And That's Why We Drink - E124 A Birdless Penguin and The Wink Face Emoji

Episode Date: June 16, 2019

Is it still our birthdays? Because we ate an entire ice cream cake in between our stories today! We've got some whoppers for you today - Em closes out their 3-part UFO series with the very creep Incident and Christine covers the infamous Casey Anthony case. We also have impending colonoscopies and melted frosting clean up sessions... and that's why we drink!Please consider supporting the companies that support us! Go to to protect your peepers today!Download the free ZipRecruiter Job Search app today — and let the power of technology work for you.Get you new favorite flats at today!Get 10% off your first 3 months of Ritual when you go to

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Mickey Mouse peed on a house. What color was it? Yellow. Y-E-L-L-O-W. I'm out. You're out. Damn it. Because you're the only person here. Not again. Uh, to those who don't know what that is, because apparently Christine didn't, it was like a little, uh, eeny, meeny, miny, moe game growing up. To a way to bully the German kids out of your circle. Right, right, right. How do you say mouse in German? Maus. Oh, mouse. Mickey Maus.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Peed on a horse. Also, same word. Really? Yeah. Never mind. Welcome to our children's learning episode. Love it. How are you? Listen, I'm good. I'm good it how are you listen i'm good i'm good how are you i'm all right i uh i'm coming down from the birthday high i know right isn't
Starting point is 00:00:53 it tough it is 27 was a rough one for me mentally it's still birthday month i mean it's birthday i'm still demanding things and saying it's my birthday but i'm like aware that the full like week where everyone else was at 100 with me is over like allison just wishes i would stop saying it's my birthday now we have to maintain it ourselves exactly how unfortunate now i like i'll probably go to outback tonight and eat a steak and i'll be like oh well it's my birthday i deserve it beautiful but like no one else would would agree with me probably me i would okay you want to go get steak later i don't eat steak but you want to watch me eat steak later sure it's my birthday so is it yeah weird it's mine too crazy
Starting point is 00:01:32 oh my gosh well i did want to mention real quick because i forgot to mention last week and i felt like a big old jerk um so i talked a lot about like my birthday and how fun it was and i forgot to mention like that actually on my birthday my wonderful husband did some wonderful things for me that i just didn't mention and then i think i just let's talk about it felt sad and made him feel bad oh um probably not he's probably like i don't care but i do i just want to say that blaze gave me an awesome birthday and he took me to a dog exhibit and at the museum and then took me for sushi and then gave me, he adopted an elephant for me. You got a lot of elephants this birthday.
Starting point is 00:02:07 I know. And a lot of elephant things happening. And her name is Narubu and she's just a doll. The sweetest little baby. Oh, and she's so sweet. And she's, oh, and she's two years old. Oh, BB. And they found her and she was abandoned and they found her and they uh where is it in a
Starting point is 00:02:25 move narubu that's right what does narubu mean i don't know it's a good question i don't know if it meant like found i don't know uh but it came with like and then every month i get watercolors like hand-painted watercolors of her and stop there's a whole story on how she made friends and she was really scared of all the other elephants and then one of them reached through the bars and like wrapped its little trunk around her trunk and then like helped make her brave enough to go to the mud bath wait can i be can i adopt that one isn't it the sweetest thing you've ever heard sweet anyway so blaze did that for me and it like made me cry a lot so i wanted to say thank you and tell me about the dog exhibit oh the dog exhibit was cool it was at the science
Starting point is 00:03:01 california science center was your favorite part of it there was a dog there there it is and she wasn't really sweet her name's lily and then i posted about her because she was up for adoption and then i looked the next day and it was like she's on the list for euthanasia and i freaked the fuck out and um then she was adopted the next day so yay i was very happy anyway so that's that's the thing i just wanted to mention and that i was very happy anyway. So that's, that's the thing I just wanted to mention. And I was very thankful for a lovely day that my husband gave me that I just ignored. So anyway, Alison took me to San Francisco this weekend. So for my birthday. Yeah. And that was a pretty great time.
Starting point is 00:03:36 If anyone followed me on Instagram and saw the million videos, I played and I watched all of them. I was surprised at how many people actually viewed them because i usually if you see like a million things in someone's story you're like okay well i'm not gonna pay attention right right right but so many people watched the whole thing we went to this kind of click through because the videos were so like wildly different right uh we did a really probably the coolest version of putt-putt i'll ever do in my life i am very jealous of that uh it happened to be 21 and older, which was useful for Allison.
Starting point is 00:04:08 Although I don't think she actually drank anything. It could have been useful. Big mistake. But it was, what are they called? Like Rube Goldberg machines or something. Oh, cool. So every single time you hit a ball, it turned into this huge mousetrap extravaganza of things happening. It was crazy.
Starting point is 00:04:28 It was very fun. It was crazy. And it was all blacklight. So everything kind of glowed. Em loves blacklight. Love a good blacklight. Glow in the dark. So that was fun.
Starting point is 00:04:36 We went to drag brunch and hung out. And my big thing was I wanted to go to Hayton Ashbury. So we did that. Fun. During Pride, right? Yeah. And we went to Castro, which is the gay district. Yeah. out and uh i my big thing was i wanted to go to hayton ashbury so we did that fun during pride right yeah and we went to castro which is the gay district so we had a lot of fun there for pride month a lot of rainbows a lot of rainbows yeah and i was i was very impressed with san francisco's uh amount of trans flags on display oh cool there was i was surprised they actually i guess if
Starting point is 00:05:03 anywhere that's the place yeah they had a lot of uh different flags they had like gender queer flags they had bisexual flags they had pansexual flags they were very inclusive i was expecting just like rainbow flags everywhere but they had one for everyone that's really cool yeah that's really fun anyway it's very colorful very colorful um neat well also i wanted to add a a lot of people got a kick out of the cake. I posted on my Instagram. Yeah. A lot of people were like, Christine, what did you do? And I was like, I already told you what I did.
Starting point is 00:05:36 Right. A lot of people acted surprised, even though we gave them full warning. I tried to warn you. It's kind of weird. They're like, what happened? We posted a picture of you and Brie on the Instagram on the baby cake podcast instagram so yeah anyway it's been a trip for the last week people have been uh catching up on all that shit um i found out that christine actually got two brie larson cutouts by accident not by accident kind of hoping i get the second
Starting point is 00:06:00 one i was like i'll take it and i was like i know you'll take it there are four corners of a room and two brie larson's that means there's still room for two more that's true listen i'm on it there's one on the couch one in the bed love it do you still have ice cream cake by the way yes yes i want to eat the shit out of that much but it's there i realized as soon as i left i was like we left i left so much i was wondering yeah i thought about the whole time i was in san francisco maybe i was like so much cake i thought maybe left it the whole time I was in San Francisco. I thought maybe. I was like, so much cake. I thought maybe. And I left it neglected. Fuck, what was I going to say? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:06:29 I don't know. I keep feeling like I'm about to say something and then I forget. Do you have a reason why you drink? Yes. Yes, I do. Oh, my. What's that? I am getting colonoscopy next week.
Starting point is 00:06:38 Oh, yikes. Is this your first? No. Okay. Is this my first? At least you're prepared. No, my digestive tract has been fizzucked for a long time. At least you're more prepared than I would be.
Starting point is 00:06:49 Yeah, the last one I had was in 2011, so it was eight years ago. Is it as miserable as I imagine it is? The prep before it is miserable because for 24 hours you can only eat like jello, which is my least favorite food in the world. Yikes. And water and broth. So I'm going to be a cranky little brat let's not record that day let's not actually let's no let's not let's not wait uh that's when i'm out of town right it is literally the day you leave it's the day my prep starts so you made a very
Starting point is 00:07:16 good decision you made a very good decision i am traveling with my mother we decided that we're going to do a little parent-child date that's so fun um we haven't totally landed on a location yet um there was a long period of time where we considered canada and then we considered different parts of the states and my mom at one point was like oh well we should meet in the middle spot and then suggested like the state next to virginia so she really wouldn't have to travel but i would just trust me it's really close let's go to baltimore you've never been there i have i swear to god that woman suggested dc like i didn't go there every weekend like you don't live there god um but yeah so we tried we were thinking about like chicago or cool
Starting point is 00:08:01 probably fun now that it's nice and warm out finally. Yeah. So we don't know where we just know that we're going to go. So I guess, and it's very last minute. So no matter where I go, the tickets are going to be really last minute. Yeah. Yeah. She just decided like,
Starting point is 00:08:14 I'm not doing anything that weekend. Let's do something. That'd be fun. You're like, Christine's going to get a procedure done. Please get me out of here. Thank you for knowing the exact day. I should not be in California.
Starting point is 00:08:23 Well, speaking of traveling, we posted our last show for sale. Oh yeah i don't know if it's sold out by the time this comes out but we are going to atlanta is our last show yes ever this year that we're announcing so if you haven't gotten tickets yet go get them and that really is it we're not surprising you with anything else we're not like i know unless we're surprising ourselves which i don't plan on doing we do seem like people who would like kind of do a pop-up show but we're surprising ourselves, which I don't plan on doing. We do seem like people who would do a pop-up show, but we're not. We have some other stuff we're working on.
Starting point is 00:08:48 So we've got our two Salt Lake cities. We've got our New Orleans, and we've got our Atlanta, and that's it. Yay. And then 2020, we'll be touring again. We'll see what happens next year, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You didn't ask me why I drink.
Starting point is 00:09:01 Why do you drink, Em? Well, I found out that on my actual birthday, when you and I, we had a meeting and then we went to get lunch. Yeah. And I never said this either, but Christine surprised me on my birthday. Oh, God. By very- In a parking garage.
Starting point is 00:09:14 In a parking garage. Very weirdly having me follow her into a parking garage. I did do that. She was like, just follow me. Don't ask questions. Just follow me. And then she attacked me with a silly string. Like, Em screamed and two people turned see what like if i was stabbing someone
Starting point is 00:09:28 and uh she had a one lone birthday hat a happy birthday cap yeah which i got to wear in public and a lot of strangers told me happy birthday that's true um in like beverly hills too so well you also got me this back at a basket of like um chocolate covered strawberries aka my favorite snack they were gone by that day oh good but you also got me this basket of chocolate covered strawberries, aka my favorite snack. They were gone by that day. Oh, good. But you also got me this chocolate cupcake that I didn't realize that I had left it in my car overnight. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:09:54 And that was also the beginning of this really weird heat phase that we're going through. Yes, it's bad. So I didn't remember it until the next day when I looked in the back of my car and I was like, what is this mess? And apparently the cupcake had a lot of blue frosting and in the heat, it all reduced down to just blue oil, like bright blue oil. And the entire backseat of my car is like a blood bath. Like if someone just got torn to pieces in the back of my car but had blue blood.
Starting point is 00:10:27 It was a smurf. It was a smurf. Massacre. Yeah, it really was. My seats are probably not. I almost got you a red cupcake too. Oh, that would have been so much worse. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:36 But I mean, I'll figure it out. But I did see it and I was like, well, there's nothing I can do about this. And it happened surprisingly on my birthday was also the last day was my final car payment. So it was like, oh, well. You paid your car off. I paid my car off. And also now the whole backseat is entirely bright blue. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:10:55 And they're cloth. It's not leather. Like, it's seeped in there. I don't know if it's coming out. The only person who ever sits back there is me when you drag me to random places. Well, wear white pants next time. I will. I probably will
Starting point is 00:11:05 like knowing me i probably accidentally will so anyway one of the things on my to-do list is to go in there with a knife and just like scrape it all off oh good see what i can do so one of the things on my to-do list is wow i just fucked up another cake so i need to really get it correct next year yeah yeah man i cannot get a break man i'm You can't be perfect. I'm so sorry. I'm ruining your whole birthday. It's fine. Before we go, bye. See ya. We get to tell our stories. You were on an episode of another show this week.
Starting point is 00:11:34 I was. So our buddy, Lisa Lampanelli, had... Her buddy. That's one way to put it. Our buddy. Your aunt. Our good pal. Your aunt.
Starting point is 00:11:44 She has a podcast that just came out called Let Lisa Help. And it's so far really good. I really, really like it. She has one that's out with Josh Peck so far. And basically she just has different people on. They talk about their demons, if they have any. And we let Lisa help. We love demons, by the way.
Starting point is 00:12:02 And we do, actually. It was a nice little tie-in. Worked well. But yeah, it was on an episode. I talked about some of my personal crises. So if you want to go listen to that, by all means. If you want to hear us complain more. I don't know if there's anything left to the imagination in my life.
Starting point is 00:12:18 Yeah, that's true. But by all means, take a listen. It's called Let Lisa Help. Let Lisa Help. I'm going to be on an episode, but I think it's not coming out for a while so i don't know mine was better so that's why i got on first it probably was i don't know what did you talk about on yours um maybe you should wait and see oh i see what happened there i she was like don't prepare anything and then i just that's what she told me too she was like we're just gonna talk and we're i'm just gonna get it out of you so well
Starting point is 00:12:43 she was like i have something we're talking about you are not allowed to pick something we're just gonna talk and we're i'm just gonna get it out of you so well she was like i have something we're talking about you are not allowed to pick something we're talking about oh i have something prepared and i was like uh-oh oh my and she did and she called me out about something that hurt i did that hurt her feelings so that it was a wild time it was very fun like we had a blast it worked out well but i will tell you that's that's the only teaser i will give but i'm not on it that's a little dramatic like that's that's the only teaser I will give. But I'm not on it yet. That's a little dramatic. Like, that's the drama that would be in a trailer anyway. Yeah, there you go.
Starting point is 00:13:09 See? Cliffhanger. I want to go listen now. Who's to say? I want to know what happened. Oh, my goodness. Anyway. Family drums.
Starting point is 00:13:18 All right. All right. Is that it? I think that's it. Oh, P.S. It's officially summer is in full swing in L.A. It is banana grams fucking hot. Yeah, you're not going to stop hearing about this for the next couple episodes.
Starting point is 00:13:30 Probably. I mean, how many? It happens every year. At least 12 episodes because that's three months, right? Right. Yeah. For the next 12 episodes, we're just going to be complaining about this fucking heat. You should probably unsubscribe from now on.
Starting point is 00:13:39 Until we hit like episode 140, just don't listen to us anymore. Just stop listening. It's so fucking hot. And it just, it truly overnight, like it went from being kind of cool all the time to just hell. Well, Christine's house doesn't have AC, so that's good too. Yeah, that I, that I'm aware of. That Em has been aware of since the second I moved in.
Starting point is 00:13:58 Yeah. I was like, oh, where's the AC? And you were like, what are you talking about? And I was like, I'm never coming back. And then here you are. And then you were like, we have a job to do. And I was like, what are you talking about? And I was like, I'm never coming back. And then here you are. And then you were like, we have a job to do. And I was like, fuck. Meanwhile, my apartment, my power bill is about to get exceedingly large because I refuse whether or not I'm there to keep the AC on at all times.
Starting point is 00:14:17 So when I walk in, it feels like an icebox. Yes. The other day our room was 96 degrees and it was time for bed. Time for bed? Time to die. Time to die in my coffin. It was 96 degrees and it was time for bed. Time for bed?
Starting point is 00:14:23 Time to die. Time to die in my coffin. And so I bought, like in the middle of the night, I purchased an air window unit, an AC window unit. Because I was like, I'm not doing this anymore. So we're installing it on Friday. Oh, my. Oh, my. When I worked at the prop house, one of the things that I bought a lot of before I quit was I bought a bunch of spray Evian bottles.
Starting point is 00:14:47 Oh, yeah. Because a lot of actors have that on set. First of all, it sounds really bougie to be like, oh, my spray bottle of Evian water. But there are multiple actual prop uses for it. So like you can put a fake label on it and all of a sudden it's like sunscreen. Oh, sure. Or bug spray. That way, like if you have to take 10 takes someone isn't actually i'm gonna like fumigate themselves i love that the brand is evian it's
Starting point is 00:15:10 not like it literally is a sani made water it's like no evian and it looks like an evian bottle too it's like very chic but then you put like al's bug spray label on it and it looks really trash all of a sudden my freaking god but anyway if you see anyone ever spraying something on themselves on tv it's just evy on water but it's just it's just the best luxury water just glacial water jesus but i bought like seven of them because i knew the summer was coming and oh you knew something and i had my and i had my for you thank you i'm really good at weather i know and i had uh my employee discount still and i was like okay i'm gonna buy the shit out of the spray water and so now at night if the, like, being kind of wonky, I'll just, like, spray myself down and just, like, allow myself to soak into my Evian. It's very nice.
Starting point is 00:15:55 Oh, God, you're a psychopath. I'm a little Linda. Oh, you are a little Linda. Meanwhile, I'm a Renata, and I'm like, it's 95 degrees. Let's see what we can do. Let's trap ourselves in this hot box. Meanwhile, it's 95 degrees let's see what we can do let's trap ourselves meanwhile it's 95 it's not even that bad box oh i refuse anyway here we go that's that on that let's go let's do it so this is um i i feel like there are a lot of people out there who are just desperate for a ghost story but you you're not going to get one.
Starting point is 00:16:28 I've been waiting to you'll get one next week. I promise. I'm very aware of the very few amount of ghost stories I've been doing recently. So I'm aware before people start tweeting at me. So but just to close out this like weird little series that I have slowly man made. Love an alien. Last week, I discussed the AATIP. Yes. AATIP. Double AATIP. Yes. I love an alien. other stories that was released was the story of the USS Nimitz incident slash the tic-tac UFO. Okay, yes, I do remember this. So I did say if there was enough information, I would try to cover this. And I really didn't know at the time. So I didn't mean to give you a cliffhanger there. But I
Starting point is 00:17:19 did find enough information. And I will be telling you all about the tic-tac UFO today. Yay. Also, oh my god christine it's so hot i need some spray evian right now are you serious it's not that hot in here it is baking i had the ac this ac you know on for like two hours before you got here well it has dried up i'll tell you that also even if you're not an alien person you have to listen because the story that i picked to for later is related no, but it's like the biggest story I've covered in a very long time. So I don't want people to like peace. Oh, yeah. Okay. Worst case scenario. Fast forward through. No, don't do that. Listen to it. It's very interesting.
Starting point is 00:17:53 Whatever you do, listen to Christine's. No, I just remember after Peggy the doll and I was doing Zodiac that day and so many people didn't listen to it. Oh, I see. I see. Because they were like, well, I don't want to hear that. I do a really good job of making people not interested in your stories thanks so uh okay so here's a story of the tic-tac ufo more prominently known as the nimitz ufo incident nimitz is n-i-m-i-t-s i-t-z sorry i feel like i've heard that name before. Maybe. I feel like I have. I don't know why. Well, you're about to know a whole lot about it. I'm amped. So we start in November 2004. Cool. I was a hot 12 years old. You were only 12? Yeah. An 04? Oh yeah, I guess that's true. How old was I? 13? Plus one, Christine. I don't know anymore um so it was 2004 november this was about 100 miles from san diego closer to catalina island and our main characters are fighter pilots from the
Starting point is 00:18:56 uss nimitz carrier strike group okay in the navy in the navy yeah sing the rest. That's that DD. We used to play that on DDR. Did you? Yeah. Job well done. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:19:10 I was very bad at it. Oh, I've never even played DDR. You haven't? Well, okay. I'm very aware of what it is and all my friends are obsessed with it, but I tried one time and I have this thing where if I'm bad at it, I'm like afraid to like keep trying. It's a really horrible quality, but. I mean, I think that's pretty normal.
Starting point is 00:19:24 I sucked at it one time when i was 12 and i was just humiliated i mean to be fair i never did in front of friends i only did it with my brother but okay yeah i had a like a ddr home version where like you like plugged it into your xbox so we had yeah and uh my friends would come over and use it and i would just like sit there and i was like i hope you're having fun okay so uh uh we loved that thing it was a good time it was fun xbox in general was a good i had the original we did too and it just died only two years ago it really held out my brother still has ours here it's a good time anyway uh so this was november 2004 but a couple weeks earlier so late october-ish the uss princeton it's a different vessel the uss princeton is both a nuclear powered carrier and a missile cruiser fun fact okay people who will retain that information um i won't
Starting point is 00:20:21 so it's the uss princeton is like the main carrier that we're going to be talking about okay so a couple weeks before november 2004 the uss princeton was already tracking mysterious aircraft and then uh halfway through november probably around starting in november 10th the uss princeton Princeton was now on this day, just happened to be conducting drill exercises and chief petty officer, Kevin day, who I'm going to call Kev chief Kev. He was stationed on the USS Princeton on this day.
Starting point is 00:21:00 And he was the first to notice that there were odd radar traces of several flying objects. So he was looking at the radar being like were odd radar traces of several flying objects. So he was looking at the radar being like, what the fuck are these things? We do not recognize them. They happened to be traveling south in a loose but fixed formation. And they were moving at only 100 knots, which apparently is around 120 miles per hour, which essentially, I guess, in air world, in air travel world. You know air world.
Starting point is 00:21:25 It's like sea world, but less fun. But birds instead of penguins. Well, penguins are still fucking birds. I love that one. I'm going to shut my mouth. Birds instead of penguins. You know how it is. Someone's going to put that on a shirt.
Starting point is 00:21:36 I'm going to look on Etsy one day, and that's going to be a sticker. It's going to say M. Schultz. Yep. The inimitable M. Schultz. The bird that's a penguin, but also not really a bird, but a penguin. Ignoramus of Nevada. That's the one. Oh, what did I do?
Starting point is 00:21:49 Okay, we good, we good. We good. You sure? No. No? What's the whole chunk? Yes, we good. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:21:56 You're lying. Do you want to play it back? I think I highlighted something. Do you want to play it back real quick? Make sure everything's there? No, because, yeah, I just highlighted it. I don't want to pause it because then it'll restart the track got it got it it's good we'll find out won't we maybe
Starting point is 00:22:10 maybe no one found out about that penguin thing maybe that was the exact moment the audio got deleted the the universe was like this you've gone too far even god was like take it out take it out so these ufos were uh loosely traveling in a in a formation moving at 100 knots aka 120 miles an hour which apparently to them was actually pretty slow to me 120 miles is really fast but in the air it's really slow it's essentially just hovering sure um so officer day kev he didn't know if he was the only one seeing this but their presence was confirmed by other radar operations nearby so he was like okay people are seeing this i don't know what's going on and we it's not part of our project we don't know what this is and then the the objects began showing
Starting point is 00:22:56 themselves very frequently that entire week so upwards of seeing a hundred different reports of these things just by by other people too by other people too people were it was especially just kev it wasn't just kev however his screen did show well over a hundred um ufos i guess if you will that freaks me out because they they can probably control when you see them or not so like they were making themselves known moving on yeah oh sorry i'm sorry so oh is that geo having something to say about the ufos what else is new also uh keep in mind ufos is the stigmatized word nowadays and ufos does not necessarily mean an alien spacecraft it literally means unidentified flying object although the government alien means
Starting point is 00:23:41 just like right foreign to us exactly okay got. So the government also likes to use the word AUP for unidentified aerial phenomenon. And they also apparently the Navy prefers the phrase AAV for anomalous aerial vehicle. Geez, they just can't make up their mind. Basically, if you hear me use an acronym, it's a UFO. Anonymous. Nope. What was it? Anomalous. Anomalous aerial vehicle oh my god okay so kev he uh they're seeing these things frequently that week there's regular observations
Starting point is 00:24:14 being made daily for the next few days and his screen specifically was able to see well over 100 aavs over the course of the week he did later say in like this year because he's still giving interviews about this stuff wow um so for 15 years he did say that even though they saw well over 100 that could mean that they saw like the same 5 20 times or they could see the same 10 things 10 times about that so a lot of people think 100 individual ones but since they were showing up randomly on multiple days it could have been the same thing who knows how they move and stuff like that right okay cool so i like to think of it as 100 single aavs me too um he did say because remember like two weeks ago i brought up that the
Starting point is 00:24:56 2014 ufo navy pilot alien scenario that was all featured on the history channel yeah and it had like just come out that week right right so this story was also featured on the history channel yeah and it had like just come out that week right right so this story was also featured on the history channel i gotta get some steal someone's cable i know and uh so kev ended up talking about these aevs that he saw and he said watching them on the display was like watching snow fall from the sky whoa that's how many there were so again i like to think a hundred single times very scary these aavs slash uap slash ufos were reaching heights uh throughout the week up to 80 000 feet which is much higher than any aircraft usually flies military or commercial and then they would drop with quote astounding speed i don't like that so they were able to get
Starting point is 00:25:45 really high up and just hover around do whatever they fucking wanted just chillaxing right and they could just like bloop just drop like a drop zone but exactly more scarier much scarier so the uss princeton's radar team thought that it must be an equipment malfunction but they ran all these diagnostics they actually even spent a couple days and just shut down all the radars just to fix. Like reset or something? Yeah, like recalibrate all the equipment. But nothing was wrong with the equipment. It was perfectly fine.
Starting point is 00:26:12 So they knew that what they were seeing was really there. Oh, God. And Kev, he talked to his commander about actually taking action on these things and tracking them and trying to intercept them and figure out what they are. So a few days later, they saw an AAV again, and Kev contacted two fighter jets that were in the area that were part of the USS Nimitz. Okay. Apparently these were two Super Hornet fighter jets. I don't know if that matters to people who were involved. Matters to me very much. Cool. So they were flying nearby. kev reached out to them and uh basically
Starting point is 00:26:46 these two fighter jets were in the middle of practicing their own combat exercises oh that's casual casual but since and since they were already airborne uh kev reached out to them and was like hey we need you to stop and fly to this set of coordinates for a quote emergency real world task. Whoa. That is really creepy though, that you're like just testing, doing like combat testing or whatever. And then they're like, no,
Starting point is 00:27:11 no. He was like, okay, wake up. Enough of this. Yeah. I hope you had a good time practicing. Quit playing around.
Starting point is 00:27:17 And, uh, all they were told was that they needed to intercept a strange object and they needed to investigate to see if it, this was what they were told that they needed to investigate to see if it this was what they were told that they needed to investigate to see if the object posed any collision danger for an upcoming training maneuver oh interesting so they phrase it very like yeah they were like casual just go see if this thing is like gonna be in our way we're gonna hide out down here right let us know
Starting point is 00:27:41 if you're gonna if we could crash if we were to go up there and do something later i'm sure it'll be fine but we're not gonna go yeah they were and they really were like we're sure it's fine no big deal don't worry it's like it's yeah it's a real world task but it's not dangerous and then they were like oh by the way just in case are you carrying live weapons no and the fighter pilots weren't they were not yeah oh so at this point the uss princeton is talking to these fighter jets from the USS Nimitz. And they're like, OK, well, we're not going to act freaked out. But like, it would be really ideal if you had some weapons. It's not ideal.
Starting point is 00:28:16 But let's just not give you any more information and hope things go OK. Holy crap. So in each aircraft. So there were two fighter fighter jets in each aircraft there were two people so there was one pilot and there was one weapons systems officer oh okay so there's four people in total up there flying two planes towards this thing that they don't know about mystery thing also kind of wishing they had some weapons yeah um so the lead out of the two there was one leading fighter jet so there was a leading pilot
Starting point is 00:28:47 essentially and his name was commander david fravor fravor or fravor it's favor but with an r that sounds like favor favor okay so we're gonna call him sure and then the second uh guy who was the wingman he was lieutenant commander jim slate but we're pretty much going to be talking about fravor this whole time okay so fravor just to give you some backstory on how like legit this guy is because a lot of people say like oh well he didn't know what he was talking about okay he was a commanding officer of strike fighter squadron 41 oh shit and a commander of the elite black aces squadron and he was a top gun program graduate with almost 20 years of flying experience yeah so don't you dare yeah fucking push back resume he was a Top Gun program graduate with almost 20 years of flying experience. Yeah, so don't you dare fucking push back. He had a big resume.
Starting point is 00:29:27 On Fravor. Exactly. He knew what was going on. What a baller. So when they first got to the coordinates, the pilots didn't see anything. They're like, okay, well, thank God we didn't have those weapons. They're like, what a fun test, guys. Ha ha.
Starting point is 00:29:40 That was scary. Got us good. But then the USS Princeton's radar noticed that the thing that they had set coordinates to had dropped 28,000 feet to essentially sea level. Oh my God. So it was like, oh, it's not there anymore because it's at the ground. And also it took 0.78 seconds to drop almost 30,000 feet. So literally less than a second. Less than a second to drop 30,000 feet. So literally less than a second.
Starting point is 00:30:05 Less than a second to drop 30,000 feet. Forget it. Without any signature of a sonic boom. Oh no, I don't like that. So something just literally went faster than I can go bloop. It went 30,000 feet down to the ground. What the frick? So hearing that it was by sea level and they were above the sea, they looked down at the ocean and they saw an oval shaped portion of water.
Starting point is 00:30:31 No. That was churning and frothing. No. Oh, my God. So the rest of the ocean that day, the weather was perfect. Apparently it was a calm ocean that day. The water was only choppy in this one spot right below them. And the white waves were breaking over
Starting point is 00:30:45 an object that must have been sitting just under the surface so it was literally it saw something coming for it and it dropped and hid under the water oh it's under the water it's under the water so like they're seeing choppy white waves as if like something's breaking the tension of the water and my hovering up god so seconds, they're looking down. It's basically submerged, but it's clearly breaking the surface and hovering up again. Sure. And they're seeing the waves kind of breaking from that. Seconds later, they don't even see it come out of the water. It's just already out of the water now.
Starting point is 00:31:16 What? So they're looking at it under the water, and then it's out of the water. There was no transition that they saw. They just saw, like, the white caps of water breaking and then all of a sudden it was entirely so they saw the object itself oh wow all of a sudden now they're seeing it just i don't know i thought it was invisible no you're fine i just assumed it was nothing's impossible now so seconds later the ufo was no longer under the water breaking the water surface it was just hovering 50 feet above
Starting point is 00:31:45 the water it was like we didn't like it down there we tried yeah it was like i don't even want to i don't want you to see me walk through the doorway just know that i was on one side now i'm on the other side there's all these birds down there and they don't fly yeah i don't know what's going on everyone's telling me it's the opposite of air world air world so uh the ufo is now hovering 50 feet above the water where it was just submerged so they watched it go from under the water to 50 feet above the water and like gross before their eyes could even handle the process yeah the object was apparently quote the size of a boeing 737 whoa with a smoother area of lighter color at the center okay was one of the first descriptions that came out
Starting point is 00:32:25 about it in hindsight fravor and slate both of the pilots said that it looked like a 30 to 40 long foot or 30 to 40 foot long tic tac oh i see with no windshield portholes wings or visible engine or exhaust plane just a big fucking tic tac what the fuck just a big old freshy minty ocean tic-tac you know ocean tic-tac uh so fravor seeing it and somehow processing oh i still have a job to do he began to approach the object oh fravor no um and he was like okay i'll go under it so he's kind of nose diving if you will he's like, okay, I'll go under it. So he's kind of nosediving, if you will. He's like plunging to get to it because he knows this thing's fast. So he's approaching it and the UFO begins ascending, like floating up.
Starting point is 00:33:15 And it's keeping its distance and very much mirroring Fravor's approach. So kind of like if you're being chased by one of your friends and you get to a table and both of you kind of like back and forth mirror each other. Right. Because you. It's like you can't get me. Yeah. You're trying to keep away from each other. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:33 So he's always keeping perfect distance. Oh, God. OK. Or the UFO is always keeping perfect distance from him. Yeah. And Fravor did later say that it had, quote, swift and erratic movements that he had never seen in his life. Oh, my God. A quote of his is that it would go from one way to another, similar to if you threw a ping pong ball against a wall and it just bounced right into the other direction.
Starting point is 00:33:54 Oh. So it's like not even taking a second to stop, recalibrate, and then drive the next. It can just move around. It's just going bing, bing, bing, bing. Like a Roomba. Yeah, exactly. Oh, wait, I guess not quite. I'm going to hear what you're saying. Thank you just going like a roomba yeah exactly oh wait i guess not quite but i'm gonna hear what you're saying thank you exactly like a roomba thank you uh fravor
Starting point is 00:34:11 flew down to get the to get below the object like i said so this is where he's nose diving originally he was approaching it and it kept keeping its distance and mirroring him so it can never he can never catch it right and then he's like okay like, okay, I'm just going to get under this thing. And I know it can move fast, so I'm just going to plummet. I'm just going to plunge my entire aircraft. So as he's getting below it, the UFO accelerates upwards again. And so they almost start crossing each other because as one's going down, the other one's going up.
Starting point is 00:34:39 And it looks like they're going to head-on collision. Oh, my God. But then it disappears. What? So he's nosediving into this thing as it's accelerating upwards, and it just disappears. Holy shit. He says, all of a sudden, it kind of turned and rapidly accelerated beyond anything I've seen. It crossed my nose.
Starting point is 00:34:59 The airplane nose, not his actual fucking nose. It was a tic-tac. It flew right in the window. Me at 2 a.m. was like, a tic-tac it flew right in the window me at 2 a.m was like a tic-tac in his nose um me at three in the afternoon was like really a tic-tac in his nose uh all of a sudden it kind of just turned and rapidly accelerated beyond anything i've ever seen it crossed my nose and it's gone oh my god so at the same time that he's having this interaction with the ufo other navy jets are now being ordered to launch out to that area to try to also intercept it um and and bring weapons this time maybe well so what
Starting point is 00:35:31 they did bring this time because apparently some radar wasn't working and so now they also brought out infrared cameras oh shit so the second fleet of jets that are coming out have infrared cameras. Cool. One of these pilots was actually able with the infrared camera to capture the Tic Tac on video. Wow. And this footage became known as the 2004 USS Nimitz FLIR one video. FLIR is an acronym for front. Oh shit. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:36:04 Front something infrared, but it's the type of is it just flr yeah okay it's the type of equipment that they were using but yeah so it just became known as that video oh my god so they happen to catch the video the same time so we're currently at fravor is just almost head-on collision with this, and then it just disappeared in a matter of seconds. Right. While I'm swaying into hitting him. So, the two jets, Fravor and Slate, they were like, okay, well, it's gone, so I guess we just go back to our combat exercises? Like, we just interact with this thing? We just carry on with our day now?
Starting point is 00:36:40 They don't get the day off. Apparently, there was actually a rendezvous point where everyone was going to come together and end up talking i guess like meeting did you see that shit sure there was like a a meet-up spot that was supposed to if after they found everything get together and talk about it the meet-up spot or the rendezvous point was actually 60 miles away from where fravor was okay so they i guess were planning on traveling 60 miles yeah towards the rendezvous point but in the same breath of as this ufo almost crashes into him and disappears seconds later the ufo appeared at the rendezvous point 60 miles away stop it so we'll like teleported away from him and over to them and it like knew to go there it somehow knew it also makes me question if it was like playing that weird game of back and forth and it could have just vanished like that. Just teasing you.
Starting point is 00:37:28 Yeah, like it did that on purpose. Yeah. Oh, gross. Vomitous. So within seconds of the UFO disappearing from favor, it apparently reappeared at this rendezvous point 60 miles away. Popular Mechanics has weighed in on this and said that a UFO or any object at all, any physical object, to be able to do that, travel 60 miles in like two seconds, would have to move at the very minimum 2,500 miles an hour
Starting point is 00:37:54 to be able to do that. And that doesn't even describe like the pulling towards you and, oh my God. Exactly. Holy shit. So Fravor said that he didn't know if he should go to the rendezvous point or not or just go back to his combat exercises and basically when he was in the process of figuring out which one he should do a controller seconds after this thing disappeared
Starting point is 00:38:15 radioed him and said sir you're not going to believe this this thing is at your half point which is our hold point oh my god so they were only able to see they were only able to see it because they're a radar apparently jammed so they were purely going off of the infrared channel and on their aircraft yeah so they were able to see it before anyone else i guess so that's creepy because it means the ufo was also able to switch from being visible by radar and go straight into infrared. Oh, wow. So it's like it can now just change spectrums. Creepy, dude.
Starting point is 00:38:50 This is a whole quote from Fravor. It's a combination of a few quotes, but I just kind of clumped them all together because I thought they were all really good. Yeah. So these are things that he said about the experience. Fravor. Quote. Not saying it's from outer space, but not saying it's from here either. I can tell you I think it was not from this world., but not saying it's from here either. I can tell you,
Starting point is 00:39:11 I think it was not from this world. I'm not crazy. Haven't been drinking. It was after 18 years of flying. I've seen pretty much everything that I can in that realm. And this was nothing close. It accelerated beyond any airplane we have. I've seen just about everything. And there's nothing I know of that, that we're making at that time that had that kind of performance i have no idea what i saw it had no plumes wings or rotors and outran our f-18s but i want to fly one for eber what a guy so he was like i don't know what that is but it's a hell of a ride oh so uh among the key findings in the official report, because eventually this became declassified, and so now you can read some of the official reports. And the important things to take away from it are that the UFOs, and this is an official report, so I mean these things have been confirmed. The UFOs did not belong to any known Earth nation. Oh, what a creepy way to phrase that.
Starting point is 00:40:07 The technology was so advanced that it ran circles around our advanced military technology. It had velocities faster than anything known to exist and was capable of cloaking itself from radar and the human eye. Statements in this report were made by seven of the pilots and radar operators involved that day and pilots were apparently made fun of for reporting this ufo so the initial report was forgotten about and not sent forward to a commander come on so nobody knew about it for a while and it just kind of became folklore the same so there were four people that were familiar with the contents i don't know if they helped write the report or if they were involved in the actual encounter before people involved in this somehow confirm that this is the real deal and was a project handled by the pentagon wow and they say
Starting point is 00:40:56 that there is another highly classified version of the report that was also written but will likely never be released to the public so there's one with even more detail spooky here's the reports of official attempt at describing the video okay so this is a whole quote and it's fucking long and i'm so sorry but it's important okay so here's a whole quote describing the video based on some of the reports the ufo quote suddenly and instantaneously accelerates out of view of the sensor at an unprecedented velocity without a sonic boom The UFO, understand, or can duplicate, including hovering without a propulsion exhaust fume, extreme maneuverability and startling changes in acceleration, and attaining hypersonic velocities typically referring to speeds over a Mach 5, which is five times faster than the speed of sound, without any indication of a sonic boom. It is because we cannot replicate these flight
Starting point is 00:42:03 characteristics with existing technology, this is indicative of beyond next generation technology oh my god super creepy so creepy and i don't know i there was uh there were a couple different resources i was using i wish i remember which one i got that from but that I didn't mess with that sentence. Those were just exact quotes from that, which is really creepy. It's very scary. So here are some other quotes from very high up people who were somehow involved in this. So this is a former Marine Colonel Stephen Ganyard, who says, no aircraft that we know of can fly at those speeds, maneuver like that, or looks like that. A national security correspondent for Politico, Brian Bender, said these aircraft seem to defy all of the known aerodynamic properties that we're familiar with. Retired Marine Lieutenant Colonel Chris Cook said, I have no idea what that thing is, and it's not like anything I've ever seen.
Starting point is 00:43:00 anything I've ever seen. And former petty officer, Jason Turner, who was actually involved in this encounter and saw the UFO himself said it was making maneuvers that no human being could ever survive. The G forces that would be put on the people in there, you would just instantly die. Right. So all these people are like,
Starting point is 00:43:20 what the fuck is going on? So scary. So the, this story has been covered in the New York Times. It included a disclaimer in the reporting of the incident. The disclaimer was in the New York Times, which I wish I could read the sentence in an actual tangible newspaper. Sure. Experts caution that earthly explanations often exist for such incidents and that not knowing the explanation does not mean that the
Starting point is 00:43:45 event has interstellar origins very well put but also but also it was an alien well i'm trying to think like again i mean we've said this but like it's still terrifying even if it is like a human made situation worst case scenario it's like a really terrible foreign threat yes right if our military is like we don't know what the fuck that is like, I don't feel great about that. And it totally like is not susceptible to anything that we can control. And it's like trolling in our air world and sea world. It loves our air world and sea world and even land world.
Starting point is 00:44:16 Oh my God. So skeptics claim that the UFO that people saw and the keep in mind the several there was like hundreds at one point that people were seeing. I forgot about that. There's like a whole fleet of them skeptics claim that these were equipment malfunctions even though they've proven that that was not the case sure or classified government technology that was kept secret from even the higher ups who experienced this so i see a lot of other government i guess that would be best case scenario because it's at least within it's within within our control. Yeah. But also, I don't love this creepy secret like. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:44:48 That's just so wild. So there is one guy from the Skeptical Inquirer named Joe Nickel, and he questioned. The Skeptical Inquirer. I know. It's the exact opposite of what I ever read. Joe Nickel said, how could someone actually see a 40 foot object from 40 miles away? That doesn't sound realistic. Also, he thinks the churning water that they saw when this thing was breaking the tension and coming out of the water.
Starting point is 00:45:12 He said that could have just been a submarine, although they've proven there were no submarines in the area at that time. He also said that the sightings of these things could have just been recon drones. The video of an object zooming off screen could have been a camera like buffering and catching up with itself oh so he had some like legitimacy i guess but at the same time enough people have proven there was no submarine there were no drones and there's so many things at once that's like right and no drone like can move that fast right so that's his version and there's's another skeptic named Stephen Pope. He's the editor of Flying Magazine. Okay. Oh, okay. Sure. He said that the New York Times story
Starting point is 00:45:53 was borderline sensationalist. He said that the videos were not released by the Pentagon. So we can't see how legitimate the footage is. Interesting. But here's the thing. He says that, oh, well, the video might not be legit it might be like edited because it wasn't released by the official pentagon it was actually released by a formal a former pentagon official that has founded to the stars academy our buddy louise i miss louise so he was saying because louise is no longer part of the Pentagon, we can't trust the video that he uploaded. Well, I mean, that's kind of splitting hairs in my opinion, but OK. Sure. Just to refresh, Louise began the organization to the Stars Academy when after working and being the program director for Double A Tip.
Starting point is 00:46:41 Right. I talked about last week and he founded it with chris mellon who was a former intelligence official that was like head of the head of the head of security for the program both of them said like fuck this we don't want to do it anymore and they co-founded to the stars academy with fun fact tom de long oh the guitarist from blink 182 what oh i heard about this i remember when this happened i didn't know that uh i forgot to mention that last time yeah he has he's like a huge alien buff yep well now you know who he supports also yes i now know i do know john glenn was a senator i'm sorry yeah well we both found that out i'm sorry listen i was next door neighbors with neil armstrong i don't know if you knew this
Starting point is 00:47:21 were you really yeah uh-huh not Not to give away where my parents live. We live in the same neighborhood, let's put it that way. Okay, yeah. Change the fact into a weird, vague statement. But yeah, we... And one time, my dad was golfing, and Neil Armstrong
Starting point is 00:47:37 wouldn't let my dad play through, and so my dad's still mad about it. He still talks about how much of a... He's like, go back to space, Neil. He's such a such a jerk i was like i don't think you're allowed to talk about american heroes that way right right right um anyway so you know what i'm sorry air world i should have known this and john glenn is also from ohio and i apologize to all my ohio astronaut fans including eva who knew this already oh good great she did right no she's the one he told us she's the one she's on it reason a million why she's perfect oops so uh steven was right that the story was released by louise because like i've
Starting point is 00:48:13 said in the last two episodes louise was program director of double a tip and when he said fuck it i don't want to do this anymore he came out specifically to the new york times in 2017 and brought them a lot of stories and footage and evidence that the government has been looking into ufo topics so this happened to be one of the stories that he covered in new york times okay so louise confirmed that while running double a tip the uh video footage from the uss nimitz was analyzed so he said like this was a legitimate concern wow this was something that we were studying and he has said quote the nimitz incident was not an isolated event there have been more than a dozen incidents off the east coast and there are many nimitz incidences that are equally compelling that are told from the eyes of people just like commander favor so he's like
Starting point is 00:49:05 people this high up have more than just one story right this is corroborating this this is not new oh my god so despite skeptic beliefs the tic-tac video footage is legitimate because flur one is the second of only three u.s military videos ofs that has, quote, been through the official declassification review process. Wow. OK, so only one of three. Interesting. It's also a product of U.S. military sensors. I mean, like the footage came specifically from military grade equipment. So that alone confirms that it's original, unaltered and not computer generated or artificially fabricated. Wow. And there's some sort of I was trying to become a lawyer overnight and figure out the legal process of this.
Starting point is 00:49:53 But apparently there's there's some law and some understanding that it is owned by the military and it can't be altered. It was I don't know. It was further proving that it was credible and authentic. altered it was i don't know it was further proving that it was credible and authentic and so it's been confirmed that the footage was from one of the most advanced sensor tracking devices in use on the market and has not been fabricated got it so the story this whole nimitz story has been kind of an urban legend kind of known but never confirmed for years by the like in the navy sure but in 2017 when this video was released it confirmed for good that okay this story is real okay wow the last couple things i'm
Starting point is 00:50:34 going to say are that this year there is apparently a like a big conference a big ufo conference well it already happened this year fuck we can go can go next year. Yes. It's called UFO Megacon. Oh, my God. Can we for real go? Yeah. Okay, great. So this year, there was a whole panel of Nimitz incident witnesses. Wow. So there's a whole group of people involved in it.
Starting point is 00:50:57 Wow. All talking about their parts of what was going on. Holy smokes. So, and not just like the fighter pilots or the, like, I know Kev, he was there. Kev was there and we missed it.
Starting point is 00:51:10 We missed Kev. Oh no. But one of the other people or some of the other people that were there were like computer technicians that were like, wow. Okay. Looking at the radar stuff later. It's very full fledged panel here. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:20 Like very well, uh, inclusive. Got it. So one of the main guys that was there, his name was Gary Voorhis. And Gary was a computer software technician on the USS Princeton that day. Oh my god. So the software that he worked on allowed multiple vessels to combine their radar and sensor information together for like one big pool of information. Yeah so gary has said that when all of those navy jets were
Starting point is 00:51:46 flying out to start intercepting the ufos and one of them actually got a video of the tic-tac yeah when all those jets were out there intercepting apparently uh it was live streamed in the government all that footage was live streamed on uh sipper net oh my god do you know what sipper net is yeah so it stands for secret internet protocol router network okay i forgot i was like i don't remember what the hell it stands for it's basically the network that the department of defense and the department of state have with each other to transmit classified information super secret super secret network like the dark dark dark web oh the dark web of the dark web yeah haha spooky spooky and uh he said that when they were all flying out word had gotten out the like hey
Starting point is 00:52:32 there's like some ufo action here all these navy fighter pilots gonna go find out what it is and so it was live streamed and everyone that he said quote everybody who had the proper clearance was packed into any place they could that had Zip or Net just to watch this streaming. So there was just departments of people just watching this footage. And so Gary said, this is a quote of his about the experience, and it's kind of long. But Gary said, we were watching this happen. It was amazing. This thing moved with no apparent inertia. Gravity didn't seem to affect it. It would stop and go, and it never really ramped up in speed. It just went from point A to point B at X amount of speed, period.
Starting point is 00:53:13 And just as erratic as you would even imagine, after we got done watching the video, we were a bit stunned. We went out to the smoke deck and kind of stared off into oblivion for a while. I've always been very interested in physics, engineering engineering and this object just showed me a level of physics and a level of engineering that i didn't even know was possible and in that way it kind of opened me up a little bit more so i guess it really did affect me but it was only because i saw something truly impossible happen in front of me i have chills that is a trip dude like so gary's like would have been my bro oh gear bear because apparently he knew that he he was a technician so he could kind of get away with be like oh yeah i need to fix something on this machine i need to fix something here
Starting point is 00:53:54 so he would like sneak into rooms and overhear people talking oh so he was like i didn't really need to be in there there wasn't like totally an equipment malfunction but like i would just say i needed to fix something yeah and then i would just i love that that's that's what christine and m move exactly for sure that's the christine move the end move that he also pulled was he was like sometimes i would literally just hide under desks and listen to people talk oh i dropped a tic tac down yeah exactly oh wink wink full circle it got stuck in my nose at air world with the penguins so uh gary also heard probably from hiding under a desk but the navy so remember it was under the water for a hot second and like the water was like kind of breaking yeah and then it all all of a sudden lifted up
Starting point is 00:54:40 and some people are saying oh it was a submarine it was a submarine but there was no submarine around sure even though there was no submarine around gary overheard from higher up navy officials that that day during that event they had picked up sonar under the water oh my god from something that wasn't or shouldn't have been there oh no so if there were no submarines in the area that means that the ufo was also capable of communicating underwater with them holy shit even though it was only underwater for a couple seconds but they picked up sonar and there were no submarines so it wasn't exactly oh my god how spooky so then at the same time that that was a fun little extra piece of information apparently commanding officers in different departments
Starting point is 00:55:25 all began confiscating radar hard disks from the aircrafts and radars involved in the incident. So what was on the hard drives that were being confiscated was data from the CEC, or the Combined Engagement Capabilities. So it was data that, quote, had the most sophisticated combined information of these tic-tac ufos from every vessel and plane in the strike group so they were just taking all footage away from people and then like classifying it wow gary even said that higher-ups also came to him to take away his data
Starting point is 00:55:58 recordings and then they told him if there was anything left he was forgetting that he needed to burn it right away oh my god or erase it i am imagining burning many people involved also ended up getting uh direct emails from the senate asking to come in for private conversations from john glenn from john glenn and some uh actually from angela from angela's boyfriend the senator do you know how many photographers two two angela over here angela over here so uh some people were like called to the senate to like speak about what happened and other people that were involved actually got taken down to an scif which is a sensitive compartmented information facility oh okay It was basically a interrogation room where you can't hear anything. It's soundproof.
Starting point is 00:56:49 There are several locked doors and you can't get out until after you sign NDAs about everything. Okay, that's terrifying. So conversations were had behind those doors. Conversations were had. Yes. And apparently those involved that got brought down to an SCIF, if they ever tried discussing any of it to their friends, apparently their friends reported back saying, like, they're not themselves ever since they came back from that SCIF. Like, they're, something's off about them now.
Starting point is 00:57:16 What? Like, their personalities have changed. And then if they said, like, hey, buddy, like, what happened during that conversation? There were higher ups all around that would like interrupt those conversations and would just say, shut your mouth. Don't talk about it. Drop the discussion. I'm scared. So I'm leaving you on that. Great. And then saying just like the UFO story from 2014 and 2015. And just like double a tip, this story was featured in the very recently released history channel show unidentified Inside America's UFO
Starting point is 00:57:47 Investigation. And that is my three part story. Oh my god, Em. You're freaking me out, dude. Alien shit is so scary. It's just scary when like, everyone knows that there's something there and no one's talking about it. Very official people are like trying to hide it and cover it up and oh god, oh no. Yep. And are threatened by it. Yep. Clearly.
Starting point is 00:58:07 Yep. Absolutely not. Welcome to several hours later. I've had two beers. I have eaten an entire Carvel cake. Not even a little bit of a joke. No, we sat in the kitchen and gossiped for a little bit. We lost track of time.
Starting point is 00:58:22 And then we were like, oh, Christine, you haven't done your sore yet. We need to go back upstairs. I was like, really? Are you sure? Blaze is like, so are we going to dinner soon? I was like, nah. Anyway, anyway, it's now getting dark. We're here now. I'm drinking a sweet tea. And somehow it's still 8000 degrees still still. Cool. So we are here. We are ready to ready to go finally i have quite a story for you today i'm super excited please tell me it's jeffrey dahmer it is not tell me it's albert fish it is not okay i don't know it is a big one though and it is one that i've been preparing for the last six days oh let me guess let me guess let me guess i don't know if you'll know it i mean you'll know it but i don't know if you'll guess it no is it that no oh i don't think you'll guess it but i don't know if you'll guess it no is that no oh i don't think you'll guess it
Starting point is 00:59:07 okay what is it it is the story of casey anthony i would have not guessed that but i'm so excited it's not very guessable but it's also a pretty big story can i sound super ignorant sure on air what a shocker love it um i don't actually know the casey anthony story guess what i didn't either okay because i know it's like it definitely was such like a wildly well-known story and everyone knew like it was very prominent during our like yeah like it was it was it was happening at a time where like i was old enough to be watching the news and i i should have known more and people would always be around me being like oh with casey anthony and i'd be like yeah yeah totally just to sound smart i think i just like avoided it at the time because we were still pretty young i think and i think i was just a
Starting point is 00:59:55 little like as much as it shocks you true crime still freaks me out to be fair i mean that's why i'm interested in it i guess sure at the time i was like i don't know if i want to read this late at night i'm not sure I know what my reasoning was. I think I just actively chose to not educate myself like a total asshole. But at the same time, like, I absolutely should know. So I'm glad that today it stops. Today I will have education. I force education upon you.
Starting point is 01:00:19 Finally, you and every teacher at Fredericksburg Academy. I live up to all your elementary school teachers. Okay. So, sorry, Casey Anthony. This is a trip, and I really didn't know too much about it, like I said. All I know is there's a daughter, and everyone thinks the mom did it. That's what I knew as well. Okay.
Starting point is 01:00:37 So, yeah. We're starting from the same starting point. Super ignorant. Is Casey Anthony the mom or the baby? The mom. Okay. The baby is Kaylee. So close. Kaylee. I would have never guessed that in a million years. Kaylee. C-A-Y-L-E-E. I also would have never guessed that. Kaylee and Casey. I'm so behind the times. And the mom is
Starting point is 01:00:55 Cindy. Anyway, you'll come to know all this. Okay. Great. I'd be the worst teacher ever. I'm like, so where were we? Let me get my beer. Let me start with a clusterfuck of information. be the worst teacher ever i'm like so where were we let me get my beer let me start with a cluster fuck of information and now let's just untangle the weave yeah okay so there's this the reason i got interested is there's this um investigation discovery three-part documentary that was recommended on hulu and it was called casey anthony an american mystery or american murder mystery so i watched that um twice because i had to go back and do my notes like over again. Love it. So let's just go, I guess.
Starting point is 01:01:29 Let's. July 15th, 2008, Orlando, Florida police get a 911 call from a woman named Cindy Anthony saying there's someone in her home who needs to be arrested. And it is her 22 year old daughter, Casey Anthony. Cindy says her daughter had stolen her car and she'd like to speak to an officer in person. So when she was pressed for more details, Cindy told the operator that her daughter, Casey, and Casey's two-year-old daughter, Kaylee, so Cindy's granddaughter, had been missing for 31 days. She said, quote, I found out my granddaughter has been taken. She has been missing for a month.
Starting point is 01:02:03 Her mother finally admitted it to me oh shit casey had just returned to the house after the 31 day period but kaylee was not with her and was nowhere to be found so police arrived to a chaotic household everyone's yelling at each other police are like tell us what's going on uh they asked casey where is kaylee your daughter and casey says she had dropped kaylee off at the nanny's house a month ago and the nanny had refused to return her. And Casey just didn't give a shit about that. Right. So she's like, I just, that's the last I saw her. The last time I saw her was a month ago.
Starting point is 01:02:38 Okay. And they're like, well, who's the nanny? And she explains that her name was Zenaida Gonzalez, a.k.a. Zanny the nanny. I feel like I should have at least known that part of the story. Zanny the Nanny seems like something we would have picked up on. It seems like the Nanny spinoff. That would have... It's Zandresher.
Starting point is 01:02:55 Franny the Nanny and Zanny the Nanny. Yeah. So at this point, they're like, well, you said like, wait, she's been missing for a month. Why haven't you called the police? Don't you give a shit about your kid? Yeah. Where were you? And she said she was afraid that for a month why haven't you called the police like don't you give a shit about your kid yeah where where were you and she said she was afraid that kaylee would be harmed if she called the police um she said she looked everywhere that zany may have taken her daughter the park the mall etc and when she couldn't find her she was too embarrassed to return home to her parents so she stayed with her boyfriend until finally
Starting point is 01:03:20 she ended up coming home after 31 days so they they're like, OK, you know what? Fine. Take us to Zanny's apartment or Zenaida's apartment. And she's like, OK, I will. So they arrive at the building. It's the middle of the night. And Casey points to an apartment and says that's where she lives. So the detective goes up to the door.
Starting point is 01:03:38 He knocks. He's looking through the windows. And the apartment appears to be completely vacant. There's no furniture. It's all dusty. And he's like, well, that's strange. Okay. And then when they asked the apartment complex manager,
Starting point is 01:03:50 the manager says not only has that apartment specifically been vacant for months, so she couldn't have dropped her off at that apartment a month ago. Right. But the complex had never had a tenant named Zenaida Gonzalez. Got it. So he's like, I don't know who that is. So immediately this case obviously takes fire in the news. It's Orlando.
Starting point is 01:04:09 There's this young mom who left her kid with a nanny and it was kidnapped. And it's just like this huge mystery, you know, so it takes off in the news. Casey tells the lead detective that she's an event planner at universal studios and that she had confided with two co-workers that zanny had taken her child so they would be able to back up her story so they were like okay we need to establish a timeline for this abduction and talk to these co-workers so they pick casey
Starting point is 01:04:36 up and they're like okay we're gonna go to universal you can introduce us to your co-workers right we're gonna get this story straight sure so they arrive at universal casey goes up to the security guard and is like uh i'm casey anthony i work here and he's like no you don't and she looks back at the police and's like no no i do work here hold on and she's like i i do work here like look at my supervisor and he's like I don't know anyone by that name. Right. And so eventually the guard is like, OK, you're with the police. I guess you can go back. You can go back.
Starting point is 01:05:10 Sure. So they go back and she's like, follow me. I'll show you. She starts leading them up the elevator through some hallways. She starts waving at other employees like, hey, good to see you. And they're just like looking at her like, what the fuck? And then they turn down a corner. It's a dead end.
Starting point is 01:05:25 Casey turns around and goes, i don't really work here and they were like yeah we figured that pretty quickly oh my gosh so she just made it up and try i don't know what she was gonna plan on how did i not know any of this is this a trip i don't know what she was planning on like oh we're gonna walk down these hallways and then i'm gonna be like see i told you like i wonder at what point like how many people in of her waving at was she like okay it's gone too far i wonder if she's gonna wake wait for someone to be like the christine of the group of being like oh yeah good to see you again right she was hoping someone would volunteer to be her like her buddy i'm too socially awkward to pretend like i don't remember you um so they're like yes we know you don't work
Starting point is 01:06:03 here we've figured this out oh sorry we're done with the sweet tea it's over we're good we're not done with the beer but that's okay um so at this point they're like okay you've kind of fucked around long enough with zanite first with zanita arrested her right then i would have been like you clearly this is like a fucking game going on right like you're you're doing some weird game i already see why everyone believes that she's guilty right we're not even off the first page yet right so they're like okay you need to tell us where kaylee is and she's like i swear i have no idea she's also 22 so she's very young at this point too um right so she's like i swear i have no idea but she's also like not really phased like they're like your daughter is literally missing and supposedly kidnapped. Like, help us out.
Starting point is 01:06:46 We're trying to find her. So at this point, police do arrest her on charges of child neglect, hoping that somehow this will trigger her confession. But she continues to insist that the baby is with this woman, Zenaida. So when Casey makes her one phone call, they record it. And it's to her mother, Cindy. And Casey is pissed. She says she has nothing to do with Kaylee's disappearance. She demands her mother give her Tony's phone number.
Starting point is 01:07:12 And Tony is her boyfriend. She's like, you get Tony to call me right now. I don't want to talk to you. I have nothing to do with this mom. And her mom's just like, Casey, what the fuck is going on? Tell me what's going on right now. Where the hell is going on tell me what's going on right now where the hell is kaylee and the grandparent like casey's parents were very close with the granddaughter so they were like
Starting point is 01:07:31 totally distraught about this so um tony's her boyfriend and the police hear this phone call and they're like okay well we need to track down this tony guy so they find tony tony lazaro and they go to his apartment they They interview his roommate Clint in this documentary. And Clint says neither he nor Tony knew where Kaylee was. They didn't even know she was missing this whole time. Clint explained that Casey used to bring Kaylee around a lot when they first started when she and Tony first started dating and they loved Kaylee and like she was always welcome at the apartment. But then one day within the last month or so, she just kind of like stopped bringing her. And every time they asked, like, where's Kaylee?
Starting point is 01:08:11 She would say she's either with her grandparents or with the nanny, Zenaida, Zeni the nanny. So police are searching case files when one of the investigators catches something. And that's that Cindy Anthony, anthony casey's mom had made three 911 calls that same day not just the one that they got responded to one of the calls featured cindy telling the operator quote there is something wrong i found my daughter's car today and it smells like there's a dead body in the damn car oh no so they're like wait what the fuck this was like the same day that she called in that Kaylee was still missing. So they go find the family car.
Starting point is 01:08:50 It had been at like an impound lot because Casey had abandoned it in the middle of the road when it ran out of gas. So they find the family car. And the second they open it, they're like, that's the smell of decomposition. Yeah, that's a body. That's a body. A cadaver dog alerts to the trunk so they open it up and they don't find a body there but they do find evidence of decomposition as well several human hairs and that's when they're like shit kaylee might be dead
Starting point is 01:09:16 right so cindy explained that casey had taken the family car and had then abandoned it somewhere in town when it ran out of gas when they asked her about the dead body smell this time around when they went back and found the phone call cindy was like oh no like we did smell something terrible it turns out it was just a bag of trash it was rotten pizza okay and they were like that's not what you said on the 9-1-1 call you said there's a like it smells like a dead fucking body as megan would say right and she's like suddenly changing her story and being like, no, it was just pizza. And they were like, those are very different. Pizza and bodies are not the same.
Starting point is 01:09:51 Fortunately for the world. A full bodied pizza. Now that's something. Now we can get behind that. That is something I'm on to. So they're like, well, that's a little sketchy that she's changing her story. But OK. At this point, police are like are like okay she's still insisting
Starting point is 01:10:05 that this that her baby is with zenaida zanny who has kidnapped her so they're like we need to track this woman down so they do they find a woman named zenaida gonzalez fernandez and they take her in for questioning and guess what she has never met casey has never met the baby never let alone babysat for casey or the baby got it she had no freaking clue what is going on she's like i have never met these people in my life right so um the whole story was obviously a big fat lie and so at this point the police were like casey did something to this baby like there's she's made up every step along the way she's made some made up a new detail of this like fabricated story.
Starting point is 01:10:45 Yeah. Like all signs point to this is fake, right? Something's going on. So Casey hires this big shot defense attorney. His name is Jose Baez. And he's like, okay,
Starting point is 01:10:53 I'm cutting off police access to Casey. They're not able to talk to her anymore. And meanwhile, like her own parents. So Kaylee's grandparents are looking everywhere for Kaylee. They're putting up posters throughout the town. They're talking to local news. They're setting up like searches there's this company called equi search which is like they do these huge searches on like horseback and atv
Starting point is 01:11:14 and scuba diving like just trying their best to find kaylee throughout the orlando area so they search for weeks, find nothing. And after one month of being in jail, Casey finally makes bond. She's released and placed under house arrest. And at this point people are freaking out because they're like this. So in Florida, uh, there's a sunshine law records are extremely public.
Starting point is 01:11:38 So people are able to hear the 911 call. That's right. There's a dead body smell. People are able to see the conversation between casey and her parents in jail where she's like talking to her parents and being like i have nothing to do with this and like is pissed off at her mom and right it's kind of being a little brat and so the public is like what the fuck this woman murdered her child why are you letting her out um so people are losing it literally going to the anthony's house they're on their lawn they're
Starting point is 01:12:04 banging on their door saying you're harboring a child killer. They're demanding to know where Kaylee is, like either where she is or where her remains are. And Casey Anthony basically becomes the most hated woman and the most hated mom in America. Right. Then a few months later, a meter reader named Roy Kronk, which what a name. Kronk. Kronk. Kronk. Call the lever.
Starting point is 01:12:26 Call the lever. Roy Kronk called police about a suspicious object that he found in a forested area near the Anthony residence when he went to go take a leak on the side of the road. Classic Kronk. Classic Kronk. He had found a human skull. Wrong lever! Literally. Quite literally.
Starting point is 01:12:48 It was a human skull, and it was only 200 yards away from the anthony's house so basically in their backyard officers searched the area and they found the remains of a small child in a trash bag wrapped in a baby blanket featuring winnie the pooh riding on piglet's shoulders um investigative teams recovered duct tape that was hanging from the child's hair and some tissue left on her skull over the next four days more bones were found in the wooded area near the spot where the remains were initially discovered and on december 19 2008 the medical examiner confirmed that the remains were those of two-year-old kaylee anthony wow and because of the duct uh, the death was ruled a homicide. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 01:13:26 So, yikes. Um, police are able to secure a warrant to search the Anthony's home after this, especially because the body was found literally right outside their house. Um, and they wanted to see if they could somehow link the objects they found with Kaylee's body back to the house. And in the house,
Starting point is 01:13:41 they find that Kaylee's room, what a strange coincidence, coincidence was decorated in winnie the poo theme um her blanket was missing yep furthermore the bag kaylee's body was found in was actually a laundry bag that was only sold in pairs and in the anthony house they found the matching laundry bag to the one that was found this just seems like a slam dunk right it's like so straight line yeah exactly so casey anthony was charged with first degree murder aggravated child abuse aggregate aggravated manslaughter of a child in four counts of providing false information to
Starting point is 01:14:15 police and she pleaded not guilty to all charges so now we fast forward three years may 9 2011 they begin jury selection. They're literally people outside the courthouse, like trying to get on the jury, like just begging. Yeah. And like, they all got something to say. They just want to be a part of the like media spectacle or whatever. Wow.
Starting point is 01:14:37 And as someone who this week was called for jury duty and every night I keep checking and they're like, you don't need to come in. You don't need to come in. And I'm really hoping I don't need to come in. Don't fucking go beg for jury duty. You'll get it eventually. Literally, this one guy was interviewed and he's like, yeah, this guy like went at my throat because I like cut him in line by accident or something. Like people are losing it trying to get into this jury.
Starting point is 01:15:00 The trial began later that month and the prosecution basically had to try and prove not only that Casey killed Kaylee, her own daughter, but why she did it. They started by calling one of Casey's childhood friends to the stand who explained that when Casey got pregnant at age 19, she wanted to give her baby up for adoption, but her mom insisted that she keep the baby. Okay. And the angle essentially was that Casey didn't want to be a mom from the start. So even when she was pregnant, she was like, I don't want to keep the baby. And her mom pressured her to keep the baby. But the defense was like, no, this is all a big misunderstanding. Kaylee was never actually
Starting point is 01:15:33 missing. Here's what really happened. And this just completely shocked the courtroom. So basically her attorney said that on the morning of June 16, 2008, Cindy went to work and George and Casey, so Casey and her dad were at home and they couldn't find kaylee and that's when they opened the back door and saw kaylee drowned in the family's swimming pool what and so the story was that to spare his daughter's life george disposed of kaylee's body hoping to protect his own daughter sure from child neglect or whatever it may be um but there was a lot more he needed to explain because obviously casey had woven this whole web of lies about zenaida and her job at universal etc
Starting point is 01:16:11 and jose baez her attorney says sure sure she lied about these things but uh she was actually taught to lie by her own father because she had to keep a deep dark family secret and i was like okay what's that right he's like her father george has been sexually abusing her since she was eight years old oh shit and so casey's parents are like what like that's not horrified that's inaccurate they really just threw him right under that fucking bus really bad and it was total utter bullshit because casey even said like when she was hung to her dad later like no you were the best dad like you never did anything wrong like this was just total bullshit that they made up to try and pin this on someone else right um so casey's parents are
Starting point is 01:16:54 obviously fucking devastated like she's literally their only daughter is accusing them of like child like sexual abuse and and hiding the body of their granddaughter um and so obviously george is like i didn't do that i would never do that to my own daughter um but then the defense attorney jose baez says to george um oh well what about late january of 2009 you attempted to commit suicide didn't you and oh no just like using that against him using against him and george is like using that against him, using it against him. And George is like, again, shocked. And it's like, yes, I did. And it turns out that after Kaylee's grand Kaylee's. So his granddaughter's body was found.
Starting point is 01:17:34 He couldn't function. He was like he drove to a city hotel in Daytona and tried to take his own life. He took 60 pills. He wrote a letter telling Kaylee he was coming to be with her. Oh, shit. He survived, obviously. But now this was being used against him basically they were trying to paint his suicide attempt as a result of his guilt at finding kaylee's body in the swimming pool and got it got it got it you you know you just felt so guilty that you hit her body and now you know whatever
Starting point is 01:18:00 and he's like that's not at all what it was And there's like video of him just sobbing on the stand. I can't imagine. Like, let's find the one thing that's probably the most intimate. Yes. Like emotionally traumatic thing that's ever happened to you. And now we're gonna use it against you. And now it's on Hulu. Right. Jesus Christ. Right. So, um, he was like sobbing on the stand. He's like, I needed at that time to go and be with my granddaughter kaylee and they tore him apart um he they were like well you hid your granddaughter's body you sexually molested your daughter and then you attempted suicide to cover up your guilt and he was like literally none of that is true oh my god i can't imagine the stress that i would feel like i mean what if someone believes this and like all of a sudden your entire life is fucking right your reputation's done forever you know shit so the prosecution then is like, well, okay, what about the car?
Starting point is 01:18:48 So they were able to prove that in the trunk of the car, there had been a dead body, that a corpse had been in the car because of the way they were able to take the fumes from the car and say, this is decomp. There was a body here. Right. And they also were able to prove that the hairs in the car were Kaylee's. So they tested that sample and they found out that there was also a shockingly high amount of chloroform in the sample and guess what they
Starting point is 01:19:12 found on the anthony's home computer how to use chloroform how to make chloroform oh my god and how to use it presumably great um so then the defense was like okay well that's because casey's mom cindy so they brought her to the stand and cindy was like god no no i was looking up chlorophyll and i accidentally wrote how to make chlorophyll okay she's like sure cindy she's like my dog was really sick so i was trying to see if like my cactus made him sick or something and or my palm tree or whatever so she's like so i tried to google like if chloroform chlorophyll was poisonous and even on the stand she was like if chloroform oh i mean chlorophyll and i'm like smooth god oh my god so basically they were like no no she was just looking up like
Starting point is 01:19:55 chlorophyll and then it accidentally somehow searched how to make correct okay and then the prosecution was like no we have literal time stamps that you are at work at the time these searches were made like you were in your office at work and she's like no no i wasn't false fake news fake news literally fake news we can't argue with this so that was that she was just trying to protect her daughter i guess but then there was also the issue of the duct tape so there was duct tape that actually was holding kaylee's skull together by the mandibles. So like meaning it was over her nose and mouth. Oh, um,
Starting point is 01:20:30 so in other words, this was not an accident, right? Like even if something had happened, somebody duct taped her mouth and nose. Right. Um, so the pro which is again,
Starting point is 01:20:38 the homicide thing. Uh, so the prosecution was building up to this theory, which they finally announced, which is that Casey, they believe that Casey rendered her daughter Kaylee unconscious with chloroform, then use the duct tape as the murder weapon by basically covering up her nose and mouth, allowing her to die in her sleep before wrapping her up in her favorite Winnie the Pooh blanket, then putting her in a laundry bag and trash bags, kept her in the trunk for a few days and then dumped her body near her parents' house. So that was their theory that they were like, sure, this is what we're building up to sounds right sounds pretty spot on to me um but of course the question was still why the fuck would she do this right so and are they still falling on the
Starting point is 01:21:14 like she didn't want to be a mom thing yeah so well sort of yeah so they were like her life basically their whole angle was like her life was just going to be easier without a kid so what they do is they call casey's boyfriend tony to the stand um and the night that kaylee was presumably murdered or at least vanished with zenaida or whatever the fuck she claimed uh she and tony had spent the evening together um so if we're thinking about this from the angle of the prosecution kaylee was in the trunk of casey's car at this point already dead oh okay so like with the while tony was around right so but essentially they were having a date night and as as is evidenced by a video of them with their arms wrapped around each other at a blockbuster video location and that happened
Starting point is 01:22:00 to be the last day anyone had seen kaylee alive so essentially that night so we're like c and tony are like i was gonna say blockbuster are they are they thinking that tony also helped kill the kid i don't think so okay tony had no fucking clue tony was like i love that girl tony was like i just want a video i just wanted a video of vhs tape and some of that squeeze candy that poisoned all of us in the 90s love it okay. Okay, to be fair, this is like 2000. Yeah, this is like 2008. They were at the only Blockbuster left in Florida. That was actually the reason for the date.
Starting point is 01:22:33 They were like, oh, it's romantic. It's the last one on Earth. That sounds like some shit we would pull, though. Like, let's go to the last one. I think the last one's in Oregon. There is one left. I think it's in Oregon. Okay, so, right.
Starting point is 01:22:44 So they had spent the evening together like they're very lovey-dovey on video um they asked tony what casey's demeanor was during the month he said she was happy she was carefree they asked if she ever cried he said no they asked did you ever have any clue that anything was wrong with kaylee he said absolutely not um i had no fucking clue and the whole time little did anyone else know kaylee was already dead so this whole time so now clint who's a roommate and friend uh was like he shed some light on this too so he and tony they were roommates but they were also djs and they threw parties every weekend at the local club sure you know the one in orlando the one the one next to the blockbuster video also
Starting point is 01:23:23 we keep talking about tony and clint as if we're not calling them Iron Man and Hawkeye, but it's fine. Sure. Tony Stark is Iron Man. Uh-huh. Clint Barton is Hawkeye. Oh, my God. Okay. I did not know that.
Starting point is 01:23:39 Oh, my God. Obviously, I didn't know that. Yeah, it shows. It shows. Maybe go to a blockbuster and pick up a movie or something. Maybe I fucking will. Maybe you fucking should maybe i will i'll have a day why do you video out of my life i don't know what's going on it's the heat you can't you cannot back out of that one i'm so tired i'm letting you sit in it um so clint you know
Starting point is 01:24:02 hawkeye yeah you get it. I get it. What if I was just joshing you the whole time? Get it. Get it. So Clint is like, we're DJs. We did like these parties every weekend. And on the night of June 20th, there was this hot body contest at the club. Yeah, and I won.
Starting point is 01:24:21 I know. I'm one. It's fine. It was a beautiful day. They came in a a close second who casey sure i don't know yes so casey participated in the hot body hot body contest that they were throwing and so there are these pictures that they showed in court and then obviously suddenly went all over every newsstand in america oh yeah of casey in this like blue
Starting point is 01:24:44 dress and she's grinding on other women. She's, like, wasted. She's partying and clubbing. And essentially this is within days of—it doesn't look good either way. Either she had murdered her daughter or her daughter had been kidnapped. And either way, she's just, like, having a fucking party. Exactly. So it's, like, it's not a good look no matter what.
Starting point is 01:25:02 I think that's what I also kind of remember from Yeah. From the vague amount of information I've let myself absorb is that, like, she was at a party days after her daughter died and she just looked super happy. She was, like, clubbing and, like, wasted. And that was, like, a big argument in the case of, like, why were you so stoked? Right. And even if it happened the way you said which is someone kidnapped her why the fuck are you not calling the police and instead you're worried of your mind hot body contest and ordering videos at the blockbuster right at the blockbuster you know the double b double b as i like to call it yep um so then then the prosecution called a tattoo artist to the stand and the tattoo
Starting point is 01:25:41 artist is like in the days following kaylee's disappearance slash death, whichever side we're going with, Casey had gotten a tattoo reading Bella Vita, which is Italian for beautiful life. So like, a little weird. Sure. A little weird. But the defense continued to insist that Kaylee had actually died in the swimming pool that morning. So, okay. Again, either she was kidnapped, she died in the swimming pool or casey murdered her either she went missing forever ago died forever ago or died like yeah a minute ago right and no matter what you should be really sad it was very but also beautiful
Starting point is 01:26:15 life but also bella vita trademark trade tm tm so right so they were like no she died in the swimming pool she didn't kill her she died that morning in the swimming pool. So after 33 days of testimony, the jury deliberated for about 11 hours, which for a case like this is pretty short because usually the deliberation for something like this goes on for days. Sure. So after 11 hours, the jury came forward with their verdict. This is why I'm scared to go to jury duty every day when they're like, you don't have to come in tomorrow. I'm like, oh, thank God. Right. I can't send a murderer to jail. This is terrifying. So, oh, thank God. Right, right, right. I can't send a murderer to jail. This is terrifying. So, oh, she was also up for the death penalty. So this is like a huge, huge thing.
Starting point is 01:26:50 Yeah. So they found, so they came forward with their verdict. The jury found Casey Anthony not guilty of all charges relating to Kaylee. How? Not even manslaughter. Not even child abuse. She was found guilty. Not even neglect?
Starting point is 01:27:03 Nothing. She literally, by definition, neglected her, though. Nothing. But like, not even knowing abuse she was hung guilty even neglect nothing she literally by definition neglected her though nothing but like not even knowing where her kid was so she was found guilty of lying to the police that's it which is like duh she lied to please she lied to the police she lied about not being a fucking murderer right she well yeah that too but she also was like i work at universal it's like from little things all the way to big things she lied many times so that's all she was convicted of. And since she'd already been incarcerated for three years, she did 10 more days and
Starting point is 01:27:30 then was sent home. So people were fucking pissed. Like, rioting in the streets pissed. People were sending death threats to the jury, being like, you're letting a murderer go free. Like, you should die. People were saying, like, you should stop breathing. I mean, it was a trip. Like, they were, people were saying like you should stop breathing i mean it was wow a trip like they were people were basically riding the streets was there ever a reason announced about like how on earth she got yeah so they interviewed the uh so they interviewed
Starting point is 01:27:55 the jurors so obviously it seems to us like an open and check case but according to jurors there was just too much doubt that the defense presented um the prosecution was not able to say where kaylee died how she died uh they were not able to say if there was like where the chloroform came from did casey make any chloroform there like what happened to her body between like there was just no hard evidence like no right concrete storyline and um they basically said there was just too much doubt presented by the defense saying like you're sending a person a 22 year old or at this point 25 year old perhaps to death so like this is a huge decision so like you know like i i feel for them like a little bit sure i do because i'm like that's a lot of pressure a lot of pressure and it's pretty
Starting point is 01:28:43 wild because people were shocked by this obviously right like i would think like at least more than 10 days in jail right you'd think that at least like maybe manslaughter maybe a year at least like i feel like at least manslaughter because then like you know you're not necessarily sending her to the electric chair right right like to death but at the very i mean to be truly realistic at the very least child neglect something i don't know if she was up for child or she was can or uh charged with child abuse or oh yeah i guess it was child abuse i think charges anyway but yeah so nothing okay so actually um even though she was released she didn't quite go home because she had obviously strained her relationship with her parents at this point by accusing her father of, you know, sexually assaulting her at age eight. Yeah, imagine having to go home after that whole, like, trial and being like, hey, dad.
Starting point is 01:29:36 You get it, right? So, like, you saw where I was going with that, right? Like, you knew we were on the same page, right? No hard feelings. I ruined your whole life. I looked at your eyes and you looked into my eyes and we both knew like what was really going on there like i needed to say it to prove that i didn't murder my child that was the only way but you're there you're there for me you get it so anyway so casey had obviously strained that relationship she became
Starting point is 01:29:56 kind of a nomad um she tried to slip into obscurity but obviously she fucking stayed in the headlines and did not they basically the usa slash every other place with giant media interest in this did not let her get away that easy right so actually zenaida gonzalez sued wow because her name had been basically right besmirched um and then the missing persons search company i mentioned equa search uh also sued because they were like we spent like hundreds of thousands of dollars on this search and like she wasn't even missing you know i mean she was missing but like someone knew where she was this whole time right so they wanted some of their money back their funds back um so can you imagine being casey anthony and when like you get you find out what the verdict is i imagine like she almost went what really oh she
Starting point is 01:30:46 was shot oh that's actually part of the video is like her face going what like she looks so like she was convinced she was gonna die completely or at least go to jail for the rest of her life and she like burst into tears and like her lawyer's like fucking amped and she just looks like completely wow taken aback like this is not because I think everyone was. But yeah, so she had probably talked herself into like this is my future. Right. And then was totally shocked. And they have it on video.
Starting point is 01:31:12 It's pretty wild. So Casey, because she, you know, they sued her for these funds. She just filed for bankruptcy and reached a settlement with EquiSearch. And then Zenaida's lawsuit was dismissed. But in May 2016, so court filings in that bankruptcy case when she filed bankruptcy were released. And they revealed accusations from a private investigator who was working for the defense team at the time. He unleashed documents about the behavior between Casey and her attorney, Jose Baez. Alleging that Baez requested payment in the form of sexual favors from casey got it and uh
Starting point is 01:31:47 when she requested for example that he cancel a media interview that she really wasn't up for and didn't feel comfortable with he told her you now owe me three blowjobs verbatim oh no he further alleged that this pi further alleged that their their relationship escalated and became increasingly inappropriate he once uh went to the offices and found Casey Anthony running out of Bias's door stark naked and giggling. She had outright confessed to him to explain that she had no money, so she had to pay Bias back in sexual favors. That's the only way she could afford to hire him as an attorney. He also said that Bias had told him specifically that his job as a P.I. was not to go find kaylee anthony but to go find her body got it essentially saying he knew she was dead right the attorney was like she's dead go find her body before anyone else does wow so in the docu-series they interviewed
Starting point is 01:32:36 casey's parents and although her mother cindy rarely talks to casey she's still on her side she says she does believe that kaylee fucked up but that or sorry that casey fucked up but that kaylee drowned in the pool that morning and she believes that casey just panicked uh she said quote i have to forgive her because if i don't forgive her i will not be able to live with myself wow and then meanwhile her dad who was also interviewed throughout this process um he says he believes the pool theory is a bunch of bull oh to quote him so even the the parents who are married to each other don't have the same opinion they disagree wow it's really interesting to me imagine being married to someone who like actually believes that
Starting point is 01:33:14 you helped cover up a death oh yeah i don't think she she doesn't think george had anything to do okay she just thinks that the kid drowned casey did it got it but she thinks casey found the her daughter she didn't think casey murdered her she thinks casey found the found her daughter and like like panicked yeah exactly okay got it yeah so he says that he thinks the pool theory is a bunch of bullshit he says he lost both his granddaughter and his daughter that day he will never speak to casey his daughter again after what happened um he says he hopes she makes something positive of her life but he will never talk to her again but he and his wife cindy are still together they're still going strong they were holding hands in this like little interview and they were like nobody else in the world understands what we went through and i was like holy fuck and that was our
Starting point is 01:33:57 only child casey and their only grandchild it's just like horrifying um so as for what did happen george believes casey gave kaylee medication to get her to sleep. And he says he actually noticed a pattern with Kaylee that she was perfectly healthy kid. But for whatever reason, like she slept 10 to 12 hours every single day. And he's like, I knew that wasn't normal. And I started to like suspect maybe she was giving her pills to get her to sleep. He says she had access. He knows she had access to both street drugs and prescription drugs, one of which was Xanax.
Starting point is 01:34:29 And then the person interviewing him said, what's the street name for Xanax? And he said, Zanny. And then there was a moment of, holy shit. Zanny the nanny. Yeah. Zanny got her. And then they they interviewed she was taken by zanny wow is that a trip and then they interviewed clint the friend who was like yeah when she told us like
Starting point is 01:34:53 oh she's being when we asked like oh where's kaylee and she said oh it's zanny the nanny he's like i always just assumed like okay she gave her kids an axe and like put her to sleep and like she was napping somewhere. And like, he's like, that's what I always assumed. And so when they actually went, she's like,
Starting point is 01:35:09 no, there's a real person named Zanny, the nanny. And this person was like, I'm not a nanny. Like, I don't know who you're talking about. So that was like a holy shit moment.
Starting point is 01:35:19 Um, so as for Casey, so the whole time she was always really telling the truth, probably, probably. Wow. And like, well, not about like the night of Gonzalez, but yeah telling the truth, probably. Probably. Wow. And like, well, not about like Zenaida Gonzalez, but yeah, or Fernandez Gonzalez. But exactly.
Starting point is 01:35:31 Like there's some element of like that could be what actually was where the turn of phrase came from. That's some like law and order twist right at the end before like executive producer Dick Wolf. Isn't that? Dun dun. Yeah. Zanny the Nanny. Fucking A. So as for Casey, she's back in the news literally this month for a number of reasons. So she's now 33.
Starting point is 01:35:55 Okay. She's a very busy social life. She parties regularly. She describes her old life as a nightmare, which I mean, yeah, sure. Uh-huh. A source close to her claims that she complains of boredom regularly and has started fighting back against anyone who questions her past by calling them psycho haters okay which okay um according to people magazine casey is reportedly open to
Starting point is 01:36:16 having another child and becoming a mother again and when they when they so there was a clip from dr oz where they mentioned this to George and Cindy. And George was like, oh, no, I do not. This is that's not good. Like, I don't think that's good at all. Like, he was just not about it. Who? OK.
Starting point is 01:36:36 OK. Oh, boy. It's fucking wild. So last year in 2018, get this. Casey Anthony and O.J. Simpson were in talks to star in a joint reality tv show called i don't they didn't have a name for it but they said that the got away with it or got away with it right the the whole point of the show's calls was like uh we didn't do it wink face is the name of the it was actually just the title of the show is the emoji of the wink face oh god it's just semicolon parentheses right right wink yeah so uh basically they were in talks of doing
Starting point is 01:37:12 a show together about being acquitted sure and then what life was like after that which i'm like what the fuck wow but that didn't go anywhere seemingly because this was over a year ago now and like nothing seemingly has happened have you covered the oj i have not no okay um not yet uh as of this week according to newsweek so literally this week uh week of june 10th um according to newsweek casey is supposedly working on a film that depicts her life after kaylee's death, a major motion picture. Okay. The movie will be called As I Was Told. Shut up. Okay. And promises, ready?
Starting point is 01:37:49 Promises both, quote, legal and erotic content. What? Anthony told the Daily Mail that the movie will include several racy parts. She acknowledged that she has been with several men and that there will be a scene that will depict how she became pregnant with kaylee that is just and then the source close to her that was talking to people magazine was like oh she just knows what people want to see and like she knows what will sell a movie so she's just trying to draw people in so she can tell her side of the story but she knows sex sells and that's why she's putting all these sex scenes in it and i was like
Starting point is 01:38:21 what the fuck are you talking she just seems fucking narcissistic and power hungry to be like oh watch it all it's like far away enough now where she's like i can't get in trouble for it but like now i'm gonna but also like let me like that's the worst if if any part of that movie was to be like oh honoring the baby that you absolutely probably killed yeah or that somehow died in you're under your watch and you won't say how or whatever yeah let me show this like very erotic scene of the conception of that baby isn't that horrifying she's like it's necessary to tell my story i'm like no it's not it hasn't been necessary so far you could start the show by being pregnant right none of us having a baby none of us asked how the fuck you got pregnant right we all know that part we assumed it happened the way everyone else gets pregnant sure anyway exactly so um that is our new project
Starting point is 01:39:10 as of literally this week oh well good luck so good luck with that um if she were still alive kaylee anthony would be turning 14 years old this summer as a result of the crime a law in florida was enacted called kaylee's law which ensures that anyone guilty of neglect who doesn't report their child is missing faces felony charges wow which comes with a conviction of up to two decades and that is the story of casey anthony and the murder of kaylee wow oh it's pretty heavy stuff man messed up i'm glad i now know it though i know me too i felt kind of like out of the loop i've definitely been out of the loop for over 10 years yeah but i'm glad that i'm in it now yeah it's a trip especially if this movie comes out oh oh yeah this if anything like we're actually
Starting point is 01:39:55 just going through the second wave we're refreshing our memories although without anyone knowing that a movie's coming out i could just walk over to anyone right now and be like oh i finally figured out like all that stuff about Casey Anthony. Wow. She's guilty, huh? And everyone would be like, that was 10 years ago. Everyone would be like, what the fuck is the matter with you? We already talked about this.
Starting point is 01:40:12 Everyone in LA would be like, you have a podcast, don't you? Right. And they wouldn't be wrong. Right. All right. Well, that was a good story. That was a long one. That was one of my most involved ones in the last couple months
Starting point is 01:40:25 oh yeah i can imagine you uh ripping your hair out to that one i've had a lot of weird dreams let's put it that way anyway guys thank you for listening if you would like to follow us on the interwebs yes you know the great world wide web the world wide web if you want to do some cyber surfing i sure do you can find us on That's Why We You can also find our social medias at ATWWD Podcast. You can also find our email at AndThat'sWhyWeDrink at where you can submit your personal true crime and paranormal stories. And they're in the running for next month's listeners episode.
Starting point is 01:41:00 We put one out on the first of every month. Woohoo! What else? You can buy our merch. We got merch. out on the first of every month uh what else um you can buy our merch we got merch we got on the internet go to our website and that's way all the information is there yes and please go buy tickets and sell out our last four shows we would love that um otherwise you're not gonna see us probably until like like another like at least another like six or seven months eight eight months. A while. A while.
Starting point is 01:41:27 A while, if you will. Definitely not until after winter, if you will. That's right. After the holidays. After the holidays. The howl-idays. Anyway. Alright. We'll leave you be now, guys.
Starting point is 01:41:39 And that's why we drink.

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