And That's Why We Drink - E16 Horse Grunts and the 1900s Policeman Who Was Also a Scarf Person

Episode Date: May 21, 2017

“Lesbians, Incest, Murder, LET’S GO!” - Christine, trying to get you excited about her story. It’s episode 16 and shit’s gettin’ real. Em gives an elementary school-style book report on th...e Lemp Mansion, which is haunted by the ghosts of suicide victims, horses, and beer. Oh, and it’s run by a skeleton. And sorry to all you scarf-people, but Christine’s story about the Papin sisters might ruin scarves for you forever. There are also eyeballs involved. Lots of eyeballs. It’s one of our creepiest episodes ever. BUCKLE UP!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 for the first time in forever we're we're recording we're recording because it's been so fucking long well i don't know we recorded and i listened to the most recent episode and you said i'm going home in two weeks also keep in mind though we also thought that was episode 14 like oh yeah we really just need to actually we always say we're gonna get a calendar have yet to do it my mom gave me a calendar with corgis on it for christmas we should use that okay good i'm that's taken care of okay good well i'm back from the wedding how was the wedding it was all right good, it was better than all right. I was like, let's cut that out. No, it was a good time.
Starting point is 00:00:49 Congratulations to Cece and Ryan. Cece and Ryan. They're on their honeymoon right now. Ooh. Must be nice. Must be fucking nice. Where are they? They're in...
Starting point is 00:00:58 I want to triangulate their location. They're in St. Kitts. Ooh, that's nice. What did you do while I was gone? How has your last two weeks been? Listen, if you don't know, I'm really cool. Liar! Liar! Gio's like, this is the last straw.
Starting point is 00:01:17 He's like, I'm out of here. How quickly he ratted you out. He was like... He's like, this is the moment i break my silence this is a geo exclusive jesus christ all right fine okay just reword what you said because we're both gonna react the same way as you may know i'm really cool okay so as um you know your average cool person i went to an npr, National Public Radio, trivia night. God, you're such a loser.
Starting point is 00:01:48 I know. And I'm going to tell you why I drink, actually, right now. Did you win? No. Fuck no. Oh, okay. I'm not that cool. This is why I drink.
Starting point is 00:01:58 Okay. I met the CEO of the local NPR station here in LA. Right. And a guy on our team was like, oh, tell me about your podcast. And I'm like, oh, yeah, I have this podcast. Okay. And I told him about it. And you know what he says?
Starting point is 00:02:12 Tell me. He goes, you know, sorry to break it to you, but there's this podcasting bubble that you're in right now. And it's going to burst. It's like the housing bubble. But it's with podcasts. And all these companies are funneling money into podcasting. But it's never going to last. It's like the housing bubble, but it's with podcasts and all these companies are funneling money into podcasting, but it's never going to last.
Starting point is 00:02:28 And I was like, you know what? This guy's on NPR, by the way. You work in public radio. What are you talking about? Which is funny because I read
Starting point is 00:02:36 a completely different article recently that said that podcasts are becoming the new TV shows because people aren't watching TV anymore, but they are listening to podcasts either at home or in their car. Walking a dog.
Starting point is 00:02:48 Driving. A lot of people are starting to get TV shows because of their podcasts because you can see ahead of time before you actually like sign contracts with someone that they can engage with an audience. Yeah, Lore just got a TV show. So fuck you. That's, well, and then I'm like, I'm gonna prove you wrong, mister. And in, you know,
Starting point is 00:03:04 ten years I'm gonna. Rally the troops, podcasters. Listen. Assemble. Destroy public radio. Meanwhile, we are public radio. I just had the worst intentions with that statement. I love public radio. The only people I know who listen to NPR are people who are in retirement homes.
Starting point is 00:03:19 Blaze. Okay. Blaze got me the tickets. And he got some socks. He donates to NPRpr tell me why you drink okay first of all i i'm gonna answer the question that you won't ask of what i'm drinking it looks like a venti it is a venti good for you that's geo he's drinking water he's like i want to tell you what i drink not m okay um i don't know if you know this but currently the s'mores frappuccino
Starting point is 00:03:42 is back out at starbucks i do because i went there today it's my fucking favorite is it like last year i think last year was the first time the s'mores frappuccino came out the cookie straws it was a whole thing oh i didn't even i didn't even know about that i haven't got had the cookie straw i have the green straw like normal actually today i don't actually have straw if you can tell that's why I stirred my frappuccino with a knife. She has a knife in her frappuccino. Yeah, I forgot to get the straw. She goes, I'm normal. I have a green straw.
Starting point is 00:04:10 And I look over and there's a knife inside her frappuccino. Yeah, that was, I shouldn't have said that. So basically, I've been looking forward to this all night. And I got this frappe probably two fucking hours ago. I think it was longer. In between traveling here in traffic and then sitting here with you and then talking for endless hours not only is it melted but then i just tasted it and they put the coffee stuff in it oh the java whatever like i i asked for the
Starting point is 00:04:37 s'mores cream version because i don't like coffee flavor and i just tasted it and it's like oh that's coffee i'm like weirdly sad about that well i just like now i have to like and i just tasted it and it's like oh that's coffee i'm like weirdly sad about that well i just like now i have to like now i just for the sake of the podcast i'm gonna drink it i have some halo top no it's not the same they're not sponsoring us they're not so i'm not gonna eat it also i'm drinking um the other reason is because we are finally shipping you our gifts. We're so excited! To the $10 donators. We're so excited. We have a whole box right here and lots of surprises and fun stuff.
Starting point is 00:05:11 We finalized everything. Pretend it's Saturday or Sunday. Shit. When do we air this? Sunday. Okay. Tomorrow then. Let me get my Corgi calendar and we can check.
Starting point is 00:05:21 So tomorrow, Monday, we will be shipping these worst case scenario tuesday so depending on where you live hang on you should see the excel spreadsheet we've been putting also keep in mind this is our first round of stuff so like if you decide that you have a problem with some of the stuff that we sent you sorry first of all first of all fuck you second of all fuck you third of all the next time time will go so much smoother. But this was our, like, college try at trying to send merchandise to people, and we have no fucking clue what we're doing. So we're trying.
Starting point is 00:05:53 And we wanted to get better. Yeah, and we really wanted everything to be, like, perfect. So there are a couple, like, misfires where we were, like, not good enough, not good enough. So we're trying to really make everything like prime primo 100 every time we tell you that merch is coming it's because merch was done and then christine told me five more people wanted something but also because we were like what if we add this to the package what if we had that what if we so what we're trying to tell you is we are now setting a deadline anyone as of right now and you are hearing this, assuming you listen on Sunday because you're so loyal and just can't wait until this comes out.
Starting point is 00:06:27 Up until right now, anyone who has donated will be getting stuff in this first round of merch. Yes. But from now on, the deadline to get a gift box from us when you first donate will be every listener's episode. Yes, so monthly. So the first of every month is your deadline to sign up to get the next round of merch. Yeah, just so that we don't send stuff. I can't do that.
Starting point is 00:06:53 I can't do it. It's why I drink. Because Emma's having a breakdown. It's why I drink. Anyway, for those who would like to donate and get a gift box from us and Gio, you can find us on Patreon. And this is the $10
Starting point is 00:07:06 donators. There's also $2 and $5 donators as of right now. Yes, there are. And we have some new stuff we're brainstorming adding. We have a new super secret private Facebook group that only Patreon If you want to talk to us personally via Facebook, you just kind of have to donate. We have little debates about
Starting point is 00:07:21 wine versus milkshake, you know, all the good stuff. Murder, ghosts. And my mom is on there, so that's fun for everyone. And so is Em's mom. Yeah. Yes, she is. So Linda and Renata are there waiting for you. She's made her voice known already.
Starting point is 00:07:34 She's like, I'm here. Okay, so one of the things, there was this girl who messaged me. This is so random. She was listening to our podcast podcast and she heard me mention two girls one pup right she messaged me and she was like oh my god like i'm friends with monique who is the host and like producer of the show and i was like what and she goes yeah i was just listening to your podcast and i like that's amazing i heard you mention it and i was like wait a second and i'm like i like i'm their social media person and
Starting point is 00:08:05 she was like what the hell that's amazing monique i like texting monique she's like oh yeah she's already like texted me about it this morning but i was like that is crazy anyway um so yeah so we've been working on the two girls one pup cast if anyone's interested my mother texted me and asked me what two girls one pup is in reference to. Don't. She said, Christine said in the podcast to not ask what it means. So what does it mean? I set everyone up for that failure.
Starting point is 00:08:32 I'm sorry. That was my fault. So happy belated Mother's Day. Happy belated. Listen, Mother's Day is over. You can Google it now. Yeah. Don't blame us.
Starting point is 00:08:40 So shameless plug. If you want to listen to comedians talk about their dogs, like. Two girls, one pup? Two girls, one pup cast. P pup cast pup cast oh get it got it i got it anyway shameless plug uh a girl named laura messaged us from iceland so we have a fuck i know and i love her and she's in iceland and then this happened today was that all of that's just someone wrote to us from iceland i just was so excited okay she was like hello from iceland and i'm like hello now we all know christine's favorite country considering we get people from everywhere guess iceland's the top of your list sorry kazakhstan we're gonna talk about iceland it's okay just tell me someone's from canada and i'll lose my mind the next thing
Starting point is 00:09:19 is someone from canada wrote and said oh there is a colonial-type place in Canada that you can visit. Shut up! I know. Mother of God, I forget her name. Because I didn't write it down, but when you said it... Her name... Don't tell me, because then I'll hear it, and it'll make something click in my brain, then I'll know I'm supposed to marry that person.
Starting point is 00:09:38 Elevator music. Okay, so Sarah messaged us on Facebook, and she said hi christine m canadian listener here um this last episode has made me feel like it's my time to shine parentheses also finally get the courage to message you cough i'm gay cough oh literally this is okay here's what's about to happen wow i knew since i was little that I'm gonna move to Canada. And I used to always joke to my mom and I was like, maybe there's a girl in Canada that I'm just going to like have my feet swept off of. Poor Sarah.
Starting point is 00:10:12 She's like, wait, wait, wait, wait. Sarah, I've already arranged our wedding. So good luck. She's like, this is not what I intended. Good luck dealing with all of this. Um, she says, this does seem like the girl for you. She goes, I'd like to inform you that if you're in the mood for some colonial ass scenery yes ma'am i would suggest the old port in montreal quebec
Starting point is 00:10:33 it's got all the fun of a big city with coffee shops and art centers my personal favorite with a u a little being a little while that is canadian that only sells wooden dildos whoa i don't know. The concept is just so funny to me. I got very x-rated very quick and I'm into it. You guys are gonna have fun. I'm sorry, Sarah. We're putting a lot of pressure on you.
Starting point is 00:11:02 I'm sorry. I took it too far. I'm sorry. she just thinks it's funny that's all oh my god i'm sweating that was so funny and then i just made it really weird i'm sorry oh no that was i mean no matter who said it like anyone could come up to me and be like i know a place with dildos on the wall and i'd be like hmm let's talk more about that because it's very interesting it's very interesting something i would be curious to say. Who makes handmade wooden... Okay, anyway, let's not go on that tangent.
Starting point is 00:11:30 I think of an old grandpa on the porch just whittling dildos. Like in a colonial type house. Oh, yeah. It's what the pilgrims did. I know. That's probably why... Actually, do you think that's what they had to do? I think that's probably...
Starting point is 00:11:44 They didn't have silicone. That's why you want to go back, probably to do? Em, I think that's probably. They didn't have silicone. That's why you want to go back, probably. You're like, I miss those good old days with the wooden dildos. Oh, yeah. But then my dumb ass would have probably, like, sword fought with them or something. Whatever they had in Egypt, that's what I miss. The pyramids. Dildos made of pyramids.
Starting point is 00:12:03 Mom, I'm sorry, mom. Very regal. Oh, my all right she says but then they're also gorgeous buildings cobblestone huge cathedral i love a good cobblestone i love cobblestone i love a good cobblestone um anyway she says anyway i hope you have a lovely day thank you so much blah blah it's my favorite thing to listen to stay spooky spooky. I love her very, very much. Thank you. Perfect. I love you, Sarah. All right.
Starting point is 00:12:26 Well, Christine, that's where I'm having my wedding. All right. That is... In Cobblestone, Canada is what I've decided that place is called. With the wooden dildos. Home of the wooden dildo. Anyway, so that'll be fun for you. I'm excited for your wedding.
Starting point is 00:12:40 Thanks. Sarah, I'm sorry if we've pressured you into it and uncomfortable sarah slowly went to the volume dial and just lowered it just bit by bit until she couldn't hear us anymore locked every door in her apartment tell me a ghost story okay we're all gonna learn something tonight including me because i wrote this story and i wrote these notes two weeks ago and I haven't reviewed. We are going on an adventure together. So let's hope I did all of the notes in the right order and didn't just scramble them. At the time I wrote this, I'm sure I was ready to report on it.
Starting point is 00:13:15 And so I didn't care where things were. So I'm sorry. I'm so scared. I feel like a kid that's like about to give a presentation that he has no idea about. A book report on a book you did not read. Yeah. Or like a book report on a book I read way too long ago and don't even remember the main character's name.
Starting point is 00:13:32 So. Good luck. Godspeed. Buckle up, everyone. And good luck to Christine in the future for editing this garbage. Good luck to me. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:13:42 So this is called, apparently, the Lemp Mansion. What? In St. Louis, Missouri. Ah, I like St. Louis. Good for you. I don't think I've ever been to Missouri. But, you know. Missouri.
Starting point is 00:13:55 Now I've got a reason to go. So this mansion, the Lemp Mansion, is one of the top ten most haunted places in America. Are you serious? I feel like every one you say is the top ten. I think so, too. But when you think about the fact that we've only done like 16 episodes i think i'm just burning through i'm really you're like this is a top 300 haunted places episode 20 i'll be like look i've already done the most haunted places i don't know what you want me to fucking do we're done here all of a sudden like my stories won't be that great so let's
Starting point is 00:14:22 enjoy while we can uh this was the home to several millionaires, and then it became an office space, and then a boarding house, and is currently a dinner theater, restaurant, and bed and breakfast. What on earth? I don't know either, Christine. What the hell? Okay, so that's what we know so far. Here's the history. By the way, this is exactly how I gave book reports in school, too. You're like, I don't know either.
Starting point is 00:14:46 I was such a shit student in school. Before college, I did not give a shit about school at all. And every book report was like, listen, we're all about to go on a ride together. I have no clue what's going to happen. My imagination will take us away. Okay, so in 1838, I think it's Johan. Johohan it's definitely not johan okay so johan johan uh his middle name is adam so we'll go with adam in 1838 okay johan is not that weird okay right maybe okay whatever in 1838 uh johan lememp moved to St. Louis from Eswitch, Germany. I was right.
Starting point is 00:15:29 Who would have guessed Johann came from Germany? Again, me in school reading my own notes being like, hey, did anyone else know this? You guys, I figured it out. I'm so smart. I like crack my own codes. Okay, so Johann, in 1838, he moved to St. Louis, and he built a grocery store which sold household items, groceries, and homemade beer. Oh my god, he sounds cool. Which was lighter lager than the darker beers, which were more common during the time. I'm now slowly remembering this story because I intentionally did this in your honor. I appreciate that. Apparently, I think this whole thing is about beer.
Starting point is 00:16:03 I love beer. I mean, it's just another reason to drink. Thank you. it's at least another thing to drink i'm actually super excited i remember now it's all coming back because i was like christine's gonna lose her mind over this you're just flashing like images of beer yeah all of a sudden i'm saying different beer different germans with different beer there's like yo there's christine's mom in the back there's crazy carl the neighbor and they love beer so okay, so he made this homemade beer. It was lighter than any other lager that America had seen so far. And his light lager recipe, which was passed down from his dad,
Starting point is 00:16:33 was so good that two years later he was able to sell the grocery store and build his own brewery. Shit. Which, if you live in St. Louis now, the brewery is near the current Gateway Arch. Yeah. Do you know about that? Well, the arch, the big famous arch. It's not famous enough for me to know. Are you serious? Here, here's the arch. It's incredibly famous. I probably have seen, oh, I've seen that thing. Okay, sorry. I didn't know that was in Missouri. I know it's weird because St. Louis doesn't, like Missouri seems like such like a southern nowhere state but st
Starting point is 00:17:05 louis is like a really big city but yeah okay uh and that brewery for people who currently live in st louis is in the it's at the gateway arch nice which christine just showed me a picture of so i'm now in the know of what that looks like you're welcome emily uh, so his logger was the first logger ever in St. Louis. Interesting. And when Johan Lemp needed to expand his business, he found a limestone cave in the area. What? Because those are just floating around. Listen, Em, we need to expand our podcast business. Do you know any limestone caves?
Starting point is 00:17:38 Not in LA. I think they've carved through every single one of them. He found a limestone cave, which was able to keep cool by... he kept it cool by chopping and storing ice from the mississippi river in it what the fuck what an innovative man so it so okay so he i'm learning this as i'm reading it by the way so i did not remember that fact quite a journey so i guess because he was expanding his business he needed to find a place that had the right conditions for his lager process and so and so well he found a cave where it's always kind of cool and then he kept he was able to keep ice in there from the river holy shit i know what year was this in 1940s 1840s okay i like, that seems really late. Didn't they have refrigerators? He was a traditionalist.
Starting point is 00:18:27 Got it. So in the 1850s, it was now called the Lemp's Western Brewing Co. But me. I wrote co. Like, sure for company. Co. Co. Company. you must have been a terrible student
Starting point is 00:18:58 by the way fun fact who knew i'd, like, basically a history podcast every week? Because I definitely got a fucking D in history in school. Okay, by the 1850s, Lemp's Western Brewing Company was the largest company in the city. Adam Lemp died in 1862, though. Oh, no. So, 12 years later. And his son, William, took over and began expanding the brewery eventually covering five city blocks okay oh wow imagine a brewery that's five blocks long that's huge holy crap and that's also i think yeah yeah five city blocks wow
Starting point is 00:19:39 okay so i'm picturing you standing in front of like just imagine me like 10 years younger and never being prepared at school just in a classroom being like oh wow that's interesting imagine my hair a total fucking mess because i didn't discover hats yet and then my backpack like barely hanging on for dear life and me ready to go home because that's how i looked all the time you being impressed by your own notes like oh, oh, interesting. Wow, you guys are so cool. I'm really good at this like reporting thing.
Starting point is 00:20:10 So by this night, by the 1870s, the Lamps controlled the entire St. Louis beer market and continued to do so until the Prohibition. Holy,
Starting point is 00:20:18 oh, that sucks. Whoops. Womp womp. In 1868, William Lamps' father-in-law, Jacob,
Starting point is 00:20:24 built a house near the brewery, which Lemp ended up purchasing and began renovating for himself. And, uh, but it ended up turning into a 33-room Victorian mansion. Holy crap. With, like, all the money that they had, and he was renovating it left and right. 33-room Victorian mansion. That's huge. From the mansion, there was a tunnel that was built from the basement to the
Starting point is 00:20:45 brewery through the town's underground caves. What? Where are all these caves coming from? What is it with these old people and all their underground tunnels? To be honest, though, if I could afford a mansion, I would for sure put a tunnel system under the ground. Valid. To my house, right? We'd just have a tunnel. Yeah, though you could just let Gio out under the stairs and he could just run to and from he would pee all over that tunnel he's so handsome i love him so much okay anyway back to the story so what happened next okay so okay that was in 1868 that they built they well the father-in-law bought the house and then over time it became a mansion um and then the tunnels were all throughout the town which is
Starting point is 00:21:32 so cool to me that's so cool once refrigeration was invented can you imagine beer being invented before refrigerators that's ridiculous beer was invented in germany in the either 12 or 1600s, maybe 1600s. That sounds like a German thing to do. Once the refrigeration process was invented, parts of the cave were no longer needed and were renovated into a theater and auditorium. Oh. Underground. That's got to be a cool first date. Holy.
Starting point is 00:21:59 Oh. What were you thinking? I don't know. I was like, that's cool. But yeah. My first thought was like, I could totally woo the shit out of a girl with that. Oh my God. Take you under the ground.
Starting point is 00:22:09 Blaze already missed that opportunity. So. Perfect. It's fine. Once it became a, so parts of it were theater and auditorium and they would later also, oh my God, I spoke too soon. Okay. We're on date.
Starting point is 00:22:21 Ready? Okay. I'm ready. I've been waiting for this moment. So has my mother. Okay, I'm going to take you into some caves, which is not shady at all. That's so cool. But I promise you, on the way, we'll find a movie theater and an auditorium.
Starting point is 00:22:35 We will also find there a heated pool and bowling alley. Shut the fuck up. With access via spiral staircase up to the city street. Shut the fuck up. Where we can look at up to the city street. Shut the fuck up. Where we can look at the stars together and you can fall in love with me. M. I know. Bowling, heated swimming pool, beer in a cave.
Starting point is 00:22:54 And a movie theater. I wonder if they were near each other so you could watch the movie in the pool. Like a drive-in, but a swim-in. I just feel like St. Louis is for lovers. By the middle 1890s, lump brewery uh created and introduced falstaff beer do you know what that is because i don't drink can you spell it f-a-l-s-t-a-f-f no all right well there was something called falstaff beer back then and the lump brewery created and introduced falstaff beer making him famous nationwide so i guess that was the first
Starting point is 00:23:23 one they could distribute to everyone. The Lemp Western Brewery was the first brewery to establish coast-to-coast distribution. Shit. I promise ghosts are involved somewhere in this. It's not like me just telling you about beer. This is like stuff you missed in history class. Yeah. So William also helped fund the beginning of Pabst and Anheuser-Busch.
Starting point is 00:23:43 Ah, shit. They were both his friends. Oh, that's casual. It's kind of like how you and I were like, hey, we're friends. Let's start a podcast. Except him and his friends were like, let's each start the world's biggest beer company. And make millions of dollars. And we were like, let's spend $500 and talk into microphones.
Starting point is 00:24:00 I know. So, okay. So, it's still ran by William L lemp who was johan still today no at this point calm down i'm like a skeleton 200 years old so jesus christ i'm sorry okay so now the the grandson is um gonna come into the picture and he's gonna take over so frederick lemp who was william's son actually died in 1901 and it was his favorite son he had like 10 kids and this was the only one he actually liked oh oh that's and he died at 28 of heart failure in 1901 oh i should also say his son died in the house oh in this like giant
Starting point is 00:24:36 mansion so he was the first death in that 33 room mansion okay um afterwards his father william was never the same and was rarely seen in public after his son's death. That's so sad. Three years later, William's closest friend, Frederick Pabst. Ah. Hey. Hey, hey, hey.
Starting point is 00:24:53 He also died. Oh, oh. Leaving William indifferent to the details of running the brewery. So basically he was like, I don't even give a shit about this business anymore. My favorite, my only favorite son and my favorite friend all died within like three years of each other so a month later so a month later in 1904 he shot himself are you serious in the house wait and he had nine remaining kids and he's like he didn't care i don't care what okay maybe back then you had to pick one that you wanted to keep like alive for as long as possible
Starting point is 00:25:21 it's like if you accidentally got too many of those gigapets and you were like i only care right you only have time for one i get that back then it's really because there wasn't birth control around but i'm gonna say that they had so many kids at the time because one of them needed to make it to adulthood right i'm pretending this is like the 1600s but yeah i was gonna say i mean i don't know how 1904 worked. Probably just like that. So another son of William's who he did not care about, William Jr., who I guess people called Will, him and his wife Lillian. So Will and Lil. That's cute. That's cute.
Starting point is 00:25:56 Sounds like Rugrats. Will and Lil DeVille. Okay, so Will, who's the grandson at this point, his wife and four-year-old son, William III, all inherited the company and began spending all of the money that the family could possibly have on servants and carriages and clothing and art and just traveling. Oh, no. So they just really just hemorrhaged through all that money. Oh, no. Okay, so Will Jr. and his wife Lillian became known as the Lavender Lady because of her fondness for the color, attire, accessories, and even her horse carriage. They all were dyed lavender. That's weird.
Starting point is 00:26:35 You really gotta love lavender. That's really random. In the beginning, Will enjoyed showing off his, quote, trophy wife, but by the end he was a- Way to go, Past M, with your good note taking in the beginning will enjoyed showing off his quote trophy wife but by the end homeboy was a total fuck boy and also how i wrote in high school by the way do you know that you left i'm sure the exact same way when you wrote that note as you did just oh yeah i probably wrote that and i was like i'm hysterical you're like and then i probably said future me will think it's funny oh yeah i just proved that right you
Starting point is 00:27:09 like pat yourself on the back in the starbucks you were in oh yeah when will began sleeping so fuck boy will that's what we're gonna start calling god he sucks when when fuck boy will began sleeping with other women and tried to keep lillian aka lavender lady when he tried to keep her busy and away from the house. I remember this fact, as I'm going to tell you, because you're going to kind of wish you were getting screwed over by Will the fuckboy. Your eyes lit up. Yeah, you ready?
Starting point is 00:27:34 Tell me you kind of wouldn't mind being married to fuckboy Will. I already want it. When Will began sleeping with other women and tried to keep Lillian busy and away from the house, he would give her $1,000, which, by the way, thankfully I did this. The currency today is $27,000. Are you kidding me? He gave her that a day and demanded that if she didn't spend it, he would leave her.
Starting point is 00:28:04 I would have the best time. I would have so much fun the best like don't come home until you spend twenty seven thousand dollars and then do it again tomorrow that is precisely what I make in a year by the way I make less than that oh no this got dark okay but like how do you I don't even know how to fathom a life where you have so much money that 27 000 is like giving someone 27 it's like go spend this money that's like giving someone like meal money for an hour being like go buy some ice cream yeah no wonder she dyed her horse carriages lavender like what else are you gonna do so anyway that's what she was up to while he was sleeping
Starting point is 00:28:45 around uh when not at the brewery he would hold lavish this i feel like maybe i was fuck boy will in the past when not a past life when not working at the brewery he would hold lavish parties in the cave pool oh yeah below the mansion with his friends and all of saint louis's prostitutes he was like the original playboy. Yeah, he was... Like Hugh Hefner. Yeah, he was Hugh Hefner before Hugh Hefner. Underground. Ooh.
Starting point is 00:29:10 Ooh, hipster. Hipster Hugh. Hipster Hugh. Eventually, Will got one of his sex workers pregnant. Typical. And to this day, there is no official documentation that this son ever existed. I remember something really shitty coming up after this.
Starting point is 00:29:24 Oh, no. We'll find out together if that's true. All we can hold hands if you want oh and get through it together my mother's like hold her fucking hand hold her hand eventually okay so eventually will got one of the sex workers pregnant um there's no official documentation that the son ever existed however there are rumors that this boy was okay i was right hidden in the mansion attic and the servants quarters for his entire life um which and this story has been confirmed by former nannies and chauffeurs who worked at the mansion during this time it gets worse i remember it getting worse i remember reading the notes and going oh i haven done that yet, which means it's gonna get bad. Oh, no, no.
Starting point is 00:30:07 I was right. Okay. Okay. He was apparently hidden from society because he was born with Down syndrome. Baby. And was considered, quote, a total embarrassment to the family. And he was hidden to hide the Lemp's shame.
Starting point is 00:30:28 That's that. Oh, here's the part where i gasped because he was known as the monkey face boy i'm not i'm sorry i'm losing my i'm sorry i'm sorry i didn't i just wrote the note i should have maybe just not written it anyway there's the full information for people your grade is dropping as we speak. You know what? I'm only here for accuracy. I'm sorry. So he was known as Monkey Face Boy and was hidden his whole life. In 1908, Will filed for divorce and it became a major St. Louis scandal and front page coverage in every newspaper and crowds were surrounding the courthouse during each session.
Starting point is 00:31:04 Can you imagine if a fucking divorce was a big deal nowadays first of all yeah because the town was so small but they were also the richest people on earth probably at this time but now it's like oh it's a blip on the like news radar it's not like we're gonna gather around really because when when kim kardashian broke up with chris humphries i remember every detail of that story yeah but it's not as exciting as like other shit like her sex tape and shit like that like that gets more but if tape existed back then and they had a sex tape of fuck boy will that's what i'm saying that would have blown their fucking mind that's true but also imagine how bored you must be in 1908 totally like so obviously everything's gonna be a big deal this is the greatest thing
Starting point is 00:31:43 that ever happened. Okay. So because of a photograph that was, oh, sex tape. Because of a photograph that was presented at the trial. Oh, no, it's not. Oh. You predicted your own notes falsely. Incorrectly.
Starting point is 00:32:02 Why I got a D in history, by the way. In 1908, oh, Will F we know that because of a photograph that was presented at the trial of lillian smoking a cigarette she almost lost custody of william the third because she was what because oh she was considered unfit for custody because of quote victorian female infractions such as cussing smoking and wanting public attention and they assumed she wanted public attention because everything she did was lavender lavender so they were like i mean think about fucking mad when when they were all pregnant and smoking and drinking and it was like cool and casual yeah just so weird anyway she was written up for victorian female infractions and they thought she
Starting point is 00:32:45 couldn't take care of her son um i also wrote fun fact although lillian always wore lavender the only day on record that she did not wear lavender was the day of her divorce where she wore all black and then i want to prove to you that i actually wrote in caps hashtag petty to prove to you that i actually wrote in caps hashtag petty i'm like how you think you have to prove to me that you wrote as if i'm not gonna believe you in 2017 i guess i'm just like more equipped to write a tweet and so i just hashtag my own notes every line of your notes are like 140 characters or less yeah and like three emojis. And have hashtags. Not only, so the divorce is going on with Will and his wife, but two years earlier, Will's mother also died in the house. Oh no. So that makes four deaths now. Sure. to independent breweries um an independent breweries company which was the first real competition that lump ever had to deal with so slowly the brewery began to decline and world war one happened um so the business like barely was even there by 1915 he built a country home
Starting point is 00:33:57 and married again but this time to a girl named ellie who was the daughter of another brewer so everyone's just like beer merging um four years later the prohibition came and limp lost all of his business and without telling his workers he literally just locked the doors of the company and walked away what like they had to show up that day at work to find out that they just didn't have jobs anymore oh my god will's sister also lost all of her money and so she committed suicide in the same house with the same gun that their father killed themselves in A couple years earlier Thank god for therapy
Starting point is 00:34:31 So that makes six people dead Or five people dead In the same house When Will heard she shot herself He replied that's the Lemp family for you Okay Because everyone's killing themselves Everyone's killing themselves with the same gun by the way it's just like the in thing to do by age 42 will also fell into a
Starting point is 00:34:50 depression and shot himself in the same building that his father shot himself in 18 years earlier he was only 40 the same gun oh my god so three guns killing three lumps one gun killing three yes you're you're right and i'm wrong. What else is new? At the time, because I guess from like, after an estate sale and everything, they sold everything and found out his net worth. Even though he was bankrupt if they sold all of his belongings. Sure. His personal assets came out to $10 million then. Holy crap.
Starting point is 00:35:23 Which is $180 million now holy crap so william's brother charles eventually remodeled the mansion from office space back into a residence and lived in the house um until monkey boy died that is just i know he didn't even have a name literally there's no name on record that because he wanted to scream remember there's no official documentation that he ever existed that's disgusting so he also died which makes i think six or seven people in that house now and he was buried that's fucked up he was he was buried in a field outside of the family graveyard with a small flat marker that only had his last name on it. I'm... So it just said Lemp.
Starting point is 00:36:08 In 1949, Charles became the fourth member of the Lemp family to commit suicide with the same gun in the same house. Holy shit! But not before going to the basement of... I'm sorry. I'm sorry. But not before going to the basement mansion and shooting his dog. What is wrong with these people? It gets worse.
Starting point is 00:36:29 Though he was shot, the dog was shot in the basement. He was found halfway up the stairs. No, no. I'm sorry. No, I'm sorry. Why? Is there more? I'm going to kill you in five seconds.
Starting point is 00:36:42 Plug, plug Gio's fucking ears. I am. I'm rubbing them right now. He's so handsome. I don Plug Gio's fucking ears. I am. I'm rubbing them right now. He's so handsome. I don't... He's so handsome. I don't like it. What happened?
Starting point is 00:36:50 Um, okay, so that's how that dog died. Um, and so that makes, um, I think seven or eight now. I, like, somewhere in that zone, people are dead left and right. And they're all from the same gun in the same house. Will's youngest brother, Edwin, however, when he moved out of the house at 18 and decided to work in real estate away from the beer company smart boy uh he rarely spoke with his family and by 1970 edwin had lived a long and happy life in his rural country estate only to die at 90 due to natural causes so edwin is the bomb edwin is that guy in every movie that's like we got to get the
Starting point is 00:37:25 fuck out of here before a vampire or ghost or alien comes and gets us edwin's like i don't know what's wrong with all y'all but i'm out of here after the death of charles lemp the one that shot the dog r.i.p fuck you charles the mansion was sold and turned into a boarding house residents complained often here are the ghosts finally thank you for hanging in there everyone needed to well christine needed to know about the history of beer honestly and i had a lot of the rest is for you guys a lot of questions after the death of charles lump the mansion was sold and turned into a boarding house um residents complained of ghostly knocks and phantom footsteps throughout the house making it harder over time to keep tenants making the building regularly vacant because the building was so regularly vacant it started deteriorating too which meant
Starting point is 00:38:09 it was even harder to upkeep and it was just generally looking creepier and the mansion was purchased and renovated by a man named dick pointer i guess if we're trying to make it sound more like a name it's dick pointer like dick dick pointer yeah but he's for sure a dick pointer he's a thousand percent he was born into it and william limp senior so fuck boy will in his room guests have reported hearing someone running up the stairs and kicking down the door and that's because when his father tried to kill himself um will was said to have ramped the stairs when he heard the gunshot and when he found the door locked he started kicking it in can you imagine those sleeping and hearing the door getting kicked down oh oh my god you know that would be terrifying um and then uh several years
Starting point is 00:38:58 ago a part-time tour guide reported hearing the sounds of horses outside the parking lot which is where the horses used to get tethered up and ever since then other people will often hear horses and neighing and like the horse sounds aren't you from the sound well i was gonna say like horse grunts and then i knew you were gonna be like what's a horse grunt and then i was gonna have to reenact it you're gonna have to start grunting. So I just said horse sounds. Okay. There's also been slamming doors and screaming to get out of the property from like either behind you when you're standing or even from inside the walls. So like if you feel like you're safe because like the walls against you, people will scream through the walls to get out.
Starting point is 00:39:40 No, that's awful. the walls no that's awful um people have been shoved across rooms and into certain areas of the room where there were like popular areas from like certain people living there so like they would push you away from the places that they liked sitting oh i got you so like in the part that used to be an office they would shove you away so you couldn't be near them get out of my space yeah um many people have also heard crying upstairs from all the babies that have been raised there oh no and the drawers of the dresser that belong to the will open and close on their own in front of you oh not even when you're turned around and you come back it's like in your face they will do it yikes uh and uh the current owner once watched a candle light itself.
Starting point is 00:40:26 What the fuck? Fuck that is what I'd say to that. People on the street have been, people on the street have seen a little boy with Down Syndrome peeking out of the window in the attic. Stop it. And one woman came barging in thinking a child was locked upstairs. And when she forced the homeowner to go up to the attic with her, nobody was there.
Starting point is 00:40:47 I'm going to cry. And then another woman also barged into the house because she saw a little boy with Down syndrome crying and banging on the window. Emma. Paranormal investigators have left toys in the attic bedroom in a marked spot, and the toy is always found in another part of the room. And many people can hear him crying upstairs.
Starting point is 00:41:10 And there have been some uh reports of people hearing a little boy upstairs saying don't leave that's as if like he's always by himself and when people finally go see him he doesn't want them and that's when i wish ghosts weren't at all real because i'm like this is just i want him to go be happy another paranormal investigator felt something tugging on his hair in the attic hallway just outside the boys room uh in a way that suggested like pay attention to me and a lot of women will feel like a hand grab their arm just makes me really sad wait it gets worse in the basement you can hear panting from a dog a dog. A dog walking up and down the stairs and a chain dragging around.
Starting point is 00:41:55 Wait, why can't these little one, these little love bugs just move on and be happy in their new lives? Why are they still stuck there? Well, there's also a white apparition of an older gentleman with a two-inch beard in the sitting room. I'm sorry, did someone measure it? What is a two-inch beard? A two-inch beard, isn't that just like a normal beard i don't know like a little too long two inch beard that's really specific hey i agree with you a strong scent of lavender has been noticed which sometimes permeates the furniture so like you'll sit on the and then it'll like seep out of the furniture in the woman's bathroom woman complain of a figure of a peeping tom watching them through and over the stalls ew and when they later looked back
Starting point is 00:42:32 they found out that that was fuck boy will's bathroom so he's like creeping on girls while they're in the bathroom fuck you fun fact this was also the first this bathroom also held the first freestanding shower in st louis what i? I just wrote it, so I'm saying it. A shadow has been sleeping through the... Slipping. Oh, shit. A shadow has been seen slipping through the crack in the bathroom door. Yikes.
Starting point is 00:42:54 Yuck. And the locked door to this room has been found standing wide open on several reports. So what is this? What is it now? It's a... Now it's a bathroom, but it used to be his bathroom. Like, his personal bathroom. But, like, what is, like, the building now? It's, like Now it's a bathroom, but it used to be his bathroom, like his personal bathroom. What is like the building now?
Starting point is 00:43:06 It's like a bed and breakfast and a restaurant. It's like a boarding house type place. Okay. And so a lot of girls see Peeping Toms looking at them when they're. Fucking fabulous. The piano on the first floor plays ragtime music when nobody's on that floor, especially when everyone's falling asleep. Oh, that's kind of fun.
Starting point is 00:43:25 And drinks have been known to stir themselves. That's Christine in the afterlife. I would for sure just stir everyone's drinks. Well, get this, because the glasses at the bar not only move, but they will take flight and break by themselves. Oh. It's like you can see as if someone's throwing glasses on the ground. It'll throw itself on the ground. Okay.
Starting point is 00:43:41 I'd like to think I'm not that aggressive in my afterlife, but. It'll throw itself on the ground. Okay. I'd like to think I'm not that aggressive in my afterlife, but... In Will's old office, a male visitor was pushed out of the door of the room by something that he couldn't see, but he was shoved out. Oh, God. The paintings of people on the walls follow you around as you move. Wait, you mean like their eyes?
Starting point is 00:43:58 Yeah, like they'll like, they'll look like they're always staring at you. I thought you meant the paintings like follow you. It's not Harry Potter. They're just good. I was like, holy shit. It's not like a scooby-doo i a full apparition of a man sits at a table before the restaurant opens i don't like that and when asked what he's doing there he'll just vanish before he even turns around oh no i don't like that uh people who stay overnight sense an angry silent shadowy figure um who's like pacing back and forth in front of the sealed
Starting point is 00:44:25 tunnel so i guess the tunnels are sealed now but he can feel things walking back and forth as if it's trying to get into the tunnels uh white misty apparitions float around back then in a basement oh back then eating in a basement was unheard of so the fact that people eat on the floor now like eat on that floor yeah like pisses the ghosts off because at the time it was to them it's a basement they're like how dare you be so rude to eat in a basement so the table cloths have been silently torn off the tables and the tables will like move on their own and when people have their backs to them silverware will also disappear and reappear in the kitchen or upstairs where the old dining room used to be like this doesn't belong that's my petty ass mom in's my petty ass mom in the afterlife being, I'll put the silverware where you should eat.
Starting point is 00:45:08 100%. I'll just let you find it and then you can eat there. The fork goes on the left. The knife goes on the right. Often you can hear people having a party under the floor where the entrance to the cave used to be. Oh, that's fun. And in the bar and near the cave entrance, you can smell lager.
Starting point is 00:45:23 Oh. People have sensed being stared at so oppressively that there was a burning sensation on their skin and one investigator stayed away and came out with blisters oh my god that's not stayed away stayed anyway i fucking read that wrong i was like that sucks he listened he tried but he like he stayed regardless of the burning sensation and came out of the caves or out of the room with blisters all over him. Guests and staff have heard Monkey Boy say, come play with me. Investigators have also asked how any of the Lemp family members died.
Starting point is 00:46:00 And on multiple occasions, EVPs have picked up the word bang, like shotgun. And investigators have asked where Johan learned how to make beer and an EVP picked up Vater, which is father in German, I guess. Oh, yeah, Vater. And that is where he got his recipe. Those are... Eww, creepy. I'm sorry for blowing through those, but that history took so long.
Starting point is 00:46:22 Holy crap. These people have problems i'm so sorry for how long that was no no i'm so sorry for what you're gonna have to go through stop it you want to tell me about a murder i do hate yourself i don't know don't be silly i regularly by the way get texts from christine in the middle of the night being like we have to have an hour of footage and i'm literally weeding through two and a half hours of us talking. How am I going to break it down to such a small amount? It's regularly two.
Starting point is 00:46:49 The average has been two hours, 40 minutes that we've... God. I know. If they're ever too long, it's because we ramble way too much. And if it's ever too long, know that it was originally three times as long. So be thankful. All right, listen. times as long so be thankful all right listen so i feel bad because someone requested this story a couple of days ago and i a thousand percent can't remember who requested it and i tried to
Starting point is 00:47:16 find it on facebook twitter email and this is why like i get so lost because i'm like we have all these fucking twitter messages and i tried to dig for it. And I'm sorry, whoever you are, if you tell me who you are, I'll mention you next episode. But this is the story of Christine and Leah Papin. So this is actually the first episode of My Favorite Murder that I ever listened to. They did this. And I was like, wow, this is fucking crazy. they did this and i was like wow this is fucking crazy and it seemed like when i researched it there was a lot more that i found than what they talked about but like they did kind of like a good overview of it okay so i was like i want to get into the details get into it so i just told
Starting point is 00:47:57 you all about the history of missouri beer so by all means i don't get to talk um so here's the tagline for the story that i wrote okay lesbians incest murder let's go let's oh that sounds so interesting that sounds like my favorite type of law and order svu episode yep that show is gnarly if you can get like the most fucked up scenario and elliot stabler in one episode, you're golden. Elliot Stabler is my golden boy. Can I say something really quick since we're already on a tangent? Absolutely. Speaking of Elliot Stabler, because he is in that new movie Snatched, my mom and I drove cross country out to LA.
Starting point is 00:48:40 She was like, wouldn't it be cool if one day, the next time I see you, like a year from now, la she was like wouldn't it be cool if one day the next time i see you like a year from now you're gonna be making a movie about a mom named linda and a daughter named emily going on an adventure together and then literally the first movie job i ever got at my company was working on this goddamn movie about a mother named linda and a daughter named emily going on an adventure together and then lo and behold a year passes and it was mother's day weekend and we went to go see snatch together and i was like this was the first movie i ever worked on the front door i was like are you god i was like how did you do this crazy like in it's so much detail it's a little creepy because it really does feed right into the story the way i'm glad i segued right in for you thank you the way that i set it up it's a little weird that that's exactly where this went okay so anyway um so i got a lot of this uh i just want
Starting point is 00:49:31 to give like a shout out to jessica mason from because she wrote like a really comprehensive article and it was awesome and i got a lot of information from it so i want to give her the credit um so let's see christine and leah were two sisters born in uh le mans in france in the early 1900s so they had an older sister named amelia uh who became a nun but she does not matter in the story except that well she was saved by god very quickly she had to be she was like i'm out of here she was a smart gal but the reason that i find that notable is because if christine and amelia had been close instead of christine and leah it would have been christine and m interesting and maybe this whole bullshit story would never have happened probably the way that it did probably to be honest so anyway these three gals had a terribly terribly shitty childhood even in 1900s standards and their dad was an
Starting point is 00:50:27 abusive alcoholic standard uh their mom typical typical childhood their mom was just the fucking worst um she was forced to marry their dad only because she was pregnant after christine was born she decided she couldn't handle having two kids so she sent them off to live with her sister-in-law when her third child leo was born um she found out that her husband had raped their oldest daughter amelia oh no which i don't blame fucking amelia for becoming a fucking nun after that oh yeah without a doubt um so the mom divorced the father but not because she was mad that he had raped her daughter but because he had been unfaithful to her. Oh, my God. And she was convinced that her daughter, Amelia, had seduced him.
Starting point is 00:51:13 Cry me a fucking river. Ten years old. So she sent her to an orphanage, like a really strict Catholic orphanage orphanage which again she became a nun um and then she moved christine there as well she's like why why the fuck not it sounds like those were i don't blame certain people growing up to like murder their parents yeah it's like well i yeah i get it it's like that last one with um gypsy rose it's like it's like i mean is killing her like really the worst thing you could have done you get to a point where it's like you can't survive any other way anyway so then she sent the youngest daughter who was a toddler to
Starting point is 00:51:48 live with her great uncle so she got rid of all of them she's like i can't deal with this um so amelia and christine aka em and christine obviously grew really close in the orphanage and they were very very fond of each other oh no no not like that like it's sad like friend fond like they were sisters they were like oh they were sisters right okay okay you said it you said lesbians and incest so all right well fair i don't i don't know what's coming you're right i did kind of like ruin the surprise there how close is christine and i'm getting in this world that's what i'm saying these two would have been a perfect pair, but shit got fucked up. So Amelia and Christine got really close in the orphanage that they both lived in.
Starting point is 00:52:33 And then Amelia decided to be a nun. So Christine was like, me too. Which sounds like the story of our lives, really. Like, if you think about it. Yeah. Well, at least 900%. Yeah. Like, you becoming a nun and me being like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:52:45 Me too. So, but their mom was planning on depending on them for income when they grew old enough to work. So, she was like. Well, why shouldn't she? She's mother of the fucking year. Yeah. Hello. Support your mother.
Starting point is 00:52:58 So, she was pissed at Amelia to begin with for wanting to become a nun. So, then she forbade Christineine from becoming a nun too so like amelia was like already in the process and then she's like christine no you're not allowed to do that so you got to be a fucking nun and i thank you jesus you were saved by the lord amen you were i was left behind in the rapture okay so instead she forced christine to start working as a maid um as soon as leah the younger youngest sister grew old enough she forced christine to start working as a maid um as soon as leah the younger youngest sister grew old enough she joined christine and so the two of them as sisters started working together as maids you don't know the story right i have literally no idea what you're talking about
Starting point is 00:53:35 so much fun when i tell you stories you don't know so in 1926 christine was 22 um and she moved into the home of monsieur René Lancelot. Jesus Lord. Your dialect's really good. It's not good. It sounded good. Oh, well, thanks. Sorry, everyone in France. So she started working as a live-in maid. So the family consisted of him, this
Starting point is 00:53:57 retired lawyer, his wife, and their 27-year-old daughter. After a few months, they decided to hire her younger sister, Leah, as well. So they both moved in, and they started working as maids for the family. Christine was the cook, and Leah was the chambermaid. So they would work these 12- to 14-hour days. They were only allowed a half day off per week to attend church,
Starting point is 00:54:20 which they did. Sometimes they would visit a neighborhood medium, which is like a super random... Sounds like something you and i would do i know except for the church part um christine later said this is weird christine later said she thought she was her sister's husband in another life i mean the lesbian incest thing is just becoming more and more true in my mind i'm just like i already like put your brain in that place yeah um so any other free moment they had they would spend in their tiny room on the third floor it was like the servants quarters um they barely had any contact with the outside world they didn't have friends recreation recreational activities nothing they were just always at home or working
Starting point is 00:55:00 but other families like other bougie families got jealous because their maids were and i call them maids because that was the term back then right um were you know like fraternizing with other people in the neighborhood and like flirting with boys and going to dances but these girls were always working and always at home or right at church um so the family like enjoyed them um enough to like have a decent relationship like they didn't have the worst experience um as far as like being a maid in the early 1900s um so apparently like the dad though didn't speak one word to them the entire time they worked there instead his wife would give the orders to them but typically only through writing so she would like write the orders to them instead of like
Starting point is 00:55:49 telling them so it's kind of like because they were that again speaking to them i don't know i don't know if it was that's a lot of shame i don't know if it was like that or if it was like she would like leave them notes of what to do like i don't know what what it was but she apparently they didn't really speak to them they only like left them written instructions perfect um so the sisters were treated pretty well they were given plenty of food a heated room uh and a meager salary of about two thousand dollars a year in contemporary currency so like in today's world in today's world it was two thousand dollars a year that. That sounds like L.A. So, basically, I get it.
Starting point is 00:56:27 As someone who was an unpaid intern for three years, I'm like, $2,000? I'm like, where do I sign? Oh, my God, I'll do anything. Oh, yeah. Yes. Not to belittle people who make meager salaries. Okay, so, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. So so the other thing that's interesting is the mother so the mother became aware that the sisters were sending all of their wages to their mother
Starting point is 00:56:53 that horrible lady who sent them off to the orphanage right she insisted that they stopped doing so and keep their earnings for themselves right um and took it upon herself to like actually tell their mom tell their mother that like they took it upon herself to, like, actually tell their mother that, like, they were no longer going to be sending their wages to her. So that was kind of, like, a very, like, affectionate thing, I guess. Yeah. And after that, the sisters began calling this woman Mama. Okay.
Starting point is 00:57:21 As in, like, their own mother. Right. And then amongst themselves, though. And then they called their own mother That Woman. So they, like, completely As in, like, their own mother. Right. And then, amongst themselves, though. And then they called their own mother that woman. So they, like, completely shifted to, like, this is, like, our motherly figure. So the mother's treatment of the girls was not always very nice, though. So she had these, like, really strict standards. And she would do the white glove test on, like, furniture where she would, like, check it.
Starting point is 00:57:47 That sucks. You know? I mean, it sounds like something out of an old movie. Yeah. Apparently there was one incident in which she, like, Leah had missed a scrap of paper on the floor while she was cleaning. And the mom of the family, like, pinched her the entire time and made her like get on to her knees and like pick up the paper um and i guess leah after that said to her sister she had better not try that again or i'll defend myself oh so fast forward february 2nd 1933 keep in mind they
Starting point is 00:58:22 started working there in 1926 god okay this is like seven years later uh christine is 28 leah's 21 uh the lancelot women went out for the day and they planned to meet with the father later that evening for dinner so that meant the sisters were home alone all day okay um so one of uh leah's errands that day was to they had one of the irons that they used was broken so she was supposed to take it to the electrician have it repaired so she went to the electrician had it repaired came back and when she plugged it in it blew a fuse and so the electricity went out in the house um but christine her older sister was like you know what like they're not coming home until late tonight we'll fix it in the morning whatever okay um that's just a fun little side story so that evening monsieur lancelot was waiting i'm so
Starting point is 00:59:14 sorry to everybody was waiting for his wife and daughter at the restaurant for dinner and they never showed up he was like i'm gonna go home and see where they are why what's taking them so long um and when he got there the doors to his house were locked and changed so he chained so he couldn't get in um the entire house was dark the power was out except he saw one candle up in the servants quarters oh my so he found two policemen to help him um break in by climbing over a wall in the back garden. So the police go in with their flashlights. Again, the power's out.
Starting point is 00:59:50 The house is still dark. They're walking around with their flashlights and they find an eyeball on the staircase. Shut up. Leading to the second floor. Oh my God. On the second floor landing, they find both of the Lancelot women. Uh-huh. both missing their eyeballs. All four of them?
Starting point is 01:00:08 All four eyeballs. Where are the other three? Just out of their bodies. Scrolling around? Mm-hmm. They found one on the stairs, and then the rest were just... Oh, my God. Out of their bodies. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:00:21 And both beaten beyond recognition. Oh, no. Oh, I'm sorry sorry the mother's eyes were found in the folds of the scarf around her neck no way so the police were like what the fuck and they us as cops by the way we'd be the worst cops like holy crap man what's the other eyeball oh my god we find every eyeball on its own and be like, and that's why we drank. And that's why we drank. I would bring a flask. There is no question.
Starting point is 01:00:49 A hundred percent. No wonder some cops are, like, you know, always carrying a flask on them. I would. It's like, I don't blame you. I'm. What if you find an eyeball on the stairs? If I found an eyeball on the stairs. And then you try to move the body and then there's eyeballs falling out on him.
Starting point is 01:01:02 Of her scarf? Oh, my God. I would never recover i would never have be able to buy another scarf i'd be like no listen my scarf purchasing would be ruined for life it would screw up my fashion sense forever imagine if you are a scarf person though anyway let's get into it imagine if one of these male policemen in the 1900s was a scarf person let's his life must be so hard now. So let's get back to the woman whose eyeballs were out of her body.
Starting point is 01:01:30 Okay. Anyway, so the police continued upstairs to the servants' quarters, which were locked from the inside with a candle still burning inside the room. They couldn't get anyone to answer the door. to answer the door so they had to force the door open and they found the two sisters lying calmly in bed next to one another with a bloody hammer on the nightstand shut the fuck up so they were like whoa we thought you were also going to be murdered yeah we for sure expected the worst and your eyes not in your face and you're just lying there in bed together so they were like what the fuck is going on and they were like oh we killed them oh and they confessed to the murder at least they're blunt about it they were very blunt and they described the entire scene i want to know every
Starting point is 01:02:15 detail in gruesome i want to know every detail so here's the story sometime between 5 30 and seven o'clock that night, Madame and Mademoiselle Lancelin returned home unexpectedly. So remember how they weren't supposed to come home after their shopping trip. Supposedly, Christine met them at the door and told them the power had gone out because of the fuse busting and that the iron was broken again. According to Christine, upon hearing this news, Madame L'Enseignant flew into a rage. Ostensibly in self-defense, Christine grabbed a pewter jug
Starting point is 01:02:51 and bashed her mistress over the head with it. Her mistress? That's what they call it. Because a mistress these days is the girl she's cheating on her wife with. I think when they say mistress, they mean like her like master. Okay. Gotcha. You know, like master and mistress.
Starting point is 01:03:07 Okay. Bashed her. Bashed basically. That would have been much juicier, by the way. Maman. Bashed. Maman. Aw.
Starting point is 01:03:15 Maman over the head with it. Okay. And then the daughter, Genevieve, I think was her name, Genevieve, came to the aid of her mother, obviously, and was like trying to fight off Christine, who yelled, quote, I'm going to massacre them. Holy shit. So Leah was in the other room. She heard the commotion and came running in. And Christine yelled at her to, quote, smash her head into the ground and tear her eyes out.
Starting point is 01:03:42 Oh, my. And she listened. So Leah smashed her head down into the ground and plucked her eyeballs. With her hands? With her hands out of her head. With? They both pulled out both of the women's eyeballs. Kind of impressive.
Starting point is 01:03:57 Like, fucked up, but kind of impressive. Which is what they said on My Favorite Murder. They were like, how does one pull out two eyeballs without? I i don't have fingernails but like right even with them like you have to have like some thick long ass acrylics if you're even pretending and you know they were working women like they didn't have like fucking talons they probably had like some calloused man hands totally which means they were dull ass fingers like how you don't pop them out like pimples and it's not like they're just casually pulling out people's eyeballs on the reg. It's like they just like were like, okay.
Starting point is 01:04:28 I guess realistically you could do it if you didn't care about hurting them when you poke them in the eyes. Just have to kind of get around it and scoop it out. Yeah. But holy crap. But to do two of them too, like while the person's alive, you know? While they're alive. They're totally alive. So anyway.
Starting point is 01:04:44 Holy crap. So Leahah did as she's told put out both of the okay so she put out the one woman's eyes uh her sister christine put out the other woman's eyes then while the two women were still alive but without eyeballs oh my god i'm sorry everybody who if you're like super i'm my this is horrible no one else knows what's happening right now so like i'm just gonna paint a picture but my eyes are closed and my hands are covering my face a hundred percent i'm just rubbing my eyeballs so thankful i have them's in a lot of pain and if you are please just i'm just i understand if you stop listening but it is the empath in me can just like feel that's what i
Starting point is 01:05:20 was saying my face hurts from it yeah so okay i mean i know okay okay breathe okay so i'm ready then while they were still alive they were like we need to get murder weapons so they left them there honestly if someone plucked my eyes out i'd be like give me the weapon i'll do it my fucking kill me i'd be like at this point just get it kill me 100 so christine was like let's murder them so they found uh so they found that pewter pot that they had hit her hit chris i'm sorry hit the mother with first and then they found a hammer and what they did was they traded off the weapons so they would like and they told this whole story like this was their recollection of it they told at least they're proud whole story like this was their recollection of
Starting point is 01:06:05 it they told at least they're proud of it a full just dramatized story of what happened so they would pass off the hammer and the pot together uh-huh and just beat the women trade them back and forth like oh i'm tired of beating her with the pot my turn my turn yeah yeah basically and then when the women are dead christ Christine was like, okay, now how about we go about preparing the bodies, quote, as one would rabbits for cooking. So apparently Christine had this 1901 cookbook that she used, which included a recipe to cook rabbits. Okay. And she was like, hey, let's do that. Let's do that. Why not? Let's just toss this together and see what happens lord help us uh so they lifted the dead women's skirts over their heads took
Starting point is 01:06:56 knives and like skinned them no but chiseled through their like buttocks and like thighs with the knives and then haphazardly just like carved out chunks of meat yeah just like violently slashing it so i'm not even doing it like no but this part's fucked up listen plug your ears if you're sensitive well i have headphones over my ears right now so i can't you don't count you you signed on for this when we started this podcast but if you have children do not let them listen okay fine um then it turns out the daughter genevieve was on her period oh my god took the blood from her and put it all over her mother as if oh my god basting her oh my god like a turkey oh my god whatever like a rabbit
Starting point is 01:07:39 i'm sorry and just like started and so they tried to they put their skirts up and tried to like pretend they were rabbits for cooking i mean it is so they're insane people literally they're so fucked up like like they're in they have they're clinically like people still argue like what the fuck was happening then they cleaned up the mess and got ready for bed. So, as I said, the sisters immediately confessed to the crime. Christine did all the talking and Leah just nodded and agreed with her statements. They did not express remorse and claimed it was only self-defense.
Starting point is 01:08:21 Christine put it as, quote, it was her or us. So, did they eat them or they just covered them in each other's period blood and then left them just that and then oh so they didn't even really need the cookbook oh no they just like use it as they didn't use the cookbook they just found later detectives like found a recipe oh that christine often used so how do i guess she didn't like use the cookbook as part of like the murder she just but said she was used but okay treating their bodies like a rabbit i guess if she's yeah i guess if she was reporting this to the cops then it has to be accurate but my thought is like maybe she just killed them and then covered them with their own blood period blood i mean maybe but it's still just as fucked also period blood is so much worse for some reason
Starting point is 01:09:06 than just like i mean no matter what it's horrible that they're wiping her mother down with her own blood but for some reason period blood is just like so much more intimate like it is it's like it's very i mean it's pretty intimate to wipe your blood from anywhere on your mom but when it's your period blood it's like something that's supposed to be like something really twisted about that well and then socially it's like something that's already like taboo to talk about so can you imagine like wiping the taboo in the early 1900s and part of it was that they put their skirts like oh yeah so like humiliating them and i think i i think i'm remembering this correctly but there was a whole thing about how when the police arrived they like, like, put the skirts back down because it was, like, indecent. Well, at least they're respectful cops.
Starting point is 01:09:49 Yeah, but it, like, you totally fuck up a crime scene if you're like, don't show the vagina. It's like, well, their eyeballs are missing. Well, it's not like DNA was hanging out around then anyway. I mean, that's fair. But when they took, like, crime scene photos, they never showed that. And it's like, okay, but that's part of the murder, whatever.'t know um it's like yeah it's a vagina sorry deal with it but you know they pluck their eyeballs out it's just as violent as pulling your skirt over right yeah sorry anyway i'd rather see a vagina in a lot of scenarios but Then eye sockets? Especially compared to eye sockets. A hundred percent.
Starting point is 01:10:26 So for obvious reasons, this became a sensationalized case. But the French public, weirdly enough, was like divided on the opinion of what the... Fuck the French. I know. Of what the sisters, of what the fate of the sisters should be. So some people were like like they need to be killed uh and then others were like listen they were like in miserable working conditions um domestic laborers and a lot of people who were actually sympathizing sympathizers to them were uh like
Starting point is 01:10:57 intellectual elite so like jean-paul sartre um simone de beauvoir uh jean-ganet jean-janet jean-janet jean-banet jean-banet ramsey no um i mean i get snapping if people take advantage you of you for so long i get that but like like throw an egg at their house i just feel like it's kind of a circle jerk of people being like oh but they were like right yeah oppressed and it was a heroic act and it's like they fucking pulled these women's eyeballs out of their heads you really have to hate you don't just like and they weren't doing it in like an act of like we need like they never said oh we were oppressed they just like did it and we're like oh let's go to sleep we're murderers now yeah um so throughout the trial christine um behaved demurely she didn't make eye contact uh leah stared ahead vacantly the entire
Starting point is 01:11:54 time in shock uh while on the stand the only concern they seemed to have was to be protecting each other uh their lawyers tried to plead, but both were determined to be of sound mind, and both were convicted of the crime. So Christine was condemned to death by guillotine on the 30th of September 1933. She, like, fell to her knees when she received this information, which is like, why are you surprised? But okay. Yeah. The court was more compassionate toward the younger sister, Leah, who was sort of judged to be under the power of Christine, her older sister. And she was sentenced to 10 years of hard labor. Well, she's already done 10 years of hard labor.
Starting point is 01:12:38 Exactly. She's going to gouge more eyeballs out. She's like, oh, just more of my regular life. Yeah. Oh, so keep living? Got it. Fine. Dodge more eyeballs out.
Starting point is 01:12:42 She's like, oh, just more of my regular life. Yeah. Oh, so keep living? Got it. Fine. So while Christine was in the holding cell, she grew more and more mentally unstable. She had these violent fits and hallucinations, depressions. She would refuse to eat or drink and would just beg to see her sister. At one point in 1933, she attempted to tear her own eyeballs out.
Starting point is 01:13:03 So she was confined to a straight jacket and at one point one of her episodes was so bad that the warden relented and was like okay you can see leah um and at their reunion christine reportedly behaved in very sexually inappropriate ways toward her younger sister who kept trying to unbutton her clothes and kept saying say yes please say yes what so that's a whole nother aspect that was added at that point that perhaps they were having an incestuous relationship yikes um so in 19 january of 1934 um the president of france issued a stay of execution for christine and she was re-sentenced to a life term of hard labor but after a few years she was transferred to an insane asylum in ren probably a good move probably smart um she was there only a few months
Starting point is 01:14:01 before she perished of cachexia. What the fuck is that? That's apparently where you waste away due to self-imposed starvation. So she refused to eat or drink. She was 32 years old. Really young. She refused to eat or drink. Her body just shut down. You know, to rip the eyes out of someone's face, of someone that you didn't really hate compared to other
Starting point is 01:14:26 people like that takes a lot of heart it takes a lot of heart to do that but it takes even more heart to starve yourself i feel it takes like no heart like you just have to have like you but you have to want it like you have to really want to starve yourself maybe i'm also just someone who likes food too much but like but like if someone even gave me five million dollars and said starve yourself i'd be like impossible buddy like i'm gonna see food in three seconds i want to eat all of it never you could show me fucking gruel and i would eat it oh yeah yeah i don't get it either i don't know there must i mean listen it's fucked up.
Starting point is 01:15:05 She was 32 and she starved herself to death, which it's like. That's the one way I can guarantee you I'm not going to die. Like, you know how you have no idea how you're going to die? That's for sure the one that I'm not. But I know how I won't. Like, that's not going to get me. But you know how you're, it's impossible to drown yourself because your body will fight. Like, unless you weigh yourself down, your body will not drown itself.
Starting point is 01:15:28 Right. I would imagine your body is the same way with food. Like, you know what I mean? Like, I can't imagine that if there's food in front of you. I feel like maybe, I feel like if you don't eat enough food or if you don't eat any food, before you die, you go crazy. Like, you start losing it and i feel like maybe if you're already like on that level of unstable then by the time you hit that spot
Starting point is 01:15:53 where everyone else is kind of losing it you've already went overboard like maybe maybe you're like oh yeah i'm committed i mean it's not like they were serving in and out like I'm sure it was just shitty food anyway so right alright well anyway she died sad by Christine not really sad not really so Leah actually was released from prison early after only 8 years in 1941 and she
Starting point is 01:16:19 went to live with her mother that crazy lady you know what I bet she acted real nice to her though after she found out her daughter can gouge eyes out with her fucking hands if you if i ever thought i was gonna be mean to my kid and then they do that garbage i'll be like you're actually a god to me now and i'm not gonna do anything bad to hurt you my other mom was mad that i broke the iron so i pulled her eyeballs out yeah and i'd be like oh well I guess
Starting point is 01:16:45 I'm garbage now I guess I'm I'm just you're welcome I bow down to you forever but really you want a dog here's a whole patch of dogs here's 10 geos just for you um yeah so she got a job as a hotel maid under an assumed name for obvious reasons. She died at an undetermined death or an undetermined year. So accounts vary as to when she died. Some sources report that she died in 1982, but others say as late as 2001. So crazy enough, like, who knows? She might have been alive 15 years ago.
Starting point is 01:17:23 Oh. So as for, like like what the fuck was going on so jacques lacan who's like a famous um french psychoanalyst and psychiatrist believed that the popin sisters had uh folia do it which is like you know shared psychosis um and also the name of a fallout boy album oh my favorite you were one of those like little emo punks growing up weren't you listen have i not talked to you about fallout boy before no oh man i have patrick stem's phone number i no joke um i legitimately spent 11 hours finding patrick stem's cell phone number, and I got it. How did you do that? Listen.
Starting point is 01:18:09 You were born to be an investigator. I know. And then I convinced the forwarding service that I was his aunt, because I knew his aunt's name. And then I got through to his voicemail. It was a whole thing. What the fuck is wrong with you? A lot, Em, a lot. You should be in jail.
Starting point is 01:18:22 A lot. But I just want to take this really quick moment to shout out to my best friend renee in cleveland who is going to law school and also is amazing but also she donates to our patreon and she listened to every episode and she and i had a disgusting fallout boy obsession and she was in love with pete wentz and i was in love with patrick stump and we would sometimes just sit on the phone for six hours and just like cry about their music videos because we were psychopaths and kind of person are you to everyone in high school who had to just like bear our existence I'm sorry you look like you were straight out a hot topic I tried and I but we went to Catholic school so we weren't really good at it
Starting point is 01:18:58 so you like wore eyeliner I wore eyeliner and people were like whoa and one time I bought converse were they like the pink ones that had the the black tongue no no I wore eyeliner and people were like, whoa. And one time I bought Converse. Were they like the pink ones that had the black tongues? No, no. I wore gray ones with black tongues and I had black ones where it like sharpied on. You don't even understand me, mom. This is who I am. Mom. This isn't a phase.
Starting point is 01:19:16 This is just me. Deal with it or bounce. Look at my Converse and you'll really get it. You'll really get it. Okay. I wore Converse to my senior prom and my mom still won't let it go. Listen, that's so cool. I wasn't
Starting point is 01:19:29 cool enough because I was like too scared. Okay, can you say it louder so my mom, hey, now that we have so many listeners and some of you are even in a secret Facebook group with my mother, can all of you say that there was nothing wrong with me wearing Converse to my senior prom? Nothing. Nothing wrong. I wore cheap ass shitty silver high heels
Starting point is 01:19:45 that's way worse you would have been like the badass one at my school did you ever finish your story did you no no i'm on the last paragraph though okay it's the end that's why i think i derailed and cut um so jacques lacan who's a's a famous French psychoanalyst and psychiatrist, believed that the Pompon sisters had suffered from folie a deux, which is the Fall Out Boy album. Right. Okay. And also means shared madness or shared psychosis. Okay. Do you know about that whole thing?
Starting point is 01:20:24 About psychosis? No, no, folia deux. What? Folia deux. It's like shared... Not anymore, no. It's like the shared madness of two, so it's like one person will, like, have this psychosis,
Starting point is 01:20:38 and if they're really close with another person, they can sort of draw them into the same. Oh, yes, yes. It's really, like, fascinating. Well, I've seen studies before where people like it can stem from anyone that's super close like if you and i it's like basically just mirroring a behavior yeah exactly but it's also getting to know each other so well that you begin to feel each other's feelings yeah and not like in an empath way but in like a oh if my best friend's sad i'm sad so it's like oh if my best friend
Starting point is 01:21:04 wants to kill them we're so close and around each other all the time that you kind of lose your own sense of self and totally which is when which is when christine said um like pull out her eyeballs and she was like okay yeah you know i mean become one totally and like part of some of the symptoms are actually really fascinating um hearing voices a of persecution, a capability for inciting violence and perceived self-defense against imagined threats. So they said it's either them or me. And the last one that I thought was really, okay, as well as, wait, this is not the last one, but as well as inappropriate expression of sexuality, again. as inappropriate expression of sexuality again huh and there are a lot of um incidents throughout their whole lifetime that indicate that they were right sexually um related uh and then the other thing that i thought was so fascinating was that those afflicted with this uh paranoia will often
Starting point is 01:21:57 focus on a mother figure as their persecutor which is interesting because that nails it persecutor was like this moment that theyaman that they, like, adopted as their mother, who wasn't their real mother, but, like, they focused their, like, crazed anger on her. And so what happens is one half of the pair will often dominate the other one. So, like, it would be Christine dominating Leah and being like, do this. And she would do it. Like, it would be Christine dominating Leah and being like, do this. And she would do it. And paranoid schizophrenia can be difficult to diagnose because, like, the paranoid person can appear really normal.
Starting point is 01:22:36 So in court, they were, like, determined to be totally rational, sane. And then the insanity excuse did not work or the insanity defense did not fly because they were able to just seem like so normal so yeah it just was really scary and sad and that's it the end surprise
Starting point is 01:23:00 fin fin fin alright well that was is that not the craziest shit ever they just pulled their eyeballs out she's like oh pull her eyeballs out and she goes okay yeah i'll never forget that part of this story she goes this will just always be known as the eyeball story when the guy goes oh he has this flashlight and he's like there's an eyeball in the staircase. I'm like, this sounds like a bad horror movie.
Starting point is 01:23:26 Thank you guys for getting through this. I'm sorry again, future Christine, for having to edit this garbage. I'm sorry also, future Christine. We really do try not to do this and yet every time we meet, it just becomes a longer and longer podcast. Man, we struggle. We were so good at first. We started so strong. Okay, well, thank you guys until next time we love y'all so much you can find us where you've been finding us like literally if
Starting point is 01:23:56 you don't know where to find us now it's not honestly it's just rude it's just not our fault atwwd podcast is our handle for everything everything you can send us your stories for the next listeners episode which comes comes out June 1st, which also happens to now be the deadline for you to donate on our Patreon page. If you would like a gift box from us and Gio, you can email us at andthat'swhywedrink at or you can find our Patreon at andthat' Please keep tweeting and sending us pictures and information about yourselves because we like being involved with you fun we love it we really do and and you
Starting point is 01:24:32 guys are happy 40 000 downloads as of right now okay that's all i have to say thanks to you all we love you very much i'm signing off okay signing because, God, this is a struggle, and I have to go to work, and you have to go to work tomorrow. And that's why we drink. God. Dot com. Bye. Say bye. Bye.

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