And That's Why We Drink - E112 The Age of Flurida and a Florida Man Floriscope

Episode Date: March 24, 2019

We're back from Florida and it might have all been a flu hallucination but we had a blast! We've also got some new spooky jams for you today: Em brings us a classic Canadian ghost story with the Fort ...Garry Hotel in Manitoba and Christine covers the Florida Black Widow Judy Buenoano, which may or may not be her real last name… it isn't. We've also got some updates on Christine and Lemon's relationship status… and that's why we drink! Please consider supporting the companies that support us!  Get 15% off your first pair of MeUndies and free shipping when you go to Try ZipRecruiter for free at Get 2 months of Skillshare for free when you go to Get free shipping on your next Rothy's order when you go to and use promo code DRINK

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I burped. Good. Yay! Yay! Hi, how are you? I'm great. It's been a long week, but I'm great. How are you? It's been a long week, but I'm great. Yay!
Starting point is 00:00:27 I still somehow have a cold. It's been, this is the 18th day. We're working on it. Not that anyone's counting. No. Nope. Just not even me at all anymore. I've just blacked out when I look at a calendar. I'm like, okay, it's still sick. Got it. It's like that thing where the days are, you know, that old school, effect where the calendar days are flying. Yes, yes, yes. I, in the midst of my cold, I also got the flu. Right. That was fun.
Starting point is 00:00:52 Or at least that's what we're assuming it was. It was like a weird 24 hour flu. Yeah. And I had a, I don't even know what you would call it, but some weird episode. An episode is a good word. We were in Florida and I had one night where I, I don't even know how to describe it, but it was basically every single flu-like symptom cranked up to like a 10 out of 10, all happening within one hour of each other.
Starting point is 00:01:21 But I like couldn't see and I was like staggering the bathroom, and I got sick in many ways. It was... Like, every possible way. In every possible way, and I had night terrors and cold sweats, but I was also having hot flashes. And you were visiting your grandparents. It was horrible. Jesus. It was horrible.
Starting point is 00:01:38 So, anyway, I can at least say that the worst is behind me. Knock on wood. Knock on wood. Seriously. Yeah, that was a rough patch for you. And now I have this interesting cough that just won't quit. It makes live shows super fun. We did three live shows and I just, the cough was the center stage.
Starting point is 00:01:58 At least we made a drinking game out of it. True. Just drink when I'm coughs. Yeah, everyone was pretty drunk by the end. Yeah. We have had a good time. We were in Florida we're going to the midwest next week yeah that'll be fun i gotta see my mom i'm gonna see my buddy which buddy cole oh nice i didn't know if it was one like specific that i knew about no it's one of my friends lives in chicago so yeah i'm gonna see some friends too
Starting point is 00:02:22 it'll be fun um what was i gonna say oh i have a couple before i forget a couple corrections about my last story oh i know this is like two weeks ago now because you did a live episode but before i forget um there was a line when i did ira einhorn like the unicorn killer that feels like years ago but uh there's a line where i said he was not excused what does that mean yes i got many got many messages saying you meant to write executed. Because I was like, he was not excused because it was illegal. And I was like, that doesn't make sense. It was executed.
Starting point is 00:02:51 Thank you, everybody. I like how I blindly followed you, though. I was like, okay. No, I specifically said, please explain this to me, M. And you were like, I don't get it either. Well, I mean, it was my notes that were wrong. I followed you into the dark. That was...
Starting point is 00:03:04 You helped me through it. Blind leading the blind. I mean, it was my notes that were wrong. I followed you into the dark. That was. You, you helped me through it. Blind leading the blind. I mean, it was my, my stupid note taking. But, um, and then there was one more thing. Apparently it's not pronounced Hootsdale. It's pronounced Housdale. So. Oh.
Starting point is 00:03:15 Sorry, y'all. Um, and then finally I have a new obsession. Oh, what? It is hard kombucha. Really? Yeah. I love it. I'm not surprised.
Starting point is 00:03:25 It seems like something you'd be into. Well, one of our listeners, Jesus, like had sent me some of this stuff. Okay. It's so nice. It's a really cool looking bottle. It's kind of funny because I just, or Ali and I had just become obsessed with hard, like the concept of hard kombucha. And then we got this email and I was like, oh my gosh, this is so it's called wild tonic anyway it's really good so that's what i'm
Starting point is 00:03:48 drinking i can't understand kombucha it just tastes like vinegar no it smells like vinegar doesn't taste like vinegar i don't believe you well this stuff is good guys and it has 5.6 percent alcohol so get ready it is a good fun time and you can feel like you're you know doing something healthy i think too also maybe sure yeah it's a cleanse of sorts but thank you jesus for that that was very nice it does look like a really fun bottle it is it's very attractive looking i love a good dark blue glass beautiful huh yeah all right i have no obsessions no new ones no new ones no new ones all the same although um i mean no i was gonna nice i was gonna say i have an obsession currently with brie larson but that's something you already
Starting point is 00:04:32 knew about yeah i do know that while i was in florida i developed a hearty crush on her um understandably a great an episode and now every time allison does something i don't like i go well brie wouldn't do that Brie would never do that to me. Brie wouldn't dare do that to me. Brie is really just a stunner though. Oh, she can do no wrong. So was Allison, by the way. Ah, agree to disagree.
Starting point is 00:04:58 Um, no, I'm very excited. Uh, I'm very excited to be in love all over again. It's fun. Oh, you're in the honeymoon phase i am cool um and i think after the honeymoon phase too i'm still gonna think that she can do no wrong which is fun oh that's always good you won't ever leave really no not even a little bit and i get to see her in a whole new movie in like less than a month oh right so keep you know keep the spice keep it alive keep things interesting honeymoon phase for sure yeah yeah oh good so we both got
Starting point is 00:05:24 things we love. I'm so happy for you. How's Lemon? Speaking of things we love. Oh, that was actually what I was going to talk about. Thank you for noticing. I had a hunch. You saw my eyes.
Starting point is 00:05:33 They were wandering. You were talking about Brie Larson. I was like, yep. It was like, I know all about that kind of love. My true love. Right. We're still in the honeymoon phase. It's been really good.
Starting point is 00:05:43 No arguments yet? No arguments yet. Oh, good. A good couple jokey kind of arguments like you're poking fun at each other yeah kind of like teasing but we can both take a joke so it's all good okay um when we were in florida i got a shocking number of team lemon merchandise including lemons so thank you to everyone who brought me a literal lemon and they there was one person who was like this group of women and they were like well we went to brunch and the server came over and said look this lemon has a mohawk and they were like well we need it right they just took it and uh so we now have it now we have
Starting point is 00:06:15 now it is our lemon with a mohawk um a lot of people have team lemon shirts now which i'm discovering someone took stacy who brought her daughter grace they both were team lemon sweatshirts like those really cool she just like takes it off and gave it to eva and was like give this to christine yep so cute so if you're wondering if we have lemon on a shirt yet if you're not if you're not well m got their uh funkle m shirt i got a funkle m shirt it's so nice it's really freaking cute we got a lot of good stuff florida treated us well yes thank you florida oh i also have a new um 1990s maybe 1980s uh shark water bottle oh right um we went to this the citrus the citrus market or something we went to some weird
Starting point is 00:07:02 highway store in florida right and i'm pretty sure nothing in there has been updated since the 80s definitely not and like we were like buying t-shirts and like the tags were just disintegrating in our hands yeah but so i got a water bottle that looked like a shark and it definitely doesn't look like it's from this era no definitely looks like it's as old as me if not older for sure it's very cute anyway i'm rambling i just had a good time in florida minus cup was great flu minus that little tiny episode you had flu rita okay the age of flu rita so i'm trying to find my story um is that what's happening yeah i don't know where it is i thought we were having a fun ramble but i guess the whole no it came with a purpose got it um okay no we're back in the game fantastic
Starting point is 00:07:48 definitely back in the game i hear it almost so um this is a story the end no um uh about a girl named lucky i don't know what so i was thinking thinking Brady Bunch. Oh, a lovely lady. I have a girl named Lucky. It's like Britney Spears mashup. That's what I thought was happening. Lucky, uh, Lucky Brady. So, um. We are not in.
Starting point is 00:08:16 We're not on it. We actually Googled. I Googled. Because we are both in a weird headspace this week. And like, it's been a long week for both of us. And we Googled. So Emma was like, well, maybe Mercury's in retrograde, honestlygrade honestly and i googled it and there's a website that just is either yes or no right it's called like is this mercury or something right right
Starting point is 00:08:32 uh and it was like yes that probably explains the weirdness it gave a firm yes with a period yes a big large i was like well that'll do it font yes so and i definitely feel it i'm not myself we are really in a weird headspace this week i can't wait to get back into the clear of it all finally let's hope milwaukee we're coming for you you better fix this change it up milwaukee so uh this is a um classic ghost story this time oh yay we haven't done that in a while huh i know i'm starting to feel guilty that i people come here for a paranormal story and they have not gotten a ghost in a while. Well, we got some other wild shit, so don't worry.
Starting point is 00:09:10 And then I was like, oh, if I could be anywhere in the world, where would it be? Obviously, Canada. So this is a Canadian ghost story. Great. And it's a short one, but I liked that most of it is just references to things that people have experienced. Oh, cool. It's not very history heavy. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:09:26 So this is the story of the Fort Gary Hotel. Okay. In Manitoba. Manitoba. Love a good Manitoba. Yay. So this was built in 1913 by the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway as a hotel for train passengers that were coming into the area. Fancy.
Starting point is 00:09:50 And it was named after Upper Fort Gary, which was nearby. Fun fact. When they built the hotel, it had 12 stories and it had 340 rooms and each one had a private bathroom, which at the time was unheard of. Oh, okay. So that is also fun it had a ballroom a music room a concert hall a bakery a well a press a well wow wow it had its own private bathrooms but then like oh yeah well apparently okay well sure well i was more sure i really kind of blacked out once I saw that it had its own bakery.
Starting point is 00:10:27 I was like, whatever else you want to add, go for it. Somehow I missed that. That's the most important part. Ballroom, music room, concert hall, bakery, well, press. And apparently it was designed to be a city in itself, basically. Oh, like a self-sufficient type thing? Like an Epcot, if you will. Canadian Epcot.
Starting point is 00:10:44 Canadian Epcot with ghosts except with no running water yeah i was gonna say something about international disney theme but yeah no running water really sums up the most important part it was also supposed to be or at the time that it was built so in 1913 it was the tallest building in winnipeg oh fun fact fun fact and that's all the history sweet so and that was fun history it was it was fun jacation um that's yep that's what i always that's what we call it so that is it so let's talk about the ghosts after i cough after that short message after that that instance. Episode. Hey.
Starting point is 00:11:30 So people see figures standing at the ends of their beds. That's nice. That's a good start. In their rooms, they'll either see a male or female ghost in period ball garb. People have reported hearing crying, moaning, and conversations between people that aren't there. They've also heard muffling and whispering and then when you look in the direction of the sound all of that will the sound will go away like it'll shut up yikes they're also in empty rooms there are sounds that cannot be explained including furniture dragging growling um glasses clinking, and knocks on the wall in response to you.
Starting point is 00:12:07 Growling? Yeah. Is that like a demonic thing? I guess. In my mind. Yeah, I would think so. Unless it's a ghost dog. See, growling doesn't scare me as much as like glasses clinking because I feel like
Starting point is 00:12:18 because it's so innocent, it makes it creepier. Oh. Like if it's growling, it's like expected to like you don't like you know what to expect yeah but i feel like glass clinking i could at least talk my way into like oh don't worry it's just the wind or something see i would talk my way into being like oh it's a party ghost but or it's like i know what you would talk your way into or like it's about to make a toast about how it wants to kill us i don't know what would you say about the growling then like you don't know it's a demon it's fine yeah i would just be quick to just justify it as a demon that doesn't make it better that would scare you less than the clinking i would have to
Starting point is 00:12:54 question less i'd be like oh that's definitely a demon i at least know that i should be afraid i think i get where you're coming from with the yeah with the glasses clinking i'm like should i be scared or not so there's like a there's another layer of thinking to it oh okay but with the growling it's like oh a thousand percent i should be scared and we can move on from here so anyway we've made our decision let's move on we can run faster we can get out of here fast i got you it's more ominous if it's like kind of an unknown sound right right right i, right. I got you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm trying to find something to clink on so you can scare me. Stop with your hard kombucha. Ah, what could that be?
Starting point is 00:13:29 Should I be afraid? You should run far fucking away from my house. That's what it sounds like if Christine all of a sudden has empty glasses. There's nothing left to hold her down. There's going to be ghosts clinking anywhere. It's going to be in this house, so watch out. People also hear footsteps on the floor in their room at night. People hear knocking from inside the closet um people hear wet footsteps in the bathroom
Starting point is 00:13:51 walking into the bedroom foul yeah wet with no running water yeah it was a pee on it they went diving in the well and then climbed right back out they stepped in the pee toilet right uh people hear cabinets and drawers opening and closing themselves in the middle of the night. There was one story that I read about someone staying in one of the more haunted rooms and the closet door kept popping open by itself. And then she'd go close it and then the door would pop open again. And then sometimes she would close it and then it would pop open again, this time with the lights on. Oh, yeah. No, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:14:24 Oh, that's that's an added also ominous added no um people often hear the hangers in the closet moving on their own when the door is closed and nothing is in there um ew that's you're right like those noises that are like everyday noises when you have to think about it so creepy like someone's moving clothes around especially because sometimes there aren't even hangers in the closet you just hear it no that's terrible uh the closet lights also turn themselves on and off um the closet and bathroom doors will open and close themselves multiple times at night and also apparently the bathroom shower curtains will um move themselves open and closed extra creepy because you can just hear like the chain,
Starting point is 00:15:06 like the metal chain dragging. Oh, shit. When I was little, I had to shower with the shower curtain open because I was convinced like an alien or somebody was going to be in the bathroom. Or Batman or murderer. I was either Batman, an alien, or murderer.
Starting point is 00:15:18 Those are my three big fears. Remember when we saw Deirdre in Maryland, she was telling us about her weird bathroom story? Oh my God. Isn't that super creepy? What was it again? Otherwise people are going to be like, well, you can't just say it and then not tell it. In the old haunted house that she was in where she found a body decomposition stain under her bed.
Starting point is 00:15:34 Super good. In her bathroom, she was shaving her legs. And while she was in the shower, the razor fell and she heard it fall. And so she went to bend down to pick it up and it wasn't anywhere so she couldn't find it and then she opened the shower curtain to get out of the shower later and it was sitting on her toilet the razor was sitting on the toilet like just like on the top of uh like it knew that she was looking for it and left it somewhere where she definitely couldn't have put it vomitousomitus. Vomitus.
Starting point is 00:16:10 So the closet and bathroom doors will open and close themselves. The shower curtain will close and open itself. People feel their arms getting squeezed and their necks getting grabbed by an icy hand. Oh, no. You can also feel someone standing behind you or hovering over you at night. This is a quote from someone that had an experience there. opened all day from then on i felt a weight um i felt a weight on my back as if i had been giving someone a piggyback ride i felt this weight all day until my shift was over i went back to the washroom and said you can get off of me now and at that second she left and i felt much lighter i've never given much thought to ghost feelings but i couldn't shake how real this felt oh my god
Starting point is 00:17:02 your ride is over right you can get off me now. And it worked. So apparently ghosts are also getting piggyback rides from you. Well that makes it a lot more appealing to be a ghost. Yeah. But it's also super creepy in that like you can literally feel a whole human body on your back and you can't shake it. The pressure of
Starting point is 00:17:19 Imagine having to go upstairs. Yeah you'd think like being a ghost you wouldn't have your physical weight anymore but I guess not. Yeah, you'd think, like, being a ghost, you wouldn't have your physical weight anymore, but... Exactly. I guess not. Also, like, you would think you'd get to, like, float around now. Like, you don't even... Yeah, why would you...
Starting point is 00:17:30 It's not like you're even tired from standing. Damn. I don't know. You're just being a dick. Yeah, I think that, honestly, it probably boils down to there just being a dick. I think so. Yeah. At 3 a.m., apparently, something likes to bother you when you're trying to sleep.
Starting point is 00:17:43 Great. People will hear laughter and whispers, and they will feel being stared at. My favorite thing. My favorite thing to happen at 3 a.m. when I'm sleeping. Apparently, the owner used to live here with her husband, and she has given multiple reports of seeing her husband coming into bed at night, but then she rolls over to talk to him, and nobody's there. Ah!
Starting point is 00:18:03 Ew! That's fucked up. I don't like that at all. That doppelganger shit freaks me out so much. I hate the doppelganger stuff because you are literally looking at that person and they're not there. It's like the most vulnerable way to get to somebody. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:16 Because they would never think twice about it. I mean, they truly just trust you entirely. Oh, it's so creepy. People also find random items around the hotel so security guards have gone uh have gone into locked rooms where nobody could have been and found candles in the shapes of stars what like lied out in the shape of a star on the ground oh like i thought you meant the can't like i was like bath and body works wow you meant party city okay like a claire's Candle or something.
Starting point is 00:18:45 Right, right. I get it. So they were like laid out. Yeah, but the room was locked off, so nobody could have been there. Absolutely not. At least they said star. I kind of thought that it was going to be like pentagram. Pentagram or something.
Starting point is 00:18:55 Yeah. Maybe that... I mean, maybe the security guard didn't know what a pentagram looked like. Maybe it was a pentagram. And he's like, oh, a pretty star. Yeah, a really elaborate star. He's like, oh, a pretty star. Yeah, a really elaborate star.
Starting point is 00:19:09 Apparently, you can also take pictures that have captured orbs and odd shapes on film, including one picture of two boys and both of their faces were warped by a weird mist. Oh, gross. And it apparently is impossible to replicate. And there's even a $500 reward to someone who can disprove the picture. And no one's been able to. Wow. But apparently the faces look twisted and warped and super creepy ew firm pass no no no no apparently the most haunted room is room 202 and the main story uh that goes with 202 is that between the 1890s and the 1960s, so somewhere in that 70-year gap, a woman
Starting point is 00:19:48 hanged herself in the closet of room 202 after her lover was killed by a trolley car outside. Oh, God. So apparently there have been investigators who, paranormal investigators who have gone into the hotel and have actually figured out more of the story through hearing voices on a digital recorder and also doing like flashlight and emf tests like just yes or no questions and getting results so what the investigators have found out is that it happened somewhere in the 1940s so narrowed it down and uh the couple was married and they were both in their 20s. Apparently it was a forbidden love. And the man's name was Michael and the woman's name was Kate.
Starting point is 00:20:29 And Michael's father did not approve of him marrying Kate. So the father may have tried to pay off Kate to leave the relationship, but she refused to. And even though they think that Kate was hanged in the room, apparently what these spirits have said in interviews is that kate was murdered and never given a proper burial oh god and one of the mediums that visited actually thinks that michael's father who didn't approve of the relationship is the one that killed her oh shit and so they think either she was killed in that room and michael never found out or she haunts room 202 because that was the last place she was happy before she was killed.
Starting point is 00:21:09 Which is just even so much more like fucked up and sad. Oh, yeah. Entirely. God damn it. So that's all alleged. But if mediums and paranormal investigators got an accurate story, that's what they've been able to figure out. So room 202 is the most haunted room in the hotel and apparently staff do not like going in there alone and they will sometimes use the buddy
Starting point is 00:21:30 system when they have to clean that's when you know like if the people who work there are like i don't go in there alone it's like i'm okay especially like when you have to bring an employee who i'm sure you're not like fond of being around or also um apparently in one interview or in one um article i saw someone got room service and just to bring room service up he really refused to go in the room he like made her grab the food out in the hallway can you imagine he's like you can bring my tip out here please right it's like i demand money thank you god i thought you meant they were rooms there was they brought someone else with them to like carry the tray oh like buddy you could do it you get that side of the table i think i'd be
Starting point is 00:22:10 so startled if i like opened the door there were like two people with like my tray i was like what did we only ordered rooms i was like once what did we get it was in new york mac and cheese mac and cheese and like chocolate mousse or something right right right can you imagine like you got like just a fruit cup and they're like, oh, we've got all three of us here to give you the fruit cup. It's like a group of them. Right, right, right. But we won't come inside. Not even a little bit.
Starting point is 00:22:33 You have to come out here and sign off on all of us. And please tip all three of us. Thank you. Thank God. So also people have experienced a very wellfelt presence is always in room 202. Something stares at you and lets you know that you're never alone. And people have reported seeing blood drip down the walls. Ugh.
Starting point is 00:22:54 What? Apparently. Yuck. So blood will drip down the walls and in the furniture sometimes. And people have also said that they see a woman in all white and lace in a ballroom gown walking through the room. So that could have been Kate or it could have been another woman because hotel records show that a Lady Macmillan was in a white laced gown and stayed in the room in 1913 for the grand opening. So they don't know who this woman is. It could be Lady Macmillan or it could be the alleged Kate.
Starting point is 00:23:25 Oh, my. Okay. Whoever she is, the woman seems to be sad and crying and looking for somebody. People have seen her pacing by the foot of the bed and people have seen her standing by the closet, opening the door and looking inside. A few people have also reported seeing a cloaked figure hover over the foot of the bed which is different than a cloaked figure no thank you one of the mentor one of the reports say that a guest was sleeping there when her boyfriend woke her up screaming because and she didn't know what he was looking at but she looked too and they both saw a hooded black figure standing by their bed with blood
Starting point is 00:24:04 dripping out of the hooded face they both saw it yeah no thank you and then it disappeared my i mean if blaze ever woke me up fucking screaming i know i'd be like this is it goodbye like there's no coming back i'm just gonna go back to sleep since we're doomed yeah let me just close my eyes and peacefully die fuck but can you imagine like something like bleeding out of the hood of its cape i know absolutely not this is called sleep paralysis in my brain but if they both saw it that's not okay no not even a little bit and then apparently it just disappeared and then they were expected to go back to sleep good which is the worst part expected to go it's like you don't know if i
Starting point is 00:24:38 come back or not that's half the fun isn't this great isn't this fun for all of us um people have claimed to see a hooded figure and apparitions of people in period clothing roaming the halls in the early mornings and late night uh they seem to not know that you're there they so they don't acknowledge you it's more like a residual haunting i guess right right um although guests have said that something is tugged on their clothing and they hear intelligent knocking in the elevator when they're by themselves. Oh, God. Ew. It's like if you say, oh, are you there?
Starting point is 00:25:09 You'll hear a knock next to you on the walls. Oh, no, thank you. I don't know what an MP is, but Canadian Liberal MP Brenda Chamberlain. I don't know who that is. Prime Minister, but backwards. Minister of Prime. Minister Prime. I don't know who that is. Prime minister, but backwards. Minister of Prime. Minister Prime. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:25:25 She apparently stayed in room 202 back in the year 2000. And she said that she felt an invisible presence getting into bed next to her. Oh, my. And she was quoted saying, it was like somebody was settling into position next to me. Like my husband, only lighter. I actually felt the bed move. Ugh. Ugh. Terrible terrible when you can feel
Starting point is 00:25:47 the entire furniture you're on shifting absolutely not no firm pass no firm pass people have also heard somebody singing in the palm lounge but nobody is ever there when you go check and allegedly that is a performer in the lounge who actually was shot and killed there. Holy fuck. People have also said that they get a migraine when they walk into that room and the spirit may or may not have been shot in the head. So they think that's where the instant migraine comes from. There is also the apparition of someone who appears in the Broadway room who eats by themselves, paces the room, and stands in the corner watching you. That was me in middle school. Oh, good.
Starting point is 00:26:27 So it's actually just Christine in the Broadway room. There's also an apparition of a man wearing a kilt in the ballroom. Well, that's you, obviously. Who likes to cause mischief. So yeah, I don't think you're wrong. We're both there. Yeah, just hanging out. It's fine.
Starting point is 00:26:42 You're eating by yourself. You just won't eat with me. I'm just wearing a kilt and bothering everyone. That sounds pretty accurate. I'm just staring at everyone from the corner. I was absolutely that asshole in high school, by the way, who would just wear something ridiculous for the sake of the attention. Oh, right. So, like, yeah, I'd wear a kilt.
Starting point is 00:26:59 I'd still do it. We had this horrible thing called, like, swap day where, like, our uniforms would be swapped and so like the boys would wear oh no it was terrible looking back and i'm like jesus but then there were the worst was when a mom listen whatever i'm not even gonna go there no no i want to hear so a mom of one of the guys like apparently ruined the day because she's like i don't want my son to be a cross dresser at school oh my god and so they canceled uh what's it called oh my god it was like switch day or something i'm sure it's something wonderfully heteronormative all of this yeah all bad so there's pictures of me just in like a boy's like polo shirt with like pants that i stole from my brother by the way that's all
Starting point is 00:27:40 exactly what i wore to school every day the guy right, right. The guy I had a crush on wore like the skirt and the thing. And then after that, like I remember he just started kind of doing that regularly. And I think, yeah, for like a long time, he's just, I don't know. I haven't talked to him in years, but I'm not even going to say who this is. I hope nobody's listening. But I hope, I hope someone discovered a little more of their identity. I think so. I honestly think that's what happened.
Starting point is 00:28:04 Oh, that's so nice. He would sometimes wear skirts, and he got a lot of shit for it at private Catholic school. But yeah. I bet he's on top nowadays. Probably. Good for him. Should do some Facebook stalking. I'm glad he found his truth.
Starting point is 00:28:16 Anyway, looking back, I'm like, oh, icky, icky, icky. So bad. Horrible. Yeah. Well, I mean, what else do we expect in ohio 10 years ago private private catholic school ohio yeah not good so uh in the 1930s one chef was apparently murdered by another employee and since then the kitchen is said to rearrange the pots and pans at night and you can also hear the dishes and silverware rattling on the counters and racks and the sink faucets will
Starting point is 00:28:43 turn on and off by themselves so the kitchen is just downright haunted isn't that a thing that happens a lot with the pots and pans moving like yeah you guys even have that yeah and i i remember experiencing that um we were staying in a hotel where i thought there was like a party happening or we must have been right next to the kitchen and they were having a really busy night and apparently the kitchen was closed we were the only people on that floor and apparently the pots and pans just moved themselves around normal i've heard that a lot about kitchens and like hotels and it's weird they just like move all this shit around because it's in the wrong place yeah and they're mine but yeah they're like stop redecorating we like how it looked frying pan casserole dish does not go under the sink how many times do i
Starting point is 00:29:23 have to tell you that the muffin pan goes here not there that sounds like just living with your partner so that sounds like me and allison a thousand percent like why the fuck are they over here why would you reach all the why would you put the coffee mugs there i'm so confused all right we're getting too close to home here oh allison's gonna yell at me and go there about the coffee mugs and what's she gonna do text me right now oh yeah by the way allison's phone got stolen oh. Don't even go there about the coffee mugs. And what's she going to do? Text me right now? Oh, yeah. By the way, Allison's phone got stolen. Oh, I didn't even get it. That's what I was like. What are you going to do?
Starting point is 00:29:49 Text me? Allison's iPhone 2 got stolen. Right. Yeah. By the way, Allison has the oldest phone on Earth. I'm pretty convinced Em stole it, threw it in a dumpster and said, oh, no, your phone got stolen. Get a new one.
Starting point is 00:29:59 I'm pretty convinced Allison stole her own phone and said, oh, no, it's gone. I don't know what happened. Entirely possible. And then just put it in airplane mode and toss into the river. Entirely possible. So anyway, that's what I get to do this weekend. Let's keep shitting on Allison. God damn it, Allison.
Starting point is 00:30:13 So there is a ghost expert on site, apparently. That is not me. So I'm offended. Yeah, I'm surprised, actually. Her name is Kristen. Oh, it's me. Oh, and she has been known to do interviews with the spirits and she usually gives the medium, like if mediums come to the hotel, she'll give them
Starting point is 00:30:30 tours, things like that. Cool. So she uses an EMF detector. She uses dowsing rods and she also uses an app on her phone called the ghost app. Apparently ghost radar, ghost radar. I have ghost radar. Yeah. Do you? Is that the one you use? Yeah. I love ghost radar ghost radar i have ghost radar yeah do you is that the one yeah i love ghost radar it's so i love ghost radar it scares the shit out of me when i'm home alone it always tells me blood it does say blood it always says which makes me think maybe it's a little bit i think it's probably i think it's probably not super accurate but uh i'm always like oh my god blood are you covered in blood that night and that's my first your name is blood and you're right and your favorite food to eat is blood wow and you died by blood oh my god um yeah that was when we were in san jose and i found lemon you were busy in your room on the ghostwriter app and guess what it said
Starting point is 00:31:16 blood i brought a lemon inside and it was like blood blood blood can you imagine if it said lemon i would have lost my fucking mind oh man that's how we should have known you should try it in this room and see if it says robert oh probably did it or just says lemon did it so some of the words that it read were january chef venus snake jeff maria autumn and pen so none of those really made a lot of sense they i didn't get any context for those but apparently that was the list of things that said oh in, in this article, when someone was talking to Kristen and they decided to do a review. So those were the words that got said. So when they took the dowsing rods out, the spirit box or the ghost radar app said Rod Air Converse.
Starting point is 00:31:58 That's pretty cool. That's pretty good. But then it said nothing else for the rest of the night. But Kristen using this app is how she was able to talk to maybe Kate and Michael and figure out how they died. And then mediums have been able to confirm that that's how they passed away. OK, got it. And Kate in room 202. Apparently, she's talked to Kristen and said that if you're in room 202, I only bother you if I don't like you. Oh, I wonder how they decide that yeah i don't know i wonder if it's like just your face or like yeah like a first impression you're
Starting point is 00:32:31 fugly time to mess with you all night um you're fugly oh god or like maybe they just sense that you have a bad personality like how animals like can sense your vibe or your aura or something yeah that's a good point maybe it is just like you give off a bad a negative yeah maybe ghosts can sense it wow or maybe if it's if you're a believer or not that's my next thought blaze would be screwed i know especially if it were me because i would absolutely mess with the ones who don't believe in ghosts oh for sure you blaze is screwed whenever you die so right oh yes i mean everyone is but mostly blaze a screw whenever you die. Right. Oh, yes. I mean, everyone is, but mostly blaze. Kristen is also the one who offers the $500 reward for people to disprove the picture of the, got it, boys, misty, warped faces.
Starting point is 00:33:15 So this doesn't have anything to do with it, but I wanted to end on this because I thought it was kind of a cool, fun fact. it was kind of a cool fun fact so um just like how she's willing to pay a reward for photography like for a picture that suggests that this can be disproven or right so um apparently spirit photography uh began in winnipeg um which is where this hotel is or it at least has a really long history in the area okay um so one of the first famous spirit photographers his name was thomas hamilton and he organized a lot of seances in the area and paranormal events in the early 1900s and he actually built some of the very first research in quote ghosts psychokinesis and ectoplas. Okay. And he took a lot of photos during these events, although a lot of them have now been debunked because he had a lot of pictures of ectoplasm for someone who couldn't actually prove ectoplasm
Starting point is 00:34:15 or make it show up whenever he wanted. I think there was like a lore episode about him. Oh, really? I'm pretty sure. Well, apparently he, all the pictures ended up being debunked of the ectoplasm specifically. It was like painted newspaper on people's noses and stuff. Oh. Like he like.
Starting point is 00:34:29 He would literally physically create it. Like literally paper machined ectoplasm onto your face. That's the funnest school project ever. But it was the first time that someone had a well-documented case of spirit photography. Got it. So he was one of the first people to actually have his own collection of spirit photos got it so it's just interesting that that happened in this area yeah where there happens to actually be one picture that can't at this hotel that can't be explained that is weird yeah yeah and that had nothing to do with him right the photo this was like way later it was
Starting point is 00:34:58 just like a fun fact about spirit yeah wow yeah so that's the fort gary hotel spooky spooky spooky spooky there's always those brides that die it's always a bride that dies by hanging it's always a bride that either uh is rejected at the altar or she thinks that her husband died but then the husband never died it's always one of those two worst that's a precarious place you're right are you trying to also get your laptop stolen and broken right i'm living dangerously today okay so this is a story so i'm kind of keeping with the florida theme here um this is a story that i like bookmarked as i was doing florida research and then i wanted to come back to it because it is bananas oh bananas oh we have a banana pillow yes um this is the story of judy bueno ano aka florida's black widow oh um i got a lot of this information
Starting point is 00:36:01 from and Oh, both orgs, which makes me believe in them. Very official. Yeah. You know. I got all mine from Dot net. Dot net.
Starting point is 00:36:17 Dot Right, right, right. Okay, so Judy, she was born as Judias Welty. Okay. Not quite as sexy of a name on april 4th 1943 in kuana texas her mother died when she was four years old and when her father remarried she and her brother lived with him and his new wife gotcha she later claimed that her father and stepmother were abusive and starved her um forcing her to work as their slave and she had several stepbrothers that she said were also extremely abusive um so at age 14 she actually attacked
Starting point is 00:36:51 her father's stepmom and two stepbrothers by throwing hot grease on them oh shit and she was sent to prison for two months right fair and uh when she got out she kind of like this she like disconnected from her family um and at age 17 she gave birth to her first son named Michael. In 62, 1962, she married Air Force Sergeant. I wrote, I just wrote Air Force. Good. So you're just making up a title. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:37:20 Air Force man. Air Force person. Someone in the Air Force named. I'm pretty sure he was a sergeant, but I don't want to. I heard the hesitation. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:31 So Air Force. Someone. Member. James. James Goodyear. They lived in Orlando. So they moved to Orlando where they raised their son and daughter. So the two of them had a son and daughter.
Starting point is 00:37:45 And then he, James, adopted Michael, Judy's first son. So there were three kids. Around this time, Judy opened her own daycare center called the Conway Acres Child Care Center in Orlando and put her husband as the co-owner. Got it. Although her husband was not really around because he uh was in the air force doing something in the air force he was doing that really important thing he was either leading or being
Starting point is 00:38:09 led in the air force exactly following orders from someone i think is what he was doing right so he james is sent to vietnam at this point um and he returns in 1971 uh and a few months after his return to orlando he starts to suffer from mysterious symptoms, including vomiting and extreme stomach pain. Uh-oh. Not a good sign. He was admitted to the hospital, but medical professionals could not figure out what was causing his illness. And he unfortunately passed away in September of 1971. So he was only home from Vietnam for a number of months before he passed away.
Starting point is 00:38:44 Yeah, very sudden. Five days after James' death, Judy collected from his life insurance policies. Wow. Okay. Shocker. And a few months later, Judy's house catches on fire and burns down. Oh. Uh-oh.
Starting point is 00:38:58 So she collected an additional $90,000 in insurance policy. Sure. And insurance money. Then Judy moved with her children to pensacola in 72 and met a new man named bobby joe uh so he moved to colorado in 1977 and she decided to take the kids and move with him to colorado so the five of them are there um living in colorado and suddenly bobby joe starts to suffer from mysterious symptoms and is admitted to the hospital. He was released a few days later, but within two days of being home,
Starting point is 00:39:29 he collapsed on the dinner table and was rushed back to the hospital where he died on January 28th. Only a week or two later, Judy cashed three of Bobby Joe's life insurance policies. Oh, okay. A couple years later, Judy's son Michael himself, himself joined the U.S. Army. What member was... What ranking was he? He was a soldier.
Starting point is 00:39:53 He was a good guy. He was an American. Okay, good. He was a patriot in the Army. Got it. It's like that episode of the... We always do this. But the episode of The Office where Michael...
Starting point is 00:40:05 Like, Oscar's so upset because Michael like pretending to be smarter than him or whatever and they have that debate and then at the end michael's losing so he just starts going usa the freedom of friendship this is america and then everyone starts cheering yep anyway um right he's an american in the u.s army um he's stationed at fort benning georgia but on the way to georgia he stops to visit judy uh his own mother at her home in florida so after her husband died they had sorry the family had moved back to florida so michael who's i think like 18 at this point going to fort benning he stops to visit his family in florida um but shortly after arriving at fort benning after his visit with mother, he began to show symptoms of poisoning.
Starting point is 00:40:48 Oh, boy. And doctors found seven times the normal level of arsenic in his blood. That'll do it. Well, there it is. If it wasn't before, it just did it this time. After six weeks of care, the muscles of his arms and lower legs had atrophied to the point where michael could neither walk nor use his hands oh shit he finally left the hospital wearing braces and a prosthetic device on one arm oh and the gear that he had uh attached to him weighed a total of 60 pounds wow yeah uh he was discharged from the army because he couldn't serve anymore and returned
Starting point is 00:41:22 to his mother's home in florida to be under her care great super good this sounds like munchausen by proxy oh yeah it starts to sound like that and then it and it takes a left turn yeah okay got it it does because like oh come back to mom and i'll take care of you right it totally does what's the girl's name genie the last gypsy gypsy yeah yeah the the act is out alexander said it's really good oh cool you're watching it i haven't seen it yet but it's supposed to be good um so right so he so he comes home to mom and when he gets there uh extremely sick unable to walk judy says why don't we go on a fishing trip? Okay. And so she takes Michael and his younger brother, James, on a canoe trip on Florida's East River.
Starting point is 00:42:09 At some point, the boat tips over. And some fishermen find James and Judy clinging to the shore. Judy explains that her son, Michael, who wore heavy leg braces, had sunk to the bottom. Oh, no. And was unable to swim. It sounds like she wanted that to happen it sounds like yeah fishy for lack of a better pun yes yes yes uh yeah so they did indeed go looking and he had drowned at the bottom of the lake because he could not swim or move his
Starting point is 00:42:41 yeah i couldn't move his limbs which is just so fucked up. Yes. And the medal weighed 60 pounds, so it weighed him down to the bottom. The younger son, James, said he didn't remember what happened because he had been knocked unconscious somehow during the struggle. Oh. So, as I said, Michael had drowned. After the accident, Judy collected on Michael's military life insurance well which was twenty thousand dollars and also she collected on two other civilian policies that she had apparently taken out on michael before his death and it was suggested later by handwriting experts that michael's
Starting point is 00:43:16 signature on the civilian policies had been forged wow i am not surprised by this exactly shocker shocker so it seems like it could have gone Munchausen by proxy if she kept the ruse going, but she just was like, done. Got it. Um, so after Michael's death, Judy quote, moves on the best she can. Tough. And decides to open her own beauty parlor. Okay.
Starting point is 00:43:42 The beauty parlor is called fingers and faces what fingers and faces okay and it's much like your clown college fingers and oh my god loves and laughs fingers and faces with a z at the end oh exactly faces yeah z so fingers and faces um so stupid the worst name the worst ever in uh fried dicksburg we have a hair salon called curl up and die i always thought that was wait that's good though that's so good that's the opposite of fingers and faces curl up and die yeah are you kidding me oh die d-y-e yeah oh that's so good i didn't even get the second part yep oh that's they deserve catch you there at even get the second part. Yep. Oh, that's, they deserve. Catch you there at Curl Up and Dive. They deserve a medal for sure.
Starting point is 00:44:28 Right. That is good. Okay. So yeah, fingers and faces. Just stupidest thing I've ever heard. Okay. She also started dating a businessman from Florida named John Gentry. She decided to create like a false past to like kind of lure him in.
Starting point is 00:44:44 And so she lied lied she said she had phds in both biochemistry and psychology she said she had recently worked as the head of nursing at west florida hospital uh this was all bullshit was it i'm like telling you as if you don't she had also changed her last name this this is also very weird, to Bueno Año, which means it's Spanish for good year, which is the last name of her first dead husband. Weird. Yeah. So it's just creepy. She changed her name and her kid's name to Bueno Año.
Starting point is 00:45:17 Bueno Año or Bueno Año? I'm not sure. Which is Spanish for good year. So like a literal translation of her first husband. That's creepy. Yeah, very weird. So she, he thought that was like a literal translation of her first husband. That's creepy. Yeah. Very weird. Um, so she,
Starting point is 00:45:27 he thought that was like her name and that was her past. Um, obviously it was made up, but Gentry seemed to believe it. He indulged in Judy's taste for expensive gifts, including imported champagne and tropical vacations. So Linda got it. So Linda,
Starting point is 00:45:42 I think I said cruises too. So I was like, yeah, there goes linda linda bueno ano linda good year bueno ano um they got engaged in october of 1982 and no i'm sorry they got engaged and in october of 1982 judy convinced john to uh take out life insurance policies on one another. That's romantic. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:06 Just in case. You know. You never know. So they did. And once he had signed off on the $50,000 policy, Judy, without his knowledge, upped the coverage from $50,000 to $500,000. Okay. Not a good sign. Judy also convinced John that he was in need of some special vitamins.
Starting point is 00:46:23 Great. She said. Called arsenic. Yeah. She's like, you look like in need of some special vitamins. Great. She said. Called arsenic. Yeah. She's like, you look like you could use my special pills. You have a deficiency of some sort. A deficiency of poison. So she started feeding him these vitamins and she said she was the head of nursing, right?
Starting point is 00:46:41 So she's like. Right. So she knows what she's doing. Yeah, exactly. So he starts feeling nauseated. head of nursing right so she's like right so she knows what she's doing quote yeah exactly so um he starts feeling nauseated he is frequently vomiting stomach pain ends up in the hospital while there he refuses to take the vitamins good and uh he even admits so he starts to feel better and then he's kind of like admits this is weird like uh i think maybe these vitamins have something
Starting point is 00:47:04 to do with why I'm sick. So he's a little suspicious. Right. But then Judy's like, no, no, I would never. You be quiet. Right, right, right. Take more vitamins. Like shoving the vitamins in the mouth. Just close your eyes.
Starting point is 00:47:15 Yeah. Yeah. So she's denying everything. And he kind of is like, okay, we'll see. And is a little suspicious. But he is discharged. And on June 25thth 1983 john uh left a dinner party to go pick up some champagne because judy had just told him she was carrying
Starting point is 00:47:31 his child oh that's a good cause for celebration um on the way to the liquor store however john's car exploded okay this is like a bad movie script it's like the godfather 3 yeah the godfather 14 when people stopped like actually doing a good job on it take your vitamins and your car will explode but much like something that probably would happen in the godfather um john survived what the explosion yeah and can you imagine his wife being like god damn it like how are you still alive he's the vitamins didn't work the dynamite didn't work right right right um vitamin and oh dynamite and white flag by dido okay um john right survived uh the trauma surgeons were able to save his life and because he was still alive police were able to save his life.
Starting point is 00:48:31 And because he was still alive, police were able to obviously interview him and ask if he suspected anyone of wanting to hurt him. Was he like, my wife, my wife, my wife, my wife? He was like, hmm, well, there was this vitamin incident. God. This dynamite. What did you call it? Vitamin? Vitamin and dynamite.
Starting point is 00:48:43 I thought it sounded. I thought they rhymed in my head. Well't well i went with it i believed it um so he's like there's this weird vitamin thing and so police are like we'll look into it then they realized how his insurance policy had like skyrocketed right from 50 to 500 000 right before his death or not death like almost death right um and they decided they were going to do a little background check on judy so the background check obviously revealed that dr bueno años as she liked to call herself right was not who she said she was obviously we know that she made up her education and her work history and her name um however when john gentry discovered that the pregnancy was also a lie he was just horrified and he learned that judy had actually been surgically sterilized in 75 so she couldn't
Starting point is 00:49:32 have even she couldn't even talk her way out of it because like oh my there's no way like she blatantly lied about that wow so uh they also learned that judy had been telling her friends about her husband's terminal illness since November of 82. So before he ever even got sick, as if she was like planning this in advance, like he had this illness with the vitamins and got it. And she had also recently bought tickets for a world cruise without John. But with Linda. With Linda. Don't worry.
Starting point is 00:50:01 She's not going to miss that. Linda would be there with bells on, man. Right, right. So after learning all this, John is like, what the actual fuck? By the way, here are those vitamins she was feeding me. Right. So they test the vitamins, the capsules. Analysis revealed that they contained paraformaldehyde, which is a poison with no known medical use,
Starting point is 00:50:20 but which happens to be used in nail salons. Okay. Fingers. Curl up and die, man. fingers curl up and die man curl up and die that's what she wants that's what she wants them to do anyway that's like yeah oh yeah that would be way more ominous if that were her name she should have really renamed it fingers and faces is just like creepy in its own way like i don't even know um on july 27th uh federal agents searched judy's home in gulf breeze retrieving wire and tape from
Starting point is 00:50:47 her bedroom that matched the car bomb oh so i'm gonna explain the bomb it was in the trunk of the car um it was six sticks of dynamite okay that were wired to the brake pedal so like turning the car on didn't explode it but the second the first time he hit the brakes got it to like even slow down um the trunk of the car exploded um which is just so it's not even like oh it just it's just so much creepier that it was like the second you hit the brake it was it seems very creepily intentional yeah exactly yeah okay so judy was arrested at the beauty salon on charge fingers and faces let's give it its official name sure uh on charges of attempted murder by mid-august authorities had traced the purchase of the dynamite used in the bomb to judy via her phone records she made bail on the
Starting point is 00:51:36 attempted murder charge but on january 11th i wrote 184 great 1984 i guess on yeah i guess that's the only possible answer she was indicted for first degree murder in the death of her son michael with an additional count of grand theft for the whole insurance scam thing um both bobby joe morris and james goodyear so her two husbands right were exhumed and both found extremely high arsenic levels in their remains. So they were like, yeah, you did both of these. Gotcha. So on June 6, 1984, Judy was sentenced to life in prison without parole for the first 25 years for the death of Bobby Joe Morris. So that was the first husband.
Starting point is 00:52:16 No, I'm sorry, the second husband. Yeah. And then in the case of her son, Michael, the trial started October 15th and lasted three days. Jurors deliberated only two hours before voting to convict her and adding 12 years to her life sentence. Okay. And then a year later, on October 22nd, 1985, Judy went to trial for the murder of her first husband, James Goodyear. And that trial lasted a week.
Starting point is 00:52:40 And although Judy claimed innocence the whole time time jurors convicted her once again a first degree murder and she was formally sentenced to death okay so did she give a reason why she was doing this no in fact the whole time she said she didn't do it so weird yeah she like claimed till her death that she i feel like it's one thing to kill like or try to kill three of your husbands right but like to kill your son right that's like its own that's gotta have a reason yeah all right anyway um i mean money sure life insurance but that's because she had taken out apparently he was only worth 20 grand but then she had taken out those two other ones and like forged his signature right which is like i guess that's its own anyway yikes yikes and a half
Starting point is 00:53:23 um so i also want to add that in addition to being convicted of multiple counts of grand theft and multiple acts of arson as a means to gain insurance money judy was also suspected of several other deaths including a 1974 murder in alabama where i'm pretty sure the guy's throat was slit like it was an extremely violent murder but not the same mo though so right yeah not the same mo but they still think it was pretty yeah and i there was some sidebar on online about like oh he was shot and then like the story was slit and apparently like one of the husbands knew about it it's like a whole side story and since she wasn't convicted i didn't like fully research it but got
Starting point is 00:54:01 it yeah she's suspected of that murder as well. And then also in the 1980 death of her boyfriend, Gerald Dossett, but she was also not convicted of that. Wow. Although they did exhume his body, but it's unclear what came of that. Weird. Yeah. It's just like, but he died very young too. So it's kind of like, hmm, odds are.
Starting point is 00:54:21 Chances are. Chances are. So her involvement in these deaths were never proved. And by the time she was suspected suspected she was already on death row so it was kind of like it just wasn't ever solved like well you're gonna die there one way or another right um so judy's motive although she never gave her own motive was believed to be greed she reportedly collected uh two hundred and forty thousand dollars in insurance money although like i said she never admitted to any of the crimes which isn't even a lot like i know not that like oh there's definitely like an exact number
Starting point is 00:54:52 that where it begins to be worth it right totally but it's like to kill that many people for that much money you're just kind of like really you're not doing a great job at this whole insurance scam yeah yeah yeah because i mean with the the last, she upped it to $500,000. Mm-hmm. But that didn't even... Yeah. She didn't even work. It's very weird.
Starting point is 00:55:12 Very weird. Judy spent the 13 years before her execution writing letters and crocheting blankets and baby clothes and also taught Bible study to other inmates. Of course she did. She's very Christian. Of course she did. Very Christian woman. Right.
Starting point is 00:55:26 Judy was executed in 1998 at the age of 54. So there's an excerpt from a website called Fight the Death Penalty USA. It's kind of like this old school blog thing, but it gives a description of her final hours. So I'm going to kind of read this to you. At 4.30 a.m., she was showered and dressed probably by female corrections and her head shaved to give good electrical conductivity and so that her hair did not catch fire during the electrocution okay judy's last meal consisted of broccoli okay just get ready this is the world's worst last meal i'm ready broccoli asparagus strawberries and hot tea
Starting point is 00:56:04 wait that sounds great that's it for your last meal okay well that's true but those do happen to be many of my favorite foods i mean i love asparagus love stuff but not i mean i could eat that any day you're right maybe not in prison sure but yikes man get a pizza right you're right get like at least some sugar in there i know you want strawberries but chocolate covered, right? These aren't even chocolate. Yes. These are just plain.
Starting point is 00:56:29 Maybe do like a little like a little cheese melted over the asparagus. Exactly. I see where you are. Definitely. Yeah. Yeah. Just kind of lame for like in a hot tea. Like, I mean, I guess not even like a sweet tea or like a... Mixed with booze.
Starting point is 00:56:43 Yeah. Yeah. I hear you. It's just kind of like, oh, all right. Yeah. Rub it in. Once strapped into the electric chair and asked if she had any final words, her response was, no, sir, before she shut her eyes and the leather mask was placed over her head. Ew.
Starting point is 00:57:00 I'm telling you, this stuff is fucking barbaric. Yikes. She was pronounced dead at 7.13 a.m. She became the first woman executed in Florida since 1848. And the third woman executed in the United States since the reinstatement of the death penalty in 76. Oh, wow. And that is the story of our lovely lady. Of a lovely lady.
Starting point is 00:57:21 Okay, it made a full circle. Of a terrible lady. But I do have one last thing instead of a hor lady oh okay it made a full circle of a terrible lady but um i do have one last thing instead of a horoscope this week so i explained what florida man was while we were on right right yes and now that you've brought it up by the way i can't unsee it it's everywhere everywhere it is everywhere so if you guys don't know basically florida man is this like meme where people have started to replace like the name of a person in a dumb crime headline with florida man um so like for example florida man wielding live alligator raids liquor store or whatever right so uh there's tweet went viral this week
Starting point is 00:57:55 um and someone named swerve and merv on twitter posted it but originally it was by gandalf soda on tumblr okay and it basically says uh everybody google florida man followed by your birthday and tell me what you get minus florida man tries to attack neighbor with tractor so it's actually really wild if you put florida man and then like your birthday you just get a random headline like different headlines and you can isn't that wild that florida man can exist on every single day how crazy and it's gonna keep happening because florida's lines are constantly adding so like you're never gonna get tired of it so uh danielle underscore brownie with an i on twitter suggested i start doing a florida man maybe for some for
Starting point is 00:58:37 whoever's birthday it is oh nice um instead of a horoscope and i figure at least since we're in florida with this story i'll try it yeah um so judy bueno on your birthday is april 4th also my stepmother's birthday um and her florida man horoscope fluoroscope fluoroscope fluoroscope wait a minute her fluoroscope is florida man 71 accused of repeatedly exposing himself at fast food eateries yeah and that that is the end i love a good fluoroscope fluoroscope's fun wait that sounds kind of like fluoride like we're at the children's dentist or like flora something the thing that she was poisoning people with flora flora i think that was called what was that called
Starting point is 00:59:32 called what was that called sounds like geo sleeping it doesn't matter formaldehyde i think is what it was and that's paraformaldehyde damn it's not flora for anything whatever i'm sorry all right well that's a good one wow i that was one that i like had wanted to do and then didn't get to in florida So here it is anyway. You got a kick out of it. You got to hear it. Yeah. No, it was a good time for me. Not for any of those men. Not for anyone else.
Starting point is 00:59:53 But cool, man. Cool, man. Cool Florida man. Cool Florida man. If you want to keep up with us, the Kardashians, the Joneses, the drinkers, whatever you want. The Jonestowners. Yeah. Oh.
Starting point is 01:00:08 Yikes. You can find us pretty much on all social media at ATWWDpodcast. We also have a website, and that's, where you can look at our tour dates. We are coming to you quick. Milwaukee, Detroit, and Chicago. Yay. So please help us. I think they're all sold out.
Starting point is 01:00:24 No. Milwaukee and- Detroit. Milwaukee's not sold out. So please help us. I think they're all sold out. No, Milwaukee and... Detroit. Milwaukee's not sold out. And Detroit isn't. Oh, Detroit's not either. So, okay. Milwaukee and Detroit. You're right, they move to a bigger venue.
Starting point is 01:00:33 Yeah. Please buy tickets if you feel like it last minute. Yay! Also... We have merch. Sorry, I'm looking up the link. slash ATWWD merch. Yay! We have an Olive in the house. Yeah. Yeah. slash ATWWD merch. Yay.
Starting point is 01:00:45 We have an olive in the house. Hi, Olive. Hi, puppy olive. And we also, you can, we have an email that you can send in your personal true crime and paranormal stories where we read through them and potentially read them at the first of every month during our listeners episode. Oh, wait, sorry. It's and that's why we drink merch.
Starting point is 01:01:02 Got it. My B. Sorry. No problem. Our email is and that's why we drink at gmail my b sorry no problem our email is and that's why we drink at if you want to send in your personal stories and we also have an actual address 1920 hillhurst ave number 265 los angeles 90027 yeah and don't go looking for us because we're not there and if you want to send any items to that po box then we will open them during our
Starting point is 01:01:24 monthly gift reveal video someone just tweeted about the fucking florida man again really like all over the place oh here's olive do you have something oh my god florida man is trending number one on twitter right now i'm oh really you weren't kidding like it is it really is everywhere right now uh i wish that were my i think i just happened to jump on the tail of it as it was happening, but I'm all about it. So good. Anyway, thanks for listening, peeps. We'll be back at you next time. And that's why we drink.
Starting point is 01:01:52 Yay.

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