And That's Why We Drink - E146 Iceberg Feet and Valuable Skittles

Episode Date: November 17, 2019

Surprise! We're going back on tour in 2020! Be sure to stay tuned because we'll be releasing cities and dates shortly but in the meantime Patreon donors will get early access to tickets starting on 12.../2! You can sign up here: ( week Em covers the tragic, spooky legend behind James Dean's haunted car the Little Bastard. Then Christine brings us the mysterious story of the Durham Family murders. Christine also might be a haunted car herself... and that's why we drink!Please consider supporting the companies that support us!This season make more merry at with up to 50% off all holiday cards and photo calendars, plus great deals on photo gifts at ( . Just enter promocode Drink50Head to to order your free Home Try-On. Take the quiz to find your perfect pair of glasses today!For 20% off your first purchase, visit ( and use promo code DRINK during checkout!Don’t spend a minute of your holiday season at the Post Office this year. Sign up for instead. Just go to ( , click on the Microphone at the TOP of the homepage and type in DRINK

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Starting point is 00:00:00 okay oh dear it's okay all right all right we're here episode 146 we did it the big one of four six it's what i've always wanted like hello that's the number fresh okay we are here um we are back uh we've filmed two or recorded two episodes last week now we're back for another two so back to back um you probably just heard a little promo unless you're listening to this like way far in the future but we're going on tour again yay yay and if you're on patreon guess what you get special special access yay which we special we're so excited we didn't put it in like originally because we didn't know if it was possible thank god when someone made it possible it wasn't i was gonna say we we didn't do it no somebody did it but um if you're on patreon if you
Starting point is 00:01:02 join um soon gotta kind of get on it but if you join we're gonna give you a special promo code to get early access to tickets so that's kind of really exciting yes we had we got the green light to be able to let you guys know where we're where we're going and all that so yes these announcements are coming soon for like actual shows um we're announcing all the cities at once which is great oh that's so much better we're already like a step a thousand steps ahead as of uh which will be nice when we break even from all the horrible things that will probably happen right there might be things that go wrong but so far uh things are looking up um yeah so that's exciting yes do you have any announcements
Starting point is 00:01:39 okay good because i do um i wanted to say thank you because now it's been two weeks since I made my big complaint to all of you. And I want to apologize for being in a less than stellar mood or, I don't know, attitude that day. And everybody's been really kind to me and I appreciate it. And nobody was like, you're being such a complainy brat or maybe they were i just didn't see it but um i really appreciate it thank you everyone for your kind words and um yeah i just it made me really happy and i was like thank you and then someone wrote why is everyone pitting em and christine against each other i'm like because we hate each other i was like finally jesus how long do we have to tell you finally someone saw what was happening there but so then there was the empire people still were like well i'm still my favorite i was like okay i get it thank you uh i like my loyal listeners yeah yeah yeah um so i was like you have the empire and then a couple people threw some things in there was christine i like that one well there's some really
Starting point is 00:02:39 good ones pristine oh my god question that was by sierra um this one's interesting x team sheifer that's pretty good yeah they're all good by captain cuddles then there's um this one's good the christening wait that's the one i think by lieutenant han then there's christine dumb christine like kingdom yeah sure christine dum um by murder road pod and then this one is my personal favorite the christine chapel whoa they're like that was by uh amore dg but they were like actually love that because you're a work of art okay and we worship you okay now i don't love it okay empire you literally have something like the Byzantine Ottomans had. So leave me alone.
Starting point is 00:03:27 I get a chapel. Anyway, so thank you. Also, one thing I wanted to clear up real quick before we get started is that on a recent episode, we talked about how Renee loves Shrek in like a sexual way. And a lot of people thought that meant Renata, my mother. Oh, no. Two different people people and they were like wow your mom's really and i was like my mom doesn't even know what trek is like no please god
Starting point is 00:03:50 also if she was don't kink shame renata no they were no they were like wow cool your mom i was like i'm all for it actually no i'm not i'm not for my mother like sexually idolizing an animated children's character sorry everyone's got a thing that's okay no renee has that thing not everyone's got that thing renee is a blast renee is a friend of ours not my mom to be clear there's renee and renata different people yeah only one of them is interested in shrek that we know of that we know of although renata might be converted by the end of this probably not because i if i have anything to do with it, we're going to avoid that at all costs. I texted her, do you know what Shrek is?
Starting point is 00:04:28 And she's like, yes. And then just like never. But if you texted Renee, do you know who Shrek is? Some really extra things would come back. No, she would know better. She knows I would never speak to her again. So that's all. Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you to everybody
Starting point is 00:04:42 for being kind on social media. That was very warm to my heart a bit. And yeah, you still have a lot of favorites, but that's all anyway i just wanted to say thank you to everybody for being kind on social media that was very um warmed my heart a bit and um yeah you still have a lot of favorites but that's okay yeah i'm glad you had your two weeks everyone will come back to me i know i got a little minute of some love so thank you everybody um and that's all uh i don't i have a random life update that means really nothing to anybody except me and your whole empire and the empire um so i became friends i didn't become friends hang on um so in college there was this uh i was in like a like a group of i had my like squad and dear god and one of them at one point said oh have you ever heard of rat Master, the Rap Master?
Starting point is 00:05:25 And I was like, no, I don't know what that is. And Rap Master ended up becoming a thing that, you know, we talked about a lot in my group. And then I ended up bringing home when I was on break. Basically, there was this guy in our college town who was a aspiring rap artist who left everyone his phone number. Just through word of mouth, people would get this phone number in their phone, and you could call him at any time and just pick a random topic, and he would freestyle rap a song to you. Stop.
Starting point is 00:05:56 And then just hang up as if he was dropping the mic. And I texted my friends recently, and I was like, do you remember Rap Master? Because I was looking through my old phone and found, I found in my phone Ratmaster. And I was like, oh, wow, I've got to ask my friends if they still remember us ever calling him. Because we used to call him all the time. We would ask about, we'd pick Pokemon or Waffle House. And he would just tell you the best rap you ever heard about Pokemon.
Starting point is 00:06:19 And this was before Venmo, so it's not like he was even probably getting paid for any of this. Oh, it's totally free. This was back when we had flip phones. That's not fair you had a flip phone in college yeah i didn't get a flip phone until i met you in boston a flip or i didn't get an iphone until yeah blaze didn't get an iphone until he met me either i don't know what my what i think i just wanted to snapchat everyone well yeah i had a flip phone in college but uh i had a blackberry so why am i even taught i'm like i didn't have a smartphone either. Okay. Anyway, I was looking through my contacts. I found Ratmaster.
Starting point is 00:06:47 I reached out to my friends and I was like, do you still have remember this guy? And they're like, I kind of remember him, but I remember him being really good and like wanting to tell everybody about him. And then I totally just like forgot about him until I found his number. And so I was like, I bet I could find this guy. Like catfish is a thing. I have a phone number. Like, I'm was like i bet i could find this guy like catfish is a thing i have a phone number like i'm just gonna go figure out who this guy is so i found him on instagram he actually never went by rap master just through word of mouth and like the game of
Starting point is 00:07:13 telephone people called him rap master or at least that's the name i knew him as but he apparently goes by a totally different name and um i ended up finding his instagram and dming him and saying, like, you were such a great rapper. And, like, my friends and I loved you in college. And I found out he lives, like, a half an hour away from me. And we're going to go get drinks. In L.A.? Yeah. Shut up.
Starting point is 00:07:34 So we're going to go get drinks next week. Does he rap? He still does it. Oh, yeah. Let me give everyone his number. He's still, like. His number? Oh.
Starting point is 00:07:40 No, like, the number that. Yes. So you can. Well, I don't know. You can call him at any time. And he will send, give the is he okay with this he's fine you're he's okay with i'm gonna tens of thousand people calling him all the time he has 25 000 fans currently that call him all the time oh and on his instagram maybe just give the instagram so they can go follow him i mean on his instagram in every post he leaves his phone number oh okay
Starting point is 00:08:04 all right so i'm gonna i just want to shout him out because i remember him being like so much fun in college okay his uh instagram is called press play hotline okay oh yeah i'm looking this up too and his uh his phone number is 205-617-9166. Press play. He has 2,000. You said he has 25,000. No, no, no. 25,000 people have, like,
Starting point is 00:08:31 there was some article that came out about him about, like, how many people have called him and asked for random raps. But in all of his texts, in all of his... This is so cool. In all of his posts, he says either text me or email me
Starting point is 00:08:42 or call me from that number and leave a topic and I'll, like, make you a track. track lol text me your email today and i will send an unreleased okay so maybe text him text him maybe don't call him because maybe he's too big now i don't know i we used to call him all the time and it was fine but shoot him a text if you want a random rap this is so wild dude oh my gosh i want to call but i i just why don't we call we gotta call okay we can call him oh my gosh this is so cool but i i just don't we call we gotta call okay we can call oh my gosh this is so cool but anyway him and i are like buds now so the press play hotline hell yeah and he
Starting point is 00:09:12 said if we ever do a show in la he and his wife want to come see us oh my gosh so full circle vip anyway i've talked a lot about him i just wanted to give that guy some free promo because i always thought he was super cool um and that's it that's my update i'm getting drinks with someone that i that's really cool was like a legend in college i have noticed that about the podcast kind of cool like the people you end up reconnecting with yeah where you're like oh they found me or they like heard about the show and we're like oh i remember her and like yeah reached out it's always really fun anyway so i didn't mean to go off on that tangent but it was just like this elusive mythical creature to me in college. I was like, if I just call, I just get like a custom made rap.
Starting point is 00:09:48 It sounds like a mythical thing. And I thought in my mind, he like just kind of vanished. And then he just was so easy to find. And I was like, hey, I really like your stuff. And the phone number's still open. I love that. Yeah. He said he's been doing it since 2006.
Starting point is 00:10:00 On the Razr? From the Razr to the iPhone 11. Oh, they can see it now. Anyway. From Pillar to... No. From Rapper. on the razor from the razor to the iphone 11 oh they can see it now anyway from pillar to no from rapper let's hope not pillar to killer because i'm getting drinks with them next week yeah well we'll see anyway i'll give you guys an update on how that's so exciting i love that update i had no idea um yeah also by the way there are a couple shows where people have come up and been like you probably don't know me and i'm like oh my god like i went to high we went to high school and i went to a very like small high school and so just fyi like if you like know like you can always say hi i feel like people sometimes will be like i didn't want to
Starting point is 00:10:33 like bother your dm you and i'm like no say hi i didn't realize how many of my fraternity brothers from college live near us but we've done like three different shows and had my like to just like show up and they don't even tell me. They just end up in the VIP line. I'm like, what the hell are you doing here? We're like, we would have said like, talk to you. Yeah. We would have met up with you. If you do happen to know me from some weird connection, I do know you.
Starting point is 00:10:53 I will remember you. Like, you'll be like, oh, you don't know who I am. Oh no, I know. And some of our regular live show attendees, we've learned to recognize your faces. And then sometimes Adam goes, oh, we've met. And they're like, no, we haven't.'t and i was like never mind sometimes sometimes we win it usually works sometimes we just look like idiots but anyway so that's all but uh that's that on my end anyway i have a story sorry for like totally taking up everyone's space you're good christine
Starting point is 00:11:20 chapel is ready to hear your story. Okay. Welcome. Enter. So my story is one that I don't know how I haven't covered it yet. I just think it's a cool story and I never actually knew like the information on it. Someone wrote on YouTube on your list. It was the one, the really haunted one. And they're like, everyone in the paranormal community knows about this. How could you not have? Like they were mad. And I was like, you know, I want to give out our hand right away.
Starting point is 00:11:46 Like, we want to save some big ones. There are a lot of big true crime ones. Also, I legitimately didn't know about that one. That one just totally escaped me for 27 years. Oh, yeah. She was pissed. Which I don't know why. I'm like now.
Starting point is 00:11:56 At least it's better that we do it now. And we know more about what we're doing. Sorry, you're mad. But also, like, a lot of what am I going to do about it? I'm learning that YouTube is dangerous because people can just comment what they're thinking right away whereas if you're listening to the podcast you can't like there's nowhere no forum except like reddit but you can't like instantly tell us what you think and it's dangerous because i will wake up to things like christine's fine but and i'm like oh now i have to read it that's fine except how did you not know this very obvious
Starting point is 00:12:23 information yeah or like i don't fucking know how I didn't know. Or like, why don't they have a table in front of them and then like 45 people like it? And I'm like, I don't... I mean, as I'm holding my laptop, to be fair. Well, I know, but... But whatever. We had a table for like 100 episodes and now we've got a green screen, so... We told you we don't know what we're trying our best.
Starting point is 00:12:40 There's... We're going to make it work. It's hard. And if you like it, awesome. If you don't like it, apparently you're going make it work it's hard and if you like it awesome if you don't like it apparently you're gonna comment about it anyway so there's nothing more that any of us can do here all we want to do is please you and even when we don't we still keep showing up so no you have to at least appreciate our resilience we care about you so here's a story that for the people who were apparently going to complain i did know about this i just never thought to cover it. Okay. But this is the story of James Dean's car.
Starting point is 00:13:08 Oh, hell yeah. Called the Little Bastard, which is what I call Christine. Really? I call you James Dean's car. That's so weird. JDC. JDC. Okay.
Starting point is 00:13:18 This is exciting. So it's kind of a quicker story, but I never knew all the information, so I'm excited to have learned about it. So apparently there are some conspiracy theories about how this ends. So I'm going to give the ones that I was able to learn up on. So there are theories at the end is what I'm saying. Nothing is hard facts. Great. Okay.
Starting point is 00:13:40 So the story starts on September 23, 1955. And it was a week before the actual crash. James, who is 24 years old, he bought a 1955 Porsche 550 Spyder. Oh, yeah. And apparently it was the 55th of 90 to be made. Fun fact. Wow. He had George Barris personalize it for him after he purchased the car and george barris was a hollywood auto designer so he was the designer of the batmobile whoa and on the munsters he also made
Starting point is 00:14:10 the munster coach and the dragula casket dragster you know that you know that one the car that i've always wanted right our dream car um so his specific requests not that this is necessary but just to prove i did my research, James Dean requested tartan seats. He wanted the number 130 emblazoned on the hood of the car. And he wanted Little Bastard painted under the Porsche emblem on the engine cover. And why wouldn't you, though? Someone called him or the car Little Bastard, and he just liked it so much, he just kept it. I like it, too.
Starting point is 00:14:44 It's pretty baller. So, uh, later that, I don't know if it was later that day or within that week at the very least. I think it was later that day though. Um,
Starting point is 00:14:53 later that day after getting the car personalized, he met up with actor Alec Guinness, who people mainly know as Obi-Wan Kenobi from the original star Wars. Um, he met up with Alec to show him the car and he was bragging about um how fast can go apparently has a top speed of like 150 um and was just like really stoked about this car and alec guinness said that he hated this car he got a terrible gut feeling about it and even in like uh a diary entry at some point he wrote wrote, the sports car looked sinister to me.
Starting point is 00:15:27 Exhausted, hungry, and feeling a little ill-tempered in spite of Dean's kindness, I heard myself saying in a voice I could hardly recognize as my own, please never get in that. If you get in the car, you will be found dead in it by this time next week. Whoa. And apparently James Dean laughed. Hilarious joke, by the way. But. Top notch comedy. Alec Guinness wasn't the only person who felt uncomfortable.
Starting point is 00:15:48 Apparently anyone that came in contact with this car did not want to get in it for some reason. Including Dean's, James Dean's girlfriend, Ursula. She refused to even sit in the car. James Dean showed the car to Eartha Kitt and Nick Adams and both of them said that they hated the car. Wow. And at one point James Dean responded to Nick Adams saying saying i am destined to die in a speeding car okay well come on uh he's definitely manifesting something whether or not he knows exactly um so george the designer he at least said he also said the car gave him feelings of quote impending doom
Starting point is 00:16:21 oh my god and the actress that played vampyra um i think her name was mayla nurmy myla nurmy um she would even left a note on the windshield of the car warning james to literally never drive why don't all cars that are going to be in crashes give off these vibes that save us a lot of trouble why doesn't anything that could one day potentially murder someone give you that honest to god it's like I wish someone would tell me if something were wrong with my car. So it must have been some pretty bad energy for all these people. And a lot of if another theory would be that if this car was possessed by something, that's why James Dean might have been so stoked about it because it was feeding off of his energy.
Starting point is 00:16:58 And everyone else was like, something is wrong. Everyone else hadn't been attached to the car yet. They were like, no, get away. It was probably rejecting everyone else. And it was like only want jd jd oh man um so a week later september 30th um james is with uh his friend i don't know how to say it rolf rolf wutherich what oh i have to say Wutherich. Wutherich. Is Rolf right?
Starting point is 00:17:27 Rolf, yeah. Rolf. Okay. I don't know. Rolf, yeah. So he was a former pilot and a mechanic for, he was a mechanic for Porsche. And they were at Competition Motors in LA preparing to go to a car race later that weekend with the car with the car okay so jane i don't know if this is something that most people know but james dean apparently is like a racing enthusiast and he's actually been in a lot of races and has bought uh speed cars before and
Starting point is 00:17:58 so this wasn't like a new purchase this was a new purchase but it was he this wasn't his first wasn't like a shocking purchase or like a new hobby or something. He was known to race before. Understood. Okay. So he wanted to go racing that weekend in Salinas, I think. Okay. And so they planned to hitch the car behind his truck and go with a photographer and their friend Bill Hickman, who was a stuntman.
Starting point is 00:18:22 Apparently he's been a stuntman in some big movies. um their friend bill hickman who was a stuntman apparently he's been a stuntman in some big movies and rolf suggested that james actually drive the car instead of hitching it to the back of his truck that way he could break in the engine and it was kind of a far drive so it would give him some time to familiarize himself with the car makes sense and then rolf said he would tag along and bill would drive behind them so uh james and ralph and bill all left for selena's for the race show and on the way this is another um part where people say that there was some potential foreshadowing where on the way uh california highway patrolman ov hunter uh pulled them over and wrote dean for a speeding ticket oh my goodness okay and so he did that
Starting point is 00:19:06 around 3 30 and give him a speeding ticket for going 65 and a 55 that's not even that bad no like i've seen assholes in sports cars race through hollywood at like right 90 miles an hour and that's how people die guys so he got that ticket around 3.30, and then later that night, around 5.45, another car was heading east on Route 466. The car was a black and white 1950 Ford two-door coupe, and the driver was a 23-year-old student literally named Donald Turn-Up Speed. Sorry. Hold on. What? His last name was literally Turn- speed how what ethnicity is that very unfortunate uh so oh my god what donald was driving his car uh heading east the way that
Starting point is 00:19:58 it sounded to me was the way i was trying to make it up in my head was that it sounds like donald was turning left like he was at an at an intersection was going to turn left onto the road uh like crossing one lane to go onto the other lane and james was driving that lane he would have to cross over so it sounds like as donald was turning to get to start going east, James' car was driving too fast because at this point he already just got a speeding ticket an hour and a half earlier. And now he is going 85 on this road. And I guess Donald decided to turn out onto the lane too early while James was speeding too fast. And so knowing they were too close, James tried to swerve out of the way oh my god and they ended up having a head-on collision um oh my god the cars met head-on and donald's car slid almost 40 feet which was how powerful um james dean's car had
Starting point is 00:20:57 pushed him yeah james was placed into an ambulance ralph was also placed on the ambulance but he was thrown from the car so he ended up surviving. Rolf did? Yeah. Okay. They both were taken to Paso Robles War Memorial Hospital,
Starting point is 00:21:11 but James Dean was pronounced dead on arrival, and Donald Turnipspeed walked away with a scratch on his nose. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:21:18 So... Can you imagine being that, like that being your... That's like a turning point in your life that's like a defining moment yeah you gotta change that last name real quick real i mean quick woof so ralph survived the crash like i said but he survived serious head injuries but he really at the end of the day he was he ended up being fine after the head injuries and he only survived or he survived only having a broken jaw and a broken leg.
Starting point is 00:21:46 So everything ended up healing. Um, but he felt extreme survivor's guilt afterwards. And so they think that a combination of survivor's guilt plus his head injuries, um, are what caused him to later, um,
Starting point is 00:22:01 attempt a murder suicide with his wife. no. Um, he tried stabbing her in their kitchen or with a kitchen knife, and then later also attempted suicide twice. And all of them are apparently linked to his survivor's guilt. Wow. Oh, I did not know that. I mean, that is traumatizing. I can't imagine being in a car with...
Starting point is 00:22:22 And also being the one to suggest like we should drive the car. Oh yeah. There's so much. Yeah. Yeah. I, and probably like you're in the car, you're probably having a good time. It's not like, there's probably that feeling of like, I should have known we were going
Starting point is 00:22:33 too fast. Like, oh God. Yeah. I can't, I can't imagine it. Yeah. That's pretty. I can't imagine the level of survivor's guilt at all. So tragic.
Starting point is 00:22:41 Ralph sounds like he ended up not having a super healthy afterlife of that. Yeah. In 1981, he ultimately died in a different car crash. Oh, really? And in the same year, Donald Turnips also died of lung cancer in 1981. So, this was like 30 years later. They also died the same year? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:02 Oh, wow. Did he stab his wife? He stabbed her and i think they both survived oh okay um i didn't look further into that i just know that it was my side of the story i guess i just know it was a failed murder suicide attempt wow that's so fucked up okay um so yeah so in case people were wondering what happened to them ralph and donald both died the same year in 81. Wow.
Starting point is 00:23:29 So what had happened was James's foot was crushed between the clutch and the brake pedal and he was pinned under the car with a broken neck. Oh my God. And they have shown pictures of what the car looked like after the crash. And it really was just like torn up tinfoil. Like that car was just fucked up. Bill, who was following behind them um because remember he was driving separately oh god can you imagine that too he appeared 10 minutes later on the scene
Starting point is 00:23:51 oh right because he wasn't speeding 85 right right so he showed up later found the wreck and pried dean from the wreck oh my god and dean died in his arms so there is the argument died already he hadn't died yet so i didn't see this anywhere but i do know that people have said that if you see someone in an accident never pull them from the car right you don't know what you're because you don't know if you're gonna like tug them the wrong way and then they're like if your neck is broken in your back yeah if you like you might actually accidentally break their back and then also like if you have like a knife wound or something and if you remove it you you don't know what you're holding.
Starting point is 00:24:25 It might actually be lodging things in place still. Right, right, right, right. Should we wait for emergency personnel? So I didn't see this anywhere. I'm not saying anyone ever blamed Bill, but I know I would have been wary to pry someone from a wreck with a broken neck and then they died in my arms. I would wonder if like I had assisted in that by accident trying to help. I wonder if he was. Yeah, well, yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:44 So I didn't hear it. Also, if someone's under a car and you're like to help. I wonder if he was. Yeah. Well, so I didn't hear it. Also, if someone's under a car and you're like, well, I'll just stand here. Yeah, exactly. I mean, honestly, if I saw you under a car, I wouldn't pull you out. I would like to think my first instinct would be to help try and help. Yeah. Yeah. No, no fault to him at all.
Starting point is 00:25:01 And what's also ironic is weeks before this crash, James Dean did a PSA on TV for the National Safety Council for safe driving. And his slogan was, the life you save might be mine. I just got goose cam. Goose cam. Holy smokes. I'd forgotten about that part. That is just extra creepy. So this happened at the intersection of highways 41 and 46, apparently is now known as the james dean memorial junction oh um and george the designer this is
Starting point is 00:25:30 where he becomes the main character so james is dead but there's still this wreck to deal with so what happens with the car um so george bought the remains of the porsche for 2500 and some say probably to put it on display and exploit it in some way. And that I'm going to get back to you later. But the main theory or the main understanding that I found was that he bought the remains for $2,500. So it does eventually end up in George's possession. I'm not sure how, but that seems to be the running storyline so when he did get the car he put it in his truck and when it got back to his shop the car apparently fell out of the back of his truck and broke a mechanic's legs what so still still causing some issues here problematic
Starting point is 00:26:17 problematic so george then started to just sell the parts of it and tried to sell the engine and the drivetrain to a guy named troy and a guy named william who are both racing enthusiasts okay um and both of these people troy and william ended up next time they were racing were racing each other using these parts that they bought from james dean's car um so troy had the engine and william had the drivetrain these two used their sold parts on their cars and ended up racing each other the next time they were on the track. And during that race, Troy lost control and slammed into a tree, dying on impact. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:26:51 And William's wheels locked up for no explainable reason, forcing the car to roll out. And he was seriously injured. Oh, my God. George also. And this is it. I don't think George was doing this right away. It sounded more like, oh, oh well here's this part that i'm not using anymore with this car right oh someone's requesting do i have one in the shop
Starting point is 00:27:10 i'm just gonna sell it you probably know enough people where it's like oh yeah i have an like right you know who needs what yeah yeah especially for a car there was only like 90 of them ever made so yeah true if you have one you might as well sell it well also you're like i don't want this i'm like right can break in everyone's legs so at some point there was a guy from new york who was looking for two of the two tires um for his car and george had the two car the two tires left from james dean's car and was like i'll just sell those the guy put them on his car and in his first drive with the car both tires exploded simultaneously making him drive off the road but both of them went pap at the same time wow that is that is very weird it's at least weird yes it's at least weird like it's not
Starting point is 00:27:52 i don't think that's a normal thing to happen so at that point george was like i'm not selling any more of those car people that's good of him so i'm just gonna loan it out to the la chapter of the national safety council and they can use it as in their exhibit for safe driving. Oh, that's a good idea. So while the car was being stored for the exhibit, the garage that it was being stored in caught on fire. No. And everything except the car was destroyed.
Starting point is 00:28:15 No. Oh my God. You're right. This is like a demonic fucking car. Apparently the paint was like barely scorched. You know who else is a demonic car? Who? Christine. You have a demonic... stephen king what oh come on stephen king no what about stephen king's book christine
Starting point is 00:28:35 is about a killer car i thought you were saying you christine have a haunted car i was like what the fuck are you talking about is a haunt i got you now i got you now i got you now although you gotta read that book you did say you know who has a haunted car christine you? Christine is a haunted car. I got you now. Although you did You gotta read that book, man. You did say You know who has a haunted car? Christine. No, I said you know
Starting point is 00:28:48 who is a haunted car. I see. It didn't make sense because It didn't translate. Yeah, no. Sorry, y'all. Okay.
Starting point is 00:28:54 That was a really failed attempt at referencing Stephen King. No, it would have been it would have landed if your name wasn't also Christine. I immediately went to like
Starting point is 00:29:02 I've been in your car. But that was why it was a fun fact because I was like oh, well, the only other reference i have it was fun and it did land for everyone except me i was like am i forgetting something i don't want you to be discouraged i'm the i'm at fault here i uh i i guess you're not a huge stephen king person i'm not no i am a stephen king fan i'm just not a reader oh right right right right right so the second christine becomes a movie you like watch it it is a movie okay well i'll go watch that my mom was like i named you and then
Starting point is 00:29:28 i didn't know about this movie and then all of a sudden there was this movie and it was like murdering everyone everyone was like christine like the murderous car and my mom's like oh yeah i'll watch that i won't read it but i'll watch it i just i'm sorry i'm watching castle rock it's very good it's um on hulu it's about uh it's based that was recommended to us a long time ago yeah i have season two just came out so i'm watching season two yeah it's very good anyway go on i'm sorry no you're fine derail anyway the little bastard aka christine again something i'm you're right i'm i'm just putting two you call it early uh uh so maybe this actually is christine hold on wait a minute i don't like this anymore. Christine is the little bastard? I don't want to...
Starting point is 00:30:06 Well... As predicted, full circle? My parents say it all the time. So everything but the car was destroyed in the fire. That's creepy. The California Highway Patrol decided that they would host a different exhibit with the car at a high school, but the car literally fell off of its display and broke a student's hip. What?
Starting point is 00:30:27 After that exhibit... That doesn't happen. happen like that's insane think about that after that exhibit the car was being transported from the exhibit back to george's house and that um the guy driving the truck the driver lost control and was thrown out of the truck and somehow the porsche fell off the truck and landed on him, killing him instantly. What? The car literally physically killed him. Like final destination. Somehow he got thrown out of the middleman truck and then the Porsche fell off of the truck and landed on him.
Starting point is 00:30:56 Uncrushed him. This is like final destination. You can't escape this thing. No. Why are people still volunteering to be around this car? I'm like, somebody probably just drew straws or they were like yeah bill can do it and bill's like do what nothing there's just some precious cargo back here exactly don't worry about it somewhat i mean george seems to be nowhere near
Starting point is 00:31:14 these things that's right george got out quick yeah so there that was one of two fatal accidents involving the car being transported by a truck driver and in 1958 there was another truck that was transporting the porsche and it was parked on a hill and its brakes gave out and ran into the car behind it and someone died i don't know about that i don't know about that that's insane though i mean this is like like the statistics alone are wild just yeah for how many times this is like yes the number of people you know we're good at that at math um but yeah the number of people connected to this who've been injured or killed is i think i would like to be consistently because remember james bought this car in 1955 and all this has
Starting point is 00:31:57 happened in the last three years no oh in the like three years after like all of these incidences are happening within the last three years of, from James buying it. I see. Okay. To it, like, the brakes failing and hitting another car. That all happened in three years. Oh, my God. Okay.
Starting point is 00:32:13 I didn't even realize that. So, George saw, this is also during that time, George apparently saw someone trying to break into his shop and steal the car's wheel as, like, a souvenir of Jane Steen's car. up and steal the car's wheel as like a souvenir of jane steen's car and the burglar somehow injured himself in a way that isn't actually realistic and he ended up breaking his own arm somehow so there's other weird incidents where if you even go near the car you are potentially in danger in 1959 the car was on display in new orleans and it literally on display just fell into a bunch of pieces like just broke apart i just i mean i would love to watch security footage of that thing just falling apart like a bolt just like spitting out right oh my god the tires explode like this is crazy so it was on another exhibit it needs to stop going to these exhibits i mean why do people
Starting point is 00:33:00 want these on display in your place a field field trip already went really, really poorly. Maybe like an assistant really hated being at that exhibit and was like, I know just the thing. Let's just like put a car here. No matter what I do, I'm going to look good compared to this car because it's destined to just fall apart. Yeah. At the seams. So anyway, it was on another exhibit in Florida in 1960. And George had the car shipped back to LA.
Starting point is 00:33:27 And when he got it shipped back, he opened the trailer that it was supposed to be in, and it was gone. What? And the car has never been seen again. Wait, it's gone gone? Gone, missing, stolen, who knows? What? Someone had to have stolen that. George says that before he ever lent the car out to those exhibits
Starting point is 00:33:45 he always kept the passenger side door i'm not sure why but that's something that i read interesting um so that door has been is still around that's interesting i bet it because you know if you look in like a museum like they have so you can look inside maybe they just took it off to have like oh maybe look into the front seat yeah yeah like said bundy's car yeah they have the door moved yuck okay yikes also another haunted house car absolutely um that one dare i say is much more demonic too yeah that one has more sinister shit behind it so other than that door we the car is just gone great just vanished george says that it was stolen um out of a locked trailer out of locked trailer but maybe someone who was like responsible for delivering it like had a hand in it maybe maybe yeah who knows uh yeah that's crazy and other than that a lot of people
Starting point is 00:34:37 say that james's family might have some of the remaining parts but also it's pretty common that like on ebay and shit people will always be selling part of james dean james dean's car so you never know what you're right and nobody knows where these parts went they don't know if it got stripped and sold or if it became part of another car just play it safe and don't buy don't try to buy don't try to buy so many actually think that george just created this story so he would stop people from getting hurt and he wouldn't have to keep loaning it out to oh the story about the stealing not the story everyone no george so a lot of people think that george made up that it was stolen and he's pretending that he opened the trailer and it wasn't there oh the people think he just hid the car and refuses to tell anyone
Starting point is 00:35:18 it's not the worst idea at this point no it's really not it's actually kind of noble of him to be like admitted that i'd be like keep it up well and he's the one who's like putting the risk on himself too like right who knows where that thing is also if it if places have caught on fire before with that thing in it right yeah taking a risk they're leaving it somewhere totally um so on james dean's 50th death anniversary oh fun apparently the vol Apparently, the Volvo Auto Museum displayed the car's passenger door. And the museum, at that time, offered a million dollars for the car's whereabouts. Really? Ten years later, so James Dean's 60th death anniversary, a guy named Sean Riley contacted the museum after hearing about this offer and he
Starting point is 00:36:05 said that at six years old he his father brought him to work one day in watcom county washington watcom well i don't know what what com oh yeah let's go to what what com sounds right yeah um so he was six years old his father father brought him to work. And he remembers seeing his dad and other men, including George Barris, hiding a wrecked car behind a false wall in a building. A false wall! Oh, we love a false wall. We love a good false wall.
Starting point is 00:36:36 Come on. George, you sneaky bastard. You sneaky little bastard. Hey! Hey, hey, hey. Sean remembers parts of the conversation he overheard and he it seems suspicious obviously like oh i was six my dad's job that i don't know right i don't know where i was except this county and it's in a false wall right and it's like a six-year-old's memory like a memory from that long ago and but he believes it well enough that he's passed polygraph tests
Starting point is 00:37:01 that the auto museum has paid for um because they want to see if it's true and they should really look into they should they should uh so sean refuses to say where the building is until he's offered a larger reward oh my god and the museum won't actually pay him even though it was originally a million dollars for the car's whereabouts um they won't pay because one sean can't prove it um also sean doesn't own the cars or he doesn't own the car or the building so the museum can't get permission from him to knock down this wall and see for sure if there's a car there so there's really no way to prove it oh man and um they were hoping to exchange the million dollars
Starting point is 00:37:42 for ownership of the car once they knew its whereabouts. And since Sean doesn't own the car, they wouldn't be getting anything in exchange except information. Yeah, they should have been a little more careful with the wording maybe of their deal, their offer. And apparently they want proof first verified by George Barris knowing that he's worked on the car. So they were like, even if we found a car in a false wall, we don't know if it's the car you planted something so they have a lot of caveats to their rule but someone has come forward and said it's potentially in a false wall in whatcom count yeah whatcom i wonder how many other people kind of made claims because for a million bucks like this sounds like a legitimate like they followed through but i wonder how many people are like i have it and they're like right i mean he at
Starting point is 00:38:23 least passed a polygraph test and hasn't changed his story so like he at least and and uh george is keeping his mouth shut he's like it's lost it's stolen and won't say anything wow so nobody knows interesting so here's where the um the theory gets of where how he, how George got the car is kind of tricky because I know I said earlier, he bought the wreckage for $2,500. But it sounds like the Porsche, after it was signed out of James Dean's insurance and it was ready to be sold. There was a guy named Bill Etchrich, who apparently bought it first for 1092 dollars and apparently his family still has the slip like proving that they bought this car before george got it so then the story gets muddled up of well did george buy it from sure bill because Bill says, the one that bought this apparently right after the wreck, Bill says that he bought it and stripped out the mechanical parts and used it for his Lotus 9 race car.
Starting point is 00:39:34 And after he removed the parts, including the engine and the drivetrain, the rest of it went to a scrapyard in San Fernando. Interesting. Okay. So that's where George's story starts making less sense because if bill used the engine and the drivetrain then george did not sell those to those two people in a race car right race which is who ends up getting injured right and then the story kind of loses its yeah and also he wouldn't have bought it from a scrapyard for 2500 george made it sound like he bought it directly yeah yeah yeah yeah but if he got if george did get the it from a scrapyard for $2,500. George made it sound like he bought it directly. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:06 But if George did get the remains from a scrapyard in San Fernando, Bill says the only things he would have been able to have gotten out of the scrapyard was the rear body and the right door, and then he must have just put them on a different spider and pretended it was
Starting point is 00:40:21 the little bastard. I was about to ask, like, then how did they put it on a museum? Okay, I get it um so if that's all true then all this has just been a wild coincidence or a different haunted car posing as the little bastard or somebody just put some terrible energy onto that thing anyway just thinking like right exactly what like manifesting that it was the original oh so bill has said if anyone actually has remaining parts then they have been verified the authentic the authenticity of the parts has been already verified okay so you would know if you had a real part of the car got it but so it's confusing about did bill buy it and then george found some of the leftover pieces and lied about the whole thing or
Starting point is 00:41:01 did george actually buy original parts it's i don't know what happened it kind of like dilutes the right the validity of this whole story but it's kind of like a legend almost but that is the legend of the little bastard wow i mean it's a terrible tragedy anyway like yeah the story itself that's the truth you know i was at when for one of my birthdays blaze like called off work and took me to a surprise tour it was like that murder the truth. You know, I was at when for one of my birthdays, Blaze like called off work and took me to a surprise tour. It was like that murder tour. Remember that? It was like two years ago.
Starting point is 00:41:30 It was like a dearly departed tour. Oh, dearly departed has great tours. In L.A. It's like this museum. And I think that's what it was called. It's like about all the people who died. Like ghosts in graveyards or ghosts? No,
Starting point is 00:41:45 no. It's like one museum and they do this tour. Oh yeah. And it's like the death, not the death museum, but it's like death in Hollywood or something. And they have like all the different stories, but they have like a whole display about the car and everything.
Starting point is 00:41:59 And I did not know all those crazy details. And I don't know how accurate, listen, that was the first three pages of google guys so yeah no that's crazy but that was everything i found all right now it's my turn so this is an interesting one um remember how i mentioned that i love rainbow kitty surprise yes and i'm going to or rainbow kitten surprise sorry and i'm going to see them um in March yes well so I was like so blown away I got a DM from their manager which I know are you gonna meet them so oh well I don't I don't think so I listen I'm
Starting point is 00:42:34 trying to play it cool okay but also their manager emailed you it's not working uh me playing it cool but I'm trying um and she was like oh my god I can't like uh I can't believe you mentioned the band like I was so excited to hear the shout out and i was like that's crazy and i was like i'm fangirling she's like no i'm fangirling and i was like no i'm fangirling you could totally you could totally if you're listening christine isn't gonna ask but can you let her be rainbow no no no no no no no she said do what you must no no she said she would bring me some merch and i was like i'll bring you some merch too like a big dorkus and i'm such a weird little please don't bring me stuff i have to like travel but i don't know maybe i'll bring her some
Starting point is 00:43:10 koozies or something i don't know anyway it doesn't matter but i was like very geeking out as you can well imagine um and so we were chatting chit chatting um we're we're instagram we're ig friends now oh my goodness so okay here's the thing she reached out or and we talked and she said by the way there's a story that like if you you know you should look into and i was like okay and um she said there so the boone north carolina is where she's from and that's where she met the guys from rainbow kin surprise they all went to school there she's like they had a crazy murder there in the 70s wait did they go to app state i guess you went um i don't know but the the story that i'm doing involves that's cool yes
Starting point is 00:43:53 yeah no boone is like probably one of the prettiest places i've ever been i've heard that and my stepdad's really like best friend is from north carolina i've only been a couple of times to that area my cousin tanner yeah he went to App State. Oh, I like him. One of my best friends, Cece, went to App State. Oh my God. I'm also IG friends with them. Okay, good. I'm also IG friends with my cousin, Christine. So we're all winners today. But are you IG friends with my cousin? That's the real question. No. No, probably not. No, no, no. Okay. Anyway, so that's a good question. I didn't ask where they went. I, for some reason, I pictured high school. I don't know why.
Starting point is 00:44:27 Gotcha. But they, it could have been college. Um, so, this is the story of the Durham murders. Um, and here we go. So, the Durham family moved to Boone, North Carolina in November 1969. And, uh, speaking of cars, they moved there to open up their own buick dealership oh which was like a dream come true for the family they like worked really hard and they could finally like afford to open their own shop like their own dealership so this was like a very big deal to
Starting point is 00:44:54 them uh the family the durhams consisted of bryce durham 51 which i did not know the name bryce existed in like the 60s bryce sounds like something that like 10 years maybe before I was alive, the sound was created and someone named their child that. Yeah, someone accidentally like coughed and somebody created that name. Yeah, it's kind of like, I can't imagine a Kyle in 1920. Isn't that strange? Yeah. And so, I mean, I don't have
Starting point is 00:45:18 a problem with the name. I'm just saying it seems like a much more common name today than it would have been back then. So, I kept getting confused because the dad is Bryce and I'm like it seems like seems like it sounds like teenage like the teenage jock yeah exactly okay well the teenage son's actually named bobby joe so interesting because i would think bobby joe's a girl's name yeah you know it's all sort of mixed up one of my babysitters growing up was named billy joe really yep virginia for you that's right Then again, you're very genderly biased toward everyone. That's true. You have very strict rules about gender.
Starting point is 00:45:48 I do. My one rule is there are no rules. We are very strict about that. What? Oh my god. That fucking gay ghost that is haunting you just just destroyed.
Starting point is 00:46:10 Are we going to die? Oh my god. I'm so sorry. I haven't even been able to really react. Are you okay, first of all?'m good i'm fine all my pores are just sweating um so i guess m just somehow tipped the table like with so much stuff on there is like caramel apple lollipops went everywhere there's definitely two large champagne glasses that were just like teetering. There's like all sorts of candy. There's like every there's if you could imagine like a table that has so much on it that you could not put one more thing on it.
Starting point is 00:46:53 And so I put my feet on. There's also a lot of glass on it. And then everything was top heavy towards my feet. So everything just. Well, and then I'm screamed loudly into everyone's ears. So that didn't help either. Holy smokes. That scared me.
Starting point is 00:47:06 It looked like, it looked like this is really fucked up, but I thought like the dining room in the Titanic when like everything's sliding one way. It just, I was, I was prepared. Except it was your dumb feet. It was my, my feet are the iceberg. No, I really thought there was just going to be shattered glass everywhere. Oh, trust me. I did too.
Starting point is 00:47:21 I thought you're, I thought I'd have to call Blaze. Oh, there it goes. Jesus Christ. I made it worse. Yeah. Okay. I won't put my feet on there ever again until that one interestingly to be fair we both had our feet on and i think it balanced it out and then i took mine off i see yeah you know yeah no more no more balance also when you think about like the human body at least with me my legs are like two- thirds of me. Right. Tarantula legs. So I really like to throw them on a table. I mean, I was, I was demanding like a hundred pounds of leg on the table and for the table to be like, this is fine.
Starting point is 00:47:53 Tree trunk legs don't. If you took my legs away, I would literally be this tall. Like it's amazing. It is. And I'm like six feet tall, but I'm this big without legs. It's crazy. It's really, that's anyway. That's how most humans work. But I was going to say, I guess that's pretty standard. But yeah, you did definitely just destroy the whole studio.
Starting point is 00:48:11 So if I were a high person, that would probably be the thing I think about the most. Because I thought you meant the table. I was like, oh, the fact that my legs are just most of me. Yeah. I started thinking the other day about a lot of things about how if you were named if your name was alexa and then that thing came out like all the times this happens oh yeah to people and they're like damn it like we came up with that name first and now it has this like other anyway i started talking about it so along that someone was like are you did you smoke something and i was like no i just think about it all the time it's true i mean
Starting point is 00:48:43 you really like someone said like this is going to be the most beautiful named baby in the whole wide world. And then like a week later, Amazon was like, we've got this new invention. And also it'll yell at you all the time. Every time you say your baby's name. Imagine if you're like a 51 year old man, your name's Bryce. Well, thank you. Also imagine if you named your child Christine and then a car comes murdering everyone. This is just tough for me, okay? My life's really hard.
Starting point is 00:49:07 Full circle. ABC. Alexa, Bryce, and Christine. Be careful. There's one in here. Okay. Alright. ABC. I get it. Anyway. Let's move on. Let's move on. Okay. Where are we? I have no idea anymore. Bryce. Okay. So Bryce.
Starting point is 00:49:24 And his wife's name is virginia what v8 v8 uh 46 so he's 51 she's 46 their son bobby joe's 19 and their daughter jenny i think virginia i see maybe jenny is 18 so she's virginia jr yeah which is interesting because it's not bryce jr it's bobby joe but that's fine what are you gonna do so a former judge in the area who became friends with them uh later said he kind of just showed up here no one knew much about him so that's kind of the way the town was like okay that's what christine used to say about me when i just wandered into her apartment showed up nobody really knew what was going on we quickly knew a lot i just banged on the door and said let's start a podcast your dumb legs came barreling on
Starting point is 00:50:03 it and it was like oh no the table hid in the closet all right all of my my valuables will never be the same um my valuables there's like 8 000 skittles that's all that's on that table um and a bunch of glass and a bunch of glass okay so that's kind of the way the town saw them um it struck people as a little odd that the family was like pretty reserved um they bought this like local business but they weren't like super involved in the community um and i think this was just like a very close-knit area they were friendly like they nobody had a real problem with them but they kind of kept to themselves so they've moved they've moved in they've lived there for about 18 months and um the family had built like a small network in town. And Ginny had actually married a local man named Troy Hall.
Starting point is 00:50:47 So she was only 18. And what? Sorry. Okay. She was only 18. And so when she married Troy. He who shall not be named. We're really cursed today.
Starting point is 00:51:02 I'm not kidding. We've been cursed for the last i think three or four weeks actually 28 years oh i was thinking at least two months realistically at least two like i right like we're trying to play it cool but like man guys we've had a rough time mercury is like not only in retrograde but like piss at his girlfriend and like the girlfriend's pissed at him and like we're ruled by mercury mercury lost his job like mercury is pissed off letting unleashing it all on us even when it's not in retrograde it's got all these other things going on and we have to deal with it i mean come on our lives are really
Starting point is 00:51:34 hard sorry i know this is so obnoxious okay um sorry so jenny was 18 she had dropped out of college and moved in with her new husband so her dad was like not thrilled about this so she actually dropped out of um Appalachian State App State I guess is what you call it yep okay and uh Troy was a student there so she kind of moved in with him and her dad was like what the hell like you're 18 like go to school don't get married right now or if you do like still stay in school like he was just frustrated right on the afternoon of february 3rd 1972 it had begun to snow heavily there was like this big storm rolling in and the streets were already icing over and jenny's husband troy was recovering from the flu so she called her dad and asked him to come pick her up and drop her off at home so on the drive apparently they had a serious talk about like his disappointment that she dropped out of school and ultimately he convinced her to uh re-enroll the next semester
Starting point is 00:52:29 and try again he dropped her off at the trailer where she lived with troy and uh bryce apparently seemed happy and was like okay i think the talk went well and i got through to her and he headed back to work fun fact their trailer was located in the area behind where Boone's Walmart is now. Fun. So if you want to go take a little peek-a-roo, that's where it is. So that evening after work, Bryce left a rotary meeting, picked up Virginia and Bobby Joe, and they headed home. Because of the snow, it took them 20 to 30 minutes to drive the two miles back to their house. But since he had this car dealership, he was able to pick, like, a really sturdy four-wheel drive car to take them back so they made it back around 10 30 that night troy and jenny were at their home listening to
Starting point is 00:53:10 music when they received a phone call oh i know i already like i'm already spooked this is why christine has phone anxiety that's so true that's so true um also because of you but yes but also because of this um so troy okay this is like already spooking me i'm sorry uh troy picked up and he heard a hushed urgent whisper on the other end it sounded like virginia his mother-in-law and she whispered help they've got bobby and bryce in a back room and then the line just went dead so troy apparently the first thing he says to jenny is does your mom like like to pull pranks like well that's a fair question could this be like a prank and her uh jenny was like she said someone is like holding her son hostage no like that's not a prank like my mother would
Starting point is 00:53:58 not do that so um she's like call back so he calls back and the line is just completely disconnected so they're like holy shit we have to head over there so they jump in their car but Um, she's like, call back. So he calls back and the line is just completely disconnected. So they're like, holy shit, we have to head over there. So they jump in their car, but because of the snowstorm and I guess the temperature outside, the car just doesn't start. Like the engine just keeps turning over. And one of the couple's neighbors was actually a private detective named Cecil Lee Small. So they run over to his trailer. They bang on the door.
Starting point is 00:54:22 They're like, we need a ride. So he's like, okay, here, get in my car. The three of them rush over to the family home to check on the durhams uh small brought his revolver just in case when they got close enough they parked and jenny and troy no sorry jenny was left in the car troy and small um the driver ran to the front door and rang the bell there was no answer they tried the back door couldn't get an answer uh they finally found the garage the garage had like a there was something wonky with it so they were able to like pry it open uh there's something wrong with the spring and they went through a side entrance into the house so the entire house had been absolutely torn apart every closet was open pictures had been like ripped from the walls drawers had been
Starting point is 00:55:04 upturned the phone had literally been ripped out of the wall like the landline pictures had been like ripped from the walls drawers had been upturned the phone had literally been ripped out of the wall like the landline cord had been ripped out they heard the tv on which is just very eerie so they headed to the tv room like cautiously obviously just inside the doorway of the tv room they found pools of congealing blood and they were like well too late yep so small hushed troy and said do you hear that you know they're thinking like oh my god someone could still be in the house obviously and so they're like do you hear that it was a consistent dripping sound oh so they're like assuming the sink's running over they don't assume that assuming assuming the sinks praying that the
Starting point is 00:55:46 sink's running over it's more like that oh blindly praying um it wasn't the sink bryce oh this is really bad bryce virginia and bobby joe were all in the bathroom dead their fully clothed bodies had been draped over the edge of the bathtub their heads submerged in the water and the dripping was actually coming from like the overflow drain so it wasn't actually blood but it was like the tub had been so full it was like still running and the overflow drain kept like dripping back into the tub and weirdly enough there was not one drop of water on the floor so that was strange too uh so still in shock t Troy called the Boone Police Department from a neighbor's house. And shortly after 11, investigators from the State Highway Patrol, the Watauga Sheriff's Office, Boone Police Department and the State Bureau of Investigation all arrived at the scene with reporters close behind.
Starting point is 00:56:38 The sheriff addressed the journalists, quote, This is the worst crime that I can recall here. We've had some bad ones, but i've never seen anything like this so the autopsy determined that bobby joe and his father had been strangled and then drowned in the tub um but virginia appeared to have already been dead when her head was placed in the water okay so she had been strangled um to death and then put in the water, whereas they had been strangled and then, like, ultimately killed by drowning, which is interesting why one was different than the other two. Right. Each victim had rope burns around their necks, and there was still a short length of nylon cord around Bryce, the dad's throat. All three victims had been hogtied, their hands behind their backs. I mean, it's really good
Starting point is 00:57:25 like i said the house had been ransacked and some stuff was stolen but oddly enough there was like one of those things where on first glance it's like oh this looks like a robbery but then you're like maybe not because like they left an entire bag of cash on a dining room chair interesting that like uh the dad was going to deposit the next day from the dealership like to the bank and that was just sitting there with like several hundred dollars of cash in it so that was odd um and like just random things like why were the pictures ripped off the walls if this was just a robbery just really strange stuff like that uh police were especially intrigued by the living room setup so like i said the tv was
Starting point is 00:58:05 blaring um there were two full glasses and one half glass of coke on the coffee table there was a half eaten portion of baked chicken next to the half empty glass and the rest of the kitchen was found sorry the chicken was found in the kitchen uh there were also several rows of playing cards on the coffee table and so jenny they like asked jenny to explain maybe what this setup was and she was able to explain she said what she thinks was happening is that or what had happened was that the family was watching tv um bobby had probably been served his food first so he was already sitting there in the living room uh he ate some of his chicken and drank some of cola and uh she said the cart and that the parents were probably still in the kitchen getting their food ready she said the cards were definitely his because uh quote a couple of weeks
Starting point is 00:58:50 ago he decided that he was going to finally beat solitaire yeah so uh oddly enough too the durham's beloved family four-wheel drive car was not in the driveway uh so police suspected it had been stolen unfortunately because of the heavy snowfall any prints or tire tracks had already been covered up. Just before midnight, police heard from a man who had actually found the car. It was stalled in a ditch along a rural road heading toward Boone. The engine was still on and the windshield wipers were moving back and forth. So, like, it's just kind of abandoned with, like, the engine on, the lights on, windshield wipers. It's just empty so like it's just kind of abandoned with like the engine on the lights on yeah windshield wipers it's just empty super eerie very eerie yeah and the snow too um he said there's no one inside he told police he saw not a soul in sight
Starting point is 00:59:34 no footprints near the vehicle nothing in the back they found a pillowcase stuffed with several silver like platters and like silverware and that kind of thing um and tire tracks behind the truck indicated that another vehicle was following so the people probably just like jumped out when the car stalled and hopped in the one behind them got it um based on the evidence police determined that the intruders had arrived in their own car which they parked out of sight down a dead-end road then they made their way to the door by foot entering the house and overpowering the family very quickly excuse me somehow virginia was able to call her daughter's telephone and say a few words before the phone was ripped out of the wall and then she was strangled to death so they were thinking maybe that's why she was killed immediately that way rather than
Starting point is 01:00:20 you know taking the time to drown right right right um a motive at first they couldn't really figure out some people were convinced that this was like a deep-seated revenge thing because it was so violent so brutal and like almost execution like the way that they were tied up like yeah it seems like it's all very systematic yeah yeah yeah exactly and like the fact that it was all three of them it wasn't like there was one target it was like the whole family just very weird um it seemed personal it seems personal too that someone took down all of their pictures and shit yeah yeah it was like two like someone hands-on aided the whole family yeah so that was a lot of people were convinced
Starting point is 01:01:00 that that was what was going on um others were convinced this was just a crime of opportunity and that after one of the Durham's was killed by accident or by, you know, they started fighting and maybe like one of them was killed and then they said they didn't want witnesses and maybe killed the other two. That didn't totally make sense too because it was, you know, you could have just killed them without all the...
Starting point is 01:01:20 Right. The... With the whole process. Right. All the... The drama. Like hanging them upside down and drowning them. Yeah, all this crazy. them without all the right the with the whole process right all the the drama like hanging them upside down and drowning them yeah all this crazy um so yeah so that was another theory um either way the community was obviously shocked this was like horrific uh after the crime the
Starting point is 01:01:39 sale of locks and firearms skyrocketed i guess unsurprisingly one family even moved out of the area and said they would not return until the killers were apprehended within a few days the community had collected a ten thousand dollar reward for any information leading to the arrest and conviction of the attackers and actually within a few weeks they had four men apprehended after stealing from a local store and they were like okay i think these guys might be the ones but they um interviewed them and were released pretty quickly because there was no evidence to support that they were the ones who did it there was just nothing to hold them at all right and it didn't make much sense
Starting point is 01:02:13 so unfortunately that didn't pan out but um theories continue to circulate one popular theory was that the durhams had been murdered after bryce revealed the ringleaders of a car dealership scam in Surrey County that involved like rolling back the miles on the vehicles and then selling them to customers as like having a really low mileage but they had been like you know Ferris Bueller-ing it yeah yeah yeah I gotcha uh you know how it's professionally known um this theory however didn't like there was no supporting evidence for that. Like, nobody could find this shady supposed ring.
Starting point is 01:02:48 Like, it was just a rumor. Got it. Like, nobody could find any activity of this or, like, any proof that this actually happened. It just didn't exist, it seems. Yes. It seemed to be just, like, a rumor. Bryce Durham himself was, like, pretty straight-laced. He had no, like, enemies that anyone knew about.
Starting point is 01:03:03 Never had any, any like criminal behavior in the past no run-ins with the law um it didn't seem like he was involved in any criminal activity and when they searched his business and everything there was nothing shady going on so that was another kind of debunking the theory um one interesting thought is like because of the military precision of the crime like the way they were tied up the way they were like systematically brutally murdered. A theory briefly was floated around that the Green Berets, the U.S. Army Special Forces were involved.
Starting point is 01:03:31 And that's because that Rotary meeting is actually the Green Berets were there giving a demonstration. Interesting. Like a skiing demonstration. And they had like the same kind of nylon rope, but it was a pretty common type of rope. Sure. and they had like the same kind of nylon rope, but it was a pretty common type of rope. But some people thought, well, maybe that has, they had some falling out at the meeting. With all of the green berets. Yes. Just like, yeah, they just like happened during a ski instruction. Like, I don't,
Starting point is 01:03:55 I don't know. Really pissed them off during the ski instruction. Listen, I've been pretty pissed off in a ski instruction. So I will tell you. Do pizza, not French fries. I know, I know. Bunny slopes can really get you going. been pretty pissed off in a ski instruction so i will tell you do pizza not french fries i know i know bunny slopes can really get you going um so that theory was vetted too but like ultimately again there was no supporting evidence of that the military was involved or like why they would be um over the years more than 200 people have been interviewed regarding the case
Starting point is 01:04:21 but 47 years later the case still remains cold it is unsolved interesting the watauga county sheriff's office and state bureau of investigation periodically run fingerprint searches to see if they can match so they found fingerprints in the home like latent fingerprints but they've not ever been able to link them and they're still running them every now and then to see if like it comes up in the database and they've never been able to match it to anyone which is pretty wild to me. Because I'm like, you'd think that after that many years, someone would have done something. Right.
Starting point is 01:04:52 Someone who did that. Right. Can't. What? That's it? They just stopped being criminals? Was there one time only? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:57 I guess. Maybe. Pretty big shebang. Shebang? No. Yeah, shebang. The Sheboygan? I don't know what it's.
Starting point is 01:05:03 Oh. Listen. I don't know the difference between a shebang and a Sheboygan sheboygan i don't know where oh listen you know i don't know the difference between a shebang and a sheboygan but i bet the right i think sheboygan's a place i see i think and a shebang is the whole thing yeah the whole shebang the whole shebang the whole the shebang and sheboygan there we go shit and caboodle sorry okay i'm sorry right fingerprints there was no DNA collected at the scene because the only blood found in the house was Virginia's. She had had a slight nosebleed,
Starting point is 01:05:30 and they determined that the blood was from her. The case continues to haunt investigators who spent decades searching answers for this. The SBI, State Bureau of Investigation, one of the investigators, Charles Whitman, who was put on the case in 72 says to this day he hasn't the slightest idea who did it he doesn't even have like an inkling yeah he hasn't he's like there's no theory that he feels confident in whatsoever
Starting point is 01:05:55 which must be so frustrating um at one point they actually did have a suspect who confessed to the murder and they were like okay he did it like he confessed to a cellmate and everything and this all seemed great until a slight problem arose well a few problems first of all he was in prison when the crimes were committed um and secondly he claimed they said how did you kill them and he said i shot all three of them and they were like well okay well i don't know you're why you're doing this um so obviously that was a dead end um pardon the terrible pun uh theories to this day like you know, I went in the Reddit rabbit hole
Starting point is 01:06:27 and theories still exist or still abound and facts about the case still don't seem to add up. For example, according to Watauga County Sheriff Len Hagerman, quote,
Starting point is 01:06:37 the fact that three individuals were killed all at once together is rather unique. This coupled with a very limited information trail as to a possible motive, plus a horrible night weather-wise and the unusual length of time to commit the crime versus a quick in and out homicide just doesn't add up uh he also wondered whether there was a reason why the killings had to be done that night because he's like it just seemed so inconvenient
Starting point is 01:07:00 that like the night of this massive storm that you would right go out and kill someone and then like the car doesn't work like you don't know if you're going to be able to get out it just seemed like he said maybe it had to be done that night for some reason interesting but they're not sure why that would be okay um and also why there was no sign of a struggle in the bathroom and that was kind of creepy too because there was not one drop of water on the floor so like yeah it's like almost perfect yeah water right and it's like overflowing still into the tub but like their heads are all three in so they're like on the ground like their heads submerged and not one drop of water has spilled which like is very precise and like carefully executed and just seems very sterile yes yeah
Starting point is 01:07:41 yeah very creepy um and the fact they left no DNA or anything. So that's the weird thing, too, is there was no sign of a struggle. So they must have overpowered them like really quickly, except for the phone call. Seems to be the only thing that was maybe out of turn. All these questions are obviously still unanswered to this day. Of course, Reddit got me going a little bit. I went through some different theories on there as to what people think. So, oh, by the way, just like most of the information here, I just wanted to point out
Starting point is 01:08:14 is from the Watauga Democrat, the Winston-Salem Journal, Yes Weekly,, which actually, this is interesting. They featured scans of the original like article uh written by jay etman the publication on it isn't clear but it's like from that year um and it has like this full telling of like to the minute like what happened that day that's how i knew about like the car the conversation in the car with the daughter and like all of that stuff was in there so thank you to them for somehow having scans of this like 1970 document um and then i went to reddit so on reddit as you do as you do always in the middle of the
Starting point is 01:08:53 night um so one of the theories that like you know seems to often be like an obvious one is that they were on drugs or this was drug related but this like is pretty discounted by most experts on the case because like we said, it's so precise and sterile and like careful and someone who were acting erratically. Right. Probably wouldn't have been able to pull this off so cleanly. Some people still believe that the Green Berets had something to do with it, that the military did. According to Whitman, some people were insistent that the way the victims were hogtied was the way the green berets actually killed people in vietnam interesting
Starting point is 01:09:29 which is an interesting connection but obviously still just speculation um but is kind of a creepy fact um one pretty obvious theory is like again a botched robbery uh and that makes sense in some ways they did steal stuff um but in other ways it doesn't make sense for example according to whitman when you first come in things are chaotic it has the appearance of a burglary but when you stand back and sort of look at it with an experienced eye if you will the whole thing was staged i don't know why though um so they found some silver in the abandoned car there were much more valuable items still in the house like obvious items it wasn't like they were hidden or
Starting point is 01:10:05 anything. It was like the bag of cash was just sitting there. Right. So a lot of stuff, it just didn't make sense. It looked staged. Another theory is that this was a contract killing. It makes sense in a lot of ways that like somebody who was good at killing or did this for a living perpetrated the crime and someone else paid them off to do it. But at the same time, you're like, why are they going after the whole family like you think maybe they were going after the dad or something if it was like a shady business deal um but it yes it was all three of them and the bobby joe the 19 year old was actually the one who was killed first they found out he really yeah he was placed in the tub and drowned first i didn't expect that me neither i don't know why i don't because it seems like why go for the kid first you know to
Starting point is 01:10:49 kill him first makes me think that he was the one you definitely wanted yeah right but you would think that he was just like collateral damage because the dad pissed someone exactly because he's 19 too so it's like maybe it's because he was the strongest actually that was one thing that people did say is that he um he was like very like strong and bulky and like he might have been the most like get rid of the biggest threat right right could be yikes but either way like somehow this went down and it doesn't add up um they don't know like if he was the target if he got in the way if he was right like the most dangerous whitman also wondered why was it necessary to go through all this trouble if it was going to be a contract killing uh it would seem that you would go in and bang bang and strangle well you know okay as you
Starting point is 01:11:34 do that's sensitive yes right uh i think this guy's like over sensitive like over being sensitive yeah um he's says you go in and do the job and then you leave i have found this to be significant there was not one drop of water on the floor outside the tub which means none of them floundered around none of them resisted a great deal after they went to the tub and two of them weren't even dead yet so it's just very strange that this was pulled off so smoothly um reddit also dives into a theory that i had actually considered but never saw anywhere in any sort of like reporting um and so i was kind of excited to hear that like people were discussing this um and that is that jenny and troy had something to do with it really that's another theory and that was i
Starting point is 01:12:15 hadn't even thought of that that was my first thought just because i was like you know they're the only they're the first people on the scene you know you always wonder like if it's close and they got a phone call but like maybe you don't have to trace that right and it's yeah and like the um the fact that like it was so it seemed so personal and stuff you know i don't know um but so this is kind of what you know i'm not saying there's any clear evidence but there's just some things that maybe point to that so um the late sheriff that I mentioned earlier. Oh, no, sorry. Sorry, different guy.
Starting point is 01:12:48 Late sheriff of Watauga County. He was one of the first officers on the scene. His name was Wade Carroll. He told the Winston-Salem Journal in a 1982 interview that he did not believe the phone call to Troy ever happened. Quote, in my opinion, Mrs. Durham never made that phone call. When some people come into your house to kill you, they are not going to let you make a phone call which is interesting and i'm like i mean maybe she got away but also if they're this precise and clean at murdering three people systematically you'd think she wouldn't have the time to dial a number and call her daughter who knows i mean i think it's still possible but our pal whitman the s agent, believes the phone call did happen.
Starting point is 01:13:26 She's cooperated. So Ginny has cooperated with him in the investigation. And he once took her to someone who put her under hypnosis. And she apparently was telling the story of what happened and talked about the phone call. But also, again, that's like, but that's her story. So. Right. But at least it like takes at least people can confirm like oh she didn't do anything like she wasn't well she could be lying like she could say oh yeah we got
Starting point is 01:13:50 a phone call and like you know oh i see you know what i mean like he said oh well she says it was a phone call and it's like yeah well she could have said that either way whether it happened or not i don't know um the weird thing too is like why did she call her daughter's phone number instead of the police right that's a good question which is an and they didn't have 9-1-1 back then but all you dialed the operator and would say you know maybe she thought that emergency too long yeah perhaps but also you don't know if you're they're gonna answer the phone it just seems and the stranger thing now this is what is what I think, like to me, this is where my first instinct was,
Starting point is 01:14:28 is why didn't they call the police? Like, why didn't Gina and Troy call the police? There's this massive snowstorm. They don't even, their car's not starting. Yeah. Also,
Starting point is 01:14:37 you would think they'd be a little frantic and like getting there. Like if my mom said, hurry, like I'm going to die. I would be freaking out if my car wasn't working. Yeah. And you know what? Another thing people talk about is, like, their car neighbors were like, they own a car dealership.
Starting point is 01:14:54 This car has never had an issue. Like, it's just weird that their car would just suddenly stop working. It had been cold all winter. Like, it just seemed like an odd coincidence which obviously again just circumstantial like could have happened um and uh when they went to the neighbor's house they didn't even why didn't he say well did you call the police or like right nobody like thought apparently to call the police which just seems strange especially if your car's not starting and you're desperate even their neighbor wanted to bring a revolver so you would think like
Starting point is 01:15:24 this is dangerous enough that the police should be involved yeah or you'd think you'd at least want to let them know before you head over you know like right like you can still meet us there yeah exactly um so that was odd and then some other information there's like this uh article or this website called i don't know what that means um and apparently after finding the durham's lifeless bodies troy and small didn't go straight to the next door neighbor to call the police they hopped in the car and tried to drive away but the car stalled in a snowbank and when they were asked later like why didn't you and then they ran back to the neighbors to call the police and people were like well why did you go into the car yeah and they said we just wanted to get away from that horrible scene and it's like sure but
Starting point is 01:16:05 like you need to call the police first like i don't know it's fishy it's just odd um they just wanted to get away and then they said when the car wouldn't drive they went to the neighbor's house to call the police so were they going to drive the half hour back home and then call them like it's just strange i don't know yeah um again like we said the robbery seemed staged uh this article in particular includes pictures okay it does it has all like the crime scene photos and stuff so be careful if you're gonna look but um one of the pictures shows like speaking there's a coffee table speaking of which you really played right into this um there's a coffee table that tips over with a bunch of
Starting point is 01:16:38 skittles yeah skittles everywhere um no there's a coffee table and it's like next to the couch and there's like these there's a glass um there's like this uh step stool that has been like thrown onto the coffee table but if it had been thrown like these glasses right next to it would have all toppled over right so it looks staged yeah it looks like someone literally just put it there because there's no disarray around it like it's very strange that it there's all these glasses and stuff and if someone just hurled a large it's like this giant stool like someone had hurled a stool onto the table something would have broken yeah yeah so that was a little bit odd the picture alone looks like very strange um jenny as for motive inherited 250 000 after the death of her
Starting point is 01:17:21 family which today equates to about one and a half million dollars, which at least is a motive. I mean, not saying she did it, but if you're seeking a motive, that would be it. Right. It was well known the family didn't like Troy, but at the same time, he was only 19 and it would have been difficult for him to overpower the family alone. So some people think, well, maybe they were the ones who hired someone got it to kill them and then they came upon the scene right as oh no witnesses you know also like they were really brave to go into a house especially after they saw a pool of blood i'd be like okay i'm stepping outside and yeah calling the police totally especially if you're like do you hear that and the tv's blaring like but also interestingly that you said that because i didn't add this but um before they went to the garage apparently cecil small lifted um troy up to look
Starting point is 01:18:11 in one of the upper windows above the kitchen and he saw that the house was in total disarray so like he knew that going in so like they knew the house had already been turned upside down at that point he should have been like okay now someone needs right someone needs to call police asap so that it's just odd like obviously again this is all circumstantial it could have been like okay now someone needs right someone needs to call the police asap so that it's just odd like obviously again this is all circumstantial it could have been a number of things and these people could have just been like fully victims which you know not saying they're not but either way um that's one of the theories on reddit uh but when investigators took the case to an fbi profiler in 1982 so this is interesting uh the profiler told them that the perpetrator probably felt comfortable in the house is the way that he
Starting point is 01:18:50 described it like even though it looked staged like a robbery he said this looks like somebody who knew the house and felt comfortable being in it so that's an interesting kind of yeah idea the profile our profiler also gave them some disheartening news um he believed that whoever had committed the crime would find it easier and easier as time went on to avoid confessing that over time this person would have been able to convince themselves in sort of an out-of-body disassociative way that someone else had done the deed and that they were not responsible so in other words it would weigh less and less on their conscience as time went on right so you get answers less and less likely and the the chance of a deathbed confession for example is probably unlikely if they're if they're talking themselves
Starting point is 01:19:36 out of it right um so lo and behold despite all the theories the case is still unsolved to this day so very haunting and obviously since it is unsolved if you do have any information whatsoever you can call the watauga county sheriff's department with any tips information or leads they're still trying to figure this out still investigating any helpful leads and their phone number is 828-264-3761 not to be confused with rap master i was gonna say and if you would like to get a rap yeah if you there's one or the other option yeah solve a murder or giving you a lot of assignments today yeah you have a lot of homework i'm so sorry um anyway so that's the story of the durham family murders very gruesome very horrible yeah very creepy because really
Starting point is 01:20:21 nobody knows yeah it's weird that whoever did it might just be like walking around yeah sandwich right now and i do feel bad kind of saying like oh why didn't she like you know it was also like the early 70s like who knows why they didn't also like who knows what i would do in shock exactly you never know how people are going to react to trauma and i've heard she's since moved away and remarried and like doesn't really like obviously like to talk about the case so um not trying to put any blame on she's a listener i'm really sorry i doubt it super sorry but if it's true then i'm sorry um i'm just relaying reddit to you yeah uh all right well thank you for that christine you're so welcome
Starting point is 01:21:00 thank you to um uh to uh rainbow kitten surprise manager i believe she calls herself momager oh thank you i think it's kind of cute um and uh i'll bring you some i don't know let me know what you want some i have some like fake lemons some koozies um what else a skull with a bowling ball i don't know don't take the skull i want that do you want some haunted dolls we have a lot of those christine sometimes i think like if you died what would i want to take from here would you inherit yeah i would you almost said steal i heard it you're like what would i take take i mean realistically i like to think that i would get first dibs on anything that's i like to think blaze would be like can you just take all of it i don't i'd be like no i've never wanted a part in any of the haunted
Starting point is 01:21:42 items there's at least there's at least a big chunk of things I would want to take. There's a lot. And I mean, whenever I move, if I move, you're going to need to take some of it because I ain't moving all of this to a new place. That's the truth. Also, I don't think you've ever mentioned that on the show except for Facebook Live. What? I said if I ever move.
Starting point is 01:21:59 If you ever move? Well. What? Oh, I thought you had mentioned it before or hadn't mentioned it before. What? If you were to move. Oh, well, I mean, I don't know. I could move. Oh, I thought you had mentioned it before or hadn't mentioned it before. What? If you were to move. Oh, well, I mean, I don't know. I could move.
Starting point is 01:22:09 Oh, okay. I didn't say when I move. Oh, I said very casually. If I were to ever move. Gotcha. Well, now it's not casual. I'm not moving, but it's possible. Not anywhere dramatic.
Starting point is 01:22:21 Just where our lease is coming up, we're not sure if our landlord wants us to renew and when i say coming up i mean literally a year from now so um this is not any shocking which is weird it blows my mind that you've lived in this house for almost three years it's the longest i've ever lived anywhere outside of like my own home yeah i've never lived anywhere for more this long the fun part is if christine does move she might be moving like 20 minutes closer to me i know honestly because we said it on facebook live for patreon by the way they get all the weird fun facts first i guess but um we mentioned it briefly i was just kind of like oh and kate like it might happen i don't know um and i'm like before anyone freaks out it'll probably be a lot easier to do the podcast because you'll probably end up
Starting point is 01:23:03 closer to me i feel like a lot of people hear move and then they think that like the podcast is going to come apart. Nice try. We know you want it. It's like when I moved from Glendale to Pasadena. Right. And then I moved again from Pasadena to Burbank. You're moving like 10 feet at a time. I am.
Starting point is 01:23:18 Next time I'll move like to somewhere even closer. And I just keep moving farther and farther away making our lives more difficult so hopefully if we do move again i don't know if that's the case but you're gonna need to help me with this bowling ball and all this shit i'll take that for sure okay you know what's fun no that was a wedding gift to me you can't have that you know what's fun is when we uh first started the podcast we lived eight minutes away from each other idiots we're idiots i don't know why we ever either of us ever moved we're idiots anyway which was good for us because we were recording for like seven hours at a time that's true like much like today yeah as the sun goes down anyway thank you guys so much for listening kind of or turning this off
Starting point is 01:23:55 yeah sorry five minutes in but also um if you are if you want to join patreon we forgot to tell you where i guess it was in the opening but uh slash atww podcast and that's where you can sign up and you will get a secret code to get tickets early so that's actually kind of a really exciting deal for us we're excited to let that um be a little new reward yay yay okay so keep up um and then the sale will also go on soon and we'll post the code on our social media. So the presale code ATWWD podcast. And that's why we drink. Drink a lot, by the way.

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