And That's Why We Drink - E130 A Creature's Femur and Giovani 3:16

Episode Date: July 28, 2019

Happy National Ravioli Day! We're talking Brazilian aliens and murderous mommy blogs today. Come take a deep dive with Em into the intricate and, quite frankly, bananas, Varginha UFO incident of Brazi...l. Christine also brings us an incredibly wild true crime story straight from brunch: the murder of Kirsten Costas. We also learn Em is ready to go back to high school and Christine is decidedly not... and that's why we drink!Please consider supporting the companies that support us! Get $10 off your first FabFitFun box when you go to and enter code DRINK #fabfitfunpartnerTry Zip Recruiter for free at this exclusive web address: to now to find your perfect-fitting bra… and get 15% off your first purchase!Get a special offer from that includes a 4-week trial PLUS free postage AND a digital scale without any long-term commitment. Just go to, click on the microphone at the top of the homepage and type in DRINK

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Ow. Oh. Christine fell. Help, I've fallen and I can't get up. Life alert! It's cause you're 28 now. I know. I'm the cryptkeeper. We recording? Yes. For good? I just figure we might as well let it roll just let it roll roll the tape oh and action and action um so fun fact about my laptop today yes so i had a sticker on my laptop that a fan actually made for us and then uh got a little damage so i tried to peel it off and this is what my laptop looks like now. Does it have a big circle?
Starting point is 00:00:46 Oh. It's one of the, you know, like when the adhesive just refuses, and so I just have, like, my... I'll give you some acetone. It'll get rid of it. I got the adhesive remover. Oh, okay. But, yeah, it just looks, like, not great. It looks just like you, is what it does.
Starting point is 00:01:02 I have two things I want to say. Okay, I have several, so go ahead. Oh, good. Okay. One is I have a lot of guilt about this yesterday, and I also tweeted about it. So Allison and I were at the Americana yesterday, got a little Cheesecake Factory. Always. And Cheesecake Factory would be our sponsor.
Starting point is 00:01:21 Oh, please send me cheesecake. Oh, my God. Can you imagine a box of cheesecake to just show up every week? I literally not gonna listen to anything else you're saying because i'm gonna by the way that is not how our sponsors work we don't get shit every week i just want cheesecake factory to do it we could try and arrange something um so while we were on our way there there was this young girl she was probably like 14 ish and her name is Anna and she approached me and was definitely like a super fan of the show oh and she was it was very cute she's like stumbling over her words and she was really nervous and what did you do Em? I just feel like I wasn't my best elevated self it is very hard
Starting point is 00:01:57 to like know how to respond in that situation to be honest Anna it wasn't you it was just so goddamn hot and I was so tired I had just been at Starbucks for like 11 hours. So you just went from one chain to another chain? Yeah. Well, so I'm still carting Allison around. She's got her knee in a scooter. And so I've been pretty much playing chauffeur. And so her job isn't a stable location all the time.
Starting point is 00:02:22 Sometimes she has to go to like three or four different locations. Yeah. And not three or four, multiple locations. So since she can't drive and I can, I've been stopping at a lot of coffee shops waiting for her to finish. I see. So I just driven a lot that day. And I'd also worked a lot and I was just such a zombie mode. And then she came up and I just feel like I came off kind of boring and quiet and not interested in her. You met the real M. Oh my God our secrets out i feel really bad because i was like she was clearly like such a big fan and i probably just totally ruined her opinion of like what i'm like in real life i'm sure that's not true i mean anyway people get so scared to approach
Starting point is 00:02:58 us but like i'm very scared when people approach me because not i mean do it we like to say hi and i was like i was so weird anyway it's just like we're socially awkward people at least I am I don't want to speak for you I'm a very socially awkward person so when someone approaches me my immediate thought is I've done something wrong yeah so the one of the transitions that we have talked about before that we made from not not that we're like we're not we are very aware we're not like a list celebrities but we are aware that that we know that more people recognize us than they did before the podcast. And so there is that transition period where you're not used to people coming up to you
Starting point is 00:03:34 out of nowhere. And so there were several months where people came up to me and said, um, excuse me, the first thing you think is you fucked something up. I go, sorry, I'm so sorry. You're like, oh, am I in your way? And they're like, no, I want to take a picture with you every time in the airport i would think that i had stolen their luggage like even if i didn't have luggage i was like oh i'm sorry i always thought i dropped something on them somebody like i like i said something it offended someone but anyway but
Starting point is 00:03:57 we do like when people say hi i'm not saying don't say hi if you see me please come say hi it makes me very happy and also like i love to just like text my mother immediately and be like mom guess what if i am quiet it's because i'm sleepy it's not because i don't want you to take a picture with me have we ever gotten recognized together i don't think so isn't that weird though eva and i have been recognized a lot together without you which is interesting you're always i'm just not always nearby you're like in the bathroom i think it's because i always just run away it's because we were traveling and i would just always go to my like delta sky lounge that's true christine was very good at leaving us in the airplane in the airport to be and the airplane and the airplane she would literally
Starting point is 00:04:34 be like to be fair we spent every fucking waking moment together for four months i think nobody was complaining that i was leaving them no but it was often me and eva alone and then christine alone yeah well i also did leave you in canada one time but we're not going to talk about that she literally left me i literally got on a plane and left them by accident it's a whole thing you don't need to know i'm we're not kidding it actually happens i'm like home alone too shit yes literally left you in another country like well i got on the plane so at least it was your favorite country yeah i wasn't complaining even i had a blast the canadian uh airport was it was like i like that you call it
Starting point is 00:05:12 the canadian airport there's only one like there's one it rocked my world we were in vancouver and uh it was it was meant for someone like me there was at least 30 shops full of canadian memorabilia i don't need. Yes. And I made Eva go to every one of them with me. Well, you also fell asleep on top of your suitcase
Starting point is 00:05:29 and Eva had to check whether you were breathing. So it did become a thing when we were touring that Eva would check my breathing because I sleep so deeply that there were multiple times Eva thought I died.
Starting point is 00:05:39 Like you literally just stopped moving and breathing. Just full comatose. And I was like, bye, I'm going to get free tacos from the Delta Skyline. And Eva was like like i guess i'm in charge of em's life now i know i had the best time in the airport because i did fall asleep well also you woke us up at like 5 a.m to get to the airport i woke you up at 5 a.m well so i took a nap and we were late so that's literally
Starting point is 00:06:00 and then okay so i took a nap then eva found out, she took my breathing and found out I was still awake. And then she went to go get me a muffin and my favorite iced tea before I woke up. So I woke up to a great snack and then we went shopping in Canada. It was a blast. You're welcome, by the way, is what I'm trying to get at here. All right. I still have a second thing. Oh, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:06:18 Wait, can I also just, on top of your first thing? Yeah. I also got recognized the other day. Oh, really? At a coffee shop. I texted you guys about it, I think. Oh, yes um i the person i think her name was becca i forgot to double check but i think her name is becca and she was like are you christine from that's why you're drinking i was like yeah i am nice to meet you and i was with my friend devon who i hadn't
Starting point is 00:06:36 seen in ages and so she's like what the hell in your college devon no no a different devon and i was like she was like what the hell's going on and um becca she was like yeah i wasn't sure if it was you and then i heard what you were talking about uh i heard you talking about whether bryce less pieces was still alive and i was like yep that's christine oh my god i cannot stop myself in public she was across the thing too like across the courtyard she could fucking hear me talking about missing persons cases and she's like yeah i heard your subject matter what was really awkward wow we just sound like such bragging dicks right now not really i i clear i mean i've made it very
Starting point is 00:07:09 clear i'm not an enjoyable person to speak to in public i'm so sorry to everybody i went to when i went to um what is it universal to go to the jurassic ride last week yeah i was i went with a group where i didn't know anybody except one person and he was explaining i thought it was just you two it was us and then he brought two people oh my god so they didn't know anything about me and he uh mentioned like oh the first time we hung out m got recognized and it like blew my mind and i was trying to be like no no no that doesn't happen a lot doesn't happen a lot and the second i was like no it doesn't happen a lot someone came up and recognized me in front of the two of them. I'm telling you.
Starting point is 00:07:48 And you guys were just, we're talking about it because it's still such a novelty. It blows our mind that people even know who we are. We're not like, oh, this happens all the time. Cause I'll go like a long time without it happening. And then all of a sudden I'm like, well, how does everyone know what I look like? All of a sudden it always happens in bursts. Like sometimes it does. Allison had the nerve recently to be like, I haven't noticed you get recognized in a while.
Starting point is 00:08:04 And I was like yeah well i guess my career has gone to shit and then all of a sudden like three people recognize me i think my brother thinks i'm making it up because still to this day he has not like been around me when it's happened oh really and he's like i need to witness this so if you ever see me with my brother please say something and pretend you don't know who he is to make me feel better. Okay, I'm sorry. The second thing I wanted to say was a selfish thing about you. I'm owed a present. Oh, fuck, yeah. Wait, that's on my list.
Starting point is 00:08:31 Give, okay, yep. Okay, give Em his gift from Blaze. Okay. I just, the only reason I say that for people who are not in the room with us, the last three times that I've been here, Christina said like,
Starting point is 00:08:44 oh, don't go in that room. I have a present for you and i i didn't think anything of it because i was like oh she'll probably give it to me on the show yeah i forgot and then all three episodes i haven't gotten it so i wrote it for you so you wouldn't i wrote it in the last three notes that i did and i still didn't do it and blaze is so mad at me because this is your birthday gift from blaze and he bought it like for your birthday and i still and that was by the way like a month and a half two months ago and every time he's like what did m think and i was like oh yeah that i like the bag very galaxy very galaxy also um i didn't have any tissue paper so also he made me wrap it so whatever he made you put it in a bag check oh oh fuck i'm sorry that was terrible speaking it fell upside down this is you can
Starting point is 00:09:26 wear this next time i leave you in uh in canada in canada in their one airport let me get the microphone next to my mouth oh he just a thousand percent look at the bottom he's very excited about the bottom of the bill wow wow he deserves to have been very excited about that because I am too. He was like, don't give it to him on air. And I was like, no, I want to. No, we don't do it any other way at this point. We don't do it any other way. Okay, so this is a snapback that just says Canada.
Starting point is 00:09:54 It's a bright red hat. It says Canada in white. It has a white lid. Oh, my God. Both dogs just walked in. I'm so sorry. They heard Canada and they want to wear the half birds, but they're not gonna. No, they heard plastic wrapping.
Starting point is 00:10:05 Come here, Gio. Come say hi to the fans. Come here. Come on. Come on. Can you guys hear him breathing? Can you hear him panting? It is a red and white snapback that says Canada and on the bottom of the lid is the Canadian
Starting point is 00:10:18 flag. So it's like kind of. Losing my mind. It's subtle, but like not really. It's exactly what I want. Oh, I'm so excited. Can I wear it to dinner tonight? Yes.
Starting point is 00:10:27 Also, Christine and I are going on a dinner date after this. Isn't that precious? Never happens. What if we get recognized? We're not going to get recognized. Well, never say never. We've talked too much about it. All right.
Starting point is 00:10:36 I'm very excited about this. I will say thank you to him after the show. Anyway, so that was bound to happen eventually. You want to put it on, Gio? Oh, it looks good on him. Okay. Anyway. Anyway, what do you have to say so that was my first thing on the list and thank you blaze i'm glad that we checked it off um okay so this is um an emergency sos um broadcast i want to have that music or that sound in it where it's like oh there we go okay that was like good it was like an alert
Starting point is 00:11:05 something. Yeah. Like the system is shutting down. Um, what's going on? I, so I don't even know if they still listen to the podcast. So if they don't, I'm going to look like a fool. Um, and they're going to take, this is going to take them totally by surprise. Becca and Beth, who work at purple toad winery. Are you out there? Because one time you gave me a t-shirt and a wine glass, and then you mailed two bottles of one time you gave me a t-shirt and a wine glass and then you mailed two bottles of wine to my house and the t-shirt and the wine glass are like for whatever reason my favorites. Christine actually wears them all the time.
Starting point is 00:11:34 I wear it all the time and the wine glass is like my favorite wine glass with a little toad on it. It's super cute. Anyway, so this is this winery and I went back in our old emails and I found like the month that they shipped it. And like they were at our Nashville show, I believe. And I like watched the old gift video. Like I went through all this mystery solving because I dropped the wine glass.
Starting point is 00:11:54 I shattered everywhere. Oh, my God. And I was like, I almost cried. And I was like, I don't have another wine glass that I like as much as my purple toad wine glass. Then I went on the website and they don't sell it. They only sell beer glasses right now. Oh, shit shit so you have an exclusive gift i guess and i'm i'm not asking you to send me another one i'm asking how do i buy one because i really want one and i'm actually thinking of buying the long sleeve t anyway because it's really cute um but i went
Starting point is 00:12:18 on the website and i was like does ebay have it i don't know but so just a desperate frenzy where i can freaking buy this wine glass please let me know because I lost your email address. Anyway, sorry. That's a really psychotic thing to say. You're really just going through all of your avenues, aren't you? Every channel you can think of. Emergency broadcast. Also, I wanted to give a ghosty update.
Starting point is 00:12:40 I was listening to Jim Harreld the other day and um i'd listen to like six episodes in a row because i'm i have his app i was listening to like all the back from like 2011 and um i was home alone and for the first time in a long time and all of a sudden i heard this crashing noise and i was like oh god what did the cat do and i look over and the cat and the two dogs are both just like laying in the dining room and i'm like is somebody in the house like i like it was loud and then all of a sudden in the same room no so i was in the kitchen making and I'm like, is somebody in the house? Like I, like it was loud. And then all of a sudden in the same room. No. So I was in the kitchen making dinner and I had headphones on and then I hear this like
Starting point is 00:13:11 banging, crashing, smashing, like this long, long, like a clearly you need to, it kept to go. It wanted you to hear it. Yeah. Something was happening. And I was like, okay, either somebody is in the house, the cat did it, or I don't know what's going on. Or it's the apocalypse. Or Walt is pissed. It's the big one. And then I was like, I somebody is in the house the cat did it or i don't know what's going on or it's the apocalypse or walt is the big one and then i was like i looked up whether the okay so i glance over the cat is like on the table like on high alert but he's been sleeping
Starting point is 00:13:34 the dogs are laying down so like they haven't been fucking around so i like cautiously sneak into the living room and there's this lamp i have down there and so the lamp has somehow like thrown itself over it's on the ground sideways but then i'm like okay i guess it could have tipped over like i don't know and then behind it was like this you know that little table by the couch where put we put our mail on it and it's like it's just upside down that is some poltergeist shit absolutely not upside down that happened here yeah in the living room dude two days ago pass i posted about it on instagram i took a picture because i was like i'm not touching it i took a picture
Starting point is 00:14:09 and i was like i didn't do this where's the picture i put it on instagram you did we had we just had this conversation i also just learned that m doesn't follow me on instagram i i by technical standards i do i just don't know what's wrong with me i just never see your pictures apparently um and has more important things to do on the internet it's fine uh but so anyway oh it was in a story i mean it's oh i was like where is it i'll send you the photo but okay yeah because that's bananas that's truly poltergeist i'm not kidding like the table was like the four legs were in the air like it was and i was like if it had tipped over it would have just tipped over like it wouldn't have gone upside down and then i hear all this beeping noise and the freaking remote for my new roomba yeah so the roomba is like stuck and like
Starting point is 00:14:51 beeping and smashing into things just like went off by itself well the remote fell off of the table everything fell off the table and so there's like mail everywhere the lamp is on the ground it was very disturbing and i was like uh-oh um and i don't know what the hell i did or what happened but the dog you awoke and right and then the rest of the night like i took pictures that i'll show you later i didn't post them like i was sitting on the couch and i was like i don't know what to do and junie was sitting like on the top of the couch and was just like doing that scary cat like stare where he was like hunched up and in like pounce mode and his tail was flicking and his eyes were huge and he was just staring directly
Starting point is 00:15:29 into the living room absolutely and i opened the window to be like oh he loves he did not even flinch when i opened the window like he wouldn't stop staring and i was like i have to go upstairs um anyway i don't know what the fuck happened but it scared the crap out of me and i posted it and then jim harold messaged me like sorry to awaken the spirits thanks a lot jim thanks jim thanks hashtag thanks jim so that's my other ghosty update i feel like the more i talk about it the more it's going to keep happening which maybe i'll sacrifice myself for the podcast i don't know well also um oh my god okay sorry geo moved and i lost my mind um uh what was i gonna say oh he's terrifying me um the i'm losing it oh i don't know if it's necessarily you talking about it but
Starting point is 00:16:19 i mean in poltergeist scenarios right it does something just to test if it can gradually increase itself. Oh, great. That was pretty not gradual. It was pretty... Well, like, it's... So, like, you saw a shadow walk by. Like, or a full-blown person walk by. Oh, my God, you're right.
Starting point is 00:16:36 And that didn't freak you out. So now it's testing the water to see how far it can get away with. Well, I mean... I mean, this is only two standalone instances. But in the world of poltergeist it's usually it sees what it how far it can go what the fuck why is it waiting so long i lived here like almost two years now does that happen someone might have sent us something that oh i didn't even think about that i that wait that was also when i was talking about that ghost horse thing
Starting point is 00:17:01 remember that yeah the doll with the horse and uh yeah oh god oh wait you're right oh my god we've gotten some spooky stuff recently people have really been like upping their game and trying to scare us testing gradually yeah whether they can scare us we have recently gotten some really like scary shit like frightening like like oh god i'm upset i'm scared like just stick with the candy and like the nice cards the cheesecake weekly yeah if you work at cheesecake factory and want to send us something in the gift video you can but no people have been starting to send us some stuff to to get get under the skin you know to get the emotions rising and it has worked we always open them in that room so i don't know anyway that's interesting we always the stuff always begins in that room and
Starting point is 00:17:50 that closet if if like if i put it away it goes in the shelves in the closet the real ghost adventure would be staying a night in that closet also that closet is creepy as hell it's a little crawl space and then it has like one of those old timey lights that you have to pull the string. And you pull it and then all of a sudden the light comes on. There's a face in there. Okay. So that happened. And that's all I have to say. But I figured a ghosty update was.
Starting point is 00:18:13 Terrifies. Yeah. Terrifies me. Yeah. I've been having a lot of really awful. I'm afraid to say it out loud because I don't want to like invoke anything. I feel like I just did that too. I feel like I've been having a lot of dreams recently that are very i don't know if they're necessarily like demonic dreams but they're
Starting point is 00:18:28 dreams with a demonic theme oh god and it really is eating at me i've been waking up a lot at three in the morning oh god this is why i usually have insomnia and stay up until three in the morning just to have that problem yeah but now allison's making me wake up at seven all the time so now i've been waking up in the middle of the night. So this is all Allison's fault. It really is. If it weren't for her stupid foot, I would be able to beat the ghosts at 3 a.m. Okay. Well, anyway, so thank you for sticking through all that, guys.
Starting point is 00:18:56 I hope you're still here. Because if you skipped forward, you missed a ghosty update. You did. I guess we should do our stories now? We should. Here's the thing about my story. I'm going to tell you all about it. So, well, here's the thing about my story I'm going to tell you all about it so well obviously that's I'm going to do a whole little preamble though
Starting point is 00:19:11 so this story I was last night I had gotten to my own head and I was like being very crafty and doing my own thing and so I waited until the last minute to do my notes for today. First time that's ever happened. First time ever. I'll tell you what. And so I was like, oh, I need to pick a story that's going to be really quick to research. Right, right. So I found this random story. Never heard of it.
Starting point is 00:19:35 And I was like, oh, it seems like it's pretty straightforward. Like, I'm just going to like, I'll just do notes on this. And then I realized that, like, apparently there's a lot of there's a lot of websites that only specifically talk about different parts of the story. So like, there's no one. You have to put it together yourself. Yeah. Like the main, I'll tell you when I get to this part in the story, I'll tell you what I thought was going to be the whole story and what was going to take five minutes to research. But then I found out that there were different websites that like were very dedicated to
Starting point is 00:20:05 things that had nothing to do with that. So I found out the hard way after compiling all these notes. And then I was like trying to start breaking them down. I was like, this is the least straightforward story I've ever done in my life. Oh, no. So it took me a long time. I've worked on it all day. It's now six o'clock at night.
Starting point is 00:20:20 And I was supposed to get here an hour earlier. And I asked Christine if we could push it back. So I was still doing that. and night and I was supposed to get here an hour earlier and I asked Christine if we could push it back because I was still doing notes so I tried very hard to make this as concise as possible but there was so much information that I'm gonna do my best okay I'm I'm sorry if even I'm confused at some points so um this is another alien story I've been on the UFO kick lately okay um and this is not an American story oh making it making it special today because i feel like i covered a lot of like american military stuff
Starting point is 00:20:51 recently right right so this is um a story in brazil this is the really should have just learned the word and all that research i don't know how you would pronounce god i don't either varginha i literally don't know portuguese at all so varginha okay well it's a v-a-r-g-i-n-h-a i know the word gin in there that's what i know and the word ha good job so it sounds like virginia yeah so we're gonna call it the virginia ufo instead bringing it back to America. Back to U.S. soil. We don't like to leave unless it's the one airport in Canada. Exactly. But so this is apparently the best known case in Brazilian ufology.
Starting point is 00:21:37 It's also one of the most credible extraterrestrial sightings in Brazil, if not the world. I'm interested. Lots of... I don't know if i would go so far as to say evidence here because none of it is like definitely a fact but there's a lot of witness testimonies okay so this town is in minas heres jerry's oh dear god i don't it's in brazil and it has a hundred thousand ish population. Um, it is, uh, the town is now considered the Roswell of Brazil.
Starting point is 00:22:10 Really? Um, and the creature is like apparently Brazil's version of ET. Like if there were a real version of ET. Um, so I'm going to say the word reporters a lot, but what I mean is, uh, most of my information came from three people um and they were like reporters because they either got interviews with people after the fact or they were trying to be really sneaky and record things like in real time um so one person was dr rodriguez another i'm saying i'm not even going to go into first names because it's just I know I can pronounce Rodriguez and I don't want to offend anybody so Dr. Rodriguez Mr. Pacasini and then uh there's another guy named Dr. Roger Lear okay and the three of them from what I could tell they had the most thorough investigations and they
Starting point is 00:23:02 interviewed as many people as they could. They had awesome testimonies from like the military and medical documents and witnesses like civilian witnesses. Um, one of them also wrote a book. I'll get into all that. But so when I say reporters, I basically mean one of these three. Okay. Okay. So they just gave the most thorough information. So the entire incident mainly happened on january 20th in 1996 but i'm going to start a week before on january 13th um this could be related it might not be yeah it's like a you choose your own make your own decision on this because it's just weird that it happened okay i'm excited i think it just to me it makes the most sense that it is connected that it's connected okay because a lot
Starting point is 00:23:51 of well i'll just say okay so on january 13th a guy named carlos he was driving on uh the highway and he just diving right in saw a ufo falling from the sky falling falling as if like it like was not functioning and just plummeting to the earth okay um i really hope i'm saying it right varginha farheenha um near the town yeah uh he saw ufo falling from the sky into the town like are there g's silent i don't know but isn't that like enya like don't they pronounce it like varginha something like that i'm just gonna call it town portuguese has such different sounds than like spanish and english we're gonna call it town b not that i can speak spanish either what am i talking about okay go ahead so he uh followed it he followed the ufo to see where it
Starting point is 00:24:41 crashed um and also to see what it was because he wasn't sure if it was a UFO or not. Right. And when he found the crash site, he just stumbled upon it looking for it, not knowing if he would find anything. And not only did he find the UFO crashed on the ground, but he found army and military police already at the scene. Wow. So they were quick.
Starting point is 00:24:59 They were like following it. Oh, so, okay. They knew. I guess. Or they just appeared out of nowhere. following it oh so okay they knew i guess or they just appeared out of nowhere but so carlos reportedly saw gray broken metal pieces of a machine spread across the ground and the second a soldier saw him uh he was told that he needed to leave and forget everything he saw oh my god diving right in oh my god oh my god so a military witness um which you're gonna hear that a lot a lot of people said that
Starting point is 00:25:26 they didn't want to be mentioned i don't blame them yeah especially if you're in the military and you're like clearly on like a secret operation completely a military witness said that he was present during the ufo that had crashed being loaded onto a truck and he was part of the debris retrieval team and he reportedly said of the debris retrieval team. And he reportedly said that the material was quote twisted and lightweight. Fun fact. There are also rumors that a creature was actually shot crawling out of the UFO. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:25:57 Excuse me. I just burped out of fear. Um, there are also rumors that a creature was shot crawling out of the UFO before they began cleaning. So I guess just to like, I don't know. I don't know. They just killed it.
Starting point is 00:26:09 They just killed it. Didn't ask a question. That's horrible. So the idea so far is that this is the first group of aliens. Because there's another story that happens on January 20th. Oh, right. I forgot this was in the main story. So this is the first group of aliens that crash landed here. And if there were any survivors, they were stranded and ran off from the UFO. Okay. I forgot this was in the main story. So this is the first group of aliens that crash landed here.
Starting point is 00:26:28 And if there were any survivors, they were stranded and ran off from the UFO. Okay. So that was a week before. I'm sorry. I just poured that all over myself for no fucking reason. Okay. We've hit the hour where that sun is in the sun. In the ceiling. In the sunlight? The sunlight is in the ceiling and the uh oh no and the ceiling i don't know the sunlight is in the ceiling i can't i can't focus it's so bright in my eyes i just feel like i wet my pants because
Starting point is 00:26:52 i poured my starbucks into my lap cool man uh christine oh i like that that's always fun isn't it yeah christine stole my trick i get a couple scoops of strawberries in my tea at Starbucks. Nice. Yep. And Christine just ate it all in one mouth. Well, otherwise it would go in my lap. So in theory, that was the first fleet of aliens, I guess. And they crash landed and ran away.
Starting point is 00:27:21 So that was January 13th. January 20th was basically bananas from minute one. Okay. Starting at midnight. So like fresh into January 20th. Oh, super. Apparently, NORAD, which is the North American Air Defense Command, contacted Sindacta, which is Brazil's version of NORAD. North American...
Starting point is 00:27:44 Air Defense Command. Okay. How do you say version of NORAD. North American... Air Defense Command. Okay. How do you say it? NORAD. That doesn't make sense, does it? North American Ad Air Defense. Oh, I'm so stupid. No, you're right.
Starting point is 00:27:57 That's what an acronym is supposed to be. NORAD? They did what they fucking wanted to. I tried to spell it out in my head. No. Big mistake. Trust me. I had to think about it, too. I was to spell it out in my head. No. Big mistake. Trust me. I had to think about it, too.
Starting point is 00:28:07 I was like, that literally doesn't spell NORAD. It spells NADC. That's what I was like, damn, they're not very good at this. I was like, God, they're in charge of our defense team. So NORAD contacted SINDACTA, which is Brazil's version of NORAD. Oh, OK. And said, hey, just so you know a ufo is approaching you hey just a heads up and keep in mind for those who are new here ufo does not always mean
Starting point is 00:28:31 an alien it literally means unidentified flying objects so they were just like hey brazil something's coming at you we don't know what it is it just stopped by it's on its way well apparently brazil took it seriously because uh the second thing the UFO entered Brazilian airspace which I don't know how you define those lines um Syndacta alerted the Brazilian army command and ordered that the Brazilian military be on high alert oh shit they were like we're not taking any chances which is cool I would feel the same way I'd like to feel safe in Brazil right and they are doing it you'd like to feel safe in Brazil where they're like oh there's anything at all that we don't know about lock it down yep so this correspondence between norad and syndacta was actually leaked by a member of the brazilian
Starting point is 00:29:13 air force and an employee at the american air force base both of them leaked this communication so it is out there for people to hear like hey there's a ufo coming really and so the idea now is that this is the second fleet of aliens so there was the first one last week that got shot that someone got shot maybe and then uh and then this is like the second uf big ufo oh my gosh they can't get your break so only an hour later another event happens oh boy um an hour later some uh different articles were saying between 1 a.m and 5 a.m but most of them said one so an hour after, some, uh, different articles were saying between 1am and 5am, but most of them said one. So an hour after this call to Brazil, um, there's a farmhouse in town V, um, and a couple named Oralina and Yuriko. So they were a couple that lived on the
Starting point is 00:29:57 farm and they heard their cattle freaking out and running back and forth and being really loud. It doesn't seem normal. Yeah. They were really freaked out, especially at 1 a.m. Yeah. And so Oralina was quoted saying, I went to the window to look. The cattle were running. Then I saw it passing by. It was a big gray object that had smoke and lights, but no noise. It was very low and was lowering more and more.
Starting point is 00:30:19 It was large, the size of a bus. Oh, my God. When some with some things moving on it. was large the size of a bus oh my god when some with some things moving on it it was long cylindrical almost like a cigar hovering just a little higher than the trees wow and a ufo is usually described as a cigar shape so that's pretty on top of it also um i do want to say a lot of these quotes are translated oh sure um i didn't translate them i found them this way but if you did you just like made up what you wanted to say well yeah that'd be it but a lot of this is um it's i'm gonna read it and paraphrase it because a lot of it is translated into kind of broken english
Starting point is 00:30:57 okay so i'm just if you don't find the exact quote online it's because i'm paraphrasing sure um so she saw like no big deal a bus-sized cigar ufo with a bunch of lights and smoke hovering above the trees freaking out her cattle and she also later said that when they went outside to look at this thing the light shining down on the ufo shined onto her husband for like only a second and it left him with this burn on his chest and legs for days so like and it was coming from from the ufo yeah i don't know if it was like a like a laser or a radar i just i don't know what it was but the light burned him jeez um only a couple hours later after that was at 9 a.m which all this whole
Starting point is 00:31:39 story was confirmed by senior firemen and first responders that were like the witnesses that were there. So they all confirmed the story, although they were off record. So this is one of those stories where one of the reporters I mentioned, they were asking these questions in real time. And whenever the cameras weren't on, these witnesses were like willing to say something. Okay. But the second that any recording equipment came out, they were like, nothing's going on here. Like they were really scared to tell the truth. Yeah. So off the record, quote, this whole story was confirmed by people who were actually there. So at nine o'clock, only eight hours after it was seen on the farm, a fire department in the area was called about a strange animal walking in the woods no so the firemen saw that it was not
Starting point is 00:32:26 just a random strange animal it apparently had deep red brown skin was very thin it seemed hurt and it smelled awful what the hell they knew it was not an animal that they'd ever seen so they reported it to the army commander because apparently they're the brazilian army's headquarters is only in the next city over oh okay so they werezilian army's headquarters is only in the next city over oh okay so they were like well that's convenient let's call them and have them look at this their problem so their army truck came into town took over the scene captured the creature what and while it was still alive put it in a box covered in resistant fabric so that it couldn't escape yeah put the box on top of the truck and drove away and and
Starting point is 00:33:06 everyone involved they said do not talk about this to anybody i hope they didn't hurt it you never find out what happened to that oh god i'm sure they heard i don't know so they've potentially shot one and it's been confirmed they took one while and we're all scared of aliens they're scared of us. So they drove it off. They drove it away and told anyone involved, do not talk about this to anybody. Okay. So, of course, everyone was like, off the record, I can't talk about this. However, and then said all this stuff. So the interesting part of the witness accounts is that a lot of the witnesses said that some of the military they saw were Americans.
Starting point is 00:33:42 What? So we suck yet again. we just can't get out of anybody's business i guess uh but another fireman who also talked to one of the reporters was giving more of like a a detailed version of what he saw instead of just like oh they came and picked it up and then left he really went into detail and said that soldiers jumped out of the trucks as if they were on a mission he saw them go into the woods and he heard two gunshots and only a couple minutes later the soldiers came out carrying two big bags both of the bags went onto the military truck one of them was holding something that didn't move at all but the other bag was moving oh no oh no no so either one is incredibly
Starting point is 00:34:27 injured or dead wait this is different from the box this is on top of this is other than the box okay so there's three okay uh oh my god this is horrible so oh god they're coming for us i knew they know i'm talking about it put me in a box the echo fucking told them like by the way on sunday you're gonna hear this coming out um so the firemen said that they went to the woods he heard two shots the soldiers came out carrying two bags one of them was moving they put them on the truck with the other one that was in a resistant oh got it free or resistant fabric box the military vehicles were spotted by countless witnesses throughout the city that morning confirming that they were there it's not like just these firemen saw them come in to grab this thing
Starting point is 00:35:11 and then drive away sure so many people in this city saw it so regardless of whether or not there was an alien it is confirmed by hundreds literally hundreds of people that these military vehicles were out of their jurisdiction something seriously yes very seriously uh wow that is crazy okay so these witnesses like i said were very excited to tell the accounts of reporters but once the reporter took out a video camera the same fireman that were saying all these details very quickly went to saying i saw nothing yeah yeah i don't blame them so they literally saw them shoot right creature put it on a truck and drive away right right right uh so then the same day so
Starting point is 00:35:51 that's three events that got i mean they didn't see it they didn't see anything to be clear right uh so no rad called this into brazil an hour later it was on the farm a couple hours later this whole scenario happened that one guy got a sunburn. Exactly. And only two hours later is what happened at three o'clock that day. Okay. So this is what I thought was the whole story. This part, which is like such a small part now.
Starting point is 00:36:18 I see. But when I was reading through the first like 10 articles, this was the first thing that everyone told in the story. And I was like, oh oh this sounds pretty straightforward so this is the part that i thought was going to be the whole episode here it is at three o'clock which now i'm now knowing about the backstory i know that this was actually only a few blocks away from where the military vehicles picked something up in the woods okay backstory there so a few blocks away from that there were three girls between 14 and 22 two of them were sisters named lillian and valkyria i'm gonna call
Starting point is 00:36:51 her valkyrie because that's fucking badass and their friend katya they all three of them were walking home and they decided they were going to take a shortcut to get home always a bad choice never take a shortcut um unless you're really tired and lazy like me. And really want to see an alien. Or that. So they took a shortcut on their way home through the woods. They stumbled upon one of the creatures. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:37:16 They gave the most specific description of the creature. Oh, my God. Okay. They said it was bipedal, dark red brown skin. A lot of these things also match with what the firemen were saying. Right. Okay. Who like the firemen saw it and then it got taken away.
Starting point is 00:37:30 So that means there's something else in the woods that these girls saw that looks exactly the same as the one that got shot. So they might have missed some of the creatures. Yeah. So in theory, there's some that got away. Okay. And then these girls found another one. Oh dear.
Starting point is 00:37:44 Bipedal, brown skin, big red eyes. Oh, God. An abnormally large head. A very thin body, very thin arms. It had its hands being hugged in its legs, almost like it was cold or something. Oh. It had V-shaped feet.
Starting point is 00:37:59 Ooh. Veins in its skin. Its skin looked wet. Oh. It had three bumps that almost looked like they were horns coming in on three different parts of their head. Interesting. And apparently they were very wobbly, and they seemed either injured or sick. So everyone is saying that these things look like they're in distress.
Starting point is 00:38:19 God, they probably don't know how to live in a human Earth climate. Well, also, they might all be survivors of a crash. Crash, yeah. So they might be, like, really fucked up. Sure. They might be survivors of a crash so they might be like really fucked up they might be concussed and shit or like their version their version of concussed um yeah especially if it's like cold maybe they're not from a oh yeah you know yeah i didn't think about that wobbly maybe they're not used to maybe they're having gravity i was gonna say what if they're having uh what we had in detroit Salt Lake City? Oh, my God. Altitude sickness.
Starting point is 00:38:46 Detroit. Not Detroit. Denver. Denver. Fuck. The thing where we were sick as shit. For the people who weren't at that show, we were sick as dogs on that stage. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:38:56 We were like. I thought for sure I was going to vomit in front of like hundreds of people. Like, just picture I was drinking coconut water instead of wine. That's how sick I was. I was like, I can't do this. I was eating nothing. That's how sick I was. I was like, I can't do this. I was eating nothing. That's how serious it was. I was like, please don't come near me at all.
Starting point is 00:39:11 And Christine and I were like, all right, five minutes till we have to be funny. Yeah, we were struggling hardcore. Okay, so anyway. So basically we were like this guy. We were this guy, actually. Denver is our weird earth. Yeah, we like to relay everything to ourselves, obviously. So, yep, there you go.
Starting point is 00:39:28 Makes a lot of sense. So Katya's personal description of it was, it was brown, it was crouched down, but it was short. I had the impression that it was something very mushy. Looked like it was going to pop and had very soft skin and red eyes that stared at us the red eye because you picture just like red that freaks me out dude it moved very fast i don't like that but it cannot be a human being or an animal no lillianne said it was the ugliest thing i'd ever seen which is very nice that's how i feel about you. So, can't relate, Lillian. Such a dick. So, apparently it was leaning against a wall.
Starting point is 00:40:09 That's the ugliest thing I've ever seen. Good one. Did you write that into your notes? I did. Yeah, I knew it. I was like, I remember reading that line and I was like, it's not important, but I'm gonna keep that shit in because I know. You've got to.
Starting point is 00:40:22 So, it was apparently leaning against a wall when they walked past it it looked like it was in distress and apparently this is a quote its head appeared to be wobbling alarmingly on its shoulders wow which makes me think of like that scary story we were all told we're like if you pull the girl's ribbon on her neck her whole head rolls off yep yep scary stories tell in the dark can you imagine if you ran into a fucking alien and he pulled a ribbon off of his neck and his head rolled away can you imagine running into an alien and he's like wearing a ribbon and you're like why are you wearing a ribbon you're an alien i guess the real thing is can you imagine running into an alien but can you imagine accessorizing you never think like what if the alien does something
Starting point is 00:40:57 even weirder it's like you just stop at alien what if there's two stories to that i saw an alien and his head rolled off i mean i always think of the weirder stuff like what if he you know probed me or like right or like classic incapacitated me or like i'm trying to bring childhood fear into this oh we love to bring back our childhood what if like you like go to open your girlfriend's door and on the car and there's like a hook you know oh god do you remember that story yes i don't always got me also no wonder you're having all these nightmares just saying actually i think i have a problem yeah i think we i think we both do so where are we oh yeah his head's gonna fall off his shoulders accessorizing so
Starting point is 00:41:36 the girls obviously run away they go and tell their mom and they say that they think they saw the devil yeah i mean i guess that would be what you think right they're not off yeah um so the mom was like okay imagine the two of them were like i saw the devil no one's like i just thought the ugliest it was megan fucking megan mean girl honestly it smelled like a fucking corpse thank you it's literally what i keep thinking of they think they saw the devil i just thought garbage so and that ribbon was so last season it looked frayed like he didn't even really want to pull it off oh my god okay so the sisters ran and told their mom said they saw the devil the mom was like i don't believe you so she goes not us she goes and follows them to where they saw it because she's like show me this devil
Starting point is 00:42:25 and uh when they got there obviously the creature was gone but the mom reported smelling a strong ammonia like odor and saw footsteps v-shaped v-shaped so here's the thing a lot of people call bullshit on that because she's the only person who saw footsteps okay so of all of the hundreds of eyewitness testimonies to seeing creatures nobody else saw footsteps okay interesting and if you think about it a v-shaped footprint is the vulcan symbol like star trek uh-huh so so you're thinking maybe that's where people think like okay so maybe there's just an alien enthusiast who's just using like the vulcan symbol to say it's a footprint oh it's just too weird like oh you mean like and put it in the ground yeah oh
Starting point is 00:43:11 but if she's the only one who saw it why would you need to put it in the ground i think people think it's like a dramatic flare in a story of like oh let's make this a star trek reference okay so i guess yeah that makes sense i don't know if someone said they time traveled and saw a flux capacitor i'd be like you're you're priming me here i see okay so uh where are we devils oh yeah so they never found the actual creature again however when they were looking around they were like mom this is exactly where we were um and they were swearing by this creature that they saw. A nearby worker came up and said, are you guys talking about that weird animal? It just got taken away.
Starting point is 00:43:51 Okay. So someone else also witnessed it. So the theory is that between the crash site that happened over a week ago and the, it's called the Jardim Andere Park. It's a park between the crash site and the park area where both the firemen and the girls saw this creature. There's the only thing in between that space is six miles of woods. Oh, so they think that a lot of these creatures survived the crash. They got hurt, but they've just been living in the woods this whole time. And now some of them are starting to venture out. And that's why they're on the other side of the woods
Starting point is 00:44:28 in this park and the woods aren't scary enough as it is let's just add some creatures to it so uh now it's night time two things happen january 20th at night so i'm going to say the second thing first because it's shorter and, the first thing that happens deserves more time. Okay. So at the very end of everything, there is a, um, a huge storm, apparently a storm to like remember in the city. And after the storm, there was a biologist who worked at a zoo named Layla and she went to go check on the animals because of how bad the storm was.
Starting point is 00:45:00 So she went to the zoo and an employee told her, Hey, just so you know, firemen came here with a very weird animal and told me that they want they would only leave it here if you were here and since she wasn't there the firemen just left with it and we don't know what happened to the what um what but the person who reported it said like i saw this thing and it was fucking weird and they wanted to deliver it specifically to you the biologist to the biologist i guess to like do tests on or something or to like get her opinion or something yeah wow so that happened at the very end it's just like a coincidence that also happened so the main thing that happened is during the storm uh i guess enough has happened today where secret service military police are
Starting point is 00:45:41 now involved like us uh brazil still i was like aren't they with the president so stupid okay sorry go on uh so the secret service brazilian military police are now apparently going on drive-bys looking for these things to capture them you're living this town and like this must be so scary like these people can you imagine being told hey so now there's definitely aliens there There's at least five reports. Right. So you got to just go start capturing them because we don't know what these things are. Also, you're never allowed to talk about it again.
Starting point is 00:46:11 Right, right. Also, it's going to be traumatic and you don't get to describe it. Ugh. Imagine with Secret Service psychologists. Can you imagine? Or priests. Oh, my God. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:23 Or like the 32nd level freemasons so um the secret service military police are driving on this uh they're driving around all of town but when they get to the street where the three girls saw something earlier that day there's one specific car with a military officer named marco sherez and he was one of the officers in the car driving on that street and something jumped out in the front of his car so ironic it's in the exact same place and only a couple blocks away from where the where the military was just shooting them down earlier okay so he gets out of his car to see what just stopped in front of it and he sees a creature right in front of him oh no and in a panic without gloves or security equipment or anything, he just grabs it with his bare hands.
Starting point is 00:47:08 What? No! He just fucking grabs it. Wrong answer! Drags it into the car. What? Straps it down. What are you doing?
Starting point is 00:47:15 And took it to the regional general hospital. Apparently, the military had already organized that this hospital, there was a whole ward that was pre-isolated. It's like a receiving area for these things yeah so they had a whole ward like blocked off from civilians imagine being the nurse called down to floor five and you're like oh i'll just bring the iv it's like a bunch of weird ets oh my god they have three concussion lumps on their head some of them have horns oh my god so uh when he so he So he brought it to the hospital. Right. And so that was the first hospital it was at.
Starting point is 00:47:50 There was another hospital it got transferred to because apparently, I don't know if it was the same. There might have already been another creature at this hospital. And he just happened to bring one in and witness this. I don't know how many aliens there were at this hospital. All I know is one of them ended up getting transferred to Hospital Humanitas for surgery on an injury presumed to be from the UFO crash. Someone did surgery on it? On a UFO. I want to hear that doctor's story.
Starting point is 00:48:21 You're about to. No! Because he did an in-depth ass interview are kidding me oh my god okay i'm ready so this capture just so people know this capture by marco was confirmed by many witnesses both military and civilian on taped interviews i was hoping that wasn't real because i didn't want to think about him touching the wet skin with his bare ass yeah it just seems so not smart so okay so apparently the surgeon that did surgery on the creature was an orthopedic surgeon okay i don't know his name his and i should
Starting point is 00:48:53 because it was in the article but if you are looking he did an interview with dr roger lear okay and i think this was also in dr lear's book okay um but you can probably go look it up in Dr. Lear's book. Okay. But you can probably go look it up somewhere. I did. So there was an orthopedic surgeon who worked on the creature, and he did an in-depth interview with Lear about his experience. During this interview, Lear also was shown, quote,
Starting point is 00:49:18 several authenticated documents concerning agreements between Brazil and America which allow any material coming from space that is found in Brazil to be turned over to the United States government. So classic USA, classic USA, mine, God, screaming bald Eagle.
Starting point is 00:49:36 Give it to me. Damn it. So, uh, anyway, that aside, I just couldn't leave that out. That is bananas.
Starting point is 00:49:44 Okay. So the surgeon was instructed at this hospital by armed officers to quote begin a surgical scrub and prepare to perform a fracture reduction on a leg they just said a leg he fucking walked in and it was a alien fucking leg love it but they said oh you're just going to do a surgery on a leg and we're armed officials and don't why are we holding these guns don't worry about it. Why are we holding these guns? Don't worry about it. Just do it.
Starting point is 00:50:07 Just a leg. It's just your average procedure. Don't worry. So the nurses and personnel at both hospitals, either the original one or the one that this thing got transferred to, they were all told to avoid the press and never tell their friends or family anything that happened that day. He was like, screw that. And one of them was like, I'm going gonna at least say that to the press seriously so the operating room was sealed off except for one guarded
Starting point is 00:50:29 entrance by armed officers and apparently the brazilian army they're i guess they're known as s-2 okay s2 that's like the name for the brazilian army military intelligence division cool creepy um they oversaw the surgeon performing the on this creature's femur wow it had a femur okay it had a femur fracture which he was doing oh that hurts corrective surgery my sister had that one time yikes the surgeon said that the creature had skin that looked wet but was dry to the touch. Ooh, interesting. That was my big question. Also said he had three bony horn-like protuberances on three sections across its head. Love a good protuberance. Fun fact, he had an anatomically sex-neutral body. Wow, how progressive they are.
Starting point is 00:51:17 Kevin, not Kevin, a Ken doll. Ken doll. Uh, so... A Kevin doll. A Kevin doll. I just think of Kevin from The Office with, like, a bowl of chili. Someone could be that as a Kendall. I think classic Kevin.
Starting point is 00:51:29 Uh, so a surgeon said that the alien could not communicate with anyone until the surgeon looked in its eyes. What? Let's remember. Mid-surgery. Like, that's the one time you should not be looking in my eyes is if you're performing an operation. Actually look in my eyes because if they are terrified, that means i've woken up and you need to like amp up the fucking if the alien's eyes are open that's problem number one so apparently could they not sedate it i don't know do its eyes close i have so many questions okay are they still red do they turn blue when he said no so this doctor goes into a trance mid-surgery no sorry
Starting point is 00:52:06 just shouted directly into the microphone and he says quote i just had to quote this because i can't paraphrase this he said that he felt once he got fixated into this alien's eyes he felt quote hammer like blows to his head no chunks of information were being crammed into his mind which he described as thought grams what uh he has never revealed everything the creature said telepathically to him but he did say that the alien quote its race felt sorry for humans because we are largely detached from our spiritual selves and are unaware of the amazing things we can accomplish, which their race already has. I just got total body goosebumps.
Starting point is 00:52:49 I'm not kidding. And then he had a migraine for two weeks. The aliens like, that's not the point. Stop complaining. You're supposed to meditate on that. So take Excedrin. After the surgery,
Starting point is 00:53:01 the creature, I'm almost done by the way. this is, can I, I need to like, what I need to like, that's just fascinating. Yeah, yeah i really am skipping i'm aware of how much i've been talking i'm no no no i'm sorry i'm just like that quote just got me good that's all yeah for the alien to like be coming here because it feels sorry for us and we just keep shooting
Starting point is 00:53:17 them down like such assholes exactly they're like we're trying to help you they were being little samaritans and now you're just like cutting my femur. And now all they want to do is go home, and we're operating and staring at them. No, it's terrible. In the middle of it. So, um. Leave us to our fiery death. We're going to implode the earth anyway. Yeah, we've asked for this.
Starting point is 00:53:34 You came to help, and we said, bang. You can take me, though. I'll go with you. I'll go, for sure. Oh, yeah, we'll go. Uh, so, after surgery, uh, the creature was kept there for two days his body showed signs of completely healing within 24 hours like there was no sign of injury at all or surgery just body was healed which i'm confused by though because for a week he was walking around with like crash injuries
Starting point is 00:54:01 maybe once he knew he was gonna be healing properly it just happens very quickly stay still i don't know maybe once you're already in the healing process that goes really fast but you have to start the healing i don't know i don't know i don't know so there's a loophole there for me yeah you're right you're right it's a good little pocket maybe he just needed some morphine maybe we all do maybe they react differently to drugs i don't know maybe maybe can you imagine what we take over there like on their planet and we just heal in 24 hours oh my god i just look in my eyes and i'm like hell yeah they look in my eyes and i go feel sorry for me yeah pity me so uh after surgery right the creature was kept for two days but on the second night the creature
Starting point is 00:54:44 died out of nowhere no he was becoming my fucking pal wait i liked him so much and he was so just died and scared and when he died they were like okay there's a dead alien body there's the fucking corpse i like how they weren't like oh there's a live alien body they were like oh shit now there's a dead alien body well so then they had to go through this huge military operation to remove the body without any civilians knowing that there was a dead alien in the hospital don't you dare so uh are we gonna get like probably tagged for this i am because men in black really freak me out and especially after i brought them up last time this is gonna come from my ip address and i'm gonna end up with more than a lamp tipped
Starting point is 00:55:23 over in my they're gonna hear my voice and the second they run into me on the street at cheesecake factory they're gonna be like oh man so uh a military witness an anonymous military witness said that s2 or the brazilian army military intelligence division yeah they were responsible for getting the corpse onto a truck and out of the hospital. So they actually had three massive army trucks that they used to avoid even the soldiers knowing which truck had the body on it. So two of them were decoys. The trucks drove to the military facility with the body in it, and they drove to Campinas. And from there, they brought the body to university of campinas because apparently that's the best institution in the country medically and that being said the university has never confirmed that they were involved wow uh they've never said yes or no but i'm gonna
Starting point is 00:56:18 leave their neutral opinion as they were involved classic kendall Classic Kendall move. Mutuality left and right. So for Brazil, they're being way Switzerland. So that's what I always say here, the dead body. So it came from the hospital, then got into the military facility and then got brought to the university. At the university, the body was allegedly very, I say very allegedly because the person does not want to be involved in it. Okay. The body was allegedly autopsied by Dr. Palhares.
Starting point is 00:56:49 Okay. Who is one of the best at operating or performing autopsies and even autopsied Nazi German Mengele. Oh, what? Yes. So if you guys don't know who he is he is just the spawn of all evil like truly just like i would say if not worse than hitler equal to hitler right like just the worst version of a nazi you can imagine really heinous really awful um if you want to not sleep at all go ahead be careful what you google because it's really upsetting it's really uncomfortable very dark so this guy autopsied Mengele which is true god um so like
Starting point is 00:57:30 allegedly that I know also autopsied this alien according to this article I read quite the resume right so he yeah between Nazis and aliens Jesus so uh yeah so he apparently is known for autopsying Mengele, but it's alleged that he autopsied this alien. I really stress the allegedly because apparently I really did some digging on this. But there was a email sent to him in 2012 where one of the reporters was like, hey, what was your involvement in this? And this was his response via email. your involvement in this and this was his response via email okay unfortunately all of the information about the et involving my name are the fruits of fantasy authors and do not deserve any respect from me because they are liars wow in all caps he says i did not and never was called to do absolutely anything with this matter this is nothing concrete reliable and material there is
Starting point is 00:58:21 nothing concrete reliable or material about this uh these stories about the extraterrestrial for me do not deserve credit that is my answer wow okay so from his own mouth he's like he's like i will admit to fucking working on mengale yeah so i just trust me i did not fucking work on this alien interesting okay um for the sake of a story though what a hook it is a good hook but maybe that's exactly why it's used. Yeah. Or maybe he's really good at lying. Who knows?
Starting point is 00:58:48 Who knows? Who's to say? So, and I really am almost done. I'm so sorry about this. Well, don't worry. During transferring the body out of the hospital, as you can imagine, this isn't, like, nobody didn't put blindfolds on and, and like just ignore all of the massive army vehicles going through this town and like their hospital was blocked off and they couldn't use a
Starting point is 00:59:09 whole ward of it can you imagine you go into labor bad day oh my god it's like oh an alien was busy using my bed sorry so uh he's a dead alien in the maternity ward so during the transferring the bottle the body out of this hospital several witnesses obviously saw a lot of military cars and a lot of military trucks some even saw at the sao paulo airport u.s military cargo planes coming in shut the fuck up so it's presumed that they were picking up the craft and any bodies that they've captured. They were like, that's mine. Because if those documents are authentic that Dr. Lear discovered, they do have an agreement with Brazil that anything that falls into Brazil's property is ours. I wonder what Brazil got out of that. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:59:56 Interesting. Okay. Maybe like we don't want this dead alien. Yeah. Maybe they like just take it. I wash my hands from this. Please. But I mean, that is interesting that these documents say that there's that deal.
Starting point is 01:00:07 And then two days later, after all of this alien shit happens and they have a dead one in their hospital, all of a sudden, no reason. A bunch of Americans are flying in military planes. That's very frightening. Were they military planes? There are military cargo planes. Wow. That is spooky. So naturally, like I said, many people in town are wondering where there were so many army cars, firemen, police cars in the hospital, around the city in general, and it couldn't
Starting point is 01:00:28 be hidden that the hospitals were just swarmed with military. Right, there's only so much you can cover up. Yeah, so, and at the same time, rumors are spreading from all the witnesses that there are aliens in this fucking town. Or a devil. Or a devil. Or just like a really smelly. Or like a stinky alien.
Starting point is 01:00:43 The ugliest person you've ever seen. Guys, there's a bunch of uggos walking down the street look out that's why the military american military showed up to take them back to the usa i mean isn't brazil like the most beautiful i mean yeah we must look like fucking trash yeah so anyway imagine you're in a town and there's just nothing but military vehicles. I don't like to imagine that. For all the world to see. And at the same time, you're hearing all these stories about aliens.
Starting point is 01:01:10 It's very, very frightening. So things are fishy. And so they needed to come up with an explanation. And so the hospital representatives denied any involvement, even though there's literally tanks at their fucking hospital. They were probably forced to, right? Probably. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:22 And they said that the military. So this was their explanation originally they said that the military was exhuming a body that needed a lot of legal oversight and then they should have just stuck with that because the next one is so in my opinion fucked up okay but they're another big explanation that not only the hospital started using but ended up being the official government statement was the reason there was a bunch of military vehicles in town and at the hospital was because a little person was giving birth what does that make any fucking sense to you fuck the unexpected well they they did not say little person they said something that was not pc
Starting point is 01:02:06 sure an expectant little person that was the fucking reason that is the best they could come up with they had a they it's like they thought too much on it and they changed their their answer later and it was a worse oh by the way he also had red eyes and wet skin and he was also not a little person and he was not pregnant right what are you talking about he was also not alive by the end of the story right so what in the goddamn world that's so odd so there are other reports within this time frame of uh it's like the most offensive the world's like are you just don't worry it gets more offensive the world's most offensive excuse it gets more offensive don't worry so um while all these military vehicles are in town and rumors of aliens are spreading, there is it got definitely like shoved under the rug because it was so minor compared to the rest of the stuff happening in this town. But there were other reports during this time that there was another dead creature found lying on the side of the road.
Starting point is 01:03:01 And once it was reported, three military trucks arrived with quote unusual haste to collect the body wow so that got swept under the rug but it i mean that's also happening at the same time this hospital thing is happening that's the story for sure and only a couple weeks later after all this the u.s secretary of state and the director of nasa both visited brazil with only with only within like a couple weeks of this happening then there was no reason for them to be involved because a little person's giving birth sorry is that what you're trying to tell me can you imagine being a little person giving birth and nasa shows up i'd be like all right i'd be like tlc is gonna show up because it's already a tv show not nasa what in
Starting point is 01:03:39 the goddamn world i wish nasa would show up for anything i do for real though so uh the next couple of months after january after the january 20 events um animals at the zoo that i mentioned earlier begin to die just no drop dead no wait this is so sad so they started this is a quote they started to die in a very strange way oh god they just died there was no plausible explanation said layla the biologist wow so it wasn't like they all contracted some illness it was like they just died there was no plausible explanation said leila the biologist wow so it wasn't like they all contracted some illness it was like they just died yeah so she ended up sending these dead animal samples to be examined sent them away to go be examined like why are these people dying autopsy guy who did not right autopsy an alien or a head nazi right right got
Starting point is 01:04:20 it uh this is quite a story he so she sent the dead animal samples, and apparently all that they could come up with for the test results was an unknown toxic substance was on them. No. Oh, my God. And each animal, coincidentally, all had blackening in the stomach and intestines. Poor babies. They didn't do anything wrong. And here's another quote. babies they didn't do anything wrong and here's another quote they all had the same symptoms but they were completely different species that ate completely different foods and they were on
Starting point is 01:04:50 different parts of the zoo so it wasn't right so they weren't like it was totally random from each other it was almost like the theory is that if there was a surviving creature in the woods it was in contact with them wow and they were just dropping like flies so less than 30 days after the events here's the other big thing less than 30 days less than a month since remember um marco the secret service military cop um found one in the middle of the road and he was the one that grabbed him with his bare hands oh yeah he strangled him with the seatbelt i remember so he like i said caught him with his bare hands and these animals are all dropping because of skin to skin contact.
Starting point is 01:05:27 What did he do? What happened to him? So because he also grabbed this with his bare hands, he had skin to skin contact and he also just dies with no cause. He's 23. 23? He just drops dead. He was a healthy 23 year old guy.
Starting point is 01:05:43 What the fuck? And within a month what the fuck which is interesting because it was within a month of him touching the creature and the animals were dropping dead within a month of their alien yeah so i wonder if anyone else like in the military died and they just covered it up yeah or if they saw a trend and they're like let's just start making up reasons sure i wonder if the surgeon I guess because he was in surgical gloves. Maybe. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:06:09 He must be like, oh, I'm lucky. He did touch it because he said the skin was wet. But I'm also impressed that anyone that's had any that intense experience with an alien got to survive from the military. Oh, yeah. I just imagine you help them and perform surgery and then they shoot you dead. I mean, we're here like afraid that we're going to get in trouble, let alone we don't even have any involvement. So do you hear that?
Starting point is 01:06:29 We have no involvement. We have no involvement. So Marco, the cop that dropped dead, he went into the ER for back pain and test results came back to show that there was some type of poison. They think they were like something like invading his body, something toxic, toxic causal jesus and so they think maybe it was sepsis wow okay he also went in and out of nowhere it wasn't usually on his body there was a small abscess in his armpit um that they found and so they did an ablation on it and he should have been fine except only hours later he got a fever and began having gradual signs of paralysis wow oh my god and died and his death certificate states that his cause of death
Starting point is 01:07:10 his death was quote toxic substance or an ebola type disease what but there's like ebola isn't just like a standalone thing like that's a a pandemic problem you don't just get ebola and no one else got an eb Ebola-type disease. Not necessarily Ebola. But his death certificate, the full report, was never released to the public. See, that's... Okay. And one of the doctors that was taking care of him, in another
Starting point is 01:07:36 in-depth interview, there was a whole interview I found of them just talking about the medical aspects of his death and what an anomaly it is. And I'm not blazed, so I didn't understand half of what was going on. But they were talking about it like, I don't get it. I don't know how. Really?
Starting point is 01:07:50 Was that? These were some of his quotes. These were like the in plain English things I couldn't understand. Got it. The doctor that worked on him said his state of health deteriorated rapidly and he died in a few hours, although he had been given antibiotics soon after his admission his death had not been clarified his death has not been clarified but still has not been the doctor saying that yeah wow his death has not been clarified it is a strange death without rational explanation we gave him the best antibiotics we had and he did not get better
Starting point is 01:08:17 so there's no reason i wonder if his own family's allowed to see the like or if they really that was in the interview oh really um i don't remember what that was. I remember them having a really tough time getting the files. I think they ended up getting them. Okay, okay. Maybe redacted. Maybe. So in 2006, during an interview with the three girls that witnessed a creature,
Starting point is 01:08:42 three girls that witnessed a creature. Um, they actually came out in 2006 and said that, um, in may, which I guess was like four months later. Yeah. Uh, there were still people approaching them trying to either get comments or
Starting point is 01:08:55 whatnot, and they were going to go do an interview. And before they did an interview, five men showed up at their house. I'm so scared of the men in black. I'm so scared of them. And they were wearing sunglasses. Fun fact.
Starting point is 01:09:10 I mean, seriously. And they offered all three women a deal to deny everything in front of the cameras. The quote is, they wanted us to deny what we had seen in front of a camera and they would pay us. What? When they were asked how much they were off like when this reporter said like oh how much were you offered um they didn't release the value of how much they were offered but they said it was enough to leave brazil wow so they were like we will literally pay you off to get out of this country yeah wowza like just run away from the story what gave them the bravery to come back
Starting point is 01:09:42 in 2006 be like well so they were pressured with phone calls from them every day, and their mom started getting followed. Oh, no. And they had no idea who these men were. They never got names from these men or anything. So they decided they were going to go on TV and call these people out, which is fucking brave, because I would think that's a direct recipe for getting your mom killed. But apparently, by calling them out in public apparently they never saw the men again i guess if you if they then died or mysteriously went missing like that stirs up more exactly it was like oh if we call you out now then
Starting point is 01:10:15 at least if we go missing people people know what happened so uh you guys watch the buzzfeed unsolved about men in black it is so scary i watched that's what i was watching my dumb ass started watching that after the table flipped over oh no why did i do that i don't know okay sorry go on so the even the fact that the men left them alone throughout their entire life they've still been harassed by media they've been made fun of one of them had to quit school and couldn't leave her house for a long time one of them was actually pregnant during the event like during seeing the alien and was teased for the rest of her life that them was actually pregnant during the event, like during seeing the alien and was teased for the rest of her life that she was carrying the creature's baby.
Starting point is 01:10:49 And it made her so paranoid and lose her mind that her husband left her. No. And then another, the other one said, only bad things came from this. I will not speak about it. God, that's horrible. I mean, you can't even go into it. What are you going to say to a therapist? Like, oh, I saw this.
Starting point is 01:11:03 And they're like, oh, you have schizophrenia. Like, I mean, who's going to believe that? Well, also, they did. The only thing that they all agreed on still is that they believe what they saw. And in numerous interviews, they've always said the exact same details. Like their stories never changed. It's always telling when the people like this aren't going out and like, going on book tours and signing things and making a shit ton of money. They're like, we don't want to talk about it. Right. because that just disproves the theory that they're just looking for our fame so ever since the beginning there have been original reports that have gathered media
Starting point is 01:11:32 coverage worldwide including wall street journal actually covered this really um and it's still one of the biggest ufo cases in brazil the brazilian government of course has denied any claims of extraterrestrial biological entities so apparently ebes are what they called in brazil spooky so instead of elf ebe uh and theorists accuse the government obviously of a cover-up even my favorite a canadian-based ufo expert says that the town and and it's like uh the town and whole has the makings of a, quote, cosmic water gate. Stop it. Because it's such an intense cover up from the government.
Starting point is 01:12:10 Wow. So there's also been, I guess, an argument is there is a lack of reliable sources because so many people are anonymous that you can't follow up with anybody. Sure. There's no physical evidence except a Spock shaped footprint. Right. anybody sure there's no physical evidence except a spock shaped footprint right and uh that being said a lot of rumors to this day are that even though some of the aliens got captured a lot of them escaped into the nearby forest and they are still out there stop it that is so frightening to me uh like i said i mean i guess not because they were nice no i mean they seemed fine like they
Starting point is 01:12:40 seem like so peaceful worried about that i'm more worried about what the government's gonna do uh dr lear like i said published a book called ufo crash in brazil it has all the interviews with military officials hospital surgeons witnesses and the town itself town v because i don't know what to say uh it became a tourist town for obviously for obvious reasons sure became a tourist town for aliens so it's even erected a ufo shaped water tower in honor of the event and it has support groups now known as abductees anonymous and a research organization called operation right to know wow okay with over 100 to 200 eyewitnesses having reported seeing aliens during that day wow and uh they say this is the only case where having so many eyewitness testimonies is actually damaging to the case.
Starting point is 01:13:29 They say that eyewitness overkill has caused people to not believe in the case, which is so ironic because all you ever want is eyewitness testimonies. And now they have so many. Sure. It's unbelievable. Right. Truly unbelievable. Because if it's one person, you're like, oh, they made it up. Right.
Starting point is 01:13:42 But they're saying hundreds of people have a story. I mean, it's interesting. And I bet you there are plenty of people who come in and say, I saw it too. And like, they're full of shit. And they're probably ruining it for everybody else. Well, apparently since then, this town has is rumored to also be like a breeding ground for all paranormal stuff now. So like people just see things all the time now. Oh, for real. So it really might actually be Brazil's Roswell because there's always ufo stories happening strong enough to like kill zoo
Starting point is 01:14:06 animals and right with one touch right like who knows what the energy did um in 2010 of the official statement from the brazilian military this is the really fucked up part the sisters i'm gonna say my version first and then i'm gonna tell you what they said okay they said they were trying to give an explanation for like what the girls really saw that day so the military was the military was like okay well what did all three of these girls at one time sure and they said it was a homeless mentally unstable man that was that's what they said the alien that's in in a nice way what they said they nicknamed him marine ho which which means muddy because apparently there was a specific homeless mentally unstable man that they were referring to in the town who is
Starting point is 01:14:54 not mentally unstable he was a homeless man who is deaf and mute and his name is louise antonio de paula except they call him Little Luis. Stop. And because he is, he never really learned how to communicate with people or he had trouble communicating with people. They never learned to communicate with him. Exactly. They decided to start calling him mentally unstable. And they also called him Mudino for muddy because he was often seen outside in the streets, filthy and wet. Jesus. So a lot of
Starting point is 01:15:27 sadness to that that's really a lot of sadness yeah that's really tragic um but at the same time everyone defended him they were like that's not fucking him like we know who this guy is in our town like we're locals he's a local we see him all the time pointing at somebody that we already like they just literally like some horrible person probably and like secret service military was like we need a crutch we need to fall back on someone let's just blame this guy who literally cannot speak for himself i mean yeah let's just make him the bad guy so nobody thinks that there's aliens just say oh the dumb little girls just saw him and exactly didn't know any better like but even the girls have said like we've had communication with him like we, we see him all the time.
Starting point is 01:16:06 He looks nothing like them. They also had the fucking nerve to say that he was not only mentally unstable, but physically deformed. And he's not. For God's sake. They kept saying, oh, that's why he looked like this. Because he was us. Oh, that's why.
Starting point is 01:16:17 Because he has three horns. Yeah. They kept having to, like, make up more excuses about how horrible and atrocious this guy was. This poor guy. Jesus. He, like, did fucking nothing wrong. Of course not.
Starting point is 01:16:25 So they also said that the military trucks that were all throughout the town were just operating their normal routine. Okay, normal my ass. It was normal routine. And to this day, the authorities maintain that the military did not pick up any bodies and deny any involvement.
Starting point is 01:16:39 And an exact quote is, I can't tell you. They basically said, I can't tell you what happened this at all that week when it comes to the girls and anyone who witnessed anything. But I can tell you what happened in the military that week. And this is their quote. All that happened that weekend were new inductees to a sergeant's training school went on parade and a truck convoy was driven to a repair shop. Concurrently at the town hospital, trucks were delivering new cardiovascular equipment and an ambulance dropped off an exhumed corpse, a human body officials insist. So where's the little person giving birth?
Starting point is 01:17:09 So they keep thinking like, oh, this is a better answer than the last one. So eventually, like, they're just making up a bunch of answers. Oh, we forgot the internet exists and people can write this shit down. original girls that saw the alien that day has recently converted to a very conservative religion and now dismisses the entire incident as quote youthful folly interesting and in 2012 there was one guy named anthony brasilla brasilia and he has a blog called the brasilia files and somehow he was involved in this although i don't know how But he wrote a really damaging blog about how it was entirely a hoax, saying, quote, a decade and a half later, it can now be released that the entire Town V extraterrestrial affair was a hoax based on child hysteria and on the sightings of the deformed.
Starting point is 01:17:58 So those are the only two things that people ever almost took seriously. But other than that, a majority of the town is like fuck that this is such an alien ridden town and we saw everything died yes elephants died little people were born or little people were pregnant who knows that explains everything listen i thought that was just the i could not think of a dumber explanation like okay someone had a baby that was why'd you have to make it a little person i could right right like i could that has nothing to do with it i could make up i mean you could literally say oh we were bringing in machinery because uh there was a first difficult surgery exhumed body
Starting point is 01:18:35 that needed legal oversight and the cardiovascular equipment being shipped were both wonderful ideas why'd you have to throw in that garbage one and make it your official statement what a weird anyway that's the end i know this was such a long fucking story guys i'm so sorry i hope you're on like a long ass road trip or something guess what guys eva's like i'm editing this on the plane she's probably like already landed by now eva i'm so i'm just kidding i'm so sorry so i could talk about this forever though that was a full-blown hour-long story i'm glad we're going to launch up this or dinner after this because i need to talk about this more this is this is what happens when i try to do something that's going to be straightforward and it's the most complicated thing i've ever read it's wild i mean honestly
Starting point is 01:19:11 like the thing it's gonna stick with me forever the thing where he looked in his eyes and he telepathically said i feel sorry for the human race and you know so the thing that makes a lot of this not believable for me is like i I said earlier, so many websites only catered to one part of the story. So it's like I got a lot of like I got a lot of really good information, but I only got it one time at one place. Like I only got that piece of information where he was like in a trance with an alien. I only got that on one website. I see. Like there's no consistent, frequent confirmation of any of this. I see. Okay. Like there's no consistent frequent confirmation of any of this.
Starting point is 01:19:46 I see. So. Wow. It was really putting a lot of pieces together in a jigsaw. I mean, listen, when you go into the Akashic records, I'm just saying there are alien races that are part of. I believe that a thousand percent. The greater book of life.
Starting point is 01:20:00 That's all I'm saying. And I know you're going to go, these are all going to be like, she's crazy, but. I believe that. That's all I'm saying. And I know you're going to go, these are all going to be like, she's crazy, but I believe that. That's just bananas. Um, I'm so, I'm so sorry. That took so long. Why are you apologizing? I feel like all of it needed to be heard though. I mean, it did. Please tell me about our murder. I'm dying to hear about it. I just want to keep talking about aliens, but okay. We're going to dinner, homie. We can talk about it all you want.
Starting point is 01:20:22 This is going to happen again. Cause I got recognized talking about missing persons cases. Now we're going to dinner, homie. We can talk about all you want. This is going to happen again because I got recognized talking about missing persons cases. Now we're going to be recognized as aliens. Like, we literally are so on brand in real life. We really are. Okay. Time for my story. Finally.
Starting point is 01:20:36 We've all been waiting. Oh, man. I was very impressed in that. That did not feel like an hour to me. That's very nice of you to say. I'm serious. I was aware that every time I was like, oh, I'm almost done, I was like, I thought I was almost done. And then I'd scroll and I was like, oh, I hadn't looked at everything that was coming up.
Starting point is 01:20:50 I was thoroughly engrossed in that, and I'm going to ask you more questions later. Woohoo! At the risk of getting, you know. Scared and then staying here alone tonight. Well, I was going to say getting threatened by the government and or men in black, but also that. I mean, we really do put ourselves out there. It's very easy for the government to decide if they hate us or not. Sometimes I think that but then I'm like, I mean, there are people online who are making like way more intense accusations and things that that's true. If I'm just reporting
Starting point is 01:21:15 things you could find on Google anyway, I must not be that threatening. And like, we don't know. It's very clear. We don't make any of that up. It must have come from somewhere. Right. Okay. Sorry. So here is the thing. When I was at lunch with my friend Devin and... Talking about Brian. Talking about whether Bryce... Bryce. I was like, who's Brian? You know, that guy.
Starting point is 01:21:37 You know. Whether Bryce Lesbises was missing or not. I mean, one of my favorite topics, obviously. Yes. So I sat down with my friend and she goes oh i have a story for you and i was like oh really like a suggestion and she's like yeah it's about my aunt and i was like oh my god no big deal all right and i was like oh okay like i'm thinking it would just be kind of like a listener story right right but it's like a legit
Starting point is 01:22:02 thing it's a legit thing and hope you do it justice i know believe me i asked like 4 000 times are you sure i can cover this wow okay um basically all devon told me at the beginning was oh my aunt was accused of murder and i was like when she was 17 in high school and i was like jesus oh dear okay tell me more and so she did and then she's like oh let me google and see what else i can find and she was like even she was like oh holy shit like i didn't know some of this stuff oh cool so we learned sorry well sorry she's fine okay so okay this is the story of the murder of kirsten costas kirsten costas so uh after my lovely lunch with uh devin where becca was like i heard you talking about this and i was like spoiler alert you're gonna hear it again next sunday um i went home
Starting point is 01:22:54 and looked this up and there were only a couple smaller podcasts that have done this and then one bigger one uh once upon a crime covered this story and so i listened to that then um it was on a couple episodes of on investigation discovery like several of their series it just kind of they covered it like a deadly women and um uh it's called oh god i mentioned it later but it's like the 80 the 1980s the deadliest decade or some shit like that yeah yeah they have a lot of these ain't that the truth super fun shows so it was featured on a couple of those anyway that's where i got my info so this takes place in uh 1984 so we're in the 80s the deadliest decade
Starting point is 01:23:33 right on uh can you just say that about any decade whatever it doesn't matter i mean i feel like the 70s and 80s were the worst really i feel like murder rates just keep going up i don't think that murder rates have i feel like that i feel like the 70s and 80s were the worst. Really? I feel like murder rates just keep going up. I don't think that murder rates have dipped. I feel like the 70s and 80s, though, had the most notorious names attached to them. That's probably true, but it's also we have distance from it. Like, I wonder in 30 years if there are people who are active now that will, like... That's true. But, I mean, you're right.
Starting point is 01:23:59 I just feel like I think, like, when I think of, quote, serial killers... Right. Everyone that I name is from either the 70s or 80s. Yeah, I guess that's true. But I mean, there was also Jack the Ripper, who was like 100 years before. So I mean, I just think there was a concentration of them. Yeah, like big names. That's true.
Starting point is 01:24:18 Like Ted Bundy, Pogo the Clown, Jeffrey Dahmer. Yeah. They all happen to be in the same. I wonder who ours will be someday because there are active serial killers now interesting I wonder if they'll have the same notoriety no you're right I mean you're totally right um I didn't think about it that way so uh we're back in high school my nightmare thank god you're like yay I'm like no no no no no I did not have a good time um we're at Miramonte high in orinda california
Starting point is 01:24:45 and orinda is an affluent suburb in the bay area um and at this high school so like picture classic 80s high school uh most popular group obviously the cheerleaders i'm thinking degrassi because that's the show allison and i are currently binging now that charmed is over oh you went with degrassi interesting listen don't even get me me started. I have been obsessed with Degrassi for a long time, but I never started with like the prequel shows. Interesting. So I know I was one of those people, but my mom had like all my children in general hospital. So I needed my own set of stories. Sure. So I got into Degrassi when I got my wisdom teeth out. I see. And then I continued through it when I got my tonsils out. And so I have just been through your painful moments in life well I yeah I just
Starting point is 01:25:29 love so now through Allison's foot injury exactly I have to suffer so now so does she with Degrassi but we're having a blast that because I never watched the prequel ones because it started in the 70s or 80s yeah did it really no i didn't know that it's truly a soap opera for teenagers but now i know that i didn't know it's from the 70s i don't care that i'm 27 i'm still gonna watch it yeah i mean but uh yeah so it started with grace anatomy still going strong it started with degrassi junior high well it started with like five other things first but the one that we're starting with is degrassi junior high that's thrilling i don't know anything and then there's the grassy high we're gonna okay you're gonna hear about it for the rest of your life so anyway we're at the grassy no so we're at
Starting point is 01:26:08 miramonte high in the it's important you have to know the facts miramont miramont miramonte high miramonte and the most important people at this high school are the cheerleaders very sounds very degrassi so far sounds very uh stereotypical princess diaries but okay that's my childhood reference okay so Mandy Moore so far um so I'm gonna tell you about Kirsten Costas she is this beautiful popular fun it girl uh she's like the queen bee cheerleading squad etc everyone wants to be like her very mandy moore you get the idea um she's also a member of this popular clique at school called the bob o links you know for being so popular you'd have a cooler name or the bobbies there it is there it is um so they're called the bobbies and it's sort of like a mean girls squad. They were described basically as a high school sorority.
Starting point is 01:27:07 They're considered the coolest girls in school by everyone except a select few, one of whom is my- Was Christine. Well. I would have been the same way. We would have both been like, look at those fucking Bobbies over there. I think I just would have cried in the corner. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:27:20 I would have been listening to My Chemical Romance. Anyway, sorry to interrupt. One of whom was my friend devon's aunt oh nancy cane okay so nancy was raised in a pretty well-off family uh as the youngest of four like rode horses you know the family was in the country club etc but as she got older she turned down the whole bobby lifestyle even though she had known uh kirsten since middle school and she adopted this sort of what she turned down the whole Bobby lifestyle, even though she had known Kirsten since middle school. And she adopted this sort of what she described as a new wave lifestyle.
Starting point is 01:27:49 She said it's not goth. It was like new wave. She dyed her hair. She smoked a lot of pot. She listened to Duran Duran. Like, oh, she sounds like a fun person. Now she'd be cool. Like the tables have turned.
Starting point is 01:28:00 Right. You know, like now that's kind of the cool person, I guess, who like knows the band and the music and stuff. But at the time, like she was an outcast. She was in this very preppy school and like did not fit in. And that's how she wanted it. So that was Nancy. However, there is this other freshman who more than anything wanted to be part of the popular crowd. Her name was Bernadette Protty. She's super cute and goes to high school. Her family, you know, her dad's an engineer. Like, they have enough money to be in the neighborhood, but they're not as rich as some of the other families.
Starting point is 01:28:33 And she kind of develops, like, this complex about feeling lesser than than the other popular girls, you know. And she's, like, sort of a friend, but kind of, like, an ancillary part of the group. Got it, got it, got it. She, like, tries too hard to fit into this group. Olive's coming to say hi. Just hanging out in my lap. Olive, you want to say hi? Here.
Starting point is 01:28:54 Here. What's this? Olive. Oh, thank you for the kisses. Sweetie girl. What about that? Kisses. Yay.
Starting point is 01:29:04 Oh, boy. Sorry sorry back to murder so um Bernadette prod I heard both proddy and proddy and I heard both Kirsten and Kirsten so I don't know technically which one's correct but Bernadette proddy um she's has this complex really wants to be popular unlike Nancy who's just like fuck that i don't want to be part of that sure so there's cheerleading tryouts taking place 1984 um obviously kirsten makes it on the squad uh but bernadette tries she might did not get a spot on this cheerleading squad and she is devastated because she was like that's my ticket into the right right kids um so it doesn't stop there she tried out for a yearbook club which which I guess was also really exclusive. Didn't make it into yearbook. She just can't catch a break.
Starting point is 01:29:47 She can't catch a break. She's not in with this group of girls. And when she's on a class ski trip with all the girls, the Bobbies, Kirsten kind of makes an offhanded comment about her skis being like crummy because she brought like older skis and all the girls have like brand new equipment and yada yada. Sure. crummy because she brought like older skis and all the girls have like brand new equipment and yada yada sure and bernadette like takes this extremely personally and as like a slight because it's like hits her at her you know sensitive point of like i don't have as much money as these people and i'm not i don't fit in um so she's just developing this insane complex and no matter how hard she tries she cannot fit in completely like she's not like totally out but
Starting point is 01:30:23 she's just kind of that outsider sure um so she begins to direct her resentment especially after the ski trip and jealousy toward one person in particular kirsten costas and she becomes obsessed just like like all her rage and envy are being like directed at kirsten because she's kind of like the epitome the symbol of all the stuff that she can't have um so it's summer break it's june of 1984 and kirsten is off at cheerleading camp uh with the other girls at saint mary's college and on june 22nd 1984 the day before kirsten is meant to return from camp uh kirsten's mom gets a phone call and it's from one of kirsten's classmates and the girl says hey i'm a member of the Bobbies.
Starting point is 01:31:06 And the fact that you can address yourself like that. Oh, yeah. It was like a well-known thing. So she's like, I am a member of the Bobbies. I'm a friend of Kirsten's. And there's a secret initiation dinner party tomorrow for all the Bobble links. And it's tomorrow night. And I'm going to pick up Kirsten and we're gonna go to
Starting point is 01:31:26 this dinner and so kirsten's mom's like okay i'll let her know and she'll be ready for the dinner uh little does kirsten's mom know that the girl on the line is not a member of the bobbies nor is she a friend of kirsten's she is bernadette yeah so i, truly like the Lifetime movie. That night, June 23rd, Kirsten waited alone at home for her ride to this top secret dinner party. Her mom said, oh, you got a call from a friend. She didn't say her name, but, you know, you're becoming initiated. A Bobby. Yeah, exactly. So meanwhile, Bernadette asked her dad to drop her off at a nearby babysitting gig.
Starting point is 01:32:03 And she says, can you leave the car? It's a yellow Pinto. She says, can you leave the car? It's a yellow Pinto. She says, can you leave the car? Because I'd rather drive myself home later. And her dad's like, okay, and walked home and left her with the car. So as soon as he leaves, rather than go babysit, which was bullshit, she took her dad's car, drove to the Costa's house and honked and waited for Kirsten to come out. Apparently when Kirsten saw her uh she was dressed
Starting point is 01:32:25 up for the party she walks out she sees bernadette driving and she goes oh it's you because like she was not expecting this girl right right like really you're the person taking me to this dinner party so she's like oh it's you um and this is all from bernadette's perspective so we don't technically know if that's what she said but sure it was known throughout the school that you've been like you're the ugliest thing i've ever seen or it could have been like hi how are you i'm let's go together like we don't know but uh it is it hasn't been made pretty clear that like kirsten wasn't she wasn't like super nasty like bully but she had a tendency like off-putting well no i mean she like she was the most popular girl she wasn't like off-putting but she had a way to like make people feel inferior like she could put
Starting point is 01:33:12 people down like classic like classic yeah right right exactly um so anyway uh so she picks her up yada yada uh she's gets in the car anyway she's like, okay, I guess if you're my ride, that's fine. And they start driving. After some time in the car together, Bernadette confesses, by the way, there is no dinner party. Oh, God. Kirsten's like, wait, what? She said it was just a ruse to get you out of the house so we could go to a party together. And Kirsten's like, okay.
Starting point is 01:33:46 get you out of the house so we could go to a party together and kirsten's like okay um and at some point it's unclear what exactly happened but bernadette pulls the car over and they start to argue okay and uh at this point bernadette is like kirsten wanted me to do drugs with her and all of kirsten's friends are like she's never even smoked pot like she that doesn't make sense and why would she want to do drugs with you after she just said like it didn't make sense so that was kind of what she said happened it's not like oh it's you let's do drugs yeah let's smoke pot in the church parking lot it was like Bernadette's way of explaining why they pulled over but she said all we know is that Bernadette did pull over they got into an argument and Kirsten like not wanting to be there anymore told Bernadette she was weird and said she would tell everyone at school what had happened.
Starting point is 01:34:29 And then she stormed out of the car and she rang the doorbell of a house on Orchard Road, which is where they had stopped. And it was the house of a couple of friends of her parents. So she knew this couple, their name was Alexander and Mary Jane Arnold. So Kirsten's like, oh, I know know that that family i'm gonna ring their doorbell so uh alexander arnold opens a door and he said kirsten appeared tense and she said my friend got weird on me um can i use your phone to call my parents so they're like sure yeah and they see bernadette on the sidewalk behind her and they're like yeah okay come in like you can use our phone uh her parents didn't answer the phone so mr arnold's
Starting point is 01:35:04 like why don't i drive you home to make sure you get back safely so on the way he's like there's this car following us it's this yellow pinto and kirsten's like don't worry about it my friend's just like being weird and like i'm just i just want to go home right so when they reach her block her parents car was still gone so she's like you know what my neighbors are home i'll go wait with them she thanks mr arnold and he says i'm going to wait in the car to make sure you get inside safely. That's nice. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:29 So Kirsten gets out of the car. She starts walking toward her neighbor's house. Unfortunately, Bernadette had, uh, had been waiting for her. Oh no. Uh, as Kirsten approached her neighbor's porch, Bernadette jumped out of the bushes and stabbed Bernadette with a foot-long butcher knife oh my god uh kirsten managed to like get away and run across the street to another neighbor's house it's also nighttime at this point so mr arnold can sort
Starting point is 01:35:54 of see that these two girls are like fighting but he can't tell like that she got fucking stabbed exactly like he can't tell he he later said he thought it was like a fist fight or something um and all he sees is kirsten's running across the street to another neighbor's house. And he can't really see where they are at this point. She runs up to the door. She's banging and screaming for help. But before anybody can open the door, Bernadette comes up behind her, stabs her five times, twice in her back, twice in her chest. She had a 15 inch wound that had penetrated her left arm, chest, and left lung.
Starting point is 01:36:28 Oh, my God. The wounds in her back punctured her right lung, passed through her diaphragm, and lacerated her liver. But even though her lungs had been stabbed in her diaphragm, she was still able to scream for help. She was screaming, help me, help me, I've been stabbed, and then collapsed. And at this point and the neighbor who had you know hadn't been able to get out on time uh his name's arthur hillman he came out and
Starting point is 01:36:51 he saw basically bernadette dying on his doorstep and he calls an ambulance so uh an ambulance is called and kirsten's family falls into the hospital but unfortunately her wounds were fatal and she passed away at 11 02 p p.m. that night. And so obviously, Alexander Arnold was like a witness. So was this Arthur guy. Also, he he saw her running away and like them fighting, but he didn't stop it. He actually followed Bernadette because he saw her jump in the car and he thought they had just been fist fighting. He sees her jump in the car. And so he followed her to like that was just his instinct
Starting point is 01:37:25 was like i see where she's going away yeah and he said as he's driving he was suddenly like shit i need to go check on her to make sure she's okay not knowing she'd been stabbed but thinking like they'd gotten into a fight right so yeah he actually had followed her and then drove back different good good thoughts right like he right yes misdirected a little bit but at the same time like at that point good intentions it didn't seem like much could have helped her anyway unfortunately um so witnesses including alexander arnold described the girl that she was with as a round-faced blonde wearing a yellow shirt and faded red sweatpants driving off in a mustard yellow pinto um but even with that description the community like could not wrap their head around what had happened they were like who could have done such a thing um with the like
Starting point is 01:38:09 the insane extreme amount of violence they were like this had to be someone on drugs or like who could have done such a violent act um it couldn't be one of our own and so while investigators are going through kirsten's friends like clearing them one by one uh rumors begin swirling at miramonte high where people are just trying to figure out who did this and one name kept coming up and that name was nancy cane no oh your friend's aunt my friend's aunt uh and she had made it clear she was actually interviewed on a couple of these shows so like that's also why devon was like i think you can share it because she's talked about it herself on tv um but she she made it clear she didn't like that whole crowd she said the scene bored her she wasn't a fan of kirsten and so people zeroed in on that and were like well she's one of her
Starting point is 01:38:54 enemies she's on she's a druggie like she's a oh my god she's an outcast you know so obviously they looked at her as their quote-unquote suspect so these rumors are swirling and police pick up on this and they're like, okay, well we should investigate Nancy if everyone else thinks she did it. Right. So they ask if she'd take a lie detector test. Her parents refuse to allow,
Starting point is 01:39:16 allow it, which only arouses more suspicion, which sucks. Cause like you can't win. Like you either take it, you don't take it. You're so brave. Right.
Starting point is 01:39:24 You're so brave to take it yeah fuck off right and she's like i have nothing to do with this no but so that aroused more suspicion uh it also didn't help that she had been so outspoken about disliking kirsten and the bobbies and had actually written in her journal about kirsten i want to see her blood drip oh that's not good and she's like that was just me being like a badass and whatever but obviously it's not a good sign it does not work well it doesn't bode well when someone has been stabbed right yeah um and so this is all happening over summer break but like in this small community uh nancy is just being like completely targeted by the whole community by the police right like it's just
Starting point is 01:40:00 tears her family apart it's awful um on the first day back of school september 4th 1984 nancy doesn't show up to school um and in the eyes of everyone all her classmates are like that means she did it she's not here but like in reality she said she just wasn't like she said i want to be there pulled her out of school they were like you need to move elsewhere so exactly um so what they didn't know though is that nancy had an alibi she had actually been at her boyfriend's house and the alibi checked out completely so she couldn't go back to school because uh you know all the hatred and accusations and bullying but um she moved to a new high school for a fresh start and because their one lead that they had didn't pan out now the investigation had
Starting point is 01:40:40 come to another standstill and it continued to stall so for six months bernadette was able to hide her secret but then the police were like we need some help we're gonna call the fbi oh and the fbi had a cool new technique called profiling oh cool yeah and i've been watching a lot of criminal minds um you watch uh what is it to grassy junior high to grassy i watched uh criminal minds uh I've been watching a lot of Criminal Minds which is like what they do the BAU behavioral analysis unit oh you know I uh that was one of the things I wanted to study in college but they didn't have a they only had a criminology concentration for sociology womp I know but I wanted to be like a
Starting point is 01:41:21 behavioral analyst that would have been so cool it's one of my favorite things also speaking of which watch mind hunter if you haven't because it's so good it's exactly about how they develop that um and how you know it wasn't like believed as it was you know considered bunk science back in the day but then they use oh my god it's just the best show watch mind hunter okay anyway so they're like you know what? The FBI is going to do a profile. It's pretty new at this point, but they're going to do it. And it took three months to come up with a profile. But when it arrived, it was 14 pages long. It was extremely in depth.
Starting point is 01:41:56 Yeah. It was insanely in depth, like very specific. And basically, so the knife, the stabbing indicated a great deal of personal anger, which I mean, we've heard before, which is different psychologically than shooting a person. Typically, it's more intimate, very intimate. So basically, it said, I'm serious. This is literally what the report said. It said the perpetrator would come from a family with six children. I know a Catholic family. The crime had most likely been committed by a friend of the victim. And then just 14 pages of this. And when they revisited the list of Kirsten's friends, because they were like, okay, someone who knew her, there was only one person who matched this entire profile. Shut up.
Starting point is 01:42:37 Completely. So it's like being a fucking psycho. fully just nailed it yeah pegged her completely but they were like bernadette already like she had passed a lie detector test they had checked her out like she was she wasn't even on their radar because she had just completely like passed with flying colors she had passed a lie detector she is so mad that profiling would had just been invented i know unlucky timing for her um so nancy kane was interviewed on this uh investigation discovery show the the deadliest decade show the 1980s uh and the episode is called the cheerleader murder in case you're wondering of course and it's like tv sounds like a lifetime tv's dream well it actually was a
Starting point is 01:43:18 lifetime thing i will tell you about it yeah uh so she described bernadette so they were like what did like what did you think of bernadette when you found out about this and she said bernadette so they were like what did like what did you think of bernadette when you found out about this and she said bernadette was smart kind mild-mannered non-threatening um that's like how everyone had seen her so this was like completely mind-boggling yeah um so she actually like uh bernadette had gone to the funeral um she had gone back to school like normal she hadn't been acting weird she was hanging out with the bobbies like everything had seemed normal what's even more chilling is that nancy and uh and bernadette had actually spent a lot the whole summer going through catechism classes together
Starting point is 01:43:55 which like catholic catholic teaching so like side by side this whole time while nancy's being like targeted by and she knows someone i mean and she's like side by side with the person who actually did it what a murderer's dream though i imagine to like totally be off the hook and get so be so close so you can watch someone else getting totally getting like pinned for it pinned for your problems and also like to be the backdrop of catholic teaching like it's so weird to me that like they're literally learning the ten commandments and fresh out of a movie and one of the sacraments is literally not murder well no well one of the ten commandments is but one of the sacraments is sacraments is um is um reconciliation so like literally confessing your sins and they're learning this well it's just wild yeah so it really is like a movie like made for tv so there's also this blog that like devon and i found yes or the other day called bernadette
Starting point is 01:44:46 proddy exposed and this person basically just like spends their time blogging about this case and trying to like keep uh someone's super invested in it yeah and she keeps tries to keep kirsten's memory alive and um so she actually interviewed nancy kane my friend's aunt and so we read this interview um and this is where she kind of described like I was she was like, I was so pissed. Like we just spent the whole summer together and like I was being taught I was going through hell all summer getting, you know, interrogated and like attacked by the community. And like she's next to me the whole time, just acting cool and cool, calm, collected. next to me the whole time just acting cool and cool calm collected so uh because of all of this and because of her behavior when she'd been interviewed like passing a lie detector police were like baffled um she had that alibi that she'd been at the babysitting gig and because she had
Starting point is 01:45:35 passed the lie detector they just kind of like said okay but they had never actually asked looked into it yeah so they had dismissed her as a suspect but since the fbi report was like well that's her like our science says that so you figure it out so they were like i guess we got to do more digging so turns out uh the babysitting gig was bullshit as we already know um the family she claimed she was babysitting for which like was so easy to debunk such an obvious lie and she just fucking got through it she said oh i was babysitting for them and they were like she hasn't babysat for us in over a year so like it was just total bullshit but like they didn't look amazing how like the police are like we're doing the best we can and it's like are you such one single thing like she probably was shocked she got away with
Starting point is 01:46:19 that because i mean i would be it's a blatant lie for everything that she's done i'd be like i can't that is what is saving my life. Exactly. And the family was like, wait, what? Like, no. You know, they were like, we do not have anything to do with this. So they interview her again. They bring her in and they're like, OK, listen, this is the report on you.
Starting point is 01:46:38 Like your alibis bullshit. But she does not crack. And they expect a 15 year old girl to like break down and be like, I did it, whatever. Especially when they put FBI pressure on her. But she just does not crack. And they don't have any physical evidence. So they're like, okay, go home. So she goes home.
Starting point is 01:46:54 A couple days later, on her way out the door for school, Bernadette tells her mom, I left you a note. I wrote it and I left it on the kitchen counter. But I want you to wait 30 minutes to read it so i have time to run she leaves goes to school leave her mother is not like our mothers sets a 30 minute timer oh my god i'm like i would be like i was like well that's bullshit i'm gonna go look at it right now yeah like oh okay honey like you're right fucking immediately but no so the mom literally sets a 30 minute egg timer wait that's the difference between my parenting and probably allison's parenting i imagine she'll be like oh well they said 30 minutes oh my god and we'll be like we'll be
Starting point is 01:47:34 like literally the worst thing has happened whatever whatever my brain went to immediately i have something to say to you why don't you sit here and stew while you think about what i could possibly have to say i mean oh, oh, God. So that was like shocking to me that any mother would wait 30 minutes. Not that I'm blaming her at all. But I'm just saying like, that's amazing that somebody had the someone actually listened to their child and had the discipline and self control. I don't I don't know her. What's that about? Yeah, so clearly we were not raised that way. But yeah, so she waited 30 minutes and then reads the note. that way um but yeah so she waited 30 minutes and then reads the note the note says and i quote dear mom and dad the fbi man thinks i did it and he is right i've been able to live with it for a
Starting point is 01:48:13 while but i can't ignore it i'm even worse than words can describe and i hate myself don't ask why because i don't understand this and i don't know why i'm sorry so now at this point i'm listening i'm reading the story or listening to the story and i'm like oh why i'm sorry so now at this point i'm listening i'm reading the story or listening to the story and i'm like oh my gosh did she like go take her own life like this story i mean it's very scary i feel like it sounds like it's she's on her way to like i'm gonna go in my life because i can't bear the pain especially if she yeah and she's like wait 30 minutes for me to leave like so that freaked me out but apparently she was at school like literally just went to class she was like just wait so you don't chase me down the street that must have been what it was like let me get out of the house before you read it which
Starting point is 01:48:48 i guess i mean okay some sense so um her mom and dad pick her up at school and then what did she expect was gonna happen i think that she was like waiting she was like okay and they took her into the sheriff's office and she immediately said yep i did it here's the note um i was too scared to tell their tell it to their faces which i mean i understand that but like so she confessed full had a full breakdown so that's when they were like she finally had like that meltdown yeah that they were waiting for because she had been so like and i actually was talking to devon about this how interesting because at first it seems like she passed a lie detector like she must have sociopath like right you know she must have sociopathic tendencies if she can be so cool, calm, and collected.
Starting point is 01:49:27 But the fact that she, like, had so much guilt inside her that she had to confess. Maybe she just was in, like, total denial. Yeah, I don't, yeah, she must have just shut off or something. I don't know. So I just thought that was really wild. So she had a full breakdown. She was charged with first degree murder. She was charged with first degree murder.
Starting point is 01:49:45 And when the trial began, the courtroom overflowed. This was like a crazy spectacle because this is a wealthy, quiet, you know, I think in the episode of the Once Upon a Crime that I listened to, they were like, it's like the, I don't know, 14th safest neighbor. It's one of those statistics where it's like, oh, it's the happiest. It would never happen here. Right, right. Exactly. And like her parents had moved there to raise their family in a very, like, beautiful, safe place. That's the irony. Which is just crazy.
Starting point is 01:50:09 So that's obviously why this became such a spectacle. On the stand, Bernadette described what she had done, luring Kirsten out of the house with the fake invitation. And then she explained her motivation. So I'm just going to read to you, like, literally what was going through her head when she why she murdered kirsten she said i had a lot of inferiority feelings and really bad feelings about myself i lost for cheerleader and i didn't get the club i wanted and i didn't get on the yearbook staff the things that got me mad i couldn't change like looks or money or popularity or things like that and so for as for the actual crime she explained i was afraid she
Starting point is 01:50:45 was going to tell everybody i was really weird i thought oh my god everything's gone wrong she's going to tell everybody so essentially she was like her reputation like she didn't want to be seen as weird like she wanted to be cool she didn't get into cheerleading squad like she herself admitted that that was the point of the murder which is she and she at some point also said she symbolized everything that i wanted and couldn't write which is just like wow super wild wow um but she did try to claim there was no premeditation she's like i just happened to have a footlong butcher knife on me yeah so they're like why the hell did you have this knife and they brought her sister on the stand. And her sister says,
Starting point is 01:51:26 actually, I think I accidentally may have left the butcher knife in the car. And they're like, why the hell did you have a butcher knife in the car? She's like, sometimes I peel fruits and vegetables with it for lunch. Okay. I mean... With a 12-inch butcher knife? Okay.
Starting point is 01:51:41 I don't... Okay. And they said, did you leave it? And she's like maybe so it i think it's bullshit yeah i mean i think she she called and said she lured her out of the house like right that was premeditated so what was she gonna do there's no party also like she had that whole phone call where she was like oh i'm gonna fake this so we can go hang out alone together alone in my car like what was she planning i don't know yeah it was very weird so that was not clear but apparently one of her sisters said she liked to peel fruits with it so okay who's to say um after three days of testimony the judge found bernadette guilty of second degree murder um she has sent it she was sentenced at the time to a maximum of nine
Starting point is 01:52:20 years so it was a pretty minimal sentence for most people especially obviously kirsten's family was like seriously like you're just gonna put her in juvie for a couple years and then she'll be out she was sentenced to a max of nine years in the california youth authority but she only served seven and at the age of 23 she was released but she changed her name moved to a different state and like vanished however i found her you and no one else are you oh okay so i was like damn you're getting your job well so i was well there's parts to it so i was with devon and devon was like oh my god this blog bernadette exposed you know said that she found that she's been found right so she like changed her name apparently to jeanette but i was like okay but i need to know more about this
Starting point is 01:53:03 right so then i went digging because i was like I need to find her because I need to know sure and I'm not gonna say too much information about her because I it's not my place to put her on blast but I did find her um she's pretty active on social media uh she is actually a mommy blogger living in Texas she uh I'm not gonna really go into what her social media is but uh especially because other people have also found her and like to respond to her tweets with gifs of bloody knives tell her to die rotten hell oh shit um but she's self-proclaimed mommy blogger she posted about things like national apple turnover day and that week's sunday sermon so just like your classic mommy you know born again yeah wholesome very wholesome um in fact the last thing she posted was like um god says don't
Starting point is 01:53:55 dwell on the past for it is over or something and i was like jesus so and remind me she didn't do jail time she's seven years seven years okay got out at the age of 23 and oh that's what it was like like totally changed her identity essentially so actually i think this year she was actually found so wow her name is now jeanette uh she is very active on social media her twitter is disturbing because like she tweets about like oh here's my ravioli recipe and then people will be like you're a murderer you you bloody murderous bitch go to hell rotten hell and one of them which i was like she probably shouldn't post that was like it's national smile day smiling makes the world brighter like it's just so peppy and somebody responded somebody literally responded kirsten costas will never
Starting point is 01:54:42 smile again and then put a smiley face and i was like oh shit my and there are literally accounts that will comment back to her that are called like jeanette is a murderer like they like are created to harass her right so it's pretty crazy i mean it's people post screenshots on her page and like if she can she deletes them otherwise you know someone's gonna forward this episode to her. It was bananas. I mean, I mean, there's plenty of TV shows about it. So I'm not the first to cover it. But for example, in 1994, the story was made into a Lifetime movie called Death of a Cheerleader. Also known as.
Starting point is 01:55:19 I feel like I've seen that. A friend to die for. Oh, they both sound perfect. I know. I mean, like, you know yeah like the most lifetime movie yes uh it actually starred tori spelling as a murderer i have seen that that yes you have yes oh god i had a thing when i was uh either a junior or a senior in college but during final exams it's not smart but i thought it was really funny to not study for
Starting point is 01:55:43 my exams and And instead, I just watched the I profile. I just watched a full blown like lifetime 24 hour marathon. Those are the best though. It was just like back to back to back for easily a week and a half. It's like it knew I had fine. I mean, honestly, but I watched it. They know and like at Christmas time. I mean, that's all my mother and I do are watch those like cheesy ones. And then the second those are over. It's like murder ones, right? Stalk right stalking one I mean this is I think how it was during the stalking yeah movies those are yeah those were such a thing and I remember watching those like when I was a kid like at my at our old old house and getting so freaked out but like so invested and like I think that's where it all I made a bad call because that same week my stepsister for like a hot minute lived in the
Starting point is 01:56:23 same town that I did and asked me to house it for her oh no and i just stayed in this strange house and watched murder lifetime movies non-stop those would get you man it was rough anyway that was a great movie but so yes uh it's starring tori spelling i my mother's definitely seen it because every time i live to the movie she comes on she's like i've already seen this one four times and then watches it anyway so i'm like she's definitely seen it i don't remember if i have but um some people said like it didn't totally depict it great because it made uh kirsten look like you know such a horrible person she deserved it yeah and like right exactly like she was the cheerleader
Starting point is 01:57:01 bully nasty whatever but at the same time so so I was like, that's interesting. But then they interviewed was so in this blog interviewed Nancy, who like was there and knew them. She was like, Oh, a friend to die for. I've seen it many times. It's pretty accurate. Oh, my God. She said it's pretty accurate. She said except for my portrayal and Kirsten's, which were a little overdone. Okay, like she didn't say, you know, it's wrong like she was like that's pretty pretty on point so i'm gonna try and find that and watch that this weekend because okay i'm gonna be like wow i know these people right yeah three people removed but still um so anyway devon and i were like i said reading this interview at lunch before becca was like hi uh you're christine aren't you because i can hear you from across this this public place where you're shouting about death yeah yeah so uh dev and i were reading the interview about her at lunch and one of the last questions that nancy was asked is what's the main thing people get wrong about you and nancy's response was simply that i could really kill someone wow and that is the story of the murder of a great story is that wild yeah it all
Starting point is 01:58:05 started with my friend going oh i'm a sir my aunt was accused of murder one time and i was like wait what it seems very relevant and that like you knew someone that was somehow attached to the story and also like we can find out who the person is now who has like this like prosperous social media account yes very weird it's very weird i'm gonna make you show me that social media account oh i oh believe me okay but this dinner is gonna be one of the weirdest wildest i'm very excited if you guys are anywhere near the cheesecake no i'm just kidding if you guys are anywhere near you might find us you'll hear us first before you see us yes well i'm i'm sure we took up so much of your time today so sorry about that i'm sorry eva that you
Starting point is 01:58:45 had to edit this on the plane poor eva geez i just think we there wasn't too much we had to edit out let's hope fingers crossed fingers crossed um wow that's it guys i guess find us on the internet at uh bernadette exposed i was gonna say on my mommy blog yeah on our mommy blog um happy national ravioli day yay that's literally a thing by the way definitely smile today smile a lot the On my mommy blog. Yeah, on our mommy blog. Happy National Ravioli Day. Yay! That's literally a thing, by the way. Definitely smile today. Smile a lot. The world is a better place for it.
Starting point is 01:59:12 And keep your past in the past. That's what God says. Also, think about the Ten Sacraments today. Yes. Right, Gio? Ten Commandments, but close. Right, Gio? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:59:21 Do not murder. That's what he says. Gio 316. And That's what he says. Geo 316. And that's why we drink. Indeed it is.

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