And That's Why We Drink - E145 Octo-Puns and the Goose CamTM

Episode Date: November 10, 2019

Get ready because Em Mustard and Christine Horseradish, Private Investigators, are on the case! Our first big adventure involves helping the CIA unwire some missiles... We're also taking you on a digi...tal ghost tour of the Beattie Mansion aka the former "Home for the Friendless". Christine then brings us the wild and terrible tale of the murder of Helle Crafts aka the Wood Chipper Murder. There also may or may not be a gay demon after Em... and that's why we drink!Please consider supporting the companies that support us! For a limited time, thredUP is offering And That’s Why We Drink listeners a special deal for an extra 30% off your first order when you go to a limited time only, get 9 free meals with HelloFresh. Go to and enter WHYWEDRINK9 Use coupon code DRINK for $10 off your first box at www.fabfitfun.comRevitalize your eyes and get a pair of Felix Gray glasses. Go to for free shipping and 30 days of risk-free returns or exchanges.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 where is it there it is don't you love that feeling when you're like oh where'd my notes go i don't see them in my recent folder oh okay i literally have i so my current notes i've these aren't even saved on my computer because I have so much memory filled up on my laptop oh yeah but I did like command s and it was like cannot be saved and I was like well and it's a pages document it's a pages document that I worked on for like seven hours so just copy paste or copy no I just like copy pasted it into my Gmail and sent it to myself just in case. Oh my God. But I feel like I'm like trying to like unwire like a missile or something.
Starting point is 00:00:52 Like I feel like I'm like really, it's very touchy. And if I mess up, then I'm going to ruin it. Unwire a missile. You know what I meant. Em and I watch a lot of action movies. What is it called? Diffuse. Diffuse a missile.
Starting point is 00:01:03 Diffuse a bomb. Diffuse a bomb. Listen, I'm clearly not a spy. Or maybe I'm the best spy there is. A really good one. You know, I really wanted to be a spy. That was like my big dream job when I was younger. I love it. And then my mom told me, classic helicopter
Starting point is 00:01:18 parent, she was like, you'll die immediately. And I went, okay, well I guess it's not for me. I mean, she wasn't wrong. Well, then I was like, I could probably do it. And she was was like you know you'd have to run a lot and i was like okay you got me there the physical never mind you're right i thought about that too i wanted to be part of the cia and my mom was like well you're gonna lose your green or your uh your dual citizenship so if this country goes down you have nowhere to go and i went oh my god okay actually you would have uh voted well in the cia i so So the CIA came to my college to recruit, like, new people.
Starting point is 00:01:48 Yeah, same. And I went to all their meetings because I was like, oh, fuck, yeah. It's baller, yeah. So I went to – they had a bunch of meetings, and then eventually they, like, had selected certain people and, like, invited you to, like, a dinner. And I was like, oh, my God, like, I'm literally being recruited into the CIA. This is so cool. And that's when they started asking you like about your qualifications and they never invited me back oh because
Starting point is 00:02:09 i can defeat i can unwire a missile don't you want me i i aspire to be canadian oh god you can send me i don't want to be in this country don Don't send me anywhere in the country except Canada. Oh, yeah. But no, one of the huge, huge, huge ways that you're most likely to get recruited is the more languages you speak. Well, that's why I was applying. I actually applied. I mean, I can say this now. I wasn't allowed to say it when I was doing it. But I actually did apply. And I was going through the whole thing, the rigmarole.
Starting point is 00:02:45 And then my mom freaked me out about, you'll lose your citizenship. And then I asked. And they were like, yeah, you have to give up your European Union citizenship. And I was like, man. How far did you get into it? Not very far. I mean, they responded to me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:00 And I was like, OK, yeah, I speak another language. And they were like, that's good. I wonder if- But I was in DC, too. So like okay yeah i speak another language and they were like that's good i wonder if i was in dc too so like right yeah i wonder if as the cia do they just accept any application or do you think they do rigorous cia background checks on you first and then only take those people in i'm pretty sure they do checks because i knew because like my friends at georgetown i didn't have that many but my ex-boyboyfriends, friends of Georgetown, like, I got called for one of them when they were applying to, like, either the FBI or CIA. And they called, like, your acquaintances of acquaintances to, like, ask questions before
Starting point is 00:03:34 they even responded. And they were like, you cannot tell him we're calling you. And I was like, Jesus. It's really intense. Anyway, now I'm just... That's most government clearance, though, right? Whatever. I'm not a spy.
Starting point is 00:03:44 Anyway, obviously... Unless we both actually end up getting recruited, and this is our front. that's most government clearance yeah though right whatever i'm not a spy anyway obviously unless we're we both actually end up getting recruited and this is our front there's a chip in our brain and we don't even know oh we went different ways with that okay um also we'd be terrible at it because here i am fucking looking at a camcorder going hey one time the cia emailed me like obviously i'm the worst spy ever i also hiding... Hiding in plain sight. Oh, look at me go. I just like completely freaking forgotten. I'm so upset. So we're recording.
Starting point is 00:04:11 If you are watching this on YouTube, like we're in the same outfits because we just recorded two episodes, our second episode in a row. Yeah. I'm still in my Canada pants. Yes. Can you tuck me in? Can you tuck me in? No, thanks.
Starting point is 00:04:22 And so we were recording the next episode and last one i just complained a lot about our friendiversary and i was just being a big baby about it and then i forgot that my whole my whole plan was to be like okay um friendiversary is back on and then i have a gift for you and i was like why didn't i give it to you what's the gift it's right here was it like your lack of knowledge on our child cremant leave cremant at least you kind of know what the name is what is this oh it's green it's gonna be like oh my god the green screen people can see right through you right now the gift bag that i'm giving em is green look i'm the logo i'm the logo this is gonna be a nightmare to
Starting point is 00:05:03 edit i'm such an idiot okay okay here i'll pull it out and i'll just i'll have i'll do this thing so read the card first oh is there a card yeah no there's not but read it here it is i just don't want to look and ruin the oh here i'll hold it okay i'm not looking and then just drop that okay okay it says m the gift's really random you know how to spell my name it's two letters and and I really worked hard to get there. Thank you. Some would argue it's one letter. Some would and some do on the internet. Here are two octopi. You octopi my thoughts. Yes. I love it. Am I to read this out loud? Yes. I see music notes. Wait, we get to start on this side. Oh, okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:05:49 Dear Em, oh, you octopi my thoughts and I just thought you should know. So sweet. You octopi my thoughts. You know I love a good octopun. Octopun. I love you an octaton, that's for sure. Oh, come on. For our friendiversary, I wanted to make sure a pivotal moment from our friendship lived on forever. What follows are the lyrics to the song i sang to you on stage
Starting point is 00:06:05 in atlanta lord almighty let's talk about that i just never wanted to forget that the first and last time i will ever serenade you thank you especially with a microphone thank you so before i even read this i did not so we had was that our atlanta show or salt lake i meant salt lake now that you mention it it was salt lake all right so we did, we had two shows that night in Salt Lake. That's right. And at one of them, I guess Christine's story covered. It was the later one and it was the drunker one. And it was the first night we've done a show in many months.
Starting point is 00:06:36 And the killer that Christine was talking about wrote a song for his loved one? No. Was that what it was? The dad of the murderer who murdered his wife was obsessed with his daughter and all right and they found all these journals and photos and he kept her like tampons and stuff like it was very messed up but they found this journal where he wrote songs about her and they played it in the episode and so em was like how did it go oh i jokingly went like oh i hope you sing it for me and then christine was like here we go and i was like whoa i was like
Starting point is 00:07:02 absolutely not and then everyone the audience went sing it and i went oh no here i go Christine was like, here we go. And I was like, whoa. I was like, absolutely not. And then everyone in the audience went, sing it. And I went, oh, no, here I go. I was like, obviously, I would never sing this out loud, actually. And then I had enough wine in my system. And hundreds of people were screaming at me. And so I just did it. And it was such a big mistake. Christine held my hand and looked into my eyes as she sang something that an obsessed,
Starting point is 00:07:21 grown man has sang about his daughter-in-law. Apparently. Hear the words. Hear the words that I will not sing. Imagine Christine holding my hand, looking into my eyes, though. On a stage. On a stage with hundreds of people. My nightmare.
Starting point is 00:07:34 Make some room for me. Oh, I already remember how much I hate this. I know, it's so horrible. At some point, I have to say the phrase, in you, don't I? Inside you, I think. I rebuke it. Okay. In Christ's name, I rebuke you.
Starting point is 00:07:51 I'm rewiring the missile. Point it directly at me. All right. Make some room for me within you. Oh, it's very bad. I don't want to do it. For the moment I began to smell the perfume in your hair and caress you everywhere. I'm missing you.
Starting point is 00:08:10 And then in parentheses, Christine writes, Jesus Christ, these are significantly creepier than I remember. I was coffee. You were drunk last time. I remember this sober. It's burned into your memory. I was writing it off my notes this morning and I was like oh god i said that out loud you sang it into my eyes into my eye sockets oh okay i'm gonna keep i'm just gonna keep at it okay make some room for me within you for the moment i began to smell the perfume in your hair and caress you everywhere i miss you love christine okay i can love you in a secret way that's the one i started singing
Starting point is 00:08:47 i can love you in a secret way did you know the actual song yeah because they played it in the episode i forget it was like on oh shoot what crime show was it but they like had his website and they were like playing one of the songs and i went i could love you in a seat and i was like this is horrifying i can love you in a secret. And I was like, this is horrifying. I can love you in a secret way. I can love you each and every day. There's nothing I can't be. There's nothing I can't see. It's not perfect, but I'm missing you.
Starting point is 00:09:13 Isn't that fucking awful? If you die, this is the closest thing to a goodbye letter I have. And I hate it. And I know you're never now ever going to write another one because you want this to be the closest thing i have so one day when i get that bad news and i leave your funeral this is what i fucking have to remember you in my coffin because i don't think you deserve it let it rot with the rest of you you don't deserve to have that burned into your mind forever oh if i'm gone oh no it's
Starting point is 00:09:39 already there so i might as well have tangible proof uh yeah so that was that um and then i got you like an actual gift and it has nothing to do with our friendship but i just found it at a store downtown and i thought it was really cool and i thought you would like it i this i've already blacked out that a gift was coming because i thought this was just this was what if what if this is it's like a big folded piece of paper what if this was just the lyrics on like a much larger piece of paper what if this is the sheet music it's on like parchment paper it's like you wrote it with a scroll but like with it like a quill and ink in your own blood oh my god how romantic thank you in advance i think i'm not sure anymore okay so okay this says virginia number 34 virginia i don't i haven't looked at it so i don't know actually oh so you just really bought me something you don't
Starting point is 00:10:29 even know it looks like on it it does it looks like old they described it to me at the store oh no way it's a hundred year old map of virginia and i thought it was really cool is this actually 100 years old it's actually 100 years old i was gonna say this looks i almost fucking ripped no oh god thinking it was like a perforated thing oh no don't do that yeah this is literally 100 years old i asked to make sure it was like authentic they only had one virginia one so i was like i'm better there's no way i should be allowed to hold this wow look at it i don't know if you'll be able to see you in a secret way anyway um anyway i just thought that was cool no this is so dope
Starting point is 00:11:08 okay for people i don't know if you can even see this i live right here in spottsylvania which was named by alexander spotswood who helps the witch of pungo that's right especially because we talked about it and people were like saying they were from virginia and then i was at a store and i was like oh wow this is super cool so okay hold this up for the crowd okay okay so i'm from this area of virginia okay and i went to college all the way down here by the north carolina border oh i didn't know that and other than that and then and that's it that's all that you need to know that's the geography lesson i will say everyone in virginia we all basically live in this area. Everything in the skinny part is like we don't even we don't know what's happening over there.
Starting point is 00:11:50 Wow. I mean, there's a lot of words over there, but it's I have no idea. I've never met anyone from that part of Virginia ever. I know there's like Lee County. I've heard of that. I've heard of that. But I don't know. I imagine it's like a whole other world.
Starting point is 00:12:06 So that's fun for you guys to know about. west virginia to remind everyone is not virginia west virginia is in the west no people get very confused about that even in cal like not even in other countries like in california they don't get it oh yeah after i brought that up the last time people did tweet me and they were like oh yeah i really legitimately thought west virginia was just people that are really proud to be in Western Virginia. It's like hysterical. There's South Carolina and North Carolina. Maybe they think that too, Em.
Starting point is 00:12:30 Maybe they think it's just Carolina. Yeah, exactly. And they're just like the northern and the southern people are really proud to be in that area of Carolina. Anyway, I knew I got you something horrific. So I wanted to say something actually like nice to try and bandaid it up. Yeah, no, this is I mean, I'm gonna I don't know how to frame it because you have to open it listen i found this company called framebridge and you just send it in and they professionally frame it for you and mail it back in a frame so you don't even have to touch it okay wait
Starting point is 00:12:58 framebridge are you listening i know i want our sponsor actually i should i should actually wait a minute text eva a couple people eva tell tell audiobook we want frame bridge there's frame bridge there was oh franzia would be great yeah we want all these things wine in general i would love to eventually have a promo code drink to then put this in a in a discounted frame that would be kind of sweet i love this this is so cool this is i know exactly where this is going in my room too oh good i know i'm like i don't know if you have as i chuck a hundred year old document onto the chair i made sure to ask i was like this isn't like some baloney like you pretend it's old and she's like no we only have one please
Starting point is 00:13:31 stop like throwing it around oh i love it i'm never getting rid of that so until it's a sin secret downtown it's from uh last or what's it called last bookstore in the world they have like an art gallery down you know the last bookstore yeah they have an art gallery downtown or downtown downstairs oh the one to the side of the store or yeah you go down those stairs and they have all like the art gallery shops the collage of paintings yes yeah yeah so in one of those stores is where i found it that's super super cool oh i'm glad you like it i love that thank you so much of course they had a germany one and i was like i don't want to know about germany from 100 years like i don't want to 100 years ago bad things were happening over there i love it i'm not gonna celebrate it okay i love the virginia thing not the german good thank you you're welcome happy friendiversary
Starting point is 00:14:13 now that it's been a week and a couple days and i'm i'm hoping i'm over it by the time this comes out well so this comes out on the 10th sure so this So this weekend, right now, I am camping with Allison. Oh, really? Well, we'll see. I might be in the ER again. Yeah, I was going to say, that didn't go so well that first time. So camping is where Allison says that that's where she fell in love with me. I don't know why, because we all know what happened 10 minutes into camping.
Starting point is 00:14:42 I was in the hospital. Yes, but it was a... It was a... In times of conflict people band together i suppose i suppose the adrenaline really bonds you yeah she's actually not in love at all she just still has adrenaline like calming down from the drive um but uh so for her birthday this year i'm trying to she turned 28 so i'm taking her to eight different things throughout the next couple weeks and this weekend is camping oh that's fun i mean it's not i well it's fine well so the i'm scared of camping the murderers the previous episode the one that we just recorded that's coming out on the first or the second um the third the third uh i'm taking her to a haunted cocktail soiree. Oh, yeah. I'm really upset about that. I'm going to it tonight. Yeah. I'm so jealous.
Starting point is 00:15:28 I'm... I... Yeah. I didn't realize how in Christine's ballpark it was until I read the description to her and I was like, now I feel guilty that, like, we should have definitely probably had like a group thing going here. I was like, let me read the description. Oh, it's a haunted cocktail party where you play with Ouija boards
Starting point is 00:15:44 and you drive... A giant Ouija board. They have a massive giant Ouija board and they have a six flight cocktail cocktails of spirit themed drinks of different rooms and then there's also oh my god there's like uh there's tarot readers and Em was like oh yeah sorry maybe I shouldn't have read this to you I was like hi I was like I to be fair I didn't even know what I walked in on I just saw it and I was like I'll get tickets and then I read it in front of Christine and I was like, to be fair, I didn't even know what I walked in on. I just saw it and I was like, I'll get tickets. And then I read it in front of Christine and I was like, wow, this is like really up our alley. It does sound fun. So let me know how it is because I am very curious. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:16:11 I'm really appreciating wearing my Canada pajama pants right now because for the rest of the night I'll probably be in a suit. So I'm looking forward. I know Em shows up wearing pajamas, holding a suit. And I was like, what is going on? Again, the range is crazy. I definitely thought it was the friend-iversary thing. And I was like what is going again the range i definitely thought it was the friendiversary thing and i was like oh i don't know what we're doing i didn't plan for this get ready you're gonna be the bell of the ball like i got you a map and i'm not changing out of my leggings so i feel like this is not going the way you planned uh no uh anyway
Starting point is 00:16:40 so that's what we're doing that's where we we are. How are you guys? Okay. Great. Cool. So this is, okay, so here's the thing about this story. I've always got a caveat. Here's this week's. Here's the thing. Here's the thing. So I did the thing that I usually do.
Starting point is 00:16:57 I do a lot of the same things often. So you're probably wondering which stupid thing. Oh, which dumb thing did they do? Well, since we are doing two a days, like this is football, since we're recording as many episodes in advance to catch up before the holidays. The holidays. We were doing double recordings right now. And I was like, oh, I'll do two stories that take minimal time to research. That way I can give out two stories without like having to exert too much
Starting point is 00:17:25 mental effort as i procrastinate god forbid we exert mental effort well we all know i'm a procrastinator on one story can you imagine the nightmare of having to do two stories when em and i realized we had to start doing two two we were like but like do we actually have to do two is there a way to not like to do one but so my thought was if i if i picked two short stories then i wouldn't have then at least my procrastinating wouldn't get in the way any more than usual right um but so i went into this thinking oh this is a short story this always happens and then i really researched it and i was like wow i am going to be studying this for the next several hours this always happens i ended up
Starting point is 00:18:00 i ended up like there were so many so many clips and pieces of information. But here's the thing. This is where it got me. I thought this was going to be a short story because when I first researched it, it took me, like, maybe a half an hour to do the entire story. And I was like, well, that was easy. And this is the first time I'm ever going to say this and probably the last, but Google did not help me at all. I usually just go off of the first three pages of Google. LexisNexisxus what did you do
Starting point is 00:18:26 i uh what did i do oh uh podcast and youtube so well welcome to my world right um but usually i all my information comes from the first three pages of google when you literally just type in like the location haunted or the location ghost right and um this time i did that i wrote the name of this place and i said haunted i went through the first three pages i still didn't really have lots then i wrote the location ghosts and then that and i didn't really have much to work off of and all of my notes ended up being like only half a page which is not as long as they usually are so i was like okay i guess i have to like get creative with my research into a podcast but the second i researched outside like
Starting point is 00:19:06 i just typed it in on youtube there was like so much to go off of and it went quickly from being a half a page of notes to being like 10 pages of notes just off the videos so it took a while um and i had to watch all the the stuff so i'm gonna for once actually cite my sources because they came from if you were like oh i listen to all these podcasts and then you don't say them i was like we're gonna get sued so the most of most of this information some of it is the uh the more of the generic information is from what i could find on google but all the details uh come from grave talks podcast um haunting history afterlife sessions and an episode of paranormal lockdown so uh that's a tv show though right that's a tv okay okay um afterlife sessions and haunting
Starting point is 00:19:52 history we're also youtube oh okay wait which one's the podcast grave talks oh that's the only one that's a podcast i think i've heard of that one it's very good yeah i feel like i've heard of it so thank you to all of those because without, I would not be able to tell this story. Had I not done that, I've now in hindsight would have done such an injustice to this. Oh, I'm excited. So it ended up being wildly more haunted than I expected. Okay. So this is the Beatty Mansion.
Starting point is 00:20:19 Wait, I've heard of that. Okay. Hopefully I have not covered it. No, no, you haven't. If I did ever cover it, this is going to be the better version of it because I've actually like branched out. No, no, you haven't. If I did ever cover it, this is going to be the better version of it because I've actually, like, branched out. No, no, you haven't covered it. Definitely thought it was called the Beatty Mansion, but thank you, Grave Talks, for correcting me. Sure.
Starting point is 00:20:34 Beatty Mansion. Also apparently known at one point as House on the Hill. Oh, dear. Apparently it was, they didn't want anyone knowing the location of this when they first started investigating. So they literally just dubbed it the House on the Hill. Okay. So that nickname has stuck a little bit. So the Beatty Mansion is in St. Joseph, Missouri. Or as I have learned through all of my YouTube, St. Joe, Missouri.
Starting point is 00:20:58 And again, dubbed House on the Hill. It is today 18,000 square feet and it has 34 rooms. Holy smokes. So the story starts in 1854. It was built by Armstrong and Eliza Beatty. Oh, no, I'm thinking of that guy. Warren Beatty? Warren Beatty.
Starting point is 00:21:16 Walter Beatty? Sorry, I've never heard of this place. I literally was like, oh, Beatty. This is not Warren Beatty's home. Okay. Who's Warren Beatty? He's a famous actor. Okay. Sure who's who's walter baity i don't think he no one um so this is built by this house was built in 1854 by armstrong and eliza baity the original building was just the east wing so that's why earlier i said it is now 18 square feet with 34 rooms it
Starting point is 00:21:43 was just the east wing which i think is probably smaller than the west wing that was built later got it um armstrong he decided to live in saint joe and i'm gonna call it saint joe because that's what everyone else is saying and i want to fit in um armstrong decided to live in saint joe because money was coming into that part of the city because when everyone was heading west that was one of the main hubs where everyone went to buy supplies so i think he was originally planning on moving even further west but then when he realized how much money the town was bringing in he was like okay i'm just gonna stay put here makes sense so he was actually the first banker in saint joe he was very respected and a wealthy businessman he was also apparently like uh really kind of a dick when it came to
Starting point is 00:22:23 business but he was good at his job i was gonna say that often means that they become successful so right that's why we're so successful we're such assholes grade a listen we have eva just like tied somewhere yeah she can't run away um he was also the first elected mayor in 1857 and he was re-elected four more times he's the only person oh my god to serve five terms in office is that even allowed i mean i guess now i guess not yeah he got away with it maybe as mayor you can maybe i don't know not as not as president i know that much yeah our i definitely did really well in like first grade history and then after that nothing else yeah civics was not a thing that i ever really learned so in uh 1878 armstrong uh and remember he's married to his wife eliza they don't have any kids um in 1878 armstrong dies mysteriously of a quote sudden bounce of cholera oh no according to
Starting point is 00:23:19 the doctors um and then two years later in 1880 eliza died of malaria oh no so one thing i learned this from uh an interview i think in grave talks the people that now do a lot of investigating there there's a company called apex paranormal who i want to give a shout out to because i think they're responsible for every uh youtube video that i saw and they were being interviewed on grave talks um they're like basically the the paranormal hub of information for this place so i want to give them a shout out um in one of the interviews they were saying that there's something really weird about um eliza and that there is a lot of history about the area they've done a lot of research on the property and there's a lot of
Starting point is 00:24:03 information about families nearby the baity mansion especially a lot of research on the property. And there's a lot of information about families nearby the Beatty Mansion, especially a lot of people who are nowhere near as wealthy or have as much stature or are anywhere near the socialite circle as Eliza. And they have information about all those people, but there's nothing they can find on Eliza. What? So because they were so well known, you would think there would be a record of them. That's weird. But there's no information that's been easily found. Even more interesting. Oh, before I say that, this includes documents from county, city, state.
Starting point is 00:24:35 They can't find anything. What? The only reason that they know that she even died of malaria is because somehow they got in touch with distant, distant, distant ancestors who said that through the grapevine of their their family that's how sure like descendants yeah okay um what did i say ancestors which i opposite i think the other way i was like did they get in touch like with a spirit board or like maybe who knows at this point i didn't know truly you're right i guess ancestors and descendants are two different things i think different directions you know it's not my first language but it is a language you're better than me at it. I don't think so. But so, yeah, so several descendants later have heard through just like the family that she might have died from malaria.
Starting point is 00:25:13 And they also only know the year that she died. It was two years after her husband because it's on her gravestone. Oh, okay. But other than that, they don't know anything about this person. Okay. But other than that, they don't know anything about this person. And what's even more interesting is that when Armstrong died two years earlier, and the doctor said it was a sudden bout of cholera, even though there weren't really sudden bouts of cholera. Oh.
Starting point is 00:25:38 Like, you get cholera and then you're really sick for a while before you die. But he had cholera and then died, like, three days later. Oh, okay. So they don't know anything about Eliza, so they can't make any firm guarantees on this. But it's interesting that three days before he got sick, she found out that in his will he had left no money to her, only the house itself. So he left nothing for her for when he died. And then three days later, he just happened to get sick.
Starting point is 00:26:06 And the doctors called it cholera because the symptoms look like cholera but usually you it takes a lot longer for you to die but he was diagnosed thursday and died sunday okay so it's assumed even though we can't make any firm yes or no's on this um cholera symptoms are very very very similar if not basically identical to arsenic poisoning um so they think that what are the odds that like monday she found out that she was barely in the will thursday he gets really sick of something that should take longer to kill him and then by sunday he's dead so but wouldn't that make the opposite sense not in a way i mean it doesn't make sense but in a way like wouldn't she want to wait till she is back in the will i guess so maybe he was like this is the final draft i don't know she's like well might as well yeah cut the court now
Starting point is 00:26:56 so uh within a week he was dead from her knowing that i mean it's implied that she's responsible for a weird very very weird very weird coincidence. I understand. So when Eliza died two years later from malaria, from what we can gather, and the couple had no heirs, the home was sold to the Ladies Union Benevolence Association, or as I'm going to call them, Luba. I was trying to figure that out. Wait, can I ask a quick question? I'm so sorry.
Starting point is 00:27:23 So where did the money, where did he leave his money he left his money i um one uh i wanted to say article because google but one interview um said that he left it all to a nephew oh that sucks so it wasn't like to charity it was like oh no my wife doesn't get it my nephew does yeah he left it to like a some extended family that sucks okay um did that guy die too mysteriously i don't know that i don't know but so the home was sold to luba the ladies union benevolence association for 3500 which i you know i love comparing currency than a now i wish someone else figured out but 3500 what year was it um 1880 1880 35 1880, $3,500 to now. I don't think it's going to know what I'm talking about. Do West Egg Inflation Calculator. Oh, I could play this fun dinosaur
Starting point is 00:28:14 game. No internet. Oh, good. Well, this is going much smoother than I imagined. oh my god i'm sorry fast forward what is it 3500 1880 yeah okay so 3500 in 1880 is holy smokes 88 grand oh okay that's still that's still not that much no for a mansion but for a big old mansion yeah but i guess since it was maybe like it was a non-profit organization or something luba i mean i don't know yeah so uh luba made the house uh into a home for the friendless which i know they're so benevolent they're so benevolent you're friendless folks that's me they should put them in with the uh the odd fellows or something oh i love those guys um so home for the friendless was basically an organization where they would house and give food and protect uh unwed mothers any like homeless people any kids that are by themselves um uh the mentally ill maybe any addicts basically anyone that didn't have a home they would shelter you and feed you
Starting point is 00:29:23 okay interestingly enough a lot of people that they took in were sex workers in the area because in saint joe alone there were around 80 brothels in the city wow and if you got pregnant as a sex worker you got kicked out of the brothel and so there were a lot of pregnant sex workers that ended up moving in because they were now single moms. Wow. So as more people came in, they were like, wow, we like there's a lot of friendless people and we need to build a West Wing. So I think they for a while were an unnamed family. But I heard one of the interviewers actually say the name of the family, but it doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:30:00 They donated $25,000 at the time to help build a West Wing and start bringing in more people into the home. They noticed, I don't know if they did this on purpose, but they started transitioning into catering more to like elderly families or elderly people that needed a place to stay. And so by 1895, they started actually transferring the kids to orphanages and kind of weaning away from single moms and just transitioning into just welcoming in the elderly. So then the home of the friendless or whatever it was called. Christine's house. You really do take in a lot of strays. Oh, I just meant. Me as one of them.
Starting point is 00:30:36 I just meant I live there by myself, but yeah. Home for the friendless. They transitioned it into specifically for the elderly and changed the name into Memorial Home of the Aged. Whoa! They're good at this, though. This whole naming thing. They're called MOHA now, I guess. I was gonna ask.
Starting point is 00:30:53 Maha. I don't know. It doesn't matter. Maha. Maha. Um, so the home was converted into Memorial Home of the Aged. It actually was, uh, it stayed within the building. That company or that program was with the building for over 100 years.
Starting point is 00:31:07 And in 1996, 101 years later, modern facilities were needed, and the program ended up just getting moved to a new location because it was now pretty small and wasn't up to standard. So as of 1996, the mansion became a temporary home for recovering addicts, and then it was abandoned until 2004. Okay. So in 2004, it was bought by the current owner. His name's Michael. And his original goal in 2004 was, I'm going to buy this place and turn it into a bed and breakfast.
Starting point is 00:31:38 He tried to get renovations going, but activity kept halting the project. No way. Paranormal activity. Oh activity oh hell yeah so in the 2010s let's just start there okay renovations began and workers heard voices they heard footsteps they heard music they saw shadow figures and uh tools would go missing and the workers even reported getting grabbed and poked um one electrician also was alone in the house at one point and went out to the truck for tools and looked behind him and through the basement window he saw a man in coveralls
Starting point is 00:32:08 staring at him. Oh my. I hope he didn't go back into that house. Oh, he drove off and never came back. Goodbye. So this became a regular thing where the workers would not come back. Sure. He only could get contractors in there for like a couple days and within a couple days
Starting point is 00:32:22 he'd be like, we're out. That's terrible. Especially if you're just trying to get this bed and breakfast running you just want to do something nice you're like just put up the wallpaper so the owner of the building thought the people must be breaking in uh he ended up hiring some caretakers i think i don't know if he hired caretakers in bulk and like multiple caretakers were there or even they kept leaving and one by one new caretakers oh i see okay but at some point there were multiple caretakers i don't know the chronology to that got it but he hired caretakers to live there and guard the place since he thought people
Starting point is 00:32:54 must be breaking in since everyone is saying that they're seeing people walking around in this house in coveralls in coveralls so uh one thing that all the caretakers have been able to say is that activity gets even worse whenever there's a storm. Weird. So which would, I don't know, I don't know enough to be able to make like a sweeping statement about that. But it would make sense to me that if we believe that ghosts can manipulate electrical activity. I was thinking that too. Then lightning and yeah. It makes sense.
Starting point is 00:33:22 And like the amount of energy in the air. Right. Yeah. too then lightning and yeah it makes sense and like the amount of energy in the air right yeah i would imagine they like if we think they can touch static energy or manipulate or something then a storm would help conjure that yep or it's also like a shift in like you know how when you change things in a house yeah yeah or an environment yeah yeah this is us piecing it together the environment changes when it rains so i think maybe that makes more ghosts there's a 30 chance it's already raining so that's actually one of the ghosts says um oh my god so during a one storm a caretaker was uh in bed at three in the morning of course always and uh woke up to banging on his door like intense banging on
Starting point is 00:34:00 his door i would just expire on the spot especially if you're alone yeah i mean you hear like bam bam bam bam bam i'm done on a bedroom door like someone's already in your house yeah it's too late so he got up and he said he felt like eminent danger oh god okay and at one point he just got brave enough to be like i guess i'm gonna have to check open the door nobody was there but all the lights in the hall were on and every other door on the floor was wide open goodbye oh so it was able to open all the doors except his which i guess he had a lock on it maybe but even then like it goes it goes to show that it clearly wanted every door on that floor open and so it was banging on the door being like open oh god oh god um at three in the morning no at three thank you. At 3 a.m.
Starting point is 00:34:46 So, I know. I have goose zoom. Goose zoom. Goose zoom. Goose zoom. What? TMTM, by the way. Why is that not on our shirt?
Starting point is 00:34:54 Okay. Because we said it literally. The episode came out today that we said it on. People need to get on that. You've had a week. No, you've had two weeks. Oh, now you've had. When this.
Starting point is 00:35:02 Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. So, oh, yeah. yeah so another caretaker i know again during another storm um oh so was that one during a storm that was during a storm forget it this is also during a storm keep in mind the activity that i've found it doesn't really matter if there's a storm or not it sounds like this place is pretty fucking haunted yeah but conveniently this was during a storm adds to the creepiness though oh yeah like especially like i mean think of every horror movie you've ever seen and there's lightning outside completely there was a caretaker who
Starting point is 00:35:27 her was in bed again and heard music and laughter upstairs as if there was a whole party going on got out of bed went to go look and like literally could still hear this for the length of walking down entire hallway like so he's up too he's up like whatever is down there i would imagine knows that he's up and is continually still making these sounds like fucking with him and that's right oh walking the run of a hallway like that's also a long time it's not like oh did you hear that it's like i can still hear it and i'm conscious and walking around and trying to investigate while i'm hearing this horrible horrible finally opens a door to like a, I guess he opened a door thinking
Starting point is 00:36:07 that might be where the sound was coming from. And then all of a sudden, all of the sound went silent. I'm telling you, this is not a- As if it was like found us or something. Nice try. Yeah. He didn't catch it.
Starting point is 00:36:18 Which I have mentioned before, my stepmom has said that that happens a lot at my dad's house, the place that's super duper fucking haunted. Oh, that they think someone's having a party. my my dad sleeps like a rock but my stepmom sleeps super light and she's more in tune with this stuff sure and uh she said there's been many times where um they're sleeping and they live in a tiny little cabin like they don't have anything really going on out in the middle of nowhere right right but so she'll be lying in bed and the living room is
Starting point is 00:36:43 like right next to their bedroom and she'll wake up sometimes and hear like it's as if there's tens of people like right outside their door having this huge party like music's going there's laughter there's drinks clinking there's talking like it's like a whole party and you're just like in the bathroom or something and she'll get up and she'll walk outside and the second she like looks into the living room all the sound goes silent. Oh, goose cam. Goose cam.
Starting point is 00:37:07 Do you think because I like with something like this or like shining, it's kind of like, oh, a flashback to previous prior times. Like what do you think is going on at your stepmom and dad's house? Well, and this is not to give a bad rep to anybody in the community, but my stepmom is Wiccan. And that doesn't mean that she's doing anything, um, like wrong. And when it comes to like her rituals or her ceremony or anything, but I, I like to think because she's opened up the doorway so many times,
Starting point is 00:37:33 um, maybe it's just kind of like a thinner veil. So maybe she's hearing things from another realm or maybe it's residual. Although the only history we know of that, of the cabin they live in is the people who lived there before them. And they weren't. Like, they literally lived in a cabin in the middle of the woods. And they were, like, 70-year-old retirees.
Starting point is 00:37:54 Like, they didn't do anything wild. I wonder if they heard it. Maybe. I don't know. Oh, actually, I do remember when we moved in, they did say the place was haunted. I wonder what. That's so fascinating i wonder what happened before them i mean i don't know i but i know that um i wouldn't think that's
Starting point is 00:38:11 residual from them it must be residual from before them because we also have other ghosts there like several other ghosts we have one named charlie who oh yeah i used to think charlie was a cool dude and i now have associated him with the demon that also lives in that house fantastic so I don't know if Charlie's the demon or Charlie was cool but when I hear Charlie it's like now it like triggers all these like times where I would like wake up in the middle of the night to a massive black cloud floating over me oh good and I just wrote that on my list of favorite girls names so I'm glad that maybe funko m doesn't want a little charlie running around um also while you're telling that i glanced up and made eye contact
Starting point is 00:38:50 with robert the doll then i went uh-oh and i turned and i made eye contact with the skull in the other corner and i'm like i can't escape this is not the place to feel spiritually safe also my bedroom is literally on the other side of this wall so if i start hearing a fucking party tonight i'm not leaving my room just yeah well my son got to a point where she would just open the door and go shut up and then slam the door and then the sound would go away it would have to go away yeah oh that's fucking terrible that's horrifying should you get one of those nanny cams and just like see actually that'd be pretty genius we did find out that um i think this is also related to the um black cloud the demon oh you know that one you know that one
Starting point is 00:39:26 um at one time at one point when i would have done my ghost hunting i brought over some equipment and we did it kind of like a yes or no questionnaire with something that was there and we found out that it hated me for being lgbt whoa you're lgbt i am sorry also i i believe that this spirit also not to like call anyone out but i have a feeling that it was um i forget what i don't know if i don't remember what happened but apparently through either my medium friend or something that my stepmom had gathered about him found out that it was a man dressed like he was from the 50s really hated me and we imagine there's some latent repressed homosexual tendencies on his end so i think he was doing the internalized homophobia towards me in his death in the afterlife and that might be why he hated
Starting point is 00:40:18 you know i really i always liked to believe that you kind of resolved your issues upon your death but it seems like now you just kind of bring him with you maybe that's why he never passed moved on maybe anyway oh okay sorry anyway that's a tall that's a tall story i i suppose that is quite a story quite anyway there may or may not be a gay demon that's after me um please don't bring it here i certainly try not to also don't call if he listen if he has some suppressed things and you're calling him gay, he's going to get even madder. You are as straight as a circle, my friend. Okay.
Starting point is 00:40:49 I mean an arrow. I mean an arrow. Okay. So where were we? I don't have any idea. Thank you for asking me though. Okay. So, oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:00 Storms. Sure. Oh, the guy heard music in his hallway and then a wind silent. Right. There's another caretaker or maybe the same i they all start overlapping at one point one caretaker who was staying in the middle of the night heard a what sounded like a butler outside of his room going i'll be right there sir oh which by the way i would have been like no no no stay where you are i would have been like what are you bringing me first of all and then i'll tell you please i hope
Starting point is 00:41:22 i'm not sir i hope there's another sir and'm not sir. I hope there's another sir. And then it's like, I hope there's another ghost, but then it's like, I don't want anyone there. Anyway. Yeah, true. You hope it's addressing someone that's not you, but also then there's two ghosts. Right. Oh, oh no. Catch 22. Catch 22.
Starting point is 00:41:34 So apparently he got out of bed, ran out, because at this point he thought, you know, his whole job was to make sure nobody was breaking in. Like protect the house. And he heard a guy say, I'll be right there, sir. And he was like, okay, someone's probably breaking in. The politest burglar ever. Right, exactly. The burglar we all want.
Starting point is 00:41:51 So then he ran out of his room and nobody was there. At another time, a caretaker was in the kitchen, knelt down to grab something, stood back up, and there was a full-bodied apparition standing in front of him. I mean, you can't even blink nowadays i mean if you're me without getting terrified they are gonna see something oh every time i am in some sort of vulnerable position i'm honestly the second i recover from this there's gonna be 5 000 demons around like open the shower door close the in the shower close the mirror cabinet every time i go to bed now so i'm obviously i go to bed after everyone else in my apartment because rj wakes up at like 5 a.m and you know to do sports to literally go to the gym for fun
Starting point is 00:42:30 um so i go to bed last and i have to walk through i have to turn off all the lights and then walk from the living room down the hall to the bedroom and now every single time i consider it preparation if we were to like ever like do a ghost hunt or something I'm like I just stand there and I'm like okay what if I were to ever actually have to be in a dark room I need to like be ready I need to like steal my nerves I need to normalize this I need to like desensitize myself oh no not to say we are or anything but like I just I like to imagine like I need to teach myself this for survival because who knows I hope you don't expect me to be that way because I'm definitely not but it's just like a fun little risky game i play with myself how fun is that
Starting point is 00:43:09 so uh the and one time the owner was in the basement and he felt burning on his arm um took off his sweater later and saw that there were three deep scratches in his arm enough to cause bleeding and at that time he was like okay now this thing is getting violent i need help and i need answers and so he reached out to nearby paranormal places and found apex paranormal um he asked them to come in and investigate and apparently their first night there even like the first five minutes there they got so much evidence that the owner ended up agreeing to just open up the house to them wow and now apex paranormal does regular investigations there and apparently they even host other teams to investigate there too can we come apex is this
Starting point is 00:43:52 a ringing endorsement to you yet can you tell it that we're so prepared when we walk down the hallway and can't even they'll be like i heard you want to go ghost hunting in the dark and you're preparing yourself in your apartment so yeah come spend a night with us yeah it seems like you're not ready and i'll be like no a little bit um so now the building gets rented out by investigators through i think either through apex or apex is the one that goes there most often but it gets rented out by investigators and all that money goes towards the remodeled upkeep that he's always wanted so in the first five minutes the rest is now just ghosts. And there's a lot. So get ready, guys. Oh, I lost my spot.
Starting point is 00:44:29 Oh, here we are. Okay, so in the first five minutes of Apex being there, apparently they saw a shadow. They were in like the main room and they just like how if you're in a living room and it's kind of dark out, you'll see like a shadow of like a lampshade or something against the wall. They were in this room long enough that they saw a shadow and had normalized it as like oh that's just a shadow of the furniture oh my god they were there for like a solid five minutes or something and then only after that much time the shadow flew off oh my god as if it had been sitting and waiting and listening yeah oh god um then from
Starting point is 00:45:00 there they saw a figure walking down the hall in the middle of the day like it was bright enough bright enough that you wouldn't think it's, like, spooky hour, but people are walking down the hall. And then they heard a female voice shouting, I want to go home. Oh, no. Which when you, first of all, there's, I want to make it clear, so many people in the last hundred plus years have gone through this place that there's no way to know everyone's story but between it housing homeless people the elderly sex workers children i mean it held every type of person that has like a pretty wild story there's no way to even know what you're listening to half the time oh my god but so they heard a woman say i want to go home and not just through a digital recorder later like they heard it in real time it was such a powerful voice Like they heard it in real time. It was such a powerful voice.
Starting point is 00:45:45 They all heard it in real time without any machines. Um, so the main spirit is Eliza, the one who potentially murdered her husband with arsenic. Super. Um, she is the most prominent spirit in the house and she's mainly seen on the second floor between the East and West wings,
Starting point is 00:46:00 which is interesting because you would think that might be a residual spirit, but it's proven it's at least it confirms that it's an intelligent spirit because she would have no reason to guard that part of the area since the west wing was built after she died right and she's really protective of this space for some reason wow and it's definitely an intelligent um spirit and not a residual spirit because she actively responds to you and she actively hates men um boy to a point where if a man is standing in this hall for too long she will usually only like push you or poke you or you know something like that but it's gotten to a point where there have been multiple times where she has literally tried to choke men oh geez so hard that she has
Starting point is 00:46:44 left handprints and thumb marks on their necks later oh geez she will literally tried to choke men oh geez so hard that she has left hand prints and thumb marks on their necks later oh she will literally try to push into your voice box oh oh but if she likes you she'll play with your hair i i don't know i don't know if i want her to like me you know i don't want her to not like me yeah i don't think i want like the lesser of two evils um but yeah she will literally try to push into your voice box and there'll be like choke marks well that's just terrible um and there was one interviewer a researcher there named shannon and um she there was a quote where she was like if you have long hair it'll definitely get played with if you're here like there's without a doubt like they like long hair cut it off shave your damn head shave it so also there room 19, because remember there's 34 rooms here and a lot of it was a boarding house at one point.
Starting point is 00:47:27 Right. So room 19, it's alleged that there was a woman who hanged herself here from piping in that room. Oh no. There's been no hard evidence of that. However, mediums and EVP sessions have both confirmed that by speaking to spirits. confirmed that by speaking to spirits in the basement aka the worst part of this entire place that is where at one point servants lived before it turned into a bunch of housing um but it was henry and not henry georgian that's the piddock mansion that i just covered oh i got them mixed up too armstrong and eliza sorry please refer to our previous episode. Or don't and just ignore that. Or don't.
Starting point is 00:48:06 So Armstrong and Eliza, their servants stayed in the basement. Also, the creepiest part about this basement, I mean, there's many creepy things, but my personal favorite creepy thing about this is it still has the original doors from the 1800s on the hinges in the basement. What? So I saw pictures on it from the YouTube video. Like the paint is all like cracked and the handle looks like it's like older than life. So lots of negative energy there.
Starting point is 00:48:31 They also think, fun fact, that the kitchen, first of all, the kitchen is super haunted. You can see a bunch of shadows walking through there all the time. They'll even like peek around the corner and shit. Yikes. They think the kitchen is super haunted because it is directly above the basement, which is full of negative energy. Interesting. Also, I feel like the kitchen is such a i don't know maybe it's just because i was at like a house party last night i feel like there's everyone just always gathers in the kitchen right it's the most active right part of most households i would say so i have my
Starting point is 00:48:57 kitchen and my house is haunted yeah in case oh in case you didn't know that mom interesting um oh also so there's a lot of negative energy there there's also allegedly a lot of abuse that happened to the kids when they lived there because remember they weren't even originally moving them to orphanages there were just lone kids that lived here that's so sad an adult might have abused them sure um to be fair there's still apparently a lot of research to do before there's any official comment on that but it's alleged that a lot of kids used to be in the basement and so there's probably some dark things that happened in the basement i mean there's probably at least suffering if there were people there who just
Starting point is 00:49:35 didn't have a home at the very least there were sad children in the basement yeah it's it's not a good it's not a good start well so apparently in the basement and in other parts of the house it's not just contained to the basement but in the basement there have been um a lot of children heard down there from playing to um laughing to yelling to talking to each other um there's also apparently one there's an older woman and a little boy that are always paired together so i don't know if that's like a mother and son deal i don't know if they just became friends when they lived there, but apparently they've been seen in the basement together. And by the way, these YouTube videos that I watched, they do a really good job of showing you an original footage where like a lot of these EVPs, I am not going to get to the EVPs yet,
Starting point is 00:50:19 but when I get to them, I do want to say like, I listened to them and they're like weirdly clear as day. they're not ones that you have to guess on like you can hear children's voices playing and talking to each other you can hear men talking to each other you can hear a woman just screaming like but it's like they're not messing around especially if you're in a room full of adults and you hear children talking on an e- like yeah like there's nobody in the room like that's something else exactly and you can like hear like toys being like kind of oh god touched on and stuff so anyway so here's some of the other ghosts armstrong has been seen pacing the halls of the east wing and sometimes whistling while he's walking around um i did hear an evp of the whistling it was definitely
Starting point is 00:50:58 whistling creepy uh the lower portions of the house is where most of the spirits and of children are seen especially in the kitchen. There's a lot of children and there's a lot of adult. There's an adult man that walks around. But apparently in the kitchen, most of the time, if you are seeing either the man or the children, it's always shadow figures. So you don't see solid, full-bodied children running around. You just see child-sized shadow people running around which is even worse than like an adult-sized shadow person yeah i don't know it's all bad um children's voices like i
Starting point is 00:51:31 said are heard calling out all the time plus you can hear them laughing yelling playing together um in the kitchen there's a one shadow figure that walks around that's the size of a very tall man who will peek around the corners and sometimes actually follow you into the kitchen behind you so you don't know but someone else will see you walk in with someone and be like oh who who followed you in here where are they and there was no one you'll see someone looking over your shoulder which is just the worst yep uh-oh also in the basement with uh several children uh there is a dark entity that has been seen walking in the halls charging at people taunting people and then has a very creepy laugh which i have heard on evp and literally like fresh out of a movie like
Starting point is 00:52:11 what the fuck laughing in evps always gets me yeah it's like like you i kind of hate that you're having a great time you're enjoying it yeah not that i wish you're having a bad time i mean if you're a demon i hope you're having a bad time it's that i don't know what you are and therefore i don't know how i want your attitude to be all right i haven't decided what if you're a demon please don't be happy but also don't be mad because then you're gonna be twice that is what are we 22 so another there's been another man in a white shirt and overalls that's seen in the basement which makes sense because of the electrician who was there and saw someone staring out the window. People in the basement have been scratched, poked, grabbed, shoved, and have left with
Starting point is 00:52:51 bruises because of how hard they've been grabbed at. Oh, no. Apparently, the Beatty Mansion has a Twitter handle I want to mention. It's called Beatty Mansion. Nice. And it updates you on investigations and features on paranormal shows. How do you spell that? B-E-A-T-T-I-E.
Starting point is 00:53:08 Mansion. Okay, I got it. And, but yeah, so it seems like it's only like paranormal updates, which is kind of cool. That's really nice. Also, their website,, literally has a whole paranormal section where they post investigation evidence for you to view. So I appreciate when a business is like, look, we're not trying to hide it. It's haunted. Here's some footage.
Starting point is 00:53:32 Like, they know what half of us are here for to begin with. Right. There are so many places. Like, when we went to, like, the Pfister Hotel, we were like, I hear it's the most haunted hotel in the entire state. And they're like, no, there's no ghosts here. And I'm like, what? Watch your mouth. Like, honesty is clearly not part of your professional content there's like a plaque somewhere like all the ghosts on
Starting point is 00:53:49 this floor and we're like wait or like you're telling me it's not haunted and yet there are like grown like baseball players that are fleeing from this hotel and having their contract they will not stay there that's right and then i was there and i saw someone like sitting on the bed next to me yeah absolutely not goodbye come. Come on, Pfister Hotel. Make it clear. But also don't say this. Own it. Own it.
Starting point is 00:54:09 And also just like have a secret tab where all the evidence is so I can look at it. Own your ghosts. So people have seen a shadow man walking up to them from around the corner of and like seeing them in their eyes. Like you're sitting here. You see someone walk up to you and standing there. And then when you turn around, not only is he still still there but then he'll like turn the corner and walk off before you can speak to him ew so there's shadow people that show up and just like wait
Starting point is 00:54:32 for you to look at them oh sometimes they will just vanish but there have been people who've said like oh no i watched him turn the corner and i couldn't ask who he was people have seen uh someone standing at the top of the stairs which is usually eliza's spot on the second floor sure sometimes people have literally seen eliza hovering over a group of people what some people have seen her standing at the top of the stairs and then walking away apparently people have seen orbs that they assume are eliza at the top of the stairs float down the stairs and then come back up the stairs wow she likes those stairs really likes her she's got to get her steps in her calves are pretty built oh my gosh yes um people have their
Starting point is 00:55:11 shirts getting tugged on people experience vertigo they have uh ear ringing um people will feel touches on their hand apparently there's intelligent emf spikes and equipment responses so if you say can you touch this light the light will go on sometimes the uh interview sessions with spirits have gotten so intense that objects have been thrown at people there were two different videos that i watched of the four or i i watched more but the the four sources that i i listed are the ones with the most information that i got at least two of those someone got rocks thrown at them oh my god um there have been orbs that will follow you kids have been seen running up and down the halls and up the stairs one investigator named elijah from
Starting point is 00:55:50 apex paranormal said that he was in the basement by himself sitting on the bucket first mistake well apparently he's one of the only people who's actually been in the basement alone everyone only wants to do the buddy system when they're there yeah i don't blame him so he went to the basement by himself and he just like sat down there and he was sitting like on a bucket that was upside down and he saw a shadow figure um from an off room in the basement kind of peek in and then hide and then peek in and then hide and then after like a half an hour it was kind of literally like a whole shadow figure um at first he thought it was like, oh, maybe that's something like obstructing the window or reflection. But eventually within a half an hour, it wasn't just peeking out anymore.
Starting point is 00:56:31 It was like walking out and then running back in. Oh, my. Oh, no, no, no. And then walking out as if it was either playing a game or getting braver. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Either. Oh, no. Either.
Starting point is 00:56:40 I hate both. It's all bad. And so Elijah said it kept leaving farther out and then running back in for safety and then getting closer to him and then running out and he said quote the feeling of dread and danger i got when when this happened was enough to make me fall off the bucket and stumble away before i gathered myself it was one of the more intense scariest moments i've had because what ended up happening at the end was as it got braver and braver, instead of walking out and running back in, at one point, it just fucking bull rushed him. No.
Starting point is 00:57:09 And it freaked him out so much that this thing was literally just charging at him, sprinting at full force. N-O. And he, like, threw himself off the bucket and just never went back down there. And that thing probably had a grand old time. It was probably when it started laughing. Oh, yeah. I'm sure. a grand old time it was probably when it started laughing oh yeah i'm sure um there are apparently uh one of the sources told me that there's a lot of pictures still hanging up on the walls there
Starting point is 00:57:29 from that like this hundred year old map but like hundred year old pictures of the children who used to live there and shit um and there's clothing still there from people who used to live there creepy um so and also this is the place like where a lot of people did have their last good memories because this was the last place that housed them um so there's a lot of things that could still easily be attached here sure um one of the investigators or shannon the researcher she even said you get your best experiences here when you just treat it like it's a home where you're visiting people who live here and you you know are just visiting and you're just sitting down and hanging out and wanting to talk to them instead of coming in here and demanding them to speak to you. But what kind of ghost hunter would do that?
Starting point is 00:58:13 There are EVPs. What? No, you're right. He doesn't listen. I don't know. I don't know anymore. I've been getting brave and tagging him and things, so now I'm scared. That's your own problem.
Starting point is 00:58:24 That's my problem. So, uh... He blocked me long ago i gave up i'm next the day it happens um so here this is now all just evps the rest of my notes are just evps which like just to give you an idea oh shit like that's more than a lot more than normal get Get the goose cam ready. Get the goose cam ready. So goose zoom. I did not know you were going to help. That's going to be an EVP like in a hundred years when someone's investigating this area and they just start like goose zoom. Several people going goose. What could that possibly mean?
Starting point is 00:58:59 So here are some of the EVPs. I, this, this isn't even all of them. Everything that I, um, I tried to write down every single one. This isn't even all of them. Everything that I... I tried to write down every single one, and this isn't even all of it. I got fed up at one point. I was like, there's too many. You got fed up.
Starting point is 00:59:12 Okay. Which is the first time it's ever happened where I'm like, there's too many EVPs. I've never heard this. So apparently there are EVPs not limited to... Included but not limited to. Sorry, I forgot what the phrase was. I'm waiting in here
Starting point is 00:59:26 what's up i don't know where this one comes from but it's definitely a distinct 81 oh um come here no not here a kid saying six pieces as if like chocolate or toys or chocolate that's where my if it were me it'd be 60 pieces right not what was it 81 toys or chocolate that's what my mind if it were me it'd be 60 pieces right not what was it 81 pieces of chocolate that's actually wait that's future me that's my ghost piece it all together um i don't know what these mean they're super out of context but a man saying anybody can walk what i don't know what that means and i don't know if i agree with it i don't it's also very spooky if you're like a demon i don't know and this is all terrible what i like to think of it is uh so my grandpa was an amputee but sure yes when people have uh and many of us have seen him after he
Starting point is 01:00:14 passed and every one of us have seen him with both of his legs right and we were like huh he doesn't look younger which is interesting you'd think the first thing you'd want to do is like age to like your favorite year or something but he maybe that was his favorite maybe he just maybe his favorite limb i don't know yeah but i imagine that's something my grandpa would say when we find him on the stairs and he's dead and he's like anybody can walk like where's you thought your leg was gone well anybody can walk you just try hard enough so uh there's another EVP of a male saying, go back. There's an EVP of a male saying, we're happy. There's the creepy male laughs.
Starting point is 01:00:51 There's the sounds of dragging. There's a sound of, there's piano keys playing, which I had heard. I heard in a few of the videos. That's weird. There's a female EVP of someone saying, catch me. There's another female. I'm going to leave you over there. Go away.
Starting point is 01:01:07 Actually, wherever I do find you, I'm going to go the opposite direction. Run away from me. There's another female. I'm going to leave you over there. Go away. Actually, wherever I do find you, I'm going to go the opposite direction. Run away from me. There's a female voice that says, you're welcome. There's a male voice that says, look behind you. Okay. A female voice has been heard singing. There's another female British voice saying, I'll help you write this up. So it might have been someone who worked there. And EVP saying, is it cold out?
Starting point is 01:01:26 Get out of here. Shannon. Oh. And a male voice saying, get out. There's also been apparently a lot of hissing and growling. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. I like how there's one that says, we're happy. And then the rest is just like.
Starting point is 01:01:39 Everyone's like, no, we're not. Yeah. So apparently for the little kids, they've learned that if you, like, if there's like a bed or a table or something, if you take a bunch of candy and leave it everywhere and then you walk away, when you come back, all the candy will be rearranged. So in this area, they decided they were going to put candy out. And this, I think it was in paranormal lockdown. But anyway, so they decided to put candy out and they got an evp of a little kid saying
Starting point is 01:02:05 trick-or-treat and then a little kid laughing oh goose oh no oh my gosh an evp of trick-or-treat i mean some of these like i'll help you write that up like that's a long ass yeah in a british accent no less yeah like the fact that you can decipher it means it must be so clear and this isn't like a spirit box where it's like coming it's like just from the air like it's from nothing that's it's just from wavelengths that we can't or frequencies we can't hear that is so spooky dude um so there's another evp after being asked did we see you run down this hallway and you can hear someone say i did uh-huh great uh they asked if they if the spirit could touch a meter um to like prove that it was here they got an evp saying it's hard oh and then the meter did go off and then they said did you
Starting point is 01:02:51 make that uh did you do that and they got an evp it is it is my fault oh no it's not your fault it's like no you you did it i guess it's your we asked you to do it i guess it's your fault. We asked you to do it. I guess you caused it, but it's not your fault. You're not in trouble. When asking, did you go in here? Someone threw a rock at Nick. Like, in the room. He heard something go into the space, looked in the room, and said, did you go in here? A rock got thrown at him. Who's Nick?
Starting point is 01:03:18 Is he just in one of these? He's in Paranormal Lockdown. Oh, whoa, whoa. This is Nick Groff. It is? Yes. Like, from... He has his own show called paranormal okay i don't think i've ever seen that show um really good uh so he said did you go in here a rock got thrown at him and
Starting point is 01:03:32 then he said he was like oh what happened who did that blah blah and an evp said i throwed it oh okay this might have been a little kid it sounds like yeah who knows also in this show it was explained that the longer you stay in uh the house the more the energy intensifies because it gets comfortable around you oh um i just forgot to mention that earlier that's in my notes that's spooky also they use the sls stick figure machine and one a person was standing right next to nick and when he went out like this to like touch the air because he couldn't see it but someone said oh there's something by you he went to stick his hand out to feel a cold spot and then he felt what felt like a person move at the exact same time that the camera showed the stick figure
Starting point is 01:04:14 moving away from him it's like don't touch me and then an evp of a voice saying i'm sorry as if it was like in his way or something oh my oh my Oh my. They asked, where can we find you? An EVP said upstairs. During a spirit box session, they said, did you have good memories here? They said, I did not. Oh. Another team asked, what's your name? They got the word Eliza.
Starting point is 01:04:39 And then Paranormal Lockdown got several EVPs right after one another saying, turn back, Nick. Warning you, I'm not leaving. In the cellar. I can help him. Okay. Okay. And then... Goodbye.
Starting point is 01:04:53 I think two of those might have actually been from a different YouTube thing. But, I mean, they're all creepy and they're all long, which is the worst part. It's all bad. And there's another EVP that they got um right before a um emotion sensor went off an evp saying i ain't dead so i don't know if that was like it showed up debatable but in our world you are but i'm not one to argue with uh with a with a undead spirit so um someone also said uh two different names came up when they were like, who, who's here or what's your name?
Starting point is 01:05:26 They got Annette and they got Preston. They asked, is there anything we can do to help you? And they got an EVP saying yes. Another time they said, will you talk to us more later if we come back? And they got an EVP saying you got it. Aw. They asked, can we stay here tonight? And they got an EVP saying you could if you were brave.
Starting point is 01:05:45 Um, they asked, are you Eliza? And EVP saying, you could if you were brave. They asked, are you Eliza? And EVP said, yeah. They asked, how many of us are here? And then the EVP said, many. They asked, oh, so this was actually Elijah from Apex. He was talking about how one time he was in the hallway where Eliza does not like men. He actually felt himself getting choked and like feeling his neck getting wrapped around he couldn't breathe and at some point he could breathe again
Starting point is 01:06:09 and said listen if you want me to leave just say you want me to leave you don't have to hurt me like i'll go if you want me to um just tell me to leave and then he heard an evp of a woman say leave and he did i was gonna say did he though because i feel like a lot of times you get get out and then i'm like oh lot of times you get get out and then i'm like oh cool and then they don't get up he also had asked before he was like eliza are you the one that choked me and they got an evp of her saying yes she's like how much clearer do i have to make it's like i don't know what you need from me at this point out of my hallway they asked what's your name they got an evp that said jeff they've asked did you smoke cigars and jeff said
Starting point is 01:06:43 yes and then they said what would you do to relax and jeff said yes and then they said what would you do to relax and jeff said so so all of those those all happened at one time in one chunk which is kind of cool because that's super intelligent responses they asked who's in here with us and they've got an evp that said ed and then i guess ed or whoever was in the room with them scared one of the investigators by accident and they said did you mean to scare her and an evp came out saying i didn't accident and then uh where is the best place to talk they got basement no uh they asked can we play more music and i guess there was like maybe they're playing music to try to get people to talk can we play more music and they got an evp not in this room and then uh
Starting point is 01:07:26 i guess they had heard knocking on the wall in response to yes or no questions so they said did you just knock on the wall and they got an evp saying you found me oh forget it uh in the basement where all the kids voices are often heard they and also there's that one woman who seems to always be with that little boy right they heard in the basement uh kids voices and then they heard a woman say don't worry everything's going to be okay almost as if the investigators scared the kids and the woman was saying it's okay um last but not least there uh this was one of apex paranormal's first investigations i guess but they um they said it was also one of their favorite things that they've witnessed is they heard a little kid um it with their in real time with their ears not a machine they heard a little kid um sing songy say the name eliza like oh eliza and so they think it
Starting point is 01:08:21 was a kid it could have been eliza herself um but they heard it loud enough that it echoed through the room oh dear and they thought it might have been other people investigating upstairs and they checked with them and no one had said anything so they played it back on their digital recorder and you can hear the voice coming from the other side of the wall oh god and that somehow is a story i never covered called the baby man that is insane yeah that is scary like that place is bananas yeah i mean really truly bananas beyond we're sorry we're sorry eliza it sounds kind of like the hamilton oh my god okay all right well we are way deep in this episode so let's get moving to murder let's get freaky this is the murder of this is the story of the murder of hella crafts aka the wood chipper
Starting point is 01:09:17 murder okay and i thought i had i thought i had covered this too but I hadn't, and it's a pretty big one. So here we go. Let me get comfortable in my creaky chair. Okay. So, interestingly enough, this, which I didn't know when I started this, was the first ever episode of Forensic Files, like the pilot. Oh, wow. In which Forensic Files, obviously, I hope you guys, most of you know what it is, but it is the longest running true crime series in tv history also if you work at forensic files and want us to somehow be a part
Starting point is 01:09:49 of forensic files please let us know what is like i don't know dramatic reenactment actors actually yes wait a minute not as correspondence at all just like as the murderer correspondence it's been the same narrator since 1996 so don't't even try. What if he needs a day off? We can help. Absolutely not. I don't want to fill in for him. He's fucking got it. I'll do it. Okay, I feel like this show will not survive without him.
Starting point is 01:10:13 And I should know his name because he's very famous, but I don't remember. Sorry. His name's Emsholtz. No, it's not. Season 1, Episode 1, originally aired April 21st, 1996, and the episode was called the disappearance of helicrafts so okay here we go helicrafts was a danish flight attendant living in newtown connecticut which is near where blaze is from uh she and her husband richard crafts who also worked for the airlines as a pilot and um also on the side as a part-time police officer so they'd actually met working um in the airlines uh had married in 1979 and had settled down in connecticut and she continued to work and they
Starting point is 01:10:51 had three children and both parents worked and by the mid 80s their marriage was not so happy um hella began to suspect richard of having an affair and so in september of 1986 she finally had enough she met with a divorce attorney named diane anderson who was interviewed in this forensic files episode and the two um of them decided it was smart it would be best for her to hire a private investigator um to follow the husband and see what they could find out before doing any sort of divorce paperwork so they uh interviewed the private investigator his name is keith mayo i love not even kidding they literally my name is m mustard well i'm christine horseradish so go away
Starting point is 01:11:37 um keith mayo had uh like okay so i don't think this is real. But in the reenactment, there's like this door and it's like private eye Keith Mayo. And it's just so good because it's the 90s and it's so dramatic. Dramatic reenactments were way more dramatic in the 90s. Oh, yeah. Especially, I'm sorry, his name is just crazy. It reminds me of Proud Family when Penny Proud's best friend was like Dijonay and all of her siblings were different spices. Yeah. Oh, my God. I loved that show. Anyway. Okay. best friend was like dijanay and all of her siblings were different spices yeah oh oh my god
Starting point is 01:12:05 i've loved that show anyway um okay so keith mayo was also interviewed in the episode so this is like a chock-a-block full um she explained to keith that richard was never home he was constantly lying about his whereabouts etc um friends would later say say Richard was also physically abusive towards her at this point. And so when she hired Mayo PI, it's just so wild, Keith Mayo PI and gave him some so she gave him some phone bills and they featured a phone number that she didn't recognize. And so he, you know, found where that phone number was coming from. And he followed the leads, asked to meet up with her a few weeks later. And when they met up, Keith handed Hela a set of photos he had taken of Richard kissing another woman outside of this other woman's home in New Jersey.
Starting point is 01:12:54 Uh-oh. Not only was she another woman, she was another flight attendant. So that just, I feel like, has got to hurt pretty bad. So she's devastated, obviously, even though she though she had you know had a clue about this she was pretty devastated um two months later november 18th 1986 hella had gotten back from working a long flight from frankfurt and her one of her work friends dropped her off at home and unfortunately she was never seen again oh no a few days later when hella missed her next flight assignment and hadn't called in sick which which was very much unlike her, a few of her friends called her home phone.
Starting point is 01:13:30 And Richard, her husband, explained that she had gone to Denmark to visit her sick mother. So when they kind of looked into this and were like, really, we didn't hear about this. Like, she would have mentioned it. And he said, oh, no, actually, sorry. Hela was actually on vacation and they got some island with her friends and can't be reached and they were like okay you just said she was with her sick mother in denmark okay already changing your story yeah um so her co-workers were like okay something is clearly up here they also remembered that she had recently confided in them on one of
Starting point is 01:14:00 their shifts saying if anything ever happens to me don't think it was an accident i'm like if someone says that to me i'm gonna i'm so i would like call the police i don't know what i'd be like i'm gonna preemptively call the police preemptively like if you ever get a call from this phone number no it's an emergency and they'll be like we're the police it's always an emergency and i'll be like right you're correct blaze works at an emergency room and i can tell you it is not always an emergency in fact 99 of the time it seems to be a minor nosebleed uh or a bug bite anyway oh my god yeah uh sorry so yes i it's just such a trope in these crime shows now of like if something happens to me it was him or whatever i'm like oh my god if someone told me that i would be so scared already
Starting point is 01:14:45 before anything even happened yeah it's just not a good sign um so they were like well something's going on clearly so they got in contact with hella's attorney diane uh her divorce attorney and said like hey she just vanished and her husband's not telling us where she is and um this is obviously really unusual she has three young kids at home. She wouldn't just disappear. So Diane called our friend Keith May, OPI, who immediately said Richard had something to do with this because he had been following him and he knew how rocky their marriage was
Starting point is 01:15:16 and he just knew something was up. So he immediately decided to report her missing to the Newtown Police Department. Unfortunately, they didn't seem all that worried. You know, it's hard with missing people. Most of those cases are solved pretty quickly. And so a lot of times they're not taken seriously. So Keith was dismissed.
Starting point is 01:15:35 You know, his concerns were kind of dismissed. So Keith said, you know what? This sounds like a case for Keith Mayo, P.I. And his partner, Dijonay. And M. Mussard and Christine Horseradish. Do you know what I think is the wildest fun fact
Starting point is 01:15:49 about Proud Family? What's that? Is that, sorry, I know I keep bringing it back to that. I just love spices. Since when? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:15:56 You don't like spices. I just love this conversation. Okay. That, did you remember like the bossy girl on Proud Family? Yeah. Do you know what her name was
Starting point is 01:16:05 no i don't remember la cienega boulevard is stop i need to re-watch this show and for any i remember like it came to me in like a vision and i was like what on earth and for those who do not live in la la cienega boulevard is like a major like road it's like a through street through LA. And I remember I put it together and my brain just went... That is... Like someone literally, a writer literally either lives on La Cienega Boulevard or the writing staff would work
Starting point is 01:16:38 on that street or something. I bet their commute was on that street and they fucking hated it. And so then they named the bully after their commute. Literally, La Cienega Boulevard. That's crazy. I never. It blew my mind.
Starting point is 01:16:52 Anyway, sorry. Did not mean to take away from the murder. From Keith Mayopi. Yes. So this sounds like a case for Keith Mayopi. He takes the case on himself. He's like, the police aren't going to do it. I'm going to do it.
Starting point is 01:17:01 So in the Forensic Files episode, they actually show footage that Keith that he gave them um of him interviewing the craft's live-in nanny and he had like set up a camera in the corner of the room like it wasn't even like he just recorded it here he's like set it up to like like a wide shot yeah like a wide shot and like on the ceiling like i don't know how he did it but it's just so funny he like took this very seriously which is good because like he really helped but so they show footage of keith interviewing the nanny she describes um mysterious dark stain that she noticed on the carpet inside the bedroom door shortly after hella had disappeared she said it was the size of a grapefruit really dark and she didn't know what it was she then explained that shortly after richard ripped up all the carpet
Starting point is 01:17:42 to replace the flooring and would not give an explanation as to why. Also concerning is that the nanny noticed the large freezer the family kept in the garage had simply vanished overnight. I don't like what that freezer's being used for. Nope. When Keith looked into Richard's credit card receipts, he noticed that shortly after
Starting point is 01:18:01 Hella had disappeared, Richard had rented a commercial wood chipper. Oh my god. this is just getting worse and worse and worse i i was worried most about the freezer until the next thing you said and i'm like i don't even care about that freezer now it's just evolving um i know i keep i when i was watching i like forgot about the freezer and then it came back and i was like oh my god the freezer like we were at a wood chipper it was like wait a minute hang on a lot of machinery here. A lot of big items. Big ticket items.
Starting point is 01:18:28 So Richard took a lie detector test and he passed. Okay. The polygraph examiner said he showed virtually no emotion at all. Okay. Got it. Duly noted. So, like, maybe worse than actually passing. Yeah, it's like, I kind of wish she passed now.
Starting point is 01:18:43 Yeah, it's just not good. Connecticut she passed yeah wish you yeah it's just not good connecticut police um so finally they're involved now um they call in uh who forensic files calls their secret weapon okay and this is forensic expert dr henry lee and he is like basically a genius he has his own wikipedia page i was reading all about him and his background it's fascinating so he is a forensic expert and he and police examine the craft's home and on the mattress dr lee discovered five tiny stains so small they could like barely be visible by the naked eye and when they tested those spots they were human blood the same type as hella's and my first thought is like okay you know it's a bad like menstrual blood perhaps earlier on your period whatever something like that could happen
Starting point is 01:19:30 but apparently and now i did not know this fun fact okay they can test whether it's circulation blood or menstrual blood huh it's like a different i'm not surprised but it's nice to know right like it makes sense if you think about it but it's something that i wouldn't have really never thought about it yeah um so they tested the blood and it was not menstru, but it's nice to know. Right. Like, it makes sense if you think about it, but it's something that I wouldn't have really thought of. Never really thought about it. Yeah. So they tested the blood, and it was not menstrual blood. It was circulation blood, which is not good. So that means it's coming from, he said, a blood vessel had to be injured for the blood to have appeared, essentially.
Starting point is 01:19:56 Like a cut or something like that. Dr. Lee also determined that the location of the blood indicated the victim had been leaning over the bed or kneeling, and it appeared as though the victim had been struck by a blunt object there were there was also a six inch smear of blood down the side of the mattress awesome so basically as if someone had been hit and then like slid down the side of the mattress essentially the towels in the bathroom had been recently washed fully cleaned and dried but when they tested it there's like photos of this they just lit up blue which is a sign of blood and so they were soaked in blood like they're just these blue towel they're like white and then they test them like they they were white and someone got up that much blood i think he just bleached the shit out of them i see i was like that is the real thing we should be focusing how i know i'm like hold on for at least one second dr lee give
Starting point is 01:20:43 me give me some background like oxy clean or some shit i don't know if they were white but they were definitely like light colored towels got it and they were had been washed i see i got it um so you can see the photo of the blue it's really disturbing but again they had no body at this point no weapon no witnesses and they were like well what do we do with this so what they do is they go back to the drawing board and they kind of go back to the day that Hela disappeared. And they realized a snowstorm had moved through on the night of Hela's disappearance. And so they got in touch with this snowplow driver. And he reported seeing a wood chipper on a bridge at about 3.30 in the morning.
Starting point is 01:21:20 And remembering it was an odd placement in time. and remembering it was an odd placement in time, he saw a man wearing an orange poncho on the side of this wood chipper who looked out and then, like, disappeared behind it as if he didn't want to be seen. Ugh. Very spooky. So police obviously go to that bridge where he said he had seen it, search the riverbank around the bridge,
Starting point is 01:21:37 and all they find are a few mounds of wood chips at first, but then they find what looks to be an envelope. Oh, no. And it's mail male and it's addressed to hella hella m crafts so that it's like in the wood chips there's literally still a piece of envelope that has her name on it so they're like well i see she's associated with this pile of wood chips one way or another right they also found blonde hair blue fibers a piece of metal and small bone fragments and when the snow finally
Starting point is 01:22:06 melted police found something even more gruesome you're not gonna like this they found a pinky fingernail with pink nail polish on it i know i'm sorry nope i thought it was a fingertip at first but it was just the the nail that's kind of i mean at least the the one thing that didn't at least cause her pain like i'm sure if they were like long that was the the least painful part of it all was losing a finger and a fingernail well i mean i still hate it in my mind though i imagine that's something to do with the wood chipper i don't think that this is something that happened during life but yes i know i'm just thinking like of all of the different parts of her body they could have found that is the least threatening it's not like but it's still the grossest to me yeah it's just something that you don't like personally yeah um in the river itself
Starting point is 01:22:49 detectives found pieces of a chainsaw and they were like that's strange um obviously and they had the serial number scratch the chainsaw the serial number scratched off of it also unusual so they examined the individual saw blades and they find hair tissue and tiny blue pieces of fiber the same light blue color of hella's favorite nightshirt which was missing out of her bedroom according to the hartford current when state police divers began looking for his wife crafts told his brother-in-law let them dive there's no body it's gone like to his brother-in-law so to her brother okay or maybe his sister's brother husband whatever however family works not good not good um so the serial
Starting point is 01:23:32 number like i said had been scratched off but they somehow were able to use forensic files was very proud of this chemicals to remove the top layers of the metal and reveal the serial number beneath the scratched off layers so they found it and surprise surprise it matched richard craft's rental paperwork i see on his credit card statement that actually is pretty nifty i know i'd be proud to forensic files is great guys double f double f i write ff everywhere here it's so funny oh that's what i put for fun fact oh if someone read our notes it would be so fucking bananas it's bananas it's not good if like everything is abbreviated in a way that only i know where if you read it i it makes a completely different version of sense
Starting point is 01:24:12 to you someone yeah i put like smiley faces frown faces somebody one time like stole our notes off the stage and i was like i remember that not good i remember one time someone stole both sets of our notes and they were like can you sign it and i was like oh i don't want to like associate i mean i'll do it but i want to make it clear like i'm not agreeing that this is mine because you have it in my name yeah yeah yeah because i look like a crazy person ff well i don't think it's any coincidence that ff is fun fact and forensic files that's true but sometimes a lot of people think that they'll figure out like if they want to look at it like cw means civil war to me not content warning sw means sex worker so a lot of people think like oh if cw civil war then sw is like some other type of war and i'm like oh no
Starting point is 01:24:58 they're two different things but unless you knew that who is trying to break down your notes like this um i have they have been open next to allison and she's been like what the fuck are you i see yes that is i i imagine i wouldn't understand it either no it's my own formula yeah um so anyway ff and my current notes are is uh forensic files and pf is proud family got it pf is proud family um km is keith mayo okay so when it came to the bone okay sorry no no no no investigators used hella's hairbrush to match the hair on the chainsaw to her hair then the fingernail they compared the polish to her polish at home and it was a match and when it came to the bone fragments
Starting point is 01:25:37 they wanted to find out whether going through a wood chipper would have caused the breakage that they found in the bone chips or like had it been pre-broken exactly like is this what caused the breakage that they found in the bone chips or like had it been pre-broken exactly like is this what caused the bones to break so they put a pig through it oh dead pig not a live pig i don't know where we where we're going with this thank god i know it's terrible i still awful i saw footage of it i don't oh that's bad for you leave pigs alone they're so smart and empathetic and oh god they know how to love i know which is the worst part stop eating them or do i mean do what you want but i feel bad about it just don't put them in wood chippers for well i guess if you're trying to figure out a murder that's a better reason than for fun i mean you're i'd like to think the pig donated itself to science let's
Starting point is 01:26:20 think about it that way um so the cut on the bones matched the cuts on the bones that they found at the river so it did indicate these bone chips came from the wood chipper so investigators concluded that craft struck hella in the head with something blunt at least twice staining the carpet with blood then kept her body in the freezer for hours until she was frozen solid he then cut her apart with the chainsaw and put the pieces of her body through the wood chipper, probably projecting her fragmented remains into the truck and then shoveling them out into the river. That's a lot of steps. It's a lot of steps.
Starting point is 01:26:59 And wow, did it make a great reenactment. You know what? Glad to know that the production value was spot on. I know. So Dr. Lee began to focus on the small piece of metal they found in the riverbank. They determined that it was the crown of a tooth. But since there was no human remains on it, they couldn't determine whether it was hers. So what they did was they hired this forensic odontologist. Didn't even know that existed.
Starting point is 01:27:24 I know. It's fascinating fascinating so he went to the river dr lee was like hey can you go down to the river and search for evidence so he's like for five days so he gets sent down to the river it's freezing down there and he starts searching for evidence and he says he was there for about eight hours when he slipped and fell down into the riverbank that's me um on the job yep he had gotten muddy so he wiped his hands in the bucket he was using to collect evidence and there was a tooth that was god i know he was telling the story on the show like it was insane he's like i went in to wash my hands and i was like that was the guardian angel smacking him like literally shoved him down the hill that's right so that he would
Starting point is 01:28:00 have to find this it's like you'll thank me later. Yeah. Sorry. Every time I fall now, I'm going to be like, sorry, my guardian angel was just. I was trying. There's a sign. I needed to see what it was. Oh, poor boys. Yeah. He's just going to be so over it. So he'd been there.
Starting point is 01:28:16 Right. Okay. So because he's a forensic odontologist, he's like, great. This is literally what I do. I have this tooth now. And he was able. It's like a Pokemon master, like finding like a new Pokedex or something. Oh, this is convenient for me only.
Starting point is 01:28:29 Oh my God. Exactly. So he was literally able to match his tooth 100% to her dental record. So it was like a match. Bingo. That was, I'm telling you. Bingo, bango. They had enough to go on.
Starting point is 01:28:38 Everything happens for a reason, folks. I don't totally believe that. I do. I don't believe she was put in a wood chipper for a reason. I believe that he fell for a reason. I sure 50 50 okay live laugh love if you want all right um richard craft was arrested and charged in the murder of his wife hella craft and at the end of the forensic files episode they have a summary of what they believe to have happened they believe hella craft got home from the late shift from europe around 7 p.m when she was dropped off she put the children to bed
Starting point is 01:29:08 around 8 and the nanny wasn't expected home until midnight because she had the night off and hella changed into her favorite blue nightshirt looked through her mail and put some of her mail in her pocket she and richard got into an argument and as hella was bent over the bed either changing or rearranging the sheets richard beat her over the head with his police flashlight because he worked as a part-time police officer wrapped her in a comforter carried her body to the freezer attempted to clean with the towels that they found in the bathroom uh he then took his kids to a family member's house rented a large wood chipper and now by now hella's body was frozen so he transported the remains along with the chainsaw and wood chipper to so he transported the remains along with the chainsaw
Starting point is 01:29:45 and wood chipper to the river dismembered her with the chainsaw then put the body pieces through the chipper so the mail made its way through the chipper it was in her pocket they believe thankfully because uh it had her name on it so like when they were first searching that's what linked it to her which is just amazing that like that little sliver with her name on it was preserved. So Richard Crafts was found guilty of murder on January 9th, 1990, after only eight hours of deliberation. He was sentenced to 50 years in prison. And this case is also fascinating because it marked the first murder conviction in the
Starting point is 01:30:20 state of Connecticut without the presence of a body. And that is the story of the murder of Helicrafts, the first ever episode of our beloved Forensic Files. FF. FF. That's really cool. And horrible. I mean, yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:32 But it's just fascinating. I love FF. And KM. Well, yeah. Obviously. Obviously. Anyway, thanks for listening or watching. I have nothing to say.
Starting point is 01:30:43 I don't know what to say. That was a good story man i know oh thank you i'm glad yours was bananas so this was a wild episode yay yay this comes out the 9th so we've got the 10th the 10th yep i'll never know we'll see if i'm survives the camping trip truly i can't i can't make a promise even to myself that it's gonna go well um thanks for listening or watching you can find uh all of our stuff at and that's why we drink dot com. You can follow us on social media at ATWWD podcast. What else?
Starting point is 01:31:14 Email. Oh, yeah. You can send in your listener stories, either true crime or paranormal, too. And that's why we drink at gmail dot com. And please put listener story in the subject. And Eva might pick it for a future episode, a listener episode. every month yay yay and that's why we drink yay bye guys okay

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