And That's Why We Drink - E114 A Gnarly Rumor and Hysterical Historians

Episode Date: April 7, 2019

Sit back, relax and let us tell you where the idea of probing took off! Don't worry, you PROBABLY won't be abducted after listening to this episode. This week Em brings us the story of the Pascagoula ...Abduction and Christine tells the wild tale of John Christie, a serial killer and a very uppity carpet designer... and that's why we drink! We're nominated for a Webby! Voting is open now thru April 18th, 2019 so please vote for us in the Comedy Podcast category! a free stock when you sign up with Robinhood! Go to drink.robinhood.comGet 40% off all Lola subscriptions when you go to and enter code DRINK40Get a 4 week trial plus free postage and a digital scale when you go to and enter code DRINK

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Starting point is 00:00:00 we're back hello we have gone downstairs and back well you did i just sat here and finished my notes because what isn't a quick last minute update than uh me doing my notes literally minutes before we record that's what we do uh how are you before we just jump into things i'm great i got my next my second hard kombucha ready to go god it's like never ending here it's never ending after this i'm gonna go eat some couscous and have a good time oh that sounds good i'm still mad at postmates for forgetting my couscous so sorry sorry uh how are you i'm fine right after this i'm actually getting in a car and going to have dinner which is nice and i'm having really good dinner so
Starting point is 00:00:51 i'm very excited but not couscous oh i'm gonna eat i'm gonna pre-game pre-game with couscous and then the amuse bouche amuse bouche oh you will yes cousus kus amuse kus kus a kus kus bush oh hell no amuse kus bush everyone is switching off there everyone is like let's go listen to anything else literally anything mothers are like i'd rather listen to my screaming children they're like put the whale sounds back uh no i have dinner plans after this so i'm very excited to go eat some good barbecue it's gonna be a good time oh i'm jealous i'm just gonna sit here oh and stare at the empty space where you are supposed to be oh you'll look at the end done on the couch and be like m should be here m's big butt left an imprint massive
Starting point is 00:01:35 just saying facts are facts i don't know i'll just be hanging out i guess hang out with a little baby giovanni yeah. Oh, stinky baby. Oh, my. Well, should we get into it? I feel like we like. Oh, here comes an olive. Oh, there she is. Is that an olive?
Starting point is 00:01:53 Is that a happy puppy? Hi, honey. Is that a beautiful little puppy dog named Olive? That's a good girl. Oh. Oh, look at those happy ears. She's a little good girl. That's so nice. Okay. So, so i mean i guess we dive into it maybe this is like the episode where finally uh the people who hate our banter please
Starting point is 00:02:13 god they're like just get into it well i don't know never mind actually i'm gonna keep you guys on hold for a second because i just remembered something hold on one second just one more minute okay so allison and i are very into our like, we love our TV shows and we love our little marathons that we do literally every night. So for a long time we were into Top Model. Oh my God. I'm ready for this.
Starting point is 00:02:35 I want to talk about TV. No, I'm not kidding. You're about to fall in love. What? So, okay. So we started with Top Model. Then we had Millionaire Matchmaker. Then we had Million Dollar Matchmaker. Then we had millionaire matchmaker then we had million dollar matchmaker then we had well i personally have hell's kitchen we had all the marvel movies we're
Starting point is 00:02:50 on as of right now we're only a couple episodes away from the last season of charmed nice and uh i don't remember what was going on but at some point yesterday i was on i have a roku so you can just kind of like type in a random word and then things you know the search bar shows it on a bunch of different platforms right so i found oh something you know the mandala effect where it's like mandala whatever like nelson mandala although maybe the the mandala effect is that's called the mandala same bear bullshit okay sorry well i have yet to make my thoughts on that known but well i think i always thought this was one of them where like there was this tv show that i remember when i was like 14 kind of existed but i didn't watch it so it wasn't like a big deal but
Starting point is 00:03:37 i i feel like i remembered it existing on tv no but this like it was like i guess always stayed within the folds of my dark memories and so your dark dark memories and so i didn't know it existed and then yesterday i was looking through the roku search bar and i was like what is this tv show doesn't actually exist you're killing me it is the very uh apparently undesirable at the time uh before it's time, if you will, reality show, executive producer Stan Lee, who wants to be a superhero. What? And so.
Starting point is 00:04:13 I don't know what that is. I remember it knowing it existed, but I also remember telling myself there's no way that actually existed. Right. And then it just. It sounds made up. It came back to me all in one fell swoop oh my god but you didn't watch it like when i think i remember watching maybe like an episode
Starting point is 00:04:30 it's so on the sci-fi channel the siffy channel if you will siffy it's so in the folds i don't really remember anything wow but so i knew obviously i made allison watch all like 20 avengers movies and so i was like well'm not going to start watching this without her. So she came home yesterday and I was like, sit the fuck down. This is a reality show? Yeah. Oh, hell yeah. So apparently, because I learned literally everything about it last night after I discovered
Starting point is 00:04:57 this, apparently there's only two seasons. One of them is six episodes. One of them is eight. So we only have a whopping 14 episodes. Oh no. That's it? So we're going to fall in love hard and then be crushed the worst feeling but we watched the first episode last night two seconds in allison goes and i quote well i fucking love this because it's it's be keep in mind it was like 2006 so it was before the like the real reality show heyday. So the producers didn't really care. The set was really shit.
Starting point is 00:05:27 It was obviously scripted. Right. It was super cheesy. It didn't have any good camera quality. Like this was before people really gave a shit about reality. There's a character named Cell Phone Girl. Yep. Which in today's world, by the way, would be like Instagram Girl.
Starting point is 00:05:41 Yeah. It was 2006. And literally, by the way, in her bio and her description was 2006 and literally by the way in her bio and her like description when she like hops off the bus she's like i'm cell phone girl they're like oh so like what are you doing she's like well i love cell phones and i was like i can't i'm so excited i love to play snake the only thing that's fun that you can do on a cell phone in 2006 right my voicemail i love the solitaire i can find sometimes on a really fancy blackberry right sure yes well so apparently this is a show that allison and i are now going to watch all of oh amazing um and we're very excited about it we're already bummed that we have a 14th of it done
Starting point is 00:06:16 but uh apparently so at the end it was a it was a game show a game show it was a reality show like like a survivor game where uh there were x amount of actual people who wanted to become a superhero and the judge and the host of the show is literally stan lee from marvel it too yeah oh my god and so that's amazing and then you go through all these superhero tests and it's a it's more about like the heart of a superhero like oh sorry it's time for my birth control. Speaking of children. Speaking of. Would you like me to go wait?
Starting point is 00:06:50 I'm sorry. Do you mind if I take it? It's fine. Sorry, I'm back with the BC in my system and the couscous for Em. Yeah. You wanted to go take care of your non-children. I was like, go get me my couscous. Hang on, let me eat real quick.
Starting point is 00:07:06 Oh, my God. Well, while you're eating, I'm going to say something, which is that, speaking of children reality shows, we have recently become a... Oh, there's Gio. Speaking of children. Yeah. I said children reality shows.
Starting point is 00:07:19 No, you said speaking of children. I heard... Speaking of children, yeah, yeah. Speaking of children reality shows, we live in a children reality show, aka G world um hi geo honey uh speaking of children reality shows we have become obsessed with master chef jr it is like maybe the hardest i've laughed in a very long time at first i was like i don't want to watch a bunch of children but they are so sweet and so funny and like the weird ones are so weird and I'm like I love you I love these weird children also as
Starting point is 00:07:49 someone who's obsessed currently with kitchen nightmares hotel hell I get like mean Gordon but you get cool Gordon Gordon is so fucking sweet with the children which is like not what you're used to you know his wife's pregnant right now with their fifth kid I did not know that he is just like you can just tell how much he like cares about them and it's just the sweetest thing anyway so we're watching that also true detective season three if i can watch it also the act oh god there's so much good tv right now anyway but so i like this who wants to be a superhero that maybe no one's ever heard of i hadn't oh it's the best okay i'm excited i'm just saying and then so what stanley becomes the or is the host in every episode they have to do some superhero challenge which is all about like
Starting point is 00:08:32 the heart of a superhero because obviously he can't actually test you to like push a bus it's like okay well you have to like that would be fun like in the first episode like you think you're doing one task but actually there's like a secret hidden task. Like the morals behind it or some shit. It's all about the morals of like the heart of a superhero. Wait, this is really fun. So then. Cell phone girl wins, let me guess. If you win, yes.
Starting point is 00:08:51 I love cell phones. I love cell phones and also have, don't have morals. But so then the winner gets their own Stanley Marvel comic. Fuck. And they star, what I found out on Wikipediaipedia is by star it means guest feature for two minutes and their own sci-fi superhero movie so they can literally just show up and they literally just show up for two minutes in a movie that's deceiving and uh something else oh and then they um are part of the superhero parade at universal studios or something but so i'm very excited to see how this
Starting point is 00:09:21 maybe it's the coolest part oh for sure that sure. That's fucking dope. Whoever ends up winning, I'm going to get Allison the comic, I think, at the end. That's a great idea. I have great ideas. Well, now she heard it. Allison, you didn't hear that. You're fine. Just erase it. Allison and Allie have been watching Kid Nation, which is another one of those reality shows.
Starting point is 00:09:37 I don't know what that is. It's like Land of the Flies. Or no, not Land of the Flies. What's it called? Lord of the Flies. But it is kind of like Land of the Flies because they just just fucking trap all these children like on an island like survivor style together like lord of the flies meets an island so it's kid survivor yeah yeah and they kind of there's like a million of them and i don't know the show so i could probably i'm probably making this all up but
Starting point is 00:09:58 from the clips that i've seen while they watch it it is literally just a bunch of and same thing where it's like they didn't know how to like do react like it wasn't very it was from a time before like reality shows really put in a lot of budget right exactly so it's just very hilarious and these children are so fucking funny and they're like so serious and like take everything so seriously i mean they're trapped on like an island i don't know if that's true i think maybe well i don't know there's just one man host and then a bunch of fucking children you You see no adults, no parents. Like before the laws were really that strict.
Starting point is 00:10:29 Sure. Well, I'm a big fan in the middle of the night watching or reading Reddit AMAs. Oh, sure. Excuse me. There is one that just came out like two days ago of someone who was one of the previous winners of Master Shift Junior. Really? Which one? Well, I don't know. I've only watched like two seasons. I don't know. Okay. ago of someone who was one of the previous winners of master shift junior really which one well i don't know i've only watched like two seasons i i don't know okay um but just came out like two
Starting point is 00:10:50 days ago actually don't tell me because then i'll have spoilers but he but he answered all these questions of like is gordon really cool and how what was the setup like what hotels did you stay in things like that like where were your parents throughout it right so interesting yep anyway so highly recommend children reality shows because they can't really, they're not at the point where they can like craft their own, like they are just who they are, which is the funniest thing. Cause children are so goofy.
Starting point is 00:11:15 Yeah. And just like themselves. It's hilarious. So, all right, that's our intro for today. Welcome to our show about children TV. So,
Starting point is 00:11:24 uh, anyway, here's my story. Great. Ready? Yeah. Let me open let me open my wait let me take let me take another bite of this okay back in the game all right thank god you didn't eat that on i take my headphones off it was really unpleasant i'm sure i didn't care though it was it tasted so good i just didn't even care and it was a little spicy and yeah you keep rubbing it in even though i don't have my own because i forgot i mean it was terrible you'd hate it so uh okay so here's my story this is i found this last minute obviously since i was just finishing my notes but i i found it last night because i actually had a different story for today and then i found this and i was like wait i really want to cover this screw that old story right right also if it's
Starting point is 00:12:03 a ghost your old story i don't want it to haunt me, so that was a joke. Well, here's one of your personal favorite categories. What? This is an alien story. Yay! I thought maybe that's where we were going. So, this is in, I don't know, Pascagoula, Mississippi. Sure.
Starting point is 00:12:23 I don't know if it's a soft G or a hard G. Sure. Pascajoula, Mississippi. Sure. I don't know if it's a soft G or a hard G. Sure. Pascajoula. Pascagoula? Pascajoula. Pascajoula, Mississippi. It's going to be like Paula and all the sounds are silent. Pascal.
Starting point is 00:12:38 So this is the Pascajoula abduction. Whoa, abduction. Oh, no. I'm scared. It's very, very neat neat i'm a fan of this one i'm very frightened by aliens well you might be afraid of these so this actually is the second most famous ufo abduction case in history really following the barney and betty hill one which i've already covered shit so and yet we still don't know how to say the town's name right pasca july i think so uh that looks right the barney and betty hill
Starting point is 00:13:10 alien abduction case is a story i've already covered that is the most famous one in american history and this is the second one so apparently this is also the beginning of the idea of probing you're gonna scare me which isn't as bad as you think it is apparently probing like was already in stories before this this was just the first time that like after this story came out people just kind of like ran with that as an idea it was like popularized and now we're gonna be fucking abducted thanks and now that sounds like an abduction if i've ever heard it. The probe is coming. Apparently, it was like one of those things where it was actually very mediocre to the story.
Starting point is 00:13:50 But then because someone heard it one time, people just ran with it for alien stories and it just became this really like gnarly rumor. A gnarly rumor indeed. A gnarly rumor. We love a gnarly rumor. So this is where the idea of probing took off. Great. This is not like it's not very. I don't know. We love a gnarly rumor. So this is where the idea of probing took off. Great. This is not like, it's not very, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:14:09 We'll see. It's the info I've always wanted to hear. It's not as invasive as I think you're predicting it will be. I don't know. I just don't like it at all. The two main characters in this story are Charles Hickson, who is at the time in this story, 42. And he was a shipyard foreman and Calvin Parker, who was 19 at the time.
Starting point is 00:14:31 And, uh, was a welder at the same shipyard. So one's a welder, one's a foreman. Cool. Um, and they are both from Jones County and Parker was,
Starting point is 00:14:41 so I'm also going to be referring to their last names in this. That was just how all the articles handled it. And I just don't want to, I didn't want to go out of the names. Yeah. So it was Charles Hickson. So there's Hickson, who's the 42 year old. Okay. And there's Calvin Parker.
Starting point is 00:14:53 So Parker is the 19 year old. And how do they work together? So Parker, the 19 year old, Hickson is his dad's friend. Oh, okay. Got it. And so he got a job at the shipyard through his dad's friend. So not only do they work together and he's a foreman. So I think Hickson actually is his boss.
Starting point is 00:15:10 Right. But Parker also was about to get married and wanted to save up money. So he rented space out in Hickson's house. Oh, okay. Hickson is his boss and his landlord. So no pressure. His roommate, landlord, family. Abductee partner
Starting point is 00:15:25 uncle faux uncle sure a funcle funcle uh the other the worst kind of if you will uh so this happened in 1973 in october the two of them were fishing on an old pier together on pascagoula river and uh so this is hickson the the older one this is his account of what happened okay which is very brief they apparently heard a zipping sound and then saw a glowing hovering oval-shaped ufo uh three beings came out of the hovercraft in front of them and they were gray robot-like humanoids that were around five feet they had no neck oh they had slits for eyes and mouths oh no they had a nose and ears that resembled carrots because they were sharp at the end they started round and broad and then like tapered into points what okay on their nose too nose and
Starting point is 00:16:25 ears like a snowman yeah sure wonky snowman the i was gonna say abominable but then abductable abductable what was the thing that the gnarly rumor the gnarly rumor the gnarly snowman yeah i don't know we'll work on it i had someone someone at my old job that they would say gunarly. But they said it ironically, and it makes me wish that that was how I always said it. Gunarly. Oh, it's fun if you're... It is so gunarly. I know somebody who only says knife.
Starting point is 00:16:54 Oh, whoops. Well, I call shoes S-hoes, so... You do do that a lot. And P-hones phones. Oh, my P-hone, my G-lasses. I have a few words that I do that to. There's a G-O. Oh, there's a baby G-O lasses. I have a few words that I do that to. There's a G-E-O. Oh, there's a baby G-E-O looking right at me with his happy tail.
Starting point is 00:17:10 Look at that sweet, sweet. His happy T-A-L. His T-A-L. Look at that happy chin. His butt-ur-ton, C-ur-ton. His C-ur-ton. G-E-O, you have the happiest little butt. I love it so much.
Starting point is 00:17:24 It's so nice okay so oh yeah back to probing so no neck slits for eyes and mouth carrot like nose and ears lobster like hands oh would you like to come up here Gio's gonna bother you for the next hour
Starting point is 00:17:38 oh Gio oh he's stuck are you stuck you silly boy oh god what are you to do he's not gonna know what to do to be honest with you what are you to do he's he geo by the way you can't see him he literally just froze out of confusion he's just sitting in a very awkward way because shoving everything off your lap so that he can put his butt there thank you geo he'll figure himself out would you like to turn around geo you want to turn around nope he wants pets okay uh okay so carrot like nose and ears wherever eva wherever you can possibly begin to edit that sorry um wow this is plain i'm sorry no it's not your fault apparently he also had lobster-like hands what which makes no sense to me so like little crabby hands i think
Starting point is 00:18:34 i'm drugs carrot nose crab hands no neck robot like uh also apparently they had two legs that were fused together to become one leg with an elephant like foot at the bottom what so how did so they and they floated so they didn't really walk i thought they were just stomping around no they just glide this is the weirdest image so also to be that's a good point because this is the first and only time that this description of an alien has ever surfaced i would hope so because if i had not heard of that before and it was common i think i'd be extremely confused so good luck trying to picture that in your head the fact that they're floating makes it very funny and not as scary
Starting point is 00:19:13 right like with their elephant feet like their carrot ears and elephant feet and lobster hands this is just the most absurd description i've ever heard apparently to hickson they were taken aboard they were examined and then when they were returned they uh they were lying on the ground by the fishing site that they were at both woke up with puncture wounds on their arms absolutely not and after waking up they uh drank whiskey obviously why not and then they called the sheriff apparently the sheriff laughed at them of course and then they were like we knew the sheriff laughed at them of course and then they were like we knew you would laugh but we also were serious so we need to come see you and so the
Starting point is 00:19:50 sheriff was like okay come to the station i like the order of one drink whiskey to call the police because we just got up right how do we tell the police priorities let's talk about it over some let's have a drink first so they went to the station there's no way you're comfortable geo no he just look so many pets i can't he's so needy though he's not gonna let you stop petting him so uh they went to the station and the sheriff obviously doesn't really believe them but he knows that they look kind of fucked up like they look a little scared so the sheriff is like okay we'll go into that interrogation room we'll be in there soon are you taking pictures of this yeah it is very cute here i'm gonna write recording thank you hi giovanni the happy bub
Starting point is 00:20:40 the stinky bear silly bud the stinky bear named giovanni i like how seriously he takes everything he's like that's fucking right kiss me you know that's fucking right you know oh pig yawn kiss me till i sleep oh baby kiss me to sleep oh my so he was gonna cut these lines out for like a blackmail someday oh for sure just like out of context so uh they end up going into the interrogation room the sheriff is like just go in there we'll be in there soon what they don't know is that the sheriff actually also put in a secret recorder and put it in the interrogation room and started recording them like audio right yeah okay so he could i guess hear what they had to say because in his mind he thought thought that these two people were saying, we got abducted by aliens. You know, we want to like put in a report.
Starting point is 00:21:31 And then when there was no one in there but them by themselves, then he would record them saying like, oh, we got these guys. Details, right. Yeah. Get me that footage because that would be the best podcast. I want that footage to make my own version of like serial or like right where they have the actual footage i'm gonna do it well so apparently what ended up happening and said is that what he recorded was the two of them freaked out comparing stories but not comparing stories in a way that they were like corrupt like like they were like actually trying to piece it together to get still like you saw that right yeah right so that made the sheriff department believe
Starting point is 00:22:06 them and the sheriff actually was quoted saying they were upset i figured they would say we got these guys fooled but the boys were upset you can't make up that kind of fear wow so so something was very wrong that was something was really wrong and the sheriff and also like i imagine in mississippi in the 70s like i imagine like a very conservative like by the book man is the sheriff and he's like well i fucking believe something's wrong right wait wait geo god damn it i feel like a real so happy with himself right now are you so happy and nice and fun and sweet is Is that so nice? That big booty. The thunder thigh! My name's Gio. I have a thunder thigh. Okay. He's succeeding
Starting point is 00:22:50 at his mission of taking over the entire... Now take a picture. Oh, God. It was really good, too, because the and that's where I drank was, like, right under his butt. Oh, really? Yeah. Gio! Gio! Good boy. Okay. Good boy. Good boy, Giovanni.anni oh that's such a great photo is it yeah
Starting point is 00:23:08 of me just looking like i can't do this good boy geo can i give you a kiss one big kiss one big one also it's a nice little showcase of the creepy Roberts and clown dolls. Oh, good. So good. So where were we? Oh, yeah. So you said you can't make up that kind of fear. So at this point, the sheriff's department was on their side. Just to double check, they also took lie detector tests or had them take lie detector tests and they passed. bullshit saying that the polygraph operator uh was not experienced enough and probably got paid off to like make it look like they passed the test or something really skeptics were just trying to
Starting point is 00:23:52 find ways that there was no way they passed the polygraph test my podcast is gonna be so good though so excited they were like no but don't worry in 2019 there's gonna be someone that wants to talk about this it's gonna be the abductable snowable snowman. Serial. The good gnarly rumor. The gnarly rumor. Serial 5. So they also went to the hospital and they also went to the nearby Air Force Base and were tested for radiation. And they were people tried to hypnotize them to tell their story or to get all the details,
Starting point is 00:24:19 but they were too anxious and having emotional breakdowns because they didn't want to reenter that. Right. Headspace probably. So they were not able to be hypnotized okay okay many people also believed them including members of the center for ufo studies and the aerial phenomena research organization which were both like very big in the heyday you're telling me the center of ufo research believed them wow what a shocker i know well yeah but they like for people in there who I imagine they're very much like when I was an investigator and like you're actually supposed to be a skeptic and debunk.
Starting point is 00:24:51 Yeah. I imagine that they are supposed to be skeptic. You're telling me you were a skeptic. I don't think so. I was supposed to be. But I do get what you mean. They probably have get thousands of stories a day. And it's like, we can't just like bullshit around like, oh, everybody was abducted by
Starting point is 00:25:04 an alien. Like we have to take certain ones seriously. So many people were skeptical, um, including. I would hope so though. Hi Gio. It's my turn, huh? Okay. Come on.
Starting point is 00:25:15 He's over you, I guess. He was like, I realized that I wasn't going to get pet the way I wanted. Come here stinky. Up. Good boy. There's my bear. Oh, is that so nice to have mommy love you so much. Up. Good boy. There's my bear. Oh! Isn't that so nice to have Mommy love you so much? Okay, I know.
Starting point is 00:25:29 Oh, Mommy love. Yay! That's so nice. Hang on a second. Wow. We'll do like a side-by-side. Wait. Gio!
Starting point is 00:25:42 All right, just keep looking over here. Gio! Hi, baby. Hi, good good boy i was a good boy named giovanni yay so happy oh geo i'm just gonna get a bajillion one of them's bound to work precious sorry eva sorry what is that is are you looking at funko limb is that so nice okay so oh here comes olive god damn it jesus hi olive olive's like i want to fucking end on this oh god i'm on an armchair they don't fit our booties are too big to fit on this chair okay oh that's so nice remember when he was an itty bitty puppy baby? In one hand I could hold him.
Starting point is 00:26:25 Oh! Not anymore! On one hand I can grab half of his booty cheeks. His butt curtain. So, many people, however, although a lot of people believe them, a lot of people were skeptical, including a famous UFO skeptic named Philip Klass. He said that he believed that the story was changing too much or that it was being added on to. Um, for example, Hickson said that he suffered from eye injuries from the blinding light of the UFO days later. But the hospital had already cleared him that he was fine with his vision.
Starting point is 00:26:57 Uh. Uh, he also said that, or Philip Klass, the skeptic, also said that they suspiciously refused to take any additional lie detector tests. After the one. After the one that they passed. Interesting. So they're like, okay, well, maybe. Hi, Olive. What do you think about aliens?
Starting point is 00:27:16 Like, I am an alien. I know that for sure. Look at that happy face. So the general consensus. Go away. The general consensus. Oh oh there's the real side of it i'm trying to read man you're gonna be typing olives they were uh the general consensus is that they were probably like what everyone has gathered is that hickson and parker were probably drinking whiskey because they've already said that they had whiskey with them right we were probably drinking whiskey they dozed off while they were
Starting point is 00:27:49 fishing and then basically this became a case of sleep paralysis ah so they reported that aliens even in their experience they even said that the aliens paralyzed them before carrying them aboard and so they couldn't move all but their eyes could move or only their eyes can move the rest of their body couldn't it does explain the like weird crab hands and like random assortments apparently they were hallucinating a lot and that like they said there was a lot of lights and then just like how you said that these aliens were described as something that no alien has been described as right right so they think it might have been hypnagogic like wake a waking state in between being awake and asleep and all of hickson's accounts all of this were hickson's accounts because uh parker's account is that he
Starting point is 00:28:37 passed out as soon as this all this happened like he was so shocked by the fact that he was, that he saw aliens or that he saw a flying aircraft that he just passed out and has no memory of any of this. Got it. So Hickson is the one that kept saying like, well, you know, I saw the aliens and there was this blue light. And,
Starting point is 00:28:59 uh, he also said that they, the aliens were talking to them in their heads, which is another thing for sleep paralysis. Sure. Sure. Sure. Or it it's like it doesn't sound like it's outside of your body sounds like it's inside your body right so they think they while they were fishing they might have just seen like a shooting star and it made them think of a ufo and then they fell asleep and had sleep paralysis and then an alien came right like subconsciously they just conjured that exactly yeah so parker says well i was out cold but when i came to i only remember bits and. Although a lot of people say like, okay, well, you might just be suggestible.
Starting point is 00:29:28 Right. Like your friend is so freaked out and you don't remember what happened. You know that light. And it's like, yeah, I guess I saw a light. Right. So they think he might just be really suggestible. Sure. However, that being said, I mean, the guy says, well, his landlord, his roommate, his
Starting point is 00:29:41 boss. Like, oh yeah, true. That's another good point. He's like an authority figure. Yeah. It's like, you better agree with me or else like you'll lose your job or your home don't make me look crazy alone right so that being said years and years and years and years later like we're talking like almost 50 years later after getting really old and having a lot of health issues parker eventually recounts his experience of that night. Oh, oh.
Starting point is 00:30:07 So. Recounts or recants? Recounts. Oh, okay. Tell us his account. Yeah, I thought you meant like he took it all back or something. I was like, oh no. Well, then I guess recounts slash recants.
Starting point is 00:30:17 You'll find out. Oh, okay. So he says, what happened? Because remember, up until now, like 40 plus years, Parker's been unconscious. That's been the story that we've been telling everyone. So Parker says that they were fishing between the US 90 bridge and the CSX railroad bridge. However, both bridges had people working the bridge that night and do not corroborate that they saw anything.
Starting point is 00:30:41 But he says that they were fishing between the two bridges. He saw hazy blue lights and thought that cops were coming near them because maybe they were fishing between the two bridges he saw hazy blue lights and thought that cops were coming near them because maybe they were trespassing right but it didn't seem like cop cars that were out in the distance and he ended up discovering that it was a large oval shaped ufo that was about 10 feet tall and was floating two feet off the ground he said that the light was blinding and that three gray creatures with wrinkled skin glided off of the ship and towards them. He says that two of the three grabbed Hickson while only one grabbed him. And when they got grabbed, they became paralyzed everywhere except their eyes.
Starting point is 00:31:19 So they were able to see everything but could not act. They were given a thorough exam with apparently some machine that looked like an eyeball and they were told through telepathy to not be afraid okay parker also says that although he mentions those main three that were like gray wrinkled skin creatures there was a fourth one that looked more human-like and looked very feminine with bigger eyes really interesting apparently she was the one that did the most thorough exam in that they were both on sloped tables, and they were placed in multiple positions
Starting point is 00:31:53 so that this eye could examine them from different angles. Ew. And this fourth, more human-like, feminine creature injected a needle into the base of the underside of his penis. And you were like, oh, this is much less than you think it is. Because for some reason, I would imagine that would be the highlight of this story. And I only found it in one of about 20 articles. So I don't know how accurate this is.
Starting point is 00:32:19 This is the worst thing I've ever heard. It's the worst. That's probing? Absolutely not. It's also something i couldn't find anywhere else except one story so we're not elaborating is that what you're saying we're not elaborating got it um and also we don't like this and i mean i know because it's an alien story we're saying allegedly but like because this is also this was such a a minute description yeah
Starting point is 00:32:41 out of all the stories i read about this i'm gonna say like double allegedly like i right it wasn't even corroborated within the right main storyline yeah it's just a fact that i thought obviously i should put it well obviously for sure so they were then returned to the riverbank and uh hickson was on the ground conscious but parker himself was standing and unable to put his arms down as if they were like stuck out um like got to the side right i think out to the side it just said his arms were out he could not put them down he then said that the craft just disappeared and he was terrified and he didn't want anyone to know what happened because i guess he felt embarrassed or
Starting point is 00:33:21 ashamed or he just think he was afraid to feel crazy or he didn't know what happened. Someone just stuck a needle in his penis? Yeah. Ugh. An alien of no less and so I think he just didn't know even how to explain it so he just wanted to forget it but Hickson was like we have to tell somebody and so he was the one that demanded that they call the sheriff's office. Got it. Okay. So they were probably discussing all that as they were drinking a lot of whiskey yes as you would for sure and they agreed that they would tell officials uh that asked that parker passed out and didn't remember anything because he didn't want anyone to know share his story want to deal with it and so he thought they thought the best way to just have people not ask is if you just say you were unconscious and then he ended up it was really sad he said later he was
Starting point is 00:34:04 like i just wanted to forget about it and i had plans to get married and i didn't want anyone in her family to think i was crazy so he's like so his first thought is like i still want to be he just wants to get married and left alone oh my god don't we all yeah as you get married for like the 15th million time in austria so uh parker said that behind closed doors even though everyone they all they both like maintained that he was unconscious right when he was alone he was terrified that he had been infected by alien beings or he was radioactive and he could hurt other people oh and so after the interrogation room where they were recorded and the sheriff believed them after that interrogation he threw away the clothes and shoes he was wearing and he took a bath in bleached water.
Starting point is 00:34:51 Oh! Because he just wanted to be... I don't know if that's the way to do it, but okay. He just wanted to be done with it all. He's like, I want to be healthy. Pour some bleach into this. Right. He also believes that he was probably drugged by the creatures because he says that afterwards he had the effects of something that would make him really loopy.
Starting point is 00:35:10 They roofied him. He felt roofied. Alien roofies. Yeah. He said that he was left unable to move. He couldn't really remember much. He felt nauseous later. So he thinks that something might have just been put in his drink, but he doesn't also really remember drinking anything except whiskey.
Starting point is 00:35:28 I mean, they did stick needles in him so true they had puncture maybe they just yeah they had puncture wounds on their arms um oh god this is sick and so this is really long but this is an entire quote from parker about his account okay so i know i just told you the whole story but this is i found this in another article where this was right after i guess parker was like in his 60s now because he was 19 when this happened but he got it he's in his 60s now he just had a stroke and two heart surgeries oh bud and so this was like a once in a blue moon interview where he decided he like just wanted to get it all out yeah so this was a quote from that article oh cool so he and also the grammar is uh deep south got it so you're gonna do it in an accent no but i am going to not be grammatically correct great
Starting point is 00:36:12 the entire time wow that's new i'm just kidding very true all right he says i seen three bulky looking creatures coming towards us they was probably four four and a half to five feet tall built like football players. I noticed they kind of moved mechanical wise and they were floating off the ground. By the time we stood up and turned around, they was there on us all at one time. Two of them got ahold of Charlie. One of them got ahold of myself and I instantly just got relaxed. There was what I would call an examination room. And there was something about the size of a deck of cards that came out of the ceiling. And it hovered about a foot in front of
Starting point is 00:36:51 my eyes. And then it went on the right side of my head and it clicked, went behind my head and clicked, went to the left side of my head and clicked and then straight to the front. And then it shot back into the ceiling. Like a cat scan. Yeah, that's what it sounds like to me too. Weird. And then shot back into the ceiling. And that's cat scan. Yeah. That's what it sounds like to me, too. Weird. And then shot back into the ceiling. And that's when I heard some ruffling noises and this more feminine looking creature come out. She looked completely different from what I would call the robots. And this other one was kind of feminine. She had regular fingers and came over and pinched me on the cheek.
Starting point is 00:37:22 And then she took her finger and ran it down my throat and got it behind that thing that hangs down back there so like you're down oh i thought you meant like down his neck like literally into his she had regular fingers and came over and pinched me on the cheek and then she took her finger and ran it down my throat as in like in the mouth and down the throat absolutely not this is way worse and quote got it behind that thing that hangs down back there punching bag the punching bag and tried to come up in my nasal cavity forget it and that's when it started hurting oh forget it and i started choking and i got scared and she telepathically told me don't be afraid we aren't going to hurt you i'd be like bitch you're hurting me yo what
Starting point is 00:38:02 get out there's a lot of talk you're lying as it's happening it's a lot of time sticking your fucking fingers in my nasal cavity so anyway that is one of the quotes from him which i also beyond that interview could not find that information anywhere so like it's weird how he mentioned the thing about his penis one time but then he also mentioned this thing about his uvula and nasal cavity so like this is such a patchwork job i like can't figure out what's real what's not can you imagine though like your grandpa is like on his death not on his death but like very sick and frail and older yeah he's like yeah and then this alien stuck her finger down my throat and then up through my nose and he's like this southern like no nonsense guy can you i mean i would be so thrown by that but those stories are always the
Starting point is 00:38:45 best when it's told by a non a no nonsense someone who's never talked about alien stories because it's not even like the way that they say it is different because the way they do tell the story is so much different because you can tell they even don't believe it's happening right but just comes off so much eerier because it's like shouldn't be said because like it's coming from someone who would never say at all yeah so anyway so within weeks of this happening it somehow leaked through their job that they had been abducted and even though they wanted it to remain quiet they had already talked to the police the police had made them go to the hospital they had already been hypnotized by people they'd already been taken to the air Force Base to get checked for radiation. Probably a small town. Small town. So like eventually people
Starting point is 00:39:28 just kind of found out and pretty immediately they were getting reporters reaching out to them non-stop. Of course. So within weeks, Hickson was asked to be on the Johnny Carson and Dick Cavett late night talk shows. The LA Times and Rolling Stone had sent reporters. And within the one week, the sheriff's department had logged over 3,000 phone calls from different reporters around the world. And Hickson actually ended up writing a book called The UFO Contact at Pascagoula.
Starting point is 00:40:02 Wow. And that was in 1983, I think. So by the 80s, he was well known in the UFO community as someone who had really experienced some wild shit. Sure. And the whole time he maintained that Parker was unconscious. Which is like, snitches get stitches. He really hung in there for his bro. He's like, even though this would make my story much more believable if he corroborated.
Starting point is 00:40:24 He was like, nope. He said he wanted to get married believable if he corroborated. He was like, nope. He said he wanted to get married. Yep. I hope he loves his marriage. I hope he's happy. I hope he loves that wife of his. That is crazy. So then 44 years later, Parker ends up writing his own book.
Starting point is 00:40:36 And that was the beginning of him telling his own story, which a lot of the accounts that I just said came like 44 years later when he finally wrote a book and started being willing to talk about a book interesting okay so and that came out for i mean probably very recently i think 2015 ish oh wow so do you know what it's called i did and then i think i erased it by accident but if you look up um what's what's his first name i have no idea i'm sure if you just type if you i mean pascajula abduction parker right just type in past good luck typing in pascajula yeah see if you can do it and uh so he ended up writing his own book and that's when he started being more open about
Starting point is 00:41:15 interviews and that's why i think a lot of the information is so patchy because it literally all just came out within like the last five. Wow. So it's kind of in different places. It's making its way to the... Yeah. Wow. Okay. So Hickson's story is so much easier to corroborate and to at least find on Google because there's literally 40 plus years of his story.
Starting point is 00:41:35 Right. Well, and they were sending reporters way back when already. And he was so open to being famous in the community. He answered everyone's questions. Right. So there's a lot more about him. But Parker,er i think is more interesting because no one knew about any of this totally not too long ago totally so hickson claimed that he actually and this is when he was like he was really well known in the ufo community he claimed that after this event he had additional
Starting point is 00:42:01 encounters with aliens alleging that quote the aliens told them they were peaceful and that they he had nothing to worry about and they weren't going to hurt him and so anytime they ever did reach out to him again they just said we're very peaceful we're peaceful which like i feel like if you say it enough times people just stop believing you they're like there's a reason you keep uh i feel like if you say you're peaceful over and over you're probably lying it's like like when people say, like, I'm not one to gossip, but. Yeah. It's like, okay.
Starting point is 00:42:28 It's like, love her to death, but. Yeah, yeah, yeah. She's a bitch. So then Parker ended up later on, like forever later, corroborated that 20 years after they were abducted, he also was in contact with the same aliens again. Oh, Parker was? Yeah. So just like parker was yeah so just like how hickson said this and like never really had anyone to back him up on it parker later was like yeah 20 years after it happened i also experienced i assume hickson has passed by now so he didn't probably he died in 2011 so i think i think probably right around when he died i think
Starting point is 00:43:01 that's when parker decided he wanted to start telling his story oh interesting so parker claims that he came in contact with the exact same ufo with the exact same aliens oh shit 20 years later this time when he saw the craft he actually voluntarily walked on board and he uh he saw the same feminine being that examined his body and she spoke in english and this was a quote an exact quote from this interview they uh the feminine looking being said quote they shared the same god with us and that the bible was an authentic text and that her species wanted to live on earth but could not due to humanity's tendency towards war and destruction so i don't know what that means interesting apparently they shared the same god as us aren't there many of those on this earth apparently they were yeah good point also apparently they just were studying them to
Starting point is 00:43:59 because out of like jealousy to like because they wanted to be humans i don't know they wanted to be humans? I don't know. They said they wanted to be humans? They wanted to join Earth and become Earthlings, but they couldn't because of humanity's tendency. They're like, y'all are too fucked up? Y'all are too violent and dangerous and mean to each other. Damn, we wanna. We really wanna come over, but... Well, we would love to. We would love to, but...
Starting point is 00:44:19 Love you to death, but... Love you to death, but I got somewhere to be. But we're peaceful, also. But also the Bible's real. We're also peaceful. got somewhere to be but we're peaceful also the bible's real we're also peaceful put your penis away we're peaceful peaceful peaceful gross so uh the last thing i'm going to mention is that the sheriff did end up getting curious about everything that they said and tried to do some of his own research and he was able to find that there were several sightings of unexplained lights and hazy blue lights among the same tree lines all along the coast the two nights the two nights before hickson and parker
Starting point is 00:44:51 ended up going to him and saying they were abducted so people saw it so there's four different stories that i could find one was of a woman that said she and others saw a flaming object fly along the river oh um and this is her quote she said it started out up river at about the us 90 bridge which was one of the bridges they were by and it came down to the beach always over the river it was just above the tree line and disappeared when it reached the beach it lasted three to four seconds but in that time the object traveled more than a mile so more than a mile in like four seconds. It flew over the spot where Hickson and Parker said they were abducted. It had flames all over it moving clockwise, not like a reentry trail. And the object moved parallel to the river.
Starting point is 00:45:35 I was going to say, if it's moving horizontally, that's so weird. It's not like a shooting star. Yeah, it's like spitting. Weird. So that was one. Another report that he found of unexplained lights was this guy named mike who said that he was on route 90 and he saw an object like a large tambourine with small flashing lights across the freeway hovering over the tree line and then disappearing
Starting point is 00:45:56 and then there was a couple named maria and jerry and they said quote i was looking at the sky and i noticed a blue light in the sky over where they say they were fishing it started moving and it seemed like it was following along the pasca river and i just seen the lights on it it was just going back and forth sometimes it would just sit there it went on for 20 to 25 minutes wow okay we heard this loud thumping splash in the river i looked over the side of the pier and that's when i thought i saw a person in the river with them it looked like a person but there was definitely something different about it i thought it was a person but now i think it was an alien it was exactly what parker described it was oh creep so she literally saw this so she saw someone else in the water with
Starting point is 00:46:39 them immediately after seeing this ufo for like a half an hour hovering over them so like supposedly she saw ostensibly she saw the actual abduction, right? Okay. Yeah. She saw like minutes before the abduction. Okay. And then finally there's a woman named Judy who says we were at a red
Starting point is 00:46:53 light and we were basically sitting on the railroad track. I saw some lights and I wasn't sure what I was looking at because it was so far away. It didn't make noise, but it had bright, bright lights. It got closer. It was hovering.
Starting point is 00:47:04 It was kind of a saucer or a disc shape with a rounded top and when we saw it coming towards us the radio started sounding like it was running through all the stations on its own and our car went dead after all the stations oh so spooky after it passed over the car the craft shot straight up at a rate of speed i'd never seen and disappeared so that's four of apparently many reports that he had gotten within the first like 48 hours before the abduction and then all these people he ended up asking like why didn't you come forward when you found out about this massive abduction why didn't you say like oh yeah i saw those lights and all these
Starting point is 00:47:42 people were like we didn't want to look crazy wow so but they reported these before the incident right so they were already on record they were already on record but they were like how come when we were telling all these stories why didn't you step forward and yeah when we were looking for help why didn't you do anything that is wild but so anyway that's the whole story oh my god that, that is spooky though. Yep. So that was the Pascagoula abduction. And that's where probing came from? That was like the first time that probing was taken seriously in the story. Is probing this penis shot? No, because that was more of an injection.
Starting point is 00:48:14 I think maybe the puncture wound in their arm. I think they assumed that something probed them. Because it was in the same spot on both their arms. Okay. I don't know. Interesting. But anyway. That is B-A-N-A-n-a-s oh yeah tweeted us today to please do that next time that's b-a-n-a-n-a-s for sure the shit is
Starting point is 00:48:34 bananas so anyway that is my story of the pascajula abduction that is disturbing deeply deeply to my soul it's gnarly it's a gnarly rumor it's a gnarly rumor yikes let's hope it's a fucking rumor because i don't like to live knowing that that might happen right to your penis to my penis no don't probe me don't probe me bro don't probe me bro okay come on bro all right so this So this is a story about a girl. No, I do this every time. Named Lucky. Okay. This is the story of John Christie. John Christie. Oh, how do I know that name?
Starting point is 00:49:13 I don't know. Oh, I don't know. I don't know. Maybe you'll recognize the story. I didn't know it. I didn't know it. It was suggested by Lauren via email like ages ago, but I found an old Google spreadsheet thingy. Love it.
Starting point is 00:49:26 Who knows if they even listen anymore, but. Sorry, Lauren. Lauren, that might be you if you sent this in. I hope your ears are ringing somewhere. Right. A million years ago. Cool. So, are you a friend?
Starting point is 00:49:36 I am. This is the story of John Christie, born April 1899. Oh. Near Halifax. In Nova Scotia? No. Oh, damn it in i knew you would maybe think that in the west riding of yorkshire so in england oh okay uh okay that's fine it's not canadian but it's fine you don't want this person to be from canada so okay fair that makes me love it more think it's okay uh he was the sixth of seven children.
Starting point is 00:50:05 Yowza. Yes. He had a rough relationship with his dad, who was apparently a carpet designer. Okay. Funny. I would never even think that there is that job, but there is that job. Someone's got to do it. Someone's got to design the carpet.
Starting point is 00:50:23 It didn't just show up having a bunch of beautiful stuff on it. Yeah. Like someone had to place the petals there and the persian petal flower i don't know yeah persian rug i have uh a rug from ikea cool that's all i have to say me too i don't know um i just wanted to be involved ikea rug that's literally me at a party, by the way. I'll hear one word and fucking run with it. And I was like, okay, rug, rug, rug, rug. And I was like, I have a rug from Ikea. Oh boy.
Starting point is 00:50:54 Um, so shocker, not shocker. The carpet designer dad was uppity and distant. Uppity and distant. Sure. And would punish his children for the smallest offenses. On March 24th, this was written by British people, so it says 24 March. On the March of 24th. On March 24th, 1911, his grandfather died in the family home after a long illness.
Starting point is 00:51:20 And John later said that seeing his grandfather's body laid out on a trestle table gave him a feeling of power and well-being. Oh, my. Yikes. No, no, no. No. Growing up, his friends would call him, and he was 12 at that point, so not a good start. No. It gets worse because growing up, his friends would call him a queer lad who kept to himself, was not very popular.
Starting point is 00:51:42 Oh, okay. So he had a lifelong problem with impotence his first attempts at sex were this is not my word it is the word on the internet failures and he was branded reggie no dick and can't do it christy wow throughout his teenage years so can't do it having a rough time my friends not not at all my place but do we know what those failures were because i'm confused yeah like he couldn't get it up oh okay i heard impotence and i was like oh so he just can't get girls pregnant but then it was like oh but he has no dick but then i was like oh but he i've very it was like sounds like a lot of several individual
Starting point is 00:52:22 failures tell you so there's this whole alien thing and they stuck a needle in it. Oh. It was called probing. He got probed. It's the whole thing. I see. I see. Does that explain it?
Starting point is 00:52:31 Yes. Can't get it up, Christy. Finally. Finally. Can't do it, Christy. Oh, yeah. So, right. So he couldn't perform, let's say, in bed.
Starting point is 00:52:41 And so he developed this nickname, these nick nicknames and got mocked a lot so at age 18 john enlisted in the army and that june he was this is just a weird like i don't know how much it applies well actually it does end up applying um that june he was injured in a mustard gas attack during the war oh and spent a month in a military hospital he claimed that the attack left him blind and mute for several years as well as permanently unable to speak above a whisper for the rest of his life although it was later argued that his inability to talk above a whisper was a psychological effect rather than a lasting actual like physical toxic effect from the gas oh okay because he was later diagnosed with an underlying
Starting point is 00:53:23 personality disorder that caused him to exaggerate or feign illness as a ploy to get attention and sympathy. So like Munchausen's basically. I know that was so many words, but essentially they're saying even at age 18, like he was already lying about like he was just full of it. Got it. John Christie married Ethel Simpson after he was discharged from the Army. They got married May 10th, 1920, and his problems with impotence remained. So he regularly visited sex workers because they were the only ones that he could perform with. Got it.
Starting point is 00:54:01 He was also, during this time, convicted of several crimes mostly like petty crimes he had started weirdly enough started a job as a postal worker which there are a lot of weird parallels from the story and the one we just recorded last week for last week yeah so he's a postal worker same as diane downs um and his first conviction was for stealing money orders so he was just stealing cash like from the mail and around this time he and ethel split and he just kind of continued on his little crime spree after some smaller convictions john was convicted of assaulting a woman he was living with named maude cole he hit her over the head with a cricket bat oh my god almost killed her Yeah. Not good. And that was kind of the start of like that was like the first like violent thing he was convicted of.
Starting point is 00:54:49 It was mostly before that, like petty crimes. So after 10 years of separation. So there's a 10 year span where he's just like pulling like little shit. After 10 years of separation, John and Ethel reunited. Oh, love story for the ages. That's great. Do you think they both separated? They were like
Starting point is 00:55:05 yeah well yeah this can't do better i guess i don't know this is just written in the stars i guess we're meant to be um right after 10 years of separation john and ethyl reunited um in 1934 and he gave up his life of petty crime for her oh thank god what a good guy what a mensch what a mensch however the key word is petty crime because he gave up petty crime and began oh thank god what a good guy what a mensch what a mensch however the key word is petty crime because he gave up petty crime and began a life of very very not petty crime great he went from like petty crime to be like i'll go for the really fucked up stuff now he's graduated love it uh aka murder so here we go john christ Christie committed his murders over a 10-year period between 1943 and 1953. So he was ages 44 to 54.
Starting point is 00:55:51 John's first victim was a 21-year-old Austrian munitions worker named Ruth First, who supplemented her income by occasionally engaging in sex work. engaging in sex work uh john claimed to have met ruth while she was soliciting clients and he invited her back to his house because his beautiful wife ethel was away visiting relatives so why not sure uh they had sex and he impulsively strangled her on his bed with a length of rope what okay i don't know why i'm surprised i was like i just told you she murdered her i don't know it is shocking yeah whether you're prepared or not. Sure. It is deeply. I think it would mean something worse if I wasn't affected by it.
Starting point is 00:56:30 Agreed. Agreed. If I was like, mm-hmm. Okay. This is how I react when I read it on Wikipedia and I do this every day for a living now. Right. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:37 You're right. Like the day we're really just not surprised or shocked at all. Right. Is maybe a bad day. surprised or shocked at all right is maybe a bad day um so then he stowed her body beneath the floorboards of his living room and uh then later the following evening uh took her out of the floorboards and buried her in the back garden oh good the floorboards just weren't enough it was just a temporary holder i can just picture him sitting in the kitchen like what to do what to do yeah yeah i like it there it's like you get a new literally like a new fucking rug.
Starting point is 00:57:05 It's like throwing a dart at a map and being like, ah, that'll do. There it is. It's like, do I like the way the couch is situated? Yeah. Does it spark joy? Does it spark joy? Oh, God. Terrible.
Starting point is 00:57:17 The following year, he found new employment as a clerk at an acton radio factory where he met his second victim a colleague named muriel amelia edie on october 7th 1944 he this is terrible he invited her back to his flat slash apartment for all you uncultured swine out there me me me too uh his flat with the promise that he had concocted a special mixture that could cure her bronchitis. So he basically, she had this like never ending cough. Sound familiar? It does. And I'm kind of scared about what you're picking up.
Starting point is 00:57:55 What tips you're picking up. What did I put in your couscous? What was in my artisanal cream soda? Artisanal. Oh, God. Yeah. So he promised her he had something that could heal her bronchitis um so she was like fine i'll try it and went back to his place so he said inhale this mixture
Starting point is 00:58:13 from a jar and it had a tube inserted in the top so she was to put her mouth on it and inhale it and the mixture was called fryer's balsam, and it actually is something that was used to cure bronchitis and asthma. Oh, okay. So at the very least, he started off really strong. But then as soon as she began breathing it in, and I think it was like a really strong smell, so it would be something that she recognized, so it wouldn't throw her off. So as soon as she began breathing it in from the tube, John inserted a second tube into the jar that was connected to a gas tap. Good. Great.
Starting point is 00:58:51 As she continued breathing, she began to inhale coal gas, which has a carbon monoxide content of 15%. And so she was very quickly rendered unconscious. John then raped her, then strangled her and once she had died uh he buried her body alongside ruth's in the back garden okay well at least he's he's putting them all in the same spot i'm noticing yeah he doesn't like those floorboards anymore during easter of 48, Timothy Evans and his wife Beryl. I never said it out loud until now. Moving on quickly before that becomes a tangent. Oh, I guess we're there.
Starting point is 00:59:38 Beryl, I did not occur to, because I'm reading it. It's spelled B-E-R-Y-L, so it's like Cheryl with a B. But when I said it out loud loud it really sounds like a fucking fish barrel like i didn't realize it sounds exactly like a like a barrel yeah you're right it's my barrel he's like this is my wife and everyone's like no bud that's a barrel but oh we'll let you have it it's like okay are you a pirate is that are you working on a shipyard your barrels you guys look you two look very happy right you look very happy you and your barrel i bet you love each other very much stop it i won't it is spelled so b-e-r-y-l so like cheryl with a b or like shooting fish in a barrel i don't know sure so his wife
Starting point is 01:00:18 like meryl streep meryl streep right meryl stre straight yes uh they right now it makes sense it clicked everyone else is like oh i get it everyone else is like i got it when you fucking said barrel one time oh boy so timothy and his wife moved into the top floor flat of john and ethel's building uh barrel i'm sorry i don't know okay b let's call her b b b uh gave birth that october to their daughter geraldine barrel dean barrel stop that's so bad barrel dean i didn't even think about that oh i thought about it i know wow oh god okay in late 1949 timothy evans informed police that his wife was dead. A police search of the property failed to find her body, but a later search revealed
Starting point is 01:01:10 the bodies of both Bea and her daughter, as well as a 16-week male fetus in an outdoor wash house on the property. That sucks. Bea's body had been wrapped twice, first in a blanket and then a tablecloth. Oh, my God. The postmortem revealed that both mother and daughter had been strangled and that Beryl Evans had been physically assaulted before her death as evidenced by facial bruising. So she had been alive when she was assaulted. Timothy claimed that John had killed his wife in a botched abortion, but police questioning eventually produced a confession from Timothy saying he did it, killed his own wife and daughter.
Starting point is 01:02:00 However, the alleged confession may have been fabricated by the police, and the statement appears contrived and artificial, doesn't match. Like, he originally said, oh, yeah, I know where the body is. It's here. And, like, that's not where it was. Right. Think of like making a murderer where like it's sort of like they were feeding him information to say back to them as a confession, quote unquote. Sure. Like coercion.
Starting point is 01:02:21 And so it especially seems phony because as soon as he was arrested, he withdrew his confession and said, listen, I didn't actually do it. Like he was being questioned and he admitted to it, but he didn't actually do it. he was being questioned and he admitted to it but he didn't actually do it gotcha and said john christie did it however evans was put on trial for the murder of his daughter and was found guilty and hanged at pentonville prison on march 5th 1950 so he was convicted of it got it uh police were later criticized for the poor mishandling of the case oh shockerer especially because in their search of the property they had somehow missed the other two bodies as in ruth amazing horribly amazing they're in the garden and the garden itself was like 16 by 14 feet so it was not a big garden but somehow they had dug up the garden just like not just missed the exact part of a body they were like oh someone's buried in this yard but we're not gonna like check out the rest let's not dig it up let's not we don't
Starting point is 01:03:08 want to ruin the petunias right we're the petunias oh not the not the petunias that's how British people talk oh don't at me okay okay uh Ruth and Muriel Muriel who had been buried there in fact this is pretty fucking nuts one uh so he had a fence surrounding the garden and one of the fence posts was actually a femur. Oh, from one of the bodies from either Muriel or Ruth's body. And they just didn't even notice. Oh, like it's just bad. Yeah. So they were like wildly mishandling this whole case.
Starting point is 01:03:42 Wow. And yeah, the fence had broken. So he fucking used a literal femur bone to get prop it up out isn't that disturbing he was like i need to fix this gate fuck you well it's not really the knee it's the leg well whatever it's a hilarious joke let everyone absorb that one no it's not humorous hey okay that that that one was good though thanks you're welcome um right so there was clearly no systematic search of the crime scene since they didn't even find the fucking bone um standing up right or any of the human remains in the garden he which would have
Starting point is 01:04:20 obviously pointed to john as the murderer he even later admitted so john later admitted after everything went down that his dog had actually unearthed muriel's skull shortly after the police were there so like oh good the dog was like oh i found a skull but like the police didn't even notice that there was a mound with a body under it casual um he threw the skull into an abandoned bomb out bombed out house in nearby St. Mark's Road. So that's what he did with that. Her femur's on the fence and her head's in an abandoned house. He's on the fence about her femur.
Starting point is 01:04:55 I don't know. It's not even funny. I'm just trying and it's exploding. Kind of like that bomb shelter with the skull in it. God damn it, Em. I'm sorry. Just keep going. I'm sorry. Just keep going keep going no i'm trying to come up with something keep it to your no to be a to be a or not to be no that's stupid yeah we're failing now uh well
Starting point is 01:05:20 i don't know let's just move on. I give up. It'll come back to me later. Okay. Patella Fitzgerald. Nope. Wait a minute, though. Patella Fitzgerald. Get out.
Starting point is 01:05:37 That's the fucking pun that I come up with. God damn it. Okay. Okay. So I'm super glad that we had some joking times, because it just gets way worse. Great. Here we go. If police had conducted a proper investigation like they should have, the lives of four other women could have been spared. So that should give you a little taste of what is to come.
Starting point is 01:06:00 Nearly three years passed after the trial without incident, timothy had been hanged uh-huh and that's when some new tenants started to move into the apartment building uh they were primarily black immigrants from the west indies which obviously horrified the christies yeah i became not the petunias not the petunias not my patella not my patella. Not my patella. It's Cheryl. It's fucking stupid. So stupid. Who, okay, so they regarded them as inferior, disliked living with them. These two sound like winners.
Starting point is 01:06:34 No. But yeah. Absolutely not. But no. No. John successfully negotiated with lawyers to have, the lawyer's firm was called Poor Man's Lawyer. Get out of here back then they didn't mince words they just fucking they were like for it it's like we know what you are and you know what we are it is what it is there's no hiding um cool so he
Starting point is 01:06:55 negotiated with lawyers to have so that he and his wife could have exclusive use of the back garden and ostensibly it was to separate himself from his neighbors but obviously they mean osteo osteo simply it was to separate himself from his neighbors but obviously it was because that was his cool burial ground it was just a cemetery yes for him and obviously also so no one would find them right right on the. On the morning of December 14th, 1952, John Christie strangled his wife, Ethel, in bed. She had last been seen in public two days earlier. John started to invent several stories to explain his wife's disappearance, including that she had rheumatism and or that she was visiting her relatives in various cities. He was unemployed at this point
Starting point is 01:07:45 so to support himself he sold ethel's wedding ring watch and furniture on january 26th he forged his wife's of 1953 he forged his wife's signature and emptied her bank account uh which is interesting that she had a separate bank account back in that how much do you know how much they had no that's interesting that she had her own bank account that he that how much do you know how much they had no that's interesting that she had her own bank account that he had to like forge like even though they were married they didn't he didn't have access to especially in the like 40s 50s yeah that's very interesting between january 19th and march 6th 1953 john christie murdered three more women uh their names were kathleen maloney rita nelson and hectorina mcclellan so how many
Starting point is 01:08:25 does that make now that is six eight seven no eight seven seven well it depends on it like because there was the the baby fetus the baby and the mom gotcha wait no so more sorry so that's eight eight okay there were two before that, the sex worker and the bronchitis. Right. I wonder if he was just so annoyed with her cough that he was like, I'll fix it. Can you relate? Yeah, a little bit. Probably.
Starting point is 01:08:56 Read this artisanal soda. I know. Okay. Kathleen Maloney was a sex worker that he had invited back to his home, so that was like his usual MO. Rita Nelson was from Belfast, was visiting her sister when she met John she was six months pregnant at the time of her murder uh then John met Hectorina McLellan at a cafe where she was visiting with her boyfriend Alex Baker all three of them so Hectorina her boyfriend Alex and John met on separate occasions.
Starting point is 01:09:25 Like, they kind of became friends. And they were looking for a new place to live. So he's like, oh, why don't you stay at my house? Oh, boy. My wife is busy. So you can live in her house. She won't be around. Don't worry.
Starting point is 01:09:37 Don't look in the garden. On another occasion, so they started hanging out. John met Hectorina on her own. Said, hey, why don't you come hang out at my place? This was after they'd moved out. Like, oh, come back to the old stomping grounds. And he got her back to the house and murdered her. Excellent. Excellent.
Starting point is 01:09:56 So this is how he did it. For the murders of his final three victims, Christy modified his gassing technique, which now I'm kind of, yeah, terrible. Great. Now I'm linking back to that story where he was had a mustard gas attack and then he claimed he like ruined his right vision and shit so i don't know if that's related but or the the bronchitis inhaling and yeah using the gas there yeah yeah weird um so he modified his technique that he had used on muriel uh he used a rubber tube connected to the gas pipe in the kitchen and then he closed
Starting point is 01:10:28 it off with a literal binder clip. Oh, okay. And then he would see his victims in the kitchen, release the clip on the tube and let the gas leak into the room. Once they became drowsy enough, he would strangle them with a length of rope. Uh, as he did with Murieliel john raped his last three victims both before and after he died awful or they died i'm sorry terribly awful uh after their deaths the victims were then wrapped in blankets and stowed in a small alcove behind the kitchen wall okay uh the
Starting point is 01:10:58 entrance of which he covered with wallpaper great so it was like a literal alcove and then he just kind of like patched it up yep uh he moved out of his apartment two weeks later just left them in the wall okay the landlord allowed an upstairs tenant to use john's kitchen while they were looking for a new tenant oh boy and the tenant this poor guy tried to screw some brackets into the wall and was like that's weird there's only wallpaper here. Great. Why is this literally as thin as paper? This new wall that just appeared. He peeled back the wallpaper and found the bodies of Kathleen Maloney, Rita Nelson, and
Starting point is 01:11:34 Hectorina McClellan. Can you imagine? No. Truly fucking terrible. Oh my God. You're like, yes, I get to use the empty kitchen. Yeah. Fuck.
Starting point is 01:11:42 Terrible. And of that asshole guy that like hated you and was like literally called the poor man's lawyer to get you out of what an asshole um so obviously the neighbor called the police and a city-wide search for john began he was found pretty quickly um within the week wandering by the river and was arrested why don't aliens abduct this guy like what i know how come it's always good people yeah probe this guy uh at first he only admitted to the murders of the women in the alcove only the women in the alcove uh because he couldn't get out of it but when they informed him that they had found skeletons in his back garden oh well fucking finally they were probably so proud to uh he
Starting point is 01:12:20 confessed to their murders as well the only murder he didn't readily admit to was the murder of Geraldine the baby, but it's speculated that that was to protect his reputation among inmates while he was in jail, so that he wasn't like a child killer. Sure. Because that would give you a much worse lot among the other inmates. John Christie was tried only for the murder of his wife, Ethel. His trial began on June 22, 1953, in the same court in which Timothy Evans had been tried and convicted for the murder
Starting point is 01:12:47 of his wife only three years earlier, which now they knew he was innocent because this guy just fucking admitted to it. Right. But it was obviously too late because they hanged him. Oh, well. Well, whoopsies. Okay. John pleads insanity. Surprise.
Starting point is 01:13:08 Hysteria. I want to be like, he's insane, but like he's insane but like not that yeah hysteria is a good one uh he claims to have a poor memory of the events so oh does he he's like i don't remember what's convenient it's hazy hazy he said he did them all but it's hazy memory yeah a doctor testified that john oh had a hysterical personality hysteria you knew it which nowadays is actually rebranded as histrionic personality disorder oh i see so it literally had hysterical personality and i clicked the link and it went to histrionic so i guess they're similar uh so the doctor said he's not insane he's basically just a psychopath so it's bad got it whichever one uh the jury found john guilty after only 85 minutes he was hanged on july 15th by the same executioner who had hanged timothy evans oh yikes wow his final words i don't know his final do they do that over there i don't
Starting point is 01:13:58 know his final words were a complaint that his nose itched great well a lot more is about to hurt in a second the executioner assured him that quote it won't bother you for long yeah right yeah exactly uh all told john had eight known victims so finally someone did the math yeah however it was later revealed that he okay wow he collected pubic hair from his victims and that that discovery led to speculation that he was responsible for more murders because some of those weren't collections yeah didn't match got it like the known victims right very weird uh an author named john eddowes wrote a book called the two killers of rillington place which is the apartment building um in 95 which suggested that because
Starting point is 01:14:42 john worked um during the war as a special police constable he would have had access to a lot of people and ways to cover up his tracks so this author thinks that he maybe killed many more people um but then another historian said it's unlikely because it would have meant deviating from his mo which was to kill people in his house right so maybe in other houses i don't know maybe maybe not that's what we've got there maybe may not exactly um who's to say which hysterical historian is right uh the controversy of timothy evans execution uh added fuel to the debate over the use of the death penalty in the uk and ultimately helped lead to the 1965 suspension and subsequent abolition of capital punishment in the uk gotcha so that was one of
Starting point is 01:15:25 the cases where they were like look this guy ended up being innocent and we killed him right for what it's worth timothy evans remains were returned to his family so they could bury him in a private grave and his sisters were rewarded compensation for the miscarriage of justice in timothy's trial and that is the story of john chrissy oh Crazy. I feel like I have heard that one before, but I don't know where or how. Maybe there's like a show or movie. I don't know. I don't know if this Florida man thing's working, but I'm pot committed now. So Florida man for this guy.
Starting point is 01:15:58 Floriscope. Floriscope, right. Floriscope for this guy is Florida man arrested for throwing alligator into wendy's drive-thru that one i'm into that one i'm into uh but also can you imagine working at that when he's yeah no i can't i literally can't truly i wonder if they're like not again all right please get me out of here damn it all right All right. Oh, right. We say bye. You really just like check the fuck out. I was like closing my laptop.
Starting point is 01:16:29 I'm sorry. I'm so worried you're going to be late. No, it's fine. Don't worry about it. Okay. I love you guys. I don't mean to bail. I was just.
Starting point is 01:16:40 Before Christine just like slams the laptop shut and bangs out. I was super anxious. If you would like to follow us on our social media our handle is atwwd podcast we also have our website and that's where we where you can find our tour dates um you can also find our merch site and that's why or slash and that's why we drink merch yeah and then we also have an email and that's why we drink at where you can submit your personal paranormal and true crime stories to potentially be in the running for our listeners episode at the first of every month we also have a gift video that we do for our patreon donors oh yeah and uh if you would like to send goodies to us and watch us open them live
Starting point is 01:17:16 uh you can send them to 1920 hillhurst ave number 265 los angeles california 90027 woohoo yay every time you say something i'm like oh yeah that all right well i guess that's it guys we hope you're having a good april see you next week and that's why we drink now i can bail on everyone

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