And That's Why We Drink - E116 The Pancake Witching Hour and the Ghost of Burritos Past

Episode Date: April 21, 2019

Is the bird the word or the word the bird? Well, either way the word of the day is bird but maybe you just had to be there. Welcome to episode 116, creeps and peeps! We're back in LA long enough to sa...y hello to our studio and tell the stories that the Colorado Bomb Cyclone kept us from telling in Salt Lake City. This week Em brings us the spooky Ben Lomond Hotel in Ogden, Utah. Meanwhile Christine covers the sad and wild tale of the murder of Lori Hacking. Oh we also met the Easter bunny and we were mostly terrified... and that's why we drink!Please consider supporting the companies that support us! Get free shipping on your next Rothy's order when you go to and use code DRINKGet 10% off your first 3 months of Ritual when you go to $20 off your purchase of an Away suitcase when you go to and use promo code DRINK during check outGet your first Quip refill pack for free with a purchase of an electric toothbrush when you go to

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Starting point is 00:00:00 salutations said the bird to the word we've been trying out new nicknames for each other it's really going really well i think we're i said this earlier but i think we're drunk on procrastination and so like now that we're next to each other we're kind of acting slap happy for some reason. Totally. It doesn't make sense, but I said word bird. And then we went on this huge tangent about the birds and what words they'd be saying and,
Starting point is 00:00:31 and how the good word is the bird. Right. It was hilarious. And then, and then word du jour is bird. Right. Correct. That was my favorite joke.
Starting point is 00:00:38 You guys had to be there. I think anyway, apparently one of us is word and one of us is bird, but it seems to be kind of a fluid situation. The fluid bird. oh oh i don't know that sounds troubling who knows i don't know hello everyone hi welcome to our really professional show it's it's not on don't tell them that uh i before we get started i do want want to say one quick thing today is. Oh, by the way, the truck outside wants to say something louder than I do, which is interesting. It wants to shriek.
Starting point is 00:01:11 I wanted to say that today is April 19th. And that means that a couple hours ago it was announced that Lorraine Warren passed away. I hit that in my notes, too. And R.I.P. It's very sad. And for some reason you don't know who she is. She's one of, like, the biggest names in paranormal investigations, and, um, she's been doing it since she was in her 20s.
Starting point is 00:01:33 She died at 92 and was still very active. And she had possession of, like, a bunch of different items and stuff. She had collected some of the most haunted relics and had them all in her home, and, uh, she was involved in cases like amityville and the anfield poltergeist and the smurl haunting and the parent house that was the inspiration for conjuring and right um so she was a really really big name yeah so so this sadly this is dedicated to her this episode goes out to her hopefully she is enjoying the other side maybe she's rolling her eyes from beyond she's like stop she's like maybe figuring out all the mysteries of beyond right that we all want to know
Starting point is 00:02:09 yep so yeah i had that same thing it's probably the first time we both had the same note in our it's the first time in 100 like almost 20 episodes where we've had the same on the same page wow crazy oh boy yeah so r.i.p to laurene warren um and her husband's still alive right no he died 13 years ago lol okay so now they're back they're back together okay they're reunited so well r. Yeah. So RIP to Lorraine Warren. And her husband's still alive, right? No, he died 13 years ago. Oh, LOL. OK. So now they're back together. OK.
Starting point is 00:02:28 They're reunited. Well, RIP. Yeah. Anyway, that was all I had to say. I don't know how to transition out of that. Well, I will say that we are back in LA right now. We're going on the road again Monday. I've never been to Austin, and I'm super pumped.
Starting point is 00:02:42 I am also very excited. And I'm very excited for the Charlotte show. I have some family that's going to be there. Yeah. I've never been to Charlotte either. This is a big, big week for me. We also should say a happy belated to yesterday was Eva's gotcha day. Oh my God, we had a blast.
Starting point is 00:02:59 So she's been around for one whole year. The year went by fast. It went by way fast. But wow, she's saved our asses in so many situations i know so and she's stuck around i'm like i can't believe like we you can leave we know you can't leave please i mean don't leave but we know you could oh my god she's gonna leave uh she's like wait i can oh my god bye uh i don't know if that i've ever a year for me is a long time at a job. Yeah, for sure. I wonder if for her it's actually gone by fast or slow.
Starting point is 00:03:30 Because she's probably more professional than I am. I'm like a year and I'm like, OK, what's next? Right. It's like I've put in a full year. So now it looks good on a resume. Yeah. And she's killing the game. I feel like this is also a nice little time to shout out her podcast.
Starting point is 00:03:43 We don't do that enough. Maybe right. Per normal captivity. Yeah. I feel like I learned also a nice little time to shout out her podcast. We don't do that enough, maybe. Right, Paranormal Cat-tivity. Yeah, I feel like I learned a lot about it recently. I've been trying to get back in the podcast listening realm while we travel. So check that out. It's a great show. And we love you, Eva. Yes.
Starting point is 00:03:58 Yay. I don't have anything else. Oh. We also want to mention that we are very bummed that we were stuck in the bomb cyclone in Denver, and it unfortunately rerouted us, and we had to miss our Salt Lake shows, which was a huge disappointment. Super bummer. Yeah, and we felt terrible about that. It was very last minute, so we're sorry.
Starting point is 00:04:18 Very, very, very last minute. We felt very bad about it. Denver. We kept trying to check our flights, and we were trying to wait it out as long as we could before we made a final call. But then it just kind of looked like it was not going to happen for us. And then we were like, hmm, was that a good call? And then we woke up, and it said, like, Delta had closed, like, 800 of their flights or airports. Or the Denver airport had closed out, like, 800 of their flights going out.
Starting point is 00:04:43 So we're sorry about that. or the Denver airport had closed out like 800 of their flights going out. So we're sorry about that. We miss you, Salt Lake. But we have postponed that for September when there will hopefully be no cyclones. Right. Right. Fingers crossed.
Starting point is 00:04:52 Try to keep that away in your summers. So I don't know about you, but I'm sharing my Salt Lake story tonight. I am too. Oh, good. Okay. So this one goes out to all you SLCers. This is one of my stories you would have heard. Okay, cool.
Starting point is 00:05:04 This is one of mine that you would have heard. Oh, yay. Okay. All right right so let me just whip that open whip it out whip it out word bird that's the song of the bird we're also recording this on friday to go out sunday and i forgot that that it was friday already so poor eva i'm gonna send this to her later and be like oh here your weekend's ruined have fun editing this thing and we even said in advance we were like oh let's just not mess up this time so eva doesn't have to edit anything and christine was like wow novel idea if only we could perfect everything we wouldn't even need to edit things think of that before not messing anything up? That's such a brilliant idea. I tried looking up for you. So to Salt Lake City folk, this is the story of a hotel in Ogden, which is apparently next to Salt Lake.
Starting point is 00:05:53 Yeah. And this is the story of the Ben Lamond Hotel. Well, I can hear them screaming now. I can hear crickets. So, yeah, we have different opinions of how that would have gone. Yeah. But if you know it yay okay so here is the story you would have heard the bent and i think it's ben lamond ben
Starting point is 00:06:14 lomond oh maybe lomond the hotel it's the ogden it's the one in ogden ogden's classic just to avoid saying the name uh it is a building it is wow oh my god holy shit wait this is so novel all of this is groundbreaking revolutionary this building is the highest structure in the city oh ah amazing and it has 13 stories all the two of those are underground oh interesting okay and even though there's 13 stories they skipped the 13th floor because they were superstitious so the elevator goes from 12 to 14 got it uh one of it is one of the last three grand hotels in utah that is still operating and it is on the national historic registry that's cool it was originally the reed hotel okay so the ben the ben is i'm just gonna call it the ben because i don't know if it's the ben uh the ben is the third hotel on the property the very first one was the reed hotel
Starting point is 00:07:10 um and that was built in 1891 so this property has been a hotel for a long long time um was built in 1891 as the reed hotel and then in 1927 it became the bigelow hotel bigelow i like that and then uh and then i'll tell you how it became the Bigelow Hotel. Bigelow, I like that. And then I'll tell you how it became the Ben. The Ben! Oh my god. Well, so it was the Bigelow Hotel in 1927. Oh, and my mom is sharing me a bunch of pictures. My mom's in Amsterdam right now, guys, by the way.
Starting point is 00:07:36 Oh, I was like, that's random. So she's sending me a lot of weird images. I'm jealous. Apparently in Amsterdam, their national dish is the is a pancake is it yeah interesting i don't hate that um let's see our national dish is a pancake okay and apparently they eat apple pie all day long like at all hours of the day it's like appropriate to eat apple pie i mean that's germany too i was like damn that sounds like a good place to be pastries all day long love it there's a cake a special cake hour and cake hour, 3 p.m. every day.
Starting point is 00:08:08 The witching hour. I gained so much weight in Germany. The witching hour. I love it. Just eat a lot of cake. Also beer. You can drink beer any hour of the day. It's a great.
Starting point is 00:08:16 Like for breakfast? Yeah. 11 a.m. I mean, I literally would see people on the train, like in their suits, just like having a beer on the train. What is the average tolerance level of a german have you met me it's probably that that's a high ass tolerance pretty high i when i first started drinking when i was like eight i don't know in college i know i'm really lame i didn't drink in high school but when i started drinking in college i just remember
Starting point is 00:08:41 all my friends would just be like fucking falling over. And I was like, I don't get it. I think I just naturally have a genetic predisposition to be a little more. Have some, have something come out of it at least. Yeah. Uh, so it was in 18 or 1927 that it became the Bigelow. And a year later, the Bigelow was hosting,
Starting point is 00:09:01 um, the, it was holding a lot of events, but one of the things it's most famous for and best known for is that in uh it was hosting the democratic national convention oh cool uh and that was such a big deal the hotel itself was featured in time magazine so it got like cool national acclaim and like everyone wanted to go be there and this was in the 20s the 20s wow okay can i tell a story about detroit one little place we stayed at yeah is that allowed okay so
Starting point is 00:09:29 we were uh stayed at the detroit foundation hotel and it was really cool and beautiful and um expensive but i booked it way too late so oops we didn't really have a choice but so we stayed there and uh i was trying to pick between two hotels and i googled this one and it was in the news all over the place and i was like that's odd why and it was in the news all over the place. And I was like, that's odd. Why is it in local news? That's concerning. And then I read the article and it was like, yeah, Detroit Foundation Hotel is being sued after offering a group rate to a group of people coming to stay at the hotel. Then learning that this group was the Build the Wall Foundation.
Starting point is 00:10:02 Oh, shit. Did I not tell you this? No. Oh, then learning that it was a Build the Wall Foundation and then calling shit and did i not tell you this no oh then learning that it was a build the wall foundation and then calling them and rescinding the group rate wow it was like the oh shit what's his name cuomo maybe wow uh if that's wrong eva i'll tell you and please delete it but if that's right i sound really smart so leave it in uh and um yeah so they were it was like the build.
Starting point is 00:10:26 I think it's called build the wall. Whatever. It's the people trying to raise money to build the wall. They were in town. The wall, you know, trademark. And yeah, so they got they got really pissed because an employee called back and said the best reason to get sued ever. I know the employee called back and was like, uh, actually, remember how I gave you that
Starting point is 00:10:42 20% off, right? I never mind. You can't have it i don't want you to enjoy your stay so anyway that i just was like okay we're staying there oh that makes a lot of sense though yeah yeah it was a beautiful hotel too it was very pretty congratulations on getting sued for uh standing up for people i know i saw sued and i was like oh shit we can't stay there and then i was like wait a second uh so yeah so the big it hosted the democratic national convention and was featured in an issue of time magazine so it got a lot of people wanting
Starting point is 00:11:09 to come to stay at the hotel um and then even though it was doing really well then the stock market crashed and the hotel couldn't keep up and was forced to start uh basically being partially a boarding house wow i'm sorry i. Sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I was trying to be really subtle and then it didn't work. Um, uh, so it ended up saying a,
Starting point is 00:11:31 it ended up becoming partially a boarding house just to be able to pay for things. Oh, great. Oh, great depression timing. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:11:37 So, uh, because it was like low level housing is how it was kind of ended up being marketed. Uh, this brought in a lot of criminal activity and especially more more than normal criminal activity when they discovered that there was an underground tunnel under the hotel oh i love a good underground tunnel which
Starting point is 00:11:55 fun fact is now cemented off so don't go looking for it oh but uh it was obviously used to smuggle in alcohol obviously which then led to it becoming an opium den and a gambling hall and of course what's an underground tunnel in the 20s without sex work so oh boy here we go so by the 1930s the bigelow was sold to a guy named mariner eccles eccles i think it's french oh no it's scottish i don't know how to say it though but i'm just gonna say mariner eccles sure uh so mariner he was able to buy the hotel because he was a millionaire by the age of 22 he served as a chairman of the federal reserve under fdr oh shit he was like millionaire by the age of 22 yeah got it you know like us like i, we get it. Uh, 22. AKA. I recently just looked at my Facebook memories and on my 24th birthday, I had posted saying like, from all I want for my birthday is
Starting point is 00:12:50 for the government to accept my food stamps. I like had no money. So we were struggling. Uh, but I was a millionaire at 22. I just lost it. Right. That's the story there. Before Eva came along, we just spent millions on everything. Just throwing it away. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:13:06 I hope you all know that's a joke. Can you imagine if someone's like, honestly, it was so irresponsible that you spent over millions of dollars in two years and then asked for food. I don't think I would know how to spend a million dollars to be honest with you. Oh, I know what I'd do. I'd build a wall. Oh, right. And then people are going to be like, I can't believe you honestly would build a wall oh right hey and then people are gonna be like i can't
Starting point is 00:13:25 believe you honestly would build a wall uh you can't win you can't win no we're not millionaires and no we're not horrible gosh and we love you guys so please don't be mad at us okay so uh he renamed the hotel when he bought it to ben lamond okay uh and it was named after uh one of the mountains in scotland which is where he's from. Oh, Loch Lomond. Oh, Loch Lomond. I don't know how to pronounce it. Isn't that a song?
Starting point is 00:13:50 That's what I was singing the whole time while you said it. So Lomond. Okay. Of Loch Lomond. Well, I don't know. That's just how the song goes. Okay. Well, you clearly are more cultured than me.
Starting point is 00:14:00 I mean, it's just... Who knows? Everyone's going to be like, that was all wrong christine but remember that time we tried to sing in flambeau the millionaire doesn't know how to sing in scottish yeah i do she i can't confirm though that christine knows how to fluently sing in flambeau fluently i know like two verses of one song that's not really quite fluent but i'll take it uh when he when mariner decided to buy the hotel and change the name he also wanted to crack down on the illegal on the illegal activity but through the 1940s sex work was still being
Starting point is 00:14:31 discovered in the tunnels so every time he thought he had cleaned it up more people were kind of sneaking in sure um by the 1960s the hotel was no longer profitable oh and also at this point apparently in the area highways were being were being paid for nonstop. And so traveling was becoming easier to different places. And so Ogden was no longer considered a travel destination. Oh, okay. Because people were traveling to Ogden by train. Right.
Starting point is 00:14:56 But since people weren't really funding railways as much as they were highways. Oh, so people were just passing it by. People weren't really going anymore. So the hotel was hurting because of that. Got it. And the family decided to sell the property again. And so some of the hotel ended up becoming office spaces. But since it's been around since like literally the 1890s, it needed to be restored. So in the 1980s, after like 20 years of like being in this like falling apart office space,
Starting point is 00:15:24 in the 1980s they decided they were going to put that up for sale because they didn't want to deal with it anymore and it was just too damaged and too and disrepair so the building got saved by the radisson corporation which is a large hotel chain and it got bought out by them in 1985 um it was when it when they decided to renovate it they kept a lot of it intact or at least as much as they could for the sake of the history of the building so they were able to keep the chandeliers the ceilings and the marble floors oh that's kind of nice very nice the fancy part the big parts yeah yeah yeah also uh they had originally was a 350 room hotel but after the renovations they
Starting point is 00:16:08 converted the 350 rooms to 120 suites okay and then uh isn't the radisson where michael scott didn't want to go for his lunch meeting oh maybe wait i don't remember remember him and jan wanted to go to the radisson and he was like no i'm gonna go to chili's or applebee's wherever oh outback steakhouse or something because they got the oh was that that wasn't jan that was it yeah because remember they were trying to like pitch that guy and then he like he wanted an awesome blossom extra awesome yeah yeah you're right and they went there instead of the radisson it sounds like that was the radisson yeah anyway that's right word bird someone go watch the office and come back to us and if it's not right and they went there instead of the radisson it sounds like that was the radisson yeah anyway sounds right word bird so i'm gonna go watch the office and come back to us and if it's not right
Starting point is 00:16:49 then too bad then i was wrong oops uh yeah so the they switched it from 350 rooms to 120 suites they also put in two restaurants 12 suites with kitchens 23 corner suites six two-bedroom suites 58 standard suites and 6 meeting rooms okay so it sounds like it's on the up and up all right so that's all the history of the hotel but now i'm going to tell you all about the deaths fantastic that's what we're here for that is what people are here for that's usually what people cheer the loudest for it's and i'm like okay guys death and then everyone goes yeah it's a weird thing to have people goes yeah it's a weird thing to have people cheer for it's a weird thing to think that this is why we're getting paid my job is to shout death into a microphone and have a sold-out venue scream it back to me oh no it's so sad my poor
Starting point is 00:17:38 parents my mom wanted me to be a doctor i know well my mom knew that wasn't gonna happen yeah well my mom then saw me in like second grade math and was like well that dream's gone uh 1891 is the first death the year it was built year it was built three days after its opening oh fuck uh the owner's brother died in one of the hotel rooms from tuberculosis aka my favorite consumption consumption in 1902 there was a guest named helen and she was staying there with her husband this was when it was still the reed hotel she stayed there with her husband and then when he left to go to work she died by suicide oh
Starting point is 00:18:15 oh no no no in the 1920s there was a brand new cook that didn't know the area very well or didn't know the hotel like layout the layout very well without looking ended up falling three stories down a freight elevator shaft and the number of freaking stories you tell where people fall down elevator shafts it makes me wonder how safe elevators even today are i've never seen an empty shaft that i could accidentally fall down i guess there's so many stories of that that happening in old hotels that everyone's so worried about it now you get sued so easily for something like that i feel like i've probably told 20 to many stories of that happening in old hotels that everyone's so worried about it now. You get sued so easily for something like that, I feel like. I've probably told 20 to 30 stories of people falling down elevator shafts.
Starting point is 00:18:50 That's why when I saw that the Detroit Foundation Hotel was getting sued, I was like, elevator shafts? Uh-oh. We're taking the stairs, Eva. So in 1929, the hotel was hosting an event, and one of the attendees, his name was Dan, and he met a bunch of people and made a lot of friends there. And so halfway through the event, they decided to go up to his room for drinks. One of the people that he met was a guy named Edward. So all of them were up there drinking and then they decided they wanted to go back downstairs
Starting point is 00:19:21 to keep dancing. But one of the women had too much to drink and so she decided to stay in the room and so everyone else went downstairs to keep dancing later that night dan returned to the room and found edward assaulting her no so dan grabbed him by the shirt collar dragged him down the stairs to the lobby in front of everybody and beat him up oh my god so go dan okay uh punched him so hard that he fell backwards hit his head and died what the fuck so go down what a dramatic evening that is and what a that's a true man by the way let's let's remember the definition of a
Starting point is 00:19:57 man is defending people that get hurt yeah when you don't have to necessarily exactly like dragging him downstairs too to make an event of it too let me deck you in the face for how horrible you are in uh 1939 so that was another death not that murder is okay just saying but yes defending defending the defenseless is okay sure i don't think murder is right although i'm going to consider that one justice so on my own in my own wavelength i don't think i mean if he punched him one time i don't think he necessarily was like i'm gonna murder you with this no it was an accidental murder definitely but it was a very intentional beating yes in 1939 and there this was two deaths in one um because two men came to the hotel and they were acting really weird and they were picking fights with people and
Starting point is 00:20:41 nobody really knew who they were they kept trying to get upstairs they kept trying to like use the elevator and go to like the top floor and so they thought that like okay these guys want to use the penthouse or they're trying to like get into like the more sweets and so uh the owner was like these guys are being really weird i'm gonna follow them and when they realized they were being followed they like took off what and they ended up going up the stairs anyway to the very top floor. And they ended up getting on the roof. And they wanted to die by suicide. And they got to the roof and they jumped off. What?
Starting point is 00:21:16 Were they on drugs? I don't know. They were acting weird? They just kept trying to get to the top floor. And then they kept getting kind of shooed away. But they kept trying to get up, get up. And then when they finally were able to they just jumped what year was that 1939 oh how strange okay another death was in 1951 uh a woman named donna also left to her death from
Starting point is 00:21:36 the ninth floor oh her friend said that she found donna with, her, she had cut her wrist, um, but she was still conscious. And when her friend found her, she got spooked that she had been caught. And so she just ran and jumped. No, what the hell? Really awful. Really awful. Really awful. Uh, 1976, the night clerk, his name was Henry Topping.
Starting point is 00:22:02 And, uh, he apparently was like a super nice guy and everyone loved him his name uh henry and in 1976 he was uh working at the hotel and then a teenager named johnny perez came in and tried to rob the hotel and at some point henry tried to defend uh people that he was oh henry trying to attack or try to calm him down. Say like, hey, don't do this. And Johnny Perez, the teenager, ended up stabbing him 44 times. What? 44 times?
Starting point is 00:22:35 Yep. That's a little aggressive. Okay. And obviously he did not make it. So. Fuck. And then the last three deaths are also all suicides, and they are also all on the 11th floor. There was one woman who was spending her honeymoon at the hotel in room 1102, and she either drowned or drowned herself in the bathtub.
Starting point is 00:22:58 Her son came to the hotel to collect her belongings, and he, like, it's a coincidence, but ended up getting checked into the room right next door so got checked into 1101 oh and he apparently was just so ridden with grief that he also took his own life oh my god and then a so there's a mother and daughter or a mother and son suicide next to each other or across the hall from each other um and then the third one is a woman that was in 1106 and apparently while waiting for her son to come back from world war ii found out that he passed away and so she ended up ending her own life in the hotel room waiting for him okay this is getting very sad well that's all the death at least oh my god okay so that was all on the 11th floor those last three yes okay 1101 1102 and 1106 and those three are also the
Starting point is 00:23:46 most haunted rooms in the hotel right god that truck is annoying my truck's here to pick up my garbage truck for me to dive into because i'm trash earlier that is fuck off earlier that truck came by and i was like hey that's the sound i think of when i think of what you look like it was like such a weird pointed insult like such a specific and shrieking high-pitched glass shattering yeah you're like that's what happens when you look in a mirror that noise he's such a jerk i'm glad you're amused by your own hilarity i'm so funny i love giving christina a hard time and she doesn't like it but i i don't stop though i'm not a quitter so here are the ghosts okay um so like i said the 11th floor is the central hub of paranormal
Starting point is 00:24:31 activity uh there's a quote from uh someone on the staff that has said there was hard evidence captured but it has not been made public online oh. Which makes me want to know it all the more. We have to find it now. Hello, does anyone work there? Hello, fresh. Hello, fresh. Hello. Get me to the- Hard evidence? Get me to the hub.
Starting point is 00:24:51 Get me to the 11th floor hub. So, guests in 1101 and 1102, because they're combined in a way, they report water in the tub running all on its own. Okay. Uh-uh. Which is such a, not just a scary thing to see, but also a very jarring sound, like really loud. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:25:09 Like, even if you're not in the bathroom, imagine if you're sitting on the toilet and all of a sudden that happens. It just like turns on. But then also imagine you're like lying in bed and watching TV and all of a sudden the bed just, the bath just turns on. That's a very, cause it really, I mean, my first thought would be like, someone is in my room. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:25:23 Terrifying. Also like someone's trying to make noise, drown out my screen right like a loud obvious intentional noise and so yeah so that's terrifying uh apparently people in those rooms also report feeling being pushed they also hear disembodied voices and in room 1106 there are phone calls made to the lobby when the room is vacant oh that creeps me out so some employees have even just stopped answering phone calls from 1106 altogether which makes me wonder in my hotel rooms i've been in when i've called the front desk and no one answered i'm like do you think i'm a ghost like this shit happened in here when i'm not in here that just reminded me
Starting point is 00:25:58 of something now did i tell you about this i don't think i told you guys about this when we checked into the hotel um a few last, I don't remember which. I honestly don't know what city it was. But we checked in and I literally had just closed the door. And like within two minutes, someone was knocking on the door. And I kind of freaked out because I thought it was one of you guys. But then I looked at the people and it's like this man standing there. And I was like, oh, I don't know who that is.
Starting point is 00:26:20 And so I like had the little lock thingy closed. So I just opened it a crack and he was like oh hi sorry i'm maintenance and i was like no right right i was like oh can i help you and he was like uh i'm just checking the phones and i was like so what would you like me to do he's like oh i'm so sorry i didn't know anyone was here you must have just checked in and i was like yep and um he's like oh uh well i need to check the phone and i'm like well i'm sorry i'm busy yeah and he was like okay how about you go in close the door call down to the front desk and tell me if it's working and i was like okay so i went and
Starting point is 00:26:57 i went and called down to the front desk and it like rang and i hung up and i was like yeah it's working he's like that's all i needed to know goodbye ma'am and i was like what the fuck just happened and i definitely triple locked my doors that night but it was very weird i thought what was going to be even creepier is if he was like okay go check you check the phone for me and then when you like called back to him he was gone well i mean i thought he was just going to walk away but he still he stayed to find out if the phone worked but did i mean did he go to your guys rooms no because he's like oh i'm checking all the rooms and or the all the phone lines and i'm like okay that's the best part would have been if you called the front desk and they were like oh yeah that's a ghost he tells people to do that all the time i didn't think it was a ghost i was like this man just followed me to my room this
Starting point is 00:27:36 creepy old man yeah you're like thinking more realistically than me but i would have been like and more scary i'd rather be a fucking ghost than a man trying to get into my room but if it were a ghost and he could just walk through the door and been like have you checked the phone yeah but he can't kill me so uh oh so there are three rooms oh these three rooms the 1101 1102 and 1106 they are actually locked off to the public because they're all in the same like in the same hallway yeah and so unless you have an actual key to get into those rooms like if you don't have a key to get into the hallway you don't have access to those rooms because they're used to so many people trying to break into those rooms to see how haunted
Starting point is 00:28:13 it is wait wait sorry so there so there's a there's a door closing off the entire hallway oh okay so that specific section is like closed off yeah oh but like but can you still stay there like if you're yeah you just have to have an extra key okay and uh people have often seen a woman's apparition in the rooms and they've heard crying and they've heard her try talking to you okay on the third floor the door handles on uh people's rooms will violently shake when you walk by but nobody's in the rooms to be doing the shaking boy weekly at least weekly staff receives noise complaints and reports of Oh boy. Ugh. There's another quote that someone, I think a guest said. Yuck. i saw some kind of shape like a man wearing a hat bent over me and we also captured an orb
Starting point is 00:29:06 flying across my husband's face in a photo yuck that's a lot of things in one sentence yeah i'm trying to piece those all separately a shadow figure with a hat bending over you while you sleep i think that part i got lost with the orb thing but wow that's like oh that oh and then an orb well i was like fuck the orb what the hell is with this shadow man? Uh-uh. So apparently another thing that happens is people take a lot of pictures of orbs in their personal rooms. A lot of times the orbs are flying by you or standing next to you as if they want to be in the picture. There's also a strong scent of lilacs that either follows you or appears out of nowhere
Starting point is 00:29:40 and often shows up on the elevators. Lilac is my favorite scent. Oh, good. You can sell it to the ghost. I can smell like my favorite smell or it's just me you want like lost i can't find my hotel room just wandering the halls trying to find it that's more likely uh people have woken up feeling something scary quote watching them oh i thought it was just gonna end at something i feel something scary uh and they wake up to hearing people talking in their room. Yeah, that's horrible.
Starting point is 00:30:08 When you say feeling something scary or the something scary part made you laugh, I just recently bought Allison this. It's meant for like the bathroom. It's a little ghost holding a plunger. But when you walk past him, he says, I've got a feeling it's about to get extra spooky in here. What the fuck? So when you said something scary, I thought of him going, something's extra spooky.
Starting point is 00:30:34 So the point is you walk into the bathroom and he's like, uh-oh, things are going to get bad in here. He also says, great. He goes, hello, this is the ghost of burritos past disgusting by the way where did you find that uh on amazon and then he also if you walk by him he says it smells like death in here that was good i just couldn't resist i was like even if allison hates this it's too late i love it that was so weird i love it like someone kind of fucked up and maybe a little drunk is the one who created him i mean it worked but i love him fucked up and maybe a little drunk is the one who created him. I mean, it worked.
Starting point is 00:31:06 But I love him. That's how genius happens. That is what I tell myself when I'm hungover. I'm really just this is just a PSA specifically to Allison that she needs to love it because I love it. You better fucking love it. Something scary. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:31:20 That just set me off. The burritos pass as foul. It is. That's why I think you had to be a little drunk because you have to be very like there's got to be liquid courage for you to definitely pitch that one definitely um oh and then yeah you can also wake up to people talking in your room you can feel cold spots and a lot of people have also felt someone brushing past them as if they're like walking up yeah one spirit likes to turn on the music in the um in the lobby and play with phone cords in your rooms oh so sometimes you just kind of see the
Starting point is 00:31:51 phone cord moving on the sound is it a kitten the cat it's a ghost but i wish if it were a ghost cat that'd be precious that's what i'm hoping for i would let it play with the phone for sure also why have they not updated their phones? Why are we still doing phone cords? What else would there be? I'm thinking like a landline, like the Curly Q one. Yeah. Don't all hotels have that?
Starting point is 00:32:15 Homie, the last like five hotels we've been in didn't have cords. What do they have? It's just like a pickup phone. Oh, but like the thing is plugged in, right? Oh, but I guess. I guess like. I don't know. I don't use the phone i have phone anxiety oh when that guy told me that i use it every time when the i know i can't i get too anxious i don't know i'm a really big weirdo about phones uh let me see oh yeah you're
Starting point is 00:32:38 right it does have that one last cord that has to go into yeah i don't know if that makes any sense but i know you mean the curly ones yeah the ones ones you used to play with when you talked to your crush on the main house phone. I didn't have that experience, but I did talk to my mom sometimes. As if that counts. Did you twist the curly cord? Yeah. Yeah. Hi, mom. Housekeepers report that after making
Starting point is 00:32:57 the beds, they'll turn around and now the beds are either messed up or there's indents of someone sitting there. I mean, don't do that to the housekeepers. That's like rude. They have so many beds to make. Don't make don't make them redo it so much fucking work to do also uh mary who is the owner's first wife is said to roam the fifth floor she's heard humming on the fifth floor as well okay and people have heard knocking on their door and nobody's there uh the night staff have reported that the elevator doors in the lobby open on their own they will
Starting point is 00:33:25 go to different floors with no pattern and no rhyme or reason and no buttons have been pushed so they just move so we don't trust the elevators there no matter what right and often they will stop mainly on the 11th floor okay and just stay sitting there opened grotesque which is extra gross imagine you're in your room and you just hear the elevator like ding and it opens and you never hear it close there and then you hear humming also apparently um and then you hear burritos pie something extra spookies in here i'm gonna be thinking about that for the next three days. Here, wait. I have a video of it. You want to hear it? Yes. Let me see.
Starting point is 00:34:07 If I can play it for everyone, that'd be great. Oh my god. I have a feeling something extra spooky. I like this so much. Okay, here. So this is what it looks like, kind of. It's a little ghost. Oh my fucking god.
Starting point is 00:34:20 And this is what he says. I've got a feeling it's about to get extra spooky in here is that a target where'd you find it I found one at target but I had already got it at Amazon too
Starting point is 00:34:34 anyway you can find it during Halloween at the target section I'm gonna buy one right now later just don't tell Blaze
Starting point is 00:34:42 don't tell Blaze oh I won't I think it's called Jokin' Johnny but you know how Jokin' on the John stop it I'm pretty sure right now later just don't tell me don't tell me oh i won't i think it's called joking johnny but you know how joking on the john stop it i'm pretty sure but you know how blaze uh when he gets scared like oh he reeks the when blaze gets scared he like starts air punching it's very it's very yeah he's not good at getting scared this way he doesn't like anything creepy well he married the wrong person i can't find it so i don't like being scared what do you do i have a true crime podcast i know it's he really did not luck out on that front so uh oh
Starting point is 00:35:10 i found him there you go oh my god right under m is a fucking john deere tractor life-size toy are you on my amazon well then at the top it says this easter understand the crucifixion of jesus so now well mine mine i don't know who's this it is weird though because i definitely bought a life-size uh you know why it's probably like oh other people also bought this uh other people as in i'm the only person who bought a joke in on the john the last 10 minutes so yeah let's look at what else i've bought and uh the blood of jesus dvd oh i have not bought that recently. No. I need to get a new copy for sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:46 I mean, you've worn yours out. I have. Yeah. It's all scuffed. So another big thing is apparently, I guess one of their rules is that the housekeeping staff, they keep the curtains open when it means that there is a vacancy. Like, the room's empty. So when you walk in for the first time, the curtains are open.
Starting point is 00:36:06 Oh, the window curtains. Yeah. For some reason, I was thinking of the shower curtains. I was like, that's very specific. Sorry. Okay. And then when someone is staying there after you are cleaning up, you close the curtains. Got it.
Starting point is 00:36:17 And so, but apparently in brand new rooms, they will keep it open or in busy rooms, they will close them but people will come in and the curtains are the opposite as if someone's like been moving the curtains after the housekeeping stuff um also people have seen smoky apparitions throughout the hotel and they've heard the sounds of doors slamming okay there's also reports of hearing people moving around upstairs when the room above you is empty and a female apparition has been seen in the gym she's got to get her steps in the gym and the there are guests in room uh 212 who have felt hands pushing them out of the room oh oh oh firm pass i don't like that if the phone rings in your room very often it's pretty much expected
Starting point is 00:37:02 that nobody's on the other end of the line. And activity in the tunnel below the hotel still exists. Apparently, there have been reports of people getting shoved to the ground and or then seeing disembodied legs walking around. Ew, I thought it was cemented off. You still like go down. Uncemented? No, like you still go down there. You can't go through the tunnel. Right. Like you can't like be outside of the hotel and go into the tunnel
Starting point is 00:37:28 and there's just legs just legs walking around and then you feel yourself get pushed down to the ground forget it don't go down there people claim to have seen the mother and son that both died by suicide walking around together and people have also seen an apparition of just the son but he's muttering to himself and people have reported being in the bathtub in 1102 and felt something push their back and then grab their arms and hands as if trying to pull them out of the tub oh that just gave me chills and that's the story of the ben loman lamond hotel oh that just spooked me i don't like that last one that really freaked me out it's weird i'm used to hearing like ghosts will push you
Starting point is 00:38:11 but something pulling you is a different yeah trying to save you oh that is oh i wonder if they're trying to save you like get out of the bathtub before you do the same thing or if it's like replaying the finding the body oh that's Yeah. Or even I would think like get out of this is my tub. Oh, I was thinking like finding the woman's body and like trying to pull the her body out. Geez. Yeah. Could be any of that. Great.
Starting point is 00:38:39 Fantastic. All right. My turn. Yes. Okay. Salt Lake. This is all for you. All for you you all for you although if everything we do is for everything i do you get it yet salt lake come on appreciate us um just kidding okay this is the story of the murder of laurie hacking oh that already sounds like a good name i know right um so i wanted to mention that i got a lot of this info from an article on
Starting point is 00:39:05 written by rachel bell um and also from the associated press so here we go people i'll just jump right in so laurie hacking was born on new year's eve 1976 to two lds missionaries okay what up salt lake uh she grew up in oram utah and attended oram high school which is where she met fellow student and husband mark hacking in 1994 oh so from the day laurie and mark met as teenagers they were inseparable they became super close really quickly they shared an extremely close and intimate relationship and 10 years later now in their late 20s um they're still going strong they'd gotten married and we're building a life together and And were actually planning to move from Utah to Chapel Hill, North Carolina, because Mark had gotten into medical school at UNC Chapel Hill.
Starting point is 00:39:53 And right around this time while they were planning this move, they also learned that Lori was five weeks pregnant. Uh-oh. So they were like several years married. I know. I just think of the stress of starting med school and having a baby all the way. Oh, no. They were trying. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:40:06 They were trying to build a family. They were trying to have children. So, right. So she is pregnant and he's going to med school. So they're like, life is good. So on July 19, 2004, Lori went out for a run and never returned. Oh. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:21 So that morning around 10 a.m., Mark calledurie's office at wells fargo in salt lake where she worked and her colleague brandon hodge told mark that laurie had not made it into work that day which was unusual because she was never late to work mark explained that laurie had gone jogging around 5 30 a.m at memory grove park but hadn't come home so laurie's colleagues urged mark to call the police so 10 47 a.m he calls the police and is like her colleague or her co-workers say that she never showed up for work she never came home from her run um and i'm worried so around the same time the call the police was made mark also called some of laurie's friends asking if she knew if they knew where she was according to the salt lake
Starting point is 00:40:59 tribune mark said that he had run the jogging route three miles each way to search for his wife so he had gone like her route that he knew looking for her. And even though her car was parked at the entrance of the park, there was no sign of Lori. Oh, shit. Yeah. Scary. So at that point, Lori's family, friends and colleagues are all starting to get worried. They decide to help Mark search.
Starting point is 00:41:19 So some of her friends even flew in from other parts of the country to like start looking. And unfortunately, even after several hours of looking, they were coming up empty-handed. So the following day, July 20th, Lori's family holds a press conference asking the public for any information on her disappearance. They posted hundreds of missing persons posters with her image. They put contact numbers for Mark and hung them around the city. And more than 1200 volunteers joined the search for laurie and then things get really weird oh boy in a bizarre turn of events mark hacking was picked up by police running through the streets naked wearing nothing but
Starting point is 00:42:01 sandals uh and he was admitted to the university of utah's psychiatric unit for a mental breakdown mark yes her husband okay which is like very sudden like they're doing the search um looking for her posting 1200 volunteers and then all of a sudden he just loses it yeah okay yeah so he's like spotted running through the streets naked so police had already started looking into mark because he's the husband um and what they turned up on their routine search of, you know, his background was intriguing. Turns out Mark was not exactly the person he had claimed to be. So you know how they were going to UNC or to North Carolina. So it turns out not only did Mark not get into med school at UNC, he had actually never applied.
Starting point is 00:42:43 Nor had he ever finished his undergraduate degree. That'll not get you into UNC. That is a big red flag for them, for the admissions center, I think. UNC or NC Chapel Hill? I don't know what they're called anymore. UNC Chapel Hill. Got it. I did not get in there either. I did not get in there. I actually applied and definitely did not get in.
Starting point is 00:43:04 Me too. No, I didn't either. It's a really good school. Okay. Da da da. So Lori's family had no idea that he had not even finished like his bachelor's ever because he had just been talking about going to med school in a few months. So like this was totally shocking to them. And so people were obviously thinking like, well, if he was lying about that, what else
Starting point is 00:43:23 could he be lying about? Especially now with Loriurie being missing right so for obvious reasons uh mark remained a person of interest for police uh it didn't help that a search of laurie and mark's apartment after her death revealed some bizarre clues that pointed to foul play oh yeah so evidence collected the apartment included the couple's box spring a receipt for a new mattress and bedding, a bloody knife found in the bedside drawer in the couple's bedroom, pieces of carpet, clothing, and a letter found in a spare bedroom allegedly written by Lori. picked up evidence from other locations in the city including a trash bin from outside their apartment building a cut-up mattress that matched the box spring found in a trash bin near the hospital where mark worked as an orderly uh a clump of dark hair found in a dumpster outside a chevron gas station near the same hospital where he worked material taken from two cars
Starting point is 00:44:21 owned by mark mark and laurie not mork and laurie mork and mindy mork and mindy um oh this is actually my spec script of uh oh is it it's good it's doing hot so far thank you thank you please buy it um okay so yeah so material taken from their cars uh they got surveillance videotapes from um a hospital a m church located near the park where Lori disappeared, and a convenience store. So they had all this shit, and it wasn't clear yet what they were finding or what the importance was. They said they had it. But they had it, right. So police also discovered that between 9.45 and 10.23 a.m. on the day Lori went missing, which is the time that Mark claimed he was running three miles there and back to like look for Lori.
Starting point is 00:45:05 He was actually out buying a new queen size mattress at a local bedding store. Hmm. That doesn't sound good at all. It does not sound good. Yeah. So he had claimed that that was when he wasn't home because he was searching for her on the trail. Then they found footage of him at a mattress store. Not good. That's what Amazon. I mean, listen, prime now just get that delivered in an hour right right would have saved you would have actually i wonder how many murders amazon prime has like kind of accidentally helped get people away with i wonder although now they take photos of when they drop it off to like prove that they dropped it off oh maybe huh i don't know
Starting point is 00:45:42 i guess they could also look your order history of the the time. Or that. Or that, yeah. I'd be a terrible murderer. I would too, for sure. You and I would fuck shit up so bad. Everyone should just know I'm never going to murder someone because I wouldn't know. Please understand that Em and I would be so bad. We would tell each other immediately, first of all. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:59 And we would not be able to keep our mouths shut. I would be like, uh-oh. Uh-oh. I did something really bad. Right. And then I went and bought stuff on Amazon. Oopsie. oopsie well i would i would definitely need some retail therapy yes oh for sure get some more of those it's getting spooky in here joking on the john uh anyway so right so that's how they caught him i mean that's not how they caught him that's how they uh knew that he was not running the three miles to look for Lori.
Starting point is 00:46:25 Gotcha. So, you know how... Okay, so I said Lori's car was... Side note. If I ever tell you, oh, yeah, I couldn't find Allison, I ran six miles to find her. Bullshit. I'm calling the police immediately. Like, I love you, Allison, but I absolutely would not, could not run six miles to find you.
Starting point is 00:46:42 No. So, I'd be like, check Target. That's probably where you went. Oh yeah truly if any one of us says oh we ran six mile for anything bullshit i ran six miles for a million dollars no i didn't call the police no i did not this is our new code word for something terribly wrong has happened right right right i ran six miles wink wink at some point i even said in a very early episode that if I ever say out loud that like I willingly took a hike. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:09 That was the Panama girls. Call the police because it's a code that I'm being held hostage. We even said if there's ever an episode of this show where we say we were outside going for a hike together, that we are being held captive somewhere and you need to call the FBI. And it's Eva probably because she's the one that's releasing this and doesn't know our code yet that's true that's true uh well she does now sorry gotta come up with a new one um right so you know how i said laurie's car was found outside of
Starting point is 00:47:36 the park where she went for the run even though she was gone they found her car in the parking lot so they examined the car and oddly enough the driver's seat was adjusted to fit a much larger person than lori oh so lori was five foot four but the seat was moved back to accommodate someone around six feet tall oh what so it's like come on come on at least cover your tracks so bad it's so bad um one more thing about the car is that back at the apartment they found lori's car keys and they're like wait a second why would they be here in god's name would they get from the car to the apartment if you gotta chuck those down a river or something stupid right exactly so it made no
Starting point is 00:48:17 sense so like lori either would have the car keys with her or they would be on the trail or right at the car so it just didn't make any sense. So at this point, it's pretty obvious Mark had something to do with her disappearance. They didn't know what yet. But then on July 25th, 2004, their suspicions were confirmed when Scott and Lance Hacking, who are Mark's two brothers, called police and said that Mark had confessed to them that he had murdered his wife. Oh, shit. So the brothers were like, um, we learned something bad.
Starting point is 00:48:46 Right. Yes. So. So basically what happened was that while Lori was at work on Friday, July 16th, she called. So they don't they still don't know entirely the full timeline. But what they do know is that while she was at work on Friday, she called UNC Medical School to ask for financial aid information. And learned that her husband was not in fact enrolled there and i don't know what he was planning on doing yeah like there's like there's no reason yeah it was like getting closer and closer and he just was still
Starting point is 00:49:16 maintaining that he was starting med school right so she called for financial aid information and they were like we don't know who you're talking about this person never applied or never got in weird so they don't know who he is um so her colleagues saw her visibly upset and crying and she left work early presumably to go talk to mark and be like what the fuck is going on a little bit later unc received a voicemail from laurie explaining that her husband claimed the reason he wasn't in unc's system is due to a computer malfunction on their end. So she's like, she seemed to believe this story. It seemed like Mark, like, presumably Mark had told her, oh, no, I swear I am enrolled, but they must have lost my name. And so he somehow convinced her of this because they went to a colleague's work party later and had a good time.
Starting point is 00:50:04 And people said they seemed OK and fine and didn't seem like they were fighting anymore yeah so everything seemed okay but then on saturday the next day uh july 18th mark finally admitted that he had quote lied about his education and future plans i mean to a massive extent so yeah literally about to move her across the country for no reason i like i don't know what the plant right i don't know i really don't know um so obviously this erupted in a huge argument according to the associated press laurie went to bed and mark stayed up and played nintendo games for hours then packed up some moving boxes because he was still like we're still moving to north carolina he's committed to this lie whether she believes it or
Starting point is 00:50:45 not i guess um packed some moving boxes and then during packing uh mark allegedly came across a 22 caliber rifle oh and around 1 a.m he went into the bedroom where laurie was sleeping and shot her in the head oh shit which is so wild it's not like in the heat of the argument it's like hours later not even premeditated though he just like decided exactly he's like look what i found like this could fix things how convenient yeah and like he had been playing video games so it's like he cooled down it's not like he was still he was relaxed yeah and he was packing up like for their move and then was like huh what's this weird terrible so uh he told his brothers that he put laurie's body in a dumpster around 2 a.m then cut off the top of the mattress, which had obviously had blood all over it, and disposed of it in a church trash bin.
Starting point is 00:51:30 So that's nice. Very holy. Very holy. So Mark was arrested on August 2nd, 2004, charged with first degree murder and three counts of obstruction of justice. The volunteer run search for Lori, which had been going on for two weeks, was called off, obviously. volunteer run search for lori which had been going on for two weeks was called off obviously and instead authorities began to search a salt lake city landfill which was expected to last about a month but lasted much longer and involved 38 volunteers including police officers firefighters public safety officials and urban search and rescue team members who were the same people
Starting point is 00:51:59 that helped after the 9-11 attacks to search for bodies wow so they like had a huge team searching the landfill it lasted for let's see how long did it last for a long time a long time just yeah okay i don't know the number um they spent an average let's see well they spent an average of 11 hours every single day for four days a week searching and then on october 1st. Okay, so let me do the math. Let's see. August 2nd. So literally like two months. They searched four days a week, 11 hours a day.
Starting point is 00:52:32 On October 1st, 2004, searchers found human remains in the Salt Lake County landfill. And police confirmed that afternoon that they were those of Lori Hacking. And I believe all they found was like one jawbone and a tooth or something. Oh, shit. Like very minimal amount. And that was enough to determine that it was. Wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:51 Very sad. So on April 15, 2005, Mark Hacking pleaded guilty to first degree murder in exchange for prosecutors dropping all other charges. He was sentenced, weirdly enough, to six years to life in prison. Okay. That's a range yeah broad spectrum there it's like a little gamble i think uh yeah so that was apparently the max the judge can give under utah law however in 2005 they determined that mark would not be eligible for parole until almost 30 years later in 2034 so at least longer than six years right right right okay on march 20th 2006 uh utah house bill 102 also known as laurie's law was signed into law and increased the minimum penalty for a person
Starting point is 00:53:36 convicted of first degree murder in utah to 15 years to life oh wow rather than six so it's one small good thing that happened out of this whole case. Yeah. Lori's parents made the decision to remove Lori's married name from her gravestone. And instead, they replaced it with a Portuguese word that means little daughter. Aw. Yeah. But today, Lori's mom, Thelma Soares, says she does not feel the anger she once did. They did, like, a really long interview with her.
Starting point is 00:54:04 It was really interesting. Very heartbreaking. She now exchanges letters, believe it believe it or not with mark who's in jail um and they write back to each other and she shared part of his most recent letter with the god i don't know how to pronounce this deseret news desert deseret deseret news okay quote so this is his letter to his mother-in-law laurie mom. I hope your health as well as your peace and happiness continue to improve. I think of you often, but I never know what to write. Everything seems inadequate or inoculate, at least with my limited vocabulary. I remember your kindness and acceptance from the first time I met you. I remember the love you showed even when I didn't deserve it.
Starting point is 00:54:39 I remember your fear when I told everyone Lori was missing, the anger and despair in your letters and on the day I was sentenced, I remember your forgiveness and kindness when I did not and never will deserve them. She says that despite everything, she has forgiven Mark more for her own sake than his. She's like, I just can't hold on to it any longer for my own well-being, which is, I think, a very incredibly brave thing that I probably don't know if I'd be able to do. Right. And she says she still feels anguish but not anger which is still very sad and dark yeah that's really rough she said the experience has also taught her how good most people are um she received so many gifts and donations after laurie's death some were just simply addressed to laurie hacking's mom salt
Starting point is 00:55:22 lake city and i know the the mail carriers were able to get that to her so she just she still gets mail to this day um she still she says she still has the quote wrinkled dollar bill and one dime that a young boy gave her after baking cookies to raise money for laurie's fund i know so she still kept that and she says like that's the kind of thing she thinks about when she's feeling blue blue um let's see okay today the university of utah continues to award the laurie hacking scholarship annually to at least one student which covers the cost of their junior and senior years of school uh thelma her mom said the recipients are women who have overcome difficult circumstances to get into college and she says she knows laurie would be so proud to have helped so many young women oh and that is the story of
Starting point is 00:56:10 laurie hacking's murder wow yikes at least good things came from it yeah yeah it's always just so amazing when it's like the mother of the victim is like oh i've just learned so much about the good of humanity i'm like like that's heartbreaking i I can't even imagine it. I'm even reading these. I'm like, humanity is fucking terrible. Right, right, right, right. If you think they're great, then you're a bigger person than I. Anyway, happy Easter Sunday, guys. Oh, oops.
Starting point is 00:56:35 You can buy the Resurrection of Jesus DVD. Maybe that'll make you feel better. Yeah, you can also buy a life-size John Deere tractor and a Jokin' on the John ghost. Already added to my cart. Prime now. Thank you guys for listening to our stories. we hope you're having a good Easter shout out Salt Lake for uh your stories for from afar yes sorry you didn't get to hear them live but we oh Em and I met the Easter Bunny yesterday oh we did we took a picture with the Easter Bunny yep with Eva on gotcha day
Starting point is 00:57:01 yep and I've never taken one with the Easter Bunny I was was the only one very excited. Eva and I were extremely uncomfortable. Didn't want to get near him. Meanwhile, I was like, can I put my arm around you? And the Easter Bunny put their arm around me. I know. It was pretty cute. It was actually not. It was terrifying.
Starting point is 00:57:15 Eva and I were like, we're going to stand like two feet away and just smile. I loved it. I just felt bad for that poor person in the Easter Bunny costume. It was so hot. Yeah. They had that weird little fan pointing right at his face i'm like oh anyway thank you guys for uh listening to us on this beloved religious day oh wait you're right it literally comes out on sunday yeah oh god so i hope this brought some joy to you i hope you're eating some candy after church or wherever you are
Starting point is 00:57:39 uh we are going like we said we're going to be traveling this week. So we're super excited about that. And then, um, may we have several shows in a row all next to each other. Um, so please consider Huntington, New York. That's in long, long Island. Yeah. We've also got Albany. Um, we've also got a lot of, we got Cleveland. We still need to fill up.
Starting point is 00:58:02 Right. And we've got Madison and. Oh yeah. Madison, Wisconsin. I'm excited for those. We've got a lot of shows fill up. Right. And we've got Madison and... Oh, yeah. Madison, Wisconsin. I'm excited for those. We've got a lot of shows coming up. Cheese curds. This is the last big haul on our touring.
Starting point is 00:58:11 And then we get a whole summer just to kind of relax in LA. So we're very excited about that. Yeah. So thank you guys for everything. If you want to follow us on anything, we have our social medias, ATWWD, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. ATWD podcast. ATWD podcast. Sorry. Close enough. I've done it enough times. it enough times you guys kind of get it it's just an abbreviated version we also
Starting point is 00:58:30 have our website and that's where we where you can check out our tour dates and you can find our merch um wonderful things like that yay uh and you can also send in your personal true crime paranormal stories at and that's where we drink at and eva will read them and they could all potentially be in the next month's listeners episode. We put out one at the first of every month. We also have a mailing address, 1920 Hillhurst Ave, number 265, Los Angeles, California, 90027, where you can submit, submit, where you can actually physically send. If you have any gifts for us, we will open them in our gift video that we put out for Patreon. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:06 And I'm posting that. We did one yesterday, so I'm posting that this week. And thank you to all the people who sent us stuff recently. Yeah, thanks, guys. And Gio's very happy with all his new toys. Yes, Gio got his first lemon. His first lemon toy. Yep.
Starting point is 00:59:17 Ugh, thanks, guys. And that's why we drink. Yay!

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