And That's Why We Drink - E144 A Baby with Teeth and Another Pillar of the Community

Episode Date: November 3, 2019

Welcome to the world, Baby Chremit! (Don’t be alarmed by his teeth.) In episode 144, after introducing you to their offspring, Em covers Portland’s extremely haunted (and also quite strange) Mansion, which features full apparitions, misplaced objects, shadow figures, and drag queen Christmas displays. Meanwhile, Christine covers the recently-solved case of the murder of Jeanne Ann Childs, whose killer was finally caught after 35 years, thanks to the help of a dirty napkin. So grab some dirty straws and your copy of “From Pillar to Killer” and join us on yet another disturbing journey.Check out Em’s celebrity appearance on Beach Too Sandy, Water Too Wet ( ! Listen wherever you get your podcasts.Please consider supporting the companies that support us!Visit to get 10% off during your first three months.For two months of unlimited access to thousands of classes for FREE visit, style, and sustainability - these are the shoes you've been waiting for! Head to ( to get your new favorite flats.For 15% off your perfect-fitting bra, visit Be sure to subscribe to Silent Waves on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 How are things on your end? I'm good, how are you doing? Um, I'm fine. Okay. Uh, yesterday was Halloween. Yes. Which means it was the end of spooky season. It's a little bit sad.'s like climatic i'm ready
Starting point is 00:00:26 for christmas so i'm ready for thanksgiving not christmas i'm ready for all the fall harvesty stuff yeah well that for sure too like separate independent from the spooky things um i would say happy belated friendiversary however unfortunately friendiversary is canceled from here on out. Why? Well, let me tell you why. First of all, there's no such thing. It's going to happen. Next October 30th will be a day. Well, this October 30th was not a day because here's what happened.
Starting point is 00:01:01 I put it in my calendar. I put it everywhere. I wrote it in my to-do list. I texted myself. I was it everywhere. I wrote it in my to-do list. I texted myself. I was like, you have to remember. So I posted this lovely tribute to Em and all our love. And then I didn't hear anything, didn't hear anything. Then the next day, I looked at the post and I was like, damn, Em still hasn't even liked this post.
Starting point is 00:01:25 And then I went on Twitter and everyone said october 30th is national appreciate m day and i went well no wonder m bailed on me first of all i don't even know if i saw your post on instagram bullshit did you post it i uh you obviously posted it listen to this i i literally i'm sorry i literally texted you about the post. So you can't even with that. What did you say? I said, oh, I used that photo from Haley's photo shoot. Oh, right, right, right. You did. Yes, I did.
Starting point is 00:01:51 That was my bad. So then I checked this morning. You still haven't liked it. And I was like, well, screw you. So I'm not liking your posts either. Okay. That's the Gemini. I know.
Starting point is 00:02:01 And I went on Twitter and everyone's like, it's National M Day. And I was like, every day is National M Day. Give me my friendiversary back. To be fair, I don't know what happened. I do. I know and I went on Twitter and I was like it's National M Day and I was like every day is National M Day give me my friendiversary back to be fair I don't know what I do I I know what happened let's see if our stories compare okay um so first of all I genuinely don't know what happened in the beginning but I went on Twitter and like five tweets in a row that I found or five mentions in a row were all people admitting they had crushes on me and I have like an ego complex so if you ever say anything nice about me I just retweet it and I took a screenshot of like all of them say like at one time and then posted that and I was like what is going on Twitter like people are being super friendly today and then from there it spiraled into everyone
Starting point is 00:02:41 wanting to get on board but do you want to know the worst part of all is how it all started? How did it start? It's because of me. What'd you do? Somebody tweeted and nobody ever has like a crush on me or thinks I'm like the funny, cute one. And so I, somebody tweeted at me, oh, Christine's so cute. I have a crush on her.
Starting point is 00:02:56 And I went, oh my God, like nobody ever says that. So I retweeted it and I was like, that's so sweet. Nobody ever has a crush on me. And everyone goes, well, I have a crush on Em. And then it fucking went the opposite direction. And then my feelings were really hurt. And so I just sat there quietly. To be fair, I've already told you this too. But for a split second when I met Christina, I had a crush on her too.
Starting point is 00:03:15 Oh, bullshit. I did. We've talked about this. I don't remember talking about this, much like you don't remember my Instagram post. I had a crush on you for a solid hour. And then you heard me speak and you went, oh no. It was the day that grad school started. And I remember thinking you were the prettiest girl in the room. That is very sweet. And then I hope nobody from our grad program listens to this
Starting point is 00:03:35 because listen, I know what it feels like to be second best. Okay. I thought you were numero uno champ. But then you said you had a boyfriend. I was like, okay, Vito. Aw, well, I appreciate that. See, now you're just trying to hype me up here. I'm like, everyone on Twitter was like, oh, Christine, but you'd be a great friend. I'm like, do you know how many I got that just said, you'd be a great friend. I was like, okay.
Starting point is 00:03:59 And someone said, well, you're married. And I was like, well, Em's basically married, so fuck off. Anyway. I'm so sorry that that happened. Anyway, I just then i was like m still hasn't liked and then i got it all in my head and i got really upset oh i'm so sorry and then i went to a halloween party and i was like standing there as tina and i started getting and mentioned you in their story and it was like i was like well i have to pretend to be social now so i haven't actually interacted with any of it. And now I'm seeing all the story.
Starting point is 00:04:26 No, on my end, I felt bad because I knew that it was a day after our friendiversary. And the day of, I had started going through all these pictures. And then it just cascaded into me looking through every picture of us. And I was like, OK, I'll just post it in the morning. And then morning came. And then I like I just kept thinking, I'll do it in a second. second i'll do in a second didn't happen to like 10 o'clock at night and then i was like i gotta get through these fucking pictures because i had narrowed them down to like from hundreds to 50 and i was like i still can't get those on one post and then i 54 i think
Starting point is 00:04:57 and then i spent another hour trying to get them down to 10 because that's all instagram allows and then i just was like fuck it and i just posted all of them in my story. I tried. I know. I used a new one because I was like, if I go down the rabbit hole, I'm never coming back. It took me 48 hours to get out of the rabbit hole. Yeah, it's rough. And I'm still not even really pleased because Instagram should let me post
Starting point is 00:05:16 as many pictures as I want. It's a little bit unfair. Well, I'm still not verified if that makes you feel any better. Which I'm angry about at this point, Instagram. I just feel like, you know, at this point. maybe the world just doesn't want you to be verified. I concede to you. You win. I don't think I win.
Starting point is 00:05:34 I'm just the sidekick who's not verified. To be fair, I have no like when it comes to I didn't do anything special or different. I literally just put it in. Maybe there's a post that's like not. Oh, that makes me feel better um no no maybe there's like a post that's uh not tasteful on your page and instagram saw it and was like no oh god no not tasteful well somebody figure any picture with your face yeah i was like look at look at it anyway it has been three years okay so happy three years uh this is exactly pretty much how I imagined three years would be, is me bickering. Me holding a grudge for three days and not telling you and then bickering.
Starting point is 00:06:11 We really do are a married couple in many ways. I like hold on to it and I get angry and then I'm like, I didn't do any, like literally. Well, here's the thing. I did do something. I pulled the trigger and then it spiraled on a way I did not see coming. Well, I hadn't heard from you all day. And then you didn't like my post. And then you didn't comment.
Starting point is 00:06:30 You didn't say anything. And then I was like, I must be really busy. And then I went on Twitter and it was like 400 tweets that Em is tweeting all day long. And I was like, well, great. So Em's over there fucking retweeting. I'm so sorry. Oh, I have sex dreams about you. And I'm like, really and that's only happened once to
Starting point is 00:06:46 be fair and i know of and i fucking put um i tweeted something obnoxious because i was like well fine and then i wrote stop stealing my friendiversary everyone or something everyone's like oh christine you're great too and i was like well i brought myself you have a spectacular personality. Yeah. But not even that. Everyone's like, M's the funny one. I was like, oh. I don't even get to be the funny one.
Starting point is 00:07:13 To be fair, but you also have been in someone's yearbook. You've been someone's yearbook quote. That's true. I'm pretty proud of that. Listen. You've got your own accomplishments. And she's like a chemical engineer major or something. I was like, wow, I don't deserve that. So hers should be like E equals MC squared or some shit. but instead it's listen it's listen e equals mc squared
Starting point is 00:07:29 it's the farthest i can go um to set the mood for our friendiversary i did put up a picture of cremant that apparently isn't okay so here's the thing i feel like such a fool when we were in new New York, like, a whole year ago, literally. Oh, my God, last November. We, I came across something that I used often in high school called, where you can take your face and someone else's face. So fun. And make a baby and see what your baby would look like. And that was, like, the thing to do in high school.
Starting point is 00:08:02 I remember even the Dave and busters had one that you could do in cincinnati and you it would like print it out and i still have all these creepy printouts of my friends and i like the morph babies like they printed them out fun fun to see what they would look like and they're always a little janky looking like you like the baby's not like you kind of don't love it entirely no you can't relate there's like there's like many weird like it's like what they say about demons like pretending to be human but something that's exactly it looks like a demon posing as a human like the one that i posted it has teeth and i'm like okay one of us okay you go
Starting point is 00:08:34 and explain it first so we and when we were in new york we shared a hotel room and we were very slap happy and i just rediscovered morph thing and we made a baby together um we were very slap happy. And I just rediscovered morph thing. And we made a baby together. We were in a hotel room. What if you cut that? We were in a hotel room. We made a baby together. We were in a hotel room. Christine was a little drunk. And we did our best at making a baby.
Starting point is 00:08:53 Literally all of that is true. I can neither deny or deny that. And the baby didn't come out right. Well, that's one way to put it. We ended up making a baby that we named Kremit. I'll put it here on the green screen. Okay, put up the right one because... For your viewing pleasure.
Starting point is 00:09:14 So we had this little baby named Kremit who looked creepily like us as an adult. But as a baby, it didn't look like us at all. And I guess you could even say the baby looked forgettable. Because today I come into the studio and Christine has posted a baby that she thinks is Kremen. And I look at it. It was supposed to be like a happy friendiversary from me and our child. And I was like, what baby is that why do you literally like what did you do like why is that why is there a random baby on the computer screen
Starting point is 00:09:51 you're like that's our baby and i was like that's not our baby so i was like you don't recognize our own your own child and i was like oh no it literally was a different skin color but it was a different but we made that one too and i'm we made a lot of babies at night or we certainly try rejecting this baby i reject that as my that's not it's hurtful i like that baby too that baby was born with a full set of adult human teeth that's the alarm this is what that baby was by the way that's alarming because blaze looked at it and went neither of he's like there's a lot wrong with it i was like i know and he's like neither of you are showing your teeth in the photos that you're morphing and then this baby has like giant adult the one out of three of you that should not have teeth it has the most teeth has like a full set of pearly whites so if you would like a side by side of actual cremant versus uh what i thought
Starting point is 00:10:40 was cremant and so i really thought like maybe this was a whole new baby that maybe she's surprising me that we're expecting. But it was just who she literally thought was Kremit. And I was like, that's not our fucking baby. I was like, Kremit's our baby. And you were like, that's not our baby. I was like, don't you remember? I know it's been a year, but that's not our child.
Starting point is 00:10:57 That's so sad. And then we. Oh, God. And I said, but look. We recycled this birthday like string where you can can arrange the letters in a certain way. So it spells out whatever you want. I bought it for Alexander's birthday and wrote Christine 2020. And it was time to finally take that down.
Starting point is 00:11:11 So the banner now says Kremit, but it's not even spelled right. And I was like, you can't even fucking spell our baby's name the right way. And then I said, that is how we spelled it. And you're like, no, it's not. And I was like, no, it is. And then I looked at it. I was like, look, I checked my messages. And the only time it was ever written was me writing it at 1155.
Starting point is 00:11:27 No, that would 255 a.m. in New York. Probably a little drunk. The night we did this and I just wrote Kremit and I spelled it wrong. It's definitely not spelled how it should be spelled. And but so you don't even know what our baby looks like. And you certainly don't know how to spell the name. And then Em just turned to me me he goes you're the worst mother like if we ever have a baby together i'm naming it and taking a lot of pictures
Starting point is 00:11:52 so you can't forget and throwing it's birthday parties because clearly i don't know what i'm doing exactly it's oh my god this thing is called literally baby maker this is disturbing anyway but there is a video on m's instagram of um we can repost it well speaking of disturbing content how did you get verified with that fucking cremant thing and i won't get verified that's the truth that is i i have no idea that should have been flagged by someone i'll flag it until i get verified i'm gonna flag you oh great great so we'll both drop down to the same level. You know we drag each other down. Of course, because it's been three years and we're married. With a beautiful child that I forget what it looks like.
Starting point is 00:12:31 Exactly. Anyway, welcome to our show. It's called, and that's why you're during. It's about true crime and paranormal things. It is. It is. It is. It is. If you are new here, sorry. Oh, you're gone already, I'm sure. You've already clocked out. So everyone here is just an OG listener at this point you heard baby with teeth and you were like goodbye although i'd like to think we brought in a little a little drama to the new people of like oh these
Starting point is 00:12:54 podcasters are like doing it in the hotel room together that's true we did create our own weird made-up um reality show that then ended up not being as dramatic as we made it sound. Just one episode out there and it's right now. And it's pretty exciting. I don't think I have anything to update you on. I don't think I do. I mean, I did. I was going to yell at you about how everyone loves you more than me.
Starting point is 00:13:16 But then I was like, that is the most Gemini bullshit ever. Here's the most Gemini bullshit saying it here. So that next week when this comes out, it's just going to be a sea of love for you. I tried that. See, I tried that backhanded method and everyone went you'd be a great drunk friend and i was like oh oh and my brother goes to be fair that is the brand you built and i was like fuck also if i had ever experienced being drunk i with just guessing nobody would want to be my friend i have a hunch i would not be a fun drunk you would be i think i think we would be set the world literally on fire and not in a fun way like in a very very dangerous we would just like throw gas everywhere and light the fucking match oh yeah and walk away
Starting point is 00:13:54 and grab crema and run yeah except we'd grab the wrong baby you'd grab the wrong one with me if you were drunk we both hold the baby and i'd be like we only have one together someone's wrong and it's not me oh my god leave that one put that baby leave the one with teeth behind i'm so sorry anyway i'm sorry that i'm such a fucking baby i it does not matter what people on the internet think and i think that you are very rugged handsome and cute and everyone knows that and i think I just got it. I got, I was like, oh, well, I'm just, I was just, I was just sad. Cause I was like, well, I love Em and Em's not loving me back on our friendiversary. That was my bad, to be fair.
Starting point is 00:14:34 I, that was no one else's fault except my being negligent. Couldn't be mad anymore. Cause I got all these things that were like, Em posted about you. And I was like, well, now my Gemini ego. I slapped a bandaid onid on that one then. Yeah, it's just going to fill right back up. So anyway, here we are. I'll piss you off somehow in an hour.
Starting point is 00:14:50 Don't worry. Okay, so this story is. Oh, wait. Sorry, I have one more announcement. You've got to be kidding me. I know. Okay, Em was on Beach Too Sandy this week. I promised I would mention this.
Starting point is 00:15:01 I'm so sorry. Wow, I promised myself I would mention it too, and I did not do it. I had a blast on Beach to Sandy. If you don't... And it was our first, like, celebrity guest. That's what they call me. It was so exciting. If you don't know what Beach to Sandy is, there's a really awesome host named Alexander
Starting point is 00:15:16 Schieffer, and his, like, really horrific sister tries to be a guest host on it. She seems like a good drunk friend, I guess. She seems like she'll be an excellent mother. Oh, God. Yeah. But yeah but no i had a blast it was super duper fun if uh you don't listen to it already you should especially my story i talk about some behind the scenes things about my life exclusive story and it is of m getting detained by the police during a ghost hunt and it is an obesity exclusive that we weren't even expecting i thought it was i didn't even know it was it was a friendship exclusive i thought you already knew about it i never had heard it before so i was like it's usually what i lead with uh i
Starting point is 00:15:54 guess i led with other things instead like being a fucking clown i also i disarmed you with my hour of charm back in that's what it is disarming is definitely the word i would use for you oh god uh you had like a vision of what our future child would look like and you're like fuck that yeah i was like all of a sudden i'm forgetting that i've almost been arrested oh dear anyway so that so that was really fun you can look at that on wherever you listen to podcasts i'm not good at youtube is there any way to put a link here for that i'll put it in the show notes or whatever that is down there or i'll put it in the show notes too of the podcast but yeah just beach you see any water too and m is our first and it was a whole halloween extravaganza also i read
Starting point is 00:16:36 reviews about myself that's true there's nothing scarier than in real time being given a microphone and then a potential criticism about yourself from like eight years ago i literally went and found reviews like i like was searching google i've gotten really good at searching for very specific things on the internet oh yeah christine was like oh i found out where you worked in 2012 and i was like how did you find that and she was like don't worry i went digging and then i found reviews about m as a Segway tour guide. They were all five star. Like, there were no negative ones. Like, I'm not even making that up.
Starting point is 00:17:07 There were not. Not trying to toot my own horn here, but I was an excellent Segway tour guide. You were, apparently. Yeah. I always told myself one day when I had enough money, I'd buy a Segway. But then, now it's like 2019 and there's like hoverboards and shit. And now I think like a Segway would make me look like a grandpa. Anyway.
Starting point is 00:17:23 Anyway. If you'd like to give me a Seg i'll take it okay this story is from portland oregon oh i really hope i haven't done it um i don't think i have it all sounded new to me okay but also after 200 episodes who's to say everything sounds new to us everything sounds old and new old too yeah um this is the story of the the pittock mansion or the pittock mansion i think pittock right i have a feeling it's not pittock but it's it's if you were to look at it phonetically it looks like pittock yeah i would say pittock i think pittock sounds right we should have asked ali before she left that's where she's from should have just asked google and been prepared that could have been a thing you could have done i actively chose to not do that you don't want to break you're
Starting point is 00:18:08 definitely if there if you're one thing between the two of us you're definitely the smart one i'll tell you that well that doesn't get apparently very much on twitter so also there was one person who said that they really like when you uh speak german and i was like listen i've been trying to force you to speak more german and i gave up to. To be fair, that person also said, I don't care what anyone else says. I like what Christine. And I was like, what is everyone else saying? I'm not going to tell you because we all talk about you when you're not around. Apparently, there's a whole cult that I'm just not a part of.
Starting point is 00:18:34 I just, I'm like, who? I don't know what happened. I just. I have heard that my fan club is called The Empire. Okay, get out of here. So I like to think amongst The Empire. They just ask how you've got your German accent in your brains, and that's about it. I know. It's so sad.
Starting point is 00:18:50 I just sit in the corner. Someone said, well, anytime Em doesn't laugh at your joke, just know I'm laughing. And I was like, okay, I will. And by the way, if I'm never laughing at Christine's joke, it's because I've already heard it a bajillion times. It's not because it's not funny. It's because I've grown tired oh lord anyway grown weary so here is the pittock mansion um it is one of the finest historic houses in oregon and one of the most haunted houses in the united states allegedly really that is what i've been told
Starting point is 00:19:19 on google okay uh it has been owned by uh it was owned by a couple named henry and georgiana georgiana pittick in the early 1900s um i keep wanting to say georgina and i know i'm wrong henry and georgiana okay um in the early 1900s so henry was born in london but he grew up in pittsburgh um he was born in 1853 and and at 19 years old, he headed west on the Oregon Trail. Oh, fun. Which I recently played. Mm-hmm. Died quickly.
Starting point is 00:19:49 I watched your, you had a whole saga of it. Oh, you died the first. Yeah, you named me, and I just died, and I thought, this is just exactly what I figured would happen. I've been thinking about re-releasing those on my Insta story because I love the whole, like, the progress, or de-gress, if you will. I was, like, out at dinner with my mom or something, and I was like, I'm sorry, Mom. I have to look at this.
Starting point is 00:20:08 Like, something's happening. It was just everyone that I know and love were the characters, and everyone just, like, flies. And Em was just cackling the whole time. It was. I died of dysentery immediately. Also, Allison, one of my favorite and least favorite things about her is that she uh grew up kind of away from pop culture and so she did a lot of references she's learning now at 28 years old and so she never once ever played organ trail um and i got the handheld
Starting point is 00:20:38 uh organ trail recently gave a turn one immediately she's never lost a game the universe couldn't let that much power happen under one roof as a child that's exactly that's why we were friends because i was like i thought i was the only one who didn't understand and then she even more didn't understand pop culture references which is amazing because you at least like grew up in germany for a second like you have a reason to not know she's just like i told her the jonas brothers were in town last week and she was like i i kind of know who they are. And I was like, what is going on?
Starting point is 00:21:07 All right, that's pushing it. She didn't even know all their names? I lost my mind. Al Pal. Anyway. Anyway. Henry made it through on the Oregon Trail at 19, just like Allison. And a year later, his wife Georgiana, who at the time was Georgiana Burton, also headed west from Missouri with her family.
Starting point is 00:21:25 Okay. They met in Portland, and in 186060 they got married and had six kids oh big year no i'm just kidding wow yeah i was like wait all at once um so henry became one of the wealthiest men in oregon at the time him and georgiana were pillars in the community which i know is usually a trigger phrase for us because that means they're going to be serial killers at the end that literally is in my notes today yeah just if you're new here pillars in the community usually means you're also a murderer usually a bad thing um but in this case they were just pillars in the community oh i literally thought they were about to be murderers and i was like i said it and i was like i really struck a chord i know i did so uh henry was a typesetter at the oregonian newspaper okay um and five months after his wedding he actually bought the company at 26 years old oh nice and he
Starting point is 00:22:13 made it into the successful newspaper that it became so any success from it started with him okay um he also invested in real estate banking rail, railroads, steamboats, silver mining, and sheep ranching. Okay. And the paper industry. So I like to think he's the Michael Scott of this story. I love it. He was also part of the first expedition to climb Mount Hood and helped found the Mazamas Climbing Club. Sure.
Starting point is 00:22:42 I guess that's a thing in Portland. Mazamas. The Mazamas,imbing Club. Sure. I guess that's a thing in Portland. Mazamas. The Mazamas, I guess. Georgiana was also a pillar in the community. She founded charities and organizations, including the Ladies Relief Society, the Women's Union, the Martha Washington Home, which was for single and self-supporting women. She also started the Portland Rose Society and the Portland Rose Festival. It started in 1889 because of her and henry actually led a few of those and i think that's still a thing today
Starting point is 00:23:09 the portland rose festival cool um in 1909 uh henry wanted this is when they uh after they've lived together and had their kids their next big dream is this retirement home that's a quote mansion on the hill um and they want to retire retirement, and they wanted to have views of Portland, Willamette River, and the Cascade Mountains, so tall order. And they hired an architect named Edward T. Folk. But in one article, I did find that his name was not Edward Folk, but Frank Folks. Oh. So that was one compared to many that said edward t folk so i'm gonna stick
Starting point is 00:23:46 with that um but so this architect designed the mansion from scratch um this they started in 1909 and it was completed um in 1914 wow okay so folk made it look uh unique with it had square walls but a circular interior so it was everything looked a little funky plus they built rooms and hallways instead of um like making like just straight hallways that were kind of perpendicular with each other to find rooms right everything was built around the central grand staircase so think like spokes on a wheel oh so the central staircase and then you have to everything grew out from that that That's kind of neat. Super swanky.
Starting point is 00:24:27 Also the mansion, fun fact, was built on 46 acres. It was on a 1,000 foot peak in the West Hills or in, I'm sorry, in the town West Hills. Okay. It was 16,000 square foot. Whoa. 22 rooms. It had a library, a smoking room, a music room. And it was very progressive technologically at the time. It had a, this was 1914.
Starting point is 00:24:50 It had a central vacuum system, an intercom system, individual room thermostats. What? A three-car garage, a greenhouse. And I don't know what this is, but I would like them too. Two sleeping porches. Oh, you don't know a sleeping porch do you sleep on the porch yeah so well we had one growing up um it's like a screened in um like on our at our house it was on the second floor and it was kind of like a room that had screens and we would like
Starting point is 00:25:17 sleep yeah you could sleep out there like in the summer or when it was like cool at night and you like i've never heard of this i'm like i don't know if that's a thing but we had one and it's like usually i think what it is it's usually um screened off like a screened in porch right yeah i just call that a screen room am i wrong i don't know i don't know but also i would never sleep on that that's like i'm thinking like so my childhood room my childhood house which you have seen in the backyard we have a pool and instead of just walking directly into the house there's a an attached screened room where you can like i think that's different wooden floors like a port like a
Starting point is 00:25:55 screened in room like a but i think a sleeping porch is like like like what kind of floors oh like at least ours was upstairs it was like a room attached to the second floor and it had screened windows or walls or something i don't remember totally but my dad would like we'd go in there and sleep in the summertime and like you could hear the crickets and stuff but you'd be i have no idea what's going i have to look this up i always thought maybe this was a weird bernie schieffer thing but like i think we called it a sleeping porch so i mean it was either bernieffer or Edward Folk. Who knows? Maybe.
Starting point is 00:26:27 Listen, maybe they're the same person. Maybe they're related. Anyway, maybe I'm the only person on Earth who doesn't know what a sleeping porch is. I thought it was like a Southern thing. That's why I was surprised that you didn't know. Maybe it maybe it's I just know I know it as a different word. Maybe we'll get back to it anyway. It also was the house was designed to be cooled by morning airflow.
Starting point is 00:26:44 So it actually was cooler than most homes at the time. It had oak paneled cabinets, marble floors and modern and modern amenities like an Otis elevator and dumbwaiter. Holy crap. Marble flooring, too. It's fancy. It also had this. I don't understand. And I don't know how on earth this works.
Starting point is 00:27:17 And I don't know how on earth this works, but they had a private shower that was like, quote, a human car wash with horizontal needle sprays to reach all body parts, including a toe tester and liver spray. Okay, well, that last part makes me want to die. I guess like just the section of the liver spray. Why would you call it that? Why would you just call it a stomach spray that's at least illiterate like a tummy alliteration a tummy tap um tummy spray not a fucking tummy tap no over spray water nope i can't think of a sprinkler a belly bidet anyway yeah that's it but so it's it's got it's got one of those showers where they've got i assume just um you're getting sprayed in every direction i've used one once and it was divine
Starting point is 00:27:54 it's really wild it's kind of like you're standing in a storm it feels like you're just getting rained on from every direction i mean yeah you are i guess yeah i liked it i hope to have one of those yeah uh the entryway i wish i wanted to take a uh i wanted to look at a picture of this maybe if we find a picture we can put it up later but um i wish i had understood i wish i'd looked at a picture to understand this better but it sounds pretty simple apparently the entryway of the of this mansion on the ceiling it was covered in foil whoa apparently that was a nod it was intentionally done just as a nod to georgiana being raised in a poor family when she had to save foil from tea boxes i just got chills for some reason i don't know why i just think
Starting point is 00:28:37 that's like so weird and poignant yeah and also like it was really sentimental and like touching yeah it's like look where we've come from or. Oh yeah. Let's put like plaster foil on the ceiling. That's an interesting way to. Um, so in 1914, like I said, the construction was completed. It was actually completed on Henry and Georgiana's 50th anniversary. Um, Henry and Georgiana moved in with eight other family members. I don't know who those were.
Starting point is 00:29:01 They just, I guess they had a mansion now and they were like, come on down. You're like, you have a sleeping porch i'm coming in coming in hot i was one of the eight actually and i only came because i wanted to know what a sleeping porch was um no you came for the belly bidet we all know wait a minute two things i lied um only five years after moving in henry and georgiana had both passed almost only five years into this whole building they got married he was 26 so then 50 years later 76 so that makes sense so it was completed when he was 70 they got married in 1860 and then yeah i guess he was 20 i have the dates right here okay so actually this will confirm or deny if my notes are good if the dates add up but um across the board i got um on different articles that only five years after
Starting point is 00:29:46 moving in henry uh georgiana both passed in 1918 georgiana passed at 72 and a year later henry died at 84 oh so 1919 and he was born in 1853 well if you think i'm gonna do that math you're very wrong i'm sorry i don't know if you don't if you think I'm going to do that math, you're very wrong. I'm sorry. I don't know. If you don't, if you think my math is wrong, it probably is. Um, so the mansion stayed in the family for three generations. Um, but the cost of upkeep was so expensive that their grandson or their great grandson, um, cause three generations later. So they're okay. Sons, son, son, um, tried selling it in 1958. The mansion was not selling, and so it ended up empty for four years.
Starting point is 00:30:29 Whoa. And also in 1962, it was hit by the Columbus Day Storm, where there were hurricane force winds that caused roof tile, window paint, and water damage. Not the foil. Truly. And so two years later, in 1964, the mansion was in such poor condition by that point that uh the town almost just tore it down and turned it into a subdivision oh no yeah but it's terrible the portland community helped the city raise funds
Starting point is 00:30:58 to buy the mansion um for 225 000 and uh I got different numbers on different articles, but somewhere around $70,000 was raised by the citizens alone in three months. Wow. So they all really worked together. That's awesome. The work took 15 months to restore the entire place, but in 1965 it opened to the public as a museum. And three years later, in 1968,
Starting point is 00:31:22 a nonprofit called the Pittock Mansion Society was formed to furnish the mansion, collect funds, and provide educational programs. PMS. PMS. My favorite. Especially if they're having a bad month. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:36 That Columbus Day storm, you know what I mean? Aunt Flo is in town, and she's going by the Columbus storm this year. That sleeping porch is ready and waiting. So in 1974, it was put on the National Register of Historic Places, and in 2007, the PMS took over preservation and day-to-day operations from Portland Parks and Recs, and apparently still does. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:32:00 So it's still in charge of it. The Pittock Mansion now hosts on average 80 000 visitors annually and hosts uh public and self-guided tours cool uh this has really nothing to do with the ghosts but i wanted to bring it up on principle because it seemed fun um the pittock mansion is closed on christmas but they still hold holiday events here including one called a very portland christmas display shut. That has been going on for over 80 years. And apparently at this display, they show iconic, like they decorate it, I guess, different rooms as different themes and iconic events.
Starting point is 00:32:35 And they also have honored certain people from Portland in their display. So it includes everything from, I'm'm sorry that was part of the original sentence and then i decided which two i was going to talk about so it includes many things including a uh darcel themed room do you know who darcel is i don't darcel 15 it's xv uh darcel is walter cole he's 89 and he holds the guinness World Record for the world's oldest drag queen. Shut up. And they have a whole Darcelle-themed room. Wait, that's so cool.
Starting point is 00:33:10 Is he from Portland? From Portland. And also, I think it's like a double whammy record because he's the oldest by an age. He's 89. At the time, I think he was 86 when he won the record. Wow. But he also has been doing drag for like 50 something years wow um he also owns a
Starting point is 00:33:27 he bought out a restaurant and then changed it into show place and it's the it has hosted the longest running drag show on the west coast and he's so famous for being a drag queen that they actually recently created a musical about him called darcel the musical god wow another uh i want to see that room by the way sorry I do too I hope it's just like a bunch of legs and fishnets or something oh yeah um the this Christmas display by the way Christmas like reason for the season Darcelle oh yeah um can't have one without the other also the event also gives a nod to another Portland icon, Paki the elephant, who I know you'll care about because you love elephants. So deeply. So in 2016, he is an Asian elephant named Paki.
Starting point is 00:34:13 And okay, so in 2016, at the Oregon Zoo, that's where Paki lives. Paki was 54 years old, and he was known as the oldest of his species in the Northern Hemisphere. He was known as the oldest of his species in the Northern Hemisphere. In 1962, Paki was born and became the first elephant born in captivity in the U.S. in 44 years. Wow. And he gained international fame and was even featured in an 11-page spread in Life magazine. Wow. His birth helped scientists better understand Asian elephants in care and welfare needs. And the Oregon Zoo is recognized worldwide
Starting point is 00:34:45 because of Paki for its Asian Elephant Program. So this is just some fun facts, but in 1962 to 1982, in those 20 years, 27 Asian elephants were born in North America and 21 of them were born in Portland. Wow. I think because once Paki was there, they just kept making sure all the Asian elephants
Starting point is 00:35:04 were part of this program. I'm going to cry. I don't even know why, but I'm about to cry. I can tell you why. Because in 2013, Paki contracted tuberculosis, which is common among captive elephants. And he was on treatments and it was dormant. But in 2016, during a a routine test they found out that apparently it had become active for the strain to become active and they were to euthanize him
Starting point is 00:35:30 and it caused a lot of controversy apparently because there were some elephant biologists who actually say that paki didn't show any actual symptoms of tuberculosis he was very healthy and they had actually only killed paki because he was no longer helping make sales and they had actually only killed packy because he was no longer helping make sales and they needed room for new elephants there's no way apparently i can't believe that in this article which was like nbc or like some it was like a big i don't know if it was nbc but it was like a big time news outlet um they were giving lists of how this stuff is actually happening behind the scenes where once an animal is no longer a cash cow they will breed new ones this is like i just this one of those things so that may or may not it seems like most people didn't think that but also there
Starting point is 00:36:12 was a whole facebook page uh like a fan page for packy where a lot of people the controversy got kind of heated um oh gosh and why are you doing this because now they in honor always have a packy the elephant display for him at the Christmas event. I hope he's just living his best Paki life. So the Piddick Mansion was also a backdrop in several movies, including First Love, Unhinged, which Unhinged was a slasher movie that was banned in several countries. What? Also The Haunting of Sarah Hardy, Body of Evidence,
Starting point is 00:36:42 and it was also the finish line in the 13th season of the amazing race really yep that's fun so for the ghosts there are three entities at the piddock mansion is it packy can you imagine an elephant ghost and a drag queen oh wait a minute wait trademark wait wait wait it's tm tm um yeah and then the third one is like us like just a combined effort we're just gonna insert ourselves into this fun just hanging out you're with the elephant i'm with the drag queen perfect we're having a blast combo uh so the three entities are henry and georgiana and packy no i'm kidding oh i'm almost screaming it would have been elephantastic oh my earlier when you said cash cow i had to bite my own tongue i was like you cannot make a joke right now. Cash elephant. You're literally talking about euthanizing animals.
Starting point is 00:37:25 This is not the time. I know, I know, I know. So Henry and Georgiana, I think, I can't confirm this, but I'm pretty sure they died in the mansion. So they are two of the entities there, as well as their head groundskeeper. I don't know. Creepy. I don't know his story. Can you imagine being the couple and you're like, you're there together in the afterlife and then like your groundskeeper's like i'm here too just the third wheel just like
Starting point is 00:37:48 stay in the garden man someone needs to keep that bidet clean i guess someone's got to take care of the belly bidet yeah so uh the visitors and staff have seen windows shutting and latching on their own um they have heard heavy footsteps mainly the footsteps enter the mansion from the garden through the side door and apparently they think that is the head groundskeeper because that was the path he used to take oh interesting um the footsteps have also been heard in every room of the house and down the hallways so i think they assume that's like a combo of everyone walking around right um the staff have also seen people standing in empty rooms in the mornings during opening where they'll walk in and then turn a corner into what should be like
Starting point is 00:38:30 an empty living room and there's just someone standing there um i kind of wish they were doing something with their time like maybe reading or i don't know if there's just a person just standing there like the shining twins it's alarming absolutely not um the visitors have also reported seeing a strange shadow figure out of the corner of their eyes either standing next to them or walking past and then turning the corner before they can see who it was people smell roses which apparently was georgiana's favorite flower and also she did she founded the rose society and the rose Aw. Some say that they've actually seen Georgiana herself. Visitors have seen her in the glass reflection on hanging paintings throughout the building. Oh, ew.
Starting point is 00:39:12 So you're looking at a beautiful painting and then it's like there's a woman in the glass. Yep. Oh, that's freaky. Also probably standing as a shining twin. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Which is the worst. It's not like she's also admiring the painting.
Starting point is 00:39:22 She's looking at you. Blech. the worst it's not like she's also admiring the painting she's looking at you um one woman was actually in the basement taking pictures and she felt something behind her and knew that she wasn't alone all of a sudden felt like she was being stared at she turned around and saw an old woman and then that woman looked at her apparently some stories uh say that this woman was floating she was wearing an old dress and she instantly vanished away. An employee was closing up one night and was going through each room,
Starting point is 00:39:51 turning off every single one of the lights. And once he got to the last light that he needed to turn off, all of the lights in the building turned on all by themselves at the same time. Oh, that's just rude. Yeah, truly. It's like, why?
Starting point is 00:40:04 Why? Because now, not only is it inconvenient for him, but he was about to, like, get home. Finally, off his shift. He was, like, five minutes away from going to Chipotle. But now he has to, like, walk through this house that is now also haunted. True. That he does not want to be in. Now he's scared.
Starting point is 00:40:21 And he has to turn all the lights off again in fear. And then cross his fingers. Right. Oh, no. That the Chipotle is still open when he's back it's probably not how horrific um so objects on display will reportedly move around the mansion particularly a childhood portrait of henry oh they think it's georgiana trying like holding his picture and like walking around um they don't know why this picture is like so attached to the spirits but it seems to be the most moved object compared to everything else when objects move it's such a spooky thing to me well they say that it's supposed to be on the bedroom mantle but the second you see it and recognize that it's there like apparently it's it's common
Starting point is 00:41:04 now for people to look at the mantle and see the picture there and minutes later it's gone that it's there like apparently it's it's common now for people to look at the mantle and see the picture there and minutes later it's gone and it's somewhere totally different in the house yikes um there are uh i think this was just someone being dramatic and trying to say that they hear footsteps but i do want to mention that uh one of the phrases i saw in like things that visitors report is boots walking without legs. And I'm like, I think that just means footsteps. I don't think anyone has literally seen like Fantasia boots walking around. Yeah, it is like Fantasia.
Starting point is 00:41:35 But it's been said, so I'm going to say it. I like that, though. It's like how on Twitter right now there's that trend going around where you could say this and it's like a normal thing to say. Or you could say it this way and it is like a totally elaborate version of the same sentence. Right, right, right. It's kind of like instead of footsteps, boots walking without legs. There's been several EVPs including a man saying, I'm heading back. And a woman saying, hello.
Starting point is 00:42:04 Hello. Hello. Fresh. And this is adorable. And most of my stories don't end this way. Is that no reports. There are no reports of ghosts that are malicious at all. And no one's ever felt unsafe there. But Henry and Georgiana have both been seen.
Starting point is 00:42:18 Sometimes separate. Sometimes spending time together. Mediums have come through and said that they have seen and felt both Henry and Georgiana at different times. They say that Henry and Georgiana would like to tell everybody that they are happy and at peace and are just happy to be together. I'm so... That's...
Starting point is 00:42:35 Precious. And I think I read this or I might be deciding that I read it, but I would imagine that they really loved this house and they only got to live in it for so few years. Maybe they're just happy people want to come spend time with them. And they're like, oh, well, we worked so hard to get this house. We might as well enjoy it for eternity. And also now they put like elephant decorations in it at Christmas time.
Starting point is 00:42:59 It's like now there's a drag queen. This is like something I never expected in 1914. No. Yeah. Anyway. Awesome. I like that story a lot. The end. there's a drag queen this is like something i never expected in 1914 no yeah anyway awesome i like that story a lot the end portland i love you portland i love you portland loves you back oh portland is a part of your fan club yeah okay thanks no one else though you're a big butt i'm glad you're amused i'm glad the empire is amused shut up we love you so so much i know
Starting point is 00:43:26 i'm just such a big sensitive baby everyone knows that i would be too though i i'm not saying that you're alone in that if i if all the same things happened in the same order to me i feel the same way it's just hard when a bunch of you're like why do i care about what strangers think and then it's like i don't know but you just. Cause you guys matter so much to us. Whatever. I get to be your best friend. I'm the fucking luckiest. See,
Starting point is 00:43:48 this is why they love you. They all go, oh, I'm the best. I can get them to hate me real quick. I could say some pretty awful things to you. You are the best. You're too skinny and you're too tan.
Starting point is 00:43:57 Oh, shut up. And your hair is always perfect. Evil bitch. You literally talk about my bald spot and you're still the hero of this story. You don't have a bald spot. Just a metaphorical one because I annoy you. Just a small one that I try to hide.
Starting point is 00:44:13 I like to think when I bother you, I just envision you just like ripping a chunk out of your head. Yep. And I'm like, I did that. Aw, you made that. Yay. Just like how we made Kremit, but you wouldn't know. I don't remember. I don't remember. You don't remember it at all.
Starting point is 00:44:27 It's the worst. The video. You guys have to go look at the video. I'll repost it. We'll send you. Can we repost it? We'll repost it on there, and that's why we drank Instagram. Oh, that's a great idea, because it's so fucking funny.
Starting point is 00:44:36 I could watch that all day. It's like, okay, now click this. Click Caucasian. To be fair, though, when that baby grows up, it looks just like both of us. It is the creepiest thing it's very alarming like well done morph thing the best part too is that like eva was in a different hotel room and like em and i were just fucking like comparing everyone's faces to everyone oh we did one with zach baggins we without consent used eva's face and then compared it with
Starting point is 00:45:02 zach's face and then sent her what her baby would look like and it was not looking good and like to keep in mind this was like less than a year into her working with us and she just literally texted back at like one in the morning like lol you guys are funny we were like oh no this poor person's gonna run away she was not I don't know if she got us yet I think she did I think she did i think in that moment she fucking i think she had to otherwise it's like a survival mechanism it was just kind of like fight or flight and she was like i'm here to fight let's go i'm here to morph what's like power rangers okay but like way worse like mighty morphin but like not mighty just creepy okay anyway i'm sorry i have a story for you m um this is a pretty crazy one i'm excited about this okay i as well am perfect so i found this so sometimes i go in my old bookmarks i think i've
Starting point is 00:45:56 said this before but i go in my old bookmarks from and that's why i drink or like in my bookmark bar whatever it's called i hear you i i'm with you i'm with you thank you and i have like all these old things that i've saved and been like oh i'll look at that someday and there was this article on rancor called crimes solved by a tiny shred of evidence by mike rothschild oh i love are you just going to cover the whole article i'm not but that sounds fun but there are like 15 cases on there and i'm like well i'm going to cover all of them i know it's always fun now with so many stories that we've covered it's always fun to out of nowhere it's like christmas getting it is a list of stories i've never heard of being like oh my god i have material for three months this is
Starting point is 00:46:33 completely so useful and like when ranker does like a new list where i'm like and sometimes i'll look at one i'm like oh this sounds interesting and i'm like oh yeah i've covered all these but like when there's like a yeah oh it's really perfect anyway so this is a cool article called uh crime solved by a tiny shred of evidence fascinating to me um and this is the murder of gene and childs so actually i found a lot of this information on it's actually like an old case that like this year was finally solved so it's like you've had a lot of those recently i know i've noticed oh well we'll talk about why because the evidence the dna i see you know i see all that good stuff um so generation y the podcast um they were a huge help to me because they i don't think
Starting point is 00:47:17 they did an episode on this but they their blog like covered it when the news was breaking so they had a lot of like consolidated information that was really helpful also thank you new york times you're my everything and star tribune was also really helpful okay so on the evening of june 19th 1993 a tenant in the i believe it's pronounced hennepin area of minneapolis called their property manager to report water dripping from the ceiling from the apartment above them it wasn't water i can tell you that right fucking now i didn't think so either it was water oh but it is just as bad as you suspect okay so they knocked and so you know the property manager came tried to knock and call to the apartment nobody answered so um the apartment manager opened the room to discover the apartment flooded with water the shower was still running and the apartment's resident 35 year old gene and childs was dead on
Starting point is 00:48:09 the floor wearing nothing but socks and again the shower was just running and overflowing like into the apartment and that's why the water was going through so truly a horrific scene excuse me to open the door to not only was she dead she had been stabbed viciously and repeatedly and virtually the whole apartment was soaked in blood it had pooled around her body spread into the bathroom and even the bed was saturated in it so like yikes yeah so i guess you're probably right when it was leaking water there's probably some other stuff in there too now that you mention it i mean there was definitely a body fluid yes um so the bathroom looked as though someone so obviously they call police uh the bathroom looked as though
Starting point is 00:48:50 someone had tried to hastily clean themselves up after the murder because the there was a washcloth and a towel in the sink that were like soaked in blood um there was blood in the sink and of course the shower like i said was left on as if someone had tried to rinse off really quickly they collected a sample of the blood um as well as a comforter from the bed and a t-shirt There was blood in the sink, and of course, the shower, like I said, was left on as if someone had tried to rinse off really quickly. They collected a sample of the blood, as well as a comforter from the bed and a t-shirt. So, Jean's autopsy report revealed 38 stab wounds to her body. Oh, my God. Okay, so this was personal, I'm guessing. It's just bad. Yeah, yeah, you'd think so. She had been cut along her lower stomach okay this is bad she
Starting point is 00:49:26 needs the belly but she does it's really i i need it now i feel it too yeah oof um speaking of pms oh god she had been cut along her lower stomach exposing her intestines i'm sorry oh my god it's it's not funny anymore i know i was like how do i transition into this without sounding like oh you don't you don't i just handle it i just apologize later yikes as you do so she exposing the intestines there were cuts to both the front and back of her body um and finally there were deep stab wounds to her chest and stomach the autopsy determined that the killer had continued to stab her after she had died so just like so just truly just like rage yeah yeah holy shit yeah um so police struggled to find a lead so gene actually worked as a sex worker at the time and would typically bring clients back to her apartment thinking her residence was safer than a motel
Starting point is 00:50:18 room you know because like oh i don't want to go somewhere strange with a stranger which you'd think would make sense and so obviously this had had worked up until now. So they were thinking, you know, it might've been a client that did this to her, but that made it obviously really difficult because it could have been anyone, not even someone she knew personally, like it could have just been somebody she met on the street. And so they were very stuck. The leads went nowhere. The case went cold, especially considering the victim was a sex worker and, you know, it wasn't like the type of victim quote-unquote that received a lot of press so this eventually went cold and now we fast forward to 2019 welcome okay this is really fast-forwarded really fast forward this is the year where elephants have their drag queens have
Starting point is 00:51:03 their own christmas decorations and as they should elephants are ghosts and there's a whole world out there yet to be explored yeah that's what i heard that's that's what we've heard how do you how do you not narrated it i would have already had internalized all that information i would have been like yeah well that's that's given yeah well come on you don't need to explain it to us um okay so 2019 52 year old so we're gonna just like take a turn here 52 year old father of three jerry westrom lives in asante minnesota i hope that's how you say that and spends his time volunteering with youth sports teams and caring for his organic farm and blogging about it uh one day he's at his daughter's hockey game when he orders a hot dog at the concession stand.
Starting point is 00:51:47 He enjoys his hot dog, as he had countless times in the past, then wipes his mouth with a napkin and tosses it into the trash. As he walks away, undercover police swoop in and retrieve the napkin from the trash can. I see. I see where this is going. Yep. What Jerry didn't know is that police had been following him since January, waiting for him to discard his own DNA so police could have it. They've been waiting since January for like any time for him to use a napkin?
Starting point is 00:52:16 Well, it was February, so. Oh, okay. In my mind, it was July. And I was like, is this guy not wiping his mouth? I like that you thought July because I was like, he's eating a hot dog. It sounded like an American pastime. It of july yeah and they've just been trailing him for six months being like when the fuck's he gonna like use a fork or something a goddamn hot dog sip out of a straw once or something so but he has an organic farm maybe he doesn't want to
Starting point is 00:52:40 use plast you know like oh yeah he's super eco-friendly he just like digs in with his like natural utensils. Yep. And he keeps them in his bag. And then he sticks them right back in his pocket. Yep. That's like me. Remember that time at the airport, I pulled out a bunch of straws loose in my bag.
Starting point is 00:52:53 And you were like, I don't want that. I do. I do. And it was our first tour ever to Dallas. Our flight was delayed. This was flight one of a hundred. We were stuck in the airport for hours. I'm not going to be able to escape her.
Starting point is 00:53:05 Em literally was like, no, I'm using my plastic wand. That's foul. And poor Eva was like, um, sure. I guess I'll use it. She really was. She literally used it. She must have been brand fucking new to this thing. I was like, I promise it's clean.
Starting point is 00:53:16 Oh God. So gross. I promise it wasn't. I also promise it wasn't. In retrospect. Sorry, Eva. She just like, like a, like a crazy hippie was like here's my fist full of metal straws take one not even kidding not even a little bit kidding like scooping it from under
Starting point is 00:53:30 the rest of the crap in her bed matter with me i am gonna be the worst parent i'm just like here let me dig in my louis vuitton for all my dirty straws i'm sorry eva thanks for sticking with us i'm a monster i'm the day you say i quit i'll be like i get it we'll be like finally god that checks out we don't like it but we can't say we're surprised lasted longer than we thought um also i'll probably give it to the wrong kid i'll be like here here's the child christine that's not our child that's a strange child stop giving it dirty putting things in that child's mouth it's not our child but his teeth are so big and clean our child doesn't have teeth because it's a baby why don't you know this oh this is horrific okay anyway he ate a hot dog it was february in minnesota so it probably wasn't even close to july but gotcha um so please collect it collect
Starting point is 00:54:23 his napkin um you see despite the case having gone cold police had not totally given up on the now 25 year old case of gene and child so that we're 25 years later dna samples collected from the 1993 crime scene including seminal fluid were finally entered into a commercial genealogy database you know the ones that caught the golden state killer yes and when the fei ran the sample through the site in 2018 they struck a match the man whose dna matched the crime scene was jerry arnold westrom and like i said he was pretty much a pillar of the community there it is bingo bingo they should just write pillar of the community in like files so completely potential suspects and. They should just write pillar of the community in like files. Oh, completely.
Starting point is 00:55:05 Of potential suspects. And then the second you see pillar of the community, be like, all right, just like big red stamp. Lock them up. Oh, yeah. I got fired up. Animated. You have said that before. You're like, if you know a pillar of the community, call the police.
Starting point is 00:55:19 I'm not saying call the police immediately. I'm just saying be aware that you might need to call the police later on them i'm just saying collect their dirty napkins from the trash you might need them later as long as you have one piece of dna just in case that's probably best oh boy so jerry's neighbors not shockingly described him as a nice guy and a family man oh sorry birth control i'm sorry is your curtain flying off of the wall now well i tried to hang up the cremant sign and it got a little wonky did it i know everyone else can't tell but there's a curtain right next to me and the curtain rod is like five inches off of the wall you know
Starting point is 00:55:58 how i hang them up with nails i've described it to everybody whatever okay back to pillars of the community thank god i'm not one, by the way. Oh my gosh. I'd be in trouble. Thank God I'm never obviously going to be one, no matter how hard I try. Trust me. I'll never be admired by the entire community. Em, you're literally talking about your empire, so you shush.
Starting point is 00:56:15 Oh. Okay. Digitally, I guess I am a pillar of the community. I guess everyone should be worried, then. I have enough of your DNA scattered around this freaking room with all your Starbucks trash. Thank God. If I ever become a killer, Christine will be the one to out me the quickest.
Starting point is 00:56:27 From pillar to killer. The M. Schultz story. Wow, that just came in. TM, TM, TM, TM, TM. Wait. I don't know. We'll talk about it later. We'll talk about it later.
Starting point is 00:56:37 I don't like that that just entered my... My breath has been taken away. That was so wildly creative. But I don't like how easily the story about you being a murderer, like entered into my creative space. Oh, I'm thinking like as like from a creative space though, like you really pulled that title out of nowhere. Nobody else used that shit.
Starting point is 00:56:56 That is genius. My guardian angel just kind of like slipped that into my head. Have you ever had this feeling? I'm not going to actually do it to you, but have you ever had this feeling where like a guardian angel just like smacks you in the back of the head with information? It just comes out of your mouth. And you're like, oh, yeah, that wasn't me. That's literally what happened when we were hanging out.
Starting point is 00:57:10 And the show was originally called Eerie in Theory. And some guardian angel just went, poof. And that's why we drank. To both of us so many times. And then we were like, wait a minute. That's the name of the show. How did we not think of that before? I'm sitting there getting a Google phone number.
Starting point is 00:57:21 And our guardian angels are like, why do you need a phone number? You're starting a podcast. Let's just smack them them they'll figure it out just smack them over they're not getting it anyway pillar to killer i pillar to killer that is exactly where no one else used that that's my book we're or something we're gonna make it something that's for sure we'll see um when okay so here we go when police did some digging into jerry westrom they found that he had actually lived in the minneapolis st paul area where gene had lived around the time of the murder according to his father in 1993 jerry was 27 years old had been single and working in minneapolis but had moved away just six months after gene child's murder he had been living in asante minnesota i
Starting point is 00:58:03 keep wanting to say michigan minnesota ever since as a small business owner and family man he ran a blog which i obviously found um it's still there uh is it called pillar to killer no he's not that clever are you kidding me um his guardian angel smacked him all like barely smacked him he wasn't even lucky enough for that even get get it um his blog is like really bad it just features like a terrible selfie of like him in a cornfield oh but like one of those where you like you had a digital camera so you couldn't really you like kind of got a selfie it was like right cropped very poorly like a dad completely a dad selfie also brave of you to criticize a killer's blog yeah maybe not my prowess i'm getting smacked i feel it
Starting point is 00:58:46 can someone also tm tm tm like the guardian angel smacking us with information i feel like that should be animated someone animate our guardian angels behind us just like stop it it's like your gut your gut instinct that you have is when your literal guardian angel like karate chops you in the gut it's like it's like oh i shouldn't have done that oh i've made a mistake yeah i'm sorry universe um yeah so his blog has a very bad selfie in what appears to be a cornfield and he lists his occupation as farmer and commodities broker so lord knows what that means okay so police checked his criminal record and found that he had a minor criminal history including a brief jail stint in 2016 after getting caught in a police sting believing
Starting point is 00:59:30 he was soliciting a teenager for sex oh boy so that was his criminal so even though he was a pillar of the community he already had that in his background like recently so i don't know how people are ignoring people are the red flags here fucking oblivious including me i'm counting myself as one um so anyway they followed him until they finally got what they wanted which was that dirty ass napkin covered in a spit which finally it took them 7 000 years don't we all um minneapolis police arrested arrested jerry westrom on monday february 11th 2019 under questioning jerry denied any connection to the murder claiming he had never met gene childs he actually claimed that he didn't even have sex that entire year of 1993 which i'm like it's a very specific i mean i guess unless you're not
Starting point is 01:00:15 having sex at all but like unless you're like a total fuck boy every other year of your life and you're like oh the dry spill of 1974 exactly exactly other than that you really shouldn't have like a i can't imagine a time where you're like oh yeah i don't let me check my calendar unless you're like intentionally not doing it yeah i mean yeah i don't know so he said he had never met gene childs he hadn't actually had sex with anyone that year but additional dna was collected that was a match to the dna on the washcloth in the bathroom as well as the sperm on the towel and comforter from the apartment disgusting disgusting so one question as to why his dna was found at the crime scene he simply said i have no idea so good answer all you can do is just deny deny deny that's true i mean
Starting point is 01:00:57 there's literally nothing else you can do um at the hearing which was this spring in april assistant hennepin county attorney michael radner said a barefoot print made in a pool of Jean's blood at the crime scene also matched Jerry's footprint. Ooh. Okay. But his defense attorney insisted that fingerprint slash footprint analysis was not fully reliable. Okay. He also argued that the appearance of the DNA in her room does not inherently make him a murderer, which like technically is true. And yet they still couldn't explain why his DNA was in there if he didn't know her.
Starting point is 01:01:30 So, right. Nice try. Jerry Westrom posted his five hundred thousand dollar bail in February and was released from jail, but told to stay in state. He appeared in court April 2019 to ask permission to travel out of state the following month to attend two of his niece's graduation celebrations. The judge, Martha Dimmick, denied the request, saying this case is extremely serious and telling Westrom, quote, the last thing he should be concerned about right now is his niece's graduations. Right. Yes, I would agree with that. Yeah. You dipshit. You literally just call them and say
Starting point is 01:02:05 congratulations and they probably won't answer because you're a fucking murderer also because nobody who's graduated is like it's like socially available for their uncle it's like you've got like this massive party that you're probably playing yeah like i think they're going to be okay that their murderer uncle who's like on out on bail is not i remember when i graduated uh i'm i graduated high school and there was a i mean every single day of graduation week was parties and then if my mom said oh your uncle's not coming i'd be like good i did not want to have to see him anyway i wanted to go hang out with my friends i'm sure they missed their like extended relatives very much right especially the ones that were in the news for murdering a sex worker right right
Starting point is 01:02:45 25 years ago we please keep them away from my friends yikes i mean honestly um and there was actually i didn't even include this but there was actually someone who was interviewed who said they were in one of his like youth teams or youth groups or something who said they he would make the girls feel uncomfortable or he she worked for him that's what it was at one of his um stores or companies i forget what it was and she said he only hired young women like really young women and he often commented on their bodies and made them all uncomfortable so you don't want him at your graduation anyway but he tried and it didn't work so uh his next court appearance was scheduled for june 6 2019 but literally since april there has been no news whatsoever i looked everywhere um i'll keep my eye out i don't know if it was
Starting point is 01:03:33 postponed like i don't know what happened but um as of right now we have not heard what is going on got it um once again this case like i love uh points to the increasing use of DNA to crack unsolved cases. In 2017, DNA evidence helped Minneapolis police catch another man who was responsible for the murder of a teenager that had taken place 34 years ago. Got it. On the morning of April 2nd, 1983, 17-year-old Lori Mestald's body was found lying next to the Sioux Line railroad tracks in Minneapolis. She had been strangled and raped, but had died of a massive blow to the head. Her purse was missing, and she wasn't wearing shoes or a coat, leading police to think she may have been murdered elsewhere and then brought to that point,
Starting point is 01:04:17 and the case ran completely cold. Finally, 34 years later, police were able to arrest 62-year-old Daryl Bruce Ray, who is believed to have been involved in a number of unsolved cases in the area, ranging from rape to murder. Oh. Yeah. Woof. And Jerry Westrom's arrest this year came less than two months after Minneapolis police announced they had arrested and charged a man in a 27-year-old stabbing of 20-year-old Belinda Thompson in 1991. So all these old cases are like finally, and the guys are still alive, which is just, I mean, great because they're finally getting caught.
Starting point is 01:04:51 It's just, yeah, there would be some real disappointment if they had like already died and then don't get their justice or the other people don't get their justice. The closure. Yeah, completely. In fact, according to the New York Times, researchers believe that in the coming years, 90% of Americans of European descent, white Americans, will be identifiable even if they have not submitted their own DNA. Wow. So they think, like, through family members, 90% of white Americans will be able to be identified by their DNA, which is just wild. Wow. Identified by their DNA, which is just wild. And so there's a lot of like obviously ethical stuff going on too because it's like how much can the government use this?
Starting point is 01:05:30 Right. Without consent and all that. Right. And like especially if it's a relative who submitted it. Right. And of course with the case of this, you know, you're like, of course I want to catch a serial rapist or murderer, you know, but it just gets iffy when you kind of delve into it for other reasons yeah so things are picking up so uh if you're a fucking criminal watch your back because science is coming for you well as a pillar of the community at least on twitter i should be nervous now yeah
Starting point is 01:05:56 watch the fuck out dude uh-oh only use those dirty straws i gave you those are actually the only murder weapons i've ever used no they they should be they probably are murder weapons oh my god um okay so this past spring the star tribune interviewed cc moore chief genealogist at paragon nano labs according to moore since spring 2018 about 50 cold cases in the united states have been solved using public genealogy websites oh wow that's a lot she explained quote genetic genealogy websites oh wow that's a lot she explained quote genetic genealogy has incredible power for human identification it's revolutionary for law enforcement there's really no reason for there to be serial killers or serial serial
Starting point is 01:06:35 killers or serial rapists anymore we should be able to identify them much more quickly and stop them from victimizing people yes so let's hope that is true. And in the meantime, that is the story of the murder of Jean Ann Childs, finally solved this year. Yay! Woof! So thank you, Ranker, for that article. Very good. Very, very good.
Starting point is 01:06:54 That is my story. Good job. Thank you. You too. That was a fun one. Twas fun. I think when you bring in elephants and drag queens, it really can't not be fun.
Starting point is 01:07:04 Yeah, you really like hyped us up in the beginning before I dragged everyone back down yeah that is the the theme here it's no wonder you're the fun one maybe I mean the downer I think I don't think it's you I think it's just the content I think it's like I get to talk about drag queens more often and even if like they're not part of my story I just demand people listen to me talk about drag queens a lot and if I do they're usually a victim of a crime. Right. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:07:27 Very sad. We crack the code. Yep. Well, thank you, everybody, for listening to this episode. And if you're watching it, thank you. This is the first, hopefully, uninterrupted episode we've done. It has not stopped recording as far as I can tell. So, yahoo.
Starting point is 01:07:40 We got a new camera so that we don't have to keep doing technical difficulties. Which which should make the audio smoother too because i don't have to pause and get up every time um also i'm noticing that in frame this whole time everyone has noticed my pants so i feel like i need to explain them this was one of my impromptu canadian purchases i love when we went to vancouver um i like them because they look like they're straight out of the 70s i feel like i do swiped them from like my grandma's cabin It looks like a cool hand-me-down. And it's got a bunch of little beavers canoeing and sitting in Adirondack chairs. With a moose. There's a moose and another bear also canoeing.
Starting point is 01:08:14 The Adirondack chairs are so cute. But so they're in a canoe and it says, canoe, tuck me in. I mean, they're really made for M. I mean, they're definitely pajama pants, although it is definitely three o'clock on a weekday and I went out in public to get to my car to then drive over here. Oh, don't worry. I think we're all in the same boat. I think-
Starting point is 01:08:34 Canoe, if you will. Listen, don't you dare. So stupid. I'm pretty sure everyone in my neighborhood has seen me in these pants too many times. Yeah. So at this point, they've just become normal pants that I probably look like I'm a crazy person, but that's okay.
Starting point is 01:08:48 No, you look so normal. Anyway, pillar of the community, if you will. Pillar to killer. Okay. Uh,
Starting point is 01:08:56 thank you guys for listening. Uh, you can find all of our info at, and that's why you or you can submit your personal true crime and paranormal stories. Um, at, and that's why we drink at where you can be in the running to be
Starting point is 01:09:08 mentioned in our next listeners episode. We put those out on the first of every month. Yay. We also have Instagram, Twitter. You can also find our Patreon at ATWB podcast. Oh yes. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:09:21 I stopped listening. I was thinking about Kremit. And also you can find our child on our instagram that's true it will be we will post that to our instagram uh what our child actually looks like and maybe someday i'll get verified and you can look at mine too yay but until then that's why we drink bye here's the thing guys i couldn't help myself and after all this talk of cremant i actually went back through uh ems and evas in my group chat all the way back to last november and found a video of em and i morphing our faces with eva uh and also with zach baggins so if you want
Starting point is 01:09:59 to see that i slapped that into the end of the youtube video i also added throughout the video the different iterations of cremant if you want to see those. So check that out at slash see slash and that's why we drink or don't because it's pretty horrific and might give you nightmares. So don't worry, I won't blame you either way. Bye

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