And That's Why We Drink - E109 A Tornado of Cuddles and an Extra Ab

Episode Date: March 3, 2019

Hey there, drunks and punks (go with us, we’re trying to make it happen)! Welcome to our smooth and goosebumpy sounds! We’re back in a re-styled studio with new mics and we’re feeling great, tha...t includes Lemon. Per usual, we have some wild and spooky journeys to take you on today: Em brings us the brutal creepiness that is the Beast of Gévaudan (a french story that throws Em back to their high-school french class days) and Christine tells the crazy story of Evelyn Dick and the 1946 Torso Murder (so buckle up). Also, be prepared, Lemon makes his audio debut… and that’s why we drink!Please consider supporting the companies that support us! Sign up for FabFitFun today with code DRINK to get $10 off your first box! Go to and use code DRINKTry Instacart today and get $10 off your first order! Go to or the mobile app and enter promo code DRINK at checkout!Go to to try your computer glasses today! Get $45 off your first month with Talkspace when you go to and enter promo code DRINK

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Starting point is 00:00:00 welcome to the smooth sounds of me and um the smooth the smooth jazz sounds we are so smooth uh how are you we'll wait for you to reply i thought you're talking to me oh how are you i'm sad you answer for everyone everyone is doing okay well well it's friday when we're recording this so everyone's pretty happy right now right right right but they might be hung over but when they when they hear it on like sunday monday they'll be like good not great yeah good not great i hear things have slipped significantly downhill this weekend was a real clusterfuck guys uh speaking of good not great on uh sunday we will be traveling all day yes so good not great y'all we're going to florida okay i want to tell you this right now when this is coming out tomorrow we are starting our florida
Starting point is 00:00:57 tour this week monday through saturday i think yeah and we are we going to Maryland first? Oh, I'm sorry. I meant Maryland. I was like, yeah. Okay. Sorry. I thought we were like leading into my cool Florida thing. Oh, well, we're going to Maryland for one night only. Yes. And the, and we're not too big on that just because the time travel from LA to the East coast, it ends up being an entire day of traveling for us. We're amped because it's going to be at the university of Maryland. So it's our first college show. That's right. I'm very very stoked only students can go just to clarify so unfortunately this is not a public show which is why we haven't really announced it but we're pretty excited right but now after that we are going to be going to florida christine take it away jesus i was like
Starting point is 00:01:35 look how perfect this worked together what a segue we are so smooth nope we're not welcome to the really bumpy sounds of M&C. Okay. Goose bumpy. Goose bumpy. Goose fraba. Florida. We are coming to Florida next week, the week after. And we have not done well in Miami and West Palm Beach.
Starting point is 00:01:56 And we're not happy with you guys. So come on. Listen, you guys really had our egos on such a kick because we have, I would say, like at least 60% of our shows are sold out. And then the rest are only like 10 away from being sold out. I mean, we are just. And Florida, Florida, Florida. Come on now.
Starting point is 00:02:13 You really set the bar high and now Florida's not coming through. But. We trust that things may be different by the time we're there. We do. And also we're kind of bummed because we're so excited to go somewhere warm and we're like, hell yeah. Andrew's not going to send us back if it's not exactly exactly anyway so we're going to miami and west palm beach so you guys and then andre was like oh well those are walk-in cities so people will just walk in off the street and i was like that's gonna be a weird ass show for people to be walking in on they're gonna be like i don't like this i'm gonna be like oh here is a disintegrated
Starting point is 00:02:42 torso and everyone's gonna be like what the fuck kind of show did we just improv walking in on she's lipped on a puddle of blood drink like just the worst for them so anyway also um my 84 and 94 year old grandma and grandpa will be at one of our shows so you're gonna hear us cuss and then hear some old jewish people screaming at us promo with that? I don't know why. We should really have Jacqueline Miriam Glickman come in here and tell everyone that they should listen to our show. Mother of... That, by the way, of course, is Linda's mother.
Starting point is 00:03:14 Well, obviously. I mean, who else did you expect? Mother of Yahweh is what I was going to say. But also Linda will be there. So I don't know if that... I really, really hope that my ticket sales are not dependent on my mother being there because her ego doesn't need it. But at this point, my ego does.
Starting point is 00:03:29 So we need it. Let's go. So yeah, so there's that. Also, we released a list of all the tickets that still have tickets available. And I think people are snapping them up. So go to and that's what we slash live for that. Also, sorry to everyone who is listening to this like later. And they're like, this already happened.
Starting point is 00:03:43 We don't care. But too bad. Right. Also, I have a lot of important updates oh shit yeah so there's now a team lemon um i don't want to i don't want to be a part of this podcast anymore very real i know it's real because i'm also an avid twitterer no right i've seen way too many memes recently of people taking either me geo or blaze's pictures faces out of pictures and putting lemon's face there yeah it's very uncomfortable well there was one that actually made me laugh so hard uh it was a picture oh no it was so the detroit show released a picture of you and geo as i yeah promo material and so like i retweeted it and i wrote i guess i'm not relevant anymore and that's like my most liked tweet of all time of course with you and geo as i yeah promo material and so like i retweeted it and i wrote i guess i'm not
Starting point is 00:04:26 relevant anymore and that's like my most liked tweet of all time of course with you and fucking geo in it so i like tweeted that and then someone responded weren't you just fucking leaving everyone for a lemon calm down or something i was like well you're not wrong so i'm surprised no one uh photoshopped your face onto my face and then Lemon's face onto Gio's face. Oh, shit. And then the picture behind it is like the sign that says I love you more than anything or something. Well, nobody would. The Garden of Eternal Love.
Starting point is 00:04:53 Oh. That's a good one. Listen, you guys really could photoshop Lemon and Christine to many things that involve me and Gio. So the world's going by storm at this point. Everybody, ready, set, go. Also, today I came up with a fun new catchphrase you're so annoyed with me we haven't we don't record much anymore so i feel like i have to cram this all in i christine never has uh updates live for me unless we're alone in a room so if i storm off no one notices what the hell is this catchphrase
Starting point is 00:05:21 so you know how we call people creeps and peeps yeah we're trying to make it catch on no yeah yeah um so i came up with another one okay what about drunks and punks wait i don't hate it yeah it's fun right or like drunks and hunks but not like drunks and punks sounds like more i mean everyone that listens to us was a little punk at some point yeah you think so right like i mean either they were like successfully emo goth right or they try or they tried which was me which i mean still ended up turning into like a whole generation of people yeah right yeah so anyway drunks and punks i was like cool i wrote it at the top of my notes instead of doing my notes oh i mean i did my notes eventually but first i talked about lemon and drunks and punks i also appreciate in the last episode we were talking about chills and thrills oh yeah and then eerie
Starting point is 00:06:03 and theory i mean we got a lot of things going on someone just write all of our failed businesses and in health yes and citrus and in health all the failed businesses no no no i mean failed failed catchphrases we should just have one big poster one big shirt of all of our failed catchphrases what a mess anyway everyone's like scrambling everyone's like too much art too much art you guys are inspiring asking for stuff ah anyway i don't think i have any updates do i i mean nothing would really trump mine so i don't think you should even try well i just won't oh i redesigned the studio i know we said it in the listener episode but not everyone listens to this this is our first time uh with our new microphones that's right we put very profesh i tried to make the studio more well studio-y yeah it's homey and
Starting point is 00:06:45 cozy and there's like all our stuff is displayed i'm trying to put hang up all the art we get and all the books and like fun knickknacks i wanted to display everything so i tried to do that and then i uh got new like microphones so we could sit on a couch and be comfy the ambience is very welcoming to conversation yeah it's more like what we've been wanting to do for two years and just have not so here we are and we got these cool little mikeys that have like little extendy arms yes so we could just kind of like chill i know it definitely feels more like a little studio it looks very very intense um yeah and so also i put lemon up here with oh jesus next to the holy water you hid him
Starting point is 00:07:26 because i didn't want blades to throw him away when i showed because you didn't want me to text blaze and tell him that it's here i know i was giving blaze a tour and i knew he would grab it and put in the trash can so here we are as a medical professional i think he can only imagine all of the germs on that thing oh boy don't remind me okay yeah that's my thing i mean my thing was that we were gonna that we're going to maryland and yeah that's fun i forgot about that whole thing truly i think we're we're only gonna i think we're traveling longer than it will actually be in maryland oh yes for sure we have two travel days and one performance day which is wild so umd man you better cheer real loud you better be excited and also hey by the way everybody this is why i forgot about it it's a fucking dry campus and they specifically told me in the contract that
Starting point is 00:08:09 i may not drink during the show and i was like okay first of all everyone calm down like i know that i drink a lot but like you don't need to like put it in the contract i'm not gonna also that like it really does help it does give you a little bit of liquid courage to go on stage so how are you planning on being okay on stage? Klonopin, propranolol. Drinking a lot of wine in advance. Got it. Zoloft, Wellbutrin.
Starting point is 00:08:32 All of my good stuff. All of your good stuff. Wine bra, actually, is the answer. Actually, no, I was going to do that as a joke. And then I was like, if I break the contract, I'm probably going to get in trouble. Oh, fair. Like if our money is on the line and Andrew is going to be mad at me. I hear you.
Starting point is 00:08:47 I hear you. I don't like to make people mad at me. But anyway, I guess we, I guess this is going to be the most sober episode we've ever seen. That's right. If you guys show up, man. It will be weird in a different way, won't it? And you know what that means? Our next show is in Miami.
Starting point is 00:09:00 I'm going to get fucked up. So you better go see us live very excited so um that's that on that i sorry i feel like i'm fucking up here no i like it i like it stay up there oh my god don't push me off the only update i have i don't really even have an update i just thought it was very nice today geo was extra snuggly with me today oh honey when i came over he seems to have a i think he's in his his zone where he like he's like don't touch me you don't even know me he's got his like his teen angst yeah he's a little teeny right now but today he was just so snuggly and he refused to leave and part of it
Starting point is 00:09:36 is that olive's here now and he gets very competitive about who's penning him i i like to blame it on the fact that i think you smelt chicken mcnuggets on my on my breath i think both of those combos that that combo really... I think it boded well for me. It's a tornado of cuddles. Oh, Giovanni. Okay. Anyway.
Starting point is 00:09:52 Anyway, that's the only update I have. That's actually maybe the most important update. I feel satisfied in my love arena. I have an update is that I was getting a lot of phone calls from a Beverly Hills number and I kept complaining about it and then someone delivered me beer. but who the hell is this person oh yeah it's my delivery boy who is calling me from Beverly Hills and then Blaze is like there's a man standing outside with two six-packs saying you ordered beer can you please come get it so I'm happy got my beer I'm team beer today team lemon mostly but also team beer handle this and citrus and in health yeah i love you
Starting point is 00:10:27 you're saying that to lemon yes i was hoping you'd say it back so i could shut you down i love you oh well fuck that that was the lemon wait do the echo oh wait that was lemon that was lemon i heard him did you hear it this is my play to go through this of love heard him did you hear it this is my play to go through this of love lemon love you oh lemon i hear you from wait do that do the echo one reverb reverb i love you wait turn the thing off lemon lemon can you hear me it's Christine. I can hear you. Lemon. No, turn that off. I was talking to him in a cave.
Starting point is 00:11:15 We were in the tunnel of love. Everyone is like, your microphones could do that this whole time. You guys better be thankful that we have not fucked around more with that because we have wanted to for two years. Also, that was me and Lemon in the tunnel of of love if anyone's wondering it's wondering oh yikes okay moving on fast and quick yeah please let's get out of here please aggressively moving on quickly push me off of that harsh fashion so um my story today i hope it sounds i'm nervous about the reverb does it sound it sounds so reverb-y doesn't't it? Oh, there it is. Sorry. Now I'm sorry to everyone.
Starting point is 00:11:47 We were leaving the tunnel. It was getting like. We were walking out of the cave. Following the light. Lord. So my story is a quick one. So I'm sorry it's not as long as usual, although I'm sure several people are like, oh my God. Yes. But I had not heard of this and I hope I don hope I don't fuck up the names but everything's in
Starting point is 00:12:05 freaking French so oh boy you're the one who said you speak French I spoke French I don't anymore oh that's how that works uh I took it for 13 years in school and then I got to the point where I was actually like fluent enough that I was dreaming in French and I felt really confident about it and then that was also the last year i ever practiced it frequently so now i don't know any french anymore so that's a fun skill wasted okay it would come back i think if you went there maybe i don't have any plans to go there though i do so you can come if you want i fuck yeah let's go to paris that's the only french i know actually i also know which i don't think I'm even saying correctly.
Starting point is 00:12:45 No, you're saying it right. Where's the bathroom? Yeah, that's the only other thing. There you go. See, I do speak French. I forgot. Look at you go. I forgot.
Starting point is 00:12:53 Okay, so this is apparently a legend in France. Okay. Have you done any French stories? Because I'm always afraid of butchering the sounds. Oh, so instead you do Norway and fucking... I do ones where I don't think people expect it from me right away. Oh, true. You did set yourself a bar saying you spoke French.
Starting point is 00:13:09 Okay, I get it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I have the fear now. This is why I don't do the German stuff. Okay, I get it. I get it. So this is... I don't know how common it is.
Starting point is 00:13:18 For all I know, it's like a legend in like a certain area and not like all of France. Right. But I typed in like French folklore because I realized I had not... Oh, that not pay attention to the french and i wanted to so it's your time it's your moment it's your moment france omelette du fromage omelette du fromage so here jesus christ the story of the beast of jevodan it's spelt like in a very american horrible dialect givaudan yeah that sounds right so the beast everyone's like stop it everyone's like okay my moment in france is now over so great you did a good job uh so the beast of givaudan is i think that's right you're doing very well i think thanks i don't know if that
Starting point is 00:14:05 means anything so let's do uh madame valentine at fredericksburg academy shut up what a name what a name i don't think she liked me by the way so maybe don't tell me i don't either so uh it's fine seems to be quite the common denominator in my relationship pattern so uh uh je vous don is a small province in southern france and uh the beast of je vous don a uh it's the story of several wolf ish wolf like fish uh attacks on the people in the area for three years between 1764 and 1767 oh shit okay so uh it is known as the most fatal series of wolf attacks in the country's history oh jesus um and they assume that the beast quote is a wolf but they don't know for sure um you okay no i'm so sorry i'm this is like it's a new microphone we're all patient we're all patient thank you for being patient. I love you. Well, that was for Lemon.
Starting point is 00:15:06 I know. I didn't say it back on purpose. So they assume that the beast is a wolf, but they don't know for sure. Many believe it to be a wolf-like creature. Okay. But they've never confirmed that it's a wolf. It has been known, if it is a wolf, if we're all assuming that it's a wolf. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:23 It has been known as the, quote, Napoleon bonaparte of wolves it has a complex i think everyone has a complex that survived the story yes i think everyone has a complex period but okay sure sure no okay sorry 1764 uh it started in 1764 with one young woman uh who was working in the field when she was attacked by a creature. Okay. That becomes the beast. Right. But her cattle ended up scaring it away, so she survived. Oh, that's nice of them.
Starting point is 00:15:55 But then days later. Oh, no. A 14-year-old, I'm going to probably fuck up this name, Jean Boulay. Jean Benet Ramsey? Yes, her, actually. boulet jean-benet ramsey yes her actually um 14 year old jean boulet was killed um and she was the first uh fatal victim of this holy fuck she all that was found at the scene oh no was her bonnet and oh and her clogs oh this sounds like some like fucking uh brothers grim shit it does yeah i like how even this wolf was like i'm not gonna go fucking near clogs i have too much too much fashion sense for that
Starting point is 00:16:32 lord my mother wore clogs so uh the attacks were so close by between the two different cases that it was assumed that it was the same creature um and by that summer quote wolf-like attacks were happening non-stop throughout the 100 square mile area oh no uh usually the victims were lone women and children and most of the attacks showed the victims throats and chests being ripped out oh by sharp claws and teeth the thought is that it was probably an oversized wolf. And as stories started circulating, it went from an oversized wolf to a half man, half wolf beast. Oh, great. So the press started referring to this creature as a beast with black fur, a wide chest and a huge mouth. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:17:18 OK. And the press at the time was sensationalizing the hell out of the story because the king had censored political news from being in the papers. And so reporters were trying to figure out how to keep their sales up and they were heavily relying on entertainment stories that is interesting okay so this was also the time i know i'm really like hitting your little journalism you are i'm like so another thing in journalism is this was the beginning of a type of reporting called fait divers journalism junkie do you know what that is no okay it is apparently quote everyday incidents happening in smaller areas so it's basically um the very beginning of today's version of true crime oh shit so small little like true crime
Starting point is 00:18:00 scary things happening in small villages that you probably wouldn't hear about when politics is taking over the newspapers oh so like uh using that as like a form of like like entertainment and selling all their stories like oh well you'll never hear what happened in this village what's it called in this village in this village you know you would never know what's going on over there did you hear what's happening in in group eight and village eight um fate diver like fit like a party f-a-i-t-s-d-i-v-e it's fates divers if we're going full american got it got it got it got it um the stories uh stories like this ended up causing mass hysteria in the area because the news were just sensationalizing that oh sure killing everybody yellow journalism i know that
Starting point is 00:18:45 word and uh townspeople began taking this very seriously and they ended up forming a volunteer organization to hunt and kill this beast pitchforks upwards of 3 000 people volunteered so 3 000 pitchforks 3 000 90 000 top from these fucking small towns yes 90 90 000 prongs i think that's 9 000 but not three 30 000 3 000 times no 30 000 homie you said three oh here it's an even bigger number sorry 30 30 30 000 people volunteered to be a part of this organization like everyone like multiple villages were coming together like hundreds of village holy shit so that's a lot of people okay sorry yeah yeah got it got it so 90 you were right 90 90 90 000 prongs so um so the town even offered to reward the killer if they ever found this thing and killed it um they would be rewarded with the
Starting point is 00:19:38 average villager's salary so like whatever whatever the average villager was making in one year they were willing to offer that much money okay sure they're willing to make that much to whoever caught it to whoever killed it yeah jesus that's wild which like it's a big deal it's like oh i want a year's salary salary yeah so uh one of the people leading this group was captain dumel uh and his dragoons which i still don't really understand what a dragoon is i thought i always confuse them with doubloons oh i always confuse them with dragons and i was always like right if i'm gonna be a troop in the military i want to be kind of a dragon sure that was oh it's a troop in the middle okay so uh yeah i have no idea they i think so
Starting point is 00:20:19 we just sound awfully ignorant anyway him and his dragons, they apparently were the small part of the team that had run past this beast multiple times and almost shot it multiple times. But at the times that they almost killed it, like people nearby and villagers nearby were not being helpful and ended up distracting them or ended up shooing the thing away. Oh, shit. But they were so close so many times to being the ones who killed it. Okay. They were known to leave poison bait around the area.
Starting point is 00:20:49 Oh. And he also went so far as to have his own men dressing as peasant women in hopes to attract the monster because it seemed to be going after lonely women. What a mess this is. They're probably also killing so many animals with these poison bait all over the town. Yeah. They were just desperate, though. I mean, when, like, people were just...
Starting point is 00:21:09 The news was making it sound like everyone was dying left and right right so uh one of the quotes that is pretty famous in this story now is dumel talking about the beast and describing it as having a quote breast as wide as a horse a body as long as a leopard's and fur that has that is red with a black stripe whoa Whoa. Then he says, you will undoubtedly think, like I do, that this is a monster hybrid, the father of which must be a lion. What its mother was remains to be seen. A dragoon. A dragon. So in 1765, this is only one year later, there's one woman named Marie-Jean.
Starting point is 00:21:41 Oh, wow. And she was attacked by the beast beast but actually was able to fight it off on her own and this gave her the name of the maiden of joven don okay jo jovo don uh and men actually men throughout the whole area really fucking hated that uh a woman a young girl was able to fight off this beast but they can't even find it let alone kill it um even as dressed as women yeah i can't do it exactly um so get it girl a lot of guys had a problem with that shock and they made it very clear that they were like well if she can do it we can do it jesus christ okay so king louis heard about this and, uh, oh, so after the maiden, right.
Starting point is 00:22:27 Uh, after she was attacked right after her, there was a boy named Jacques and his friends and they were attacked by the beast and they were able to scare it away. Oh, okay. But also like they sound the, from the multiple stories I read, it sounds like they were like school children. Yeah. And so they never seemed to care that school children could scare it away, but a woman could.
Starting point is 00:22:48 Well, no, because they were boy school children. Right, they were school men they're schoolmen so uh king louis heard about jock and the fact that there were children being attacked and awarded them with uh a whole lot of money and also fully funded jock's state education oh shit like was like you go to college for free because you fought off this thing but not that lady who got attacked earlier right no it's like you don't need school you're a female all right okay just checking um you need a brain to go to school come on christine well i see i don't have a brain so i don't remember things right right right i forgot who i was talking to yes um so the king also promised that he would personally see to it that the beast was hunted down so he hired a father-son team of wolf hunters. Can you imagine bonding with your father like that?
Starting point is 00:23:27 I mean, that's every boy's dream. So, and the dad's name was Jean Charles and the son's name was Jean Francois. Even better. And I know. Apparently together they had already killed. This was like their vocal resume, if you will, of like trying to prove why they're worthy. They're like, well, we've already killed 1200 wolves what and so it's like okay clearly you know how to kill a wolf so sure give it a shot wolves which like pita is like racking their brains right now
Starting point is 00:23:54 listening to this i mean me too i'm like what is going on here right that doesn't sound very nice geo's grandparents so they uh spent four months this is both jean's um dad and son they spent four months killing wolves in the area and by the end they believed that the animal was probably a eurasian gray wolf that was their best bet but it has never been confirmed that was just what they thought it was um and they have said quote it is much bigger than a. It has a snout somewhat like a calf's and very long hair, which would indicate some sort of hyena. Wow. Oh, wow. So it's like the short right now thing. So I think it could be a hyena or a gray wolf. So they saw it. Oh, yeah. Oh, okay. They just couldn't kill it. Right. Yeah. That seems to be the big case in this whole thing. So after killing what they thought was the beast they sent it to versailles and uh everything seemed
Starting point is 00:24:47 pretty normal for a hot minute and they were like okay well we killed the real beast then attacks started picking up again and the king fired them and was like okay fuck you you didn't do it so uh go away and uh if you will oh i was like i wish i knew oh there it is there it is so uh so the king fired them and replaced them with his own security guy named francois antoine okay you need to find some new names i know everyone's got the exact same john francois oh so antoine killed uh many wolves in his time hunting for the beast because so it was just up to him now the king was like just get this done right so he killed many many wolves and three of them were larger than really any wolf anyone had seen before the largest of which weighed up to 130 pounds jesus which the average
Starting point is 00:25:35 wolf just like breaks 100 oh wow so it's 130 pounds measured almost three feet in height and over five and a half feet in length like it was a massive fucking that's actually very terrifying then he had a quote saying we declare by the present report signed from our hand we never saw a big wolf that could be compared to this one hence we believe that this could be the fearsome beast that caused so much damage oh my god so that wolf was killed uh was stuffed and then displayed in the royal court for all to see. And Antoine was also able to track down that wolf's mate and two cubs and also killed them.
Starting point is 00:26:10 What? Don't do that. I know, I know, I know. We're getting right past that. What the fuck? He was able to kill two of the three. He shot the third, but it ran off. A cub or the mom? A cub. So we don't know if it lived or not. Baby. And so, but from what they could examine from the
Starting point is 00:26:26 other two that he did get they had uh they had double sets of claws whoa which is apparently a like some weird inherited right thing proving even further that this might be the beast because it had unusual claw marks and the reason i brought up that there was a cub that kind of scampered away and they don't know if it lived or not is because even though this beast was killed, only a couple weeks later, attacks started up again. And so they think that maybe that wolf was getting vengeance. Right. It was like, not my dad. That's so terrible.
Starting point is 00:26:59 So attacks and Lion King shit. I know. So attacks started up again. There were another 35 attacks in the next 18 months. And at this point, the king gave up. He was like, well, I've hired at least three people and it's not working. He's like, you're boring me. Right.
Starting point is 00:27:13 He's like, I'm through with this. Find another small town gab to tell me. By now, it's been three years and there have been, depending on the story you read, between 100 and 300 attacks. Oh my God. And depending on the story you read, up to 200 of those have been fatal. Jesus. Okay. It was decided that this beast was a cross between a wolf and a horse or a hyena.
Starting point is 00:27:39 Up until this point, these are the thoughts. Right. Between a wolf and a horse a hyena a lion a werewolf a man in a costume oh or something supernatural the first time they were saying it was a cross between like a wolf and a horse a wolf and a like whatever and then a wolf and a man in a costume and i was like oh what a weird thing that's not good so for the people who thought it was supernatural there is this quote of them describing, quote, abilities they saw this beast have. Okay.
Starting point is 00:28:07 Quote, it could walk on its hind feet and could repel bullets. It had fire in its eyes and it came back from the dead more than once and had an amazing leaping ability. It also had a jaw that could crack a human skull in one bite. Great. I don't know if that's supernatural, but it is scary. It is frightening. So at this point, point everyone's like we're fucking over this let's just go kill this goddamn thing so absolutely 300 villagers not 30 000 anymore 300 we've really dwindled down on the people interested anymore we're like if i die i die c'est la vie they're bored so um 300 villagers
Starting point is 00:28:43 went uh through the town to find the beast once and for all one happened to be a man named jean chastel and he was actually imprisoned by antoine while antoine was in charge looking for the beast imprisoned for something really stupid i think antoine just had a problem with him oh so once antoine was no longer looking for this beast anymore they released jean chastel and he i think wanted to show like oh i can fucking do it you couldn't do it but i can sure so he actually was the one who saw the beast shot and finally killed it oh by using a large caliber bullet and buckshot combination all made of silver and so since jean chastel shot him with a silver bullet that's where the beginning of the local
Starting point is 00:29:27 legend comes from where that's how you kill a werewolf stop really so this is the story of how that came to be so when they did shoot this animal the contents in its stomach after they examined it the contents in its stomach did happen to be human remains. And a bonnet. And one whole clog. A clog! And that, to them, was enough confirmation that this was the actual beast. Right, I guess that makes total sense, yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:55 So after this day, no more attacks were reported. And this was the beginning of, after this story, so the 1760s is around the time where the beginning of werewolf folklore really came to into play okay and this has been mentioned in many books and movies specifically the beast um has been mentioned in a lot of books and movies and a lot of tv shows especially um mtv show teen wolf where apparently it was actually a whole storyline where one of the characters found out that her family were descendants of the people who killed the beast something along those lines i was never a teen
Starting point is 00:30:29 wolf me neither person but it was big yeah so if you remember hearing this name you're like where did that come from you probably heard from it from team wolf interesting and then also the beast itself became a whole storyline like season five apparently okay that's what wikipedia tells me so in france the story has become a local legend and there's many museums and statues honoring the story and people in the story so like the one girl that was able to like fight off the the beast on her own she has her own statue okay that's cool the maiden yeah marie or whatever marie jean i think was her name um i think it's Jean Antoine Francois. Charles.
Starting point is 00:31:05 Clog. Oh, that will never knock at me. So realistically, people still wonder what the hell this thing could have been. People say that maybe it wasn't one wolf. Maybe it was a pack of wolves. Oh, okay. Makes sense. Which is probably the most accurate since at the time in the 1700s wolf attacks were very common in france in fact
Starting point is 00:31:25 9 000 fatalities from wolf attacks alone had happened in the last 300 years yeah and it happens to be more of a european thing than a north american thing apparently the wolves there are different types of wolves and so those actually attack people yeah i was way too into like the smithsonian history of wolves yeah I like really was studying everything I could last night, but it came down to basically the wolves in Europe at that time were different than like, there's a reason there's a significant difference between the attacks in Europe and the attacks in North America.
Starting point is 00:31:55 But yeah, in France alone in the last 300 years, since the story, there were 9,000 wolf attacks that were fatalities. Um, so Jean Chastel, the one who, uh, ended up actually killing him
Starting point is 00:32:07 he was also known as a lawbreaker since he was already imprisoned and he apparently was known for some other not so great choices he made okay so one theory is that he could have actually found a wolf and trained the animal to attack people to deflect attention away from the other crimes he was committing throughout the town which is definitely a stretch but quite a stretch it's definitely it's a theory that got around though um i mean weirder things have happened so right i mean who knows yeah so but there are witnesses who were adamant that it was not a wolf they're like it looked kind of like a wolf but it was not a wolf and these are people in a time in an area where they
Starting point is 00:32:45 were on average killing like 700 wolves a year during the winter so like they knew what a wolf looked like so it was like this isn't out of the ordinary that right we would see this but that's not right right there's all of the people that are witnesses to this beast have all said it looks the most like a wolf but it is not a wolf that's really interesting okay um so then the thought again is that maybe it's a hyena um even though hyenas are so much smaller yeah that's true but people think that it was a hyena because this was also the time uh where french nobility was uh regularly importing exotic animals including hyenas oh okay um oh interesting okay but the teeth marks did not match with hyenas, and nobody ever said that the beast had spots.
Starting point is 00:33:29 Oh, okay. Maybe it could have been like a hybrid or something. Wolf hyena? A wolfina? A hyena? A holf? A holf. A hyena.
Starting point is 00:33:41 Oh, that's good. So, well, I don't know. People have said that they've basically said it's, they've debunked it being a hyena. that's good um so well i don't know people have said that they've basically said it's they've debunked it being a hyena oh okay um they also think it could have been a young lion that got imported in because a lot of people have said that it had some reddish hair to it so i guess being a lion you have like technically more red hair than dark black hair yeah so they thought that maybe it was a young lion because those were also being imported in.
Starting point is 00:34:07 A lot of people say it's just a combination of regular wolf attacks and false journalism. There's a quote from one of the news reporters at the time. And he said, the hunters made the beast appear to be more fantastic than it really was because they had failed so spectacularly to capture it. Oh God. One of the things you find in the archival material such as the letters written by the hunters are very
Starting point is 00:34:29 exaggerated accounts so basically it's been chalked up to toxic masculinity because they were so embarrassed that they couldn't kill it right away so they would make the beast seem scarier to excuse why it was such a challenge right they were like we shot it 10 times then it didn't die it came back from the dead right right and that plus that also has been backed by a lot of accounts saying like, well, look how like fucking insecure they were that a girl could like shoo this thing away, but they can't even kill it. Right. So.
Starting point is 00:34:55 Like if that got to them then. Right. Some people actually believe that it was a crossbreed between a wolf and a red colored mastiff dog. Whoa. That had been bred and trained to kill although there's no proof of it they just keep saying like that's the closest thing to reddish fur or whatever that's the closest thing description wise they can think of so they just gave that a theory yeah
Starting point is 00:35:17 um in 2001 so this is still being like trying to figure still people are still trying to figure it out yeah in 2001 it was suggested that it was a boar because since it was able to quote resist bullets that would explain like a heart like a really thick calloused skin okay or like some sort of armadillo shell or something like that um and it would also account for the unusual color and in 2002 uh it was very very gray in a very in a very not so scientific way yeah um has been confirmed that it was not a wolf because when they studied the attacks based on wolf behavior the beast attacked more adults than children actually six times more adults than children whereas wolves will usually attack a child three times more likely than anyone else. Okay.
Starting point is 00:36:05 Because predators will usually get prey that is a certain proportion to their size. Right. Okay. So if, if kid, the basically of their mentality is if kids are a certain size and wolves are attacking them, then whatever is attacking adults, it must be really fucking big. Maybe it was rabid. Maybe. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:36:24 I mean, that's definitely a theory. That is crazy. Okay, that's interesting. In their own way, based on this one part of wolf behavior and predator behavior. Right. Because wolves would attack something X size. Smaller than them. Smaller than them.
Starting point is 00:36:37 Something that's picking an adult instead of a child must think that... There's something... They basically think that it must be much, much than a usual okay got it so it suggests that the beast whoever it is and whatever it is was much bigger than the average wolf right and i wanted to go in more depth than that i tried looking up usually there's only like one or two videos on youtube to look into this so i could throw in some extra little bullets yeah but when i looked up YouTube for this. Silver bullets? Stupid. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:37:07 Oh, my. When I looked it up on YouTube, there were like pages of videos and some of them were like up to an hour long. So I didn't look through that. But if you wanted to, there's a there's a lot of videos. So research this on YouTube. And it's called the Beast of Gévaudan. So what are the videos like people wandering through the woods?
Starting point is 00:37:24 I think people just like telling the story in their own way but usually i try to really okay intentionally look through everything in case like maybe the video has one point that i missed so in case you find zach baggins in there right right right exactly i know what you're looking for but there was just too many videos to watch so i'm leaving that to you if you're interested but instead we watched the jonas brothers music video which was delightful by the way delightful precious i was telling christine i used to be team joe yeah you're also team joe but i thought kevin was always going to be like definitely the more handsome one which is so weird because everyone used to joke all the time that kevin was like the one that nobody wanted but i was like but he has the nicest face
Starting point is 00:38:03 and i feel like eventually that will come eventually eventually it will work out for him you're right the hair needed to change yeah but and then also i loved that it was they were literally singing about how they're a sucker for the person they're in love with and then the three women and the music video were all the people that they're in love with i was telling em or i was telling em that i mentioned that to blaze i was watching the video and i was like oh it's their wives and blaze is like not paying attention to me this whole time and then he goes sophie turner and like pulls the fucking computer over and i was like okay now you're fucking interested yeah right right fine but anyway it's a great video and a great fun song yeah i'm very down we're pretty excited about it so anyway any story that ends with the jb joe bros i'm that's a good way to
Starting point is 00:38:43 end it so i love the joe bros that is my story that was banana the jb joe bros i'm that's a good way to end it so i love the joe bros that is my story that was banana the thing about the silver bullets is crazy yeah i always wondered where that came from yeah i just assumed it was some like medieval like ancient yep nope i didn't know there was like an actual story it's just the way that someone finally was able to kill this elusive creature hyena and they're like well that'll do it what was the other thing a horse and a wolf that is a creepy combination i don't like that one bit yo yeah yeah all right well i guess i'll tell you my story okay okay i'm also gonna have blaze deliver me a beer at some point during this so get ready for that can he deliver me a la croix
Starting point is 00:39:19 someone just tweeted at me you are forever relevant in my universe and that's the kind of thing anyone has ever said okay lemon needs to get off fucking twitter good one okay okay ready for my story cool this is the story of evelyn dick or also known as the 1946 torso murder oh no torso i also didn't know that until i picked the story and started writing notes and Or, also known as the 1946 torso murder. Oh, no. Torsos? I also didn't know that until I picked the story and started writing notes, and then I went, whoops. Well, I'm halfway through. And it's today, and we're recording today, so I cannot go back and find something new.
Starting point is 00:39:55 Uh-oh. Also, this is suggested by Andrea via email probably like two years ago, so thank you, Andrea. You're probably not listening anymore. Nope. Sorry, girl. We probably offended you in some manner or another, so thank you andrea you're probably not listening anymore nope sorry girl we probably offended you in some manner or another so thank you andrea also inspired by a post on reddit that i have bookmarked had had that i have had bookmarked for a very long time called sorry m canada isn't all manners and maple and who's lying to me it's basically people being like canada's fucked up
Starting point is 00:40:21 too so here is a true crime story from Canada called The Torso Murder. My hometown. Got it. Oh, and the article is called 11 Unsolved Canadian Murder Mysteries You Won't Believe Are True. Oh, love it. I'd like to thank two websites specifically called and for a lot of this info. Got it. Okay, I can't see you.
Starting point is 00:40:42 It's stressing me out. Where am I? I don't like it where am i where am i i'm right here i miss you i'm right here that was for lemon gotcha i'm just kidding okay so evelyn dick was born evelyn mcclain in beamsville ontario on october 13th night oh my beer is here oh thank you bla you, Blaze. I love you. Thanks, Blaze. That was for Lemon, sorry.
Starting point is 00:41:08 I love you. Blaze, I know where he is. We'll talk later. No. He's not here anymore. Oh. Wait, I have to go check now, actually, though. Did you throw him away?
Starting point is 00:41:20 I didn't throw him away. Thank you. He's right there. Oh, good, okay. I was was about to murder someone on live audio and happily go to jail for it trust me i can literally see him oh i thought you meant you can see the murder in my eyes uh okay so thank you blaze for that um right so born in beamsville ontario on october 13th 1920 to donald and alexandria mclean that's important okay the family moved to hamilton ontario and uh in order to triangulate them the address is 214 roslyn avenue everyone go
Starting point is 00:41:52 when she was only one year old where her father worked uh for the hamilton street railway also abbreviated as hsr and he worked for this it's like the local uh basically the railway company and he worked as a streetcar conductor love it okay so her childhood was pretty unhappy so that's not a shocker for these stories i guess no this is not a first no unfortunately so her dad was an alcoholic and her mother had a pretty bad anger issue um they often spent time apart and the family was not a very cohesive unit um they lived weirdly enough a pretty lavish lifestyle though which was weird because her dad was like just a streetcar conductor and her mother didn't work so weird yeah so they that was something that struck everyone in town is kind of odd um they lived pretty much beyond their means and that led to suspicions that donald was stealing from his job at the hsr i see yeah
Starting point is 00:42:47 because especially at this point so a few years into them living there he had actually been promoted to an office job which meant he had more access to company funds so that the rumors kind of began when they started like living this lavish lifestyle evelyn herself was pretty isolated as a kid her parents considered her too fragile to be out playing on the streets with other children. So they pulled her out of public school and sent her to an elite local school called the Loretto Academy. And as a teen, she was known as very attractive and she played that to her advantage. She would host these like lavish parties at this really like a fancy hotel in town. Oh, cool.
Starting point is 00:43:24 She spent lots of money on her friends but still like nobody was got actually really friends with her she's like paying for friends yeah yeah and like her mother like encouraged her to like try to be high status you know um but it was also kind of weird because she didn't come like there was no reason reasoning behind why they had this money essentially um so she never quite quite gained like total social acceptance um and it also didn't help that she also wore a lot like her mother was always encouraging her to be kind of like show off her wealth or whatever quote unquote well gotcha gotcha gotcha so she always wore these like really expensive like tacky furs and and like this gaudy jewelry.
Starting point is 00:44:05 Vanity was key. Yeah, but like, yeah, vanity was key. And like forcing this weird version of wealth upon people being like, look how much money I have. Have a giant necklace. Like trying to really sell the reputation. Yes, exactly. So she also started to be known, Evelyn, as a teenager, to spend a lot of time in the company of much older men at the racetracks and sometimes also out of town.
Starting point is 00:44:32 So she would spend time literally leaving the city with much older men in her giant fur coats, going to racetracks. It just was not really a good look at the time for anyone to really take you seriously, especially if you're trying to prove that you're like, you know, high status or whatever. So in 1942, at age 22, Evelyn gave birth to a daughter named Heather, which obviously added to the rumors because she was a single woman. But to quell the rumors, Evelyn said that she was actually married to a man, but he was just stationed overseas. And his last name was White. White. White. Em learned colors and sign language yesterday.
Starting point is 00:45:12 I had my colors class in sign language. And so every time I've heard, I don't know why, but I've heard the word white like five times today. So now I keep doing the white sign whenever I. I love it. Yep. Take a drink. Glug, glug. Okay.
Starting point is 00:45:30 i love it well yep take a drink glug glug okay so um however later examination of military records uh failed to prove that anyone by that name ever existed so odds are she made him up well yeah yeah okay that was my understanding as well just clarifying mr white mr white you can't see what we're doing sorry you can't see what we're doing sorry you can't see what we're doing but i keep doing the white sound and also go no you do you go first well m has like a duolingo for sign language i think is what it seems like it's i think as someone who has never touched duolingo in my life right maybe you're right maybe you're not it's my it's several apps that i've turned into my own little class coursework emma's like i was in class last night and i was like in what world are you going to classes when we're fucking like
Starting point is 00:46:10 not ever at home to hold myself accountable i've made my own coursework and i like demand that i like but i love certain things blaze and i are like looking into an actual like night class at yeah sign language place up in los fielios anyway doesn't matter but the one thing i was gonna say is mr white his name is mr white right yes oh husband so the made-up husband when uh we went to vegas for christine's bachelorette party she was like who's gonna watch the cat who's gonna watch juniper and rj didn't have a job at the time and i was like friend slash roomie my roommate yeah and so i was like oh well i'm sure like if you asked him like he would do it for like a couple bucks and so
Starting point is 00:46:49 we had rj come and rj and you had never met before you just like kind of we'd met how do you yeah because we went to see elf that one time oh right okay so in that one instance it was enough trust to watch your cat we barely but we only knew of each other mostly right and so rj came over and then halfway through christine's trip she kept getting texts from rj with pictures of juniper and the captions all kept being like i love mr white mr white's so great i'd like to also add that the pictures were of juniper but also of rj shirtless on my futon and i was like cool rj's having a blast anyone who has seen what rj looks like understands why rj is shirtless like basically a professional swimmer so he's like he's currently trying to qualify for the olympics so like he's has earned the right to always be shirtless um like allison commented on his tricep and i was
Starting point is 00:47:34 like we're shutting this shit down just like close your eyes for the rest of your life allison m thought that rj had a tumor and it was actually a new ab i literally i pulled him aside because he walks around shirtless sometimes in our apartment and i was like oh my god are you okay what's going on with your stomach i was like what is that weird bump and i like touched it and i was like is that a new fucking ab and he was like oh yeah i've been working on it like working on one ab what is wrong with you i mean anyway anyway he's like so sweet like he is such an he's a little puppy dog and so uh he kept saying mr white texting christine pictures of juniper and calling him mr white it's so weird christine was like why he renamed my cat and then we realized that like
Starting point is 00:48:10 christine never told him juniper's name and so he just came over to watch the cat and named him mr white i guess that's the name now yeah and i was at em's house the other day for the uh the housewarming party the housewarming party and rj was obviously there and i said something like oh uh i was talking about juniper but i didn't say his name and i was like oh and then like my cat will do this and then rj turns around and goes oh my god mr white loves to do that and i was like oh we're still calling him that i love it at one point christine looked at me in vegas and was like i never told your roommate about juniper's name and i was like christine now now you can't don't you were like keep up the illusion
Starting point is 00:48:45 ride this ride baby you just I just was like cool let's go with it and RJ has never questioned it it's just like all right it's Mr. White he's like oh maybe I guessed it correctly I mean Mr. White sign language white Mr. White yep oh I'm not even doing right I'm just waving my beer around anyway sorry okay such a small detail that we really I hope you guys aren't taking a bath because one time we got we got in trouble for talking about slanty boy rhombuses while someone was in the bath and they said we ruined their tranquil moment. They were like, I couldn't get out. I had to listen for seven minutes while you didn't know what shapes were. They were so pissed off.
Starting point is 00:49:17 At least we know what colors are. Damn. They sent an email. That's true. In different languages. In different languages. Multilingual. Anyway, I'm so sorry, everybody. But I'm not. I mean, not i mean i am though i'm gonna put on a brave face don't please don't
Starting point is 00:49:30 yell at me okay but i bet about she made up a husband name is her right in september 1944 evelyn gave birth to a boy who that was two years later whom she named peter she returned home from the hospital without the baby and And her parents were like, her mom was like, where's the baby? And she said, I gave him up to the Children's Aid Society for Adoption because we don't need another child in the house. Executive decision, I guess. Cool. Very fucked up. Okay. So she was like, well, my dad doesn't want another. She said, she was like well my dad doesn't want another it she said dad doesn't want me to have another kid in the house so it's so it's dad's call that's what she said okay we'll get to it okay right uh so speaking of dad um in 1945 evelyn's mother alexandra and her father donald were separated
Starting point is 00:50:22 evelyn's mother moved in with evelyn and her daughter heather so the three of them moved in together they got an apartment in downtown hamilton and after about a month or so of living together evelyn abruptly announced that she would be marrying a man named john dick in two weeks okay and her mom was like what are you talking about and her mom was also like yo you, you have a boyfriend, a serious relationship. She was dating a man named Bill Bohosik. And they were like, in a definitely together. Legit. Right. He was not Mr. White made up Mr. White. No, Mr. White to Mr. Dick and to Mr. White Dick. That's what I always say. Oh, yeah. How do you say that in sign language? I don't know yet's tonight's class the second i learned that you will know oh my god your classes sound way more fun than the night class because i'm teaching them welcome welcome to professor schultz's class uh okay so basically evelyn's mom was like wait bill was like just here what are you talking about you're dating bill and then she's like no i'm
Starting point is 00:51:22 marrying john dick in two weeks and so her mom was like and that's that and that's that and she swung her fur coat around right and so her mom was like i mean whatever so whatever the case on october 4th 1945 evelyn and john dick were married john he was a 39 year old man uh from town he was a local he also worked uh at hamilton hamilton what's it called hamilton Street. HSR. HSR, thank you. Hamilton Street Railway as a streetcar and bus driver, kind of like her dad did. So they got married six months into their marriage on Saturday, March 16th, 1946. This is, this is where we, things get dark. Dark.
Starting point is 00:52:04 Six months into their marriage on saturday march 16th 1946 a group of school children were exploring near albion albion albion falls oh my by what locals call the mountain when they found what that's what they call me after the gym really they they don't call you mr white dick nope okay Nope. Okay. Sorry. LOL. LOL. That's what we call RJ sometimes, though. The mountain. Those fucking triceps. Which Allison cannot know about anymore. Honestly, the mountain in Mr. White sounds like such a great...
Starting point is 00:52:34 The mountain in Mr. White. It sounds like... Wait, someone... Wait, you have a picture of that on your phone. It's literally RJ and Juniper. With like 8,000 abs. The mountain in Mr. White. It sounds like darjeeling limited
Starting point is 00:52:45 like it sounds like it's like the most hipster movie of all time yeah the mountain and mr white there it is uh tears will be shed okay so these school children were uh trying to find this giant wolf nope sorry that's your story a group of school children were exploring near albion falls by what locals call the mountain when they found what they thought to be a headless pig. Good night. Partway down the embankment.
Starting point is 00:53:13 Unfortunately, like Em has guessed, it was much worse. It was a person. It was a headless and limbless human torso. Get out. It's also, let's halt real quick and remind. Please, let's halt real quick and please let's halt forever it's very already disturbing to me that if you took all of our limbs off we look like a pig with all of them why do you think i fucking hate torsos more than you can't even tell what creature it is
Starting point is 00:53:37 spines and torsos which spines are part of torso so don't even get me started wolf this is truly the only thing that i've you can have the disembodied feet but torsos are not for me oh i think i've graduated from the feet at this point yikes i think you got me on board it's true we've we've kind of gotten to a point where like things don't it's just all bad it's all bad but all neutral right okay so right it was a headless and limbless i'm gonna going to throw up, human torso that had been dumped off the side of the escarpment. I watched a YouTube video that was like how to pronounce dot com.
Starting point is 00:54:11 Escarpment? Escarpment. Okay. I was like escarpment. No. Escarpment. Omelette du fromage. Omelette du fromage.
Starting point is 00:54:19 Où est escarpment? Du fromage. Clog? Où est le clogement? Du fromage. Clog? Où est le clog? Okay. Fuck. Oh, help me. Okay.
Starting point is 00:54:33 We have fun. We have a blast. What a trip. When police examined the body, they noticed a deep wound in the abdomen. I wanted to make a joke about an ab, but I'm not going to do it. One of RJ's 12 abs. But actually, it was a new ab. But actually, RJ just grew a whole other mountain on his little belly.
Starting point is 00:54:53 They examined the body. They noticed a deep wound in the abdomen, which indicated that someone had tried to cut the torso in half, too. Which is just heinous so a cyst on the body as well as an undescended testicle oh and a positive id from his brother-in-law helped to identify the body as john dick so evelyn's new husband ironic he had been shot before oh that they based off of a testicle they found out it was dick yeah also i meant to i'm sorry everyone's gonna it's a peen pun if you will a peen pun we love those love a good peen pun but i do have a question yeah what why did you call that wolf uh napoleon bonaparte i think i missed what the i don't know how i just know that that's what it
Starting point is 00:55:36 was called oh okay i thought i was just a connection delivering the news i like how you ask now though this was perfect timing for that i was gonna write it down and then i was like i don't have a pen so i'm just gonna remember and then i didn't no i uh it was just something that he was called and i don't i never heard from it about it ever again either cool um right so but also funny that you would bring it up as a peen pun napoleon bone no part oh i meant more like a napoleon complex right oh you have a small peen part okay we're we're annoying everyone everyone's going to stop me goodbye uh okay okay so undescended testicle and a positive id from his brother-in-law helped identify the body's john dick he had been shot before his body was mutilated his cousin alexander so that is how he presumably died. His cousin, Alexander Kammerer, had already reported him missing since March 6th.
Starting point is 00:56:29 And he said that John had recently been living with him after his short-lived marriage had apparently fallen apart. Oh, no. So, of course, they're like, his marriage, okay. Right, let's start there. Let's start there. Very easy step one. Right, right. So they go to Evelyn and immediately bring her in as the prime suspect.
Starting point is 00:56:48 She has taken to police headquarters for questioning. And when told her husband's mutilated torso had been found, she responded simply, don't look at me. I don't know anything about it. Don't look at me. I know nothing. Don't look at me. Oh, I guess it was probably like, don't look at me.
Starting point is 00:57:04 Right. In my head, it's don't look at me oh i guess it was probably like don't look at me right in my head it's don't look at me so just like your own personal feelings i don't look at me i'm like that i'm like a fucking werewolf like don't look at me not like this not here not now not like this this isn't how i go okay i'm so sorry everybody god i'm not even drunk okay don't look at me oh that makes us so much more jesus that makes so much more sense okay i'm here to be the the contextual wisdom you are really i'm here i look i know a thing or two about sass so don't look at me i'm just over here don't look at me
Starting point is 00:57:38 okay got it don't look at me i don't know anything about it so they were like um hmm so tell us what you do know and she said well weirdly enough there was this mysterious italian hitman who recently showed up at my door looking for john but i didn't ask for his name and they were like okay that's oddly specific very oddly specific and also not specific so not helpful very uh vague and important all at the same time a few days later uh so they're looking into that then a few days later a man named bill landig told police he had loaned evelyn a car and when she returned it the car had blood covering the front seat the seat covers were missing and there was bloody clothing in the back seat evelyn left him a note when she returned his car. Can you imagine? God damn it.
Starting point is 00:58:25 I'm saying sorry. I'll clean it up. It said, sorry about the mess. Heather, her like baby, had accidentally cut herself and bled a little bit on the seats. Her whole damn body? Yeah, truly. Okay. So the whole thing is covered in blood.
Starting point is 00:58:37 She writes a little note, says, oh, sorry, Heather got a little cut and made a mess. Investigators determined that the blood type was the same as John Dick's. And obviously, this is the 40s. They don't have DNA testing yet. But they did determine it's the same blood type. So, a clue. When confronted with this information, Evelyn said that a mysterious man. Okay, another mysterious man.
Starting point is 00:58:57 There's so many. So many. Had called her. Told her that John had gotten another woman pregnant. Then asked her to meet him because he needed to borrow a car. Okay. So she met the man and he was carrying a large sack that he said contained part of John. That's crucial information.
Starting point is 00:59:16 I was thinking like carrying a bunch of money and it's like, nope, just part of a person. Just a fucking torso. Got it. So she said, oh, he was carrying this large sack and he said it had part of John, but he needed to borrow a car. And remember, she's borrowing the car already. So this isn't even her car. So she's like, so I loaned him the car and I drove him and his mysterious. I wrote mysterious sack. That's questionable, but I drove him and his mysterious sack to the dumping site. And that's why the blood was in there so she's like right it is john's but like this mysterious man made me drive the body somewhere
Starting point is 00:59:49 and they were like okay they were like well what the hell like were you not upset by this and she was like i did what i had to do um okay that's cool she even went as far as to show the police the route that she claimed that she followed based on this guy's instructions um she asked if she was alarmed at all during this time when this guy was like i have part of your husband here in this bag right she said she wasn't happy about his demise but that it was quote a pretty mean trick to break up a home because he had like gotten a woman pregnant wow uh right so she emphatically denied conspiring to kill her husband uh psychiatrists weirdly enough found her on the borderline between having this is a quote directly from the internet
Starting point is 01:00:31 which doesn't sound much more legit the most reliable source from the encyclopedia i did read actually one article was from like the canadian encyclopedia so maybe maybe it was from there i don't know but it literally says psychiatrist found her to be on the borderline between having dull normal and moron like intelligence wow i'm like the 40s were a great time although to be fair those were actual like phrases for intelligence there's really categories for intelligence moron like no moron is actually one of the the reason that that word came out is because it was one of the uh that makes sense then on the is because it was one of the. Well, that makes sense then. On the I guess on the hierarchy, like there was like genius. And then underneath that, there was something else, something else.
Starting point is 01:01:11 And then idiot, moron. Jesus. That's where the words came from. Wow. OK, well, so thank you, Internet. You were right. Thank you. Etymology from M.
Starting point is 01:01:18 Yes. Another class I teach, by the way. And also for for Canadian encyclopedia. Love a good Canadian anything. Yeah, I know you do do except for a torso murder in addition it was reported that she had the mental capacity of a 13 year old girl although everyone who knew her was like no no she's just extremely manipulative and like kind of a crazy person so basically everyone who knew her was like even her mom was like no she does not have the intelligence of a 13 year old like she is fucking with you if she's saying like i don't know what happened right right i'm the pope if that's the case yeah and to be honest like if you think about it it's the 40s
Starting point is 01:01:52 they're diagnosing this like woman who's like i don't know what's going on it's like it doesn't surprise me that they're like oh she's a nut job right i mean by the way nut job is like an actual classification on the list of uh i don't know if you know that, but I know a thing or two about etymology. Oh my goodness. Anyway, so anyway, everyone was like, no, that's bullshit. She's fucking with you. Got it. Later, Evelyn changed her story again and signed a second statement saying that there were more Italian killers involved.
Starting point is 01:02:20 She said that her ex-boyfriend, Bill Bohosik. There it is. Hired them to get vengeance on her new husband. So meanwhile, police search Dick's house, John Dick, and discover a beige suitcase in a trunk in the attic. The suitcase was filled with concrete, and in the concrete were the remains of a baby boy. And it was the baby that had been born to Evelyn right named peter his name was peter david white uh when they confronted her about this she said that bill her ex-boyfriend she's like oh yeah he also murdered my baby so he murdered he murdered john dick and also my baby and they
Starting point is 01:02:58 were like this is getting a little out of hand uh then they searched evelyn's father donald's house the guy who works at the right hsr um and in his basement donald mcclain they found bullet holes in a pipe a revolver and cartridges saws and blood-stained shoes belonging to john dick so not good pretty easy puzzle to solve so far it doesn't seem tricky nope after this discovery evelyn dick bill bohozik and donald mcclain were all charged with the murder of john dick because it seemed like they were all somehow involved um the trial was hugely sensational um causing this massive media frenzy there were lines down main street people were trying to either get a seat in the courthouse or even just see her i mean she was this like young beautiful woman right so obviously like the media went absolutely haywire about this
Starting point is 01:03:49 um as we've learned people are i feel like fascinated by like the dichotomy of this young beautiful woman in her prime and then like the gruesome murder so uh the court not only heard about evidence that pointed to her being involved in her husband's murder but there was also testimony surprise surprise about her wild sexual escapades with men in the community oh boy and her infamous black book and i mean obviously like one sexual escapades should have nothing to do with whether you murder someone right but also it's the 40s and you know that's going off of the historical context of the story correct it was just downright deserved apparently she brought her this upon herself she asked for it all this horrible race track furs right right right and so on and so forth right so we're we're in agreement
Starting point is 01:04:37 she's screwed in any case yeah um the court also learned about her father's year uh a alcoholism and b years of supposedly allegedly ripping off the hsr and stealing money from work which also did not look good nope um evelyn was convicted by the jury and sentenced to death by hanging in the first trial although she may not have killed john with her own hands because they had not proven that she specifically did it uh she was found guilty by participating in the planning and carrying out the crime which was enough to find her guilty of the murder itself uh so evelyn's a lawyer is this young man from toronto named jj robinet and he he shows up and he fucking appeals the
Starting point is 01:05:18 ruling he says evelyn's statements to police were improperly obtained so they basically order a retrial and this time she's acquitted interesting they take back the murder charge or the uh murder conviction got it so also the charge against her father donald was dropped and he ended up pleading guilty to being an accessory after the fact which is a much lesser charge than murder just saying like he helped cover it up but that's about it He had nothing to do with the murder. He also admitted to stealing more than $200,000 from the HSR. So basically the rumors were true. Okay.
Starting point is 01:05:53 Well, good to know. He was sentenced to four years in jail. And then Evelyn's ex Bill Pahosik was acquitted. Cause they were like, we don't know if he even, poor guy. Just like,
Starting point is 01:06:04 she's like, no, Bill did it with an Italian man. Bill's probably like, I don't know if he even did anything. This poor guy just, like, she's like, no, Bill did it with an Italian man. Bill's probably like, uh. Bill's like, I don't know what I got. Good golly gee, I'm. How did I get myself in here? Anyway, so Bill Lachosik is acquitted.
Starting point is 01:06:17 However, Evelyn did not get off scot-free. There was still the matter of her baby. So this time they tried her about her baby's death peter who had been found encased in cement in the suitcase um it was determined that he had been suffocated and that is how he had died so he had been murdered evelyn's mother alexandra testified and against her in exchange for immunity um oh boy she testified that evelyn had got gotten home from the hospital and said oh i gave the baby up for adoption and then when uh alexandra asked her daughter like well where's john dick or whatever he's she basically said oh he won't be coming around anymore and so she kind of i mean
Starting point is 01:06:59 threw her daughter under the bus but like right her daughter murdered her own baby and her husband. So, you know, it's warranted, I guess. So Evelyn then is convicted of manslaughter of the baby, which is not that much, and sentenced to life in prison still at Kingston's Penitentiary for Women, where she served as a model inmate. Model inmate. They always do, don't they? Oh, yeah. for women where she served as a model inmate model inmate they always do don't they they all oh yeah on november 10th 1958 evelyn dick was released on parole uh having served less than 12 years behind bars she was released with a new identity that was protected by the government
Starting point is 01:07:37 and has for the most part managed to elude both the public and the media so nobody actually knows what happened to her where she went where she lived um there are tons of rumors still swirling about her uh some people say that she's living in the london ontario area some people say she moved out west a lot of people still say they see her around the hamilton ontario area and she never left um she was pardoned in 1985 officially and her file was permanently sealed although she's still out of the public eye, like hiding from public view. Right. For obvious reasons. It is still unknown who pulled the trigger to kill John Dick as Evelyn.
Starting point is 01:08:14 Actually, she's probably dead now, right? It was 19. She was born in 1920. Yeah. Okay. So, I mean, odds are she could be alive, but who knows? Could be. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:24 Could be. So it's still unknown who pulled the trigger to kill John. Got it. Evelyn refused to testify about that. So it could be her ex. It could have been maybe if she had talked him into it somehow. It could have been her father. And it could have been her.
Starting point is 01:08:40 So it's basically we will never know who actually committed the murder itself although it's obvious that she was involved um either way no one was ever convicted for his murder so it remains unsolved that's awful yeah so he never really got his like then revenge i don't know not a revenge no but like justice justice thank you that's the exact word um yeah so that's really, really sad. Really fucked up. There's a schoolyard rhyme that came out around this time, which I feel like seemed to happen. Okay.
Starting point is 01:09:11 Whenever like a lady killed somebody like a... Lizzie Borden. Lizzie Borden. Exactly. So this is the rhyme, which isn't a rhyme. So I don't know why they call it that. Okay. It's a ditty.
Starting point is 01:09:20 It's a ditty doodad. You cut off his legs. You cut off his arms. You cut off his head. How could you, Mrs. Dick? How could you, Mrs. Dick dick i don't even know how that's supposed to be chanted by children i'm sure it doesn't even go together no i'm gonna get my fabfitfun jump rope and try to we'll double dutch it oh my god also uh there was a 2002 crime thriller tv film released called literally torso oh okay which is my worst nightmare that is
Starting point is 01:09:47 it lets you know what it's about it's not messing around torso the evelyn dick story um and then i thought that was kind of the end of the story but apparently not oh and i had to include this so there's this haunted twist for you i love it so the house where evelyn grew up so remember 214 roslyn ave when Of course I do. I know. I know all about it. And you told people to go there? I sent many there. Yes.
Starting point is 01:10:08 And people do go there and take like kind of linger and look around and like peek. Linger. So basically that house where Donald lived during the time of the murder and where John Dick was dismembered in the basement where they found his shoes and all that. Right. Is now owned by a woman named Barbara Harding. And some rather unfortunate events happened to her family in the house and she is said she is tempted to blame the supernatural well i would too i know you would in 2009 her mother fell in the house and died a week later in the hospital and then a few years later her husband fell
Starting point is 01:10:40 couldn't get himself up apparently i don't really understand this inhaled blood and got pneumonia oh no and died that night oh no which doesn't really make sense to me i don't know he just inhaled blood got pneumonia and then it's a freak accident very supernatural there's a lot of things that happen there um okay i'm gonna just kind of continue uh barbara who is in her 70s said she got drunk the night her husband died and kicked the ghost of john dick out of her house she said uh she accused him of killing her mom and husband she said i stood with the door wide open and said get the fuck out of this house that's right we haven't done anything to you when asked if john dick is gone now barbara said i think the dog finally scared him away and then was like okay i'm just fucking with you basically she said i'm just fucking with you right
Starting point is 01:11:24 um i it does not seem like he actually believes the house is haunted also her mother was like i think in like her 80s 90s when this happened gotcha and her husband was in his 70s so it wasn't like gotcha and they were age appropriate age and years apart so you know it's questionable i don't think that she actually believes this she just you know you do things when you get drunk sure and you're grieving sure um so i think like this is more her saying it was kind of a coping mechanism and like she just kind of was mad at the house and mad at uh about her family's deaths so the family who owns some the other house where she and evelyn and her mother
Starting point is 01:12:02 and baby lived during this time um the other house uh is owned by a family who says nothing scary or unsettling uh has happened in the house the woman who lives there now says her father actually bought the house having been fascinated with the murder and had actually seen some of the court proceedings back in the day and then after that he bought the house from evelyn's mother so that's kind of interesting yeah um she said the house has been great they were like oh has anything spooky happened and she's like no the house has been great for our family they've done renovations they removed the coal stove where john dick's body parts are believed to have been burned and
Starting point is 01:12:37 where they found teeth of his well good i'm glad they got rid of it they got rid of it the attic where the baby's body was found is now a master bedroom and the house has only increased in real estate value. And this is my favorite probably quote of all time from this woman who lives there now. And it sounds like something I'd say and probably will at some point in my life. Quote, these days, it's nothing to own a house like this. I was talking to a real estate agent who told me she recently was able to sell a house that still had a chalk outline on the carpet from where her body was found what that is matter of fact and that's how she describes like it's not a big deal like oh this is just it's nbd that's like me and my house with the graveyard just didn't bother me um and that is the story of
Starting point is 01:13:20 evelyn dick aka canada's 1946 torso murder. Wow. What a time. What a time. What a torso time. What a torso time and a half. Alright. Well, that's that on that. That's that on that, I guess. What a trip. How are you and Lemon holding up? We're going back. Good, not great. Going back to the tunnel of love.
Starting point is 01:13:39 Good, not great. I won't catch you there. Thank you guys so much for hanging out and listening thank you to our creepy stories are you still in the bath are you still there at all nope they're all gone uh if you for some reason want to continue following us on our podcast journey then you can find us on our social media at atwwd podcast we are on facebook twitter instagram and you can also find our website and that's why we if you'd like to uh check out our live shows aka all of florida please go to and that's why we slash live you can also send us your personal true crime and paranormal stories
Starting point is 01:14:15 and that's why we drink at where we read through all these lovely stories and then pick a couple and we read them on air um once a month on the first of every month yeah and our listeners episodes that come out that's right um i think that's it if you would like to send us any gift mail for our gift mail videos that we do for patreon people recorded one yesterday that was fun you can send your packages to 1920 hillhurst ave lost number 265 los angeles 90027 yeah we'll open that up on camera and if you are if you donate to patreon then you can watch us open up all those lovely gifts yes and we have fun with that so thank you guys thank you to everyone and we love you all very much yes good night and good luck good night and good luck good morning vietnam and that's why we drink

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