And That's Why We Drink - E135 The Ghost of Lamps Past and A Pumpkin Stealing Cryptid

Episode Date: September 1, 2019

You say "buffet" and we say "where"! Today we're privy to a "buffet of the unexplained" and we're feeling extra spooky with our stories: Em tackles the Bridgewater Triang...le... or better known around the studio as the Bridgewater Rhombus! Then Christine tells the wild tale of the murders of Mary Ashford and Barbara Forrest, two women who were tragically murdered in eerily similar circumstances in the same town but 157 years apart. Are we in a "thin place"? ...and that's why we drink! Please consider supporting the companies that support us! Join Honey for free when you go to two months of unlimited access to thousands of Skillshare classes for free when you go to 20% off your first Native purchase when you go to ZipRecruiter for free when you go to

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello cowabunga man this is gonna be a good one we're in episode 135 the famous 135 oh i know it well we've been waiting for this day i've been waiting to hear all about your experience out of the country. Oh, yeah. I'm finally not as tired. So it's been four days. Since you've been back? Yeah. All right. Let's go back Monday. So yeah. Cool. I don't know. How long were you there for? 10 days? Like 11 days. Yeah. Tell us everything. Oh, my God. Minute by minute. I can't tell you everything because this podcast would never end. But I will tell you a couple things. Well, first of all, I have this for you guys. Ah!
Starting point is 00:00:49 It's edible presents. Oh, I love a good edible present. Is this some Cadbury shit? I'm very stoked if it is. It's not Cadbury. That's a British thing. Is it Milka? Yes. These are for you.
Starting point is 00:00:58 Yes! Ah! Give it, give it. Oh, sorry. I'm not sporty enough for that. And these are for you Sorry, I asked about the same kind I hope you like hazelnuts
Starting point is 00:01:08 I don't know if you do What is noiset? Noiset, it's like nougat Ooh, I love a good nougat And then these are just like mini hanoutos Which are the best Oh, nice And haselnus is hazelnut?
Starting point is 00:01:23 Yes Word, I'm down with this. Love the little cow. So sweet. So I hope you'll like it. Hell yeah. Okay. No, I don't like chocolate anymore.
Starting point is 00:01:32 It didn't get anything more exciting. I was like, well, we don't need more souvenir-y stuff. So just chocolate. I do love a good souvenir that I can eat. That's true. It definitely bodes well for me in many ways. Eva's already chowing down face first in hers. There was another one in there, but I ate it. That sounds true. It definitely, it definitely bodes well for me in many ways. Eva's already chowing down face first. Well, there was another one in there, but I ate it.
Starting point is 00:01:48 That sounds right. I was like, I want this. That sounds right. So, yeah, I mean, it was good. I don't know. I went to Germany and Austria. It was a wild time. I saw all of my relatives.
Starting point is 00:01:58 There were 47 people at the first gathering. First? Which is my mom's side of the family. Then we went to Austria and there were 87 people, which is my dad's side of the family then we went to austria and there were 87 people which is my dad's side of the family it was really wild um yeah but my at the grandma thing or not the grandma thing that was later at the kaiser thing we had a tour bus and everything like it was insanity i love how your extraness is clearly genetic. It's like, oh, will we get a tour bus? They're like, oh, normal people have two children.
Starting point is 00:02:31 We'll have eight and then see what happens. And like, yep, that sounds about right. How many siblings do both your parents have again? My mom has seven and my dad has four. So there's eight and five. Bananas. And they all have kids, of course. And they all were married at some point.
Starting point is 00:02:43 So there's like just double. They were married multiple times. Pretty much all of pretty much just a lot of people yeah and so it was a trip i don't know i only cried once on that segment of the trip but we're not even gonna go there um people are crazy yeah it was very drama um my aunt like confronted me about a thank you card she didn't receive and i I was like, Oh, Lord Almighty. She's like, I've been mad at you for months. And like, I've been crying over this. And I was like, this is insanity. Like, it was really wild. I wish I led a life so simple that things like that made me mad. I know. And I was like, and then everyone started gossiping because that's what they do. And so then like, it I just suddenly became the center of all this drama. And I was like, I don't know. know isn't that wonderful you flew to the country to celebrate your anniversary and then you're also the criminal well it was my
Starting point is 00:03:30 grandfather's birthday so my anniversary was set to the side oh lol the austria was my second wedding second wedding gotcha um yeah but we've bonded i bonded a lot with ali and alexander and blaze is like really a good patient travel companion so he and I had a lot of fun he is and he like really likes to like do the same stuff I do like trying new restaurants and he's just very like easygoing so it was really fun um and then Lisa well oh my grandma's house that everyone wants to know about the haunted one yes we do all want to holy hell we I forgot how crazy that place was I took blaze on like a tour and he was like this is not normal and i was like i know describe it for the for the class well there's a back room
Starting point is 00:04:10 where there's like a billiards table like 8 000 books that are all just like really like 200 years old and then all these lamps so my grandpa had this like famous lamp empire okay we're gonna pretend that's already been explained you don't know that no okay well did your grandpa create lamps like basically my one of my ancestors like apparently created the first decorative lamp it's a whole thing and so my grandpa has everyone's brains exploding if your brain's exploding you're not alone i didn't know this either you didn't no that's usually my fun fact that like you know those like we never had an icebreaker together that's true we never really learned the basics about one another no we just started a fucking podcast we're like we'll figure it out one of my basics is that my grandfather has
Starting point is 00:04:55 this um he's like august kaiser like the 12th or something and they have this like kaiser lamp company and it's really nuts and um so our house or my grandma's house is like full of all these like old lamps but like does it have the original really wild ones the original i don't think the original decorative lamp that shit should be in a museum i think that's like charles dickens with this little candle i don't know but yeah so that was wild and like we opened a back door and there were all these bats and we were like goodbye and so then sorry i almost just like your computer almost said bye to you forever i almost just spewed my soda all across my i'm so sorry i felt it go halfway into my nose and i was like this is it this is the way it was soda so i was like oh
Starting point is 00:05:47 i'm really down i'm going down carbonation in your nose i can't tell if i'm crying or sweating oh probably both i just had a bunch of bats oh yeah so my grandma goes oh i forgot to tell you don't open the shutters because like that's where the bats are and we were like good and there's like uh it's like a four-story house so there are shutters in every corner and then we were like what's in this door and it was locked and there was like a trunk in front of it and a curtain and we were like okay so of course we opened it and it's like a cartoon it was full of weasels thank god it was a dream i know i waited i waited full of so like living yeah they just collect there well so my grandma feeds them
Starting point is 00:06:27 and so then they come into the house and she just like lets them live there in the ceilings i have so many questions so but they're like german i don't know my grandma's like oh it's this this animal and i'd never heard of the word so she's like google it and i googled it and i was like that's a weasel like it's literally i thought it was a bird really i thought weasels were like ferrets yeah it was a bit it's like it looks like a weasel i don't know it's a different animal that we don't have in the u.s okay but like apparently they burrow into your walls and shit so all night i'm like no wonder she hears ghosts she hears fucking weasels it made it weirder to me thinking of like a ferret and like just that's what they look like that's so crazy that they just like burrow into your bizarre old lamp decorated castle it was really bizarre and my mom and i went into
Starting point is 00:07:11 the basement and we found like records from my dad's or my grandpa's company from all the way back in like the 1960s and so they would take all these creepy old like newspaper clippings and stuff from like the 60s and 70s it was like and my grandma's not gone down there in a long time it's like a really weird place and my brother found a typewriter just like took it home i was gonna say did you guys steal anything well i would we only took stuff where my mom was like oh that that's mine like that was mine from growing up or whatever got it um yeah there's one closet just full of fur coats and i was like i do not want that um you can keep those uh grandma and then there was why you don't want to like a
Starting point is 00:07:45 weasel coat well i don't want to lose all of our listeners either so a weasel coat what it i'm thinking with the bat thing like an emperor's new groove when his mouth filled with bats in the cave yeah it's sort of like they just flew how many how big was this space and how many was it just one bat room and one weasel room i'm still hooked way. So the weasel room was like this half of the house on the fourth floor? Third floor? Do they get into the house? Yes, they're inside the house. So your grandma's just used to just like shooing them away.
Starting point is 00:08:11 She just locks the door. Amazing. And so they live in that side of the house now. And then the spot with all, like the typewriter and all the old stuff was in the basement? No, that was just in the bedrooms. They're also like- How many bedrooms are there? I don't know, like 25.
Starting point is 00:08:23 I don't know. A lot. Because they had like eight kids and then don't know a lot because they had like eight kids and then they all had rooms and then they all had guest rooms yeah exactly i don't know there's probably not 25 but there are a lot of rooms and many stories to this house and and can i ask how old your grandma is she is 74 is she able to get upstairs and things like that like could she get into all the rooms if she wanted yeah she does imagine imagine having imagine having so many rooms you're just like i don't need to go into that one for 20 years literally they just leave them because she's like well i
Starting point is 00:08:51 mean my kids live there they don't live there anymore and now they just have weird like old posters and shit on the walls it makes sense but it's still crazy like such a time ball bizarre it is like a vault of yeah it is like a vault anyway so that was a trip and we definitely took some like photos and videos for beach to sandy for like a sibling don't tell my aunts and uncles they're gonna kill me um yeah and so that was interesting and then we went to austria uh where i had the second wedding which was really fun bizarre so lisa came which was really fun um we only got stranded on one mountain in the sleet so that was good should i ask about that we went on my dad's like we're taking a steam engine to lunch and i'm like okay so i just did it already not in america like okay sure why not
Starting point is 00:09:40 little did i know that that this steam engine a was 90 minutes long and b um once we got to the top we apparently had to hike for 20 minutes and we're in shorts and t-shirts because it's 90 degrees apparently once you get to the top of a fucking mountain it's no longer 90 degrees which somebody could have told me maybe i don't know maybe it's fine it was really fun and beautiful but also then it just started like pouring and sleeting and it was insane and we got to the lunch thing and we were like just sopping wet. We all had to throw our shoes away. Lisa was like, sorry, where am I and what's happening?
Starting point is 00:10:10 And we were like, my bad. You're trapped on this mountain forever. I just fucking landed in Austria and now I'm in the mountains without my shoes. Just stranded on a train. I don't know. And so then we all had to buy these sweatshirts because we like were fucking freezing in our clothes. And they said, so the train is called the Schneebergbahn. And it just said, is that the one your brother wore everywhere?
Starting point is 00:10:29 It said, I heart the Schneebergbahn. And we were like, fuck this. So we had to buy all these shirts about how much we love this train. And we all wore them. AKA hated. Yeah. I was like, this is such a. Anyway, it was fine.
Starting point is 00:10:40 That was the only kind of problematic afternoon. And that was only a second time I cried. And then the Austrian wedding itself was really cool. It was at this castle. My dad and my uncle did a really good job with it. We're at this castle. And then this van pulls through the little gates. And all these people come out.
Starting point is 00:11:00 And they're wearing knights outfits and have trumpets. And I'm like, what in the world? And so then they start serenading us. And they're playing like knights outfits and like have trumpets and i'm like what in the world and so then they start serenading us and like they're playing all this austrian music um and then there's like this like clinking noise and my uncle walks up and he's wearing like a helmet and like a full this is the helmet i have been wanting to know about he's not on instagram all this full knights outfit there's a photo of my uncle in that and my grand or my dad just like rolling his eyes like he clearly didn't sign off on this part of the party and my uncle walks up he like starts giving this long speech oh by the way he's holding a crossbow and so he starts giving this
Starting point is 00:11:33 long speech and he's like this is traditional Austrian whatever and we're all like oh my god what's happening we're all dressed up drinking champagne and he's standing there like in the rain with like a crossbow nice and then he goes so this is in honor of the bride traditionally what you would do is like shoot a gun and i'm like okay he pulled out this like cannon gun thing he's a little baby cannon like a yeah a little cannon and he puts like gunpowder in it and we're like oh god oh god oh god he's literally gonna shoot this thing and he fucking shot the cannon off like a gun like into the air and we were like screaming it was so loud everyone screamed and like it was very startling and then he's like isn't blaze supposed to do that technically if we're going by tradition like doesn't the husband
Starting point is 00:12:14 do that or just shoot a gun that's american tradition you're confusing them i see it's the weird uncle in the helmet that does it in austria i have no idea because he was just trying to go on and on in English. And we were all like, we have literally. And Lisa is, again, like, what is happening? Why am I here? And she really came just so she could revive her comedy. Yeah, exactly. She says she retired.
Starting point is 00:12:36 Really, she was waiting for a moment to just take a whole weekend and get new material. Correct. She has plenty of it now. Yeah. She's actually going to be back on tour in a couple months just talking about you. Oh my god. Yeah. Well, I deserve it. So everything you said in the last 10 minutes sounds like an acid trip. Yeah, it felt like one too. It sounds kind of like a fairy tale, but like not a happy one. But like kind of a nightmare also. Like Fantasia. Like we're all just like a spiraled emotional void, yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:06 Unfortunately, there was no soundtrack. Except your internal screams. Yeah, my internal screams, the weasels clanking on the ceiling, my uncle's helmet. I mean, there were a lot of great noises. Just the sound of the cannons. Someone got me... Oh, my God. Some people gave me wedding gifts, and I was like, uh, thanks? Like, I didn't actually think this was, like, for my...
Starting point is 00:13:23 It wasn't, like, really for my... The wedding was wedding was like an excuse for everyone to get together right and my uncle to like show off his cannon his crossbow oh my god bow cannons it was a wild picture and um so my somebody gave me a bot a set of bottles in there she for from a she for winery and it has my last name on the bottles and i was so excited and then the woman's like it's too bad you changed your name and I was like oh no I didn't change my name and she goes you're allowed to do that and I was like yeah and so I was like yeah and she goes oh you're poor future children they're gonna be so confused and I'm like poor future children like I've had a different last name than my parents for my whole goddamn life so right anyway listen if my mom can have four names exactly I can and i figured it out just
Starting point is 00:14:05 fine pick out my own goddamn name anyway so it was fine my grandma has really bad alzheimer's too which was like really sad you know isn't it bizarre yeah it's really sad when i last saw my grandma she has alzheimer's and i i had never really come like face to face with someone yeah that severe it's pretty wild it is like really and it's i remember because last time i saw her she didn't know me but she knew my dad and now she like doesn't know anybody anymore which is just really hard um so yeah but it was good and the house was nice my dad had it renovated and oh and all my cousins gave me this really cool poster where everybody was holding a different letter and in german it said like congratulations on your wedding it was so sweet my grandma was holding like an O in her wheelchair.
Starting point is 00:14:47 And Uncle Wally and Angelica had like the Alabama A. It was super cute. Anyway. So that was my long rant about everything. Thank you for listening. Sounds like its own true crime in the making. Oh, there were a couple of moments. I was like, this isn't going to end well.
Starting point is 00:15:04 Lisa was like, I'm never getting back to the States. Completely. And there were definitely some moments where people I barely knew were like, are you gonna say this on your podcast? And I was like, yeah, probably. So tune in. If I don't, there's a problem. Anyway, it was a trip. I didn't really see any ghosts. I don't think I heard a lot of noises. But then my mom's like, those are the weasels. So I was like, all right, those are just the ghosts of lamps past i literally didn't sleep in sleep that night because we were in this like so there's like a separate apartment like room where it's all pink listen i don't know and has its own bathroom and stuff and my girl was like don't use the sink and we were like okay i'm not gonna ask questions but so we had this like back room and i was so freaked out all night
Starting point is 00:15:41 i like did not sleep a wink and then there were all these weasels running around on my ceiling. It was bizarre, dude. And there's a, there's a potato man. They call it the potato man. And he like, you're doing a lot of not explaining and just stating things. And I'm supposed to take it as fact. I feel like I've been like put away somewhere. And then I come back like, don't you understand?
Starting point is 00:16:03 You sound like you lived in like a closed community. Yeah and now you're the new normal you're just like oh yeah the weasels and the potato man and all the lambs there's also a gravel man who steal well she kept hearing someone creeping around the house all night and then i think you mentioned the gravel man before oh well yeah so my mom was staying there it turns out some neighbor was like stealing her fucking gravel i thought this was a story from forever no this was very recent happening yes it was his birthday so wow i don't know what to do anymore with all this information i'm very mean either that's why i'm throwing it in your face overcome with questions that i don't think i don't i don't even know if i won the i literally went to therapy today and she's like it seems like you haven't processed anything that happened on the trip and
Starting point is 00:16:44 i was like i did that intentionally if i had processed anything that was going on i don't think i would have survived i would have come back a different person completely so i'm like now everyone else gets to hear me rant and rave about it but well sorry about the long intro god really did a number on you uh giving you that kind of life and then this kind of audience and just that's not a good making so many people have to experience that too like a tornado two things coming together an evil trick it's really evil is the right word but like i love that like my family my mom's family they're pretty crazy my dad's family's pretty crazy um and then both of them my mom and dad are the only ones from their families that
Starting point is 00:17:21 like moved to the states i'm like what are the fucking odds that these two people meet each other in the united states they're like i smell crazy yeah they're like oh you escaped it too and but let's let's create our crazy together now yeah let's bring someone more into the world fun fact somehow i can relate to all of this because uh while you were gone i decided i do i mean no one's surprised at this point, but in the middle of the night I make really bold decisions. Oh, yeah, that is true. So I got a very expensive account to and went banana grams on my Ancestry. Wait, tell me everything. So I'm, I'm actually like, I think I found like my literal, like I regularly get hobbies where I'm like, oh, this is going to be my thing.
Starting point is 00:18:03 And then I never touch it again. Motivation from spending so much money. And also like it's my family. I actually really can't go a day anymore without adding someone. And trying to figure it out. You should talk to my mom. She's a genealogist. Okay.
Starting point is 00:18:17 Yeah. She loves it. Again, another thing I want to ask more about. Well, no, no. It's not that interesting. But like that's what she does for people. Like she helps them find like their. Oh, oh yeah i definitely want to talk to her then super interesting uh so i'm very proud of the i'm i'm just gonna say it this is not a direct at all
Starting point is 00:18:35 relative to me this is through like a marriage through a marriage through a marriage sure but very distant i was able to find someone that's somehow in some way related to me all the way back to 1480. What? What? It was very cool. That's the year my castle was built. Oh, well, that now we have something in common that I did not know about. I took a picture of the castle that was like 1480 and someone's like, M's mind is going to explode. I was like, literally though. True. I mean, the fact that I have a relative from 1480, I know it literally had to happen for me to be here. That's insane. That's really yeah my uncle's weapon was from to the 15th century god damn it his canon anyway a lot to contribute no I wonder if your relative had one of those maybe it was the same one actually oh for god's sake uh that's so cool that that's so long ago yeah so I it I'm
Starting point is 00:19:22 really trying to get as extensive as possible so we got a long episode ahead of us so I'm really trying to get as extensive as possible. So we got a long episode ahead of us, so I'm going to try to keep this short. But we do have a family member. One thing that was really interesting to me is I've never known anything about my great-grandpa. He was apparently a really, like, shitty person. On which side? So my dad's dad's dad. Okay. Apparently he was just a garbage person.
Starting point is 00:19:43 I've asked my grandpa a million times to, like, anything about his childhood and he just refuses to so i've known any i've never known anything past his name sure and so the first time i like i got a high instantly because my big thing was like i want to fucking figure out sure anything about this person and uh i ended up finding out his dad's name and his dad's name and like i learned everything about the two of them the night i got the account and i like started crying i didn't know i didn't know like my ancestry could be so powerful that's crazy but i've wanted to know anything sure for so long that when i just what did you find out i just found out that my great great great grandpa's name was Edward and I started fucking crying but that's like so connected to like your
Starting point is 00:20:29 yeah I don't know yourself I also found out I'm French I my whole is that why you keep saying what the fuck do you kill surprise you've been saying that like all every time every time Christine says something that's not surprising I ironically go kill surprise is this because you learned your French? I think it might be. But so I've always known on my dad's side. Well, as far as I was told, we came here from the, we were part German and the Irish part of us came here during the potato famine.
Starting point is 00:20:56 Right. I found out that only one of my, I'm like so much, so much less Irish than I thought I was. Really? But I did find out that before me I'm the fifth generation to live here and every single person before me including my parents were all born in New York whoa every single I was the first like migrated and then stayed yeah everyone so everyone on both sides I found um I found the ancestors on my dad's side and my mom's side that all came to
Starting point is 00:21:22 America and they all came to new york i thought oh oh oh oh are you ready for the coolest part no tell me okay one of my great grandmas yeah came here yeah on the queen mary no yes no yes yes are you kidding i shit you not i've been wanting to tell you that for so long i forgot my god dude cal holy crap is that not the nanograms i'm sweating again i'm sweating and it's not because there's no ac in here oh fuck that is so cool isn't that super cool like to do they go to new york yeah oh my god from that one came from wales on the same boat as your yeah great grandma oh yeah for a halloween event oh our souls aligned for fake cobwebs and stuff but no so i i found out that i truly am the the first in my immediate line to be born out of new york wow like away
Starting point is 00:22:21 from new york yeah i was born in new jersey so you broke the chain but yeah everyone's been born in either queens or brooklyn that is so fascinating what was their what were their jobs i mean i'm sorry i'm gonna ask you a million questions later too but like what did they do i found out some really cool ones some what some of them were security guards for a uh for a meat factory stop it some of them uh sold random items one that was like a watch salesman one i mean it was super cool stuff wow yeah wow that is so cool dude and there's an ancestor of mine who i have been in touch with before who's been obsessed with our ancestry and has spent at least hours a day every day for the last 20 years oh my but we're only through one
Starting point is 00:23:03 family member so he only knows so much about my line. This stuff fascinates me. But my goal is to make my tree as extensive as possible, even if someone's not directly related to me, because through ancestry, the more connections you make, the more you can link to other people's trees. So it's like, if I add one random person, even if it's my cousin's ex-wife's ex-husband or something, I add one random person, even if it's my cousin's ex-wife's ex-husband or something. At least I'll see how I'm connected to other people. Wow.
Starting point is 00:23:29 This is so interesting. And a long intro. I love it. I know, but it's so cool. Anyway. I love that stuff. I love that stuff so much. We'll talk about it.
Starting point is 00:23:39 Okay, we will, because I want to know a lot more, too. But, oh my God. It's so fascinating. Well, thank you guys for listening. Bye. Bye. And that's Why We well thank you guys for listening bye bye and that's why we drink it it sure is um do we just roll into this stories now huh i always do and i know you always tell me not to but i'm gonna do it anyway i'm gonna apologize for the length of the story because
Starting point is 00:23:59 this is probably the longest story i've ever covered i'm going to try to do it as succinctly as possible but this is probably the coolest story i've ever done oh my the only one i'm gonna say is still the coolest is operation pegasus or project i mean that was next level but i think this falls right under seriously yeah there was literally a glint a gleam in m's eye earlier when they came in and they were like i I'm excited about my story. There's like an aura about you. I tried so hard to make this smaller. Yeah. But I just, there's so many things.
Starting point is 00:24:33 It would be, I just tried to mention as much as I could. Based on this intro, like we can't, I need to like, just tell me all the things. Okay. And I will say I use just about every source I could find. The only thing that I didn't touch is there is an episode of last podcast on the left that i know is amazing and just didn't have time to listen to yeah i bet it's great so if you want to listen i'm sure eva has listened to it she's a big how do you say it okay i always say it l poddle in my head so that's wrong okay good to know good to know so i use basically every source except
Starting point is 00:25:06 that episode but after we leave today i'm probably gonna go listen to it so wait what do you mean every source every source i go find on google oh i see documentaries i i anything i could find i tried to mention in this um except that podcast so how do i just break into this okay i'm amped i'm gonna close my computer and buckle up yeah buckle up and also i said it before and someone got really excited about it on twitter if you happen to be uh on a road trip and we're hoping for a long episode congratulations here we go here we go if you were hoping you could just blaze through this on your way to work no if you were hoping you would learn less about our families and their psychosis. If you're still here.
Starting point is 00:25:46 It's still, it gets longer. So I actually, this was recommended to me. I feel like something must have recently just happened because three or four people tweeted this to me. So you have gone heard. So I am going to cover the story of the Bridgewater Triangle. What's that? It sounds so familiar. So it's in Massachusetts. I'm so excited. What is this? Eva knows it. Eva's dancing, so I think she knows. Or you're just like a really good hype man. Or she just likes to dance. Or you're just really supportive.
Starting point is 00:26:15 She is that too, I guess. So the Bridgewater Triangle, let's just say it's fucking bananas. I've seen this too. I've seen tweets about like people tweeting about this at you too. Yeah. Yeah. And they, they've been heard. Wow. So I'm just going to dive right in because we have a lot to fucking unpack here.
Starting point is 00:26:32 I have no idea what this is. So you are really teaching me from the beginning. Homie, your brain's going to explode. I'm telling you, I did so much research on this. My head hurts. I'm glad that we scheduled out like time to spend after this.
Starting point is 00:26:42 Cause I think we're going to need like unpacking time. Yeah, we're having a party after this. Yes. We already decided. Eva brought Halloween stuff already. I texted Allison and said I'm going to be home late. So like don't even stay up.
Starting point is 00:26:52 I'm going to get weird at Christine's. Yes, correct. It's already started. So, okay, let's just let's just do it. So Bridgewater Triangle. It is one of the world's most diverse and concentrated areas of paranormal hot spots what how have i never heard of this it's in massachusetts it's in southeast massachusetts it's 200 square miles and is it is the site of abnormally frequent and unexplained phenomena
Starting point is 00:27:17 including ufos ghostly encounters cryptids and cult activity shut up just as the most bare bones version i can name a few just just to sprinkle in some samples fun fact there's allegedly another place uh like this in vermont called the bennington triangle but we are not going to get into that today that's for another time if it's a big enough story okay great but just know it exists um so if you were to look at a map of southeast massachusetts the points of this triangle are in Abington, Rehoboth, and Freetown. Okay. Just for people who know what those towns are. Not me.
Starting point is 00:27:50 Not me anymore. But fun fact, it has been nicknamed New England's Mystery Zone. Is it fun? Didn't a dad come up with that? It's a very dad name. Sounds like it. The Mystery Zone. So the triangle borders were originally made in the 1970s by a cryptozoologist named Loren Coleman, who is pretty big.
Starting point is 00:28:08 Is it Lorne or Lauren? Lo-ren. Oh, okay. L-O-R-E-N. Coleman. Got it. He specifically talked about this in his book Mystery America in the 80s. He's probably written other books, I imagine, but that book got mentioned a lot in all my research. So if you'd like to read it, I think I suggested it sounds really juicy. He has I think
Starting point is 00:28:31 I said, I think I recommend I haven't read it. But from the excerpts I found, it looks like a read. He has been quoted saying, I don't believe in the Bridgewater Triangle. I accept it as fact. So here we go. Okay. And there's another quote from I was there was a documentary I watched, which I'm going to mention later. And I highly suggest called the Bridgewater Triangle. You can watch it for free on Amazon Prime. Well, I will do that. And the quote is, for some reason, we keep talking about this region. It's all in this triangle. And we always get brought back to it. So basically it's this massive supernatural magnet. All of these weird things happen to be in this weird triangle region. I didn't write this in my notes, but I, it's still fresh in my head.
Starting point is 00:29:15 Lauren Coleman. So he's the guy who basically quote created the triangle. Um, he moved to the area and realized there was a bunch of weird stuff going on in the Bridgewater area of Massachusetts. And so Bridgewater, the County lines show that there's Bridgewater, West Bridgewater and East Bridgewater. So he was like, okay, so there's already a pattern of there being like maybe a triangle because there's already all this weird stuff happening in all these little spots where it all triangulates. And so he just kind of started broadening it and seeing all the reports coming in.
Starting point is 00:29:44 And he was like, oh, there's a fucking triangle of stuff going on here. Wow. Okay. So why is it so supernaturally magnetic? So a lot of people think that these, that the land lies on a vortex. Yes. People have also said that the land, this is very like Reddit cool. Like it sounds like something I want to research later.
Starting point is 00:30:04 Reddit cool. Reddit cool tmtm the land may be quote on a thin spot between realities yes i love that that's a thing that the irish believe in uh the thin places yeah where they think that the two worlds are converged much closer than in other places it's fast that's fascinating almost like soul ties a thin place i think soul ties are That's fascinating. Almost like soul ties. A thin place. I think soul ties are involved in that. Where like soul ties are like the people that you just fucking connect with immediately. And it's like you're doppelgangers of sorts in a place next to you. What?
Starting point is 00:30:37 In a world where this is fact, the theory is that you meet your soul ties next to your thin places where you're close in the other world so like if you met someone where you were like we're fucking bonded wherever you were when you guys met and had that instant connection farmer bob's tractor we then a thin place our doppelganger it was in a thin tractor somewhere else so uh wow okay so a lot of people think it could be something mystical like that the most common theme is that uh it's actually a native curse that causes all this okay um leave it to us americans to say to blame steal land and then have just like be like well the native americans did it it's like well what the fuck this you're not supposed to be here anyway so some think that
Starting point is 00:31:23 the land uh could actually have its own spirit too a lot of cool apparently in certain areas like um the jungle is supposed to have its own spirit and okay big areas are supposed to have their own energy so they think that maybe this land has its own energy some people in recent years have also argued that it's not actually a triangle but it was a triangle in the 70s based on the only reports that they had back then. But as awareness and reports continue, the triangle starts stretching. Okay. And so it's actually becoming a bigger land than they actually thought. It's becoming a rhombus.
Starting point is 00:31:57 Actually, it is becoming a rhombus. No! I'm not kidding. Oh, God, help me. So there have been spots where they were like, yeah, so this land, it does fit in the triangle, but there's never reports here. So why is that in the triangle? And as it's starting to stretch, they're realizing that it's a little more elongated. Wow.
Starting point is 00:32:11 A lot of people have also called it a tentacle where it's like not actually a shape at all, but it's just kind of spiraling. Oh, I see. It's almost like spreads out. It's starting to just spread. That's creepy. Ten years ago, people didn't know what this triangle was. And as they're becoming aware of it they're telling their stories and it's just becoming more and more hot spots outside of the triangle too so it's getting to be a bigger spot so most of the
Starting point is 00:32:35 triangle not most of the triangle a lot of the triangle happens to be um if you're looking at the triangle the bottom right part of it is is near the Freetown Fall River State Forest, which is the state forest between Freetown and Fall River. Okay. If you couldn't figure that out. And it's also known as the Cursed Forest. Oh, dear. Because this forest falls right directly into one of the corners, one of the three corners. into one of the corners one of the three corners and in this forest has been various accounts of death cult activity and there are various eerie landmarks so we're gonna start there okay i do
Starting point is 00:33:14 need some water though i'm starting to do some coughing i'll just take this little guy hold on oh yeah crack open a cold one yeah i keep thinking i'm just drinking beer but it's literally it's root beer you're not wrong but it looks like a beer bottle and so it keeps throwing me off big time i'm like i finally did it here's the thing i went to bevmo to bring christine evil wine so i wanted to get myself something and i wanted cheer wine but they were out so then i went to my second go-to which is cream soda and they were out of that. So now I'm done rip here. Damn, Bebmo, letting them down. I know.
Starting point is 00:33:49 So, eerie landmarks. Right, back to that. So the epicenter of the triangle, let's focus on that because that's where like Vumbo shit is coming out of, is a swamp. Oh, yes. Let's go there. Okay. And it was used by the Wampanoag tribe. It is about 5,000 acres.
Starting point is 00:34:11 It is the largest freshwater swamp in Massachusetts and one of the largest swamps in all of the Northeast. Wow. Human artifacts here have dated back to 9,000 years ago. Oh, my God. So, it... A lot of history. That blows both of our findings and castles out of the freaking water. So, like, year negative 7,000. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:25 Yes. I feel like M, my head's exploding. So somehow my brain explodes less to this, but starting back at the year 300 AD, through colonial times. So from 300 to colonial times, the natives in the area used the swamp for food and also for sacred burial grounds. Okay. We can see where this is going.
Starting point is 00:34:47 Uh-oh. So the Wampanoags actually, they worshipped and feared the swamp at the same time because they believed that Hakamak, which was the deity of death and disease, lived in the swamp. Oh, wow. Okay. So they avoided the swamp completely after dark because they thought that was where the god of death lived. I mean, I think that's pretty smart, wow. Okay. So they were, they avoided the swamp completely after dark because they thought that was where the like God of death lived. I mean, I think that's pretty smart too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:08 A lot of them were even afraid to hunt or fish there during the day. But so they named the swamp after Hockamuck. So it's Hockamuck Swamp. To the natives, it translated to place where spirits dwell, but colonial settlers, aka American white male assholes uh they called it the devil's swamp because they they heard that the god of death so that's not a hard name yeah so the 17th century rolls around and during uh king philip's war aka the first indian war which i don't know if we would call it whatever, you know. Yeah. Historically speaking.
Starting point is 00:35:48 Historically speaking, the first Indian war, also known as King Philip's War, the swamp was also used as a fortress against colonial settlers. Oh, interesting. So this threw me off until I actually started trying to pay attention. King Philip is actually one of the natives. It was his Americanized English name. Really? So he also goes by Chief metacomet okay um i also saw in some books that are books i did not read fucking books um and so i was about to choke on my water i was like you went to the library in some articles
Starting point is 00:36:19 uh he was called chief metacom instead of metacomet. So I don't know the difference, but I called him Chief Metacomet. Okay. He's also King Philip. He led his tribe to rebel against colonial settlers. He was killed and his head was actually put on a pike, like in the old days, like put a head on a spear and serve as a warning to others. So his head was put on a pike in plymouth colony which was the area that was what it was called at the time um and it sat there for
Starting point is 00:36:49 20 years as like oh my god a warning to the natives don't mess with shitty white people so oh god we'll come into your swamp right so then king so king philip's war to this day is the bloodiest war per capita in U.S. history. Wait, sorry, what? Are you serious? Per capita, the bloodiest war in our history. Wow. So it was just a full massacre.
Starting point is 00:37:13 Must have been. 5% of all of the New Englanders population died. Holy crap. Only 500 colonial settlers died and 3,000 Wampanoag men, women, and children, including innocent ones, were all killed and or sold into slavery. Oh, good. Super. Also during the war. So this is another thing that I don't want to skip over, but I also don't know a lot about.
Starting point is 00:37:41 So excuse my ignorance, but the tribe had something called a wampum belt, which apparently it was like etchings and beads that they wrote out basically their tribe's history. Oh, cool. And it represented like the unity of five tribes all being there for each other. It was a really like revered object. And during this war, the belt was lost slash stolen.
Starting point is 00:38:05 Sure. And that further pissed off the tribes. And basically when the chief surrendered, he was beheaded. The land was stolen. The belt was stolen. And the swamp was deemed worthless and they tried to drain it for farmland. So just white people being terrible. The natives cursed the land as they
Starting point is 00:38:27 should and they basically said until the land uh the land will not go back to normal until it is back to its rightful owners so basically it's cursed for fucking well and they already believed that the swamp was had like a yeah it was already there was dangerous presence the god of death was there and then american quote americans tried to drain them tried to come in and just drain the swamp and piss off basically the devil um so here's a quote from the documentary the best evidence that there's something very unusual happening in this area is the consistent constant reports from people in the swamp okay so wow since then i've just mentioned the forest and people in the swamp. Okay. So. Wow. Since then. I've just mentioned the forest and I mentioned the swamp.
Starting point is 00:39:07 Another eerie landmark that we will be talking about is called the Dighton Rock, which is a 40-ton boulder. Whoa. It was originally across from one of the burial grounds on the river. In the 1950s, it was removed from the river and placed on shore, and a museum was built near it because this rock is pretty fucking bananas on one side of the dighton rock are ancient carvings inscriptions and hieroglyphics that archaeologists to this day cannot decipher now now we're talking there are
Starting point is 00:39:38 mysterious drawings of people animals symbols geometric, and cryptic writing from multiple time periods and multiple cultures. Yes. Holy crap. Holy crap. So it seems to be, I like this quote a lot. It seems to be a quote, mishmash of cultures. Yes. Because there are paleolithic paintings, Roman letters, modern etchings, all the way up to the most recent thing that had been carved into this, which was a signature in the 1920s
Starting point is 00:40:04 from a guy named jesse jesse god damn it so it goes from like like the caveman all the way to jesse jesse and then it stops it stops at jesse it stops at jesse it always does it always does so the belief in the 1700s was that this came from that all these carvings came from phoenicians they also came from uh or that the phoenicians actually carved in images from their past, present and future to warn us. Oh, um,
Starting point is 00:40:31 other arguments since then have been that they were native Americans, Vikings, Portuguese explorers. They actually think it could have also been several explorers that were trying to write in a language they didn't know. So it might be like broken language of whatever culture they were trying to assimilate with. Sure. And my favorite is another argument is that it's just colonial graffiti.
Starting point is 00:40:52 Sorry, that was really loud. I can't even imagine what colonial graffiti is. But I like to think like colonial people trying to like sext or something. Oh, God. Like a dick pic in the colonial years. Or like so-and-so is a dick pic in the colonial years or like so and so is a witch right exactly gossiping so there are there's one quote from 1690 which breaks my brain from reverend cotton mather oh yeah i know that guy so he talked about the rock and he this
Starting point is 00:41:20 is a quote from him trying to describe the rock to other people. Yeah. Among the other curiosities of New England, one is that of a mighty rock. There are very deep engravings. No man alive knows how or when the lines filled with strange characters, which would suggest odd thoughts that they were here before us. How odd that people were here before us. Wow. No, like that before human civilization. Oh, before us. Like before us. Oh like that before human civilization oh before us like before us oh
Starting point is 00:41:46 dear god okay wow uh i thought they meant like before the settlers i was like wow what a thought novel so that is crazy then there's also profile rock slash apparently it's called joshua's mountain sometimes it's a 50 foot high rock that has a striking likeness to a human face, which I can confirm because I saw pictures of it. It looks like a fucking human face. It's said to be Chief Massaswat, who is Chief Medicom King Philip's dad. Oh, OK. Interesting. That's cool. It was sacred to the tribe.
Starting point is 00:42:21 It was apparently where the belt was stolen. No way. Sacred to the tribe. It was apparently where the belt was stolen. No way. So there is a lot of paranormal reports there of glowing lights, voices, and an apparition on the rock of someone with crossed legs and outstretched arms. As if meditating. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:42:36 Okay. In the documentary, this fucking got me. So in the documentary, there's someone talking about, like, oh, the ghosts of Profile Rock. And trying to talk about the history of the belt being stolen there and how all of this happened. Like, yeah, they stole our land. But once they stole our belts, like that was fucking it. They cursed this land. And this expert was saying, this was his quote, things in the forest won't be right until
Starting point is 00:43:01 the wampum belt is returned. And as he said that, all of the equipment that was filming him in the documentary shuts't be right until the wampum belt is returned and as he said that all of the equipment that was filming him in the documentary shuts off no and then it like flashes on by itself and then they tell the interviewer they were saying like just so you know when you said that all of a sudden like our lights and audio all went out and so he starts laughing uncomfortably and goes oh shit well just so you know we hear your message if i could return it i would and all the lights shut off again i have chills and stay off dude so like you just see him sitting in the dark you can see and you can hear like the whole crew like like doing that weird
Starting point is 00:43:36 laugh or they're like they're like this is great for the movie but uh exactly so wow that fucking got me and also everywhere else besides that documentary nowhere did that get mentioned so i'm glad i watched this documentary because i wouldn't have known that about the belt that like that whole experience of like the interviewer talking about it and a spirit like reacting or intelligently responding that didn't get mentioned anywhere so really yeah well it's mentioned now because it deserves a mention so and the last landmark i'm going to mention is solitude stone oh that sounds scary sometimes called suicide stone oh i thought maybe that's what was happening it's in west bridgewater next to a bridge by the water sure maybe that's why the town's called bridgewater no and the stone
Starting point is 00:44:21 itself was actually found in 1916 by accident because there was a missing person that people were searching for and they found her dead body by the stone. Oh, fuck. So this stone, it had been hidden for almost 100 years under moss and overgrowth. But when they took everything off of it, it is like a perfectly clean slab with a 150 year inscription carved into it. with a 150 year inscription carved into it. It's like super eerie, especially watching it on in the documentary. Cause they were like, we would have never known about this in this area.
Starting point is 00:44:51 That's allegedly really creepy. Yeah. We would have never known unless a dead body led us to it. What's the inscription. So it was maybe they don't really know who wrote it, but their guess is that it was written by reverend timothy otis pain who is part of the new church of jerusalem and apparently the new church of jerusalem was the sect whose philosophy is allegedly inspired freemasonry whoa um so the inscription itself
Starting point is 00:45:16 says it's kind of like a poem all ye who in future days walk by nakucatesset stream, love not him who hummed his lay, cheerful to the parting beam, but the beauty that he wooed in this quiet solitude. Whoa. Oh, God. I don't fucking know what that means. Oh, God. But it sounds creepy enough.
Starting point is 00:45:35 It sounds spooky. If someone read that to me at night in a haunted ass region of Massachusetts, I'd be scared. I'm going to read that to you tonight. Good. So that's all the landmarks. Now we're going to get into the crime area of this. I know I'm like to read that to you tonight. Good. So that's all the landmarks. Now we're going to get into the crime area of this.
Starting point is 00:45:48 I know I'm like riding your coattails for a second, but hang in there. Come with me. So let's talk about cults. I was waiting for this. So let's start with animal mutilations. No. Casual. Actually, no.
Starting point is 00:45:59 So the police have been called multiple times to investigate, especially in the late 1990s. There was a series of animal mutilations on cattle. There was a cow that was found butchered in the woods. And then only a year later, a group of a dozen calves were found mutilated with their blood drained from them. Completely. What is wrong with people? Completely drained. Trails in the woods have been found with bloodstains and oddly arranged body parts of animals.
Starting point is 00:46:21 For fuck's sake. And even in the 80s, pet cemeteries were closed in the area because so many graves were being exhumed oh no because people were stealing previous pets body parts can you imagine and drinking from their skulls what is the matter with people apparently there was a group of teenagers who got caught they were asked what the fuck are you doing you're literally the documentary is showing images of this cemetery and there's like a gravestone for like mittens and stop it like horrific horrific one of the kids they asked why are you doing this and he was like oh i thought it'd be more powerful if i drank from its skull for god's sake what on earth is wrong with you what is wrong with teens
Starting point is 00:46:59 so that leads into suggesting that there was a an influx in the 70s 80s all the way into the 90s of more and more cult activity in the area and it was essentially an initiation process into these cults that is the theory that leave the animal they almost didn't do anything to you leave them alone allegedly your initiation is you dig up a body do something with its body drink something from its body and then you are part of the cult sure so uh also there's a local hospital nearby and um here's another creepy part there's actually uh not next not next to the hospital there's a local hospital comma there's also an actual underground bunker in the forest that has been used for rituals what so there's a hospital in
Starting point is 00:47:43 the area that was used for rituals in like the 60s and 70s and in the 80s and 90s there was this underground bunker in the forest i don't like that but this documentary actually found the location too i don't like that in the 80s one guy actually one guy reported this and then in the documentary they were able to get in contact with other people who also experienced this but multiple witnesses reported trespassers in the 80s um walking through the woods at night in black robes no one time the police found uh started looking around in a shack one guy said like hey there's a bunch of people like breaking into my shack like and they're like in black robes not again the police found a large pentagram on the ground and carefully placed stones they took them for evidence and when the authorities came back
Starting point is 00:48:24 for a follow-up the next day a new pentagram and stones have been put back precisely where the last ones were oh god uh this could potentially be connected to the quote fall river cult killings which were happening during the same period which i know nothing about so by all means please handle that i've heard of it but i don't know anything about it and satanists and cultists are said to favor this location one because it's remote and hidden two because since it has such a notoriety for dark energy they think they can tap into its power it's a thin place it's a thin place oh god that's so spooky dude i need to remember that fall river cult killings yep also uh since the forest is so close to the road not only are cultists taking making use of this area, but so are murderers because they're able to dump bodies and then take off.
Starting point is 00:49:11 Fantastic. Let's talk about that. Let's talk about murder. Oh, let's do it. I'm gonna do my best to not step on your toes and keep this quick. No, no. Tell me everything. So the most famous murder that happened in these woods was in 1978 with a girl, a murder victim named Mary Lou Arruda.
Starting point is 00:49:27 She went missing and her body was found two months later. Her body had been beaten and tied to a tree in the standing position while still alive. No, no, no, no. So when she passed out from the pain, her own body weight forced her neck into the rope and she died of asphyxiation. All right. Her killer was found and sentenced for life fun fact good i mean good uh there's also something called the ice shack murders which is bananas what is happening they call it the ice shack because apparently the building was originally
Starting point is 00:49:56 built in the 40s for ice logging sure so however that building ended up getting used for illegal activities especially used by Pimp. Pimp. I don't know if that's the right word anymore. I think it is. We looked it up. Remember? Pimp slash cult leader Carl Drew, who liked to kill sex workers there.
Starting point is 00:50:14 Fantastic. He apparently used his cult leadership to control sex workers and threatened them with human sacrifice if they didn't do their part. That's like next level shit. That's not even I'll kill you. It's I'll sacrifice you to the devil if you don't do what i want next level in 1979 he killed two sex workers one named donna and then a couple weeks later one named barbara oh god the cops knew something was up and they went undercover joined the cult no and then saw the rituals happening and they were like absolutely someone fucking died here someone's responsible for these deaths and one of the sex workers named karen ended up admitting to them that carl and his like you know how with nexium there was the guy and then the girl from smallville
Starting point is 00:50:56 was like his assistant but also in the cult like the the right hand man or the right so there was a right hand sex worker um it was basically this was a cult ring of sex workers all led by him, the cult leader slash pimp. And they were like brainwashed into this. Yes. Sure. So I'm not saying sex workers are cultists. That is not what I'm saying. No.
Starting point is 00:51:13 Conveniently, there's a ring of people who all happen to be in sex work. Well, that seems like that was part of his whole spiel. It sounds like he's threatening them into sex work. I don't think any of them actually were volunteering originally. Sure. Okay what i've seen i don't know any better please don't sue me so um too late i already called my lawyer so who's my lawyer i know so uh a sex worker named karen admitted to them that carl and his right hand woman slash sex worker named Robin assisted in helping him kill Donna and Barbara. OK. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:51:50 So Karen was supposed to meet up with the cops later. Oh, no. To have a follow up interview. And she never showed. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. Basically, here's what happened. The cops found skull fragments and some clothing in the forest of the first two murders. Sure.
Starting point is 00:52:09 Um, and Karen ended up, this is what I got from one article and I'm rolling with it because it sounds horrific and I want to make sure that like I put in all the information. Yeah. So, uh, Karen told cops later, Carl and Robin did it. This is what happened to them because the cops were like, we only found skull fragments and clothing. We know something happened, but we don't know what. Karen was like, this is what fucking happened. Apparently, this is the worst thing that's ever happened in my life.
Starting point is 00:52:36 Her fingernails were ripped out while she was alive. So was her hair. Oh, my God. Sorry, I feel like before i say this uh so karen was supposed to come in for a follow-up interview and this is what happened to her right okay yeah i feel like i made things confusing no no i got you so the fingernail thing we're we've passed that and then m's brain does not enjoy that one she also got beaten over the head with stones carl broke her neck oh my god then cut off her head oh my god and then he along with the other cult members kicked it around for a while what um removed her fingers and then a
Starting point is 00:53:14 large x was carved into her chest holy crap allegedly okay only one article said that but if that is what happened people need to know what that's not what happened then whoever wrote this article is fucked up yeah someone had even worse ideas yeah so uh let's talk about that underground bunker i talked about a while ago so the location like had been lost because so many urban legends were scattered that people had created their own locations for it plus because there's so many abandoned like ranger stations and cabins in these woods and in these swamps everyone was like oh that's the one that's the one that's the one so eventually just through the grapevine people couldn't find it yeah this documentary ended up finding the location they did not release it but they did say they found it um they had people who
Starting point is 00:54:00 they got the information from bring them there and talk about what they had seen when they were like teenagers and exploring and found stuff apparently in this bunker there was a massive pentagram on the ground there were dolls everywhere with their heads cut off there was a little chair that like for a toddler oh no no no no and there were two cots next to a fire pit and the walls had satanic graffiti so this opens ideas for the, it wasn't just satanic cults. There was also child abuse and molestation happening because it looked like it was a prison cell for a child before a ritual. What in the world?
Starting point is 00:54:38 Um, there were also several murders in the forest. Um, the last three that we know of were in 1987 when a homeless man was mistaken for an undercover cop and killed oh my god and in 2001 two men were killed with several gunshot wounds on the path in the woods as of recently in 2016 they also found wires stretched across trees on the trails no to catch off-road bike riders across the neck and decapitate that kills you so that would those were planted only like three years ago in those woods weirdly Oh, no. To catch off-road bike riders across the neck and decapitate them.
Starting point is 00:55:05 That kills you. So those were planted only like three years ago in those woods. That's weirdly one of my biggest fears because when I was younger that happened, I think in like France or Germany or somewhere, there was a guy who did that and killed a bunch of people who were just families out on a bike ride. It's really freaking scary. So that's a real thing. As of three years ago, at least. Many locations in the Triangle don't just have crime.
Starting point is 00:55:28 We're done with their murder and the really horrific stuff now. Until my story. Until your story. They don't just have crime, but they are also known for urban legends and ghostly activities. So let's wean into that. Let's do that part. Let's sagoo into that. Let's sagoo right in.
Starting point is 00:55:40 So the biggest legend in these woods, and even experts say, like, we agree that a lot of weird shit is going on. But this one is probably a legend that has been spread amongst teenagers in the area. Probably not likely. The biggest, least likely thing to have happened in these woods, sadly, is a redheaded hitchhiker off of Route 44 in Rehoboth. Apparently, late at night, he will show up on the roadside. He will mess with your radio signals, which could just be interference, because you're in the woods. Sure.
Starting point is 00:56:11 Apparently, if you have three people sitting in the car, he will just appear in the fourth seat. Forget it. Forget it. He'll disappear from the road and suddenly enter your car and then disappear once you've seen him in your rearview mirror. And then crash into a guardrail. and just scream the whole way to hell um if you pull up to the city limit line apparently if you stop the car honk three times and turn your lights on he'll appear in front of your car
Starting point is 00:56:36 and there's another urban legend in freetown that there is a, although this one seems to have a little more gravity to it. Apparently in Freetown, there is a phantom truck driver that many people like swear that there's a phantom truck driver that drives across Coppocut, Coppocut Road. He aggressively drives and honks his horn at you and runs you off the road and will follow you until he runs you off the road and then when you swerve off and try to look at the car it's gone oh god and not because it's like it's in the it's in the sunset it's like fucking gone um there's another report that someone looked this one is off the road but this is a very creepy ghost story that someone reported someone looked in an old window and saw a quote small black thing that looked like a little person hanging on a wall. Oh, what? And then it disintegrated into mist and flew towards him while he heard a, quote, weird screeching pig like noise.
Starting point is 00:57:37 OK. That's it. Then there are reports of hearing voices near the swamp and sounds of people walking through it, even though it's too thick. So there's ideally is nobody in the swamp, but you hear someone waiting around in there. Thank you. Nearby is also, and also in the, in the region is, um, Palmer River burial ground. Here's some of the things people have experienced in this cemetery. There is a vaporous cloud that moves about on its own and it illuminates itself so even if it's pitch black out it's not like see it
Starting point is 00:58:10 yeah it's not like you're seeing it because there's a street light somewhere else it's glowing within itself oh great there's also a story of a little kid sitting in a costume on a brick wall he gets up and runs away when you see him and everyone reports that his arms and legs look like they're broken because his limbs move differently when he runs he doesn't look like he's in pain his limbs just look weird he's in a costume and he's in a costume sweet baby but apparently before you say sweet baby people think that he is a sinister okay spirit i don't like i just regretted everything that i said i don't apparently will sometimes look you in the eyes and ask you to
Starting point is 00:58:50 never leave and stay and play with him okay and think about this which is just freaking me out like limbs just like like inflatable tube man like you uh and your tarantula legs yeah um the seriously like the thought like maybe it's something trying to impersonate a child but i can't quite get it right and that's why the oh i hadn't even thought of that that's like the first thing because when i said oh poor thing and then you were like but it might be impersonating i don't like it i hadn't even thought of that like it's not getting it totally right exactly like there's something off about it okay forget it that's almost like black eyed children like there's something kind of off like you're like there's something there and ketchup on an apple or something
Starting point is 00:59:27 and also the fact that they don't have pupils but yeah also the apple thing uh there is a quote woman in white who has been seen hovering around the gravestones there's a man seen in dark clothing that people have just named randomly ephraim sure he's apparently in solid human form so people think he's a real person at first um like you can't see through him wow uh he wears 19th century attire but he has been known to when you do see him he's punching the ground angrily and crying oh my god there's also a colonial soldier that walks along the tombstones and touches them before he fades away.
Starting point is 01:00:07 Wow. And super duper creepy. There is a EVP of a woman that I've listened to and can confirm it is the creepiest thing on earth. Oh no. A woman singing as if she's dancing like la la la la la. But you can hear it so clearly. And there was a whole team around they were like there was
Starting point is 01:00:26 no ambient sound there's no reason for that to be there oh no thanks what do you okay sorry are there more on a on a separate investigation there was in the same place someone else also got an evp of a woman singing a tavern song so i think it's the same person and she's now known as the singing lady of palmer river having fun she said look you gotta kill the time you gotta do something yep um do you think i don't know this is probably a dumb question do you think that the spirits like can see each other like do you think they like i like to think so because like if one's just because you know how there are different types of spirits like or hauntings and like one's just kind of an image what's that called well there's like residual residual intelligent right so i wonder if those interact
Starting point is 01:01:10 at all or if those are totally separate i wonder if all the intelligent ones can see each other but imagine if you're a ghost and you can't see other ghosts that died 300 years before you like what if you're always haunted by ghosts that didn't make that are like older than you yeah how because there'll be a lot of ghosts if i imagine going to a graveyard with a bunch of people and like different like different time period clothing colonial guy and then the kid in a costume and then i mean imagine how chaotic a conversation between someone from like the 1400s and today as ghosts would be they'd be like no man like gay people can get married it's crazy you don't get it and then you'd be like what's a gay person and then this lady's just singing the whole time and you're like, please, shut up.
Starting point is 01:01:45 We're trying to have a conversation about gay rights in this cemetery. I don't, I can't wrap my brain around any of this anyway. Listen, if I go first, I'll let you know. Please? Via something. I haven't decided yet. You probably burp in my ear. So, uh, Palmer River is still the burial ground that I'm talking about.
Starting point is 01:02:06 Uh, people have also seen lights and phantom fires. Apparently there's also a sad man dressed in black walking around and then he just disappears. I don't like sad ghosts. No, those are the ones I feel the most upset for. Yeah. Apparently the state hospital that happens to be in the triangle called the Taunton State Hospital. hospital that happens to be in the triangle called the taunton state hospital um this is the hospital where allegedly there were um some cultish things happening there visitors report feeling their shoulders and legs being touched and pulled there oh god apparently in the area this story is going
Starting point is 01:02:37 to get you good so apparently in the area there used to be 13 one-room schoolhouses which by the way fascinate me i would give anything to like see a one-room schoolhouse there was an old schoolhouse in austria where and nobody wanted to go in it with me i would have wanted to sleep i was so pissed i was like somebody in blaze was like forget about it it's just something i have i have no understanding of and it said like built it was like the newer building was built in like 1909 or something so it's like not that old but i was still like old enough that I can relate to it. Yeah. Anyway, we'll go back.
Starting point is 01:03:08 I like to think in a past life, I totally was like the coolest kid in the one room schoolhouse. I was definitely not. Coolest of 10. So my dream, still my dream. So there were 13 schoolhouses in the area. One of them still stands as a museum. It was built in the 1840s. That's cool.
Starting point is 01:03:27 It was used until the 1930s. And apparently people have reported voices and general creepy feelings. My favorite story of this is that a woman went to visit the area thinking maybe the museum was open. She looked in. She looked around. It looked like it was closed, but the shut museum was open. She looked around, and it looked like it was closed, but the shutters were open, so she went to go look through the window, and she saw a school mom and a whole class of children in the middle of a session.
Starting point is 01:03:55 So she was like, oh, that's a reenactment. Yeah, they're doing it. Oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God. So she went to go inside, but the door was locked, and the building was seemingly closed. All the lights were off, et cetera. So she went to look back but the door was locked and the building was seemingly closed all the lights were off etc so she went to look back in the window and when she went to look back in the window the whole classroom was still there all the kids were still there and the teacher was still there but staring at her no stared at her for a while no and she's like let me in and they're just like no stare to her like i think in like a way like you can fucking see me kind of staring holy shit and then her and all of the children
Starting point is 01:04:31 faded away together and that makes me wonder back then if they saw something and they were like did you guys see that right like saw a person you know what i mean yeah if it like crossed past somehow like wires crossing then place man yeah oh god oh my god that is so fucking creepy dude apparently there were also so this was in like the bridgewater area they then did a segment in the documentary about a lot of different hauntings that happen in that area specifically not just the triangle but in the actual region of bridgewater yeah it just sounds like house after house after house has wild stories and they even had they showed an evp that was really cool that they were there was an investigative team um that was setting up for the night and as they're talking
Starting point is 01:05:14 they clearly don't hear it but the evp picked it up it's not faint at all they would have noticed if they fucking heard it it's a full-blown gunshot whoa like like holy right over their conversation they're just talking like they didn't even recognize it wow and and the person was talking about like oh i just went into this person's room might have been that person's room and they were like get the fuck out of my place yeah yeah anyway i thought that was cool apparently there's also a ghost named george at bridgewater state university who i didn't even get to read about, but he was mentioned. There's an antique shop in the area that has like a man that just walks literally through the door every day. Oh my God. So like this whole town is just haunted, haunted. Oh my God. So the specific hauntings I want to talk about right now are the rock, the landmark hauntings,
Starting point is 01:06:00 the ones that I brought about earlier. Yes. So here's this shit that's been going on on those. the ones that i brought about earlier yes all right so here's this shit that's been going on on those um so profile rock the one that looks like an obvious face and it was like the dad where the belt was stolen okay and when they were talking about the belt then all the equipment went out in the documentary yes yes so it's profile rock people have seen native warriors dancing there they've also heard native singing and shouting apparently there's a rock nearby called anawan rock which is named after chiefwan, who's the one who surrendered himself to the colonists and allowed himself to die in order to end King Philip's War. Wow. He was apparently the one that they stole the belt from.
Starting point is 01:06:36 Great. So the legend obviously says that native spirits haunt the area. People have seen Anawan himself. They've seen him in uh black black and white oh weird and he's see-through but when you see him your eyes meet and you can like you know he can see you what like there's a connection it's not just seeing someone it's that he wants you to know he sees you back and then he just fades away you have given me i have like the six time chills right now like this is just just not ending. Well, it keeps going.
Starting point is 01:07:05 So then there are spectral fires. Apparently people just randomly see and smell smoke. Oh my God. They've also seen massive bonfires that worry them about like the whole force is going to catch on fucking fire. That just disappear and reappear every time you look back. That's not something you can like accidentally imagine. Like there have been stories where like you see a fire, you drive up to it and like you
Starting point is 01:07:29 see it across the water, drive around to the area and there's no fire there, no ashes, no footprint, no sign someone was there, no smell of old fire. Uh-uh. And then you drive back to the original place and from across the water you can see it again. Things like that. Holy shit. Some people have even taken pictures in the area and when there was nothing going on in the environment to have caused this in the picture when the pictures are
Starting point is 01:07:52 developed there's obvious bursts of smoke behind you as if a fire is starting cool um one guy was actually scared off in the area because he was by himself and heard a loud angry man shouting utash utash which apparently is algonquin for stand up and fight oh my god also so i like to think he didn't like know algonquin and then he like he looked it up later and found out no thank you that's what's spooky yeah i don't think he spoke algonquin i don't know i don't know you're right you're right someone did to be able to say that. Fuck, dude. That is spooky.
Starting point is 01:08:27 So where Dighton Rock is, the one with the creepy carvings. Sure. The mysterious hieroglyphics. With Jesse's name on it. Jesse. Jesse's Rock is what we should call it. God damn it. So when that rock was found, archaeologists started looking around there and excavated
Starting point is 01:08:41 the area. So this, not the actual rock itself, but on the island that it was found on got it it was near this place called grassy island and archaeologists went to go excavate grassy island which happened to be next to diamond rock got it so they were digging up around grassy island which is a burial ground by the way great found ancient human remains and then there's this stuff called red okra which is like clay that just sediments onto old bodies in the area. Apparently, when they dug up the human remains, as they saw it for the first time, the red okra covering the skeletons bubbled and boiled and then dissolved away. Several, like, skeptical, logical archaeologists.
Starting point is 01:09:24 Actual educated scientists are like we saw this shit literally boil like in a creepy mystical way never to be seen again and every picture that they took on that excavation could not be developed no yeah and by the way these people have like done this before it's not like this is their first time digging something up so that actually inspired other people to be freaked out because there are like like people who don't believe in this stuff exactly are saying that this is the creepiest thing to be the ones like calming us down yeah yeah so there's also a quarry in the triangle called asinet ledge which is also just known as the ledge which is an alleged hot spot for satanists and cults yay and around it is a weirdly large amount of abandoned cars. What?
Starting point is 01:10:05 Because a lot of people drive up to look at the ledge and then out of nowhere have an instantaneous, urgent, unshakable desire to jump. So a lot of cars get abandoned there. Holy crap. Unplanned. So a lot of people think, oh, I won't. I won't. I'll drive my car away. And then they don't.
Starting point is 01:10:25 What the frick they don't know if that's because of the the land being cursed or because there was some occult activity going on there that like sure a spirit talks to you or whatever a word for that like the urge that you feel when you're on a ledge to jump off there's like a word for that isn't that the poe effect or something oh maybe that's i feel like we've talked about this i think you're right i think the poe effect is when like you're aware of how like i could kill you right now exactly i won't but like i'm aware but that you could kill me right that like awareness of like i could jump off this sled yeah i could like if you're like if you're cutting vegetables you know like i could fucking stab myself in the stomach exactly like
Starting point is 01:11:00 if i just fucking wanted to all it would take is one decision yeah yeah so that's interesting i only remember that because a friend who i'm not friends with anymore and not because of this we just fell out of touch but i remember we were driving on a windy road without like a barrier one time and he was like you know if i just like sneezed and like turned the wheel i was like what what are you talking about get me out don't fucking sneeze i don't think i ever got in a car with that person again yeah well i don't blame you but uh god damn it and then i remember him being like oh yeah that's the poe effect and i was like i will never forget this conversation yeah okay good so he's like god okay so in the quarry is the ledge um and a bunch of abandoned cars commonplace for suicides but people don't really plan on going there to jump it just happens they
Starting point is 01:11:45 all report this feeling of dread and desire to die and there's apparently a regular ghost there called the lady on the ledge who is seen in white jumping and when you go to try to help her or look from the side to see if she survives she vanishes in thin air jesus yeah can you imagine how scary traumatizing that must be to see someone about to jump and you're like i need to save that like that's not a funny prank with ghosts like yeah i thought i was responsible for not saving god damn there's also um a guy named john brightman who's part of the new england paranormal research group who actually experienced this but survived he didn't jump he just felt it and left and he says that he broke down he was on top of the ledge because later on he had the realization that he could hear a spirit telling
Starting point is 01:12:30 him jump or leave holy shit yeah oh no no no no so they think at that point they really can't tell if it's like a tribe like a curse sure or it's an occult thing a lot of people think it must be an occult thing and they've stirred up some dark shit totally forcing you onto the other side i can't and i don't want to blame the natives either for that right and i imagine like the more people are just jumping off this ledge it probably doesn't help bring good juju to this right right there's just gotta like be added like bad stuff all the time there are also reports of phantom people standing ominously at the top of the ledge staring at you oh god we're also jumping from the ledge and vanishing before they
Starting point is 01:13:10 hit the water can you imagine them looking at you and then jumping and then vanishing oh god yikes why are they always looking at you i've only got one more section guys i promise it's coming to an end the ledge is also famous as of of 1974 for UFO sightings reported this time in 1974. This one I might actually cover later, so I don't want to give away too much of it if I can get a big enough story out of it. But apparently 1974 happened on this ledge, and it's an infamous UFO story because the person who reported it was Governor Ronald Reagan. No way. story because the person who reported it was governor ronald reagan no way he was flying over the ledge with an air force pilot and two security personnel and they all witnessed a strange light following them which accelerated de-accelerated elongated itself and then sped up at a hyper speed
Starting point is 01:13:59 and flew away at a 45 degree angle what and that was that was it for him. He was like, that's a goddamn alien. He said that? For real? Mm-hmm. That's crazy. How did I not know that? I don't know. So I might cover it later.
Starting point is 01:14:12 But apparently Ronald Reagan's UFO case is like a big one. Yeah. Speaking of UFOs, let's get into it. There are many reports in the area of UFOs, especially glowing balls of light. They are now most often seen floating over the dog track in Rainham. There's actually one guy in the documentary that I saw. His name's Derek. And he saw this so often he got a camera just so he could film it one time when it ever happened again.
Starting point is 01:14:36 And he caught orbs pulsating red to green to blue. It was just a red dot to a blue dot to a green dot. And then there was a white dot in the middle. and it would just be floating there and then totally disappear and then come back and then totally disappear and then come back and totally disappear. And it never looked like it was going further away or coming at you. It was just always in the same spot and it would just like exist and then not exist and then exist and not exist. Just showing off. Yeah, like it knew it was doing a little dance. So lights have actually been seen
Starting point is 01:15:06 in the area since 1760 no way uh the first one was reported to be a quote sphere of fire oh my god and was seen hovering over the area and it emitted a light so bright it actually cast shadows in front of the sun and that's not a fucking weather balloon in 1700 no and the light was seen from both bridgewater and roxbury and it is likely to be the first documented ufo report on the planet no way yes that is so cool another one that was actually documented in newspapers was on halloween in 1908 and two men were driving around 3 a.m and they saw a quote unusually strong lantern illuminating a large object a lantern they were like they were like how do we describe this a lantern illuminating a large object almost like a balloon and they watched it for almost an hour
Starting point is 01:15:57 and others also reported seeing it hovering and then keeping a steady course and then hovering and then keeping a steady course it was stopping by free will it seemed sure it could have been a hot air balloon but they're quoted saying i claim that a hot air balloon could not move in a circle or perpendicular and this one did it moved up and down seemingly at the will of some individual what and that was apparently in newspapers that's wild um some people have also seen floating lights approach them closely and then fade away down the river. So they thought like there was a fisherman at night coming towards them. And then as the lights got closer, they were like, there's no boat attached to that light.
Starting point is 01:16:35 Like there's it's just like going down the trail by itself. And then they'll interact with it or say something or be like, what's that? Who's there? And then like zooms away down the river. There are also clouds that do that that illuminate just like the one in the graveyard that will just move on its own and its own source of light in 1968 there were five people that saw a ball of light floating through the trees in rehoboth and they shouted at it and it grew to five feet wide and then charged at them oh my god junie just burst into the room sorry um but yeah so they were like yelling at the light being like get away from us and then it like grew into this mass and
Starting point is 01:17:12 then charged them no and then just disappeared no the same year a man was looking at a snowy field and saw a tree from a distance burning from the bottom up as if someone like lit the tree on fire went to go check it out to make sure everything was okay and there was no tree there was no ash there was no footprints in the snow there was no source of snow oh god there was no source of anything happening he was just seeing it there were most of the ufo sightings started in the 60s they mainly happened in the 70s most of them came from 1979 that was like the big ufo year in the bridgewater triangle hello juniper hello handsome kitty cat who i love so much can i have a little kiss nope okay um
Starting point is 01:17:53 oh i'm gonna ignore you and that's how you'll laugh yeah he's gonna be needy in about five seconds so uh the yep here he comes and soapy's on my belly oh my goodness oh and he's gone so uh ufo sightings mostly happened in the year 1979 the most famous one was two newsmen actually reported seeing a home plate shaped ufo like from a baseball diamond shape that's funny it was a home plate shaped some stories say it actually emitted a green substance. Ew. They didn't say that in the interview I saw. But they swear that they saw it. It was as wide as apparently five 747s put together.
Starting point is 01:18:34 Whoa. It had a cord sparking from the bottom of it. And you could throw a rock at it. It was so close. Oh, my God. One of them was an Air Force vet and was quoted saying, that's not one of ours. Oh, God. That's the last thing you want to hear when you're with that person oh and the two of them talked about it but didn't say anything and then they found out later there was like a series of reports that
Starting point is 01:18:53 multiple people had seen it and then they came forward saying that's freaky um juni and eva cuddling it's so so do you love you love Eva? Isn't that so nice? He's like, I want you to bring my smell back to your cats so they know. So much love. Wow. So much love. Look at that belly. Oh. Oh.
Starting point is 01:19:17 He's sitting on her. Oh, he's cuddling. Oh, he's crying too. Oh, he's really cuddling. Holy shit. He decided. Let me get a photo. He decided. I'm going to get one too. cuddling oh he's oh he's really cuddling holy shit he decided let me get a photo he decided i'm gonna get one too look at little eva and juniper and juniper look at little eva and the kitty cat oh my goodness oh my god that's so cute oh here's a little olive puppy dog puppy dog they all need so much freaking attention.
Starting point is 01:19:45 Where's the third one? Oh, he'll come in a minute. Where's the Scorpio King? Yeah. He'll come as soon as you start talking. There's a little olive. Do you want to come up here? Oh my goodness.
Starting point is 01:19:54 So much love. Okay. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Where am I? Okay. So that was like the big one that happened in 1979. And then again in the 1990s, there started to be a big influx of ufo reports again so in 1991 you remember that year remember fondly i remember it well remember
Starting point is 01:20:12 being born i remember remember leaving your past life for this one so thin place how unfortunate for me so in 1991 there was apparently a literal like like UFO stereotype green flying disc that was seen moving slowly and silently 50 feet in the sky with a powerful spotlight. Christine needs to open the door for the cat. That should be that should be my slogan. My tagline. Christine Sheafan opens the door opener door opener for animals. So it was a flying disc. It was moving slowly and silently 50 feet in the air with a powerful spotlight.
Starting point is 01:20:50 Oh God. Um, something like that was seen again in 1994 to 1997. I got different dates on different articles that there was a report of a large triangular UFO with three white lights and two red star-shaped lights oh my god very specific that is in 1998 there was a ufo of that had red green white lights this one's bananas it had red green and white lights as someone was watching it the ufo split into two ufos flew at high speeds both with bright lights and then merged into one again and vanished weird um and immediately immediately after that the air force uh-huh was in town interesting and their plans their planes were flying around the area obviously searching for something because
Starting point is 01:21:37 of the lights and not splitting into two and not splitting into two or glowing red green and white and there's here's a little feature what more could he have to say so in 1999 the other big ufo these are the 90s are crazy at this 90s are bananas man yeah uh there's a guy named george and he saw a ufo that was quote moving all around it was moving in shapes that planes don't move um there was also a report of a strange entity that looked a little alien-like in the area. It was seen ducking down in an empty car.
Starting point is 01:22:11 Oh, forget it. That had a skeletal face that was white as paper, no hair, no eyebrows, no lips, no nose. And was seen staring at someone from their peripherals and when they went to turn,
Starting point is 01:22:22 hid in the car. Goodbye. Forever. Which reminds me, like, I never want to get in my car again because something could be in there yeah it's either that hitchhiker it's either the poe effect you're gonna drive off the ledge like you can't nothing good happens absolutely not in the car the other thing that's weird and i don't know if i've mentioned this before but one thing that's associated a lot with uf is black helicopters. Weird. It's kind of, from the way that I understood it, it's kind of like how demons will impersonate people but look kind of off. So they're like, oh, I'm just-
Starting point is 01:22:54 It's like UFOs trying to look like our aircrafts and become black helicopters. They're like, that's a cool shape. I guess we could do that. Yeah. They're like, that looks standard. What the frick? I did not know that. So that's a cool shape. I guess we could do that. Yeah. They're like, that looks standard. What the frick? I did not know that. So that's like a theory.
Starting point is 01:23:07 And also there's the men in black who they believe could be impersonating people. Oh, no. This is terrible. This is all so bad. So there have been a wild amount of black helicopter sightings in this area. Of course. So they started to appear after the 90s, which makes me think that like enough aliens fucking showed up in the 90s. And they're like, we need a new plan.
Starting point is 01:23:28 We need a new style. They're catching on to us. We keep splitting in half. And apparently that's not normal here. So after that influx of UFOs, by the 2000s, only black helicopters were being seen. That is not OK. It's so creepy. These mysterious helicopters are associated with UFO
Starting point is 01:23:46 lore. And in 2002, there was a report in an e-newsletter called the UFO Roundup. And there was an investigator named Mary Lou. Love the name. Love it. She apparently in the area, she heard very loud helicopter noises in Rehoboth, but found nothing in the sky. She found witnesses who also ended up seeing two black helicopters in the area that were equipped with spotlights and flying over Route 44, which is one of the big hotspots. Another witness actually saw a helicopter two days in a row in July that year, and then they ended up seeing more helicopters a month later. More ended up reporting seeing helicopters in August, only a month later.
Starting point is 01:24:24 There are also reports of animals especially cats and goats for some reason appearing really nervous during any time there's a helicopter in the area cats and goats okay apparently the ones closest to aliens i love it um the most spiritual of animals and after these animals started freaking out a week later there there was helicopter activity nonstop, including at night. And there has never been a release or an explanation for why the black helicopters were around. And you, I mean, you know, people are calling like. Someone's being like, what's reporting this? Someone's reporting about it.
Starting point is 01:24:56 Yeah. So the last thing, not just UFOs, but in the Bridgewater Triangle, there happens to be a lot of sightings of cryptids. Yes. Mainly Bigfoot. Shut up. Mainly Bigfoot, but it gets pretty bananas. So there's one guy named Joe DeAndrade. I thought it was DeAndrade in the documentary.
Starting point is 01:25:17 I think it said DeAndrade. So he apparently has been investigating this Bigfoot monster and publishing reports of the Hockamock monster is what they're calling it, or the Hockamock Sasquatch. He's been publishing reports since his own personal sighting in 1978. So this is actually like really, like he's probably one of the reasons the Bridgewater Triangle has so many reported documents because before anyone was taking the Bridge bar triangle seriously he was already saving every document he could find looking at every report filing everything so by
Starting point is 01:25:53 the time people were like realizing hey there's a paranormal story here and a ufo story here and a cryptid story here and a cult report here sure he already had a book to be like yeah look at all this shit oh my god so he has in the paranormal, he's been given a lot of credit for being the reason people take Bridgewater seriously today. Oh, wow. Or the Bridgewater Triangle seriously. So his personal story in 1978 was that he saw a, quote, big, tall, strange looking creature who was, quote, apish and mannish that very slowly walked down a hill towards the woods. He was six feet tall at least 400 pounds oh me too uh and had long dark brown hair uh there's another report that
Starting point is 01:26:33 he got that while someone was hunting with his uncle the uncle shot a bear-like animal that cried out and it sounded half animal half human oh god and they later found blood and long brown hair in the leaves ew there's another report from that same witness when he was at a pond he heard a loud splash like something like a large animal dove in oh god and then he looked over into the water and saw several dead fish floating on the surface as if something had just like gone just like what attacked all the fish oh fuck there's another report of someone seeing a tall, bipedal creature covered in hair in their garden.
Starting point is 01:27:09 Oh, no. They looked up in their window and saw this in their garden. He was eating one of their pumpkins, holding it with both of his hands. No! Which means he was bipedal and upright and holding a pumpkin in his hands, eating it raw. That's so gross, by the way. And then when they met eyes, he ran into the woods with the pumpkin.
Starting point is 01:27:24 I was like, don't tell the woods with the pumpkin i was like don't tell me drop the pumpkin thank god uh there's like that was for the state fair there's another report uh of someone saying quote there were a few times i thought i saw things walking in the woods especially around 6 a.m right before the sun rises oh god there's a don't get up early that's one more listen and don't fucking grow pumpkins i'll tell you what don't do yeah don't leave the house another report of a bigfoot like creature um in the 70s that apparently went quote haywire and killed a farmer's pigs and sheep oh and then they actually had the police go out and look for this thing because the guy swore it was yeah like they had footprints and everything they were like this is not animal i know of sure and so the police
Starting point is 01:28:04 went out they can never find anything and then finally there's a report from john baker in his canoe he said he heard something crashing through the woods and he saw something get into the water next to him and it looked like no can you imagine you're stuck in your canoe no no no no no he and it was in the winter too so he was going through like juni is scaring the crap out of me coming through that door i'm so sorry sorry. Go on. No, you're fine. So he was in the canoe. And this is the worst part is he it was the winter. So the canoe was going through like ice water.
Starting point is 01:28:32 So it was super slow. So he could not get away very well. Oh, God. He's just slowly. He says, quote, something was following me and I knew it was big. So I took the boat down a creek to a dry hell a dry hill and kept it moving but he could still hear the ice in the swamp cracking behind him as a creature was keeping up with him this is a horror movie so he said quote i knew it wasn't a human because when it passed me i could smell it it smelled like a skunk musty and dirty like it lived in the dirt that's what they say about
Starting point is 01:29:02 bigfoot too is that he smells really bad that's what they say about Bigfoot, too, is that he smells really bad. That's what I say about Christine. There's also a report of two cops sitting in their cruiser and, quote, without warning, something began to pick up the rear of our car. I spun the car around and got my spotlight on something that looked like a bear running upright around the corner of a house. Running upright. No, no. Some think it is a giant bear, but bears have been extinct in the region for a long time.
Starting point is 01:29:29 So they're like, okay, well, it can't be a bear. And also it walks on two feet. And it walks on two feet. Oh. And it steals my pumpkins. Well, sure. And like I said, some reports have even led to police investigations. But not only is Bigfoot a big thing, there's a slew of cryptids that i've never even
Starting point is 01:29:47 heard of that are apparently in this space so there are cryptic sightings that include oversized turtles apparently oversized enough to be noteworthy oversized turtles is the best crypt that i ever heard here's the worst snakes as thick as tree trunks goodbye it's a pretzel worm it's a it's a totsil worm we found one of those i mean not a real one but it was this giant log that like had and blaze goes is that your is that your worm thing your worm dragon and i was like it looks like it's the one oh uh he looked a lot friendlier i bet yeah uh snakes as thick as tree trunks terrible orangutans what a lot of people think they're either orangutans or baby bigfoots oh because of the same coloring same amount of hair kind of walking
Starting point is 01:30:30 upright run away from you but like to behave a little bit like humans and stuff yeah yep uh and then also thunderbirds which i have not yet covered i don't think have i no you haven't but i love this topic so i want to save thunderbirds for the future so interesting but basically they are massive pterodactyl like birds that come from native american folklore so it makes sense but the curse on the land they have a wingspan up to like 12 feet they're fucking massive and like on jim harold people call in and say they've they've seen one and stuff and it's really wild yeah like they think it looks like a dinosaur like it's that big yeah yeah so i do want to save that but there have been a lot of cryptid sightings of seeing um thunderbirds spooky um also cops have made their own personal reports and seeing them it's not like that's interesting too it's not like calling a cop for an investigation it's like the cops are reporting this right
Starting point is 01:31:19 um in the 70s through the 90s people have reported seeing them sometimes even fighting in midair together. The Thunderbirds? Yeah, so there's at least more than one. Oh, my God. Coincidentally, though, the very first report of a Thunderbird in the Bridgewater Triangle happened to be in an area literally called Bird Hill. So a lot of people think that it's kind of like not actually like it's an urban legend. It started on Bird Hill.
Starting point is 01:31:44 So they're talking about birds. Sure. But a lot of people also like swear that they're saying these birds. Or maybe it's called Bird Hill because that's where people saw these giant birds. Yeah. Who knows what came first? Maybe the bird or someone other than me. So in 1976, there was also a man who watched a huge ghostly dog as big as a pony.
Starting point is 01:32:03 Oh, dear. With red eyes. I don't know. Rip out the throats of two of his ponies. No. They did a whole police investigation. They were like, maybe it's a wolf. And they're like, it was not a fucking wolf.
Starting point is 01:32:16 Like, he swears it was just like a normal dog, but as big as a little horse. And just. Oh, God. Oh, God. And they never found the dog so they think there's like a pack of dogs apparently later in life today they deal with um people witness all these like ghostly kind of see-through abandoned dogs with different levels of aggression but like if you see one stay the fuck away because you never know um but so that was the beginning of
Starting point is 01:32:42 dog sightings great in the 1990s there were black panther sightings whoa like phantom black panthers like nobody knows where this thing fucking came from whoa and tan panthers which this is a story i might also cover if there's enough information but apparently there it's got its own name the mansfield mystery cat what and? And he is a tan Panther, the size of a great Dane. So he's tan, small Panther, or maybe a tan, normal cat.
Starting point is 01:33:09 The size. I don't know. Yeah. I don't know how big to be determined. And a lot of people are like, okay, people are saying they're seeing Panthers. And then half the reports are saying they're black Panthers.
Starting point is 01:33:17 Half the people are saying they're tan Panthers. Like what on earth? These are not real. And then as soon as people started giving up on it being a reality, a 30 pound African cat, a serval, was found dead and beheaded nearby. What? Like actually found? A literal African cat.
Starting point is 01:33:36 I think it was a serval. What's happening? A 30 pound cat was just found dead and beheaded in the Bridgewater Triangle. On the wrong continent, too. Yes. Yes. What the fuck? And beheaded in the bridgewater triangle on the wrong continent yes yes what the fuck and beheaded oh god it was in newspapers they like like people saw this thing that's the real thing this wasn't like oh it vanished it was like someone brought this here um in 2006 there were more reports of aggressive dogs in the areas and there was a random emu that had been lost in the forest and was bull rushing people
Starting point is 01:34:06 that poor emu is like get me in the pot he's like there's a panther i swear get me out um god so here's another thing and i've again this is something that should have been addressed in other articles i only found it in the documentary i don't know how okay this was not addressed somewhere else maybe they got special privilege info maybe in the 90s there was a guy named bill he was walking his dog named samantha samantha's a rottweiler slash german shepherd so she's a big girl she's not afraid of a challenge around and they decided they're gonna go on a walk at night and they decided to take a different path that night always a mistake no um they got to a i wouldn't call it an abandoned road but a road that like a road no one uses like has phone
Starting point is 01:34:50 poles on it kids use it to take back roads and stuff like just a random road that not many people sure all of a sudden the dog freaks the fuck out no you don't want that bill hears a high-pitched wailing oh god and then because it's like low-key and abandoned road with like only one streetlight and the shadows are weird, he can't see ahead of him. Yeah. So he hears this high-pitched wailing and then through the shadows he sees a little creature. What?
Starting point is 01:35:17 Apparently the creature is three to four feet tall with a pot belly. Okay. And the face of a chipmunk. with a pot belly okay and the face of a chipmunk and this oh my god creature is covered in fur has big eyes he doesn't know how he knew this but knew that it wasn't young for its species it was an it was older what and then said it never once advanced at me it just stuck its hand out as if it wanted me to come to him and it kept saying i want you here you want you here and so after the last 20 years of wondering whatever the fuck he saw he thinks it was trying to speak english and he thinks it was trying to say we want you come here
Starting point is 01:36:00 and it just stuck his hand out wanting him to approach them i'm freaking out dude talk about an acid trip by the way this guy's having this is bananas he still says to this day he's like i know what i fucking saw i'm my dog saw it he's like i'm so mad i did not approach it because in hindsight it was not being mean to me it wasn't scaring me it was trying to actively not scare me but i was just so scared i fucking ran away and when i looked back it wasn't there i've heard this story have you i don't know where like maybe on astonishing or astonishing but like i've heard that where he said he literally said i wish i'd approach it i was like no well apparently i wouldn't be here he's like in hindsight it wasn't being aggressive i was just scared and i ran and
Starting point is 01:36:44 when i turned around i lost my chance he was gone i mean it was a walking chipmunk with a beer belly like hello yeah true it was alvin it was like he fucking just showed up and had aged poorly unfortunately that he was just gonna start singing christmas time and like it was gonna get weird no uh he did hear high-pitched wailing really could have been. It really could have been. Yeah. So before I delve into that real quick, I want to say, after everything that I've covered, there is an argument that this whole Bridgewater Triangle is not real. Of course there is. Some people argue that it's actually a self-fulfilling prophecy, because a lot of the stories say that the swamp is only five percent of the triangle and yet it happens to be the epicenter of activity and people say oh this
Starting point is 01:37:30 is where this happened like all the activity happened in the swamp but then when you actually hear the locations of the stories they're miles away from the swamp and so they basically think that this the lauren guy who made the boundaries, he created the shape in the 70s to mimic the phenomenon of the Bermuda Triangle. Right, right. When it's technically a Bridgewater rhombus. As we all know. And the borders were arbitrarily picked to include as many mysterious events as he could
Starting point is 01:38:00 find based on newspaper reports. Sure. So he like was shaping it around yeah so they think he just found like a concentrate area and then just put a border around it to make it look as creepy as possible enter self-fulfilling prophecy because now if anything weird happens there even if it's just like a murder like a it's like a plain jane murder because it happened in the bridge bar triangle it it's now masked in this label of mystery and it's like reported specifically under that umbrella so it's probably yeah um that's
Starting point is 01:38:31 interesting so now something dark ever happens there it's already just labeled mysterious instead of like oh that's just crime sure that just happened oh that happens literally everywhere in this country in every country and so it continues the legend of the property interesting so the argument is like someone decided that this was a really creepy area and now because of those parameters people are looking for creepy events when like if you said that that triangle was over here people would find a million ghost stories however i do believe that there is an element of like you create like you can create your own yeah and that people manifest exactly that like it's happening because like poltergeist activity is supposedly like from your own angst and right like you you perpetuate
Starting point is 01:39:11 it yeah yeah exactly so nowadays this is where we stand with the bridge wire triangle and why i think so many people retweeted about it and sent it my way oh tell me it's because fx has just released the news that they are creating a horror thriller series called The Bridgewater Triangle. That is probably why it sounds familiar to me. Okay. It is going to be produced by Noah Hawley, who also produced Bones, Fargo, and the Marvel Series Legion. I literally just read about this. Okay.
Starting point is 01:39:37 And the plot is basically what is new these days, an apocalyptic dystopia. But it only hits within the triangle lines. And three estranged siblings have to come together and save the world. Listen, I'm going to watch it. In 2013, there was a documentary by Aaron Caddio, which is the one that I have been talking about nonstop. It's literally just called The Bridge Bar Triangle. It's on Amazon Prime. I'm so excited to watch that, by the way.
Starting point is 01:40:02 There are so many firsthand accounts of people who literally saw stuff um some of the leading paranormal experts out there um it's really a really well done documentary i think and one of my favorite quotes about the bridgewater triangle is when asked about it the director aaron caddio called it a buffet of the unexplained i love that i love it so much that's i feel like that's our tagline he's speaking our language he's like just put throw in some like food some golden corral reference and em and christine will be you say buffet and i say where so the last thing i'm gonna say which elite which folds back into the the 90s experience that bill had in the middle of the road with that weird thing saying uh yeah what was it fucking saying with me or we want you here yeah we want you it was i don't
Starting point is 01:40:52 remember anymore oh you want you here you want you here dude so what was that creepy little thing we don't know however it does fall in into validating the theory that there's one other cryptid which i am very excited to talk about next week oh shit i was like okay so the i will there has been news about this cryptid recently recently so in the area one of the spots that's it falls into the bridgewater triangle is called frereetown. The Freetown Police Department has recently installed road signs. You know how there's like deer crossing signs? They have crossing signs now warning drivers about this cryptid.
Starting point is 01:41:35 Shut up. Which, if you're a Harry Potter fan, you might have heard of this before, but the cryptid is a Pukwudgie. I don't remember that. Apparently it's actually one, it's the hufflepuff equivalent to the american hogwarts so i think it's like evil evil morning i'm not a harry potter person so okay hogwarts is like in the uk yeah oh so they're saying that whatever the hogwarts in america is their equivalent to the hufflepuff house is actually called a puck wedgie so a lot of harry potter fans might know it from that. Oh, I understand.
Starting point is 01:42:06 Okay, okay, okay. However, it is an actual cryptid that goes all the way past or all the way before Native American times. So there is an entire history to Pukwudgies way before Harry Potter. Oh, so that was something she like picked up. Yeah. And I actually think, uh, there's Gio. Finally making his grand entrance right at the end of the story.
Starting point is 01:42:27 Yep. So the one thing I do want to say is that if you're a Harry Potter fan, you might really like the next episode because I found out in doing all of this history that whoever created the American Hogwarts used a lot of the Bridgewater Triangle history to create all of the information surrounding that history to create all of the information surrounding that school the school of wizardry i'm a harry potter fan so anyway tune in next week to hear about the puck wedgies i'm so excited and that is the bridgewater triangle jesus christ that reminds me so much of skinwalker ranch like just like every type of paranormal
Starting point is 01:43:01 activity suddenly surfaces there you know i you covered that right yes yeah i think so i think so too that's what i covered skinwalkers i don't know about like the ranch that's what i think i did i don't think you covered skinwalkers in general i think you just did you did oh it was the ranch oh i covered the ranch but not skinwalkers yes all right i can't remember anymore but still yes it's like there's a spooky story after story after story so much of that where they just have weird and like there's like Bigfoot and then there's also like aliens. Yeah. It's really wild and ghosts and shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:32 Buffet. What was it? A buffet of the unexplained. That is good. He should. I wish we came up with that, man. I kind of wish I didn't give him the credit. Let's steal it.
Starting point is 01:43:43 OK. I'm just kidding. That is really a good line. Anyway, that was a great story. Thank you so much. Thank you for suffering through that with me. No, that's one of my faves so far. I love that.
Starting point is 01:43:54 Okay. Hello. I'm back for my story now. Hello. We spent a half an hour not talking on the microphone. To be fair, we were ordering food, so it was a very important break. I got chicken parm. Oh, chicken.
Starting point is 01:44:04 I thought you got pizza. You got chicken parm oh i thought you got pizza you got chicken i planned on it and then i saw a whole pasta section fantastic game over i got pizza okay everybody here we go this is the story of the murders of mary ashford and barbara forest who were killed on the same day in the same town but 157 years apart what wait a minute are we both doing creepy creepy stuff i know it really is because when you were telling yours i was like mine's kind of spooky too like mine's kind of spooky i'm feeling a little spooky today i feel naughty feeling real naughty i'm gonna get a little a little wild let loose a little uh we regularly talk about how why do we do this my my old boss at uh my previous day job
Starting point is 01:44:47 her name is renee i don't know if she still listens but she was a avid supporter um she was she especially when i left she was very understanding so thank you for that uh but whenever she would eat something anytime she like broke her diet or if she was trying to like be really good that day and she would like eat a snack even if it was like one chip she'd be like i was so naughty like not ironic it was so funny it was so funny she'd be like oh this weekend i was so naughty i had a taco i will literally never get over that so i still to this day quote her it's so funny i always say every time i eat like an oreo i'm like oh i'm so naughty should i should i should i should i be bad let's be naughty i love it it's i don't know do you guys love it probably not why haven't i been
Starting point is 01:45:30 saying it my whole life we should start it feels good to say it does so thank you for that nene thank you nene that's very enjoyable okay so this story is really weird wild it's kind of short but it's bananas let's get naughty let's do it Let's get naughty. Let's do it. Let's get naughty. Okay. So this was actually inspired by a post I was sent on Instagram by Gem, G-E-M-B underscore 1212, which is quite a username, but her name is Genesis. The post was on an account called Unburnt. Creepy. And it was one of those like meme posts where I was like, okay, that can't be true. Like weird facts, you know, where like people make shit up and then it goes viral and it's like, those like meme posts where i was like okay that can't be true like
Starting point is 01:46:05 weird facts you know where like people make shit up and then it goes viral and it's like no that's not true right so i saw this and i was like that's got to be bullshit but i was like intrigued so i looked it up and lo and behold it's true life it's real it really happened and it's on real news articles and stuff so super horrific and great all at the same time i know and then i was like looking at that account that unburnt thing and i was like there's a lot of weird shit on here i wonder if it's all true oh no way probably not but this one was all right so i looked at let's see the website that i discovered well do you know that website they have all sorts of weird like
Starting point is 01:46:39 different well so okay and then a Huffington Post article by Stephanie Almazan and USA Today. So, like, legit sources. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So this takes place in Pipe Hayes Park in Erdington, a suburb of Birmingham, England. So I probably said all of those incorrectly. Do you know how hard it is to pronounce any Massachusetts town?
Starting point is 01:47:00 Yes! So I've definitely fucked up at least one. That's the best comeback, though, of like, oh, today. Yeah, that's the best comeback when people are like, you can't say this word. It's like, try town yes so i've definitely fucked up at least one to come back though of like oh today yeah that's the best comeback when people are like you can't say this word it's like try pronouncing worcester or any fucking town in massachusetts um so the first murder took place in 1817 so 6 30 a.m on may 27th 1818 nope 1817 like I literally said five seconds ago. A laborer named George Jackson came across a bundle of clothing, a hat, and shoes near a water-filled pit. He alerted some local neighbors who dragged the pit of water and found the body of 20-year-old
Starting point is 01:47:37 Mary Ashford. She had bruising on her arm. She'd been sexually assaulted. And footsteps of a man and woman were found in a nearby field which i love that they could probably tell because because one's so dainty and one's wearing like burly high heels or something back then in a field right right um when authorities interviewed mary's friends they learned that the night before she had attended a dance in town um she was known as in town as like an attractive young woman she had a number of
Starting point is 01:48:05 suitors she was very popular um and the day before her body was found may 26 was wit monday do you know about this i don't do you know about okay so it's a christian holiday it's a day after pentecost um and uh it's basically like the last holiday of the easter season and i guess over there they go and dance and have fun so sounds sounds sounds like a plan to me sounds great uh mary had stopped by her friend hannah cox's house on her way to work where she dropped off a bundle of clothes that she planned to wear to the dance so at 6 p.m she goes back to her friend hannah's house after work so they could get ready for the party together and then they go to the dance and by all accounts they had a good time um they ended up spending the rest of the dance, like the later part of the dance, with two men named Benjamin Carter and Abraham Thornton.
Starting point is 01:48:50 The four of them, all friends, left the dance at midnight. And they walked along the main road, which is called Chester Road. Hannah was like, I'm going to head home. It's late. Ben was like, I'm going to go back to the dance. And dance. The night's not over. The night is with Tuesday now. It'm going to go back to the dance and dance. The night's not over. It is with Tuesday now.
Starting point is 01:49:07 It's going to get crazy. It is officially with Tuesday. Easter season is over. So he went back to the dance. And then Mary and Abraham were like, we're going to keep walking. So they kept walking toward Mary's grandfather's home. At 4 a.m hannah opens the door to find mary back at her house and mary's like i want to change back into my work clothes
Starting point is 01:49:31 because she's still in like her party clothes and she's like what the hell it is four in the morning like what have you been up to and she's like i had it i spent the evening with abraham thornton do tell she seemed very happy claimed to have had a great time and they were like out i don't know neck in and oh someone else was being naughty yeah being naughty exactly she went over to hannah later was like i was so naughty last night oh my god this is like my friends em and christine ate a whole cake and i hooked up with benjamin yeah i abraham and i had a we were all not a romp in the field um yeah so she went back to the house at 4 a.m which is like wow your friends are really nice to fucking let you in
Starting point is 01:50:12 and change yeah but so she came in 4 a.m she's like i need my clothes but she seemed happy she was like i had a great time she changed into her work clothes and shortly after witnesses spotted mary walking along the road just to road presumably back to her house it was only a few hours later early that morning that mary's body was found yeah by 8 a.m the next morning abraham thornton was arrested he was the last person to have been seen with her she had literally said i was just with abraham for the last several hours right he reportedly told police upon his arrest quote quote, I cannot believe she is murdered. Why? I was with her until four o'clock this morning.
Starting point is 01:50:48 OK. During questioning, Abraham told detectives that he had had sex with Mary that night in the fields. Oh, my God. The dog and cat are literally chewing on the ground. What was that? They're just likes to harass the cat. Speaking of letting people like into your house at 4am remember when i showed up at your house in ohio and i was like i need to sleep here and then you thought like everybody was a good my grandmother was a ghost yes i recall to this day i'm not too unsure of that grandma pam is a real person miss pam is a ghost the nicest ghost i ever did me she made me a really nice she makes casper look like an asshole
Starting point is 01:51:25 she's such a gem um oh for god's sake the animals are riled up um okay so he told detectives he had had sex with mary that night in the field and afterward they had talked and gazed up at the sky until around 3 a.m before abraham walked her part of the way back to hannah's house he said he waited for a while but she didn't come back out so he went home and he said that was the last time he saw mary alive so abraham thornton's trial began august 8th uh public opinion was convinced that he was guilty however three witnesses were able to corroborate his alibi and so that in a conjunct in conjunction with a lack of like real evidence basically led the jury to deliver a not guilty verdict oh wow okay so mary's brother his name was william ashford he refused to accept the
Starting point is 01:52:11 jury's decision he appealed for a second trial somehow i mean it was long ago but not that long ago abraham somehow convinced um the this guy who was presiding over the case his name was lord ellenborough sure don't sure sure it was he convinced him to allow abraham to defend his verdict with a trial by battle what on earth is essentially like some hamilton shit yes a fight to the death to prove one's innocence like some game of thrones crap okay so he's like okay fine you want to read appeal my case like fight me and so the brother was like so apparently the event came and the brother was supposed to fight abraham and whoever won like that was the verdict
Starting point is 01:52:51 but whoever died was guilty alive it doesn't make any sense and so at at the event abraham made a big show he threw his leather glove over his head to initiate the challenge and then mary's brother was like listen this is dumb i don't want to do this like fuck it i don't like this is stupid so abraham just walked free so the public continued to believe he was a killer after the trial concluded uh so much so that he eventually fled his home for the united states uh mary's murder left a deep wound in the community the town never forgot her loss um and but they kind of moved on now we fast forward to may of 1974 the body of a woman is found in a ditch near chester road in the small town of erdington in england the body was determined to be that of 20 year old
Starting point is 01:53:39 barbara forest her body also showed signs of rape and strangulation. Police were shocked when it was revealed that Barbara had been killed on May 27th, 1974, exactly 157 years to the day of Mary's murder back in 1817. That's amazing. This is like a suburb, like this is like a small town. It sounds immediately like it's just got to be a copycat of someone who loved that story. Yeah, ew. Barbara Forrest worked as a nurse at nearby uh pipe hayes children's home she had also gone missing on wit monday and so keep in mind this holiday
Starting point is 01:54:13 changes dates every year because it's like based on when easter is so it's always on a monday but it like just happened to fall on the same exact same date which is like not common so that was weird and she had actually um been out dancing that night with a man named benjamin monday with her boyfriend simon close enough also the guy's name was simon the guy's name was abraham abraham come on yeah and benjamin um so reports say that barbara was out dancing with her boyfriend simon on the evening of her death he stated he walked her to the bus at 1 a.m and that was the last time he saw her so a manhunt ensued to find barbara's killer where over 100 detectives took part in this massive search and finally they zeroed in on their main suspect his name was michael ian thornton
Starting point is 01:55:03 he had the same fucking last name i was gonna say as mary's killer they're not related he had the same fucking last name as her killer in 1817 it turns out michael ian thornton lived on chester road he was barbara's co-worker and i think was like obsessed with her or something and so it's just like not a good situation uh police reportedly found blood stains on his pants and uh his so his mother had given him an alibi and like they immediately realized it was not true and so they were like okay this is our guy so they apprehended him and charged him for barbara's murder he was put on trial and similar similarly to abraham thornton in mary's case 157 years, this Thornton was not found guilty
Starting point is 01:55:45 or was found not guilty due to lack of evidence. So another weird similarity is that Barbara's sibling, Erica, her sister, Shut up. refused to accept the verdict and tried to appeal for a second case. There was not a battle to the death. I was going to say,
Starting point is 01:55:58 Erica's going to whoop some ass in the streets. Oh my God. That would have been great. She threw her leather glove yeah and then like newsy snapped exactly it's so absurd um so that was weird like the same situation where a sibling refused to accept the verdict and tried to appeal in 2012 she demanded the case be reopened and dna evidence reviewed um there have been no updates as of yet, but they're still trying to figure out if they can like nail this guy for this.
Starting point is 01:56:30 But as of now he walked free. So I'm just going to recap like what's happened so far. So Mary and Barbara were both murdered on wit Monday, May 27th after a night of dancing, both raped on the same exact road by men with the same last name, 157 years apart just super fucking weird that's just bananas yeah yeah and the similarities get even weirder so there's more uh both women reportedly felt a sense of dread leading up to their deaths so mary ashford from
Starting point is 01:56:59 the from 1817 had confided in her friend h Hannah's mother, that she had quote bad feelings about the week to come before she was murdered. Barbara had told a colleague that quote, this is going to be my unlucky month. I just know it. Don't ask me why. And so that's just a creepy, creepy similarity.
Starting point is 01:57:19 Both Mary and Barbara were 20 years old at the time of their murders. And they had the same birthday. Shut the fuck up. Literally. What was their murders, and they had the same birthday. Shut the fuck up, Christine. Literally. What was their birthday? If they were the twins, if they were goddamn Geminis. Oh, I don't know their birthday. Shit, I should have looked that up.
Starting point is 01:57:34 I guarantee you they were the goddamn twins. Okay, we're going to look that up at the end. Oh, yeah. Ooh, that's spooky, too. I didn't think of that. Thin place. The thin place. I tell you what, same thing, different time.
Starting point is 01:57:45 Jesus Christ. Okay. They also, they enjoyed dancing, going out with friends. That's both what they were doing. The evening they were killed. Both suspects who shared a name, Thornton, but were not related, were found not guilty due to a lack of evidence. And in both cases, a sibling contested the court's finding, demanding further investigation. So another similarity, this is probably the worst of all all is that the murders remain unsolved to this day
Starting point is 01:58:09 both cases are considered cold cases and still haunt the town to this day whoa and i know that was so fucking short but i just knew no we so just for other people like we discussed it earlier i was like my story's gonna be so fucking long i hope yours is and I was like, my story is going to be so fucking long. I hope yours is short. And I was like, thank God, because I couldn't find much more information on this. But it was good. I mean, creepy, though. Listen, for such a concise story, like, wow, you nailed it. Because that is spooky ooky. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:58:35 Both of our stories were, like, unsettling today, I think. Yeah. There was no resolution to anything. No, right. Exactly. I hope everyone feels like there is an open-ended scenario in your life now. What was the phrase? Come with me.
Starting point is 01:58:49 Oh, we want you here or something. Ianchu. Ianchu here. Yeah, that's it. Ew! I'm going to look up their birthdays real quick. Please hold. Okay, update. I could not find their birthdays. birthdays however it has been confirmed on multiple multiple sources that they had the same birthday however the murder took place during twin season yeah on may 27th so they were twinning yeah in a different way in a different
Starting point is 01:59:17 way um if day is twinning oh so sad i did find um one more thing that is oh god here come all the animals we just got the pizza delivered um here's one last thing i wanted to read that i found which is just just beyond infuriating so mary ashford from the one from 1817 was buried in sutton cold sutton coldfield churchyard and the inscription on her grave read god as a warning to female virtue and a humble monument to female chastity this stone marks the grave of mary ashford who on the 20th year of her age having incautiously repaired to a scene of amusement without proper protection was brutally murdered on 27th may 1817 so fuck that so they said that the the ultimate she was asking for it the ultimate on your final resting place she was asking for it she was she banged it out that night and that's why she
Starting point is 02:00:12 died yeah because she because she's fucking lucy goosey her goddamn ankles at the dance oh my good night good night and goodbye that's jesus, thank God all the people from that era are gone. LOL. LOL. Thank God nobody has that opinion anymore. One day, man. One day. One day.
Starting point is 02:00:32 Let's hope for a better future. Let's hope the fucking climate fixes itself and we fix it in time for people to, like, all think that that's a fucked up statement. Listen, my hopes are not high. So that's what I found. So that's that. Anyway, sorry to end. Everything's terrible. Everything sucks, but we got pizza, so. Listen, my hopes are not high. So that's what I found. So that's that. Anyway, sorry. Everything's terrible.
Starting point is 02:00:46 Everything sucks, but we got pizza. So yeah, so listen. Temporary, like a bandaid. I will say if you're feeling down, it helps to order some food. I always feel better after I do that. Are you sad? Go buy pizza. Don't, don't, don't go anywhere.
Starting point is 02:00:58 No, no, no. Order the pizza. Right, right, right, right. And then have a puppy dog come to you. You know, there are services that will... My mom almost did this for my birthday. I remember. There are services where you can rent a box of puppies for an hour.
Starting point is 02:01:11 They will literally... Nickelodeon did that at our party, and they just had a ton of dogs. Yeah. And I was like, this is the best invention of all time. My mom tried to surprise me at my superhero sleepover with a box of puppy dogs, but apparently they were all sold out that night. I can't imagine why because everyone said i can't imagine why on a saturday night in la all the puppies were taken everyone was just like high and drunk on kombucha and
Starting point is 02:01:33 just covered in puppy dogs oh the dream anyway go yourself a puppy dog or pizza or hug someone and sorry for everything about that um we'll see you next week with a story about a little chipmunk man. Yes. Oh, wait, this comes out this Sunday, right? Yeah. We still have some tickets
Starting point is 02:01:51 for Atlanta and New Orleans. Yes, we do. We release more tickets. I think. I just saw it on Instagram. I'm so blind. There was a scenario where something happened
Starting point is 02:01:59 with the Ben. Something happened, but we thought they were sold out and they're not. There's a couple left for both. For Atlanta and New Orleans new orleans and new orleans okay great because i'm doing my notes now and we have some wild stories for you guys so uh get on it so if you were wondering if last month there would be any extra tickets please come and help us sell them out i have
Starting point is 02:02:16 people coming especially to the atlanta one so it'd make me look really cool if it was sold out pretty please um cool all right and we'll see you there and that's why we drink yay

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