And That's Why We Drink - E153 An Ego Snack and a Lemon-napping

Episode Date: January 5, 2020

Happy New Year, boozers and shakers! We're headed to Houston with our stories this week with Em covering the spooky Hotel Galvez and Christine recounting the strange story of the double Mary Morris m...urders. Here's to warming up some cold cases in the new year! Christine also brings us a bonus true crime story this week involving the disappearance of a certain citrus friend... and that's why we drink!Don't forget to get your tickets for our Here for the Boos tour! consider supporting the companies that support us! Go to and get 15% off EVERYTHING on their website when you use code DRINK at checkout!Go to for $25 off your first Edit!Go to and get a pair of Blue Light glasses from the pros, with free shipping and returns! Get $100 off your first month of Talkspace when you use code DRINK when you sign up!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 happy new year this is our first 2020 episode oh my god i'm gonna eat my kids this decade you're gonna eat them i'm gonna meet my kids this decade you're never gonna be able to process that sentence i even said it's a blaze i was like is that a thing you say too and he's like no i don't know what that means and when have i ever said something that most people say that was your first that's a good point he was like meet them where i was like that's what i said anyway meet them in the hospital i think or an agency i don't know and what a spy agency i'm like i know i know but i wanted to go a different route with it actually i like yours better that's what i think when he's in meet them like meet them at a starbucks or something at some point i absolutely will meet them at a starbucks everyone
Starting point is 00:00:49 involved in our both our families will be meeting at starbucks on the reg yeah uh welcome to our first episode of 2020 it's pretty fitting that we talk about starbucks within the first 30 seconds of the decade sounds right uh-huh um before in 2030 when we find out that starbucks is like an evil warlord they will probably take over the world by that point um how are you doing in 2020 still 2019 listen i'm pretty great thank you very much em showed up and complimented me and i was like oh wow this is a good start i was telling christine this is i think the prettiest i've ever seen her and then i was like you went to my wedding and i'm just shrugged at me. I was like, that's exactly right. That's exactly right.
Starting point is 00:01:26 I was like, Blaze, you didn't say I was beautiful. And he's like, I smacked your butt. What more do you want from me? I was like, you got the combo deal. You got a compliment and a butt smack. Wow, this is quite a day for me, guys. Thank you. And you smell nice.
Starting point is 00:01:36 What's going on? I'm worried to look at the comments where people are like, I don't get it. I don't see it. It's because you're not wearing your dad hat. Oh, yeah. I did take off my dad hat my dad my dad hat actually came from my dad he mailed us a box of really random items um sorry well if he's it was a great christmas box i love how i love randomness i don't know how you
Starting point is 00:01:57 save yourself there we did get a box or a game look at that um it's called punder dome it's a card game for pun lovers and i know you don't like games but i do love a good pun right i was like maybe we can like lure you in with the pun half of that game i'm interested in yeah and i got a little dad hat but i took that off i don't know where it is oh over there yeah um also em and i did our i know this is like super late now but we did our gift exchange yesterday and like oh yeah freaking look at this oh yeah i got her the zach bagans ghost hunting for dummies. I screamed so because I was like, you probably can guess what this is. And I truly sat there like not guessing it.
Starting point is 00:02:31 Well, I will say I also I skimmed through it myself. And it actually does have a lot of really good information in there. So I'm excited. I'm actually going to read it. I'm a little bummed you didn't have a sign. But like, that's fine. I did think later I should just get it. I should have signed it myself and pretended.
Starting point is 00:02:44 And we have his autograph right there. should have just stolen wait that's a good point also it would have been really funny if you did if i believed that it was real and then i showed it on air and people were like that's not real ems a hoax every only everyone would have tagged him and he'd have been like i promise that's the last fucking book i would have signed if it went to her i never signed that i never will oh my god yeah but i really i do like it i think if you are actually i you know oh my god this chatter is called when it's not a ghost and it's like that it's always a ghost and then detecting trickery oh this is fun though i'm really excited for it we did a gift exchange oh sorry we did a gift exchange and um if you guys
Starting point is 00:03:23 want to watch it we're putting it it on Patreon the week of Christmas. At this point, it's already come out, though, right? Oh, that's right. I'm such an idiot. You're right. You're right. It's not Christmas yet here, by the way, guys. Right.
Starting point is 00:03:33 If you can't tell, we're extremely confused about where we are and what time it is. But yes, so we put that on Patreon. Also, there's some fun content on there that we've been filming. So yeah, slash atww podcast yep and um anyway how are you doing so far so good i think we'll see we'll see if it if it keeps up i like your shirt your avengers sweatshirt thank you it's supposed to look like friends but it's the avengers it does this was a birthday gift from allison i love it very trendy i i like it that's it that's it that's it
Starting point is 00:04:07 that's the news the hot news the hot take for 2020 that's the hot goss um let me think hmm well last night i was up until four in the morning oh super and uh uh that i was trying to be productive before i leave because i leave tomorrow for Virginia. Oh, true. By the time this comes out, I will be back from Virginia. That's right. Which is very interesting. A whole adventure awaits in between now and then. An adventure indeed.
Starting point is 00:04:34 And that's all. I was trying to be productive and I ended up watching my Christian stories. Your what? I have many Christian stories I like to watch. What does that mean? I've never heard that phrase in my life. That's weird because I say it a lot in my home. No, like I watch a lot of Christian content.
Starting point is 00:04:52 What? Since when? Years, since college. Like church services? Yeah. Well, not like church services, but like dramas about like church families and stuff. Okay. I was like, do you just sit there and watch a sermon? Like, I don't get it. Okay. No. No, do you just sit there and watch a sermon? Like,
Starting point is 00:05:05 I don't get it. Okay. No, I know. There's a, can you like give an example? Cause I don't really get it. One is the green leaves.
Starting point is 00:05:11 That's, or it's like a show. It's called green leaf. Yeah. Okay. I thought you meant when you said stories, like an actual sermon, like you just listen to a priest giving a sermon.
Starting point is 00:05:19 I was like, that's, that's not a Christian story. That's a pretty Christian story. I mean, it's Christian, but no, the story is the drama. Right, that means it's soap opera.
Starting point is 00:05:29 Well, you know I also like my Duggars out of pure fascination. I didn't know that counted. Okay, I get it now. Yes, Christian and a story to tell, for sure. Yeah, but I was... Some wild. I've never heard you say that phrase seriously in my whole life. Which is so weird because every night Allison comes home and asks what I've done.
Starting point is 00:05:43 And I say, oh, I watch my Christian stories. What the fuck? It's very weird. It it's like imagine something you say all the time and like you i found out yesterday that christine crochets no i don't but i cross stitch oh cross stitch sorry see i'm learning so much about each other but she was like oh yeah i've been doing this for years and i was like how have i never once i come to your house every day i've never once seen an accessory for that hobby that's how that's how it feels with you being like what do you mean Christian stories I say it all the time I was like you haven't seen my Nightman Cometh uh cross stitch and you were like what like what the fuck are you talking about so you do Christian stories I do like fucking Nightman Cometh Charlie Day art projects so I guess we have our own thing if you
Starting point is 00:06:22 like uh if you also enjoy watching christian drama unfold it's very fun i highly recommend greenleaf it's on netflix i started watching it by accident when i used to be a show scanner at iss and uh it just is so damn good it's about like a it's like a big mega church uh like a family who owns a mega church and all the drama that happens behind the church but it's like real it's not like no it's no it's like fiction it's like have you seen righteous gemstones i'm about to that's a great show well is it fiction or reality yeah oh okay john goodman and it's like these people who own a mega church it's on hbo and it's so good i love it that john goodman was on the plane to new orleans remember and nobody i do nobody believed me because of the
Starting point is 00:07:03 jude law uh shenanigans um that's true but it was john goodman because i confirmed it with other people to make sure but he was in a middle seat i was amazed i was like wow i got to new orleans before christine eva and i like i did some self-exploring within myself and also amongst the city just in your room and stories playing in the background god damn it i love a good christian if you're not watching green leaf you're missing the hell out i'm telling you what um christine came like two days later or a day later and was like oh yeah so i was next to john goodman on the plane i was like no you weren't you literally weren't like let me guess was jude law the pilot i know you asshole you really ruined my story and then he was like no and this time it was real anyway if you if i i highly recommend
Starting point is 00:07:47 that show also let me make the uh the caveat right now i watched the duggars and the and bringing up baits purely out of fascination not because i condone anything that's happened we've talked about this a lot m has like gotten attached to some of them over the years and wants to see what happens as they grow i have to know at this point like i watched little jackson be born and now he's 16. Like, he's going to be courting someone soon. Listen, I just got to know. Courting them.
Starting point is 00:08:09 Wow. Meanwhile, I just fucking watch them. They hold hands after engagement. I'm so fascinated. I just let you tell it to me because I just want the good part. Listen, I love them because it's so the opposite of how my life will ever be. And I'm just so curious. Well, anyway, I hope it's opposite of my life as well too late i've already held hands so oh no i lost my chance i've held
Starting point is 00:08:32 hands i definitely i'm going straight to hell yeah you are uh we all know that already but um anyway moving on yeah i just watched cold case files that's my only story uh i also wanted to say we're about to go on tour when this comes out for our first week. Makes us both want to vomit. But we're very excited. Almost excitement. Anxiety and excitement and absolute sheer terror that goes to the core of our beings. Terror is more what it is.
Starting point is 00:08:56 You said terrorism. I was like, no, not that one. I did say all of those letters together. Terror is more the feeling. got it uh and so i also wanted to add uh we have tickets left i don't know for what shows but i think we're running low but um we'd love to sell out 2020 it would be like super special to us so it would be bananas please help us sell it out um and then our patron of the week since i've started doing this and i just wrote them way ahead of time to prepare i appreciate you is justin reeser who has been our patron for 26 months i know right wow hi justin thank you that's more than two years i
Starting point is 00:09:30 think that's definitely more than two years my math is correct it's it's for once correct also while i was like perusing the patrons i uh found some i like did you can filter them and so i found our longest patrons ever oh guess who our longest is lisa from norway lisa g i have not forgotten about lisa i know i think about her like weirdly often also lisa g gave us like norwegian dog snacks at some point that's yes and also like send us some mail i think like twice send us i have still have the postcard from norway on my fridge uh i follow her on instagram like it's a little bit strange because that was way early um so i feel kind of like a stalker back when we have like 10 followers lisa g was one of the she's like i'll
Starting point is 00:10:09 send you mail cats and then um chloe maize has been with us almost that long as well almost as long as lisa wow and um so is ravioli senpai i just wanted to give you like i'm sorry now justin reaser was like wait i thought this was my episode I mean it is isn't it it's all of your episodes I guess but I'm just gonna um spread these out over the next few episodes um as I kind of go but yeah I just want to say thank you because it's 2020 now and you guys are supporting us and uh for over two years and it means a lot yep it's like really really special to me and I got very emotional bananas you're still doing it yeah I mean maybe they're gonna hear this ago oh shit I gotta delete that I didn't know i thought i i thought i canceled that do you guys some people
Starting point is 00:10:49 literally send me emails and say um i lost my patreon password can you delete my pledge and i'm like no i mean technically no i can't well it does happen okay sorry so that's my last note we were also yesterday we were talking um about well yesterday was one of the first times actually the first time christine's ever come over to my house to hang out with me it was very weird i was like i've never been here without allison yeah yeah you anytime christine's come over it was to hang out thousand even then it's not a lot remember that allison and i are like really good friends for 10 years now i feel like we never talk about that aspect because in case you don't remember christine introduced me to alice and she's become like the girlfriend rather than like
Starting point is 00:11:27 my close friend right so um she holds a place in both our hearts so they've they've hung out and not even a lot of times then i feel like you've mostly come over for parties yeah like alison held a poker night sometimes like she's we've done like a dinner where she cooked me dinner that was nice um and then like parties yeah but uh yesterday was the first time christine came over to hang out with me and i was the only one home and it was just the two of us in an empty apartment and i'm used to being in a loud fuzzy furry animal apartment with you i mean that my whole life has just it was so silent i was like texting and i realized there was no sound happening because no one was interacting with christine i felt like bird box i kept like looking at, or not Bird Box.
Starting point is 00:12:06 What's the one where you can't make noise? Yeah. No, that's the one with the, I know the clapping with Sandy Bullock. No, no. Sandy is, uh, who plays Jim from The Office? He's the one in the other one. Oh, A Quiet Place? A Quiet Place.
Starting point is 00:12:20 Where you can't make any noise. What's the one where she's in the canoe that everyone freaked out about? Yeah, that's Bird Box. Oh, okay. But I was thinking of A Quiet Place because I was like i kept like looking around right every time there was a sound i was like i'm gonna be murdered i think anyway yeah we have a we run a very quiet apartment for the most part it's amazing here i am with like fucking elementary school kids screaming sitting on the floor and she was like usually there'd be like four different animals
Starting point is 00:12:43 in my face i can't sit on the floor because they just come at me. Yeah. And it was just like, oh, welcome to the floor. This is what the floor is like. I forgot. Also, we have couches. She just chose. Yeah, I was wrapping presents.
Starting point is 00:12:53 It's a whole thing. But so we were hanging out and we were talking about certain things for like the meet and greet and how we want to maybe we should start adding more questions on our like our like a frequently asked questions part of the meeting specifically for the meet and greet because uh last year although we're very grateful for a lot and all of the presents a lot of people send some wild things and so we were just joking around being like oh maybe we need to uh like add something on the website of like you like because a lot of people ask can we bring presents to the meet and greet yes you can first of all but we were saying with a caveat but we were saying on the website we should have a caveat saying like
Starting point is 00:13:33 but please do not bring the following and they're like things that we like real human body parts please no like body parts uh uh ashes of of people you loved. Like, they really have happened already. Things that we're really anxious about having to... It's very weird to smile for a picture after being handed things that are a little dark. And we want to make everybody really happy, but then we're like, maybe we're not. We also have to make sure that we give an appropriate response instead of like oh my god like i'm holding teeth like you know because it's live like actually it's literally happening and
Starting point is 00:14:14 someone like they always have a friend filming it so it's like oh i have to act really cool as i'm holding someone's body parts someone's like toenails or whatever like oh god so uh anyway i don't know how i got off on this tangent either we were thinking about adding a little something on the website of like a list of things that please don't bring them again that being said we love like we get really excited when you do bring gifts um even we got like a prosthetic hand like i know i said body parts but i mean real but because that one was fun to scare i'm scared the shit out of me with that um we got uh you know some fun stuff i love when people make gifts and then we can put bring them back to the studio um we sometimes get like snacks and wine from that are local I don't know you guys
Starting point is 00:14:52 are just really awesome and don't feel like you have to bring a gift ever like that is not what we're saying bring a gift only for em yeah and then em you can put put in your fucking suitcase I'm the one who has to pack everything but um no so thank you guys in advance i know that a lot of you have been asking so yeah just sorry i'm just like yelled at you no body parts to the one person out there um the special one percent not that we like weren't interested it was just like oh it was fascinating and it was definitely if your goal was it to be the top of conversation when we got to our hotel you want if you wanted gossip corner to be about you you did it um also
Starting point is 00:15:30 uh i think part of it too is that we were like so this has happened multiple times and it's been great but the one time that it happens and things aren't great like they i don't know bring a heart an organ i don't to be fair everyone that's brought us something that was a little like off the charts they were always very nice oh yeah no it was never a problem but we thought it was just like why how did this how did this end up in my hands we just kind of envisioned the projection of what it could look like in like the next two years and we're like things could go south people could start trying to like one up each other and i'm scared try to take our body parts i don't know who knows all right so uh let's get into these stories okay please just to stop derailing please
Starting point is 00:16:06 please can i oh this is so like i'm so sorry i there's something really important that we have been meaning to bring up for like weeks and we have not um and this is i just popped into my head we were on jim harold's uh oh my god yes paranormal podcast and i keep meaning to like plug that we keep saying we're gonna do it and then we keep forgetting because we keep recording in advance and so like right we've been behind and i'm so sorry to like plug that. We keep saying we're going to do it and then we keep forgetting. Because we keep recording in advance. And so like, right. We've been behind and I'm so sorry to like interrupt. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:16:28 This needs to be told. But we were on Jim Harreld's Paranormal Podcast and Podlords, which is a podcast where he interviews podcasters about like their kind of how they became podcasters, what their kind of methods are. And that one, we had a really good time. You'll learn some fun facts about me and him on that one i think in our friendship also the fun part of that is we were on a show about how we came to have our own podcast and it was hosted to the person who inspired part of our podcast so it wasn't just like a a normal interview it was like the person who inspired us asking how we got here and so it was really cool to like look him in the eyes and be like you're why yeah he was like the person who inspired us asking how we got here and so it was really cool to like it was very in the eyes and be like you're why yeah he was like i didn't ask for this he's like i should have not asked you to be on my show it was very meta but anyway we had an awesome time
Starting point is 00:17:14 and um you should go listen to jim harold he's our personal podcast hero point being if we had a lot of fun it was super great and um i just really thankful that he let us on both of those they're separate interviews so um go check them out. Jim Harrell's Paranormal Podcast, which is one of my favorites. And then he just started Pod Lords, which is also really cool. Okay. So sorry about that. No, you're good.
Starting point is 00:17:33 Yikes. Also, Paranormal, The Campfire. Oh, yeah. His show, The Campfire, is the one where we became friends. Yeah, that's his most known show. But Paranormal Podcast is really great, too. He has a ton of shows. He's got a lot.
Starting point is 00:17:43 And they're all good. So please go listen to all of them. He's very very prolific just shovel him into your entire the thought that we were interviewed on jim harold like three years ago would have blown our minds like we wouldn't have believed it for a second so so i'm doing live show notes i had a plan for a much larger story which i'm going to do a little bit later i found a whole lot more information and i want to try to get as much of it in as i can so i stopped halfway i realized it was not going to get done in time so i'm doing a live shows notes i'm doing one of the stories from when we went to houston which was a long time ago now that was one of our very first shows i
Starting point is 00:18:18 think when this comes out it'll be like a year because it was january oh yeah oh yeah january it was january like the mid-january we did two shows in one night and we went, this can't happen again. And then we did it again in Salt Lake. Yeah. Houston was the only place up until Salt Lake where we did that, right? Yep. So this was round two. And so we were really tired.
Starting point is 00:18:35 Also, we're about to be back and there's still tickets. So go buy Houston tickets. Also, Houston was one of the loudest shows we ever did. Oh, my God. It was fucking bananas. Texas does it big. Dallas already sold out. So please scream at the top of your lungs for us it makes it gives us a little ego snack so so uh okay so this is my second story that i did at the show this is hotel galvez i literally was
Starting point is 00:18:59 like i better at least remember the name no No, I remembered nothing. I don't remember anything either. Once again, here we go all together. All together now. And this was back when we did it, and that's why we draw, because I see some color blockings on my notes. Okay, so let's all learn together about Hotel Galvez, shall we? Please. Apparently, it's located in Galveston, if that makes sense. Woo!
Starting point is 00:19:22 I hear it now. Oh, and my mom texted me. There she goes. Okay. Loc located in galveston is a massive hotel right on the beach apparently that's fun that's not speaking of my mother that's exactly probably where she wants to go fun fact it is apparently the oldest and most haunted hotel in galveston and has been on short story or on ghost stories and ghost lab okay fun fact that is fun yeah drink uh so okay well this is interesting so in the 1800s there were several orphanages on galveston island and in 1900 there was a storm called the 1900 storm that's very creative i don't know where this comes in but at the live show apparently i thought it was appropriate to now do it. And that's why we draw called Superhero Nuns.
Starting point is 00:20:08 What? Oh, you always did yours before the fact. And then I did mine afterwards. So it would always not make sense until the story. I liked I liked being contextually complicated. What are your words today? Oh, my goodness. I'm on one. Guys, this is what happens when you go to bed at like 4 a.m or 5 a.m something happened here and wake up at night because you came in and went you look so beautiful
Starting point is 00:20:29 and i went what the fuck look i have not showered if this is how i am today let's just all embrace it we just it's like when dwight hits his head and like pam's like i have a friend all of a sudden can you just like stay this way thanks pan thank you man okay so uh during this storm in 1900 called the 1900 storm uh saint mary's orphans asylum don't like that word uh was destroyed and 90 children and 10 sisters were all killed and only three orphans survived oh my god yikes so 90 out of 93 children that's horrifying passed away and trying to save the kids uh the nuns actually cut clotheslines into pieces to tie around each kid's waist uh and their own so they would tie uh they tied around their waist tied around the kids and almost form an alley line of children to try to get through this storm and this potentially caused them to actually die faster
Starting point is 00:21:25 this storm and this potentially caused them to actually die faster because they all got tangled up and drowned in the in the water man what the fuck i'm sorry houston has gone quiet yeah houston we had a hush falls over houston we have a big problem okay christine christine recently told me that i never noticed it but whenever i'm wildly disappointed in her i do this like specific exhale you guys know i'm sure you hear it all the time and now i hear it every time and i just heard a slight version of it where i just went yeah that's the one i do this thing apparently where i like constantly like grab my own collarbone when i'm like worked up or anxious it's so true and i was like god it's really annoying when you have a necklace on because then you're double because you're playing with it all the way out here.
Starting point is 00:22:05 And then you go back and then it's a weird self-soothing technique. I don't know. It looks like I'm fucking choking myself. I just exhale because about everything going on in my life. Christine shows up and I just go, I just like choke myself out for about everything in my life. OK, so, oh, yeah, the children are all dying. Oh, sure. Let's go back to that so the bodies of several children and one of the sisters were actually found still tied together fuck many of the bodies were buried and they uh where they were found uh aka their bodies were buried on the
Starting point is 00:22:39 property where the hotel is now oh my they're still there they're buried there that's wild okay well when they found the bodies essentially that was their first resting space um and that reminds me of when we went to what does it remind you of i don't have any clue the hotel in in new orleans where it was a bunch it was used to be an orphanage and a bunch of children are said to haunt that's where we met michael why do you say his fucking name i don't't know. I'm so afraid. He can hear us. I know he can hear us right now. I can't stop myself. I just got really religious. This is why I watch Greenleaf. I'm trying to be
Starting point is 00:23:12 a Greenleaf. I'm just trying. What does that mean? Okay. The Greenleafs are the family. You definitely hit your head on something. Everyone go watch Greenleaf and tell me I'm wrong. I'm not going to watch that. Season 3 gets bananas. Oh my god. Every five minutes i was like there is nothing that is not me don't they it feels like it's gonna upset me i i don't know how you're gonna react to it i love it
Starting point is 00:23:35 makes me really excited so maybe you will hate it um probably but no the last season i just finished up i was like there is no stone unturned this family is going through it this year oh my goodness okay uh where are we oh yeah okay so the bodies were originally buried on the property where the hotel is now so the storm destroyed the entire island and the residents wanted to rebuild no matter what it's good for them they rebuilt the area including in june uh 1911 when they opened hotel galvez which was named after count bernard bernardo i can't do it that hurts my ears bernardo jesus de galvez y madrid i like how the ending just kind of i tried i wanted bernardo and that was it my one of my best friends at iss his name was gerardo and it took a long time to go took a long time to learn that one because i just always called him hera oh and i was like what's your last what's your full name and he was like it's it's gerardo herardo oh it took a long time
Starting point is 00:24:33 okay so uh the hotel was nicknamed uh queen of the gulf because it overlooked the great sea wall and the gulf of mexico beautiful very fun it was also nicknamed the playground of the southwest and the hotel was so prestigious it became a hotel for elite upper class oh my what a turn though what a turn yeah guests included howard hughes frank sinatra jimmy stewart general macarthur um uh franklin roosevelt franklin d. Roosevelt, and Dwight Eisenhower, Lyndon B. Johnson. Jesus. Lots of people. A lot of prezzes.
Starting point is 00:25:08 A lot of prezzies. In the 1950s, a bride-to-be named Audra, you can see where this is going if you've ever heard a bride in one of my stories, was a guest of the hotel while her fiancé was out to sea. She checked into room 501 and would take the elevator to the eighth floor and climb the ladder up to the roof and on the roof she would watch for her fiance's ship to come home after a storm audra heard the ship had wrecked and all were lost or dead she was so miserable that she ended her life by hanging herself in room 501 in the bathroom a week after her death do i even have to tell you at this point it's been 153 episodes audra's fiancee was rescued and came to the hotel looking for her oh my god so now there
Starting point is 00:25:52 is a haunted bride at this hotel sure find me a hotel where there isn't a haunted bride and i'll pay a million dollars in a white dress yeah uh her nickname apparently is lovelorn lady oh my she's the most famous spirit at galvez and especially on the fifth floor where she died. There's a spirit of a little girl who guests and staff have both seen wearing early 1900s clothing and bouncing a ball. Fun. Staff have reported seeing her near the gift shop, on the staircase, and on multiple floors. multiple floors, and she's often seen by construction workers, especially recently, as of last year when I did this, especially recently when some were renovating the basement.
Starting point is 00:26:32 Oh, you know, renovation. I know. Spirits do not like when the environment is being mixed up. Tampered with. Tampered with is a great word. Oh, we got to bring that back. Tamper. I just need to start putting it into my regular vocab.
Starting point is 00:26:45 Yeah, you've added a few words today already so you know what a good word is uh yeah that's stupid sigh yeah it's a great word you use it all the time i blacked out i got excited to finally use my new word and i forgot it great is it a suspicion no but i will say since then i have kind of i haven't really committed to it yet because i know myself and i'll say I'm going to do something and I won't. But I'm taking it day by day and I am trying to learn. I found a calendar, a word calendar. No, I thought I need. Oh, I am a little by little before I go to bed learning a little bit about Greek mythology.
Starting point is 00:27:23 Oh, my. You like got me into it. Really? Yeah, because I wanted to go read that story little bit about Greek mythology. Oh, my. You, like, got me into it. Really? Yeah, because I wanted to go read that story after you talked about it. Oh, Latin class finally paid off. So I'm starting at the very beginning. Well, back in Latin class, I didn't, like, I wasn't paying attention to anything in that class. Oh, me neither.
Starting point is 00:27:36 I don't know how this happened. But so I'm starting at the very beginning. So I'm currently learning everything I can about chaos, which I sit next to. You're like, you don't need to learn much more. I can just ask you how you're feeling, and I'll know everything about chaos. And C next to so you're like you don't need to learn much like i can just ask you how you're feeling and i'll know everything about chaos and cronus who ate his babies i remember that part i'm trying to do it in the best the most quote chronological version possible isn't it when cronus eats his babies that's like chaos is the first because not that they apparently
Starting point is 00:27:59 chaos creates uh earth underworld and love desire, and then later creates darkness and night. Apparently, it all ends up marrying night. It becomes a thing. I'm learning very slowly, but- All right. Well, let us know how that goes. I'll catch you up.
Starting point is 00:28:14 When I get to Cronus, I'll let you know. Let me know when you get to Sisyphus. I can't wait. That's a different side. Also, I forgot I'm being recorded, so I just got a paper towel and started blowing my nose like a fucking trash monster. Talk about chaos, so I apologize. I i have really bad allergies if you guys knew how often we blow our nose nice we're messes over here also fun fact i feel like not many people
Starting point is 00:28:35 know this but i do have like a mild allergy to dogs oh my god i didn't know that yeah you did i've definitely told you this before probably like years ago when it first was relevant now i just don't even think about it yeah i like if i'm a if i'm around dogs it's fine but if i ever like sleep with a dog in my face i'll wake up that's why you always wash your hands after with a cold with a straight up cold yeah i don't think that's how allergies work is it it's how it works every single time if like if i were to lie on a couch and geo was snuggled up on me if i if i stayed the night and breathed him in all night, I'll wake up with the worst sore throat ever and it devolves into a cold. Yeah, I have terrible sinuses.
Starting point is 00:29:12 So anytime there's even a slight drop of moisture in the air, my whole head just decides to give up on me. Yeah, I get sinus infection kind of symptoms if I breathe in that kind of dander for too long so sorry about the it's okay people who are new to this are like what the fuck is this i hear nothing relevant people would be like i don't care about you're already committed to geo it's fine sinuses but i do have to wash my hands after i pet him yeah okay so oh yeah the little girl uh i said something about greek mythology i don't know where we are anymore okay so you said what's a great you know what's a great word and then you didn't come up with the word that's where we were i think i was thinking of the word juxtaposition uh it is a great word well we'll find out later when it hits me okay um okay so
Starting point is 00:30:00 they oh yeah the little girl is often most seen during renovations. The children's spirits will also play in the lobby on the piano and have been known to knock items off of tables and counters. That's fun. Women have heard these children and when they hear the kids talking to them, the kids will call them mommy. Oh, oh no. Oh no. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:20 It's like when they have stories of kids of ghost children, like grabbing your hand and people will be on a tour and it'll be like, oh, a child just grabbed my hand. There's nobody there, but it's like when they have stories of kids of ghost children like grabbing your hand and people will be on a tour and they'll be like oh a child just grabbed my hand there's nobody there but it's like they grab the worst part is when we have uh the worst slash best because i don't i don't want you guys to be deterred and then not do this if you fall into this category but during live shows we have had people come up to us at mean greets and be like i didn't want to scare you but i'm a medium and there was like a really like black energy standing over you just like standing behind you the entire and then it was somebody said oh it was standing behind em and i was like haha and they were like no when you started your story it walked over to you i was like wait wait wait goose cam goose cam indeed i was like why would you do
Starting point is 00:30:56 this so we have our own demon groupie apparently roadie if you will so uh in room 501 is one of the most haunted rooms in the hotel like i said said, that's where the bride-to-be passed on. And people have seen her walking through the halls. They've seen her sitting on her bed, and they've seen her as a shadow figure. Oh, my. She's also known to bring a cold breeze with her wherever she goes. She'll cry, slam doors, turn TVs and lights on and off, and front desk attendants have had problems getting the hotel room keys to work for that room.
Starting point is 00:31:25 There are reports of humming and a strange light coming out from under the door of room 501 when the room is vacant. Oh, no. That's a firm pass for me. I don't like that one bit. And there are also reports of phones not working in the room. So if your phone is called, someone else will answer or text won't go through. Like the phone will just redirect you or... Oh, my.
Starting point is 00:31:44 It just doesn't work. Okay. So if you were scared in there and. Oh my. It just doesn't work. Okay. So if you were scared in there and tried to like call for help. Yeah, that sucks. It really sucks. You're fucked. There are EVPs apparently of Audra giving intelligent responses. Oh.
Starting point is 00:31:53 When asked what happened to you, she'll say bathroom or rope. Oh, for God's sake. Oh no. Yikes. Oh no. She's also said on a spirit box drawer, which led people to check the drawer, where books about her were. Oh, God. Okay.
Starting point is 00:32:09 That gave me goosebumps. That's pretty creepy. Also, when reading the book, guests have turned to a page where it mentioned her fiance in the spirit box at the same time says rescued. Yikes. That's a goose cam right there. I'm goose camming all over the place. Tell me what oh my word oh my okay so this is apparently where another and that's where we draw began and it's
Starting point is 00:32:29 titled unpleasant bathroom experience well i guess that's and i don't have a picture to show you one way to put it uh i'm pretty sure this is the one where somebody photoshopped me zach baggins oh yeah into the mirror yeah like you're're playing Bloody Mary and Zach showed up. Yes, exactly. So apparently the reason for that is because one guest was by the pool and came in to use the bathroom on the main floor. Once she was in the stall, the lights in the whole bathroom went out and she heard heavy footsteps on the bathroom floor outside of her stall, having breathing and a man say,
Starting point is 00:33:01 get out. She ran to security. First of all, you have to leave the stall, walk through that bathroom where you think someone is. That's true. That's the worst part. She ran to security and they said, oh, that's normal. And looked through surveillance
Starting point is 00:33:15 and nobody followed her in or left after her. If you're that scared that you're confident someone else is in that bathroom with you and then there's no one on the camera, that must be the most scary, topsy turvy feeling of like. So disorienting. Yeah. Disorienting.
Starting point is 00:33:29 Exactly. There are several hauntings in the lobby bathroom. Apparently where children laugh and knock on the stall doors and they steal your toilet paper. Well, that's just fucking rude. That's obvious. Just the meanest thing you can do. Really cruel. That's what you should do to your enemies after you die.
Starting point is 00:33:42 Yeah. Stall doors shake and vibrate. can do really cruel that's what you should do to your enemies after you die yeah uh stall doors shake and vibrate and the toilets in stalls next to you will flush on their own oh that's frightening not even the one you're at the one can you imagine if maybe the like the automated thing you think is happening when you're in a stall is actually a ghost being like nope it's like you're out can you get out this keeps trying to push you're here for too long uh and the doors will also open to different stalls and nobody's there. Oof.
Starting point is 00:34:05 Employees will feel someone staring at them in the halls and in the alleyways. And there's one report of someone watching the walls morph and twist in front of their eyes. Oh, whoa, whoa. That's weird. I don't know if they were on shrooms. I was going to say, that could be multiple.
Starting point is 00:34:20 I don't know. They didn't say how or what they were doing before they reported this. So there's a painting of a man whose eyes supposedly follow you wherever you go and staff say there's a man in the corner of a laundry room that stands there and watches you and the new machines will always break down in the restaurant candles will blow out and the dishes will break in cabinets for no reason and staff members report seeing an old-fashioned maid and a man walking through a guest door a guest room and disappear together oh weird okay so at least they're interacting together yeah that's nice at least i have a friend in the afterlife well
Starting point is 00:34:54 apparently sometimes they're by themselves and sometimes they're together oh weird okay uh management has said that the spirits here are not mean or harmful but they're just jokesters as they break all of your cabinets yeah someone yells get out in the bathroom they they break cabinets of uh your wine glasses that sounds pretty violent that's pretty fucking terrible and they make the hotel's equipment break down and they have guests leaving earlier than expected yeah i bet but they're friendly uh doors slam shut and windows sound like their glass is breaking and then you go check on the window and nothing bad has happened talk about this makes you feel crazy it's like it's a crazy gaslighting ghost crazy making and clean bedrooms will always get messy or messy rooms will always get clean that's the place i want to be again this is
Starting point is 00:35:34 fucking yeah the the second one what uh what a game of russian roulette there i always say this when you talk about this story and i i think i've only said it at live shows maybe i'm probably fucking said it on the show but like it would be so frustrating if you were on the cleaning staff and then like a room kept becoming dirty and you were like listen i fucking spent two hours cleaning that room and now it's messy and like it does your boss believe you who knows or what if people use it to their advantage they just go on a cigarette break and they're like oh no i totally cleaned it that was a ghost yep i just wonder how that how that goes down if you work at a hotel let me know i i'm sure like they get away with some things like right yeah but really someone's also gotten fired for because of a
Starting point is 00:36:13 ghost someone else is so frustrating yeah that should be a theme for one of our listener stories i was just thinking that i was like have you been fired because of a ghost send in your story see em's taking over the themes now i'm just doing it at in the general i love the general episodes i love that um okay so uh down by the beach people also report seeing a nun walking up and down the shore during storms and ghosts are probably the scariest well also walking up and down the shore during storms it's believed to be the ghost of sister katherine who was the nun who died protecting the children save the children what the f but also i will backtrack real quick and say the nun ghosts do really just terrify me so much it's the worst it's the worst um one man named timmy was uh
Starting point is 00:36:56 staying in room 507 which shares a wall with 505 and his the this is an entire quote from timmy i felt stared at the entire time no matter where where I was in the room, there was always someone watching me from behind. I read in bed for half an hour before I fell asleep. I woke up in the middle of the night to a bizarre sound, almost as if someone were wearing a dress and walking over leaves. That swish swish sound. Oh, my. I turned on the lamp beside me, but I couldn't see anything amiss in the room. The window was shut.
Starting point is 00:37:25 The air conditioning was off. Everything seemed fine. I figured it must have been someone in the hallway walking past my door. So I turned off the light and fell back asleep. First mistake, Timmy. I a little while later, I woke up to the same sound, but it sounded like it was right beside me in the room. Oh, my God. When I turned on the light, I was shocked to find a woman in my room
Starting point is 00:37:45 oh my god she had messy blonde hair and a thin cotton dress on at first nothing seemed unnatural about her but i first when i first saw her um i thought i had missed the fact that i had one of those rooms that connected to another hotel room so maybe she came into my room by mistake with a conjoined uh conjoining door yeah um but maybe it was even a dare okay so maybe like fun bachelor weekend or something interesting thought uh but a second after i registered the woman she seemed to lift off the floor a couple of feet she had her head tilted back no no no and screeched in pain as she levitated oh my fucking god i watched in horror as she descended back onto the floor and seemed to resume a calm expression.
Starting point is 00:38:26 I was about to ask if she was all right when she lifted off the ground again, repeating the same process. This time I could tell that she was being lifted up and held by her neck as if there was an invisible rope wrapped around her throat. This girl was being hanged over and over again in my hotel room in galveston what the fuck dude that's the hotel galvance thank you timmy for that fucked up story seriously i mean that's fucking nightmare fuel i but you know what i well you know what i was thinking during that is like the first time he heard the dress swishing and he woke up and there was nothing there. And then later it happened again and she appeared. I wonder if she was like, had to like try harder to appear to him. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:39:11 Maybe she was like putting out more and more energy. Yeah. Wow. Like she wanted someone to know her story. Maybe it was a dare. Maybe it was a really weird ass dare. I dare you to levitate in a stranger's room. Oh my fucking God.
Starting point is 00:39:24 Yeah. That's awful. Yikes. That's so terrible. Anyway, thanks, Houston. Thanks for that. I guess we're coming back soon. Coming back live. We're staying at the Hotel Galvez.
Starting point is 00:39:36 No, I'm just kidding. No, we are not. At this point, I'm absolutely not. OK, so I have a true crime story here today let's hear it okay you do wait a minute on this show you have a true crime show right oh my god this is unprecedented 2020 new year new me new year new me new stories same old same old um so here's the thing m today came in the house and said christine you look so nice today i think my exact words were holy shit this is the most beautiful version of you i've ever seen and it
Starting point is 00:40:12 took me a while to figure out why that was and now i realize it's because my accessory that m thought i was so beautiful god damn it christine i don't even want to look i already know i'm not gonna look hi lemon this is lemon he's in my pocket the whole time that must be disgusting it's giving me is that why you put on jeans today glow yeah so you have a pocket yeah i fucking hate you i take it all back okay to be fair guys christine when she so i'm i'm low-key high-key a sucker for like long curly hair under a baseball hat. And Christine did that today. And she looked like Brie Larson in that scene of Cats of Marvel with the shield hat and the leather jacket. She looked divine.
Starting point is 00:40:53 And now I hate that I said anything. It was really sweet of you. It really made my day. So thank you for the compliment. Yeah, that was very nice of you. Especially because the reason I was wearing a hat is because I did not wash my hair. So I was like, oh, okay, maybe it works. Anyway. Fun fact. And thanks was like, oh, okay, maybe it works. Anyway.
Starting point is 00:41:06 Fun fact. And thanks, Dad, for the great hat. Okay, so now that Em thinks I'm really ugly, I will tell you this. Hideous, I might say. I have two true crime stories. The first one is a mini true crime story, and it involves me and my best friend Lemon. And, you know, recently, I don't know if you guys know about this, but Lemon was Lemon napped. Lemon took a journey that he did not consent to.
Starting point is 00:41:34 No, neither I nor Lemon consented. Unconsented quest. Sure. That's the one. And Lemon was Lemon napped and tweeted at me this ransom note months later let's remind like i didn't steal him for a day like i stole him for many moons and actually there was like a really long period of time where i was very afraid that i had lost lemon and i was afraid to tell you guys about losing lemon because i thought oh god like they're never gonna forgive
Starting point is 00:42:00 me i we even did like a facebook live uh i think last month or something was like where's lemon we want to see lemon i kept going over there christine was like i don't know where lemon is and i was like don't worry lemon's somewhere so finally em admits that like they have lemon and i was like thank the christ because i really thought i had lost it i was like somehow lemon has become such a vital part of your career that you can't tell people whether or not you've lost honest to god i was like i did not think this would become you know what i make of my life but i'm not i'm not displeased with it um so yesterday so i received this ransom note that i needed to arrive at m's house yesterday at 2 p.m with the secret passcode which was i will buy you cheesecake factor oh no okay first of all i did not learn the password i well the ransom note said if you ever want to
Starting point is 00:42:45 see lemon again please be in burbank tomorrow at 2 p.m password will be sent to you shortly come alone right and then i texted her the password and i said the passcode to get into my building is let's let me treat you to cheesecake factory after this that's right and if you don't say it verbatim you are not welcome in my home well uh somehow i snuck in anyway somehow she did not say that and yet she showed up in my house i was on the floor of your kitchen there's a will there's a way and she got in so m put me through the ringer uh i don't want to give everything away because we did uh film an entire video of this true crime shenanigans but lemon was lemon napped and even i were tasked with saving lemon and it was this whole saga and there was christine's christmas present it was yes and it
Starting point is 00:43:31 was like a there were mind games and physical uh i i built an escape room in my apartment okay there it is yes i built a literal escape room like i'm and i don't mean like oh i'm put some clues behind a bookshop no like m literally had like 17 types of locks padlocks on things like there were boxes there were clues on the computer m put a bicycle locker on their computer so that we had to figure out how the hell to open it and there were clues in the computer it was the wildest to know the password of the computer to get in it was everything was like i had like a triple pass it was insane and so i'm filmed the entire thing um i presumably by now hopefully have edited it uh because i watched it last night and i was like howling but i was like there are long periods of time where even i just kind of stare at the
Starting point is 00:44:14 ceiling go huh huh and you guys don't want to see that so i'm going to cut it down but i i tried really hard to make it as like as professional of a an escape room as possible like i appreciate you saying it i really put a lot of effort into it it was insane so it wasn't just like i mean if you know us by now you know that we refuse to do anything that isn't wildly extravagant so like i tried to make it as i mean like i i feel like i did well enough that i could like sell it to an escape room no honest to god there were like pages in book like so m had the codex we had to use the codex to solve a clue that was in an episode of the office in a certain season like it was the wildest shit i've ever experienced and then there was like a map where we on the wall and there was an arrow and we had to find the alien bible and then like i mean
Starting point is 00:44:59 it is there was a black light and then at some point you opened a padlock box to a remote control or when you turn the lights off there was like a picture that was projected onto the ceiling all of a sudden and that was you need to use that and the cryptex like i don't think i could ever do an escape room again because i'm gonna be like well where's the fish on the ceiling this is not okay but it was it first i also tried to make it i tried to cater it to christine and eva so that they would actually like look in the right spots which you guys did find all the right clues i also had uh rj and allison uh i had them as my guinea pigs and i was like before eva and christine do this i need two people to try it out so i know that everything goes in the right order because i don't know if
Starting point is 00:45:34 you've tried to make an escape room that's wildly elaborate but yeah i think we all have if you have then you understand that uh it's not just one linear there's so many moving parts like you can't do this problem to solve this problem like there is like it's just just one linear there's so many moving parts like you can't do this problem to solve this problem like there's like it's just chaos like you have to make like seven lines of really tough puzzles and they all have to go in the right order somehow connect if you hide a clue in the wrong space then you might not be able to get into that box yet and then you trap yourself it gets insane really convoluted and so i made rj and allison try it out first to make sure that the order i
Starting point is 00:46:05 placed everything right in theory everything would go smoothly right like a test run and it was let me tell you if you have not if if you ever create an escape room or do an escape room for yourself first and then put your significant other in there when you know the answers you learn a lot about them oh my goodness trying to watch them solve puzzles you know the answers to and was like allison was just ripping pages she was just ripping shit apart she literally just gave zero shits also like the escape room was in our house like our apartment like she knows where everything should be and she was just glancing over things on the bookshelf that i handmade and like painted ladybugs on and shit like weird things and she just looked at and she's like huh i didn't know that was a clue
Starting point is 00:46:48 what do you mean you didn't know it was a clue i thought that was just a piece of art that was in our living room it's like you do not know anything about what's going on in this house do you so if you can ever get yourself to know all the answers to a puzzle and then put your best friends to the test it's quite a sight because i watched it back and i was fucking frustrated with myself because i was like i tried to make it easy i tried to i made it challenging but i also thought it'd be like easy enough that you'd figure it out and there were some things where you just could not get it i had a timer going and i think i was like really we were both like really i gave them an hour like a normal escape room and i gave them three clues like in a but also we were on camera
Starting point is 00:47:21 so part of it was like i was like okay whatever we're doing is literally being filmed so that was part of it no but it was super fun and so anyway point being wow we're putting that on patreon right yes patreon exclusive did you win did you get lemon did i get lemon you got lemon in citrus and in health you should have seen me screaming when lemon finally appeared in my eyes you're like a banshee. I want to get that clip and make like a gif out of it. When you finally got Lemon. And just like, let's make it obvious now before people are wondering what's going on. It may or may not have been a little over an hour. I may have given you a couple extra minutes.
Starting point is 00:47:57 We solved the puzzle at 59 seconds left. And Eva and I were so proud of ourselves. We were like under a minute left and we solved. And we kind of glanced at Eminem and was like, I rewound the timer a few times. They needed an extra 15 minutes, but it's OK. So but I'm going to cut it down. It's not you're not going to have to watch an hour and 15 minutes of footage. But yeah, so that's on Patreon.
Starting point is 00:48:17 It was honestly one of the funnest things I've ever done. Honest to God. So if you if you guys want to see what an escape room and or if you want to know what my apartment looks like or if you want to watch christine and eva kind of like dead eye and just gaze at my ceiling i was in a santa hat if that is appealing to you i don't know go follow our patreon and you will have access to that or if you're just really attached to lemon which i am and you want to see him rescued because look spoiler alert he's here with me now yeah um and he's just i literally picked him up i started welling up like my little eyes were filling with tears first words were i forgot
Starting point is 00:48:49 how cute he is so i did he's so cute look at him if you're on is this the first time he's appeared on i think so he looked he's chicken nugget colored first of all no yes he's beautiful live love lemon anyway cool what's the next true crime what's the next true crime this is the real true crime i almost did an entire story on that well we kind of just did but uh someone out there did tweet like oh i guess we all know what the true crime of this week's episode is gonna be and i was like christine if you can find a way to really hype up an entire escape room yeah that would actually kind of did but we i didn't yeah i didn't present it as fiction and was like you don't have to do notes and i was like what and then i was like okay no everyone's gonna kill me
Starting point is 00:49:33 if i don't actually do a story okay coffee sip wait i want some okay i was like of mine you don't drink coffee okay gotcha gotcha gotcha no but i like a good strawberry tea i meant to ask since i ordered the starbucks do you like the dry freeze dry strawberries or do you like the puree i like the puree oh fuck we should tell me i like both i'm not against either of them i personally get the puree i think i just always pick this well you know you did you you were right because when i first started this drink i did the dried strawberries and then i discovered the puree down the road and my life was forever changed okay so should i do the puree instead do a little combo bowl sometimes see what happens okay all right my goodness live of lemon strawberry okay so lemon
Starting point is 00:50:16 and i are going to tell you the story i'm going to hold on to him i've been literally carrying him around since yesterday and i no one doubted that in space okay so i found an article i'd saved in my bookmarks you know how i love to go peruse my bookmarks when i'm lost for a story and this bookmark was called 10 crime stories with strange coincidences which obviously is right down my alley and it's on list so i use that article obviously and then i use uh medium unsolved mysteries all that's interesting list verse and abc news so this is the story of the mary morris murders obviously. And then I used Medium, Unsolved Mysteries,, All That's Interesting, Listverse, and ABC News. So, this is the story of the Mary Morris murders. Got it. The year is
Starting point is 00:50:49 2000, is literally the entire bullet. Okay. We're really setting a scene here. So, 20 years ago. Yep. Lemon was a twinkle in our eyes. Definitely. As was this show. Definitely an M's. Yeah. 48-year-old Mary Lou Morris is a bank loan officer living in oh yeah i just remembered
Starting point is 00:51:06 this story is so cool i wrote these notes last week and i was like i think i really like that story but i just remembered what it is okay okay guys i'm sorry i try to be like productive and do them in advance which then when it comes down to it i'm like what is this you know if you do them the night before you're like it's fresh yeah okay so mary lou moore she's a bank loan officer living in the suburbs of houston oh holy shit we did it again how is this happening i don't know first i'll like oh boy both of the shows where we did two first yeah oh wait ew that is weird okay interesting this is not intentional clearly as you can tell by my stupid face okay. She's a bank loan officer living in the suburbs of Houston. One day she says goodbye to her husband, Jay, and heads out for work.
Starting point is 00:51:50 It's October 12th, 2000. Throughout the day, Jay doesn't hear from Mary, which is pretty unusual because they keep in contact. Aw, kind of cute. She's not answering any of his calls, so he contacts her office, and they sayary never arrived for work that morning uh-oh yep that evening someone driving an atv on a remote stretch of road about three miles from where mary and jay morris lived came across what looked like a burnt out car inside was a body almost completely incinerated and police used tooth fragments to identify the body as that of mary lou morris The death was immediately ruled as a homicide, even though it kind of looked like someone had tried to stage it to look
Starting point is 00:52:28 like a suicide. But it was immediately ruled as a homicide. Police said there was no sign of robbery or any other motive for the murder. So that was baffling. The only thing they noticed was that Mary's wedding ring was missing. Strange. Mary's daughter said she couldn't think of any enemies her mother may have had
Starting point is 00:52:45 they asked about everything from gambling to drugs to affairs to any money issues they might be having and all the answers were no like there was no issue not even secret ones that she seemed to have yeah got it and yet someone had made an incredible effort to kill her and leave the body with barely any evidence torched in the middle of nowhere so just wild the day after mary lou's death the houston chronicle received a strange phone call the man on the other end of the line said simply they got the wrong mary more well that makes a whole lot of sense but also oh my god goose cam oh my god and i know this story okay and i know more than you i know the end that was kind of like recently we were uh christine saw what i look like when i get scared and i apparently hold my i put my fingertips on the temples of my four on my head and i go oh
Starting point is 00:53:41 my god it's like there's a high pitch vibrato it's amazing but what's weird is like i try to act all tough and cool when like if something happens it never lands by the way but but christine saw it for like like a firsthand account of it i went oh my god it's pretty incredible actually christine can't stop making fun of me for it but i and then meanwhile eva got scared and was like oh like this manly grin we were like this is a strange uh turn of events yeah yeah so that's that um anyway so goose cam uh they got the wrong mary morris just four days later on october 16 2000 authorities found the body of a woman in her vehicle along a remote stretch of road not far from where the mary morris had been. Nothing was missing from the car except the woman's wedding ring.
Starting point is 00:54:26 And the strangest part of all is that this woman was also named Mary Morris. Whoa. So let me tell you a little bit about Mary Morris number two. So her name is Mary McGinnis Morris. She was a 39-year-old nurse practitioner in Houston. On the afternoon of October 16, 2000, she stopped at the drugstore on the way home from work. While there, she called her close friend
Starting point is 00:54:48 and said, someone at the drugstore is giving me the creeps, and said I'm going to run back to my office to turn off my computer and then I'm heading home. Twelve minutes later, Mary made a frantic 911 call. During the call, Mary had been beaten to death and then shot with her own gun.
Starting point is 00:55:08 Yeah. Yikes. to call mary had been beaten to death and then shot with her own gun yeah so yikes okay recap two women named mary moores who looked extremely similar by the way they both had like same haircut uh same complexion it's very strange looked extremely similar both found murdered in their cars in nearly the exact same spot in the houston area just three days apart so this is why it's on this list that I found. I hear you. But while the first murder of Mary Morris had seemingly hit a dead end, the murder of Mary Morris number two immediately presented multiple suspects and motives. In the weeks leading up to the day of her death, Mary and her husband had both been having marital difficulties.
Starting point is 00:55:39 A friend of Mary's told police that during this time, Mary was growing increasingly uncomfortable about one of her co-workers. He was a newly hired nurse named Dwayne. And Mary had told her friend that the new guy gave her serious creeps. And when her friend asked, do you really think he could hurt you? She said, yes, I do. And I think he could do worse. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:55:57 So not a good sign to start off with. When the nurse was fired soon after, because actually of a report that she submitted, she said he made her uncomfortable and so he was fired. So after he was fired, Mary went to her office one day to find her things all moved around on her desk. Pictures were turned to face the wrong direction and there was a note left behind with the words death to her. So. Oh, my God. Yeah. She allegedly told her husband, Mike Morris, that she was very afraid of the man and that she
Starting point is 00:56:26 wanted a gun for protection after showing her how the gun worked he placed it under her car's driver seat so she would have it handy if need be when police interviewed mary's husband mike he told police he was at the movies with his daughter during his wife's murder he refused to take a polygraph test he didn't let police interview his daughter he quickly hired an attorney and it was noted that mary's life insurance policy was worth 700 000 at the time of her death and i know some people tried to turn that into incriminating but i'm like you know you don't of course you hire a lawyer i mean you never know the justice system isn't perfect sorry spoiler alert and um you know if you don't want your child daughter to be interviewed by police without you
Starting point is 00:57:04 like i don't blame you. A lot of people have a life insurance policy. I didn't think it was that alarming. And a polygraph can't even be used in court. So I don't think it was like that incriminating. But it's worth noting, I guess. In their digging, police also found out that shortly before Mary's murder, Mike had confronted her about an alleged affair she was having with a friend.
Starting point is 00:57:25 And finally, so another motive from another person. And finally, they discovered that hours after Mary had been murdered, Mike had made a call to Mary's cell phone. And this was hours after she was already dead. Got it. And the call lasted four minutes. Okay. He claimed he was calling her cell phone to try to get a hold of her because he didn't know where she was and that she hadn't answered and when the police were like well why was it showing
Starting point is 00:57:50 up as four minutes he said oh that was a mistake on the part of the phone company and they were like that's a strange coincidence right um so he said the four minute time stamp was a mistake but police believed mike was calling mary's murderer to make sure the job was done the theory was that mike had put out a hit on his own wife mary mcginnis morris and three days earlier the hitman had killed mary lou morris by mistake i see especially from afar because they looked similar um aside from the obvious oh wait, wait, what did I write here? Oh, hold on. Police have since stated. OK, so I do want to add that police have since stated they believe the murders were coincidence. that they were linked because they don't have enough to prove that they were linked but most people including both victims families actually believe this was a case of mistaken
Starting point is 00:58:48 identity um so all of the following is alleged but i want to go through some of the evidence aside from the obvious the brutal murders of two very similar looking women with the exact same name three days apart so we already know that it's believed that mike morris's call to mary's number was actually an attempt to contact her killer who had been instructed to answer mary's phone uh and remember how both mary's were missing their wedding rings so apparently that's a common tactic that hit men use to prove to their employer that the job was done because they bring the wedding ring home and say look i got this off of the body basically interesting i know right so the fact that they both were missing just their wedding ring is like another sign that points to right same person did it um and then obviously there
Starting point is 00:59:31 was that call to the newspaper saying they got the wrong mary morris which i mean that alone oh my god chilling yeah however they never determined who made that call and uh mary mcginnis's so the second mary's murder was also staged to look like a suicide she had been shot in the head with her own gun which her husband remember had stashed under her driver's seat so he and that was only he knew there was a gun there exactly he could have told someone it's under the driver's seat and that was only weeks before the murder so the timing of it and the only reason that we know that he had taught her or that she had asked for a gun is that he told he that was what he said. He's like, she asked for a gun.
Starting point is 01:00:09 So, you know, he said, she said. But so that that's a little bit incriminating as well, I think. Again, all alleged. Now, the first Mary, Mary Lou, was not shot, which I thought was interesting. So I actually found a super interesting theory on what may have happened on reddit um i went on a deep dive you know as you do and again this is all alleged and obviously this especially is just like internet theory but i thought this was super interesting um user apwgk said my theory on what happened in the first murder is that mike's plan
Starting point is 01:00:41 to make it look like a suicide went awry when the murderer discovered there was no gun under the seat or in the car because he had the wrong person so he had to use other means to commit murder and get rid of evidence which is why he set the car on fire instead i see isn't that wild huh because i was like why would they use different uh methods of killing right i'm like well if the gun wasn't there and he he was told there would be a gun so i thought that was really interesting and i hadn't seen that noted anywhere else one of these days i just wish one of these reddit users like listen to our show wouldn't that be cool if you are please if you are apwgk let me know uh mary mcginnis morris's sister stephanie also believes this was a case of mistaken identity and says she would be horrified if that were the case she said quote
Starting point is 01:01:24 if by chance this was someone who was hired to kill my sister it is a very sad thing they got the wrong person at first my heart has to go out to her daughter marilyn and her stepfather so even like the second mary who they're not sure who killed her but it seemed like she was the target even her family believes that um the first one was a mistake. So got it. Alarming. So it's been nearly 20 years and no one has been charged in either crime. Not that of Mary Lou Morris or nor that of Mary McGinnis Morris. Police have been able to unable to find any direct evidence linking the two murders. Harris County Detective Robert Tonry said, unless you had a totally bumbling hit man that just went by and said, I will just look for the first Mary Morris I can. I don't see that as a viable option.
Starting point is 01:02:13 I will say I disagree with that because I don't think that every hit man. Well, okay, here, I'm just going to read it. Another interesting point that I found on Reddit, uh, by user, but Rito, I really hope you listen to our show, uh, said, I think the idea of a hit man in true crime mysteries is often really glamorized like these are paid assassins with specialized training who would never make a mistake or leave evidence behind but most people looking to kill their spouses end up quote hiring some rando with no real expertise other than perhaps a history of violence and or burglaries i can definitely imagine that mike moores had a conversation with a stranger whether it was someone he met by chance or someone that a shady friend introduced him to about killing his wife mike might not have even
Starting point is 01:02:48 taken the request that seriously and thus only provided the bare basics in describing her and her routine so i agree with that because i'm thinking you know you see movies and like the hitmen are like these assassins but well established right in crime and in killing exactly and like know what they're doing and are super slick um but i would agree that you know i've watched those episodes of cops where um it's really horrifying where people they catch people hiring hit men to kill people and like those don't ever look like very professional dealings i can tell you that much um so then i mean once again this is all alleged but i just thought that was an interesting like a good yeah that makes a good point yeah um so this is where shit gets wild okay at the bottom
Starting point is 01:03:29 of the article which was the most so this is when i was like i'm done with my notes and i was not right yeah okay been there we both know how that happens been there so this was the most thorough so on the unsolved uh website that was the most thorough account of the murders i could find um they have a comment section. And the comment section featured some really interesting guest stars. I'd like to preface this by saying, yes, I understand, like, people on the Internet are not inherently trustworthy. And this could be someone trolling. But just come on this ride with me for a moment.
Starting point is 01:04:01 I'm excited. One comment left May 22, 2017 read as follows this is judy and i was hired by mary mcginnis morris to replace duane as the nursing manager i was there when mary was murdered i loved mary from the bottom of my heart duane your behavior was very suspicious during the weeks after mary's murder and you have no business practicing nursing three exclamation points okay you need psychiatric help and are not competent to care for patients mary called me the morning before she died and asked me to go with her to lunch and meet her at the office i told her no that i was going to work in my flight work in my yard i don't know what that means at my property
Starting point is 01:04:34 i was at the memorial service and basically took over mary's position a number of emails showed up in my new office email between mary and her husband and they were very telling i believe mike morris was involved because mary found child porn on his computer and she was going to leave him whoa so you know this is someone on the internet but i thought it was an interesting um a good take well an interest yeah an interesting uh potential twist sure i will also say theory a good theory exactly eerie and theory so i might say both ear and theory um i will also say that like if this is fake and it's just someone trolling they did a really good job of making it seem written by a middle-aged woman because there are like a lot of exclamation points
Starting point is 01:05:16 like it's kind of okay i don't know if you're part of it but i'm uh i'm a member of the the group on facebook for millennials pretending to be boomers. Oh, I want to be a part of that. Oh, it's my favorite. I mean, people post it all the time, but they'll post something random, but they'll spell everything just a little off. There's like a wild exclamation point. And but it's like S and D because the S is next to the A. I think you'd get a kick out of that.
Starting point is 01:05:42 So maybe it's one of those people. I don't know. But I thought it was like really well done if they were faking it um because it really looks like somebody was just like trying to keyboard their way through that paragraph i see i see um yeah so i don't know potentially um and this was also years ago so i'm i'm thinking probably the boomer page didn't exist back then if you're going to tell me that it was one of those people practicing on reddit first and then this facebook group came along and they're like oh i know exactly what to do just keep typing like that we're thinking it's real right it could be real too it could be real go with me i told you to come with me on this ride i'm on the ride are you abandoning me i'm on the right i'm just looking for an escape apparently an exit strategy
Starting point is 01:06:18 for some reason i think it's an interesting theory i do like it i think it could it makes sense oh wait there's another paragraph oh i forgot it my prayers to mary's daughter and family dna has come a long way and i firmly believe the true criminal will be brought to justice mary's compassion had a huge impact upon my life and i am presently pursuing a doctor in nursing dnp she is one of the best nurse practitioners in have ever known and i miss her love hugs and prayers the mary's family so if that's her if that really is a person that mary had hired uh before her death interesting that she had you know gone on the computer and gotten her emails and seen some like telling shadiness going on between her and her husband it's possible interesting but it gets weirder so wow so
Starting point is 01:07:01 fucking don't jump off the road yet okay uh so guess who shows up next on the message board who fucking duane okay apparently allegedly i actually do believe this is him it seems wild but apparently he seems to pop up all over the place on these blogs and forums and he's actually become known like in actual articles he's become known for attempting to insert himself and give his side to what happened like he literally jumps on all these articles and boards and tries to defend himself um and tried to sue people like he's very outwardly involved and i'm talking the real duane so it is potentially the real duane we'll see got it according to a blog post um by diary of a part-time writer who has done extensive research into the case quote
Starting point is 01:07:43 duane inserts himself into almost every message board about the Mary Morris murders out there. He makes weird claims. He keeps messaging people even when he's been warned repeatedly to stop. And he's been doing this since the murders happened. So Medium confirmed this piece of information on their article as well. They said that Dwayne was very involved and inserts himself. But please know, this is just my rabbit hole okay this is all
Starting point is 01:08:06 conjecture i just thought this is interesting and i found it but also it exists it's all it's i'm just reading you what i found so i hear you duane allegedly commented on october 27 2015 there was no connection between myself and mike morris as far as some joint conspiracy recordings prove that i made the recording myself and forwarded it to detective hunter there are more than one recording i am not speaking about any 911 recording of course i have not heard it i made my own recordings in about 2001 or 2002 to give to detectives i didn't fail any polygraphs for your information i cooperated fully and mike morris did not who was he protecting i did not contact any government
Starting point is 01:08:45 agency or tv show because people were like he's always trying to get on tv about this case got it got it to inform anyone that i was going to be arrested you have libeled me and you are subject to a lawsuit if my attorney and i decide that route enough is enough little sister duane and that was directed at a woman who said she was stephanie oh okay and said little sister little this little sister of mary morris just wild these people are literally just all arguing on these forums and this is like several it's like 10 years ago that this all occurred these comments um other comments he's left across the interwebs include that he has proof of his other claims, but his hard drive fried and he lost it all. Okay.
Starting point is 01:09:26 Probably true. Fair, fair, fair. Maybe. That anyone who says Mary had reason to fear him is lying. That he's going to sue America's Most Wanted for defamation and slander. That Mary faked her own death. Okay. And that a profiler should review his posts to prove he's not crazy.
Starting point is 01:09:41 Okay. I can do that for you sir uh there is documentation of mary mckinnis morse's family jumping in to counter his statement so they actually have proven that her family does jump on these forums to argue with him in the comments uh so that's actually them it's actually really morbid it feels i felt really weird going through the comments knowing that's the sister of the woman who was murdered. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:06 It's like it almost like brings you a somehow makes it too real. So real. It brings you like, I don't know, a screen away, like one degree away from the actual crime. Like you're you're for all intents and purposes, you're interacting with the person who went through. And I could easily just hit reply and respond like I'm not going to. It makes them less of like an elusive. Yeah, like less of a news story on the TV and more of like like a like a real person. Go figure.
Starting point is 01:10:30 Go figure. I know. 153 episodes. Yeah. No, I always tried to remind myself of that. But it was very jarring to read the arguments because they were just like these petty back and forth arguments. And I was like, this is just. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:42 Wild. Like it's almost like their text messages i'm reading felt very like personal almost um so although jay morris mary lou's husband so the first so he firmly believes that this was a mistake that his wife was not meant to be murdered and that she was murdered by a hitman who meant to murder the other woman jay uh says he explained the odds of two people named mary morris in the same city, which the population at the time of Houston was two million. Oh, wow. Within a few days of each other are astronomical. But although that is true, that just doesn't hold up in court as evidence, obviously, unfortunately.
Starting point is 01:11:18 And this case was profiled on America's Most Wanted in June of 2002. But it does remain unsolved to this day nearly 20 years later. If you do have any information, please contact Houston Police Department non-emergency line at 713-884-3131 or Crime Stoppers 24-7 tip line at 713-222-TIPS. And that is the strange story
Starting point is 01:11:39 of the double Mary Morris murders. Ooh. Thank you so much, Christineine for that wonderful interesting piece of information that i got to hear that was one of those nights where i was up till three like delving into the forums right now and i was like i don't know i feel too involved in this now um but i i personally i don't obviously know who did it, but I think the husband story is a little shady, I will say. Just with like the odds that the rings were both taken and someone had called the newspaper before. Yeah. Or coincidental.
Starting point is 01:12:14 Coincidental. And the fact that the call to the newspaper, it has been confirmed that that happened before the second murder. So it's not like someone was pranking the newspaper. That call came in after only the first murder. So's not like someone was pranking the newspaper um that call came in after only the first murder so just very trippy um interesting yeah so who's to say um i mean who knows maybe duane was involved some people have said maybe both of them were involved but no way to know right now so hopefully that becomes a solved case somewhere down the line in the new decade let's hope this this new decade is the decade for-
Starting point is 01:12:46 Shines a lot of light on cold cases. Yes. Let's warm up some cold cases, baby. Also, thank you, Lemon, for your guest appearance. Lemon did all the work. You know what's creepy is this episode, the next one after this, we'll be on tour. I just threw up in my mouth. I vomited in my brain.
Starting point is 01:13:10 No, it's not that we're not excited. We're so excited and so terrified. If you're coming, just please smile and laugh and cheer us on because we're scared up there and we have anxiety. I think I'm most scared for the first week because this is a brand new format. If you're going to be coming to our show phoenix at one of our san diego if you're coming to one of our first like three to five shows we're sorry because you're gonna be our guinea pigs for the tour because we yeah don't know how which might be fun because it might be just like a wild ride it will be a wild ride if we say something that doesn't land we'll know and it'll get taken you don't have to tell us we'll figure it out really. If we say something that doesn't land, we'll know and it'll get taken. You don't have to tell us.
Starting point is 01:13:45 We'll figure it out really quickly. But we it's really such a different format and we're not going off of local stories anymore. So it's not like we're getting up there and reading notes anymore. So it's like very much more almost like a comedy. We have to practice it. Yeah. And we're very nervous. It's not going to go well.
Starting point is 01:14:02 I mean, please laugh because we're going to be so scared. Oh, my God, guys. We're so scared. Oh, okay oh my god i'm gonna have lemon as my talisman all right thank you everybody for listening please come to our tour we're so excited to see you please please come it would mean a lot especially houston since we just did this entire show that's right for you by you okay so now you do something for us in return okay thank you and that's why we drink

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