And That's Why We Drink - E149 An Unidentified Naked Object and the Girl Who Cried Jude Law

Episode Date: December 8, 2019

We've got an inadvertent ocean theme going this week and, don't worry, we're not out of our DEPTH when it comes to sea puns... Em brings us the story of Nessie's Canadian Cousin Ogopogo, not to be con...fused with John Wayne Gacy's Pogo the Clown. Then Christine takes us on a wild ride to Ocean City, Maryland to cover the tale of two scrapbook store owners turned murderers, Erika and Benjamin Sifrit. Christine will also try to convince you she's seen Jude Law but we're not sure you should believe her... and that's why we drink!Please consider supporting the companies that support us! For $20 off any suitcase or bag, visit and use promo code DRINK20during checkout!Get 9 free meals with HelloFresh by going to and using codeWHYWEDRINK9For 30% off your first month’s subscription, visit and enter drink30 when you subscribe!Go to or use code DRINK for 30% off your first month!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello and welcome goodbye this is take two as i just hurled the microphone onto the floor and i know you guys are tired of hearing that happen every single time we record we are well we're tired yeah and christine's not apparently we're gonna end um welcome i made a mistake in the last episode i kept calling it december 8th when it came out i looked at my calendar i was wrong this one's december 8th i wasn't surprised i don't care i mean like i care but i'm i'm not gonna try and fix it because you guys know me and you know that this is not a surprise right um. So I'm sorry. This one comes out December 8th. Allegedly.
Starting point is 00:00:49 We'll find out. Happy maybe December 8th. Yes. For the second time on our end. How are you? I'm fine. Great. If so, what we should have said in the last episode was this comes out the same day as a listener's episode.
Starting point is 00:01:02 So you get two episodes in one. That's right. We also should have told you that tomorrow is the release of tickets which we didn't tell you yikes and now now it's too late now they're actually out sorry yeah so if you were a pay okay it doesn't even matter telling you now because tickets are out and that's why we drink dot com slash live yeah hopefully there's still tickets there um sorry about that everybody i know that was probably frustrating. I know people get really antsy.
Starting point is 00:01:29 Do they know that they're wrong? Yeah, later. We don't know, clearly, because we're just oblivious. But we find out later, so I apologize about that. Yeah, we find out after the fact. I don't really know how to fix it. Oh, well, that's what you signed up for. I just apologized profusely next time. Like 150 episodes ago, you signed up for this.
Starting point is 00:01:46 Yeah. Getting there. Is this 149? This is 149. Wow. 49. That's my lucky number. Next week will be 150.
Starting point is 00:01:55 I know. It seems like a milestone, right? I feel like that's a milestone. I don't know of what exactly, but. I don't know how we'll celebrate considering it might not even be like december 15th we don't even know what day it comes out but uh thank you for listening to all of these episodes if you listened in order and if you were starting backwards and this is your first episode just stop now just what are you doing also i am very um very excited or i don't know honored a lot of people
Starting point is 00:02:23 i've noticed are like in people wait let me start over okay english is my first thing do it um when people start listening it tends to go in waves like do you notice that like oh yeah i think it was like after our case file ad we got a lot of new listeners and that kind of thing um and so a lot of you are now catching up like this week i've noticed a ton of people are catching up to this uh this point current episodes and so i'm just very like oh thankful thank you guys we got a whole new generation of you i know there's like a lot of new people and i'm really excited and there's obviously the ogs um who are may or may not still be here in our hearts right in our hearts whether or not they're we're in theirs but um so thanks to everybody who's been listening and um tell a
Starting point is 00:03:04 friend about us so we can get another generation going yeah it's kind of exciting a lot of new people on the um twitter asking me what those noises are in the background of episode 60 so that's really fun caught up at least to the whale sound at least halfway no not even um math is not my strong suit math is also not a language that i'm good at oh well moving on let's just move on uh we're having a nice day how are you we'll give you a second great i like to think you just cut them off in the middle of well you know what i had a pretty rough morning i'm trying to pull like the door of the explorer thing um where's my backpack and then your backpack just starts screaming at you in song oh my god what kind of doradon sport did you watch that was exactly what happened oh well uh yeah we just had some
Starting point is 00:03:52 meetings and or um we had some lunch together in hollywood we that sounds a lot cooler than it actually is not there was a a really um dirty elmo walking around the streets. For people who don't live in L.A., when you hear that, like, we're hanging out in Hollywood, it sounds glamorous. What you're thinking of is Beverly Hills. Hollywood is like our version of Times Square. Yes. Where it's just everything is like grimy and there's potholes and it smells gross. People are trying to shove flyers in your face to do tours. There's just like bubblegum shrimp everywhere.
Starting point is 00:04:24 Like, it's like very touristy. Not the restaurant. There's literally shrimp everywhere. Smells like it at least. Yeah, it does. But so when we said we went to lunch in Hollywood, it sounds a lot fancier than it actually was. We just happened to be in the neighborhood and it's like a pain in the ass to park there. And so every time my mom tells like her family like, oh, Christina lives in Hollywood.
Starting point is 00:04:42 I was like, no, that's not. It's also literally geographically not right. Neither of us live in hollywood we don't hollywood is an actual city stupid me when i first moved here i didn't know hollywood was a town it's not a town it's a neighborhood or a neighborhood i didn't know it was like a physical place i thought it was like you did it no i don't know why i thought like the hollywood walk of fame and stuff i thought it was just like a label that you put on places that were celebrity specific oh no it's definitely a neighborhood i didn't know it was like an actual neighborhood so then when i heard that i was driving into hollywood i was like wow that's a place i'm very it's okay i learned no you're not dumb at all um i know you
Starting point is 00:05:18 were gonna say stupid but you're not that either um i avoided it but i did i was not aware that that was an actual place yeah and so neither of us actually live in Hollywood. We don't. If you're trying to find us, we're slowly. Cross someone off your list. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:31 Process of elimination. I did follow Em's car. And again, I'm like, I can't believe you put stickers all over your car, basically screaming that it's your car. Yeah. I keep saying I'll take it down. And then I don't. Also, I don't know if you know this.
Starting point is 00:05:42 I was going to tell you before we recorded, but too late. Your registration is two years, almost two years expired so be careful because why would you say that on air for me to now get arrested you're not gonna get well who's gonna arrest you you're not gonna get arrested i'm just saying maybe put the new sticker on yeah i know i just i'm looking out because i know that's an expensive ticket i know i know it is and i okay before anyone starts tweeting i already know don't tweet me about that everybody's done that i've done that and i didn't realize it and i got pulled over and they were like you gotta fucking put that on yeah i know so i'm just looking out i know i know everyone's done it don't worry i know i mean actually mine's
Starting point is 00:06:19 probably expired too now that i think about it i should go look uh what else that's all that's all goodbye goodbye we have a lot of stuff coming up we're excited tours coming up having a lot of fun meetings at meeting new people and yeah i feel like we're saying meetings a lot and you guys don't know what those meetings oh right but you also don't need to know yet we will tell you when the time is yes it's exciting but it's not like you know life shattering-shattering. Like, the podcast is not changing or anything. There's not an exclusive. It's just like... We're just trying to like...
Starting point is 00:06:49 Eventually you start having meetings if you do this long enough. Yeah. Somehow, if you live in Hollywood, quote-unquote, people just want to have meetings all the time. But it's fine, because usually they have like LaCroix or, you know, popcorn or something. Yes. I had a nice hot tea today. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:07 Other than that, I had a fried chicken sandwich today that was pretty good that did look good um and that's all that's happened burrito i'm wearing jeans me too i never wear jeans i never wear jeans anymore i don't know if it's like me trying to like it was our meeting we probably tried to look we tried to look nice so we were dressed in jeans and now i'm sitting here in my jeans in my house i'm like i really could have put on yoga pants or sweatpants but i 90 of the time i'm wearing joggers yeah so or like gym shorts yeah so jeans is like a real upgrade yeah i hope everyone's enjoying this feeling good on my belly sitting like this wow wow well get ready you and your belly for the story my belly is already so i brought this up last time, but I'm now trying to prioritize close friends on Instagram. If you donate to our Patreon, then you get added into our close friends list.
Starting point is 00:07:54 And people have been suggesting stories. So I've been trying to use people's suggestions before looking at my own stories. This is another suggestion from, I guess now, last week. So the first time i asked for suggestions this came from that batch and we still don't know who it is we still don't know who it is because i didn't i tried to look it up and 24 hours had passed so that post went away um whoops but this is a canadian story so oh you guys knew exactly how to get me your heart uh i really really really told myself i would go on google
Starting point is 00:08:28 and hear the pronunciation of this before i got here and i didn't do it the pronunciation pronunciation um but this is uh a a creature a cryptid if you will oh okay a canadian cryptid which is what you call me right the canadian cryptid yes there you'll that is what i called you and also post that picture uh vancouver here is that picture oh on here yeah sorry i was like we did post it on instagram but yes we'll post it here too uh that's me as kind of sasquatch but canadian yeah um that was an actual like real life capture i didn't photoshop that one no and i didn't even know that's what christine was going to do with that picture it just really looks like it's just like perfect giggling for about 45 minutes and i was like what and i was like nothing so this is the story of the ogopogo agapogo agapogo don't look at me ogopogo o-g-o-p-o-g-o um and it is in lake this is the thing i went to learn to pronounce
Starting point is 00:09:26 oh it looks like okanagan to me oh i did was not even gonna go that route i was gonna call it okanagan oh could be that too lake okanagan okanagan that sounds like a lake we're gonna call it lake oh like oh okay uh so what did you say last week yuck oh yuck oh uh and then agapogo ogopogo um i think it's agapogo apparently its nickname is also augie oh that's cute so we're gonna call it augie and lake o because i should have done my research and i was negligent so um great lake o is in british columbia that i can pronounce and british Columbia, oh, it's an 84-mile-long lake. Fun fact. And the creature itself, Augie, is described often as a 15 to 40-foot-long, depending on the person, 15 to 40 feet long creature with a head that is similar to either a snake, horse, or goat.
Starting point is 00:10:24 Okay. So, wide range there range there i mean we had the cat for the pretzel worm so like that's true at least these are kind of sort of similar right right right in a way so most people say like a horse head that's like a giant snake with a horse head this really sounds like the pretzel worm again yeah it's just the water version i think i see okay uh apparently augie has several humps on its back. And Augie sometimes has long ears or horns on the side of its face. And Augie is also either dark blue or dark brown is the skin color. So the lake has been searched several times for this creature, especially in 1991.
Starting point is 00:11:01 There was actually a full-blown expedition with high-tech devices. Especially in 1991, there was actually a full-blown expedition with high-tech devices. Even like a mini submarine went down there and went as far down as I think over 800 feet deep into the water. Did you do a metric for all our Canadian listeners? No. Okay, just checking. Sorry. Again, I'm American and negligent.
Starting point is 00:11:22 840 feet, I'm sure, is a different number in the metric system. Okay. There was no evidence when they did this. I think you just divide it by three to get meters but i don't know i still can't really do that so go ahead is that true well three feet or it's about three feet in a meter i thought three feet was a yard same they're like really similar oh okay i say with i'm a dumb american such confidence uh you're probably right i'm probably not so the monster uh is known as agi but was actually probably most likely inspired by um a creature from native folklore called the nahatik nahatik it's n apostrophe h-a-a-t-K. Oh, that's right. Apparently, that name translates to spirit in the lake or beast in the lake.
Starting point is 00:12:09 And sometimes it has now also been translated into snake in the lake, which sounds like a fun little game to me. Lake snake. Snake in the lake. Apparently, it is most likely that creature that has now been inspired or embellished into Augie. Because they have similar looks and they live in the same water uh apparently nahatik was a malevolent serpent creature in native folklore and would surface from the lake during storms and when crossing the lake they would actually uh the natives would bring an animal with them when they were crossing as a sacrifice
Starting point is 00:12:44 so it was common in this area that if you were crossing a lake, especially during a bad storm, you'd bring an animal to toss overboard to appease the monster. Don't do that. So that was a regular thing just to keep Nahautik at bay. Uh-huh, sure. At bay. At bay.
Starting point is 00:13:02 Snake in the lake. Snake in the lake at bay. Uh-huh, sure. At bay? At bay. Snake in the lake. Snake in the lake at bay. Apparently, this creature lived in a cave at Squally Point, which is near Rattlesnake Island in this lake.
Starting point is 00:13:18 And no natives would ever fish there because they were like, that's where this creature lives. And since they thought it was malevolent, it would hurt them. They didn't want to be near it. Yeah, of course. They even actually convinced early European settlers to also fear the monster and they had settlers also offering an animal whenever they would cross the water to appease them wow they even also the settlers were armed and would patrol the shoreline because they were afraid of this monster they'd been so scared and so believing it some think that agi was never actually and by ag Auggie I mean Naha'atik, but, you know. Current spider.
Starting point is 00:13:46 Current day. Current day. Auggie. Some think that the creature that the natives believed in was never actually a literal creature, but just a spirit that they prayed to. But there have been many, many reports of Auggie up until even, I think, lastember were the most recent sightings um and apparently he is referred to as a uso which is an unidentified swimming object stop it i never knew that was a thing i love that uso a uso that's me sometimes when i'm swimming except unless you know when are you when are you swimming never the last time i actually went swimming was your your little pool that you did that that thing where i flashed everyone on facebook live
Starting point is 00:14:29 by accident yeah you guys are missing out a lot on facebook live you guys are missing out on patreon and by missing out i mean please you probably don't want to be a part of it also you're missing out if you go to if you don't go to live shows because christine flashed everyone at a live show that was a mistake she didn't flash she like sunnied everyone emma god damn it it was a mistake and poor eva had to tell me later the next day just to make sure i didn't wear that same outfit again you know what christina's a blast and a glass on stage and on facebook live so get on that can we just cut this out make this an ad for uh our show for our live show i guess you'd be a uno unidentified naked object here's a look
Starting point is 00:15:07 at this little puppy look how cute she is me me me okay look at the camera you're scaring her it's okay she's a ufo unidentified furry object oh okay that's you too i don't know okay okay we're back local newspapers have documented uh sightings of the monster all the way since 1872 but there are legends even before that of sightings they just haven't been documented but they have been passed down um one of the first stories is that a settler named john allison uh moved to the area and would travel across the lake for supplies. And once during a terrible storm, he was unable to return home because he didn't want to get stuck on the lake.
Starting point is 00:15:50 And his wife went out looking for him, and she saw a large serpent creature moving through the water and then submerge and disappear entirely. Oh, my. Okay. Another early settler named John McDougall was swimming a team of horses across the lake. So he was in a canoe, and then the horses were tied off behind him, and they were swimming while he was floating in the canoe across the lake. Interesting. And at one point, something started pulling down the horses.
Starting point is 00:16:20 And both of them got pulled down. And so to save the canoe and him he had to cut the ropes but the horses never came back up oh what the hell am so that's another story why are you telling me that also in 1817 so that's a long ways away in my brain okay there was 200 years yes it's pretty far away there was a there's an affidavit from a ship captain um who, this is a quote from the affidavit, I, Solomon Allen II, dispose and say that I have seen a strange marine animal that I believe to be a sea serpent. I should judge him to be in length between 80 and 90 feet and about the size of half a barrel. I don't know what. What?
Starting point is 00:16:58 Half a barrel. Half a barrel? That's not very big either. Not that I know of unless they have really big barrels back then. Perhaps. Apparently. Is a metric bagel, or bagel, is a metric barrel bigger than a maybe i just multiply by three or something okay fair um apparently having joints from his head to his tail his head was formed uh something like the head of a rattlesnake but nearly as large as the head of a horse
Starting point is 00:17:21 oh so combo combo deal would you rather have a snake head that's the size of a horse or a horse head the size of a snake horse head the size of the snake that's what i say too yeah uh good question when he moved on the surface of the water his motion was slow at times playing about in circles and sometimes moving nearly straight forward when he disappeared he sunk apparently directly down and would appear at 200 yards from where he disappeared from where he disappeared in two minutes whoa so he just showed like i mean that's quite a distance just showing off his color was dark brown and i did not see spots on him okay very important apparently it is important i was so i was curious we are gonna you know i was
Starting point is 00:17:58 like but what about the spots because you know we got a lot of pretzel worm drawings so we need a very clear understanding no spots for the ink totobers who are doing ink-cember. Ink-cember. Yes, exactly. So also in 1900, there's an account of a woman named Ruth Richardson. And when she was 10 years old, she says, all of a sudden I heard a swish of water and it drew my attention. So I looked out on the water and here it was sitting up there as big as life. He stood about three feet out of the water.
Starting point is 00:18:28 He was quite a way out in the water, but was still very much looking at me. I watched for quite a while and then he went down into the water and he rather backed down. So then I thought that was all of him and went on playing. But soon there comes another swish of water and he was much too close and he frightened me terribly later other people around the landing saw the same kind of monster you can never get me out of the water in a boat for any money wow traumatized her yeah and she also said lots of people dispute this story but i know what i saw and i'll swear to it so i mean what are you gonna do also several people are saying it and you're a 10 year old it's not like people are gonna believe you right away if you? Also, several people are saying it. And you're a 10-year-old. It's not like people are going to believe you right away if you say you saw that.
Starting point is 00:19:07 And now adults are saying it, too. But I love when people have those experiences as kids. And then, like, years later, they're like, no, I fucking saw that. And I know that it wasn't my, like, imagination. I'm not crazy. I'm pretty sure I'm not. I know what my imaginary friend was, and it was not that. Right.
Starting point is 00:19:20 It's not a snake in the lake. A snake in the lake. Mm-hmm. Hasbro. Mattel. Hasbro. What? I was trying to think of toy toy companies oh sure for snake in the lake oh sure um so crap crafted fans cryptid fans yeah things just derailed sorry sorry i just my brain just stopped working
Starting point is 00:19:39 um so cryptid fans and researchers from all over the world have come to look for agi and there have been multiple strong witness sightings some have even gone so far as to suggest that there are more credible sightings here than um than nessie what apparently agi is actually also known as the canadian nessie's canadian cousin so i was gonna ask how they were i mean they seem similar yeah yeah uh very similar we'll get there so there are over 200 sightings by credible people throughout the years including a priest a sea captain several police officers a surgeon etc and a 10 year old and a 10 year old and uh many photos and videos have been taken but none of them are conclusive but since uh 1926 and they started keeping records i think and i think i said 1875 that was when the first documented sighting was from then until 1926 there were so many reports that the vancouver sun
Starting point is 00:20:37 actually wrote too many reputable people have seen the monster to ignore the seriousness of actual facts reputable i know i know i heard it i heard it as i said i only do i'm not being obnoxious i just know people are gonna if you didn't say it i was gonna be like oh i'm sorry i messed up but thank you for covering but that is very interesting reputable i feel like maybe that's like a different the metric version what's wrong i smell puppy dog i feel like i smell like the witch from hocus pocus i'm like i know you're making me anxious or like that that roll doll book the witch oh no it smells like a good puppy smell i just got excited okay i was worried i was like if something happened here we can't we're trapped for the next hour so i just thought i i thought something was something was coming maybe you're
Starting point is 00:21:18 uh sensing the future maybe if i think hard enough about puppies they'll come back okay the future maybe if i think hard enough about puppies they'll come back okay fun fact so that that uh that quote from the vancouver sun was in 1926 also in 1926 was when agi made uh its media debut seven years before nessie so really yeah so that was the first time that there was like a real popular interest amongst the people okay so there were regular reports of it but now he was getting really popular and people were almost looking he got a publicist that's exactly what got it okay someone uh got a pr rep over there amazing uh maybe in hollywood i mean seriously at this point so uh the difference between aggie versus nessie first of all aggie apparently gained tourist interest like seven years before.
Starting point is 00:22:06 But also, what's similar about them is that even though they're in different areas, they do they are found at almost the same latitude. Really? Both of their waters are very long, very narrow, have really great depths, similar temperatures, and almost identical fish.
Starting point is 00:22:23 That's interesting. And the same latitude line? Yeah. That is wild. So who knows if they are somehow weirdly related in different waters, but it's just a fun, interesting fact. Wow. So the original name for this sea serpent was probably, like I said, Nahakatic, like up until the 1920s. That was probably how people were referring
Starting point is 00:22:46 it to uh referring to it as and then it ended up being renamed to augie in the 1920s before that they were just saying sea serpent or the native name snake in the lake snake in the lake do you know how they you're probably gonna get there how they came up with the name okay so in the 1920s there are two different people who it could have come from either ronald kenvin or what sounds like a tv character to me bill brimblecomb is a like a 50s sitcom yeah and so ronald or bill um it might have been both it might have i'm not really sure of the timeline here but in the 20s both of them happened to be uh mockingly i'd like redoing the lyrics of a song that was popular at the time like parodying it yeah so there was a song like the weird al of their exactly their time and apparently they were in a music hall and they were like singing the
Starting point is 00:23:37 song but with different words sure and the song was called the agopogo the funny foxtrot what so apparently that's what the agopogo is okay but so they were redoing the lyrics and the lyrics that they created were i'm looking for the agopogo his mother was a mutton his father was a whale i'm going to put a little salt on his tail there's another version where they could that they could have uh been rewriting that went uh his mother was an earwig his father was a whale a little bit ahead and hardly any tail and ogopogo was his name oh uh so apparently that song the funny foxtrot or the ogopogo that song was super popular at the time and this was right when all of the sightings were happening pretty consistently so it kind of gave the creature its name in that way and everyone forgot its original name people
Starting point is 00:24:32 just stopped great so at the same time another reason that this could have taken off is because in the same decade was when the pogo stick came out no and i think the pogo stick came out in 1921 so they were all the rage that's hysterical and so because pogo was in the name people probably paid more attention to it that's like a random theory someone has i like that theory though the timing is fun in my mind the pogo stick was never not around i mean that's true kind of like a like a wheel and a stick a hoop and a stick yeah yeah yeah i just imagine that and the pogo stick were always together always somebody's bouncing somebody come in as like a as a deluxe set sometimes hasbro what was it mattel mattel so uh barbie with a hoop and a stick like colonial barbie so in 1914 this was 10 years before it got renamed. But in 1914, there was a carcass found near Rattlesnake Island.
Starting point is 00:25:27 And it was 400 pounds. It had blue-gray skin. It had flippers and a tail. And so a lot of people thought, okay, maybe this carcass is a manatee. But there's no such thing as manatees in this lake. Right, right. And at the same time, only a couple years later, there were huge bones found in the lake that experts actually claim were from whales and then later in that same time period they found a 20 foot hammerhead shark that was found in this lake so there's no what's happening why would there be
Starting point is 00:25:54 a shark a manatee or a whale in a lake and why would their carcasses be showing up that is bizarre dude and so for a long time they thought that it must be the Nahahotic. Sorry. I'm not even telling a scary story. I know, it really scared me for some reason. I'm sorry. They thought it must be this massive creature that the natives were afraid of. And that's why they think that legend inspired the Agapogo or where they combined the stories.
Starting point is 00:26:22 You know what I mean? Right. No. Wait wait say again they thought that since it was all these massive monsters that made no sense right to be in the water they were like maybe this is the nahatek that all the like the bones are like the bones are the carcasses like it doesn't make sense that this would be a manatee so maybe it's this random the creature that creatures that the natives have been talking about i do love also however when people say um well it's impossible for a shark to be in this lake so it is definitely um this mythical random lore yeah like or what did you say earlier you're like oh uh manatees don't exist in this lake but this like giant serpent oh right exactly must
Starting point is 00:27:01 exist but this 40 horse head snake does i mean listen it's logical to me i just think it's kind of funny well one of the excuses people had was like it must be this native sure because i can't like how else can you explain it a hammerhead shark i mean that's really bizarre a hammerhead shark so that's why a lot of people assume that maybe the ahahatik inspired the stories of this being agi or maybe agis related to the native legends or okay i see it's just one of the many theories of what this could be yeah interesting so rumors then began if they were like well if this isn't a creature from native folklore that by the way might have been just like a spiritual thing it might not have
Starting point is 00:27:42 ever actually been a physical animal that they prayed to it might have been just a spirit that they were right right right like what could this possibly mean or how did these carcasses get here if they were legitimately sharks and whales um rumors then began that underground passages were between this lake and the ocean allowing creatures into the lake now that is also fascinating which has not been confirmed or denied to my knowledge but that is a theory it's probably been denied but probably somebody i would assume but i love the idea i wish i hope i love a good secret passageway even if they're underwater especially if they're underwater so in theory none of this is actually a mythical creature it's just an animal that got somehow sucked into the tunnel. But somehow that's actually, like, really cool, too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:26 I mean, it's terrifying, too. It's terrifying. And also, I want to get on a submarine and find out. Okay. Duly noted. I actually don't want to get on a submarine. I just want to find out. So somebody do that first part.
Starting point is 00:28:37 Well. And then tell me. Well, now, as of 1926, it's being considered, it's named Augie after that whole song and maybe the pogo stick. And so. What a nice namesake to have though I would love to be named after like a yo-yo or something what about a hoop and a stick oh yeah I like that call you hoopoe hoopoe I don't know no not that hoop hoopie and sticko that sounds like a terrible children's cartoon hoop Sticky. I don't know. We'll shop it. We'll shop it. However, Pogo the Clown was John Wayne Gacy.
Starting point is 00:29:11 Oh, right. We got to get away from the Pogos. Yeah, maybe Pogo's not a great namesake. Come to think of it. Maybe we should switch to board games or something. Let's stick with Hoop and Stick for now. Okay. Stick with it.
Starting point is 00:29:21 Hoop with it. God, this is bad. I'm sorry. I'm not caffeinated. Everyone's slowly turning down their volume. In 1926, after the creature has now officially been deemed the name Augie, there was one reported witness where there were actually 30 cars of people who all saw this, and they say that they saw a huge serpent-like with humps on its back move through the waters
Starting point is 00:29:43 so fast that a large wake was behind the creature um this is considered one of the most credible monster sightings ever documented because it was 30 plus people all saying that this really happened um there was another sighting in 1947 where there were many boaters that all saw the monster at the same time and one witness said quote it had a 30 foot body about five humps and apparently each of the humps were separated from each other by about a two foot space so there was like a hump and then two feet and then a hump and then two feet so it was like a massive creature yeah um and there appeared to be a forked tail from time to time the whole thing submerged and came up again and
Starting point is 00:30:22 that was many boaters all agreed to that witness statement yeah in 1959 two couples saw something large with a snake-like head and a blunt nose swimming about 200 feet behind their boat and then submerge itself oh that would be terrifying yeah like it like goes underwater and you're like could hit your boat or something in the 60s uh in 1968 actually this is the best film evidence so far of Augie. There is footage shot by a guy named Arthur Folden. And apparently he just swore he's like, this is the monster. And so Nat Geo actually did, or National Geographic did a, an investigation on their show, Is It Real? in 2005. And they revealed that what he filmed actually was a real animal, but the was definitely overestimated it was not as big as he thought and they did an analysis somehow about i
Starting point is 00:31:12 don't know how they did it but they were looking at the footage and were able to figure out that it was a solid three-dimensional object that he saw but it was probably if it were an animal it was most likely a waterfowl or a beaver a beaver interesting and so after that a lot of people now think if you see this creature you might have actually just seen like the weird silhouette of a beaver can you imagine how what a bummer that is like i know no i swear and it's like it was literally just a beaver probably a beaver man they're pretty small so in 1978 there's a guy named bill who saw something when he was driving over the lake's floating bridge he said brummel patch or whatever no this is bill stick yuck stick hook what stick yuck he's still our name i don't know he spells it in a wild way oh that okay um he says he saw something when he was driving over the
Starting point is 00:31:56 bridge he said there's three humps in the water and a head moving towards colonna which is i think a town near the area um before that i I was not a believer. Now I am. And since then, since 1978, the second he was able to figure out how the internet works, he has been running a website about Augie and organized, he's been organizing searches to find Augie out in the lake. What's the website? I don't know. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:32:20 Damn it. In 1989, there was a guy named Ken Chaplin who took a video of a 15 foot long dark green snake-like creature and in the exact same spot in the exact same year a guy named ernie and his wife saw an animal emerge from the water and they said it was about 15 feet long and swam really gracefully and fast at one point several feet of the creature's neck and body came out of the water i've seen a lot of animals swimming in the wild and what we saw that night was definitely not a beaver so they're like already they're like before you say this is a fucking beaver it's not and then the the last uh one of some of the most notably recent sightings was in 2011 a guy named
Starting point is 00:33:03 richard shot video of the creature saying that the size and the fact that it was not going with the waves made me think it had to be something else and then when he actually did an analysis of the the footage he got it suggested that he actually instead of seeing one large object one large object saw two shorter objects floating next to each other with no humps or head and it's assumed it was probably floating logs and um a lot of people in hindsight think that most of the sightings have been floating logs because they can be really fucking long they can float they can kind of bob up and down sure they have like odd shapes maybe they're a dark brown or blue color based on how long they've been in the water um and then in 2013 interesting enough that's or it's 2018 sorry last year um that september there
Starting point is 00:33:53 were like three sightings back to back one of them was a guy named david and his brother keith they say that they saw what looked like a 50 foot giant snake moving through the water and then there were two more sightings that happened right after that so um real quick i'm just going to go through the theories of what people think this might be so some people think this could literally be a giant sea serpent or a water snake um which apparently they there were massive giant water snakes back in like the 1500s oh um there are some reputable people uh that have even written like large chapters in their scientific books saying that they're scientific scientific books well saying that snakes at the time would get up to like even 300 feet long like just massive fucking snakes and they were like credible scientists at the time and they were saying
Starting point is 00:34:44 that these snakes existed so one of them was in 1558 there was conrad von gesner and he had a book called the historia animalium and he had a whole chapter on it that focused on giant snakes um so that's just one theory that if there ever were giant snakes and like one could survive like a descendant of that um i don't like the idea that that exists. Like they were talking about snakes that could literally wrap around ships and crush ships with crew members on them. But this is like real documented? Like they at least talked about it. I would like to say it's not real.
Starting point is 00:35:17 I think purely because I don't want to believe it. I don't want to believe it either. It sounds a little too unrealistic to me. Like folklore-y. Then again, I wasn't around in the 1500s if you can't tell. Oh really? It was a little too unrealistic to me. Like, folklore-y. Then again, I wasn't around in the 1500s, if you can't tell. Oh, really? It was a great time. It was a blast.
Starting point is 00:35:30 So there's another guy who lives in town at the Kelowna. He's part of the Kelowna Courier Staff, and his name is Frank Lilquist. And he has said that it could possibly, this creature could possibly be related to the Pleiosaurus. Oh! But the last time it was seen was during the upper crustaceous period and it was not seen by right and also unless you're creation last time it was seen was by something other than human beings yeah sorry to break it to you they think it could also be a giganthropus which is apparent a giant giganth giganthropus which was at the time a 60 foot long constrictor type snake
Starting point is 00:36:09 no from 50 million years ago oh okay good i'm gonna say it's probably not that i just can't fathom that these things i can't imagine 50 million years ago was a thing well okay valid you literally just said 200 years ago you can't fathom it's a thing my brain's breaking 50 million is just beyond comprehension. So there's a cryptozoologist named Roy Mackle who says that it's probably actually a primitive form of a whale named the Bacillusaurus setoides. Oh, my gosh. So there's a lot of, like, potential dinosaur theories here. I kind of love that, though.
Starting point is 00:36:43 That's kind of a new twist on cryptids yeah i'm down with it being a dinosaur i'm also down with it being like a time traveling snake from the 1500s with a horse head i'm down with that as long as i'm not near it at any point in my life fair i'd rather not be a part of its life uh lifetime but that is pretty cool and a lot of people have said that realistically it probably is like an optical illusion or it is floating logs and a lot of people think it's also floating logs because this lake is used to harvest a lot of the logs in the timber industry in that area okay well that so they're like if there's that many fucking logs where like this place is exactly where the timber industry goes looking for logs okay that makes
Starting point is 00:37:20 sense like they must be really long they're like probably just floating through the water all the time a lot of people also think that the ripples in the water because people say that they see it like submerge and then pop back up later ripples in the video footage that people have gotten of something swimming in the water are likely caused by a natural process known as lake overturn or no sorry i did that wrong lake turnover um and turnover happens when layers on the lake have different temperatures and depths oh and so they'll pass each other so um and then it'll form wakes or ripples in the water like uh like a tornado season when the air shifts yeah and creates you know vortexes you know but yeah it's like basically if if one layer of the water is colder or warmer then it'll sink or rise and then there's ripples on the surface of the water
Starting point is 00:38:10 so it looks like something just swam by that's interesting um some people also suggest that it really could be a manatee or a shark that got into the lake that poor manatee though if that's really manatee he's just stuck in there never got noticed. Or it could be a creature that we have yet to discover. Apparently, we are actually still discovering a lot of creatures every single year. So it could just be one of those situations. It's just so gigantic. I feel like the ones we're discovering are microscopic. I know.
Starting point is 00:38:37 But this one's massive. How have you missed it this whole time? And then that's it for the theories. But I did want to say i've never heard of agi before but apparently uh it's been featured in some pop culture so in 18 in 1989 was uh given protection under the canadian wildlife act fun fact that's actually very precious and then this is a couple years earlier but in 1972 there was actually a supreme court of canada case involving a boat called the agapogo and the case itself was known as the agapogo case oh fun fact misleading because you want to want it to be about the monster but right yeah um also agi has
Starting point is 00:39:16 appeared in both nancy true and final fantasy series and there's apparently a yugioh card about what agi in a certain deck or a certain set there's a interesting and he's been mentioned in an episode of x files oh there have been many songs and albums titled after him and the british columbia hockey team the colonna rockets has agi in their logo cute and this was uh i have some others real quick that there was a statue of agi there is a statue of agi in downtown colonna if you're nearby go and snap a statue of Auggie. There is a statue of Auggie in downtown Kelowna. If you are nearby, go and snap a pic. And my favorite fun fact is that Agopogo is actually the name of a color for competition grade yo-yos.
Starting point is 00:39:56 What? So you can get an Agopogo colored yo-yo apparently. You can and we will also in 2005 this is my final fun fact but there is a film that was made in new zealand called mishi the water giant which was inspired by agi um the creature heard of that movie well the uh the creature of mishi was originally supposed to be called agopogo but then there was protests that they were using a name of native folklore so they changed it last minute to mishi but the creature was already made for the movie and it was made by jim henson's creature shop and so there's like a actual
Starting point is 00:40:32 muppet of augie i think in the movie and it was also depicted after actor walter mathau yeah so it's like though like it's like supposed it was like inspired by so the muppet kind of looks like the actor oh that's kind of rude so they're like you look like a like snake in the lake like you look like a horse head snake but also a little like walter so what the hell anyway that was the weirdest fun fact ever i can't trouble my favorite's the yo-yo one i think that's fun i mean you'd think he would be the color for a pogo stick not the yo-yo one. I think that's fun. I mean. You'd think he would be the color for a pogo stick, not a yo-yo. Yeah, but, you know, if you think about yo-yo, also snake in the lake sounds like a yo-yo trick that I'm going to invent.
Starting point is 00:41:12 Oh, okay. Like walk the dog, snake in the lake. Only if you invent it on your agapogo colored yo-yo. Obvious. Obviously. Obviously. Exactly. Okay.
Starting point is 00:41:22 So that is the story of the agapogo agapogo augie augie snake in a lake snake in a lake i really like that guy he's fun also he's canadian so you know you got to give him some extra credit some extra credit don't love that they just like murder a bunch of animals about it but we ignore that we skimmed past it get it skim leak what oh yeah yeah i get it okay so i am going to actually do a story that so you and i when we were on tour last year went to maryland but it was kind of a last minute like college show which we had never done before and right apparently they'd never done before and so we went to umd and did like a campus show which was which was really fun um and so there's a story that i like wanted to cover that i covered there but
Starting point is 00:42:12 that i feel like i need to bring back to and we also didn't record that show so we didn't those stories so it's a goner would uh fall on deaf ears i suppose yes so uh i'm going to cover the story of erica and benjamin sifrit also it was long enough ago that i'm hoping you don't remember it Yes. So I'm going to cover the story of Erica and Benjamin Siffrit. Also, it was long enough ago that I'm hoping you don't remember it. If you were there. No, you. Oh, me. I certainly don't remember it. Don't worry. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know if anyone else will remember it, but it was a small show, too.
Starting point is 00:42:37 So, OK, so this takes place in Ocean City, Maryland, and I watched an FF about it. A fun fact. Forensic file. Yes. And so I think it's either pronounced Sifrit or Seafrit. Sifrit? S-I-F-R-I-T. So I think it's Sifrit. Okay. I don't know any better. I'm just trying to be, I'm just trying to get involved. We like to guess every possibility because one of them might be right. Like we increase our chances. I we like to guess every possibility because one of them might be right like we increase our chances i just like to pretend like i'm in the know but i'm not you are you are you're in my know oh that sounds weird okay oh yeah never mind never mind we'll talk about later okay so this story starts with a couple from virginia oh well yippee josh ford and genie crutchley uh josh was a successful mortgage broker and genie was an accountant for an insurance company fun so unlike us they're very good with numbers and probably other things too
Starting point is 00:43:31 though we're not gonna maybe the metric system who's to say probably since the entire world is right i said multiply by three i think i meant divide by three because there are three feet doesn't matter um it doesn't the two had both been married and divorced before. And when they met at a party, they clicked instantly. They had similar personalities, wanted the same things out of life. And they were very, like, adventurous people. Like, they were fun-loving. Like, they always were up for spontaneity and that kind of thing. And there was an age difference.
Starting point is 00:44:01 So Josh was 32 and Jeannie was 51. And obviously, societ societally it was more of a it's brought up because she was older than him typically i think if the man's 15 or 20 years older it's not as yeah it's like strange high five the dude but if it's a woman everyone what's wrong right exactly so they definitely brought it up but um you know it's not really that big of a deal. It's not. So they dated for two years before moving in together and to a house in Fairfax, Virginia. Hey-o.
Starting point is 00:44:31 And it's 2002 by this point, and Memorial Day weekend was coming up, so they decided to take a trip together. So they book a condo in Ocean City, Maryland. Okay. Now, I talk about this at the show, but my stepmom has a house in St michael's maryland and um one time we ran into matt damon and ben affleck at dinner no way are you sure it was matt damon and ben affleck they one of them has a house there too i asked because christine's i know i know i said every law everywhere christine literally thinks that she has seen jude law at least 20 times him in shanghai no you didn't you didn't literal shanghai yes you did not see jude law
Starting point is 00:45:07 there but he was there okay it doesn't matter christine i don't believe anytime you've ever seen a celebrity ever it's like you saw matt damon or did you see uh someone else did you see a man hair right she'll send people pictures and be like okay am i going crazy or is this jude law and she'll take a picture of like a guy at a restaurant but i'm pretty sure i just ran into jude law and we're like you haven't this is not jude law for the millionth fucking time i'm the girl who cried jude law because one day i'm gonna meet jude law and you guys will be like bullshit i literally and i won't even care at that point i'll be like fucking finally so you can shut up i swear every time we're on a plane every time we're at a store every time we're in a
Starting point is 00:45:47 restaurant it's so strange like i don't have a personal affinity for him i just think i see him everywhere you're just like oh my god that's jilla and it's like no that's not dude well my brother hates it but i think i see well okay it's fine you know what fine but however i was too little to even know who the fuck matt damon was embarrassingly my brother freaked out and so my stepmother went of course and talked to him and we were too embarrassed to go over there but um she said hi to ben affleck and asked like oh so what part of town do you live in anyway so it was like some fancy ass restaurant but i was too little to care about it very much until now and i'm like what what the hell? I could have made friends.
Starting point is 00:46:25 Yeah, that's exactly when you lost the opportunity. Oh, it was my big break when I was eight. That's what it was. Yeah, but ask my brother. It's true. They were there. So anyway, it doesn't matter. But that's where I ran into him. That's my little miniature, my actual sighting that can be verified by others. The only reason I believe it is because it was verified by others i literally do have pictures of that man in shanghai and then i sent it to everybody was it an asian person i'm pretty sure you were like that's jude law no it was not a chinese man it was a white guy and i was like that looks like
Starting point is 00:46:58 jude law and then i sent a pic i zoomed in and took a bunch of snapchats of him and then i sent it to all like all these people. And then my brother's like, I literally just went to his Instagram and he is in Cabo. So shut up. And he kind of shut me down on that one. I guarantee it was someone who literally lives in Shanghai. And you were like, that's absolutely Mr. Law. Mr. Law.
Starting point is 00:47:20 It's you. It's JL. I've been waiting for you. Mr. Law. You know what know what fine go for it someday i'll reclaim my glory that never existed when did you when did you originally claim it oh man anyway matt damon great so i just thought that was a fun little fact on an ff um before things get really dark. I just wanted to throw out a little. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:47 We're trying to keep it lighthearted. Yeah. Okay. So. As long as we can. Did you really see that, Damien? Or did you just see a man? I think you don't, I don't even know if a man was there.
Starting point is 00:47:57 You probably saw a broom. Mr. Law? Stop it. Okay. You're right. You're right. I mean, you're not wrong is what I'm going to say to that. That I know.
Starting point is 00:48:08 Okay. So anyway, Memorial Day is coming up. They decided to book a condo in Ocean City, Maryland, which isn't even near where I saw. So I just forced that story in. Sorry. But Ocean City is, I have some t-shirts from there. I don't know why, but I do. So she's an accountant. So she and her husband take a trip every May after tax season, which I have a friend who's
Starting point is 00:48:27 an accountant too. And tax season is like obviously crazy for her. And so then after tax season, they always take like a big vacation. So I kind of get that. I don't blame you. So they go on this weekend getaway. But by the time work starts up again on Tuesday, neither Josh nor Jeannie show up for work. And yeah, this was extremely unlike
Starting point is 00:48:46 them so their co-workers were like oh something is wrong uh knowing where they'd been vacationing their co-workers contacted ocean city police who went to check in at the condo they had been renting for the weekend and there they found genie's car in the parking lot but it was obvious it had been there for a while because uh sand had blown onto it and it like clearly hadn't been in use for a number of days so nothing was out of place in the condo itself but genie's car keys were on the counter their computer and camera were still there on the table and their clothes were still hanging in the closet uh neighbors hadn't heard anything unusual all weekend which was very puzzling um and the next step was to run a background check and see if their activity revealed any clues so they ran checks on their credit card and it turns out they had used their
Starting point is 00:49:29 cards to buy drinks saturday night at a nearby sports bar called the green turtle oh love the green turtle do you yeah how do you know oh you've been there i think it's a thing is a chain out there oh you said that at the show too i remember oh cool because people were like now you know i'm telling the truth people were like yeah the green turtle i don't know whatever it's a good place um this falls green with an e at the end very very interesting twist what a fun twist what's such a fun twist so investigators were able to and apparently that's like a very fratty broey like shit show of a bar and so they yes they were there and confirm and okay you're drunk um so investigators were able to track down josh and genie's server from that night who remembered them but said they were sitting alone um so they the server had no idea the background
Starting point is 00:50:17 check revealed that next josh and genie had taken a bus to a nearby nightclub called secrets bar and girl secrets sea i see secrets i see i see i see wow we've had enough marine puns for the day i think i know who am i agopogo we can't stop ourselves um so they went to secret which is just the best thing that's ever happened to me that that exists um the bus driver identified the two from a photo lineup. He said he remembered them being on the bus and they had been drinking, obviously. But this time they were not alone. According to the driver, Josh and Jeannie had been talking to two other people, a Caucasian couple in their late 20s or early 30s. And when Josh and Jeannie got off, the couple went with them.
Starting point is 00:51:02 Okay. Witnesses saw the two couples waiting in line for over an hour at secrets uh before getting drinks together inside they also saw them leave together and after that josh and genie vanished oh off the face of the earth no more credit card activity no more phone use nothing just completely vanished but it didn't take long before the case took a bizarro turn so less than a week after josh and genie went missing uh they're kind of like at the standstill police were called to a local hooters restaurant okay a silent alarm had gone off in the middle of the night indicating
Starting point is 00:51:36 there was a robbery in progress as officers arrives arrives on the scene they see a jeep backed up to the door and two people walking out of the hooters carrying armloads of hooters merchandise like they're robbing what a weird yes what are it's like you get one turn to steal something like what a target to have like you want a bunch of shirts with owls like muscle tees yeah i mean and like shorts that aren't shorts and like probably dusty because probably not many people buy those they're probably like still there from the 90s. Right, right, right. That's probably why they're so small.
Starting point is 00:52:06 They just shrank over time. Yeah, they just kind of shriveled up in the sun. Right. So just bizarre. And they were like, okay, they're literally here to steal tank tops and sunglasses. I don't know. It was just strange. So there's a Forensic Files episode about this, like I said, and they featured this photo and it had dozens of
Starting point is 00:52:25 hooters hats t-shirts backpacks they even stole the marlboro cigarette display it's like what can you do with that it's just like a a promotional thing that restaurants have specific robbery it is it's and it's very strange so they arrested the two people it was a man and a woman the guy was so wasted that he asked the police if he could just put the shirts back inside the hooters and go home. He's like, OK, you caught me. Let me just put this tank top back. I'll just reverse everything I've done.
Starting point is 00:52:50 I'll just reverse my Jeep into the front door and dump everything out. By reverse, I mean drive forward. Right, right, right. And also, like, you can't drive home. You're fucking wasted. So you're literally asking a cop if you can drive home. So they were like, huh, no, like huh no actually surprise surprise you cannot do that um turns out the man and woman were a married couple named benjamin and erica seafrit they
Starting point is 00:53:11 were both 25 years old erica actually came from an upper middle class family and had been a star basketball player in college benjamin or bj was a former navy seal who had finished first in his class and they owned a scrapbooking shop at a mall in Altoona, Pennsylvania. Okay. Such weird fun facts. I don't know. Incidentally, Erica had a Hooters obsession, which is why they got drunk and robbed the Hooters.
Starting point is 00:53:36 Hells surprise. I wish that you and I, if I were someone who got drunk, you could just like list a place you fucking love and I'd be like, let's go fucking rob it. Like if you were like i love spencer gifts and i'd be like well you know what we're gonna get all the fucking poop shaped mugs we can and like ill-fitting socks yeah that would be really fun everything is gonna be black light just you fucking wait yes we would have to drive into a mall with our jeep so we could figure it out we just reverse put it in reverse yeah with those doors open up automatically right like we'll get in there we'll figure it out um exactly like that's how ridiculous this was so that was how they explained
Starting point is 00:54:13 it erica just loves hooters okay if you're gonna rob anything like you've got to be drunk to not pick a bank like like some i mean someplace with just lots of money with like at least when you're going to hooters rather cash register not the right souvenir shop take some dollar bills like maybe put on a shirt as you leave as a souvenir literally but like you know there's much more valuable shit in there i like to think steal their chicken recipe i don't know yeah yeah okay anyway back to this uh neither of them had a criminal history somehow i mean obviously they're not good at it so i guess it's not that surprising. But police were surprised to find that they had three handguns on them.
Starting point is 00:54:49 What? In case like someone didn't want to give them chicken wings? I'm confused. I don't know. I mean, they literally own a scrapbooking shop. Like they're not and had no criminal records, like graduated first in their class, like no background in drugs or anything. Just so weird. So they had three handguns on them erica began to have a panic attack and asked police to get her anti-anxiety
Starting point is 00:55:10 medication from her purse inside they found the virginia driver's licenses of joshua ford and jeannie crutchley oh that'll do it so police she was definitely drunk like just directing them to evidence out of my handbag ignore all the bloody the bloody towels and the gun oh i mean seriously she literally had their and she gave them permission they didn't have to get a warrant she literally said can you open my purse and get my stuff out so of course they can open it and look through it must be belligerent she must be dumb whatever kind of drinks they're serving it's secrets i know those are trying to get in on that or maybe not seems like one per person things don't end well here so they're like holy
Starting point is 00:55:50 fuck we just thought this was this random drunk ass hooters robbery but like now they literally have two murder victims ids in their handbag and three guns so they're like this is a lot more than we thought of course when i ask they say, we just found those on the ground. Right. And I've never met those people in our lives. We just found them. So while it's entirely possible they had picked them up on the beach or somewhere else and had planned to steal their identities, like, sure, that's a possibility. But then they looked in the back of the car and found ski masks and flex cuffs, which are like those zip tie handcuffs.
Starting point is 00:56:22 So they were like this. I got those at spencer gifts i know we robbed we robbed a mall it next the spencer gives next to our scrapbooking store they sell those at the hooters gift shop actually oh my god yeah so they found ski masks and flex cups and they were like okay this doesn't seem like an innocent thing anymore um they gave police probable cause to search their condo um obviously with all of the stuff they found in the car especially the guns that's where they found two used bullets as well as stacks of photographs of josh and genie at secrets nightclub good night one of the photos like they had been developed like photos a stack so there's been there's been time yes brewing and there's been intentional post activity um so one of the photos showed a
Starting point is 00:57:08 ring on josh ford's hand they went through the photos and in that same stack in a photo taken a couple days later erica is wearing that ring on a chain around her neck good night she still had it in her purse by the way when they dug through her bag and as if that wasn't enough they found a key to the condo that josh and genie were staying in in the house so the bus driver who had spotted the couple was like yep oh yeah those are the other two he like he id'd them from a lineup erica and bj he was like yep that's the other couple i met um they were together all night in the bathroom of the seafords condo police find a partial handprint on the window and when they pulled the plug out of the sink they found blood and hair there was a bullet hole underneath the sink that matched the
Starting point is 00:57:50 bullets that they had found they took samples from josh and genie's toothbrushes to get their dna profiles when they tested the blood on the used bullet it matched josh's dna so the bullet had shot josh yikes meaning he had been shot with it and then bj and erica had either pulled it or dug it out of his body and kept it in their house well to avoid evidence right no they kept it like on their well like as a trophy counter with the photos and the ring like they were literally keeping this shit yikes like if you shoot someone you keep you just yeah you know i guess my first thought was like oh to keep them from being able to match the bullet to a gun or something but that makes sense too just to have it as like a trophy okay i mean awful yeah i mean it doesn't make sense in a logical way but
Starting point is 00:58:32 it makes sense in like a sicko's sick person's way yeah um but yeah i think it was just they dug it out and kept it like fucking morbid as hell um so obviously there was no way they were going to get out of this so when erica was told that investigators had matched the bullets to her gun she made a deal with prosecutors she would lead them to josh and genie's bodies and testify against bj in exchange for a reduced charge as part of the deal she would also have to take a polygraph test she told investigators she had nothing to do with the murder she only only helped BJ dispose of the bodies after he had murdered them. She said they dismembered their bodies and hid them in dumpsters 10 miles away in Delaware.
Starting point is 00:59:11 Okay, so this is a weird fun fact about Delaware. Apparently, Delaware has a very unique way of disposing trash where they keep track of where it goes and where it's dumped. So like the worst place to dump a body. The literal worst place. It's like, oh, well, they basically have a GPS tracker. Yes. Exact remains that I threw away. Right?
Starting point is 00:59:29 Like, it's so dumb. I can't believe this. They clearly did not research that. No, not even a quick Google. Nope. So apparently Delaware has this. So the police were like, fantastic. Now we can figure out where the hell their bodies went.
Starting point is 00:59:42 Thank God they did it 10 miles in the direction of Delaware. Into a different state. Yeah. fantastic now we can figure out where the hell their bodies thank god they did a 10 miles in the direction of delaware state yeah um so only eight days after josh and jd went missing investigators found their bodies uh they had been thrown away josh's palm print matched the one they found on the window in the bathroom so as if he was like trying to right get out uh so investigators are like hot damn we fucking got this in the bag. But then Erica comes forward with some interesting information. She says, actually, I'm changing my story. I was more involved than I initially said I was. She admitted to stabbing Jeannie herself.
Starting point is 01:00:16 She then showed investigators a large snake tattoo. Oh, snake. Snake in the lake. Snake in the lake. Next, she's going to show her a lake tattoo. Uh-oh. Uh-oh. And then a horse head tattoo. Oh, it's going to get bad. And then a pogo stick. Oh, my God. And then hooters. snake snake in the lake snake in the lake next she's gonna show her a lake tattoo oh oh and then a horse head tattoo oh it's gonna get bad and then a pogo stick oh my god and then hooters
Starting point is 01:00:29 hoop on a no hoot on a stick hoot and stick okay she had gotten a tattoo on her abdomen of a snake and it was in the same place where she had stabbed genie so she could always remember that night that's foul right um bj and erica were charged with first degree murder but investigators were still like what like why like they were like okay obviously these people did it but like what the fuck possessed them to do this to these strangers um so they had no history of criminal behavior they owned a scrapbooking shop for fuck's sake and they like it seemingly was out of the blue. They didn't know these people or anything.
Starting point is 01:01:06 But two months before the murders, they had suddenly, apparently, when they talked to family and friends, turned to a life of crime. Erica explained that she and BJ didn't have a great sex life. And because BJ thrived on taking risks, they began committing crimes for him to get off. Okay. Yeah. They started by burglarizing local shops near their scrapbooking store what a supportive wife by the way yeah i mean seriously to be like well i just want you to be sexually aroused so let's go rob a store i need a i'll buy you a poop mug or steal you a poop mug
Starting point is 01:01:40 uh jesus so they started by burglarizing local shops but that apparently got old very fast which i feel like in these kind of scenarios when people are turned on by crime it just by risk yeah it like doesn't stop it just gets worse right so they upped the stakes and turned to violence prosecutors say they targeted josh and genie at the club then invited them back to their condo for drinks and to hang out in their hot tub but they didn't want to kill them right away so they decided to toy with them for a bit erica started freaking out saying her purse was missing she wanted josh and genie to help her look for it but erica and bj had created this sick game where they decided that if josh and genie were able to find the purse they could live but if they were unable to find it they would have
Starting point is 01:02:24 to be killed oh my god when they weren't able to find the purse they could live but if they were unable to find it they would have to be killed oh my god when they weren't able to find the purse they accused them of stealing it and pulled a gun on them they demanded that josh and genie remove their clothes to prove they weren't hiding the purse doesn't make any sense take your pants off so i can see that my purse is not in your leg my bag isn't shoved into your jeans. Yeah. So they demanded they remove their clothes. Then Josh and Jeannie made a run for it. They ran into the bathroom and locked the door behind them.
Starting point is 01:02:52 This is like horror movie level. Then tried to escape through the window where his handprint was found. But before they could make a total run for it and get out, BJ shot through the bathroom door, hitting Josh. They burst into the bathroom and shot Josh again, this time in the head they shot at genie but missed but police believe intentionally just to mess with her wow then erica took matters into her own hands and just began stabbing her with a knife oh my god later when erica brought some rags and detergent to clean up the blood she said she found bj in the hot tub with Josh and Jeannie's heads. Doing what with them? Like them just floating?
Starting point is 01:03:36 Jay chilling. Oh my god. She said BJ had, as police suspected, removed the slug from Josh's body to keep as a trophy. had as police suspected removed the slug from josh's body to keep as a trophy over the next 24 hours the couple dismembered the bodies even further and dumped them in various dumpsters throughout delaware they also went to a hardware store to replace the bathroom door that they had literally shot bullets through then they just went on with their life they went out drinking with their friends they even went mini golfing uh they just lived their normal lives erica got her tattoo in honor of the evening and her stabbing.
Starting point is 01:04:05 And she started wearing Josh's ring on a necklace around her neck. During the trial, Erica and BJ turned on each other pretty quickly. I am not really surprised by this. They both seem extremely unstable. They each said that the other person was the mastermind behind the whole ordeal. And they were just kind of secondhand involved. During BJ's trial, a woman named Melissa Selling testified that she and a male friend had also met up with the Seafords in Ocean City three days after the murders and had also been invited up to their penthouse. Suddenly, Erica announced that her purse and her ring were missing.
Starting point is 01:04:42 We know where this is going. Yeah. Keep in mind, this is after they had already killed josh and genie three days earlier in this exact condo melissa said bj pulled out a gun put his face right up to hers and said how quote very very important it was that she find this purse wow so she desperately started looking but suddenly bj found the purse tucked behind a cushion uh where she had already looked and that's when she realized this whole exercise had been nothing but a bizarre mind game
Starting point is 01:05:10 so she's like oh i found it and they were like interesting you found it and so they fucking let them go like it was a literal game that they were actually playing like cat and mouse yes um lead detective scott bernal is convinced that josh and genie had been subjected to the same ritual but weren't submissive enough for bj and erica because they tried to fight they tried to run and so right they were murdered uh bernal said melissa didn't ask any questions she knew that if she was going to she knew that if she did she was going to get hurt it didn't go that way with josh and genie fortunately melissa was able to escape but josh and genie weren't so lucky uh they didn't have any physical evidence against bj especially because erica's gun was actually the one used in the murder so bj was
Starting point is 01:05:49 convicted of only one count of second degree murder and sentenced to 38 years in prison meanwhile erica was convicted of both murders and sentenced to life in prison plus 20 years how did they did they think they'd get away with it i don't know because they're so bad at it it's like they just wanted to they must have just been so in their own weird world wow i don't know how do you also run a scrapbooking shop while you're just like murdering people on the side fair i guess they're clearly just doing whatever they want in that exact moment if they're like oh let's go rob a hooters for no reason totally and it's so sad because the other couple just wanted to like have fun and they met a nice
Starting point is 01:06:26 couple and we're like, let's hang out. Yeah. And you wouldn't think, I mean, people say this all the time, but like you don't think it's easy to be disarmed by someone if it's not like, you know, a creepy man who's inviting you back. If it's like a woman, which is how often children are targeted. Right. Because they're disarmed by that or um somebody who you don't
Starting point is 01:06:45 perceive as threatening like a couple right it's just those ones are some of the most brutal fucked up ones because there's two people who have have the same headspace yeah um and to get to that point with another person to like be able to trust each other well enough to even disclose that you're thinking about those things and then and then like what are the odds that the other person is like me too yes i would like to get it i would like to stab her and then get a tattoo of it great i'm gonna keep the bullet on the counter oh yeah i mean it's just beyond me um both sifrits have filed numerous appeals during their time in prison all of which have failed thankfully bj get this will be eligible for parole in 2021. So, wow. A year from now.
Starting point is 01:07:25 Yeah, almost a year. Yeah. Erica will be eligible for parole three years later in 2024. So, didn't last very long. Well, we'll see. I mean, hopefully they stay there, but who knows. In March 2010, BJ filed for divorce from Erica and their divorce was granted. And that is the story of Erica and Benjamin Sifrit.
Starting point is 01:07:46 Yikes. Wow. Fucked up, dude. Right? Yeah. Yowza. Yowza. Anyway, that's an FF for you today.
Starting point is 01:07:54 That's an FF. A fucked up fact. Fucked fact. Yikes. No, that's getting in the wrong territory. I hate that. Anyway, thanks for listening, guys. Thank you. It's probably mid-December now, but who knows? in the wrong territory. I hate that. Anyway, thanks for listening, guys.
Starting point is 01:08:05 Thank you. It's probably mid-December now, but who knows? I hope you're enjoying your almost holidays. I hope you're keeping warm and cozy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's all. I hope you bought tickets to see us. I hope you bought tickets to see us, too,
Starting point is 01:08:22 but hopefully you're having fun until then because I think we still have another month and a week before we're on tour when this comes out yeah yeah coming up we're nervous it hasn't that's not even the real timeline for us right now as we're filming this and that's still terrible honestly like we're i've we're just very nervous and when this comes out we're nervous now but like when this comes out i think we're even more nervous elevated nervous yes um so thank you everybody for listening and supporting us through everything and um for letting the whale noises sometimes seep in die out maybe it's just agopogo saying hello see that's what i'll say now full circle i'll say see episode whatever this one is 149 uh all right thanks everybody thank you and that's why we drink yay

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