And That's Why We Drink - E164 A Cold-Toed Ghost and an Impromptu Ski Waxing

Episode Date: March 22, 2020

Welcome to Kitty Cat Corner! Where we fawn over Juniper and continue to be trapped by the Coronavirus. We hope you're all doing well!  This week Em attempts to help us escape our present circumstance...s by taking us to the extremely historic and haunted Langham Hotel in London, frequented by the likes of everyone from Napoleon Bonaparte to Lady Gaga. Then Christine covers another cold case turned hot, the murder of Sherri Rasmussen in Van Nuys, California. We're also pretty sure a ghost ate our homework this week... and that's why we drink! Please consider supporting the companies that support us! Get an extra 30% off your first ThredUP order at For 20% off your first Native purchase, visit to to find your perfect-fitting bra… and get 15% off your first order! Get 10% off during your first three months of Ritual at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 it really is just like a little he really is just like a puddle of a cat like if a solid cat melted yeah that's what he looks like he's so seepy pink ears hello and welcome to kitty cat central. Oh, the Kitty Cat Corner! Where we're still trapped by the coronavirus. Kitty Cat Rona Virus. Nope. Okay. Anyway, yes, we are still all in trouble, huh? Huh. Well, nothing's changed. Nothing seemed to have changed.
Starting point is 00:00:42 At least in the five minutes that we've been here. I don't know what's happened in the last week. For all we know, this is like the whole nation has shut down. That's true. We are recording this early, so who knows when this comes out. We missed a week of updates. Are we alive anymore? I don't know. Is this our time capsule? Maybe this is where we
Starting point is 00:00:59 verbally state our will. Oh, okay. I want everything that belongs to you. I only want geo and and juniper when he's sleeping okay um yeah you can work that out with blaze okay uh okay hello everyone how are you m how am i hmm well fine it's still rainy it's gloomy here i love a good gloom though i know it's nice doom like you and me, like you and me. It's fun. That's what we do. That's our whole aesthetic. Well, now that we're not going to Seattle, I was actually supposed to go to Seattle today.
Starting point is 00:01:31 Yeah. To go be with my family. Oops. Whoopsies. That didn't work. Not seeing them. So what am I going to do now instead? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:01:43 We're just going to record more episodes. I forgot to tell you last night i went to um so every uh march 11th is cnu day i went so cnu is my college oh that's eva's birthday yes and it's also it's also cnu day so back off eva jeez jeez eva steal everything so every march 11th cnu has uh an annual reunion and like the 20 most populous cities of alumni. And so you can like go to like a major city near you and like have a little reunion with other people who live near you. So I went to my CNU day yesterday, which was very fun. And I had wanted to go for a long time. But when I lived in Virginia, they didn't have a Fredericksburg one. Then I moved to Boston and then they like didn't have a Boston one. Then I moved here and they
Starting point is 00:02:28 didn't have an LA one, but now they had a Boston one. And like, I didn't live there anymore. Then they finally had an LA one and I was going to go, but then we had our show in Orlando. Oh, that's right. I forgot. So I was like, damn, I can't go to the LA one, but I'll go to the Orlando one. And then I got Florida. So then I couldn't go to the Orlando one. And so the universe trying to tell you something, my friend. Well, then yesterday, like I totally forgot that I'd signed up for it. And I saw like my so my neighbor across the street from me back home. She also went to CNU. And so she posted about how she was going to like CNU Denver. And I was like, Oh, well, I totally forgot that I'd signed up. So I have and it was in like
Starting point is 00:03:04 an hour. And I was like, gotta go. You went? So I finally went after like four years. Where was it? It was in Culver City. So it was like a whole hour drive away. Wow. But I actually.
Starting point is 00:03:14 So for those of you who follow me on Instagram, and I think I mentioned this of a while back, but I actually have two friends that went to college that also in CNU that live out here now because I oh yeah you found their car I found their car and wrote a note on their windshield and then demanded they be friends with me creep I love it that's how we make friends and the three of us are actually really good friends so we all went there together and we were like just in case we don't know anybody else at least we know each other the partner and these kind of things it's a good time we all had a good time that's fun so that's my that's my story for this week what about you
Starting point is 00:03:43 Christine uh amazing well I am kind of excited. Speaking of, well, we weren't really speaking of Boston, but speaking of Boston University, our graduate school, one of my good friends from BU, I'm so excited. He started a podcast, and it won some award, and now he's making this podcast, and it's so funny and so good. And I just wanted to do a little braggy brag because he's just such a good guy. Who the hell is this person? His name's Jamie.
Starting point is 00:04:06 And he, you know, has like a TA, like a grad TA. He was kind of like the, I think he was like the head of that little group. The TA of TAs. Kind of the TA of TAs. Yeah. I hear you. And so he, so remember the show Car Talk? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:23 So it's kind of like Car Talk, but it's for like tech stuff. Oh, Tech Talk. Sort of. It's called – Tech Talk. Oh, right. He invented Tech Talk. I see.
Starting point is 00:04:33 It's a podcast, right? Am I getting that right? No. So it's really fun. They just released their first couple episodes, and they're really fun to listen to. Like the first one, for example, is like, is Alexa listening to me me someone calls in and says like hey is alexa listening to me this happened this happened and they kind of go through and see like well could you have said this and it did that you know it's really fun to listen to cool yeah it's really fun um and so they take listener
Starting point is 00:04:58 calls and questions it's produced by a car talk producer, and they work in Boston Public Radio. So that's kind of just a cool platform they have. And it's really cool, and it's also very funny. And I'm just really proud of them and excited. What's the name of it? It's called No Signal. Sorry, I should probably say that before I just stop talking. Before people type in TikTok a million times. TikTok, TikTok.
Starting point is 00:05:20 No, they took years planning, like getting this ready to launch it and um they met during bu like during grad school when when he was in grad school at bu with us so yeah oh they're oh i just saw in his email they're releasing a special coronavirus episode about how to disinfect your phones and ipads bingo bingo bingo so no signal they're about to like skyrocket in their numbers i know so it's called no signal it's. It's really fun. And like they've only released a couple episodes. So go check it out. I'm just really excited and proud of him. And he's just such a cool guy.
Starting point is 00:05:50 Oh, and he and his husband just had a baby. And the baby's very cute. So I feel very involved in his life on Instagram right now. So I'm just really excited. But so I'm just, he just is a great guy. So check it out. It's fun. That's all.
Starting point is 00:06:04 Precious. Awesome. Is there a reason why you drink beyond the virus? but so i'm just he just is a great guy so check it out it's fun that's all precious uh awesome is there a reason why you drink beyond the virus by the way now we can probably just call it the virus tm tm tm which is the most like apocalyptic thing in the world being like how are you doing with the virus but like in 100 years you'll be like remember like where were you during the virus yep exactly yeah um i'm okay mean, why am I drinking? I don't know. Our shows are getting canceled. I'm really bummed out.
Starting point is 00:06:30 Yeah. We're hoping the ones at least in, like, April, May, maybe we'll survive. We'll see. Maybe by the time this comes out, we'll have made an announcement about that. Keep an eye on our social media. That's where it'll come out, like, most timely. And that's been it. I once again applied for verifications, was rejected again. So who knows? social media that's where it'll come out like most timely um and that's about it i uh i once
Starting point is 00:06:45 again applied for verifications was rejected again so who knows i think someone just doesn't like me well you know whatever someone's on my side i'll get over it um yeah not everyone's a member of the christine chapel i suppose but uh yeah maybe i can actually oh you know what that's what i'll do i'll call in no signal and ask how the hell to get verified ah that's the one help me jamie um great your turn i don't think why do i drink hmm well i also drink because i did plan on seeing so many people i plan on being in seattle like i said it feels like we're letting people down yeah well i had so this actually it works out in its own way.
Starting point is 00:07:25 For now, at least I'm sure once we are rescheduling everything, it'll get hectic again, really crazy. Yeah. But I was supposed to go to Seattle, be with my family and then have the Seattle show, have the Portland show, hang out in Portland for a while with my friend that lives in Portland, then come back just to repack. And then I was going to spend a week in DC to be with my family before the DC show, then do Philly, New York and Boston And then I was going to spend a week in D.C. to be with my family before the D.C. show. Then do Philly, New York, and Boston. Then I was going to spend a couple days in Boston with our friend. And then fly straight from Boston to our Denver show.
Starting point is 00:07:53 So I was, like, not going to be home for a whole ass month. And now the universe is like, you can't leave. And now Allison's like, let's hang out. And I'm like, ahhh! So I'm very excited. Oh, man. Yeah, you sound excited. It was a scream of, like, nervousness. I i'm like what does she have planned so okay i also want to say our patron of the week is dylan stats stop stats
Starting point is 00:08:14 i think hi dylan hi dylan thank you so much for your longtime support you've been a supporter for many years so i appreciate it all right m is also appreciative even though they're not totally expressing it grateful with all my mind heart soul and body like so much that it just overrode m's entire nervous system i mean ah yeah we all like that sound um so thank you dylan you are this week's uh sponsor patron of the week i don't know donator does anyone listen to this part i don't know if anyone even cares about to this part i don't know if anyone even cares about that this part or this show because no to both probably ouch um anyway that's all uh come see alexander and me live too because we are sad that i don't think anyone's gonna buy tickets who knows what's happened by now i know who knows if anybody ever is even listening to us anymore so uh my story this time
Starting point is 00:09:07 is uh another quickie but i wanted to do an international story i like to imagine that i'm not in america right now because what in italy where everyone's i mean i guess wherever you are in the world you're probably in some version of a lockdown there's a lot of bad things happening everywhere um but so this one is from london okay this is the story of the langham hotel oh um which i thought i was gonna get more information and then it didn't it i didn't get too much and then i was like well i already did this so now i'm gonna now it's just gonna be a short set of notes but i'm sure it's like dilute it's like not diluted it's like the best of the best it's just concentrated entertainment concentrated fucking ready spooks so uh it is one of the most haunted hotels in the uk again why i thought that there would be more notes to this yeah oh well um it is apparently most haunted in october that is
Starting point is 00:09:57 when the spirits really get crazy just live it up and it's a 100 yearyear-old five-star hotel, again, in London. Five stars. Five stars. Bing, bing, bong. So it has had several celebrity guests, including Oscar Wilde, Taylor Swift, Gaga. We just went over. Oscar Wilde and Taylor Swift was my whiplash. Across the generations. They were probably going to be, Gaga and Oscar Wilde were absolutely going to be homies. They would have been pals for sure, yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:24 Mark Twain, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow charles de gall george orwell and of course our favorite and somehow getting brought up left and right sir arthur conan doyle i thought you were houdini no well fucking walter trey songs i thought you meant trerey Songz. Oh, my goodness. Oh, by the way, at my CNU reunion, one of the people, I was actually in a fraternity with him. And he, at the time, was trying to become a music producer. And he lives out here now. And apparently he's produced songs for Trey Songz. And I was like, have you been upstairs? Are you what's making that goddamn noise in my apartment?
Starting point is 00:11:03 Did you produce Trey Day? Mr. Steal Your Girl, tell him to shut up. Okay. I still am waiting for Gagau to get me all my cool new Apple TV. Tell Gagau that I need something stat. I need a whole new apartment. Yeah, so lots of people have been there. In 1863 was when the hotel started being built.
Starting point is 00:11:23 It was designed intentionally to be a Renaissance-style palace. It was... Okay. It was meant to be a palace in Renaissance style. Love it. It was built by Jean Gilles. I assume that's how you pronounce G-I-L-L-E-S. Sure.
Starting point is 00:11:36 And fun fact about Jean Gilles, he was later known for designing asylums. Okay. What a weird thing to be known for. Why would you start at a five-star renaissance style palace in london and now you had to fall from grace i think that's exactly what happened because i feel like you'd only go up from the other direction but i mean if you're if you're starting at palaces like where where do you have to go there's such a far way to fall so the building was completed in 1865 at the cost of 300,000 pounds.
Starting point is 00:12:06 And that was in 1865. So today that is almost 38 million pounds or almost 49 million dollars. Wowza, that's a lot of money. $50 million house. Palace, I'm sorry. How dare you? Asylum. Wait, no.
Starting point is 00:12:19 Now I'm just getting them all mixed up. A $50 million asylum. I might want to stay in that fucking asylum. I mean, sounds them all mixed up. A $50 million asylum. I might want to stay in that fucking asylum. If it's, I mean, sounds pretty, pretty swanky. Well, true to form in a London palace extravaganza, it had an opening ceremony performed by the Prince of Wales, a.k.a. future King Edward VII. Hey. Why not?
Starting point is 00:12:38 Why not? And immediately it became a hotel that was known for the wealthy, the elite, and royal. Here's a fun fact it was the first hotel in london to have elevators electric lighting air conditioning and a telephone really had all four of them that is wow is a high tech man i wonder what number they had was it like a telephone like it was a telephone but like what was the phone number a light bulb above oh i thought you meant the number of telephones no no no the phone number i wonder what their phone number was one i am yeah i imagine it was a very small digit at the time um another fun fact was in 1871 emperor napoleon iii was when he was exiled from france he actually lived here until
Starting point is 00:13:21 he died oh it's so hard to be exiled i just have to live in this palace with my one light bulb and my one telephone. My elevator that goes up a whole inch. And air conditioning, by the way, in 1871. Air conditioning is a big one I missed. Yep. I didn't even know. I actually really should look into how long air conditioning has been around. Because in my mind, like before like the 50 50s not even like in like the 70s i
Starting point is 00:13:46 don't believe i can't my brain doesn't think it has something to do with when refrigeration was invented yeah well i think it's i think i put the two together but i don't really think of refrigeration i know refrigeration was before the fucking 70s i know that but like i my brain doesn't allow myself to understand anything that happened 40 to 50 years right after 40 50 years before me got it um the world just didn't exist it's hard for me to understand it and like everything just becomes like wooden wagons and like hoop and stick hoop and stick and i i hate myself for it but i can't process and so for air conditioning to be around before 1900 it's hard for me to believe that years were around before
Starting point is 00:14:25 1900 like you're like a new soul or something i must feel like i i feel like this is very interesting um i must be but at the same time like i know that my past lives most of them were in colonial times i know it and yet i refuse to believe that that time existed maybe you just did that then skipped everything else maybe i just really hated hoop and stick and so i told myself and all the rest of my years again i would just block out that time you're gonna skip the marbles you're gonna skip the pickup be like maybe i had i was a colonial person then i came to a time of air conditioning and i was like i don't want to remember anything before this that must be what it was you had suddenly a telephone number and an air conditioning i was like this is so much more convenient than like having like a plague
Starting point is 00:15:09 or something i don't know you know how plagues are just so inconvenient i mean that's they're called the coronavirus it's called pretty timely news i guess it's called i have no toilet paper yeah oh poor em um just move to this fucking palace it seems to be where everyone else on hard times goes hard times me and emperor napoleon yeah i'm sure that's really maybe that's my past life i was like thinking maybe i was like have you heard of this air conditioning shit i'm not going back so in 1902 the coronation celebrations which again i did not know were a real thing were being held in london and the langham was the final royal stop. Okay. Fun fact. So in 1902, during this coronation celebration, I, first of all, love that it rhymes.
Starting point is 00:15:53 Second of all, can't get over the fact that I'm just thinking of Frozen for coronation. Oh, the kitty cat wants to move around. What does that mean? The coronation when Elsa was going to become queen? Oh, sure. Okay. Remember when Anna was, like, so fucking stoked that the windows were going to be open? Yes. That was the coronation day.
Starting point is 00:16:04 Yes, I see. Okay, I'm putting it together now. So during this coronation, a wire was strung across the Langham Hotel to the church on the other side of the square. So there was a huge wire from the hotel to the church where they held like flags and banners and stuff. And it was estimated to be able to carry like eight tons. What, the wire? The wire was supposed to be, and it was like anch be able to carry like eight tons what the wire the
Starting point is 00:16:25 wire was supposed to be and it was like anchored in with iron bars and everything okay so like a heavy duty wire yeah well for some unexplained reason the wire snapped oh no and whipped through the crowd oh my god that's horrifying and it injured four women and killed one woman the one who died was a canadian so my heart goes out to her. Oh, no. That's awful. Have you heard of the Six Flags time that the wire snapped on the Superman ride? No.
Starting point is 00:16:52 It happened the day after I left that Six Flags. What? And I remember being like, what the fuck? Wait, what happened? So at Six Flags, they have a Superman ride where you're supposed to feel like Superman because you're strapped in. The one where you're on your chest. Where you're on your chest, so it's like you're supposed to feel like superman because you're like strapped in the one where you're on your we're on your chest so it's like you're flying like superman and a wire snapped
Starting point is 00:17:08 off of the roller coaster and hit someone's legs and literally whipped their legs off what the fuck i don't know what happened to that person i just i'm gonna not let i'm so sorry anymore i'm gonna not go on roller coasters but i was at that i was at that park the day before nope and then i heard that story and i was like, what the fuck? I had just been on that ride. I was like, when I was on that ride, the wire was probably wiggly or something. It's just wiggly. It's a little bit wiggly.
Starting point is 00:17:32 It just missed me. Oh, God. So anyway, that was the first series of deaths that happened around the hotel that could have potentially made the space haunted. Yeah. And like I said, the workers who strung up the wire have no idea how it snapped because it had been reinforced with a lot of anchors and iron bars jeez a year later bachelor lewis tellerman had a party in his suite at the hotel and he was a i don't know how this happens but it's probably how one of us will go he literally was just laughing and keeled over he just was laughing sorry this is your past life that's
Starting point is 00:18:06 some roger rabbit shit like you literally just laugh yourself to death this is your past life it's all making sense you're in there conditioning life is good having a bachelor party sounds right oh and that's horrible sat up in a fit of laughter and keeled over dead on the spot is there nothing that can be sacred anymore are we i'm I'm just, I feel like I must be scared of everything now. Also, like, what a way to go, though. Like, I kind of hope that's the way you go. I hope it was really funny, that joke. But can you imagine being the one who told the joke and you're like, I just killed him. But also you could be like, I killed. I'm so funny. I just killed at that show where I killed someone. Oh, so sad. I didn't even know that was possible.
Starting point is 00:18:43 I didn't know either. I i mean it makes me think of all the times that i was laughing so hard that my stomach hurt now i'm like oh my god was i on the brink of death maybe in like an aneurysm or something maybe that's horrifying i mean just plop so in 1940 uh the hotel actually served as a world war ii first aid center in an outpost and uh september 1940 a bomb exploded near the hotel and there were no deaths that time but there was another um explosion a couple months later it was a parachute mine that exploded outside the hotel and it caused a water tank in the hotel to explode and the roof caught on fire because it was so close oh no and so it killed two guests and damaged several of the surrounding
Starting point is 00:19:23 buildings and it led to flooding in the hotel and a small collapse from the roof. So it was, I mean, it was scary. And only two people died instead of the entire hotel. But still two more people died in the hotel. Awful. Awful. At this point, fun fact, it was during World War II that there was, mine exploded next to it. war ii that there was um mine exploded next whip but the hotel even though they had to evacuate the staff still returned to hang a british flag across the doorway as like a fuck you to the nazis yeah to be like nice try and after the war bbc actually bought the langham um and used it as
Starting point is 00:19:59 an archive space and a recording studio and it was like they still had rooms available for journalists that were in town to work for them so it was still kind of like a hotel but just for bbc staff okay in 1986 uh bbc sold the langham and then it got refurbished with oh i'm sorry i have to let the cat out sorry everyone i'm sorry am i bothering you juniper yes oh i thought you meant me yes you are okay well so uh so in 1986 the bbc sold the langham and the whole place got refurbished uh for 100 million pounds whoa and in 1991 the second telephone that is exactly what another light bulb they paid for a whole new number number two and so in 1991 the place reopened as the langham hilton hotel okay okay hilton okay okay fun fact as the hilton as the langham hilton hotel princess diana was the first royal guest and was a regular
Starting point is 00:21:00 there before she died wow did paris ever go did paris paris hilton hilton i see maybe i wouldn't be surprised it's like if it's the one that looks like a palace i'm sure that's the one she wants to go to i feel like if you could go for free you might as well right maybe they filmed an episode of the simple life there yeah very simple to live there oh my god look at this one telephone we have one life off and one telephone there's just like the ghost of Napoleon behind them. Right. So this was also the time where, so it used to be room 33. And around this time in the 80s, they changed out the numbers and room 33 became room 333, which is now the most haunted room there.
Starting point is 00:21:41 Oh, half of 666. Bingo. I see. I will just skip right over that. Oh. A little quote later. My great math that I did. Sorry to spoil it for everyone.
Starting point is 00:21:52 I'll bring it up again. So after another 80 million in renovations, Jesus Christ, guys. I was like, I'm amazed. I can't believe that. The hotel was sold again and turned into the Langham Hotel. So no Hilton. Oh, bye Hilton.
Starting point is 00:22:08 Sorry, Paris. That's not hot. No. So it's not. There's a lot of AC going on in there. That's the dumbest joke. Take it back. I take it back.
Starting point is 00:22:16 I take it back. I take it back. I regret it. Oh my God, that's cold. I regret it. So everything. So now it's just the Langham hotel since i guess the late 90s early 2000s and uh the typical hauntings kind of the typical hauntings of any hotel there's
Starting point is 00:22:33 knocks footsteps voices doors open and close windows open and close usually it's like knocks and creeks that are the big one but there are five main ghosts one is a german well a german noble or prince they're not sure in full regalia and he yikes is allegedly the way he became a ghost in this building as he allegedly jumped from the window during world war one oh but he is known now to wander the hallways on the fourth floor he walks through walls and he walks through closed doors and he is apparently the most active of all of them god seeing like someone in a full outfit it does scare the shit out of me especially from a time that's like clearly not yes exactly so the spirit has been described as quote beefy okay well oh with that's a good thing is it yeah it means like hunky huhunky. Huh. Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:25 I don't know what beefy means. That's why I always call you beefy. That's what you... What the fuck? I don't. Beefy with cropped hair, sporting a military-style jacket that buttoned up to the neck. Okay. So the second one is actually Emperor Napoleon III, who, you know, his life was so tough and he got exiled and lived in a palace.
Starting point is 00:23:42 Aww. He, now apparently, he used to be seen a lot in his room, but now he's seen more in the basement. He like moved downstairs. The fuck? Okay. The third one is a butler with a hole in his sock. I don't know why. I think it's like in his head. That's what I thought too when I first started reading the notes and then I was like.
Starting point is 00:23:58 Do you think that's why he can't rest easy? He roams the earth because he can't darn his sock. That one toe is just too cold it's just always too cold but i was going through all this info and i was like what if i saw a spirit the last thing i'm doing is checking his socks you're like that's not the thing you'd really notice right i would notice that he was see-through and probably had no eyes and maybe holes in other parts of his entire body right but like if there's holes in his fabric the least of my concerns yeah we're not really worried i guess
Starting point is 00:24:30 but apparently people have all said that he unless he's like maybe a spirit that's just sticking his leg out trying to show you exactly the hole in his sock he's like look look there's gotta be a ghost somewhere who's just like look at my foot look at it my toe is so cold help me um so he carries a tray through the third floor halls apparently without shoes that means he's not wearing shoes is he barefoot on the other foot i'm confused this is wild though okay uh and then there's a soldier with a gaping wound in his face yeah that's the kind of hole you know yeah that's the hole where you go that's not supposed to be there also because you're probably looking them directly in their eyes if you see a full bite apparition so a wound near the eyes you're going to notice but like
Starting point is 00:25:13 the toes are the are the eyes of the feet that's what i always say they're the exact opposite of where you should be looking if you see a see-through person yeah i would think uh so anyway a soldier with a gaping face wound he walks through the building but unlike others he's just seen all over the place so like stop complaining about your sock look at my goddamn face like what is your deal he's going all over the goddamn palace to be like when will someone notice so the fifth one is the most popular and the most malevolent apparently oh um this is in room 333 which used to be room 33 it was a victorian doctor who actually was on a honeymoon with his bride and then committed a
Starting point is 00:25:52 murder suicide with his bride oh no so killed her then their honeymoon yes oh no so killed her then killed himself he now shows himself with silver hair a cloak and a cravat and a blank stare sorry one of the animals hit the door right as you said that like jumped my heart jumped and a blank stare the worst of them all yeah very very unsettling so um a cravat a cravat so very concerned with their looks in 1973 one of the bbc reporters that was staying in like their accommodations when bb BBC owned the place. Oh, yeah. His name was James Gordon.
Starting point is 00:26:27 He stayed in room 33 and he woke up to a ball. He was in room 33 and he woke up to a ball of light that turned into the form of a Victorian man. Okay. So he just watched it like anamorph. Yuck-o. The man was, speaking of anamorphss let's talk about a reboot on that one what do you not know what anamorphs are but what what do you mean i just said the phrase anamorph and then my it pulled out a memory of my brain of the show anamorphs oh oh i thought you meant like
Starting point is 00:26:55 like a a remake like this was no but we should do it i'm saying like for all the 90s reboots why have we not done anamorphs yet it's a a really good question. That was a great show. That was. You could do, like, a Riverdale version of it where, like, now it's, like, the dark version of Animorphs. Yeah, drama. Super drama. Okay. TM, TM, TM.
Starting point is 00:27:13 TM, TM, TM. Okay. So, this ball of light turned into a Victorian man. The man was missing the lower half of his legs. His arms were stretched out, and his eyes were apparently piercing and this man started moving towards the reporter nah um so james the reporter he got met he got scared and he threw a boot at the man and in true cinema fashion the boot went right through him goodbye and james fled he was like goodbye i'm out um james out, but he realized he still had to go get his things before he left.
Starting point is 00:27:46 And so he asked the concierge to escort him. Yeah. And the concierge literally said no. What? I don't know if they were too scared. I don't know if they were too scared or were making fun of him or like didn't believe him. Or were like, that's not our job. Right.
Starting point is 00:27:59 But he ended up having to go up by himself. And he saw it again for a second time. It was still there. Still there. This time it was fading away, but and he saw it again for a second time it was still there still there this time it was fading away but he still saw it i hate that so it wasn't just a dream if he walked away and came back and it was still there yuck also what was happening when he was gone was that guy just roaming around the room like looking through his luggage oh he was building up power so um apparently a lot of other bbc reporters had that same experience when they would stay in that room so there was a lot of similar stories to that basically where they all saw this man there's also
Starting point is 00:28:32 a ghost uh who likes to tip mattresses while guests are sleeping so he will literally try to like lift the mattress until eventually you roll out while you're sleeping kind of hilarious that would be me it It is, yeah. How far can I get this thing up in the sky? I know, it's you, that Bachelor guy who loves to laugh. Also, how strong must you be? Because a mattress is fucking heavy. Pretty beefy, I would say.
Starting point is 00:28:53 And then a person on top of it. Yeah, you gotta be the beefiest. You gotta be deluxe boar's head roast beef. If you got a hole in your sock, forget about it. You're screwed. Yeah. No chance. For sure.
Starting point is 00:29:06 In 2003, there was actually a woman who experienced this ghost by staying in room 33 and was not just tipped out, but shaken out of her bed. Like someone was literally like trying to fan her, like whip the mattress so she would just go flying off. I love that they don't even want to touch her. They're just like, get it off. Get it off. They're like, I don't want to.
Starting point is 00:29:22 Why are you on my bed? Get out of here. Fling it off. That's the most passive aggressive way to get someone out of your bed is just tip them upright until they fall just and then and then when they turn around i'll just like pretend i'm sleeping it wasn't me um there's a video from like it must be like an old 50s show or something but it's a clip that's been used a few times on like tiktoks or like twitter memes or something but it's uh a man and a woman lying in bed and the woman while the man
Starting point is 00:29:52 is sleeping she's like reading her book and like she like slaps him on the face to wake him up but then she pretends she was sleeping so he like wakes up in like a like a in a startle and then she wakes up going oh no what happened did you have a bad dream i feel like that's what this ghost is about i've never seen that it is find it very passive aggressive it seems like emphasis on the aggressive it seems like that's exactly what this ghost yeah clearly also just attention just wants to be a tiktok star clearly don't we all just wants to be a woman from the 50s yes don't we all so other ghosts include a uh a bell man in a full wig and blue uniform wow and whenever he's around the temperature apparently drops like
Starting point is 00:30:32 crazy that ac um some people actually think he's alive and mistaken for a current employee but they always complain that he's not helpful they're like don't tip that man probably because he's a fucking ghost and he's like you are not royalty get out of my face well guests so guests have called the front desk and been like why hasn't that guy in the old costume like brought up my luggage yet like i gave it to him and then it's he hasn't brought it up it's been a half an hour and people will be like that uniform that you saw hasn't been used in over a century terrifying and they'll go downstairs to check on their luggage and it's exactly where they left it in front of the man.
Starting point is 00:31:07 It's just sitting in the lobby untouched. I wonder if there's footage of people just walking up and putting their luggage down. That would be something else. And walking away and everyone's like, what are you doing? And he's like, no, I was giving it to the man. I also wonder if the man walks around. Do people leave their luggage in different locations? Right. Or is he always standing?
Starting point is 00:31:23 Because if it's always the same spot, then if I worked at that hotel, if I ever saw unattended luggage, I would just assume that someone saw the ghost. It's a ghost. He's back. Yeah. So anyway, that's it. I would just force an actual employee to stand there and be like, just take whatever luggage ends up here.
Starting point is 00:31:37 So, but yeah, that would be really interesting to see the footage of people just leaving it somewhere. That's creepy. And then like talking to the air. Yeah. Yeah. Or should I give $5 and it just falls to the ground so um people also see a woman in a blue nightgown she's seen wandering the hallways near dawn and in 2014 england's
Starting point is 00:31:56 cricket team actually stayed there and they had their own experiences specifically one teammate reportedly woke up because his room was boiling hot like boiling hot and that's actually one of the big uh complaints from guests is that the place is super super hot really and like they don't know why and then all of a sudden they'll change and people have also complained about getting headaches in certain rooms weird so um but yeah so one teammate woke up because his room was super hot like in the 90s or 100s. And when he woke up, the faucets in the bathroom were running by themselves. So he turned on the light to see what was going on. And when he turned the light on, the faucets turned off.
Starting point is 00:32:34 Oh, okay. And he was like, that was weird. So he turned off the light to go back to bed and the faucets came back on. Oh, for God's sake. And so eventually he ends up just sleeping in one of his teammates rooms. And it's apparently that cricket team now like their girlfriends and half of the players won't stay in that hotel. Really? Like depending on how long they have to be there, if they have to be there for multiple nights, they'll pick a different place.
Starting point is 00:32:54 That's like the Pfister, right? Yeah. Was it the Pfister? The Pfister. They have, I think it's the Milwaukee Brewers. Yeah. Or no, it's like visiting teams would stay there. Someone, there was a baseball team that like refuses to stay in the Fister Hotel.
Starting point is 00:33:07 It was like visiting teams would be put up there or something and then like, I forget what team it was, some visiting team. And like, yeah, they all were like, fuck this place. There's like a video of them talking about it. They're like, I'm out, I'm out. So people have also said that their equipment will malfunction in the room, especially in the bathroom. They think like in room three, three, three, apparently the equipment will malfunction. It's always super hot in there.
Starting point is 00:33:31 And that's where the murder suicide was, right? Yes. And people will hear knocking and like banging in the closets and stuff. Yuck. Um, so some theories, a lot of people who are skeptics will say that most of the sightings conveniently happened when bbc owned the place and so they think that a lot of bbc staff just kind of made up these stories for publicity journalists come on and a lot of them literally have said that they believe
Starting point is 00:33:58 these stories are made up because they would use them at the time that they worked there so they could like explain off why they were late with their work they would just them at the time that they worked there so they could explain off why they were late with their work. They would just be like, the ghosts ate my homework or something. Like, the ghosts kept me from getting my work done. And another similar theory is for cricket fans because they think that the players will say the hotel they were staying in that night was haunted to explain why they did a bad job at their last'm cursed so okay well so did the bbc people because that my thought would
Starting point is 00:34:32 be those are the last people to like go around saying they saw ghosts because you want to be credible especially if you work at the bbc right you know what i mean like that's what i would think too but a lot of people say since it happened to start at that time and most of the stories come from that time it's just convenient yeah but i don't know interesting maybe they just didn't like journalists maybe they just hated journalists maybe they were like previous paparazzi or no they were nobility remember they're right they were like get away from me paparazzi so room 333 they think that if this is all a hoax and Room 333 is just, like, a publicity sent for being the most haunted room, the reason that room got picked is because it
Starting point is 00:35:10 is the Room 333, which you said, if you double it, it's 666. I'm pretty good at math. So, 333 is, like, a mocking of the Holy Trinity, which is usually demonic foul play. Yuck. And it's also associated with the demon Karanzen 333 who is known as the quote dweller of the abyss oh what the hell and is sometimes the final obstacle before enlightenment in some beliefs really yeah so he's just like standing there like it's like just ready to fuck you up nirvana is behind me you may not enter so three and like i said three or three could be the mocking
Starting point is 00:35:43 of the holy trinity so it could just be a mind over matter kind of tell yourself that it's more demonic than the rest of the hotel okay but anyway that is the story of the langham hotel in london we should stay there if we ever go to london okay i made a stay at the fister remember i do and then i so christine didn't know that the fister was actually my story for my live show that night. I didn't even guess. Christine just put us in the Pfister Hotel. And then I, we got on stage and I was like, so my story is the Pfister Hotel. And then Christine couldn't say that's where we're staying.
Starting point is 00:36:14 Right. We're staying there tonight. But our eyes met and I was like, you know what's going on. I just drank my wine. Kept my mouth shut. There was one time where Christine on stage literally told everyone where we were staying. I said, we're staying at the holiday westin she tried to catch herself but it was definitely too fucking late didn't work didn't work didn't work uh wowza yeah i was just like please nobody come
Starting point is 00:36:36 to the hollywood holiday westin the holiday the hollywood westin the holiday the hollywood western the holiday is western yep uh that's where we stay room three three three um yeah also with that fister thing i had told eva it's a surprise don't tell m and eva was like oh god because like you were like it's a surprise don't tell christine and i'm like poor eva's in the middle wrangled into that shit all the time constantly she's in the middle of it we all i'm always saying hey don't tell don't tell Christine and then Christine's like don't tell them and then Eva's like I don't know what to do. He was just like help me somebody. Not that Eva's a bad liar I just think I don't think we definitely force her to lie a lot. We put her in uncomfortable positions that she didn't sign up for. Right exactly. For space camp Christine and i came up with a story but i never told christine
Starting point is 00:37:25 that i had officially lied to eva about what was going on i made like made up a story for why she needed to come over and then i forgot to tell christine that that was the story and so then eva was like it almost ruined the whole surprise i know i i almost totally ruined it yeah so then eva called me and was like oh so emma said we're doing this uh tomorrow and i was like sorry what and he was like oh shit maybe i wasn't supposed to tell you i didn't ask em if i was allowed to tell you and i was like totally put eva in a state of paranoia where now she never knows if she's allowed to be like double checking schedules with both just rough i know it's oh poor thing we like to keep each other on our toes okay so the story I have for you today is of Sherry Rasmussen Rasmussen Rumpelstiltskin that's the one okay it's a
Starting point is 00:38:14 folktale it is not unfortunately I wish it were a folktale I wish it were fake yep uh I wish all of my stories were fake but unfortunately that is not the case so sherry rasmussen was born february 7th 1957 she was raised in a close family with two sisters theresa and connie and she was very quickly like a very tenacious young woman she skipped two grades she was six foot tall and was like a great athlete um she was basically like a wunderkind. And she graduated high school by 16, graduated college by 20, and received her master's in nursing from UCLA at age 23. So she was like fast track to success and career. So she actually initially was going to go to medical school to become a doctor. He kind of expected that of her because that was her original path. But then she also wanted to have a family, and she believed that becoming a nurse would be more conducive hours-wise to having kids in the future. So she gave up on the medical school idea and went to nursing school.
Starting point is 00:39:26 And pretty quickly she was promoted to management director of clinical care nursing at Glendale Adventist Hospital in Glendale, California. I used to go there. Oh, I used to live in Glendale, but I never went to that hospital. I went to that hospital when I lived in Glendale. Was that when you had the black lung? No, it was when I had the Crohn's. Oh, yikes. My whole life.
Starting point is 00:39:46 So by age 27, she was the director of clinical care nursing and started even lecturing, like giving lectures to students. So like she was on the up and up. She loved being a nurse. Her family was like she loved making people feel better, wanted to make things run efficiently, especially in the medical world. And in 1984, she met a man named John Rutten and they pretty much immediately fell in love, started dating. And the year after that, 1985, they got engaged and were married that same year. So they were like, once again, fast track. She was like, this is it.
Starting point is 00:40:12 On the up and up. On the up and up. He's the one. So two years later, or a year after they got married in February of 1986, February 23rd, she and her sister, Teresa, and Teresa's partner, Brian, they go out to play mini golf. And they have a lovely day and she heads home afterwards and everything is all fine. And that next morning, February 24th, she tells her husband, John, that she's supposed to get... Next morning, sorry everyone, I'm out of breath because i just had to lock the
Starting point is 00:40:49 dogs away and i'm very out of shape okay so you're so out of shape and skinny at the same time crazy yeah and love this game um so sorry i love telling you you're skinny. In that super lovely, sweet tone. How dare I? Rat bastard, they call me. Uh-huh. Go on, skinny. Keep telling me what's going on. Stop it.
Starting point is 00:41:11 You're such a butt. Okay. February 24th, Sherry says to her husband, I'm supposed to give this motivational speech at work today. And she's like, I think it's pointless. I don't want to do it. So I'm going to stay home. Okay. So he's like, all right, cool. I'm going to do it so i'm gonna stay home so he's like all right cool i'm going to work he leaves the condo they lived in van nuys um
Starting point is 00:41:30 he leaves the condo heads to work about 7 20 a.m and she's still in her bathrobe and is like bye i'm staying home today so later that morning sherry's sister connie makes her usual break time phone call to sherry but the hospital says she didn't come into work today uh she called in sick i mean really she was avoiding her motivational speech but she called in sick so connie's like great i'll call her at home but nobody picks up so she calls john and is like hey is everything cool with sherry he calls home too nobody picks up he's like that's weird but maybe she went back to bed maybe she was tired and is taking a nap when i don't answer the phone i'm absolutely asleep there's literally only and is taking a nap. When I don't answer the phone, I'm absolutely asleep. There's literally only one thing Emma's doing if they don't answer the phone.
Starting point is 00:42:09 It is sleeping. Oh, yeah. Last, I think yesterday we were in like a huge group chat and at some point I was just not responding. And then three hours later, I was like, sorry, guys. Good morning. It's me. Good morning.
Starting point is 00:42:20 It's me. And it's 2 p.m. If I don't answer the phone, it's because I'm doing literally everything else in my life because I refuse to answer the phone. So that's where we differ. Okay, so that afternoon, John is finished at work. He arrives home to the condo around 645 and he is met by a somewhat troubling sight outside. So the garage door is open and he had bought sherry a bmw as an engagement gift and the bmw is missing there's broken glass on the driveway from the patio door uh and he's like
Starting point is 00:42:52 that's weird like if she had left she wouldn't have left the garage door open so things are off obviously there's glass on the ground um so he heads upstairs to the condo and he pushes the front door open. It's actually unlocked. And he finds Sherry still in her bathrobe, um, and her nightgown, the same clothes she was wearing when he left that morning, uh, sprawled on the living room floor in a pool of blood. She was very obviously dead by this point. She had been shot twice in the chest and once in the abdomen and also had
Starting point is 00:43:26 blunt force trauma to her head. She had ligature marks on her wrists, but she wasn't bound at that point. And she also had defensive wounds on her arms and hands there. So obviously he calls the police. There are signs of a struggle in the living room. There are speakers that are like toppled over. The credenza is knocked on its side.
Starting point is 00:43:53 Drawers have been pulled out. Paperwork is everywhere. Oh, no. God damn it. Yeah. So close. Terrible. So between, like, total shock and hysterics, John stumbles out of the condo. He, like, runs to the neighbor. They're able to get the police over who investigate the scene kind of pull all this information um and the lead detective his
Starting point is 00:44:11 name um is lyle mayor and he immediately zeroes in on this stacked stereo equipment that was left by the front door and they pretty quickly ruled john out as a suspect and conclude that sherry had probably interrupted a burglary and was murdered as a result because the like stereo equipment was at the bottom of the stairs and right the car was gone the car was gone exactly um so that's why uh oh right and so that's why they think the stuff was left behind like the jewelry and um the stereo equipment and then the car was taken they think like she interrupted it and so they had to leave some of this stuff behind gotcha um strangely though john and cherry's marriage license was also missing from their files which was weird because it was the only file missing out of their documents and like a very important one that like really serves nobody a purpose
Starting point is 00:45:00 exactly like a very specific one like not a social security card or anything. Another clue that gives investigators pause is the fact that Sherry, in addition to her defensive wounds, also had a deep bite mark on her arm. Oh, that's personal. Very not a sign of a burglar. Like typically a burglar who's just caught doesn't stick around to bite someone. Right. It doesn't seem like the usual type of violence. I will say, like, this, the evidence collection was later deeply criticized. It was very shoddy. Investigators missed key pieces of evidence. They missed a bloody fingerprint on the stereo equipment.
Starting point is 00:45:43 But they did, the bite mark on her arm. They did take a swab of that and put it into evidence. And so unfortunately, Sherry's family finds out what happened and they fly in from Arizona. Her parents are immediately like, we don't know about this burglar story. Like this just seems off. Yeah, exactly. like this just seems off yeah exactly they said they had helped sherry purchase a condo years before and they specifically picked this condo because of like the community like how safe it was how gated it was how difficult it was for somebody to break in and they said that was like
Starting point is 00:46:16 their main priority so they were like it's not just the odds of this are very strange um and they also said what thief would like rifle through a living room junk drawer but not take the jewelry box from her bedroom? And why would they take the marriage certificate? Just things seemed off. And then the bite mark and stuff like that. So at this point, Sherry's father, Nels, tells the detective that he had recently talked to Sherry who said she was having trouble with one of John's, her husband's, ex-girlfriends. Okay. And apparently this ex-girlfriend
Starting point is 00:46:45 uh would repeatedly show up at the hospital sherry worked at because she was still somehow in love with yes still somehow wanted to be involved and was just hated sherry and would take a i could see taking the marriage license and some sort of revenge so that's what he says he says look into that person um he's they said what's her name he says he doesn't know her name but he does know that she's an lapd officer and wait what he doesn't know that his ex's name no the dad like oh sherry's dad says she was telling me about this ex gotcha that used to show up sometimes like maybe she has something to do with it for a second i thought you meant no the husband didn't know his ex's name i totally forget i was like what like suzy or something got it okay um so john himself the husband takes a polygraph but it's deemed inconclusive he's not considered a
Starting point is 00:47:35 suspect he has an alibi it's it just doesn't fit that it would be him um a week later sherry's bmw is found with the keys in the ignition but there's no new evidence in the car. And a month after Sherry's murder, there is another robbery in the neighborhood, like right down the street. And this is a so this a woman came home. It's really similar situation. A woman came home, interrupted two men robbing her home. The first one ran, but the other pointed a gun at her. And then instead of shooting her, took off after his co-robber,-burglar i don't know the right word partner in crime that's the one okay partner in crime um
Starting point is 00:48:12 and no one was hurt but she did say like he pointed a gun at me and they let so this kind of bolstered the theory that like she probably there's probably some crime thing going on in this neighborhood and um they were interrupted she was you know they were interrupted by sherry and that's why she was killed so uh nels her dad keeps saying no like you look into this ex-girlfriend but he's literally told by police you've been watching too much tv and is dismissed so wow there's not okay anything he can do at this point. So in 2003, so this is years later, LAPD begins testing DNA in cold cases. I know we've talked a lot about that, how, you know, now that DNA evidence can be tested, a lot of times cold cases can be kind of reopened and looked at. So the swab taken from Sherry's bite wound was initially missing but um this woman she's an lapd criminalist named jennifer butterworth
Starting point is 00:49:05 and she found she like went on a mission to find the swab because she wanted to look into this case and she found the swab um it turned up at the coroner's office and she was able to test the uh dna on the swab the bite mark and the results blew a huge hole in the initial investigator's theory because the biter was not a male but was a female oh interesting so they were like welp you're a burglar like the two men who were down the street were not the same ones that had attacked her in her home can i can i make a can i do a little tangent real quick yes so you said the woman's name was butterworth yep so in high school uh like remember i went to school with like only like 30 people and we all knew each other since
Starting point is 00:49:51 first grade there was one guy in my school named trent butterworth and uh him and i like did not run the same circles like obviously we knew of each other very well, but we weren't necessarily like our own personal friends. But just through I don't know how it happened to be. But whenever I would come home for the holidays now, I would hang out with like Deirdre. And then like our town is so small, I just kind of run into people from high school. And there was one friend I was meeting for lunch. I guess he kept in touch with Trent. And so at some point I ended up sitting at a dinner table like with Trent Butterworth.
Starting point is 00:50:29 And Allison was in town meeting all my friends. And I was like, these are like the obscure people from high school. We're like, it's weird that we're sitting at a table 10 years later. Like we never pictured us being in the same room. But Allison's like favorite memory of the first time she came to Fredericksburg was meeting Trent Butterworth purely for his name like she just she just latched on because but it was like the coolest name and so now I thought you were gonna say she knew him from somewhere no but it's like it's weird though like one of like me and Allison's like inside jokes is the last name
Starting point is 00:51:01 of this like random person from high school that she happened to have dinner with me with one time oh yeah and so but after that one time him and i actually like got closer and so now we intentionally see each other when i'm home yeah and he's uh in the army and the last time i saw him he had just been promoted in his rank they have like a nickname for it called like you have like two bars on it so their nickname is butter bars and so he's now called in the army butter bar butterworth shut up and i said that to allison and she was like this is golden she like knew this was a prime it's it's such a weird tangent but the second i heard butterworth all i heard in my head was i know allison's gonna
Starting point is 00:51:41 listen to this episode and she's gonna say like Tread Butterworth I literally felt your body buzzing the second I said that name and I was like oh boy here we go it's just like imagine like the person you talked to the least in high school and then 10 years later you're introducing your partner to your hometown and you have dinner with that person and now he's an inside joke in your relationship this happened with somebody in my school I'm not gonna say their name because we're not friends I mean we're not not friends but like this it's so weird to think like if they knew how much we talked about them because like of their name or something like how they blazed i have an inside joke about somebody and like they definitely don't
Starting point is 00:52:18 know i'm like it is kind of weird groups if only they knew sorry okay i recently told jen butterworth i was like just so you know alice and i you are an inside joke and he was like well that checks kind of weird. Oops. If only they knew. Sorry. Okay. I recently told Trent Butterworth, I was like, just so you know, Elsa and I, you are an inside joke. And he was like, well, that checks out. I love that. I would love to be an inside joke. You are, don't worry. I just won't tell you what it is. Shut up. Okay. Oh my goodness. Sorry. Moving on. That was such a random thing to say. No, no. I knew there was something happening in your brain. So I'm glad you, you told me and I'm sorry I threw a gallon of water all over the floor no problem um it looks like we're still recording so that's good um but let's see okay so she so so jen butterworth yeah
Starting point is 00:52:58 yeah yeah jennifer butterworth she looks up she finds she goes on a mission to find the suave so right female biter not a male biter yes okay and this rules out the two male robbers down the street yes however even in 2004 detectives are still like committed to this whole burglary story and they're like no no it's definitely a burglary gone wrong stop trying to stir things up and uh they let the case go cold again and that's until 2009 when uh detective now the name is do you have a name for this nuttall nuttall nutella no nuttall no i don't have one for that okay just wanted to check before uh before we got there so in 2009 uh detective
Starting point is 00:53:42 nuttall is looking to increase department clearance rates so he goes through old cold cases um and he finds out a lot of the physical evidence collected from the scene originally has been lost or misplaced um which is a very common problem uh when it comes to cold cases um and so a lot of times detectives just took it out to check checked it out and never returned it that kind of thing so fortunately, the DNA swab is still intact. And so that piece is still there. And based on the reports and crime scene photos, in addition to rage that the attack demonstrated, Detective Nuttall concluded that the burglary scene was staged.
Starting point is 00:54:19 He was like, this is off. Like, sure. Yeah. Put it all together. You can tell that it wasn't a real burglary. It didn't make sense. So now they knew someone, a woman, who probably knew her, wanted her dead. And so they narrowed it down to five initial women they want to swab.
Starting point is 00:54:38 Okay. So the first is her mother, Loretta, ruled out. I mean, these are people who are providing their DNA voluntarily as well. Okay, gotcha. Teresa, her sisterta, ruled out. I mean, these are people who are providing their DNA voluntarily as well. Okay, gotcha. Teresa, her sister, also ruled out. Sherry's former roommate, Jane Goldberg, who a close friend and co-worker and they used to live together, also ruled out. And then an unnamed woman, her DNA is also collected. She was reportedly angry with Sherry for passing her up on a promotion and they think she may have vandalized her car around the time she was murdered but she's ruled out can you
Starting point is 00:55:08 imagine if you had vandalized someone's car and then they turned up dead and you were like i swear it was yeah it's like okay that looks super bad yeah the timing is really shitty i there's someone who's had to deal with that before yeah for sure i would be terrified i'd be like am i going to jail because like they definitely i'm definitely suspicious looking part of me I'd be like did I do it like I'm so confused why is the timing is so terrible and also like I'd be like I pray to god that they find someone else otherwise I look so guilty I know it's it's like one thing to slash someone's tires but yeah so she's ruled out thankfully finally I guess she's probably relieved um and then that leaves the one person they can think of john rutten's ex-girlfriend a woman they called
Starting point is 00:55:50 number five so that they wouldn't tip her off because remember she is an lapd detective right okay and i can tell you now because it's not a secret anymore her name was lapd detective stephanie lazarus okay, a little bit about Stephanie. She was born and raised in Southern California from Simi Valley originally, described as a determined woman who couldn't be told she couldn't have or do something, like, very determined. She also attended UCLA, where she met and, like, casually dated John Rutten kind of on and off. And it was pretty obvious to her friends that Stephanie was far more smitten with John than he was with her. He saw it as much more casual than she did. So she got her degree in political science from UCLA and joined the Police Academy in 1983.
Starting point is 00:56:36 And she and John continued to have kind of occasional romantic rendezvous. They would like hook up from time to time. And she was still in love with him. take rendezvous they would like hook up from time to time um and she was still in love with him and john would later testify that between the years of 81 and 84 they hooked up 20 to 30 times but she was never like his girlfriend like they were never officially dating um and so apparently at one point stephanie threw john a surprise 25th birthday party but she wasn't aware that he was like seriously dating sherry at this point so she was humiliated and pissed off because all she wanted was to date him seriously. And suddenly within a year he had met and married this woman within, like, a year and a half.
Starting point is 00:57:13 For, like, to like someone who's not really into, like, commitment, it seems. Yeah. Or just not committed to you. And now it's, like, uber committed all of a sudden to someone else. Right. Within, like, a year a year exactly so she was just devastated um so after learning about their engagement she wrote to her mother in 1985 like super depressed she said i'm truly in love with john this past year has really torn me up and she started randomly stopping by sherry's condo where john now lives with sherry uh to ask him to do her little favors like wax her skis
Starting point is 00:57:46 can you talk about an innuendo hey i just want you to maybe wax my skis why don't you wax my skis stop my spine is cold oh sorry everyone so uh then she steps it up a notch by confronting sherry at her office at the glendale adventist hospital to tell her that things were not over between her and John and she will be there for him when Sherry's and John's marriage marriage fails. So she's literally showing up to her workplace like to threaten her, basically. And so after Sherry's murder, Stephanie continued to rise through the ranks to detective. She ends up marrying another LAPD detective. And 23 years later, she's now the she's now a detective in the art theft division of the lapd
Starting point is 00:58:31 which i guess is pretty high up rank um and according to her computer search history however she has not forgotten about john and regularly googles him interesting to keep tabs on him she's only with this guy for for the short haul i guess waiting for the real prize short haul yeah um undercover investigators so at this point lapd is like shit we think we know who it is and it's one of our own so they released the name as number five they don't say who it is to not tip her off right and so undercover investigators start following her um and she discards a coffee cup in a public place, which is now legally they can use as a DNA sample. And they find that the DNA is a perfect match to the bite swab.
Starting point is 00:59:13 Bingo. And that is how she was caught. So in order to question her, so now they know who Sherry's killer is, but they're like, how do we question her without tipping her off that we're onto her? Right. And so what they do is they don't want her to have a weapon on, because, I mean, she has a weapon. She's a police officer. So they don't want her to have a weapon on her when they interrogate her.
Starting point is 00:59:35 So what they do is they make up this story. They concoct a story in which they have an art thief in jail, and they need Detective Lazarus's opinion about whether or not his info is legit and in order to enter into the jail she has to surrender her guns so she surrenders her guns walks into the jail um and then police kind of sit her down and they're like hey so do you remember and actually you can watch this uh interrogation on um snapped and it's so creepy because she's sitting there thinking she's gonna interrogate like a suspect and then suddenly she's the one being questioned and like you can see her realize
Starting point is 01:00:11 when they're like do you remember a man named like john rutten and she's like john rutten and you can see her going like oh i don't know like isn't that a guy i might have dated him for a while like clearly trying to play it off like did you know her uh his fiance and she's like no i don't think i ever met her and then you can see them be like really because like she was murdered and you'd think you would have known she's like oh yeah i totally remember interesting maybe i did meet her a few times and it's super creepy to watch her kind of lying yeah her survival instincts kick in like trying to cover her own ass without like yeah being prepared whatsoever um and so basically that's it's a disturbing interview um and she she
Starting point is 01:00:53 really tries to talk her way out of it after an hour she says are you arresting me or not and she gets up and leaves she walks out of the room and they literally just cuff her and they're like yes we are arresting you oh wow uh she's a detective she knows her rights so she immediately asked for a lawyer uh the judge sets her bail at 10 million dollars oh shit because they're like she has access to weapons right she's a police officer they double basically what the prosecution had requested and um because of her access to firearms she she remains in protective custody, is not able to make a $10 million bailout. And after two years of pretrial motions and hearings, finally, the trial of Stephanie Lazarus begins. It's early 2012.
Starting point is 01:01:35 And the prosecution paints Stephanie as like this obsessive, jilted lover who would show up to wax her skis. And then John Rutten actually testifies against her and says like yeah she would show up at the house yada yada like she always was into me and i wasn't into her and she was in love with me yada yada and then um but the defense so stephanie's defense um says you know she has this exemplary clean lapd record uh like the dna is probably not even legit or it's right you might have made a mistake um and so that's kind of how they played off each other and then in march of 2012 a jury of eight women and four men enter into deliberations and after several days they emerge with a guilty verdict on the charge of first degree murder and stephan Stephanie Lazarus is thus sentenced to 27 years to life
Starting point is 01:02:26 to be served at the California Institution for Women in Corona, California. And in 2015, she filed the last of her appeals and it was denied. So she is still in prison. And in 2010, the Rasmussen-So-Sherry's family filed a civil lawsuit against the LAPD alleging a cover-up violation of civil rights inflicting emotional distress among other charges basically saying they didn't do a good job um uh you know collecting evidence they skimmed over some things because it was a police officer they refused to look into it until they were absolutely forced to this could have been solved a lot earlier but
Starting point is 01:03:02 unfortunately the suit was dismissed because um the statute of limitations had been expired by this point so they lost that um and then jennifer francis nay butterworth oh change her name can you believe it oh my gosh why would you change your name like that why would you come on i know there's a lot of good butterworths out there maybe she married trent maybe she married butter bar butterworth so jennifer francis uh filed suit against the city of los angeles as well which is interesting um because she's the one who went on the mission to like find this missing uh bite swab okay so she filed a suit against the city of los angeles in late 2013 alleging that her supervisor steered her away when she said she
Starting point is 01:03:42 thinks lazarus lazarus may have been a suspect. And she said when she initially analyzed the DNA, she suggested this to her supervisor and they said, no, don't follow that lead, basically. So she sued and she contends also that this has occurred on several high profile cases that her supervisors basically said, no, we don't want you to look in that direction, even though that's where the evidence pointed. Right, right,
Starting point is 01:04:08 right, right. However, a jury ruled in favor of the city and she lost that suit as well. So whether or not there was an LAPD conspiracy to protect detective Lazarus, um, subsequent investigators who worked on the case and criminologists and
Starting point is 01:04:23 experts, uh, can all agree on one thing, which is that her murder, Sherry's murder, could have been solved 23 years earlier if investigators had followed correct protocol, had followed up on all leads and had not, I mean, for lack of a better word, botched the investigation with what Detective Nuttall simply now calls utter incompetence. And that is the story of another cold case gone hot gone hot yes gone hot and then solved uh story of sherry rasmussen killed by a police officer well who yikes was a jilted ex-lover it's just the craziest it's like a soap opera this story yeah well that's i mean i don't know you just think things like that don't happen necessarily in real life it's like so wild yeah he thinks like
Starting point is 01:05:12 oh a robbery and she interrupted a robbery and was killed but no and also it's got to be terrifying with a cop on your doorstep right you know being like let me in like i'm currently on duty you have to let me in like threatening yeah probably using her power to get what she wanted yeah yeah yeah yeah yeesh and that was part of the they like kind of outlined in the snapped up so like how this scene would have gone down and how she let her got herself into the house and then attacked her and then um ended up hitting her on the head with a vase that's how she got the the head wound yep and when she tried to reach for the uh panic button that's when she like bit her arm and the whole scene was
Starting point is 01:05:48 played out it's really disturbing but thankfully she is behind bars she's been caught justice has been served and her family can have a little bit of closure so that's another story for ya that's another one that's like almost a 200 stories for ya
Starting point is 01:06:03 wow alright well thank you guys for listening That's another one that's like almost 200 stories for you. Wow. All right. Well, thank you guys for listening. Hopefully that made your day better. We can't promise it did, but we hope it did. Other than that, I think we're just hanging out and enjoying the rainy day. Just check us out on social media to follow our tour updates and announcements about when we're rescheduling. And otherwise, yeah, keep in touch.
Starting point is 01:06:33 Yay. We love you. And? Why? We drink. Drink. Wah, wah, wah.

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