And That's Why We Drink - E168 Lemuria Studios and a Tarantula Millionaire

Episode Date: April 19, 2020

Clothing is a construct this week! Join us for part two of Em's dive into Mount Shasta and the world of the Lemurians, where we discover an alien melting pot! Then Christine covers the devastating col...d case of the disappearance of Nancy Moyer. We're also getting real about quarantine feelings and Animal Crossing economics... and that's why we drink!Please consider supporting the companies that support us! Try 5 pairs of glasses at home for free at Get 10% off your first 3 months of Ritual when you go to

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Starting point is 00:00:00 okay i think we're on i think we're on air i'm on air on sea on land on land oh my goodness the trifecta on a rocket ship into outer space oh Oh, a fourth. Oh, okay. That's how I feel. Like you were just telling me how your brain is cracking. I did. I feel like I've exited the planet for lack of a better term. I just put my head next to the microphone so Christine could hear my brain snapping slowly.
Starting point is 00:00:39 Yeah, I could hear it from afar really loudly. Even when your mic's off, I can hear it from Burbank. Oh, me too. It wakes me up at night sometimes. I'm like, what's happening? Oh, no. Hello, everyone. Welcome to day 6,842 of quarantine, social distancing.
Starting point is 00:00:58 That's a conservative guess, I think. Thank you. I think so. How are you, Em? How am I? Well, I just said my brain is snapping into chunks I know now I'm just rubbing it in I'm sorry uh no actually I'm pretty good I'm still I feel like I'm very lucky compared to other people and that I love being home and I love
Starting point is 00:01:18 being away from others so yeah I'm having like it to, it's a little bit of like a mental vacation because like, I'm not expected to have to like, go hang out with people I don't necessarily want to. Also, I mean, I have been talking about being on Bumble BFF. And today was a tough day. I had to I had to break up with a potential Bumble BFF. Why? It just didn't feel right. And so I it was weird because i didn't want to be that person
Starting point is 00:01:45 that ghosts someone so i tried to be really transparent with it and i was like i don't think this is gonna work yikes oh no what did they do wrong so that we can all learn from their mistakes uh well they were just way too into being outside and and i would you were like you're not allowed you're not allowed they they kept implying things like oh after this we should like go hiking and like i oh little big red flag let me let me read for you an excerpt from my bff profile if you will oh my god do you think they're gonna oh from your profile i was like if you read their conversation they're gonna hear this and be really sad no no but i will say the last sentence i have in my profile is please don't make me hike so uh
Starting point is 00:02:27 and then they kept talking about how we should go hiking a lot and i was like listen i don't think this is gonna work out i mean that just means that they didn't read your profile which is a little bit rude to begin with so i mean that's the truth i it was uh but i felt weird because you know i hadn't even met this person, but I was like, I'm just going to nip this in the bud before it gets any further. Also, like we all know about meeting people in the deserted mountains of Griffith
Starting point is 00:02:53 Park alone. It's just never a good idea with strangers. You know, you gotta go in groups with someone, you know, also, you never know. Also,
Starting point is 00:03:00 they did say that they were terrified of anything like spooky and scary. And I was like, Oh, you're really going to hate my job when you find out what I did. This is a bad mix. This is a bad mix. It's common that you like don't know who I am. So like we can like start on like a clean slate.
Starting point is 00:03:15 But yes, I'm going to ruin it for you anyway if we keep this going. So you might as well just end it. I'm too scared to do Bumble BFF because I feel like I'm too much of a yes person. And I'd always be like, oh, okay oh okay yeah i guess i could make that work and then i would just like be inundated with like feeling like oh god i've signed on for too many conversations and things kind of the perk though of doing it while in quarantine because like this forces people to like get to know each other before like going out and agreeing to something they don't really want to i just feel like i'm bad enough as it is like keeping up with my friends.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Like I'm so bad at keeping up with people that like I shouldn't add more to the table until I'm like better at like maintaining my current relationships because I'll be I'll go like a month and be like, oh, fuck, I haven't texted so and so back or like I haven't checked in with blank. I mean, the quarantine has helped a lot because I'm like more thoughtful about it. But I'm already so bad at keeping up with like the five friends that I have that I'm like, I don't know if I can add a sixth, you know? No, I totally get that.
Starting point is 00:04:10 And I think I'm just super lucky that a lot of my friends are so go with the flow. And like a lot of my friends forget about me for a month, but I forget about them for a month. Yes, exactly. We're all okay with the fact that we're not each other's priority, but we do love each other. And that's why we only have six because those six stuck around. And the rest were like, fuck you.
Starting point is 00:04:30 And I was like, I'm sorry. I can't do this. But the rest of them were like, yeah, we're on the same page. Like we've known each other 20 years. No worries. So today's day 30 of my quarantine. And I texted our other friend, Christine. And I was like, oh, hey, how are you handling everything? Are you okay? And she was like, yeah, I've been in Texas for a month Christine and I was like oh hey how are you handling everything are you okay and uh she was like yeah I've been in Texas for a month and I
Starting point is 00:04:48 was like what I was like how did I know that I know Renee's graduation from law school and like she's class president and I was gonna go see her in May like do her speech and everything and she was planning it all and then the other day I was like oh my god I never even texted to be like hey is that canceled because like I need to cancel my flight and she's like yeah all. And then the other day, I was like, Oh, my God, I never even texted to be like, Hey, is that canceled? Because like, I need to cancel my flight. And she's like, Yeah, I'm in Cleveland, like with my mom. And I was like, Okay, yeah, I bet. So you know, anyway, I, I'm glad that you are strong enough to cut ties with someone that isn't a good fit. I just brave of you. I had a thank you. I had a hunch going in. I was like, this doesn't feel right. But I also don't want to like, you you know i don't want to judge a book by its cover
Starting point is 00:05:28 i want to try and get to know the person and then and then they kept saying like oh yeah well like i'm trying my goal is to hike like every mountain in the pacific northwest and i was like oh my god you guys you must have gotten on the wrong algorithm on there or something maybe and i mean to be fair also like before people think I'm like that shallow where I broke it off for that one thing. There were a few things I was just like, I don't know if we'll be a total match. But anyway, it wasn't a love connection. And that's fine. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:05:55 But anyway, yeah, that's all I've been doing. I've been on Bumble a lot. I've been keeping up. I have been keeping up with the ukulele. I'm very proud of myself. I'm starting to be able to move my fingers like I I mentioned last time how like I my hands refuse to do individual things from each other like independent things oh I didn't think you mentioned that that might have been on like a a live stream or something I don't think I heard about this oh
Starting point is 00:06:21 yeah so when I um so I tried learning guitar when I was 11. And I quickly stopped trying because I learned and same with piano. I tried that I tried drums, but like my fingers won't. I don't know how to describe it. But my left hand and my right hand refuse to work independently from each other. And so to like be making like cord motions with one hand and strumming with another my i my body's like you're not gonna be able to do that it's like patting your head and rubbing your stomach or whatever yes exactly my hands are just like no you won't do that so i'm very slow at this but i am learning how to make my hands move separately from each other well that, that's great.
Starting point is 00:07:05 Well, that's good. Thank you. How have you been? How's Animal Crossing? I already know there's an update on that. You know, Animal Crossing's great. I just got another home loan for 1.2 million bells, which is like dollars, which is a lot of money. Is it?
Starting point is 00:07:17 Yeah. I mean, 1.2 million, it's a lot. I'm like, how am I supposed to find that? So I've been selling a lot of tarantulas. But, you know, I'll get it figured out. Is that how that works? Yeah. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:07:32 So first of all, I wouldn't know if $1.2 million isn't a lot of money considering I'm the richest person on earth. But you have so many millions that it doesn't even mean anything to you anymore. I have like 9,000 tarantulas worth worth of money so just to give you an idea um so can you is do they give you a reason for why a tarantula is valuable like could you could you trick them with like a daddy long leg and get a discount or something it's really good that's like the bootleg version of the game i think basically you like collect animals and then you sell them and and they're worth different amounts of money and then you donate some to the museum and it's a whole thing i mean you know it's fine i've been using it i feel like i got more obsessed with stardew valley than i did animal crossing um but animal crossing is very soothing i feel like it's a good like stress reliever in the
Starting point is 00:08:24 evening um i tried to do a puzzle but juni started launching individual pieces off the table and then geo immediately would grab them run out of the room and chew them up so i'm now missing 15 pieces uh that are chewed up and so that didn't work um but i did finish my 30-day yoga challenge which is like the first time i've ever done anything like that. Yikes. I mean, congrats. But also like you did with Adrian, right? Yes. Yoga with Adrian. And she's lovely. And by the 30th day, this is a good indicator of my mental health. I just lay there and burst into tears. I finished something for 30 days, but then I was like, well, now what do I do? I finished something for 30 days, but then I was like, well, now what do I do? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:09:10 I'm not like I'm the same way as you were like, I have no problem being indoors. And like, it hasn't really fazed me that like, I'm not going to like bars or stores or whatever like that hasn't fazed me. But like the fact that Blaze is at work every day is starting to freak me out more and more. And I think I'm like, I don't know, just like hearing the stories from people whose families are sick and stuff is starting to freak me out a and more and i think i'm like i don't know just like hearing the stories from people whose families are sick and stuff is starting to freak me out a little bit yeah i have so so far i've had um one person i i'm not friends necessarily but we have a mutual friend i just found out that her dad passed away from this and um one of my friends that i used to work at iss with um her dad has been intubated for like
Starting point is 00:09:45 three weeks now oh and so i think they've been preparing i don't know what the new update is but last i heard they were like i think preparing to say goodbye it's like we're so lucky compared to other people out there but for sure i can't imagine also living and not just you but anyone that's listening who's living with someone who's working in the medical world right now and like watching them come home and being scared for them every time they leave i am very lucky to be removed from that experience but it must be such a mental it must just fuck with your head and it's one of those things where like i tried to kind of just like play it like okay like you know you be safe don't I don't I didn't want to add stress to him his life.
Starting point is 00:10:26 And then he would come home and be like, he's but he's been in such a weird headspace. And I started noticing it. And like, he tries to be kind of the stoic one, because I'm the crazy person. And he like knows that. So typically, he's the more balanced Capricorn, you know, right. But I've noticed that he's definitely off kilter. And it's like starting to throw me for a loop a little bit because I'm like uh-oh we can't both be this way
Starting point is 00:10:49 uh also the the weird part of that is that's probably him trying his best to not come off exactly and like you know we've talked a little bit about it and he's like you know the people he's treating a lot of them like have passed away and he's like you know they're like 35 and like 40 you know like they're young and a lot of them obviously have like pre-existing conditions um but you know like someone was on the same medication as me and like you know it's freaky stuff like that where he's starting to like it's becoming much more i don't know uh frightening and like real life. And, you know, people he's treating are like younger than both of our parents and are falling
Starting point is 00:11:30 ill out of nowhere. And it's scary. Anyway, I know you guys probably are like, yeah, we're already scared. Stop telling us more about it. So I'm sorry. But at the same time, we also don't want to come off as assholes that like, you know, we're playing Animal Crossing and that's the worst of it. So, you know, I think we're all trying our best but i do want to like be super thankful that we have
Starting point is 00:11:49 this job and like that all the people who are connected to us on like social media or through the podcast have just been like engaged with us and stuff because i feel like that helps so much to have people to like talk to and engage with when we're all you know separate so yeah i'm very thankful for all of you listeners yes thank you i and i love you more no i love you more okay oh that could be a fun competition uh let's see how long we could do it oh my goodness so um that being said i i do have a long story before i get into it though i know you have a patron of the week oh yes you're right thank you so much for reminding me um our patron of the week is ban nope that's not a name our patron maybe it is sorry if that is your name but
Starting point is 00:12:38 our patron of the week is brandy belchick so thank you brandy sounds like a tv name does doesn't it like like she'd be like a lawyer like an up-and-coming young lawyer brandy belchick so thank you brandy sounds like a tv name it does doesn't it like like she'd be like a lawyer like an up-and-coming young lawyer brandy that's the truth on the case and i love a good alliteration love it so thank you brandy for supporting us for so many years and for being um such a such a such a light in my life i guess oh i'm gonna go out there and say it brandy no absolutely a love and a light and a beacon and a pope i would say a beacon i would agree because that's the alliteration too brandy belchick the beacon yeah that's good bingo oh hold on okay we gotta stop okay i'm gonna name her brandy the beaconacon, in quotes, Belchick.
Starting point is 00:13:27 You know, that's how you put a nickname in the middle. Oh, I know. I know. Brandy the Beacon Belchick. It's good. I call you Christine the Monster Schieffer. I know. It's so endearing.
Starting point is 00:13:38 I would call you, hmm, if I had to give you a realistic. Are we doing this now? Okay, go ahead. Well, I was going to say I'd give you something about your eyebrows or this now okay go ahead well i was gonna say i'd give you something about your eyebrows or your lip color because you know i always compliment those that's so very kind because those are the things that i was most insecure about for so many years that i aggressively worked so hard to try and make them normal so every time i hear a compliment about them i'm like that's weird but um if you live under a rock or do not have social media
Starting point is 00:14:03 or have never googled us you have never never seen a picture of Christine's lip color. But it is she does a very good job in the makeup world of like always knowing the exact color to like match her complexion. It's very weird. I appreciate that because it's only one color and only one color because it took me years of finding colors that looked horrifying. And then one time i was like this actually looks okay in photos and then i never went back just the one no you you were very very good at doing your makeup that's so kind because it takes me four minutes i just slather shit on my face and then go well so you're one of the people that everyone hates got it so you're
Starting point is 00:14:40 christine the makeup monster i was gonna do one of those like videos for my new YouTube channel of like, oh, look, this is how I do my makeup. It's four minutes long, unlike all these like beauty bloggers. But I swear people would be like, Christine, that is not correct. Like, please don't do that to your face. Like, I guarantee you I'm doing all sorts of shit wrong. I just kind of put stuff on my face and go, well, here we are. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:15:02 Here we are. Oh, boy. Anyway, Brandy, this one's for you uh so you're welcome by the way um brandy just canceled her patreon subscription that's unfortunate oh it looks like brandy jumped on a spaceship and flew away come with me brandy so speaking of spaceships we have to get back into our original yeah our last episode i did tell you guys this was going to be a two-parter so this is part two um last episode was about mount shasta in general which is in siskiyou county california right um known to be very paranormal a lot of activity goes on there, whether it's
Starting point is 00:15:46 cryptids or spirits or aliens. And a lot of it's I didn't know this, but apparently there's seven chakras on Earth, seven of like the most the largest energy vortexes on the planet. And this happens to be one of the seven. Well well there's actually a 69th one too but we invented that last week so it's not really on the books yet that's the truth that's the truth and uh you can do the math on what uh what chakra that aligns within the human body you figure that one out for yourself um but so this is just supposed to be like a crazy spiritual place um there's been human life to uh said to have existed there for like 11 000 years um super bananas so i last left this off
Starting point is 00:16:36 by saying that there's a lot of ufos there a lot of people have said that the clouds themselves might be ufos oh yeah oh someone tweeted uh the phrase the lenticular clouds oh yeah yeah so those are the types of clouds um so i guess these clouds usually show up around mountain peaks which mount shasta is uh i think one of the largest mountains in the country and so apparently lenticular clouds when they come down around mountain peaks it's almost like the mountain like pokes at it or like kind of like inverts it and so it ends up looking like a ufo itself oh got it and so many uh many people think that these clouds are either normal clouds that are
Starting point is 00:17:18 being controlled by um aliens so that it can almost be like a wall for them to hide behind as they're flying into space or docking onto earth and some people think that the clouds themselves are ufos or spacecrafts and scientists will say that it's just wet air moving over mountains and so the waves end up kind of looking layered and it looks saucer shaped but a lot of people believe that these clouds are used to disguise UFOs. So these could be UFOs just always floating around in the sky near Mount Shasta, but they just happen to look like clouds to kind of be a camouflage. Oh. And that these UFOs are called the Silver Fleet and that the Silver Fleet is built and owned by a race of people that live up in Mount Shasta called the Lemurians.
Starting point is 00:18:09 Right. So that is where we left off. And now I'm going to only cover the Lemurians during this because it's bananas. Okay. So the Lemurians. The Lemurians, we got a lot to cover. So knuckle and buckle. Let's crack into it, as you used to say.
Starting point is 00:18:26 As I, yes, all of my things, just pile them sky high. Here's the thing. We tried to do knuckle and buckle and no one caught on, like no one got on board with it. I fucking got on board with it. I did too. I love it. It's my favorite, but nobody like, like humored us. So we're just, I guess we're just keep forcing
Starting point is 00:18:45 it so yeah let's knuckle and buckle as you know as gemini's if we aren't given constant attention and gratification about something then we will just write it off like we never did it at all so yeah it was m's idea not mine exactly i we're both embarrassed okay so theians, they are an ancient race who live deep inside Mount Shasta in a city made of crystal. And the city is called Telos or Telos. I'm going to say Telos. T-E-L-O-S. So we start in 1864, as you do. I remember it fondly.
Starting point is 00:19:21 Yes, me too. So apparently there was a either a zoologist or a paleontologist i think it was a zoologist that seemed to be the one that most reports went with that hypothesized that there was a continent in the indian ocean between australia and madagascar and this continent was called lemuria oh And this continent was based on this hypothesis. It was a concept or an idea that kind of implied how lemurs would have migrated to Madagascar because they would have started in Lemuria, ended up in Madagascar. And that's how lemurs got there. I was really wondering if lemurs had anything to do with this.
Starting point is 00:20:01 So I'm pleased. Okay. This is in the etymology and the history of the word yes zaboomafoo all the way actually zaboomafoo was filmed and recorded uh at lemuria in the secret continent got it lemuria studios um so this so yeah this was the theory of how lemurs might have migrated into madagascar. But you must be wondering, well, then what happened to Lemuria? And just like the lost city of Atlantis, Lemuria at one point sunk in the ocean. So this theory has been debunked.
Starting point is 00:20:38 But it did help spur interest in the concept of a supercont that may have existed at one point and it actually did uh it was part of what led to the discovery of pangea so wow it was like a theory and everyone was like that's stupid but also let's let it help us find the real sunken continent that's cool yeah yeah so So although debunked, I'm just trying to figure out how to phrase this. Although the theory was debunked, the idea ended up being perpetuated anyway. And everyone kind of understood it as like,
Starting point is 00:21:14 oh, this was a rumor or a theory that, you know, isn't true. But that being said, it kept spreading and the story evolved over time. And since the late 19th century or early 20th century spiritualists have stuck with this story of lemuria and turned it into this whole idea of
Starting point is 00:21:34 that there were there were this race of people that existed and that some of them might still live on mount shasta so now it since it's been so long it's like okay well is it really a debunked theory or is this something that could have been true right the line is very gray okay um especially for a lot of people that live near mount shasta a lot of them swear that lemurians are real people got it um so nowadays the story goes that lemuria was a huge, a huge continent. It was a highly advanced group of people that lived there. And the first appearances of Lemurians to the human race started happening in the 1890s. So 30 years after this zoologist came up with this idea.
Starting point is 00:22:21 Okay. So 30 years later, people had remembered the story. But now people are starting to say like, Oh, no, I've seen one. Oh, so the first one was in 1893. And then in 1899. So in 1899, there was actually, or sorry, in 1893, there was a book called a dweller on two planets by Frederick Oliver. And oliver and so frederick oliver he wrote this book that said as a teenager he was taking notes while working and his hand began to shake and convulse uncontrollably and he began to write down things that he was not in control of writing someone else was almost writing for him uh-huh and his hand did this all night long and he was writing for hours and
Starting point is 00:23:05 eventually his hand stopped um it stopped like for the day but this became a regular occurrence for like three years for him that his hand would just start automatic writing oh i love this shit so this was in 1893 and by 1895 his hand had written an entire book about a town called lemuria well that must be nice oh my hand just wrote a book i don't know my hand oh no that that his that history book does have my name attached to it but it's really just my hand so if it's not true don't sue me my hand wrote it not me but also my hand doesn't have a bank account so all the proceeds will go to me thank you very much you can hand it over to me wow oh ouch so uh so yeah his hand wrote an entire book about a random town called lemuria which again no one had really paid attention to in the last 30 years but azuel just thought of it back
Starting point is 00:23:57 way back then yeah um and so frederick oliver the guy who who wrote this book or whose hand wrote this book, he believes that he was chosen by the Lemurians specifically to be used for automatic writing to tell their story. Okay. So I told you last time that I wanted your input a little bit on what, like, because you did Akashic records and things like that. So I don't want to sound ignorant. Can you explain what um automatic writing is um i don't know too much about automatic writing i mean i think the idea is essentially that you uh like open yourself up to um like a superior self or a higher self or kind of a super conscious uh entity or whatever it may be be to like write through you and you
Starting point is 00:24:48 basically are supposed to kind of turn off your any sort of judgment and that kind of thing and you know some people say you can train to do it and some people think it you know is is like a specific psychic ability and basically I'm sure some people think it's like also like bunk science. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's definitely like pseudoscience. But yeah,
Starting point is 00:25:09 it's like you, you know, you kind of. A lot of people also use it during seances, right? Yes. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:14 Yeah. It's basically like a different, like something else is taking control of your, of your, of your words to kind of speak through you. Like you're a vessel sort of. Gotcha. Okay.
Starting point is 00:25:23 Essentially. And whether that's like your own higher self speaking or like like in a seance of spirit or whatever it may be gotcha yeah so that is that's what frederick oliver thinks happened to him which led him to write this book and the book again was called a dweller on two planets in case you wanted to check it out i do um so later on after writing this book uh f book, Frederick also started saying that he had actually he was not just writing about Lemuria anymore, but over time he had begun to astral project to Lemuria himself. That's interesting. And so he had seen the city that he had been writing about. And so not only were the Lemurians using him for automatic writing, but they were even letting him get little snippets of the city so he could feel confident in it um he said that he saw quote tunnels secret passageways
Starting point is 00:26:12 apartments made of gold high technology gadgets and airship vehicles and he said that the city was quote decked out in crystals gold silver, silver, bronze, and precious stones powered by crystal energies, brightly illuminated, and was inaccessible to outsiders. Wow. And again, they are said to live in a city made of crystals and stones, so that checks out. This is a quote about the book itself back in the 1800s. The book was quite groundbreaking and ahead of its time when it was released,
Starting point is 00:26:44 making detailed mention of such high concept notions as quantum mechanics anti-gravity mass transit and zero point energy which he actually called dark side energy but all those so all those things like had not yet been invented or discussed and he was talking about all of them in this book so even if it was total bullshit and he was just writing like the very first science fiction book ever, he created all of these concepts people weren't thinking about. Wow, that's fascinating. That's really cool. Yeah, it does lead a little bit like okay, Lemurians could be real if he's actually seeing something that nobody's ever even thought of.
Starting point is 00:27:21 Right, right, right. And so this book ended up becoming a classic for a lot of occultists. And it was huge in the New Age community, just because it was a book that nobody had heard of before, or a concept no one had heard of before. So now we're time traveling to the 1930s. And there's a guy named Harvey Spencer Lewis. And he also wrote a book on lost cities and societies. And from here, the accounts of lemuria really took off so by the 1930s people were really believing in lemurians compared to any other time interesting um so apparently uh he had said that lemurians ruled the world for 4.5 million years ago until 12 000 years ago and then and then human existence started uh presenting itself and that's when yeah we presented ourselves hello we certainly did what are we doing we're out of here man
Starting point is 00:28:12 they were like this is too much nope so lemurians are said to be um just to give you a description of them they are 10 to 12 feet tall um some people say that they can be as small as seven feet tall. So really. Oh, so tiny. Seven to 12. They're pale. They have long, light hair. And as time has gone on, they have developed more and more supernatural abilities, at least in the stories that people have told.
Starting point is 00:28:38 It could just be like a game of telephone and people are adding powers to them. Right. Okay. That being said, they're known to be very graceful, very thin, very tall, fair skin, long hair. A lot of people have said they have abnormally long necks that are decorated with a bunch of precious stones and crystals. Sounds a lot like me. I mean, me.
Starting point is 00:28:57 Like I'm just picturing myself in my long gold filled neck and, you know, dripping with gems. Yeah, well, we do have a subreddit only about your neck i didn't want to tell you about it but a lot of people have been asking if that's natural and i say oh no oh no one of a kind super it's super natural she's a lemurian don't worry about it i've seen lemurian chiefer um There's my nickname. There it is. So they are often also in white robes and sandals, sometimes just nude.
Starting point is 00:29:30 Christine, would you like to comment? Actually, yeah, it's starting to really fall into place. It's like, wow, I think I'm a Lemurian when I'm in the shower. That's pretty crazy. Or just like walking around because, listen, it's quarantine season, baby. I don't have any qualms anymore. Time and concepts. It's just not a concept anymore. Clothing have any qualms anymore. Time and concepts.
Starting point is 00:29:46 It's just not a concept anymore. Clothing means nothing to me anymore. Clothing's a construct. Clothing's a construct! So they apparently also have mastered various advanced technologies such as atomic energy, magnetism, and electricity. Jeez. Their city is allegedly, according to the people who have seen the city and lived to tell the tale, they say that their city is lit with an artificial sun that they themselves power by some unknown electric source. Oh.
Starting point is 00:30:14 And they're said to also influence the environment. So they are known to help with nature. Apparently, they've been known to help farmers revive their crops based on some sort of advanced agricultural abilities they have oh they've often been seen uh suddenly disappearing or reappearing and then disappearing as if they were never there at all apparently a lot of people have mentioned that they have uh like a golf ball sized organ from on their foreheads oh what and and it apparently gives them psychic powers such as esp telekinesis telepathy mind control and teleporting or going invisible at will oh well that would be where your third eye is so maybe that's kind of part of that that's actually
Starting point is 00:30:57 a i hadn't even thought of that that's a really smart very interesting you would know since you're the lemurian i'm telling you i i'm wise. I got a big lump on my forehead. So they also are known to use energy, crystals, vibrations, and more to preserve the culture and records of ancient Earth's history. Whoa. So from the very beginning, a lot of people have been saying that they can at will move between the third, fourth, and fifth dimensions. Whoa. They can harness crystal energy and they can travel through space and communicate through telepathy um they have it's been said that they live between 50 000 and 100 000 years um and they could be descendants of
Starting point is 00:31:38 ancient aliens this was actually very interesting one of the articles i read uh ended up calling earth a um an extraterrestrial melting pot because uh because these lemurians could be descendants of ancient aliens from multiple planets and this is almost like their home base so they could all be coming from different areas for whatever reason that might be um so i guess because a lot of people have said that on mount shasta they've seen normal ufos they've seen like clouds that look like ufos and that's kind of unprecedented um they've a lot of people have suggested that these aren't extraterrestrials but ultra terrestrials which have more connections to human beings and the fact that the fact that these creatures are maybe a hundred thousand years old maybe
Starting point is 00:32:25 they're even descendants of like i said ancient aliens so a totally different breed jeez so they think that this could be quote a melting pot for aliens i love that term so much it's so inclusive it is um so better than what I picture the world, but okay. Oh, definitely. On their flag, I think like E.T. is on it. It's like a pride flag, but E.T. on it. I love it. So Atlantis and like the Atlantean people,
Starting point is 00:32:57 they apparently showed up millions of years after the Lemurians, but they became just as advanced very quickly so I do plan on covering Atlantis at some point just so we're clear this is actually giving me like goose cam a little bit because I yesterday started listening to the astonishing legends episode on uh Edgar Cayce and his thoughts on Atlantis or like his uh reading his trance readings on Atlantis and past life readings and i literally wrote down in my notes like ask em to cover atlantis oh and i've just gotten like really obsessed with it in the last 24 hours so that's just very trippy that you said that anyway okay
Starting point is 00:33:36 well good okay cool so it's a sign lemuria is supposed to be the the atlantis before atlantis but uh so the atlantean people apparently showed up after Lemurians, but they became just as advanced pretty quickly. So by the time that they were around and Lemurians were around, they were both equally advanced next to each other. So for a long time, they coexisted in peace. But apparently there's one story that suggests that the people of Atlantis and the people of lemuria began to disagree about civilizations on earth evolving and like their role in it so lemurians thought that new civilizations on earth aka human beings were coming into into existence and uh lemurians thought that they should evolve on their own but people in atlantis wanted to uh be a part of their
Starting point is 00:34:25 evolution and guide them oh and so this led to war between atlantis and lemuria over time and it ends up destroying both of their continents and altering the continental plates oh no so uh lemuria was so damaged from war that their city was starting to sink and they knew that it was it was just a matter of time before lemuria did go into the ocean so they made moves to save themselves so they started reaching out to this other group of of people called the agharta a-g-h-a-r-t-a agharta okay and apparently this group of people were known to rule all of earth's underground cities so they made um the underground cities were like made of roadways and caverns left by ancient volcanoes and the edgarta uh they ruled all of this so wow the lemurians went to them and said
Starting point is 00:35:19 we know that we messed up we started war um with another group of people and we learned our lesson but we're afraid that our city is going to sink um and at this point i think atlantis had already sank so they were terrified about what was going to happen to them so the agarda picked out a inside mount shasta and built this city of crystal to house 200 000 lemurians oh and so leogarda said okay well everyone start moving into mount shasta into this underground city called telos or telos and so basically the plan was all the lemurians would then move into mount shasta before lemurian sank so unfortunately overnight lemuria sank a lot earlier than expected and most people were asleep so only 25 000 of them were able to escape and make it to this new city oh my god yeah it's like a whole there's a whole wild history to
Starting point is 00:36:12 it and again i don't know how much of this is accurate or just like you know after decades of stories being told but sure but in theory 25 000 of the Lemurians were able to escape and make it into the city. And so that's how they all ended up in Talos, which is in Mount Shasta. Wow. So let's see. Oh, so Atlantis, after it sank, the effects of both continents sinking. So after Atlantis and Lemuria sank, the effects of that and the war that they had had with each other left earth surface uninhabitable for 2 000 years okay and uh it's said that to this day lemurians inhabit the crystal city of talos inside mount shasta which is um now they say about a million of them exist oh wow repopulated
Starting point is 00:37:01 over over time um they are apparently ruled by a king and queen as well as a high priest who leads a parliamentary council. And sometimes a Lemurian will actually leave Talos to go into town for modern supplies. And people know this because what's weird about them
Starting point is 00:37:18 is they will always pay in gold nuggets. Also, what's weird about them is they're like abnormally large necks and sometimes they're new they're like 11 feet and they're naked they're 11 feet tall there's a couple things that are a little bit off oh my god but apparently they'll pay for things in gold nuggets and they'll pay for them like if you buy like a pack of gum they'll leave like gold nuggets that are valued at much more than a pack of gum right because they don't really understand they don't really understand our currency and so apparently shopkeepers have taken the gold and then like double took to like ask them what this was and then all of a sudden
Starting point is 00:37:53 the person will be gone oh that's spooky so today there are several residents in nearby towns that actually believe they are descendants of lemurians or that lemurians have selected them to be channels throughout the town whoa um it's also actually validated by some of the indigenous tribes lore of quote shasta people who lived on the land long before natives ever arrived okay so they say that the shasta people were the people before they got there and these shasta people were ruled by a great king who brought a small group of who brought a small group of their people over from an unknown mysterious land that sank oh interesting and when the native americans came the shasta people i guess were driven out or moved elsewhere and maybe they moved into the mountain i see so
Starting point is 00:38:46 that actually apparent and excuse me if i'm wrong but the the stories that i found online suggest that shasta people and lemurians could be uh like maybe the same race of people but different um stories behind it or um just how stories have changed over time they might be two different people might be the same group of people I'm not sure wow so there is here are just a couple of the accounts of people who have ran into these Lemurians so there was apparently a Lemurian woman who emerged from the forest one day in full view of a group of people and this was in the dead of winter and this woman just lied down in the ice water for like five minutes oh my god and she silently got back up and just walked back into the forest oh my god um so who knows what she's doing
Starting point is 00:39:38 i don't know my guess is like maybe something agricultural like maybe she was doing something to like help the crops i don't know he's like peeing in the water or something i don't know here let me contribute to our agricultural growth um another time numerous there were numerous sightings of a boat that um came up to shore but then every time it would leave it would hover in the air and levitate back to the mountain oh okay also a lemurian was allegedly seen in san francisco um during world war one and he was in a white robe with a group of men and he met with city officials to bring them warm wishes oh that's nice he was like that could have gone in many directions like warm muffins but it was pretty similar like Like, oh, hello, I'm just here. They love a good gift basket.
Starting point is 00:40:25 Yeah. I mean, who doesn't? Who doesn't? There's also a man who found the city of Talos and said it was 20 miles long, 15 miles wide, and 2 miles high, and it was illuminated by a gigantic artificial sun. So that validates other people saying they've seen that. Yeah. So that validates other people saying they've seen that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:52 There was one guy who said that he fell asleep on the mountain and was woken up by Lemurian, who led him to the city paved with gold. And there was a woman named Bonnie who actually, so she, I guess, was a stage performer and was known as Atlantis on stage. And I guess Bonnie got to pick her own name so she picked atlantis interestingly enough and she also claims to be a representative of the lemurians oh my okay and uh so bonnie i don't know about this but bonnie ended up changing her name later to sharula ducks and began giving prophecy workshops and now goes by princess sharula okay and she claimed she is related to lemurians and had actually seen the city of talos herself calling it a techno spiritual city and she claimed that her father was the high priest of talos and he was over 200 years old and although she looked 20 ish she said she was 50 whoa okay and then she warned people that california was going to sink in 1982 oh so
Starting point is 00:41:53 bonnie doesn't sound like she's totally accurate um not not 100 maybe i don't want to knock bonnie's beliefs but bonnie's making a lot of tall claims here. A lot of claims. So there's another beautiful state, which has not sunk as far as I can tell anyway. Right. But so Bonnie claims that she was just one of the Lemurians that was living amongst others and that her father was one of the Lemurian royalty, I guess. I mean, I used to tell people my dad was an astronaut because I was like a bratty liar kid um and i just wanted to brag so i don't know when i was when i was five um so
Starting point is 00:42:33 my mom she travels for a living and so all i knew about her job was uh well my teacher asked what does your mom do during like show and tell so i set up in front of everyone and i said my mom goes to hotels at night and gets money and then comes home oh dear christ mom says she still uses that at work she still tells people about that that's a great little anecdote though i love it uh and so anyway there's another account from only 2011 where there was a hiker who heard a female voice singing in the forest and I guess got lured by this voice to go follow it. And then this guy went missing for weeks. And when they found him, he claimed he was lulled into a very dark cave with an unusually tall woman with blue eyes and a strange uniform and he remembers uh having his clothes stripped off of him oh and then this tall woman um gave him secret information which he refuses to divulge to people whoa okay but very shortly after whatever he was
Starting point is 00:43:40 told he then went on to change his name to lord Kalki and instead and insisted that he was an incarnation of a Hindu god. Oh, my. OK. This is why I don't want to go hiking. This is why I said no to that Bumble BFF person. I don't need to be Lord Kalki. I don't need that. No, you don't need to be lured into a cave for weeks.
Starting point is 00:44:03 We have to do a fucking podcast i can't have you gone naked in a cave for two weeks i need you here to do work with me i hear you and i agree um there was also another account of a little boy who was lost in mount shasta in the forest for like five hours um apparently he was with a group of people and he was amongst the group he wasn't behind them or in front of them he was in the middle of all of them and apparently everyone just kind of blinked and he was gone he just was teleported away oh no he reappeared that later that day but he said he had been abducted by a robot oh looked identical to his grandmother. What? And then he was taken into a cave filled with spiders, aka like $1.2 million worth of tarantulas.
Starting point is 00:44:49 What? Oh, sorry. He got sucked into my animal crossing island. That's my mistake. Oh my god. But by the way, I'm sorry. A cave full of spiders? No.
Starting point is 00:45:01 Truly a nightmare. No. So he said he was taken by a robot that looked like his grandma and that's why he went with the the robot because he thought it was his grandma interestingly later they actually interviewed his grandma who was not with them on that trip but the grandma actually had gone camping there only a few weeks earlier and she says that when she was camping on mount shasta she had a weird night where she woke up the next morning face down in the dirt nowhere near her tent. She was just face down in the dirt.
Starting point is 00:45:31 She felt really sick. And also emotionally, she felt very blank, like emotionless. Oh, my God. And she found a puncture wound on her neck that looked really weird, but she assumed it was a spider bite. Oh, fucking A a and this is creepy and so the fact that she woke up after kind of like blacking out she felt emotionless and there was a puncture wound that looked like the bite of the animal that her grandson ended up in apparently these were all signs i these like all all these symptoms equate to something which is that it was potentially
Starting point is 00:46:06 not actually a robot but an an alien robot hybrid okay apparently we don't know about this now but back in the 1940s it was like a very common theory like a supernatural theory that there was something called daros and daros were it was a shortened like a contraction of detrimental robots oh okay that doesn't sound good so this guy named richard shaver um apparently he says he he was the one that coined the phrase daro or detrimental robots back in the 40s um and apparently they were robots of or tech they were robots slash technology of the lemurian people that had gone wrong oh shit oh they've like gone rogue or something yeah so like they like no they apparently were like malfunctioning
Starting point is 00:47:00 technology that liked to torment humans and possibly even steal their dna for the sole purpose of mimicking people they trusted oh no that's bad news bears i don't like that so when you put together like what that little like the little boy who followed a robot that looked like his grandma and then his grandma only a couple weeks earlier had been in those same woods and had this experience it just all kind of adds up if to anything to the fact that maybe these you know these advanced technologies gone wrong that mimic people right could exist as well as these cryptids and aliens and spirits and energies on this mountain and uh richard shaver the guy who coined this term he actually introduced this theory again in the 1940s, which was right before the UFO craze of the 50s.
Starting point is 00:47:49 So even though he was, quote, onto something and he was getting a lot of followers and a lot of people were believing him. And apparently Darrow's were like this huge concept people were freaked out by. out by only a couple years later when ufos became this huge thing darrow's became this obsolete theory because so many other oh all these other stories about aliens like kind of flooded the idea of darrow's right okay got it that's interesting i'd never heard that before me either like i had no idea if you know someone who was alive in the 40s ask them about darrows oh please um so beforehand uh his theories so before like the ufo craze his theories were used by many ufologists but also by many like hollow and flat earth believers um but he also claimed that a lot of languages so i'm bringing all this up this does come back to lemurians at some point but um so shaver also claimed that he
Starting point is 00:48:46 had learned that languages all stem from lemurian language and after years he claims that he had finally deciphered lemurian like oh and what's interesting about this is i i brought everything up about richard shaver because i wanted to bring up alien robots and i also wanted to bring up uh this weird little another validation that lemurians could be real yeah is that um so he said that he deciphered their language and what's interesting about this is this is a quote from one of the articles i read the complex language and writing system presented by shaver shaver are actually considered to be enormously detailed, meticulous, and quite linguistically accurate. Ooh.
Starting point is 00:49:31 And so for him to have been able to break down Lemurian language and for people in that field to take it seriously is just interesting. Yeah. No, actually, really. Yeah. it seriously is just interesting yeah no actually really yeah so um going back to i told you at the very beginning of all this that lemurians uh started their story started spreading because of two accounts in the 1890s so i told you the one earlier about frederick oliver who wrote that book with his hand right right the other one i'm i won't i waited to talk about because it's got a little more detail to it um but so this happened in 1896 there was a guy who was climbing the mountain he got tired and
Starting point is 00:50:11 he took up shelter in one of the caves that he had found on the mountain and he says that he actually woke up to a group of white robed and extremely tall uh people who telepathically made him feel at peace and not afraid of the fact that they found him. Oh, well, that's nice. I think so. It could, again, could have gone in many different directions. Yeah, yeah. They led him further into the mountain.
Starting point is 00:50:33 And again, this was all telepathically where they were telling him what to do. Okay. They led him further into the mountain and the path was apparently lit by torches that had glowing crystals in them instead of flames. Cool. And again, you couldn't see this from the the normal mountain paths they took him down a route that no one would have ever found um sure at the end of the path there was a giant metal door that opened to a glowing city by a uh and it was lit by this big ball of light which could have been an artificial sun hovering over the town so the entire town was
Starting point is 00:51:05 glowing by this big ball of light um the people took him in a quote advanced vehicle brought him around the city and he witnessed quote miraculous sights that defy logic then they took him back to the cave and they warned him that if humankind does not abandon their warlike ways nations will destroy each other and that they only knew this because they had experienced it themselves that's true and actually learned from their lesson i was about to call them hypocrites but like okay yeah no they're making a good point they're just like we've been there don't do it yep yep yep so only um a couple years later apparently there started being all these crazy forest fires on mount shasta back in
Starting point is 00:51:45 the 30s so um a specific one was 1931 there was a forest fire and it it was kept from advancing it's it's kind of weird so there was this huge forest fire and out of nowhere it just stopped by this mysterious fog or this mist that just kind of halted it like extinguished the fire um people started going out and investigating and they later found that there was a perfectly clear and curved demarcation zone that was found between the charred ground and the undamaged ground so it was like perfect lines around where the fire was curved away and what's interesting is that these perfect lines around where the fire was you could see that all the lines kept the fire from going any further towards a specific part of land where everyone swears is where Talos is.
Starting point is 00:52:34 Oh my god. Goose cam. agricultural abilities it's been thought that either they were they have this technology this invisible technology that was almost like a fence to keep the fire out or just through telepathy and knowing a fire was nearby they just shut it down before it could get any closer well that must be nice just telepathy yeah firefighting just i don't want that fire anymore. Thank you. Make it stop. Locals also claim that the Lemurians caused, like I said, that they caused this weird fence to stop the fire. Yep. But also that this led to the rumor that Lemurian city structures are impervious to natural disasters. Oh, interesting.
Starting point is 00:53:28 disasters oh interesting so that would explain why since at least the 1800s if not like thousands of years ago if there's ever been an earthquake or anything like that talus has always been fine interesting okay um another fire happened only a year later and this time a guy named edward lancer was on a train next to the uh mountain when he saw the fire happening and he saw that the fire had a really strange color to it. It was actually green. Oh, and he said that he talked to the train conductor and was like, what the hell is that green forest fire out there?
Starting point is 00:53:56 And the train conductor and the locals all said, Oh, don't worry. That's just the Lemurians performing rituals in the early morning and night. What the fuck? Okay. Well, I guess like so i guess because they were locals the locals were like oh we're used to that that just happens
Starting point is 00:54:13 every now and then don't worry about it and i guess the based on the time of the year where he saw this fire and the fact that it was a weird color and people thought it was this ritual lemurians were performing i guess the locals were able to confirm that this ceremony is actually called the quote ceremony of adoration to guatama and apparently guatama is the lemurian word allegedly for america oh and so this ritual celebrates the like the lemurians uh making their home on mount shasta so it was like maybe their anniversary or something of that oh that's their little carnival yeah i thought and so he ended up that's fun he ended up getting really interested in them and he was like okay so tell
Starting point is 00:54:54 me about the lemurian people he heard about how they leave gold nuggets everywhere when they pay for things he also found out and this was around the time where this became part of the the lore of lemurians is that the only time people the lemurian people go into town is because they're trying to buy enormous quantities of sulfur salts and lard oh all right so i don't i don't know what they're going to do with those three things specifically but if you happen to live in near mount shasta and you happen to see what looks like a lemurian person they're probably only out of the mountain for one of those three things. Wow. Okay. And I know this is long, but I've got two more stories for you real quick. No, tell me them all. So this is my favorite one.
Starting point is 00:55:37 This happened in 1934. So this was two years after those fires. uh the newspaper called the stockton record reported about an incident involving a man named jc brown and so jc brown was a geologist back in 1904 so and this um article came out in 1934 so it was 30 years after the story of jc brown right um so he was a geologist and he was working at mount shasta for a mining company doing a job and he noticed a really strange rock formation and he noticed that it was darker than the surrounding canyon and that it was blocked off that the cave entrance was blocked off and he was like well that doesn't make sense so he tried to move the rocks and after a lot of effort he actually ended up finding his way into the cave. And he said that he found this descending tunnel and he went in with a
Starting point is 00:56:28 lantern and ended up walking like three miles. And he saw that the, sorry, I'm having heartburn. Did you eat some dairy? I ate a lot of dairy. So, so he went in with a lantern,
Starting point is 00:56:42 he walked three miles and he saw that the tunnel forked and at the left it appeared to have already been like some mining had already happened there as far as he knew so he decided to go right because it seemed more mysterious um he walked another 11 miles and then he found miles sorry i again this is why i don't go i agree with you i'm fully on board with you now. This is insane. He found, he literally found Talos by accident. He said that he found a chamber, or he said he found multiple chambers filled with gold, silver, and copper tablets with hieroglyphics carved into them.
Starting point is 00:57:24 And he saw 13 golden copper cross statues, but they weren't like the Christian cross. They were the sun cross. So they were like the equilateral cross inside a circle. Yeah. So he found 13 golden copper statues of that. Apparently all of these statues glowed and that left JC to believe that they were made of radium. He also saw a bunch of ancient swords, shields, golden chalices, crystals, and ornate statues made of gold. And in the next chamber, he found expertly made copper weaponry.
Starting point is 00:57:53 And a lot of lard. A lot of lard, like a slide made of lard. That's the only thing we can come up with of what you would use lard for. It's slippery. A slide. we can come up with what you would use the lard for it's slippery um and then he also found a lot more um advanced technology he couldn't explain made of bronze and then he found 27 skeletons of people that looked like they could have been up to 11 feet tall and they were uh there was also an embalmed couple in another chamber that looked like they were maybe embalmed in royalty. Maybe they were royalty because they were treated better than the other skeletons.
Starting point is 00:58:32 So he thought maybe they were previous like a king and queen. Right. JC said he actually took pictures before coming back to the surface of the cave. So he tried to actually take photographs of all this. Yeah. back to the surface of the the cave so he tried to actually take photographs of all this yeah but he still believes he found the lemurian city and thinks that they're for some reason he thinks that they're extinct now oh weird like he just found the ruins of it or something yeah i think maybe he just based on everyone else's stories i think maybe he just found like uh like a part of it that like just they don't use a lot like yeah like a tomb or something like storage like yeah but yeah they store where they store the dead people just the storage room
Starting point is 00:59:08 so the lard and the the dead royalty it's just a slide for the skeletons actually right it's like a playground and also a tomb right yeah it seems to make sense infrastructurally and also like an artificial sun made of radium or something so there's that too yeah so he ended up um also for if everyone's stories are that that this cave always closes on them or that it's impossible for outsiders to get into like does that mean their security guard was like off that day yeah what happened maybe like i imagine how like your wi-fi goes out sometime maybe their like powers go out and like ah their crystals weren't charged i think their cloaking mechanisms were like on the fritz i see i see so he went on to study this stuff for like 30 years like he got really hooked on it wow he became like allegedly
Starting point is 00:59:58 one of the best geologists or archaeologists on this topic and then he 30 years later was like i'm gonna go back i want to see if it's still there so he got a team of 80 men to agree to go with him to talos and many of the men even like sold their belongings and quit their jobs because jc told them like how much value worth of gold was down there oh he said like 92 tarantulas or something like i gotta quit my fucking job we gotta go so uh the men all decided to meet on june 19th at 1 p.m to begin their expedition but jc never showed and some think he like made it all up and ran off or maybe the lemurians knew what he was about to do and so they abducted him or killed him oh god but this article came out like like when he was in the
Starting point is 01:00:52 middle of trying to set up this expedition and he was just never seen again okay that's creepy on so many levels yeah and i don't even know why but what's even creepier about it is like to this day he was never found again he never returned to stockton and some of the 80 men even said that in private conversations that they had had with jc he was really paranoid and weird because he had said he was being followed by shadow figures all right and for like 30 years these shadows would like whisper to him to like leave mount shasta alone oh boy and then he's like hey let's go pillage it exactly and then all of a sudden he was never seen again man oh no that's scary so that's my favorite story of that but a couple years later in 1940 um the mount shasta herald
Starting point is 01:01:37 had an article about a guy named edward larkin and he claimed that he could see talos through his telescope on several occasions because he allegedly, I guess he allegedly discovered the city by accident because he was calibrating his telescope and saw something shiny. His Taloscope? Don't you do that. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I love that. Wait a minute.
Starting point is 01:02:00 I regret it. I regret it. Someone make a shirt. Someone make a shirt. So we're going to have a telescope i guarantee you that like in two weeks if somebody does we're like we're gonna be like what is that what does that mean why did we never said that drop a bunch of 11 foot people around a telescope um so it's me yeah just drop a bunch of 11 foot christines on a telescope oh god it's getting worse so uh apparently he saw
Starting point is 01:02:27 something shiny and so he went back to refocus his lens to see what it was and he saw a temple with 600 to a thousand people surrounding the temple oh god okay and he called the temple quote a marvelous work of carved marble and onyx. Oh. And he apparently saw other temples on the mountainside as well, including ones that were like in a Greek style or had like, they were even more elaborate. And he said that the temples would have mysterious bright lights at night. And he believed that these lights were again made by the Lemurians, almost as if they were smaller artificial suns.
Starting point is 01:03:01 And Larkin had said, quote, their display of light far excels our modern electrical achievements so it was like nothing he'd seen before and my understanding of it was he could only see this when he was looking through the telescope but then when he wasn't all of a sudden they were invisible or he couldn't see them i don't know how accurate that is but um allegedly he could only see them through this telescope and then he never saw them with his own eyes um outside of this event right um so in 1952 uh there was a spiritual guru named erlin and erlin and her husband were told telepathically um to go to Shasta. And when they did,
Starting point is 01:03:45 they were climbing one of the cliffs and a man met them there who happened to know a lot about them. Oh, and he took them to a secret temple. And to this, I don't know about to this day. I don't think Erlen's around, but for the rest of her life,
Starting point is 01:04:00 she swore that this man took them to a secret temple and initiated them into quote, the cave of the mystic circle. Whoa. And apparently, her life she swore that this man took them to a secret temple and initiated them into quote the cave of the mystic circle whoa and apparently i guess she had been deemed to be one of the lemurian associates or you know someone that yeah worked with the lemurians and she claims that she was also part of a ceremony that got held at the great pyramid of Egypt, which is interesting because that's one of the other chakras on Earth. That's right. So in theory, if Lemurians are working with humans, maybe they're bringing them to all these chakras to get them like some sort of spiritual enlightenment. Ooh. And once initiated, Erlin said that she could now see a quote, inner great temple on the mountain and a cathedral that was lit by a giant
Starting point is 01:04:45 star but only those who have been initiated like her can see these things and lesser more mortals cannot see them which kind of also plays into when edward could see things through this telescope but he couldn't see them with his quote mortal eyes right okay wow that's really weird um and then the last story i have for you is in the 70s when the mount shasta herald wrote an account of a guy named virgil larson who said that he was a logger and working at mount shasta and um he got separated from his friend and could hear him but didn't know where he was so he was kind of just following the sound of his friend but virgil also started hearing the sound of a third person hiking down the slope and thought maybe it was a forest service member or something like that yeah but then from behind the bushes
Starting point is 01:05:29 virgil saw a tall dark-haired creature something beyond human virgil says oh who looked very tall and had a stench like a quote half rotten bear Oh, no. But only half rotten, though. Only half, not fully. And so he ran and found his friend. And when they both came back to the spot where Virgil had seen this, it was probably 30 minutes later, but the smell was still there. And they determined that the creature must have been almost eight feet tall. And so they think that that was either a cryptid Bigfoot or maybe another Lemurian because of how tall it was.
Starting point is 01:06:08 Right. They don't know what it was, but that was the last, as far as I could find, the last documented account of someone finding something odd on Mount Shasta. And that is the story of the Lemurians slash Mount Shasta. Holy shit. I cannot believe I've never heard of this before. It was a lot of information i'll tell you what i'm so sorry i mean no don't be sorry i like i'm obsessed with it i i think this kind of stuff is so interesting um bananas i'd say and i like don't know much of anything about atlantis
Starting point is 01:06:37 but i would love if you did that someday i mean not next week because i'm sure you're you're uh you need a break from all this I'm sleepy I'm sleepy um but wow that was crazy yeah crazy stuff I wonder I was just thinking about that couple who's like oh we were psychically told I wonder if like I feel like can you imagine if the two of us one of us was like oh I was psychically told it's like oh, oh yeah, me too. Yeah, no, I, yeah, totally. I did too. I'm coming to, I feel like it's easy to just be like, oh yeah, I also hear that same voice. I feel like at some point you have to kind of realize that either you're on board or you're not when all of a sudden you're exactly listening.
Starting point is 01:07:18 Your wife is like, no, we went to the fucking pyramids. And also now I can see a cathedral made out of a star with my bare eyes like you're like i'm in this too deep like i don't know how to get out of this yeah it's beautiful i see it too honey okay i mean good for them if they both heard it that's great exactly i'm happy for them good for them i hope they're doing well i do too um all right well i guess it is my turn to
Starting point is 01:07:47 tell you of a true crime story we'll have a good true crime this is the story of nancy moyer okay and uh it was suggested by one of my close friends on instagram my patreon close friend hunter x lawson so thank you hunter um i had not heard about this story before so i was interested to learn a little more about it uh i especially enjoyed uh an episode on investigation discovery of disappeared if you want to watch it it is season 9 episode 13 a date with danger so a date with danger yeah i know i need to start coming up with more clever uh titles for my stories but i'm just gonna no i listen you should just host a date with danger sometime i live a date with danger i'm by myself in my house okay uh this
Starting point is 01:08:39 is the story of nancy moyer so nancy we're gonna start at the beginning was born november 22nd 1972 and grew up in olympia washington she was a super popular girl in high school just very like down to earth kind bubbly like the type of person i got along with everyone very outgoing after graduating high school she attended central washington university where she majored in accounting and she met a guy named Bill Moyer okay so the two he was two years older than her and they started to date and once they once she graduated college at 24 uh the two of them got married and this was in 1996 okay and they moved to the small town of Tenino Washington Washington. So in 1997, Nancy secured a prestigious position
Starting point is 01:09:27 as a fiscal analyst at the Department of Ecology. I know, it's a lot of words. That gave me a headache. Sounds like what Chandler Bing is, like a transponster. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Yeah, so
Starting point is 01:09:44 that's what she did, you you know uh in lacey washington and she started this job and she was really young she's in her 20s but like her colleagues who were uh typically older uh became really close with her and became like a second family and so in 1999 um a little over a year after she got married to Bill, she found out she was pregnant and was very excited. So she gave birth to their first daughter, Samantha, in 1999. And then Amanda, their second daughter, was born a couple years later. So she had two daughters with Bill. And after her second daughter, Amanda, was born, Nancy's career kind of took off and she started rising the ranks
Starting point is 01:10:25 at work and she loved her career and being a mother but she and bill kind of started to drift apart and um her the people they interviewed at least in this episode to like her sister and her friends at work believe that because she like had achieved so much so young like she got married had kids you know was married right out of college had kids started her one and only job and she felt kind of like she missed out on a lot of things that younger people get to do sure like explore and you know date different people and you know kind of learn more about yourself and so she kind of started to feel this like pull away from bill and so they decided to split up uh in 2007 and the craziest part to me at least is that their their split up was so amicable that like neither of them felt the need to get a lawyer involved like oh wow they just were like hey we're still gonna be friends and take care of the kids
Starting point is 01:11:22 they're the ones that matter i was like must be nice i was like damn that kid is still gonna grow up stable and like a secure relationship of their own what's that like uh anyway like there's literally pictures of them hanging out with the kids after they got divorced it's like okay sure literally a dream divorce i don't even understand i didn't think it was possible but apparently it was uh so they had a really amicable split and they were just really you know concerned with the kids um and they brought no courts into the situation and they came up with their own custody situation so nancy had the girls sunday to thursday and bill had them for the weekend so friday through sunday and they co-parented really well. Both sides of the families were very impressed with how well they managed raising the kids separately. The kids
Starting point is 01:12:13 remained both of their priorities. Everything was really friendly. And the custody split was really easy for everyone. And so about six months after Nancy and Bill separated, she kind of starts to explore a little bit and start enjoying her life a little bit more. She got several tattoos to celebrate her newfound freedom. You get it, girl. And they were like all over her, like little ones, but they're like all over just like fun little tattoos um and since the girls were with their dad on the weekends she started to kind of build her own social life so she would casually date she went to bars to meet up with co-workers or friends and um before she had pretty much only had a social life at work and now she was able to kind of build up a social life with other people and make new
Starting point is 01:13:01 friends outside of work so she was like finally kind of living that 20 something life she felt like she had missed out on like catching up on everything exactly yeah and all the tattoos she missed out on all right her little cool tattoos little dots everywhere six or seven or something in a very quick succession but um the girls so the girls on march 6 2009 the girls are at their dad's house, um, the day before. So Nancy was alone for the weekend as usual. And she carpooled to and from work with a good friend and colleague, Matthew Vandrush. And on the way home, he was like, okay, what are you up to? Like he and his wife were really close with Nancy. And he's like, what are you up to this weekend? And she's like, you know, I don't have the kids. I don't really have any plans. So I'm excited to just kind of like relax on my own for the weekend and have some time to myself. So Matthew dropped Nancy off at home around 5.15 p.m. And a little while later, she drives herself to the Thriftway Market down the street and picks up some wine and a few packs of cigarettes. It's me time. She's having a good time. I'm like'm like okay that sounds
Starting point is 01:14:06 exactly like my life pre-quarantine it's basically what i do now except i would drive to the store to pick up wine instead of like order it on postmates so love it okay um and so a receipt shows that she paid for her stuff at 6 45 p.m and it's a really small town so a police officer was actually on the corner uh running radar to like catch speeders and he uh he noticed nancy arriving home with grocery bags around 9 p.m and around midnight nancy's neighbor hears her say hurry up let's get going then heard the sound of two car doors slam and a car driving away so that's the timeline of of march 6 2009 so okay and what time what time did the neighbor hear her say that so around midnight she said okay gotcha and so uh march 8th so that was the night of the
Starting point is 01:15:00 6th and so march 8th you know she she uh didn't really have plans that weekend didn't have the kids so no one was really like keeping tabs on what she was doing so on march 8th uh bill arrives at nancy's at their schedule time with the girls and they find the front door slightly ajar which is a little alarming because right like why yeah and it's a little bit it's not you know in her character um so the bill and the girls go inside to look for Nancy. She's not there. Her car is in the driveway and nothing really seems to be wrong or amiss. But when he calls her cell phone, it rings on the counter and he's like, that's strange. Like, I think if she went for a walk or went out with friends or whatever it may be, like, she would have taken her purse and her keys and her phone, which were all on the counter. Right. So they're like, well, you know, maybe she went out without it.
Starting point is 01:15:54 They're just hoping for the best. So Bill and the two girls wait for a bit and then decide to head back to Bill's house, thinking maybe she lost track of time. Like, we'll call her later and see where she is um and before they leave samantha uh the oldest leaves some circus peanuts candies on the coffee table for her mom because that was their favorite candy oh and so she's like oh i'll just leave some candy here for her uh for when she gets home which is just precious really precious and sad detail um and she was nine at this point okay so after a few more hours uh they hadn't heard from nancy and bill goes back to the house uh to find she still hasn't returned home he starts to call friends and family looking for her uh no one has heard from her all weekend and this is when he's like okay something's wrong
Starting point is 01:16:42 um the next morning it was a monday and she didn't show up for work and her co-workers were like she has never missed a day of work and even when she was running like 10 minutes late she would call and say like i'm so sorry i'm running 10 minutes behind right like she's just not the type to not show up and not let anyone know sure so bill uh at this point files a missing persons report with the tenino police department um and the report is turned over to a guy named detective holler of the thurston county sheriff's office and they decide to search nancy's house and they don't really see much like telling evidence like there's no signs of a struggle um the television and several lights had been left on
Starting point is 01:17:25 they did find a half drunk glass of wine and an empty glass next to it on the coffee table which is interesting because it kind of indicates like perhaps somebody was there with her sure if that makes sense um however the only fingerprints on them belonged to nancy so uh all the things someone would take with them to leave like her id her keys like i said had been left in the house right um the only thing that was not there was a long brown coat that she often wore so that was the only thing like missing out of the apartment okay uh they did find her cigarettes that she had purchased on a chair cushion on the porch so those were still there uh and so the interesting thing that detectives did
Starting point is 01:18:11 at this point which i thought was really clever is they got they got records of her utilities bills and they were able to see a spike in electricity and gas use. Interesting. Yeah, I know. And like, which basically they used to determine when the door had been left open. Oh. Right? Like when the door was left open, obviously the heat had to crank up and the electricity. And so when they saw that spike in the middle of the night, they were like, that must have been when the door had been left open.
Starting point is 01:18:42 I would have literally never thought about that. Never. Never. That's so open. I would have literally never thought about that. Never. Never. That's so smart. I know. And I just was, he said, the guy said it so matter of factly like, yeah, I just checked the utility. I was like, wait, what the hell?
Starting point is 01:18:53 Okay. Yeah. That's something that they don't tell you that they train you for. No, exactly. So I was very impressed by that. But basically they were able to determine that with that information that she went missing or left the house Friday night, March 6th or early Saturday morning, sometime between 1130 p.m. and 12 a.m. Like that's how specific of a window. I know like within a half hour window, they could kind of pinpoint.
Starting point is 01:19:18 So so despite so they looked into Nancy's background and they were like, well, maybe there's some signs as to like maybe she left willingly or something like that. And she did have some credit card debt. She owed fifty thousand dollars in debt that actually nobody had really known. So that was kind of a red flag. But at this end, she had actually a lot of bills piled up that like she hadn't paid, which was strange because she's an accountant. Right. She's definitely on top of that. piled up that like she hadn't paid which was strange because she's an accountant right like she's definitely on top of that yeah like you'd think she'd be on top of it but it looked like
Starting point is 01:19:49 she had gotten herself into a pretty hefty amount of debt so that was kind of a red flag that nobody had really known um however you know she'd been a diligent employee for 12 years she like loved her daughters more than anything in the world like it just didn't jive that she would have just walked out for that reason and you know ditched her daughters and her family right it just didn't really add up so of course being the husband bill was the first suspect um but you know even nancy's own family was like, she and Bill are like so close and like they care for each other so much, even though they're split. Right. But so that he offered immediately to like do any sort of testing.
Starting point is 01:20:32 He took a polygraph and passed right away. And he was like so upset and he was eliminated as a suspect pretty early on. And their next suspect was a coworker who was was infatuated with nancy oh yeah and like the way they described it he's like you know those people who think they have a relationship with a celebrity but they've like concocted it in their head makes oh no it's kind of like how i you know concocted a relationship with you in my head and our big friendship that doesn't actually exist. Yeah. Same kind of idea.
Starting point is 01:21:09 Oh, so just like how I got you like on the tractor at that farm with Farmer Bob. And that's – we had it in my head that we've been best friends for years. You were like, look, it's just how it was always meant to be, how I dreamed. Just like how I envisioned and just like how she envisioned right exactly beautiful yucko uh so that was kind of the impression they gave about this co-worker who allegedly was pretty obsessed with her um and infatuated for lack of a better term um so he was the next suspect but he appeared to have an alibi um but then he this is kind of weird he added that he says he called nancy on march 6th
Starting point is 01:21:54 just to check in and she didn't call back so he went to her house uh-huh and he said he found the door open and he went in and called for her but she wasn't home but and they said well would your fingerprints be in the house and he was like well you know yeah i walked all the way through her house and into her bedroom to look for her so probably my fingerprints are you know on the doorknobs and stuff and they were like okay and uh her her family's like what the fuck like why would this guy just wander in like especially when she actually in fact does not know him yeah well he's like they know each other because they're co-workers but like it's they're not close you know like it's just sketchy like
Starting point is 01:22:39 you wouldn't he's like well i was worried about her and they're like because she didn't return your call on a friday night like that's like you guys don't talk on the phone right exactly exactly so it was just a little bit weird um but otherwise nancy didn't seem to have any like disputes with anyone or any enemies um they did however discover that nancy may have been casually seeing more people than she had shared with her friends and her sister. She was really private about her dating life and, you know, didn't typically bring them back to her house ever and didn't really tell anyone aside from her sister,
Starting point is 01:23:15 any sort of details, which made it extremely difficult for police because they were like, well, you know, nobody could say, Oh, she's been seeing this guy, Ted, or she's been seeing so-and-so. Right. They were like, you know nobody could say oh she's been seeing this guy ted or she's been seeing so and so right they were like i don't know they're like
Starting point is 01:23:29 we have no clue she's really private so i was like ah shit okay um i guess i should start gossiping more about myself because i feel like i'm very private about shit i have used that before when i've asked my friends like oh like tell me about who you're dating and they're like oh no i'm private about that and i'm like i'll need to know if something happens to you. That's fair. I mean, it's fair. Like, now that would work on me because I feel like I'm very like, oh, I don't want to talk about it to anyone ever. At the very least, tell one person everything.
Starting point is 01:23:56 Make sure that person isn't also killed. That's a really good point. And like, so for her, that was her sister. I mean, my sister's 15. So like, definitely that was not a thing i ever shared with my sister uh so i gotta find a proxy i guess hello it's m gossip train yeah uh i feel like you'd be the best person to share stuff with so i'm also the best person to share that with because uh i will uh how do i say this i will be as invested somehow as you once were it's incredible i'm the one that's ready to
Starting point is 01:24:33 like knock down a door and scream at someone it's incredible i love it and so i mean the thing is i keep saying this and then i'm like i'm not like dating anyone i'm like married to someone so unfortunately we missed the boat of like in a in another world though we're at a bar right now and you're bitching to me about the entire thing can't wait can't wait to watch that in an alternate timeline because it sounds like a really fun night out i wish i i wish i do met you i wish i had met you when you were single i think you would have been fun to know when you were single uh Yeah, I feel like I pulled a little bit of a Nancy tattoo, you know, post post breakup situation in my 20s as well. That's what would have been fun. That would have been a blast. I will say I was a little bit fun there for for about half a year. A little bit too fun,
Starting point is 01:25:19 some might say. But you know, I'm back to my matronly ways, unfortunately. Oh, my God. Yeah, it was a good time. Sort of. I didn't get any tattoos, though, which I was close, but I didn't. Those came later. So, yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:25:40 Oh, boy. Anyway. Right. This story. This really sad tale. I guess we should talk about that again so um right so basically she was very private and made it difficult and the investigation kind of stalled so 18 months after nancy's disappearance in 2010 a 26 year old door-to-door meat salesman, which is apparently a thing, named Bernard K. Howell III, was stopped by police after pulling an illegal U-turn. In the passenger seat of his truck, they find a sleeping bag with a nearly decapitated woman's body inside.
Starting point is 01:26:22 Whoa. He wasn't even trying to hide it no in the fucking passenger seat and this woman is not nancy at first they were like oh my god of course like there we found her but no yeah this was a woman named vanda boone uh whom bernard had brutally murdered along a running trail near nancy's house okay he had murdered her suffocated her and then nearly decapitated her and then had just put her in his car and wrapped her up and do we find out the reason behind that or he just saw her and he just saw he just saw her crime of opportunity running along a running trail and went for it yikes okay yeah so the interesting so
Starting point is 01:27:07 he was convicted of vanda's murder and is currently serving his sentence but the weird thing is that bernard lives less than a mile from nancy's house and this is like a really small town so people are like well this is weird like you know a murder a brutal murder within 18 months of a woman going missing in like a mile radius in a small town. And also if it's like, quote, a crime of opportunity, he could have definitely done that before in a place next to him. Exactly. Exactly. Because it was so close. So it gets weirder because he says to police he never met Nancy.
Starting point is 01:27:41 He had no idea who she was. But then they checked nancy's freezer and she had meat that was sold by him at her door so like he literally sold her meat at her house oh no and then he just uh kept he continued to claim that he had no idea what they were talking about he never met her um even he was her delivery meat person. Like he literally had sold meat at her doorstep. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:28:09 And so then what they did is they, so Nancy and Bill's daughter, Samantha, picked Bernard's photo out of an array lineup as the man who sold her mother, quote, lemon, chicken, and shrimp. So like this little girl was like, oh yeah, I know him. He's sold my mom chicken, and shrimp. So, like, this little girl was like, oh, yeah, I know him. He's sold my mom chicken and shrimp before. So, like, she knows him well enough that he's been around multiple times. Exactly. And, like, the meat that they found in the freezer was mainly steaks,
Starting point is 01:28:35 which led investigators to believe that he had come on more than one occasion, especially because Samantha had recognized him. So it's just really iffy and shady that he's saying he has no idea what they're talking about um he still to this day denies ever meeting her um and he refuses to speak with investigators any further so the investigation once again just went cold wow and then we fast forward 10 years so july 9th 2019 so less than a year ago a man named eric lee roberts called 911 and he told operators that he killed nancy moyer 10 years ago what yes he says on the
Starting point is 01:29:15 phone i know i'm being recorded but i'm tired of holding it inside and he was actually a former co-worker and neighbor of nancy's who was interviewed during the initial investigation because nancy had i guess dated his nephew at one point and detectives drove out to his home because he just confessed to her murder and at first he says oh yeah well we had a sexual relationship and one night she attacked me for no reason. So I killed her in self-defense. And they were like, what? Because then he says, actually, what happened was I accidentally strangled Nancy with a scarf during rough sex. OK. And that's what happened.
Starting point is 01:29:58 So he leads detectives to a fire pit on his property where he says he burned the scarf. And he tells them them i don't really want to incriminate myself any further okay well first of all it seems like it's kind of too late you literally just admitted two different versions of how you committed murder right like two possible ways that they could get you i mean i don't want to definitely confirm for you that it's me but let me tell you exactly what happened and then show you the burn scene let me add a third possibility of how i did this so he shows them the fire pit and he says i don't want to incriminate myself any further but if i was going to get rid of a body on my property it would be right here at this fire pit bye i know so he's obviously arrested. His home is searched. His property is excavated to look for her body. They interview former girlfriends who state that he was abusive when drunk, had choked them violently during intercourse. Upon his second interview, when they bring him in, Eric recants his entire confession.
Starting point is 01:31:01 Oh, no. entire confession oh no he tells interviewer james basinger that he had no recollection of confessing due to medication he was on and that he had nothing to do with her disappearance whatsoever i beg to disagree yeah and also like can you imagine being the family and being like oh my god they got him and then he's like and never, never mind. It was medication that made me say it. It's like, you're torturing this poor family. I know. And I also feel like if I were a member of that family and found out that someone just gave up the information,
Starting point is 01:31:34 I feel like I'd be like, hmm, this is going too well. Yeah, true. And I'd be like, oh, well, I can't be surprised at all that it definitely wasn't as easy as it looked. Right, exactly. It was like, oh, so easy. Someone just called 911 and said, hey, by the way, here's what happened. It was me. Yeah. And here's her body. Yeah. So it was, I guess, too good to be true, for lack of a better term. And, you know,
Starting point is 01:31:57 they didn't have the evidence after excavating, after searching his house, they didn't have any evidence and they had a recanted confession so the da opted to delay filing charges and he was released from custody i know i can't even imagine the frustration but wow once again the case had stalled um and that was last year so that was kind of a very new update so as of now law enforcement and and Nancy's friends and family hope someone remembers something. This is still an unsolved case that they have not been able to nail down who did it or what happened even because they haven't found her body. Right. They they hope someone can think of like something they remember from that night or something maybe Nancy had told them that would
Starting point is 01:32:43 give a clue as to what happened on march 6 2009 they are currently offering a 105 000 reward for information leading to an arrest and samantha the daughter she's at least in the episode she's now she was 18 i think she's probably 19 now um and she was has been super open about her struggle maintaining her mental health and staying above water during all of this. She talked a lot about in middle school having a breakdown and like middle school. I mean, so little. And she talked about, you know, she went through a really bad bout of depression because she hadn't coped with her mother's disappearance at all. And, you know, she had a lot of uh suicidal thoughts
Starting point is 01:33:26 and things like that so she's she says not knowing is the worst part she said something like you know is she in a basement being tortured somewhere is she right is she like gone on purpose like there's just no way to know what happened and that's just really awful i can't imagine no me neither um she unfortunately this is kind of fucked up she didn't realize that her mother's case had been recategorized as a no body homicide so basically like her mother's being assumed dead at this point uh despite not having a body and she didn't realize that until she saw a tv episode about her mother's disappearance oh so like that's fucked up yeah um she was interviewed
Starting point is 01:34:07 she seems like she reminds me so much my little sister it was like really awful to watch but she's interviewed and she's like really sweet and well-spoken and uh it's just tragic um but as of today nancy's nancy moyer's case is considered open and active, and her family is seeking any information. So if you have anything, you can call the Thurston County Sheriff's Office at 360-786-5279 or Thurston County Crime Stoppers at 360-493-2222. And just to give like a little bit of information as to what about Nancy, her full name is Nancy Moyer. Her date of disappearance was March 6, 2009. She was 36 years old at the age of her disappearance.
Starting point is 01:34:53 Her date of birth was is November 22, 1972. She's a Caucasian female weighing 105 to 120 pounds. She's four foot 11, eye color brown hair color brown and her distinguishing characteristics are pierced ears multiple tattoos including a colorful band of flowers stars and hearts around her bicep a rainbow butterfly on her lower back flowers with the word double mint and juicy fruit on her upper back a hibiscus on her left hip a playboy bunny on her right hip and cherries with the initials a and s on her right foot wow which are uh her daughter's initials and one of the interesting things that i didn't that i forgot to mention though is like when they were talking to
Starting point is 01:35:39 the guy who said like oh i had sex with her um they he couldn't confirm her tattoos and they were like you know if you had sex with her you'd have at least seen one yeah you'd know some of them were in like very private locations and like you'd have to be intimate with her to see those so that was an interesting point i hadn't really thought of too of like to ask you know what were her tattoos if you had seen her right um yeah so that is the story of uh nancy moyer um this is a very open case so hoping that something gets figured out and we can do a little update sometime in the future because it must be tough to not have closure oh a thousand percent yeah so that's my tale of the day wow well it was a a good one but a sad one yeah that's what I'm good at.
Starting point is 01:36:25 As they all are. As they tend to be for some reason. Yep. Well, yikes. I hope they're doing okay. I do too. But yeah, thanks everyone for listening. And thank you for, what was her name?
Starting point is 01:36:41 The Beacon? Oh my God, yes. Our Beacon. That's all I can think of her name now. Brandy the Beacon. Brandy Beacon? Oh my god, yes! Our Beacon! That's all I can think of her name now. Brandy Beacon, that's right. Thank you for being a I don't know, the
Starting point is 01:36:53 supporting this lovely case. The supporting person for this episode. Yeah, thank you to everyone listening. We hope everyone's doing okay and being safe and feeling safe and uh you know yeah we're thinking of you and um you can always reach out to us on social media we are always on there because we love to waste time on our phones that's the truth you can find us there any time of the day or night and uh if there's any information you need on us you can
Starting point is 01:37:25 find us on our website and that's why we drink and uh still submitting your listener stories we're still doing listeners episodes uh and that's why we drink at or again there's a submission form on our website yeah pretty easy pretty easy all right well catch you cool cats on the flip-flop. That's what I always say. Cool cats and kittens. Cool cats and kittens. We love you all. And that's why we drink.

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