong
Starting point is 01:19:44 this whole time. Probably knowing us. mean yeah so we're fall of 1990 so we skipped 10 years ahead from when my last story was okay uh 22 year old communication student linda yalum was training for the new york city marathon and she was only five weeks away from the race and was training religiously pretty much daily on the 29th of sept, she left her dorm room at 9.30 a.m. with her walkman. You remember. Oh, I love a good walkman. I just hung out with mine when I was home.
Starting point is 01:20:13 You hung out with it. I had no friends available, so yes, I hung out with my walkman. You literally just said, I went home and had so many parties. Well, yeah, but then some of those people were still at work before the parties, and I had nothing to do. And then I found, I was cleaning up my room, i found you and with your walkman i found my whole i actually all of my old tape cassettes are literally the most 90s kids shoebox amazing and um i still have my my walkman and actually i think allison was using my spotify or something
Starting point is 01:20:42 and i don't have like the family package so we only one person can use it at a time and i couldn't access my spotify and so i plugged my headphones into my walkman and i used the radio to listen to popular music which is top 40 hits blast from the past well i listened well i just tuned into like the fredericksburg radio station and listened to like ariana grande on a walkman it was very weird that is exactly how ariana grande would want you to listen to her i hope so because i feel like that's such a 90s i hope throwback and then i also um just listened to my old tapes but also the last time that people were buying cassette tapes i was like five to six or seven years old and uh i listened to the berenstein bears on tape
Starting point is 01:21:28 and i also had all those too i listened to the uh mary kane nashley oh i took a picture of the mary kane nashley tape and sent to you and eva i love it was one of the you're invited adventures or something super sleuths on tape so good anyway i had i remember walkman yes that's where we were going i'm glad you remember um so she leaves her dorm at 9 30 listening to the berenstain bears or the mary kate and ashley super sleuths although to be fair if i was training for the marathon like i'd probably listen to some if i listen to audiobooks now so that's basically an early audiobook i mean truly a walkman where like for us, because we were little and they were actually just, they were called stories on tapes.
Starting point is 01:22:07 Yeah. They're literal stories on tape. Stories on tape was an audio book. Linda's listening to the Berenstain Bears. Of course. Picture it. It's beautiful. So anyway, she's training for the New York City Marathon.
Starting point is 01:22:17 She leaves her dorm 930. Her roommates are like up and they know she's coming back in a few hours because she is only going to go on, like, a pretty brief run. And a few hours later, she does not come back home. And so her roommates are worried, and they report her missing. And an extensive search is launched along the bike path where Linda was known to run pretty regularly. And only a little while later, searchers found her body in the woods. It's already bad.
Starting point is 01:22:47 Yeah, it gets really bad. It got bad fast. I'm glad I brought up Mary Kay and Ashley before anything happened. Literally four or five bullets in. Yeah, it gets really bad. So they find her body in the woods, shrouded with her sweatshirt covering her torso. Her bra and shirt were lifted up, exposing her breasts, and her pants had been pulled off. She had numerous defensive injuries, showing that she had uh fought her attacker but ultimately she did not survive
Starting point is 01:23:09 her attacker had raped her and then used a garrotte a garrotte do you know what that is i know okay so it's basically like a ligature that like the one they showed was like two sticks with like a rope in the middle oh okay i know what you're talking about twist sure but like it's basically any sort of ligature that you can use to strangle someone essentially of course great right it's like a weapon essentially oh yeah so um the killer had used a garage or a handheld ligature to strangle her because he had strangled her like this personally with like with his hands essentially um police assumed the murder was personal and especially because the garage is a very inefficient way to kill somebody because you have to like wrap it around their neck like you've got to put a lot of effort into the kill yeah and you have to like strategically place it it's not just like stabbing or shooting someone
Starting point is 01:23:57 it's like you have to like wrap it around them you got to work for it to be successful yeah it's very up close very personal and also very sadistic right so obviously this turns the whole town upside down um this young woman is like out for a run the middle of the day it's a saturday the middle of the day middle of the day like 11 a.m she's mid-run um she's raped and killed in a public park without anyone hearing anything it's a saturday too so like it's not people should be out at a park on saturdays wow but um so this is just like totally mind-blowing to everyone in town for obvious reasons um and pretty soon they get a small break in the case a woman calls in and says she saw a man pulling a
Starting point is 01:24:35 woman across a bridge oh no backwards near the path um so clearly this guy is brazen enough to assume he's not going to get caught in the middle of the day. So they're like, great. So this guy's just fucking out there. Right, right, right. I mean, horrible. Making himself known. So police evaluate the killer's MO, and it seems to match, weirdly enough, a series of rapes in the area perpetrated by a man that police had previously named the Bike Path Rapist. So this guy would pray near high schools and recreational areas he typically used a knife and a gun to control his victims before raping them and then later
Starting point is 01:25:11 as he progressed he started using a double ligature garrotte like the one used on linda so one of the investigators this is pretty crazy um one of the investigators on the case after linda was killed actually remembered being a teenager when these attacks first started happening. Really? So, like, she's on the case as a detective, and she's like, holy shit, the same guy was active when I was in high school. That's got to make it a whole other level of personal. It's like, this guy has been out there since I was a child and now into my career where I can get him. He's still there.
Starting point is 01:25:40 It's crazy, and it's like the boogeyman almost. Right. And one of her high school classmates was actually raped while she was in high school so she was just like such a oh no close up close and personal thing um for her and for the community so that's how long basically he'd been active so very long time because this woman is a full-fledged detective and she's like i remember when i was a teenager and this guy was still running around. Wow. That's some like SVU shit. Yes, it does sound like a TV show.
Starting point is 01:26:07 That's a very Olivia Benson situation. Yes, absolutely. So this guy, the bike path rapist, spread his attacks out all over Buffalo, typically stuck to like green areas, so parks and recreational areas. In 1986, 17-year-old Susie Coggins was walking to a 9 o'clock class but was running late so she cut through the bike paths she said she heard someone running through the woods turned around um looked over her shoulder saw a man running at her with a rope and they interviewed her in this documentary and it's just very sad she says her first thought was he must be running with his dog or something because he's holding a rope like her first instinct is just like oh this guy's probably just lost his dog um but
Starting point is 01:26:45 before she can even react he has the rope wrapped around her neck and he lifts her up and he carries her into the woods via neck by her neck oh my gosh and she's sharing her story in this discovery documentary and it's like chilling to just watch her tell her own account of what happened um and she said the one thing she'd never forget was the anger in his eyes. And she just said, like, looking at his eyes was just, like, this black anger. And so after he dragged her into a secluded spot, he asked her how old she was and if she had ever had sex before, and then he raped her. When she asked what was next, he said nothing.
Starting point is 01:27:20 She said he looked kind of guilty. He said nothing and just left her there. So police – I was brave of her at all to go what's next to even talk yeah to even say anything i would thought the same thing i wonder if she said nothing if more would have happened because would you just walked away without her well since he she was part of a whole slew of rapes he wasn't killing anybody at that point it just seems like she was part of a pattern of consistent rapes during that time it wasn't really until linda that they were like oh shit like this guy's still here and he's right right now murdered someone um oh my god yeah it's really
Starting point is 01:27:57 scary to yeah you're right like to even i guess you don't even know what you're gonna do in that situation yeah i would be like well i'm i'm going to sit here and not say a damn thing. Yeah. So police determined that the attack on Linda is undoubtedly related to the attacks experienced by Susie and others throughout Buffalo, as they had pretty much the exact same MO. A few witnesses called in and said they had seen a man staking out the area only days before Linda's murder. So they were like, there's a guy here. So they're starting to piece together like some fishy stuff yeah and this guy had been around um so he had planned this one witness who called in was a local factory worker who had spotted his co-worker
Starting point is 01:28:35 walking along the path a few days before he said it struck him as odd that this guy was walking alone down the path so he went to go say hi to him but the co-worker pretended he didn't see him and avoided him which rubbed him the wrong way yeah so he saw the news reports and was like i'm just gonna call this in just in case right right right good good that's an upstanding citizen it is you'll right like see someone say something you and also you see someone and you just want to go say hi make sure they're okay and then oh never mind they're acting weird it's like something's up i'm gonna remember that this guy's pretending not to know who i am so police brought the man altimio sanchez in for
Starting point is 01:29:12 questioning so uh altimio was or al was a local machinist and factory worker whose family moved to the continental u.s from puerto rico when he was two years old i'm gonna give you a little backstory on his life so he struggled in school his mother suffered with alcoholism he was two years old. I'm going to give you a little backstory on his life. So he struggled in school. His mother suffered with alcoholism. He was told from a young age that he was unwanted, and his mother described taking a concoction of pills in an attempt to have an abortion while she was pregnant with him. His mother moved the family to New York when he was two, New York City, when he was two, but life was still pretty difficult there.
Starting point is 01:29:43 He had a pretty turbulent upbringing. His mom would bring a lot of different men home. Some of them abused him physically and mentally and his mother. So he witnessed a lot of abuse toward his mother. And according to one forensic psychologist named Lou Schlesinger, a child who witnesses aggressive behavior against his maternal figure can be like really damning for your future. Sure. I mean, that's just a recipe right there for it's bad yeah some trouble and so it's actually like a pattern they've
Starting point is 01:30:10 noticed um because it can desensitize the child to violence and especially to women yeah and the child yeah exactly and the child tends to especially like a son tends to um side with like associate with the aggressor rather than the victim, just maybe as a survival mechanism or whatever. And so dysfunctional relationships with mothers is a common thread in serial killers. So there's Yorkshire Ripper, Gary Ridgeway. What happened? No, Juniper opened the door, but because he's so tiny and you were standing.
Starting point is 01:30:41 The door just opened? The door just opened all by itself. I was like, oh, my God. Sorry, sorry, sorry. Junie, you little asshole. The door just opened? The door just opened all by itself. I was like oh my god. Sorry, sorry, sorry. Junie! You little asshole. You scared us, honey. Oh my god. I was like that is either a ghost or a killer. I don't know which. I don't know what's worse. Or the CIA in an invisibility
Starting point is 01:30:56 cloak. Oh, definitely. I really do sometimes wonder that maybe someone is in an invisibility cloak. I convince myself that there are people staring at me all the time. The thought of that is very scary. Someone could literally be in here right now watching us. Okay, Em, stop it. Okay.
Starting point is 01:31:08 I mean, it's Juniper. And it's a Juni. It's our animus. Hi, baby Juni. Is that a little baby Juniper? So cuddly. Look at the pretty, pretty, handsome face. Look at that jawline.
Starting point is 01:31:20 What a strong cat. He's a good boy. Okay. Da-da-da-da boy okay okay where are we um um we were on dysfunctional okay yeah so dysfunctional relationships with mothers is a common thread in serial killers so you've got the yorkshire ripper sorry judy's getting comfy uh i'm really jealous that that's what you get to experience right now this little kitty just, he just wants to snuggle. He's such a snuggly kitty. So, Yorkshire Ripper, Gary Ridgeway. We usually have Gio interrupting, but now we have Junie.
Starting point is 01:31:52 Hi, baby. Yorkshire Ripper, Gary Ridgeway, Ed Gein, Charles Manson. Just endless slew of serial killers who have dysfunctional relationships with their mothers. Oh, I thought you were pushing the mic toward me again. No, i wanted to touch his nose i just want to touch your little baby nosey oh he's like i'm busy over here oh sweet boy sorry i just wanted to be included he's so good okay so anyway things start to look up so altimio grows up he's like living a pretty stable life he lives in florida for a while then moves
Starting point is 01:32:23 to buffalo new york he married marries his college sweetheart kathleen and they have two adult sons uh he's the basketball coach of the local school he's a little league coach um he was described as a quote regular guy uh and was well liked in the community and by his neighbors some of this really is the starter pack yes right that's crazy some of whom called him uncle al because he was so friendly and charismatic there it is he was considered here's the starter pack a pillar of the community lord i know he played on his church baseball team of course he hosted barbecues for the neighborhood he had a beautiful home and yard was a loyal husband etc blah blah blah blah blah blah right there's nothing this man has ever done right holy shit junie did i scare you
Starting point is 01:33:07 oh was that so scary hi baby so he's a pillar of the community blah blah blah he is beautiful home and yard he's a loyal husband blah blah blah yeah it's he's there's nothing he's ever done right he's basically just a star player yeah they some people even just kind of as a jock they're like he's just a popular guy in the neighborhood right and in this whole town so after they questioned him for a minute they let him go uh of course and although he looked a lot like the sketches that all the witnesses described no similar some might say identical just like a puerto rican man in upstate new york just someone that looks like a pillar of the community.
Starting point is 01:33:47 Nobody took the lead seriously. In fact, a father and son who worked at the plant with Altimio used to joke with Uncle Al that the sketch looked just like him and he would laugh along. Isn't that funny? It's hilarious. Ha ha ha. Lock me up. Hilarious. Ha, lock me up. Hilarious.
Starting point is 01:34:10 In October 92, a 32-year-old sex worker named Majane Mazur was working near the Amtrak rail line down in Buffalo when she was picked up and never seen again. Her body was found later by a man picking wildflowers. Her body was covered up by a piece of corrugated plastic in a field. She had been raped and strangled by a double-ligature garrotte. Oh, my God. But because Majane was a sex worker and her body had been raped and strangled by a double ligature garage oh my god but because majane was a sex worker and her body had been so carefully hidden police assumed she was killed by someone she knew maybe a pimp or somebody who had a vendetta against her okay so they never put two and two together that perhaps one of her regular clients maybe she could just be innocent yeah or
Starting point is 01:34:40 that well or that one of her regular clients could possibly be none other than family man Altimio Sanchez. Right. Because at the time, nobody would have guessed that he was seeing sex workers because he was such an upstanding citizen. I hear you. You know. I hear you. So fast forward to 1996. It's been six years since the murder of Linda Yalem.
Starting point is 01:35:01 Because Linda was a runner, the Linda Yaleham memorial run was created at the university at buffalo in memory of her um and it's an annual event now it's called the linda yaleham safety run and it's basically bringing awareness to safety and when you're outdoors and that kind of thing and a memorial to her life essentially um guess who decided to join the race in 1996? Tell me. Runner number 635 was none other than mofo Altimio Sanchez. But he had a church baseball game that day. What an asshole. He was supposed to be hosting a barbecue. He was running in this goddamn race.
Starting point is 01:35:35 Number 635. But it made sense because he, quote, belonged to the running club at work. Of course he did. So nobody would have guessed that this guy number 635 was the reason the run was being held in the first place yeah it's just so twisted that really is i mean you're it really is like just coming to your own scene of the crime yeah it is like when people come to the search party and right right right sick he wants to be invested so fast forward again um things have been quiet for 12 years the community has finally
Starting point is 01:36:05 relaxed um people feel safe again for the most part it's september 2006 and it's the 16th anniversary of the murder of linda yalam um altimio sanchez was photographed with his arm around his wife and drinking his hand at an office party in downtown buffalo that poor wife and no one could have known that only hours before in a nearby town called clarence altimio had struck again for the first time in 12 years so what so there's a lot of big gaps between all those killings so so the first ones were in the 80s and then they had 92 96 so no so 96 was um when he was in that run but he didn't actually commit a crime that year. So yeah, so 92 was the last one. Okay.
Starting point is 01:36:49 Yeah, so he was active in the 80s and 90s, and then he was inactive for about 12 years, for more than 12 years. And then in 2006, he struck again. Gotcha. So a 45-year-old nurse named Joan Diver, her husband, a chemistry professor at University of Buffalo, and her young son ate breakfast together before she dropped him off at daycare and then decided to go for a quick jog. Okay. When it was time to pick her son up at daycare, she never arrived. Uh-oh.
Starting point is 01:37:17 An extensive search was mounted, and Joan's body was found by a Boy Scout who spotted a hand in the shrubbery. was found by a boy scout who spotted a hand in the shrubbery joan was laying on her back with her pants down her shirt lifted up and she had been strangled but not raped although the bike path rapist hadn't struck in 12 years police knew it had to be him because the mo the same mo so similar yeah uh he had moved her car and they managed to get one drop of sweat from the steering wheel wow yeah it was like on they said where you would have stuck the key in they happened to find one drop of sweat that he had missed when he was like cleaning or disinfecting or perhaps he had gloves on i'm not sure but they said like there was just that one little spot that they for a second i thought that he just like happened to
Starting point is 01:37:58 not sweat except one drop and i was like i'm literally sitting right here and drenched it's like i don't know how he does it. My DNA is all over this room. He just had one sweat gland in his hand. That was it. I mean, bravo. I wish. Show me. Show me how.
Starting point is 01:38:11 So the DNA sample that they managed to get from that one drop of sweat matched the DNA at the eight crime scenes of the bike path rapist. Wow. So they knew officially he was back. It was now the third decade of his crimes. So he had been active in the 80s 90s and now the 2000s and the dna sample indicated a hispanic male which shrunk the suspect pooled drastically a detective who looked over the case file spotted a report from a woman who had been raped in 1981 now this is where she gets wild two days after she was attacked
Starting point is 01:38:43 in 81 she told police she spotted the man who had raped her driving away from a local shopping area parking lot. Okay. And she took down the license plate number. Good girl. Good girl. Good girl. When detectives questioned the owner of the car,
Starting point is 01:38:56 Wilfredo Sanchez Caraballo, he provided a solid alibi for the rape. However, 25 years later, Caraballo was interviewed by Amherst bike path rapist task force and he admitted that on the day the car was identified by the victim he wasn't driving it because he had lent the car to his nephew altimio sanchez oh so when they first interviewed him all he would have had to say is oh my nephew was driving it. Right. Wow. But he covered for his nephew and said, oh, I was here. I couldn't have done it.
Starting point is 01:39:29 Wow. And so he was not caught. He escaped. Whew. So his name, so Altimio Sanchez, his name had obviously come up numerous times throughout the investigation, but this was the first time they were really taking it seriously. Right. So they decided to set a trap. we like a good trap on the evening of we were psychotic what's wrong with
Starting point is 01:39:52 us i don't know we spend too much time apart and then together and bad things happen it's really like such extremes like we go a whole month without seeing each other and then we record like five episodes and we just say the same words at the same time on the evening of january 13 2007 police waited in a local latin american restaurant called soleil in amherst new york while altimio had dinner with his wife when the couple left officers took altimio's glass and silverware good they were waiting like literally svu style waiting at a separate table like undercover and then just grabbed his shit grabbed his glass can you imagine sitting like nearby and you're like what are they doing these strangers are like grabbing his water glass and his menu crazy so they grab his um water glass
Starting point is 01:40:33 and silverware and then they match the dna to those at the crime seats uh when he was questioned by so he's for sure they're like okay we got him when he's questioned by a police detective who was a woman he didn't believe that she was a detective. He made her prove it and show him credentials. God, gross. Which just goes to show you, like, his attitude. Towards women, yeah. A woman?
Starting point is 01:40:56 A job? A job? Working? That's the same woman who was the one. Who knew him since childhood? Whose classmate had been raped by him. Yeah, okay. I like that. Isn't that wild? I like that it's a full circle. um who was the one from his who knew him since childhood classmate had been raped by him yeah okay i like that i like wild i like that it's a full circle so she's now in charge and she's like
Starting point is 01:41:10 now i'm the one interrogating him wow it's just a crazy time travel i wish you would go back and tell her like don't worry you'll fucking figure this out we'll get this you'll handle this shit real good we'll get him i'd love a full circle and it was such a boogeyman thing she described as like this guy was just faceless and nameless for decades right in the area and like didn't leave like couldn't didn't leave the community alone for three decades and that's even creepier too is like he stayed in that location because it just gives you the the mentality of like he knows he's not gonna get caught like he was so sure because he wasn't getting caught. It's right. And it's like, but that means for decades, you know, you're amongst someone who's willing to kill and you don't know who, and you know, he has no problem sticking around.
Starting point is 01:41:52 And the interesting thing too, is that same psychologist was saying like, it's such a flawed mentality when people think I would be able to spot someone who's not right or who's a serial killer. He says like, oftentimes you just can't like like these are people who are so good at blending in who are so either they're sociopaths or whatever they are they're just so good at there's a reason they're not getting caught right and it's not just because they live in their mom's basement and they hide out and yeah the the stigma of what a serial killer looks like is actually not often what a serial killer looks like necessarily the truth so yeah so he was saying like the fact that so many of his coworkers
Starting point is 01:42:27 and people were like, this can't possibly be the guy, just goes to show like people are flawed. Right. I mean, human error is a very real thing. And I think especially empathetic people might not get that some people who don't have that trait, you can't comprehend that someone could be a sociopath and not feel that i often think about one day when i die and i imagine at like the pearly gates
Starting point is 01:42:52 whatever you call it whoever you meet first i always tell myself that there was a book where you or you can have some conversation with them or you can ask the stats of your life like and i always wonder like oh what questions will i ask how many circles i always wonder how many people want well a main question that i actually always think is i wonder how many near-death experiences i had that i had no idea oh that's a good one experiences but i definitely want to ask how many people did i encounter in my life that were actually incredibly dangerous and i had no idea that's a good question well there are statistics about that like i know i just want my i know i'm a narcissist and want my personal no i know it is an interesting but even to know that like statistically speaking
Starting point is 01:43:33 we all have walked past a murderer or something yeah yeah but then you also wonder what those backstories are because sometimes it's not a murderer it doesn't necessarily mean ted bundy right right sometimes it means like defense or whatever yeah or like drunk driving even or who knows right there was like an accidental murder and like yeah or murder to protect your family or ah just crazy crazy crazy okay so anyway so he didn't believe that she was a detective essentially is the point sure and she's like fuck you so meanwhile neighbors were going on the news saying police definitely had the wrong guy. So even after this guy was caught, you know how usually people are like, oh, I knew something was up even when they didn't. Everyone was shocked. No, they're wrong.
Starting point is 01:44:14 This can't be him. His wife seemingly had truly no idea. He was that good at leading a double life. His colleagues were absolutely baffled. They couldn't believe it. Oh my God. It was the cat. life his colleagues were absolutely baffled they couldn't believe it oh my god it was the cat oh my god oh my god oh my god he put his sweet little paws on my leg and i like definitely ruined any chance of a friendship with him i think i decked him right in the face honey oh his little his little wet nose definitely hit my hand when i freaked out i feel so bad oh he's okay i thought you saw him because i saw him no his little paws got paws got, he was going to try to jump up. I really, oh my God. I feel so bad. I just want to be friends with you. And I totally just shot that in the foot. Didn't I? That's okay. He's okay. Oh, he's used to getting kicked around by the dogs. I'm so sorry. Sorry, Eva, for your like ears. She's probably jumping
Starting point is 01:45:01 in her apartment. Oh, that was just, it was such a gentle little touch, too. Okay, anyway, he was a misogynist. Okay, yeah. Let's try again. So all of the neighbors are like, no, there's no way. So remember the survivor, Susie, who I said she told her story about being on the path, on the bike path. So she said she ran to the TV when she heard that he had been caught and really instantly she said she recognized his eyes because she remember she had said yeah because they were
Starting point is 01:45:30 like really dark and angry yeah she said she'd seen the anger and hatred in his eyes so she said she saw his face instantly recognized his eyes even from decades prior and fell to the floor crying with relief right of course so you gotta always wonder is he coming back just to live in fear that that person's still out there you have no idea is he coming back just to live in fear that that person's still out there you have no idea who it is right and he's in the community i mean that must be just terrible so ultimately altimio sanchez admitted to raping between 13 and 20 women since the 80s geez though he couldn't be prosecuted because the statute of limitations had run out however he pleaded guilty to second degree murder in the strangulations of
Starting point is 01:46:05 linda yalum majane mazer and joan diver he said quote whatever sentence i get today i deserve i know i'm going to be spending life behind bars never to see the streets again but i did these crimes and i should pay for these crimes and he was sentenced to 75 years to life in prison it's almost weirder when they agreed i can't tell either they it makes it less black and white i don't know what it is it's like rubs me the wrong way it rubs me like is unless they're apologetic even then when they're apologetic i i don't believe it it doesn't seem sincere because otherwise why would you have murdered all these people fuck you for apologizing and trying to get like a good in the good graces of anyone right but then also if you don't care it just shows how sinister you are yeah but then also this when you're like super
Starting point is 01:46:49 factual about it it's just i guess to me i translate like being super factual as not being emotional and so then it rubs me the wrong way because it's like you're taking it so matter of factly that it's like yeah it's so casual and like you don't seem to regret it but you also don't seem to be proud of yourself yeah it's like when they say oh i did the crime so i should go to jail it's like well yeah but then why did you do it to begin with like we're not well you could have not had to pay for the crimes by if you didn't do right and no one's impressed with your skills of deduction that you know that it's like crime means jail time like i don't really understand the point of that statement very weird yeah so all of it rubs me the wrong way in different ways it's just sick anyway so unfortunately
Starting point is 01:47:30 this is actually very sad um another man was already in prison for two of the rapes that altimio had actually committed no um and he spent over two decades in prison two decades for crimes he did not commit. He maintained his innocence the entire time. His family was fighting to get him freed. And he was finally exonerated in March 2007. And his name was Anthony Capozzi. Anthony Capozzi. So he was exonerated finally after over 22 years in March 2007, which is just...
Starting point is 01:48:03 And there was actually a lawsuit settled for i think like 4.25 million dollars or something a civil lawsuit about it um and because the lawsuit took so long and it was they wanted to expedite the lawsuits in the future they created a bill called anthony's law which was meant to like if in a scenario like this meant to expedite a lawsuit like a civil lawsuit about false imprisonment. Okay. So anyway, as for Altimio Sanchez, he is currently imprisoned at the Clinton Correctional Facility
Starting point is 01:48:32 in the Adirondack Mountains of New York State. Wow. It's been said that he may be moved to a facility closer to his family if he confesses to further murders, which is like great. Ugh, okay. Fun fact, he has an IMDb page. Oh? Because he played himself in a tv documentary shut up i know i looked it up and i was like who wants to be on set with that guy my first thought was oh it must be an actor who has an unfortunate name that right is similar and then i looked at
Starting point is 01:48:59 the page and it was like it says himself himself and it's like a crime documentary and i'm like but a lot of criminals like are in crime they don't have imdb pages i just thought that was so weird i don't know if he went on the prison library and made himself a pro profile i don't know but i thought that was so weird oh it doesn't have a photo or anything but it has like credit anyway so that's the story of altimio sanchez the bike path rapist who was at large for three decades worth of crimes wow and was finally caught unfortunately after too many rapes and murders but wow he's behind bars um and because he is an asshole scorpio i have a horoscope today but it is a gemini scope well that makes the most sense because i figured it's
Starting point is 01:49:46 about time we get some some guff attention i like how i said scorpio and then you said gemini and i was like they're the same you're like what what's the difference i'm so flippant with my opinions these days geo and me what's the difference geo really just ruined my opinions he really softened my heart i know he really got your grinch heart i like i liked having something to believe in but now it's just it's just all blended together now you can just believe in the mars missions i do to this day okay so this is our horoscope because we've spent so much time apart oh gemini leaping into action is exhilarating today you're eager to channel your energy into working on a fundraiser community project or humanitarian effort which is what i call this podcast oh well then yeah valid
Starting point is 01:50:30 humanitarian effort indeed well then i guess so far this is a correct a correct guess you're welcome humanity when an enthusiastic friend or relative does such an excellent job selling an idea you're welcome oh it's no wonder that you're psyched to pitch in and lend a helping hand yeah today is a day to bond with your close friends hey open joint bank account what open joint bank accounts why don't we do that let's merge all our money strike deals and make plans for a bright future okay uh we'll do some of those things you will be at the top of your game in almost everything you do oh some of you who want to go into further studies no no we've done enough of that oh no may take a well-informed decision today okay we've already done the further studies right now we just need to join our bank accounts we are getting married we are we really should
Starting point is 01:51:21 just legalize it all we do have a joint bank account that's true we do i mean a business one we have a business account yeah that counts all right thanks astrology thanks astrology for knowing us better than us anyway so that's the story of altimio sanchez thank you for requesting it charlie i hope yeah i did a decent story yeah cover of it i liked it a lot it's pretty wild very sad um you do it this time okay so you can um find us on social media at atwwd podcast we're on twitter instagram um on facebook and that's where you drink uh you can email your listener stories too and that's where you drink at and eva will read them and potentially we might use them in a future listener stories which we release at the first of every month um you can check out our
Starting point is 01:52:08 tour schedule and that's where you slash live uh our patreon is atww podcast um our merch is and that's what we live shows i said that already well i wasn't loving i was like i was just breathing i was, finally, I don't have to do it. I don't know. I think that's it. I think that's it, guys. You're shooting so good at it. Check us out on the internet.
Starting point is 01:52:33 On the ARPANET. On the ARPANET. The World Wide Web. On the DARPANET. The DARPANET. Yeah. Thank you guys for listening. Thank you guys for putting up with a two-parter from me.
Starting point is 01:52:44 That was fun. Let us know if you like them. I can do those more often. We can't wait to see a lot of you guys in listening. Thank you guys for putting up with a two-parter from me. That was fun. Let us know if you like them. I can do those more often. We can't wait to see a lot of you guys in person too soon. Yes. Give you big hugs. Please buy tickets to shows that currently have tickets. I don't know at what point where tickets will be standing once this comes out.
Starting point is 01:52:58 But please come to our second Houston show. No, this is already over by now. Damn. Please come to our boston show at the wilbur uh february 2nd probably no tickets up but you can try fingers crossed that there's no tickets just come to our show just go look on the internet please i think that's it i think that's it too guys thank you for listening and thank you for uh listening oh we should put that on a shirt double entendre okay and that's why we drink

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