And That's Why We Drink - E131 A Pretzel Worm and the 'That Was Easy' Button

Episode Date: August 4, 2019

Don't mind us, we're just shaving Juniper and putting him on a dragon... Join us on an epic journey to learn all about the Austrian cryptid, the Tatzelwurm, just in time for Christine's Austrian! We also cover the tragic murder of Tara Grant and a murderer so dumb his childhood friends predicted his fate. We're also pretty convinced a snake is going to come out of our toilets... and that's why we drink!Please consider supporting the companies that support us!Go to for free shipping and 30 days of risk-free returns or exchanges on your order!Get 500 high-quality, custom business cards starting at $9.99 when you use code DRINK at Vistaprint.comGo to and get your first refill pack for FREE!VisitĀ for 30% off your first order!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello hello everyone welcome to our show it's episode 131 131 isn't that nice that's so nice it is that's so sweet we are very happy you're here with us today. I have some news. Oh, okay. Carly, one of our longtime listeners, who's super lovely, is going to start transcribing our episodes for us. Yay! So pretty soon we're going to have transcription on our website. Transcribed episodes for anyone who needs to use that or wants to use that.
Starting point is 00:00:43 We could also put them in the notes for our YouTube episodes coming out. Probably. Our YouTube episodes. You know how we're uploading them to YouTube? Oh, yeah. I was like, what YouTube? Oh, God. I'm so behind.
Starting point is 00:00:52 Guys, no. We don't have a YouTube series. We're just uploading. You gave me a heart attack. We're uploading the episodes. But it would be cool to also put those in the notes. Totally. If they fit.
Starting point is 00:01:00 So people can find them wherever. I don't think they would. Oh, the link to it. Yeah. Okay, yes. Good idea. Eva? Just so people can find them wherever i don't think they would oh the link to it yeah okay yes good idea eva just so people can find them wherever they're trying to experience us anyway once they get there they'll be on our website we'll let you know but we're just excited to to offer that as an
Starting point is 00:01:14 option um because we've wanted to do that for a long time so thank you carly and like em just said our episodes are on youtube now and oh by the way i realized so i had a new gmail account and i was like oh i haven't followed and that's where i drink on my YouTube or on my Gmail and I followed it I was the 4,000th subscriber no way I was like what because it went from 3.9 to 4,000 and then I clicked on it said 4,000 subscribers and later said 4,001 and I was like I was literally the 4,000th that's crazy good for me um but yeah so go sign up on our youtube sign up sign up a thousand go uh subscribe because we're putting all our episodes up there too and we're gonna try and we're eventually we have plans for the youtube to be more than just uploaded audio of us right
Starting point is 00:01:58 we want to make more stuff on there so like go subscribe now before we that way one day you'll get a nice little notification that something's there and you didn't even see it coming christine are suddenly in your face yes good morning perfect it's us um also oh i a bunch of people were asking because the remember how i was talking last week about how the lamp and the table got flipped over yes so everyone was asking and it was in an instagram story i hadn't like posted it so it's gone but i posted it on twitter yeah so if you guys want to see it it's on twitter the banana gram the table's upside down it's very weird and i'm not someone was like you have to think about all the logical i'm like i'm not saying i'm just saying it scared the shit out of me sorry that's all i'm saying and what are the odds that the table flipped itself over by
Starting point is 00:02:42 itself well they were like well it was your cat. And I'm like, my cat, I literally said. Was asleep. Specifically, my cat was with me at the time because I was in the kitchen and he's only ever wants food. But besides the point. So there's pictures there. I don't know what the hell it was. Scared me. Who knows?
Starting point is 00:02:57 Mini earthquake, whatever. And speaking of Twitter, Becca from Purple Toad Winery. I saw. Heard the episode. Wow. I was like, she's loyal. Your wishes are coming right away. And that was so, so sweet. And truly the episode came out Sunday and she responded by Tuesday. Yeah, right away. And I was like, Oh my God, I didn't know we I
Starting point is 00:03:15 would actually I thought it would be more of a journey. Also, someone else tweeted out saying that when that episode came out, they were at that winery. They had just been there. And someone else said, Oh my God, it's in Kentucky. Like I i live right down the road i'm gonna go i'm like this is amazing we're creating our own weird little like cult at purple we're saving lives we're saving lives changing lives uh i don't think i have any updates i oh i have i have a fashion update okay which christine already knows about and poor alice and who i've been screaming at this whole time uh this weekend i went out and poor alice and who i've been screaming at this whole time uh this weekend i went out and decided that i was gonna have a treat yourself um i've only i only up until this point owned six pairs of shoes and in your life no like in my closet i only had six options i'm so sorry what a dumb thing so i decided to treat myself and go get a couple pairs of shoes yay and i now own uh air force which are super nice not air force uh air jordan
Starting point is 00:04:07 force and i also own nike what are they called court royales because they are the closest thing to the nike bruins from the 80s that marty mcfly wore them back to the future part one but they don't make the bruins anymore but they look pretty damn close i see yeah they're nice i like those ones too if i'm ever trying to do a back to the future cosplay i can i can never afford the the nike air mags in 2015 with the auto lacing because they're currently 50 grand on an adventure trying to find those because i was like i was committed and then it turns out they were literally literally 50 000 well that's out the window. So I was like, Okay, I'll spend $60 on the ones from Back to the Future Part One instead. Right, right, right. And they're not even technically
Starting point is 00:04:51 the same as the ones from the first movie, but they really are pretty damn close. If you Google Nike Bruins and Nike Court Royales, they're pretty much the same. Well, they're nice. I like them very much. Thank you. So I've been wearing them. They're nice and bright and white and contrasting against my black joggers very well. So I've been getting a lot of attention. Very stylish. Someone at the movie theater yesterday noticed that they were Marty McFly shoes. What movie did you see? I saw Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.
Starting point is 00:05:17 Oh yeah, you just told me that. A lot of people have also commented on my Jordans, so I'm very excited. Damn. If people want the Jordans I have, they are the Retro 4s in Hot Lava. Of course. So have a good time. I have some neon Rothy's. There you go.
Starting point is 00:05:34 Now we both got them. Anyway, if you see me in our future live shows wearing either of those, make sure to do a little scream for my McFly. Yeah, I guess. That's my only update. That's your fashion update. I'm just covered in style these days. I'm just covered in sweatFly. Um, yeah, I guess. That's my only update. That's your fashion update. I'm just covered in style these days. I'm just covered in sweat these days. Oh my.
Starting point is 00:05:49 So I'm in shorts because it is hot as hell here. I'm in black joggers and I made a mistake. Big mistake. I just really wanted to look good in my, in my court royales. I wasn't thinking about the sweating I would be doing today. Well, that's where you went wrong. Uh, anyway, that's all I you went wrong uh anyway that's all i've got that's i think that's all i've got um a reason why you drink or no um i haven't been
Starting point is 00:06:11 drinking that's a reason why i drink i guess all right i'm still going strong on that i mean i've not like sober but i like i'll have a drink every now and then but i've been really cautious about it and like feeling really good how many drinks have you had recently um i don't know if you've kept tabs week i maybe had like a beer or two wild i know it's very out of character for you it's very i literally went to therapy today that's all i talked about for an hour so i had an illumina i guess that's why i drank i had a very illuminating and wonderful therapy session which um really helped me see things in a new light and really uh inspired me to keep going with this because it's been making me feel real good so word i mean i'm going to a
Starting point is 00:06:50 wedding this weekend so i'm sure i'll have like a couple drinks but it's nice to like not feel like i don't know chained to it cool yeah um anyway so thank you to everybody too who's reached out about that it's really cool to talk to all of you about that. It's interesting how many people kind of struggle with that. I'm not surprised. I'm always surprised when there are people who haven't at least once thought that they struggle with it. Yeah. At least in our age group.
Starting point is 00:07:16 I feel like it's just so expected these days. Yeah, it's so hard. It's such a millennial thing. Like, oh, let's go drink wine. A lot of activities revolve around alcohol, for sure. Yeah. Like, oh, let's go drink wine. Like, it just seems. A lot of activities revolve around alcohol for sure. Yeah. Like a lot of social activities. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:28 Yeah. So, I mean, I'm not not. I mean, I'm not not ever drinking. I'm just slowing it down for now. And it's been doing me good, I think. On a vacation. I'm on a little sober vacation. Word.
Starting point is 00:07:41 Until Saturday. Yep. Right. Because you go to. Oh, yeah. I'm going to Kansas City. Oh, city oh my gosh i'm excited when do you leave friday friday morning oh cool i'm really excited we're going to kansas city for blaze's cousin's wedding it's going to be really fun blaze's whole family's going to be there do you know this cousin yeah he was at your wedding i'm sure she was at my wedding and she and her boyfriend got engaged like right afterwards so it was kind of cute
Starting point is 00:08:03 because they were there and they were the ones who because your wedding was so much fun. They're like, we need another one. Sure. He was like a bodybuilder and she's like a gymnast. They did that crazy thing on the dance floor. That's them where he held up her body. I know exactly who they were. It was bananas.
Starting point is 00:08:17 Because then I tried to pick up Allison and we looked like fools. Have you seen the photo? Of me trying to pick up Allison? It's not cute. I was like, I can do it too. And then I was like, Allison, I'm going to break my back. You're like kind of drooling. It's really attractive.
Starting point is 00:08:31 There's a vein popping out of my forehead. Allison looks ashamed. Yeah. Allison's actually, I think, on the floor, but that's besides the point. No, it was captured. Like the photographer got that move. They got the picture of them and the picture of us. I wonder if they're going to do that at their wedding. Wouldn't that be cool? I hope they the picture of us i wonder if they're gonna do that at their wedding wouldn't that be cool i hope they
Starting point is 00:08:47 walked on the aisle maybe i'll do that at their wedding oh i'll blaze are you ready two broken legs uh yeah so anyway i'm excited blaze's whole family will be there and i love my in-laws which i know is a rare thing but i'm very excited you are very lucky as someone who's met blaze's family they are weirdly like like yeah i don't know if other people have experienced this, but have you ever met someone where their whole family was just like normal and happy? Like nice and super nice. Very weird for me. And not in like a over the top or like in your face.
Starting point is 00:09:16 Just very warm people. Down to earth. It's really weird. It's very weird. They're very healthy. The whole family is very emotionally healthy. As someone who grew up in the exact opposite of emotional health. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:26 Same. Anytime I meet like a normal family, my first instinct is to like is like kind of nasty. I'm like, oh, my God, they're so boring because I'm used to chaos. Sure, sure. But then I meet them and I'm like, oh, my God, what's wrong with me? I've literally started going to holidays at their house because I'm like, it's just so happy. Like there's no screaming and crying here i'm so used to every large family gathering like placing bets with family members on who's gonna lose at first i mean yeah i'm just used to just drama drama
Starting point is 00:09:55 drama years and screaming and broken and then i met blaze's family and i was like oh my god like i'm they're just all so kind it gives me hope for my marriage and future because uh there wasn't much hope on my side. So Blaze is probably more scared than I am. Well, Allison's family is the same way where they're all just like very grounded and down to earth. And I'm like, I don't, I have not lived in a dynamic like this. How did we, how did we, how do we trick these people? I don't, I mean, we definitely tricked them.
Starting point is 00:10:20 The fact that Allison just dove right into like the most chaotic family with multiple divorces and layers of hatred i mean my poor allison freaking husband married into it and is now flying to germany to do it again oh yeah have you have you announced this to people yeah we're on the show yes remember we had a whole convo yes you're right m's not coming unfortunately i'm not allison is leaving for Vietnam exactly after that. So we would be missing each other for like a whole week, a whole month. Yeah, I'm really excited because Blaze hasn't been to Europe before. So it'll be fun.
Starting point is 00:10:54 Also, I didn't realize how expensive tickets to Austria are. Oh, yeah. I have a friend, Brandy, and her dream is to get married in Santorini, Greece. And I, just for fun, looked up tickets to Santorini and I was like, I will absolutely not be there. Oh, what? I love Greece. It looks so wildly expensive. We were going to honeymoon there, but we ended up honeymooning in winter, so it didn't work out.
Starting point is 00:11:20 Are they not a good winter place to be? No, it's chilly. The last time I went, it was February, and it was freaking cold as hell. I've never seen a plane ticket that expensive in my life. I was like, I don't think I'm ever going to go there. It looks really pretty, though. Oh, it's the best place ever. I'm very excited for Austria.
Starting point is 00:11:36 Anyway, yeah, so he's stuck, and he's going to see my mom's family in Germany and then my dad's family in Austria. So he's going to get a really good dose of all of the above. You know, you're giving him international culture. Sure. That's what you provide. And a lot of judgment and screaming and alcoholism. And barely any alcohol now. Yeah. A lot of crying. I don't even know what I offer Allison. I think that's why I'm so nice to Allison. I'm just like, I don't have anything else to offer you. Chaos reigns. I mean, the first time Blaze ever met my extended family, Tim threw a chair.
Starting point is 00:12:08 I don't know if I'm supposed to talk about this. Tim threw a chair against a wall, splintered it everywhere. There's still like huge gashes in the wall from where it happened. Like it was just, I was just like sobbing in the stairwell. Yeah. There hopefully, there will be something thrown and there will be something cried and tears. As long as it's not glass or wood i guess oh well let's hope it's rubber this time something it's just a rubber band something that won't break everything in your at your party well
Starting point is 00:12:36 i'm sure this freaking castle has seen worse uh arguments how old is it i don't freaking know 16 i don't know that is where we should do our first paranormal investigation i tell you i gave you the shot i literally told you this is the perfect opportunity and then yesterday you told me you couldn't go so i wonder i wonder what the full history is like if is there like a oh i have a book yes very cool yes i'm not going to tell everyone where it is because it's a very small village where my grandma lives and I don't necessarily need to throw that information out there. But after, maybe after words, I'll tell you.
Starting point is 00:13:11 But, um, yeah. Well, in honor of Austria, I'm covering an Austrian story today. Oh, it has a Wikipedia page. I'm trying to figure out. You are? Yeah. Oh, shit. That's hilarious.
Starting point is 00:13:22 I'm doing one next week. For the same reason. Really? Very cool. I was about to say, I hope we're not doing the same one. And I'm like, that doesn't make any sense. No, no, shit. That's hilarious. I'm doing one next week. Are you really? For the same reason. Really? Very cool. I was about to say, I hope we're not doing the same one. And I'm like, that doesn't make any sense. No, no, no. We're definitely not doing the same thing.
Starting point is 00:13:31 Okay. But no, in honor. Wait, that's so great. I wanted to do an Austrian story. That's my heritage. I'm also Austrian. You are? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:39 How much? Not much. Well, I'm mainly, well, on my mom's side i'm polish russian and austrian and then i'm jewish and on my dad's side i'm german irish and scottish interesting yeah my dad's family moved over for the potato famine and he heard it was great and was like i'm coming and then my mom's side a lot of us most of us moved here for the holocaust to get away oh so cool facts cool either the holocaust or the potato famine look just mine moved over here because they were like it's 1985 america's kind of cool i guess no i'm telling you chaos is just like just in the blood oh yeah trust me so uh this is a i guess a cryptid i would call it a cryptid an austrian cryptid yes what um it is bernie sheep it's actually christine um it's
Starting point is 00:14:38 entirely possible can you imagine if one day i just did a story like for your birthday and i just like talked about this cryptid and by the end you realized i was talking about you the whole time i think i realized pretty quick when you said it's ugly and stupid and drunk and wears neon camo rothies i don't think you'd hide it very well and nothing but a third love bra so uh okay so this is a i'm i'm hesitating for no reason at all. I planned on hesitating originally when I was doing these notes because I was confused, which I will explain later. Um, I was unsure if it was a cryptid or like, I thought I might've stumbled into like a
Starting point is 00:15:18 cult. Oh, I didn't. Oh, I, which would have made it extra cool. Yeah. Um, but it's just a cryptid, but if there were the whole time I was doing these notes. Which would have made it extra cool. Yeah. But it's just a cryptid. But the whole time I was doing these notes. I'm so excited. What the hell is this thing?
Starting point is 00:15:30 The whole time I was doing these notes, I thought for sure I was studying a cult. And then I'm going to tell you something that's really stupid at the end. And you'll see how it's not a cult. Interesting. Okay. So this is, I say Austria because most of the sightings have been in Austria. Okay. It's also been seen a lot in Switzerland, but it's basically seen around the European Alps.
Starting point is 00:15:50 Oh, okay. That's fun. So mainly seen in Austria. It's also seen a lot in Switzerland, but it is pretty much just if you're giving it a space, it is reportedly seen throughout the European Alps. Cool. So I guess that's called Alpine folklore. Oh, and it is known in several countries under several, several names. But the main one and the one that I'm calling it is Totsal Worm. Have you heard of this?
Starting point is 00:16:19 What the fuck? Okay. No. So this is Totsal Worm. okay no so this is tatsal worm it is me i knew you were gonna come happy wedding so spell it t-a-t-z-e-l w-u-r-m tatsal worm what the fuck is that it's literally a worm so oh my god i hate this it's also known as stalin worm okay it's also known as burke stutzen sure it's also known as spring worm it's also known as dozzle worm tapeworm protzel worm which sounds like pretzel worm to me and arasus it's also known as stutzen. It has a lot of names, huh? In English, it is translated to Dragon of the Alps. What is this? But it is best known as Totsalworm. Totsalworm. Which apparently translates to worm with claws. Stop it. I'm gonna tell everybody in my family about this. They're gonna be like, I hope you get a little drunk at your wedding and make up some
Starting point is 00:17:23 like really wild folklore about your house specifically oh sure totzelworm is in the attic and my poor grandma with alzheimer's who's the only one that lives there oh no yeah maybe not i'll use one of my cousin's houses okay cool uh so it's called totzelworm because it it was named that in bavaria oh that's where my mommy's from so what's up germany all at the same time? Look, I tried to cover... You really got both the divorces in there. I'm trying to find exactly the Christine of folklore. This is great.
Starting point is 00:17:51 I mean, you said worm and you got me pegged. The SchieferstĆ¼tzen. The Schieferworm. So here is a description of this thing. Also, like I said, it's mainly seen amongst the Alps, but the encounters are especially in austria the swiss alps and bavaria so oh sounds sounds right up your alley my fan bam so here's a description it's very lengthy it was much much longer but this was as detailed
Starting point is 00:18:18 and as concise as i could keep it lovely so uh just gonna through it. It is apparently a stubby, two to six foot long. Based on the story, it's always either two to six feet long. Okay. Snake slash lizard slash dragon. So something reptilian. Sure. A reptilian-like body with a cat-like head. Oh, I was not expecting that.
Starting point is 00:18:39 So it has a cat face, cat ears, and cat whiskers. Oh my. With a lizard body. So think of a centaur on the top as a kitty cat, cat ears, and cat whiskers. Oh my. With a lizard body. So think of a centaur on the top as a kitty cat, on the bottom as a dragon. Just thinking about Juniper riding a dragon. Yes, exactly. And they just kind of morph within one another. Love it.
Starting point is 00:18:53 Love it. Although it is hairless. So a hairless cat with a lizard body. So we'll shave Juni and put him on top of a dragon. Got it. Instead of there being hair, apparently there are scales all over the body instead of fur. Oh, my. As well as spiked ridges along the back.
Starting point is 00:19:10 Wow. So cat on top, lizard on bottom. Hairless cat on top, lizard on bottom. This is so weird. Okay. Covered in scales. Let me guess. It tortures children who do bad things and bites their thumbs off.
Starting point is 00:19:19 No, trust me. I wish. I one day would love to cover cautionary tales. God. This is not that day. We got to do that. That would be so good. So the skin is apparently white and smooth.
Starting point is 00:19:36 Oh, so it can be very, very soft. However, it has also been said in different reports that it's so tough that a hunting knife could not penetrate it when they tried to kill the animal. OK, so it's believed that it can change its softness at will oh my god so it's like armor it can yeah it's like either just like flesh or it's got like a fucking shield on it sure uh it has big bright eyes and either a short neck or a next or like no neck at all like it's just the head connected to the shoulders i'm kind of picturing that thing from never ending story that giant white thing yeah that but hairless and covered in scales maybe and maybe in a mountain and also not that okay got it uh also has a short blunt tail two front legs but no hind legs what okay and so like the bottom slithering the bottom half slithers oh no no i don't like So it uses it basically army crawl slithers.
Starting point is 00:20:26 It's like a snake that's developed arms. Yes. Like in the evolution things you see. Yeah, like a nightmare. I mean, if evolution were real. Exactly. What is evolution though? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:20:36 It's nocturnal. It's a preferred habitat is burrowing into dens lined with their own shed skin. Fowl. It hibernates during the winter in the crevices on the mountain sides okay it has cat-like behavior and that it is very curious and licks themselves clean especially when shedding um and when it attacks its prey including humans it hisses and makes a high-pitched sound while leaping through the air. Has poisonous breath and blood made of acid.
Starting point is 00:21:11 What? Green blood made of acid. Oh, my God. This is a lot of information. That is the description. Let me see if I can Google a picture real quick. I'm a little nervous that my thing's in the mountains. We're going to the mountains of Austria.
Starting point is 00:21:22 Have fun with Patzlwurm. I mean, seriously. I'll find you a picture real quick him so this is maybe my maybe my dad's seen him maybe that would can you imagine what a story that would be what a story here this is a picture of him there you go oh oh he's kind of cute he's kind of cute for a snake if you cover up the snake part right just 90 i'm not a snake person i am like the front half of this person though like the cat face yeah little kitty cat it's like less disturbing than i pictured it yeah like i pictured it more stubby like you know what you said like two or two everyone described it as stubby but that thing is sleek and lean slender
Starting point is 00:22:01 slender okay so this is interesting in that there seem to be a lot of kind of half-assed stories of it. Surprise. Well, okay, I guess it's not that weird then. But so the stories go all the way back to the 1300s, it seems. Oh, okay. Some websites were saying the first account was in the 1700s, the first account was in the 1800s, but I found one all the way back in the 14th century, so I'm just start there i feel like i shouldn't have to say this but all of this is a legend um we're gonna get sued by totzelverm totzelverm's rep is gonna get back to us
Starting point is 00:22:37 so he called one of those billboards that's like right you've been injured so uh this i don't have a whole story to this i just have different accounts oh hell yeah let's go so and they're all super quick so i'm hoping that this feels a little speedier i know my last episode was very long so i liked it i'm giving you something quick to listen through so here are some of the many accounts of tonsil tonsil worm ton totsile totsile worm not tonsils uh that's a whole different kind of monster ain't it so so in the 1300s allegedly from what i could find on google the very first account is of a guy named in my best american accent heinrich von winkle reed that's a great name say it the way it's supposed to be. Heinrich von what's the last name?
Starting point is 00:23:27 Winkle Reed. Can you spell it? Like Winkle and then R-I-E-D. R-I-E-D. Yeah, Winkle Reed. Okay. Heinrich von Winkle Reed. Wait, is it a W?
Starting point is 00:23:40 Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah, W's are V's and V's are W's? No, V's are F's. Oh, Lord. I oh lord i'll never understand okay so either so don't worry so uh heinrich heinrich i'll never be able to make that sound heinrich sounds good sure ricky um or heine so heine was a convicted criminal fanny went to the market oh can someone make like a little like one true pairing of heine and fanny not anyone outside the u.s since fanny means something completely different as we learned yeah in america it means but so does heine elsewhere right elsewhere it
Starting point is 00:24:15 means the butt family other things all the buff family oh heine and fanny so, cautionary tales for children. So Heine in the 1300s was a convicted criminal. Oh, oh my God. Okay. Cautionary tale indeed. Who apparently squared off with, uh, this dragon-like serpent. Okay. Also, another thing I want to make clear is a lot of the descriptions, maybe it's like a game of telephone where like all the descriptions over
Starting point is 00:24:45 time like are in different stages of gossip where they're sure they're all kind of changing but some of them would say that they're dragon-like serpents some of them called them cat-like lizards it was like it was every combination i could think of involving a cat and a lizard uh-huh or a dragon or a snake so it might have been passed along in different circles some of them are being called uh serpentineelines, which I enjoy. That's the best one. But so all the descriptions are kind of different, but all... Like general origin point, maybe?
Starting point is 00:25:14 They all, yeah, they all apparently are the same creature, just described at different times. Interesting. So this story called it a dragon-like serpent. And Heini fought off with him uh because apparently this creature was terrorizing the village so he fought the beast killed it and in triumph raised his sword to the sky but apparently when he did that he uh gravity took place and no no not the way we think and blood on the sword dripped off of the sword onto Heine. No.
Starting point is 00:25:45 Onto his Heine. Into his hand. Okay. Sorry. Don't say that. And apparently that was the origin of how we found out that the blood was made of acid. I was going to ask. I knew you would tell me, but.
Starting point is 00:25:59 And when it drip dropped onto him, he immediately died because the acid was fatal to humans wow okay so i thought you meant he was gonna drop his own sword like i thought as i was reading the story i was like oh this is gonna get good but no no sword fell on him just the blood just on his hiney a little bit just on his little baby hiney so um that's crazy okay so it killed him so yeah so the drop of blood was fatal the second it hit his skin he dropped dead okay the next story i found was in 1660 so i don't know if that story was just put to rest for 300 years or maybe it needed they needed evolution needed time to right incubate a new one since he killed the first one so now instead of it being a dragon-like serpent it's a cat-headed
Starting point is 00:26:41 dragon okay love it love it uh with bristles apparently this was described in a story by andreas rudiner um and he wrote about it saying it was a cat-headed dragon and it was inspired from past events so i don't know if that means like from 300 years ago oh yeah but it was just referenced maybe it had been like lore all that time and then maybe spotted it maybe yeah maybe he was talking about like his own experience. Yeah. So shortly after it was referenced by Andreas, Johan and Thomas were two guys in Switzerland that saw it and said that it was seven feet long, dragon-like, had a giant head.
Starting point is 00:27:20 And when it exhaled and they felt the breath on them, it caused immediate migraines and dizziness. Oh, shit. Which means he had some wild halitosis, I think. He needed He was sleeping since 1300, so imagine that breath. You can't really blame him, huh? It makes me think of, like, Billy from Hocus Pocus, the zombie, when they cut his mouth open and they're like, oh my god, your breath stinks. I've only seen it that one time.
Starting point is 00:27:44 I know. That's why I went into full detail. i do appreciate you telling me the story so uh so i didn't have to be like yeah that time that that happened so johan and thomas almost passed out from how bad his breath was sad and this was at the same time that residents were also reporting seeing a creature um that was apparently drinking their cows dry and it was an it was an unknown animal it was seen throughout the town and they were complaining that all their cows weren't producing milk anymore because something was drinking the milk at night and it was drinking them well i guess it was a cat head hey oh that makes sense it's less disturbing than a snake drinking it. Yeah. Like,
Starting point is 00:28:25 so, okay. So a kitty cat just wants some milk. Okay. She's just a little thirsty. Little kitty cat, a serpentine, slithering along under the line serpentine udders.
Starting point is 00:28:34 So, uh, so that was in six, that was in the 1660s. We don't hear about this creature again until 1717. Okay. And in 1717, a man and his son were gathering herbs in the
Starting point is 00:28:46 mountains when the man and his son separated and then he heard his son screaming so he ran to his son saw a quote gruesome monster under a rock near his son hissing like a snake that had the face of a cat with bright eyes oh my god so he tried to shoo the cat beast away. Mm-hmm. And apparently that was when the cat stood up and did, like, that cat classic circle thing where they, like, they stand up and just walk in a circle trying to, like, adjust themselves.
Starting point is 00:29:14 Yeah, like to pad down the area. And so that was when he saw the entire body. Ooh. And apparently it whipped its tail side to side like a cat does. Wow. And it's about to attack something. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:29:24 Which also, keep in mind, it's not, like, a cute little cat tail. It's a fucking to side like a cat does when it's about to attack something. Oh, no. Which also keep in mind, it's not like a cute little cat tail. It's a fucking lizard tail on a cat doing the little whipping thing. Dangerous. And the man assumed in that moment, like, oh, this thing is going to kill my son. Sure. Because it's right behind him on this rock hissing and it's doing the tail. Yeah. So he was like, fuck that.
Starting point is 00:29:42 He grabbed a knife and he ran over and stabbed it. And apparently he got the cat when it was turned around. So the cat didn't. Apparently he didn't have the cat like instincts. So he didn't feel something. He didn't sense anything coming up. Okay. So the man stabbed him.
Starting point is 00:30:01 And this is the story where they say that he had really soft skin. Oh. St oh stabbed the flesh apparently so easily it felt like he was piercing a slab of butter whoa whoa like a super malleable soft like a slug or something yeah um apparently green blood came out oh my god and a few of the drops splashed onto the man's leg and it burnt his leg and made it swell up for an entire month. So he didn't die, though? He didn't die, but it definitely, he had a reaction to it. Did they, so they survived it?
Starting point is 00:30:35 They survived because he killed the thing. Oh, he killed it! He stabbed it until it died, yeah. Oh no. That's unfortunate. That's when you have to think of it as something other than a cat. Yeah, then I start getting a little anxious. Okay. So, uh, and getting a little anxious. Okay.
Starting point is 00:30:45 So, hey, maybe it has nine lives. Maybe that's why it keeps coming back. Maybe. Just saying. So about 60 years later in 1779, there was a man named Hans who was a farmer. And he, one night, heard all of his pigs squealing from the pig pen. All of his prized pigs. So he was really not feeling what was
Starting point is 00:31:07 going on so he ran out to see what was going on and he saw two of these things oh they've multiplied attacking his prize pigs and he literally had a heart attack are you serious yes oh i feel bad for joking that you gave me a heart attack he did not know what to do had a heart attack sad died later but before what to do, had a heart attack. Sad. Died later, but before he did, he was able to describe the creatures to his family. Oh my God. And he said that they were five to seven feet long.
Starting point is 00:31:35 They had a snake body. They had clawed front legs only. They had a large cat-like head with very sharp teeth. And apparently the way that he described it to his family after he died in honor of him they painted a picture of this creature and to this day it is one of the best visual pieces of evidence they have wow interesting i mean it literally caused his death yeah so crazy i just wonder like when i mean it sounds so absurd like obviously it sounds absurd but then it's like but why if would a dying man who just had a heart attack be making up this shit?
Starting point is 00:32:07 I don't get it. So apparently that picture has also ended up in a lot of cryptozoology books. Cool. So it's like the visual evidence people use. Is that the one you showed me? I think so. It was a cool picture. I just Googled it.
Starting point is 00:32:19 I'm not really sure. But it's supposedly the best visual evidence we have of this creature. Okay. So then in 1811, there's a report of a creature with a forked tongue, which we have not seen yet. Oh, it's evolving. I'm telling you. It's evolving after 500 years. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:32:35 Had a forked tongue. It was serpent-like, but had a rather wide head and two stubby front feet. And this time it was seen in Switzerland. wide head and two stubby front feet and this time it was seen in switzerland so right before this another report had come out of a monster with the same description carrying 10 of its young so they are definitely so they're procreating with one another yes there's at least there's at least 11 of them as of 1811 i wonder if it lays eggs like a snake or if it gives birth like a cat. I imagine if the bottom half is reptilian. Sure.
Starting point is 00:33:07 It's eggs. That would make sense. Actually, yeah. I'm guessing eggs. Can you imagine finding that nest? Oh my god. Can you imagine thinking you just found a normal bird egg and then it hatches and it's like half cat, half lizard?
Starting point is 00:33:22 Like, what the fuck? And the egg is also four feet tall and guarded by a giant it also has snake i can picture it now and also it's got green blood coming out of it so three years later there was an author named samuel studer and he actually wrote a description of totsilil Worm in a travel brochure. And this was the first time it was actually referenced in printed documents. And it included eyewitness accounts that had happened up until that point. So in 1814 was the first time it was referenced in a literal travel log. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:33:59 A couple years later in 1828, there is another report of apparently a peasant found one of the creature's dead bodies in a dried up marsh and so he was like okay i'm gonna go sell this to scientists and make some money off of it and he apparently wasn't done with whatever he was doing so he's like i'll put it over to the side and then bring it with me later sure by the time he went to go get the body to start bringing it to wherever he was going to drop it off crows had already eaten through half of it oh so that has had a lot of skeptics be like okay well we don't even have real evidence because the birds ate it within hours of you wanting to bring it and make money off of it exactly so that's that was almost the closest thing to physical proof
Starting point is 00:34:43 that they had had up until that point. And then like within hours, it was just gone. Like it totally decomposed or was eaten. Yeah. So in the 1830s, there was a girl on a Swiss farm who was chopping bean poles when she accidentally disturbed a burrow. Oh, no. This is my worst fear. That apparently had a totsil worm in there.
Starting point is 00:35:03 Oh, crap. And she was attacked. No. And she said. Apparently had a totzel worm in there. Oh, crap. And she was attacked. No. And she said that it had a gray coloration. It was the size of a house cat, but it was fleshy and hairless. Only had two front legs. It had two round cut ears, like bare ears. She said that at first it was cute until she saw the second half of it, which like can.
Starting point is 00:35:24 Sure. I'm not surprised relatable if you imagine imagine if you see like a little kitty cat like popping his head out of a burrow like a little kitty cat and then all of a sudden it chases you and has half of a lizard body and like maybe fangs and like it like looks a little off to begin with uh so maybe that's a baby one if it was so little a little baby yeah huh interesting uh cute at the front of the head oh and it had eyes that were unusually big and they were as bright as stars and blinded her when she looked at the cat when she or the cat's eyes sure the worm the worm's eyes um and then she just apparently tried to attack her and she just ran away. Wow. But she remembers them being as bright as stars. Wow.
Starting point is 00:36:07 So the creature started appearing at this point in several books on alpine natural history and hunting. Okay, wow. Because they were like, these things are clearly rampant. They're taking it seriously. So it got mentioned in almanacs, in guides about the alpine region. It was like, they were not getting around. At this point, they were not getting around at this point they were just like this thing exists like be careful yeah so in uh for example in 1836 it
Starting point is 00:36:31 was referenced in a bavarian hunting manual called the new pocket guild of the year for nature forest and hunting enthusiasts um my grandma's basically her house is like a hoarding central i'm gonna go through and find that okay i'll send a new pocket guild of the year for nature forest and hunting has a giant house in bavaria and there's just piles of like hundreds of years old books and stuff like that so if you think she's got books from 1836 i would go look at her bavarian hunting manual section yeah hopefully it's dewey decimals oh my god also so in this manual is an actual drawing of a quote scaly cigar shaped creature with formidable teeth and wretched little stumps of feet whoa whoa wretched that's not very nice
Starting point is 00:37:16 look for that that would be cool though to see that like that'd be wild actual copy of that book we would have to bring it here for sure we would have to steal it uh in 1841 it was referenced again in a swiss almanac called alpenrosen and there was another drawing of it as a long scaly creature with two tiny front legs oh so that was in 1841 so it's by the mid-1800s it's being referenced a lot in books and almanacs and guides of the area i can't believe i never heard of this thing i mean maybe someone has you're about to be like just swarmed with a bunch of people that live around there they're gonna be like you're an idiot like how do you not it's like maybe our sasquatch maybe maybe um so in 1861 there was a naturalist named friedrich friedrich okay friedrich
Starting point is 00:37:59 friedrich and he uh actually wrote in one of his books about the creature quote the belief is widespread that there exists a sort of cave worm which is thick 30 to 90 centimeters long and has two short legs it appears at the approach of storms after a long dry spell as do I I fucking love a big
Starting point is 00:38:20 storm you just like wriggle you like swarm your way out wriggle out of my burrow of blankets. And hiss. If I don't hiss, the storm is not wild. So actually, I just saw a really funny picture of Marvel. People will enjoy this. But there was a picture of Thor in his outfit, like Chris Hemsworth in his Thor outfit with the Mjolnir and everything, or the Stormbreaker.
Starting point is 00:38:47 And I guess when they were filming, it was literally about to storm outside. And actual thunder came through, and he's the god of thunder. And she was like, oh, sorry, guys, that was me. That's cute. I thought that was very funny. So this is currently the Thor of creatures. In 1885 in Austria, there was a guy named casper arnold what a cool name casper with a k oh okay and he apparently saw one from a mountain like a
Starting point is 00:39:14 restaurant on the mountain yeah and just stared at it for 20 minutes like what a show while you're eating like too many beers there's a creature i've never seen in my life and it's just hanging out over there for 20 minutes how weird okay so by this point after all these reports and it's like being published in books and things people are starting to offer rewards for physical authentic proof sure and nobody could prove nobody right but i'm sure there were a lot of attempts with like cow yeah carcasses or snakes or something. Livestock. They were willing to trade livestock to, if you could prove that it existed. Oh no, sorry.
Starting point is 00:39:49 I meant like people were like bringing a snake in and being like, oh, I found it. Or like a dead cat being like, here. Like a taxidermied cat sewed onto it. Oh, terrible. So in 1887, two years later, another naturalist named Carl, I'm not even going to try his last name. Cool. Wrote about, quote, the history of dragons on the Alps. Classic Carl. And he was the first person to try to be skeptical.
Starting point is 00:40:12 He was like, this cannot possibly be a real animal. And he said that they could all somehow be identified as relatives to lizards or snakes. or snakes but that being said only a couple years later by the 1890s many people if not most people in the area had just decided that the existence of these creatures were fact like really at just so many stories had come out wow and the fact that it was being published in like natural guides and resources they're like there's why wouldn't we assume that this is real sure which like i mean i guess that's fair well i mean i was just listening to so i just started this podcast called wild thing have you heard about this it's like um this woman who used to work at npr found out she was related to this guy who um was this huge expert
Starting point is 00:40:55 in uh bigfoot oh what and so she went on like kind of a mission to like pacific northwest to like see what she could find out and she's obviously like very science-based like you know so it's super interesting to hear but apparently um most people didn't believe apes were real until the 1800s because nobody had seen them and so it was like um you know far off mythical creature this ape beast man it's funny that you said that because i was biting my tongue so i was afraid to sound stupid but because i don't know the timeline of when animals are discovered but my thought is like i can't imagine they thought all animals were figured out by then like when this thing was out there describe a giraffe to somebody who's you know like it's so absurd and so like when they
Starting point is 00:41:35 brought back apes i mean of course the white people went over and murdered them and then brought them back obviously that's what we do um and people like were horrified that there was like this man beast yeah thing you know and so it was so mythical but so i mean in the 1800s people still didn't believe it that's in bananas literally get it uh anyway so it makes sense yeah i mean it makes some sense yeah i mean my my argument was like pretty much the same of like well not all the animals had maybe been discovered yet or at least they weren't as sure of it as especially if you live in like a small village somewhere how you know you wouldn't necessarily know everything about and for all we
Starting point is 00:42:14 know maybe this was a legitimate animal that sure we actually have discovered and call something different now and maybe we just stabbed it all to death or something or maybe it's like in the fucking zoo maybe it's animal we actually know but the description is so wild like we can't actually pair it with something we know right now it's like a gecko or something yeah maybe it's like two inches long so uh yeah you know what maybe it could be some it could be something that like and i haven't seen every fucking animal in the world maybe it really is something that i have well you are intercontinentally cultured so there's where we are different i've seen it tets and warm whatever the hell it's called it lives in my attic yeah i own one so in 1921 uh so tatsuo worm is still oh tatsuo tatsuo i forgot i forgot his name i keep wanting
Starting point is 00:43:00 to call him pretzel worm so you're fine let's just call him that pretzel worm it makes him sound a little cuter it sounds it's like gummy worms but pretzel worms, so you're fine. You're just calling them that. Pretzel worms. It makes them sound a little cuter. It's like gummy worms, but pretzel worms. Those would sell, by the way. Oh, that sounds... Little squiggly pretzels. TM, TM, TM. TM, TM, TM.
Starting point is 00:43:11 That's ours. Pretzel worms. So in 1921, apparently that was when we discovered the tatsal worm can leap nine feet into the air. Oh, fantastic. It did that toward two witnesses near Austria. Both of them confirmed that it was gray about two to five feet long no big i guess depending on where it is in the sky right and if it's a snake it probably spread itself out like wild terrifying that's the worst thing and
Starting point is 00:43:36 had a cat like can you imagine if snakes could fucking jump nine feet at you that's my nightmare i just always told myself they could because i think that's true well even if that's not true i'm just so terrified of snakes i've decided that they're also bulletproof and like right there's no way that's what i mean as i said it i was like honestly i've probably already believed that okay every single time every single time i sit on the toilet i'm terrified that a snake is gonna attack me it took me years to get over the a rat was gonna come out i thought a rat yeah that's from the pipes yeah that's what i was told when i was little i well i mean i've also seen those pictures from like fucking australia where they're like literally snakes in the toilet just like
Starting point is 00:44:11 hanging out and i'm like what that's a nightmare what if there is a snake and i don't see it because it's like perfectly hidden like it's it's close enough it could jump out and get me but it's hidden where if i'm looking in the toilet i don't see it i had finally gotten past my fear now you've just stopped re-established it i'm so i'm so thinking about it makes me never want to sit on a toilet you live in an apartment complex but if someone flushes their baby alligator down there or something and then resurface i had never thought of that i'm sorry i never thought of that i just flush my tetzelblum or what if like a little child like their goldfish dies and it gets flushed down to my toilet. And it just bites you in the ass. Also I do have a
Starting point is 00:44:50 fear of fish for people who don't know. So a little goldfish actually would terrify me. I also have a fear of fish and birds but I didn't know that about you. I literally won't go in the ocean. I don't like lakes. I don't like anything where there are fish. We were like, my dad had a boat and so we used to go in the lake all the time. I would never go on the water.
Starting point is 00:45:05 Yeah, that's really scary to me, too. I'm really, I'm so terrified of fish. I had a really bad dream when I was three years old that a fish attacked me and I can't, I still can't overcome it. It's like, I was, truly the dream was I, a goldfish grew legs and was, like, ten feet tall and chased me down the hall. And it's so stupid as a 27-year-old adult, but I'm still terrified. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:45:27 Every time I see a fish, I'm like, it's going to eat me. Fish really freak me out, too. My first goddamn date I ever went on was to an aquarium. Oh. It didn't last, though. No, I don't think that's a goodā€”it's probably quite an omen, I think. To this day, one of my favorite foods is salmon. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:42 But I have to tell myā€” because it almost looks like it's not fish like sure i i refuse to eat sushi i've never eaten sushi once i've never tried so good like i won't eat crab or lobster or anything because i'm afraid it's going to come back to life and eat me from the inside i'm such a psychopath i thought i had uh really irrational fears i guess we both probably do i definitely need therapy also like with um yeah maybe you do i mean it really helps me if they um the skin you don't like the skin i will i'll make them cut the skin off at the grocery store i won't touch it interesting if it comes with the skin i won't eat i'm amazed that you even eat it i really when it comes to fish like i have a
Starting point is 00:46:21 really big problem and deirdre thought it was funny for my 14th birthday to like go to the carnival and like win a fish and bring it to my house anyway we really don't mail us fish i'm sweating i got off topic so bad okay sorry sorry sorry sorry oh the fear guys i'm glad we both have toilet fear fuck that's where that stemmed from that's where we learned a lot about each other that i am about out that i feel like I'm correct about being afraid of. Same. It's not totally unreasonable, especially if I ever go to Australia. Rats can swim.
Starting point is 00:46:52 Stop. I mean, my thing is rats. No, now I think I'm going to develop something. I'm just trying to tell myself I'm not totally crazy. Oh, this is where we were because it leaped nine feet in the air. I mean, to be fair fair that's insanity and horrifying and also that person needs therapy too now i bet yes a thousand there was two of them in austria so they both said i had a cat-like head at least if it was a kitty cat flying nine feet at me sure
Starting point is 00:47:15 come on board true true true true true three years later apparently a skeleton was actually found and they think it was one of these Totsil verms. But then it conveniently got lost. And maybe it was also smashed together. Maybe it was smashed together. Maybe it was a cat and a snake skeleton put together.
Starting point is 00:47:37 I feel like back then there were so many of those carnivals and stuff where they would make shit up. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, H.H. Holmes is stealing skeletons. I'm sure someone could steal a cat and a snake skeleton right so crazy person there's only apparently one picture in the world of this skeleton and then the skeleton got lost oh no and i haven't seen the picture maybe the picture also got lost i think it's in the louvre it's somewhere yeah actually you're right and uh but so the skeleton no longer exists okay so that was again the closest thing to physical proof close always so close uh and then and five years later in 1929 there was an austrian
Starting point is 00:48:14 school teacher who saw one staring at him and so he stepped towards it but it moved as fast as a lizard and disappeared into a hole oh the fact that it can move that fast too is not good. Like slither runs. And then jump at you. Firm pass. No, thank you. Apparently, he said it looked like a giant salamander. Okay. Now we're getting somewhere.
Starting point is 00:48:33 We are getting somewhere. He said, Its skin was almost white, not covered by scales, but smooth. The head was flat and had two very short feet on the fore part of the body. Wow. In 1934, there was a photographer named Balkin from Switzerland, and he said that he actually had a picture of Tatzel Worm. Oh.
Starting point is 00:48:52 He said that he was taking a picture of what he thought was a weird-looking log. That's me as a photographer. Look at this cool log. But then... Click, click. Well, he clicked it, and the flash flash went off and the log ran away. That's horrifying. That is what nightmares are made of.
Starting point is 00:49:09 Everyone. No wonder Freud came from Austria. Everyone needs therapy over there. So that's a good point. So we invented it. Damn it. We invented Freud. So,
Starting point is 00:49:19 uh, the picture was published and it actually got so much attention that there was a magazine called the Berliner illustrator. Sure. I'm guessing it's called the Berlin illustrator. I'm guessing it's from Berlin. Yeah. Um,
Starting point is 00:49:32 it actually sponsored a search party to find the monster, but nobody found anything. So it kind of was a bust. Everyone was like poking all the logs being like, maybe this is one. Exactly. And so I would be terrified of every goddamn tree. I don't think I would ever even go near the forest again.
Starting point is 00:49:50 So a lot of people, including like cryptozoologists today, all think that the picture of the log that Balkan published, they all think that it was fake and believe it was a picture of a ceramic fish. Which I don't know how a ceramic fish and a log look the same have you seen the picture no what what the what that's what that's what has been told to me via google interesting another hoax was that another skeleton was anonymously found all these hoaxers and donated to the geneva institute of science Oh. And only one picture of that skeleton exists. And apparently it was a long snake-like creature with two clawed arms and a larger than normal head. The skeleton got lost and hasn't been found since.
Starting point is 00:50:36 There's only about one picture. So basically the exact same thing. Uh-huh. In 1969, there was a report of a two-foot-long animal with two front legs only in Italy that seemed to be inflating its neck like a frog. Whoa. Every animal is trying to get on board here at this point. Yeah, come on. And in 1973, there were multiple reports in France, Italy and Denmark.
Starting point is 00:50:56 So it is just globetrotting. Wow. By 1990. 1990. OK, I know. We're listening. We're getting it doesn We're getting. It doesn't end. Getting up there. Two researchers found another skeleton of a lizard-like animal in the Alps that they also saw at the, in the same week, they saw a gray reptile moving in a zigzag fashion
Starting point is 00:51:16 in the same area two different times. Oh, no. So I think that maybe that was somehow involved with totzel worm. Oh, I put 1990 in way too early. Sorry. In the 1930s, that was a spring forward, if you will. Oh, wow. It's a little tease.
Starting point is 00:51:30 In the 1930s, researchers collected evidence of over 60 witnesses, all confirming that the creature was at least two feet long, cylindrical in shape, had a tail ending abruptly, had a large blunt head that grew directly into the body with no narrowing neck, had large bright eyes, a scaled body, and made hissing sounds when attacking. Jeez. So in the 1930s, at least 60 people had corroborated that that is a real fucking animal. Okay. In the 1960s, a photo anonymously emerged of Totsil Verm and was put in the Geneva newspaper.
Starting point is 00:52:04 That was also a hoax and by 1970 there were reports being published in newspapers in switzerland also all being considered hoaxes but in 2000 another strange um skeleton was also brought to a local college and it was now they call it the alpine totzel worm oh okay now Oh, okay. Now it's got like an official name. He's no longer globetrotting. He's set his roots. He's committed himself to a location. It came with a sizable donation, the skeleton, and the law firm Guntherhaus in Germany apparently
Starting point is 00:52:38 handled this donation and refuses to divulge the name of the person who brought the skeleton to the location. Whoa, interesting. chooses to divulge the name of the person who brought the skeleton to the location. Whoa, interesting. As of 2009, there are still multiple reports in Italy near the Swiss border, and apparently the report is that people have been seeing a, quote, agile bipedal lizard about a meter tall and two meters long.
Starting point is 00:52:59 Ew. There have been many reports also in the Alps that there's a strange monster-like creature that's been attacking the livestock but uh most of the accounts have all been in one little town in italy and they've just been staying there this whole time since so since 2009 they've all been coming out of italy oh so he's he's packed and moved yeah he got the title alpine and he was like no no i don't like the commitment next got cold feet and moved to italy got cold feet get it yep mailbook so uh the one of the italian uh folk who saw this creature for the first time since 2009 was a student who spotted the animal but at the time nobody believed her but she's been quoted saying i was not dreaming i saw it clearly with my own eyes it approached me and it resembled a prehistoric velociraptor oh no and uh generally it was like
Starting point is 00:53:50 a monitor lizard yet while monitors move on four legs this one was upright um so it had two feet i guess it was one and a half or two meters long it was not an iguana it is less massive and we saw it running oh authorities have been saying that all of these reports in italy they're just missing monitor lizards interesting though the oldest residents in town have been calling the creature a basilisk oh interesting which is what the italians have been calling totzelworm so how it has a different name in every country sure sure apparently a basilisk is a totsil worm okay so it's interesting that they'd heard of it before and are calling it by its
Starting point is 00:54:29 original name from like 60 years ago super interesting um so it just kind of confirms that like whatever they were hearing yeah in their youth they're announcing it's still around so sightings have continued and a german cryptozoologist uh named ulreich magen has published several articles about it including in his own magazine but they still keep tabs on it to see if there's any new reports that come in and those are the accounts but here are some of the theories of what this thing could be it could be a giant skink although skinks are not native to the alps for a while people were trying to argue that it was an otter but it has nothing to do with the water and it has no hind legs sure like an otter
Starting point is 00:55:11 yeah yeah yeah yeah also doesn't look like a cat or a reptile i mean i guess they're kind of like cute and like i guess it has like an otter tail long body type thing and they're and their little paws and their rounded ears yeah and they're kind of, and they're kind of fuzzy. Like, they look kind of cute. I mean, otters are adorable. Yes, they are. They hold hands. They think it could be an evolved version of an Australian lungfish.
Starting point is 00:55:33 Oh, sure, yeah. Classic. Obviously. They also think it could be a Mexican mole lizard, which apparently is large, has a heavy body, has studded protective skin, and venomous bites. Oh, my goodness. They also think it could be an amphibious relative of the megalobotrycus wow aka the japanese giant salamander oh my god
Starting point is 00:55:53 which is can be five feet long has a long thick body and only front feet well i mean that makes sense to me so and it could also be they think a relative of the gila monster oh yeah yeah yeah um because they have fat tails they're shy so they only show up like every now and then so there's not a lot of reports of them their preferred habitat is underground burrows and mountainous areas they have poisonous fumes and they're one of the only poisonous lizards in the world wow but they're not native to the region. Sure. However, there have been evolved salamanders that have lived in mountains before. Really? They live in mountainous regions but have atrophied legs, so it would make sense that over time they evolved to not even have the legs.
Starting point is 00:56:35 So a lot of people think it could either be the Gila monster or an evolved version of the giant salamander. That's so interesting. of the giant salamander that's so interesting and some think that it could actually also have mystical powers that erase your memory of an encounter which is just like natives think sasquatch has that power okay so they're like whatever it is it could also have some sort of ability to make you forget you ever saw it which is why only a few reports come in every hundred years so weird just including everything so here is where i thought that i was reading about a cult so oh i'm excited for this here's the fun fact so i don't know how to i don't want to ruin it right away ruin my story but i'm gonna say the fun fact first because otherwise
Starting point is 00:57:19 it's just not gonna make sense this creature inspired by all the history and all the reports throughout hundreds and hundreds of years totsil verms fun fact are actually one of the types of creatures used in dungeons and dragons oh interesting so apparently in dungeons and dragons there's a species of evil snake men that were originally humans in a cult who mix their bloodlines with serpents who mix their blood okay So they decided that they wanted to join the serpent race and become human serpent hybrids. So they
Starting point is 00:57:49 had sex with snakes. Or did some sort of weird occult shit. I'm not really sure. I'm not a Dungeons and Dragons person. But apparently that group, the human serpents, are called Wanti. Y-U-A-N dash T-I. Wanti? Y? So Yon? Y-U-A-N-T-I Y-U-A-N-T-I Y-U-A-N-T-I Y-U-A-N-T-I
Starting point is 00:58:07 Y-U-A-N-T-I Y-U-A-N-T-I I'm not sure. I have no idea. So what was happening, because I was not aware this was involved with Dungeons and Dragons, a lot of my notes were saying the Wanti cult believed this, and the Wanti cult believed this.
Starting point is 00:58:23 Were you on like wiki fandom? Yes. And so this whole time i was like how am i what am i supposed to do like did i just stumble across oh no because there are some beliefs that there are like lizard people and stuff sure so i was like is this like connected to that and i'm only like paying attention to like a fraction of the story do i need to like report on a cult now and so so what i had read before i knew it was fucking dungeons and dragons was the wanty cult uh see tatsal worms as guardians of the tummies doesn't sound cult like they see tatsal worms as guardians of the afterlife and companions of the gods. And they believe that the way that Totsilverms came to earth is a powerful wizard created them by crossing a domestic cat and some kind of venomous snake to guard their scrolls and magical items.
Starting point is 00:59:16 Tell me that doesn't sound like a fucking cult. Well, but it is, right? Yeah. A fictional cult. A fictional cult. Sure. But I thought this was like some people in the desert thought that a powerful wizard created fucking totzel verm and he lives in the swiss alps and guards all your magical items and apparently there's another theory that when some of the wanty became wanty like went into
Starting point is 00:59:38 becoming part serpent sure they underwent rituals to allow their pet cats to join them so that's how they're part cat and part serpent and part human. Apparently they can be trusted companions, guardians and royal exotic pets. So they're like a familiar. Sure. Just a familiar or something. Cat. But as I was reading all that, I was like, what on earth?
Starting point is 00:59:58 I've never heard of this. You should. I should have gone with it. And then I Googled I Googled want to cult by itself. And it said Dungeons and Dragons. And I was like, I'm such a goddass idiot. That's hysterical. Anyway. I wish you had...
Starting point is 01:00:10 I wish I hadn't figured it out, and then Twitter would have attacked me later. And Twitter would have lost its freaking mind. Like, you clearly don't play Dungeons and Dragons. And then I would have been like, wow. And I fucking listened to, like, D&D podcasts. I don't even fucking know. Anyway, that is the Totsil Farm. That is fascinating so i don't know what you want to do with that information but it's now in your head
Starting point is 01:00:30 it is going to be in my head when i am in the austrian mountains in a few weeks so great thank you for that sleep if you find the wanty cult let me know oh i'll i'll be the wanty cult don't you worry i'll start my own freaking wanty cult oh yeah join me why don't you i feel like and that's why we drink is its own little cult well we've known that for a long time except all we ask of you is to believe in ghosts and maybe drink a lot of wine and give us a five star review on itunes yes okay okay well i have a story for you that is not austrian i forgot we're recording two so we're recording two episodes today since i'm gonna be out of town so much in august um so my austrian story is not one of these it's the week after next right so i don't have it for
Starting point is 01:01:16 today but i know what it is and i'm excited about it so look forward to next week with an austrian story well not next week oh this week no What I'm saying is we're recording two today. Mm-hmm. Neither of those are the one. Oh, I see. I got you. Gotcha. Gotcha.
Starting point is 01:01:30 Sorry. So my one that I'm recording with you next week is going to be. Gotcha. So it'll probably be three weeks from now. Gotcha. Whatever. Okay. I just blankly stared at you until you gave me more information.
Starting point is 01:01:40 I don't know. I was like, okay. Just go on Wiki. No, I understand now. Okay. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Let me on wiki. No, I understand now. Okay, good, good, good, good, good. Let me find my story. Where is it? Okay.
Starting point is 01:01:49 Okay, so this actually is a story that I told in Detroit. Yes. It literally says Detroit, Michigan on the top of the page. Cool, man. I have heat stroke. Okay. This is a story from Detroit that I told there. And I was really bummed at first because I was like, this is such a crazy story. I've watched so many episodes about it on like Hulu and all
Starting point is 01:02:14 the crime shows. And I was like, I've already covered it. And then I realized I did it as a live show so I can do it again. Sure. Which I'm very excited about. Because there was a time where we were like, bummed out that we were using up our stories yeah and then we didn't realize we could just tell them again tell them right and it'd be like a nice story again i know we say this every time we're about to tell a recorded story i promise you i don't know what you covered totally me neither obviously because i just stared at the page for i feel like other people think that we really like mentally embrace every experience that we have on stage we don't absorb it though at all i have no idea what story you're about to tell me neither um so with that with that said uh this is
Starting point is 01:02:53 the story of the murder of tara grant i don't even remember that name well i'm very excited you're about to find out i'm excited i get to hear all over again i couldn't i could probably not even told you i could have absolutely not told you that I've said this before. No. So this is a crazy one and very sad. But so the episode that I do remember watching first about this topic was Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen. Oh, I actually immediately remember this show. It's all coming back.
Starting point is 01:03:21 Wow, do I love Chris Hansen. I know. So that was kind of a talking point for the first 10 minutes of my story. It could become that again right now. Yeah, we love a good Chris Hansen. So that is what I was watching when I first heard this story. And then since then, I've watched a few more episodes. But it's super fascinating.
Starting point is 01:03:39 But that I found on YouTube. So check it out if you want. So Tara Grant. She is a successful business executive in Detroit. 34 years old, has two kids, her career is taking off, and she is married to this guy named Steven. So a lot of people considered Tara, like, so the friends of theirs considered Tara to be kind of the catch in the relationship. Like, you know how, like...
Starting point is 01:04:01 And Steven shot far out of his league and... And somehow made it. And somehow made it somehow scored that's me with alza oh please stop trying to gain brownie points here how's are you listening i love you oh my god oh geo i meant it's about you i think you're out of my league i think we could both argue that we did that with our significant others after what we just talked about with our we really were we are They are so out of our league and just politeness and calm behavior. Trickery is what we did.
Starting point is 01:04:28 A little bit of trickery, a little bit of witchcraft. Yes. Since we're part of the wanty cult. Well, yeah. And now you are, too. So sorry. What are we talking about? All right.
Starting point is 01:04:38 So Tara is the catch. And Stephen is kind of like a dweeb. His own friends are like, we didn't know how he snagged Tara. Like, he's kind of a weirdo dweeb. He's not super attractive. And she's like really successful and beautiful. Very honest friends he has. Yeah, they're kind of assholes.
Starting point is 01:04:58 Got it. They're interviewed in this and they're like, yeah, we didn't really get it. And I was like, are you supposed to be on his side? Okay. So they did interview one of his childhood friends who described him as follows. He was the guy that you thought. This is so awful. This is what I.
Starting point is 01:05:13 I just wonder sometimes what my childhood friends would say about me. He was the guy that you thought would grow up and rob a liquor store and leave his name tag on. And you'd see him on that stupid stupidest criminal show oh so they really think he's just dumb like him they think or they do but they think he's stupid right so i mean his own friend literally was like oh yeah we all thought he was gonna end up as like the dumbest not even just thought he was gonna get caught red-handed doing the dumbest thing and like not even just a criminal which alone is like pretty offensive but like a stupid that he wore his own name tag so um it's safe to say that a lot of people considered his marriage a move up um especially
Starting point is 01:05:50 because she was also the breadwinner in the family um and her job allowed them to live in like a really nice neighborhood they had new cars they lived like a very nice life um because her career was going so well so she was obviously excelling at her job but uh it required her to work in san juan puerto rico five days a week so she was literally commuting from detroit to puerto rico no big fucking deal weekly wow horrifying she'd fly to san juan on monday and we complain about la traffic all the time but this is like such an asshole next level she'd fly to san juan on monday and then be in detroit make sure she was back in detroit friday so she could spend her weekend with her kids but like that's insanity i don't even know what kind of flight that is i
Starting point is 01:06:34 know that's a long at that point i'd be like get me my own plane i'd refuse to be or get another job yeah the sky miles though think of the sky Miles you have. Meanwhile, Stephen, he had actually always dreamed of a job in politics, despite, I guess, what his friends thought of him. They think he's so stupid. They're like, yeah, buddy, you'll do great in the Senate. Oh, my God. So he was actually tasked with staying home with the kids, especially because she was gone all week. And he would maintain the house. He actually called himself Mr. Mom.
Starting point is 01:07:04 Don't get me started on that whole thing. that's what he called himself so i've got to put that out there um essentially he was a stay-at-home dad and from the outside it seemed like they were making it work um he seemed happy he liked raising the kids but inside the relationship was not healthy and a lot of resentment was building so insert dun dun dun yeah uh-huh steven was really frustrated with the way their family life was set up he hated the fact that he had like flatlined in his career he hadn't really made it anywhere he gave up working he kind of had that like uh that like insecurity of not being the breadwinner of the family you know that like tradition not being like the
Starting point is 01:07:41 traditional male presence in the house who brought home, you know. And so he had a lot of insecurity about that, even though he like publicly seemed to embrace his Mr. Mom, quote unquote. He also started to get suspicious about Tara being gone all week and started getting a little bit paranoid that she was doing some things with people outside of their marriage. So he actually went through her computer. Don't do that, guys. He went through her computer and he found some flirtatious emails between her and her boss. Oh, what the flirtations were.
Starting point is 01:08:17 We are not clear. But from his perspective, he found them to be flirtatious, which, by the way, could also mean anything. It could mean it could he could have been like hey get these reports in on time and she sent a smiley face right right right so you i don't know it could also be like hey leave your husband it could also be like the range is wide take your shirt off right right i mean right show me your third love bra who knows but only for business purposes right right right um yeah so he like
Starting point is 01:08:46 really takes this and runs with it and he's like oh no this is very bad so what should i do i know i'll flirt with our au pair okay who's a 19 year old girl from germany oh my god and they begin an affair okay so steven and tara quote make it work until one day, Valentine's Day, February 14, 2007. Seven. Seven. I read Stephen in 2007. I heard. I knew it happened.
Starting point is 01:09:13 I'm trying to shorten my, you know, like Kevin on The Office when he just stops using me, no talk. Yeah. Yeah, I know. So, 2007. He heads into the police station and he says, hey, I haven't heard from my wife, Tara, in five days and I'm starting to get worried. He says she had gone back from Puerto Rico as scheduled five days earlier and she told him that she would be heading back down a day early this week. So instead of Monday, she was going to head back Sunday. And he got angry, A, because he's like, you're supposed to be here on weekends with the family and b because these
Starting point is 01:09:45 flirtatious emails he's like you can't like you're just gonna leave me for that boss so they immediately start arguing he tells her this has to stop you're gone all the time and that's when he says she stormed out of the house down the driveway had called a car service to pick her up and got in her car and that's the last time he saw her oh wow okay so a few hours later he's like i thought she was just pissed and left for puerto rico whatever and i but it's been five days and i haven't heard from her a few hours later steven says he tried to call tara and uh they actually play the voicemail in the chris hansen video or episode um and so the voicemail says hi it's a quarter after two i just want to know what
Starting point is 01:10:26 the fuck is going on i think you owe me and your kids at the very least an explanation call me just call me and let me know what the hell is going on so over the next few days steven calls her repeatedly but hears nothing back just keeps getting her voicemail uh he calls her family and her boss but none of them seem like that concerned. They say, you know, they know kind of that they've been having trouble and they say she's just trying to cool her jets and get some space. Don't worry. She probably doesn't want to talk to you. Like, stop calling her. Leave her alone and give it some time.
Starting point is 01:10:56 But after five days, he goes to the police and he's like, I'm very worried. He is at the station. The case is handed over to the detective bureau because five days is a long time for someone to be missing and an intense search for tara begins so macomb county sheriff's detectives pam mclean and brian kozlowski uh almost immediately realized something is amiss when they get to the house brian is extremely fidgety and nervous and on edge uh who's being overly cooperative which is something that i find very interesting because i feel like you don't hear that very often yeah in like a i guess also like it's in my mind it's also like returning to
Starting point is 01:11:37 the scene of a crime sure yeah like feeling really guilty so like wanting to help as much as you can but also in redirecting them so they don't yeah i feel like it's like that like trying to present yourself in a certain light like look how helpful i am i have nothing it also it also seems like a control thing of like making sure they don't figure out because like you can you can you can give them so much information yeah maybe yeah yeah that's true um so they say he was being overly cooperative with their questioning the more questions they asked the more nervous he became which obviously doesn't indicate guilt on its own like right obviously i mean if my husband were missing i'd probably be fucking wrecked too and yeah maybe if if i didn't do anything wrong and a cop just approached me and asked me a million questions i'd get more and more nervous right so like on that front but they just had like a gut
Starting point is 01:12:23 feeling that something was wrong and they they noticed they so they got some red flags um and so they decided to set up surveillance on him just a casual little follow around you know sure a little look see a little look see a little lookeroo um meanwhile steven is making the rounds on local news um there's one clip they play in the episode where he does this like weird okay it's so disturbing i like what i watched a million times so he is on camera and he starts like doing this cry face but he's like not actually crying he just kind of makes this weird like cry grimace yeah it's really bizarre um and it's very off-putting because like it looks so fake and like like he's trying to cry like as if you were like fake crying
Starting point is 01:13:05 um and he's talking but it's like this weird wail like it's so like he's doing his best like i'm so sad and his face is like in this grimace it's really weird gross so like it's just very off putting and you're like what is going on with this guy like it's just something's not right um investigators look into tara's accounts and there has been no activity on any of her accounts since the night of her disappearance her credit cards her cell phone her passport hadn't been used um so this is very sketchy they're not sure what to do next um they're kind of trying to figure out what their what their next move is when a gruesome discovery is made her body a woman walking through stony creek park sees a baggie
Starting point is 01:13:47 like a plastic baggie tucked into a tree it's filled with gloves metal shavings and a ton of blood and so she like obviously oh god can you imagine i mean i wouldn't even know what to do no i'd be horrified i mean obviously i would come to the conclusion i should call the police but i think i'd go into immediate shock few minutes like how would you even know how to i i would i would just stand there and then i'd be like should i even be standing here what if someone's like totally like watching me scared like do i run and if i had my dog would probably be like can we keep moving i'd be like i don't know i don't know what we should do no totally so so this woman calls the police obviously um the blood they have the blood tested.
Starting point is 01:14:26 It's Tara's blood, so not looking good. Right. Police arrange to have the park searched, obviously. In the meantime, Stephen has become much less cooperative with police. So he kind of pulls a 180. He refuses to answer questions. He does agree to take a polygraph test, but only if it is administered by someone other than the police. Which, like, what are you talking about i guess who does he want they're like private companies that do that i
Starting point is 01:14:50 don't know the test comes back inconclusive so it doesn't even matter matter and i mean lie detector tests are kind of bs anyway so besides the point um so three weeks after tara's disappearance police get a search warrant for the Grant house. So finally they're able to, like, do a full-scale search of this house. They're searching the house, and Stephen asks, hey, do you mind if I take the dog out for a walk? Like, it's making him nervous. I'm going to take him outside. And they're like, okay, sure.
Starting point is 01:15:18 So he leaves. After Stephen leaves, detectives are searching the garage when they notice a bin next to the kids toys that looks a little out of place so it's like one of those giant like rubbermaid tubs that where you put like uh christmas decorations or like you store in the garage like those big stackable ones yeah um supper wear bins yeah yeah like the big giant ones so they uh find one of these and it like looks kind of out of place so he opens it and he sees a ton of plastic bags like trash bags so they they cut open the trash bags and they find tara's torso i know you love a good torso um yeah so they find her torso and uh other mismatched body parts in this giant rubbermaid container just sitting next to the kids toys uh at this point they're like well we know why he took the dog for a walk and hasn't come back
Starting point is 01:16:10 right right right um so their manhunt begins immediately uh the fbi swarms the state so the fbi comes to michigan swarms the state looking for steven meanwhile he has borrowed a car from a friend and he begins to meander all over the state of michigan then he remembers that he and tara used to camp at wilderness state park so that's where he goes on the way he picks up alcohol pills razor blades and a toy gun great super wonderful recipe for a disaster lake house vacation right all the essentials for a good summer stay away go in the lake with all the fish yes his thought process was they think his thought process was if he takes a fake gun i mean that the reason a lot of people have fake guns is so when you pull fake gun yes suicide by cop basically got it um so after driving for several hours he
Starting point is 01:17:07 writes his children goodbye letters then he walks out into the wilderness uh just bye yeah uh but soon his car is located and they're like okay we found it that was easy that was easy um that that was easy button oh my god i have one of those i have one of those at home too i texted that to my brother earlier that was easy my sister used to hide in our house it's so insane like you should ask my brother to describe this my sister used to hide in the house when she was like four with that stupid button and like you know my mom's house there's all just weird places to hide she would just like sit behind the couch or like in closets and just hit that was easy and make this like big face with her mouth open it was so disturbing like demonic
Starting point is 01:17:50 i have videos of us just wandering through the house like following like that was easy that was easy and finding her behind the couch just like hitting the i don't know she's a big weirdo um that was easy yeah so they find the car. Then they're like, okay, so he must be somewhere in these woods. They find him in the woods. Um, he is found lying under a tree with severe hypothermia. He's only semi-conscious and he's talking to the trees when they find him. Okay.
Starting point is 01:18:18 Got it. Okay. Good start. So. So. A lot to unpack. Normal lake house vacation. Right.
Starting point is 01:18:27 He's airlifted to a local hospital to be treated. McClane and Kozlowski arrive at the hospital and place him under arrest immediately. But he tells them, listen, I want to talk now. I don't want to wait any longer. I'm going to tell you everything. And they're like, wait, okay. That was easy. That was easy.
Starting point is 01:18:42 My sister's under the hospital bed. Yeah, so they're like, great, let me get my pen i guess and like fucking record this actually they did record the audio so they got an audio recorder um and you can listen to that it's very disturbing very disturbing it's basically him just describing what happened he says here's what really happened febru 9th, Tara gets home, begins to unpack from her work trip, and he's naked getting ready for bed. Sure. Sure. Lake house vacation. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 01:19:12 A fight about Tara's work, busy work and travel schedule ensues. The fight escalates. Tara slaps him across the face. Mm-hmm. And he hits her back. Uh-oh. She falls to the ground and says, I'm taking the kids in the house and you're going to jail. So he grabs her. He was like,
Starting point is 01:19:28 I'll go to jail faster, just watch. He's like, watch this. I'll go to jail in a much more dramatic fashion. So he grabs her by the neck, ostensibly to make her stop talking, but instead he chokes her and before he knows it, she is dead. Oh no. That is what he says
Starting point is 01:19:44 happened. He said he panicked um obviously he realized he can't carry her out of the house like just the way she is so he wraps his belt around her neck and drags her down the stairs keep in mind his children are sleeping in the room next door. God. Yeah. So, I mean, how horrifying to know that this happened with your mom and dad. Or should I grow up and know that that happened while you were asleep? Yeah. Like the guilt that you would feel.
Starting point is 01:20:14 Right. Just even. Even if you couldn't stop him. I mean, of course. You would always think I could have done something. This is just terrible. So he drags her out of the house by his belt around her neck um he dragged her down the stairs and they clarify for whatever reason maybe because this is chris hansen and he felt the need that he
Starting point is 01:20:31 is still naked at this point well what a sight uh he drags her body into the garage and into the back of her own suv then he goes back into the house and guess who shows up the au pair oh no he gives her this sob story that he and tara had just fought and she'd left and walked out on him and i don't know if he's still naked at this point like when i picture the story i'm like did he put on boxers i like to imagine he is naked me too um so he's like she left me she left me like he wants her to feel sorry for him right then in an attempt to cover his tracks he starts calling tara's cell phone and leaving this voicemail we just talked about of like where are you you need to come home you know the next day steven drives tara's body to his dad's machine
Starting point is 01:21:14 shop where he dismembers her in an effort to make it easier to hide her body he tells detectives that he threw up several times during this process because it was so gruesome jeez at least there's one percent of realism going through him oh yeah horrible this is oh yeah uh yeah it's just gruesome as hell um but he said he threw up several times during the process as if that's like supposed to make us feel right better about you could have also not fucking done oh yeah sorry you also choked your wife to death um and then he said he told himself quote look if you don't do this you're going to prison for the rest of your life and that's how he finished dismembering her body he wrapped everything up in plastic put it in a big
Starting point is 01:21:53 rubbermaid container and he's explaining like you i mean you can hear this audio of him describing this it's so fucked up um and he's explaining it all in like a very matter-of-fact tone like like and then i wrapped my belt around her neck because she was too heavy and i dragged her like it's very unsettling because it's just so matter of fact that when he's telling this story um early the next morning he grabs his kid's sled like snow sled and heads out into stony creek park on top of a hill steven places the rubbermaid bin with her body parts in it on top of the sled and pushes it down the hill and just fucking like has he watched too many cartoons like what the fuck like a viking funeral just sent it off and hoped it would just go right into
Starting point is 01:22:38 oblivion totally just was like this will solve my problems i guess it's just gonna put it at the bottom of the hill you have to go walk down there and get it and then you have to walk back up and it's your sled like with your fingerprint whatever so he pushes it down i mean long story short uh it's like super gruesome cartoonish um this he loses his grip and the sled takes off down the hill so okay i was wrong i remember this now that is what happened his intention was to put the bin on the sled so he could take it down the hill easier oh i see but he lets go and it goes just like road runners away completely like a fucking gruesome cartoon so all i remembered is that the thing did go flying but i forgot that that was not the intention it's one of those things where you want to laugh hysterically but then you remember like a human body totally it's like comical but like in the sickest it's
Starting point is 01:23:32 like the darkest humor yeah yeah yeah so he like is such a fucking dumbass so he tries to drag it he thinks oh it'll be easier and then like he loses his grip tupperware of body parts are just flying down the hill. Just go sledding. Yeah, down the hill. Jeez. So he chases after it. But this is just the most... He's still naked.
Starting point is 01:23:50 No, he's not sledding. That would have been the darkest of dark humor. So he chases after it. He finally gets down there. And, of course, the sled has tipped over. The body contents are everywhere. Oh, no. In, like, fresh white snow?
Starting point is 01:24:04 All over the snow. it's fucking horrible like there's like people walking by will know that blood was all over that snow you know i don't know if it was snowing even oh come to think of it he just fucking put it on a sled on grass it was winter i mean he was just trying to drag it down the hill i don't know it must have been snowing for that sled to have just seamlessly thrown it up happened is if he's dragging down the hill and the thing just tipped off and like went tumbling maybe i don't know i just don't want to say there was snow if there wasn't i'm not sure imagine there was like body parts on like all levels of the hill like just tumbling out it's freaking my god no yeah so i don't know if
Starting point is 01:24:37 there was snow i mean it was winter time but i'm not sure the one thing we know for sure was not on this hill was joy and happiness correct was. It was like any semblance of humanity. Right, right, right. So in any case, whether there was snow or grass, body parts have tipped all over the place. He gathers it all up and he buries her throughout the park. But that is not the end of it, because as as you know tara's remains were found in his garage so how did that happen just scoop them back in well uh when steven heard that investigators were conducting a search of the park uh he because that woman had found the baggie right
Starting point is 01:25:16 while she was walking her dog uh he panics and he's like oh my god they're gonna find her body out there so he removes everything from the park goes back to his dad's machine shop and hides first tears body he first hides in his dad's office like literally in his poor father's oh my god office um and he the dad of course has no idea but then he a day later he gets nervous he's like oh my god it's gonna start to smell duh okay it's in your dad's office what are you doing so he's like it's gonna start to smell um so i'm gonna move them again this time to my garage so unfortunately for him that neck like literally he moved the body parts that night and the next morning police showed up and said hey we're gonna search your house we have a warrant and he's like i'm gonna walk the dog right into the woods goodbye um nine months after steve i don't know what happened to the dog
Starting point is 01:26:05 oh well i'm sure he's okay okay i'm sure he's fine okay he probably walked home and was like fuck this i'm over it this guy's an idiot um nine months after oh sorry no nine months after steven is arrested the case goes to trial after three weeks of testimony steven grant is found guilty of second degree murder and mutilation of a corpse. Ugh, which is just so terrible. Like, it's his wife. Yeah. He's sentenced to 50 to 80 years behind bars.
Starting point is 01:26:34 So his mugshot actually went viral. He has these, like, crazy eyes. Uh-huh. Like, let me show you. Because I wasn't able to show this at the live show. I mean, there's a lot of photos of him looking, like, so insane. But, like, he has these just, like, crazy eyes. He for sure has crazy eyes.
Starting point is 01:26:54 And, like, here's him being interviewed before. He just, I mean, you can just look at him and know something's off. And so the video of him crying, you can imagine, is just, like, horrific. So, yeah, so that photo this mugshot becomes famous um and a video actually went viral of a news reporter okay this is so fucked up it's really okay so a video went viral of a news reporter who's telling the story on air and she hadn't seen the photo yet and then they put the photo of him on the screen and she just burst out laughing and she's literally talking about how he mutilated his wife so it's like so inappropriate someone got fired that day completely and like probably a trouble finding another she
Starting point is 01:27:34 probably shows that picture to everyone though and is like can you blame me they did not i know and it is like very startling if you don't know it's just disturbing but you can watch it online and it's i don't like to watch it because i just feel really awful about it it's like a it's just disturbing but you can watch it online and it's i don't like to watch it because i just feel really awful about it it's like a it's not funny b this poor woman like just it was totally nervous laughter like i'm sure it was nervous laughter she just reacted and it's like not good and then she was like profusely apologized it's so bad so um you can watch that online if you'd like you can also you You can also read Stephen's confession. That was made public.
Starting point is 01:28:07 It's a long confession of everything he did, every detail of how he killed his wife and mutilated her. Stephen and Tara's kids, Ian and Lindsay, who at the time were four and six and in the house, are now teenagers. They were raised by their aunt, Tara's sister. So that's good at least they stayed with family right um the kids and their aunt are heavily involved in work to raise awareness of domestic violence which is really cool uh every year they host something called tara's walk which is an annual event to raise money and awareness for victims of domestic violence and any money raised benefits theation Fund, which provides emergency cash assistance for survivors of domestic violence.
Starting point is 01:28:47 So they're doing super amazing, awesome work, despite the tragedy they went through. And if you'd like more information on that or to make a donation, visit And that's the story of the murder of Terragrind. Wow. Woof. Woof woof. Woof woof woof. Anyway, it's really fucked up but like it's so it's so
Starting point is 01:29:09 fascinating because he's just such a piece of shit idiot piece of shit i mean his friends literally said he was the guy we thought would grow up into a dumb criminal and he literally became a dumb criminal like worse than robbing a liquor store with a name tag obviously but if that means your friends are really good at protecting your future i need to know what my friends think of me now so i'm just prepared for my own i think maybe we don't need to know maybe not don't tell me keep my ears plugged i don't want to know although i'm pretty sure at some point someone told me i would be like a ghost hunter or something involving ghosts so i'm sure someone was like you'll drink way too much wine check check um
Starting point is 01:29:46 yeah so that's the story it's really fucked up but i just really like that um the kids were able to like do something so yeah impactful with it you know so and they seem really cool and well adjusted i think the daughter just started college nice i mean this was probably like a year ago but still yeah wow crazy stuff man that that mugshot of him those i feel so bad for that woman it's terrible she had everything in front of her two little babies oh that's very sad um wow we got that we're about to record another one of these i hope you've got your game face on christine i got my bladder do you snack should we go get some we should get some snacks all right we're gonna go get snacks oh guys what a time to be alive we're gonna go record next sunday's episode i'm gonna turn the ac back on
Starting point is 01:30:34 oh it's so damn hot take a little break oh yeah when does it get cold millie i got uh february great i remember last year i got a sunburn in November, so I don't believe I don't trust November. I know. All right. Well, thank you guys for tuning in. Check us out. And that's what you Um, we are doing some stuff, check out our YouTube. And, uh, we are also, we would love we're approaching 10,000 reviews on iTunes, which is very exciting. That'd be super cool. So if we could hit that, that i'd be dope guys um but that's it all right all right we will talk to you in five minutes aka next week and that's why we drink bye

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