And That's Why We Drink - E166 Banjo-less Banjo Lessons and Toddlers Learning How to Podcast

Episode Date: April 5, 2020

Do objects just show up in your hands for no reason? Then you might be a Thornton! This week Em covers the spooky Thornton Heath Poltergeist and Christine takes us deep into the mysterious and tragic ...murder of Lindsay Buziak. We're also ready for some quarantine banjo lessons... and that's why we drink!Please consider supporting the companies that support us! Take two minutes - right now – to see how much youcan save on your car and homeowners insurance! Go to 30% off your first month’s subscription, visit and enter drink30 when you subscribe!Feals has me feeling my best every day and it can help you too! Become a member today by going to Feals dot com/DRINK and get 50% off your first order with free shipping!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Okay, I think we're rolling. Should we say one, two, three, or is that just a big fail? No, I think we should try. Okay, all right. All right, one, okay. Hold on. Okay, you say go, and then I'll go. Okay, cool. Oh, shoot. Hold on. Okay, ready, set, go. One, two, three.
Starting point is 00:00:30 Okay, that was okay. That was okay, okay yeah better than last time anyway that's true how are you i'm i'm okay i'm drinking tea out of a glow-in-the-dark cup so things could be worse i am in my pjs for 12 days now so looking those are now your work clothes yes well there i call them like uh what would i say business cash maybe this emphasis on the cash yeah um awesome yeah well i haven't seen you since we did an instagram live stream yesterday i know that was pretty fun questionable but fun i uh we got some good questions there i appreciated a a few someone asked like what office characters we were i like like that. We got some weird results from the listeners saying I was Angela, you were Kevin. I was like, what a weird combo. Okay.
Starting point is 00:01:32 I guess we're accountants. Everyone thinks we're smart. We can count numbers really well. Right, right, right. Cool. Well, we're still in our homes. Yes. Social distancing. Social distancing.
Starting point is 00:01:45 Social distancing. I feel like there's probably not many updates since our last episode. No, nothing. I saw a bird fly by the other day. Oh, shit. You should have said that first. I know. I really buried the lead.
Starting point is 00:01:58 What else? Oh, I know we mentioned this in our last episode, but we are on Cameo now. So if you guys want to book us for personal shout outs, you can find us at slash ATWB podcast. Correct. And we have super fun doing those. So check it out. And especially because a lot of people weren't able to come to the shows. So it's kind of fun to chat with people.
Starting point is 00:02:19 Right. That way. And we're doing stuff on social media again. Social media. I think I stole that from dude that's fucked up or somewhere i stole that from another podcast before people come after me you know what i've been stealing it's there i have um another podcast i listen to they say the phrase ego snack and that's good i've been using that a lot and now i think people might think that i think i created it but i know i didn't what show is it uh an acquired cup an acquired taste okay okay it's actually called an acquired
Starting point is 00:02:50 but i don't think what you did that was more of a ghost for me um yeah so we're doing more on social media um so you can find us there i'm still not verified but we're waiting with bated breath so we'll see uh bated breath winged feet wing all of it So you can find us there. I'm still not verified, but we're waiting with breath. So we'll see. Baited breath, winged feet, all of it. And yeah, so you can check us out on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:03:12 We're having fun there. Oh, I posted my YouTube video about cautionary German tales. People are very kind. I have the tab open right now. I'm going to watch it after we record. I'm very excited about it. I thought you were going to say you watch it right now. I was like, I'm hanging up on you.
Starting point is 00:03:27 Goodbye. No, but I did see your, um, I saw the, the crackling fire you were talking about your, your special effects were primo. Oh, thank you so much. Yes. I had fun with that. Um, I tried to make it as cozy as possible for a not cozy story, but, um, people were really nice. I did demand that people be kind because I'm new to YouTube by myself. Um, story but um people were really nice i did demand that people be kind because i'm new to youtube by myself um but yeah people were very nice and um i had fun i'm gonna do installment two hopefully by the time this comes out i'm very excited so yeah i have a a spinoff idea where i yeah i do your um your makeup and you dress up as the cautionary tale that you're going to be reading about i should dress up as sch Struvalpita with his long fingernails.
Starting point is 00:04:08 I don't know. You would probably just look like Struvalpita and like Edward Scissorhands' love child, something like that. I probably look like what I look like right now. So I think it's probably not that interesting for anybody. I will say I called my mom and sister and I was like, can you guys watch it? And so my sister kept me on the phone. And then I heard my stepdad in the background go, she looks really old with those glasses on. Whoa, like, excuse me. Oh, on the line. Oh, I was just kidding.
Starting point is 00:04:41 So this is why I'm scared of the internet. Yikes. That was probably the scariest thing you could have heard. I know. It could have been worse, I guess. I'd rather be old than, you know, a bunch of other things. But are you going to start putting them out regularly? Or is this just kind of like as time goes on, whenever they can be posted, they'll be posted? That's a good question. I don't know. i want to post them regularly but also i feel like i just keep overloading myself with stupid tasks sure and then not completing them on time um are you doing any more live shows or live grams whatever they're called i came up i came up with an idea that i don't want to announce yet that i want to do for another another game show
Starting point is 00:05:22 idea but i have i have to figure out how it could actually feasibly work you'll figure it out if anyone could figure it out it's you you built a literal wheel out of things from your own home like a spinning you know what that was that was lucky because i i don't know how i did that and also i did it within a half an hour of having to like show it to people too so um thank you and literally wrote letters backwards so that in the instagram you could like in in the instagram i'm maybe my stepdad's right i'm a thousand um wow you look so old right now so on instagram you can read the words because they're uh it's like a reversal image so m literally wrote them backwards it was nuts anyway i was very impressed we um and then uh i'm still i do want to shout out right now
Starting point is 00:06:06 to remind everyone that monday's um five pacific and eight eight eastern um i'm still doing marvel mondays so if you want to join me on instagram we you can tune in on your end and watch uh watch your watch the movie on your end and i'll watch it on my end and we can kind of be just be on the couch together and enjoy it's fun because uh i just get to sit there and read people's comments and then guess what i'm gonna say in response we really should take over each other's instagrams at some point and answer as if we are each other holy shit that would be funny that's a great idea okay i think so i also think we write that down i think we know each other well enough that we probably could answer accurately most of the time.
Starting point is 00:06:47 I think so. I was watching your game show and I was like, I know Emma and Allison really well. I feel like I could have been like a phone a friend, you know? Well, I appreciate that. You definitely would have, if I had to ever know a question about Allison, you would be the friend I phoned. I feel very honored to be that person. phoned. I feel very honored to be that person. Speaking of things that people, some people know about me and some don't, is that I have known for a very, very, very long time. By the way, this is like a personal update about my insanity check. How I'm slowly slipping away in this quarantine. I've for a long time, I've always wanted to learn how to play the banjo, but I know, I know myself well enough that first of all, I give up the second something's hard.
Starting point is 00:07:29 I'm just, I don't have it in me to be anything other than a quitter. How are you doing this podcast? But okay, thanks. I just, I just scream crying to a pillow. Um, but, uh, but with musical instruments, like I have such a block, like my, my hands won't allow themselves to do two different things at the same time. And it's like, I'm sure a lot of people have said that before, but like, I'm not kidding. Like I cannot do two things at once with both hands. Oh my.
Starting point is 00:07:57 It's like I've wanted to play guitar before. I've wanted to play drums. And like, it's like the patting your head and rubbing your stomach. Like I cannot do those things. And so I know very well that's just a pipe dream that I have to say sayonara to. It's never going to happen. And as of 3 a.m. this morning, I've convinced myself I will learn how to play the banjo while I'm quarantined. I don't own a banjo.
Starting point is 00:08:21 Oh, my God. So I've been telling Allison, I'm like, no, I'm going to learn the banjo. And she's like, no, you won't. And I'm like, you have a banjo? No, I just have assumed that I'm just going to fucking practice the hand motions. I don't know what's going on with me. What the hell? Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:38 I mean, like Steve Martin. Exactly. So basically, life update, I will be learning the banjo without a banjo i'll let you know how it goes i think we can all guess how it's gonna go but i'll keep you updated anyway you can only go up from here okay okay sorry folks had to test the microphones um anyway yes well if you do play the banjo, Em, I would love you to serenade me or at least write me a song, please. Thank you. Oh, I definitely you didn't have a chance in hell if I learned how to play. Listen, I will be too powerful if I knew
Starting point is 00:09:16 how to play musical instruments, and I would only write songs about you. Well, I like to sing into your eyes. So I guess it's about time you add some musical accompaniment perfect well so here's the thing though i used to think i knew how to play the ukulele very badly but i kind of knew okay and then um but allison actually is a great ukulele player so i'm gonna have her during this quarantine teach me the ukulele. And then if I have enough confidence after the quarantine, I will then move on to my own musical instrument. Oh, you're going to learn ukulele first. I'm going to use that first because if I can learn anything, then I'll feel confident
Starting point is 00:09:56 that I should at least try. Okay. Banjo is going to be extremely complicated. So I feel like a ukulele is a better place to start for your confidence. Yes. And then I'll graduate to banjo. Fantastic. I can't wait. Anyway. So that's my update. Okay. Well, that's very thrilling, exciting. I'm very excited about it. I don't really have anything else except that our patron of the week is Akemi. And I actually know
Starting point is 00:10:21 her. I met her one time at Korean barbecue. How about that? Thank you. Marilyn introduced me. So thank you. And she's been a supporter for like years, like a long time. So thank you very much for your lovely support. Thank you. Your episode is now the one with the banjo and continued quarantine. So I hope you're happy with that.
Starting point is 00:10:41 I hope you're fucking happy, to be honest. You deserve it. we're thinking of you anyway so that's all i've got i mean i think i think uh i'm ready to hear something spooky okay good well this one um is a curious one because so i've had people suggest it in the past but i have had that issue where um a lot of times if someone suggests a story i'll look into it every time but a lot of times there just isn't a lot of information on it and so um it's hard to create an entire story out of it so i tried my darndest and the i realized that there was actually a confusion with this one because there are two different stories under the same name
Starting point is 00:11:32 oh so that being said this is the stories these are the stories dun dun of uh the thornton heath poltergeist oh poltergeist yes that's exciting here's what's interesting about one of them which this this is gonna be the second story that i'll get to okay but it's actually like i want to believe that it's a real story and it must have been a real story because there's a lot of articles on it but nobody knows the family's name oh that like went through this so all of the stories are very much like the husband and then the wife and then the son, but there were no names. It felt very, uh, is there like a last name at least? No, nothing. Oh, okay. That's very weird. Yeah, it kind of takes away its credibility in my mind. But anyway, we're gonna do it anyway. We're gonna pretend. Exactly. It reminds me there wasn't there like some indie movie a while ago where everyone was literally just named like mother father son daughter oh i mean probably it sounds like it would be an indie movie but i definitely don't know it off the top of my head then never mind
Starting point is 00:12:36 forget i said anything um no you're probably right i i fully believe you okay well i believe me too always and everything i say also i don't have the coronavirus i'm clearing my throat because i had some dairy sorry guys oh my god haven't you learned i have and then i said whatever it's like what's the worst thing gonna happen i'll still be stuck in this house for a week okay so um thornton thornton heath is apparently an area in croydon which is in south london okay and it's an area that has been inhabited since the sixth century which we both know my brain can't process okay so like i said there's two different stories that are considered the thornton heath poltergeist because one of them happened in the 30s and one of them happened in the 70s both in the same area i don't think they were in the same house though i think they were just in the same area i think here's the thing that's really
Starting point is 00:13:35 tripping me out like i tried to like go back and like figure it out but i think in the first one the actual thornton heath like the person that the town was named after, is in this story. And then Thornton Heath, the location is the 70s poltergeist. Oh, so you're saying Thornton Heath is a name? Like, I think Thornton Heath was a person. Because in the 1930s, in that version, it's about a woman named Mrs. Forbes. And apparently she was the mistress of thornton heath oh that's weird well because he and in the 30s like land like it's like part of a do you know what i mean i don't i mean yeah i don't know but maybe it was a or like the only
Starting point is 00:14:20 mistress in thornton heath or that right it's the town all the information is just so kind of choppy and like I did look through it to try to figure it out and it's all very kind of gray so maybe if someone who is from that area knows the story better if they want to like tweet at us or something that'd be great but my understanding is that either Mrs. Forbes was the Thornton Heath's mistress, or she happened to be like the town mistress. I mean, okay, either one works. I mean, you're probably right.
Starting point is 00:14:53 It makes more sense that it would be the mistress of a person. But hey, I don't judge. That's what I think. I mean, Mrs. Forbes was having a great time in 1938. That's all I got to say. So I think that's all we need to focus on. She was with somebody. I just don't know how many of them she was mistressing around somewhere with someone all we know is that mrs
Starting point is 00:15:10 forbes existed in this area in the 30s got it so she uh lived in the house when she lived in the house presumably with thornton heath um this was when the activity was actually the worst in the house and the activity always seemed to center around her so um she was apparently choked by an invisible spirit with a necklace that left burn marks on her oh dear um at one point she was clawed by what she claims to be a phantom tiger oh um which actually left welts on her arm wait no i'm so sorry this just reminded me because people keep tweeting about it have you watched tiger king okay i was gonna ask you earlier if you had started it yet i have not but i feel like what i've seen from tweets i kind of already know how the entire thing goes it's so good and i've not not covered um joe exotic because
Starting point is 00:16:03 i was actually going to cover him in Florida when we were there and there was too much stuff about like he used to like feed kittens to the alligators or whatever I don't know it's something disturbing that came across my page and I was like nope and then they did a podcast somebody did a podcast about it and Eva said like hey maybe don't listen to it and I went okay got it but the show is like unbelievably good and like so oh wow did they not why did they not mention the cats in it i mean like the kittens i haven't seen anything about that and i don't know if maybe i just misunderstood because it doesn't seem like that's even what the story is i think i just misunderstood maybe something i've read okay
Starting point is 00:16:39 but i will say um it is a bananas show and i love it. I've been told that the girl Carol or Caroline or something, I should just be under the impression that she murdered her husband. And I've learned, and Twitter has told me that Lisa Kudrow, her entire career has been just one big audition for that part. Oh my God. I didn't even think of that. That's amazing.
Starting point is 00:17:03 Those are the things I've learned from Twitter so far. So anyway, sorry, I just heard you say tiger and everyone's been tweeting about it. So I wanted to make a formal announcement that yes, I've watched it and I love it. I will watch it and I'm sure I will love it. I love anything creepy kind of culty. Yep. So yes, she was allegedly clawed by what she calls a phantom tiger and a left welts on her arm. clawed by what she calls a phantom tiger um and it left welts on her arm uh she claimed that a phantom vampire showed up in her room one night and tried to bite her and she did have two puncture marks later on her neck oh um and apparently the there would be like dishes and vases and other items in the house would fling around the around um around the house like they would just like lift
Starting point is 00:17:42 off tables and fly across the room just like fling around just fling around just like she was doing am i right just like she was doing like look everyone in thornton heath and every item it's kind of like the br guest like music video but everyone's sleeping together flinging around everyone's flinging around um so and objects this was the most uh notorious thing was that um objects would just show up out of nowhere in her hands oh what that's cool and weird so apparently this is not the actual thornton heath poltergeist but a lot of people mistake this case for that um what she's actually known for what miss forbes story is known for is that she was actually investigated because of this by nandur for fodor nandur photo um who was a protege of sigmund freud and he was a really
Starting point is 00:18:34 respected psychoanalyst and paranormal scholar and so he heard what was going on and said how about we bring you to my lab and you stay overnight a few times for observation? Okay. Bring you to my lab. Oh, dear God. If anyone says that to you folks, say no thank you. Who do you think you are? Nandor Fodor?
Starting point is 00:18:55 Yeah, I only go to Nandor's lab. Thank you very much. I'm not flinging around here. Me and the clock and the lamp, we're not doing stuff together. Don't you dare so uh she started staying at the lab and uh there were there were precautions taken to make sure that she wasn't you know doing anything that would cause these apparitions or anything so she was undressed often for body checks and she wore special clothes for easy viewing of any tricks up her sleeve but still the objects would suddenly appear in her hand or inside a box during one experiment
Starting point is 00:19:29 and despite the evidence um fodor was like not convinced he definitely believed that she was not possessed but took a instead he took a psychological approach and he actually fun fact was credited with coining the phrase parapsychosis. Oh, okay. But so he watched her enough and just kind of came to the conclusion that he thought Mrs. Forbes was repressing old trauma with a combination of generally being probably mentally unstable. And she had some basic knowledge of sleight of hand magic so all three of those combined it was more like she was either putting on some sort of self-punishing show so she appeared to um like choke herself with um like with her own hands but she would say that something else was pressing her hands into her neck who do you want to have a field day with this. Oh, Houdini and Fodor, I'm sure, must have crossed paths at some point.
Starting point is 00:20:27 So Fodor, again, saw this as self-punishment and probably wishing the death of her attackers and projecting it onto herself. And he later also discovered that there actually was repressed trauma. And he also hypothesized that maybe it was either a schizophrenic episode or maybe according to some of her doctors she did show signs of did dissociative identity disorder because she hallucinated a lot she heard a lot of voices she would lose time like large chunks of time and she had like lapsed consciousness so that all ended up actually like his opinion of it ended up being confirmed later especially when objects were still showing up out of nowhere on her body and so he ordered an x-ray and found out that she was actually hiding small objects under her boobs oh and so she was like
Starting point is 00:21:19 lifting them up and hiding things like wedging them underneath her breasts and she was hiding things up inside of herself oh dear and that's not hygienic no and she would distract people by being quote attacked and then when they weren't looking she would pull them out from under her dress oh boy oh boy so he was right in that all this was a show and she wasn't being possessed she was just doing some sort of sleight of hand and um he did not get a good a good street cred from the spiritualists obviously because they wanted to believe that something out of this world might be happening to mrs forbes and because he was very um stringent on using the scientific method and debunking the spiritualists did not like him and got to a point where fodor even had had to uh sue for libel a few times because his reputation was being tarnished um because they were making
Starting point is 00:22:11 up some really terrible stuff about him and he was like i'm just being a fucking scientist in my laboratory leave me alone and so now he's actually um well known for his contributions to parapsychology and paranormal investigations. Fun fact. Wow. But a lot of people, like I said, claim that this is the Thornton Heath poltergeist, even though there was really no poltergeist involved. It was just a woman claiming she was possessed and it was more of a psychology study than anything else. Okay.
Starting point is 00:22:42 So the actual Thornton Heath poltergeist is this case in the 70s where the family is unknown the name is unknown but uh this was this happened the year before i think the enfield poltergeist happened or it happened a year before amityville and then a couple years before the enfield poltergeist so this was right in the beginning of like and lorraine warren like really doing a lot of cool stuff yeah so this was on the up and up uh so the poltergeist was apparently in a house with a husband wife and son and that's what we're gonna call them for the rest of this story oh right like your indie movie right exactly like the baba duke or whatever um so is that the one it was no but i was like i didn't see that movie but i always think of that movie as like,
Starting point is 00:23:26 they might as well have not given anyone names. Everyone had like such a specific role. Might as well just call them that. Right. So, um, August, 1970,
Starting point is 00:23:35 it starts pretty abruptly because in the middle of the night, the family wakes up to a radio in their house on a full blast on a station in another language. Oh, okay. And all of them said that they had never, you know, to a radio in their house on a full blast on a station in another language. Okay. And all of them said that they had never, you know, turned that station on. They don't listen to that station. It was very weird for the dial to have been on that station. The husband unplugged the radio and they went back to bed and thought nothing of it.
Starting point is 00:24:00 And then a little bit later, there were multiple incidents that started happening that were initially dismissed as a coincidence or, you know, oh, it's the wind or something like that. Right. But as time goes on, the incidents start occurring much more intensely and much more frequently. So, for example, the lampshade would remove itself off of the lamp and throw itself across the room. There were a lot of bangs and footsteps from upstairs um portraits would just lift themselves off their hooks and fly across the rooms or they would just fall straight down off the wall so which means they would have to
Starting point is 00:24:35 be lifted up to then drop got it um plates and glasses would fly out of the cabinets or they would get thrown at people i'm sorry i think you mean fling oh yes fling yes they would just mrs forbes around the room if you will thank you as a verb yes yeah they would just lumiere everywhere so december 1972 the family is together in the parlor as you are and the husband was standing in the room and all of a sudden an item from their cabinet flew across the room and hit him in the head so hard that it knocked him over into a chair oh god like something was like sit down i guess um sit down bud let me smash you in the face um so that was one thing that they remember most is that he got like hit so hard he ended up falling. Also, the Christmas tree lifted off the floor that month and began to violently shake and ornaments started flying off the trees and shattering for no reason at all.
Starting point is 00:25:37 In January, so a month later, the family starts hearing voices coming from empty rooms, whether they're screams or cries or conversations. They'd go up there and there's nothing going on. hearing voices coming from empty rooms whether they're screams or cries or conversations they'd go up there and there's nothing going on there were also bangs in rooms that sounded like furniture was just being tossed across the room like the entire place sounded like it was getting totally disheveled and nothing would have changed when they checked on it oh apparently at one point the son started saying that a man dressed in old-fashioned clothes was standing at the foot of his bed and staring at him with an evil look goodbye and apparently the sun started hiding under the bed until the morning which i never understood from the viewpoint of like in
Starting point is 00:26:18 that exact moment how do you see something staring at you and then like get out of bed like awkwardly climb under the bed knowing they're watching you the whole time like what are you doing right like under the covers i can understand right like you can also kind of like you can subtly tuck yourself in like oh they don't know that i can see them but i'm hiding myself but like slither yourself off the bed like they don't know i can see them like also like i don't know if you've ever seen me crawl under a bed but it's not pretty like it's clunky like i bet it's beautiful everyone like there's no grace to it like everyone knows i'm very intentionally trying to get under the bed so there's no hiding what's happening there i see right and then the whole time he's just
Starting point is 00:27:01 standing there watching you okay so anyway the sun started hiding under the bed until morning and then the voices and the footsteps and the weird bangs all continued until later that year when the family had friends over for dinner and while they were eating a the loudest bang that they'd heard so far comes from the front door and the whole door starts shaking violently and everyone gets up from the table to see what it was and they see the door slam open all over again by itself so it had slammed shut then they get up to see and the door slams itself open and all the lights go out at once and then all the lights start flickering on and off throughout the house by themselves the next day the family has a priest
Starting point is 00:27:42 come over to bless the house but apparently the priest didn't do a good enough job and it pissed off whatever was living there. Oh, no. And the family starts experiencing furious banging on the walls, loud crashes from empty rooms, and the apparition of the man in old-fashioned clothes is now following everybody. Oh, good. So he's just, like, awake now. Yes. He's like, oh, I'm here full time. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:28:06 good so he's just like awake now yes he's like oh i'm here full time oh no uh so later that year the family contacts a medium who immediately senses uh two spirits in the house they are 18th century uh a farmer and wife and again this was kind of confusing i don't know if their last name was the chattertons or if the farmer's first name was chatterton because a few times they i don't think it is either but some uh some of the articles i saw i hope it is i mean i don't know either way but i hope it is chatterton should be my fucking name chatty chatterton what i call you um but so some of the articles did say like chatterton's wife but they didn't mean it like mr chatterton's wife they would just say like oh chatterton and his wife so i don't know i mean i guess that's probably like you know how people in the articles use like last names yeah maybe it's just a last name anyway i i wrote in my uh notes that they their last name is probably chatterton
Starting point is 00:28:58 but it was kind of misleading in some of the articles but uh so the the two spirits that the medium felt were an 18th century farmer and wife and they were connected to the name chatterton and the spirits of apparently viewed the family as invaders of their home and wanted to get the family out and the medium attempted to remove the entities but they refused to leave or cross over and so the medium apparently was just like bye like i guess it's not working and after this the wife regularly started feeling like she was being followed this time by a woman so now the the woman spirit is also here oh shit miss chatterton mrs chatterton and uh that's us the mr and mrs chatterton's okay wait i actually fully enjoy that wait can we do that
Starting point is 00:29:45 that that farmer painting with the with the pitchfork and just call ourselves the chattertons yeah we can stand in front of people's beds at night while they wait a minute that's the one i love it if if there's anyone out there listening that are artists and you're bored during the quarantine please put my face and christine's face on that like famous farmer and wife painting and call us the chatterton i love it um so the medium leaves the wife is now being followed by a female spirit in a pinafore with gray hair and a bun behind her and every time she turns around this woman just following her super creepy yep so now it's 1974 the family consults a historian and they find out that there actually was a farmer and his wife with the name Chatterton that lived on the site during the 18th century.
Starting point is 00:30:30 So that checked out. Oh, Mr. Chatterton would materialize onto the screen into the TV shows with the other characters. Oh, my God. This is you and me inserting ourselves into scenarios we're not welcome. That's literally me being like, look, I'm in Bob's Burgers now. You know, we would do that after we die. But so they would, they, I guess, had seen pictures when they talked to the historian. They knew what Mr. Chatterton looked like. That's terrifying.
Starting point is 00:31:08 And he was also following them and staring at them from the foot of their bed. So they knew what he looked like. And he was now showing up in their shows, always wearing a black jacket and a black neck cravat. That's got to be a new one, right? Like, I've never heard that. That's definitely a new one for me. I've never heard spirits being able to do that. That's insane i've heard them like being able to like obviously like manipulate electronics but not insert themselves i love it especially because they probably didn't have tv
Starting point is 00:31:34 when they were alive so they're probably like what's this cool box oh yeah and now it makes me think like every time i was watching tv at 3 a.m what was really there no uh never mind george lopez oh my gosh actually if you watch it like at any other time besides 3 a.m there's nobody on the trampoline whoa so anyway he started showing up in their tv shows and by then the family just gave up they had already talked to a priest he'd already talked to a medium um and they just moved out and the haunting stops and apparently no other reports from that location have been uh have been reported so that is the story of the actual thornton heath poltergeist but there are some other ghosts in the area um that are apparently pretty famous so one of them is um apparently elizabeth the
Starting point is 00:32:26 first one of her like maidens uh died by suicide in the old palace after having a baby out of wedlock oh wow i think it was a maiden in training or something like that and the building actually used to be the original manor of the archbishop of canterbury so there were also many exorcisms that had happened there before the suicide. But this woman is also still seen as a distressed woman crying and wringing her hands at the top of the staircase. And she used
Starting point is 00:32:54 to be seen just crying, just like in total despair. But I guess that building has been demolished recently, so people haven't seen her since. Oh god, where'd she go oh no uh she's just flinging herself around in the tv now she's at the tv she's on the trampoline with george lopez this is the dumbest show ever i'm sorry so uh there's also the former croydon airport there
Starting point is 00:33:22 was a um a dutch pilot during during World War II who died there. Apparently, the airport has actually been around since 1915, and it was heavily bombed during the war. And so the pilot's aircraft during World War II, it crashed in a bout of fog. And two weeks after his death, another pilot who was plotting his course, it was like clear skies and really pretty outside but he still heard a voice behind him say you can't take off today the weather is just the same as when i did and he turned around and saw a pilot there and just a few hours later a thick fog came over on the airfields where had he um finished plotting his course he would have absolutely been in that fog goose cam dude yeah so one of the spirits came back to tell him holy shit well that was thoughtful yeah i mean at the very least you're
Starting point is 00:34:11 going to be a helpful ghost yeah there's also a house built on top of an original home that was bombed uh during this time and i guess when it was bombed there were two children uh that lived there and so the two children died. But a woman recently moved in and she started seeing children sitting at the top of the stairs and vanishing. And when she looked it up later, apparently that was the exact spot where they had died. Oh, God. So those are a few of the other ghosts of Croydon. But anyway, that is the Thornton Heath poltergeist. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:34:44 That was quite what did you call it earlier uh curious i don't know what i curious that's what you said it was something i was curious indeed how curious anyway yes curious oh my that was creepy the kids on the stairs i mean i'm telling you i'm telling you you are telling me that's fair okay you're right i just like if i i always say i want to live in a haunted house but like probably i don't i don't know why i say that i'm like oh it'd be cool i don't know i always think because because my i always hope my one chance is it's going to be casper i always think oh if i end up in a haunted house then absolutely it's going to be the best ghost in the world. But, like, what's my probability of that?
Starting point is 00:35:26 I mean, I did get Walt, so I feel like I probably used up all my goodwill on the ghost front because Walt's pretty chill. Yeah, as long as he – I've said before, I don't care who, like, decides to reside in my home as long as they don't touch me or my belongings. I don't care. I mean, I did give Walt permission to touch my bin, but that's about as far as we've gone. I think I have. So actually I do want to give a haunting update that, um, so we definitely do have something here, um, in this apartment and it's definitely male. I've always known it's male. I've always known it doesn't necessarily, I think if I ever like let myself think about it or gave it more energy,
Starting point is 00:36:05 it would be a little more powerful. Great. Maybe now that you're recording from your house instead of mine. Maybe now that I'm opening up to like the world I'm a part of, but I definitely feel something linger around, especially in my bedroom. And I'm the only one that's ever awake at 3am, but I feel something a lot.
Starting point is 00:36:25 And I'll usually just like, just say out loud, no, thank you. Like go somewhere else. I will not go to your laboratory. Thank you very much. Well,
Starting point is 00:36:35 and it also, it usually works, but I think it's kind of one of those things, like how everyone on Tik TOK is letting us like showing all their videos of their cats who like fucking hate that their owners are home now from oh god yeah i think this ghost is like why is everyone always here now oh yeah it's start it's like my cat kind of um but uh so in the middle of the night now i've been hearing someone tapping on our nights on our night tables okay well i don't like that and for a couple nights and not in a row but a few times now like with a couple days in between where nothing happens but
Starting point is 00:37:11 i heard it a couple nights ago where it was definitely on allison's night table and i was listening to it and i was like on my phone but consciously i was like am i really hearing that like i'm just gonna keep listening out and it was clearly like a finger tapping on the table and then as i was thinking about it i remember thinking at least it's on allison's side and then it started happening on the night table next to me are you serious yeah and i literally just whispered no thank you like at least you're polite i was like please go away like i don't you can be somewhere in the room that's not directly next to my fucking face oh my god i mean i think being polite is good like it's the way i talk to my a-l-e-x-a i don't know because i'm like you never know like i'm gonna be nice to just in case it
Starting point is 00:37:55 maybe gets some sort of like human power and like takes over in case it ever becomes smart house yeah right exactly and be like, she was always pretty polite. Right. Let's not murder her right away. Exactly. So yeah, I think that's probably the best move. Rather than the ZB method, you know. I see.
Starting point is 00:38:15 Yes, exactly. Okay, well, I guess I shall tell my story then. Yes. I'm excited about this one uh this is uh which probably sounds fucked up but it's just because i have wanted to tell this for a long time sure um this is a story of the murder of lindsey buziak huh okay i haven't i don't think i've i don't think i know this one it's one that um i've heard i had heard of for a long time and then like started listening more about and watching shows about. But so the person, so this was one of my close friend requests for stories.
Starting point is 00:38:53 And this is from Lonely Pluto 08. Okay. Hope you're not too lonely right now, Pluto. Oh no. During this quarantine situation. But thank you for the subject. Yeah. So I listened to, let's see, Morbid, Crime Junkie, and Case File on this topic. And they all had really good episodes on it.
Starting point is 00:39:13 And I'm just going to make my own now. So here we go. All right. This is the story of Lindsay Buziak. She was born November 2nd, 1983, and lived in Vancouver, British Columbia, for M. Okay. She's a Scorpio, but she's also a Canadian, so it breaks even. That is a good point.
Starting point is 00:39:32 You have to get out your pie chart or however you reference these statistics. A bar graph, maybe. A bar graph, right. She was a realtor with Remax, and actually her dad was also a realtor and she was like very ambitious was pretty young but was like kind of rising quickly to the top and her dad like I said was a realtor as well and she actually had a serious boyfriend that she began dating around 2006 and he his name was Jason Zalo and he was also a realtor. So she was just like surrounded by people in real estate.
Starting point is 00:40:11 And so Jason, he was a realtor, but he was a member of a family that was like very prominent in the real estate business in the area. So like she was kind of dating into this, like very successful real estate family. And his mom, Shirley was also extremely successful in real estate and was also very involved in the couple's life. For better for worse, they actually moved into a condo that she owned. And like, some sources that I've heard say that she kind of controlled people with money. Like, so she would say, Oh, you're living in my really nice condo and then use that as leverage almost,
Starting point is 00:40:51 if that makes sense. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And so she was considered pretty controlling and Lindsay had told friends like after she started dating Jason for a while, she kind of realized Jason was also a bit controlling. Oh, okay. So she was like, they kind of, they were kind of getting on her nerves and were like a little too controlling for her liking but she was making it work so in late january 2008 lindsey received a phone call on her personal cell and the caller was a woman
Starting point is 00:41:20 who was urgently looking for a home for her and her husband in the million dollar range. Okay. And she said, we're only in town for three days next week. We'd love to make a purchase within that timeframe. So we're, we want a million dollar house and we want to buy it next week in this three day time period. Okay. No pressure. I know. And so she was like, holy shit. Like this is a huge deal. Like a million dollar commission is, you know, really big for her, especially because she's like pretty new and pretty young. And she did say something about the phone call was a little bit off. So she said the woman had a strange accent and she called it Spanish, but not. OK, so whatever that means.
Starting point is 00:42:01 She believed, actually, she said later to Jason and her friends that the accent almost sounded fake, like as if someone was trying to fake an accent and just couldn't get it right. Okay. Um, so then obviously she's like, Whoa, holy shit. Like a million dollar deal or a million dollar house, um, that they are committed to buying. Like that's the best possible scenario. Cause they're not going to flake out.
Starting point is 00:42:21 They're not going to take their sweet time. Like she's going to get this million dollar commission next week. So she's really excited, but at the same time, kind of like weirded out. So she says, how did you get my cell phone number? And cause she was still a junior employee at Remax. And the woman says, Oh, a former client of yours gave it to me. Okay. She's like, okay, who's the client? And this woman actually says one of Lindsay's previous clients. So she's like, I mean, all right, if this person like really, you know, enjoyed working with me, sure, pass my name along. That's great. So she calls the former client after this to think, to thank the woman and say, like, hey, thanks for referring me. And just to double check,
Starting point is 00:42:59 but the client unfortunately is out of town. So she's unable to reach her and confirm the story. Classic. Okay. Classic. I know. Just like series of unfortunate events. unfortunately is out of town so she's unable to reach her and confirm the story classic okay classic i know just like series of unfortunate events um so according to her father jeff buziak lindsey was like pretty rattled by this call she just said something was off the person seemed strange like it seemed like a fake accent, um, very out of the blue, like that this person would just call herself. And so she tells Jason and her dad who are both like, okay, yeah, like we get why you're a little wary, but also, you know, this take advantage of this. This might be like a huge career boost for you. Uh, you can't really turn down a million
Starting point is 00:43:38 dollar deal. And she's like, yeah, I can't say no to this. So she decides to set a viewing of a home that she finds for them at 5.30 PM on February 2nd, 2008. So she finds this little house on this little cul-de-sac called D'Souza Place. She calls the client back to make the appointment. They're like, perfect, we're down. Gives the address. And then she says to Jason, like, hey, do you mind coming with me just in case and he's like of course i'll wait outside in my car so if anything goes wrong just like text me or call me yeah and i'll be there in case something happens checks out checks out so she feels much more comfort she feels comforted that like someone will be outside for like in case something happens so february 2nd 2008 rolls around and um she and
Starting point is 00:44:27 jason go for a late lunch at a restaurant called sauce which sounds to me like um one of stefan's restaurants in or bars in um saturday night life but it's very saucy yeah oh uh so they go to Sauce and pay the bill at $4.24. They leave the restaurant in separate cars and they plan to meet up at the showing at 5.30 with him outside in his car. And she would pull up and do the showing herself. So Lindsay is believed to have gone home on the way to change her clothes for the showing. And Jason, meanwhile, drives over to an auto body shop to give a colleague a ride. And he invites this guy to lunch and the guy's like, okay, sure. And he's shown on security footage arriving to the auto body shop at 429pm. And meanwhile, Lindsay is going to this new high end development on this cul-de-sac. There are a lot of homes still under construction,
Starting point is 00:45:22 but it is like, you know, a livable street. There are people living in some of the houses surrounding, driving through, that kind of thing. There were some workers who were working on construction, and they saw her arrive. They left around 5 p.m. Two witnesses saw a couple walk down the cul-de-sac approximately 5.30. down the cul-de-sac approximately 5 30 the woman is described as a blonde with chin to shoulder length hair between the ages of 35 to 40 and wearing a distinctive pattern designer dress okay and like they actually later posted photos of this dress um and it's like this hot pink situation okay got it no comment um there have been she could have been like mrs forbes maybe just like flinging around flinging around you never also by the way we are also not we are not slouching
Starting point is 00:46:11 at all we are body positivity do whatever you want mrs forbes i love it it just sounds like mrs forbes and her might have shared the same closet is all it was definitely a very like uh flashy dress if that makes sense like it had like um i have a picture of it actually i'm gonna send you this picture real quick you can tell me what you think it like has swirls down in it um and uh oh don't read the caption i won't oh yeah this is exactly what i was expecting like a look like a hot dress like a hot pants but i mean you go girl but yeah exactly like i feel like someone would wear that with a blazer, like to work in some. Flashy.
Starting point is 00:46:48 Flashy is a very good way of putting it. Yes. And it's like very distinctive. Like it has. And they actually found the exact model of the dress. And that's kind of how we know what it was. Because the witnesses were like, that's the exact one. Because it's a, I guess it was a designer dress.
Starting point is 00:47:02 So it was like very specific. exact one because it's a i guess it was a designer dress so it was like very specific um so the man himself uh was described as caucasian about six feet tall with neat dark hair and wearing a uh a hot dress no i'm just kidding he's wearing a a jacket got it boring yep he should have been listen if they really wanted to you know be a, they could have like worn the exact same thing. I mean, that magenta flattering color, gotta say. Uniform. Yeah. Uniform.
Starting point is 00:47:29 Uniform. Yes, indeed. So at this point, so witnesses see them walking down the street around 530. Jason calls Lindsay to inform her that he'll be about 15 minutes late. She's like, that's fine, but I have to go. The clients are here. So the same two witnesses who had seen the couple walking down the street, see them approach Lindsay in the driveway and they appear to shake hands as if meeting for the first time. Okay. This is where nosy neighbors come in handy, I guess.
Starting point is 00:47:54 Thank God. Then they shook hands. It's like, it's like rare that those are important. You know, like you're lucky to have them exactly and they were probably so proud to give away their snoopy information yes um so i can imagine the them describing the dress like oh you should have seen her dress it was this hot pink i know um so okay so she says clients are here the witnesses see them uh shaking hands in the driveway. There are pile of papers on the trunk of Lindsay's car. It looks like they're meeting for the first time. And then the real estate lockbox on the door of the house is accessed at 529. So right on time for the showing. Jason is seen on camera leaving the auto body shop with his colleague at
Starting point is 00:48:41 530. And the witnesses see Lindsay and her clients enter the house pretty much at that exact time. Okay. At five 38. So it's about eight minutes later, Jason sends Lindsay a text just a couple minutes away and she never opens the text. So he and his colleague arrive at five 45. Um, and the showing was at five 30. So they're like pretty good on time. Um, they arrive at 545. And Jason says he sees a man and a woman exit the front door, kind of look at him in his car, turn around and walk back into the house. And he's like, that's strange. But I like he's just assuming the showing is still going on. And they're, I don't know, checking out the front, right? And going back
Starting point is 00:49:20 inside, who knows. But he just assumes this couple is still like seeing the house. So he waits for a few more minutes in the car. And about 20 minutes later, he's starting to wonder like, where the hell is she? And he texts her, are you okay? Because he also knows she was worried about this showing and like, right, was feeling uneasy. And so he was like, let me make sure everything's fine. He texts her, are you okay? So he gets no response to that text and he starts to grow a little concerned. Excuse me. Sorry. I drink a soda. And so now I'm like, I've all this carbonation.
Starting point is 00:49:51 You're a little gassy. A little gassy. And I don't usually drink soda. Quite a feeling for my chest. Okay. I feel like I'm getting the thing that we were talking about of like, I'm finally getting acid reflux. I'm like becoming an old person, you know?
Starting point is 00:50:08 Yes. Welcome to, uh, welcome to hell. It's not fun. Okay. Anyway. So, um, he and his colleague, or so he tells his colleague like, Hey, I'm getting nervous. Like she's not answering my texts. Let's go like look inside and make sure everything's fine. And he also didn't want to be like a nosy boyfriend and like burst in during a showing. Right. Cause like she's a professional sure everything's fine. And he also didn't want to be like a nosy boyfriend and like burst in during a showing. Right. Cause like she's a professional and she's working and he's like, I'm not just going to like barge into the house and be like,
Starting point is 00:50:30 what are you doing? So he's like hesitantly, you know, let's go take a look. So he looks through the window and he sees Lindsay's shoes in the, is it foyer foyer? I don't, I say foyer.
Starting point is 00:50:41 I don't know if there's, if foyer is how I say, I want to get made fun of, you know, I'd say foyer. So't know if there's if foyer is that's how I say I want to get made fun of you know I'd say foyer so he sees her shoes in the foyer but no sign of her and like it's normal to take your shoes off in a house showing so it's not that weird but he doesn't see Lindsay so a couple minutes later he's like I'm gonna call the police just to say like hey something's up I can't get a hold of my girlfriend like he's just nervous yeah so he calls 911 gives them the address.
Starting point is 00:51:06 And then he says, hey, the door's locked. Everything's locked. But I'm going to try to find a way into this house just so you know. I'm going to try to break in. Yeah. So he hangs up. And his colleague finds, like, a break in the fence to the backyard. And they find they're able to get in through the patio doors.
Starting point is 00:51:24 So let's see. Jason boosts the colleague over the patio fence. He unlocks the door and they go inside. So they are walking around. They don't really see anything. He's calling out for Lindsay. Nobody's responding. So now he's getting actually really nervous. He walks upstairs and they discover Lindsay's body in a pool of blood in the master bedroom. Oh, no. That's 611 p.m. So Jason calls 911 immediately again. And thankfully, he had already called them.
Starting point is 00:51:52 So they were already on the way. And so they hear the sirens pretty quickly after calling. And so they are upstairs in the window, like, screaming for, you know, ambulance police to come. And the police go inside, discover Lindsay's body, obviously take Jason and his colleague into custody. Unfortunately, paramedics declare Lindsay dead. And they determined later that Lindsay had been murdered between nine and eleven minutes after entering the house. Wow. In the master bath.
Starting point is 00:52:24 Oh, sorry. In front of the master bathroom, but in the bedroom. She had been stabbed from behind. And so like it was sort of a surprise attack from what they could tell. Wow. And she had been stabbed in her neck, chest and face about 40 times. Holy shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:43 It's really, really bad. And there were no defensive wounds again so leading them to believe this was probably like a surprise attack right um now this is what's really creepy well there's two creepy things first one is she had recently gotten a breast enhancement and uh those were targeted by this person stabbing her. Oh, no. So I don't know how that would have how that would manifest in a murder. But apparently the killer targeted her breast enhancements. The other eerie thing is that while she was being killed, her Blackberry had pocket dialed out a number. And so that call was actually registered as she was being killed. Oh, no. So this is just all obviously bonkers. And so they immediately get to work on this case. Jason and his colleague
Starting point is 00:53:35 are cleared pretty quickly because they had the right timeline. There were alibis. They were caught on camera, you know, not there when this happened um witness testimony etc for what it's worth jason passed a polygraph he was um deemed cooperative but he didn't give a dna sample but that was the only thing he kind of held out on okay but unfortunately this scene held had like no physical evidence so there were no fingerprints there was no dna left behind wow like pretty much nothing for them to go on so basically what they thought was the killers were planning on leaving through the front door but then were saw jason and were spooked went back inside and left through the back door and that's why the patio doors were open okay so they think that's why he had seen
Starting point is 00:54:23 them exiting the front door and then turn back around and go inside and that she had already been dead at that point. Right. That makes sense. They also believe because of that, that the killers parked their car on the main street or had a getaway car or something like that. Not in the cul-de-sac because those witnesses earlier saw them walking down the street with no car and all the cars that were parked in the cul-de-sac were accounted for so it didn't seem like they would have gotten away straight from a car in the cul-de-sac sure so they traced the cell phone number that was used to call lindsey now this is like sort of questionable but in her um planner it's they were listed as the Mexicans and that is
Starting point is 00:55:06 the case this is which they said in morbid too they're like don't yell at me I'm just repeating a fact of the case it's true right yikes okay got it definitely not cool but uh so that's how she listed them and that's how Jason knew like which number um was theirs because that's how she listed them and that's how jason knew like which number um was theirs because that's how she was listed in uh they were listed in her contacts right so he's like because of her their weird phony accent that's she just didn't that's what she called them she assumed it might have been like a hispanic accent yes okay she called it spanish but not whatever that means um so it was purchased at a convenience store. So they, okay, so they traced this number and it turns out the phone was a burner phone.
Starting point is 00:55:51 Okay. And the phone was activated in 2008. It had been purchased in 2007 in Vancouver at a convenience store. And in January of 2008, so a couple months later, it was registered under the name Paulo Rodriguez. But this is believed to have been a fake name because it was linked to an address, but the address was a business that had nobody named Paulo Rodriguez. It just seems like they had made up some information to activate the phone at random. So the cell phone traveled to Vancouver Island 24 hours before Lindsay's murder, and it was only ever used to call Lindsay. Interesting. So it sounds like it's like this was wildly strategically planned specifically for Lindsay.
Starting point is 00:56:34 So that's one of the theories. I will tell you another theory that will make more sense later about why it might have been around for so long before being used to call her. But so at this point, the phone was obviously destroyed, so they had no way to track it. And due to the lack of evidence, some people believed the murder was a professional hit because the scene of the crime was so clean. There was not one bit of DNA. You know, there was no way to trace whoever this was. But at the same time, you know, she was stabbed 40 times in the face and the neck. That doesn't seem very... Right. It was clearly personal. Yeah, it seemed very personal and almost amateurish to be stabbing someone that many times
Starting point is 00:57:19 if you don't need to be. Like either you don't... Right. If you don't want to really have them like in pain. Right. Or if you're like bad at killing someone, you don't know to be like either. You don't want to really have them like in pain. Right. Or if you're like bad at killing someone, you don't know exactly where to stab them and you just keep doing it. Cause you're not sure how to like kill someone quickly. Right. So it's unclear. I mean,
Starting point is 00:57:36 police think that because of the number of stab wounds and their familiarity with like her Remax office and like like her previous clients that this could be personal. But at the same time, obviously, it was very well executed in that they couldn't be traced and they seem to be strangers from what anyone could tell. Right. So now the biggest connection that I think probably makes the most sense as to like what actually happened is that 11 days prior to Lindsay's murder, the largest drug bust in Alberta's history took place. And it was a sting into the cocaine trade in Alberta. And one of Lindsay's friends who was actually a person who was a he was arrested during the drug bust. And she was he was her friend from before, but at the same time, like, um, so they were kind of acquaintances and they weren't that close anymore,
Starting point is 00:58:31 but weirdly enough, when they went through her phone records, she had actually called him a few weeks before her murder. Okay. So it's a little weird. I mean, they were acquaintances before, but they hadn't spoken in a long time, seemingly. And so it was a little strange that she had called him a few weeks before this drug bust and before her murder. Right, right, right. But who knows? And so some people... Just a weird coincidence, maybe? Could be a very weird coincidence. But nobody, also nobody knows why she called him. There's no clear, like, reason why she would have called him. She was not into drugs. She
Starting point is 00:59:05 didn't do drugs. She had never had any sort of connection to drugs, not even recreationally. So that didn't seem to fit. Some people thought maybe she was an informant to the police and that's why she got wrapped up in this. But the police were pretty quickly able to debunk this. She was not the informant. They made that very clear. Again, she was not involved at all with this group of people or with drugs in general. And so now that theory, which I think makes some sort of sense, at least, is that maybe either Lindsay was mistaken for an informant, maybe because she had reached out to this person and killed by the cartel, or um the real informant directed the cartel to
Starting point is 00:59:47 lindsey to save their own life i see you know someone might have used her as kind of a scapegoat so she could have truly just like been thinking of her friend and called the catch up and then when this drug bust happened they just like saw her name and used it right like exactly like maybe there was some to cover themselves right or like maybe they actually believed she had something to do with it or like you said maybe they were using her as a scapegoat or cover up um so that's a possibility which i i think makes sense i mean it's pretty wild if you think about all the connections that would have to happen right but also this is like pretty wild to be murdered by strangers in a show house so right yeah who knows so uh this is kind of a creepy um theory but the fact is that jason and his mother shirley uh have also faced accusations
Starting point is 01:00:38 and rumors so shirley remember the mother-in-law who was kind of like controlling and what have you? Yeah. So the cul-de-sac that Lindsay was showing the house on was actually owned by this guy named Joe D'Souza who was involved in business with Shirley. So that was a weird connection. And D'Souza himself, who knew Shirley very well, was at the site near the crime scene an hour before her murder. But he had left. So I don't know if there's any connection there. And Jason, her boyfriend, had been acting a bit strangely, too.
Starting point is 01:01:14 So remember when I said, like, he picked up a friend or a colleague and he was like, he picked him up and they were on camera together. And then he brought the friend to the house. Yeah. So that friend, when they interviewed him, was like, you know, Jason and I aren't really good friends. We're like acquaintances. And I thought it was really weird that he asked me to go to lunch with him or to dinner with him. And actually, the friend politely declined having dinner with him. Oh.
Starting point is 01:01:42 And Jason apparently insisted until the guy agreed. Interesting. So like, like confirm an alibi. Yeah, so exactly. So that's kind of where people take that bit of information. Because the guy was like, it was so weird. He was like, insistent that I go to dinner with him. And then we got in the car. And he said, Sorry, I have to check on my girlfriend at her showing real quick. And then they both drove there. So he was like, it was just very weird because we didn't know that well. And I thought it was odd that he was insisting on going to dinner that night. So it was a little bit strange. Right. But Shirley and D'Souza and Jason are all cleared. So at this point,
Starting point is 01:02:21 they're not considered real suspects. And then back to the drug bust thing. So it turns out Jason's phone had actually been previously tapped in relation to that drug bust. And he was also an acquaintance of one of the people arrested in that drug bust. And so in the case that I listened to, he kept saying like, Hey, apparently in this area, everyone's like one degree apart. So it's, it's not that weird that people might know somebody involved in this drug sting. Like it's just a small town.
Starting point is 01:02:53 Right. Or yeah, exactly. Or like there's, I, yeah, I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:02:57 Huh. Okay. I don't know how big Vancouver is, but that's at least how it's been framed that like, it's not super weird that they were acquaintances with someone involved. Okay. I got it. But he did have his phone had been tapped just in case, you know, he had something to do with it.
Starting point is 01:03:15 And he was an acquaintance of one of the accused people. However, neither he nor Lindsay were listed on the witness list during the trial and they were not listed anywhere in any sort of relation to the drug bust. So it doesn't seem like that's at least from a police standpoint, like a very real theory. Right. OK. So as of this month, March 2020, the police department up there in Saanich is the name of the town. Also, maybe Saanich is a small town. I don't know much about Canada and how Canada works. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:03:52 Saanich, I assume, is on Vancouver Island. I don't know. So Saanich PD has stated that the investigation is still active and still open. However, it does remain unsolved. Okay. And then a creepy thing. This is like my quote unquote favorite part or like creepiest part. Sure. Is that so right after Lindsay's murder, a few days later, this other real estate agent in the area received a phone call from a woman with a strange accent.
Starting point is 01:04:19 And the phone, the person on the phone said, I'd like you to sell my house for me and this real estate agent was like okay i'm sure like what's your address and then the person paused and said actually never mind and hung up what and so she's like that was strange yeah and it turns out that this woman was actually jason's ex-girlfriend interesting so that is a weird connection and she told police they were unable to trace this call it was just like a random call that couldn't be traced um and so then later that year uh one of lindsey's friends whose name was nicky was asleep one night and received a late night phone call and half asleep she answered the phone and she said she heard a woman with a funny accent on the other end of the phone and she said she heard a woman with a funny accent
Starting point is 01:05:06 on the other end of the line and she couldn't understand what the woman was saying she was still half asleep so she hangs up and then she suddenly like wakes up and realizes like holy shit i like she remembered what lindsey had said about the strange accent of the client before she was murdered and so she kind of panicked she She's like, who the hell was that? Like, could that have something to do with Lindsay's murder? So she calls the number back like 20 to 30 times over and over and over until someone finally answers.
Starting point is 01:05:35 It's surely Jason's mother. Oh, what? So surely answers. And Nikki's like, why did you call me with that weird accent and Shirley says oh no I was trying to call my secretary whose name is Nikki and Nikki was like but why do you even have my phone number like you're my friend Lindsay's mother-in-law like right it's
Starting point is 01:05:59 just such a weird she's like how do you even have my phone number and she's like oh my son Jason must have just put it in my phone okay and she's like what the fuck so she immediately calls police and is like this is so sketchy jason's mom called me with this weird accent and then says like oh it was a it was a mistaken phone call in the middle of the night and uh police followed up on this and shirley just denied that it ever happened she's's like, I've never, I never made that call. Nikki's lying. There's no way this ever happened. And so at this point it's kind of like, she said, she said. That's so weird. Ew.
Starting point is 01:06:34 Right? Yeah. That makes, and also like, I have no idea what to do with that information. I don't know how to turn that into something that makes sense. And so that coupled with like the phone call to jason's other ex-girlfriend is so weird like that it's just so creepy i mean it definitely does make jason seem a lot more guilty because like his now his like his mom and right like hit maybe his ex like are all somehow involved in this yeah it just like, seems to be too many connections for this
Starting point is 01:07:05 to be like coincidental. Yeah. Um, and also something I'd like, didn't really mention. Um, but there were some, like I said, she, uh, Lindsay thought Jason was a little bit controlling and she had actually decided pretty shortly before her murder that she was going to leave Jason. And, um, she had actually been with Nikki, this friend, and they were hanging out at her at Lindsay's house. And Jason was asleep. And Lindsay was telling Nikki, like, hey, I, you know, I like I think this relationship has run its course. I think I'm gonna leave Jason. I think this is over. Turns out Jason was not asleep and was listening at the doorway. shit for saying these things
Starting point is 01:07:46 and apparently nikki got so scared this friend that she ran out the front door and went running and lindsey chased her and then jason called her like 35 times in a row to try to get a hold of her and like so this is kind of a picture of what was going on in their relationship at the time yikes okay got it that kind of adds just a little color to right i guess their relationship at the time. Yikes. Okay, got it. That kind of adds just a little color to right, I guess their relationship. And so I will say to after that happened, Shirley took Jason and Lindsay and their family on a ski trip. And when she came back, apparently, she had like super softened and said, like, i'm actually gonna stay with jason you're gonna make this work i i changed my mind like i think i think things are gonna be fine and so that was kind of where things stood when uh oh boy okay well
Starting point is 01:08:35 i'm sure that's like uh i don't know i don't know how to say i i'm sure that's like meaningful information but again like a lot of this information is so, so close to making it really creepy, but I don't know how. Yes, yes, yes, yes. Exactly. And then there's this whole drug bus thing, which is like, it's a totally different storyline, but also kind of fits. So it's like, what the hell happened here? Yeah, I yeah, I'm at I'm lost. I don't know. what the hell happened here yeah i yeah i'm at i'm lost i don't know another couple fun facts here is that well so just to clarify real quick so nikki the one who answered the phone and shirley was on the other end of the line is the friend that got chased out of the house when right okay that's who that was but um another fun fact is that shirley jason's mom told police shortly
Starting point is 01:09:23 after lindsey's murder that lindsey was very scared of her ex-boyfriend um whose name I believe is Matt okay and uh all of her friends were like no she was not like they were very close they were like super connected um their relationship didn't work out but she was never scared of him like he was never hostile or violent like if anyone was maybe it was jason was not violent or abusive but they were like nothing happened with matt like there was in fact sometimes she says she misses him and misses what they had um okay and so it's just a little weird that shirley like went to the police and said oh well lindsey told me she was scared of her ex-boyfriend and all her friends right no she would never say that like trying to pin it on a different relationship so maybe her son's protected exactly or something i i think her i think jason's very
Starting point is 01:10:10 guilty in a way something with shirley is throwing me off big time like something sketchy is going on when you combine that with the fact that his uh but you know she was known to want to leave him and then quickly changed her mind but then also also, like, he was kind of controlling. So I wonder why she changed her mind. And she he was desperate to, like, be friends with that colleague that night and, like, you know, have an alibi. Right. It all sounds kind of fishy.
Starting point is 01:10:35 And so it's very creepy, but it's definitely all very, like, circumstantial. And so, you know, at this point, like, we can only surmise, I guess. So, you know, at this point, like we can only surmise, I guess. And also, so every February at this point, Lindsay's father, Jeff, is still very outspoken. He was actually interviewed in the Case Bell episode, which I think was from 2016. But he's still really outspoken about Lindsay's case. He's pretty frustrated that nothing's been solved at this point. Every February, which is a month on the day that she was killed in February, Jeff holds an annual walk of remembrance to keep her case kind of in the
Starting point is 01:11:11 public eye. He also runs a website and it's called Lindsay Buziak And that's kind of where he says like submit any information you have. And in 2017, this creepy comment came in that kind of, like, reopened the case a little bit. Okay. And it was a comment, an anonymous person. And it said, I killed Lindsay and stupid cops will never prove it.
Starting point is 01:11:39 So you all got nothing. No one gives a shit anymore. Sorry, I was like, okay was like okay damn yeah it gets really it gets worse so it says um no one gives a shit anymore anyhow except her crybaby dad even her fakie girlfriend washed it away typical loser chicks sanage cops dropped it because they can't solve shit and were told to drop it. Cut the phony investigation. It's done. Go home, losers.
Starting point is 01:12:07 Forget about her. The street always rules. Bitches die every day. Oh, my God. Yeah. So that came in and her dad was like, what the fuck? And so obviously he immediately sent that to the police department. But they pretty quickly were like, no, this isn't credible and didn't follow up on it.
Starting point is 01:12:23 Okay. no, this isn't credible and didn't follow up on it. Okay. And so a lot of people are really frustrated with the police and their, I guess, lack of investigation on this. A lot of people believe outright that the police are not investigating her murder. Some people believe they know who killed her but are covering it up,
Starting point is 01:12:37 maybe because of the drug bust or who knows. There are two comprehensive reviews by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police that disproved this. But they did kind of they like keep saying, oh, it's an active open investigation, but then kind of nothing happens. OK. Stuff like this. When Jeff sends it in, they're like, well, we're not going to follow up on it. I don't think it's anything. So in early 2020, so this year, a petition to have Lindsay Buziak's murder case turned over to a different police agency started by an American woman garnered 1,800 signatures, but unfortunately was declined by both the RCMP and the Saanich police. So that kind of flopped as far as I know. Okay.
Starting point is 01:13:23 Unfortunately. But they do still say that it's an active and open investigation. So if you do have any information about the murder of Lindsay Buziak, you can call the Saanich Police Department tip line at 205-475-4313. Or you can contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477. And that is the horrific story of the murder of lindsey buziak wow well that's awful yeah that's i mean also that that being said well done though because like that's a lot of information and a lot of like information that doesn't lead to anything but probably all leads
Starting point is 01:14:01 to something i have to say like i was very thankful that so many podcasts have covered this because i had to listen to like three or four separate episodes before i like could even wrap my head around the drug bust thing i still probably butchered it but like it's just so confusing that like one of them had an acquaintance who was busted and then the other one like had a different acquaintance and this new person it's just so confusing yeah uh well done because that sounds like it was probably a headache to research oh well thank you my uh my head does hurt i will say well good excellent that means you worked hard that's the sign right everyone body pain aches and pains aches and pains we're doing no i i mean yeah i personally think that either
Starting point is 01:14:47 jason did it or helped his mother do it in some way or they know something i think at least they know something or were involved somehow yeah they definitely know something too sketchy okay well hopefully they don't come after us in case, I don't believe they did it at all. Also, they're beautiful people. And I just love that magenta dress. No, I'm just kidding. That was not hers. Your hot pants, yes. Your hot pants.
Starting point is 01:15:14 Aw. Anyway. Well, hopefully this recorded, too. Hopefully this recorded, yeah. I mean, who's to say? In the beginning, we had some technical difficulties. Hopefully on Sunday, something is playing for you guys. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:26 This is a three-part recording that we have somehow made Eva smash together. So if there's any weird moments, that's probably why. Exactly. Also, I had acid reflux, so that's part of it, too. But that really took the cake. That was the real showstopper here. But other than that, all right uh all right thanks guys for listening yeah we're uh i think we put out a listener episode last week that we're about to record now so go
Starting point is 01:15:54 back in time and enjoy it also happy belated to linda because on april 2nd april 2nd she uh climbed one more step on that ladder. So to 40, right? To 40, 39, actually. 39, right. Sorry. Oh my God. I'm so sorry.
Starting point is 01:16:11 That's okay. My bad, my bad, my bad, my bad. I forgot, but yeah, I forgot. And on April 4th is Ellen Cheever's birthday. So we got a couple Aries in the house. That seems about right. That does sound about right. Of course, they raised the Gemini's. Yep boy well happy birthday Linda um hope it was a rager I'm sure it was I'm sure it was while she's quarantined she's probably so true digging up old moonshine
Starting point is 01:16:37 in the basement or something so oh my god she's like I finally I've been waiting for it to open this up I knew I would need this for something. And now the day's come. She's right. I'm jealous. Well, all right. Thank you guys so much for listening. And we'll see you next week. We'll see you.
Starting point is 01:16:52 Hopefully we'll make it through. All right. And that's why we drink. It's like we're toddlers learning how to podcast. Okay. Bye.

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