And That's Why We Drink - E126 Summer Camp at the Occult Vault and A Flintstone Motorcade

Episode Date: June 30, 2019

Welcome to Dr. Junie's Colonoscopy Clinic! Where you're guaranteed to have a qualified feline professional perform your procedure... Strap in because this week we've got some spooky, wild, intriguing ...stories for you: Em takes us to Scotland for the creepy Edinburgh Vaults and Christine covers the extremely off-putting and confounding case of Bryce Laspisa's disappearance. Em also ripped their underwear and now only has one knickerbocker... and that's why we drink!Please consider supporting the companies that support us!Get 20% off your first Function of Beauty order when you go to 25% off your first Care/of order, go to and enter DRINK25Get 15% off your first Third Love order when you go to - find your perfect fitting bra today!Get a 4-week free trial, free postage and a digital scale! Go to, click on the microphone at the top of the homepage and enter promo code DRINK

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Starting point is 00:00:00 every time i hit record you start yawning it's like pavlovian i think so i'm just like okay like i'm already bored of you thanks i don't know why it happens but i really do only yawn when i'm around you telling stories you're such an. I don't know what it is. I think you know what it actually is, is because when we used to do all of our episodes, this is true. We started at like 11 o'clock at night, and I was just always tired. So now I think I kind of have Pavlovian just learned to like, oh, it's time for bed. Oh, Christina is so boring. Now you've given me a complex. No, I'm just kidding. There are literally live shows where I see you yawning. And it's so funny because I'm
Starting point is 00:00:45 like, I want to call you out so bad because you do this weird face where you're yawning, but you don't want it to look like you're yawning, and I just recognize it so clearly. Oh, really? Oh, yeah. I don't even think I notice that I do it anymore. On stage, no less. Well. Next time I'll call you out, just so you know.
Starting point is 00:01:00 We'll make that part of the drinking game next time. Yeah, when Ed is bored of my story. If I yawn at the most crucial part of the story game next time. Yeah, when Ed is bored of my story. If I yawn at the most like crucial part of the story. When someone is getting ax murdered. And I'm just like, boo, move on, next. Oh my God. I need a lot apparently. Oh, apparently you ask a lot of me.
Starting point is 00:01:14 I think I also overwhelm myself. I get so excited that I yawn where I'm like, I'm already tired from how much energy this is taking out. Oh, okay, nice twist on this story. Okay. It's honestly because you're so pretty I don't know what to do so I just yawn. Don't you turn this on me. Try to close my eyes. Don't even act like I'm being sensitive here.
Starting point is 00:01:30 Hello, everyone. Welcome to our program. I'm Christine, and this is In That's Why We Drink, a very professional show. Oh, by the way, I'm here, too. Oh, there's Em, I guess, but Em's really boring. I was in the middle of yawning, actually. I forgot you were here. My bad.
Starting point is 00:01:44 Well, we're here for episode 126 126 i know that because i wrote it down oh for once for once in my life one out of 126 times i'm waiting for eva's text to be like actually it's 127 but we'll see uh i haven't talked to you in a while how are you what are you are you doing? Oh, you know. How's life? Jay Chillin. Jay Chillin. N-M-J-C-U. N-M-J-C. My BFF, Jill. I survived my colonoscopy that I talked about.
Starting point is 00:02:11 Right. Thank you for all the kind words, everybody. I'd like to ask about it, and I'd like you to tell me as much as you possibly are willing to give in detail. Listen, I'm willing to give a lot. I don't know what they're willing to hear, but... What is the pain level? Are you... No, there's no pain. Because you're pain because you're under right so well so here's the thing prepare me so
Starting point is 00:02:29 one day when it happens to me i know what's going on in like 40 years fingers crossed when they've probably changed how they do it and uh the day that i have to go in for my first colonoscopy they'll be like actually technology has advanced you'll never have to experience one we just scan you in a big machine um yeah so basically well my mom freaked me out because like i've had one before five five or six years ago and i was out for that one but i was also extremely sick it was like in the middle of one of my flares my first one and so i talked to my mom recently she just had her first one she's like oh yeah i was awake well that sounds like a very renata thing to do yes correct and my stepdad was like me too and blaze was like well
Starting point is 00:03:04 i was awake during my wisdom teeth surgery and i was like what is going on i don't want to be awake wait he was out during his wisdom teeth surgery apparently some health insurance doesn't cover like sedation or some dentists just don't do full sedation and thank god i haven't ever run into that because i would have been like you're kidding me if you think well you do they do like laughing gastroenteritis you don't really know what's going on but you're like kind of in a twilight like awake state and i was like absolute i will not be conscious no there. So you don't really know what's going on, but you're like kind of in a twilight, like awake state. And I was like, absolute. I will not be conscious. No, there's like, I don't care how much money it costs. I'm not going to be awake for this. So I went in anyway with this mindset, I was freaking out and I, for, you know, 48 hours didn't eat food. So that was not fun. Um, just, uh, apparently you're allowed to drink soda though. So I just rotted my teeth out for 48 hours.
Starting point is 00:03:41 Apparently you're allowed to drink soda though. So I just rotted my teeth out for 48 hours. And then I went in and my doctor came in and she's lovely. And she's like, do you have any questions before we get started? And I was like, yes. Many. One specifically. No, I have just one. And she's like, what is it?
Starting point is 00:03:54 And I was like, I don't want to be awake. And she's like, what's the question? And I was like, it's not a question. I just don't. Here's my statement. My declaration in place is like, oh God. And I'm like, how much medication do you give? Am I going to be awake? And she's like, I'm usually pretty liberal like with my medication i don't you know
Starting point is 00:04:09 try to hold back and i was she's like if you're really worried about it like i can up the dosage but um but just know like you might be hung over like feeling for and i was like that's fine i'll do it been there done that all right it's okay old news nurse bring it on and so blaze i was like look at the like look at the chart and see what it is so he looks at the chart and he's like they're giving you like the really good stuff and i was like hell yeah so i was like okay fine take me out and as they were putting me under so i get wheeled into it's very scary i don't know i get it's very sterile it's very like hospital alarming yeah so i get wheeled in my little like gown to the room and it's like this little room and everything's beeping.
Starting point is 00:04:46 And then I have my IV in and they're like, they start, they're like, okay, we're going to administer the medication now. And so she's like, okay, push this many CCs slowly, whatever. And I see her doing it. And then I'm like, hey, what if I played a fun game where I tried as hard as I could to stay awake? Isn't that a fun game though? It never works. It didn't work works i was like i'm gonna be the one but then like you're also not thinking realistically like if you were to out out will it now you're awake now you're awake during your fucking surgery but no it's exactly like my brain is like nope let's resist this they're like count backwards from 10 and by the time you get to seven you're like but so i panicked because i was like oh so i started to go under but then they were talking
Starting point is 00:05:28 because there were three of them in the room and they were discussing like my blood pressure and i could like hear them talking but then i started to panic because my subconscious ohio brain was like oh shit i didn't respond to that so i was like i'm sorry what was that and they were like please close your eye like we're not talking to you and i was like and then every time i said something be like haha what was that? And they were like, please stop trying to converse with us. Like you trying to like fight through. Trying to be polite.
Starting point is 00:05:50 Like you trying to fight through that sleeping medication when you, I wanted to watch Sinister with you. Oh, exactly. And you were like, haha, that's funny. And I was like, he's getting brutally murdered. But yes, it's hysterical, Christine. Open your eyes to find out that you're wrong. Every half hour, I just go like, haha. And you were like, Christine, stop trying. you're wrong i just go like haha and you're
Starting point is 00:06:05 like christine stop trying i was like just go to sleep it's very clear what's happening but then all of a sudden i was like in another room back in the recovery room and blaze was there and i was like oh my gosh it's over and then um blaze was like how did it go and i was like well i'm pretty lucky that juniper was here and he was like what and then i was like oh i remember that you texted me i was like i'm just really happy that juniper was there to perform my colonoscopy and he was like juniper arcad and i was like and he's like thank god for juniper i was like dr juni of course it wasn't geo it was juniper and he's like how did you know it was juni and i was like it's all in the eyes and then i just fell back asleep and then i woke up a little bit later and i was like i lied to you and he's like well about what and i was like i am junie and he was
Starting point is 00:06:51 like oh for god's sake no way and i was like just kidding um and he's like but did you and he still perform your call and ask me and i was like yeah he's preparing for my autopsy and blaze was like okay i need to keep you awake now this is alarming oh my god i lied to you it was like, okay, I need to keep you awake now. This is alarming. Oh my God. I lied to you. It was like really bizarre. I think there's nothing creepier than it's all in the eyes. It was so bizarre. I don't know. I like, I, Blaze wrote it down. That's the only reason I know what I said.
Starting point is 00:07:12 And then there was this van outside, which I was convinced, like there's a window and I saw this van and I was like, holy shit. And Blaze was like, what? And I was like, that van. He's like, what? And I was like, can you believe they do safaris out here? And he's like, it's not a safari. Please go to bed. bed and I was like I think they're taking pictures on the safari there's giraffes every I mean I was really out of it I got my tonsils out really late I was in college
Starting point is 00:07:33 um and all I were I don't remember it but my mom says my like the the thing that I said when I was heavily medicated was right when they put the IV in my arm and like, I hate IVs. And all I did was think about how sharp they were. And, uh, right before I went under, all I did was just loud. Every time I said it, I got louder and louder. I was like, mom, sharks are so bad for your arms. I was like, you have no idea how bad they are. She's like, I think I do, but she's like, I've got a hunch.
Starting point is 00:08:07 That's all that I kept saying. I was very insistent that my PSA was heard. I feel like I'm just like criminal activity. Cause when I woke up from my last colonoscopy, I told my mother like, all right, you got to keep this on the down low. And she's like, what? And I was like, I stole a ton of candy. And she's like, from where?
Starting point is 00:08:22 And I was like, from all sorts of places. And she's like, where is it? And I was like, on my yacht. And she's like, okay where? And I was like, from all sorts of places. And she's like, where is it? And I was like on my yacht. And she's like, okay, you really are out of it. So goodbye. Anyway,
Starting point is 00:08:29 so it was fine. And then I went home and, uh, I was like, so excited to eat food. So I had blaze order tacos. Then blaze brought the tacos to my bed and I fell asleep with them on my pillow. And I passed out for several hours with two tacos next to me.
Starting point is 00:08:42 I woke up and I went, Oh my God, tacos. Yeah. I ate them and I fell back asleep. And then I demanded pizza at like 10 o'clock. And so we ordered pizza and then I fell asleep eating that too. So it was a lovely, lovely evening. That sounds like the real dream. I mean, considering my two favorite things are sleep and food, I'd love to wake up to food. It was unbelievable. And it's like so easy to sleep because you're just like on sedation. It's like when I've had those weird nights where I pulled
Starting point is 00:09:03 all nighters and then I was just kind of too loopy to remember anything. And I'd go to Starbucks and get my future me snacks. Right. Like buy yourself a gift. And then I'd wake up and be like, wow, I know myself so well. It was so exciting. I was like, I got myself grilled tacos. Hello.
Starting point is 00:09:16 Anyway, so it was fine. Everything's fine. Well, I don't know. I hope so. It was a few days ago and they took several biopsies and I said it looked, well, apparently it looked real rough in there because I fucked it all up when I had my first flare and my second flare. And she's like, but it doesn't look on the surface cancerous, but it's hard to tell.
Starting point is 00:09:37 Anyway, they check for colon cancer. So she did several biopsies, but I haven't gotten a call in the last couple of days and I feel like I would have gotten a call. I feel like you would have too. Yeah. So all right. Fingers crossed. We could, but they gave me photos of it and i was like i don't know if i want that thank you though is there a higher rate for colon cancer for people with crowns massively higher yeah that's why i have to do them every couple years even like usually you're not supposed to do them until you're 60 but i have to do them
Starting point is 00:09:59 every couple years shit woohoo anyway shit poop okay never mind butthead butt stuff okay how are you oh after that how did you i'm fine okay i was about to ask how your tonsils went and i was like that was a long time ago they're fine they've been gone for a while although i've been telling my mom for years i was like i need my tonsils out and she wouldn't listen to me and then one day i like she finally like humored me and we went to a doctor and the doctor was like those should have been taken out years ago really yeah and i i was like i told you just because you get a lot of strep or something so no well i get i before i got my tonsils out in college, I used to get sick, like, every other month. Like, really badly sick.
Starting point is 00:10:47 I used to get sick all the time. I pretty much always had a cold. And then on top of that, I had, like, those holes. Like, my tonsils were super porous. So, like, I had tonsil stones and I had, like, tens of them. Tens of them. Oh, no. And so, basically, my tonsils looked like a sponge, even they should be like a solid piece of tissue gross and so the doctor was like yeah that's i mean you're just breathing in
Starting point is 00:11:10 bacteria and getting sick all the time so anyway i like how we just talked about my butt and now i'm like and that's disgusting i remember just i was like please let me please i've never known a child to beg their parent for surgery with like, you're removing like something with its own vascular system. But it's like, please take this out of my body. I like how you specified. It's not like a nose job or like, it's something with its own organ. Well, that's, isn't, I think that's why tonsils hurt so much more when you're older, right?
Starting point is 00:11:40 Cause you get your tonsils out when you're a little kid before it develops its own system. Is that what it is? And then when you, yeah. Cause when you're a kid, like you can get your tonsils out when you're a little kid before it develops its own system is that what it is and then when you yeah because when you're a kid like you can get your tonsils out by the end of the day you're like playing and eating ice cream and hanging out with friends like so much longer recovery when you're older it's supposedly one of like the top 10 most painful like adult recoveries of like of like common surgeries which it does suck a lot and it they fool you where like the first four days after I got my tonsils out, I was like, yeah, are you serious? It came on later. Yeah. So it like, it feels like a really bad sore throat. It feels like strep throat, the recovery, but like the whole time they had
Starting point is 00:12:18 been warning me, like, it's one of the most painful things be ready. And those four days I was like, okay, yeah, it hurts, but like, I'm fine. Right. And i was like okay yeah it hurts but like i'm fine right and i was like this is small potatoes apparently the recovery process is like two weeks if this is like four days and i just feel like i have like a sore throat i'll be fine by tomorrow so the upset is on like day five to day six apparently what you had been feeling that whole time was it starting to like really gross, but like scab over. And so by day five or day six, your throat is so like wet on its own again that the scab falls off. And that's when the pain really kicks in because now it's an open wound all over again. So if you if you're about to get your tonsils out, don't let them fool you.
Starting point is 00:13:06 Day five is when shit gets rocked. Well, nobody listening to this is ever going to get their tonsils out after what you literally just said to everybody. It only really sucks for a couple days. My colonoscopy sounds like fun. Like, it was a blast. Anyway. Anyway, if you're wondering if you should get your kids' tonsils out now or later,
Starting point is 00:13:20 do them now. That's true. And wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth are way worse when you're an adult. Because then they, like... And dry socket? Yeah. Well, wisdom teeth wisdom teeth are way worse when you're an adult because then they like a dry socket yeah well wisdom teeth like fuse to your jaw if you so they have to like take them out anyway um that's a good conversation but uh my mother actually asked begged her mom to take have her appendix taken out i love this story oh let's say it i love it it's my favorite story well she would read all these books when she was little
Starting point is 00:13:43 about like cowboys in the american west and stuff and she was obsessed with cowboys and there was this one story about like this hero in the jungle and this and he like had appendicitis his appendix burst essentially and he died because he right died obviously and um so she like freaked out she was like 11 and she's like okay so she went to the library and learned like what the symptoms of appendicitis were. Convince her parents to bring her like all the she lived in this village all the way to the fucking hospital. This is the 60s. I'm like, this sounds like the worst idea ever. But OK.
Starting point is 00:14:17 Convince them to go like played every sign off perfectly that like you press here and it hurts here and yada yada. So they took her appendix out. And like during the surgery, they were like, like there's nothing it's not even inflamed and then afterwards she's like yeah i just didn't want to like get stranded on an island and anyway that's how she got her but also like can you imagine having that kind of paranoia i mean like i'm like especially like in the 60s where there's like you can't just like google this shit right exactly it's like i could literally just all of a sudden kill over and be in the most pain of my life. I might as well get that shit taken out.
Starting point is 00:14:47 I mean, that was the most preventative thing I've ever heard someone do. And then she ended up with cancer because she had too much radiation, so. Really? Because of that surgery? No, no, no. Oh, just in general. She'd rickets. It's a whole thing.
Starting point is 00:14:57 Anyway, but like, yeah, so it's just like. What a life. Well, she tried. Fuck. At least she's not getting appendicitis. I mean, if there's one thing she can guarantee she's not getting, it's appendicitis. We can just strain her in a jungle. And I know I'm not getting my tonsils.
Starting point is 00:15:09 Well, actually, my mom's tonsils grew back. That was fucking weird. What is wrong with you? Okay. You know what's funny is how everyone listens to the show for, like, death and, like, horrible, brutal, gruesome things. Exactly. But, like, I talk about a scab in my throat and everyone's like, change the fucking topic. Great. While I'm eating. Really? My children are in the car.
Starting point is 00:15:28 Exactly. Exactly. I'm at work. I'm at work. Stop making me throw up. Okay. That's maybe the grossest thing we'll talk about today. We'll see. On my end. Yes. On my end too. Okay, cool. So I hope you enjoyed that. That was the high of the roller coaster. It's all downhill from now. So this is another ghost story. I feel very bad that I did so many alien stories in a row. But everyone was so nice about it. Everyone seemed really into it, which I'm down for, because it encourages me to like, oh, like I still have a lot of stories for the future.
Starting point is 00:16:02 I was going to do another alien story today i'm not going to but after i did all of those alien stories in a row then all of a sudden that news broke in kansas city i think about like i don't know if it was kansas city huh uh so there was like this viral um there were several pictures and videos going around and i think it was in kansas city that some weird shit was going on in the sky and there was like big white orbs and then there was a whole sky of a how did i miss this a whole cloud that was exactly square shaped it was a solid cloud that was square shaped send me these things it was super creepy and so i thought like oh i'll cover that because i mean
Starting point is 00:16:41 i adjusted all these alien stories it's on everyone's mind right now. And this is breaking news. But I couldn't find enough information yet for that to be a full story. Basically, of course, things got... Weather balloons is the first thing that comes up. Of course, weather balloons was the answer. But I'm sure that's always the case. But I will say that the people who commented on that, they said that they were weather balloons that were part of a project for
Starting point is 00:17:06 DARPA that's what yeah that's what I just read so interesting if you've learned anything from my stories about DARPA it's don't believe everything you hear also DARPA believe it nope that didn't work uh the U.S. Department of Defense will wouldn't confirm on the record that the mystery objects were DARPAs so yeah who knows they literally also Kansas I think it was like Kansas City the town on Twitter said the weather channel like freaked everyone the fuck out oh no yeah national weather service kansas city there was a tweet that literally said we do not know what this is we honestly have no explanation for the floating objects over kansas city apparently that started like a panic because it was like well shit you're the weather
Starting point is 00:17:42 service the whole town was like, OK, so absolutely aliens. Oh, my God. Anyway, that's wild. Anyway, I wanted to cover that. I also want everyone to know that. Yes, I saw it. We're aware. Thank you for the 200 sub tweets about that.
Starting point is 00:17:54 It's not fair. All the people that tag me and shit are like, father murders his four children. And I'm like, I don't get any alien tags. Mine's always aliens and ghosts. So I do appreciate that. But no, I have seen it. I've been made aware. I tried to cover it, but there's just not enough information.
Starting point is 00:18:09 But I will make the comment that like, okay, so a huge secret service in the government is saying that it's a weather balloon. It's probably not. Dun, dun, dun. Especially when a literal whole town is like, we don't know what this is. Can neither confirm nor deny. Moving on. I will be doing a ghost story. um this is in scotland okay i almost tried to do like a scottish accent i just knew
Starting point is 00:18:31 that that was ck alone yeah and shrek ck and shrek are the only two people the only two people in scotland right right yes right well ck's not even in scotland that's just where he's from just shrek just the only truck is there uh we're so ignorant ignorant ignorant of scotland so uh this is the story of the edinburgh vaults edinburgh edinburgh edinburgh the only thing i know about scotland okay one it's the only thing you know two we just said how ignorant we are so I don't give a shit that I sounded so stupid. Like the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. No. I do know what you're talking about, but I would have never put that in my head to.
Starting point is 00:19:12 I see. Okay. How often am I talking about Scotland? Never. I mean, it's a pretty big city. Okay, whatever. I've seen it before. I have never once as an American been challenged to say the word out loud, though.
Starting point is 00:19:25 Okay, sure. So I... All right, I'll give you a pass. Look, everyone out there... Listen, at least we're on the right path now. So don't tweet. Don't tweet. Don't tweet.
Starting point is 00:19:33 Don't tweet. Unless it's about aliens. Edinburgh? Yeah. Edinburgh. Okay, to be fair, it literally does not look like... It's... It does not look like Edinburgh.
Starting point is 00:19:44 What does it look like? G-H? Yes, edinburgh what does it look gh yes that's how you pronounce that so it'd be pittsburgh probably in the olden days not in america okay whatever i know i'm ignorant i also don't care so um so these are the edinburgh vaults okay uh so these are underground passageways in Old City. Ooh. Apparently it started all the way back in 1780s. And Edinburgh has seven major hills in the area. And so back then to help the city expand without destroying the hills, two different bridges were built. So there was the North Bridge that was built in the early 1780s.
Starting point is 00:20:21 And then the late 1780s was the South Bridge. Okay. The South Bridge is probably what we're going to be solely focusing on in this story. It's pronounced Bridger? It's Br-r-r-r-r-r-r. We should consult Shrek and see what he has to say. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:20:38 It was considered a highway of the time. It was like the most modern road that they had built so far. And it helped transportation with direct access to the city for the people who lived all the way out in the old town. Since it helped further parts of town coming into the city more easily and more frequently, people were coming into this area a lot. And so the bridge itself was actually prime real estate for storefronts. Okay. Oh, that's kind of fun. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:07 okay um oh that's kind of fun yeah so uh the street level of the bridges were very popular for citizens of the area and uh south bridge basically became a supermarket shopping center okay um not necessarily not like a shopping center you would think of today but there was the whole place was just no escalators no not in the 1780s is there sephora okay sorry sephora i know i know we'll get there we'll find it we'll find it and we're gonna have a good time but before we find it we're gonna not find it no no matter what it's gonna be fun so uh since it helped further parts of town come into the city basically now they had this bridge that was spanning the entire town regardless of there being Hills in between all the areas, people were able to just go to this main passage road and just go to all their shops.
Starting point is 00:21:53 Cool. So it was prime real estate. Like I said, even if stores were for some reason going out of business, there was always things going on. It was super poppin area. So the street level of these bridges was where, um where all the stores were. But then underneath the bridges, there were 19 archways. The archways were 30 feet tall and a combined 1,000 feet long. Holy shit. And to make sure that as many shops could fit on the street level as possible, these 19 arches that were kind of pseudo-underground,
Starting point is 00:22:24 they were beneath the bridges and they got renovated to maximize the space above. So they basically became makeshift workshops and storage for storekeepers. And basically anything under the bridges became vaults. And then underneath that were tunnels for storage and stuff like that. Cool. It sounds very Jetson, like very futuristic. I saw pictures of it i actually thought about um showing you a picture to try to make sense of it because there were some parts where i was like is sort of the vaults underground or they're not it does seem a little bit confusing um so here so i don't know if you can see but like the so it's on top but then based on the
Starting point is 00:23:04 hills it looks like some of it's above top but then based on the hills it looks like some of it's above ground some of it's underground i see so the arch is kind of variant height depending on and then the flat surface up top yes is the street level cool so there's two sets of vaults basically like a top level and a bottom level interesting um so the street level or the shops where everyone is, but then under the street level is the upper level vaults that were workshops and the second level vaults, which were storage. Got it. And the underground chambers or vaults added up to about 120 individual rooms. Oh.
Starting point is 00:23:36 So a lot of space to do things. For activities. For activities. Obviously. As you would know. As I would know. Boats and hoes. So thought to be cursed basically they were they started out on a spooky history with this so oh and my mom's gone but i'm
Starting point is 00:23:55 gonna ignore you sorry oh shit she's fine uh so uh they kind of started off on a spooky start because they thought that um it was a cursed area not only has apparent this i don't know if i believe this necessarily but sure you do no i really don't know really i don't know if i read it correctly i copy and paste it directly from the website so these are not my words so if i'm wrong i'm wrong but i'm not really wrong because it's not my fault. Okay. But apparently people have been living here since like 8,000 BC. What? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:28 I mean, not in the arches. In this town. No, not in the arches. In this town. So apparently there was a battle that happened on the area. So that already equaled ghosts. Then on top of that, this bridge, once it got built, the bridge itself was doubly cursed because it was already on haunted land. And the city decided that the first people to cross the bridge, they wanted it to be someone really special.
Starting point is 00:24:52 So they picked the oldest citizen of Edinburgh. I love that. And so it was some really well-renowned judge's wife. Okay. But days before the bridge opened, right at the end of its construction, she died. And so the town wanted to uphold their promise. And so they carried her across the bridge and her coffin. Why did that just give me chills?
Starting point is 00:25:12 That just seems so creepy. Well, so that's the second reason why they think the town is haunted because especially the bridge itself, they think it's haunted because the first citizen to cross the bridge upon completion was a dead body. Oh, it does creep me out for some reason. They think that the bridge upon completion was a dead body oh it does creep me out for some reason they think that the bridge itself has bad luck on top of the fact that it's on haunted grounds so and it's right next oh this was the other thing it's right next to i'm not even going to try the word because i'm sure i'll fuck it up um but the graveyard right next door
Starting point is 00:25:40 is like the most haunted graveyard in all of scotland oh and so it being so close to this bridge to like well that's got to bring a lot of ghosts over they're like cool bridge yeah yeah yeah it's the first interesting thing we've seen in 8 000 years exactly this massive bridge so uh not a superstitious problem but it is a problem in general but on top of it being a cursed bridge another issue that came with the bridge is that by walling up, because they wanted to make rooms out of the vaults, they could have storage and stuff. I was hoping you would say they walled them off. Yeah, they walled them off so that they'd be individual rooms and spaces. Oh, I see.
Starting point is 00:26:12 Okay, still, okay. But by walling up the exposed upper level vaults, they cut off light and air circulation to the chambers. I see. Okay, that makes more sense. So it's now a structural issue. Oh. I see. Okay. That makes more sense.
Starting point is 00:26:21 So it's now a structural issue. Oh, um, on top of that, there's another structural issue with the bridge that when it was built, it was built on a budget and in a rush. So it was never waterproofed for flooding. Why would you in a rut?
Starting point is 00:26:34 No, that's the, there's some things you don't feel like you should never build a bridge in a rush. It's only a certain things that I say, don't build it in a rush. Yeah. Take your time on that one.
Starting point is 00:26:42 I build most things like curtain, all sorts of things in a rush. Very haphazard slipshod. But a bridge. Anything with like brake pads. Sure. Don't do that in a rush. Anything with a human body that is in or on side of it.
Starting point is 00:26:54 Right. Inside of it or on top of it. Yeah, exactly. Maybe be a little more careful. So they had walled up the exposed vault. So they cut off the light and the air circulation and they never waterproofed it. So over time and by over time, like pretty pretty quickly there were huge cracks in the foundation of the bridge god no there were also huge cracks in the top uh so underneath the street level but above
Starting point is 00:27:13 the vaults okay so the cracks caused water and city waste to both flood into the bottom vaults oh god so there were damp conditions and since they there was no exposed lighter air circulation it was basically like mold city foul um so bad news bears bad bad bad so and it rains so much there right right oh no in edinburgh edinburgh i love it whatever uh so between 10 to 30 years after the bridge was completed so that's it yes well okay so it started pretty much like within the first five years that shit started holy crap so but get it holy holy so stupid okay i'm trying i'm trying too hard i like it though i like when you try it's fun uh so within 10 to 30 years after the bridge and the vaults were built businesses just couldn't be
Starting point is 00:28:06 there anymore a lot of people left right away that's why i say 10 years and some of them really tried to hold out but by 30 years they were like this is too fucking gross yeah um and so this sephora is filled with sewage i don't know i'm not gonna buy my foundation this sludge is like not organic so i'm not here for it um so basically they all the businesses that were on the street level they were like it's worth closing up shop in like prime real estate because i cannot do my work down here i can't and so some of them at the time like they were like cobblers and milliners and like kind of more old school jobs but they needed that bottom space with storage and workshops to be able to have a storefront so they're like it's worth not having
Starting point is 00:28:49 a business here i can't do it that's terrible especially back then if you're like i don't know if there were bakers or anything but anyone with food like oh you're in store in that down there i think there wasn't like an fda back then unless it's just like yogurt or something where you're like no it's supposed to look like right that's no it's good bacteria blue cheese don't worry about it so within 30 years all the businesses were like fuck this i think they still some of them kept storefronts and then they just worked within the storefront but nobody was working down they just like in the vaults anymore abandoned it so by the 1820s now that the main storefronts and businesses were not using the vaults more um quote seedy businesses started taking over. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:29:28 Because it was available space, and it ended up becoming a red light district down there. Oh, wow. It was basically the black market of the town. There were a lot of brothels, gambling dens, illegal pubs. You get the gist. I get the gist. In early 1800s news article, there was a report about how they found an illegal distillery. This is a quote saying, Mr. McKenzie, accompanied by officers, discovered a private distillery under the arch of the South Bridge. The particulars of this are worthy of notice from the great pains which had been taken to prevent disclosure.
Starting point is 00:30:02 The original door to the place had been carefully built up and plastered over so as to prevent any appearance of an entrance behind a grate in the fireplace of a bedroom an opening had been made and fitted with an iron door and lock that exactly fitted the grate which could only be seen by removing it and this passage led to the flat above by a trap door and a ladder where the still was working. The drinks were said to have been taken away in a bag and carried out by a woman under her cloak. So like, oh, my God, people were very clearly doing some like sketchy stuff. And we're pretty good at it.
Starting point is 00:30:36 We're good at it. So this was just like chaos down there. Sure. Criminals and the poor began squatting there. chaos down there sure um criminals and the poor began squatting there and by 1845 during the um the potato famine the vaults were basically packed with irish immigrants oh fuck so on top of there being a bunch of illegal activity there were also people that were literally immigrating here and couldn't find anywhere to stay so they were just packed in this kind of dangerous area also there were slumlords at the time. Oh, God. Is that the word that we still use?
Starting point is 00:31:05 I don't know. I couldn't find a different word. That sounds right. I'm quoting Google. Sounds like a username. Yeah. Someone's AIM username. So slumlords took advantage of the fact
Starting point is 00:31:17 that a lot of immigrants were coming over and didn't have anywhere to stay. And so they were forcing these people to go live in the vaults for a really cheap price, but putting 10 people in each space that was meant for one person. Jeez. Okay. So it was super overcrowded.
Starting point is 00:31:32 Terrible. No running water, no light, no sanitation, no air circulation, illnesses spreading. Apparently tuberculosis and cholera were rampant at that point. I can't even imagine. And also in the vaults, another thing that was rampant was murder murder murder of the highest degree there's a murder in savannah the in in edinburgh and edinburgh so in 1828 these are the most notorious killers of the time uh two irish immigrants that were also serial killers named william bur William Hare killed 16 people in these vaults that we know of. They would hide the bodies in the vaults, never being noticed.
Starting point is 00:32:13 They just like hit them and nobody even cared. Jesus, okay. And then they would sell them to medical communities a la H.H. Holmes. Wow, okay, interesting. So that was apparently a regular thing you just see bodies in the vaults and you're like oh yeah serial killers are oh that's william that's all willie bill uh so yeah it was just regular to be like oh well this i guess was a time where medical advancements were growing at a pretty rapid rate and so they were getting bodies down there is like i have cholera fine like
Starting point is 00:32:45 right figure it out i signed it away so terrible eventually the conditions were so bad that even these people didn't want to work and live down there anymore so they all left wow so when even like the people running brothels and all this are like too much i can't do it they so wow so they all left the vaults were pretty much abandoned and they don't know the exact time, but around the 1860s, vaults were filled with, the vaults were filled with rubble, um, to prevent flooding and trespassing. So nobody could go back down there. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:33:16 Interesting. And then it sat untouched for pretty much a hundred years. Whoa. So as far as I know, um, around the 1980s, so about 120 years later, a bar owner who worked on the South Bridge, he actually found a section of the old street below his property, not knowing what it was from. I guess like they also just made this like 120 year long secret because he was surprised. He was like, what is that? So he found a section of this like old street under his property and he went looking and he found all these vaults. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:33:50 So they started doing excavations in the area and they found several things, including dishes, medicine bottles, toys, oyster shells, which apparently was a really cheap food back then. Evidence of multiple types of tradesmen and they're like working tools their wares um clay pipes buttons horseshoes snuff boxes stoneware ceramic jars pots and plates wow that must be so creepy especially that i mean obviously the toys especially 120 year old toys and medicine bottles oh it says like cocaine and it's like this was for the baby right something. Something to suck on. Something to take the edge off at night. Some opium. Um, so some of the vaults, uh, so that was just like the last, I guess, historical thing
Starting point is 00:34:33 to happen there. Right. But this is just a fun fact. Some of the vaults now are actually part of a venue called the caves and the Rowan tree. Okay. And apparently they host a private events, including the Edinburgh festival fringe fringe festival. Apparently it is hosted in the vaults. What?
Starting point is 00:34:52 Oh my God. I have so many friends that have like performed there. Oh, well, yeah. Apparently it's like 60 shows a day or something. It's a massive festival. It's a very like,
Starting point is 00:35:00 um, right of passage for lack of a better term for anyone in comedy. Really? Yeah. Like in LA, basically everybody who does like improv or whatever ends up going over there i've never heard of it before really when i was doing the story yeah i guess i'm in the i mean hello the improv circles apparently you are one of the the comedians that are just destined to be there literally this week saw a guy um perform he did a show his name is alex edelman he's very funny but he his show like won best newcomer at fringe festival this year or something i've heard of fringe festival i've never heard of edinburgh in front of it oh yeah that's what it is got it yeah because you were like like
Starting point is 00:35:36 the edinburgh fringe festival and i was like one i'm literally about to talk about it and two christine's up ruining my story and two i also didn't know that that's what that was called yes um and i've always been jealous because i'm like that's cool to be able to go there for comp like wow to do comedy but like also you get to go to scotland anyway yeah i think i'd care more about the scotland thing first on principle i'd be like gotta go to shrek swamp um so as of god damn it as of the 2000s most of the area is still off, but the open parts of it are mainly used for ghost tours and investigations. Fun.
Starting point is 00:36:09 So allegedly this is one of the most haunted sites in Scotland. Some of the vaults are more haunted than others. So apparently there are cross streets underneath for different parts of the arches. So the street vaults on Nidri, Ni-d-d-r-y the nidri street vaults are the most haunted of all of the street vaults under these weird okay um there's a guide a tour guide who has said quote we do get an awful lot of activity and the reports have been getting more frequent in recent weeks this is a very sinister place there are lots of dark dark spirits down there lots of guides have experiences spirits down there. Lots of
Starting point is 00:36:45 guides have experiences. I train a lot of the guides and often when they are new, we get a lot of activity because the spirits aren't used to them yet. They hear things, they get pushed, they hear footsteps, they see faces. Tourists feel things as well. Temperature changes. Quite often the temperature will drop suddenly. We had reports of footsteps last night, people seeing figures, and a lot of time people are taking pictures and they tell me you realize there's a woman standing behind you right but i'm fine with it oh oh nice flex okay humble brag humble brag that is creepy i don't like that he says dark experiences no at all but i can confirm that usually if there's a new face that
Starting point is 00:37:22 you are more likely to get activity you're like curious about it or something like i've talked about how when i was doing tours they got bored of me so i would ask like the newcomers i'd be like okay you do it i'm here to watch now because apparently the ghosts don't give a shit about me they keep yawning much like i'm right exactly like walt does now with me maybe i'm walt's little puppet and i'm yawning for him you know oh great so he's just possessing your body oh boy he seems nice so far tarantula legs speaking of tarantula legs i my one of my tarantula legs right now does not have underwear and the other one does i'm just like i just hear this like i was like i'm ripping my underwear with my bare hands i was like well what a fun day at christine's house they shrunk in the dryer and like they were, I wear like boxer briefs.
Starting point is 00:38:05 So they were like really tightened up on my, on my thighs. And there was one where I was like, I just got to like pull on this and see if it'll stretch it out. And when I pulled it, it like the whole cloth just ripped in half. And I was like, either I'm the Hulk or. It's that for sure. I have to be the Hulk because the other option is I'm just too big for my underwear. I will say also that was not me undies's we were we literally i asked that was my first question yeah no that was not micro modal fabric no these were these were cheap these were cheap
Starting point is 00:38:31 but we did make sure to like do a whole like audio recording of me ripping my underwear i don't know what we're gonna do with it but we're saving it we'll do it we'll use it for something it just sounds like it's supposed to like guest star on star on SpongeBob's music video about ripping his pants. Oh, God. It's a remix. The TikTok version. Exactly. Everyone likes a good reboot these days, so that's just me.
Starting point is 00:38:54 Yeah, 90s. So people also experience disembodied voices, strange sounds, cold blasts of air from nowhere, especially because, remember, this place is not ventilated. Right, true. And people also regularly see full-bodied apparitions holy crap notably they see mists and robed figures standing in corners that is no why robed why remember the lady in her cloak she was stealing or she was like sneaking out the goods maybe they just like wait a minute maybe that's how they snuck stuff out i don't know she would just stand by corners until you weren't looking she's like oh god they're gonna catch me in my bathtub gin people people would also uh get grabbed people will have their
Starting point is 00:39:34 hair played with they'll hear knocking people will get nauseous and have headaches some people will get pictures of a weird green mist that you can't visibly see weird some people will leave with scratches and bruises on their body oh god in fact there was a boy on a tour who um he screamed really loud saying i want out i want out of this place saying his back hurt and then they lifted his shirt and there was a red handprint like someone had five-starred a little boy yep oh shit that's terrible also there's a 12 year old young girl on a tour and she screamed at a person behind her who was actually there. But someone else on the tour, she screamed at this person on the tour saying, get away, get away from the fire. Because apparently what she saw was he was standing in a pit of flames.
Starting point is 00:40:16 Oh, my. Oh, my God. That's traumatizing. And he didn't know. But apparently there was a fire there. She was the only one who could see it. But she was watching him just stand in a pit of fire. That is traumatizing. For a 12 year old girl. Yeah. So don't take I guess don't take your a fire there. She was the only one who could see it, but she was watching him just stand in a pit of fire. That is traumatizing.
Starting point is 00:40:26 For a 12-year-old girl. Yeah. I guess don't take your children down there. Yeah, it sounds like it really likes kids. Yeah. A woman on the tour felt someone standing in front of her with really bad whiskey breath. Great. She couldn't see him, but she said that she could feel him breathing in her face very intentionally.
Starting point is 00:40:43 She said that she could feel him breathing in her face very intentionally. There's also a guide that said that a girl around 19 or 20 years old is seen a dress in all black standing in the corner of the room watching you. Okay. Nope. This is one that I think is, it's very tame, but it's my favorite part. I think a bartender from a bar right above the bridge, um, he left an orange on the bar and he was the only person in the bar and he came back and it had been perfectly peeled and the peel was thrown away what it's just a perfectly peeled by the way that's the ghost i want hold on like imagine him at like soccer games well are you listening oh yeah cut up some orange slices for me that would be perfect especially at a party
Starting point is 00:41:21 hell yeah he'll just cut up the limes we're good i'll make the fruit salad don't worry about it so there's a spirit of a man with a big heart apparently like a like a more metaphorically a big heart like he's a nice person okay i was like not like he's a problem um he's known to have a big heart and is very friendly and curious about people okay at least there's one nice guy yes apparently. Apparently, psychics of all also spotted him as heavyset. Okay. So if for some reason you are a psychic, and if for some reason you end up in these vaults, and if for some reason you see a heavyset fella...
Starting point is 00:41:52 With a big heart. He's a good boy. Aw. At least talk to him. He's fine. Okay. He'll keep you away from the pit of flames. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:41:59 And maybe peel you an orange. The goal. He wouldn't... I don't know. I don't know. He seems too nice already i think we gotta i'm hoping there's like at least spread it out there's a second nice one got it got it got that's like helping out the bar staff someone's on the fruit salad someone's okay got it so there's
Starting point is 00:42:14 also a little boy named jack who's six or seven um they say that he's potentially one of the missing cases there was a especially during the um potato famine everyone was coming over sure there was apparently a lot of missing children because they got lost from their families this is a really interesting throwback that doesn't have any relevance to today whatsoever well apparently jack might have been one of those missing cases terrible um they say he's six or seven he's quote blonde with curly hair and is dressed in a smart blue suit with Knickerbocker trousers. Oh, what a honey. Apparently, this is very sad, he pulls on people's sleeves and grabs the hands of women.
Starting point is 00:42:53 Stop. Because he's probably looking for his mom. Stop. Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop. I'll take him. I'll take him. He holds my hand. I'm just like, all right, you can come.
Starting point is 00:43:00 I'll take him. I'm just going to have, like, holy water in the other hand, just in case. You're just going to, like, spritz him every now and then. You're good. You're good. You're okay. Like a cat. Like a cat. So it's, apparently he has also been seen as a full body apparition.
Starting point is 00:43:13 He has grabbed visitors coats and when he's alone, he likes to throw pebbles for fun. Okay. So he never throws them at you, but he likes to throw them around. That's fun. Yeah. I like throwing pebbles for fun. Me too. Kind of weird. Some websites, and I don't know if this is like the actual vaults themselves like the company but he's also known as a little girl who likes to hold people's hands so maybe
Starting point is 00:43:35 it's two different ghosts two different spirits sure but there's apparently a little girl who likes to grab people's hands and her name is abandoned annie okay well i wow okay so apparently abandoned annie uh there is a makeshift annie the orphan was already taken okay wait a minute that's like knock off annie is what that is uh so it's a rough life in these vaults so fucked instead of tomorrow she sings yesterday oh so uh there is a makeshift altar to her oh and uh apparently people leave dolls and toys for her this off at this altar um but visitors will also leave money oh sure i don't know uh but fun fact that money is collected annually by the council that takes care of the vault and it gets donated to sick kids are you serious yeah well that's nice so sure leave your money in a vault for real so apparently there's two other ghosts one is called
Starting point is 00:44:38 the aristocrat okay that's what they call me yeah i'm sure it is and he is your knickerbockers and my knickerbockers that you just ripped my half knickerb it is and he is your knickerbockers and my knickerbockers that you just ripped my half knickerbockers i just have one knickerbocker um so he is quote a well-to-do gentleman with a tall black hat and beard um he's often seen leaning against the wall with his arms folded grinning at people as they pass okay but he gives off a sinister vibe so his smile may not be as friendly as you think i literally was just thinking that sounds creepy as hell so yeah anyone dead grinning at me i don't care like what your intentions are it's very off-putting a ghost in a top hat never a good idea that's what
Starting point is 00:45:17 i always say that's what i always say uh so the other one there's the aristocrat and there's the cobbler okay i think that's what they call me that's whatocrat and there's the cobbler. Okay. I think that's what they call me. That's what they call me. I think the cobbler might be the heavyset fellow. Oh. Just from things that I read, it sounds like they're the same person. All right. So the cobbler is, quote, believed to be a shoemaker from the late 18th century.
Starting point is 00:45:38 And he might have probably worked down there. Nice. He is described as, quote, short, stocky, wearing a long leather apron and a white shirt, but he is always friendly and always smiling at people. Sorry. Birth control. The cobbler will do that to you. Stop it.
Starting point is 00:45:54 Uh, so apparently he's actually always friendly. Um, next up, I'll give you a sec. Sorry. No, you're good. Take your time. I'll yawn while I'm at it. i love it get bored okay okay so uh he's always very friendly and like genuinely just cobbler cobbler okay and so also the the heavyset guy he's also super friendly and curious and smiles at people so i think they might be the same person got it um and i i didn't know what rooms they are seen in so i
Starting point is 00:46:25 don't know if it's the same room the other one who is the most well-known ghost in the vaults his name is mr boots boots boots okay and he is described as shabby tall he likes to stand in the back of the vaults and he likes to throw stones at you push visitors to get their attention he has heavy disembodied footsteps and he loves cussing he uh apparently will yell cussing cuss words at you uh-huh sometimes you won't hear anything but then in your evps later you will hear a man cussing sometimes and sometimes people when they're standing by themselves will hear someone whisper a cuss word into their ear again dead or alive don't whisper in my ear don't ever um so apparently
Starting point is 00:47:13 there's a room called the white room and the white room has the worst spirit known as the watcher okay well obviously i just got chills involuntarily. Thanks. Apparently The Watcher, could you believe it, instills feelings of dread. Color me shocked. Wow. So some guides actually refuse to go in the white room. Really?
Starting point is 00:47:38 One guide has said, quote, people have come out of the room and found that they had scratch marks or bruising. They've had their clothes torn and they will feel very nauseous if you take photographs quite often faces will appear in them i won't go into that particular room he warns people not to enter he shouts at people and he pushes people do you wow do you think that's demonic it sounds like it i can't i don't know i feel like if something is literally tearing your clothes it's got to have a lot of energy right and scratching you like that always makes me usually I imagine a scratch is always a demon that's what I think I just always especially if it's three claw marks game over correct um I think
Starting point is 00:48:16 the watcher and Mr. Boots are the same person also also remember the watcher oh okay well that makes sense the watcher house the watcher was like signed. All those letters were signed by the Watcher. Ooh. I don't like this. I never like watching. It's truly the creepiest name. Yeah. Because it's like, what else are you going to do?
Starting point is 00:48:34 It's so sinister. Are you just going to watch? Because that's cool. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So I think, I think Mr. Boots is also the Watcher. I think I might've just gotten them from two different websites and like the Watcher was
Starting point is 00:48:44 some, like a nickname that that guy gave him but mr boots is like his name so much more like mr boots is like the name that he's known cartoon character um apparently uh in 2003 there was a bbc show where um a radio producer named debbie went on an investigation here and afterwards she was listening to the audio and she got an EVP of someone screaming multiple times, get out and Gaelic. Whoa. Also in 2009, another BBC show host Joe Swash. He spent a night in the vaults totally alone. He picked up an EVP of a Catholic priest reciting the last rites for 20 minutes.
Starting point is 00:49:24 Sorry, what? And then it only stopped abruptly right after another EVP got picked up of children yelling. Oh! So imagine- 20 minutes! 20 minutes of a cath reading last rites and then children screaming. Did you say of a cath? Catholic.
Starting point is 00:49:40 Oh. Oh, Catholics. Okay, got it, got it, got it. Yeah. Holy- Catholic priest- Crap. Catholic priest reciting last rites, got it. Yeah. Holy. Catholic priest. Crap. Last rites, and then children screaming.
Starting point is 00:49:46 This is not good. So, also a cameraman passed out. A crew member said that he, quote, felt like he was being stabbed, and he had scratches on his back during a live broadcast. Oh my god. So, this place is, like, not somewhere I want to, like, totally hang out. Hang out. But there's a room you will like, because I want to like totally hang out. Hang out. But there's a room you will like because it's called the Wine Vault.
Starting point is 00:50:09 I'm there. I changed my mind. I'd like to hang out. Well, it has lots of activity and apparently most of the activity comes from Jack and Annie. So Jack slash Annie. Okay. Jack and or Annie. The little ones.
Starting point is 00:50:20 The little ones. Why are they in the Wine Vault? I think maybe their mommy was just like Christine. Maybe their mommy was just like Gio's mommy. Maybe they're like, I know where I'll find my missing mom. Exactly. Take me to the vault. There is another vault called the occult chamber.
Starting point is 00:50:35 That's where you are. So we have our own rooms, I see. Truly. I don't know why it's not called the occult vault. Oh, come on. But whatever. This is our own summer camp here. The wine vault and the occult chamber, yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:45 So the occult chamber, apparently there's a series of stones and a circle in the center of the room. Oh, okay. And it's rumored that rituals are conducted there, including the legend of one woman being sacrificed in the circle of stones. Oh, no. Apparently, witches still practice there. Really? And some of them sensed that an evil spirit was in that room and so they held a ceremony to trap it in the circle oh so now people say that if you walk through that part of the room
Starting point is 00:51:12 don't do that or if you stand in the circle of stones you will wake up the next day with scratches on your legs i don't like that it stays that long with you that the next morning somehow it's like can't leave but it also follows you so like it's inside of you maybe maybe the scratches just are like not fast acting i don't know maybe yeah extended release capsules sure oh i like that so uh and then finally i couldn't do this without talking about our favorite so in season one episode seven of ghost adventures uh they look in the cobbler's room apparently in the cobbler's room apparently in the cobbler's room they there's also a malevolent male spirit that deeply hates pregnant women whoa okay that's very specific in the same room there is a pregnant woman like with the spirit of a pregnant spirit
Starting point is 00:51:57 oh i thought you meant zach baggins brought a pregnant i was like no i this is too much it's like we found our line we found our our line. Uh-huh. Okay. So there is a female spirit. Apparently she's completely in black and she's told psychics that she lost her child. Oh my God. While she was pregnant. Oh my God. So interesting. Imagine being like a ghost.
Starting point is 00:52:16 Yeah. And you have to, for eternity, haunt the room with another person who hates you. Yeah. Hmm. This sounds like a reality tv show in the making let's do it does someone who hates pregnant people and a pregnant person having to live in the same room for eternity for eternity uh also apparently i did not know about this until the episode there is also the ghost of a shaggy dog oh okay that's nice i hope he at least gets to visit the pregnant
Starting point is 00:52:39 lady so sweet i hope so too uh so there actually was in this room at one point a visitor who was six months pregnant and in that room she heard a baby crying from a corner of the room and then she got violently ill okay yeah i was gonna say maybe don't go in there anymore if you're pregnant guys so getting a lot of reactions there also they talked about mr boots mr boots apparently is described as wearing a black overcoat and big black boots great um apparently he hates light so it's suggested that if you bring a candle in there or a flashlight he will it will draw a black overcoat and big black boots. Great. Apparently he hates light. So it's suggested that if you bring a candle in there or a flashlight, it will draw attention from him. Okay.
Starting point is 00:53:11 Didn't read this anywhere else. But then on Ghost Adventures, I found out that not only does he grin at people, but he does it while he has no eyeballs in his sockets. Okay. This is the guy at the top hat? No, that's the aristocrat. Right. That's the aristocrat.
Starting point is 00:53:24 This is just Mr. Boots. Okay. Oh, right. Okay. But yeah, so no eyeballs in his sockets grins at people he pushes them violently and screams get out it's interesting he doesn't like light but he has no eyeballs maybe they burned his eyes out maybe maybe he has like a vendetta against light now or maybe he's blind he was blind and he's just mad that oh maybe everyone else can't isn't in the darkness i don't know i don't know maybe he looked at the sun for too long oh there it is i don't know that's the one things to think about when you're stoned so as we are as we always are and that's why we smoke a lot of people think that you suck a lot i know just because you don't drink i just want to put a psa out there i have had so many people dm me and be like i know you don't drink but if you're in town tonight for
Starting point is 00:54:10 your live show and you have some time come smoke with us like behind this behind the theater with me i was like so many people ask me to go smoke with them when i'm in town for a live show because it's like i'm not going to and also i if i don't drink i definitely don't smoke that's that's what is odd to me because i'm like i'm the more likely one to probably smoke out of the two of us but i've never gotten that request people think i'm just like a fucking reefer or something i'm just like a like a reefer fan you know that's what the kids call it reefer what do they call it the pot i think they call it the merry j. Is it cool to do drugs, Stanley? Is it fun to smoke drugs?
Starting point is 00:54:49 I don't smoke either, guys. So please stop asking me to smoke with you. I'm not going to do it. I might. No, I won't. Christine might. No, she won't. She's already got wine in her system.
Starting point is 00:54:59 I pick one vice over the other. I think people also think because I've made reference to smoking hookah before. Maybe that's what it is. Another PSA. I only smoke hookah. That's my only vice. I don't get a lot of bad things. I don't do a lot of unhealthy things.
Starting point is 00:55:12 That's my one thing. Well, that and cocaine. And, well. Obviously. Absolutely. That's a given. The mountain of cocaine that's sitting right next to me. You can invite us to do that next time.
Starting point is 00:55:20 I like to roll around like snow angels in my cocaine. No, I don't do anything except hooker guys and i'm also not going to meet you at a hookah bar like let's be clear before i start getting dms about that i might we'll see so uh so oh yeah he hates uh people he hates light he also hates anyone in the room because apparently, this is what a psychic found out, he killed and buried a sex worker down there and he doesn't want to get caught. Which is ironic because if he's telling you what he did and is afraid of getting caught, it's like you already got caught. Oh my god. That's really weird that it would stick with him that much into the afterlife, that he's still scared.
Starting point is 00:56:00 Like his energy is focused on that. Yeah. So apparently he hates people there because he's afraid of getting found out. That is so wild. Okay. In one room is the cobbler, but apparently in the room with the, like, super happy, friendly cobbler is an angry woman who pushes people. A lot of pushing around here.
Starting point is 00:56:15 What? And all these weird pairs. Like, there's two pairs. It's always, like, yin and yang in these rooms. Right. There's never just, like, two people bro-ing out. Just, like, hanging. Just, like, smoking the reefer.
Starting point is 00:56:24 Smoking the reefer, doing the pot. It's like, I wonder if it's the beginning of a movie where like you hate each other, but in times of conflict, people band together and you respect each other. Right. It does sound like a show. Like maybe the angry woman is like pushing people around, but like refuses to push the cobbler out of respect. Right.
Starting point is 00:56:41 She's going to learn a lesson eventually. He's happy. I get that. I don't get why, but I'm not going him i'm gonna push someone else okay interesting i wonder how that child i just walked in i wonder how the pregnant woman and the guy who hates pregnant women i think they might be out of luck i don't think they're making it well apparently they also um reside on opposite corners of the room wow they really are like this is my side they're really like oh look i'll be over here you'd
Starting point is 00:57:05 be over there let's not cross lines deserted island apparently there's also the headless ghost of mary queen of scotts um what is she doing there she's doing the reefer she's like this is where i used to go to get my fix that's where i used to go get my black market reefer so uh apparently the ghost of interest team they also see a figure pass by the room. They hear heavy breathing. At one point when they're in the room that Mr. Boots lives in, the camera blurs only the thing, only light sources. So all the candles, all the flashlights, all of them blurred. And then all of a sudden the camera malfunctioned and turned off by itself.
Starting point is 00:57:40 Oh, wow. Okay. Creepy. So everything else was still. Everything else was still in frame clear but all the lights kind of started like fading on the camera that is very spooky uh you could hear or they heard shuffling down the hall they felt fingers brush against their hair they actually recorded an orb coming from mr boots's room and entering zach's neck wait neck just like flying
Starting point is 00:58:02 an orb oh sorry an orb flying into his neck mr boots was entering his neck i Just like flying. Oh, an orb. Oh, sorry. An orb flying into his neck. I thought you said Mr. Boots was entering his neck. I was like, what the fuck? No, from Mr. Boots' room, they saw an orb fly into Zach's neck. Understood. They also felt something touch their arms and their necks at the same time that their EMF had a huge spike as if something walked right past them. Oh my God. They had a heavy feeling in certain rooms. They heard loud scratching on walls.
Starting point is 00:58:23 They felt freezing cold air. They got an EVP of a popping noise of a woman's voice of a dog. Oh, a dog, really? And a loud knock in response to do you hate pregnant women? Oh my God, that guy is just an asshole. They, Nick also got really strong headaches and in the side of his head and he started feeling like he was in a lot of pain.
Starting point is 00:58:46 They also left a teddy bear out for Jack and on footage, they got the bear pushing itself backwards. Oh, oh. At the same time that they got an EVP of a child. Oh, wow. Okay. And then probably the coolest part was for six minutes straight, they experienced and got on, uh, recording the sound of a distinct and constant dragging slash
Starting point is 00:59:08 sawing sound but for six minutes straight they just heard dragging and sawing around them i wonder if that's like one of the old workshop like back when they were actually oh like they could hear like someone like a cob an actual cobbler or something like a carpenter or something yeah oh i never even thought of that but yeah yeah, that makes sense. It makes it sound less sinister. I'm just trying to think of ways that it's not a serial killer sawing up a body. But anyway, so that is the story of the Edinburgh Vault. That is so creepy. I have never heard of that before.
Starting point is 00:59:35 I didn't even know the festival was in there. Me either. That's bananas. But now if you go to that festival and you think you saw a ghost, you probably definitely didn't. I'm not. I'm a little bit less. No, probably more excited about the festival god first like a group of people are a group of ghosts that hate people that festival that must be especially improv people just like
Starting point is 00:59:52 improv people flooding in but imagine the people who like do a good job at that festival they kill get it joanna actually her scripts won her uh plays won several awards at the French. Really? Yeah. Wow. That's pretty cool. I feel very ignorant as someone who like. I think it's just a very neat, like I'm just so in that writing and comedy world. Maybe.
Starting point is 01:00:13 Yeah. Cause I'm not into writing comedy. Yeah. Hmm. Interesting. I don't know. I feel like as someone who makes my living off of comedy, I definitely should have known about it before 126 episodes.
Starting point is 01:00:23 Well, but you didn't go into it very intentionally no so stumbled upon okay let me lower this all right you ready for a creepy story i am i am yes today i have a missing persons case oh my goodness you love a good missing persons case recently i do a good cold case you did a cold case last time oh yeah but she was dead yeah the spy she was not missing this one is a mystery love a good mystery i mean a missing mystery mystery if you will oh my god stupid stop it okay so this is the okay let me wait till geo gets the hell out of my earphones he'll be back i guarantee it um cool so i have started i just told em this but i've started listening to crime junkie finally and i'm obsessed and i'm binging it and there are a lot of cases that ashley covers that are like smaller, lesser known cases.
Starting point is 01:01:28 And so it's like super fascinating to me because there are a lot that I've never heard about. So this is one of those. Great. I'm ready. This is the story of the disappearance of Bryce Las Pisa. Las Pisa. So it's August 2013. Bryce is 19.
Starting point is 01:01:46 it's august 2013 bryce is 19 he's a sophomore studying industrial and graphic design at sierra college in rockland california which is up north about 20 miles outside of sacramento um he's this really well-liked very social guy very easygoing like makes friends really easily um he's an only child he and his parents are really close and they actually live they just moved 500 miles south to Laguna Niguel in Orange County. Oh, they had grown up or he'd grown up in the Midwest or something. And then they like for some reason they went down to retire and he went to school up there. Something happened. I guess. OK.
Starting point is 01:02:17 Freshman year, Bryce had started dating a young woman named Kim. They were super in love. They were very happy. They were Facebook official. i know um we're not even facebook official you and me yeah we should be i know let's do that okay okay so uh they spent a lot of time together we're very close so anyway we're in august 2013 bryce had just spent the summer down in orange county with his parents and he's now back at school to start his sophomore year he'd been up there for two weeks a few days before labor day weekend though bryce's friends start to notice something off about him his demeanor changed so
Starting point is 01:02:54 drastically that his roommate sean called bryce's mom to be like i'm worried wow which like we all know would take i think a lot if you're especially if you don't know each other yet well no they're like friends oh they're friends okay but even then like to call someone back home be like what's going on yeah especially because like at that age you know everyone i mean a lot of people are drinking and experimenting so like it takes i think a lot to be like i'm worried about him right right right right so yeah so he called bryce's mom which was a little bit um a little bit odd and he says he says Bryce was acting super weird. He had apparently texted his girlfriend Kim out of the blue saying, you know what, maybe you're better off without me.
Starting point is 01:03:30 And she was like, are you breaking up with me? And he just wrote yes. Oh, shit. So Kim is like, what the hell? And Sean is like, I don't know what his deal is. But Sean admits that Bryce started to act weird when the two of them decided to stay up all night playing video games. And in an effort to stay awake, Bryce had taken some Vyvanse, which is a drug commonly prescribed to treat ADHD.
Starting point is 01:03:53 And Bryce did not have ADHD. Or, I mean, he was not diagnosed with it. The medication was not his. Correct. So, in other words, right, he's taking it recreationally. And he just needed it, or he wanted it for, for like a surge of energy to stay up all night. Sure. But Vyvanse is like not a low key drug.
Starting point is 01:04:11 It's like has similar likes, just like other ADHD drugs has similar stimulants to methamphetamine. And so like, it'll, it'll do something to you. Fuck yeah. So anyway, Sean is like, yep, he took Vyvan sean is like yep he took five ants um but he's ever since that night he's been acting super weird not like himself and he's worried so bryce then gets a call from bryce himself and he is with kim now and she lives 90 miles north of where he lives so he had driven up to kim's apartment and so bryce's mom is on the phone with him her name's karen and so karen and bryce are on the phone with him. Her name's Karen. And so Karen and Bryce are on the phone.
Starting point is 01:04:45 And then Kim takes the phone and is like, listen, I took Bryce's keys. I don't think he's safe to drive. I mean, he broke up with me. That's not the issue. Like, he's just not acting like himself. And I don't think he's in a safe place to drive. Right, right, right, right. So Karen's like, let me talk to Bryce.
Starting point is 01:05:05 So he talks to his mom and dad on the phone. And he's like, I just want to go home. We broke up. She won't give me my keys. She's just upset. And like, I just want to leave and head back to my apartment. And so his parents are like, are you OK? And he says, yes, I'm fine.
Starting point is 01:05:19 And Karen's like, OK, maybe I'll fly up there tomorrow. I'm worried about you. And he responds, no, mom, don't make an airline reservation until I talk to you because I have a lot to talk to you about. Oh, and so she does not know what that means. But she's like, OK, are you sure you're all right to drive? And he's like, I'm totally fine. Like, I just want to go home. So his parents are like, Kim, just give him the keys like he's fine.
Starting point is 01:05:41 He's OK. Let him drive home. So Kim's like, fine. All all right it's 11 30 p.m she gives him the keys and he heads out so it's really odd to the parents because they had just spent the summer with him right and they're like this is kind of weird like he he was carefree happy all summer and then all of a sudden he's there for two weeks and it's like totally different person yeah so they're like don't don't know what's going on. So he leaves around 1130.
Starting point is 01:06:08 And so she lived 90 miles north around 1 a.m. Karen gets a call from Bryce and is like, OK, if you like, he's probably made it home. And she she's like, you know what? Just call me in the morning. We'll talk that about whatever you need to talk about. Don't worry about it. Unbeknownst to karen though cell tower records at this point ping him an hour away from his apartment basically in the middle of nowhere
Starting point is 01:06:29 instead of heading back to his apartment he actually passed his college and was heading south toward the tehachapi mountains um so nobody knows why the hell he was going there the next morning at 11 a.m the last pieces receive a voicemail from state farm about needing roadside assistance on the car that bryce was driving oh shit and it's on their insurance plan so they get the call karen's like oh shit what is going on so she calls bryce he doesn't answer she calls sean the roommate and asks like hey is he still sleeping why isn't he picking up his phone and sean is like bryce did not come home last night oh shit so shit. So she's like, oh, my God, it's 11 a.m. the next day.
Starting point is 01:07:05 He's nowhere to be seen. They're able to, like, log into his credit card. So he had a credit card, but it was, like, under his parents' name. So they're able to log in and see the charges. They notice a recent charge made in a place in a town called Buttonwillow, California. Huh. And that was the most recent charge. It's this tiny desert
Starting point is 01:07:26 town it's basically just a truck stop like you don't really do anything there sure like a pass through town um and it's off the five and so they're like okay button willow is only a couple hours north from us so that means he'd like made it all the way pretty close to where they are so they're like okay well he's probably just heading home to see us in orange county um so they're like relieved about that so the credit card charge was made at a place called castro tire and truck um which was a repair shop near the freeway so bryce's dad whose name is mike calls that castro tire and truck and a guy picks up his name's christian and he said oh yeah i serviced that car about three hours ago around
Starting point is 01:08:03 9 a.m and saw your son um christian says bryce had run out of gas at the button willow rest stop and had called for state farm roadside assistance so christian um was dispatched from his castro tire to help him so he says he brought three gallons of gas to bryce and his parents are like well you know since then if this was hours ago like he's not home so like I don't know where he is um it seemed like he was heading on his way home so Christian is like listen give me 15 minutes I'll go back to the rest stop see if I can see figure out what's going on they're like okay we're really worried like that would be awesome so Christian drives back to the rest stop where he had delivered the gas three hours earlier and
Starting point is 01:08:44 he is surprised that to find Bryce parked in the exact same spot where he had left three hours ago just sitting in his car what i know it's so fucking weird ew okay no it's like ew the whole thing super eerie yeah it's very creepy so he calls karen and is like, um, so about that, like he's still here. Um, and he puts Bryce on the phone and Bryce's mom is like, what are you doing? And he says, nothing. What? He just like fucking doing the reefer and out of his fucking mind. Jay chilling. Um, so instead of like badgering him, she's like, okay, listen, just you're three hours
Starting point is 01:09:23 away from home. Get some gas, get something to eat, drive listen, just you're three hours away from home. Get some gas. Get something to eat. Drive down to us. Like just make it here safely. So he's like, all right, all right. And Christian's like there and takes the phone back. And Bryce is like filling up on gas. And he says, okay, all right, I'm heading back to my shop.
Starting point is 01:09:37 Looks like everything's fine. So that was at noon. And his parents are like, okay, so we're expecting him around 3 p.m. Because it's about a three-hour difference. But 3 p.m expecting him around 3 p.m because it's about a three hour difference uh but 3 p.m comes 3 p.m passes around 3 30 karen calls to like check if he's in labor day traffic or like why he's late but he doesn't answer so she continues to call and leave messages she's getting increasingly worried and then hours pass by and they hear nothing night falls there's still no word from bryce
Starting point is 01:10:05 his parents are like we don't know what to do we're gonna file a missing persons report so they file a missing persons report with the orange county sheriff's department and at&t does what's called an emergency ping so like i guess police asked at&t to do like to triangulate where he was um to hopefully locate him via cell towers so they were able to access his phone and um they were able to ping his current location and they call Bryce's parents and say Bryce is currently in a town called Buttonwillow still still it's been nine hours okay so god so some deputies they dispatch deputies up there to locate bryce he's parked near the freeway about eight miles from still he's like we can we have eyes on him yes he's still there
Starting point is 01:10:54 they find this is the most roller coaster isn't it bizarro dude well no because you keep saying it's a it's a missing a case and every time i'm like oh now he's missing oh they found him now he's missing oh no that's why it's so like it put me so i'm like oh now he's missing oh they found him now he's missing oh no that's why it's so like it put me so i'm like waiting for the moment where he's missing where they're like wait nope he's not in button willow apparently button willow is the safe house at this point that's why when i was listening to this on crime junkie like really stuck with me because it was the same like wait what he's still there like you just feel like okay i keep being like okay now now he's now now we're gonna yeah yeah so they find him um he's about eight miles from the rest stop so he had
Starting point is 01:11:29 he's only traveled eight miles in like nine hours correct fully nine hours has moved eight miles and they're like that's just so odd like he didn't it's like he's like flintstoning this car and just fucking waddling he's waddling to orange county um yeah so it's like what in the world so i mean his parents are like okay at least like he's there i guess like at this point as his parents i would have been like i'm coming to you like i can't figure out why you don't know how to drive anymore so keep that in mind because that's an interesting viewpoint that i also had and was questioning so um deputies talk to bryce they find him on the side of the road and they're like hey bud tick tock i can only imagine like so has he eaten food or anything no so apparently
Starting point is 01:12:12 when she calls that's how you know you should call the police for me sit there for nine hours there are no mcdonald's wrappers in this car it's like your mom would be like oh call the i'm driving up there right now oh emma's saying that they're gonna go take a hike no call the police we should have like a list of emergency protocol like exactly this phrase means bad bad bad things are happening um so they so they find him and they're like hey bud what's going on and he seems perfectly lucid he's like oh i'm just blowing off some steam i'd like i'm just not ready to head home yet um they're like okay we're gonna give him a sobriety test passes completely flying colors a full sobriety test they search his car there's nothing there's no drugs no alcohol no reefer
Starting point is 01:12:54 none of the pot um he was very friendly like talkative calm he's like yeah yeah you can search my car i just like i was just blowing off steam and they're like okay i guess that makes sense you're an adult i mean you, you know, there's, we can't like force you to do anything. Right. So then they're like, Hey, why don't you give your mom a call? She's like extremely worried. You were, you know, listed as a missing person. And he's like, I don't want to do that. And they're like, okay, that's odd. Like he's very hesitant about calling his mom. And he was so hesitant. In fact, that they had to dial the number for him. What on earth? The deputies call karen they're like we found him karen's like is
Starting point is 01:13:30 he okay they're like yeah he's fine he's sober like he's just sitting here so then they're like here you can talk to bryce yourself so she asks bryce what are you doing and he takes a question literally and says oh i'm just putting my stuff back in the car because they had searched his car. And she's like, that's not what I meant. Like, bro, what is up? Hey, bud. Hey, bud. What you doing?
Starting point is 01:13:51 Where are you mentally? Because you're not on Earth. Let's let's convene here. Yeah. So the deputies are like, well, there's not much else we could do. Like, he's fine. I would literally be paying those deputies to, like, drive around him. To just, like, sit with him.
Starting point is 01:14:05 One in the front, one in the back, one on the left, one on the right, and just drive to my house. Yeah. Like, president style. Exactly. Just get him to my house. Just motorcade him all the way back. Exactly. It might take a while since he's walking, Flintstoning his car.
Starting point is 01:14:17 Like a Flintstone motorcade. So he's like, oh, nothing, just putting my stuff in the car. And she's like, what are you doing? Deputies are like, okay, he's like oh nothing just putting my stuff in the car and she's like what are you doing um deputies are like okay he's fine he's just gonna head home now we told him like you need to head back you know it's getting late um and his parents are like okay he's given the all clear to drive he's completely sober no drugs nothing so earlier karen had actually called christian our friend at castro tire and had mentioned like listen listen, they found Bryce still in Buttonwillow. Like, just wanted to give him an update.
Starting point is 01:14:51 So Christian calls back and is like, hey, do you want me to go back and check again, like, just to make sure? And she's like, no, that's so nice of you. But, like, I had some police go out and find him. He's headed home now. But thank you so much for all your help. Just wanted to, like, touch base. And then they then they hang up 15 minutes later karen's phone rings it's christian oh boy he says i drove out just in case and bryce is still here what on earth okay so far my guess is that he murdered someone and doesn't know how to tell
Starting point is 01:15:23 his parents when he gets home and so he's just like just like like avoiding the inevitable sure sure sure or i also think like mental illness like mainly maybe he's just like unbelievably depressed and cannot get like just like how people can't get out of bed he can't drive his car he just like he got eight miles and was like i can't do it yeah yeah those are my two guesses so far well i can't give you a full hundred percent but there are some ways that we will lean and more more clues to come at this point i'd be like christian fucking drive him here yes that's round three three strikes he's out i live in orange county i can give you a fucking christian i will give you a bed and a warm dinner
Starting point is 01:16:00 and a hot shower yeah get him here just drive him him. It's three hours. It's not like, you know, states away or anything. Three episodes of Law and Order. Yeah. Just play our... Just put Netflix on your phone and get here. No, there's this really cool podcast called On That's Why You Drink. Just like download a couple episodes. Three episodes of On That's Why You Drink.
Starting point is 01:16:16 More like one. Christian, are you listening? Are you home yet? Christian, come on. Come on. We know you need some entertainment. So... Actually, that's my third theory he was just sitting listening to our he's just binging he was just binging and that's why we drink he couldn't
Starting point is 01:16:30 he couldn't get on the highway it's like the people and i've done this who sit in their car longer because they want to finish an episode or something yeah he just he was at episode one he was trying to make it all the way here episode one was rough so that was a rough one he probably had to listen to it a couple times that was like four of the eight miles what the hell was going on um right so anyway christian is like bryce is still here so at this point bryce has been lingering in button willow for over 13 hours just in this small ass town like there's nothing there it's not like there's you know people or restaurants or anything look i'm with you so christian's like you know what people or restaurants or anything. Look, I'm with you. So Christian's like, you know what, I'm going to follow him to make sure, like you said, like, I'm going to drive behind the Christians,
Starting point is 01:17:09 like the best good Samaritan. Yeah. The best Samaritan. Also in any scary movie, he's the first to die. Cause he's like, Oh, I'll hang back with you. I'll walk into the, I'll help you. Let me, let me knock on the window and make sure you're okay. He's the one where you're like, not him. You're like, come on, not Christianian christian come on um yeah so christian's like i'm gonna follow him and make sure he makes it on the freeway and is like headed toward you so his parents are like thank you okay great so he follows behind bryce he's like i'm gonna follow you for a little bit just to make sure you get off safely bryce is like all right so they pull off they get on the freeway um and about so he follows him for 10 miles and then he calls Karen and is like, okay,
Starting point is 01:17:46 I'm going to head back. He's just such a nice guy. He's like, okay, I followed him 10 miles. Like he looks to be safe. I'm going to head home. The Jewish parent, I mean, it would be like 10 miles. Come on, Christian. You're driving all the way to our driveway.
Starting point is 01:17:57 You're getting to our driveway. There's a reason his name's Christian. JK. Oh God. So, right. So he follows for 10 miles and he calls karen is like okay look it looks like he's heading south uh he's on his way um i told like he said he's headed toward you so we're good so over the next few hours while bryce is driving home bryce and his parents exchange several calls they want to make sure he's on his way they keep asking him to describe landmarks or street signs but he keeps saying it's too dark and they're like hmm get out that doesn't your phone has a
Starting point is 01:18:28 flashlight put your head put your head beams on also the like the five has you can see signs on the five if you're driving true like through towns um he's like but my gps says i'll be home at 3 25 a.m so he just keeps repeating that every time they call at 209 bryce calls his mom and says listen i'm it's two in the morning i'm too tired to drive and i need to rest and she's like you're right it's better to be safe just take a nap in the car for a few hours and then like we'll all take a few hours to sleep and then in the morning keep driving when you're when you're awake we'll see you then so at eight the following morning the les pisas wake up to hear the front doorbell ringing and they're like oh thank god bryce made it home i know it's not him but when they open the door their hearts sink when they
Starting point is 01:19:13 see a california highway patrol officer at their door and they're like oh no the officer asks hey do you own a 2003 Toyota Highlander? And they're like, yes, that's our son Bryce's car. This is going nowhere good. Well, earlier this morning, the car, he said, was found abandoned on an access road to the Castaic Lake State Recreation Area. That lake was two hours north from them.
Starting point is 01:19:43 So he literally hadn't gotten very far so the whole time that they were on the phone essentially where he's like he was just on my gp yeah exactly my eta is 325 he just like wasn't he was just sitting in the car being like oh it's dark i don't know yeah so bryce's car was found on its side crashed on the road at the bottom of a 25 foot embankment okay can i make another theory then sure thing so then he crashed his car it was kind of like my murder thing where he was like afraid of like he was trying to avoid the inevitable uh-huh he probably crashed his car knew his parents would be pissed and didn't know how to tell them so he was like i'm on my way i'm
Starting point is 01:20:19 on my way but didn't know how to tell them like oh i crashed your car and i'm stranded nope damn and i only say that because that's we will rule that out okay and you shall see why okay that's a good theory um so but it also wouldn't explain why he was in that town for 13 hours you know what i mean right with the car being fine because everyone saw it yeah but yeah so anyway they're like okay they found it at the bottom of a 25 foot basically a cliff um it's turned on its side but bryce was nowhere to be found he was not with the car the back window looked like it had
Starting point is 01:20:49 been broken out from the inside leading to them thinking he had climbed out the back window um inside the car they found bryce's laptop and his cell phone his duffel bag and wallet are just laying outside the car essentially his id all his personal belongings are with the car which is like horrifying because right he's not right so despite the crash off a 25 foot embankment there was no blood heading away from the car meaning he didn't like track blood anywhere so it seems like he may have been okay like barring any internal injuries but it seems like he got away relatively unscathed um So what police determined is that sometime before dawn, Bryce drove off Lake Hughes road into the service area,
Starting point is 01:21:31 past the cell tower that was up there, then drove off the hill toward the lake itself. Based on the car tracks, they can tell that he was accelerating while heading down the cliff, like down the hill. Then he plummeted 25 feet off the embankment so right now it looks like a suicide right okay so now they're thinking well maybe he was trying to take his own life especially after like all the odd actions his friends were describing and like he was just not
Starting point is 01:21:56 himself right they're thinking maybe this whole time he was trying to find a way to take his own life so they go back to the girlfriend kim and sean the roommate and they're like we need to know more about rice bryce's recent actions um and kim and sean say okay over the last two weeks he had become increasingly reckless he was drinking excessively like for a college student which takes a lot right like to the point where sean was literally calling his mom like we did drugs but but something's wrong. Right. Right. So he was drinking like crazy amounts of hard liquor. And then he was taking this Vyvanse, which is not a good combo because Vyvanse, again, has like very intense stimulants.
Starting point is 01:22:36 So Kim says he was on both alcohol and Vyvanse at night. He was at her apartment where she said he was not safe to drive. But his parents said, no, no, no, it's OK. Like, right. Let him go. So then Sean drive but his parents said no no it's okay like right let him go so then sean reveals something his parents had not heard before it turns out in the days before he disappeared bryce started giving away his belongings which is never no never a good sign um so he gave sean his xbox which was like his prized possession basically as well as a pair of diamond earrings that his mother had given him as like a family heirloom or something so uh in combination so the combination of alcohol and
Starting point is 01:23:10 by vans could have had unpredictable effects on bryce so they're thinking like maybe he had a psychotic episode um and i looked up by vans just by itself and one of the top side effects literally says psychosis so i was like shit well that's not a good sign yeah especially if you're mixing it with so much liquor especially if it's not meant for you exactly if you're doing it recreationally so kids don't do drugs oh god please don't do drugs um so his parents were hesitant though they're like well yeah like he's a college student we know he like drinks and stuff um but like we know he wasn't struggling with substance abuse he He was here all summer. Like nothing alarmed us while he was here. He wasn't drinking while he was at home.
Starting point is 01:23:48 And detectives are like, well, maybe you're too close to the situation. Right. As the parents. And you just don't want to see what we're seeing. And the friends are like, no, he had a drug and alcohol problem. So the sheriffs are like, well, we got to stay on that track. So they're thinking maybe bryce's actions were pointing to a suicidal mindset like giving away his belongings right and like being very
Starting point is 01:24:10 out of it not himself they think once he drove off the cliff so he intentionally drove off the cliff because he accelerated as he headed toward it so they think once he drove off that embankment and survived the crash he may have walked directly into the lake to take his own life if it's since it didn't work the first time so they're like that very day they're like okay we need to search this lake they do a large-scale search that very day hundreds of deputies on foot with atvs helicopters the search continues the entire weekend divers spent days in the lake looking for any sign of bryce cadaver dogs were brought in but they found absolutely nothing in the lake nor surrounding the lake meanwhile bryce's parents are like putting up missing persons posters contacting the media like trying to find him any way they can they hear
Starting point is 01:24:55 nothing um five days after bryce's disappearance a jogger calls 911 to report a brush fire about three miles from where bryce's car had been abandoned police arrive on the scene and discover that what's on fire is a human body so now they're like oh fuck like this is probably Bryce it's right near where his car is so a few days later forensic testing determines that the remains are not Bryce's oh no they're the remains of a man from LA.A. who had been murdered. So I'm like, what the hell is going on in this lake park? Button Willow, what is happening? Oh, my gosh.
Starting point is 01:25:32 There's a sneaky dog. There's a reason we haven't heard about you, Button Willow. You got some secrets. Button Willow. Yeah. Yeah. So this is like a whole nother homicide. So that's like just a different story.
Starting point is 01:25:45 But like just such a weird occurrence in the same week that this happened so they're like shit another dead end oh god that's a terrible phrasing for that sorry no okay another dead end um now police's thinking is taking a turn because they're like shit like if he had died in or around the lake we would have found him we spent days like divers dogs at the lake, we would have found him. We spent days, like, divers, dogs, ATVs, helicopters. Like, we would have found some sign of his clothes or him. And they found nothing. So now they're thinking maybe there's another explanation. So they had one more clue.
Starting point is 01:26:17 And that was, it's just, it just adds to the weirdness and the mystery, which is like creepy but also like very frustrating because it's like well shit this doesn't get us any closer to answers so essentially there's this camera on lake hughes road and this is like a service road it's not like you're driving off to get mcdonald's it's like right just like an kind of off-road abandoned place sure not abandoned but you go up there if you're like doing maintenance on the cell tower or something you're not like driving up for entertainment purposes. But they do have a camera there for security. And the camera takes a picture of every car's license plate as it drives down the road.
Starting point is 01:26:54 So they look through the footage, and it shows Bryce's car driving up Lake Hughes Road at 2.15 a.m., which was six minutes after he called his parents saying he was too tired to drive and was going to in his car oh shit okay so uh but it gets weirder so that was at 2 15 and then at two hours later at 4 29 a.m bryce's car is recorded again traveling up the same road in the same direction so between the first sighting and the second two hours have passed no one knows what he was doing if he was just sitting in his car for two hours if he was driving around for two hours all they had to have like gone backwards at some point to then like come around right well you like you enter and then you can exit a different direction got it so essentially he drove up must have exited or sat in his car or something and then entered it again two hours later but nobody knows what the hell he was doing for those two
Starting point is 01:27:43 hours weird it's just very weird so we know he was at least alive around 4 30 in the morning right exactly so that was the last time he was spotted got it was that 4 20 a.m or whatever yeah 4 30 um so nine days after bryce's disappearance they bring bloodhounds in to see if they can find any trace of where he might have gone um and the bloodhounds track bryce's scent from the crash site so they they catch his scent they two separate bloodhounds track bryce from his car through the park through this like kind of back road um and to a truck stop okay so now they're thinking holy shit maybe he didn't take his own life but said maybe he tried
Starting point is 01:28:23 to walk away from his life. Like maybe he crashed the car and then left all of his identifying information and went to a truck stop and hitched a ride with a long haul trucker or maybe he was meeting someone. Right. Who knows? So he could have discreetly walked out of the park, avoiding the main roadways, headed to the truck stop and then vanishing, you know, hitching a ride. And two separate dogs tracked that same route. they were like that's interesting and like obviously that's not foolproof but right but i mean it's happened there were multiple chances of it happening right right so anyway the so this guy who's interviewed oh i forgot to mention that i watched this episode of
Starting point is 01:29:00 disappeared on investigation discovery last night on this and it's like fascinating um it's such a good show but so this guy was interviewed his name's detective sergeant robert martindale of the la county sheriff's department homicide bureau it's like the longest thing to put on a business card business card or a badge yeah so he's interviewed um in this disappeared episode he basically says he believes that whatever bryce wanted to talk about with his mom that day when he said don't come up here till i talked right right right will would explain what was going on and he believes would lead to an answer as to what he was trying to escape from right um so he's that's kind of what he was hung up on as for
Starting point is 01:29:42 bryce's parents they're like like, no, no, no. Karen's like, sure. Yeah. I didn't know what Bryce wanted to talk about, but at the same time, she's like, it's impossible that like he would ever want to walk away from his own
Starting point is 01:29:53 life. Like whatever it was, I'm sure like he would have told me, I'm sure it wasn't something that serious. She in the episode is like, Bryce loved us like her and Mike too much. And vice versa versa he would never abandon his family well also i could imagine the thought being that like if he planned on talking
Starting point is 01:30:11 to you like he already had it in his mind like i'm gonna talk about this with you tomorrow right right true like you would i imagine as a parent of a lost child i would be holding on to that being like he wanted to talk to us right he wouldn't just like do that and then be like never mind right he something clearly happened to him because he wanted to talk to us even though it could have been a red herring and like right it's something for them to hold on to one of the thoughts too is maybe that's why he was sitting for 13 hours like he didn't want to he was like he didn't want to drive home and talk like he chickened out essentially gotcha for lack of a better term so that's like another theory but so yeah that's what she said and like i mean true what i was gonna say do we know if he was if his parents like homophobic could have been like a like it could have been a tough talk like having to come
Starting point is 01:30:55 out interesting i'm trying to think of something that like could break a family based on your upbringing well and it's tough too to think like well yeah yeah i mean it could be anything but like something in my head was like oh what's something I would not want to talk about my parents with and I'd be holding back on? Especially if you're so close. Oh, I know. It's something. Yeah. And they know about your drug use.
Starting point is 01:31:15 Like, it's something. It must be more divisive or extreme. Right. I don't know. It could also literally be nothing. It could be that. Who knows? So basically, she's like like it's just not possible
Starting point is 01:31:26 which also is a little bit like but it is possible like it's possible anything's possible right like as much as like you don't want to believe you know your kid ran away and doesn't you don't want to wanted to leave his life behind you know right sure that's terrible but like if you know it's possible anyways so uh they actually kept the passwords all the same to his account, so if he does log in, they'll be alerted, which is really interesting. I hadn't ever thought about that. So far, nothing. So Detective Martindale is wholeheartedly convinced that Bryce is alive.
Starting point is 01:32:02 He literally said in the episode, like, i know he's alive in my heart of hearts he's like he's out there somewhere but if i mean if he is out there he's managed to stay totally under the radar despite like his driver's license his passport social security fingerprints everything's in the missing person system he hasn't logged into anything so it's very odd like he he's been very good at hiding if that's the case. In August of 2014, almost a year after Bryce went missing, the Las Pisas hired a private investigator named Denise Savastano. And she decided to work for them pro bono and try and figure out what happened. So she personally believes she was also interviewed. She says she believes Bryce wanted to go home and then something happened that stopped him so maybe the car crash gave him a head injury and he had amnesia and
Starting point is 01:32:50 walked away and didn't know who he was or where he was uh basically karen the mom was like either my son quote either my son is not alive and his remains just haven't been found or he's out there and he does not know who he is so that's her her belief. She's like, there's no in between. He didn't. There's no chance he knows who he is and would be willing to put us through this turmoil. Completely. He's like, he would have called his mom. So the private investigator agrees.
Starting point is 01:33:16 She's like, it could be a head injury. At the very least, too, like if he was on drugs and like if he waltzes off eventually,'s like if he was like off the vivance and stuff right maybe like after kind of like being off of that for long enough he might come to and then he would realize like hey i'm lost and i don't know how i got here right or like go to a police station but you could have had a psychotic break that totally recovered from eventually and then he'd call his parents or even like if you don't know who you are you'd think you'd go to like a police station be like listen i don't know what's going on i mean who knows right but this clearly like this person is either i mean who knows but it's just very iffy and they're very sure of that um and so a head injury could have been possible with the
Starting point is 01:33:59 car crash but that does not explain obviously the 13 hours in button willow it doesn't explain his weird behavior it doesn't explain his weird behavior it doesn't explain the phone calls like it's the head injury is like okay sure maybe he had amnesia but like but everything before that yeah it doesn't explain that he didn't have amnesia yet and he was being weird yeah we don't think um another possibility like you said is a psychotic break perhaps due to the drugs or mental illness. And like, as we know, schizophrenia and bipolar are known to manifest in young men between the ages of 18, 25. He's 19.
Starting point is 01:34:30 It could have been like onset and he could have, you know, the drugs could have exacerbated that. Maybe he, you know, just messed around too much with recreational drugs and it took him off the path. Who knows? So Denise and the last piece has even hired a sonar specialist to look at the lake again because they're like he might be in this lake so the sonar specialist basically goes through the lake with this like sonar system and like tries to detect in the
Starting point is 01:34:54 deepest parts of the lake where the divers hadn't even gone like if there's any remains and they found nothing so like he's not in this lake so whatever the case people disagree as to what happened to bryce but the last pieces are like something happened to him. And Detective Martindale is like, nope, he's alive. And I'm sure of it. And he walked away from his life. So I was like, OK, wow. These people are very like divided and also like very confident.
Starting point is 01:35:17 And also very assorted. Like, yes. Right. It's not like divided. Like, no, but you're right about this part. It's like everyone's got such different beliefs. And like, they're both like good witnesses. One's like his family.
Starting point is 01:35:30 And then the other one's like a police detective. So it's like, right. Who am I? Who are you supposed to believe? I don't know. So anyway, I ask of you guys, listeners, in case he is alive and had walked away from his life, maybe he is lost in the world. Go to a quick Google search for Bryce Lisp less pieces um he has a very spell lost pieces oh l-a-s-p-i-s-a-s
Starting point is 01:35:52 one word lost pieces lost pieces okay um he's very distinctive look he has red hair big smile but like obviously he may have dyed his hair if he you know intentionally went missing right um but so just just check it out uh if you do know something or of any information you can call the tip line at 949-292-4400 or email find bryce las pisa at there's also a facebook group which is seems to be pretty active of like every time they find maybe a body in the area they kind of update like whether or not anything's coming from that got it um also as i learned from crime junkie recently you can also contact crime stoppers with any tip and they will
Starting point is 01:36:29 keep your identity anonymous oh nice so that's kind of a good way to go but i also want to say so that was the end of my notes but i just really wanted to add because after i did all these notes and they were already extra long i went on reddit and i was like i just want to see what people are saying down the void my god m it got wild because there is this person so there are a lot of these threads saying like what do you think happened on unresolved mysteries and this person wrote and it was like very active thread and this person was like okay i'm somewhat it was called like anonymous poster or something was like the name sure and it said i'm an I'm an, I'm somewhat of an insider. I've known these people for a long time. And like, that's my, um, my source. That's my source. And this, oh my God. He was like,
Starting point is 01:37:18 Karen is a duplicitous snake. She's a narcissist. She is lying. Like she is flat out lying she and uh bryce had a very codependent unhealthy relationship oh shit she like since indiana or wherever they moved from um this person was like and to be fair listen i understand this is the internet you can say things but it was just very it is an interesting take that i hadn't thought of because you're watching and actually a lot of people came to the thread saying i just watched the disappeared episode and something struck me as so odd about like the way she was talking and like crying and like weird so a lot of people had come from that episode and been like i wanted to see if anyone else thought so maybe he was like abused or something and just wanted to
Starting point is 01:38:01 get away or right so this person said there was emotional abuse pretty thoroughly happening in this family um the father apparently was just very like had an anger issue the mom was very controlled like extremely controlling apparently like they they controlled all of his money all of his whatever and um they said he they're downplaying a lot of things and he said she will say anything to protect her reputation wow and this person said um you know she also uh she's downplaying the drug problem he had been apparently like caught with mdma in like high school several times and like had drug issues for years so this was it wasn't like oh he's just experimenting it's like he had been really in trouble with for drugs for several times wow um which is an interesting thing and they're and basically they're like why
Starting point is 01:38:49 hasn't why haven't the roommate and the girlfriend said anything like they've been mom the whole time um the mom is very controlling about what gets out it's just so anyway it's obviously i kind of almost hope that's the case because it would suck if she was actually like a victim in this situation where she lost her child and someone's just like shitting all over this poor innocent mom it's like exactly i kind of hope that's that's a worthy claim so like i don't feel bad that people are saying that stuff about you no completely and i was about to say like i have no intention of being like oh this grieving mother like but it is another perspective i just thought this was like a really interesting take um yeah he'd been busted with mdma like i mean this person was like i like i've known the family
Starting point is 01:39:30 for ages and it's just such a weird um and he's like there's there like he was very rebellious against his parents and this person at least believes that he's voluntarily missing which actually the police have marked him voluntarily missing wow which is interesting because it's like i didn't even know you could do that right so they believe he intentionally i mean this guy this detective was literally like no i know he left on purpose which i was like how do you know confident if it's not solved so that's interesting some people even think that he has had interactions with police since he went missing and was like i don't want to return to my family maybe anonymously told them like i don't want to i don't want to return to my family maybe anonymously told them like i don't want to i don't want to be found right so there's it's a very unclear what happened
Starting point is 01:40:10 um basically uh they tracked all of his phone texts calls etc supposedly allegedly um basically this person believes that bryce wanted to and say, listen, I'm quitting school. And also apparently they said like he had always struggled academically, like school was really tough on him and he had started using drugs. So they believe he wanted to just start over, leave. So he gave his stuff away, wanted to leave. But then on his way home, he could not decide, like, can I go down there and face my parents and be like, I'm out or should I just like fucking leave? Right. So that's also why some people think he drove up that road twice because he was just like contemplating.
Starting point is 01:40:52 Like, is it even worth it? Right. Like, what should I do? Should I abandon my car? Should I take my life? Should I go home? Like, just trying to like also if he had the intention of like, I'm going to give up my whole life. He I don't blame him for driving up and down a road a couple of times to be
Starting point is 01:41:07 like, okay, how am I going to do this? Completely. Like, is it worth taking my ID? It's so interesting. Cause they found that outside of the car. So he had initially taken it and then left it. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:18 That's a good point. Like just holding his ID being like, right. Is it worth them assuming that like I'm alive. Cause I was willing to take my ID or is it worth it to that like i'm alive because i was willing to take my id or is it worth it to keep it here and go through the struggle of trying to get a new identity without an id totally totally isn't that wild so yeah so the basically that's another theory obviously this is like an internet theory and i'm aware of that but i just thought it was a good a good conversation yeah and um the apparently like he had a lot of friends in chicago and pacific
Starting point is 01:41:46 northwest so they thought maybe he either went up there were also a lot of there have been a lot of sightings in oregon and chicago called in um and so they think maybe that's where he ended up um and he just changed his hair changed his identity changed his name and like started over so anyway that's one of the theories who knows and um i don't have any clue about the mom i'm not trying to say she's a duplicitous snake those are not my words but just uh supposedly an insider's perspective but anyway if you do have information look him up see if you know him see if he's your friendly neighbor yeah and that's that wow that's the story all right oh god i went down a rabbit hole last night man i believe it oh well thank you you're welcome uh what else is that it god that's it on my end man uh thanks for listening guys i
Starting point is 01:42:37 know that was a lot to dump on you um if you want to check us out we're on social media at www podcast we're our website and that's why you um you can email listener stories and that's why you drink at for a monthly listener episode what are our uh tickets looking like right now for the last oh i have checks we i believe both salt lakes are sold out and then i believe yes they are and then at atlanta new orleans last i checked i only had a few tickets so okay so if that's the case so if there is anything left help us sell out our last shows of the year yeah it looks like atlanta only has like maybe a dozen seats and then new orleans has like a few rows of seats so all see us grab your dozen friends um we wish we had that many all right
Starting point is 01:43:27 well i guess that's that right that's it guys we'll see you next sunday all right and that's why we drink

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