And That's Why We Drink - E165 Chaotic Riffing and Noodles All The Way To The Top

Episode Date: March 29, 2020

Get ready for some whimsical, self-isolation chaos today! We're recording from afar for one of the first times ever and it's noodles all the way to the top! This week Em's helping us celebrate Alien A...bduction Day a little late (March 20th) with the story of the many and frequent abductions of the UK's Hilary Porter. Then Christine brings us the heartbreaking story of the disappearance of Anthonette Cayedito and the epidemic of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. We can all help by donating money or time to organizations like the Coalition to Stop Violence Against Native Women, It StartsWith Us, No More Silence, Sisters In Spirit, and The Native Alliance Against Violence. We hope everyone is staying in and staying safe! Please consider supporting the companies that support us!Go to for a special offer on bidets! Check out all the amazing shoes and bags available right now at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 okay so let's say one two three yeah one one one okay okay go one two damn it oh sorry one more time one okay okay okay ready set go yeah one two two three three okay did that work i think that worked ev i think as long as it's like close enough um we'll be able to match it and also she does this every week with paranormal captivity so okay i think she's more of an expert than I. Definitely more than me. Well, hi, Em. I can't even see you, but we're recording for the first time sort of remotely ever. This is the prettiest you've ever been. My eyes are finally taking a break. You're really missing out. I know it's probably hard on your psyche to not see me. It is actually. I've only seen Allison and RJ for several days now. So I'm
Starting point is 00:01:25 kind of losing my mind. Oh, ouch. Just kidding. I love you. You're beautiful. Um, how have you been? Yes. We're social distancing folks. Um, it's hard. Uh, what have you been doing to have the days go by? You know, I've been thinking about you. I know. I know. Yeah. I've been forcing myself to do really productive things. I've honestly, I know we've said this before, but I'm taking better care of myself now than I have in like three years because I'm just forced to be with myself inside. So I'm like doing yoga and meditating and writing in my journal. I feel like a lot of people have been saying that where like they're taking this time as like a spring cleaning where everyone's purging all their stuff. And yeah, I've been weirdly productive. And I'm it's only day eight. So I think that's gonna end pretty soon. Oh,
Starting point is 00:02:14 it's been but it's day 11 for me. And I can tell you from three days into the future, you won't be doing that anymore. Wait, is it day 11? Maybe it's day I mean, we're on the same day, right think i don't know i haven't been counting i've been counting oh wait that's true because i'm on day 10 of my yoga thing so that must be day 11 okay oh my god the days are just fading away time is a construct in the pandemic is what i always say um how are you what have you been doing besides thinking about my beauty um then i've been thinking about you know your beauty all over again just as a repeat oh in a cycle sure yes uh and i've also uh i don't know i haven't been productive at all i feel like
Starting point is 00:02:53 as uh you did a whole instagram show that was out of insanity that was so it's my yoga m hello so uh yeah for those who didn't tune into my Instagram live, Allison and RJ and I created a three day long Instagram live game show where it was bonkers. And I watched every second of it. Thank you. Well, RJ in the in the finale episode did as many pushups as he could. Everyone seemed to be half time show. Half time show. My mother was melting.
Starting point is 00:03:24 It was disgusting. Pretty gnarly. But yeah, so the name of the game was just eat and drink really disgusting food. So it was terrible. It was like a newlyweds mixed with like a fear factor, sort of. It was. Every time I got wrong, Allison got to pick what I ate or drank. And at the end of day one,
Starting point is 00:03:45 I was like chugging balsamic vinegar. It was awful. I thoroughly enjoyed it because I knew both of you really well. So I was like, I know how many proms Allison went to. I know these random facts from college that you would have had a better time. You would have definitely won the game if you were there. Well, in one round, you ate you had to drink lemon juice like four times in a row and everyone in the comments was screaming lemon but rj wasn't reading the comments so i was like lemon's getting his vengeance right now oh everyone was saying revenge of lemon and it was i felt it it was very intense but yeah so i've been doing uh i've been doing that but other than
Starting point is 00:04:21 that i feel like usually with the the that we have, I don't usually leave the house anyway. So I feel like exactly like nothing's really changed on my end. I'm still watching my Christian stories. Sure. I'm still avoiding cleaning. Always. Yeah, I feel like I feel like we said this.
Starting point is 00:04:39 We're very fortunate that we already work from home for the most part. I mean, things did change because we had to cancel or postpone our entire tour. So that was unexpected. But yeah, for the most part, I feel like. Yeah, the transition was definitely, I think, easier on us compared to some other people. For sure. Especially because we still have a job. I mean, we're lucky on that front, at least. Oh, wildly. And we are thinking of everyone out there who is definitely struggling right now. We hope that you're doing okay. I know.
Starting point is 00:05:05 Since our last recording, when Em and I were in the same room, things have escalated very quickly. It's taken quite a turn. It's taken a turn. And we are no longer in the same room, obviously. And a lot of people, some of my friends have lost their jobs yesterday and the day before. So that's really crummy. Blaze obviously is at the hospital every second and the day before so that's really crummy um blaze obviously is at the hospital
Starting point is 00:05:25 every second of the day so it's like it feels kind of chaotic and scary um so anyway we're just we're thinking about all of you and i guess we're just going to use this as kind of a a little distraction um yes please be distracted for the next hour please on our behalf you can play it over and over again if you want that'll get some more downloads for us um oh also before i forget uh so a couple things that we're doing in light of the current catastrophe um we're trying to do as much like bonus stuff as we can we did some more bonus stuff for patrons um a little practice recording that we put up um i feel like we're any version of instagram live like even though it's not necessarily for patreon it's us just trying to distract you guys yeah we're doing a live stream
Starting point is 00:06:11 today uh 3 p.m those are all going to be recorded i'm sure we're going to keep doing them as long as we're in isolation so that's fun on our instagram and uh oh we signed up for cameo guys um oh yeah and half the proceeds are going to uh covid relief so if you guys want to try out getting a little video from us you can do that book us book us up yeah since venues can't book us anymore um we're did a 60 second live show from us yeah personal personalized um and those are really fun and i think that's at slash atwwd podcast so yes um also dylan stats you are the patron of the week so congratulations for that i hope you're okay silver lining in your life
Starting point is 00:06:58 i hope we can brighten your day a little bit um anyway thank you for your support hey dylan stats the world is ending our patreon our patreon how does it feel probably great anyway that's all i've got sorry for the word vomit but um wanted to make sure i said everything i don't know yeah yeah please find us on cameo please follow us on instagram because i know um i just did the game show thing i'm trying to think of some other content i'm doing marvel mondays so every monday um at 5 p.m uh pacific and 8 eastern we i'm watching a marvel movie we're watching it in chronological not in chronological order but in the appropriate timeline order and uh i know christine also has something really cool coming out that she's been working on.
Starting point is 00:07:45 Yeah, that's coming. I'm posting that tonight, actually, so it'll be out when this releases. I'm really nervous to release it, so please be sure. Do you want to tell them what it is? Yeah, be gentle with me, everyone. This is my first time doing something alone on YouTube, so I'm terrified, but I'm releasing a Cautionary Tales with Christine series, where we read lovely cautionary, German cautionary tales from the acclaimed Strublepeter book of my terrorized childhood. So I'm going to read those to you in a not so calming fireplace setting. And I just wanted to add a little
Starting point is 00:08:21 bit of a little pinch of chaos to your chaos. So a little whimsical chaos. So that's on my YouTube. I'll probably post that on my Instagram so you can just follow. Emma's at the M Schultz if you want to do Marvel Mondays. Yes. And or if you want to do, you know, what do we call it? Chaotic riffing. Chaotic stories.
Starting point is 00:08:43 Just call it Christine's chaotic chaotic stories there we go i've been calling it christine's quarantine chronicles but that i get that mixed up every time i don't know why you're not just calling all your all like your experience like you should write a book of your own called quarantine christine that's good too that's good too actually i mean when you've got the rhyming in there you really should take advantage of it there really aren't that many words that rhyme with pristine, pristine quarantine. No, just quarantine. Finally, my time to shine. Anyway, I'm an ex-teen sheeper. So you can find us or just follow the
Starting point is 00:09:14 podcast because that's where we're posting all sorts of fun stuff. So yes, trying to keep engaged with y'all while you're stuck at home. And while we're stuck at at home trying to give you all that we can so uh so my story this week um well first of all did you know that last week march 20th was alien abduction day no national alien abduction day what does that mean more like does that mean that the alien is this an alien celebration or a human celebration it's a human celebration it's like it's like national you know coffee week or whatever they have it's like national alien day is march 20th i don't know why that day but fun fact so um it is a fun fact that being said i know i'm a little belated but i'm going to give you guys an alien story today yay so uh take us off this planet thank you please social distance go into another galaxy
Starting point is 00:10:05 so um this one is a little controversial in my opinion because uh the person i'm going to talk about is apparently very well known in the uk but um i think she's kind of on uh i'm i don't know how to explain it without totally framing her in a bad light the entire time and I don't want that to happen but just know near the end I kind of I'm hesitant to believe everything she says but everything is obviously up to everyone else's discretion okay and M usually believes everything they read so this is interesting i mean regarding aliens not regarding like everything in the world i just mean alien wise i mean very true sounded worse than i meant sorry oh you're good well so i was first intrigued i was tricked into this because her name is hillary porter i thought it said harry potter and and so when i when i saw like someone suggest like i just like got a quick glance it's hillary
Starting point is 00:11:08 with one l so if you write out hillary porter it's not far off from harry potter okay and someone had suggested it a long time ago and so it's been on my list but i thought it just said the alien abductions of harry potter and i was like well obviously i'm gonna do that that's like the missing ninth book harry potter and the really weird out of this world experience so um so this is uh the alien abductions of hillary porter okay and also by the way from the uk so i'm still not really off um okay so hillary porter is a UK UFOlogist. She's also an alien abduction counselor, and she's a conspiracy theorist. Oh, my.
Starting point is 00:11:52 Hillary claims to have been abducted countless times starting in her childhood, and it's slowly tapering off as she got older. But, I mean, as I go through this, she claims about like a hundred different reports it seems oh so she is obviously wildly convinced that she's been that like aliens exist and um she tries to be there for other people who believe it so okay um she does believe that after everything she has gone through with aliens that um she says that they are after superior dna to create human and alien hybrids which may already exist we just don't know it yet uh i don't like that i don't either and uh she apparently believes that um like people in wales ireland scotland they are the superior race and so yeah i mean i was gonna say they're not coming
Starting point is 00:12:46 here i hope no probably okay absolutely not and uh but apparently the aliens seem to really like quote celtic dna as their human hybrid so interesting um she also says that any positive memory that anyone has of any alien interactions in their life is probably a quote cover memory implanted to avoid detection so she thinks that aliens are pretty much just all negative and if you have anything otherwise to say about it then they have just done a good job of masking your memory of it oh my god she says that skeptics are, just dumb people trying to sound brainy. So there's where the controversy begins. You're just dumb. That's all.
Starting point is 00:13:29 Yeah. She has a very staunch opinion about aliens. And if you disagree with her, she's not afraid to say some pretty directly rude things about you. Oh, my. She also says that there are different types of aliens but they all actually adhere to an intergalactic social order so apparently everywhere outside of earth all of these extraterrestrials have an understanding of like their line in the world so um or their place in the galaxy okay so there are three main types that people have seen here um the first one are
Starting point is 00:14:03 greys which we've already talked about before where they're the stereotypical alien with the big almond-shaped eyes. They are apparently the servant class of extraterrestrials, according to her. And then after that, there are reptilians, which are the lizard-like humanoids. And they are the noble class, so they're above the greys and they're thought to um so i know i don't think i've covered this yet as a story necessarily but there are people out there who believe that they're like lizards like giant lizards that live underground and one day they're gonna take the world right yeah so the idea of reptilians kind of coincides with that theory that there are reptiles i secretly rule our world so um so that's the second one and then the third one is cowled
Starting point is 00:14:54 figures which apparently humans can't look at without getting a telepathic message sent into their brains excellent i shouldn't be laughing because i feel like i'm that person in the horror movie who gets like the first one to like wrap your head in tinfoil oh my god help me i did think during a space camp we should have made eva do like her own tinfoil hat that actually is a great idea we should do round two okay you're into that eva good good so um oh so the cowled figures they're apparently like extraterrestrial royalty they're like oh so like my people my people yes not people got it yes if you were an extraterrestrial you'd be the scariest for sure i'd send you all sorts of weird messages
Starting point is 00:15:36 through your head oh i know and they would all make no sense they would i'd be like are you wine drunk again what is happening oops so apparently, cow figures to humans, their eyes shine. So you can never look directly into who they are. What the fuck? So that being said, those are the three main ones. And I guess she's had interactions with all three of them at different times. And so the rest of my story is literally a timeline of some of the encounters she swears by. Okay. my story is literally a timeline of some of like the encounters he swears by okay um so all these stories are either from hillary directly or her um partner ken parsons who also witnessed these
Starting point is 00:16:13 things is this like a life partner or like a business think a life partner okay it just said partner i cannot be sure got it so and it starts in 1946 and these are all in the uk um this was during hillary's christening and there's a cowled figure that's photographed standing behind her family outside of the church what the fuck so before she even had memory of these things following her she can find them in old pictures from her family oh no so that already is pretty terrifying then i like that in uh from 1947 to 1950 there were various occasions but um they all had to do with two-year-old hillary frequently disappearing from a locked garden um so her mom would like kind of let her outside in the garden and she would just disappear and her mom would find her over like a mile away or a half mile away and her mom even told her later that she would just disappear and her mom would find her over like a mile away or a half mile away.
Starting point is 00:17:05 And her mom even told her later that she would see Hillary getting taken by shadow figures multiple times, but she was paralyzed by some like unknown force and she couldn't move. She would just watch Hillary get dragged away. I don't enjoy this. I don't either. So in 1951, I guess Hillary is like five now. Hillary is dragged through a field near her house and into a UFO by a five-foot reptilian alien. Oh my gosh. And this is one of Hillary's earliest memories, which is terrifying.
Starting point is 00:17:40 Cute. It's cute. It's cute. So Hillary is quoted saying uh the reptilian alien it had scaly skin black holes on the nose and a little mouth it wasn't very tall maybe five feet but very strong it grabbed my arms and pulled me towards a disc in a depression in the field and it dragged me underneath into a lift and the door slid closed the next thing i knew i was in a room with consoles and colored lights and little figures moving around and so she said the ship was super dark
Starting point is 00:18:10 only the consoles had light sources and so she couldn't really make anything out um but she remembers going into a chamber where she saw other figures moving back and forth around her she was stripped of her clothes and thrown on a cold surface and a sharp metal instrument poked her legs into the station as a scar oh uh-uh all bad none of it good so that's like her first memory and dear god how can you expect her to not like be traumatized yeah so seven years later uh she's 12 years old and hill Hillary sees a she's hanging out with a friend, Janet, in the playground. Poor Janet. I know.
Starting point is 00:18:50 Janet, you don't know what you've gotten yourself into. Truly, because then Janet starts getting sucked into the stuff. And Hillary and Janet both see a disc shaped craft outside floating above them. It got closer to them and they saw a humanoid figure in the doorway and then they blacked out so they're not even sure if they got abducted they just know that they blacked out and then after that for a few years both of them started um going through phases of like missing time like they would just wake up and be in different areas and so both of them think that they were probably abducted a bunch of times in those years what a good friend though that janet still stuck around for years i kind of think i mean yes but at that point i also think like you have nobody else you
Starting point is 00:19:29 kind of have to stick together that's probably true actually you're right you're right you're right imagine if on the playground that day janet was like wow i plan on never hanging out with hillary after today and then you kind of have to after like having no like you're so bonded now yeah in 1962 um hillary's a teenager and a being made of light visits hillary in her room now and they speak telepathically and odd but he says the cuban missile crisis will end peacefully don't worry sorry and she's like thank you i was so worried i don't know like a light being maybe it was a tv screen and she was watching um but it was just twitter into the night um so hillary refers to these light beings by the way as nordic aliens and
Starting point is 00:20:23 that's all i have on that but apparently there's also Nordic aliens and they're the ones made entirely of light. They seem nice, I think. Yeah. So far, I want to hang out with that one who's just telling me things are going to be fine. Very calming, right? Yeah. Does someone know of an alien coming in your room in the last couple of weeks being like, the coronavirus will be fine. Don't worry. Tell us, please, because we need all the reassurance we can get. Or is that Twitter when you're saying up really that's probably also twitter actually
Starting point is 00:20:48 that's not twitter twitter's like everything's gonna fall apart it's just an alien i found on tiktok actually so so two years later in 1964 she was on a date god damn it hillary poor hillary hillary she's not on a date and she sees a cigar shaped orange and white UFO, which is smoking in the back like it's breaking down. So the cigar shape was smoking. Got it. And put that together. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:12 Easy to remember. On a need to know basis, the cigar was lit. And apparently after her date, she was walking her dog later and she saw the same thing following her so she saw the same thing twice in one night um later that year hillary was diagnosed with gynecological issues and she believes that this is a result from potential quote systematic egg harvesting oh okay whoa my uterus just contracted into itself. That's horrifying. I think everyone's dead. It's yeah. So she blames her gynecological issues on the fact that she was probably probed many times growing up. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:21:55 And five years later she was actually married and five months pregnant and then miscarried the baby. Oh no. So her doctor made a house call the night that she miscarried the baby oh no so uh her doctor made a house call um the night that she miscarried and took care of her there they had i mean obviously they were there for a couple hours together and then the uh doctor said okay let's make an appointment for next week and we'll do a follow-up so hillary goes into the hospital to have her appointment with the doctor and when she gets there she is told that there is no record of her miscarriage and there's no record of her ever being pregnant even though she went for her like appointments
Starting point is 00:22:29 every time stop it so hillary believes that the fetus was a human alien hybrid and the doctors that she had been going to were in on the government conspiracy to cover it up what the fuck because she swears she went to every appointment for the last five months the doctor that she that had made the house call swore that he never went and so they all just totally oh my god gas lit her and told her it didn't exist and so she believes that they were all actually just government workers this is creeping me out dude oh yeah so at that point i was like oh that's fucked up um yeah yeah uh in 1970 hillary and her husband were driving home from ireland and they remember seeing something um they remember seeing something but then kind of
Starting point is 00:23:17 blacking out and they woke up in a totally different town called cardiff and they had no memory of how they got there and they had no memory either of if they had got there why had their cars gas not changed oh weird like their gas level was exactly the same and right and the days that followed both of them ended up getting really really sick and they both found triangular suction cup marks on their stomachs oh like they found marks of it um and then a couple years later she actually ended up having flashbacks of it in therapy and this is a quote from that experience after she fans it up in a different town they must transport you molecularly and can create portals and walls
Starting point is 00:23:59 or a closed door and the flashbacks i was on a beach and could see this alien who was about six feet tall and wearing green coveralls i couldn't see his face but he could communicate mind to mind and had a box around his neck for seismic testing and warned me that he was going to cause an earthquake when he did they were forced to run they being her and her husband um and hillary got into the small round vehicle with the alien onto a small oval UFO and that's I ended up in Cardiff oh my so I think like that alien saved her from being part of an earthquake I'm not really sure how that happens but also the big one might just be a real dick alien yeah it sounds like maybe that's what I'm gonna blame so just get ready we'll blame it on many things I'm
Starting point is 00:24:44 sure that's true anyway so that was a big experience where they just have no idea how they got there and clearly hadn't driven there themselves right um three years later uh she was in the hospital after a surgery and she was looking for a bathroom and stumbled onto a storage room full of alien hybrid fetuses what and it was in the hospital in the janitor's closet i know i don't i think it must have been the same hospital where she went for her miscarriage but going to that goddamn hospital but okay find another she needs to find other doctors absolutely health insurance or something i don't know well so apparently after she like found it people kind of noticed that she was acting weird and so she went back
Starting point is 00:25:25 to look at it again later and everything had been locked up so she couldn't go back around that same time she became an engineer and she was actually part of the ministry of defense for a while and she saw a ministry of defense vehicle at her job where like it was she's at the marconi space and defense and i guess she saw a vehicle in a place where it shouldn't have been and that the normal areas that she could usually access were all off limits and apparently she asked around and found out that a security guard had caught a strange blue light uh in like human form rifling through top secret files that morning oh my and they don't know what happened after that all they
Starting point is 00:26:05 know is that the security guard was told to never come back to work oh my okay so that's a whole other thing i wish i knew more information about that but yeah if you're that security guard please reach out to me i'm sure you're listening to this podcast um and then five years later um there's another time where hillary forgets a shopping list and runs inside comes back out and sees a gold five foot long ufo flying by oh um around the same time hillary also saw military buses heading towards a forest um where she thought there must be like a military exercise coming out but she ended up seeing a giant scorch mark in the grass being investigated and she saw officers chasing shadows she also saw and she was also later abducted by a hexagonal shaped object and she remembers
Starting point is 00:26:55 intricate pipework on the underside of the craft hillary also saw a ufo shaped like a large cylinder rod that was 60 feet long and seven feet wide with green lights hovering over her neighborhood it stopped over her directly and then the lights went out she was knocked to her feet and blacked out and the next morning she had a large burn mark on her face um in 1978 hillary actually saw a man in black who was i don't like who was uh waiting for while she was waiting for her daughter at the bus stop and the man in black was six i don't like who was uh waiting for while she was waiting for her daughter at the bus stop and the man in black was six feet tall dressed in black with a hat on had what seemingly was albino white skin and bright blue eyes but no pupils okay nope and they communicated
Starting point is 00:27:38 telepathically he bowed to her and then he disappeared okay that's kind of nice i guess that's the nicest one so far yes yeah yeah um after that aliens began to abduct hillary and her daughter often through a wait so she so she has a daughter so that daughter's not an alien hybrid i'm assuming i don't maybe if i were if i were hillary's daughter i'd be nervous i'd be like yeah we're out like little alien tentacles or something if i if my mom was convinced like dead set that she was impregnated by aliens i would absolutely be scared for my entire life oh for sure especially since she doesn't have any pupils that's weird so aliens began to abduct uh hillary and her daughter often through dimensional portals that went directly from hillary's room so i guess now they just have like instant access to her
Starting point is 00:28:32 bedroom oh god and uh i guess hillary was usually paralyzed during this but she would always feel them poking her legs they she just couldn't escape and there were always at least seven of them at a time oh my god she remembers seeing hybrid babies being nursed by other female abductees during these oh my god so she would see other humans having to like breastfeed alien babies that's so traumatizing for me to even hear yeah um hillary also claims that she started getting stalked by a tall black figure which uh witnesses have also apparently seen so now we're in the 80s and hillary uh has said
Starting point is 00:29:12 quote i just put my my daughter down to bed and came downstairs and i spotted a huge figure by the window and i froze after a moment he raised his hand and i did the same after that i wasn't quite so frightened i thought he wasn't going to hurt me then he glided to the back of the garden he shot sideways paused for several seconds and was gone so throughout the 80s she's just getting followed by this thing oh god and by the 90s she has a quote crisis abduction where she has all of these flashbacks of previous encounters so i guess after that she's now by the 90s that's when she's remembering all the shit that happened to her got it uh so she started looking for other people like her and that's where she met ken parsons her either life partner or partner in
Starting point is 00:29:54 crime or both or both and he ran the it's called beams it stands for british earth and aerial mysteries society sure and uh so she was looking for answers she met ken went to a beams meeting i guess and um and that was where she kind of started finding her people oh she kept getting um abducted in 1995 she was on a military base and she saw a large multi-colored plasma disc type craft um come out from the sky over the barracks and she took a picture of it as it hovered for a few minutes and then it quote plunged into darkness and then it reappeared and then flew into a cloud um now we're in the 2000s and she starts seeing this oval um this oval shaped red and purple light appear out of the clouds and she keeps trying to record every time she sees it.
Starting point is 00:30:46 And it keeps going in and out of being visible. It will vanish and then reappear. And that happened for a while. And she's already been noticing that the red orbs that she kept seeing had a plasma nucleus. So look, there was something going on in the center of it. Okay. And it would often form triangular formations oh which is interesting so this one happened in 2007 and a similar report
Starting point is 00:31:12 was actually uh and a similar incident was actually reported by media in england so she was like okay i was not alone i did i actually saw that finally and um so she just started seeing these multicolored orbs all the time always doing these like weird aerial maneuvers around her. And eventually she saw a giant ball of orange light with a plasma nucleus and it flew away after 20 minutes of following her. Terrifying. Mm hmm. And then in 2016 at 3 a.m. she woke up to the sound of whooshing. Like whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh.
Starting point is 00:31:47 How beautiful. Thank you. And I'll write a whole song for you just making that sound one day. Oh my god. Okay. And in 2016 at 3 a.m. she heard this whooshing. And she saw a mist but it was only going up vertically like a column. Okay. And inside it were three gray aliens.
Starting point is 00:32:07 And apparently she's powerful enough at this point because she told them telepathically to go away and they listened to her. Oh, all right. And she believes that they didn't leave as quickly as she thought because she woke up the next day with a bunch of sores on her face. So she thinks they like did something and then messed with her memory or she blacked out and didn't recognize it but uh i guess she at least
Starting point is 00:32:32 knows that like she can also talk back to them now telepathically and then they'll just like stab her in the face what are they doing to her face i don't know what they're doing to her face, but I guess they were freaked out that she could talk back now. So Hillary starts trying to take more pictures. She's trying to document every single thing that happens to her. So still on the Beams website, there are a bunch of pictures and quote evidence that she has captured over the years and um the last few of them were that she's been seeing a lot of ufos flying over her and she's been trying to take as many pictures of the ufo and the light around it but for the most part she still has gotten abductions or had encounters at least since 2018 was the most recent one i could find oh wow and um that was when she saw a ufo almost signaling to something she couldn't see and then
Starting point is 00:33:26 it faded into the into the sky um she does she does still say that after every abduction or encounter she will wake up with an insane migraine and feel really really sick and she will wake up with either fresh scars bruises bloody marks or stains on her face her clothes or her bed sheets um every single time so i guess she's just used to it can you imagine like waking up every day and there's just like blood and scars right you wake up and you like have a headache before you even open your eyes you're like oh no it happened again right and also imagine the passage of either the passage of time or these aliens healing abilities or like because if you're waking up and there's a fresh scar that wasn't there yesterday that means that it had to have healed for a significant amount of time true that's a good
Starting point is 00:34:17 point waking up with new scars on her face and her arms and her legs and she's like where did that come from oh god oh god so either she's missing for several days or they're giving her a wound and a scar all within like a couple hours i didn't even think of that um so she still says that she also has apparently a metal implant somewhere in her head she thinks it's somewhere near her ear um this is where doubts start to seep in for me because she says that she has talked to a doctor about it and the doctor just said it was wax buildup um but she does think i mean at this point i would also be paranoid that like any doctor could be a government person telling you to you know wrong information true but so she says the doctor said it was a wax buildup
Starting point is 00:35:04 but i can feel it ken has a monitor that detects bugging devices and he puts it near my ear and it will always go off which is pretty terrifying oh my and uh so if that's true it's terrifying like how the hell did it get in there sure today or as far as like the i think i forgot to leave her birthday on here so i can't confirm but i wrote in my notes notes that Hillary is now 73 and she and Ken both still run the website. It's called beams, which compiles proof of extraterrestrials,
Starting point is 00:35:36 both their personal experiences and other people who can submit their stories. And Ken and Hillary have actually, this is a fun fact apparently five years ago they coined the term fake news no what referring to alien contact cover-ups in the government and so any information where government figures denied it they called it fake news oh my god and they also have said that um oh i already said this that telepathic aliens are specifically targeting people in wales scotland ireland cornwall and brittany because they believe
Starting point is 00:36:10 that the aliens are trying to harvest their quote superior genetic material for alien hybrids holy hell and uh they are still part of various abductee meetings and ufo conventions and uh the thing that makes them controversial to me is this last bullet but uh it seems like a lot of the conventions they go to or at least the um other meetup groups that seem to kind of follow the same audience or since they're conspiracy theorists it seems like a lot of people that either maybe follow them or they just happen to you know would be within proximity of are like sandy hook deniers and like oh so because they're so anti-government they believe everything's a cover-up a lot of
Starting point is 00:36:51 people who have also have those beliefs about even worse scenarios seem to kind of circle circulate with them oh no like is it like flat earth or territory maybe because a lot of those groups intersect too yeah i don't want to say like that she necessarily is a you know a denier of really traumatic experiences or events um but it seems like her groups and those groups end up in the same places and um yeah not a good look at the very least no and apparently um she's also compared media to uh the mentally ill so i mean she's she's definitely like i said very staunch in her beliefs and will be very direct about how she feels about people who deny the existence of aliens and so hearing that kind of
Starting point is 00:37:39 put a you know a bad taste in my mouth i don't want to discredit the fact that maybe she has been abducted by aliens but um she's like i said very bold with her words so that is the story of hillary porter slash harry potter i did not harry potter to be clear is not a sandy hook denier as far as i know right jk do not sue me i cannot afford that no we cannot afford that please uh oh my god that is insane i didn't know where you were going with the whole like controversy but wow that you were right that's uh yeah it just makes it kind of yeah it's just a a little too intense for my liking but yeah not a great look but anyway it's just a further proof that you know she is not messing around she absolutely believes these things happen to her she's not she doesn't think she's you know quote crazy or anything like that she's sure very very ready to uh show the world that aliens exist so
Starting point is 00:38:35 all right i mean i guess we'll find out one way or another eventually yes um okay well thank you um uh i have a story for you today it is kind of a a combo story well i'll just tell it and it'll segue sagu into the next uh topic this is the story of the kidnapping of Antoinette Christine Cayedito and the epidemic of missing and murdered indigenous women and girls. So, okay. So it's a big one. Let me say on Christine's behalf, I know you've been wanting to do this story for a while, but you've wanted to make sure that you did it tastefully and respectfully, correct? That's right. Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:39:22 Because I've heard a few podcasts on it but they were like full series you know and i obviously by people who've studied this extensively and so i was like well i need to make sure to take the time to research every element that i can and make sure it's presented in the most like uh easy to like understand way and also accurate way um but yeah no you're right i've wanted to cover this for a long time. And I thought this one particular story, this kidnapping case is like a good segue into the whole broader theme. Gotcha.
Starting point is 00:39:54 Okay, I'm excited because you have been telling me behind the scenes that you've wanted to cover this for a while. Oh, I'd forgotten. I told you that. Okay, cool. Well, then finally the time has come. Finally.
Starting point is 00:40:06 Finally, you've been counting down okay so uh first off i want to say i listened to um a bunch of stuff over the years but uh most recently for this case in particular i listened to trace evidence podcast and watched two separate episodes of unsolved mysteries that cover the case um this is a case of anthonette Cayetito. So she was born December 25th, 1976 to Penny Cayetito and Anthony Montoya. And she was a Navajo Native American. I'm sorry, her mother was. Penny was Navajo Native American and her dad was Italian and Hispanic. And her parents separated within five years of her birth. So she was living with her two younger sisters and her mom in an apartment off Route 66 in Gallup, New Mexico.
Starting point is 00:40:53 Side note, Blaze actually worked there for a while, which the name was very familiar. He worked there. He did his OBGYN rotation there on a reservation. That's a fun fact. I always say birthed a lot of babies. That's not the right word. Delivered a lot of babies. That's the right word.
Starting point is 00:41:13 He did not birth any babies. Hybrid, alien hybrid or otherwise. Okay. So this is Gallup, New Mexico in the 70s. Antoinette was a fourth grader at Lincoln Elementary School. She was nine years old. People called her Squirrel. That was her nickname.
Starting point is 00:41:32 And I know it's actually a super cute nickname. And like, weirdly enough, she was nine, but she was always described as very mature and grown up. Like she was never really described as like being childlike or playful. She, by the age of six was already caring for her younger siblings and cooking for them and watching them um she was described as a caregiver uh really responsible always did her chores cooked most meals etc etc and so on april 5th 1986 uh anthonette was nine years old and her mom penny
Starting point is 00:42:03 left her along with her younger sisters, Wendy and Sadie, uh, home with a babysitter and went out for the evening. So that night, uh, around midnight, Penny returned home from her bar, wherever she was and, uh, let the babysitter go home and went to bed. So the next morning, Penny, the mom wakes up to get the girls ready for Bible school. And her two youngest daughters are in bed with her. But when she goes to check on Antoinette, she isn't in her bedroom. And she checks every room in the house. She checks with the neighbors. And then she starts to panic because nobody in the neighborhood has seen or heard from Antoinette
Starting point is 00:42:39 since the day before. Okay. And just so I'm keeping up, last time she saw Antoinette, she had left the kids with the day before. Okay. And just so we're just so I'm keeping up. This is the last time she saw internet. She had left the kids with the babysitter. Yes, exactly. And actually there are some sources actually. Thank you for mentioning that. Cause there are some sources that say when she got home, she spent a couple hours till like 3am talking to Antoinette.
Starting point is 00:43:00 And so some sources do say that they like spent a couple hours chatting when she got home from work, but then once she went to bed, she didn't see her the next morning or ever. eight hours to make an official missing persons report. So she waits the eight hours and calls again. And the police at this point are almost certain that Antoinette has been kidnapped. So they begin an investigation and Antoinette is reported missing. So days go by of searching, then weeks and months. Antoinette is not found. Any clues they could find. One of them is a neighbor who says they witnessed a Brown truck parked near the house and a man walked toward their apartment, uh, around six 30 or 7. Um, uh, but they couldn't get a close look at who it was, but they did see a Brown truck.
Starting point is 00:43:56 Uh, so some sources say there's a couple like mixed up or some sources are like slightly varying, um, from others. Some sources say that Penny took a lie detector test and failed at this point. However, so investigators are starting to believe Penny might know more than she's sharing with police, but at the same time, polygraphs are not by any means like, right. You know, entirely accurate, right.
Starting point is 00:44:23 And some factors that can influence a polygraph are not fully understanding the question, extreme stress or extreme nervousness, which you would imagine probably you're sure your kid's missing. Yeah, exactly. And they've actually I've read somewhere I heard in podcasts, I think that when you give a lie detector test, like right after someone has experienced like a loss or grief, like apparently like totally skews the results because your emotions are so like extreme. So everything's kind of out of whack. So that could have been the case. But either way, some sources say she did fail a polygraph at this point. And despite a couple people saying they might have seen her here or there, the trail kind of goes cold and there's no trace of Anthonette.
Starting point is 00:45:08 So one year later, it's 1987, she's been missing about a year, when the Gallup police station receives a phone call. Oh, boy. Yeah. I will say this call is available online pretty readily. And it's on YouTube. It's on the Unsolved Mysteries. And it's on youtube it's in the unsolved mysteries and it's uh slightly disturbing it's essentially a call uh from a little girl who identifies herself as anthonette she says she's an albuquerque but before the call can be traced a male voice in
Starting point is 00:45:39 the background says who said you could use the phone then she screams and the line goes dead oh no so the call lasted only 40 seconds and um gallup police was able to record that and they played it for penny and she listened to it and said 100 that's my daughter she said um she said just by the way she says her last name anthonette cayadito she's like just the way she says her last name, Antoinette Cayetito. She's like, just the way she says her last name, I know for a fact that's my daughter. Like she would bet her life on it. But at the same time, they didn't have enough to trace the call. So they just had a recording of it. But it did give them kind of like renewed hope that maybe she's alive. Right. Some people thought this might have been a prank, which I mean, obviously obviously is very cruel especially because it did sound like a small child like it'd be kind of a weird prank to pull right people oh jesus sorry a box just fell next to me oh my god okay um what was i saying oh yeah so some people think it was
Starting point is 00:46:40 a prank but um most people believe it was probably real however it is kind of weird that the call went to the gallup police station rather than like 9-1-1 right yeah that's interesting like if a little if a 10 year old got a hold of the phone you think they'd call 9-1-1 in an emergency right unless they somehow had that gallup police number memorized which seems kind of odd yeah today all I know is to call 911. I would not know a police station's number. Right. Oh, hell no. I don't even I don't I definitely don't know. And especially when I was 10. Right. So that's kind of a weird like, turn. Some people think the name or the voice in the background is a woman, not a man.
Starting point is 00:47:22 I listened to it several times. I think it's it could go either way. I don't think it's like super clear. Um, but so that's, that's kind of one of those things, especially because a lot of times when children are kidnapped, they're, um, the odds that they're still alive after 24 hours is like extremely slim. Right. Um, if they're abducted by a stranger. So the fact that she may be alive was very, um, heartening for her family. Um, so anyway, so she said she had been at, or the caller said she was in Albuquerque. Um, so this kind of added some fuel to the fire of her investigation. And then, um, fast forward a couple of years, 1991 in Carson city, Nevada. So this is about five years after she'd been, um, abducted a restaurant server about five years after she'd been abducted. A restaurant server calls the police and she reports having an eerie experience. She says she was serving a table,
Starting point is 00:48:13 didn't really think much of it. It was this unkempt couple and a small teenager sitting at the table. So she's serving this table and the girl kept knocking her fork on the floor and so the server was like what the hell so she would pick it up and every time she'd pick it pick it up to hand it back to her the girl would squeeze her hand really tightly oh yeah and so uh by the way this is a genius little girl i know i know i know it's so disturbing but it's like it sounds like something out of criminal minds or like a TV show truly so she is squeezing her hand and the server's like okay
Starting point is 00:48:50 something seems off but I'm not sure maybe this girl's just acting strange I don't know but after the three of them left she was cleaning the table and she found a note written on a napkin under the girl's plate and the note read help me call the police
Starting point is 00:49:04 yeah and so at this point the server is like holy shit and she kind of puts two and two together and she realizes like hey i think that might be that missing girl uh from new mexico and so she calls the police and um you know gives them what information she could but at the same time there wasn't much there weren't cameras or anything. There wasn't much that could be confirmed. Her story couldn't even technically be confirmed. And there's just not much they can go on from there, except that perhaps Anthonette is still alive.
Starting point is 00:49:39 Right. So one month after this sighting, police once again are reinvested in this case. And they decide to interview Anthonette's 10-year-old sister, Wendy, who was five at the time that her sister disappeared. So this was kind of more like a just protocol. Like they just wanted to talk to her. They weren't like interrogating her. They were just going to ask her one more time like, hey, can you refresh us on what you saw that night okay so they talked to her they go to her school they interview her and this is when she reveals something shocking and it's that she had been awake when anthonette had vanished and she
Starting point is 00:50:14 had seen the whole thing happen oh no and so she explained to police that in the middle of the night there was a knock on the door anthonette went to see who it was but didn't answer it and went back to bed then at 3 a.m another knock came at the door and wendy followed her sister out to to the door and according to wendy anthonette asked who is it and a male voice replied it's uncle joe and so anthonette opened the door and is grabbed by a man uh and taken to a brown van or a truck kicking and screaming and wendy at this point is five she's like terrified she runs back to her room and um the next morning uh she doesn't tell the story and when the police say like hey why didn't you tell anyone um when the day when she said, because I thought since my mom was crying and everything, I thought I'd get in trouble. So she was so scared.
Starting point is 00:51:11 She was five years old and she was just terrified that like she was just going to add to the trauma somehow. Yeah. And so the crazy thing is they actually did have an Uncle Joe. And so police went back and talked to Uncle Joe. And he actually had already been cleared years before. He had a really solid alibi and a witness who could corroborate it. So it was just someone pretending to be Uncle Joe so she'd open the door. That is one of the main theories, yes.
Starting point is 00:51:40 And Wendy also, the sister, said she didn't recognize the man who grabbed her or didn't really see his face. So she wasn't saying like, yes, it was Uncle Joe. She was saying somebody said they were Uncle Joe. Right. So like you said, it could have been either someone close to the family who knew about Uncle Joe. It could have been a stranger who had heard about Uncle Joe and used that as a ruse to get her to open the door. It could have been some random dude had heard about Uncle Joe and used that as a ruse to get her to open the door. It could have been some random dude named Uncle Joe. Who knows?
Starting point is 00:52:09 But her parents insist, for what it's worth, she would never have opened the door for a stranger. So either way, she probably felt like she knew this person. So at this point, police believe that Antoinette is deceased. Remains have never been recovered. She's never been found alive or dead and part of this is because at least what a lot of people believe is that there was a delayed police response kind of a half-hearted investigation into her disappearance and a lack of coverage by the media and a lot of people believe this is you know due to
Starting point is 00:52:46 by the media. And a lot of people believe this is, you know, due to racial issues, socioeconomic issues, that kind of thing. And that is why her family believes this contributed to Antoinette becoming one of many missing and murdered indigenous women and girls in the United States. Wow. And I'm going to give like a quick summary of like that whole case just so if anyone has any information sure um so anthonette has been missing since april 6 1986 from gallup new mexico she would be 43 years old today um she there are some uh age progressed photos too online um she is female she is her race is described by her parents as native american, Caucasian, and Hispanic. When she was taken, she was 4 feet 7 inches tall, 55 pounds, last seen wearing a pink knee-length nightgown. She has black hair and brown eyes,
Starting point is 00:53:36 dark-colored moles on her right cheek, nose, back, and one of her ankles. She has scars on one of her knees and her lip and pierced ears. So anyone with information at all is encouraged to call the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children at 1-800-843-5678. And so that is my sagoo. That is your sagoo. Wow. That is a really intense sagoo, I would say. Probably the craziest one we've had so far.
Starting point is 00:54:03 I think it's probably the most horrific and intense segue we've ever done. Yeah. So here we go. I'm always upping the game. What can I say? Well, we also, we'd created another,
Starting point is 00:54:15 another catchphrase recently because I'd been saying everything's bananas. And then I, I changed it to noodles and Christine randomly just said like, it's noodles all the way to the top. And I swear to God, I've never heard anything like that in the Bible. Like, it's one of the most fantastic sentences. It's absolutely encompassed itself into my world now. Well, the funny thing is that it was recorded because we did it on a cameo. So somebody has that officially documented
Starting point is 00:54:46 somewhere yeah i mean truly i i haven't i don't know why of your brain but i'm so happy it did that story by the way was noodles all the way to the top it was right like i i would say i would say you uh you really had me thinking that she was going to get found though because she was so creative with how she was trying to get people to help her. Right. True. I mean, like, with the menu, like, writing a note and, like, grabbing her hand and everything it's like she was almost saved you know the stories where people are missing and their sightings or like someone's in a bathroom and says like hey
Starting point is 00:55:30 help me it's me from the United States I've been kidnapped I'm being sex trafficked or whatever it's like the most horrific thing because it just goes back to the way it was and they aren't rescued and it's like oh so close to being saved that it's just disturbing. Right. I mean, it's terrifying. Yeah. So that being said, I want to say a couple things about Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, M-M-I-W-G, if you're a fan of acronyms. Okay.
Starting point is 00:55:59 And we are, because that's a lot of words. Yes. So basically, I'm going to give a little summary real quick and then some stats. So the epidemic of missing and murdered indigenous women and girls is a pervasive human rights issue facing North America, particularly the U.S. and Canada. A major contributing factor is that federal law limits tribal courts jurisdiction to prosecute non-native people who commit crimes on their lands. So, um, in other words, tribal, tribal courts are, have a very hard time, uh, criminally prosecuting non-native people who commit crimes on their lands, if that makes sense. And the government has said, oh, that's because we want to be able to like fully prosecute them from our end, but they usually don't.
Starting point is 00:56:46 So in other words, people get away with a lot. Right. So the shittiest version of. Right. Got it. Right. The worst of both worlds. According to Lisa Brunner, who's the executive director of Sacred Spirits First National Coalition, quote, quote what's happened through u.s federal law and policy is they created lands of impunity where this is like a playground for serial rapists batterers killers whoever and our children whoever and our children aren't protected at all wow so over the decades this has been largely ignored but recently there have been a lot of dedicated journalists activists and more recently law
Starting point is 00:57:21 enforcement and finally politicians who have fought to bring this issue to the forefront. There are some like really shocking statistics. For example, as far as violence goes, more than four in five Native American and Alaska Native women experience violence in their lifetime. And as a percentage, that's 84.3 percent. Oh, shit. And as an actual number, that's more than 1.5 million. three percent holy shit and as an actual number that's more than 1.5 million um and 56 percent of these women also experience sexual violence and 55 percent experience physical violence from an intimate partner so very disturbing um and there are more statistics about like
Starting point is 00:57:59 having 20 you know 27 percent report having a gun or knife used on them or you know think very think very specific, it gets down to like the nitty gritty. But all of the percentages are obviously shocking. More than one in three Native American and Alaska Native women have experienced violence in the past year. And relative to non Hispanic white only women, American Indian and Alaska Native women are 1.2 times likely to have experienced violence in their lifetime and are 1.7 times as likely to have experienced violence in the past year. Wow. This is interesting. Of the Native Alaskan and Indigenous women who have experienced violence in their lifetime, 97% report the perpetrator as non-native. Okay. And so that gets into the territory of like people aren't being prosecuted right um for committing crimes on tribal land i think i that obviously never even crossed my mind that
Starting point is 00:58:53 because if you're going into this you know zone where you know you know that you won't get in trouble like of course that's like just right i mean, wow, I didn't know any of that. Yeah, it's like a breeding ground for for all these things to just keep happening. Exactly. Like, I mean, if you're not going to be, if there's going to be no consequences, you want to act out violently, why not do it on the people where you you won't get in trouble for it? Totally. And it like perpetuates within the the native communities, too, because they're like, there's a quote later, but basically, a lot of people say, well, and then it like perpetuates within the the native communities too because they're like there's a quote later but basically a lot of people say well and then this just perpetuates to our young women like oh well that's just normal no one's gonna get in trouble so don't even bother
Starting point is 00:59:35 trying to fight it or report it right it's like it's just gonna keep happening um and going off that 49.1 percent of native american women sought medical care, other advocacy, housing, or legal services after their experiences. However, 38.2% were unable to receive any sort of care or help when they sought it. So just, again, just perpetuating this whole cycle. You're perpetuating normalizing it too. You know. Exactly. You know, don't have a problem with it this is just how life is
Starting point is 01:00:06 exactly and that's a lot of people right now are releasing like podcasts and bills and signing laws into effect to like try and not normalize that anymore and so the Department of Justice found the murder rate of indigenous and Native American women
Starting point is 01:00:21 and girls on reservations to be 10 times that of the national average which is like a shocking number yeah um crap and according to the national crime information center in 2016 there were 5 712 reports of missing american indian and alaska native women and girls however the federal missing persons database has only logged 116 oh my gosh i don't even want to divide that to find the percentage because it is shockingly small yeah um let's see the rate of indigenous female homicide in canada is seven times that of all other canadian populations um and they did a study in
Starting point is 01:01:03 saskatchewan that shows that while Indigenous women and girls account for 6% of the population, they account for 60% of the missing persons cases. So just like the percentage within that community is just shocking beyond belief. And staggering. Staggering, exactly. And the fact that like no one really talks about it or knows about it is also disturbing um right and so canada has something called the highway of tears and i'm actually going to get into i know there's a lot of like numbers sorry but i'm going to get into like an actual couple examples of um some stories one of which i've already covered but so the
Starting point is 01:01:39 highway of tears is a 700 kilometer stretch of highway on Highway 16 in British Columbia. And it's the site of at least 18, at least because a lot of these weren't people believe were not properly reported. Right. At least 18 murdered or missing indigenous women, girls and two spirit people since 1969. Do you know what two spirit is? I yes and no. Do you know what two-spirit is? Yes and no.
Starting point is 01:02:16 I've heard about it when it comes to some people try to claim that it's a gender identity, but I've also heard that that's actually like wildly culturally appropriating. So I'm not sure. I've understood it as like two spirits in one body. Yeah. So, I mean, I obviously don't know either, like as far as I don't have a better understanding. I just have like a definition I got from LGBTQ Health Canada. So I don't, you know, this is just take this with a grain of salt. This is what I found on their website. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:39 And it's like a major organization up there. So if this is wrong, let me know. And it's like a major organization up there. So if this is wrong, let me know. But according to them, Two-Spirit refers to a person who identifies as having both a masculine and a feminine spirit and is used by some indigenous people to describe their sexual, gender, and or spiritual identity. As an umbrella term, it may encompass same-sex attraction and a wide variety of gender variants, including people who might be described in Western culture as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transsexual, transgender, genderqueer, or who have multiple gender identities. Two-spirit can also include relationships that could be considered poly. So it's like a very broad term that I think is used in a lot of different ways. But it is, like you said, separate from Western culture, basically. Right. Yeah, I know. Because I, you know, in my own gender journey i've looked through every
Starting point is 01:03:25 single definition out there and i uh two spirit i mean sounds really interesting but then i saw on a different forum that like if you're not indigenous you probably shouldn't be using that like saying like sure um what your spirit animal is like it's like right it definitely is a valid term but if you're if you're not part of a specific group of people, maybe you shouldn't. That's a really good point. That's a really good point. I think spirit animal is a great example, too. And also, please reach out if you do identify as two-spirit.
Starting point is 01:03:54 I'd love to hear your opinion of that. But I have understood it as, as an ignorant white person, I probably should just avoid it. But I'm not sure. as a ignorant white person, I probably should just avoid it. But I'm not sure if that's just no, it's I mean, and that's why I like just verbatim copied the right biggest stuff or like the most popular definition I could find, because obviously, I don't know, at all. I do think it's, I think it's a before people start screaming at me, I do think it is a valid identity. Oh, sure. Or as you be you plus community, I think maybe, you know, I don't know if I'm
Starting point is 01:04:26 allowed. Just not something we could probably adopt for ourselves. Exactly. No, I think that makes total sense. Also, side note, I love M's Gender Journey. It sounds like the greatest. I like see a rainbow like M's Gender Journey in my mind.
Starting point is 01:04:41 Today, a special episode. Listen, one day there will be a book about m's gender journey every don't worry i'll write it for you you can just read it or say it slowly like turn into more devolved chaos you can just put pictures since you don't like to read we can just make it a picture book anyway um back to this shit the worst information i've ever heard sorry yeah back sorry we'll be back to em's gender journey right after these important messages um so okay anyway canada's highway of tears essentially um in 2005 there was this task force created called EPANA. I'm hoping I'm saying that right. And this task force basically seeks to solve these missing and murdered persons cases that have since 1969 not been solved.
Starting point is 01:05:35 So in 2014, they had a huge victory because there was this guy named Gary Taylor Handlin. And he, in 1978, murdered an indigenous 12-year-old girl named Monica Jack. And in 2014, finally, the task force brought up murder charges against him. And in 2019, last year, Hanlon was convicted and sentenced to life in prison, which was the task force's first arrest to conviction. So that was a huge victory for them. In the newest news, the task force also believes that deceased American serial killer Bobby Jack Fowler was responsible for one to three of the 18 deaths. So they're trying to, like, solve these cases, even if the serial killers have since died or if the murderers have since died. Now, this is one that I covered in episode 66, the story of Robert Pickton, the pig farmer killer.
Starting point is 01:06:25 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, which is like weirdly very specific in my mind for some reason. I don't know. Like a lot of these stories I don't remember that well, but this one for some reason I remember very clearly. Sure. But he was a Canadian serial killer active from, I mean, I'm sure you guys memorized that whole episode, so I probably don't need to repeat all of it. Word for word, actually. Word for word.
Starting point is 01:06:50 But I'm going to refresh your memory okay um so he's a canadian serial killer he was active from 1995 until 2002 when he was arrested he killed 49 women uh most of whom were sex workers and drug users in the vancouver area and at least half of them were indigenous. Wow. Okay. So families of the victims believe that police didn't catch Pickton sooner. Despite many, I remember the story was so frustrating, because a lot of people were like, it's that guy, like, we know it's that guy. He was reported many times, people complained, he even stabbed a woman in 1997. And like, all of this was very in the open, but families of the victims believe nothing happened because of the victim's profession, a lot of them were sex workers, their lifestyles, their addictions and their race. And so this, the 1997 stabbing victim who escaped and like told
Starting point is 01:07:40 police what happened, had a heroin addiction. And so the case against him was dropped and he was not charged with that. So there was just like a lot of shit going on with that story. And a huge part of it was that at least half of his victims were indigenous. And this is another thing that people believe allowed him to kill 49 people before being arrested. So in 2010, they did an inquiry into the investigation. And it cited multiple failures on parts of the investigators. What a shock. And the government reached a monetary settlement with the families. And so that's that story. And now I just have one last
Starting point is 01:08:20 bit, which is like, what the hell can we do about it because that's always the most just depressing and frustrating part is if you feel like um powerless and like you can't do anything and also uh as i will identify as someone who's like wildly uneducated about this but i would like to no longer be uneducated about it yeah and that was why i wanted to do it too because i felt extremely uneducated about it and i felt very like like shit i gotta know that like especially if i know that it exists i felt like i had a duty to learn about it you know yes teach us christine what can we do okay professor christine's here not not as catchy of a title as m's gender journey but we'll work on it um so essentially why this is happening is mostly from the top
Starting point is 01:09:06 jurisdictional power, just like colonial structure from, you know, all the horrible things white people did back in the day and continue to do. Yep. And so a lot of this has to do with poor communication between federal, state, local and tribal authorities, obviously socioeconomics and race. There is an author and professor at University of Kansas named Sarah Deer Muskogee of the Muskogee tribe, and she told journalists that the missing Indigenous girls' families are far too frequently met with skepticism by law enforcement. Quote, she doesn't get on the front page of the newspapers or land on primetime CNN. She isn't worthy of our attention when no one in authority looks for a missing woman it sends a strong statement to the families and to communities that this life doesn't matter it is an expendable life
Starting point is 01:09:53 victim blaming is often a part of this dynamic if she's done x y or z no wonder she got caught up in trouble unlike an innocent white college girl this native woman doesn't deserve prioritization and so that's her view of like how this has been swept under the rug for so many years got it and basically a lot of i mean a lot of things are going through now as far as bills and laws are being passed in canada and the u.s with the aim of reducing violence and fixing the power structure um let's see there's a woman named um her name is representative hayland of New Mexico, Pueblo of Laguna. And she is one of the first two indigenous women elected to Congress, which is really exciting. And she introduced the Not Invisible Act of 2019. And so those are the things happening on
Starting point is 01:10:39 like a more governmental scale. Politicians are finally paying attention. But as individuals, governmental scale. Politicians are finally paying attention. But as individuals, obviously, awareness is a huge part of it. Learning about it, figuring out what the hell is going on. And then from there, you can obviously donate, you can volunteer. There's a couple organizations, including the Coalition to Stop Violence Against Native Women. It starts with us, No More Silence, silence sisters in spirit and the native american i'm sorry the native alliance against violence and they do a lot of like lobbying for new laws and that kind of thing and finally as a last note before i like finally take a breath because i've just been talking for 16 hours oh you're good if you or anyone you know needs to speak with someone
Starting point is 01:11:24 safely and confidentially you can contact either either RAINN, the Rape Abuse Incest National Network, at, the National Domestic Violence Hotline at, or the Strong Hearts Native Helpline at Holy shit. Sorry, that was a lot. No, no, that was awesome. dot org. Holy shit. Sorry. That was a lot. No, no, that was awesome. It was needed. There were a lot of numbers in there. Well, thank you. I'm sure that was a lot of people probably needed to hear all that. You know, that feeling when you're giving a speech or a presentation and like, you realize you haven't taken a breath in a long time, but then you're like, if I take a breath, it'll be like. So obvious. Such a thing. Yeah. You have to like breathe out and like breathe it's just like i feel like i was getting to that point and i was like but then my voice starts getting
Starting point is 01:12:11 crack creaky because i'm like not breathing well okay yeah so that happened to me yesterday because i so i know i've told you guys about the the friends i made because i wrote a note on their car yes i love the strangers and we became friends so i found out they literally live like less than a five minute walk away from me oh my god during all this social distancing they've been saying you mean five minutes away from treysongs right exactly okay so they've been asking me if i like if you know i want to go on walks and so i've been trying to social distance and say no but i know they have been quarantined for a long long long, long time.
Starting point is 01:12:46 So I, you know, I'm taking my chances and I think they're probably safe to go on a, on a walk with. And so we've all been like spread out across the sidewalk and taking up like at one point, one of us was on the sidewalk on the other side of the street. One was in the middle of the street. I was trying to take it seriously, but also like have social interaction you're like west side story but
Starting point is 01:13:07 like really sad yeah and so um uh but we had to walk uphill for a second i was like oh my god and they were trying to ask me questions about like oh no really trying to get to know each other still and they were like oh so did you play sports in high school and i was like it doesn't look like it right now like I like I was trying so hard to get words out but I also needed to breathe and I could not do it let's answer for itself oh my god I'm trying to enunciate you know so like so people could hear me like sound professional and uh competent yeah yeah anyway anyway that's how I feel uh I do know what it's like to not be able to breathe because that happened to me. I feel like because you're an athlete.
Starting point is 01:13:46 Right. Got it. OK, well, I live with RJ. So every second of the day, I'm reminded that I'm not the Olympian of the apartment. Oh, my God. At least you're like, well, there's already a set Olympian. I don't need to live up to that standard. Oh, it actually kind of helps a lot because he's like i've been hearing
Starting point is 01:14:05 him on facetime asking people like oh do you want to do an ab workout now and i'm like no who are your friends oh my god what the fuck so i can't believe you're friends with him well when i became friends with him he wasn't training for the olympics so i think that's you inspired him but uh no it's it's nice to live with someone who's clearly uh the uh the power lifter of all of us because then i power lifter because then i get to eat cookies all i want and not feel bad about because i already know my place you're already on the on the spectrum and you're just gonna stay there yeah i got you no one no one has expectations for me they're all looking at our day so oh my god and his extra ab right uh anyway
Starting point is 01:14:47 well thank you everyone for listening um to my really long presentation i hope it wasn't too statistics heavy uh and m's alien story i love alien stories thank you and um i hope you're all staying safe and careful and uh mentally healthy also um and uh that's all i've got i mean i'm just stuck inside as well as all of you guys so same we have to go record our instagram live soon oh that's right yeah we're about to do that i mean i we're warning you way too late because you're you're listening to this later but um I think we're saving them all on our Instagram page. If you, for some reason, want to watch us reunite over FaceTime. So anyway, well, that's all I've got. Anyway, thank you guys.
Starting point is 01:15:33 Check out our website if you want to, you know, wish we were on tour right now. Oh my God, that's sad. Other than that, I guess we'll see you next week and follow us on Instagram. We've got some, we're trying to throw as much content as we can for you guys and keep up with Patreon. And we want you guys to engage with us too because we're all so stuck at home and bored and want to talk to you. We're just as bored as you. So when we say we're going to do a Q&A, we mean we're going to do a Q&A. Pay attention to us.
Starting point is 01:16:03 We're two Gemini's locked away inside it's awful do you know what it's like for our egos right now it's chaos um anyway so hopefully this recorded that would be hilarious if it didn't um oh yeah hilarious beyond hilarious is the exact right word oh my god that hilarity where you just cry until you laugh laugh until you cry okay anyway thanks everyone for listening and we'll see you next week and bye and oh my god why did i just say bye like that why i don't know usually you do the and so i just did it and and oh okay well oh you go you change You change it up. You do it. You do it. We count to three again. That went really well at the beginning of the episode. Okay.
Starting point is 01:16:49 And. And. That's why. I think we're on a lag. Sorry. We. It's like I said my part. I did it right.
Starting point is 01:16:59 Okay. Try again. We'll go slow. We'll go slow. And. That's. Why. We'll go slow. And that's why we drink. Oh my god,
Starting point is 01:17:12 that was painful. Everyone else already closed that. Negative one. Alright, well, on that note, bye. Bye. Bye.

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