And That's Why We Drink - E11 A Drunk Pandora’s Box and How to Play the Elevator Game

Episode Date: April 16, 2017

Episode 11 features a haunted wine cabinet, AKA Christine’s dream come true, as well as one of the creepiest unsolved mysteries in recent years - the case of Elisa Lam and the strange elevator surve...illance video taken shortly before her death. Come hear Em rap Salt and Pepa and learn how to play the Elevator Game with us! And that’s why we drink.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Okay, now it's recording. Now I'm supposed to watch your videos? Yeah, this is from last week when, remember, I didn't know the rest of the verse to Salt-N-Pepa. Oh my god. It has bothered me ever since. Okay. You're welcome to this. Oh my god, it's 73 seconds.
Starting point is 00:00:23 I did the rest of the song. Don't click through it. Respect it. Hold up, Mr. Lover. Howdy, folks. Hey, hey, hey. did that sound natural no hello and how are you i'm okay uh how how are you i'm great every time we skip a week i feel like i have to yeah get myself back in the zone okay well where have you been since i didn't see you oh
Starting point is 00:01:06 that's right i went to hilton head for a wedding and it was really beautiful but i missed your face oh are you saying that because you mean it or you're just saying it i mean can't it be both uh what are you drinking about this week um I'm drinking because we determined before we started recording that Emily is the hot one of the group. Of the two-man group. And we didn't decide this. You decided for me. Well, okay. She's like, God, everyone loves me.
Starting point is 00:01:39 Okay. That's the filter that went into my head. So basically in your head i'm a princess she was like what did you say i was like why is everyone falling in love with me okay oh and then i i misinterpreted it apparently okay but i said it ironically okay she knows i've been getting so many messages from random people sliding into my dms ever literally slight nobody has slid into my fucking dms a man has reached out to my dms and said he's interested i mean that is like to which i said no thank y'all we're sorry sir i mean it's not him it's me that in that case it really
Starting point is 00:02:20 is it's not you it's me um um i don't have any twitter lovers but oh the other thing the creepiest thing is that em told me she like she googled our podcast and if i guess if you click it you can see like related search searches that people have made and one of them literally just says christine she like it doesn't have the podcast name. It just says Christine Schieffer, comma, M. Schultz. Yeah, people have just been looking up our names on Google. And, like, forever. Like, together. But without the podcast.
Starting point is 00:02:54 Whoever you are, like, you don't need punctuation in Google, first of all. But I'm sure the grammar police are very pleased with your Google searches. Totally. Good for you. But also stop, because it's freaking me out that people are just Googling our name. You know what? Okay, but here's the thing. People are Googling you with me. Okay.
Starting point is 00:03:08 There's Christine Schieffer, M. Schultz. And then the other search is just M. Schultz. Like, why are people Googling me? It's freaking me out. And if you type in our podcast, like, the third Google image is just my face. There's one of me as a baby. That's my bad. I posted that on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:03:23 But it's so weird now that people are literally Googling our names. And also there's one. So M. Schultz is a search on her own. And then one is Christine Schieffer wine. I'm like. We know what you're here for. I'm associated. I cannot be disassociated.
Starting point is 00:03:36 And I'm not going to complain about it. What? Did we talk about why you're drinking this week? Yeah. I literally just spent three minutes telling you. Oh, Jesus. I'm like, where have you been? She's lost in her princess realm.
Starting point is 00:03:51 No, I was like, I forgot that. Oh, what are you drinking? That was the question. My favorite new wine that's really cheap. There's a giraffe on the top of it. I know, I have this cool little giraffe bottle stopper. Oh, it didn't come with the bottle. No, it didn't come with the bottle. That made it less cool. It was a $4 bottle stopper oh it didn't come with the bottle no it didn't come with the bottle that made it it was a four dollar bottle wine it did not come
Starting point is 00:04:07 with and it's a cab interesting choice emily i will always bow down to you from now on you're welcome what are you drinking oh hey it's gotta have a natural pop it only took 11 episodes okay princess i'm gonna call you that forever don't do that uh i'm drinking my uncaped hero house of pies milkshake again because once again i got stuck in traffic coming to you now that i'm living farther away from you it seems to be like a 45 minute commute to get to your fucking apartment well today was different because i guess you said something's going on yeah you want to ask me why i'm drinking yes oh yeah i drink for the same reason i think the entire world drinks right now well the bombs what oh i thought you meant the bomb
Starting point is 00:04:50 the bomb no i thought that's why everyone was drinking that really got dark okay the reason i guess i personally drink outside of the bombs across the globe uh is because i began and finished watching 13 reasonsasons Why. Oh, I haven't seen it. It'll fuck you up. People keep referencing it and I feel so out of the loop. Just don't watch it. Literally, This Is Us made me sob, so I don't think that this is going to be much better.
Starting point is 00:05:14 I didn't watch This Is Us. Oh, you didn't? Oh, it's so good. Well, I worked on it, so it's like, I couldn't. Oh, did you? Yeah, I kind of like, you know, Dead Stop. Princess? Well, you know what?
Starting point is 00:05:24 I watched it. me sound like a la douche i'm just trying to have a conversation with you about my job this is me trying to like overcompensate because you're the popular one so i'm trying to drag you down to my level thank you i appreciate being devalued you're welcome how's your wine oh it's much needed well i already texted you about this but i'm like totally lovestruck. Oh, that's right. By the main character. That is a reason to drink for sure. Like I'm a thousand percent. What's the actor's name?
Starting point is 00:05:49 Catherine Langford. She's very beautiful. I would do anything to meet her. Oh my God. Maybe she'll slide into your DMs. Literally, I would stop breathing. Oh, okay. I would not know what to do.
Starting point is 00:06:00 But no, I just, I found the girl in my dreams and i found out i'm only five degrees of separation away from her but there are five tricky ones and one of them is justin bieber so good luck with that you know yeah that would be the hardest part is getting bieber to do something for me but i i really am just so in love with this girl and it was very hard to watch her be so sad on this show but it was a really good show like for when it comes to mental health awareness it was by far the best thing i've seen on really and selena gomez was the executive producer that's right and she worked really hard like you could tell like she thought it all out it's awesome she bought the rights like seven seven years ago or something so she's had a long time to really think about what she wanted
Starting point is 00:06:42 to do with i love badass women who are like making good content yeah anyway that's why i drink because i i can't be with the girl i love that is very you made that darker than the bomb story oh okay maybe that wasn't a funny joke because the world might end this weekend for real like for real world war three is happening at least our podcast comes out sunday oh happy easter by the way this comes out on easter okay are you ready to get into your facts because you just could not shut up about this okay okay let's start with the wine one so you take a breath okay you'll be really into it and i have a picture to show you afterwards um in there in japan there is a spa that allows people to swim in a wine pool with regular, like regular refills occurring throughout the day, um, from a four meter tall wine bottle at the poolside.
Starting point is 00:07:34 Wait, like you're in the wine, right? Like, like here's a picture of people literally swimming in wine and also. No, holy shit. They're literally just like chilling. It's literally like the pool is purple. There's a small child in there. Does that not soak into like your skin or something? What if he drowns in wine?
Starting point is 00:07:51 Does he get drunk? Oh my God. I mean. Well, okay. Cause they have that shampoo that has caffeine in it to like wake you up. Cause it goes into your like. Into your system. And stuff.
Starting point is 00:07:59 Oh shit. So I feel like it would get. Yeah. Do you just get drunk by swimming in it? Oh my God. Do you know how cool that would be? Holy shit. Christine's dreams are real. No calories. So I feel like it would get in here. Yeah, do you just get drunk by swimming in it? Oh my god. Also... Do you know how cool that would be? The only shit... Christine's dreams are real.
Starting point is 00:08:07 No calories. Imagine if you dove into it with your mouth open. So as you swam... Oh my. You also drank it and it just went through every pore of your body. Every orifice. All the gross words that you can think of. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:20 Okay, anyway. That's your wine fact. That's awesome. Do something with it. I love it. Pick a state. Let's do Ohio because that's your wine that's awesome do something with it i love it um pick a state um let's do ohio because that's where you're from and you're really struggling i'm not good at the states that makes me sound really stupid oh wow okay ohio basically this is a list of the
Starting point is 00:08:39 best milkshake in every state oh so oh is it a graders no oh it's from united dairy farmers shit you scared the shit out of me there's no way it's udf the in ohio the classic strawberry shake is the best milkshake of in ohio well that makes me happy because udf gets such a bad rap because graders is like the fancy expensive store and udf is kind of like the convenience store but it's better i like it better well also one time i hit a security van in a udf parking lot and then the guy in the udf like the guy who worked there told me to like back up and leave and he wouldn't tell anybody oh nice but i was on i had the flu and also i was wearing my homecoming dress because i the zipper broke and i had to go to the SATs and I had the flu. And my mom was out of town so she couldn't cut me out of it.
Starting point is 00:09:28 So I just put sweatpants on over my homecoming dress and then drove to UDF, hit a car, then drove to the SATs. Oh, no. It was a really bad day. Oh, that's really bad. I'm sorry. But I love UDF. Don't tell my mom i hit a car i was so out i was had like 104 degree fever oh and on the way to the sats i saw this guy i liked
Starting point is 00:09:53 in his car so i followed him around because i thought he was going to sats but he wasn't so then i missed the sats because i followed him around town that's the day i missed the sats and i told my mom that um i was too sick to go but in reality i was driving around town in a homecoming dress on a sunday morning um okay the end there's your facts yay i like it okay okay so are you gonna tell me a ghost story today i am yay but basically i think this is gonna be your favorite story i've ever told. What? I'm so excited. Gio, get the fuck ready. Uh-oh.
Starting point is 00:10:30 Because it is a haunted wine cabinet. What? What? And it's a really, it's one of the top 10 most haunted items in history. Oh my God. I know. Listen, my birthday is in like three months. Get on it.
Starting point is 00:10:46 Three months? My birthday is in like two months. Get on it. Like a is in like two months get on it like a month and a half my birthday is in a month and a half get on it oh my word okay anyway let's see how you handle this probably not well also oh this isn't even the right fucking story okay now we're here we took quite a journey together okay well i started one story and then it ended up not being that great so i do this i had to change it up um okay here's the trick half of my story is on the computer and half of it is on my notebook so let's i like to call it a multimedia presentation on the radio right back into fourth grade yes okay where's your powerpoint
Starting point is 00:11:26 i don't have one of those okay but i will show you pictures of this thing because it looks a little fucked up i'm so excited um okay i'm probably gonna butcher it and that sucks because i'm gonna say the word a lot so it's hebrew oh i was like i'll help you. Nope. Can't do it. No, you won't. I can't. It's called the Dibbuk box. That sounds right. It's D-I-B-B-U-K. Dibbuk? Dibbuk? Dibbuk?
Starting point is 00:11:53 Dibbuk. Dibbuk. We're going to call it Dibbuk. We always do that where we just say the word over and over in different ways, and it doesn't get us anywhere. Someone can correct me later. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:01 Someone can correct me later. Okay. So the Dybbuk box is a wine cabinet brought to the U.S. by a Polish Holocaust survivor named Havela. And the story starts where this guy named Kevin Maness, he goes to an estate sale in 2002 ish and uh he sees this granddaughter of uh of a woman who's passed away um she died at like 103 and so now that she died her granddaughter was holding an estate sale with all of her stuff well creepy old stuff exactly so uh the granddaughter of the woman uh tells kevin i'm just gonna go with kevin because i was gonna go with the last name like it's a journalist thing but his name's kevin yeah we know him well enough at this point i think kevin's a good classic kevin fucking kevin
Starting point is 00:12:59 typical kevin god okay so um he goes to the estate sale and sees this um cabinet this like with wine like holders are they holsters wine holsters um and he asks around and he finds this woman who's the granddaughter and says that uh that her grandmother had been born in poland where she grew up married and she grew up she married she raised a family and that was basically her life until she got sent to the nazi camps um she was the only member who survived but she survived by escaping with other prisoners and somehow making her way to spain oh so good for her yeah seriously um and once she was in spain that's where she found the wine cabinet and that was kind of only the original story that he got out of it he just heard it's from a holocaust survivor she got it from spain that's it which is already a
Starting point is 00:13:59 cool story yeah and he started asking some questions about it and he tried to open it up and the granddaughter was like don't open it what what and so he was like oh is it like like what's why not and she was just like don't open it there's spiders in it that's what i would have assumed well more than there's more things okay and um just think of like the drunk pandora's box right oh yeah that seems like a big mess and a half. And, uh, he started, she started getting like really weird. And so he thought maybe she was afraid to let it go because it was a keepsake. And so he was like, oh no, like I don't have to take this. And she was, she started getting really rude and insisting that he took it.
Starting point is 00:14:39 And I was like, no, just don't open it. Like she swore that we could not open it. Don't open it. Oh my God. But she started getting really defensive and was like, you bought it. You bought it. You take it. Like you can't take, you can't open it like she swore that we could not open it don't open it but she started getting really defensive and was like you bought it you bought it you take it like you can't take you can't give it back now like was trying to push it on him to get it out of her house she was like you made the deal you made the deal you can't return it um so he kevin i guess typical kevin
Starting point is 00:15:00 i was gonna say let me guess what kevin next. Let me tell you what Kevin did again. He owns a company that finishes old furniture. And so he was like, oh, well, I'll take this and I'll fix it up and then give it to my mom for her birthday. And so he left it in his office one day. He brought it, I guess, to the warehouse and then decided to go on errands. And a half an hour later, his salesperson calls him and is like, someone is in the fucking house. Like, someone's here. And he was like, what are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:15:29 And she's like, I can't see anyone, but someone just broke a bunch of lights downstairs and I hear cussing and the doors won't open. And they weren't, like, electronic doors or anything. Like, they just could not open all of a sudden. So she was locked in this building and lights were shattering. What the fuck? Like, right off the bat, this is a cool story on earth so he speeds back to the office tells her tries to tell her to call the cops but as she's trying he's trying to say it both of their phones
Starting point is 00:15:54 oh yeah casual typical so he gets to the office and literally tries to go and talk to the salesperson but as soon as the salesperson saw that he was there, literally hightailed it out of there and never came back. Don't blame her. Oh, she literally quit. She literally was like, bye, and just never came back. But see, she's the first one we've heard who actually does the smart thing. She's welcome on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:16:18 Good job, lady. And so he's looking around, and there's only one entrance that wasn't locked. So there's only one entrance that couldn't, that wasn't locked. So there's only one entrance that in theory, if someone was there, would have left through and they would have met him there. Because by the time he got to the office, he could still hear stuff shattering in the building. So he knew if something was there, it was still there and it would have had to have passed him when he came into the office.
Starting point is 00:16:44 So he's looking around. There's no one there. And all of the lights in the entire building are shattered. Like, the bulbs had burst. And I think it said, blah, blah, blah. All nine incandescent bulbs had been broken in their sockets, and ten four-foot fluorescent tubes were lying shattered on the floor. Holy shit. And then, yeah, there was only one entrance and the salesperson never came back.
Starting point is 00:17:08 Oh, my God. So that was event number one. And then he didn't like assume that the cabinet was a fault for that. It just happened while the cabinet got there on day one. Then he decides to try to fix it up for his mom. And when he's working on it he actually finds like this like little hidden drawer in it and in the drawer he found these items in this order oh no no no i don't know there's something just spooky no no no he found it like i guess the
Starting point is 00:17:38 way that it was described was the door had this like mechanism that if you opened one door it opened up a secret other door on the other side of the drawer like a puzzle box um so he found a u.s wheat penny from 1929 a u.s wheat penny from 1925 a lock of blonde hair bound with string a lock of black and brown hair bound with string one small statue engraved with hebrew letters which he he doesn't know right what they are but he's shown it to other people and they've told him it says shalom so peace shalom in the home one dried rose one golden wine cup hey christine uh hey hey one very strange black cast iron candlestick holder with octopus legs. That's cool, though.
Starting point is 00:18:27 I would buy that. Wait, how big is this drawer? I thought it was like a little drawer. It's probably like a foot and a half tall. Sure, okay. I see. Okay, so there was the inscription in Hebrew. He doesn't know if it's significant.
Starting point is 00:18:42 Oh, okay. So this is the thing I haven't told you yet that i probably should have said in the beginning the reason i have parts of his transcript is because most of this story was documented through an ebay request what so he tried to sell this thing on ebay and this was his story about it and he basically at the end writes, fucking help me, like, get this thing out of my house. Like, no charge. Just get it out of my house. You'll see. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:19:10 So the reason I have transcripts is because this is his direct message that was on eBay. That's creepy. Because I was reading through my notes and I saw a quote that says, I have included a picture, blah, blah, blah. And I was like, ooh. Okay. Okay, Kevin. okay okay kevin so anyway he's after he found all that he decided to put it all aside and he gave the fixed up box cabinet to his mom for her birthday and she came in and she saw it and literally five seconds later he turns around and she passes out and has a stroke
Starting point is 00:19:38 what yeah she had a stroke she had a stroke that what was the actual word she had a stroke that ended where she ended up having partial paralysis and losing her ability to speak and form words. Oh my god! But she could point to letters on the alphabet and spell out what she wanted to say. Oh, that's so sad. Eventually, her speech came back. But in the time that she couldn't talk... Oh god.
Starting point is 00:20:00 She was pointing to letters to spell shit out. When she came to, the first thing she spelled out was no gift. Ugh! Ugh! And he then asked what she was talking about, and she got really upset. Like, she was trying to make, like, she was trying to say something, but she couldn't. She sounded like she was screaming, and she spelled out hate gift. Oh my god, ew!
Starting point is 00:20:21 That's so creepy. Like, you just have a fucking stroke, and that's what you're gonna write? Ugh! Um, so then she, he ends up taking the cabinet away. He's like, okay, she doesn't like it. Gave it to his sister. Oh, great. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:33 Within two days, she gave it back. And she was like, something's wrong with it. I don't like it. What? She said it gives a bad feng shui vibe or something. So he gave it to his brother. He's like, someone has to take it. Someone get rid of this thing. G gave it to his brother he's like someone get rid of this thing gave it to his brother who kept it for three days and then gave it back um because he
Starting point is 00:20:50 said that when he would walk into a room it smelled like jasmine like really like overwhelming flowers but his wife would smell cat urine which was another thing that happened when he when the office got broken into and he ran into his room to see all the lights broken he got this overwhelming pungent smell of cat urine i wonder why the other guy smelled jasmine i don't know i think it's just a weird but so um he then because he's that kind of gent gave it to his girlfriend listen maybe he's trying to break up with her who after only two days said sell this fucking thing quote sell this fucking thing um kevin just can't figure this out classic kevin god damn it um he then sold it uh in the same day to a middle
Starting point is 00:21:33 aged couple and three days later they showed up at his front porch and left the cabinet there with a sign that said this has bad darkness oh no oh no so ever since then um the basically what he also learned because after trying to give it to everyone he couldn't get rid of it so he just kept it for himself and immediately started having these really terrible night terrors um where uh he said this is the excerpt uh every time i have the horrible dream it goes something like this i find myself walking with a friend usually someone i know well and trust at this point i find myself looking into their eyes and uh it's then that i realize that there's something different something evil looking back at me at the point in my dream the person i'm with changes into what i can only describe as a
Starting point is 00:22:19 gruesome demonic looking hag oh i did not highlight that the right way what can only be described as a gruesome demonic looking hag that i have never seen this hag proceeds to then beat the living shit out of me um i have woken up numerous times to have bruises marks and scratches on my body and i've been hit where i had been hit by the old woman during the previous night so i guess the hag's an old woman um oh isn't that what a hag is like an old lady i guess so no one fucking says hag anymore the last time i heard hag was like the witch in snow white well you know people say like old hag oh yeah the old lady um witch in snow white that's well that's exactly that's a hag
Starting point is 00:23:01 in my mind um and he said up until this point, he hadn't related the cabinet to that, to the dreams. But in hindsight, he only started having those when the cabinet was in his room. And then his siblings spent the night one time over for the holidays. And his sister stayed in the room that the cabinet was in and came downstairs the next day and was like, I had some really fucked up dreams. And described to a T what he went through and then his brother said yeah when we had that cabinet we had those dreams too or basically said oh we had those dreams too when was that oh yeah it was around that time you gave us the cabinet oh my god so then he called his girlfriend was like hey remember those night terrors you were telling me about what were they actually about and so she
Starting point is 00:23:40 described them and said was that around the time you told me to sell the cabinet and she said yeah about and so she described them and said was that around the time you told me to sell the cabinet and she said yeah so jesus that's way scarier to me for some reason than like oh i smell something weird or like somehow like the sleeping when you're not in control of things is way creepier to me i had oh i almost i oh we'll talk about that later but i had a night terror last week but yeah you sound so excited about that for some reason i just really your face lit up i wanted to tell you about it last weekend but you weren't here so i'm just excited to tell you oh i'm so excited okay anyway so then he decided fuck this i'm not gonna keep it in the house i'll leave it outside in the garage well the smoke
Starting point is 00:24:13 alarm went off that night god so then um and he went downstairs and he looked through the entire garage could not see any smoke there was no reason for there to be burning but he walked into the garage and got this overwhelming cloud of cat urine again oh um so he brought it back into the house because he was like okay i don't want another fucking smoke alarm to go off so he left it in the hallway and fell asleep on the couch he was right next to it fell asleep and woke up to breathing on his neck and the smell of jasmine and then saw a giant shadow figure fly down the hall from where he was sleeping nope so from there i move on to my notebook multi what did i call it oh multimedia multimedia yeah so from here he wrote that e that ebay letter someone bought it because there's a whole group of people on eBay who like buying haunted
Starting point is 00:25:05 I was going to say, I'm sure someone paid good money for that too. Researched it and found out. Oh, he also researched it on his own because he remembered, Kevin remembered the granddaughter saying that her grandma would always call it a Dybbuk box. Oh, that's right. And was like, what the hell does that mean? She's like, I have no idea. So he went and researched it, and it's actually Hebrew
Starting point is 00:25:26 for cling, comma, a malicious spirit that attaches to objects instead of crossing over. And the granddaughter didn't know what it meant. What the fuck? But when he looked it up, that's what it actually meant. How creepy. And nothing happened until he started working on it
Starting point is 00:25:42 and had to open up the doors. The fucking doors, Kevin. So, from there he sent it off to a random person and the last person to own it was a student in missouri who says that the cabinet brought each of him brought each of his roommates and him as well different health problems um including hair falling out in chunks. Oh. And they all went to the doctor and they were totally fine. Their hair was just literally falling out as they were like walking around.
Starting point is 00:26:11 Light bulbs would break, bug infestations, odd smells such as cat urine. Oh my God. And horrible scratching sounds on the walls. And from there, he said, fuck this. Let's give it to like a museum director who can like research it better than we can so that student gave it to a guy called jason haxton who was the museum director of medicine because they thought it might be like a medicine cabinet there was some voodoo involved wait which university was this it was called truman state university oh okay so as soon as haxton the doc the museum director took it from the student,
Starting point is 00:26:45 he started experiencing health problems including hives, head-to-toe welts, and coughing up blood. Oh, that's fucked up. He decided to put it in storage, and every night that it was in storage, the fire alarms went off. He brought it back home and saw shadows surrounding him every night. And he wanted to figure out uh what was going on with the box so he tracked it all the way back to the ebay story and found kevin through the internet and asked him to help him track the history of like can you go back to that grand sure daughter and see what was going on um okay so kevin goes back to the estate and talks to
Starting point is 00:27:21 the granddaughter again and gets more information and says that the grandmother got that box with her cousin sophie or not with her cousin sophie but a lot of weird stuff started happening with her cousin sophie when they were younger so he reached out to sophie who was still alive i guess she wasn't in poland at the right time this is what she said back to him between world war one and world war two seances were very popular and good old sophie decided to use a ouija board with grandma god damn it sophie they believe that they only attracted evil which came from the negative energy of the impending war oh um so they realized that only like she didn't really get into it but she said some really
Starting point is 00:28:05 dark shit started happening after they used the ouija board i don't know how old they were anything this is just like a short transcript of what came out but so between the two wars her and grandma who were cousins played with the ouija board and a lot of dark things started coming out and so they tried to get rid of it without having any experience or knowing what they're doing tried to like banish the spirit uh-oh and pissed it off and the night that they did this happened to also be november 10th 1938 which was in my american accent crystal hocked you read it you're german oh crystal night yeah that night of broken glass i think yeah hey i remember oh you do speak german it's not a hoax y'all okay so surprise um so that was the night where well how do you know the story
Starting point is 00:28:57 of it better than i do no okay um it was basically like super layman's terms when right before um the nazis started coming in and taking everyone, it was that night where they were going through and like ransacking all of the Jewish businesses. I think it said like 10,000 Jewish businesses and homes were broken into that night. Oh, my God. But so that the same night that that happened, earlier that night, they had tried to banish the spirit. And so she started crying while talking to Kevin saying, I'm sorry. And he said, why?
Starting point is 00:29:29 And she said, because she thinks she's solely responsible for the beginning of the Holocaust. What? She's decided that. She's literally lived this long and she's just like, oh, this is my fault. This girl also died at 103. So she spent literally 100 years. Feeling like she's the reason for the holocaust no so i know it is not your girl it's not your problem it's fucking adolf's fault
Starting point is 00:29:52 jesus christ so uh the second time they tried to banish this thing because the first time worked so well with crystal locks or whatever they're doing this they i guess it was really dark stuff but they got it trapped in the cabinet that they called the dibbick box that they never opened oh since then in there which was like the 1930s and it had never been opened since um so the last thing i'm going to say is jason haxton heard kevin told jason haxton all this information kevin haxton brought the box to a medium who felt evil on the box touched it and got a sharp stabbing pain in her ribs hand and head and blood started dripping out of her head what um and she said she thinks the pain that she experiences from the original owner and jason haxton looked back and saw that it it doesn't
Starting point is 00:30:42 really it doesn't make sense at all but it was just a weird coincidence that the student that Jason Hexen got this box from happened to go to Truman State University in Missouri, as did one of the first, um, in the first class of people who went to what would be called Truman State University was one of the higher ups in the Nazi party who was involved in the eugenics. Oh, so he went to the university that would become Truman state university. And then the student who inherited to also, and like get this box. And that's like,
Starting point is 00:31:14 not, I don't know. It's like a weird thing that probably doesn't do anything. It's a weird coincidence. It's like worth noting. Um, anyway, Haxton found out through the medium that it was somehow involved in the
Starting point is 00:31:24 Holocaust. So, um, basically all he did through the medium that it was somehow involved in the Holocaust. So, um, basically all he did was after that was he grabbed the box. He brought it to a bunch of rabbis and said, don't tell me what you do with it. And so rabbis, all they said was they, they wrapped it up in wood and gold to replicate the Ark of the Covenant, which contained the original 10 commandments. Right. And then they hid it in a secret location. Holy crap. That's creepy. So there's not even in a secret location. Holy crap, that's creepy.
Starting point is 00:31:47 So there's not even an ending. That's just how, that's just what's up. Dude, that sounds like a real-life Indiana Jones. Like they hid it in an Ark of the Covenant in a secret location and it has demons inside of it. You know, rabbis are just the Indiana Jones of 2003. They're like the unappreciated Indiana Jones. Anyway, I'm sorry for that long-winded story no that was fucking crazy yeah anyway i i cannot believe that well and at first i was like well
Starting point is 00:32:12 why wouldn't he just like leave it on the side of the road but at the same time it's like a beautiful historic piece of furniture it came from the holocaust from europe in his ebay transcript he also said i'm afraid to burn it like a lot of people told me to burn this thing but apparently that opens up like a gateway for more things to come i've read posts like that too where people are like i should i burn in people are like do not burn it that like fucks your shit up even more just take a hose put holy water in it and just spray that just order like a tank of holy water can you do that i don't know but we probably need one with this podcast honestly anyway the end that's fucked up there's your haunted wine
Starting point is 00:32:52 see at first i was like i want a haunted wine cabinet i don't want it i don't want it anymore well good how do you i don't want hives do you want to tell me a murder story yes mine's also literally just emptied the wine bottle i watched you turn that bottle entirely upside down i'm here okay mine is fucked up okay okay so i actually got this request it was either yesterday the day before and um i had some other things i wanted to do but I kind of looked into this and I was like, no, I have to do this now. So this was a request from JC DeLeon1. Okay. And he even mentioned in the tweet, like, mention me if you do this story.
Starting point is 00:33:37 Oh, I saw that. I saw that. Yeah, because I didn't email it. And I was like, okay, just one time. But we're not happy that you didn't email it. No, we're not mad that you didn't email no we're not mad we're just disappointed but it's a great story so we forgive you okay so it's the story of elisa lamb okay do you know the story no oh thank god it's so fun it's so what if right now i just totally was like oh yeah i've heard all about i know well that's kind of what i did to you with robert the doll
Starting point is 00:34:00 but that was still a great episode so great it still works okay so this is the story of elisa lamb it is very dark okay it's an unsolved mystery it's why do you do this you like pick the darkest things i don't know how to recover with humor like how am i supposed to make this funny you know that's my job at this point you tell the story i've got to think of like things to like awkwardly sidestep. I believe in you. I feel like you're better at this than you think. Can you tell me about a dead girl, please? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:31 I have just a story for you. Okay. Great. Great. I'm glad you know my type. I'm glad you asked. I was prepared. Okay.
Starting point is 00:34:39 Okay. So, Elisa Lam was the daughter of immigrants from hong kong um who moved to vancouver she was a 21 year old student at the university of british columbia and in 2013 she left home for a trip to southern california which she called her west coast tour on her tumblr i actually went and read her tumblr which which is still active, which is very disturbing. And her actual post said, planning, planning, planning for the West Coast tour. Sigh. Turns out I won't be making as many stops as I'd like.
Starting point is 00:35:16 Vancouver, San Diego, Los Angeles, Santa Cruz, and San Francisco. I really want to stop by San Luis Obispo, but alas, we'll see. Suggestions and meetups still highly appreciated this was the post before she went on her west coast tour um and i do want to add that she had a blog spot and a tumblr and she like transferred her blog spot to her tumblr and i looked at her tumblr and it's it's pictures of like i mean it's basically any early 2000s okay 20 something it's there are photos of like pretty dresses but there's also kind of like emo quotes and like harry potter reference just very like much something that my fucking tumblr would look like um great yeah
Starting point is 00:35:59 exactly uh the headline of her tumblr was a chuck palin a quote that said you're always haunted by the idea you're wasting your life and on that note let me tell you what happened that's already eerie because she by not wasting her life and going on a trip she ended up fucking getting killed so i'm assuming yes well so maybe chuck doesn't know what he's talking about or maybe he does i just said that for effect i don't you're probably right um okay oh and there were like like parks and rec jokes which is creepy because i feel like a lot of the stories i do are like old-timey ones but so current yeah to see this girl like posting the same fucking photos i have on my pinterest of like leslie nope and i'm like oh it's really fucked up um so um elisa had bipolar disorder and depression um
Starting point is 00:36:50 she was on wellbutrin uh lamictal saraquil and effectser which i asked blaze all about them good for you they're basically antidepressants and antipsychotics um so she went on her west coast tour after two days she checked into the ce Cecil hotel, uh, near Skid Row, which is 20 minutes from where we are sitting right now. Oh fuck. As I continue to triangulate exactly where I live for our listeners, because I want people to love me and not just them anyway. Desperation at its finest. She was initially assigned a room in the Cecil Hotel on the fifth floor, but the room next to her complained about weird behavior or odd behavior.
Starting point is 00:37:39 So they moved her to a different room. The weird thing about the Cecil Hotel is that it was already a fucked up hotel to begin with so basically remember the story about the black dolly elizabeth short who was cut into like a million pieces that was the last place she was seen before she was oh so this isn't the first hotel for horrible shit to happen exactly oh the first time for this right exactly um and also so that was like the most sensational biggest story in LA, like the most sensational murder in LA. Um, in 1964, uh, Goldie Osgood, the quote pigeon lady of Pershing square, which whatever
Starting point is 00:38:16 that is, I'm going to turn into probably Emily, the goals, the pigeon lady of Pasadena. It just makes me think, don't tell people I live in Pasadena. I just need everyone to know where we live, apparently. Also in 1964, Goldie Osgood, the pigeon lady of Pershing Square, was raped and murdered in her room at the Cecil. Oh my god. Another crime that went unsolved. Serial killers Jack...
Starting point is 00:38:47 The Ripper? Jack Unterweger and Richard Ramirez, the Night Stalker, both stayed there during their killing sprees in the 80s. Fuck. While they were active. There have also been many suicides, one of which killed a pedestrian passing on the sidewalk. So someone jumped and killed a
Starting point is 00:39:05 pedestrian while they were committing suicide so this was just not so it became a murder suicide uh yeah well yeah like a manslaughter suicide yeah oh yeah but um so they tried to remarket themselves and it's actually very sad because the hotel like really does aim to like help because that's a really impoverished area um like blaze worked at a uh not a hospital but like a free clinic down there that like helped homeless people who couldn't afford medical care and they offer like free medical care and it's like a really impoverished area um and so they basically were trying to like offer really low income housing for people and they still do, actually.
Starting point is 00:39:45 But so they tried to rebrand themselves after this. And, like, it didn't work. And people were like, oh, it's home of murderers. And so anyway. So Lisa took the Amtrak down from Canada, went to San Diego Zoo first, posted photos on social media, like, had a great time. posted photos on social media like had a great time um so she called her parents every day while she was on her trip um on january 31st 2013 so this is actually quite recent um the day she was scheduled to check out of the cecil and leave for santa cruz her family didn't hear from her so they called the police because she had talked to them every day since which if that happened to me
Starting point is 00:40:24 my parents wouldn't have called the police for like three weeks because they would have been like whatever like my parents are very off hands when my mom after a week would have called the police oh yeah my mom probably would have maybe after a week but not the day of but so they called the police literally the day of and they were like they flew down from california i'm sorry from canada i want to make fun of them for being helicopter parents but they were actually probably right but they were right exactly um so hotel staff who saw her that day uh said she was alone uh there was a bookstore nearby um and katie orphan
Starting point is 00:40:56 who was a manager said she actually saw her and spoke with her and said that quote she was outgoing very lively very friendly um and she wanted to get gifts to take home to her family and she was worried about like the amount of gifts and whether she could lug them with her in her luggage whether they were too heavy um while she traveled so they searched the hotel um as far as they legally could they couldn't like go into every room because they didn't have a search warrant or anything like that um they had dogs go through the building uh didn't find anything um and then this is where this story became extremely famous the lapd released a video of her in an elevator that was the last time she had been seen by any sort of camera um you haven't seen it i i know it's a girl in a red jacket or something
Starting point is 00:41:47 yeah but that's all i remember she's like she looks really nervous and terrified and that's all i know yeah so i re-watched it because i had seen it too like i vaguely knew of it so basically what happens is elisa walks into the elevator in a red hoodie she punches several buttons on the elevator then steps into the back and a red hoodie she punches several buttons on the elevator then steps into the back and like kind of presses herself against the wall and the doors don't close so she steps up to the doors leans out peeks left and right really quickly like spastically quickly jumps back into the elevator back into the corner goes back to the doors looks out um steps out and is kind of like out of like in the hallway out of the camera's view for a minute um walks back in put her hands on puts her hands
Starting point is 00:42:33 on both sides of the door then presses a bunch more buttons um walks back to the doors plug puts her hands over her ears wait start and this is where it gets very weird she walks into the hallway and starts just moving her hands like frantically around and it's very like nobody really knows what she's doing it looks like she's like either petting a dog or like gesturing wildly um then she starts rubbing her forearms together um then she like kind of bows forwards it's very it's a really spooky video if you watch the whole thing um and then she walks back to the wall leans against it and then just walks out and walks out of view and that's the end of the video and there's no one else in the video it's it's in the halls were there like anyone i mean you could see several feet in front of her she was just kind
Starting point is 00:43:20 of like moving around so it's just a very unsettling, I think that's the best word. So the first theory is that maybe someone was after her. Maybe she felt threatened and it looked like she was kind of hiding at first in the elevator. So one theory is like maybe she was feeling threatened. Another theory is that she was possessed, which is not the most popular theory. But, you know, a theory. Just because the hotel is pretty fucked uh another theory was obviously drugs as in like ecstasy party drugs a body
Starting point is 00:43:52 language expert actually looked at the video and said um the way she was behaving it looked like she was on ecstasy or another party drug um and then this is like a really weird theory but i looked into it and it's actually like kind of a prominent theory on the internet that she was playing the elevator game. Have you heard of this? No. What the fuck is that? Let's not play. Literally never.
Starting point is 00:44:16 Okay. What is it? It's like an urban legend from Korea, which is supposed to allow the player to enter another world. Shut the fuck up. So it's like a creepypasta. Like, people just post on the internet, and, like, it became... I mean, she was on Tumblr, right? Exactly.
Starting point is 00:44:32 And people say, like, maybe because she was so heavily, like, into internet culture and that kind of thing, and she had a lot of blogs, and... She probably had heard of it. Yeah, like, it might have been. How do you... Like, you do, like, a dance ritual, then? No. Because it sounds like she was kind of moving around in a certain way well i have the instructions
Starting point is 00:44:47 for you oh shit here we go let's play okay no everybody get ready okay everyone get in your elevators getting well the first step is you need a building that's at least 10 stories high so if you live in that you're off to a great start we do not so we can't play okay enter your chosen building get into the elevator on the first floor alone do not proceed if anyone else is in the elevator with you press the button for the fourth floor uh when the elevator reaches the fourth floor do not get out instead remain in the elevator press the button for the second floor when you get to the second floor press the button for the second floor. When you get to the second floor, press the button for the sixth floor. Then press the button for the second floor.
Starting point is 00:45:29 Then the tenth. Then the fifth. And when you reach the fifth floor, a young woman may enter the elevator. Fuck. That. Do not look at her. Do not speak to her. She is not what she seems.
Starting point is 00:45:41 Sounds like all of a sudden you're telling a paranormal podcast. I know. Well, that's when that Twitter guy was like, should Em do this or should Christine do this? I was like, we'll fight over it. But I took it. Yeah, you didn't even give me a chance. Once she enters the elevator, press the button for the first floor. If the elevator begins ascending to the 10th floor, instead of descending to the first, you may proceed.
Starting point is 00:46:04 If the elevator descends to the first floor exit as soon as the doors open do not look back do not speak if you reach the 10th floor you may either choose to get off the elevator or to stay on it if you choose to get off and if the woman who entered the elevator on the fifth floor asks you where are you going do not answer her do not look at her you will know whether you have arrived at the other world by one indication and one indication only the only person present in it is you fuck what no isn't that creepy that's beyond it's so creepy okay that's crazy and it's all over the like i looked it up and there are just millions of, like, posts about this. Ugh. The return trip.
Starting point is 00:46:47 Oh. Huh? If you choose to stay on the elevator at the 10th floor, press the button for the first floor. If it doesn't work, keep pressing it until it finally does. When the elevator reaches the first floor, exit as soon as the doors open. Do not look back. Do not speak. If you choose to exit the elevator at the 10th floor, you must use the same elevator to return as the one in which you arrived.
Starting point is 00:47:10 This is like algebra. I like could not even keep up with this. When you enter the elevator, press the buttons in the same order you did in steps two through eight of venturing out. You should finish at the fifth floor. When you reach the fifth floor, press the button for the first floor. Oh, yeah, yeah. It is very complicated. Okay. it's just a lot of numbers you must press okay but if it starts going to the 10th floor you have to start hitting button any button because otherwise it's not good news apparently apparently the demogorgon shows up literally after you reach the first floor check
Starting point is 00:47:40 your surroundings carefully if anything seems off even the smallest detail do not exit the elevator if you detect something wrong repeat step two until your surroundings look as they should once you're confident you have returned to your own world you may safely exit the elevator i know these are additional notes okay should you reach the other world the floor onto which you will emerge will look almost identical to the one in your own world save for two things all the lights will be off, and the only thing you will be able to see from the windows is a red cross in the distance. Shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 00:48:12 Like, who the fuck wrote this shit? Satan? Literally the devil. Thought this was a fun game. Some say that electronic devices, mobile phones, cameras, etc. do not work in the other world. Others say they do. Because so many people have done this.
Starting point is 00:48:27 Right. Okay. Did you research this and see who's said that it works? It's very much like an urban legend thing. So people kind of play along with it. It's like Bloody Mary? Yeah. And people play along on the internet, I think, and are like, oh, I did this.
Starting point is 00:48:41 And now I think I'm in another world. And it's like, okay, guy. And it's very much like a Reddit creepypasta. So people are like, oh, I did this, and now I think I'm in another world. It's like, okay, guy. And it's very much like a Reddit creepypasta. So people are like... Maybe she was on Ecstasy and thought she was playing the game, and because she was on Ecstasy, thought that she was in another world. But she just kept running around in the same elevator. And she was exiting and entering.
Starting point is 00:48:58 Maybe. It sounds like... Okay. When Christine and I started becoming, like, true friends, we went to this corn maze. Christine just spit her wine out everywhere. And I feel like she was in that same corn maze. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:49:14 But in an elevator. Who, Elisa was in the same corn maze? Yeah. Oh, yeah. Well, okay, so the corn maze that Christine and I went in, we couldn't even possibly begin to finish. We couldn't even begin it. We literally walked ten feet in and turned the fuck around i can't i had to throw my shoes away because did you really yeah because i had so
Starting point is 00:49:31 much money i tried to get it off and they just we went on the day right after like a downpour and so it was like three inch deep mud and we went and like these both of us were in really shitty shoes to have gotten this in and we we our feet kept getting stuck and we were like quick sanding in this corn maze can you imagine if we tried getting halfway through that corn maze and got stuck and then we didn't even know how to get out we'd be the we would be playing the elevator game that's what i'm trying to say like we would we'd have to press 10 and 2 and 5 and 6 and 4 totally i'd rather be in another world than stuck in the middle of that fucking like i'd rather be be in another world than stuck in the middle of that fucking like,
Starting point is 00:50:05 I'd rather be alone in another world. Okay. Anyway, that was my analogy. I like it. That's how I feel. But it's fitting. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:10 Yeah. I like it. Um, okay. Last note. If at any point during the ritual, you faint pass out or otherwise lose consciousness, you will likely wake up in your own home.
Starting point is 00:50:21 However, be sure to carefully examine your surroundings upon waking the home to which you have been returned may not be the one you left when you first set out to attempt this ritual concerning the woman on the fifth floor do not speak to her do not look at why is she involved when does she come into play or is she just to freak you out if you do she may decide to keep you for her own. Shut up. Anyway, so that's a fun game. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:50:50 It's like a party game if you have a birthday party. It's like a party game if party for one. Yeah, sleepover. Okay, so some people think that she was playing that game and that's why she was kind of jumping. They don't think like, oh, she went to another world. They think like, oh, maybe she was trying to play that game. But then magically never showed up again. So my stranger things opinion of it is that she ended up finding the right dimension or the wrong one.
Starting point is 00:51:11 Couldn't come back. You know, if you're going to learn a game from Tumblr, Tumblr better teach you a way to contact Tumblr. If you get stuck in a game created on Tumblr, like a customer service line. Yeah. Like if she could like write in on her blog and be like guys i tried it i'm stuck help well you'll see where
Starting point is 00:51:30 she ends up it's not good oh so that wasn't the end oh no no no that's just one very side theory okay so one other thing that happened was that the video seemed to have been tampered with the elevator video uh it was slowed down i watched like the like the version someone sped it up to the point where it was like normal seconds and it was a lot faster which was odd um and they had covered up the time stamp and they had also cut out a minute of the footage but they did it really discreetly so you can't even like i couldn't even find where it was um and some people you know say oh maybe it was like somebody was because they released it to the public so like maybe there was a reason like there was someone who walked by it
Starting point is 00:52:15 wasn't but nobody knows where that minute of footage went but the most popular opinion of all is that she had a manic episode. She was bipolar and she was on several medications. And some symptoms of a manic episode include erratic hand gestures and movements. Right, right. And some people do, with bipolar disorder, do become psychotic when they're either manic or depressed. Or just off their meds or haven't taken them regularly. Yeah, so that'll lead you to like either like a manic state or a depressed state and a lot of times or not a lot of times but
Starting point is 00:52:49 sometimes people become psychotic so they hear voices or they see things that aren't there in a psychotic state a lot of times they hold on to false beliefs such as like superhuman strength or that they are like godlike or i mean it could even just be a manic state of like like i have a couple friends uh one of them just manically goes on huge shopping sprees like just oh yeah a lot of crazy money and just it's a very it's just impulsive right it's like erratic behavior it's like i'll we'll worry about it later kind of thing and a lot like it's and so a lot of people say like you can't people watch the video and try to explain her behavior. And some people are like, you can't, like, if she's in a manic state, you can't explain her actions.
Starting point is 00:53:34 You don't know what's going on in her head. So they think it was, it could have been her medication. So. Or she was off it or. Right. Like, well, one of the biggest theories was that she had a manic episode. So the LAPD released this video footage. And they were like, anybody who knows anything, please help us.
Starting point is 00:53:51 So the internet went crazy. I think in China, the video got 3 million views. And people were commenting and trying to figure it out. And all the theories I just went through, people were like arguing their theories online. And then soon after that, guests at the hotel began complaining to management about low water pressure in their rooms. Some claimed their water was colored black
Starting point is 00:54:18 and had an unusual smell. There was this British couple I read in a CNN article who said that the water would come out black for a couple seconds and would sometimes just trickle out and had a funny, sweetie, disgusting taste. Why are you drinking it? But just like shower and stuff like they would turn the shower on. But they were like, well, we just thought like it was a shitty hotel. So we like didn't really report it for a few days. And then we were like, what's going on? On the morning of February 19th, an employee went to the roof to check the water tanks.
Starting point is 00:54:54 They were 1,000-gallon water tanks. And for international listeners, that is 3,785 liters. Okay. Thank you for being aware of them. You're welcome. I'm very85 liters. Okay. Thank you for being aware of them. You're welcome. I'm very conscientious. Okay. And in one of the water tanks, he found Elise's body floating face up a foot below the water surface.
Starting point is 00:55:19 What? There's this picture from the news of these firefighters on the roof trying to access the water tank to, like, get her out. How did someone even get her in there? You just throw her in? Like, is it like a little baby pool? You'll see. God damn it, Christine. Just tell me.
Starting point is 00:55:34 Well, I'm kidding. Do it. Say it faster. People who came to the hotel after that were not allowed a refund that week. Like, I know. They had to sign. Linda would be the first in line oh she would she'd be like i don't think so people okay people had to sign a waiver saying they'd been
Starting point is 00:55:53 made aware of the health risks the fire department required the hotel to provide bottled water good but they still let people shower stay there yeah and use like the showers so we do we know what the black remains were was it well she was in the water tank for several weeks so that was like rotting flesh oh it was her body yeah decomposing in the water tank i'm just gonna follow so you're telling me wait remind me of the taste of the black water again? Oh, let me tell you. About rotting, fucking decaying flesh? I can't do a British accent, but it was funny, sweetie, disgusting. Sweetie, he said. Well, now we know what rotten flesh tastes like, guys.
Starting point is 00:56:34 In water. A liquefied dead skin. Yummy. Ew, dead skin. Somehow that's... Why is dead skin... We have dead skin on us right now. We're alive.
Starting point is 00:56:42 But decaying, rotting flesh does not mean anything to you's a little cliche you know shut up okay so 10 days later uh the coroner's office reported that they found her death to be an accidental drowning but the weird thing was that the autopsy report was not released until four months later in June, which is not normal, after being postponed several times. So they wouldn't release it, and they kept delaying the release of the report. And then when the report was released, you could see that they checked accidental death. Then they changed it to undetermined. And you can look at it online. I looked at it. It's so creepy. And then they crossed it out um undetermined and you can look at it online i looked at it so creepy and then they crossed it out and changed it back to accidental so it's very weird i know
Starting point is 00:57:31 it's very weird so they how do you accidentally fall into a fucking water tank well on the roof of a hotel so they said um they've she had been found naked in the tank with uh her the clothes she'd been wearing in the elevator floating in the water alongside her, coated with a, quote, sand-like particulate. What the fuck? They found no evidence to suggest that she had committed suicide. And toxicology tests said that some of her prescription meds were found in her system than when she was, like, prescribed.
Starting point is 00:58:01 But no recreational drugs were in her system. No alcohol or anything like that. So this is so then the mystery is how she got into the tank, obviously. So doors and stairs that access the roof are locked with an alarm system. But you can get to the roof through three fire escape ladders that are on the side of the building. And there was a Chinese tourist who came to the hotel and literally videotaped, you literally open the window, jump on the fire escape, and you can climb right up there. So it's not unreasonable that you climb out a window and jump up to the roof. So supposedly an alarm would have been triggered if the doors were opened.
Starting point is 00:58:49 However, a lot of people do say that like, it's kind of a seedy hotel. Apparently like the employees go up there for smoke breaks and a lot of times prop the doors open. Right. Um, they're not,
Starting point is 00:59:01 people have gone and checked the doors and they're not triggered to any alarm or they're, like, not locked or anything like that. So who knows how real that is. And some people have an issue with, like, how would she climb into the water tank. But it's only 30 pounds, the lid, and it's on a hinge. And, like, sure, she was, like, a young woman. But, like, 30 pounds is not that heavy. Right. If you really want it. Especially if you're in a manic state. Like, that, she was, like, a young woman, but, like, 30 pounds is not that heavy. Right. If you really want it.
Starting point is 00:59:25 Especially if you're in a manic state. Like, that's not unreasonable that you – 30 pounds – like, my dog weighs 40 pounds. You know, it's not, like, unreasonable that you could lift that. And people say, well, how would it close from inside? But at the same time, like, if you just open it enough to get in – Yeah. And then you can't get yourself out. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:59:43 And so this is really sad but some people are like well why is she why doesn't she have her clothes on and some people were like well she was like a really smart girl like maybe she was in there and she was like oh taking the weight off take my clothes off like it'll be easier to like get to the surface right and the water tank was like three quarters the way full so that's so she couldn't... She didn't have a floor to stand on. Right. Exactly. So, like, some people think she just took her, like, clothes off to, like,
Starting point is 01:00:10 lessen the weight in the water, which is just so fucked. So, but some... So she just drowned, do you think? That's... Well, the way they... The autopsy report said she... It was an accidental drowning. So, like, whether that means she was in a
Starting point is 01:00:25 manic state and jumped in and then like drowned or you know they said i don't know how they determine whether it's not suicide or i guess the clothes being off would show that she was trying to get out maybe that's true yeah that's a good point so it's very but the, there are some like still unsolved questions. Like, um, the, the report doesn't, the autopsy report does not say what the results of the rape and fingernail kits were. And as far as I know, they never tested the rape kit, which would seem questionable. But at the same time, there are like thousands of rape kits that go untested. It's not like unreasonable that they wouldn't test a rape kit if they determined that her death was not you know related to that um
Starting point is 01:01:10 but she also had like a it's called subcutaneous subcutaneous pooling of blood in her like anal area which what does that mean is consistent with like rape but is also possible when your body like decomposes that like that happens here so it's some people are like oh well maybe she was raped you're asked boys about that one too i have i have not he'd probably be like please stop talking to me he'd probably leave me forever but um so that's another weird question where people are like, well, maybe if they had done the rape kit. But some people are like, that's normal if your body's decomposing in water. Gross.
Starting point is 01:01:52 I know. That's a shame. Horrible. So even the so the people, the doctors who made the conclusion about her death being accidental uh even like appear to be a little bit ambivalent so like i told you they had those check boxes whether like her death was natural suicide or whatever so it was that weird thing of um like they checked it on they checked accident on june 15th three days later they checked undetermined and then um three days before the report was released they changed it they crossed it out changed it back to accidental and then initialed
Starting point is 01:02:31 it which is just strange and that goes with the whole four month period or three month period or whatever that they like didn't release a report um this is also creepy since Since her death, her Tumblr blog that I mentioned was updated. What? So the theories on that are that either she had one of those, like, Tumblr has an option where you can automatically publish your posts in advance. So you can sort of like, where you can like, schedule your posts when you're away. So either people think that but also her phone was stolen um like right around her death so people are either like it came from her phone or like someone who's right her phone or it came from like automatic scheduled posts
Starting point is 01:03:17 um so at this point uh it's unsolved. That's horrible. I know. And it's very sad. And her family, like, tried to, a lot of people sued the hotel. I don't blame them. I don't either. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:03:37 Her family sued the hotel also, and the case was dismissed. But it's just very, it's very sad because, I mean, personally, I think it is a mental health yeah just that just sounds the most realistic quote and the toxicology reports said that like she had stopped taking certain medications at least several days before and they were the antidepressants and the um the ones like she was on like wellbutrin and some other like kind of uppers which are supposed to like uplift your mood for depression but if you're taking that on um if you have but if you're bipolar and you're taking like you know uppers right you can send you a nomadic state which isn't just like a happy state it's like a right totally unreasonable and you can go psychotic um and so it's just very sad and it's
Starting point is 01:04:25 it's i i don't think it's a paranormal story but i don't think so either yeah but that is a fucked up elevator game the elevator game is creepy right we had different thoughts yeah no the elevator game oh it's just a nice bonus no yeah that part well i didn't even see that because that wasn't like anywhere it like mentioned it and i was like oh whatever some elevator game and then i like started reading about it and i was like oh my god well thank you for that horrible story i get to go to bed too you're welcome um you can thank me for my story another time i guess thank you for listen yeah i want to give you a moment to speak because last time you got all mad that i take the last word all right well i guess i'll thank you for your beautiful story you're welcome oh it was so unexpected i love haunted
Starting point is 01:05:11 wine cabinets perfect well don't expect more of them because that one was pretty fucking weird i mean i feel like that was like a one of a one of a kind i feel like if you were to ever haunt anything you would haunt a wine cabinet i would literally just haunt wine like i would just like get in a wine bath oh i'd haunt one of those japanese wine baths there you go float around and that's a full circle like pinch people's butts anyway okay we are so grateful for all of you and thank you for all your support uh thank you for listening please find us on instagram twitter facebook and or email us we have a listeners episode coming out May 1st. Please join in. Boop boop.
Starting point is 01:05:50 And we have our Patreon. Please donate if you think we're funny or you feel bad for us. Either one. We'll take it. We'll take a pity donate. And we have a website that you can spam people with. Yeah. It's fun. can spam people with. Yeah. It's fun.
Starting point is 01:06:06 And that's about it. Yeah, that's about it. And if you have the moment, please subscribe on iTunes and leave us a rating or a review because that helps us a lot. And that's why we drink. And that's why we drink. Bye. Goodbye, guys.

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