And That's Why We Drink - E143 Portal Ripping Muscles and Vampire Rumors

Episode Date: October 27, 2019

Ashes to ashes and bone dust to bone dust... Welcome to our spooky ooky Halloween special! We're kicking things off with a three-person costume contest, then Em dives into the ghosts of the Alamo! Chr...istine also brings the spooky with the story of the Carter Brothers, supposed vampires who made appearances in New Orleans long after their execution. And bonus story: Have you heard the tale of the Casket Girls? We've got the vampire rumors hot off the gossip mill... and that's why we drink! Please consider supporting the companies that support us! Become a Feals member today by going to and you'll get 50% off your first order with free shipping!For 30% off your first month’s subscription, visit and enter DRINK30 when you subscribe!Go to and use code DRINK to get $75 off!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 Hello! Welcome to the Spooky Ookie Halloween episode. Eva and I are displaying
Starting point is 00:00:17 our costumes to you. Here's Eva as Sebastian from Stardew Valley, my long-lost lover who, unfortunately, I gave up for Emily and her parrot. But look, he's even holding spaghetti. Hey. What's your other quote? Oh, yeah, I tried to give him algae pretty early on.
Starting point is 00:00:38 It says, I hate this. And then here's Christine as a last minute Tina Belcher with the shoes. You can barely see it. And hair barrette. Okay. Now, Em wanted to do a special reveal, so I'm going to sit down and get comfortable. All right, Em, do you want to come reveal your costume? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:00 Okay. Come on in. Here comes Em. Holy. Are you zach baggins yes it's me, Zach Baggins. Holy crap, with a muscle suit! Guys, I know that a lot of you don't watch our YouTube, but can you just watch the 30 seconds of this, please God? Please God, you need to see what is happening in front of my eyes right now.
Starting point is 00:01:39 I also brought some of my old ghost equipment. Holy crap. Listen. I knew right away what you were. Okay, good, because I waxed my hair into a mohawk. Em waxed their hair into a mohawk. Holy crap. No wonder you were in the bathroom for so long.
Starting point is 00:01:54 Does it feel right? It does. Oh, my God. Here, Eva, do you mind taking a photo of us? Yeah. Together in front of the green screen. Sorry, I know I'm making you... All right, I think I'm making you... Also, note my acid
Starting point is 00:02:12 wash jeans are the closest things I could find. This is bananas, dude. They still have the tags on them because I'm going to return them immediately after. You make a good Zach bagel bites. Really? Yes. I was really afraid, especially the facial hair. Does the tag on your jeans say skinny? Does it? That's hysterical.
Starting point is 00:02:27 I tried to be as Zach as possible. They are. That is skinny acid wash jeans. Also, I tried to find an extra large black shirt to go over the muscles, and so it's actually a friend's shirt. Oh my god. The muscle shirt. I did what I could. Wait, talk into the microphone
Starting point is 00:02:44 because the audio won't get through. Sorry. Hello. Can everyone hear me? Oh, my God. This is very good. I also forgot to mention I have erotic friend fiction with me. Are you going to read some?
Starting point is 00:02:53 Did you write it about me? Well, wouldn't you like to know? I wrote it about Zach Bagans, so perfect timing. There you go. Let me scoot. I don't know why I'm literally in the corner of this. Hold on. That was a fun intro for everyone. Do I sound normal? I don't have my headphones on. I didn't really. Oh, i don't know why i'm literally in the corner of this hold on that was a fun intro
Starting point is 00:03:05 for everyone do i sound normal i don't have my headphones i didn't really oh i don't either we did not test this clearly we didn't plan this i didn't even know eva was coming over today until she showed up in a fucking sebastian costume and i just started screaming eva told me like a month ago that this was gonna happen so the second we were recording the sebastian costume she literally shows up with spaghetti over her head it was the most epic i didn't even know she was coming and all of a sudden sebastian was here listen your long lost love well so eva's current love i suppose i know eva's stolen my wife can you get divorced in this show you can you can i'm planning on could you marry each other no i think i don't know We haven't tried it. Eva, want to get married and see what happens? Definitely. That's co-op.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Let's click that co-op button. Co-op. I might divorce you. We'll see. I forgot my laptop outside. Oh, good. My backpack is by the door. It's just on the other side of the door.
Starting point is 00:03:56 Poor Eva is now here to be our like. Slash Sebastian. Okay, let me put my friend fiction. I should have put my notes in my erotic friend fiction. My muscles are so itchy. Are they really? They look hot. This is literally on my nakedotic friend fiction. My muscles are so itchy. Are they really? They look hot. This is literally on my naked body. Oh, it looks hot.
Starting point is 00:04:08 Because I wanted to make sure it was underneath the shirt. Oh my god. This is like tripping me out, dude. Does it look good? It looks unbelievable. Thank you. I knew exactly what you were too. Oh, thank god.
Starting point is 00:04:19 Dear Christ. I was like, you're going to wonder what the hell this machine on me is and everything. Em was literally like, I'll have an explanation. I was like, why on earth do we need... You know what? There's your poster. Later, we should take a photo next to the Demon House signed poster. I'll pretend to sign it for you.
Starting point is 00:04:31 And I'll just be fangirling. Yeah. God, that's so good, Em. My hair, I tried so hard to wax it into a mohawk, but Gio was trying to get to me. It was a nightmare. Em, that's such a good costume. Thank you. How long have you planned that
Starting point is 00:04:45 this morning oh good because i planned mine yesterday so on the way here i went to party city i was like do you have muscles that's so good and they were like well you don't so exactly they nailed it they were like you need all the help you can get oh my god this is so exciting for me i'm very happy to be sitting next to such a celebrity well ain't that the truth about times i want to replace m whoa that's what they all say can i be on beach to sandy as zach bagans please god wait a minute and then can i read reviews about ghost adventures zach bagans who was happy will have happily do it although i think he's a good at narrating not really yes he is what if i told my whole story like zach everyone would stop listening immediately we
Starting point is 00:05:27 would lose all our subscribers um also while i was opening my beer i found my bottle opener okay and it's a little unicorn oh that's precious his favorite so i'm like you're really on brand today it's hip-hop happening and eva said i should save the costume and do it as a zombie Tina next year, which I think would be really fun. Actually, that would work really well. I also really want to be Linda at some point. I'll be Tina next year. You be Linda.
Starting point is 00:05:51 That would be really fucking funny. It would, because I'd be in a skirt. That'd be the worst part of it all. Oh, no. Yeah. Well, you could do Jean instead. Oh, no. I'm volunteering to be Tina.
Starting point is 00:06:00 Okay. All right. You be Tina. That sounds like a wild ride for everyone. You can have my outfit. Thank God. And then Eva could be Eva Louise. Louise. Well, Eva
Starting point is 00:06:09 has been Louise. She just showed me pictures. She was Louise Scissorhands. That's genius. That's the best costume ever. I know. That would have won. We should give Eva a job. Do you want a job? You're hired. She's actually like, no, thank you. She's like, I'm fucking dizzy, actually. I have enough of a goddamn job.
Starting point is 00:06:26 Maybe if you double my salary. Oh, same. Happily. Okay. Can you pass me my beer? Yeah. Thank you, muscles. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:06:36 That is just sexy. When I was little, little. When I was, I shouldn't, I shouldn't say that after I say the word sexy. When I was little, Selena and I would always say sexa. Sexa? No, S-E-X-A-H. Sexa? We would say John Travolta is sexa.
Starting point is 00:06:54 I don't know why we did that. I regret saying anything. Oh, good. Can you also pass me my laptop? I want you to know this is not tied off the way it should be in me eva could you pass every time i have to move i can feel my whole arm kind of fall off of my arm you know what i mean oh i have been there done that okay thank you eva um also uh oh you have a stripping talk about scary oh god i'm mean today i'm sorry it's you're you're really channeling tina uh speaking of
Starting point is 00:07:27 scary it is officially scorpio season so everyone beware i'm just kidding everyone's so upset about that i never said anything about scorpios it's such a scorpio thing to be upset about me saying something about scorpios sometimes people actually write us rarely people think of them i actually fucking hate scorpios like all scorpio write sometimes like really mean emails being like it's hurtful you bullies you like and i'm like what why are you taking this and then they go and i bet you're just gonna say this is such a scorpio thing to do and i was like scorpio yes correct that is exactly what i was gonna say guarantee no capricorn is writing us an email like that about scorpios probably not
Starting point is 00:08:05 sounds like a bunch of scorpios having a problem okay well now we've just really uh started off strong this is as mad as you want at me i'm it's too far at this point for me to say i don't zach baggins talking dot m zach baggins hates everyone including ghosts so you're lucky you got me okay all right uh do you have anything to say about Halloween? Just happy Halloween. Oh, I do have a special patron of the month since we forgot that we were doing that. Oh. Remember?
Starting point is 00:08:32 Yep, I do. Is it me? Is it Zach? Yeah. How much money do you pay us a month? I don't think any. Zero dollars. Someone's calling you.
Starting point is 00:08:39 I'm not going to answer it. I just feel like Zach wouldn't, so. You're really method acting. Doing what I can. Tina would want to know who it is um okay let's see it's Jimmy Jr. oh I tried to make plays do that and he's like you gave me one day of warning and he literally looks like Jimmy Jr. I was kind of like you already did it um okay our first Patreon fan shout out which happens to be our halloween episode is our patron ravioli senpai oh aka kayla hi kayla thank you for donating and they've been a donator for a while so i really appreciate it thank you for everything you've done i'm sorry that this is what you get
Starting point is 00:09:17 to see on your special day on your special day i hope a that you're not a scorpio that would be kind of a that'd be really awkward episode to be in and b um i hope that you still listen to the show and you didn't just forget your password to patreon and don't know how to delete your uh because that happens that is a real fear that does happen that happened to ali alexander's girlfriend i was like that's so sweet that you still donate and she's like christina i've been trying to get into that account for like months i was like oh okay well she's like i'm already dating your brother i'm doing my part i'm literally i'm literally committing enough of myself to you people um anyway so there's that that's all i had to say so thank you for your donation ravioli senpai yeah yeah yeah and uh if you guys want to
Starting point is 00:09:57 be up for uh a patreon shout out we do one a month apparently if we remember and you can find up at slash atwwd podcast yes all of that cool cool you really kept that avocado huh well yeah i thought you got rid of it it's yeah where's lemon wouldn't you like to know okay i move lemon around kind of like he dances a prized painting i don't keep him in one place at the same time like you always have to keep him away from where everyone expects him to be so he'll never get stolen do you like that i just said like a prized painting as if i know anything about what people do with i for i was just gonna take your word for it i had no idea that's what people with prized paintings did i'm sure it's not i was like you know you move them around for vaults
Starting point is 00:10:41 i'm pretty sure the mona lisa's never been moved in a while i think they don't move it because like they don't want to break it yeah i'm such an idiot anyway so you know much like a prize painting we should just make that the thing that we compare everything to oh my god anyway so that's that okay sorry that's my only announcement let's do something spooky okay I I'm yawning yeah I can tell you're already thrilled with this episode I am covering show notes that I did for
Starting point is 00:11:16 our live show in San Antonio as our Halloween surprise because I wanted to make sure I gave you guys something with ghosties Tejas and I want everyone to know that the last time I read these, I was a little bitter because it was also, I think, the opening night of Avengers Endgame. Right.
Starting point is 00:11:33 So you can already sense my weird balance between I was stoked to be at the live show, but also so mad that I was missing the very first movie, whatever, the time slot for it to come out i'm starting to choke up um i will say we were just talking about this how in the vip line people kept being like hey m are you really upset you're not the movie and i was like yes thank you for bringing it up for the 40th time i am also a lot of people kept saying like oh did you know that the that end game is playing right now and i like, why on earth do you think that I don't know that information? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:07 Yes, I know. Trust me. We had plans and it was to be there anyway. Oops. C'est la vie. So, Eva, tell me if I'm flashing you. I'm not used to wearing skirts. It could be like one of those.
Starting point is 00:12:18 Oh, no, you're fine. I mean, if I'm flashing you, I'm flashing the camera. So maybe it would not be the first time. Sebastian, be on the lookout. I'll just flash you an I hate this. Eva said she's just going to flash I hate this. She has, like, a little printout of that, which is Sebastian's favorite phrase. He really says I hate this, like, a lot?
Starting point is 00:12:38 No, look, yeah, if you give him a gift. So she gave him algae, which, like, that's your own problem, Eva. I don't know why you'd gift someone algae. But she gave him algae, and he just said I your own problem, Eva. I don't know why you'd gift someone algae. But she gave him algae and he just said, I hate this. Look at this. I hate this. What an asshole. And you have to be married to him?
Starting point is 00:12:51 No, you don't have to be married to him. You pick. And so Eva and I both were drawn to the purple haired emo kid, obviously. And I just went for Emily instead because she had a parrot. Again, it was the parrot. Parrot really just swindled you. Look, she's giving him energy. Lulled you into marriage.
Starting point is 00:13:06 Actually, you do look weirdly good with purple hair, Eva. You look great. I don't know what's going on with you guys. Both of your wigs are like kind of top notch. You don't even need a wig. You really got the hair like set. I tried very hard. No, it's like on point for sure.
Starting point is 00:13:19 My wig is on my face and it's made of eyebrow pencil. I was wondering where that came from. I also tried to get the color that would match your eyebrows maybe so you can have the rest of the pencil. Oh score! Happy Halloween. Trick or treat. I had a very dark eyebrow pencil that I used today because I was like well black hair. There you go. Just aggressively make my eyebrows. Anyway nobody cares what my eyebrows look like. Go ahead. So this is san antonio story i'm much happier to talk about today because avengers is out um okay and this is the story of the alamo holy shit i don't even remember i remember i don't either which is how excited everyone was this is gonna be very interesting
Starting point is 00:13:58 because i also don't remember the alamo you're such an idiot i also don't remember the alamo i i don't absolutely i absolutely forgot the alamo i'm sorry uh we're gonna all take a history course together as we do every fucking week so surprise to nothing new um but i don't remember these notes i have not looked at them since at least april 26th which was when avengersgame came out, if I'm not mistaken. And when we graced San Antonio with our presents. San Antonio, yeah. So I really have not looked at them since then. And it's literally Halloween. So.
Starting point is 00:14:32 Oh, God. Let's go. Let's see what happens. I'm just going to read the bullets and we will translate as needed. Okay. Okay. Alamo, first bullet. You ready?
Starting point is 00:14:40 Sure. The land was originally native land. Color me shocked. Then became a mission church around the 1730s. And then I think at this point I made everyone ooh and ah, because that's not interesting yet. That's usually what Em does at the beginning, which I love. I think it's funny. I'm encouraging everyone to remember our anxiety problems and we're on stage.
Starting point is 00:14:57 So please be nice. Yes. Start getting interested now. Yeah. If you, you already paid for your ticket. So let's just ride this ride out. We're all stuck here together. So the land was originally native land, then became a mission church around the 1730s.
Starting point is 00:15:09 And it was built by the Franciscan monks. And the goal was to minister to natives for 70 years. Okay. I don't know. I don't know what you're waiting for. Okay. I was trying to read it in my head and be like, did that sentence make sense? I think it makes sense. It was named Mission San Antonio de valero after saint anthony okay that's fun uh the land was then oh this is not fun the land was then a thousand body cemetery in the 1700s okay already in the 1700s okay yep here we go uh in 1793 it became texas's first hospital and then the land became a military post and then
Starting point is 00:15:46 it became barracks in 1803 and then i have something called nickname history let's all gather around together and read these the alamo the name comes from either the monks from when they gathered under cottonwood trees where while building their church i guess Alamo meant cottonwood trees. Sure. Makes sense. Really should have had those notes written down. Maybe. Oh, okay. Or I could have just kept reading.
Starting point is 00:16:15 Alamo could come from the soldiers who lived there after their hometown, Alamo de Parascavilla. That sounds right. No, it doesn't. No, not even a little bit. In 1835, texans gained control of san antonio and made alamo their home base and a year later at the battle of the alamo general santa anna and the mexican army came to take over the alamo and did it in 13 days okay all right so the texans fought with uh i don't know if they actually i just wrote 13 days i don't know if it happened in 13 days or this battle was 13 days long i am not a history major uh the texans fought with colonel james bowie colonel
Starting point is 00:16:51 william travis and over 100 more men plus davy crockett and his 20 volunteers and after the battle of the alamo general santa anna and the mexican army won okay i'm following so far we're following as well as we can everyone that lives remotely near texas is screaming at us and i understand well it was very brave of you to do that at the live show because i do remember people started arguing in their seats about oh yeah what was true and someone i just heard someone go i work there i know and i was like okay you guys need to calm the hell down go complain about it there i i'm trying to read my notes and i can't fix i'm just like i was like did you not did you or did you not hear what i said about anxiety you guys are really ruining
Starting point is 00:17:28 i was like i can at least assure you that i tried my best as m always says our shtick is that we don't know what we're doing so let us have that yeah clearly that was someone who may or may not have gotten dragged there and didn't know that the shtick is that i'm just stupid but charming and that's what to be fair i'm pretty sure that was a person defending you and someone else was like no so who knows who knows what the story was no hate but I don't even remember what the story is just don't get mad please I'm trying no not you them no no I'm saying FYI oh yes we are trying our best so uh after the battle of the Alamo General santa anna and the mexican army won um they killed every single texan defender so there was 180 out of 180 dead versus 1600 of 5 000 soldiers dead okay it suggested that six people including davy crockett did not die
Starting point is 00:18:18 on the battlefield but they did die later when they were captured and brought to general santa anna and then tortured and then killed oh um around 15 people on the battlefield didn't die so out of everyone about 15 people what uh women children and slaves uh were all told to inform others not to mess with the mexican army and with all the bodies on the battlefield general santa anna refused to give texans any proper burials oh geez um that's fucked up he had his men loot dismember and stack all of these soldiers uh into piles and burn them and then their remains were buried in unmarked graves so a lot of people did not get proper burials. I mean, you're literally asking for a haunting at that point. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:05 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Sorry, Zach always gets the last word. I'll let you have it. Then he had his men take their own dead soldiers and throw them into the San Antonio River. And this was because the local cemetery was already filled and ideally bodies would not float toward Mexico.
Starting point is 00:19:26 That's what his thinking was wait so he want so he threw his own men's bodies in the river ideally the bodies would through the current would float to mexico so they wouldn't stay in texas like his wow so he's like sending them back to mexico yeah so they got their version of as even though it was a local proper burial they got one where they were at least on their way to mexico geez well yeah so an attempt anyway an attempt uh three weeks later general sam houston where i remember everyone lost their damn minds crazy for that we weren't even in houston nope apparently sam houston is like a there's a high school there or something there's like a high school and like a statue and like people freaked out when i said sam houston yeah three weeks later general sam houston defeated general santa anna in
Starting point is 00:20:08 the battle of san jacinto and texas gained independence and then everyone cheered that's why okay that makes sense why you guys were all so excited okay that makes sense why you guys like him yeah yeah yeah pissed off general santa anna wanted alamo burned down in case the texans saw it as a shrine to those who rebelled. Rebelled. I'm Zach today, so anything I say, we're going to blame on you. That's pretty Zach of you. I'm going to grab my erotic friend fiction and write that down. Rebelled.
Starting point is 00:20:36 You just actually said rebelled. I did say rebelled. I'm not proud of what happened. I loved it. Oh, and Eva is anti-stripping now. Eva's dressing back up. She's like, I'm out. She's like, I heard rebelled, and I am ready to go home now. Eva's dressing back up. She's like, I'm out. She's like, I heard rebels and I am ready to go home now.
Starting point is 00:20:47 Look at my purple hair. So pissed off that this happened. General Santana wanted the Alamo burnt down because he didn't want anyone seeing it as like a display of like, look how great Texas is. Sure. So Santana put General Andrade in charge
Starting point is 00:21:03 to make sure that the area, the whole area was on fire. And General Andrade in charge to make sure that the area, the whole area, was on fire. And General Andrade oversaw this, but he had Colonel Sanchez take his troops in to complete the job. So even though this was his job, he made Colonel Sanchez and his men do it. I keep thinking you're going to say Colonel Sanders. I do. I could go for some KFC right now. I'm not going to sit here and pretend like I wouldn't eat fried chicken.
Starting point is 00:21:23 He's also a hero. Finger looking good um when colonel sanchez came back he told uh andre that they did not actually set the whole place on fire he said that they got to the barracks and they saw quote six diabolos standing on the roof of the alamo each of these diabolos had a flaming sword they blocked the entrance and they screamed do not touch the alamo do not touch these walls oh shit okay so i think that was colonel sanchez's way of being like yeah we shouldn't be here yeah maybe let's not set it on fire and then told general andre we could not do it okay so nowadays the legend is that they were spirits of soldiers or even the monks who built the church defending the Alamo.
Starting point is 00:22:07 Okay. And General Andrade scoffed and he said that he would just go do it himself. So he went to the Alamo and when he got to the barracks, he stood up or he didn't stand up. He was already standing. He looked up with his eyes. With his eyes. Okay. Just in case anyone forgot.
Starting point is 00:22:24 He got to the barracks and he looked up and he saw a tall male spirit standing on the roof and each hand held a ball of fire jeez them in their fire man so like double confirmation that there's something on the roof of this alamo yeah general andre and his men ran off and general santa anna never again tried to reclaim the Alamo. Okay. He learned his lesson. Over time, the area started falling apart. Um, it was repaired in the 1840s, which that sounds like when something should have been built for the first
Starting point is 00:22:52 time. Rebuild it now. Um, in the 1870s, most of it was torn down except the barracks in the church. Oh, I think this was where people were starting to get mad. Debate about what's still.
Starting point is 00:23:05 They're like certain things are still standing and I didn't mention that. Do you want me to play the part of the debater? No! You're wrong! Oh, whoever. You might have been right. I still never found out that information. Idiot!
Starting point is 00:23:16 I might have been an idiot. Who knows? You're not an idiot. I said rebeled. Don't. Listen, just take the compliment and run. Thank you. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:26 Recently, Christine called me rugged, handsome, and cute. All in one sentence. I knew this was going to come up. And I was like, I'm going to screenshot that because it's never going to happen again. And then I said it again the next day. And I was like, you have to say it three more times. And I was like, god damn it. I really walked myself into this one.
Starting point is 00:23:42 I really, it was, I've never, it's weird to hear. I have absolutely called you handsome before. Maybe not rugged and handsome and cute all at once. Something you really should just start screaming from mountaintops, by the way. All right. You can write about it in your erotic friend fiction. I already did. Your cute, rugged, handsome friend.
Starting point is 00:24:00 Who looks like Zach today. Who looks like ZB. Who is just built, like, just, you know, blasting my pics every day. I just pictured, like, at one of the ghost hunts, Zach just, like, dropping and doing 20. Like, they're like, cut, and he just drops and does 20. And it's like, anyone see that?
Starting point is 00:24:18 It's like, no, we don't need more outtakes of you working out. So in the 1840s, it was repaired. In the 1870s, most of it was torn down except the barracks and the church. And in the 1880s, it was made into a general store. And 14 years later, it became a short-lived police headquarters and jail. So it's been a lot of things. Yeah. Before it's even been 1900.
Starting point is 00:24:39 Okay. In 1905, the Daughters of the Republic of Texas began managing the Alamo. A museum was built in 37. And now the gift shop funds, I guess, the rest of the property. Like, whatever you... Oh, I see. Like, the donations to... Revenue goes toward...
Starting point is 00:24:57 Yes. Keep up. Upkeep. Upkeep. Jesus Christ. Are we okay? No. This wig is, like, constricting blood flow to my brain eva says
Starting point is 00:25:05 yes hers is too um it's very hot it is in 1901 yeah by the way i thought we were done with this fucking heat wave and now it's 96 degrees outside it's in the mid 90s and we're not in air conditioning and i'm in muscles and it's and it's end of october this is why i'm afraid to get real muscles like that's just more sweat that's just more body to have to sweat. Yeah. You know? Yeah. So I stay as I do.
Starting point is 00:25:27 That seems physically like how that works. I think so. So in 1991, the Daughters of the Republic of Texas agreed to let a local psychic have a look around. I seem to have not put any more information than that. Okay. Great. Just so everyone knows there's been a psychic there. Because the next chunk I have starts with ghosts.
Starting point is 00:25:46 Oh, fantastic. Let's just talk about the ghosts. Let's do that. And there's a whole lot of these ghosts, so I'm very excited about this part. Okay. In the 1890s, oh, we're starting early, San Antonio Express News wrote about activity happening at the Alamo. activity happening at the alamo so in the newspaper there's a quote that said the alamo is again the center of interest to quite a number of curious people who have been attracted by the rumors of manifestations of alleged ghosts the sound of feet on the roof that has been heard as late as 5 a.m
Starting point is 00:26:16 by the officer in charge which is interesting because the very first things that were supernatural to have happened there were people walking around on the roof so ew so it's still happening okay yes yes um officers and prisoners complained about moaning whispers chain rattling all those that they all kept them awake at night which i guess is good if you're an officer you should be awake on your shift but i guess the prisoners had something to complain about uh the guards wouldn't patrol the property after dark and the city was forced to relocate the jail so that's why it was only a short-lived jail because pete just because there were so many ghosts apparently wanted to work there right that's shitty another newspaper said that allegedly there's a buried treasure somewhere on the property oh that sounds fun i like to think someone from our show then went
Starting point is 00:27:03 there after our show and found the buried i like to think someone from our show then went there after our show and found the buried i like to think that you suggested we all go there to look for it i'm pretty sure that's what happened i can neither confirm nor deny but i can definitely bet that that happened and did we go no we went to sleep immediately i almost took an uber to a late night end game showing that's true uh there was a girl who visited the alamo oh speaking of the buried treasure i think uh the girl a girl visited the alamo and she said she could talk to the dead and she saw quote spirits in the chapel she said that uh the activity is because they're trying to find the treasure which is 540 000 worth of gold well which is 16 million dollars now holy crap i want to find that too so apparently
Starting point is 00:27:47 oh yeah that's when i said like oh we can all go and we'll just divvy it up and i said yeah yeah let's go and then i said but we're gonna go i don't know i said we said something we said something it was hilarious we've said many things if you were there you would have known how hysterical it was tell your friends we made you cry from laughter so we made you cry for a lot of reasons but mostly from laughter uh so it's 60 million dollars now is what the treasure is worth and it's apparently near the southwest corner an apparition it has been seen walking frantically across the roof of the alamo too which is again confirming that something's walking on the roof it reminds me that thing of like ghosts being in like unnatural like either on the floor or like crouching the walls like on the yeah crouching
Starting point is 00:28:31 wasn't there one i swear there was at least one listener story or in one story i've covered there was a an apparition that crab walked to people gross absolutely not there's no need for that oh that sounds like a i get you're bored in the afterlife but figure out learn how to knit or something we're not crab walking in the afterlife get a switch even i can waste hours of our lives you can get married all over again waste hours of your afterlife on that thing listen i'm saying um and i'll come find you with my all my heavy equipment equipment and muscles you can watch md push-ups for days rip the portal between our world and yours right off but being on the roof that's gross i don't like that uh there have been disembodied screams and yelling there is a sense of being watched
Starting point is 00:29:15 wherever you go there people have heard whispers they've seen vanishing lights welcome sorry sorry i had to do like a thousand push-ups real quick sorry i had to stop the camera and be like christine i gotta get my fix i gotta i gotta get my gotta chug some protein god damn it get my pro pros in all right don't ever say that again okay i'm sorry about that we're back um cool cool cool sorry about that. We're back. Cool. Cool. Cool. Sorry about that. Technical difficulties slash... Galore.
Starting point is 00:29:49 Physical abilities strengthened. Just 1% more. It's getting hot in here, huh? I know. I know. You're cute, rugged, handsome, ghost adventures man. Tina would be all over this, by the way. You know that, right?
Starting point is 00:30:02 Just like a frat bro. Tina would be just like, do some more push-ups all right all right by the way cannot do a single push-up let's just be clear this is a farce i don't know what you think you walked in on but i did not do this overnight um oh boy so people have heard disembodied screams and yelling they have felt that um being watched uh all like wherever they are on the property people have heard disembodied screams and yelling. They have felt being watched wherever they are on the property. People have heard whispers. They have seen vanishing lights. Apparently there's an apparition dressed from the 1830s, which is, I feel like you have to have a very specific set of knowledge to know the 1830s garb.
Starting point is 00:30:39 I didn't even think about that. It's not like 1828. It's like 1835. I wouldn't even know the 1930s compared to like the 1950s i wouldn't yeah that's very specific apparently uh this apparition walks by the courtyard in tall boots and a plantation hat and an overcoat all right so now we all know what the 1830s that would be our next halloween costume good to know i don't want to wear a plantation hat actually never mind you don't why well. And then apparently he fades away.
Starting point is 00:31:06 Okay. So at least he goes away. Yeah. With his old school clothes. There's a spirit of a boy that sits above the gift shop and he stares at the yard from the windows that are inaccessible. So they know if they're seeing something up in the windows, they cannot get in there. Spooky.
Starting point is 00:31:24 Apparently mainly in Februaryary so that might mean that that's when he died uh psychics apparently have seen and talked with the spirits of over half a dozen soldiers um there's a transparent figure dressed in buckskin clothing and a rifle by the chapel and they think that might actually be davy crockett himself very fun everyone claims to have all these people like Davy Crockett and Al Capone. There are some people that seem to crop up. I wonder if they just play the Davy Crockett song over and over and try to summon him. What's the song?
Starting point is 00:31:54 I don't remember. Well, I'm remembering it from Br'er Rabbit. Yeah. Davy, Davy Crockett. No, I don't know that actually. King of the Wild Frontier. Eva's nodding, I think. Oh, Eva knows oh eva's being
Starting point is 00:32:05 supportive eva's gonna nod no matter what we say so uh or sing is that what that was called bray rabbit yeah i don't know that thing who knows who knows not me you guys do i'm sure but guess what guess what you also probably know a whole lot more about the adlmo you probably work there and too bad for us uh so uh okay so there's also one ranger that went into the barracks and saw a man wearing buckskin and his torso was riddled with bullets what what like bullet holes you could see through his stomach gross and probably bloody uh then the there's also the spirits of mexican soldiers that have apparently stepped out from the darkness. Ugh.
Starting point is 00:32:47 This is like a whole apparition. It's not just one figure. It's a whole scene that's an apparition of Mexican soldiers stepping out from the darkness, surrounding a man, stabbing him with bayonets, and then they all fade away. What the fuck? So it's like a full-on reenactment. A whole scene. Literally the most original reenactment i wonder if anyone right like from the original actors yeah the actors oh fluff um so guests in a near at nearby hotels see spirits coming out of the alamo's walls at night if you're
Starting point is 00:33:18 looking out the window um they also hear screams explosions trumpet music sound and sounds like um a battle battle marching song trumpet music i'm just picturing me playing trumpet in seventh grade like apparently there's also a cowboy's apparition that is seen in the gardens well that's nice i think i don't know there's that's all i've got okay um there's one ghost that leans out of a window he leans back in and then vanishes interesting just checking out the scene i guess um people have reported hearing children's laughter the worst thing i've heard in this whole episode so far heinous and uh there's apparently the ghost of a native that has been seen in the basement who either fades away
Starting point is 00:34:03 or walks through a wall i guess dealer's choice on that one uh either one is bad either one is something i don't want to experience i prefer just never seeing one no um they're also soldiers in mexican uniforms that walk around and there's two apparitions of little boys that follow tour groups and vanish in the middle of the tour oh oh oh so they're on the tour you think they're on the tour you think they're like someone's kids oh and at some point they just are they just never show up again well-behaved children and they're just gone right or maybe they're really shitty children they could be really like i wish they would disappear and then they do and you're like oh my god i hope that mother doesn't know
Starting point is 00:34:37 what i just thought in my head i'm too powerful i manifested it uh so there's a story from 1990 um where kids went to go see the Alamo. And as they were leaving the Alamo, I was like, I guess parents took their kids to the Alamo. Right. As they were leaving the Alamo, there's apparently a girl named Megan in this story. Sounds about right. This is the little girl. So a little girl named Megan.
Starting point is 00:35:01 Mm-hmm. Okay. Drink. Yep. Megan looked behind her and waved and then softly and very somberly said goodbye jamie oh which is something that she had no way of knowing at the time wait what she had no way of knowing that there was a someone there was someone named jamie there was someone named jamie i'm i'm reading hang on. This is an excerpt from the guy. I guess the dad.
Starting point is 00:35:25 Oh. I looked around to see who she was waving to, thinking she had met a new friend on the tour, but there was no one in sight. When I asked her who she was talking to, she said, Jamie, there he is, right there. And she pointed to a spot directly in front of the Alamo's doors. No one was there. I told her that I didn't see anyone, and he must have gone back inside. Then she said, no, there he is, and kept pointing. I still didn't see anyone and he must have gone back inside. Then she said, no, there he is, and kept pointing. I still didn't see anyone.
Starting point is 00:35:47 She then decided to describe him to me. Jamie's a Mexican boy, about 15 or 16 years old, wearing cotton pants, a white cotton shirt, sandals, and a tall black hat. She said that he had stood beside her the whole time that they were in the Alamo and told her about the battle. Quote, he said that he was there. He said that he's been here an awfully long time and can't go home he was sad but he was glad that he found me to talk to holy shit yowza so oh so megan saw jamie okay got it how sad is that though that like jamie the little boy has to wait for someone who can see him like clearly he's been waiting for someone to
Starting point is 00:36:23 talk to and like finally this little girl can see him but most people probably can't and then like the first time you can talk to someone it's like a child who's gonna leave in two hours oh so jamie was not a child jamie was he said was described as like 15 or 16 oh like i think megan was a little kid got it okay i thought for some reason it was another kid um oh my god yeah how terrible yeah nobody can see you until a little girl and then no one believes a little kid. Right. Oh, sad. Yay, yay, yay.
Starting point is 00:36:51 Men have been seen in the fort walking around, including Abe Lincoln and Ulysses S. Grant. What? Excuse me. Oh, that's the other one. Abe Lincoln. Everyone claims Abe Lincoln. I hope I'm that kind of ghost where everyone thinks that they've got me in their spot. I'm sure that's probably what's going to happen. If first you're for sure gonna assume that i'm haunting only your
Starting point is 00:37:08 house like at least 90 of the time and it's gonna be because it's true i'm gonna never be at chick-fil-a ever again i'm gonna have to avoid a lot of places that i know you'll be creeping around it would be mainly steakhouses if we're being honest okay just don't go over don't go back to us an outback i thought you're gonna say don't go back to a non-vegetarian lifestyle because then i'll you'll be everywhere oh that's the truth wait a minute um don't ever drink milk again my moo juice stop calling it the m has called it that all week and it's so fucking gross and was like it is gross i don't think it doesn't sound gross i just like saying milk is like made of pus and i was like why are you drinking you're drinking in front of my face right now right this very second i know what it is i'm and i'm really grossed out by it yeah you seem really grossed out by it when you drink it every day no comment
Starting point is 00:37:54 i hate myself for it i also just have yet to decide to stop okay um yeah so abe lincoln and ulysses s grant have been seen walking around in the fort apparently they have been seen reading documents so that's nice they're still fun trying seen walking around in the fort. Apparently, they have been seen reading documents. So that's nice. They're still trying to stay updated in the world. One Mexican general is seen wandering the grounds with his hands behind his back, looking down and shaking his head. Oh. After sunrise, apparitions of a man and a child are on the roof.
Starting point is 00:38:21 Again. With the roof. And the man wraps his arms around the child and jumps oh no i didn't see that coming talk about i thought they were gonna like have like a father son bonding moment they hug and watch the sunrise yeah nope they're just oh my god jumping off horrific okay i don't know what that means i don't know if that's like residual or like just it's all bad it's all bad no joke, get depressed and cry. Oh. Okay, that makes sense.
Starting point is 00:38:49 When in the chapel specifically. Oh. That's why I wrote it down. Okay. And they end up feeling better when they leave. I guess they don't realize why they are crying in the chapel and then they leave feeling better. There's an apparition of monks seen in the courtyard walking into walls where doorways used to be which is interesting because it goes by that blueprint theory of ghosts walk through
Starting point is 00:39:10 the architecture that they knew that's like a like residually right like they're like that's how i saw at whaley house where he walked into a door and then i went up there and it was like all boarded up with plexiglass yeah and they were like oh yeah he's just walking to his old room and i was like oh no oh no it's all boarded up i like that you like like the alive people don't get the last say like you still get to go wherever you want i think that's fun that is true um there's an apparition of someone dressed in a black cloak soaking wet who looks alive what and oh like doesn't look like a ghost. Like he looks solid. He's not.
Starting point is 00:39:47 And if you ask him a question, he melts into the air. What? That's a new one. I've never heard of air melting. There are reports of a woman crying, footsteps heavy pounding on the door in the gift shop. Also, furniture shakes by itself. Windows and doors will open and close and lights will go on and off in march people will hear horses galloping and neighing outside
Starting point is 00:40:10 when there's no horses around and there's an apparition of a woman only from the torso up next to the well by the church and she's only seen at night and then fades away you know how i feel about torsos i know that's why i probably brought it up no thanks especially the the bullet hole one that's awful birth control sorry okay sorry i'm gonna have to take my birth control later so uh-oh so warning now all right go ahead i'm classic tina am i right um there's an apparition of a tall native american who silently okay creeps up behind you and then runs through the wall when it's caught like once you've noticed that something's crawling up behind you it'll run through the wall okay no thank you for that there are spirits of soldiers still standing guards
Starting point is 00:40:56 sometimes marching by the church and outside of town report there have been reports of a man dressed in the early 19th century clothing walking on the highway he holds a rifle and when he's asked where he's going he will always say to the alamo where i belong what so a lot of people apparently think that this guy is lewis rose who apparently decided that he wasn't going to go fight in the alamo and so he was considered a coward and then when he died i guess now his ghost is trying to get to the alamo, and so he was considered a coward. And then when he died, I guess now his ghost is trying to get to the Alamo, so he won't be considered a coward. He's trying to reclaim, like, his dignity in the afterlife. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:33 Yuck. And he's stuck on this highway. It's like that Dr. Seuss book or movie or whatever where they build all the highways around those two things that won't pass each other. Oh, yeah. And they're like, for the rest of time they're stuck there and they just build highways around them and i don't know why dr seuss had a was a zany guy but also had a lot of messages to him no it wasn't the lorax but that's similar concept yeah
Starting point is 00:41:59 now it's these two people are these two creatures and they like refused to turn one was going north one was going south and eventually they met and neither one of them would budge and neither one of them would compromise and so they stood there and the whole world like built around them and for the rest of time they just stood there like not moving i feel like it's very sad dr seuss and shell silverstein really fucked me up as like a six-year-old yeah they'll get you i was like oh my god i remember reading the giving tree to my sister when she was four and she just like burst into tears my mom's like what are you doing and i was like it's a really nice story and like i was crying and she's
Starting point is 00:42:32 like why would you do this she's four and i was like i don't know and now i read it i'm like that was not a nice story i was like i did not understand the lesson listen a long time my dad read me fucking kafka when i was six so like i didn't know any better it says the german that sounds right like cut off your thumbs right oh yeah okay and struel pizza i never know that'll be our costume evans the scissors wait a minute let's all pay it off wait a minute wait we should all be german like fables wait a minute i call krampus that's a good one yeah every time i tap your arm and it's like this weird squishy bean bag, it freaks me out. Oh, you mean my- I mean really rock hard.
Starting point is 00:43:09 Rippled, shredded to death muscles. Rippled. It's like hitting stainless steel, some might say. Some might. Some might. Some might. Including myself and you, I hope. I'm going to drink wine out of this pumpkin cup.
Starting point is 00:43:22 Okay. I'm going to drink wine out of this pumpkin cup. Okay. The stores in Alamo Plaza and the River Center Marriott, the playground, and the nearby bookstore, all of these are near the Alamo, and they're all apparently haunted because they're all technically on the property. Okay. There are ice-cold rooms. Books will fly off the shelves.
Starting point is 00:43:39 There's reports of a translucent woman walking through the plaza. In the 1700s there were two women who walked across the grounds and were literally struck by lightning what two different women at the same time uh i cannot be sure of that wow but enough people two is enough lightning strikes that i don't i'm i don't like it i would say john wayne's ghost is said to haunt the Alamo. They're just taking everybody now. He also directed and starred in the Alamo, which is...
Starting point is 00:44:09 Okay, well, that makes a little more sense. It makes it fun. While filming, he apparently became obsessed with the history of it, and he has been seen with the soldiers and spoken with psychics. I was about to say, I wonder what the other ghosts who have been there since the Alamo, they're like, really? Like this fucking actor. John Wayne shows up and is like, oh, I'm part of the Al the alamo they're like really like like this fucking actor john wayne shows up and is like oh i'm part of the alamo and they're like
Starting point is 00:44:27 you are from hollywood john wayne what are you talking about yeah for real uh there are no investigations that have been held here actually it's forbidden there's a quote that i'll leave everyone on um the alamo is a shrine it is a registered historical site and and literally a cemetery for hundreds of people both mexican and texan and no investigations are allowed on the site it is in fact a violation of the law to take photographs inside the alamo church or the long barracks which are the only two original structures still standing no cameras or other electronic apparatus including emf detectors are allowed to be used within the confines of the alamo they can be used outside on the grounds so i think i put that in since it was a live show to
Starting point is 00:45:10 let everyone know like hey after i've told you this don't go looking for after i told you we're all gonna meet there afterwards we're gonna look for very treasure but we're not gonna bring emf we're not gonna take photos at all so that being said that is the story of yellow that's a classic that's such a good one for halloween i feel like before you tell your story i forgot something downstairs but can i go get it absolutely okay feel free keep filming okay i actually genuinely forgot this isn't like a thing okay go ahead okay no rush okay i believe i hear m already coming back. That was pretty fast. Here comes M. What's that? I brought you gifts. You brought me gifts? Yes. For our friendiversary?
Starting point is 00:45:50 No, but nice of you to fucking remember once. Hey! Of course I remembered! We gotta do something for our anniversary. What is that? Okay, I got you both presents. It's in a trash bag? Okay. Do you want the gift or not i want the gift okay
Starting point is 00:46:06 whoo going up those stairs with these muscles is tough guys yeah yeah yeah you must be blasting those quads my hammies are hurting okay all right so i got both of you halloween presents because tis the season yes so you each get things okay okay so you both all get the same things kind of so one is this is for eva because she's the brains behind the operation light up realistic brain oxymoron with the light up and realistic light up realistic oh wait hold on it says try me oh and then you have the realistic light up heart because you have my heart oh oh it's a little creepy realistic light up also oh oh that's kind of cute thank you m it has like a your dozen shit yes it does uh this is uh both of you get one of these two it's the same but different just like that thing uh it's color changing hot chocolate what so eva gets zombie green hell
Starting point is 00:47:13 yeah oh my god matt the lime green and the purple right now is a good combo good contrast green oh sorry and then christine gets vampire blood red oh there you go i love this blood red hot And then Christine gets Vampire Blood Red. Aw. There you go. I love this. Blood Red Hot Chocolate. Ooh. And then I haven't, I forgot about this, but I actually used to have this post. Well, it's a whole book, but I used to have the whole book as a poster when I was in college.
Starting point is 00:47:39 And I forgot that it existed. And apparently now they have like little tiny book versions of it. So I got both of you one because it was like something I really liked. And I thought it was kind of creepy and weird when I was younger. But it's the Gashly Crumb Tinies by Edward Gorey. I love Edward Gorey, but I don't know this. You both got the same thing. But it's the alphabet, but a poem version.
Starting point is 00:48:03 And all the letters stand for names of children who all die in really fucked up ways. Whoa! Oh, God. A is for Amy who fell down the stairs. B is for Basil assaulted by bears. What in the world? I don't know. C is for Clara who wasted away. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:48:14 Let's see. It's really fucked up, but also very foreshadowing of my career one day. D is for Desmond thrown out of a sleigh. E is for Ernest who choked on a peach peach f is for fanny sucked dry by a leech fanny no not fanny college me was obsessed with the gashly crumb tinies and so what does fanny stand for but but stuck sucked dry by a leech that's a rough way to go oh my god i thought that was like a a random nice i don't know i like them a lot a couple years ago these are wild i've never seen this i can't
Starting point is 00:48:51 think of another time i'll ever give either of you a book so yeah i also can't think of another time but i love this k is for kate who was struck with an axe l is for leo who swallowed some tax m is for maude who was swept out to sea. N is for Neville who died of ennui. Oh my god. This is... Oh my god. Some of these are really fucked up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:15 Yeah. Sorry. But also I'm not. One of them was like who was done in by a thug. I'm like whoa. Uh oh. Uh oh. Wrong place, wrong time.
Starting point is 00:49:25 Oh my god. S is for Susan who perished of fits. That-oh. Uh-oh. Wrong place, wrong time. Oh, my God. S is for Susan who perished of fits. That's going to be me someday. Oh, my God. T is for Titus who flew into bits, and it's him opening a package, which I assume explodes, which is a little bit woof. That I didn't remember. I didn't even read them.
Starting point is 00:49:39 I just saw it, and I just grabbed two of them. Victor got squished by a train. Winnie got frozen in ice. Xerxes devoured by mice. Yorick, whose head was knocked in. And Zilla, who drank too much gin. Wait, that one's Allison. Hang on a second.
Starting point is 00:49:54 That one's me. Oh my god. I love that. Anyway, pass it on if you're sick of reading it. Oh no, I love it. I like how he dedicated it to somebody. I'm like, can you imagine if someone was like, I dedicated a book to you? I would literally dedicate a book like that to you and you'd know it.
Starting point is 00:50:12 I know you would. It's about all these children dying. To my lovely wife, Helen. There you go. I love this. This is amazing. Can I also say that it says the price and then it says slash higher in Canada. It doesn't say the price.
Starting point is 00:50:27 It just says $10 slash higher in Canada. Just so we're clear, whoever of us ever have children, that will be read to them on a nightly basis. I mean, you already know this. You're going to have a little Wednesday Adams and I'm already excited about it. This is the shit my parents read to me and I didn't turn into anything as cool as Wednesday Adams. So I wouldn't get your hopes up, maybe we can try fingers crossed poor blaze by the way poor blaze we've said that from day one and he knows what he's gonna make them read medical journals we're more fun yeah exactly he's gonna be like look this person's eye fell out it's gonna
Starting point is 00:50:57 be like same thing and then they'll be like that's what happened to xerxes don't even worry she drank way too much gin and her eyes fell out i'm gonna be a great parent thank you m i love them you're welcome happy halloween i'm gonna drink this blood red it's in a little coffin it's so cute blood red hot chocolate all right i have one that came in in a cauldron and it turns orange like a pumpkin cute i saw your instagram where you were drinking purple hot chocolate oh that was a mistake it looked questionable at best i will say that that was actually the adams family hot chocolate that they're selling i looked like i hop i thought that looks like a very i hop thing it was also a really awful i hop where like i don't know why we chose to eat there after just taking one solid pan of the room it was like 1 a.m and just dirty beyond repair which one was it at the one
Starting point is 00:51:46 in my neighborhood oh and oh oh no no sorry that's not the one it was really it was really gross and then i ate it i swear to god either the the whipped cream that comes on it is in like a totally industrial aerosol can or they literally sprayed like kleenex on it by accident like it might have been on a table when it was like being prepped. Like Windex? Where someone was like Windexing. Oh. Because I drank it and I was like, I literally taste bugs.
Starting point is 00:52:10 Like not just a little, like I swallowed it and it burned and it stayed in my mouth. It's probably chemically. Yeah, it's probably chemicals. It was really bad. And also after like we took the whipped cream off and looked at it, the dye that was making it. I mean, you're making something brown purple, so imagine how much dye it must take. The ink, I'm calling it ink instead of dye, it literally looks like an oil stain over my... I was like, I'm not drinking the rest of that.
Starting point is 00:52:35 Yours was empty. I'm just going to put it out there. Anyways, I'm not going to sit here and say that the IHOP... I'm not going to badmouth IHOP. I'm going to say that one experience was not the best, but I won't be getting purple hot chocolate ever again well I like so enjoy your red and green I like how you got us colored hot chocolate as a gift um I'll put some Windex in it later good just for the experience do you remember when we went to IHOP yeah for secret reasons for secret reasons I do we didn't know Eva yet maybe someday we'll reveal to you why we secretly went to IHOP. What a fun lore. We can create lore around why we
Starting point is 00:53:06 secretly went to IHOP. Yep. One day. One day. It was a magical day. It was a magical day. It was multiple of us. Do you know why? I think he was like, what the hell are you talking about? He was like, was I supposed to know about this? I was too busy taking selfies.
Starting point is 00:53:23 Sebastian's taking selfies. What else is is new you should take a selfie yeah with that orange cup that's really good actually the contrast very halloween purple and orange green hot chocolate like you're gonna be you should take a picture like that in front of the green screen so you've got the orange the purple and the green oh my god wait a minute wait yes holy shit we have to take a picture of you in front of this green screen green screen even to starty valley oh my god that's such a good idea eva okay oh my god i smashed my avatar wait a minute guys don't you miss us no oh yeah that was good okay wow oof i'm sweating
Starting point is 00:54:00 oh i just want to pet your biceps that's the first time anyone's ever said that it's gonna make me say that four more times oh yeah just 10 10 okay all right so guys i picked the creepiest story i could find um which is true crime but also creepy as fuck so this is the story that i did in new orleans um and it is the story of john and Wayne Carter John and Wayne Carter the New Orleans vampires okay I kind of remember this so I put my sources here probably for a reason um I put olive olive because there are a lot of blogs and sites about New Orleans obviously so I want to and a lot of people work really hard to like find the history and do all the research so I want to give them the credit.
Starting point is 00:54:45, Huffington Post, and were three of my biggest sources. My fourth biggest source was our tour guide, Bobby, who gave us a tour and kind of talked about it a little bit. And the reason I knew about the story was because Blaze and I did the same tour back in February. So thank you to Bobby. He probably doesn't listen to this but hello anyway he came to our show though he did come to our show i did not expect that it was really nice of him also in new orleans um i had i went to willie mays for fried chicken on principle truly was the best fried chicken and mac and cheese and peas that i'd ever had oh mac and cheese sounds so good
Starting point is 00:55:22 so fucking good also they had this place called creole creamery which i'm sure is like you told me about that they had a whole you know they have like a display case for the ice cream that you can look into it's like a like the glass case for ice cream yeah they had a whole separate one just for the chocolate flavors no it fucked me up it fucked me up that sounds i remember you and i went to get beignets at like four in the morning in the morning and you told you literally were just describing the ice creams and i just sat there like with my chin on my fist just like tell me more i want it i want it to be clear to everybody i had literally a dozen beignets in 48 hours more than a dozen right probably maybe i really what my mouth was just filled with powdered sugar
Starting point is 00:56:00 the entire time we were there but i bring lungs are probably still in trouble from that. Yeah. Sometimes I just cough up white dust. Yep. I bring up the Willie Mays thing because I wasn't aware of the protocol where you have to stand outside and wait for someone to walk you in. What? So, yeah, because it's a really small space. So you have, there's like a bench outside. You don't want people like rushing in.
Starting point is 00:56:23 It's like the line is outside. Sure. And so I didn't know that. And I kept like walking in and out. I definitely looked like a tourist because everyone was like, stay fucking outside. Chill the fuck out. I was like, much like a valuable painting. I'm just moved in and out of all these different places.
Starting point is 00:56:38 And then there was another couple. There was two women who were behind me. That's right. And, oh yeah, okay i love for a second i was like i think i forgot their names but i'm no no you remember there were these two women they were probably in their uh 60s i love them and they were clearly tourists too because they kept walking around being like where where do we go what do we do and i was like i have no idea and we made so much small talk that eventually when we both got like our tables they were like do you want to sit with us and i was like okay so i ended
Starting point is 00:57:08 up hanging out their names were miss elaine and miss johneth and that's right they were some of the funniest oh i love them so women i've ever ever ever talked to and we ate so much fried chicken and we just became like best buddies and by the end they were like so why are you in town like are you like with friends or something and i was like oh boy here's a million dollar question i was like oh i'm here for work like i tried to keep it kind of tame that never works by the way we say that they're like oh what do you do and i'm like oh i'm a salesperson i tell stories like a hobo like i just kind of travel and tell stories with my bindle with my bindle uh i told them i was a podcaster and they i said i had a show and they they apparently had
Starting point is 00:57:51 a dinner cruise planned for that night and they dropped it literally to come to my show and i didn't i never saw them before like before during or after the show but apparently they picked up their tickets and were there they came to the the show and Bobby came to the show. What a- Everyone showed up. What a delight. That was also the day that I carried a crocodile and it slapped me in the face. It was a terrible day.
Starting point is 00:58:13 But you should post the photo too on Instagram. Like it's such a good photo. I should. I keep saying I will. My hair is bananas because I had just been on a swamp boat for two hours. You literally just gelled your hair into a faux hawk. Don't even. That's true. All right. Anyway, right anyway vampires anyway here's my story so this takes place in 1928 around the start
Starting point is 00:58:32 of the great depression there were two brothers by the name of john and wayne carter they moved into a john wayne oh that's what i was gonna say it but i didn't want to say it sounded familiar yep uh they moved into a home in in New Orleans and began work as fishermen. They lived a pretty quiet life. They didn't draw much attention to themselves and were seemingly normal, hard workers. What do we call pillars of the community? Aren't they all? They were pillars of their community, I'm sure.
Starting point is 00:58:59 That is until one day in 1932 when an 11-year-old girl ran into the police station covered in her own blood. Okay. She claimed she had just escaped John and Wayne Carter's house and showed them multiple cuts on her wrists. She told police she had been abducted, taken into their apartment, then tied down so she couldn't escape. Then every night when the brothers got home from work, they would feed on her blood from the cuts in her wrists. Oh my god. It's so sick. I'm'm sorry it's really fucked up the wrists or the cuts weren't deep enough to cause death but enough to cause them to bleed slowly over the course of several days so they could
Starting point is 00:59:34 feed off her basically without killing her right away listen i'm sorry this is really fucked up to their horror she told them she wasn't alone and that the carter brothers had more victims back at their house. Police rushed to the Carter brothers' apartment, which was on the third floor of a building on the 800 block of Royal Street near the French Quarter. And we passed that on our tour. They ran into the apartment. They discovered that the girl was telling the truth. Four more people were trapped in the apartment.
Starting point is 01:00:02 All were gagged, bound, and cut at the wrists. Oh, my God. The victims included an adult male, an adult female, a 14-year-old boy, and a 9-year-old girl who had already passed away. Yeah. When they searched the apartment, police found an additional 14 dead bodies hidden in one of the brothers' bedrooms. Oh, shit. So, basically what the police do, they decide to wait in the dark apartment until the brothers get home from work um and then they say when they get home we're gonna jump out like ambush them
Starting point is 01:00:31 and arrest them basically right because we don't want to spook them uh so once night falls the brothers come home they are ambushed they're apprehended uh police arrest them according to the official police report it took seven to eight large police officers over 45 minutes to restrain the two men, which, like, alone is shocking, but also when you think that they were average height and build, and they were not especially strong, like Emma's
Starting point is 01:00:56 right now. I mean, Zach. Always. And they had also spent the entire day working manual labor, like, as fishermen. So, like, there was no reason why I should have taken eight. Like, that's not just adrenaline that fights off right grown men eight grown men you'd be like on something or literally a vampire so they were obviously arrested once they were restrained and a few years later they were tried and executed by electric chair okay their bodies were placed in an above ground new orleans vault and that's
Starting point is 01:01:26 pretty well known in new orleans that that happens but now that we're not in new orleans i will explain for everyone else um for anyone who doesn't know according to experience new the real reason tombs in new orleans are above ground is contested it's a mixture of folklore in fact it's typically said that the water table is very high in new orleans and basically new orleans is under sea level so graves tend to flood and since coffins are full of air when the graves flood the water pushes the coffins up and bodies float out of their graves and down the road so that's the traditional reasoning behind a classic reasoning classic however according to another website called apparently interesting thing of the day dot com it's also argued that
Starting point is 01:02:14 above-ground burial was common in france and spain where many of the early settlers were from so that's maybe why they adopted that practice and did that in new orleans as opposed to other cities in uh america so who knows but i think the first one is a better story floating bodies make a better story yes than cultural tradition love a good floating body yep so in any case this is typically whether it's the first reason or the second reason that's how people are buried in new orleans and the practice is still used to this day so after the carter brothers are found guilty a few years later they are executed placed in an above ground vault and basically what happens is after your time in your vault is up and you've been reduced to essentially bone dust because it's like you know new orleans gets to be
Starting point is 01:03:00 like 100 and whatever degrees in the summer when were you there we were there and uh it was 105 but like when were we there oh we were there in september yeah in september it was still like 105 out so you can imagine like july august it just gets so hot and humid yeah um it was insane when i was on the swamp boat it was 120 degrees outside and we were with 100 humidity index and i had to sit on that fucking boat for two hours i remember the they were we were flying down the water and it just felt like a blow dryer was hitting me oh that's there you don't even find relief from like wind yeah yeah yeah and we're not used to humidity out here anymore so yep m's just making excuses
Starting point is 01:03:42 for their hair in that photo i know it i am i know it i am um so basically what happens is you're putting these above ground vaults and then over time you're essentially reduced to like dust ashes to ashes dust to dust yep they call it bone dust bone dust to bone dust uh they clear you out and basically make room for additional family members so they have these little pushy things and they literally just there's a pile of ashes like in a cartoon. Push them to the back and then put the new body in. And they wait a year and a day because it's apparently traditionally bad luck to put somebody in the coffin like before then. So sometimes they have waiting waiting.
Starting point is 01:04:25 like before then so sometimes they have waiting waiting so like well also they make you wait a year and a day because they want to confirm that the body has sat through an entire new orleans summer to make sure that it has disintegrated or fallen apart enough that they can shove it to the back and it'll fall down the vent right easier because if you open it up and it's not disintegrated that sucks yeah let's get back up and also they don't like to do it on the day of your death anniversary because they believe that's bad luck, too, that you should have your own death day. And then so they should wait at least one more day to bury you. So anyway, that's at least what I learned. So they would push your ashes to the back and then put the new body in and like all the ashes of the family over the generations would just kind of pile up in the back apparently nowadays i don't know how many decades ago but
Starting point is 01:05:13 they started collecting um parts of the ashes to use for dna evidence just in case like cool instead of just dumping them to the back they would like actually preserve part of your body before you were shoved to the back. So I thought that was kind of very smart and interesting. Anyway, so that's what's supposed to happen, right? So many years after the Carters' death, when they opened the vault to make room for the next family member who had passed, they discovered that the Carter – can you imagine being like the one after the Carter? I don't want to be in there. Please put me somewhere else.
Starting point is 01:05:45 Please, God. So they opened the vault to make room for the next family member. And they discovered that the Carter's bodies were both gone. There was no decay. There were no bones, no ashes, no bone dust, nothing. They were just completely disappeared, vanished out of their tombs. So, of course, this sparked all sorts of vampire rumors, especially if you think the blood sucking the blood out of their tombs so of course this sparked all sorts of vampire rumors especially if you think the blood sucking the blood out of people obviously that's what's
Starting point is 01:06:09 going to happen and to this day many sightings have occurred in the french quarter that match the descriptions of the two brothers almost exactly a couple years after the empty tombs were discovered the new owner of the apartment claimed to see two figures that match the carter brothers descriptions outside on the balcony whispering to each other so he was the new owner of the apartment claimed to see two figures that matched the carter brothers descriptions outside on the balcony whispering to each other so he was the new owner and he like kind of looked out on his own balcony and was like who are those two men and they were just like chatting to each other when they realized he had spotted them they jumped off the third story balcony landed without a second beat and took off running nope and there's it's very high up there like you don't just jump off and start running.
Starting point is 01:06:45 Right. You're going to hurt yourself. So the legend goes that if a vampire drinks your blood seven nights in a row, then and only then can you become a vampire. Okay. So some of those found in the Carter Brothers' apartment had been there for more than seven days. And the story, unfortunately, does not end there. So the victims, as you can can imagine went on to lead pretty tragic lives the adult female survivor voluntarily committed herself to a psychiatric hospital for the rest of her life oh my god and this is the 1930s and she went voluntarily to a psychiatric
Starting point is 01:07:16 hospital for life for the rest of her life never checked herself out where she could have wow um she was like nope i'm better off here this is better right as for the male survivor that had been rescued by police he went on to become a notorious serial killer he went on to murder and i've seen different estimates 32 42 or 442 people holy shit it was a lot whether it was 32 or 442 which i believe is probably an exaggeration but 32 somewhere in the range of a more or less 100 people massively 400 people if we're doing the average so he became a serial killer he would murder people and then dissolve their bodies in sulfuric acid and they didn't actually realize how many people he had murdered until they looked through his diary uh where they tracked his victims uh
Starting point is 01:08:06 i wrote i wrote seems like they still don't know because i said they don't right i'm like 32 42 or four that's still seemingly unclear right right right um but not only did one of the carter brothers only surviving victims become a serial killer himself he also was known to drink the blood of his victims and that is the story of the carter brothers the new orleans vampires that's the whole story yeah i have another one though i'm anyone oh i was like what i was like i'm hooked man that was the whole story all right one of their victims started drinking blood of other people so So if you were to believe in vampiric folklore, he became a vampire. Right.
Starting point is 01:08:48 You couldn't help it. Okay. So I have one bonus story that I added for the show because the first one was kind of short. This is the legend of the Casket Girls, also very creepy and very Halloween-y. Love it. And my sources here were, WGNO,
Starting point is 01:09:03 Ghost City Tours, and the pensacola news journal and bobby and bobby so shout out to bobby shout out have a drink for bobby um so the french first settled in new orleans in the early 1700s they were uh get this men what they were men okay all the settlers were men yeah so wait i'm so shocked i know you're supposed to be really surprised by that fact oh no i thought they were all women i know it's hard to believe right okay so anyway were they all white too no maybe they were all french sorry okay so they were all men so a problem arose how would they be able to continue spreading the good christian word if they couldn't procreate i mean amen amen that's what i always say
Starting point is 01:09:51 uh so they sought help from the homeland there was already a custom of shipping young women to colonists for the purpose of being wives but traditionally these women were sex workers or women from quote poor houses or jails and they would just kind of gather them up and like ship them why wouldn't you why wouldn't you this time though france was like you know what we really like want to commit to this new orleans thing we want to make this like a very pure virtuous place and so france decided to send quote virtuous women as a sign of respect for the colonists in louisiana so the government handpicked a group of women from convents and orphanages whom they guaranteed were virgins. Interesting.
Starting point is 01:10:29 How do you guarantee that? I do not want to know the answer to that question. And they... So, okay, sorry. So they were guaranteed to be virgins and were thus considered to be women of marrying stock. Disgusting. Yes.
Starting point is 01:10:45 These young women were to be shipped to New Orleans, where they would live in the local convent and be groomed by the nuns and then placed into arranged marriages. Sounds right. These women were only allowed to bring one box with all their belongings, typically including their clothes, linens, and sometimes a bridal gown. In French, this box was called a cas a cassette which ultimately morphed into casket and maybe we can see where this is going casket uh essentially a boat full of women arrived on
Starting point is 01:11:12 shore and the women were escorted into the local convict carrying what looked like to the locals coffins many of the girls had fallen ill on the voyage were very pale and gaunt or even infected with tuberculosis which leads you to cough up blood and you're carrying what you call a casket that looks kind of like a coffin you can see why people started some rumors uh-huh according to legend the young women's cassettes were stored in the attic until they were married off but the sisters of the convent were horrified when the girls later opened their caskets and they were found empty uh-oh fearing that the women had more sinister intentions than originally believed the nuns contacted the archdiocese bolted the doors nailed the windows shut with nails
Starting point is 01:11:56 blessed by the pope himself and decided then and there that nothing would ever get in or out of the third floor of that convent wow so legend has it vampires were smuggled in the caskets and that's why the caskets were empty now that they had smuggled vampires in and now they were they were trying to lock them in that third floor uh they remain sealed in the attic to the caskets remain sealed into the attic to this day and that explains why the attic shutters remain closed permanently occasionally late at night someone will see them suddenly fly open in spite of the blessed nails and that supposedly means a vampire has made his escape into the real world oh yikes um while it is odd
Starting point is 01:12:38 that the building has shutters while most other buildings in the french quarter don't according to an employee of the convent museum the shutters are fully functional hurricane shutters that were not installed until a century after the casket girls arrival so that's kind of an explanation given by the convent itself which is now a museum got it um and in fact there is no basis whatsoever that the casket girls actually had a connection to vampirism but the story doesn't end there so legend has it that in 1978 two tourists amateur paranormal investigators unlike you zach i'm not making any claims speaking of zach i just realized i never even showed anyone my my rippling abs that come with this suit so like is that what that is it is what they are so i see wow ripple rippling oh dear oh my god that is creepy yeah gross yeah gross sorry i i was touching my stomach i was like what is this i was like why can't i feel my own stomach and then you
Starting point is 01:13:37 mentioned zach and i was like this is my moment oh right this is me i'm absolutely sure that these are this is the mine the new me um okay so two tourists amateur paranormal investigators on much unlike zach who is a very professional exceptionally professional paranormal investigator that's correct on what i am so the amateur paranormal investigators decide to go get answers the answers for themselves and they camped out in front of the convent for the night with their camera equipment. The next morning, the two investigators were found laying in front of the building. Their bodies had been torn open and ravaged, and they had been drained of 80% of their blood. No. No.
Starting point is 01:14:21 So I will say I could not find any credible articles from the time that backed up the story it was the 70s but there are newspapers from the time archived online so it was a little weird that i wouldn't be able to find any news articles to back this up but to this day the story persists as a warning that vampires walk among us a local tour guide was asked by local news station wgno whether vampires still live in new orleans and he told the reporter quote i think there are things out there that we don't understand it's highly likely it seems to me that if there is a creature a predator in our world that preys on humans it would be in its own best interest to do everything it can to make humans believe that
Starting point is 01:15:00 it's just a product of fiction and those are the the stories of the Carter brothers and the New Orleans Casket Girls. Spooky, ooky. Very, very, very, very cool. Almost as scary as M's rippling abs. Yes, almost as scary. Scary, you're scared at how interested you are in them. Listen, I'm Tina right now. I'm interested.
Starting point is 01:15:23 I'm fully on board. I'm not going to lie. Someone's going to write some weird, actual erotic friend fiction about us. Friend fiction. Oh, no. of them listen i'm tina right now i'm interested i'm fully on board i'm not gonna someone's gonna write some weird actual erotic friend fiction about us fiction oh no it's gonna be very odd somebody was like saying how they had a somebody wrote something weird about having a sex story about you on twitter i don't want to talk about it but it is what happened then i wrote what the fuck or something i wrote like what the and then this other person wrote like like don't worry christine i'll write one
Starting point is 01:15:45 about you and blaze and i was like that is not what's not what we meant but then they wrote i'll call it blina and i laughed for like probably 10 minutes because like blaze and christina they're like i'll call it blina you guys can have all the weird fan fiction you want none of it i want none of it but although i do appreciate the sex dreams from others but i don't need it written down anywhere listen you retweeted it that's the only reason i saw it attention i'm a gemini yeah well me too but not not necessarily i don't care kind but i'm i'm the worst of it and i'm at least shameless about it i'm like yeah yeah that's true listen i'm the one who got jealous so what does that say about me let's be real right now i'm the one who got jealous and is now denying it and now poor blaze is roped into potential fan fiction what else is new blina well oh i just scratched off
Starting point is 01:16:30 my mustache didn't i no oh it's still mostly there mostly there yeah anyway um thank you for that sorry that i ended on a weird no i didn't mean for that to happen um it's just because i'm cute and rugged and handsome and i have just crazy muscles i can't help myself no one can let me get my erotic friend fiction notebook just wait when people see this it's gonna get weird on twitter it's gonna get really weird i will say that yeah there's no doubt about that but um anyway thank you for listening to our halloween episode yes if you would like to follow us i don't know why why, online, you can find our personal Instagrams and Twitters at XTinChiefer and TheMJolts. I'm not verified yet, so there's that.
Starting point is 01:17:11 And ATWWD Podcast. You can also find our website, and that's, where you can look up pretty much anything you need to know about us. And you can also email us at and that's whywedrink at gmail.comcom where you can submit your own personal listener stories, either true crime or paranormal. Please put somewhere in the subject line that it's a listener story. It's just easier to find that way. And we put out a new listeners episode at the first of every month. So we got to do that quick, huh? Yep.
Starting point is 01:17:37 Oops. We have five days, six days. And oopsies. I guess that's it. I guess that's it, guys. Thank you for listening and happy halloween have a great time be safe please um keep an eye on your drink at all times and yes have a good time bye anyway bye

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