And That's Why We Drink - E104 The Golden Girls Horror Crossover and a Cousin Cat

Episode Date: January 27, 2019

White knuckle and buckle, everyone. We’re going beyond vision boarding this week because emergency preparedness is so in right now. Join us as Em shares the ghost stories of Borgvattnet Vicarage and... Christine brings us the extremely fucked up story of Leslie Allen Williams, a murderer with a rap sheet 4,502 kilometers long… and that’s why we drink!Please consider supporting the companies that support us!Get $20 off and free shipping on your Brooklinen sheets when you use promo code DRINK at brooklinen.comStart your ritual today at Start your free trial of Squarespace by going to and when you’re ready to launch use code DRINK to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domainGet free shipping on your next Rothy’s purchase at and use code DRINK

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Starting point is 00:00:00 i'm sorry am i boring you no i'm just very sleepy today that's all it's not you well i'm glad you're here thank you can liven liven my uh my night up with some cool stories. You know I do. But beforehand, I want to say I got my Christmas present from Eva today. Oh, yeah, me too. And it was bananas awesome. She got me a meat tenderizer that it looks like Thor's Mjolnir. And then she said, oh, there's something else in the bag. And then Christine and I both like sarcastically went, what, meat? And then she literally bought me a ribeye steak.
Starting point is 00:00:45 It was like a full size whole foods wrapped steak. It like one whole big old steak. And I've never seen Emma's eyes. They were just my eyes were so glossy. I bet. It was I've told so many people on the show into your face. I was like, if someone ever buys me steak, I mean, that's just cream of the crop. Em has literally said the one way to my heart is steak. And Eva just took that very literally, which I just never did, I guess.
Starting point is 00:01:11 Listen. I feel bad. Eva's asking for a raise, obviously. I see it in her eyes. Eva's trying to take my place. Here's some steak. Christine who? Ah, well, I got my, I just, I can't even express in words how thrilling and creative this gift was. So I have talked for a long, long time about the big earthquake trademark that is coming
Starting point is 00:01:33 to ravage us all on the West coast. And nobody wants to hear it. But instead I, nobody wants to hear it, but like, I mean, we should, I mean, I insist regularly and do nothing about it. I just talk loudly and make people anxious. Christine's like, you know what? One day we'll die'll die but it's okay because maybe i'll be prepared one day maybe i'll be and then i never do anything to prepare so eva gifted me with this little backpack and it's a five-year emergency supply kit for disaster preparedness and i she really i mean
Starting point is 00:02:01 her your eyes look as big as mine must have with steak in my hands wow we looked crazy but wow it was such a good gift and so creative and i was like and she goes oh just until you make because i keep saying i want to have a party where we all make i've had a vision boarding party that's fun but now my new thing is i want to have a party where we all drink and make disaster preparedness kits you know california thing i've ever heard beyond the vision boarding like vision boarding's over emergency preparedness is always pushing to the next step. Right. And so I'm like, Oh, and then we get together and we put like emergency supplies together in like bags. And then maybe that's when the earthquake will happen and we'll all be prepared. Then we know if something happens. Cause I live in a constant state of fear. Well, everything, but also about the earthquake. And so I'm like, well, I'm never,
Starting point is 00:02:41 I'm like, I'll be prepared. And then I never actually do it. So it was like, until you make your own, here's one to have. And I was like, that's the best gift. Cause knowing me, I'll never actually do it. And then one day I'll have five years of food and water and a poncho. I actually, uh, I won't go into details, but one of my past relationships, which I've told you about this before, I think I've told Eva about this too, but one of my past relationships, um, her parents were heavy, heavy, heavy preppers. So I actually, I was with that person for quite a while for a long period of my young adult life. And I was trained very well
Starting point is 00:03:20 about emergency preparedness with them. And I like and are you prepared no well i know but only because i haven't thrown my party yet right yeah let's put it this way i have a whole lot of knowledge that would bode well because of what was just drilled into my brain every time i went over to their house but have i actually kept up with a stock or anything no so i'm not physically prepared aren't you the one who when we moved to la you guys drank your emergency water and then had to pay bu for it yeah okay just thought i'd throw that out there well to be fair i also prepared i didn't i just found water in the apartment they gave us at front through bu and i was like oh great i'm gonna drink this and then i didn't even a big letter on top that said don't drink i didn't read it i definitely did have a sign that said don't drink this unless there's an earthquake and then it like was kind of a culture shock to me i thought
Starting point is 00:04:08 that was just i was like is this in every california house just like a bunch of water apparently in christine's house the answer is yes it is now in my little red backpack thanks to eva thanks to eva anyway it was super fun and by the way this comes down like several weeks so just so you know we're still in january technically so so if the earthquake happens when this comes out well i meant because of our well sure there's that but also the christmas exchange happened a little late oh right not as late as when this comes out i hear where you were going with that i was like as far as you know we're all dead i'm alive that's what i thought was my backpack i thought you meant like as far as we know we're still safe also if anyone wants to hear more about the earthquake i have a lot of fun facts christina has a lot to say but it's it's all important it's not like you're saying anything
Starting point is 00:04:48 that won't be useful at some point the things that i'm saying are not useful they're just like scary and then i'm like okay good night i'm like blaze did you know that like the statistics are blah blah and this many people would die in the infrastructure of san francisco and the fault line and then he's like okay and then i'm like anyway i'm tired and i like roll it like it's not actually helpful information it's just scary you're just keeping everyone on their toes yes i mean i i am terrified of earthquakes to a point where if there's even a minor one i assume oh this is the big one and like this is just the beginning like a while ago when we had that earthquake um right back when i lived in pasadena
Starting point is 00:05:25 and allison lived in los feliz and i thought there was a ghost in my house that night yeah christine thought literally a ghost jumped on her bed to be fair you would have thought the same thing so don't even give me that shit as if i'm the crazy one okay you're right you're right you're right you're right go on but i remember i woke up in the middle of the night to like a tiny apparently a tiny earthquake but i'm also like not used to earthquakes so to me it was scary and allison was like let's just go back to bed and i was like are you insane i was like we have to leave this building it's going to fall on us i was you left the building yeah it was two in the morning and i made her walk around we went to house
Starting point is 00:06:00 of pies okay well that's fair but on a work night but i was still like very panicked like i don't think allison had seen me like freaked out before but i it's just truly the fear of like there's nothing i can do it's just scary i mean natural disaster yeah and especially because it's not something you can there's no control it's not like a hurricane where you're like oh everybody leave this is going to happen right i mean it literally happened while i was lying in bed and i woke up because the bed moved and everything around me was shaking and i thought there was a ghost my bed just pushed like it felt like somebody just shoved my bed the way geo does yeah but there was no geo it was a ghost slash an earthquake i remember you actually i remember christine actually thought it was an earthquake
Starting point is 00:06:37 and then i told her later it wasn't or you thought it was a ghost and i told you later hey there was an earthquake and you were like, hey, what time was that earthquake? And then put it together and you were like, never mind. It wasn't a ghost. See, it was absolutely not. I'm willing to debunk my own fears. Sure. It wasn't Walt. I kind of wish it was a ghost though.
Starting point is 00:06:56 That would have been way fun. I know you do, but I don't. That being said, is there anything else? Oh, we never told what we, what we got each other for Christmas. Oh, did we not? I mean, we have the video for Patreon. Oh, we have a Friendsmas for Patreon, but, um, oh God never told what we what we got each other for christmas oh did we not i mean we have the video oh we have a friend's miss for patreon but um oh god what did we you got me some fun bob's burgers toys that i didn't have yet you got me serial killer playing cards that i did have from you yeah i double bought now we can play extra cards extra serial killer um you got me
Starting point is 00:07:24 a krampus t-shirt which is i'm gonna be wearing on tour because i'm so excited about it it was the shirt i tried to get you last year but they didn't have it in your size so that shirt's been waiting around for you it is a great it's a classic um i also got you um teddy yeah yeah the bob's burgers teddy uh fungo pop um i'm trying to think i mean you got me a pillow of geo and i've been asked should i stop because of the plane oh sure it's happening folks the big one's coming right now this is it i was always wondering how i'd go now i know um no so christine got me a pillow of geo a travel size pillow of geo in his little bow tie from the wedding and precious and it's a weird little lumpy pillow but it's perfect for my
Starting point is 00:08:11 naps yeah my my goal my intention was to have it more geo shaped but it kind of came out lumpier than expected and then i also finally after our entire relationship i've been asking for you to get me the official actual non-rumored recipe to slime from nickelodeon because when coveted information because when you started nickelodeon that was part of your welcome packet orientation they give you the actual recipe and they're like don't share this and i've been dying for it so for christmas i got the slime recipe the edible slime recipe because there's an edible and a non-edible version. And I have the non-edible one for you as well, which is more structurally. You knew I was going to eat it.
Starting point is 00:08:51 That's why you gave me the edible one. It's more fun to make the edible one. Right. I don't even remember what else. You gave me a picture of us from your wedding. Oh, yeah. That's a cute photo. And a stocking of candy.
Starting point is 00:09:03 Oh, you gave me the chocolate orange i love so much oh yeah yeah and um a license plate from back to the future that you already had four of oh no i have had five of five of i have five different back to the future the exact same one just in case anyone's wondering the license plate that says add time from back to the future and i just keep getting them because i keep thinking i'll lose one and so I just have slowly built up this collection of the same license plate over and over. And then when I worked at ISS, I made a bunch of them. So I have quite the stockpile. And then Christine also got me one for Christmas.
Starting point is 00:09:35 And so now I've just got six of them. No, no, no. It's an even number. So now when the aliens come down, they'll see your license plates, my serial killer cards, and be like, wow, this is what mattered to them. This is what they stood for and the earthquake sucked them in and yep they were never heard from again perfect anyways anything we need to actually update people on besides our i mean our own lunacy when this our own lunacy when you like that i love that when this comes that's a great word you know that comes from lunar like the moon really yeah like oh they believe that the moon like affected your mood
Starting point is 00:10:11 and your uh your behavior like a uh like a werewolf kind of oh i was thinking well i was thinking of that but i was thinking more um specifically like women on like on their periods yeah yeah that that too which i think went into like pmsing you could be a quote then luna tick right oh i'm sorry what are you saying about me because you know hormones are a bitch no one can take it seriously apparently on the rag oh my um i'm not actually oh congratulations are you. Are you pregnant? No. Thank God. Let that be the update that we tell people. I'm also, uh, triangulating my own, uh, menstrual cycle now. So.
Starting point is 00:10:50 Oh, good. You're welcome. Well, the moon and the tides were already doing that for you. So. They were doing it before it was cool. I know. Um, anyway, the only thing I have to say is we've been on tour and when this comes out, we've been on tour for like two weeks all over the place. I think we're going when this comes out next weekend to, oh, to like Brooklyn and New Jersey.
Starting point is 00:11:10 And I don't think those have sold out yet. So buy tickets. Same with our hometown, our friendships hometown. We're going to be in Boston. Next week. Yes, we're going to be. Oh, no, that same week. Yeah, you're right.
Starting point is 00:11:21 Boston. So please, please help us sell out the Wilbur because that would be poetic justice i think for we're already pretty close we only have like 35 tickets i know but that means okay if they're still there buy them but otherwise go to brooklyn and new jersey because we have not sold those out yet okay just buy all of them actually if you go to all of them just hop on the same plane that we're on and just do the yeah just buy a ticket everywhere be our groupies please that'd be fun um okay so yeah that's all i have to say okay um okay okay you want to tell me something are your last two were the time travel yeah that was a riot a doozy a doozy that was actually probably one of my favorite ones i've ever done
Starting point is 00:12:04 i was thinking about that for the last 48 of my favorite ones i've ever done i was thinking about that for the last 48 hours that's all i've thought about really yes that's a compliment thank you truly all i thought about well i uh i think i actually have never not never that's really just such a joke but there are since i cover so many interesting stories it's hard for me to top myself these days, I think. Sorry, that sounds so funny. I can't even top myself. I mean, I'm just amazing at everything I do.
Starting point is 00:12:30 I know. But I'm always talking about really cool ghost stories and really cool alien stories and really cool conspiracy theories and folklore and all that. But so I feel like I'm almost jaded by how cool some of these stories are. And this one, like, not only was something that blew me out of the water water anyway but this is also a story that i really have cared about since high school and so i had a lot of passion behind it you're really throwing out the good stuff this week oh well that was for two weeks this is just going to be a crap story apparently this is a crap story it might be compared to my two weeks of passion and my time travel my two weeks of passion the m story a new romance series. Yeah. So let's see if this one, if this one bodes well to you.
Starting point is 00:13:10 I am very excited. Let's see. All right. This is a ghost story because I haven't given you one in a while. It's the time my bed shifted in the night. That's actually the exact story. And Walt pushed it. That's exactly what happened. It wasn't an earthquake.
Starting point is 00:13:25 Oh my. I don't an earthquake. Oh, my. I don't know how to explain that to people for 20 minutes. Let's move on to something else. We can do it. If anyone can do it, we can do it. I'm sorry. I'm going to stop interrupting you. No, you're fine.
Starting point is 00:13:35 You're fine. I'm actually glad you're interrupting me because I'm getting, as I keep looking at the word, I'm getting more and more nervous that I'm going to have to pronounce it. Do it in the microphone. Do you want me to just keep jiving? Yeah, maybe I'll never have to tell the story um so just keep eva here for the next 42 hours until we forget why we came to begin with so this is a haunted house in sweden so excuse me already for the name does it sound like ikea furniture kind of
Starting point is 00:14:02 um it's called the and i'm i'm sure I'm sure I'm a dumb American who doesn't know, Borgwattnet. I like how you do look at me like I'm going to know. Well, you know German and Swedish are basically the same thing in my stupid brain. Definitely. Borgwattnet Vicarage. Yeah, Borgwattnet. Okay. And then Vicarage is an English word.
Starting point is 00:14:24 Well, it's also known as the house of priests so we're just gonna call it that oh yeah the m schultz story the m schultz story two weeks of passion in the house of priests gross no x out i don't want it control z um okay so it is all of it six hours north of stockholm and that was just a fun fact for you i went there one time did you yeah stockholm or borgvapnet brickridge i went to the house of priests oh no it's like the house of pies but holier when i was in stockholm i threatened to jump into the river because my zach baggins didn't reply to you yep i got blocked no my ex-boyfriend told me that night that he was cheating on me oh you told me about this i'm gonna jump into the swedish river oh you always told me you had an issue
Starting point is 00:15:08 with stockholm but you never really told me why that was the issue also beers are like 14 but that's besides the point they're like well we have universal health care but i was like well i'm not here for that i'm here for beer and it's 14 but all right good to know i am trying to i remember one time i mentioned stockholm too and you're like it's like fuck sweden and you were like whoa like whoa didn't even know that was a trigger i almost dove headfirst into like trigger warning sweden freezing cold february like okay anyway so this is the story about how christine almost jumped into river. It's actually pretty tragic, so buckle up, guys. Gio's having the time of his life.
Starting point is 00:15:48 Gio remembers. He's feeling it in your soul. Mom was so sad. No, he's just being a dick. Hold on. I'm kidding. Gio Bonni, you stop that right now. Oh.
Starting point is 00:16:05 Look at those happy paws. Look at those happy paws. Is that happy barking? Wow. Do you want some food? Eva's gonna poison you. Look at those silly ears.
Starting point is 00:16:22 They do just look like pigtails. They do. Also, did you put perfume on little Gio because he smells so pretty today? No. Maybe Eva hugged him. The top of his head smelled like perfume. Sometimes that happens
Starting point is 00:16:38 if I have lotion on. Oh, okay. Not me. I just smell my own armpit. That is the haunted horror story of this week and before even came i put on deodorant because i was like who knows what i've seen this oh oh baby gia with the happy happy smile we should still do blooper reel sometimes because this is a wild trick i like how instead we've just incorporated
Starting point is 00:17:02 them right into the real time don't give a fuck anymore it's like oh our armpits should be in the bloop reel no they should just be in the real the world should be forced we have armpits and we're proud okay listen women sweat especially me mostly me i sweat a lot i hear you sweat a lot a lot of a lot of people listen to this really think you sweat probably sweating problem i think you i think though that you probably sweat like mentally a lot more than you do physically maybe although you never look sweaty i think it was an issue in high school and i so now i've like installed it in my brain as a perpetual issue i hear but like my mother would buy me like all natural deodorant and they never worked and so in my head i'm like you know i'm in trouble at school. Nobody likes me. See, I don't care if I look sweaty.
Starting point is 00:17:46 It's more, do I smell good? Exactly. I have gotten the compliment when we went to a couple of places. But I remember in Nashville, three different people told me when we did the meet and greet at the bar after CrimeCon. Three different people were like, oh, it's so nice to know that you also smell really good. And I was like, two of those people may have been drunk me. I did tell you that a lot that day. You did tell me that too.
Starting point is 00:18:09 I forgot about that. People did tell you at the bar. I was just teasing. People were very nice. But you did smell very good that night. Thank you. And actually, I posted a thing on Instagram being like, make an assumption about me to see what happened. And so many people were like, you always smell nice and look put together.
Starting point is 00:18:22 And I guffawed. And then I showed Blaze. And he laughed so hard that I was like, fuck you, Blaze. Like, the fact that you're reacting so virulently to like, wow, Christine smells nice all the time. I think you smell nice all the time. Thank you. I think I'd like to think I smell nice. I'm really aggressive with my deodorant. I'm just very anxious always that someone's going to catch me on a smelly day.
Starting point is 00:18:44 Yeah. Can you imagine after the earthquake, we're going to be screwed? Look, if I'm going to survive the earthquake, I better smell good doing it. Oh my God, Eva, did that backpack have deodorant in it? Cause I'm going to have to stick some in there. Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh. Anyway, anyway, uh, I think we were in the middle of asking some deodorant company to be our sponsor because we're on our way to that. I'll take ban or secret or dove. So of them i like dove i like dove yeah yeah yeah yeah as long as they don't give me the blue gel because remember i had third degree burns under my armpits like legitimate did i show you that yes like it's like in coming off of you burns did i oh we you didn't know us
Starting point is 00:19:21 yet even chemical burns they were chemical burns yeah it was terrible. Apparently, there's a certain brand that I didn't say at the time, and I won't say now, but there is a brand of deodorant where the blue type, instead of like the white chalky version, if you do the blue gel type, there was like a whole bunch of people getting chemical burns from it. Yeah, we Googled it. It was like crazy. And then what my guess is is just all the people that get chemical burns from that happen to have some sort of allergy to what's ever in the blue gel versionled it. It was like crazy. And then what my guess is is just all the people that get chemical burns from that happen to have some sort of allergy to what's ever in the blue gel version of it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:49 Because if I get the white powdery version of it instead, I'm fine. Yeah. I think it's just an allergy or something. It's probably a chemical in it or something. Yeah. Yeah. But yeah. Anyway.
Starting point is 00:19:58 Anyway, if you're listening to deodorant sponsors, I would like only white versions. They're like, well, fuck that. We don't want to be involved in this chemical burn nightmare. I will make sure to say you don't give me chemical burns in our ringing endorsement m skin is falling off wow does anyone want to hear about this haunted house that we keep avoiding okay the house of priests six hours north of the place where christina almost jumped off a river um the building itself was built in 1876 for priests of a local church and right away there's death so good the first death here was um the priest living there at the time his name was pear headland and his wife marta they were living in the home from 1900 to 1908 and so i guess not
Starting point is 00:20:42 there wasn't death right away maybe like 24 years in so they were they moved in 1900 stay there till 1908 in 1907 marta the wife she died giving birth to their 11th child oh my which like maybe your body just gives up after 11 that's a lot of kids so he buried her body a pair that's his husband. That's very sad. Yes. Wait, he was a priest? Yeah. Like a Catholic priest? I don't know what kind of priest.
Starting point is 00:21:11 Maybe. I mean, can't you be, if you're married beforehand or something, can't you even? No? No. I don't know. You can't even have sex. You have to be celibate. Well, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:21:19 What's it? I didn't study this. All I know is I'm telling you he was a priest and he lived there. He buried her body in the backyard. Maybe he was a maid or something i don't know it very much said his the priest yeah maybe he was like a different denote like denomination christian denomination i don't know who knows anyway so he buried her body in the backyard but he was going through a very intense period of mourning and the villagers nearby told him that he needed to bury her in a proper cemetery instead of the backyard but i guess he had some sort of snap he just kind of snapped and he ended up digging up her body and leaving the area with
Starting point is 00:21:58 it over his shoulder and taking it with him and nobody knows where it went and nobody yeah oh nobody knows where either of them went either of them no oh fuck so uh that was the first creepy thing to happen she was resting his little furry chin on eva's laptop oh he knows i'm talking about him look at those happy eyes okay so also in the 1900s um a 19 year old maid became pregnant by a priest oh and it is very implied that she was assaulted okay um she of course the story has to get worse, doesn't it? So she always ends up getting pregnant. And once she started showing, the priest locked her outside in an enclosure in the backyard so she couldn't escape. Stop.
Starting point is 00:22:53 That is some true crime. Hashtag thanks priests. Thanks priests all around. Thanks house of priests. It's like house of pies, but so much worse. That's what I said. I was like, it's like house of pies, but holier. I did not even hear that.
Starting point is 00:23:04 Oh. Sorry. You'll tune in maybe on the 27th and listen to this and usually i'm i'm half here it's okay it's kind of like um kelly in the office of like i don't even listen to myself anymore i who knows what did i say i don't know what comes out my mouth i don't know um so okay yeah so she's in an enclosure in the backyard and she's still pregnant too um great so she ends up giving birth to the baby she also snaps for good reason i mean she was trapped in an enclosure after being assaulted by this guy and she snaps a little too far and she murders her baby oh did she have the baby so she gives birth to the baby and then kills the baby right away
Starting point is 00:23:40 gosh and she she buries the baby somewhere on the property and it's said to be in a corner of the house where the current house is it's supposed to be one of the graves you mean like the grave of the baby or the she like she just like dug up ground right and put the baby in there and and that's currently one of the corners of the house that is this vicarage got it got it got it um so it's sad near the perimeter of the house that's sad um but so every priest and family that has lived there has had experiences has had um has had paranormal experiences oh good and the ghosts began in 1927 okay oh that's pretty quickly though like you said like yeah i mean it's quick enough it's quick enough yeah like two decades later? Yeah. And so it started with strange noises and, quote, unholy dreams.
Starting point is 00:24:29 Which, who knows what that means? It's my house. Every night. But, okay. So the resident priest at the time was a chaplain named, I'm gonna, I've never heard this name before. Nils or Niles? Nils? Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:48 N-I-L-S? Mm-hmm. Okay. Sos okay so nils headland that guy was in sweden with me i'm not kidding what a guy named nils was like our uh tour guide or whatever see the one that saved you from jumping out of the river no he was busy playing cards oh um well so this guy he was now living in the vicarage and he went up to the attic one day. And this is the first ghost that anyone has seen. Okay. Before this, how I said that everyone has had some sort of an experience. Everyone up until then has like been a cause for the future paranormal experiences. Okay.
Starting point is 00:25:15 So like a death was involved or something. Right. So Neal's goes up to the attic one day and he looks out the window and he's looking at the, uh, I'm such a millennial the balcony where you put the laundry the string oh my god what do you call it the laundry line i'm so i know i sound really horrible right now what is you're just gonna watch me freak out about well i'm thinking because my mom clothesline yeah clothesline god i do i want to confirm that i do know what a clothesline is because episode two was called Clothesline Cookies.
Starting point is 00:25:45 That's right, because she was so sad. Because at the Whaley house, a little girl died from running into a clothesline and it cutting her by her neck. Because she smelled cookies and was running into the house. And I was like, that is my death. I was like, that's the way I'm going to go. You know, Allison says that was the moment she realized she liked me. Because she was listening. I think she's told me that before. She she realized she liked me because she was listening. I think she told me that before.
Starting point is 00:26:06 She was listening to the episode while she was still in Tanzania and she heard me say that's how I want to go. So to clothesline cookies and the lone bandaid, I think. Yeah. Yep. Oh, I love you. We've come so far. We have.
Starting point is 00:26:20 But I would still die that way. Happily. But literally nothing has changed. But a 100 episodes in and i stick to my there are plenty of times where you've said this is how you would die and it's always just like drowning in gin or wine or some sort of alcohol related i mean that would be you i would want to drown in like pudding or cookies or steak sauce but that was the only thing eva didn't get me for christmas so it's gonna be in your
Starting point is 00:26:45 stocking next year i can't i'm gonna lose my mind so clothesline just i wanted to let everyone know i do know what a clothesline is i just had a brain fart okay so so goes up to the attic sees the clothesline and is looking at all the laundry that he should be having that should be hanging on the clothesline and there is an invisible force that is tearing each of the laundry one by one off the clothesline and then just leaving them on the ground underneath oh that's rude um and i think he i don't know how it looked because in my mind i'd be like oh that was just aggressive wind but he said that they were pulling them off one by one right so that makes it kind of creepier happening yeah it kept kept happening. Yeah, it kept happening. So that was the first instance in 1927.
Starting point is 00:27:26 Now I'm going to do my favorite thing where I try to go floor by floor. Okay. We know I can't do it. So the first floor has a room called the pink room. And I will get to that in a second. But there's a pink room and there's also a room called the expedition room, which I don't know what that means, but that's what it's called. So in the expedition room, three people have seen seen a man three people individually at different times have seen a man sitting at a
Starting point is 00:27:49 table that disappeared right before their eyes oh um also the bed will show depressions as though someone's sitting on it and the furniture will move all on its own and in the pink room the pink room was the child birth room apparently at some point good and babies are heard crying and women are heard going into labor and delivering babies which is like the like most guttural scream of all that's not like a ghostly moan you don't want to hear that shit a woman giving birth oh um and people always feel um they always sense uh feeling really heavy and really sad and down in this room that's terrible on the second floor so there was the pink pink room on the first floor that they call it the pink room well just wait the second floor has the gray room the blue room and the yellow room stop it so okay i don't
Starting point is 00:28:38 were they just lazy maybe they're painted that color who knows maybe but that's a very colorful house it seems it right yeah for the i don't know i'm just i mean my rooms would be much more wild than just like one color i'd have like the glow-in-the-dark room you would have all glow-in-the-dark and like camo rooms remember when you moved uh when you came when you moved in yikes when you yep remember when you came to visit my fredericksburg house and i showed you all the glow-in-the-dark on my oh my god when i was little not when i was little i was like old enough to know what i was doing you wrote like fuck on the ceiling and glow-in-the-dark spray paint and i remember my stepbrother and i we tried to my goal was to spray paint the whole ceiling and even coat so i would
Starting point is 00:29:20 have one whole glow-in-the-dark ceiling but it was spray paint so like nothing was even about it and also like we got through the entire can in like five swipes right so it was just this weird chunk of glow-in-the-dark square of glow-in-the-dark and then we had like i like my fraternity letters on the ceiling i had like i wrote yolo across my like yolo it's even worse than fuck oh my god i but also I remember like I used an entire can of glow-in-the-dark spray paint within like five minutes and then my mom came home and just smelled the fumes through the whole house and she was pissed oh yeah I don't blame her um but then I actually just went home for Christmas and my while I was gone my mom painted over all of it oh so you you were the last person to witness it. Oh, wait, I did see it a couple months ago.
Starting point is 00:30:05 So that was recent. Well, because she's doing all those renovations. Oh, shit. She apparently had one of the people who came in with a bunch of paint be like, I paint that too. So, but. YOLO is offensive to my sensibilities. She got the giant square of glow in the dark and she got all my fraternity letters on the
Starting point is 00:30:20 ceiling, but she missed the YOLO on the closet doors. That's still there. Oh, YOLO. That's what I have to say about that anyway so we used to sharpie all over the walls in the attic but so it's fine i've seen your house and that thing just looks like an arts and crafts wall as an exercise true terror it's just i i have so many questions and there's truly no answers to your to your house i just wish there were answers. Okay. Anyway, no answers.
Starting point is 00:30:47 Second floor, gray room, blue room, your whole house is the YOLO house for sure. So, um, going upstairs, um, to the second floor is hard. It makes to do it means that it is harder for you to breathe. Apparently that's as soon as you get on the stairs, it's harder to breathe and you feel a weight in your shoes so you can't actually climb i mean i feel like i can't climb stairs to begin with that's a bunch of bullshit by somebody who doesn't do good at cardio that's me trying to say i don't want to do the stairmaster um and the shoes are getting inexplicably heavy i just i feel this weight in my shoes it's just it's just me dragging me down in the blue room there is a painting of a young boy and uh the photograph will actually turn out blurry if you take a picture of it
Starting point is 00:31:30 and uh equipment like camera equipment has reportedly failed near it every time people bring it into that room um the yellow room actually faces a secret room without a door so there's a room that they just walled off and from inside that wall there are scratching noises and you can hear feet stomping snow off of boots fuck that and there are shadow people and ghosts of vicars that walk out of the wall oh no there's also a rocking chair that rocks on its own and throws people out of it and moves itself all around the room on its own when you're not there. Fuck. See, it's like moved into different
Starting point is 00:32:08 corners and stuff. So you can leave and it's in a totally different space. Fuck that. There are images that will appear in mirrors. You can hear footsteps throughout the hallways. Paintings will fly off the walls. There are strange light reflections and smells of cooking. Which I don't hate. Unless it's bad cooking.
Starting point is 00:32:26 Maybe some cookies next to the clothesline hey i don't know um there's also uh several captured evps so they've gotten a lot of uh digital recordings of voices speaking to you both in english and swedish um there are reports of being grabbed or touched senses of uncontrollable sadness in certain parts of the house. Oh, I hate that. And horrible chills. People have woken up to see, oh, this is the creepy one. People have woken up to see a phantom sofa, like the ghost of a sofa, with three old ladies sitting on it, crying and watching them sleep. crying and watching them sleep and then if you run across the room to turn on the lights they are still there and still cry and still stare at you and then when you come back in the room
Starting point is 00:33:12 them and the couch are gone i'm just picturing like golden girls horror crossover like god if golden girls wanted to like just cry and sit on a couch and watch me sleep they're just probably judging the hell out of me like look what this world has come to but that's the creepiest part usually you do something like turn on a light and it's all gone or you rub your eyes and it's gone but they just are still there yeah and they're crying that's just terrible terrible today the house is a small cafe i'm not done but just today the house is a small cafe with a bed and breakfast and if you're able to actually spend the entire night there you'll receive a certificate to prove that you
Starting point is 00:33:49 remain there all night long holy shit there are reports showing that the uh divining rods like those those metal rods they are actually the most successful in communicating with ghosts there so there's just a couple things i want to throw in real quick but so after 1927 where the first ghost showed up with on the clothesline yeah after that a new priest moved in in the 30s and his name was rudolph tangden and he saw an old woman wearing gray appear in a nearby room and as he walked up towards her she vanished in front of him then after that priest there was another one named otto lingren who moved in in the 40s and he probably had it the worst paranormal wise because he and his wife heard unexplained sounds and saw objects move all the time they heard disembodied steps they heard music coming from
Starting point is 00:34:39 the hall at night when they were trying to sleep and they also had objects thrown at them including plates marbles rocks and knives oh that escalated yeah can you imagine like hearing music out in the hall and all you want to do is walk over and say shut up but you can't because someone might throw a knife at you right it's like uh well like it's either marble or knife are we gonna risk it i don't think so um and then while they were there while that while that priest was there in the 40s that was when the girl stayed in the guest room and saw the women on the couch crying at her holy god the next uh one to live there in 1945 his name was eric lindgren and he this was like this is one of the bigger stories that happened there um is that he got tired from unpacking and he sat in a rocking
Starting point is 00:35:26 chair and he was reading a book and suddenly the chair it happened to be that chair that moves around on its own suddenly the chair tipped forward and he was thrown out but like tip forward by tip i mean like he was like it was shoved forward it was like get the fuck out of my chair and he so he tried to sit down again and he felt a strong force enter his body what no and then for as long as he lived there every time he went into that room the chair was always in a different spot than when he last went there get rid of the chair right please so other reports include a woman screaming someone crying knocking on the walls and a force uh and the force of someone pushing you as hard as they can so like if you're by the stairs maybe if someone's in a
Starting point is 00:36:11 bad mood they're just gonna shove you this is insane one couple was actually making their way down the stairs when something grabbed the husband's arm and dragged him down the rest of the stairs and out into the yard and he refused to enter the house again so he slept in a tent on the lawn where was his wife was she like see you tomorrow honey and just like slept in the house i mean i don't think i'd follow him out into the lawn i don't think i mean i don't know but maybe that was blaze in the future and you were like but this is a haunted house and i want to sleep here and he was like i'm out on the lawn for sure in new orleans is that what you mean in two weeks haunted new orleans so several guests have reported waking up to unseen cold hands pressing on their foreheads while they hear screaming oh god and one guy woke up and felt like there was
Starting point is 00:36:55 a block of concrete on his chest while he felt hot breath on his face the father oh i guess he was a father because it says the father also um he also the guy with the who felt like there was breath on his face and a concrete on his chest he also complained that there were branches scratching the window during the night but then he woke up and there were no trees outside oh i'm glad he didn't find out till the next day so in the early 1980s there was a priest named tor forselund and he came to perform exorcisms on the home, and they were actually unsuccessful. And every time he tried, he just failed more and more, and eventually he literally ran out of the house himself and fled and never came back. So the exorcism literally just...
Starting point is 00:37:38 The exorcist was like, never mind. This is too scary for me. So in 2009, Ghost Hunters International did a story there. And I tried watching it. I pretty much covered everything. I wanted to see if there was anything new that I hadn't caught, but I seemed to have gotten all of it. So yay me on my research. Good for you, baby.
Starting point is 00:37:58 And in 2014, two brothers named Tony and Nicholas and their wives linda and sofia actually founded a youtube channel called laxton ghost sweden and so they're their own little ghost investigator team in sweden brothers and their wives yeah and so they became their own youtube channel i guess they're kind of known i'm not too familiar with sweden youtube with the youtube with the swedes oh with the swedish youtube um but so they were ghost hunters and their wives helped them and it all started for them apparently back in 1988 when they were little kids and on christmas eve their cousin's house caught on fire and two of their cousins were 11 and 5 and didn't make it stop it and after that incident when they
Starting point is 00:38:41 kept living at the apartment or they kept visiting the apartment and weird things would happen all the time. So that was like their first like getting hooked into the ghost world. And then it's a very personal entry into. Right. Wow. And so then his Tony's wife for, I guess, as a general present, I don't know what it was for, but got him a spirit box. I got you one one time yeah yeah we should use that sometime do you want me to bring it here please okay um so tony got a
Starting point is 00:39:11 spirit box from his wife in 2014 and they began collecting their own equipment using or not using including heat vision night vision motion cameras emfs all sorts of meters and they just kind of built their own little toolkit cool and they actually which is really cool they ended up developing their own PMB which is a paranormal music box what so basically it senses whenever there's something within three feet of the box and it'll play music and does the creepiest possible thing that could ever happen I guarantee it a fucking music box like of all things it's like either child laughing or music box right right and so that's what you decide like lullaby humming fantastic um and so actually remind me after this you just really brought something to my attention
Starting point is 00:39:55 that i want to address on the show no no it's good but remind me after the story that i want to tell you about it okay um eva remind me remind me to remind him please so uh basically it will play play a musical tune if anything comes near it within three feet but also it'll it can make like a little like a one quick sound or ideally the spirits are intelligent enough that they can actually make it play a whole song so based on how close it's kind of like instead of like the light going from red to green based on how close they are or enough that they can actually make it play a whole song. So based on how close, it's kind of like instead of like the light going from red to green based on how close they are or how powerful they are, it's how strong the music plays. So in May 2018, so not even a year ago, the brothers actually bought the Borg Vanette
Starting point is 00:40:38 haunted vicarage. So they actually bought it and now live there with their wives. This is literally romantic what you and i are gonna make blaze and allison do one day it's terrible isn't it like it's a haunted tower let's go but isn't the garden lovely you'll love it that's where you'll sleep that's where you'll sleep don't worry so they have said the feeling of being observed hearing children's voices and being and watching locked doors be opened on their own are common occurrences and then this is quite a long quote but it's worth it okay so i guess they were interviewing it was how was your first 24 hours here after you moved in so this was the quote
Starting point is 00:41:15 all of us had dizziness nausea headaches and a feeling that we weren't alone and that they knew who we were we tried to document down as much as we could during the only night we had because they were i guess moving in between oh so they only had one night originally there um as much as we could during the only night we had but because we were so affected we got out of the house on a number of occasions and we came out dizzy with a headache we placed the paranormal music box pmb we placed it on a table aiming at the couch and we heard oh geo's bored no he heard sandy come home sorry oh i'll let him go sorry sorry sorry who's that is that sandy we place the pmb on a table aiming at the couch the pmb being the paranormal music box and we heard a faint playing sound from the music box the atmosphere in the room is completely
Starting point is 00:42:07 different now from before it's as if we were standing here an old television screen and the hair on our arms were standing up the room was completely static the pmb picked up again and i asked is there someone sitting on the couch after the question it began to play not just a little but the whole melody it was clear that we had contact with some intelligent energy that night. Next, there were three banging sounds through the spirit box, and in the same second as we heard those three bangs through the communication tool, my brother felt three petting strokes on his face
Starting point is 00:42:38 that corresponded to the music. Then, this is the creepiest part, then the machine said tony martinson which is his full name holy shit yeah no this suggests strong intelligence because they couldn't have known my name then we found the door to the attic that was hidden because the couch was hiding the second floor so there was like a couch blocking the door me and my brother moved the couch and slowly opened the door to the attic there was no lighting so we got out our night vision camera and we walked up the stairs only getting to the first step we both experienced
Starting point is 00:43:15 huge discomfort and a strong feeling that we should not go then nicholas his brother complains about sharp pains on on his back i lifted up his t-shirt and turned on a flashlight and there were clear red marks that had appeared across his back that were not there before things like this happened in each room but the most popular rooms are the crying room oh and the blue room you see figures and you hear crying and the room that is the most unpleasant is the yellow room where voices and children screaming can be heard from inside the walls what the fuck am so that is all of it what the fuck the crying room are you serious if there's a room called the crying room in your house let's just game over for you big problems anyway all over the place
Starting point is 00:43:59 so that's that on that fantastic that's that. Hey, so none of that apparently recorded. I'm sorry. Even the Giovanna part. Oh, fuck. You got to experience something. No one else did. That's for sure. It's okay. Shit. It's okay shit it's okay it's glad you noticed that eva did i noticed eva's eyes oh i'm so stupid truly thank god for eva though because had i not seen her eyes we would have
Starting point is 00:44:38 gone through the whole story because while you talk i check it all the time but when i talk i don't check it good to know guys i'm so sorry that i'm a garbage person and i didn't hit record m told me all about this gift that deirdre gave them where it's gladys from friends but m's own gladys which is called giovanna and it's a creepy mannequin it's beautifully horrible and horrifyingly beautiful haunted it's haunted before its own time there wasn't't even a ghost attached, but it looks like it could kill me. But since Deirdre's followed by ghosts, there's probably a lot of ghosts attached. It's going to hang above Em's and Allison's bed, whether Allison likes it or not.
Starting point is 00:45:13 That was the cliff notes. Did you enjoy it? I'll post a picture. Em's going to post a picture. I am a trash person. I sarcastically asked Deirdre for Christmas. I told her I wanted my own version of Gladys. And Deirdre, who is the artsiest person I know.
Starting point is 00:45:26 Who tiled her mother's own floor. Yep. Without her mom knowing. In the morning for no reason. Just woke up one day and decided she was going to learn to tile. And then she did it. And then her mom came home from work and her floor was tiled. Also made a site.
Starting point is 00:45:35 And that's where I drink cross-stitch. Anyway. Anyway, thank you, Deirdre. Sorry, Deirdre, for that garbage thing that I did. We spent 20 minutes talking about how great you were and no one gets to hear about it. Well, I've heard it. So text me and I'll let you know what we said oh well dude i was all good things um i said that i thought gladys was the cat from friends yeah rachel's inside out cat right yeah i was wrong lord um phoebe's art anyway and we also dabbled a little into the into the story
Starting point is 00:46:02 we also dabbled a little into a lot of geotalk. And now all the dogs of the world won't go crazy. So I guess there's that. Okay, good. I apologize. Wow, that sucks. I'm sorry. Let's start over.
Starting point is 00:46:13 I'm so sorry. Let's start over. Eva, I might literally make a new ZipRecruiter thing for you, like a number one bullet of, like, please make sure Christine has record because she probably won't do it right. I thought you meant you were going to personally write her new resume for her to find another job because we're not worth it please there's literally no one else i trust to actually pay attention to my not even me giving no i know i didn't notice until i saw eva's eyes looking over there fuck i'm such an idiot okay it's fine it's just funny it's just it's not funny though that's
Starting point is 00:46:44 the problem it'll be funny one day. No, it probably won't. Oh, to me it will be. Even that episode that we recorded the whole thing and it never got posted is still not funny to me. It's just terrible and wasted many hours of our lives. We wasted an entire day and then I got a text from Christine or no, it was before I left. Christine was like, none of that recorded.
Starting point is 00:47:01 Can you come back tomorrow? And we'll act surprised at everything we say. Terrible. Okay. It's recording now. All right. God damn it. Let's carry on.
Starting point is 00:47:14 Okay. Sorry. No, at least it's fine. Everyone knows that nothing has changed since day one. It's okay. Okay. So this is the story of terrible man leslie allen williams um and like i said to you and eva and geo uh this was a story that i remembered in a little
Starting point is 00:47:35 grain granule in my mind and i didn't quite know where i'd heard it and then i found out that it was from an early my favorite murder episode that i'd heard. And then I decided to do my own research. So MFM and Murderpedia and Associated Press are the fact finders behind my little mission. So we are. Oh, right. And then we called you the Messiah because. Oh, right. We went back to May 1992, the month before you were born.
Starting point is 00:48:00 And you said it was the last month. It was the last dark month of everyone's world where they're like, will he return the last universe of when the messiah will come again and then linda's water broke and we all rejoiced and christine was one and just in a dark time until you arrived you were just tapping your watch like when the hell are you getting here so we can start this podcast baby so may 1992 the world was about to change. For the better only. For the better, but also for the worse, because this is a terrible story. Oh, yikes.
Starting point is 00:48:30 Okay, so May 1992, 39-year-old Leslie Allen Williams was arrested in Detroit when police received a call from a passerby who had seen a man trying to abduct a woman. Police arrested Williams and found a woman in the trunk of his car still alive thankfully and the woman this is just beyond me had been at a nearby cemetery visiting her mother's grave to mourn when williams approached her with a gun abducted her stuffed her in his trunk and threatened to rape and kill her and that's that's especially the worst because you're finding a not only someone who's innocent but someone who's most vulnerable i mean you're at your mother's grave like there's yeah that is just a very young woman so she was a very young woman so it was like just she was in tragic mourning for her own mother's loss and i mean
Starting point is 00:49:21 you're very not aware of your surrounding oh totally yeah this is the last thing you expect in like a peaceful cemetery right you would think like oh someone's gonna hurt me it's not gonna be i don't know why i would think that because i guess all the like the bad scenes and the scary places and movies are cemeteries but also you would think but you think in an alley or like a dark street at night right where people are lurking you don't think people lurk in a cemetery you would think people would see you in a cemetery and be like you're clearly going through enough like like have some tiny nugget of right remorse or empathy or something right so it turns out this guy had only been paroled from prison two years prior after serving a sentence for rape and he had had numerous run-ins with the law including jail time before that so it turns out he had a rap sheet many miles long i don't know how many kilometers
Starting point is 00:50:08 that is but oh okay four thousand sure 502 sounds good to me and he had been in and out of prison for the past 20 years for everything from auto theft to breaking and entering to kidnapping to sexual assault so there's nothing he won't do there's a whole long 4052 kilometer rap sheet of just every possible crime wow um after his first arrest as a teen williams was released on parole only to strike again two weeks later so after his first arrest which was for breaking and entering um he was released on parole and then within two weeks he was already back in jail so he's just trouble just career he was a career criminal from childhood yeah um his last sentencing had been in 1983 when he only threatened and abducted a woman and then released her unharmed uh he was sentenced to concurrent terms of five to ten years in prison for the assault and seven to thirty under the
Starting point is 00:51:02 state's habitual offender law because he had already been in jail so he got extra time for that and extra time means he served seven years uh and was paroled in 1990 so the absolute minimum amount of time and that is the last time that he had been released from jail uh before this instance that i started with the 1992 so he had not been heard from again until that arrest um which is a woman in the cemetery so keep in mind after his first parole in the 80s he had struck again within two weeks now it's been two years of radio silence so when they bring him in they're like okay it's a little unsettling that like for two years he's been right not in jail but every other time he's been paroled he he's like immediately been captured for something.
Starting point is 00:51:48 So the first thing that he tells police is that it's good that he's locked up and he should stay that way. So they're like, we'll take your word for it. And then they question his former girlfriend and she remembers a strange quirk of his. Oh, shit. She says there's this one field out in the middle of nowhere that he used to visit sometimes. Why? And she says she never understood why he did that. She has had enough.
Starting point is 00:52:19 It's like, I gotta go find this field. And she also said that that was where williams had dumped her cat after killing it last summer oh and that holy shit whoa let me check on that sorry about that folks that. That was Gio. Quite a reaction. Gio really had a sense about this. He's like, not my cousin cat. Not my cat. Not Junie's distant cousin. Oh.
Starting point is 00:52:52 So she said that is where Williams had dumped her cat after killing it last summer. And she said, strangely enough, he had a habit of visiting there and she didn't know why. So they were like, great. That's a good, really terrible thing. Mm-hmm. Ding, ding, ding. let's go check it out so when they questioned him williams uh confessed to a series of sexual attacks saying he had kidnapped and killed four teenagers they had no idea about he then led officials to rural oakland and genesee counties which are northwest of detroit where they found the shallow graves of four teenagers
Starting point is 00:53:25 cammy vianueva who's 18 14 year old melissa and 16 year old michelle urban who are sisters and 15 year old cynthia marie jones the first three cammy melissa and michelle had been missing since last fall and had been considered runaways by the police oh no yes despite their parents protestations right right cynthia had been missing since january so he tells the police he had stalked melissa and michelle they're the 14 and 16 year old sisters uh in their hometown of heartland michigan where he used to break into homes and those homes happen to be the homes of women he met in his therapist's office oh my god how that's just twisted and psychotic is that that's twisted so vulnerable vulnerable so vulnerable yeah that's true women he met in the therapist's office that's
Starting point is 00:54:14 so true um he said he said he saw the sisters eight times over several days while casing houses and was sexually attracted to the way the 14-year-old sister walked christ it's just just terrible okay um investigators say i found this in another article that williams actually kept a scorecard on which he noted his victim's physical appearance so he would literally rape them and kill them and then rate their bodily like rate the way they looked on a scorecard and keep it for himself so he could remember wow just like like as like also as like as a keepsake as well yeah exactly like a but like not just degrading them but also like to be able to right to do it forever to be able to degrade them a little bit sickening um and remember these are
Starting point is 00:55:05 like kids too yeah they're like 14 so armed with a three inch pocket knife he jumped from some bushes put uh melissa and michelle in his trunk uh raped them and then suffocated them to death within an hour of kidnapping them he then dumped their body in shallow graves and he later said he made michelle and melissa sit on a blanket and talk with him before raping and killing them he said they were nice girls they didn't deserve to die but i was so weak and i was afraid to go back to prison so he just had them sit there before anything even happened yeah he chatted with them i mean after he kidnapped them but he forced them to sit there and talk to him before he killed them basically what about forced them to sit there and talk to him before he killed them, basically.
Starting point is 00:55:46 What a bad, like, what could you possibly have to say to them or what could they have to say to you without them being just- He's just a sicko. He's probably just elongating his- Just torture. Yeah. Sick. So the next victim was Cynthia, who was 16.
Starting point is 00:56:01 And she and her boyfriend, Luke, inuary of that year were confronted in his car he told them so williams told them he needed the car because he had robbed a store which actually reminded me of the zodiac where he would say like oh listen i just escaped from jail i don't want you i just want your car and so they'd be like okay take it you know right which is similar in my mind um so he they got out of the car and then he's like, I'm just going to take you to the woods so you can like be out of my line of sight or whatever. Off the path. Exactly. So he tied Luke, the boyfriend, to a tree and then he left with Cynthia.
Starting point is 00:56:36 So he left Luke tied up in the woods and took Cynthia with him. He took her back to his apartment where he raped her repeatedly each time telling her he'd let her go if she just cooperated this time what so literally like psychotic like um psychological torture uh and then he eventually stabs her to death and puts her in a pre-dug grave that he had already prepared oh my god for her so this motherfucker is beyond revolting revolting yeah um and then cammy vianueva i didn't have too much information on her disappearance and death um except that she had also been raped and had been choked to death which is interesting because she had been choked the uh cynthia had been stabbed
Starting point is 00:57:26 and then the two sisters had been suffocated so it's kind of like different mo's yeah different mo's which is just odd although he did say that he had sex with each of their the victim's bodies after their deaths also oh my god just beyond like every possible checkbox, he's just ticking. Oh my God. Yeah, it's terrible. So up until now, he has obviously been let off easy numerous times, even for rape over the last 20 years. I mean, he's been paroled over and over again for quote unquote good behavior. And has. I mean there were times where he. Two weeks in. Had already raped somebody. And then they. Still let him out.
Starting point is 00:58:09 Right. You know a couple years later. It's just. Revolting. I really hope there's a happy ending to this. Well. Happy's a relative term I guess. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:58:18 The happiest version of an ending. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe. So. He's been over the years, like obviously let off easy, as easy as one could possibly be let off for this kind of thing. Right. But at this point, when this news comes out, the people of Detroit lose their goddamn minds. Obviously, rightly so. And too little too late. Leslie Allen Williams is sentenced to multiple life sentences. too late leslie allen williams is sentenced to multiple life sentences um he actually said there wasn't even a trial because he says quote i don't want to cause any trouble i don't want to cause
Starting point is 00:58:50 taxpayers any grief i want to be locked up lock me up so i don't do it again i have no control over my life ew yeah ew um while he is in jail uh officers sift through his belongings. They find, like we mentioned, some souvenirs slash trophies. They find cameras, crosses on chains, cloth patches, pins, film, matchbooks, and other items that they assume belong to his victims. They also found a ring that belonged to Vienueva. And they found a photo of the sisters michelle and melissa that he had taken of them while he was stalking them so although he quote-unquote apologized for his crimes by saying like lock me up i have no control right uh several experts have actually said that it's essentially bullshit that's probably not the terminology they used but
Starting point is 00:59:42 that's what i hopefully did and all the textbooks word needs to be used more often i think it's pretty descriptive and that this behavior is actually typical of serial killers so this guy his name is james allen fox and he's the dean of the college of criminal justice at northeastern in boston he said that williams is only sorry he was caught and is trying to manipulate events from behind bars because he knows there's no hope otherwise right um he says that williams is a con man just like other serial killers and he says i don't buy any of it i would suspect that what he's trying to do now is foolish again he also added that the reason that uh williams was doing so many interviews is because quote sociopaths are very needy people who need a lot of attention sounds like fair point and actually there was an article or like a chapter in some book i didn't
Starting point is 01:00:31 read it too closely but it is i just skimmed it but it essentially said that like he was an example of a murderer who used the media to try and boost his own god i don't know public visibility essentially yeah and that instead of just taking interviews like he would like wait he would basically wait to be requested for an interview and then decide yes or no because he liked to just have the power of sure i'll give local nbc an interview but i don't really feel like giving cnn whatever being picky on his own terms and all that yeah he wanted it on his own terms and all that yeah he wanted it on his own terms he was giving people yeah he was waiting to be requested rather than like just being an open book like it was very creepy and very like he wanted to like he wanted
Starting point is 01:01:16 people to want him yeah exactly he wanted to be like a desired in the public yikes fear it's gross okay so looking back or actually at the time but also looking back um williams is considered a failure of the parole system his story has been used as a warning that prison rehabilitation programs are flawed and do more harm than good uh his case called for major reform of the parole system in Michigan. Sheriff of Oakland County John Nichols was quoted as saying, Leslie Allen Williams represents a failure of this entire criminal justice system, particularly the parole system. People like this should not be cycled through the system in and out
Starting point is 01:01:58 to prey on other people on the outside, which is exactly what happened is every time he got out, he would find several other right young women or children it was just unstoppable it seems yeah um in july 2000 a local woman shared a memory from 1996 she actually was basically a survivor of his and she hadn't really known it until later when she kind of learned more about him really he said she had been aggressively uh stalked by a man before stalking laws were ever in place wow that was only in the 90s and isn't that terrifying yes only in the 90s are there now i mean even nowadays i don't get me started on stalking laws but basically yeah there was nothing so essentially
Starting point is 01:02:42 yeah you're right like remembering that was only, what is that? The 90s? 30 years ago? Not like just 30 years ago, barely. 96 was like 20 years ago? 30? No. 96 was 23 years ago.
Starting point is 01:02:58 Okay. 23 years ago. That's close. I was literally playing with my calculator. Oh, thank God. Okay. Oh my God. Okay. That's's just embarrassing but not even 25 years ago yeah exactly and there's nothing so she said she had been for a long time being stalked by this man and she didn't know what to do um and ultimately this guy was basically right on her tail and she
Starting point is 01:03:22 managed to get away because she saw her mom and she and her mom managed to get away and so when they reported it to police uh he technically hadn't committed a crime so he was released without any sort of question or anything so she looking back was like that's the same guy right following me he could have grabbed me and put me in his trunk if i hadn't run into my mom and escaped um so she tells a story nowadays to warn women to trust their instincts um even though there are quote-unquote stalking laws in place today sort of again story for another day according to the fbi crime clock based on statistics from 2010 a forcible rape occurs in this country every 6.2 minutes oh my god and so if you think
Starting point is 01:04:06 about that and the fact that this guy was just released i think he was pulled four times within 20 years for rape that's disgusting every time he just raped more people because that's what he was doing oh okay so keep that in mind um and as for leslie allen williams he is now 65 as i said he is serving multiple life sentences so if there's any good news out of this it is that at least for now he is never going to get out again at least it only took so many trials right exactly so that is the quote happy ending not really i mean he's in jail forever but he's already done enough damage essentially right too little too late um and that has changed actually the michigan justice system but there's also pros and cons of that as far as like war on drugs and being paroled and right overcrowded jails and it's
Starting point is 01:04:58 a whole thing so i didn't really want to get into that because i don't personally know much about it and i don't want to talk out my ass about something i don't really understand um but yeah that being said it's just clearly there was and probably still is a flaw and he's a perfect example of it so that's the story of leslie allen williams yikes he sounds really just awful terrible man yeah terrible man um and so i did not feel comfortable doing a horoscope of his today i just wasn't feeling it so instead i did an eva scope oh this is the pisces scope especially because we have not seen eva since last year oh technically so i want to give her a little little insight into what her poor life is going to be touring with us for the next four months. God, does it say tuck and roll and get out as fast as you can? Close your eyes and power through.
Starting point is 01:05:50 Just white knuckle and buckle. White knuckle and buckle. Okay. You won't have to actively launch a charm offensive today, Pisces. Not with the moon lingering in your sultry sign. Lunacy. Lunacy, you lunatic. Did any of that go in? What? Did that get recorded? The lunacy? That was from like your story, yeah. Oh, okay, good.
Starting point is 01:06:11 Yeah, yeah. Otherwise that would have not made sense to anyone. It's a valid point. Okay. You'll be turning heads so hard you could induce whiplash. Hey. Oh my. Go Eva.
Starting point is 01:06:22 Bear in mind that once you catch them, it might not be so easy to release them oh my wow okay i guess i didn't read this very closely be cognizant of leading people on and let your guiding philosophy be due on to others leave enough space in your jam-packed calendar there it is yep found it for precious me time good Eva. But if the muse comes a-calling, I assume that's Em and me. If the muse comes a-calling, you don't want to let that one go to voicemail. Oh, my. I literally don't know what any of this means. I don't know how to translate that, and I don't think I want to either.
Starting point is 01:06:59 All I saw was, like, your jam-packed calendar. I was like, yeah, that sounds right. Your precious me time. Probably a good idea. Wow. We'll find some hotels with spas and let Eva just... Let Eva go... Expense it or something.
Starting point is 01:07:14 Yeah. Okay. Well, that is my story. My scary, scary story. Good. All right. Thank you, kind of. Also...
Starting point is 01:07:23 That was a jam-packed episode, though, I think. Oh, yeah, for sure. It felt pretty crazy. Thank you, kind of. Also... That was a jam-packed episode, though, I think. Oh, yeah, for sure. Felt pretty crazy. Thank you guys for listening. You can find our Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Patreon, ATWWD Podcast. You can also find our website at That' You can also find our merch at That' You can also find our live shows.
Starting point is 01:07:44 You can go check our tour at That's at big you can also find our uh live shows you can go check our tour and that's why we slash live and if you want to send in your personal paranormal and true crime stories you can submit them to and that's why we drink at and they could possibly be in the next listener's story we put them out at the first of every month and uh we are currently in the middle of touring. So please be gentle. Be nice to us. If you're in the audience, laugh. If we look like we don't know what we're doing, because we definitely don't.
Starting point is 01:08:12 Fingers crossed it goes well. Please don't yell things at us because we don't understand what you're saying. Yeah, it's surprisingly hard for us to know what you're saying on the stage. So a lot of people have tried to shout some things at us. And it's not really awkward. It's not fun to watch us not know what you're saying. And it makes us feel like shitty people because we're not react. We don't know what you're yelling.
Starting point is 01:08:29 So we just shut it down. Just cheer and laugh. Also, security will not love it. So but we can't wait to see like hundreds and hundreds of you, thousands of you in the coming weeks. Oh, I don't have my medicine. I was hooked to a heart rate monitor this morning and the guy was like, you need breathe a little bit more and i was like uh-oh for your remicade right before people start asking what happened oh yeah i posted a picture on instagram and then i had to delete it
Starting point is 01:08:52 because people were freaking out because i posted like haha hooked to a heart rate monitor and like my medication is technically like a form of chemo and so it's like chemo transport on the bag and people are like what the fuck and i was like okay delete this happens every month i'm not trying to kate it's normal it's normal i even put it in there but i think people just were worried so right don't panic i deleted it it's all gone i do not that's not nothing crazy we're no no new updates that all the normal if you hear if i have another smile tap please know you will be the first to hear. You will find out. You will be forced to listen to me talk about it. Thank you, Eva, for the steak.
Starting point is 01:09:29 Thank you, Eva, for my poncho and my earthquake supplies. And that's why we drink.

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