And That's Why We Drink - E139 Lemon's Cousin and the Alien Frog Vendetta

Episode Date: September 29, 2019

Please don't attack us, you hideous beasts! Do you think insulting aliens will make them less likely to abduct us? Hang on for a wild ride into the most notorious European alien abduction! Em covers t...he strange case of Pier Fortunato Zanfretta, an Italian security guard supposedly abducted eleven times. Meanwhile Christine brings us a story that will make you immediately want to lock your doors forever: of the horrible murderer Stephen Peter Morin and the harrowing survival of Sarah Pisan. And please allow us to introduce you to Lemon's cousin, Avocado... and that's why we drink!You can watch Zanfretta's hypnosis session here ( !Please consider supporting the companies that support us!Get free shipping on all business cards, any style, any quantity. Just go and enter promo code Drink2For $80 off your first month of HelloFresh, go to and enter DRINK80For $20 off a suitcase, visit and use promo code DRINK20 during checkout!For 15% off your first Aurate purchase, go to use promo code DRINK

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It wasn't meant to be perfect ever once not even once. To be fair that's usually my microphone and Christine's now realizing the struggles I've had to go through. It was mine and then you suddenly got it and we're like what's going on with my broken microphone and so I took it back to make you feel better. Anyway. Is this fun? Yep. Anyway.
Starting point is 00:00:30 All right, technical difficulties aside, welcome. We have pleased the youths. They have informed us that things are good, that they like what we gave them. So far, A for effort. Some of them were very happy that we called them youths because they were in their 30s and said they prefer youtube so youth tube i actually was gonna say that this episode yeah i was like i'm gonna say that next episode and then i was like it's so terrible that i'm coming up with a bad pun i'll handle it in advance so i'm glad you just did it on a riff like naturally yeah well that's what i'm here for also uh i want to give a shout out to the person
Starting point is 00:01:05 who made these the the shirt for me that's apparently one of a set well here's what happened um we knew we were setting up a green screen today which by the way here's our green screen welcome um and both of us wore green yeah it's pretty standard so listen we're starting from the bottom still here we're still stuck at the bottom we so i was like i'm sure i have one of your shirts somewhere and i have a collection of stuff when i try we travel i bring a suitcase for all our like gifts and stuff and so they end up in a big bat and a big big suitcase suitcase of mine and so i found this was from our most recent trip yes so i have one that says eva write that down. Mine's the only one in tie
Starting point is 00:01:45 dye. That's nice. I was trying to steal it, but I brought it out for him. So we'll see. Hopefully that, uh, we are not part of the green screen. Hopefully not, but who can say, uh, this really is just like the beginning when we started the podcast and did not know what we were doing. And after a couple episodes, it started to become something really good so be patient this is round two of us on camera um one day it's gonna look really bitchin just not yet yeah um so far so good we're really faking it with the screen screen it looks cool to me it took us an hour and a half to set it up well we were gonna nail it to the wall and then we came up with a better idea to actually follow the instructions that came with it christina has a habit of nailing things to walls m thinks that i do but really it's always m's idea to do that no it's not listen there right here there's a curtain that uh do
Starting point is 00:02:35 not say i nailed it to the wall i didn't she nails the rod to the wall okay and then she hangs the curtain on the right i hang listen you guys are gonna love this tip. It is a good tip. Someone told me once. You put instead of like a command hook or whatever, you just put like a really thick nail and then you can rest the curtain rod on top of the nail. And that way you don't have to screw in a bunch of screws, mess up the wall.
Starting point is 00:02:58 It's just a one little nail. To be fair, it works. I'm like, I'm shitting on you, but you're right. At the same time, it works i'm like i'm shitting on you but you're right at the same time it works but i just assumed since you're so willing and open-minded to do it with other things why not do it with the green screen i've built every piece of furniture in this room so you can leave me alone until you want to come here and build all my furniture then we can speak uh firm pass okay welcome to and that's why we drink, a paranormal and true crime podcast.
Starting point is 00:03:25 Do you have any updates? Me? My only update was that we've pleased the youths and I am pleased that they are pleased. All right. Oh, so I wanted to mention we had an awesome time at our last show of the year. Yeah. Salt Lake. We did a double show, a double header, which was wow, wow, a lot.
Starting point is 00:03:42 We're not used to that. No. We did it once in Houston. Did we do it in Dallas too? Or that was two different nights? No, just only one time ever before this. And both times were a lot. But we commend the people who came to the second show
Starting point is 00:03:55 and stuck it out with us until like midnight. Oh my God. It was a wild ride. I had a blast. We had fun. Yeah, but it was definitely a long night. So to everybody who came to both or either one or to the late show, thank you. We had a really good time.
Starting point is 00:04:07 And you guys brought so many presents. We were not expecting it. I mean, I was because I brought an empty suitcase. I wasn't expecting that many gifts. Everyone was very generous. Everyone was so nice. Speaking of gifts, one specific person that sticks out in my mind brought uh a gift from the grocery store they work at uh basically this person said i work at a grocery store and we are we're doing
Starting point is 00:04:34 inventory we were cleaning out our back stock and i this isn't this is noah by the way noah said this noah then said i found a petrified avocado to go with lemon and then handed it to us. And now we have two dried up mummified foods that our manager can be equally disappointed about. That I'm friends with and very close to. So now instead of just lemon, we've got lemon and avocado. Now I have a suitcase full of souvenirs and a petrified avocado. And I've got two reasons to hey christine only two wow lucky me in the grocery department that's about it thank you noah for my
Starting point is 00:05:13 petrified um avocado lemon really needed a new cousin so i can't stand this anyway here we are we are uh done for our touring for 2019 and it feels good because we are tired and we're ready to revamp our tour for like a new season, a fresh new start. And we have said this before, but we want to keep hyping it up that our next tour is going to be a very different format. Oh my God, I'm so excited. We can't tell you anything. But it's going to be different.
Starting point is 00:05:38 But I mean, look what we're doing. We're building green screens. We're trying here. We're trying so hard. Listen, youths, you better come out to the next show as long as you're 18 older youths um as long as like you don't drink as long as you're not legally a youth um but yeah uh we're trying a whole bunch of new stuff we've had a lot of ideas for a long time and so uh it seems like it's all coming it's all happening at once but we've had these thoughts for a while and we just finally have the time now that we're not touring to kind of do as much as we can
Starting point is 00:06:04 and we want to get as much done as we can before we're touring again so it seems like it's all coming out of nowhere but these have been things we've been working on behind the scenes for a while yes like our updated patreon and all this stuff is like really new projects we've been thrown around ideas for a long time but finally they're actually happening yes very exciting stuff and uh we will say about the tour again one of our favorite things about next tour is that we are going to be releasing all the dates at one time oh yeah so no stress we said it before but i just want to keep reiterating it because someone's finding out for the first time also i know i'm
Starting point is 00:06:38 said no use but most of our shows are all ages so oh they are that's nice i just like to upset the youths i guess i'm on your side because i'm cool and fun and hip i like to confuse people yep i know i'm used to the comedy club scene sorry guys sorry m's used to the sorry m's used to the comedy scene you wouldn't know about it so i'm used to being a professional comedian yeah um i i should we do this thing yeah all right i'm looking at my notes and i'm remembering how psyched i am actually all right so my story this i almost said this year oh my goodness bye we're done actually this is the last show of 2019 god our manager was with us in salt lake and i said something like it's our last show and he was like it is not your last show yeah like no no of the year of this tour he's like you
Starting point is 00:07:26 gave me a heart attack i was like no no no yeah and then i was like what do you think em and i would do with our time like we literally have nothing else to do we just got decided to give up on the show and but also get a green screen we just want to talk at you always that's literally all we care about doing since we like talking at you listen up now this story is a ufo story okay and it is supposedly uh like the most popular ufo story in all of europe wow thank you for caring you heard it here first folks fascinating it is i think um what country won won this prize uh the i was gonna try to make a funny joke, but it wasn't going to be funny. Sounds hilarious.
Starting point is 00:08:09 Italy. Italy is the answer. I was going to say like the home of pizza or something stupid. Okay. That was funny. I can't stand you. So anyway, here is the story of the abduction of Pierre Fortunato Zanfretta. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:08:26 I like how you say it with a question mark, like we're all going to start cheering. Oh, my favorite! Yeah, maybe Zanfretta's listening to this in Italian. So this is... Oh, the home of pizza? The home of pizza is where he's from, actually. Oh, okay. So I just call him Zanfretta for the entire story.
Starting point is 00:08:46 I'm not going to call him the full name, just his last name. Got it. I also called him Z pretty often. Oh, Z. That's cute. If that accidentally slips up, I apologize. I like it. All right.
Starting point is 00:08:55 So I'm just going straight into his abduction. Let's do it. He apparently has been either abducted or had encounters with the supernatural up to 11 times in a matter of three years. Uh-oh. So I'm just going to, I'm not going to go through all of them, but I'm going to go through the main ones. So. 11 times. So this is his first encounter, which was in 1978 in December, on December 6th.
Starting point is 00:09:20 Zanfretta is a 26-year-old security guard, and he's working in a village near... What? Genoa? How are you already? You never Google these things. No. No. Genoa?
Starting point is 00:09:35 Yes. Cool. I just wanted to keep calling it Genovia, and I knew that was wrong. I thought maybe that's where you're going, or Geneva, but then I realized we're not in Switzerland, right? We're still in Italy? Yeah, we're still in Italy. Okay, you're correct.
Starting point is 00:09:46 But I just keep seeing Genovia in my head. Princess of Genovia. Zanfretta, Prince of Genovia. Okay, so. Oh, God, the dream. The 26-year-old Prince Zanfretta is also a security guard, and he's working in a village near Genoa, and, uh. Or Genoa?
Starting point is 00:10:03 Gene away? It might be Genoa, sorry. It might be Genoa sorry it might be Genoa actually like a hard g it's not uh so while he's working in the village it's cold and snowy so let's remember that okay um he's driving by a a country house that no one's currently living in it's an empty country house and his car stops dead everything his engine the radio his car is just kaput uh so when he gets out he also looks into the house that's currently not being lived in and he sees four lights in the house wait like who's just like a random and the abandoned he's like he's a security guard so he's just driving by and oh passing by homes okay uh Surveilling the area, maybe?
Starting point is 00:10:46 The neighborhood? Yeah. Okay. Of Genovia. Of Genovia. He's not the prince of Genovia. He cares a lot. He's actually the security guard of Genovia.
Starting point is 00:10:53 He's got his townspeople. A little bit. So is he Joe? Oh my god, no. Joe is, well, yeah, I guess he would be security guard. Is he dating Julie Andrews? Zinfreda? What's going on here?
Starting point is 00:11:04 Damn. Big day for Zinfretta. And abducted by aliens. This is quite, this is like the sci-fi version of Princess Diaries. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Trademark.
Starting point is 00:11:13 Yep. Don't steal that from me. So the Siffy Diaries of Genovia. That's what Em's dad calls sci-fi channel in case you're not aware. Yeah. Lovingly. Of the inner workings of Em's father's mind. He calls me often to tell me he's watching the Siffy network and i'd never know what he's talking
Starting point is 00:11:28 about um now we do so he saw four lights in this house that nobody should be in he got out to investigate because he thought maybe there were burglars and as a the security guard of genovia he was really excited to you know kick some ass sure got out of his car is sneaking behind the house to try to catch them off guard but he feels something grab him from behind he turns around and he sees quote an enormous green ugly frightful creature no less than 10 feet tall oh okay i lost my sweat i thought you were gonna make a really dramatic statement about how it looked like me i was waiting for that well i did think that when i got to ugly, frightful creature, but we did that a lot
Starting point is 00:12:08 last episode and seemed to have a great time with it. So I love calling Christine an ugly, frightful creature. Uh, yeah. So anyway, he saw Christine standing behind him. You, to be fair, I apparently grabbed him, which is like not cool, but that's true. He didn't consent and he is a prince slash security guard. We're not sure. So Zanfreder runs off, naturally, because Christina's behind him. I would run, too. Stop.
Starting point is 00:12:32 Well, I shouldn't have even said anything. And so then all of a sudden, he notices above him a large, flat, triangular form with blinding lights that are bigger than the house itself hissing at him. And he feels this intense heat and that's m coming in hot an intense heat from the ceiling magnetic raw yes sure just that's what i meant heat from all corners gross no thank you i would run away too so he got to his car and this was a little after midnight it was was like 1215. He radios the operator back at like security headquarters.
Starting point is 00:13:11 I don't know what this thing is called, but I'm going to call it like Star Command or something. Sure. So the operator answers. His name's Carlo. He later does testify that Zen Freda was not sounding like himself. He sounded really erratic and really panicked. Apparently, he kept hearing Zen Freda on the radio go, my go my god are they ugly which is exactly what i say about christine well that's pretty mean though i mean that's what he's focusing on they're ugly like can you imagine if you're being attacked by a swarm of aliens and all you can think about is how it looks i mean
Starting point is 00:13:40 that's not a way to win them over either like Like, yeah. Oh, please don't attack me, you hideous beast. Right. I can't even look at you. You're making me vomit. I mean, damn. Imagine if he just looked at them and went, woof. Like, absolutely not. Yikes.
Starting point is 00:13:54 Your life must be tough. So the operator asked, apparently Carlo's a homie because he immediately just assumed these things were aliens and like didn't even question it. He went. So it literally is you and me. Okay. Yeah. If I were to call you and be like oh my god are they ugly you'd be like it's an alien the aliens yes so the operator said are they human and are they assaulting you and uh human yeah he just jumped on board he was like whatever's going on it's so ugly based on your
Starting point is 00:14:20 description it could not be a human oh my and z my. And Zanfretta says back into the radio, no, they aren't men. They aren't men. And then the communication totally shut off, like the radio. Ugh. So, Carlo's like, oh, this guy's getting possessed by aliens or something, so I'm going to call security guards. Carlo, listen, he's the main guy. He's really, he jumped on board way quicker than most people in these stories. At a time of
Starting point is 00:14:45 crisis i appreciate how quick to being open to the situation he was he didn't fight anyone on it he was like if you're saying they're not human then they're not yeah so he called out security guards to go looking for him uh they found zinfreda at the house the same house an hour later at 115 in the morning he was lying on the ground and when he saw the guards he was freaking out his eyes were bulged he tried to pull a gun on them he did not recognize them and these are guards that he's known for years right so he is just crazed and not really focused he seems to not recognize them he seems to not hear them when they say put your gun down the guards are able to disarm him and they later notice that his clothes although it is
Starting point is 00:15:25 raining and really cold outside he feels super warm like he has his clothes he's dry he's hot well you're coming in with all that heat from all over the place what i'm saying like i have an effect on people oh yeah so here i go saying something stupid potentially potentially though most likely so the italian military police are apparently called carabiners listen i don't know this i'm thinking of like the clip italian is not my first language either i'm just gonna call them the italian military police so i don't sound sound i mean how would you pronounce that where caribbeaner caribbeaners it looks like pirates of the caribbeaners cariboners but i don't know how
Starting point is 00:16:06 the hell what that is that doesn't look italian though well we're gonna call them the italian military police just to save face i think that also clarifies that for 99 of the people yeah unless you're from italy in which case you're mad that i'm definitely saying it wrong in which case you've already left when we first said genovia so So sorry. So the Italian military police, they investigated, which was weird for them to do. Apparently, it usually didn't warrant this, but he was so freaked out that they were like, OK, we're going to investigate anyway. They ended up looking where they found Zanfretta and they found next to him 20 inch long and nine inch wide horseshoe shaped imprints behind the house.
Starting point is 00:16:45 Ew. They also, at the same time, were able to find 52 other people in town who said that they saw a bright glare coming from the neighborhood at the same time that Zinfreda saw it, which is very validating. 52 witnesses confirming that something was in the sky. Whoa, whoa, whoa. So stories ended up getting published in the local newspaper and naturally there was a lot of skepticism but there were no explanations for zanfretta's weird
Starting point is 00:17:10 behavior um the two big imprints in the grass that look like nothing we know of and the sighting by 52 other people that can confirm that zanfretta saw something sure the main local opinion though was that zanfretta must be crazy and the military police are wasting their time. But San Freda is quoted saying, I don't know what it is that I saw, but I saw it and I'm not a liar. So he, okay, so I'm glad he's like okay, though, for now.
Starting point is 00:17:36 Oh, well, it happens again, huh? Yeah. I forgot. This is one of many, but currently he calms down and is relatively stable. Are you? Sorry sorry i was trying to keep it cool but my microphone fell off again we really need new equipment listen we're overhauling this whole project one step at a time we should probably just fucking fell swoop this shit that's true we are doing a total overhaul of all of our equipment i mean we got a green screen clearly we are trying
Starting point is 00:18:04 out some new other stuff we got new cameras you can tell we broke all of our equipment. I mean, we got a green screen. Clearly. We are trying out some new other stuff. We got new cameras. You can tell we broke all of our microphones. So we really decided, oh, hey, here's all the products we want to do. Let's do all of them and then neglect that we just need basic audio equipment. So yeah, that's kind of an Emma and Christine thing. We are like, what's the most dramatic thing we could do? That's the one. And ignore all the boring stuff. The necessities. The necessities. So I'm a docket for next week as new audio equipment.
Starting point is 00:18:29 Oh, boy. Are you solid? I mean, I just won't touch it anymore. That is one of the main rules of the studio. Just don't touch it and maybe it won't fall. Just don't touch anything. So, yeah. So the guards that have known him for years and they witnessed him acting totally crazed,
Starting point is 00:18:53 one of them specifically has been quoted saying, I can state with certainty that he is a clear thinking man with no strange fantasies in his head. When we went to investigate the scene the next day, he almost didn't want to come. He was so scared. Only something exceptional could have frightened him so badly. Wow. So he's really like not. So his homies are like, this guy is usually so level-headed right so well if carlo believed him right away like yeah i mean if listen everyone just follow carlo's like moral compass i don't know if i trust carlo as much as i trust um
Starting point is 00:19:16 the z guy you know what the day that you're getting attacked by an alien though you're gonna like really wish you had carlo on the phone you're right you're right i know i am i know i'll have you on the phone and you'll do the same goddamn thing i'll be a car call me carlo hey carlo here uh so to help remember what the hell happened um zanfretta was hypnotized so and this becomes a regular run-in theme so he was hypnotized by dr moro moretti just so people know his name. My chair. Yeah, we're so loud. We're trying out the old director's chairs that I made Christine for like our like 10th episode or something.
Starting point is 00:19:52 They're so cool, but they're so loud and they make horrible sounds. We got to get like, oh, on the docket WD-40. I think they're just, they just need to be oiled. Sure. You oil them. Okay. I don't know how to do that. Okay. I'll bring oil next time. all right anyway let's see oh yeah so zanfreda says in his hypnosis he was abducted by quote monsters
Starting point is 00:20:14 10 feet tall with hairy green skin uh yellow triangular eyes and red veins across the forehead ew they are ugly uh they apparently brought him to a hot, bright place where they examined him, which at this point he gives no further description about that. But then he says they come from a third galaxy and that, quote, they want to talk with us and they will soon return in larger numbers. No!
Starting point is 00:20:40 Firm pass. Apparently they also spoke, fun fact, with a luminous device over their mouths to translate their words into Italian so you could understand them. That's fun. I want one of those. What I think is fun is that as this goes on, the way that they speak to him always varies. So this was a luminous device over their mouth. The next time it's something else.
Starting point is 00:20:59 Next time it's something else. Really? Oh, you mean the next abduction? Yeah. Oh, wow. Okay. So it seems like they've got a lot of different ways to be able to communicate outside of telepathy interesting um so that was the first encounter and his recollection of it after hypnosis but this
Starting point is 00:21:14 is the second encounter okay only three nights later from his first abduction zanfreda is working again and he uh is driving his car he seems to be driving in his car a lot when these things happen he loses total control of the car and he is driving his car. He seems to be driving in his car a lot when these things happen. He loses total control of the car. And he later reported that the car was driving itself uphill despite him braking as hard as he could or trying to swerve or steer the car. It was just driving itself. It's one of those malfunctioning Google cars that like drive over people. Yeah, it was just like its own Hot Wheels.
Starting point is 00:21:43 Oh, so he radios it in in the car he's just sitting there in this like fast car uh and he said you know as you do going up a hill that's so bizarre okay and he also uh he could he when he radioed it in he was telling them what was going on he also said that he couldn't see well because of the fog which i find interesting i didn't hear this anywhere else but i personally noticed in these stories that the fog always seems to happen right before an abduction. Interesting. So. And just these or like in general?
Starting point is 00:22:14 Just in the ones that, no, just in this case. In this story. It sounds like the fog is almost a, I feel like the cliche move of the, of afo kind of shining a beam of light at you and picking you up it seems like fog in this case is their own beam of light little like precursor to like the second you're in the fog that's when you get abducted okay so he's reporting it and he's also saying i can't see well because of the fog so i don't even know where this car is that could it could drive me into a tree i don't know where i'm going all of a sudden while driving the car is going very fast the car just stops abruptly he even like hits his head on the steering wheel it's like it just halts out of nowhere um and it probably drove itself for like
Starting point is 00:22:54 a mile he ends up radioing and again saying the car is stopped i saw a bright light now i'm getting out fair i would too yes so he and he radioed it in and then he was found at one in the morning in a field near that road. Again, his clothes were really warm and dry, despite the fact that when they found him, he was outside and it was raining. Yeah. And it was all that foggy, misty. Yeah. And he's like, he's like hot to the touch. He was found crying and he was saying quote they say i must leave with them what about my children i don't want to oh my god this is disturbing yes this is frightening i don't know about this so the pirates of the carabiners uh also known as the military police but johnny depp shows up it's the whole thing so then like every character johnny depp's ever played all come together at
Starting point is 00:23:42 one time thank you i do not have time for that. So they end up getting, they hear about this report and look into it again. And they found that, so they come to the site as it's happening. And they find that the car's roof was apparently hot enough to have been in the sun all day. That's how hot this car felt. While, again, it was cold and rainy outside. It was December. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:03 And it feels like this car has been out in the in the sun on the hottest day weird apparently they also said that the interior of the car was quote hot as an oven okay and surrounding the car they found more footprints that were equally creepy in size like those like hoof prints yeah no thank you i mean 20 inches that's like almost two feet tall yeah i was hoping that um those were going to be like the landing pads for the ufo i didn't know if they were like i don't ever really get an explanation they might be just like the imprint of the ship itself that landed but like either way if those are their feet that's really creepy that's worse it's like clifford
Starting point is 00:24:39 as an alien horse feet so uh zenfretta's gun they realized had also been fired five times but even during hypnosis uh zanfreda couldn't remember right away who he had shot at um he just the bullets were just gone um oh so then he got hypnotized again and he ended up remembering but this time he was stripped down and forced to wear a painful helmet oh no that apparently the helmet was another communication device where when he put the helmet on he could understand their language but it was painful to wear um so it sounds like they were kind of altering his brain and he could feel it happening yuck okay that hurts i don't like that he also remembers seeing one alien uh take his gun and fire the bullets into a panel that he assumes must have been a bulletproof panel or an indestructible panel.
Starting point is 00:25:31 And he assumes they were doing it just to see what this weapon was, if it was a weapon, if it could hurt them. It was almost like a test. I wonder if they used it and were like, oh my god, this is basically like a rock slingshot compared to our technology. I mean, that's how I would describe it yeah how do you describe a gun to someone who doesn't who's like guns from earth uh those we had those two million years ago right exactly nice try so uh so that explains where the bullets went um oh sure he oh this is under hypnotism under hypnotism he found out later what was going on but he when they found him originally, he was like, I don't know where the bullets went. I don't know who I shot.
Starting point is 00:26:08 Interesting. While hypnotized, he also realized that they were requiring him to leave his home and family behind and stay with them. And he apparently said, when I say he said this in response, it's assumed he said it in response because these are the things he's saying in the psychiatrist's room in his session so these are the things that he mumbled and we assume he said right that he's remembering okay so in the hypnotism session he was recorded saying quote i know that you need me but i don't want to i like to be alone i have two children i feel good this way and after all you are not human beings. You are horrible. Hey, well, again, that is not going to get your way.
Starting point is 00:26:49 He's a fighter, not a lover, apparently. He's got to be like, listen, I love it here. Your eyes are so beautiful and triangle. In fact, I might even buy like a condo up here if you guys give me like drop a pin. GPS wise, I'll find you. I'll rent a pod. Let me like drop a pin gps wise i'll find you i'll rent a pod let me go get my shit and then and i'll come back i said my ship i was like yeah i'll go get my ship i'll get my shit you get your ship and we'll combine those beam it together and in a big old cloud and then he takes his kids out of genovia and fucking runs for it wait a
Starting point is 00:27:20 minute the end and that's my story goodbye um so they he says he was required to eventually leave his home but then he said some fighting words so i don't think they like that all this information ends up getting compiled into the report on the sighting of ufos by fortunato zanfretta in 1979 and this uh report actually got sent through like magistrate's offices and things just to see like if there was anything they could do or like raise awareness. Wow, they took it seriously, huh? Yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 00:27:49 And the military police even at one point defended him and said that the believability level of this report was good. Like they. Wow. Even they're unsure of what's going on. Okay. sure of what's going on okay also in 1978 the year that these happened there were so many ufo sightings all over italy that at one point the minister of defense actually had to speak to the italian congress about it and like give his opinion on what was going on oh my god so he was not alone in having these ufo sightings this just happened to he had the most condensed experiences wow but
Starting point is 00:28:20 he definitely wasn't alone in reporting sightings. Well, especially if he's getting hypnotized and getting so much detail out of it. Right. Yeah. Right. And he is known, I don't know about in all of UFO, UFOlogy. I don't know where he stands when it comes to in the entire world, but at least in Italy and maybe Europe, he is the person that gave the most documented, most documented accounts of his experience. So he has the most elaborate report that people take seriously because he's the one that has given the most documented most documented accounts of his experience so he has the most elaborate report that people take seriously because he's the one that's given the most information all right so
Starting point is 00:28:51 zinfreda's second encounter which i already mentioned uh brought even more critical publicity a lot of people still thought it was a sham and he was just trying to get attention um so he was like i said hypnotized for the second time but But that hypnotism, actually, he broadcasted live on TV. Oh. Because he wanted to prove to everyone that, like, he was legitimately discovering things for the first time. And people should listen to what maybe the doctor has to say in the room so that they're not being so critical of him. Did he make money off it? No.
Starting point is 00:29:19 He never made any. He never profited from any of his experiences. Good to know. I always wonder. So I think he was also really scared in the fact that people were judging him or not believing him he was like fuck like i don't know what's going on either i'm just like they want to take my family me away from my family dude i don't i don't like it so uh he broadcasted his hypnotism uh the doctor ended up saying after his hypnotism quote the man is in a state of shock but he's perfectly sane so
Starting point is 00:29:43 it actually ended up helping give him more credibility to the public, which was exactly why he did it. He wanted to be trusted. But then he also started getting invited to like TV shows and like a famous personality back then his name was Enzo Tortora. And he had a show named Portobello and he invited Zanfred on his show. There were articles about him. So made up. I know. Portobello and he invited zanfredo on his show um there were articles about him so made up i know portobello and and uh there were articles tortellini pizzeria mama mia mama mia that should be wait a minute that should be a broadway show wait a minute wait a minute uh there were also articles uh about him regularly in newspapers and magazines all over the world and he was known as the man abducted by ufo okay so he is getting kind of international notoriety at this point but he was happy at the time of like i'm glad that at least everyone saw what was happening and it's been confirmed by for
Starting point is 00:30:34 by professionals i'm not faking this yeah yeah yeah so he had a third encounter um in 1979 so a few months have actually passed of course keeps, it keeps happening. He probably thought he was safe at this point. I know. This time he's, again, driving, this time on a motorcycle in an area called Cuarto. Does that mean four? I don't know why I'm asking. Wait, spell it. Quart-o.
Starting point is 00:30:54 Oh, Cuarto. Yes. Cool. I think. Quarter, probably. Does it mean quarter? I think so. Well, I mean like a fourth.
Starting point is 00:31:02 Yeah. I don't know what it means. I'm going to guess. It doesn't matter. It's an area. The quarter. the quarter sure okay that's where he was on a motorcycle sure he disappeared shocker at this point oh god and the guards found him two years late two hours later sorry i was like i can't even with this guy anymore like i give up uh he's a lost cause in my book yeah after year one it's like they're still looking god uh he disappeared and guards found him two hours later on top of a mountain um mount
Starting point is 00:31:31 fasce fasce how the hell what the hell i'm sure it wasn't like a like a crazy mountain i think it was just like a really tall hill but it's called mount fasce there apparently is only one road to get there and it was patrolled heavily by security guards that night and they, no one saw anybody go there. So how did he end up there is the question. How did they find him? Oh, there's just already security up there. Yeah. Like I don't, whatever happened where he was in the quarter and then he just showed up on a hill for him to have gotten there. It was nobody reports seeing anybody weird and there's only one way to get there weird so they don't know what happened they were like all right well get back in the hypnotism room because you gotta explain it again what's his
Starting point is 00:32:14 name doctor dr moretti dr moretti's waiting for you and so uh this time he's not just taken to like the same psychiatrist he's taken to the International Center of Medical and Psychological Hypnosis in Milan. Ooh. And he's injected consensually with truth serum because he's like, I don't. Oh, dear God. Like whatever comes out of my mouth, I want people to trust me. He confirmed everything that he had said before in previous hypnotism sessions. sessions. And he also said that in this situation, he was, quote, lifted from the ground into the alien spaceship by a mysterious green light. Okay. No fog? No fog that I can see in this one.
Starting point is 00:32:54 They're really like changing the game every time. They really keep him on his toes. I wonder why this is. Every time he's driving, though, they're like, oh, that guy, he wants to, apparently. He's switched vehicles. It doesn't matter. Yeah, exactly. even on a moped yeah he's just birding away just on a lime uh a doctor at the facility get that i think the one that actually administered the truce serum he was also quoted saying no human being can knowingly lie while under the pentothal treatment so i think it's very probable in his opinion that's in freda had these encounters so even like hypnotism hypnotists doctors are like we have done everything we can to make sure he's telling the truth and it's this is all coming out so i feel like you probably already said this but just backtracking so was he hypnotized after being
Starting point is 00:33:42 injected or was that just i don't know what i don't know what order it was i'm pretty sure you can bullshit through truth serum like like it's not like foolproof but maybe if you're hypnotized on truth serum it probably is a lot harder to bullshit i don't know what order it was i would think so yeah like i feel like it would at least lower your ability to to i don't know like you'd make you less manipulative yeah right i don't know make you more amenable to like the effects of the truth serum yeah yeah but i don't know i mean i'm clearly but what am i just a professor of science what am i just a phd candidate listen false i am not remember that time i was a phd candidate and then i was like i'm gonna drop out and meet
Starting point is 00:34:23 christine schieffer and start a podcast. Oh, come on. Listen, good choices were made that day. Listen, good choices. All right, so let's talk about the fourth encounter. So this was also in 1979. This was in December against this was the last one was in July. This one's in December.
Starting point is 00:34:39 So they're starting to spread out a little more. And this one was at 1030 at night and Zanfretta disappears while driving, while looking for him. because at this point they're like this guy is gone for five minutes he must have gotten abducted so guards are just on top of it like oh he's missing like looking under all the tables and like they must have given him a radio to bring home so while looking for him four guards actually do see something that looks like a ufo in the sky oh no and two bright lights come down directly on them while they're driving around and all of their car engines die oh so all at the same time multiple cars die two lights come down directly on them when they see what they think is a ufo one guard actually shot at the ufo and the lights turned off and the thing in the sky flew away okay well
Starting point is 00:35:22 it worked i didn't think that would work i didn't think it would work either, but I guess they, like, had their hand on a gun at one point and figured out what bullets are and they were like, oh, let's not mess around with that. So they got out of there. Oh, man. Okay.
Starting point is 00:35:33 Apparently, this is sad, but a lot of... It's... I'm just going to say it anyway. Two of those guards that were also part of that experience, one was so shocked that he could never fully recover about the experience.
Starting point is 00:35:47 Oh, my God. Another one couldn't recover to the point where he ended up committing suicide later because he was so rattled by the situation. So the story goes, I don't know what else was going on. Oh, no. Oh, my God. But so that makes this the one of the only alien abduction cases where there was a victim after the fact because it wasn't even the person who was abducted no just someone who apparently experienced a ufo really and they tragic they have i don't know if this is i don't know if they should have or not but
Starting point is 00:36:15 in all the stories they have put that suicide into the framework of the story so they have made it seem like he was a victim a murder victim or a death victim like it wasn't by his own right they've they've played it up so that the ufo situation could have been one of the reasons he couldn't questionable yeah sure i that's i'm i'm apprehensive to all right definitively say oh because you saw let's just say we're not making that claim by any means no he happened to commit suicide right after something really really wild happened may or may not have played into that yeah um that being said zanfredi gets hypnotized again because he just knows his place at this point when he gets abducted that he goes
Starting point is 00:36:56 missing they find him and he's like i'm gonna go get hypnotized so what he says is an hour before he was found he was at a gas station. He heard someone calling his name from the shadows. Very ghosty, but no. Apparently he couldn't resist it. It was like a siren lulling him. So he walked towards the voice and he heard the voice order him to drive into a small cloud floating above the ground which could also be fog sure okay but apparently there was a small dark cloud they said drive into it so we did he drove into the cloud and his car levitated inside the cloud and the next thing he knew he was on a
Starting point is 00:37:37 spaceship with a humanoid figure oh it sounds like the jetsons the guy like it sounds very cartoonish now it does like i'm into a cloud. It sounds like a Harry Potter 2 when his car's flying away. Harry Potter 2. The Chamber Secrets. Before people yell at me. Harry Potter Jr. But make it sci-fi. But make it Siffy. Mamma Mia. Make it Siffy. Magical Siffy. So the humanoid was apparently tall with a bald egg-shaped head oh my um he was dressed in a checkered suit with a shirt underneath that was made of steel whoa like a steel tank top and like a checkered blazer kind of fun that's funky i feel like that can be new york fashion week if i went to a club wearing that, I'm not saying I wouldn't get attention in the right ways.
Starting point is 00:38:28 So, uh, Zanfretta actually saw... Maybe like a Sam's Club. I would get attention regardless if I'm wearing a steel shirt. Oh, yeah. I know. Uh, so Zanfretta saw on this spaceship while walking around with the checkered humanoid, he saw transparent cylinders filled with strange blue liquid. Oh. Ooh. Ah.
Starting point is 00:38:48 Thank you. Listen, I'm practicing. So one of the cylinders that had strange blue liquid also had a frog-shaped body in it that the aliens called, quote, an enemy of ours from another planet. What?
Starting point is 00:39:02 So apparently there's frogs on another planet that are much more evil than the frogs we have or they're good frogs and they're enemies of these guys because there's a good guys oh maybe we actually saw and these are the bad friend a frog friend a friend we'll figure it out a pal pole a tad pal never mind we'll work on it we'll shop it we'll shop it a totally great friend oh okay sure uh so which also is interesting to me that the theory is that there's animals just like ours but with totally different personas on another planet who have like vendettas right it's kind of like gardens of the galaxy and like rocket exactly he's like
Starting point is 00:39:45 i'm not a raccoon it's like okay but you are maybe that frog was saying he wasn't a frog it's not a frog no he's just totally a great friend pal toad pal oh my god are you still with us did you leave i thought you're talking to me i was like no i've left i've left the building so uh and two more of those blue liquid cylinders were a preserved big bird so apparently there's also birds and a caveman like human body oh my god so that makes me wonder if there's cavemen in another world or have they time traveled and like gotten a prehistoric human are now here and now they're gonna go get a future person or they've just been around for that long that they were around when we were cavemen possibilities Possibilities are endless, I tell you.
Starting point is 00:40:26 So during hypnosis of telling this story, Zanfretta apparently says out loud in the session, where have you been and what do you want to do in Spain? Why? But altogether, that will scare people. As if he's talking to the aliens, telling him some elaborate plan in Spain. Oh my God. air people as if he's talking to the aliens telling him some elaborate plan in spain oh my god the next day coincidentally the international service of the italian press found out that there were there was news of a guy in spain who was driving in guadalajara and he saw a ufo which followed
Starting point is 00:40:58 his car for about an hour it blinded the driver and he lost control of his car and it went off the road and that happened to just be press that got spread internationally the next day. Did he die? Oh, I don't know anything else. It just was convenient that someone in Spain happened to see a UFO the next day. That was their big plan. Someone sees a UFO. Like, spook them.
Starting point is 00:41:17 Yeah, I don't know. I don't know what was supposed to happen. And to me, that's kind of fishy. Apparently, the dates complicate things because santa freda was abducted on sunday he was hypnotized on monday but the the guy in spain saw this thing on saturday oh so it's like okay so whatever whatever's happening tomorrow already happened oh it doesn't really make sense it just was a convenient thing that people started throwing into the storyline of like,
Starting point is 00:41:45 oh, and then in Spain, something did happen. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But I'm here to give you all the facts. So that's what's going on there. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But other than that, we have no idea what plan they had in Spain that would scare everyone. I don't love it. Maybe Zanfretta talked them out of it.
Starting point is 00:41:58 Maybe. So the aliens then give Zanfretta an object, a gift of sorts. It is a transparent sphere with a pyramid inside of it. Oh. And from each corner of the pyramid pointing into the middle, it's sparking. That sounds pretty. So a glass circle with a pyramid with sparks going into the center. Wow. I kind of like that. I want one. Apparently it's's also called a, quote, golden tetrahedron that will rotate in suspension. Wow. It's a fancier version that I read.
Starting point is 00:42:31 I want one. Well, the aliens say, quote, with this, it's possible to understand who we are and how we live. Sounds like a pretty fancy gift. Cool. Apparently, Zanfretta did not want to take the object, and the aliens told him. He's so ungrateful this guy he's look he's made it out alive and like four different experiences already so he didn't want to take the object the aliens told him oh it's not for you give this give this
Starting point is 00:42:55 oh this is actually not for you you're actually the middleman nice try give this sphere to dr j a h or dr j a hynek and wait i know that guy yeah well zan freda apparently didn't know To Dr. J.A.H. Or Dr. J.A. Hynek. Wait, I know that guy. Yeah. Well, Zanfretta apparently didn't know originally, but presumably the gift was in the future to be given to Dr. J. Allen Hynek, who is a famous scientist and UFO researcher. Yeah. So if that story is true, then the aliens even know who our legendary UFO researchers are. They're like,'re like zanford you haven't like given us one fucking inch so forget you can you just bring this home can you pass this on to someone else you're just gonna be like we know this guy cares so let him
Starting point is 00:43:35 let him know this is how we live and our messenger from now on well instead of giving the sphere to hynek he hid the object somewhere in the hills near genoa what okay um which i'll get to later the next encounter i've only got one more after this but the next encounter was in 1980 only two months later um zanfred had disappeared again but the radio the car radio actually stayed in contact and had a signal for the entire time so they were able to find him really quickly he was found freezing and in shock and witnesses even told the police later, minutes before rescuers arrived, they had all seen a huge light in the sky shaped like a blimp. And during hypnosis, this is when Zanfretta started to speak a new unknown language.
Starting point is 00:44:16 Oh my god. Okay, I'm ready for this. And I don't know how to pronounce any of this. I'm going to confirm with Christine's eyes that I shouldn't even try all of this. I mean, it's like a made-up language. literally is like someone just like threw their head on the keyboard and it just spelled it looks like juniper just walked all over my computer and deleted a bunch of files yeah yeah yeah which is why this video is messed up at you the whole time let's just say that that's why so not my fault junies just just literally just slam your hand on the keyboard and
Starting point is 00:44:43 that's what this looks like yeah it's truly just a bunch of letters but zanfreda did say that what was happening is he was contacting the aliens and then his voice changed now and he said to i guess into the session that he was in you can't work out anything in a case like this to believe or not to believe doesn't mean anything each thing in its own. It's pretty cryptic to me. He was abducted again six months later. Oh, my. But at this point, he is under 24-hour close observation. Please stop.
Starting point is 00:45:15 So apparently he was acting really weird. He was, like, about to be abducted, but they found him before the aliens could get to him. Like, he had already kind of escaped somehow and they grabbed him okay but under hypnosis because he's just their best client at this point zanfreda was apparently absolutely out of control at this point he refused to answer any questions he was not cooperative he was saying things that made no sense in english like he was saying apparently he kept repeating the phrase question with negative answer, Tixel. Oh, that just gave me chills. That is creepy, dude. So it's almost like they were, maybe they, I don't know what Tixel means. Well, they had that helmet. Maybe they fucked up his
Starting point is 00:45:55 brain a little bit. Maybe, or maybe they were talking through him and trying to tell him how to respond, like question with negative answer. Oh, like he was now the messenger yeah the vessel so at that point the doctor was quoted saying what is happening here is scientifically inexplicable i was also quoted but only the first half what is happening here that's all um scientifically inexplicable yeah yeah so they didn't know what was going on but other than those experiences there were not many more experiences that we know of um zanfred ever calls only a few things from this time in his life but he says that he's had encounters uh up to 11 times of both the third and fourth kinds um i'm gonna quickly describe what the difference between those are but i actually feel like that might be a story later
Starting point is 00:46:42 me talking about the different types of abductions um i don't know yet but i'm gonna look into it and i don't want to ruin anything for my potential future so the difference between the third kind abduction and fourth kind is the third kind is if any animated creature is present so you don't have to necessarily interact with them but you can just see them okay um that could be humanoids apparently even robots because it's an animated creature sure or human occupants on a ufo so you don't even have to see an alien you just have to interact or watch from a distance something else living or moving what about like a cryptid no i guess so this and specifically so there's a actual scale for alien abduction specifically right so this is this is alien
Starting point is 00:47:25 though alien yeah okay um and apparently there are six subtypes to that so sure of course there are which i'll get into another time the fourth kind which is also a movie about aliens that's apparently not even on the scale um apparently the scale goes all the way up to the third kind so he just like invented a new one and then the fourth kind yeah the fourth kind is like a full blown abduction instead of experiencing something from a distance what do you mean like being taken on to a ufo and being probed and examined isn't that what's the third one the third one is like from a distance like seeing like you can just witnessing it it's not like an abduction yeah like got it knowing something okay is nearby or like oh, I saw a UFO or I saw a person on a UFO or telepathically.
Starting point is 00:48:08 Or I saw an alien or something. Yeah. Okay. But not interacting and being probed or examined or taken on the ship. Got it. Okay. Not being probed. Good.
Starting point is 00:48:15 Well. Thanks. Everyone likes that. So Zanfretta says that somewhere in the hills, because I told you he hid that tetrahedron pyramid thing. He says that somewhere in the hills is where he hid the sphere that was given to him by the aliens. And he doesn't know why, but for some reason,
Starting point is 00:48:31 he's drawn to go there and visit it at least twice a month. And he doesn't know why, but whenever he's near it, he's waiting for something. Ugh. Oh, God. Oh, no, no, no, no, no. He also later described these creatures as hairy, green, loose skin with points on the sides of their face and rounded fingertips, possibly amphibian.
Starting point is 00:48:50 Ah, like that frog tad pal. Maybe that's why they are foes. Enemies of the state. Too similar. So based on this description, they could be a few things, which I know nothing about any of these, but the list that I have found over my research was it could be reptoids I'd never heard of. Verona's aliens, which apparently have been seen in the former Soviet Union in 1989. Ooh.
Starting point is 00:49:21 They could be Loveland frogmen. Oh, yeah, that's Ohio. I'm excited to learn about that one that's the next that's like 20 minutes from my house interesting you didn't know about this no i've told you to cover this before okay i'm gonna i already took a picture of it to remember oh good they could also be uh teetonians because during one of the hypnosis sessions zanfreda had said that they came from a dying planet in the third galaxy called Tetonia. And they were solely looking at Earth to move there. Oh, no, no, when all of a sudden Tetonia was no longer livable. The aliens are apparently this was
Starting point is 00:49:56 from only one source that I saw. But apparently Zanfretta also said that these aliens were called Dargos. And they would be completely peaceful if they were to come here however we all know how tender and emotional and sympathetic zanfretta has ever seemed he told them when they said oh we would come peacefully during a hypnosis session he was recorded saying to them i know you were trying to come more frequently no you can't come to earth people will get scared if they even look at you you can't make friendship please go god and that sounds so familiar i feel like you just said that to me you can't make friendship make friendship please sorry um one thing i was gonna say is uh it's to be fair he's not wrong like if they showed up that's true the u.s military is not
Starting point is 00:50:43 gonna welcome them with any military he's not gonna welcome them with open arms i think maybe it's the masses are not gonna love i think he's he's like i'm just telling you now yeah we won't be cool with it you can't make friendship we as a as a as a generic mass of people won't really agree maybe you can make friendship but we can't i'm down but um but they're not yeah there's a lot of us and we have some issues um with triangle eyes. I don't think it's going to work out. So Zanfretta's case is most famous as the... Sorry, I'm reading my own autocorrects that did not work out the way they were supposed to.
Starting point is 00:51:18 Let's try again. Ready? Ready? Go. Zanfretta's case is the most famous account of a UFO abduction in Europe, and it's also one of the most famous urban legends in Italy. Oh. After his story, the town where all this happened, Liguria?
Starting point is 00:51:33 LaGuardia? Genovia? LaGuardia. We're back. Apparently it's called Liguria as the main area where Genova was and all that. But that area is now considered an Italian UFO hotspot. Like I said, Zinfretta has never made any profit from his alleged experiences, but he does wish he never came out about his experience, about his experiences because of how many harsh skeptics there were. That must suck.
Starting point is 00:51:57 He said, this is a quote from him. People call me on the phone at all hours just to play jokes on me. I don't know what it was that I saw, but I saw it. I'm not a liar. If I could have, I wouldn't have reported my experiences now that I see the consequences. Wow. Which is so sad because it makes you think of all the people who probably have seen something and are afraid to come out about it.
Starting point is 00:52:17 Right. Who are like, I know I'm going to be ridiculed and ashamed. Which is also why they had recently, when I did the San Diego UFO case, that's why they rewrote the protocol and how to do it so that people felt more safe to come out with their experiences. Really?
Starting point is 00:52:34 Yeah, I mean, I'm a suck dude. Yeah, being laughed at for a really scary experience. Yeah. So the sphere has never actually been seen by anyone, so there's zero proof that it exists. Tetrahedron.
Starting point is 00:52:48 The golden tetrahedron with a, yeah, that guy. Sure, that guy. Zanfretta says he hid it. And if anyone were to find it, the sparks in the pyramid of the sphere will attack them. So even if someone has found it, they will die. I was mentally booking my flight to Genovia. You, me, and Anne Hathaway. So, Zanfretta has been compelled, like I said, to go near it at least twice a month, but if anyone else were to find it, they would probably get attacked.
Starting point is 00:53:17 Right, right. The Italian Center for UFO Studies has stated that the case is false, purely off of drawings that sam freda has done from when he's hypnotized versus when he's awake okay because apparently they are totally different drawings but if you talk to anybody who is in the hypnosis community they'll say that like of course the drawings of an experience when you're hypnotized are going to be different than when you're awake and can't remember the experience like one's going to be really clear and right but doesn't hypnosis like enhance your memory it's not like i don't know enough about hypnosis to say that my understanding of it was always that you remember it until you come to and you forget but at least someone else has written down all the information so like it's still
Starting point is 00:53:59 repressed but at least you can now talk through it so that it will come to you in a waking state at some point when you're ready for it. But these are not confirmed by... I'm totally guessing. I'm totally... That was my understanding of what it was. I feel like I had a different understanding, but I also don't know. My therapist does a lot of hypnotherapy, so maybe I'll ask her. You have the connection. Maybe I'll do some drawings and tell you what happens. I've literally never met a hypnotist ever. If I did, I would demand they hypnotize me. Well, there's also the issue of, like, recovered
Starting point is 00:54:29 false memories and stuff, which... So, many think hypnosis is generally unreliable because doctors could feed the patient false memories. And most journalists are also critical of Zinfreda's experiences, except for a reporter named Rino DiStefano.
Starting point is 00:54:46 Rino DiStefano? DiStefano? I don't know. I would say DiStefano, but I don't know. I would say DiStefano. Rino DiStefano. DiStefano. That sounds Italian.
Starting point is 00:54:58 Sure. I don't know. Rino, are you there? So Rino wrote a book called The Zinfretta Case, which was published in 1984. And as of only a couple years ago, it's now also in English. And also an Italian broadcasting network has made a docudrama about Zinfretta in his case. Ooh, that's fun. So he's still kind of getting some notoriety, but he's basically known as like the big alien abduction story in Italy.
Starting point is 00:55:24 Wow. Before I end, I do want to say that there is a link that we can put in the description for you guys on YouTube. There are clips of his actual hypno hypnosis sessions. Cool. So, um, we'll put the link in. I watched it. It's pretty cool. I mean, you can, you're watching him lying down and really through this. Um, so if you want to watch it, we will provide that for you. Yeah. i'll add that to the thing um i also wanted to specify that my therapist does not do like regression therapy she does or hypnotherapy she does like phobia hypnotherapy to be clear like i'm not saying she does like uh you know fringe stuff i'm saying she does like for phobias both of my parents have been hypnotized um my mom got hypnotized to stop
Starting point is 00:56:06 drinking diet coke okay um and to start drinking more water and it really it's supposed to be extremely effective it messed with her too oh no no i mean like she's fine but she uh she now has an issue where like i guess whatever the hypnotist said it she registered it in her head as like you need water on you at all times or you'll die and so uh that's just how her brain read it i'm sure that's not how i'm sure that's not how it was actually taken or handled or said but her brain put it in that way and so now if she's if she doesn't have a bottle of water next to her at all times she has a full-blown panic attack oh my god but she hates diet coke so well she switched out one problem for another but yeah here it's really effective for like um handling trauma and phobia and that kind of thing but who's
Starting point is 00:56:53 to say i haven't done it yet i've been planning we've been planning on it for my needle phobia but we'll see oh i'm too scared interesting yeah i'll let you know if i ever end up doing that because i'm gonna encourage you on that because i want to ask questions well that's like an ivy every eight weeks it's about time i fucking get over it but we'll see anyway that is the story of um wowza that's pretty crazy um i also want to also add that i'm pretty sure it's general i feel like just like so people don't it's general okay no one make fun of christine only make fun of me. Well, no, I'm just saying because we were... Oh, boy. Because we were unsure.
Starting point is 00:57:28 So I think it's Genoa. Gotcha. Anyway. Okay, my turn? Yep. All right. Let's do this. And take off my skull bracelet.
Starting point is 00:57:39 Oh, God. Christine's wrists are fat. It's stuck. Actually, your wrists are very dainty. You just have a wide set of fingers. My giant... Okay. Here, I got you this.
Starting point is 00:57:53 Thank you. I'm not going to put it on. I don't want you to. Okay. Skulls. You know, someone... Hey, that's from ThredUp. My Alexander McQueen bracelet.
Starting point is 00:58:02 I told you. Look at that. Isn't it cool? One time someone mispronounced my last name as skulls and i thought it was pretty dope skulls with a hard c and we just ignore the h also why on earth did you send me a picture that says stop showing me your butt you kept showing me your butt it's literally a picture of my butt yeah oh listen when we were trying to set up this green screen i saw a lot of of angles of Christine I didn't know I'd ever need to see.
Starting point is 00:58:26 Listen, it went both ways, so... I was bending in ways I didn't know I knew how to bend anymore. Em was in some nooks and crannies. I also threw out my back a little bit. Just a little bit. And everything for the youths, realistically. We do it all for you. Youths.
Starting point is 00:58:38 Youths. Okay, so this is one of the fucking craziest stories I've ever covered. It is bonkers, and I'm just going to warn you now. I'm very excited. Let's go. Great. Okay, this is the story of serial killer Peter Morin. So, I initially heard about this case because I was watching Investigation Discovery in my bed alone at night, as I do.
Starting point is 00:59:00 Sounds right. And there was an episode of a show called Obsession. Yeah. I wrote it about you. Yeah, I'm sure of a show called Obsession. Oh, yeah. I wrote it about you. Yeah, I'm sure you did. You big creep. You did just send me a picture of my own butt. So that's one of many in my phone. Yeah, I imagine. Hashtag Obsession. Hashtag Obsession. Hashtag Obsession. No. Okay. We'll work on it. Okay, so the episode was called paging sarah anyway the show obsession is very good but it's like very very very scary and it's basically about people who've had stalkers essentially and sometimes very upsetting violent stalkers got it um so tread
Starting point is 00:59:38 lately is what i'm saying i hear you this is the story of sarah pizan they didn't say her last name p-i-s-a-n okay um so she actually told this story on obsession about her from her perspective but she's like a survivor obviously of this so like she tells it from her perspective because i think it's like the most compelling and like detailed look of anything i could find online but then as i go i'll like add details that i've learned from what was going on from other articles and stuff. Got it. So January,
Starting point is 01:00:09 1980, Sarah is 19 years old and she moves to Las Vegas, Nevada with her three young daughters after separating from her husband. They're like really excited for this new start in life. They move into a beautiful house with some friends. And two days in, Sarah starts looking for a job in the newspaper she finds an opening at a local gas station which apparently is called
Starting point is 01:00:31 terrible herbst is literally the name of this like gas station okay terrible name but sure i know i'm like let's talk about a a really poorly foreshadowing like a very poorly done foreshadowing like you should have a gas station that exists called like you can get murdered here and i'm like be surprised when someone gets murdered exactly um so she works at this place and or she gets a she interviews at the place gets the job right away is thrilled she's like everything's working out great um now that's foreshadowing everything's working out fine um The first night on the job, she meets a woman named Sherry, who is taking the night off to go on a date with her new boyfriend. And so Sarah is filling in for her. Try it.
Starting point is 01:01:14 Sherry is like this upbeat, fun, young woman. And she and Sarah become close friends really quickly. They're very similar. his friends really quickly they're very similar and sherry tells sarah that her new boyfriend's name is andrew ireland and he's somewhat of a loner but like super sexy and she's falling in love with him that's what you say about me and sure christine especially after all that weird thing about you coming in from the sky covered in heat or whatever listen that was the beginning of it all that was where i knew you were you were scared but you were curious what a loner so she says i noticed the next time andrew came to pick up sherry he stood outside and stared at me through the window the whole time no she's like i got a bad bad vibe did you obviously
Starting point is 01:01:58 so she said he made her feel like a piece of meat the way she was staring he was staring at her and she's like it was just the most unsettling like he's there to pick up sherry but like just through the gas station window she sees this guy like watching her and it's just very obviously very upsetting then a couple days later sherry comes to work totally upset she's crying she's like she doesn't want to talk to anybody they're like what's wrong what's wrong finally she spins around and screams he's married okay and turns out andrew ireland her boyfriend is actually married and so she's devastated you know she thought this was gonna go places and then the next day uh sherry just didn't show up for work oh okay yeah so i think we can probably all guess where this is going but
Starting point is 01:02:45 obviously at the time they were like okay this isn't normal for her um she has never missed a day of work or she has you know she would call in uh so this is a little bit strange and unsettling but like sarah doesn't know her all that well they've just become friends so she just goes about her day fills in for sherry whenever she can. Next thing you know, police arrive and ask if Sarah and her co-workers know anything about Sherry's private life or if there's anyone who might want to hurt her. And at this point, they're like, OK, well, something's definitely wrong. Right. Yeah. Obviously, Sarah is like, OK, I know about this guy she was dating named Andrew Ireland. And the last time we saw her, she was was devastated that he had told her he was married.
Starting point is 01:03:26 So maybe he has something to do with it. But all she knows is his name's Andrew Ireland. Got it. And he has dark hair and glasses. That's all she knew from seeing him out the window. Right. So obviously, that doesn't give police much information to go on. And the next day, police find Sherry's Jeep abandoned in a parking lot of the shopping center with her purse inside of it.
Starting point is 01:03:46 That's awful. Yes. Meanwhile, Sarah is promoted to manager because Sherry's just hasn't showed up for work in so long. So Sarah ended up just replacing her as manager. With Sarah's new job comes a pager that her supervisor would contact her on. It would beep and then the message would come through live like as it was being spoken so it wouldn't like record it or anything oh okay it would like it would like beep beep and then the message would come through and so she was to have it on her if the supervisor
Starting point is 01:04:14 needed to contact her or have her run into the station to i don't know fix something i don't know but she had it on her and she was supposed to have it on her at all times. So one morning, Sarah notices a car pull into the gas station parking lot. The person parks, walks up to her, and he introduces himself as Robert. He's super sexy, very friendly. Mm-hmm. That's exactly. Listen, you already called a description. You don't get to add more to your.
Starting point is 01:04:43 No, no, no. I just forgot a couple words. That I called you. Yeah. Yes, yes. That's the one. So he's like this super attractive, very friendly and charming guy. He's like, you must be Sarah, the new manager.
Starting point is 01:05:00 And she's like, huh, that's a little weird. But also, like, he must be just a local. It's a really small town. Like, he must just be a regular. And she just hadn't met him yet okay so she's like a little taken aback but just assumed you know he had just heard her name around so he asks her out almost immediately and although she's flattered because this guy's like super sexy uh she tells him she has a lot going on she has three kids she has a gas station to manage and she's new to town and so he's like okay you know what i'll give you time to settle in and we'll talk about it again another time which like she said no guy but all right well okay okay i'm just gonna stop um so as he turns
Starting point is 01:05:41 around right he says i can wait though. Well, don't. Don't forget me, okay? Ew. And then walks away. She's like, hmm. And she starts looking forward to his visits, because, like, he's just very charming and flattering and, like, really good-looking. None of it felt safe to me, though. Well, obviously not in this context.
Starting point is 01:06:00 Foreshadowing. Not even foreshadowing. We're literally talking about in the context of a murder show on a TV show called Obsession. Fair. But, sure. Very romantic.
Starting point is 01:06:12 So one day, about four months after Sherry's disappearance, Sarah is taking a shower at her apartment when she hears her pager go off. So she grabs a towel, jumps out to listen to the message because it comes in live and she needs to hear it.
Starting point is 01:06:24 And a voice, a man's voice comes over the pager and says, you look good in a towel. That's disgusting. Absolutely not. Obviously, she she closed the blinds. She makes the kids. She makes sure the kids are safe. But she's like, oh, my God, maybe this is just some like one time peeping Tom thing. I don't like I don't know.
Starting point is 01:06:42 She just kind of tries to put in the back of her mind, especially because there's literally no way to find out where the message came from um so obviously things don't stop there as we know from how these stories always go um in fact it goes on for months that she gets these messages and they start escalating of course in a lot of the calls he would start telling her the things he would do to her while she could hear him masturbating. Firm pass. He would say things like, first, I'm going to tie you up. Then I'm going to cut you up. No.
Starting point is 01:07:13 Oh, no. Yep. Yep. Of course, she has three young girls at home. So every time she hears this beeping, she has to run and turn the volume down to make sure it's not. Because either it's her supervisor or this creep calling. But on the other hand, she's like, just got this job. She just got promoted.
Starting point is 01:07:29 And she's like, I don't even know what I would have said to my supervisor. And I don't think I would have been taken seriously. So she just is like, I'm going to try and just monitor it and make sure my kids don't hear. Yeesh. But at a certain point, she starts getting calls every couple hours. And then she starts to hear screams while the caller was leaving messages a woman could be heard screaming in the background oh no yeah it's really disturbing guys um by the way i was gonna say this in the beginning but like
Starting point is 01:07:59 this is one of those stories where like you're gonna want to like at the end you're probably gonna go check your locks and double check your locks and your windows and screen doors because oh my god after i watched this episode i was like i'm locking up the whole house and that's terrifying never letting blaze inside again right so uh meanwhile obviously she's wondering like who the hell could possibly be doing this to me like i'm new in town And then she realizes that her pager number is displayed behind the gas station counter in a way where it could be seen from the outside. So literally anyone walking down the street could have seen it, which obviously doesn't narrow it down whatsoever in this town.
Starting point is 01:08:36 Just makes it so much worse. Yeah. So there's, like, no narrowing it down. Meanwhile, this handsome guy, Robert, keeps coming to the station almost every morning, continually asking her out, which, by the way, guys or guy, Robert, keeps coming to the station almost every morning, continually asking her out. Which, by the way, guys or people in general is not a sexy way to flatter someone. If someone says no, no means no. No means no.
Starting point is 01:08:56 No is a full sentence, as my stepmother would always say. And they don't have to give you a reason either. If they're not interested, walk the fuck away and move on. And guess what? If they do change their, walk the fuck away and move on. And guess what? If they do change their mind, maybe they'll let you know. But perseverance is not always what you think it is. No. It becomes stalking very quickly.
Starting point is 01:09:14 It's not as charming as you maybe think it is. Yeah. So finally, she literally just agrees. She's like, you know what? Fine. This guy's handsome. Whatever. He's being pushy.
Starting point is 01:09:24 I'm just going to agree to this date no um so she tells him to give her a call sometime and maybe they can grab a pizza or beer and he's like thrilled he's like great okay i'll do that 15 minutes later sarah's co-worker says hey you have a phone call it's robert he says hey it's some time oh my god this guy yikes i would have immediately regretted that she's like and so he she's like yeah i guess so and he's like let's go out tomorrow and she's like okay great pick me up uh at my house gives him the address and says okay and before they hang up so he's ready she's ready to hang up he tells her i've been looking forward to this date for a very long time. No, don't do that. She hangs up the phone and she's like, something is wrong.
Starting point is 01:10:09 Yeah. She's like, that tone in his voice was off. Like possessive or something? She just said there's like this tone that's just like, she said basically what she said was, his tone immediately put me on edge. Something told me, don't go. Don't go. Listen. listen listen to it chills so the night of their date the next day instead of going home by seven to be picked up by robert sarah decides to just stay at the gas station and continue her shift and work late
Starting point is 01:10:37 so she's decided to skip the date she stays until about 9 30 figuring like okay he'll be gone by then so everything's fine. She goes home, goes to bed. The next day, Sarah's at work when she spots Robert's truck pulling in. She thinks, oh, shit, like, he's going to be pissed. And, like, I didn't even call to explain what's going on. I totally stood him up. What she doesn't expect is that he's going to rev up his engine and drive his truck directly at her body.
Starting point is 01:11:03 Oh, my God. That's exactly what he does. He charges his car at her, truck directly at her body oh my god that's exactly what he does he charges his car at her trying to run her over she throws herself into the gas station doorway and like just escapes getting hit by this guy so she turns around jumps up locks the freaking door become before seconds later he comes running and slams his body against the glass door uh he starts screaming at her where the hell were you last night where the hell were you he's absolutely losing his shit she's yelling calm down robert i'm sorry and he screams sorry i had plans i made arrangements she tries to tell him you know things
Starting point is 01:11:37 got busy at work i couldn't get away i'm sorry just calm down and we'll talk about it and he starts yelling is it money you want sarah And he starts throwing like bills at her. And he's like, you're he calls her a whore and just starts throwing bills at her. And it's like, is this making you happy? Is this what you wanted? And he's like completely deranged. Like it is deeply upsetting to even watch the reenactment because like she's describing it this way. And then he's like acting it out.
Starting point is 01:12:03 And it is disturbing as all get out. Finally, he just completely calms down he looks her square in the eye and says i went through a lot of trouble and you didn't show up you selfish bitch you ruined everything wow so at this point she is like this guy is like completely off his rocker. He is a totally different person than the way he was like for the weeks before this. Not at all charming. She said his whole facial structure even looked different. Like he just turned into like. Like totally like dissociated into a whole other person. Right.
Starting point is 01:12:36 She said he looked pure evil. But so she's like, you know what? I got to keep my cool and like run this place basically. So she just tries to calm down and move on um and the guy leaves and she's like whatever i'm just gonna avoid him from now on great meanwhile you guessed it the pager messages are coming in more than ever oh yeah i'm sure and more violently than ever oh i am sure and sure and sad. Yes. Also that. They say things like, I'm going to kill you slowly, piece by piece.
Starting point is 01:13:09 She said it was always sexual and it would always end with either dismembering her, stabbing her, or shooting her. He once also threatened to cut her eyes out. Oh, my God. She didn't know who to tell at this point. She's like, you know, 19 years old. She's like, I thought about calling the police, but there's a small town. Like, she didn't even know what to tell them. How could she say, like, she didn't know.
Starting point is 01:13:30 You couldn't trace the calls. Like, there was just nothing she could think of to let them know. And at this point, like, she really hasn't. This has been going on so long. She hasn't connected it to this guy. Right. You know, and it's seemingly now looking back. It's like, well, obviously.
Starting point is 01:13:44 But like, you know, this guy has been like totally it's seemingly now looking back it's like well obviously but like you know this guy has been like totally charming and disarming this whole time and he had one like meltdown because she stood him up but like she hadn't connected the two yet right um so sarah starts having traumatic nightmares as uh i'm sure we all would she said it felt like she was living in pure hell and one night she's in her bed and her beeper goes off around two in the morning. And she starts. This is terrible.
Starting point is 01:14:07 She starts hearing these whimpering sounds. She says she can't tell if it's a human or an animal at first. And as she listens, she realizes it's a woman. The woman begins screaming, sounding absolutely terrified and in pain. And as the beeper call progresses, it sounds like someone is being beaten on the other end of the line. Oh my God. One night around six months after Sherry's disappearance, Sarah's on the night shift and she's reading the newspaper and there's this article about missing young women throughout Las Vegas. And she's sitting there thinking of Sherry and it's just like, she doesn't know what to do. She feels totally helpless. All of a sudden the
Starting point is 01:14:41 gas station phone rings, Sarah picks it up and it's her mother her mother is completely frantic she tells sarah i just got off the phone with the las vegas metropolitan police department and they have linked you to a homicide what and she's like mom what are you talking about she's like don't even ask questions just get yourself to safety make sure the kids are safe so she's like totally blindsided by this she calls her friend um and says hey get the kids locked inside and as she's hanging up fromsided by this. She calls her friend and says, hey, get the kids locked inside. And as she's hanging up from that call, the phone rings again. And this time it's the police department. A detective is calling to warn her that she's in danger and needs to be out of sight right now.
Starting point is 01:15:15 Oh, shit. She's like asking questions. She's like, we don't have time to give any more information. You need to get yourself to a safe place and we'll come to you. So she had this office in the back of the gas station. She locks herself inside and hides, not knowing what's going on until finally the police arrive and Sarah lets them in.
Starting point is 01:15:31 They tell her that around 6 p.m. they found the body of her friend, Sherry Daniels, who had been missing this whole time. Oh no. Sherry had been dumped out in the desert. She had been raped and brutally murdered and they found her wallet at the scene. And when they opened her wallet at the scene and when they opened
Starting point is 01:15:45 her wallet they found sarah's name and home address inside the wallet no so at this point they're like we got to contact this woman to make sure she's safe yeah because there's clearly some connection here so of course this is already traumatic because she just found out one of her closest her only like good friend in town has just been brutally murdered obviously yeah but now suddenly she's tied to the case and is in danger so they put sarah into the squad car they're like lie down out of sight and they drive her to the police station at the station they basically pass over to her this big album of mug shots they're like okay take your time go through these photos and um tell us if anything rings a bell so she's looking through all these photos
Starting point is 01:16:25 she's like hmm and they say do you know this man and she's like confused she's like which one and they're like no that's all the same man in this mugshot album so like just like master of disguise yes oh my gosh isn't that fucking crazy so he looks like completely different men and totally like she said different races like he would like change his hair and his facial hair darken his skin like he could change like he looked hispanic in one photo and then he looked like a pale white guy another like just totally was able to manipulate the way he looked oh my god so she's looking through these photos she's like i still don't totally know what's going on then she turns a page and sees robert and she's like holy shit that's him that's robert the guy who freaked out
Starting point is 01:17:07 at me at the gas station and they're like this is all him all of these mug shots are that guy so she's turning the pages she's like that's robert holy shit and they're like keep looking and she's like well i already know like this is the same guy and so she keeps looking through the pages and as she turns another pages she realizes she recognizes another man oh no it's andrew ireland barry's boyfriend and she's like what realizing that's the same fucking guy that's been showing up at the gas station whoa you're right christine this is blowing my mind bananas dude so police bananas, dude. So police tell Sarah, sorry, this man is neither Robert Generoso nor is it Andrew Ireland. His name is actually Stephen Peter Morin, and he has been murdering people since 1969. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:17:56 Wow. And on top of that, he was one of the most brutal and sadistic serial killers police had ever encountered. Oh, my God. They told Sarah he had beaten and raped Sherry several times, and suddenly Sarah realized that she had heard it happening over her pager. That's terrifying. Her quote at this point in the show was, I think he was killing my friend while he was beeping me. And she's just, like, crying.
Starting point is 01:18:23 I mean, this is, like, decades later, but it's just it's just still i'm sure the sounds are still fresh in her head can you imagine that beeping must just be like the most traumatic sound i mean if you ever are near a pager again like you're just game over terrible yikes so they tell her all this what he's done to her friend sherry and then they say eventually he just shot her in the head and dumped her body. Oh my God. So they show her pictures of all the women he had murdered. And as she looked at them, she realized she was looking at all the same attacks, like violent things that he had been threatening her with over the pager.
Starting point is 01:18:54 So dismemberment shooting, he had even cut someone's eyes out. Like he had threatened. Oh my God. So these weren't even empty threats. Like these are things who was actually carrying out. They knew of at least 44 women and seven men that he had murdered. 44.
Starting point is 01:19:08 Oh, my God. And seven. Police hadn't been able to track him in all that time, most likely due to master of disguise status. He was just ability. He just had this ability to hide under different aliases. And what he'd been doing apparently is taking names off of tombstones who are about the same age as him and then like calling in for their birth certificate and creating like false identities at these people wow uh police tell sarah she's in extreme danger and she starts to
Starting point is 01:19:36 feel completely hopeless like well if they haven't caught him in all this time how the hell are they going to catch him now um they tell her you need to get out of town. Like, is there anyone you can stay with? We don't have the resources in this town to like keep an eye on you at all times and you're not safe here. So the next day, Sarah drops her kids off at the babysitter's and says, I'm just going to run to the apartment to grab a couple things before getting the girls and heading out of town to my mom's place in Texas. Oh, no, sorry, arizona so she heads to her apartment with her friend sally and uh she's like i'm a she was afraid obviously she wanted someone there with her to like just bolster her right um because she was so scared sure walking toward the apartment and suddenly sally
Starting point is 01:20:18 squeezes sarah's hand and mouth swords get in the. They run back to the car and just fucking peel out of there as quickly as possible. Once they get away, Sally looks at Sarah and says, he was in there. I heard him. He was behind the door as they were like walking up to the freaking apartment. Oh, my God. So police search the house. And lo and behold, there is a chair behind the door that was not there that had not put there, that had been placed there strategically so he could sit and wait. Of course, police are like, okay, it's safe to go in now and look around.
Starting point is 01:20:52 And she's like, I'd rather not. I never want to go in that building again. Thank you. So they accompany her in. She sees this chair behind the door that she had not put there. Based on the evidence, he had been sitting in that chair waiting for her to walk through the door and had planned on shooting her she looked at her end tables where her where she kept her address book and he had been rifling through her address book oh no so everyone yes is potentially very unsafe meaning now he not only knew everyone where she lived but literally
Starting point is 01:21:21 anywhere yes like anyone in her family anywhere she would possibly go anything for like doctors to bank to her mom's house her grandma's house like anyone that he wants yeah he now has access to exactly um so police tell sarah that stephen moran they believe is so obsessed with her that he will not stop until he got her so sarah's like great that's super for me and she takes her kids and heads to her mom's house in arizona so she feels a little bit safer especially because police now set up like guard blocks on her street and she's at least with family sure in a different state but at the same time like she can't leave the house even to take out the trash like she's completely you know fevered yeah like she's basically imprisoned in her house and her kids are too and she like doesn't know how to explain this to her kids
Starting point is 01:22:08 it's just very very rough time so one day uh she's at her mom's house it's around christmas time and the phone rings it's a familiar voice on the other end of the line okay he says i still know where you're at and i'm still gonna kill you oh my. So he had found her at her mom's house and found her landline or had it in the address book, I guess, and had had found her. So Sarah takes her kids and moves again, this time to her aunt's house in Texas. And then in December 1981, when she's finally at this point, like, I don't even know how I can live like this anymore. Sarah gets a call from police. They say they have finally arrested Stephen Peter Morin after a four-year FBI hunt. So that's how long it took even once the FBI got on board.
Starting point is 01:22:53 Oh, my gosh. They caught him trying to board a Greyhound bus trying to get out of San Antonio, Texas, where he was wanted in another murder. Okay. This time of a woman named Carrie Marie scott whom he shot while attempting to abduct her in her work parking lot at the restaurant where she worked oh my god his last victim this is where she gets like weird in a totally different way i don't even know this wasn't in the episode this was just like a totally different avenue i found on the internet that's like what the hell is going on okay so his last victim was a woman
Starting point is 01:23:25 named margaret palm who according to the dark side of spooky blog yeah uh was abducted from a shopping center but at gunpoint and then rode around with him in her car for 10 hours allegedly converting him to christianity in the process okay surprise okay she played tapes of a texas evangelist as she's driving him around and read him quotes from the bible finally after 10 hours he let her go and she and he attempted to board a greyhound bus which is again where he was apprehended and he willingly surrendered himself to police without resistance weird okay so police speculated though when they talked to uh sarah that he was in texas because he was trying to track her down after she had moved to her aunt's house so they were like we think he's literally in the state to find you so thank god they yeah
Starting point is 01:24:16 caught him yeah exactly uh once he was apprehended moran claimed he was a born-again christian and a changed man because of 10 hours in the car with someone he didn't kill for one. For one time. Didn't murder. So the woman who drove around with him actually tells this story in like a sermon. Like I listened to it online. It's like on some website called like God is with or I don't know. Another interesting blog.
Starting point is 01:24:39 But so she tells this whole like sermon back in the 90s and like how she's abducted again. It's very scary. And she's like, and then I just said, do you know Jesus? And he was like, no, and I don't want to. Which the congregation laughed. So I feel I can laugh. Okay. Like she said it kind of jokingly, but she was like, yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:58 So I talked to him. I read from my Bible, whatever, whatever. So Moran did plead guilty and confessed to capital murder um and he's actually the only the second person in texas history to do so because it's essentially volunteering for the death penalty so you're not like bargaining your way out of the death penalty you're literally saying nope i did it and i'm going to die for it oh okay willingly got it um so his lawyer said oh he's a born-again christian he's admitting to this because like he has changed his ways and blah, blah, blah. But born again or not, he chose to keep quiet on over 30 unsolved cases he was a suspect in and did not allow anyone to get closure on those fronts.
Starting point is 01:25:34 Doesn't sound godly. Couldn't have felt that sorry for what he did. I don't think so. Yeah. So, da, da, da, da, da. Stephen, where are we? Yeah. So, Stephen, where are we? Stephen Peter Morin became the sixth person to be executed by lethal injection in Texas since the state began using lethal injections in 1982. Before his death, he gave the following statement as his last words. Let's hear it.
Starting point is 01:25:58 Heavenly Father. Oh, my God. It just gets so much worse. Heavenly Father, I give thanks for this time, for the time that we have been together in the last 24 hours. You and me, bud. To the end of the line. I give thanks for this time, for the time that we have been together, the fellowship in your world, the Christian family presented to me. And then he called the names of the witnesses out in this, like as the family presented to him. Oh. Allow your Holy Spirit to flow as I know your love has been showered upon me.
Starting point is 01:26:28 Forgive them for they know not what they do. I'm like, seriously? That line you're going to use? Jesus' line? Oh my God. You're being crucified? Is that what you're saying? Asshole.
Starting point is 01:26:39 Forgive them for they know not what they do. As I know that you have forgiven me as I have forgiven them. Lord Jesus, I commit my soul to you. I praise you and I thank you. Oh, no. Again, this whole story has made me reconsider my... Needle fear? ...desire to seek hypnotherapy from my lovely therapist. So it took them nearly 45 minutes to find a usable vein they tried his arms and his legs multiple times before they could find anything through the scar
Starting point is 01:27:09 tissue that would work it's just so disturbing um moran was pronounced dead at 12 55 a.m on march 13th 1985 at the age of 34 so 34 years old he was already wanted and over at 34 he's killed more people than years he's lived exactly yikes exactly chris okay so this is wild so there's this article i found in the guardian and it's this guy named chris clark and he actually writes how he was friends with moran but you know not in when he knew that what was going on his mom actually dated him and so he was like his stepdad for a long for a while for a few years wow and he talks about how close he was with this guy and he knew him as ray and he's like ray really like helped me and like got me my first job and they um bonded and became close oh that
Starting point is 01:27:58 sucks yeah it's like really upsetting um and for what it's worth chris calls more in his last words quote his like you know christian statement so his like former stepson basically calls his last words quote a marvel of manipulative sociopathy which i just think is like the best yeah phrase concise and perfect and accurate completely um he believes moran was using his newfound christianity in an attempt to manipulate any right-wing texans who were part of the legal system who could have spared him. Right. Didn't work, obviously.
Starting point is 01:28:31 Chris's article talks about his relationship with the guy he called the sick fuck and how he is still to this day grappling with the fact that he once helped Morin put carpeting in the back of his van not knowing that morin would later use this van to assault and murder oh my god women in uh chris obviously still grapples with that to this day especially because morin once saved his life oh well so they were uh they had this painting job together and once he was on this um ladder that began to slide over and he was like, I was going to die like this ladder. This ladder was going to slide off the wall and I was going to fall several stories my death. And he remembers Ray who that's sorry. Moran had told them his name was Ray. And actually one of his disguises.
Starting point is 01:29:20 Yes, exactly. He remembers Ray helping him bring the ladder back to safety before studying it and guiding him down. And this is the last line of the disguises. Yes, exactly. He remembers Ray helping him bring the ladder back to safety before steadying it and guiding him down. And this is the last line of the Guardian article. I thought it was just very poignant because he talks this whole time about, like, how much this guy, like, fucked him up and whatever. And so he says, and yet, and then this is the story. And I did it. I pulled back violently on the ladder and slammed it back into place. In reach of the window now, I helped Ray tie the ladder securely to the window frame as i sobbed in relief then descended on increasingly
Starting point is 01:29:49 shaky legs ray met me as i reached the bottom grabbed me in a bear hug kept me from slumping to the ground wow and that is a story of serial killer peter morin who's one of the most fucked up serial killers i've ever heard of and somehow hadn't heard of. That's a crazy story. I just like, and if you read the story online, there's nothing about Sarah who told the story on. So weird. You know, because like she hadn't told her story before. That's kind of like some of the excerpts I read for the Bridgewater Triangle. I was like, how is this an only one source?
Starting point is 01:30:22 Like, how is this not everywhere? Well, if you think about like what, you know, she wouldn't have shared it before they interviewed her on the show. And once the I mean, it's a recent show. So once the episode came out, people were like, oh, wow, there's this new side to the story. But like since he had murdered, you know, 44 women, like those were the main points of conversation rather than like the person who survived him. So anyway, it's just a wild wild story and um i didn't even know i i was like watching this episode like this guy is such a creep and then i was like oh my god this is like a serial murderer for the ages who's apparently now in heaven so apparently
Starting point is 01:30:59 allegedly well or allegedly in hell. Who's to say? Who's to say? All right. Well, that is great. Well, we'll see what the hell I did with the editing for this because, wow, I'm sure it's very questionable. Yeah. If you're on this ride on YouTube, thank you for bearing with us. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:31:20 If you're on this ride through your ears, probably. Hopefully we made it sound smooth and you didn't know all the chaos that has been happening. Tough to say, though though tough to say if you want to see the chaos you can find it on youtube at slash c c slash c slash and that's why we drink you can also find our social medias our instagram and twitter and uh at atwwd podcast um you can also i don't know you can find our patreon at slash and that's why at wwd podcast we've got a website and that's why we where you can find all of our tour dates jk we don't have them yet um but once we do they'll be there you can also look at merch and all kinds of nice stuff so yeah we're we're rounding ourselves're gearing up so thanks for listening everybody and we'll be back with more spookiness next week
Starting point is 01:32:08 and that's why we drink

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