And That's Why We Drink - E105 The Great Non-Binary Owl and Kronk’s Evil Twin

Episode Date: February 3, 2019

So guess what? This week is a hoot and a half so strap in for a wild ride! Em delves into the Kelly-Hopkinsville alien encounter and Christine takes us through the life and alleged crimes of the infam...ous Elizabeth Báthory. We also learn the history of medieval Falling Sickness… and that’s why we drink! Please consider supporting the companies that support us! Get $50 off your Article purchase of over $100 or more when you go to Get 20% off your first purchase when you go to and use DRINK during checkout Get 15% off your first order of MeUndies and free shipping along with 100% satisfaction guaranteed when you go to  Read "Calm the F Down!" today! Visit for more information

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hey we are here back to the studio back to the studio it is where we are recording welcome to episode 105 five five 105 yeah my my fredericksburg favorite radio station growing up was 101.5 oh so 105 makes me think of 101.5 do you know 101.5 101.5 oh it's a good time was that country no no we had a b that was 104.5 oh our country is 105.1, you see. Listen. 101.5 was just like the usual... Top 40? Yeah, something like that. Is this what y'all came here for?
Starting point is 00:00:52 To hear all about our local radio stations? It's very exciting. Welcome to our radio station. All right. It's where we tell you things that... At least that's what our parents call it. That really don't... You don't want to hear, but you do anyway. I i mean it's kind of like we're our own train wreck where you really shouldn't
Starting point is 00:01:08 want to listen or know what happens next but you can't look your conscious brain says please don't do this to me and you're like but they're charming you're like please don't do this to us and both of you do your heart though welcome to your own nightmare welcome to ours too we're all in it together a universal nightmare um what's up nothing when does this come out february 1st i don't know no february 3rd nope that's incorrect february february 3rd yes that is correct so this is the day after our wilbur show wow i'm so glad eva is now can you mention on that day if i was trying to edit this episode holy lord i will not want to be doing anything like that thank you eva in advance for the editing for that um how do you think our
Starting point is 00:01:56 boston show went i think it went so well that we got a standing o oh i i hope so and what do you think i now i want that now my heart rate's going up so we got to change the subject anyway well actually this is probably good because now we're coming back and it's we're out this the day that this comes out we are nowhere near as just as we were for the last couple weeks right because we had three solid weeks of non-stop traveling and so we have a couple coming up here after that yeah but we've like are finally like we're winding ish down we see the light and also i'm going to new orleans next week this week so i can't wait for that oh and that means linda's coming into town
Starting point is 00:02:36 good luck oh my goodness we're we're all having as soon as i get back i've got other people coming in town and then after that is the housewarming party that you and Eva may or may not be coming to. Hopefully you're coming to. That's right. You have to tell me the date again. The 16th. Okay. I'll be there.
Starting point is 00:02:52 Will you guys be there? Let me know. Please don't do that. Don't do that. Also, that means next week is Valentine's Day. Ooh. Ooh. Any guesstimates of what you're doing with blaze chocolate this is
Starting point is 00:03:07 your first married valentine's day stupid what birthday um we are going to new orleans that week so oh you're going valentine's day week yeah and um we're telling everyone that it's our honeymoon in case they give us free champagne smart so we'll see what happens we're going a bunch of haunted tours a bunch of haunted we booked our hotel it's super haunted is it one i've covered or no i look to check because it seems like one you would and i'm not gonna say what it is out loud so that people don't know exactly where i am on that day sure but um i'm gonna tell you afterward because i think you should cover it because i was reading the list and i was like what the fuck well you also like
Starting point is 00:03:43 it's not even that you're triangulating yourself because in a place like that everything's haunted so blaze like booked it based off a list of nine most haunted hotels in new orleans i was like oh you know me so well what a good guy yeah so and it's really nice so it'll be it'll be fun i'm excited is there anything you plan on doing while you're there like yes ghost tours we're gonna like we already have a list of food we're gonna eat um blaze wants to do some like other kind of local tours and maybe go to the bayou we'll see cool a lot of stuff maybe hold a baby alligator you know how i am with animals that are dangerous we've all learned yeah all within the same marriage year wow i just you just need another bad one and like another really dangerous one you'll have the trifecta i have just a complex i think yeah probably i think
Starting point is 00:04:31 you like danger a little too much maybe you should start a true crime podcast danger i'm on the edge maybe i should good luck we'll see how it goes we'll take a poll um yeah so we're on 105 which is crazy that means we just blew past 100 and we've been on. We truly did. Not necessarily all the listeners, but we really did blaze right past. We did. Because this is still early January that we're filming, recording this. Oh, sorry.
Starting point is 00:04:54 Eva leaned forward and my immediate thought is, oh, God, I messed something up. I broke the equipment again. I did that last week. Isn't it nice having Eva around just to always be a little afraid? Put me on edge constantly. Yeah, so I cannot believe we're already on 105 we're already in the second month of the year yeah holy smokes moving on moving up yeah I have a feeling at this point we'll probably have more exciting
Starting point is 00:05:14 things to tell you but I don't yeah it's a shame we can't foresee the future we're many weeks in advance yeah we we haven't even left for Dallas yet you don't know you never know like the big the big earthquake TM could have happened oh my lord and we could all be in trouble well fingers crossed fingers crossed um cool well i have like a you gotta you've got quite a story so i'm gonna use your terminology i love a good doozy i love a doozy so i will race right through mine then okay okay so this is uh and i i want to pull a little new year new me and i'm sorry to everyone about this you gotta say hashtag first real so it doesn't count hashtag new year new me cool um but i am going to try to make my stories much more varied so i know that it was obviously the last two years have been
Starting point is 00:06:05 heavily heavily heavily ghosts and paranormal and i want to keep it that way i really obviously i'm a big sucker for ghost stories or else this podcast would not be possible but um it really just to give you guys a little sense of realism real quick there it's there's so many other stories i want to cover and i'm afraid if i don't do them now then eventually it's going to become like this whole like compiled oh so you guys sprinkle them i want to sprinkle them in because otherwise one day if i like run out of ghost stories and it's like just an alien show people are not gonna know what's going on this is called paranormal there's a lot of paranormal shit it just means we don't understand it we're weaning from paranormal to supernatural in general whatever the hell you want we're broadening the umbrella but so expect broadcast broadening oh well the
Starting point is 00:06:50 broads the broads are broadening i just told myself to shut up in case in case anyone missed that that was me demanding that i myself stop talking you just looked into your own mirror um no i just want to i want to prepare everyone that like a lot of my stories are now going to become much more just under the big tarp of supernatural in general not just ghosts so that being said tarp the big tarp not just an umbrella it's a big fucking tarp it sounds like our old uh like a plunger for a plunger for a plunger for of supernatural things going on oh that's way cuter than the tarp oh sounds, tarp sounds like where you put bodies under. That's more your thing. Yeah. Stop treading into my territory.
Starting point is 00:07:27 So we started the year with a conspiracy theory. Then I just did a ghost story last week. And now I'm going to do an alien abduction. Yes! You know I love this. I don't give a shit what anyone complains about. I love aliens. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:07:39 I'm still dabbling with the thought of making sure it's regularly varied. I think that'd be pretty cool. I think that's great. Why not? The first week is an alien. The second week is a ghost. Then's folklore then there's country oh yeah we gotta just keep them guessing though okay i scratch all that that's true maybe maybe not maybe we'll see so this it comes from an area called christian county kentucky and this is the Kelly Hopkinsville encounter, AKA the Hopkinsville goblins case, AKA the Kelly Greenman case.
Starting point is 00:08:12 Got a lot of names. So this is in 1955. Um, to be exact, it is August 21st, 1955 in a wool farmhouse. And, uh, there are 12 people in this farmhouse so there's the matriarch if you will named glenny lankford and her several children glenny glenny that sounds like a made-up name i love it glen i.e oh um glenny lankford and she has five adult children lonnie charlton mary lucky and jc i'm charlton oh good i call it lucky is also known as elmer maybe i'm elmer i can't decide i don't know it's up to you the choice is yours i'll see what happens to them first with this green man and then i'll let you know so those are five adult children of glennies and then two of them had their wives in the house vera and aileen and then aileen's
Starting point is 00:09:03 brother was there and then two family friends billy ray and his wife june stop it they're all in the same house there's 12 people currently in this house wow and so they're adults they're not even kids they're taking up a lot of space they are and i can't imagine this farmhouse is very big oh my so the tailors who are billy ray and his wife june they actually worked with Lucky and his wife, Vera as carnival workers. Oh, hashtag sassy.
Starting point is 00:09:30 So, sorry. So the tailors and Lucky and Vera, they are all carnival workers and they, and the tailors were actually visiting them at their family farmhouse. Got, Oh, got it.
Starting point is 00:09:42 So they were two visitors in a family. They were like trans trans a family they were like trans transiting through kind of like how you came to visit me at my house except we're not carnival workers you weren't there oh you meant when i visited allison and you weren't home oh no i mean my house in fredericksburg yes and i stayed with you yes yes so imagine that but aliens or when you came to my scary house and i don't like to think about my grandmother was a ghost that she still i think kind of was grandma pam you. I thought my grandmother was a ghost. She still, I think, kind of was. Grandma Pam, you're still convinced she's a ghost.
Starting point is 00:10:07 Miss Pam is a ghost. I don't really believe you. Because you're like, no, no, we can all see her. And I'm like, I don't. What if this is just an elaborate ruse? I just don't want to tell you. You know what? If she's a ghost, she was just the nicest ghost I've ever met in my life.
Starting point is 00:10:20 She was just the sweetest little lady. Oh, she's an angelic human being. I remember I went to go shake her hand and her hand was so warm. Oh, yes. And she puts both hands. She's just an angel. She puts both hands on your hand. She's about four feet tall. It's like she hugs your hand with hers. Just to clarify, she's my stepdad's mother. So she's my step-grandma. And I really thought she was a ghost because Allison and I did not think we were going to be sleeping at Christine's when we landed. And then we found out we got there earlier than expected. So then we called Christine about an hour before our flight. And we were going to be sleeping at Christine's when we landed and then we found out we got there earlier than expected so then we called Christine about an hour before our flight and we were like
Starting point is 00:10:48 by the way you're gonna you're gonna have to wake up at 5 a.m and let us into your house and we're gonna sleep in your living room and then I put two armchairs together for you to sleep on yes it was quite a but so in the middle of the night or at least to us 5 a.m is the middle of the night and miss Pam it's rise and shine time she wakes up she grew up on a farm and so i went to i was going to sleep and then right in the middle of kind of nodding off i look up and there's this like adorable little woman just staring at me gray haired lady probably holding a quilt she looks kind of like the the grandma and uh courage the cowardly dog yes a little bit but just so happy and smiley and so i looked at her gentle i looked at her and i was like in my head i was like, I've been told in advance that this place is haunted.
Starting point is 00:11:29 I think I'm looking at a ghost. You truly didn't know until later whether she was real. I really had no idea. I was like, who the hell was that woman? And then I saw her downstairs in broad daylight and I was like, okay, we're in the clear. You did go pale for a second though. Oh, yeah. She walked away and I was like that was a fucking
Starting point is 00:11:45 ghost you were like did you see her too um anyway grandma pam anyway shout out hi miss pam so uh where were we i don't know sorry i just derailed that real hard uh oh yeah so they're all in that there's a lot of people in this house okay so then they're all playing card games together in the house and billy ray decides that he's gonna go out to the well to get a bucket of water. And he saw a flash of light in the sky and watched it continue to travel toward the trees. And he believed it was a flying saucer and he ran inside. That's me and you. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:12:18 A light. Oh, my God. It's a flying saucer. Soon after, the dogs began barking and everyone started hearing strange noises or outside of the house and billy ray looked out the window and from the screen door he shot his gun to scare whatever was there off that's the kentucky way to do it it really was especially in the 1950s on a farm and apparently the noises were enough to scare the entire family and keep in mind they were probably like already primed to think there was an alien
Starting point is 00:12:46 because Billy Ray comes like blitzing into their house being like, I just saw a UFO. Flying saucers outside. So they all heard these noises and the dogs were freaking out. And so he just shot out into the field to scare whatever was there. Right, right. So he and Lucky then go out onto the porch to see if anything is still out there. And as they're standing on the porch a clawed hand reaches down from the roof and grabs lucky's head what the fuck he got away and they
Starting point is 00:13:13 ran further outside to be able to see the top of the roof and they ran further outside well they like got away from the porch and just went out to look up at the roof and started shooting at it okay they had a gun okay and they shot at the creature but instead of the creature falling down it floated down unharmed and ran off into the woods um billy ray and lucky ran inside and as soon as they looked uh oh as soon as they looked through the window to see if it was still there its face was on the glass peeking back at them this is a twilight zone episode mixed with like a night terror i don't like it they saw another creature that looks exactly the same behind him floating in a tree branch staring at them
Starting point is 00:13:57 and so billy ray and lucky decide to run outside with their guns and shoot at them again even though it didn't fucking work the first time plan a plan a plan a plan b is plan a and plan c is also plan a c plan a when so when they were shooting at these creatures when they would hit the creature it would sound like bullets were hitting a tin can oh so they sounded hard and metallic and they never seemed injured they would only float back a little bit and then down back to the ground and run off for a minute before coming right back to get shot at again. It was like a video game. Yeah, it was like whack-a-mole, but whack-an-alien. The guys went through several boxes of ammo before giving up.
Starting point is 00:14:39 And stories over the years say that they held off somewhere between 12 to 15 of them at gunfire for, quote, nearly four hours. Stop it. They seem to be, so the creatures seem to be taunting them by appearing and reappearing, very much like whack-a-mole. And eventually, Glenny, she, who's the mom and the matriarch, she told them, look, the creatures don't seem like they're here to harm anyone they're just like being annoying and teasing us but they haven't actually tried to hurt anyone um just get in the car and go to the police station okay fair so glenny's got a good head on her shoulders yeah yeah makes sense so then the police uh they go to the police the police follow them back as well as five state troopers three deputy sheriffs four military police from fort campbell army base they must have been really convincing though oh yeah well they apparently looked really freaked
Starting point is 00:15:28 out probably after four hours yeah and also um i guess in because at the time i think i read this from one article and i'm not sure how accurate it was but at the time this area of kentucky only had 300 people so it was a really small town they knew these people they weren't just like right strangers and also lucky was known to like have the like a no-nonsense attitude so if he's freaked out i think everyone else was freaked out i get it so they were there for over they came back with them to the farmhouse and they were there for over two hours and found nothing except evidence of gunfire there was also quote an odd luminous patch along the fence where one of them was shot and it had an iridescent sheen so it's like metallic blood yikes all of the family was questioned one by one and
Starting point is 00:16:12 they all gave corroborating reports and they also described the creatures all the same so they were interviewed away from each other to see if their stories matched up and all of them said the same thing about the creatures but they were three to four feet tall with muscular upper bodies, atrophied legs, glowing eyes, and stretched arms. Ew. Atrophied legs. They all gave consistent stories and consistent descriptions. Even when talking later to sketch artists, they all seemed to have the same story.
Starting point is 00:16:41 Officers returned in the morning to do further interviews i guess but they couldn't find the family and they were told by the neighbors that they had actually left that morning for evansville indiana oh because at 3 a.m the creatures returned oh my god and after everyone had fallen asleep glenny woke up to them staring at her through the window and when they saw that she was awake they floated to the roof, knocked on the walls, and scratched on the house. And that's when the family decided to leave.
Starting point is 00:17:09 Because they noticed she was awake. Okay, this is giving me hives. Like, just the thought of anything being, like, in your presence, but then, like, oh, I see that you're up. I'm gonna target you now. Like, oh, we're busted.
Starting point is 00:17:20 And, like, floating away. That's, like, in the morning when Gio... I pretend to be asleep because Gio's, like, waiting. And then if I even flinch or, like, open one one eye he pounces to be like you're up oh no like the nightmare night terror version of that yeah the alien version of that correct so obviously the family story got widespread coverage in the press some papers even called the aliens quote gremlins or goblins yeah that's what they sound like which is how they got the name the hopkinsville goblins oh sure i guess he did say that so you primed me for it well the
Starting point is 00:17:49 report that was described to the there was described to the cops and then it got translated and then it got like brought to the media or this was just a direct interview to the media from the family they described them as little gray men but when basically they said little gray men but the report got misquoted to say little green men oh and so little green men got out to the papers and also a lot of other details started altering like i guess everything was just getting misquoted sure so for example the size started varying from two to four feet instead of three to four feet it was added that they had large pointed ears human-like hands and spine spiny legs okay which apparently none of the
Starting point is 00:18:38 family actually said those were just like things started kind of getting sensationalized yeah yeah and the press also said that the air force was involved when it was actually just four men from a local army base but the press said that the military was involved at all because it was a government alien invasion but really it was a small town police needing backup for what seemed like a gunfight oh got it so it wasn't like wow this is an alien we need to bring in the army it's like right it was like you've been shooting it's like we have two police officers in this county can you come help us got it got it got it um many neighbors however they say that they also saw a fireball in the sky that night and watched it fly past the trees just like what billy ray said oh shit and lucky is like i said earlier
Starting point is 00:19:19 is described as a no-nonsense guy who would have never made up something like this why would he have shot at his own house why would he have put his own family in danger? So a lot of people side with him. True. There's someone out there called a UFOlogist, which I don't know why that's not my job. I was going to say, it might be soon. So UFOlogist Alan Hendry defends them by saying,
Starting point is 00:19:40 this case is distinguished by its duration and by the number of witnesses involved with corroborating reports right there's so many people also project blue book listed the case as a hoax with no further comment but the air force has listed it as a flaunt as the air force has listed the flying object as unidentifiable which means it technically is according to the air force a ufo yeah so i was told blaze that i'm like ufo doesn't necessarily mean like oh there's big aliens there's just something we don't know what it is they don't can't classify it ufo means unknown or unidentified right so there's a lot of people defending their case okay um and the town's chamber of commerce actually hired a full-time
Starting point is 00:20:20 paranormal investigator to conduct interviews with surviving witnesses recently wow and oh recently recently oh it's still a big thing in the town wow sure how much is going on in jesus town what is it called christville it was called christian county i think but the town itself it was like right on the border of kelly and hopkinsville so that's why it's called the kelly hopkins oh i thought those were going to be their last names. I get it now. No. But so Project Blue Book basically said it was a hoax and then didn't comment on it. But everyone else seems to be like on their side. And when they hired an investigator to actually interview all these people that are still surviving.
Starting point is 00:20:56 What's Project Blue Book? Oh, so. Is that where they. That's something I'm actually going to cover in a future episode. But it's basically it's like the government's book of like they've got ufos a whole bunch of like supernatural stuff they're like what they're reporting it is yeah oh sorry i'm just having no idea no no it's okay probably for the best you know as little as possible because i'm going to cover it one day perfect and it's all about conspiracy theories so glad i asked so i won't google it oh yeah you'll love
Starting point is 00:21:22 project i'm already very that's why i was like it's like the government's book of like all like secrets oh god i want to google it so bad um i won't i promise it's all the secrets about you it's everything i don't want to know that i don't want to know shit about that so uh the investigator did interviews recently on the last surviving witnesses and after um all this time the witnesses stories have not changed at all this case however is actually used by psychology professors in pseudoscience um to help students and reasoning exercises to determine the truth from fiction because even though there's a lot of uh there's a lot of backup from the town about like well you know they saw this
Starting point is 00:22:06 and i saw this and i really trust this person blah blah um there are a lot of explanations and debunking i see okay and so because this case seems to have like 50 belief and 50 disbelief it's a really good exercise in psychology to be like okay now you figure out what actually really happened i see okay i actually my senior sim in college was pseudoscience and oh shit so the my graduating like senior paper that i had to write on was jealous um the class was called why people believe weird things and my teacher by the way is the world's biggest skeptic it was such a pain in the ass like you were probably hated that yeah but he like was very respectful that other people okay he was respectful in the classroom but you could tell he thought everyone was an idiot right i mean the class is literally like why people believe dumb shit right yeah but it was like
Starting point is 00:22:59 truly one of the coolest classes and i like really had like the golden ticket because at that time i was also a paranormal investigator example a and so well so all these different exercises we had to do he was like one assignment was like study a pseudoscience or something that's really interesting to you and then do a report on it and i was and so i literally went to him and i was like can i just not do that project and just take up a class and talk about all the ghost equipment we use? And he was like, yeah, that's fine. And so I didn't even have to do homework.
Starting point is 00:23:30 And then I got away with something else too, where I, my final paper was on ESP, but because I had done a conference, cause I had like, I got a grant or something to go like show my research at a different college. Yeah. And because I did that, I got away with not with like using my research at a different college yeah and because I did that I got away with not with like using that information for a different paper I like that was just the most fun it was the most fun so like book report m came out to play oh for sure I was like do an assignment actually I'm just gonna go get paid and I'll just bring the equipment back
Starting point is 00:24:00 with me how about that I mean it why not though it worked it got me I was gonna say and it fits the subject matter all right so anyway that's why that that part really got me because i was like oh psychology professors in pseudoscience i was like that's exactly like i've been there i was like hashtag senior that is such a cool class though i would take that now if that was offered it was really fun are you listening it was really fun and they had a lot of um we read a lot of really cool books but like half of our classes were just watching Penn and Teller um it was it was really fun so that being said it's one of the cases that people use in reasoning exercises and it's also one of the cases that has quote the most evidence
Starting point is 00:24:38 but all the evidence can really be explained I think the thing that really defends it is that so many people swear by it to this day and it's all consistent information and nobody's changed their story right so i mean yeah if you have a whole house full of people corroborating the same thing you have 12 people saying this happened to say like oh one of them was on drugs you know like right and you also have all the other people in town being like oh yeah i saw that too right like i saw like a light in the sky and stuff whoa so here is the best explanation. Okay. There seem to be many similarities between the creatures in the story and a great horned owl.
Starting point is 00:25:15 So owls fly silently and look as if they're floating. They're two thirds of a meter tall. They hunt one hour after sunset, a.k after sunset aka right when this happened i see and these owls are aggressive especially in the summer when feeding their newborns and this happened in august so billy ray taylor might have just gotten close to a nest and an owl was defending its babies and he was just a bad shot and was like i shot them 10 times right all right so uh this is a quote from i think one of the oh from the inner the investigator who interviewed all the surviving witnesses
Starting point is 00:25:50 this is a recent quote okay and he also doesn't believe that these were aliens he he actually said that it's offensive to common sense for you to think that it's an alien oh no that's not very nice um so his quote was allowing for heightened excitement prompted by the flying saucer sighting it seems likely that this is easily explained by a meteor and a pair of territorial owls what a hoot so i used to be journalism in senior year of college, so it looks like you and I made quite a pair in this story. I think so. What a hoot, shoving in puns.
Starting point is 00:26:28 So there was, like how Billy Ray Taylor did see a flying flash of light, this actually happened to coincide with the Kappa Cygnus meteor shower that was happening that night. So he probably saw a meteor and thought that there was a UFO. So the sound of bullets bouncing off metal might have actually him being a bad shot and his bullets ricocheting off of cars nearby. And the glowing in the trees that he saw after the meteor slash UFO flew into the woods, he saw this glowing light. meteor slash ufo flew into the woods he saw this glowing yeah light it was most likely most likely foxfire which is a fungi found in that area that is bioluminescent oh yeah so that plus the fact that they may or may not have been drinking that night and witnesses uh the witnesses were potentially drunk um although the family argues that no one drank in that house so what do you mean they were potentially drunk like they were they potentially like since it was like a
Starting point is 00:27:30 friday night and they were all playing cards they might have just been drunk but there wasn't like evidence that they were drinking they said they're they're just saying like a meteor shower plus owls plus being drunk you might have just assumed you saw an alien but they said they were not drinking they said they were not got it can i look up this owl what is it called a great horned owl oh my goodness i mean to be fair they're very scary like if those were coming at me i would be frightened too they just think a mommy owl and a daddy owl got really protective oh or a mommy and a mommy or a daddy and a daddy or a parent and a parent is this yeah stop being so heteronormative m the great non-binary owl one more time so some think that this is the just
Starting point is 00:28:13 the dumbest theory okay i'm ready some think that the creatures that they saw were actually monkeys oh my that they actually brought to the house from the circus that they forgot about outside while they were playing cards and it was the 50s people did stupid shit so fun fact about this case the 1986 movie critters is loosely based on this case there's also a pokemon named sableye who is based on the creatures in the story and Stop it. And in Pokemon, if you play the game and everything, he moves by swaying and floating like the aliens reported. Are you serious? What a very specific origin story.
Starting point is 00:28:54 I like to think all Pokemon have that kind of origin story. I love that. But I really don't think they do. But I would love the etymology of their names and the history. I hope they're all paranormal-based. Squirtle. Gross. What? their names and the history i hope they're all like paranormal based squirtle gross um steven spielberg also said that this story was part of his inspiration for both et and close encounters of the third kind and in 2010 the people of the town kelly were brainstorming for
Starting point is 00:29:21 ways on how to make the town some money and how they could do a fundraiser and they were looking at all sorts of ideas so they started looking at the town's archives for something in its history that they could market and basically quote it came down to train tracks or aliens so to be fair they're equally fascinating so they created the to my stepdad they created the kelly little green men Days Festival with aliens and flying saucers, which happens every year on the anniversary of the event. And the festival organizers actually nowadays expect turnouts of 20,000 people. Andrew, are you listening? We want to do a show there in August. So it's held in Kelly Station Park, which is named after the railroad conductor, hence the train tracks, named after the railroad conductor who founded the town.
Starting point is 00:30:08 And if you look, there's a there's like a train statue in the park. And the if you look at the conductor, it's a little green alien. That is. So they combine both of their histories together. I mean, I honestly love that because even if it was fake or whatever, like,construed like it's part of their history still right um also in the park is a 38 foot flying saucer that lights up and smokes and there's a sign next to it that says flying saucer parking only violators will be beamed out i love this place so much the festival features little green men homemade costume contests and visitors can even watch a dramatic
Starting point is 00:30:45 recreation of the 1955 shootout at a nearby theater oh my god so the last fun fact i have about this as is because they got called little green men by accident in the news report when they meant little gray men um that actually is the that's the history or the beginning of why aliens are sometimes seen as little green men. Oh, snap. Because of this story. So it was all just like, it was literally misquoted in a paper. And now like the big stereotype of what an alien looks like is a little green man. Wow, that sparked the whole.
Starting point is 00:31:17 Yeah. Wow. So that's how the term was coined. So, like I said, the information has been super misconstrued over the decades and sources regularly misquoted the information or completely made it up for example other ufologists named bud ledwith and isabel davis interviewed witnesses and published a book that was not accurate at all despite having interviewed the witnesses oh my um they added that there was a ufo landing that the aliens were made of shiny silver metal that law enforcement reported lights and noises and creatures tried to surrender they were also the ones who actually said that
Starting point is 00:31:51 there were 12 to 15 of them in the farm at the farmhouse when actually in personal interviews there was only three to four uh-huh and they were told that the creatures they also reported in their book that the creatures would glow when they were shot at and the part that the bullet hit them that would glow brighter than the rest i see and that was phony that was all that was all phony but a lot of people tried to market books off of this story and made it much scarier than it was but there's this girl now named geraldine and she's lucky's daughter and geraldine now says if people want to hear the story, let's get it right. So she wrote about her family's experience in two books, one called The Alien Legacy and the other called The Kelly Green Men Alien Legacy Revisited. Oh.
Starting point is 00:32:38 And she says, quote, when asked how her family actually handled all this at the end, Geraldine says, My dad didn't know or my dad didn't like how people treated him. Once the story got out, people made fun of him. It was traumatizing. And still to this day, the witnesses who are alive are afraid to talk. The family got sick of being harassed and called liars. They left after 10 days of being in that house after the news broke. Glennie felt safer around other people.
Starting point is 00:33:04 And whatever happened that night affected my uncle, JCc he couldn't hold down a job anymore it psychologically messed with him oh my god so she's out here promoting like the truth and like just so you know like this wasn't just like a fun thing like a goofy hoax or something yeah but she has taken advantage of that and she realizes that other people like want to like keep it as like the town's history and like make something light of it because I mean it is an alien abduction case or an alien case in general. And so that being said, she makes sure that every year she goes to the Little Green Man Festival and she shares the story and speaks at every at every event. Oh wow, okay. So it's like an actual family member there. Yeah. And so she tells everyone the story of speaks at every at every event oh wow okay so so it's like an actual family member there yeah and so she tells everyone the story of what really happened yeah so that's
Starting point is 00:33:50 that's great though yeah it's kind of a happy ending i mean not i mean sad for what happened with the family but but no i mean she still makes she still goes to the little green men festival all the time that's pretty cool i didn't like aren't like still traumatized by that no oh my gosh that's crazy though. I still have these creepy owls. My brother is terrified of owls, so he's not going to like that story. Sorry. They're kind of spooky looking if you really look at their faces.
Starting point is 00:34:14 Especially at night. And look at this. Like if this thing came at you, this picture in particular. Like look at those eyes. Those eyes like, it's like, don't fuck with me eyes oh yeah it's like i see you yeah but also like i don't really get the legs thing but maybe if they're running do they i mean have you seen an alien uh not alien have you seen owl running no have you have you seen stop it no look it up they have legs and you would never know say and just type in owl running owl video has legs
Starting point is 00:34:46 video has legs i mean i'm just what that's a baby one there's like a specific video that like really shows their legs okay i'll do owl running has legs yeah it's that one this one yep holy shit it looks like a gremlin but so imagine that running off into no you're right that's what it was that has to be it looks like a little gremlin and that's like a small one but it's a big owl also what was that piano music i love that i'm actually really sad that it ended because it was such a short video well it's on it's on twitter it's like one of those quick videos on twitter and the caption is always like i had no idea owls had legs i don't love that it like really had like thighs and everything it had full legs like knees i just imagine them having like little toes
Starting point is 00:35:34 under their belly you know they have giant oh i thought you meant like on the end i'm like no i bet you have giant talons like pierce mice right yes okay now i have a story for you that i feel like we talked about this but i've had some like insecurities about not having enough time to put into like the creative part of the show and just being like too focused on like the emails and business side so this is one that i have spent a lot of time on a lot of time on is it what i think it is i don't know because i feel like probably not i don't know what is it jeffrey donner no is it albert fish no okay i don't know so i did this to you like last week with the time travel um so i started these notes like weeks ago and finally i feel like they're like up to snuff
Starting point is 00:36:27 okay so this is the story of elizabeth baffrey the blood countess yeah all right wow is it a wild ride wow did she kill so many people i mentioned this last night because like what are you recording tomorrow and i was like oh i'm doing elizabeth baffrey the blood countess and i was like oh she's this woman who and he's like yeah i saw the out of the corner of my eye that documentary you were watching on the airplane on the way back from cincinnati and i was like oh you saw that and he's like yeah and so did the child behind us like everyone saw that and i was like oh whoops so he's like there was just a lot of blood i don't really want to know about it and i was like okay don't listen to this episode okay so that this is one of the potential origin stories of bloody mary
Starting point is 00:37:08 correct i believe so yeah she was one of the ones i covered at least yeah and also maybe no no i think you're right and also um a uh an inspiration for dracula so no jokes i can't wait so um i actually marilyn told me because i mentioned in she's like oh did you listen to the lore episode on this and i probably had a long time ago but i re-listened and it's really good and i guess her name is technically pronounced uh bautry oh in hungarian but i uh any document or i watch like bbc and everything called her elizabeth bathory so i don't know okay i just Let's just call her Lizzie. Lizzie.
Starting point is 00:37:46 Lizzie B. Some places literally called her that. Lizzie B. Lizzie Borden is what that sounds like. So I'm going to call her Elizabeth because that is the most westernized version I can come up with. All right. Cool.
Starting point is 00:37:58 So let's just crack into it, huh? Yeah. Let's knuckle and buckle. Oh, okay. Here we go. Okay. So Countess Elizabeth Bathory de Esed. Ex-ged. Ex-ged. into it huh yeah let's knuckle and buckle oh okay here we go so countess elizabeth bathory de esed ex-ged ex-ged i'm already screwed up eshed i don't know welcome to my world
Starting point is 00:38:11 yeah that's rough uh lived from august 7th 1560 to august 21st 1614 it's just like my brain stopped when you said something beyond the 1700s would it was try it again cannot compute 15 something i really my brain i just saw like a 404 error i was like i don't know how to handle it what did you say 15 what 15 60 uh-huh to 16 14 like i know that's simple math but my brain is like the second you said 15 anything i stopped you were like something 60 minus something plus something the crazy thing too is that like i was reading this like oh my god so long ago and it is so long ago but then somebody said oh only a few hundred years ago and i was like that's true right like 200 years ago where the 18 you know it doesn't seem it's a long time ago but it's like recorded history right right right so it's it's a long time ago but still for what happens here it's like pretty bananas 1560 to 1614 correct truly actually got a little headache on the test i promise no but
Starting point is 00:39:11 i still want to try to like imagine i couldn't even tell you what the 1500s looked like in my in my stupid brain about to find out it probably looks really bloody and horrible really got it really bleak i think is maybe the word dark i you. Whether any of this even is in the picture, bleak as hell, I think. Sure. Across the board. I think like subpar, maybe. Like subpar and par is maybe. I think I've known from the 1500s can like yell at us about like us saying it's bleak.
Starting point is 00:39:37 I mean, I think they'd probably tend to agree, but probably in 500 years, they'll look back at us and be like, wow, that was bleak. You know, I mean, who knows? In case they're listening to this 500 years into the future. You're right. And you're not wrong. You're not wrong. At least we have wine.
Starting point is 00:39:53 Okay. So she was a Hungarian noblewoman and alleged serial killer from the noble family of Bautry, who owned land in the Kingdom of Hungary, which is now Hungary, Slovakia and Romania. bautry who owned land in the kingdom of hungary which is now hungary slovakia and romania she was actually labeled by guinness book of world records as the most prolific female murderer though the precise numbers of her victims is debated when guinness is like let's give you an award for killing 500 years later like you can grow out your fingernails all you want but if you murdered hundreds of people so i will say that i'm gonna up front alleged you need to remember that the word alleged is just dispersed throughout this whole story so keep in mind this is all alleged but it's a thin alleged well you'll see just
Starting point is 00:40:41 remember alleged okay so elizabeth bathory was born on a family estate um in 1560 she spent her childhood at the castle during her childhood multiple sources say she suffered from seizures that may have been caused by epilepsy possibly stemming from the inbreeding of her parents there it is told you it was bleak for even the nobles and i mentioned this to blaze i was like wow her epilepsy may have been caused by the inbreeding of her parents and he's like i said it was possibly caused by that and he was brushing his teeth he's like possibly and i was like all right turn around brush your teeth tell you a fun fact at the time symptoms relating to epilepsy now this is a fun
Starting point is 00:41:21 fact love it was diagnosed as falling sickness oh well oh interesting and included rubbing blood of a non-sufferer on the lips of an epileptic get the fuck out of here or giving the epileptic a mix of a non-sufferer's blood and piece of skull as their episode ended wow what's worse now let's keep right it's just well what's worse for the non-sufferer who's like guess your guess you're, guess you can have my blood. Christ. Imagine if I saw you having like falling issues and then I just have to like cut my own hand and spray you.
Starting point is 00:41:52 Um, it's called on my mouth. It's called falling sickness. Right. Okay. My bad. And, um, here's part of my skull, Christine. Good luck. I'm an advocate.
Starting point is 00:42:02 So I wish you would call it the right term. Sorry. Okay. You're right. You're right. You're right. Fall. I'm an advocate, so I wish you would call it the right term. Sorry. Okay. You're right. You're right. You're right. Falling sickness TM. So keep this in mind.
Starting point is 00:42:09 This is a blood treatment. Right. Well, I'm thinking already. I'm thinking already. Hashtag Dracula. Hashtag blood in your mouth. Right. Cool.
Starting point is 00:42:17 Some people say Elizabeth's later cruelty stemmed from her family. Stories include Elizabeth as a child witnessing brutal punishments executed by her family's officers and being taught by family members involved with satanism and witchcraft however there's no hard evidence to back up these claims elizabeth was raised protestant calvinist as a young woman she learned latin german hungarian and greek damn same she's got some good qualities she's definitely a smart lady she She's well-rounded. Well-rounded. Born into a privileged family of nobility. She was showered and endowed with wealth, education, stellar social position, obviously. So she started off on probably, like, not even the 99%, like, the 99.999% of the time. Right.
Starting point is 00:42:59 So, skip ahead to her married life. Skip ahead. Not really. At age 10, Elizabeth is engaged. Yikes. So, like, time travel 10 minutes into married life. Skip ahead. Not really. At age 10. Oh, yikes. So like time travel 10 minutes into the future. Got it. I put aside the separate section. Like this is how much I put into this because usually I don't separate them into categories.
Starting point is 00:43:16 Wow. Married life. That's what I had to do for the time travel one. Really? I was like, I can't I can't wrap my head around this. It's like doing this full time. We suddenly actually have full time to put into it. It's like we have to put in real notes and not just me guessing.
Starting point is 00:43:29 What? Chapters? Okay, so married life is still childhood. She was engaged at age 10 to a man named Ferenc Nadosti, the son of Baron Tamas Nadosti de Nadost at Fagaras Fold. I don't know. I just read what i saw i don't don't don't at me like first you start you said 1516 i'm still on that i think it's through all
Starting point is 00:43:52 those names you're gonna catch up by the last bullet my brain's just like there's a little explosion happening inside um so the marriage was probably a political arrangement within i mean not surprising it was a political right arrangement arranged marriage um because elizabeth's social standing was higher than that of her husband she did not change her last name and her husband actually took her name oh a little bit of a feminist a little bit a little bit yeah um and they officially got married when she was 15 and he was aged 19 on may 8th 1575 so uh approximately 4500 guests were invited to the wedding sounds like what you and i experienced in october christine gets blazed
Starting point is 00:44:31 4500 people 4500 wow you're pretty popular and rich apparently that's how that all sounds i mean i didn't change my name either there's a lot of similarities so far oh my gosh blaze better watch out why am i doing this are you your parents i do a falling disorder what's it called falling illness um so his elizabeth's husband's wedding gift to her was his household which happened to be the shakti's castle so that's where her similarities and mine stop oh right she has a castle who forgot her husband who is a lesser social status gifted her this humble castle right you guys definitely break break ties there yeah that's goodbye you went away um i don't know how to pronounce that so sashti's castle i don't know in present-day slovakia so before a little bit of a rewind
Starting point is 00:45:26 at age 13 before her first marriage elizabeth allegedly got pregnant during quote horseplay with a peasant boy get out of here yeah horseplay yikes is that what they used to call it yikeroonies is what that is wow horseplay and you don't know if that i don't know if that is rape i don't know if that is literally they just had sex like who knows but i mean it's i mean that really is the most vague version of that explanation could be anything and officially it's called horse play so who the fuck knows um she gave birth to a child the child uh like i said was said to be fathered by a peasant boy and was supposedly given away to a local woman um who took the child to romania then uh her husband uh had her lover this peasant boy lover i don't know the father of her child castrated and then torn to pieces by dogs sounds like it was bad horseplay i think if he's getting castrated
Starting point is 00:46:25 and then it's getting fed to a dog you probably didn't want any part of that no it's not good so if that is if we're assuming this is assault so far i think she's justified in what happened yes but um actually i watched a documentary and they were like that would have happened no matter what if it was like a peasant oh sleeping with and the husband found out like it was just pretty standard or issue that this person would just be punished and punishment back then was mauled by dogs like it wasn't that outrageous yeah which i was like you're right bleak it is bleak is the word of the century not even yeah it's not even a question when that's like legally allowed oh yeah oh. And that wasn't ever disputed. I was like, oh, he did that out of jealousy or anger.
Starting point is 00:47:08 It was just like, oh, you had sex with my wife. My 13-year-old wife. Yeah. So you must now be eaten by dogs. And everyone was like, okay. And he died that way. He was eaten by dogs. Yes.
Starting point is 00:47:18 He was castrated. Holy shit. He was castrated and then torn to pieces by dogs. Oh, my God. That's like one of your weird German cautionary tales like sounds like something your grandma's saying not grandma pam though let's be clear not miss pam but it sounds like something you're never sounds like something your german grandma would read to you and opa would sing all sorts of folk tales folk songs about that some historians point to that as the moment her interest in torture and blood was peaked so
Starting point is 00:47:45 there are a couple points now where people have said maybe it's her falling sickness with the blood treatment maybe it's her family's cruelty right maybe it's her husband torturing and killing her lover who knows so during a war against the ottomans called the long war the long war wow why can't every world the other short the short war the medium war. The long war. Wow. Why can't every. Were all the others short? The short war? The medium. Right. The extra large war.
Starting point is 00:48:09 Super sized. The kid size war. Fun size. Elizabeth was charged with the defense of her husband's estates because he was out fighting and he was actually described as dumb, but strong. Okay. Like me. Like a dumb jock.
Starting point is 00:48:23 Like you. Yeah. So she was home and taking care of kind of his estates while he was away okay and during this time she also took many lovers and bore four children yowza because she was probably kind of bored for years she got nothing to do i mean that is what why do i always try to pretend like i 13 years i think don't rewind it don't hit back 15 and see what just go 15 minutes in the future actually maybe just end the show don't get out your calculators and don't tweet at me okay so during this time she took many lovers for four children because
Starting point is 00:48:59 she was educated and could read and write in four languages there were several instances where she actually intervened on behalf of destitute women including a woman whose husband was captured by the turks and a woman whose daughter was raped and impregnated wow so i did want to give you one nugget of good about her i was gonna say she sounds righteous so far yeah yeah she's not bad sounds like she's fighting the world just like all of us trying her best you know she's beating the system so the next category is called the bad stuff oh and it's a long one the long war it's a fun size there's the long stuff it's a long the long rest of her life chapter the long rest of a lot of people's lives um so at this point uh while her husband was away word was beginning to spread that elizabeth may be participating in some more sinister activities
Starting point is 00:49:52 namely the torturing and killing of young girls but i thought she was fighting for the girls you'd think so right this is where historians debate where fact blends with fiction how much of it how exaggerated it's become you know that kind of thing but remember the word allegedly is kind of strewn about and then at the end i'll give you more of a concrete got it answer but keep that in mind um so elizabeth start as the story goes elizabeth started sending letters to her husband asking him to tell her the gory details about all the torture methods he was using to extract information out of his prisoners and i
Starting point is 00:50:25 do kind of now that i'm thinking about it picture him as like a really evil cronk like a twin because he was just like kind of dumb and like brawny right and she's like we also did call me cronk earlier that's true oh god i said i was the cronk the dumb jock oh god yeah but he's just an evil one he's evil like a very evil one like the evil twin right here yeah yeah my evil twin got an evil twin uh he was known oh i just put it again he was known as dumb but violent at some point elizabeth decided she'd test out the torture methods he would write to her about on uh her own servants to see what happened that's the madame laurie shit yes actually i was gonna actually imagine
Starting point is 00:51:06 this that this which is actually one of the places we already booked for a tour for or a ghost tour on the laurie mansion in new orleans but yes i imagine you can't go there and not see it i mean yeah exactly it's near a hotel not to triangulate um but yes so she madame laurie a lot of this i'm like oh god this is similar shit but similar brainstorming like probably like wow no brainstorm do we get a list yes okay awesome very long list okay um i think it was a list that really struck me as familiar because when you went through that list and i was just having convulsions. You were just like having falling episodes. My falling sickness was striking me.
Starting point is 00:51:49 Okay. So initially her torture was directed at young girls, her servants. These girls, very sad. These girls would be lured from the local towns with the promise of a better working life in the castle. So they'd be like, it was every girl's, peasant girl's dream to be able to move in the castle so they'd be like it was every girl's peasant girl's dream to like to be able to move to the castle you know you'd have a better life than living in poverty yeah uh in your town so they would lure these she would send um like emissaries or something down to the towns and get girls like uh hire girls to move to the castle but once they left home the girls never came back
Starting point is 00:52:26 so at first her torture was pretty standard for the day and age um just a lot of dog mauling and castrating yeah i already gave you a little taste of what that was like um she would beat servants with red hot pokers pour honey on locals tie them to trees in the woods so either sometimes it was insects so like ants and bees and just let them for days right they got eat away at them or wild animals uh and they she also would have gypsies sewn up inside dead horses apparently they would have dead horse carcass and they would just sew up oh like they would shove them into them and then sell the stomach yes and then let them die in there oh i know like how like who even how does your brain even fucked up i don't want to give her any credit
Starting point is 00:53:15 but that is creative no but that but that is the one where they were like oh this was a standard a standard yes that's the one where it was like that was a standard 16th century punishment it literally says that in multiple like cnn articles note to self if i ever do time travel never go back to that time because i'm sure i'll be punished for something i can't imagine what i would do that would insult them but i guarantee there's something punished for everything um yeah i mean who are we kidding god just note to self don't go any further than like probably like meat in a horse carcass right that's where we'd probably end up together oh yikes so so that was where it all started and it was like she's just playing around silly girl wow so around this time um elizabeth hired a woman named anna darvulia uh which only spurred on her cruel torture streak anna was purportedly a witch though of course looking back
Starting point is 00:54:05 um you know the word witch is like a little iffy and right it's kind of thrown around it was a little use loosely used loosely used correct it was thrown around unfairly however most sources do confirm that anna was cruel and enjoyed torturing the servants just as much as elizabeth did so either way how's anna related to her again i'm just so she hired anna oh she had known her for a long time but she kind of hired her to be like her personal envoy or like her so it's like you and you and eva getting together and just killing everyone oh boy you've caught on to our evil plans yeah so she was like in her she worked in the castle for a long time and then she kind of was like, come into my inner circle. And she actually had two.
Starting point is 00:54:45 Come into my inner circle. Zip recruiter says you're eligible. That's more like a Tinder line. Come to my inner circle. I'm sorry. But she also had two other women that were kind of in that same grouping. And the four of them kind of later were charged with doing all of this together. But Anna supposedly was the one who honed Elizabeth's torture skills. and the four of them kind of later were charged with doing all of this together but anna supposedly
Starting point is 00:55:06 was the one who honed elizabeth's torture skills and kind of spurred her on she was just a bad influence this is already my favorite episode you've ever done by the way it only took 105 i finally won elm's approval the show could end no no no the cats in the cradle okay um sorry it's just so dramatic i'm gonna call blaze later and be like you'll never you'll never guess finally i have to quit the show because i'm never gonna i mean this is your high like enjoy it while you're here just downhill from here so sad um so these pupils later claimed that when anna arrived quote the lady herself became crueler and crueler love it the two were known to bring girls outside
Starting point is 00:55:53 into the freezing weather drench them in water no and let them freeze to death in front of their eyes and once they decided they were cold enough uh that they were boring to watch they just went inside and left them out there oh at first i was like oh so they would let them out there and then like once they were cold enough they'd finally bring nope they just were like this is boring and went inside like okay so you're good and then just like slam the door on them and let them actually freeze to death yeah they were like i'm bored of this fun game we're playing we're playing wow yeah and the two of them would just like laugh in their faces that
Starting point is 00:56:25 was like their activity that they did together specifically together wow before netflix the world was just awful it was literally nothing that was your hobby it was like real chill like chill and chill like freeze people so chill people were freezing enough wow terrible moving on other torture methods uh people later testified to witnessing include here's where it gets all right i'm already i'm already got i got my fist clenched cringe up elizabeth stabbing her victims or biting their breasts oh well buckle up my friend oh no biting their breasts hands faces and arms cutting different parts of their body with scissors, including their noses, their earlobes,
Starting point is 00:57:08 like their lips, just parts that were like eyelids, like things that were like accessible to cut. I'm smiling pure out of true discomfort. Eva wants to throw herself out of the goddamn window. I'm doing that thing where I look like such an asshat because I'm smiling, but it's out of pure nervousness. This is what happened
Starting point is 00:57:24 when you did that little lorry and you made me read brain stirring and i almost died i'm like nervous about to about to nervous cackle keep going i feel like my throat is closing biting biting the breasts yeah it's terrible and cutting just cutting like the little sensitive parts of your nose so it just all hurts he was losing her mind we haven't apparently we haven't even gotten that far on the list no we really you're gonna there's one that you're gonna let me know let me know what happens so i can prepare oh uh no not yet uh sticking needles into their lips or burning them with red hot irons coins or keys um she would sometimes just beat or starve them to death if she was bored like she let them there was one story that she would let girls um starve to death for like long enough where when they were about to die she would force them to
Starting point is 00:58:11 drink their own urine as like a punishment or as like a oh if you're so thirsty you're hungry eat this or drink this oh no um her torture okay this i don't even want to say it out loud you're gonna hate this one is this one. Is this the one? This is the one. Okay. Her torture also included jamming pins and needles under their fingernails. I have to, I'm doing the pressing down thing. I'm doing the pressing down thing.
Starting point is 00:58:38 I told you. Listen, you said too soon that this was your favorite episode. I regret it. I'm just kidding. I got it regret it. I'm just kidding. I got it on tape. I'm just kidding. Take me back to the days of Robert Durst. I'm like balled up in my sweatshirt.
Starting point is 00:58:52 I want to die. I've read this four times and I can't even handle telling you. Oh my God. I hate that I'm doing this. Okay. If I don't hold them down, then they're going to come off. I know. I know.
Starting point is 00:59:02 I know. I'm going to change the subject to more torture things okay um okay she would sometimes tie them down uh smear them with honey like i said and have them attacked by bees and ants just a slow torture just yeah endless um and she would do that until they die like there wasn't like a okay now you can get up and leave it was just like we'll just leave you there um with the help of her inner circle the the three women uh which included anna uh she elizabeth began abducting so she ran out of she ran out of girls that were to hire like she's from the town oh my god there
Starting point is 00:59:37 were so many that she was torturing that she was like well there aren't any more willing weren't people wondering where these people were yes they were okay they were. Okay. But they were peasants, you know, so it was kind of like, what are they going to do? Had the rumors begun yet? The rumors had begun. Okay. Yes. At this point, though, if you're like the last peasant girl in the area and you kind of heard the rumors and then she approaches you and is like, come work in my castle, don't
Starting point is 00:59:58 you say fuck no? This is why the next thing happened. With the help of her inner circle uh elizabeth began abducting peasant girls abducting correct because no was not an option willing right uh supplements i hear you so oh god there's more okay she often bit chunks of flesh from her victims uh sometimes from their faces and one unfortunate girl was even forced to cook and eat her own flesh. Yeah. Elizabeth reportedly believed that human blood would keep her looking young and healthy.
Starting point is 01:00:33 Oh, my goodness. Some other. Oh, I have a whole nother bullet called other torture. Because I just decided to bring it on over, sister. What's going on? Just one more bullet for you. i wasn't i wasn't satisfied enough so okay so she used needles knives candles and her own teeth to lacerate servants genitals she sometimes stitched servants lips and tongues together she made servants sit on stinging nettles
Starting point is 01:01:03 and then bathe with the stinging nettles. During the bath, she'd push the nettles into their shoulders and breasts. She would have them stand in tubs of ice water up to their necks outside until they died. Oh my god. She would keep her servants chained up every night so tight their hands turned blue and spurted blood. This is also a really bad one. She would stick burning iron rods into their vaginas oh my god and this one really bothers me she would iron the soles of their feet shut the fuck up christine
Starting point is 01:01:34 that one gets me so badly because i hate heels and i hate anything around my heels all i've ever experienced thank god is how ticklish the soles of my feet are and so i can't i can't rationalize in my head the difference between the pain of over tickling and the pain of them being ironed no yeah how they both for some reason it's so shitty of me to say they both feel the same but like i mean probably not quite i know i'm wrong but all i can associate it with is like just being tickled and wanting to wanting to die yeah it's like when michael stepped on the george foreman girl oh that's all i can associate it with and and just extreme tickling similar and you know how that really took him out of commission you can't even imagine and it wasn't
Starting point is 01:02:16 even that bad for him oh please it was terrible for him stepped right on it oh that's just awful especially i mean anything when it involves the sensitivity of the bottom of your feet and you can't get away exactly so horrible all of it's bad so to please his wife her husband reportedly built a torture chamber to her specifications oh so she married someone just as awful as her oh yeah so he was kind of like oh dumb jock yeah mean cronk got it mean cronk um and he reportedly built her this torture chamber uh before his death and he actually died uh relatively early she i mean i guess maybe not for the time but she was 43 when he died in 1604 so she outlived him um before his death he appointed appointed a Hungarian nobleman named Georgi Turzo to keep an eye on her and protect her. But her husband's death actually, like, she had such an issue about being alone, apparently.
Starting point is 01:03:13 And so her husband's death, like, kind of made her lose her mind even more. So she became, believe it or not, even worse than... She has separation anxiety. That's what this girl's biggest insecurity is. Apparently so. Yes. Okay. So that, like, made her lose her goddamn mind even more when he died. separation anxiety that's what this girl's biggest insecurity is apparently so yes okay so that like
Starting point is 01:03:25 made her lose her goddamn mind even more when he died so all of this kind of went on for a long time and at a certain point because she had run out of girls to abduct from the peasant village she started literally using daughters of local nobles and would like take them because she didn't have any other options like people who should have at least been protected from her still weren't protected like upper class people like my gosh yeah so she ran out of people um and it was at this point that finally the king intervened um elizabeth's crimes were ignored until 1610 so for 50 years so for i don't know don't ask me 1560 minus 1610 you're 1610 i know that okay yes correct 50 years 50 years so her crime damn she's 50 and has been getting away with it this whole time oh yeah and she started young i mean she got married at 13
Starting point is 01:04:18 he went off to war and she started asking about torture methods and practice yikes so 50 years in uh finally king matthias ii intervened uh because people were reporting that she was taking uh daughters of local nobles and they were disappearing um and he sent to investigate uh the man turzo who her husband had entrusted her safety with so this guy uh who had been appointed to protect her shows up and kind of takes a look around and supposedly catches her in the act of torturing three girls oh my god so he shows up and he's like well shit i can't there's nothing i can do um in 1610 so that year in 1611 throughout those two years he and his notaries collected testimony from more than 300 witnesses according to the
Starting point is 01:05:13 testimonies elizabeth's initial victims were serving girls ages 10 to 14 who are the daughters of local peasants many of whom like i said were lured for by paid work and then later she killed the gentry daughters of the gentry um who were sent by their parents to learn courtly etiquette and then just never came back because their souls were ironed to death yeah let's see um and then obviously the abductions, like I mentioned, were said to have occurred as well. Some witnesses named relatives who died while in her care. Others reported having seen traces of torture on dead bodies, some of which were buried in graveyards and others just kind of scattered in unmarked locations around the castle. Torture and bloody orgies were supposedly carried out.
Starting point is 01:06:02 Bloody orgies. Bloody orgies. To accompany family celebrations, including her daughter's wedding and holidays. Torture and bloody orgies were supposedly carried out. Bloody orgies. Bloody orgies. To accompany family celebrations, including her daughter's wedding and holidays. That's a long sentence full of a lot of weirdness. So, to celebrate her daughter's wedding, she had a blood orgy. Yes. Like among other events where she also had blood orgies.
Starting point is 01:06:23 And maybe a torture orgy too. So a torture orgy involves what? Everyone that having sex and enjoying it and being tortured or she's they're witnessing the torture on other on the servants while they're having an orgy i see so there's entertainment during the orgy i see so there's an orgy and the audience, if you will, are tortured, tortured slaves. Perhaps, yes. Or whoever they are. Noble women. Yes. Holy crap.
Starting point is 01:06:49 Yeah, that's what I took from it. That's some, like, weird... I don't even know what that is. It's weird indeed. I mean, I don't know. Beyond that, I have no other descriptor. And holidays, so, you know. Oh, holidays.
Starting point is 01:07:00 Like, Merry Christmas. Christmas at Grandma's. Happy Birthday, Jesus. Let's torture everyone. So, two witnesses actually said they saw the countess torture and kill young servant girls and like i said torzo who was sent to protect her explained that he had caught her in the act so his hands were tied one witness who was called to testify explained to the court that she had found elizabeth's own diary while she was clearing out her chambers and the diary when they opened it
Starting point is 01:07:26 contained the names of all of elizabeth's victims and the total amounted to 650 young women that's correct i imagine when authorities raided the castle in 1610 they found what was left of between 100 and 200 bodies at the actual sentence they said 80 because that was what they could prove all of the servants who had so like her inner circle or anyone who had been sent to lure girls in or had any hand any associate torture yeah anyone associated were tried and executed except for anna darvulia so the worst the worst one gets to stay yeah well she was dead by the time of the trial perhaps by suicide to avoid the trial so it's unclear how she died but she happened to die right before the trial got it um so the way that her other two kind of like inner circle
Starting point is 01:08:17 women were killed uh they had their fingers torn out you really one. You really didn't even warn me. You're such an asshole. I put my finger up. Their fingers? Yes, one by one. Like with pliers? With what? Just ripped right off.
Starting point is 01:08:35 I imagine in the Middle Ages they had devices for that. You've got to imagine that this was a standard procedure. That's what I'm saying. Have you ever been to a torture museum? It's terrible. I kind of really want to go. No, you don't. I've been in one and it's for like two days.
Starting point is 01:08:49 I was like distraught. Oh, like, like you think it's going to be fascinating and then you're just really so fucking uncomfortable. Maybe I'm like too much of like an empath, but I just sat there like people were literally. That's like me with the Museum of Death. I don't think I could do it. I don't think you could do it either. Like when you were like, don't go.
Starting point is 01:09:04 I'm like, that means something. If you're telling me not to go, I'm not going to go. I really don't think i could do it i don't think you could like when you were like don't go i'm like that means something if you're telling me not to go i'm not i really don't think you can handle it and not in a mean way i just knowing how i don't think it would be good for me for my it's really it's so it's so different than you expected to be it's not i don't even know what you're really expected to be but it's not what you expected and it's just all there's actually one in new orleans too and i don't know it's called museum of death and i was like blades that's the one thing i don't want to do um but yeah so i mean she loved the uh the iron maiden or whatever thing and then they had like the thing where you put it in your that's terrible in your vajayjay and then they like open it up and then they what you don't know about that no
Starting point is 01:09:42 this is one of the most common like medieval. I mean, maybe I've been to too many renaissance fairs. I don't know. What renaissance fairs are you going to, man? They put it in. They put what in? What does it look like? It's like a pear shape. A pear shape?
Starting point is 01:09:57 Yeah, and then they stick it in your vagina, and then they crank it, and it opens. Until your whole body is open? Until you die. They stick it like in your cervix uterus i don't know what until you just keep stretching until you're ripped in half essentially if that's what it took yes and they even had those things that literally pulled people in half oh i knew about the thing that stretches i knew that yeah like the the y part of ymca is the best awful famously where that song comes from now i'm just trying to describe it for people
Starting point is 01:10:25 who can't see what i'm doing but they also had those stretch ones where it was like one half your body would go on one and then they would both crank them until you just like pulled apart yeah but i didn't know about the the hoo-ha thing what is that called oh my god awful what's the iron maiden and that's when it goes over your head i thought um iron maiden torture oh oh yeah that's where you put you go inside an iron cabinet um and it's covered in spikes yeah yeah so you they close you in it like the chokie spikes yeah kind of like the chokie but worse and then like you can't move like if you like fall over you're like so eventually when you collapse out of exhaustion it's gonna happen right you can't even like flinch because you're surrounded by.
Starting point is 01:11:05 Is that right? Yeah. I think some of them even will just close. Oh, okay. Even so some of them will just close on you with spikes. They get all different. There's different varieties. I mean, there's no good one.
Starting point is 01:11:16 There's like different varieties. Hold on. I'm literally going to find this for you. I didn't know that even existed. Oh, that's what that's right the pair of anguish oh yeah well that'll do it yep they insert it into uh either the vagina for women or the anus for men and then oh i thought only women were the unlucky ones oh it's everyone at least we're equal in the torture wow yeah it's terrible and then they open it up oh
Starting point is 01:11:43 no oh no yeah so i've been into these museums and i felt very ill afterward i don't like it because it's like someone used that like no it's not like a joke you know it's like absolutely awful but like also it's like that weird horrible disturbing fascination that like and it's also drives you to want to see it yeah totally and it's fascinating that people actually it was like a norm like it wasn't yeah i think the thing that interests me more is just the fact that there was a time in history where this was just common knowledge where it was like oh you slept with someone that you're not supposed to sleep with let's stick this up your butt and turn it into
Starting point is 01:12:18 like what in the world it was just like i mean it really feels like that was the middle point between like the caveman brain and the current brain of like i'm going to primally hurt you in whatever horrible and intimate way i can think of empathy about it like i just don't feel yeah you're right i guess it's just like it's oh my goodness the enlightenment did a thing or two in that regard but i don't know it's like oh i'm just gonna hurt you but this is why some of the kill like some of the serial killers that i just won't do like we don't do we don't want to do the right the what's the toy box killer because i can't handle the torture stuff it's too much for me yeah it's personally it's yeah torture is a whole other bag of cats yeah i'm not into it but i mean on many levels right right so anyhow anna was uh dead by the trial perhaps by suicide it's not clear um but the confidants had their fingers
Starting point is 01:13:14 torn out one by one and then were burnt alive without their fingers so they just like pulled their fingers out just for fun and then like set them on fire and that's how they died oh my god and this was after they had a court like they had a trial like it wasn't and this was like like just legally available they were like well this this will do oh my god it's just like fuck um so elizabeth herself never faced trial because of her status oh my god uh the king wanted her sentence to death but torzo that guy who was sent to protect her intervened and asked for her to be sent to a nunnery instead a nunnery but the king refused so they ended up coming to an agreement that she be put under strict house arrest she was
Starting point is 01:13:59 placed in solitary confinement in her own castle she was bricked in a set of rooms with only small slits for ventilation and the passing of food and she remained there for four years until her death on august 21st 1614 wow and um so we've talked about bricking but this is a different kind of bricking because she actually got to eat and breathe but um like in the lore episode he's like this was her worst nightmare because she was had such an issue about like separation anxiety totally like being alone andation anxiety. Totally. Like being alone. And she wasn't allowed to like talk to anyone or see anyone.
Starting point is 01:14:28 So for four years, she was just in that room. Just going crazy. No like view. She couldn't see out the windows. Was there anything in there? Like a bed, a book? No, maybe a bed, but not a book for sure. So it was just solitary confinement.
Starting point is 01:14:41 Totally. Yeah. For four years. Wow. I guess when she died she went out and said i'm cold and they said go to sleep madam you're fine and then she was dead the next morning that's all that's all i read for her only interaction with anybody um so now next category is called that's the bad stuff next category is called what she's known
Starting point is 01:15:03 for so obviously um probably a lot of you have heard about her i know you've heard of her um and she's kind of made her way into like i don't know medieval zeitgeist as like female bloody serial killer um and one theory that's found its way into popular culture is the notion that she bathed in her servant's blood to keep herself youthful which is a really common misconception okay because the story actually didn't become part of the myth even with 300 testimonies until 100 years after her death so that was never even in any of the paperwork in any testimony it just wasn't part of her story until 100 years later when someone added it to a book right and it got sensationalized like what you were talking about and kind of became a crazy fact that people spread around.
Starting point is 01:15:51 I also read on one website that due to coagulation, this would be extremely difficult, if not impossible anyway, to bathe in multiple people's blood. But don't at me about that. I'm not a scientist. I don't know. I didn't test it. You read it. now you're saying it yeah got it even i aren't that far into our plans yet don't worry it hasn't totally researched the uh the likeliness of blood coagulating in time listen alexander's girlfriend is a chemist maybe i'll ask her i don't know um it was reported however that elizabeth
Starting point is 01:16:25 would beat girls so hard that the blood pooled on the floor and sometimes splattered on her clothes but when this happened she would immediately change her clothing and the blood would be cleaned up by servants so there was no can you imagine being one of her servants and you're like that that's my friend or like that's you know what i mean like you're working with all these other servants and then there's one being tortured and then you have to clean up their blood. Like it's horror. Yeah. So,
Starting point is 01:16:48 um, the blood would be cleaned up, but was not ever collected for bathing purposes or anything like that. Um, one author named Kimberly craft, uh, suggests that release of pent up rage and stress was more likely to be the motivation for the countess's torturous attacks
Starting point is 01:17:05 as they all seem to be linked to periods when the countess felt particularly under pressure i don't know the merit in that possibly i'm not sure it was anymore i don't know if there's really a great excuse that stress triggered anything or you know right who knows seems like she had a lot deeper issues than pressure and stress right like separation anxiety that's it right right only that which geo has too and he's not around here like biting people's well he is a scorpio that's true he has his own cross the bear and so do we um okay so now the part that you probably don't want me to tell you but i'm going to here's the evidence against evidence in defense of elizabeth okay so although it is commonly believed that like i said um torzo the guy who was uh protecting her caught her in the act of torture there is very little evidence to
Starting point is 01:17:56 support this in fact what he did discover was the body of one dead girl and another girl who was severely injured but alive and this girl claimed that another woman i think one of the women in her inner circle had beaten her but when she was offered 50 guilders 15 pounds of wheat in a small farm she testified that it was actually elizabeth who had beaten her not the other woman she initially said perhaps the most compelling evidence uh to defend elizabeth is the motive of the king matthias ii who intervened um before his death elizabeth's husband had been loaning money to the hungarian crown and elizabeth had made a habit of pressing the king for repayment she would visit all the
Starting point is 01:18:37 time and be like yo you owe me money what because like he owed them a shit ton of money and so her husband died and she's like hey i'm still here like just because i'm a woman doesn't mean right i don't need my money back um and so she was always pressing him for repayment and it was like recorded that this pissed him the hell off that this woman kept showing up being like i need my money and so he knew that if he could convict her of a capital crime he would not only wipe out his debt to her but also collect all of her estates. Right. Got it.
Starting point is 01:19:06 And he also had an interest in abolishing her entire clan, the Bathory clan, uh, for political reasons, like basically Protestants versus Catholic, you know, the whole shebang. Um,
Starting point is 01:19:17 the servant who had found Elizabeth's diary with a 650 names in it was actually proven to be illiterate and the diary itself never actually appeared and uh was never actually proven to be real well yeah my thought with her would be wouldn't you be worried that that journal was just floating around and you don't know where it is yeah um and so that was kind of a fishy one um and then additionally i think the most interesting thing i read was from like a Hungarian historian who actually said like the weirdest thing is that back then it was the 1600s but people were recorded and like there weren't that many peasants just like vanishing in the history books like people were still recorded
Starting point is 01:19:56 in censuses and things like that um and she said if 650 people were just missing out of the small area like it would be it would have been recorded some way or another but at the same time who knows she was very powerful right she could have controlled whatever anyone said possibly yeah so that's kind of like up in the air people debate that um so some people believe that elizabeth was set up because after she was kind of imprisoned her sons-in-law actually got a shit ton of land they all split it up the king uh his debt was abolished and he took over so like basically everyone won out of right this except for her so some people believe that elizabeth was set up some believe she killed possibly 30 to 50 servant girls and it was kind of blown
Starting point is 01:20:42 up to be sure much bigger than it was but it should not be taken lightly in my personal opinion that many and possibly most historians still believe that elizabeth bathory's murders were in the hundreds possibly as high as the 650 that some claim so there's wild quite a debate between historians but that being said it's quite a debate between historians. But that being said, it's still a crazy fucking story. Right. And who knows? I don't know. I think there's usually some element of truth even in a crazy story like that.
Starting point is 01:21:18 So who knows? Maybe it was like a more minimal. Who cares? It was still awful. It was still bananas. Right. Even if it was 50 people people that's still like an insane amount so the castle now stands in a beautiful town in slovakia um can you imagine
Starting point is 01:21:32 how haunted that fucking place is oh i'll get there well i'm not gonna say anything haunted but uh before its recent reconstruction locals would host barbecues and campouts inside god because like why not uh nowadays now it's been reconstructed you can visit as a tourist and you can even see where elizabeth was kept bricked in captivity for the last few years of her life um and it is also purportedly haunted there it is and some uh youtubers have gone and done like little ghosty things there things there so i was saying um you could probably do a story on that someday yeah that'd be really i didn't even read when it was like haunting
Starting point is 01:22:10 whatever i didn't read any of it so oh cool i would love if you'd covered that someday yeah um so i did find a little horoscope for miss elizabeth she's a virgo right lizzie b um no maybe yes august 21st so august 7th oh august 7th okay so she's a little cancer leo no yeah leo yeah she's a leo okay um leo it will be hard for you to stay focused on the tasks at hand today your mind is likely to feel quite scattered don't push yourself to finish anything big or you may get frustrated that you have bitten off more than you can chew loosen your death grip and try to witness the sensations as they come up without judging or reacting to them you might learn some important lessons about yourself exclamation point a good Exclamation point. Hmm. A good process would to be. Let's start.
Starting point is 01:23:12 A good process would be to write in your diary or make a vision board of all the images that represent your feelings. What? Oh, my gosh. Can you imagine that vision board? No. Oh, my God. It's covered in blood. I know.
Starting point is 01:23:21 Just dip it in blood. Yeesh. So that is the story of the crazy lady, Lizzie B. overwhelmed that was a good one i'm overwhelmed that one really was one of my favorite ones you've done now wow that was uh it says a lot about me that the more fucked up it is the more i like hearing your retelling of it yeah but i mean even like laurie mansion is like an epic episode in our history you know know? That's true. I do really like that I covered that story, but it's like at the same time, like it makes me really hate myself for that. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:50 Like something I quote enjoyed, but I didn't enjoy it. But every time I type something out, like she would bite their whatever. Their breasts and genitals. Light a candle to their vagina. I'm like, oh, my God. Light a candle to their vagina? That's what I thought. There was hot iron rods they candle to their vagina i'm like oh my holy god light a candle to their vagina that's what it was hot iron rods they stuck in their vagina i tried to lessen the blow for the second time around but listen you just started talking and i just kind of blacked out i just
Starting point is 01:24:14 my brain couldn't handle it wow that is the story of a girl named Lizzie. Thank you. Wow. I don't know how to bounce out of that. Whoops. I don't know what to say anymore. All right. Say what you feel. How about this?
Starting point is 01:24:43 The next time we, the next episode we have, because it comes out on the 10th, right? Yes. That's the day before our anniversary. You're right. See, this is what I was actually going to do this for our anniversary. How were you? I was like, well, I already have the notes. I'm just going to do it now.
Starting point is 01:24:58 Yeah, this is because February 11th is our three year? Two year. Two year. No. Yeah. Okay. I was like, what? Jesus. I was like, what's going on like what's going on here we'll be starting
Starting point is 01:25:07 our third year of podcasting okay but it'll be our two-year anniversary okay not that old yet i got scared i was like did i just age before my eyes okay wow you look terrified did you see it i was really afraid um yeah okay two-year anniversary all right well then i guess happy pre net i'll see you next week for the the anniversary show oh yeah we got to record all these in advance huh yep oh i have a headache i'm like what is that pounding in my temples thank you guys for listening if you want to go check us out on facebook twitter instagram at atwwd podcast we also have a patreon at atwwd podcast and you can find our website and that's why we where you can find our on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram at ATWWD Podcast. We also have a Patreon at ATWWD Podcast.
Starting point is 01:25:46 And you can find our website, and that's, where you can find our merch. If you go to andthat', you can find our tour dates at andthat' slash live. Please go buy our tickets to any show that is in your area. There's still a lot coming up.
Starting point is 01:26:00 You can also, I guess you could email us also. If you have a personal true crime or paranormal story that you want to share you can submit it to and that's why we drink at where you could potentially be in the running for our new listeners episode where we put out one for the first of every month just realized that we'll be past that for february so we probably already did the february one if you'd like to be in the march video perhaps you can email it to and that's why we drink at um and february 17th we are going to have our facebook live at 3 p.m pacific standard time we will make an event in the
Starting point is 01:26:31 facebook group that's for patreon by the way patreon yeah that's for patreon yep um all right well i guess that's it don't go to a medieval torture museum just because i mentioned it don't go because it's not enjoyable you won't like it and if you do there's a problem with you and i can tell you the museum of death is not is not going to be a fun time it's going to be either an educational time where you cry or an educational time where you don't cry because your tear ducts are broken or you just feel like the world is hopeless any of those or bleak bleak i told you man did i not tell you hashtag bleak and that's why drink oh it's all so bleak

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